##VIDEO ID:L0pr8XQhWms## e e e e so to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all roll call Mr shiff Mr Franco I am here and Mr Caba I'm here in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting this change of meeting date and time notice on the Bola board here in burrow Hall and by mailing and emailing SE to the herald of Kate May County and the Press of Atlantic City on o on September 27th 2024 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door you came in our front left your back right or just by the American flag uh this meeting is being shown live here today on the Burrows uh YouTube and Facebook Channel just want to do a sound check Mr kff how we sounding good all right um if you're watching uh the uh live version of this meeting and you want to make a public comment we have a conference line here you're going to dial uh the number 888 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag in the event you watch the recorded version of this meeting and you would like to make a public comment or ask a question you're more than welcome to email our clerk at Clerk walwood crest.org or phone her at 69729 840 speaking of the clerk we have ordinances yes sir the first is ordinance 1437 regarding rental units uh motions that ordinance number 1437 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second been moved and second that ordinance number 1437 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr Cabo yes ordinance 1437 reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 56a rental properties section 56 a-2 definitions section 56 A-15 a 2 C and 56 a-20 reducing the number of complaints required ired for revocation or suspension of license and creating section 56 A-1 12.1 occupancy limitations for rental units motion that a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1437 second has been moved and second that a public hearing on ordinance number 1437 now be held roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes floor is open for a public comment on ordinance number 1437 we'll start with anybody here in the audience anybody on the conference line any public comments ordinance number 1437 caring none motions that a public hearing on ordinance number 1437 now be closed second it has been moved and seconded that the public hearing on ordinance number 1437 now be closed roll call Mr shiff yes Mr frankco yes Mr Caba yes motions that ordinance number 1437 be passed on second and Final fin reading advertised according to law second it has been moved and seconded that orders number 1437 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have ordinance 143 38 regarding the police department uh motions that ordinance number 1438 be placed on secret meeting and final passage by title only I'll second it has been moved in second that ordinance number 1438 be PL placed on second and final reading by title onlyy roll call Mr shiff I stain Mr frankco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1438 reads as follows an ordinance amending supplementing and restating chapter 53 Police Department Article 1 establishment of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion at a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1438 I'll second it has been moved and seconded that a public hearing on ordinance number 1438 now beheld roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes floor is open for public comment ordinance number 1438 we'll start here with anybody in the audience anybody on the conference line public comment ordinance number 1438 hearing none Motion Set a public hearing on ordinance number 1438 now be closed second n has been moved and seconded at the public hearing on ordance number 1438 now be closed roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motions that ordinance number 1438 be passed on second final reading and advertised according to law it it has been moved in second that the public a sorry second it are you seconding Mr cab he's yeah he is I am okay is been moved in second that the public hearing on ordinance number 1438 now be closed real call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco Mr Caba yes okay next we have the resolutions the first is authorizing the submission of an application to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority for Enterprise Zone assistance funds for administration of the Urban Enterprise Zone Program for fiscal year ending June 30th 2025 a motion I'll second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Frank I just have a quick question about this it's just an application for it right it's not establishing what the money is being allocated for this is the administration part so this is the 10% of what was totally allocated so we get like 70,000 77,000 whatever it might be we pay 10% to Wildwood who is the administrator of it that's what this is for for the application for that just the administrative portion correct yes okay and Mr yes next is authorizing approval of negative change order number one final Kate May County Open Space Program Crest Arts Pavilion site improvements motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is designating trick-or treat hours on October 31st 2024 from 5: to 7: p.m. I'll motion it I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes the next four by consent agenda if okay the first is exercising option to extend final one-year extension of contract for Sunbrella Inc doing business as Billy's Beach service for Beach concession locations for beach umbrellas beach chairs flotation devices and sale of bottled water the second is for WC ice cream ink for Beach concession at approved locations for sale of ice cream and ice cream products the third is for ocean Outfitters O2 Inc for Beach concession at approved locations for ocean surf camp and water safety instruction program and the last is for big-time vending for Supply installation servicing and maintenance of vending machines for the contract years 20 21 through 23 I'll I'll motion by consensus I'll second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing a contract award for a community development consultant motion will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is identifying small City's fair housing officer motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is approving public facilities Grant Management program motion second it's been moved in second did that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing Grant application submission motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is adopting a state model citizen participation