yes sir it's ordinance 1432 regarding the Redevelopment plan I'll motion that ordinance number 1432 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second is moveed and second that ordinance number 1432 be placed on second and file reading by title only roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1432 reads as follows an ordinance adopting a Redevelopment plan for certain property in the burrow of Wildwood Crest County of Kate May state of New Jersey motion that a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1432 second is been moved in second that a public hearing on ordinance number 1432 now beheld roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes floor is open for public comment on ordinance number 1432 start with anybody here in the audience anybody on the conference line have any public comments on ordinance number 1432 car none motion that a public hearing on ordinance number 1432 now be closed second has been moved in second that the public hearing on ordinance number 1432 now be closed roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that ordance number 1432 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law second has been moved in second that ordance number 1432 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes next we have the resolutions the first is amending the policies and procedures Manual of the burrow of Wild Crest motion I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franko yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing Award of emergency contract to Asphalt Paving systems for emergency sewer repairs on Park Boulevard from Coline road to Sweet Brier Road in accordance with njsa 48 col 11-6 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is calling for the modernization of the open public records act Oprah and the Swift passage of s 2930 a445 motion I second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr ship yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the appointment of Robert Osborne as qualified purchasing agent pursuant to njsa 4A col 11-9 motion I'll second has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes congratulations B and Mr cab I had to do we get gu I need V yes yes congratulations Mr well deserved I have the next four by consent the first is authorizing a pedaling truck license to Big Top Ice Cream LLC the second is to Aubrey's ice cream the third is Monster cone LLC and the fourth is Island produce LLC on motion by consensus I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is canceling erroneous 2024 sewer rents in the amount of 12 4 for property located at 2046 East Forget Me Not Road motion second it's moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing Award of an EU us contract with the sewer Johnson atellier Inc for loan sculptures at the not to exceed sum of 5,000 for calendar year 2024 motion it I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution should be adopted roll call Mr Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Reconstruction of Stockton Road motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution to be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the appointment of one class one police officer motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing Award of Professional Services contract to William J Kaufman a special conflict solicitor for the burrow of Wildwood Crest planning board at the not to exceed sum of 177,000 motion I second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr sh yes Mr Franco yes Mr C yes next is accepting work performed and authorizing release of performance bond and accepting maintenance bond for the uh for the unage pool pool and roof improvements EXC motion uh I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing establishment of fees for usage of burrow electric vehicle charging stations motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing burrow engineer work order for Wildwood Crest easement acquisition professional land survey at the not to exceed sum of 47,000 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forging resolution should be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing a service agreement with charge point for electric vehicle charging stations and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement motion second been moved and seconded that the for resolution be adopted roll call Mr shef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing increase of contract in the amount of $ 6,496 1 to weather proofing Technologies Inc for installation of roofs to burrow buildings motion second it's been moved and seconded that the foro resolution be adopted roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes lastly is authorizing Amendment to the 2024 Municipal budget to for additional funding from the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the cdbg-dr grant motion second be moved in second it that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabo yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it's been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabo yes motion to all reports receive from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer task collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official Mercy services coordinator for the EMS and wild CR Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending April 30th 2024 be accepted as presented second it's been moved and seconded that all reports received from the court administrator Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and and the Wild Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending April 