plan for DCA small cities program motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forging resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing a service agreement with power DMS for public safety policy management software and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabara yes next is authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to void certain checks issued from the burrow dispersement account motion at or a second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the establishment of the health reimbursement Arrangement plan motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing the appointment of Natalie de fiz to the Wildwood Crest Recreation Commission to fill a vacancy with term expiring December 31st 2025 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing application submission for the Cap May County division of culture and Heritage New Jersey Council on the arts regranting program motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing change order number one for the expenditure to purchase installation of roofs to burrow buildings project number 505 8710 Under The escnj Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department I'll motion it I second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes and we are pulling the next one which one uh the uh notice to bids for the CH Nesbit Center okay when need to pull that next is designating Commission meeting dates and times for 2025 motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is designating official holidays for year 2025 motion second it is been and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes lastly is authorizing release of escrow funds for planning board application pb-4 d04 in the amount of $86.50 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motions that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motions that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency service coordinator for the EMS and the W Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending September 30th 2024 be accepted as presented second it's been moved and seconded that the reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending September 30th 2024 be accepted as presented roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion at all minutes from the commission meeting dated September 18th 2024 and October 2 2024 as well as the special meeting held on September 26th 20 24 be approved as presented I'll second it it has been moved and seconded that all minutes from the commission meetings dated September 18th and October 2nd 2024 as well as the special meeting held on September 26th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes okay uh brings us to our reports we'll start off with the administrator's report thank you sir um so for the Herford Inlet to Kate Inlet Beach and dun Construction right now they're still finalizing um the property interests and the acquisition of of real estate in terms of easements um we have not yet negotiated our portion of that but we're um be going to be doing so shortly and then the um the ler credit the uh D is working with the Army Corps to establish whether we are eligible or not for that lert credit um and then what the next steps would be so I will definitely get back to you on that that's kind of in the works right now New Jersey Avenue we're currently waiting on Taylor Design Group to produce the final drawings for the burrow improvements to this project Triads completing the informal informational piece um that's going to go with it and we're going to send that out to everyone once it's completed and post it on our website I did talk to mikino uh last week he indicated his staff was coordinating with Scott Taylor to make sure that this gets over the Finish Line in the very near future Sunset Lake uh Channel dredging I am still awaiting word um from Jan Nusrat who is now the new project uh manager for the NJ do she is waiting for the return of Scott Douglas who's coming back as a consultant to meet with us um and as soon as I receive that meeting date I will advise uh the caer applications we don't currently have any applications we did uh just recently work with Neil yosin um on some L use issues to to resolve the Dune disturbance and uh we're waiting on Neil to um give us a final answer from d on that whether they're going to accept our um offer the Bayside Pump Station uh work is expected to commence in the southern portion of this project very shortly we are currently awaiting some property access agreements from homeowners the contractor has 47 days to complete this project from the notice of proceed notice to proceed which was issued on September 9th due to mag manufacturing lead times of approximately 7 months those Street ends only receiving the new valves which is in the northern end of town will be completed later in the portion of the project we have received word from NJ OEM that our FEMA application has been been identified for further review the total project cost is 12 thou ,55 th000 with a federal reimbursement of 9,527 th000 our local share on this would be approximately 3 million 2.9 this project includes two pump stations and necessary con connective piping work which will alleviate nuisance flooding from cresy to Rambler this is excellent news uh for the crest and we should be hearing from them shortly Washington Avenue we also um got great news on this that our application has been identified for further review this project cost is 12.6 million um we've been advised that it can take about 18 to 24 months from the time of submission of our application which was well over a year ago um to award and obligate the funds for these projects and again that's great news for the borrow as soon as we hear on the actual award we will receive a letter and you will all be notified fiscal year 2023 DCA small cities Grant we are right now ready to go out to bid on this particular project this is for the restrooms here in Barrow Hall um and we're going to have to start making plans for alternate restroom use because it's likely that um working with the contractor we may have to demo all at once um and we'll work on a way to make sure that everyone here is comfortable and there are bathrooms for the public CMC uh local Road Safety plan there is a meeting coming up um at the county on this it's October 30th from 5:00 to 7: it is open to the public they are going to go over the draft plan and accept comments um also colar engineering submitted our Safe Streets for all Federal Grant application for $200,000 it'll be for planning and implementation for Save safety improvements on certain streets in town that was submitted on August 29th and Grant awards are expected in November I have thank you thanks Connie governing body any questions for Connie no I'm good very good thanks Connie thank you all right public any questions conference line any questions okay that brings us to the engineers report okay thank you mayor couple of updates under capital projects the uh Beach Patrol headquarters Renovations project that building has now received a CO and we're in the process of project closeout uh second project is the Bayside bulkhead replacement and flood mitigation Improvement project we're continuing to work through uh private property access uh forms submitt Etc and we're hoping that we're going to uh get an official schedule from the contractor shortly but they should be starting construction in the next couple weeks we have two projects that are going out to bid um that is Connie had mentioned the fiscal year uh 23 DCA small cities programs for the municipal bathroom improvements that bid opening is October 30th at 10:00 uh we also have the fiscal year 24 NJ do reconstruction of Toledo Avenues is going to be opening up on the same day at 10:30 One update relative to Grant applications the New Jersey I Bank uh sanitary sewer and roadway Improvement application we have just finalized identified the roadways for that project that's going to back us into about a $3 million project which is about the uh same amount as the grant money so we're we're eligible for $3 million in Grants we've identified a $3 million project so now we are working through uploading and getting you ranked and hopefully the Mone that's my report okay questions no I'm fine thanks Mark great J okay uh brings us to our CFO report hearing n we course chief lyd he didn't put you on he just doesn't get old good morning oh good morning I'm gonna touch on some highlights from my September report to the commissioner of Public Safety um in the month of September the police department responded to 1,618 calls for service 718 of them required multiple officers we conducted 80 investigations we had 319 service calls uh which include alarms citizen assist fires medical assist School related activities and utility complaints we conducted 225 motor vehicle stops issued 45 motor vehicle summonses and uh we had 10 motor vehicle accidents we conducted 371 property checks 96 hours of training and we had 14 adult arrests and four DWIs so that is my report unless somebody has questions thank you Chief thanks Chief thanks Chief anybody thank you anybody else in the public questions for our chief hear none Mr Crips you're up probably do a better job good morning all uh I'll start off with the fire report fire report for September 2024 uh 31 calls for service four were fires four were rescue Ms mvas two Hazard conditions two good intent calls and 19 false alarms and my report I start off by saying um report that uh sad day or sad month of September uh we lost EMTs Jared sweeten and Zack devau uh resigner positions and accepting jobs uh Jared sweeten went on to ston Harbor Fire and EMS and Zach devau went into eam fire department and EMS we wish him the best of luck and Zack DeVos actually tonight is his swearing in up there uh fortunate Parts is we have two MTS EMT MN again who mooved from parttime to fulltime replace Jared and Zach Lex from parttime to full-time replace Zack the other Zach so uh attended this and staff the sea fair celebration a great event uh as always uh no issues on our parts and for the month of September we had 105 calls for service 33 transports 30 uh refusals seven public assists 29 fires standby seven Medicals recall or cancel and Route and again we Giver Mutual a is nine to Wood one to North Wood we actually responded to K May twice and lower Township three times and received three from W and northw and the last I have so I'm not tying everybody up on this nice morning chilly uh Laura from the wreck uh reached out to me and she was gracious enough to invite our agency to the AARP meeting I don't know if they're abducting me but maybe it's a way of but we are uh doing a presentation on the file of life that our agency provides so we're doing that uh November 14th 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. uh at the recreation center so thanks a lord for that and again out that's all I have thank you sir than so any questions public anything none thank you sir right all right uh that brings us to correspondents there's none listed uh nothing listed under new business I don't have anything update on their old business in the interest of time uh does anybody have anything that they'd like to talk about on their old business uh nothing that comes ahead now sorry okay we're going to BU we'll bypass uh old business there's really nothing new new to report there um we're going to go right to public comments we'll start with anybody here in the audience just we just need your name come on up to the podium uh you have five minutes and uh we'll go we'll start with anybody here in the audience and we'll go to the conference line anybody here public comments uh my name is Eric M um uh each each meeting you you start off with uh talking about uh your public uh notices and the kind of for satisfying the legal requirements of public notice um I also see that these meetings are available on Facebook and YouTube live and and also I guess you can watch the recordings afterwards um but beyond the legal minimum requirements which obviously we should meet uh emailing a newspaper so that they print it is kind of becoming more and more outmoded type of announcement uh do we have uh any plans on bringing it up to uh you know modern communication without the rely on companies like YouTube or or well Google and Facebook which is meta uh specifically because there there's two issues that I personally run into myself but I've seen reported uh other other things as well uh people can get locked out of meta and Google world uh for instance if you ever did a charge back on anything Google related they will cut off all of your services forever right and if they identify that you make a new account and they identify as the same person they'll cut that off too and you're kind of stuck in this Loop of I can't use a lot of these really convenient Services uh that uh become even more needed uh because you know official correspondence ends up happening uh over YouTube and Facebook uh I myself when I signed up for a Facebook account when I was in college uh and Facebook