30th 2024 be accepted as presented roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr C yes motion that all minutes from the commission meeting dated April 24th 2024 and May 8th 2024 be approved as presented second it's been moved and second all minutes from the commission meetings dated April 24th and May 8th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes thank you CH you're welcome okay uh no correspondence listed uh we have some reports tonight we'll start with Chief Floyd for the police good evening govern body public um I'm going to just hit on some uh points from my report to the commissioner of Public Safety for the month of April um in the month of April we responded to 1,425 calls for service uh conducted 90 criminal investigations responded to 277 service calls which include alarms citizen assists fires medical assists School related activities and utility complaints uh we conducted 286 motor vehicle stops uh issued 41 motor vehicle traffic summonses um conducted 336 property checks and 553 training hours uh we also had 11 adult arrests and one BWI and um I do just want to say uh we have Memorial Day already Memorial Day Weekend uh this weekend and I just hope everybody has a safe and enjoyable weekend but uh yes please be safe and if you need us we're here thanks Chief you too any questions love for me okay thank you Crips isn't here uh Crips who our EMS coordinator and uh was going to give a report for the chief the fire department uh was actually at a fire call right now and told me he wouldn't be able to make it but we'll bring us up to far next meeting okay um Beach Patrol evening uh David Ferraro senior Lieutenant while CR peace Patrol we are currently in a preseason mode with this uh maintenance staff getting equipment ready for the upcoming summer and preparing our returning guards with training and recertification our first guarding days will be this weekend uh May the 25th through the 27th they will resume again the first weekend in June the 1 and 2 and then as of June 8th we will be full-time through the summer until September the 8th which is the Sunday after Labor Day the hours are 10 to 5:30 weather permitting also during that time we have handicap Transport service available able from 11:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. whenever the lifeguards are on duty besides our Transport service we also have surf chairs available they are available from the hours of 10: and 5 and pick up of return for those were at the beach Patrol headquarters which is located at ramble in the beach once again our surfing beaches for this summer have not changed in the north area there's between Aster and Cardinal in the center it would be between Primrose and Rambler and in the southern area between Hollywood and Topeka the southern area surfing Beach will at noon will stop and become a bathing beach only we are still trying out new candidates uh we're looking to fill quite a few spots this summer our try out dates are May the 25th June the 1st and June the 8th and that will be at Devon Savage Memorial Pool report time for that is 8:00 a.m. applications are being taken on our website life guard championships on Monday July the 8th that starts at 6:15 at Rambo Road in the beach and it encompasses all the beach patrols of Southern New Jersey from otion City all the way down to Kate May Point uh any questions regarding Beach Patrol can be answered at our headquarters 522 3825 and we're looking forward to a safe and happy summer for everybody thank any questions all right no thank you guys have a safe weekend thank you okay uh not on the agenda but I'm going to throw it on on the agenda we have with us here this evening uh superintendent cheer from the bur of Wild Crest public works department um for everyone's uh knowledge this week is National Public Works week um as you can see going around the town getting ready for Memorial Day weekend the town wouldn't look the way that it does now and be ready for the holiday if it wasn't for the public works department so superintendent sheer take it away okay uh good evening mayor and Council and staff members of public just want to take this moment to um reintroduce and recognize the National Public Works week and with that in mind I'm just going to give a a little shout out to each department as some of the things that they've accomplished and still working on in preparation for more late um holiday weekend so um all hands are on Deck as uh for our beach um preparations you know our maintenance staff our building staff uh Carpenters We've uh built walkways that will that are installed on the beach uh we strategically place the beach boxes across the town um we build the enclosures that store the portable Johns U for use for people out on the beach uh we will have H 15 stations this year so over the holiday weekend we'll have coverage majority of the days for the following three weeks it'll be a limited coverage but as we proceed into the season we'll switch over to daily cleanings of the Portables um we're moving for for ahead with hiring of seasonal staff fortunately um we have hired 16 seasonal staff members uh they Encompass all of our departments uh the beach rakers give a little shout out to them they're out there seven days a week at this time of the year so we have people that are raking the beach we have sanitizer equipment out there that's cleaning up the beach in addition to the uh Beach maintenance staff they're working on the walkway sweeping walkways collecting trash minor debris keeping uh insal reports on those walkways um to give a shout out to our Sewer Department uh we were just recently