wasn't really a big thing I wasn't sure where it was going to go I didn't give him my real uh birth date at the time like I I don't like just giving out some small random internet company my personal information 20 plus years ago and now 20 years later I have trouble uh maintaining a Facebook Presence at all um mostly because every time they identify that my actual birthday dat isn't what I gave them 20 plus years ago they cut off my account so I don't have access to the Facebook stuff I have to REO through something they're not very customer service uh related they just basically cut you off don't give you really much reason and there's nothing you can do that's their private company they're allowed to do it so if there's ways to rely Less on YouTube and Facebook that would be great our meetings are on our website they're on but are they pumped through YouTube to get to it go to our website and look at all past meetings and bring them up they're they're hosted not on yeah but it is YouTube I think it's a link to YouTube or it's or it's an embedding from YouTube uh which makes it more difficult to access in that way so just I I guess having just an alternate means of just having the archive on something that maybe the the town owns themselves uh or rents from some other non uh uh you know I guess big tech company who can make sweeping decisions on people do you have a suggestion you can't really do do you have a suggestion uh renting uh VPS service servers are not uh expensive uh I know uh thing people would tend to go to AWS but there are many uh smaller business that basically all they do is rent service out uh of course we could just you could buy a server I don't know what our it consultancy or how they handle it they could handle it literally in house um but yeah there's there's tons of us-based they have to follow us law uh Services all the all their servers are in the US and uh it kind of provides another means to provide archiving so that you're we're not at the whims of a large company basically serves as a a backup and an archiving Service uh cuz I I mean it's happened to me with with Facebook uh I mean I don't know if there's any recorded history of something like H happening to you know uh townships or Burrows or or anything like that I don't think there are but you know it's just like having having that backup it's not very expensive to have a service that can hold hundreds thousands of hours of video uh for not much per month uh less than 100 per month for years and years of worth of video uh easily uh so just kind of looking into that uh I think would be a good idea and then also do we have I don't know if we have an email list that uh people can sign up for that it's literally just the Public Notices the legally required Public Notices so you don't have to seek out the herald on Wednesdays and read it in the paper I don't the answer is no so let me let me uh let me just so the burrow meets the statutory requirements for all public meetings and then some when I say and then some there's nobody that's has call and Conference lines there's no one that's recording and having live video and so so I think the bur is above and beyond that so I think what I think you're saying is just you like to see it take another take another step higher understood on that point uh with respect to the email list so there is no email list of the municip of the municipal residents or any residents that says hey you sign up here there is one on the Burrow's website that captures if you're interested in events and and traffic advisory type things and you know things that are going on locally here in the crest there is that ability and a sign up on the website but not specifically for for meeting notices so okay um I think the best thing to do is you know it's it's with the statutory requirements that we're doing we're doing we're doing the best that we can I certainly if there's that's you're you're talking uh out of my league here when it comes to the technology part or something something outside there but certainly we can talk to Eric who is Our IT guy and then um we can figure that out if it's a budgetary concern or issue or and whatnot sorry Brian just to add is that our meetings are actually recorded right to the Barrow server beyond that information we' have to get our it person involved so I would imagine that if there was ever an issue where YouTube crashed and people wanted to see our Municipal meetings we'd be able to access it um you know beyond knowing that they are recorded there I don't know above and beyond that we have to um consult with Eric on that but they are recorded to directly to the burrow server oh nice yeah so sounds like it's not too big of a leap okay all right anybody else public comment oh sorry oh no okay anybody else public comments anybody on the conference line have any public comments before we move into commissioner comments and then a close session all right hearing no other public comments Mo commissioner comments anybody I just wanted to thank the uh the staff for the cres best race it was well attended it was uh I'm glad to see that was brought back to the community I think um everyone involved did a really good job and um which just happy to see you come back to our our town we had a really nice weekend I think the mayor ran in that and he I don't know if you won did you win I purposely didn't I I ran a slay so I didn't win okay I didn't want to win can't R can't win dur own race so no congratulations that's all that's all for me go you guys already took my comments I just going to say something about the beach Patrol building we do have the co finally uh we're moved in and we're ready for the next season and the run I was down to I didn't run in it but I watched it was good thank you and I I want to give some shout outs to Public Works PD rescue uh Volunteer Fire Public Safety yeah public everybody I've talked to I me when I was running I was making a point to say hi to people along the way residents and and the runners and was that you shaking hands is that what your time yeah your time went shaking hands kissing babies and all that all the run so it's all that stuff so all good but uh cudos to everybody and all and the entire minicipal um next year's date tentatively October 4th so anyway all right um entertain a motion to go into close session go ahead the open me specifically njsa 10 4-12 with regard to one item potential litigation can I get a motion motion I will second move second for resolution be adopted call Mr yes Mr Frank yes Mr yes okay it's 10:3 all right we'll take a