inspected by the D this past week and we walked away with the glowing recommendations so we do have an imp pool record with the D with the maintenance on our sewer systems and I just want to recognize that because it's something I think is taken for granted when we flush it we hope that it disappears and never see it again and uh we'll continue to do so in that regard uh the Landscaping Department they're across town we're full force again um mulching beds cleaning up you know all of our Parks um planting flowers uh just to give a shout out there for that department you'll see some of our areas are not irrigated so we have some drought resistant flowers that we put out there so they're ordered the flowers actually ordered in October or November so they're grown prepared for to be planted in the ground this time of the year uh the mechanics the mechanics service all the vehicles in our town they do heavy equipment they do the police department they work on some of the fire vehicles they have specialized equipment they work on a bro equipment it's 100% hydraulic piece of equipment fortunate to have those guys that are on our staff that can work on those type pieces of equipment the sanitation department I think it's another department we take for granted we certainly notice them if our trash is not picked up we hear the phone calls down Earth if we missed it if they were late get and out we try to do our best to accommodate any reasonable request we in the process we'll be switching over to our summer schedule summer schedule means as of June 1st all residential homes will get twice a week trash pickup so you have your rear round Rear Round trash pickup followed up with a second day if you're in the hotel motel District you get trash collections on Monday Wednesday Friday and Sunday the motel District also gets recycling collection on Mondays and excuse me on Tuesdays and Fridays our Public Works offices are open year round Monday through Friday 7: a.m. to 2: p.m. our drop off Facility hours have changed as effective on May 1st our office hours are 7 to 2 the drop off facility is open on Friday or excuse yeah Friday Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. all that we ask of you is you pick up your free permit you can be picked up here at burall or over at the Cap Center you can drop off household trash recycling at our facility during those hours um just want to make one last Point here you know uh at public works you know we embrace the role of being public servants and we will do and always give our best ever effort to ensure that Wild Crest is a topnotch tourist destination so I'm going to give a big shout out to all the guys um you'll see us run around a little crazy in the next couple days for a holiday weekend but I want to thank them and thank you all uh on that note I wanted to uh also recognize um former superintendent Joe Bond uh he was uh with the buau uh in in this as a superintendent for the past 15 years he retired at the end of a sorry at the beginning of April um so I want to wish him well in his retirement uh we are in the process now of of since Mr Shear moved up to the superintendent spot is in interviewing uh the assistant superintendent position um and in doing so as we uh as we at all the the various departments were in the process of restructuring some things and automating some things so to make our operation even more efficient for the public um so thanks Joe if you're watching and superintendent here thank you and thanks for the coffee and donuts this morning it was very good the guys were very happy we treated the coffee and donut we had to carve them up because they got lots to do we don't get coffee and donut so okay um moving on administrator's report thank you you um beach beach bump outs Rambler and North uh South state is nearing the completion of all work on this project with the exception of an additional location at Heather which was added by change order um they're right now installing the foot showers um and that's going really well the crest Arts Pavilion Fred shone's crew has completed all work but the installation of the picnic tables um and a few trash containers which are expected to arrive this week possibly as early as tomorrow the fence surrounding the perimeter has been removed and level two EV charging stations are also expected to be installed either tomorrow or Friday just in time for Memorial Day I have received some comments about some of the Landscaping some of the trees um if things have perished and haven't survived they will be replaced as part of the punch list that's a normal procedure um when we do projects so um don't don't worry they will be replaced and the punch list will include items like that Herford in lets of Kate mate andl Beach and dune construction uh tonight DeBlasio and Associates um their propos proposal was awarded um in a resolution that same um proposal is being funded by the D by the DP through the DCA HUD program and we will get reimbursed for all of that money was $47,000 all of that will be reimbursed to us as part of this project the New Jersey Avenue uh project Mark DeBlasio the Taylor Design Group County engineer Bob church and Paul Cino from tnm Associates will be meeting again tomorrow to continue our planning of infrastructure improvements in advance of the County's roadway project this will be bid as one project with the crest being responsible for lighting parking lots landscaping and beautification upgrades the project is expect expected to commence um with sewer infrastructure first in early 2025 Sunset Lake State Channel dredging I met with Scott Douglas and Genevie Clifton of the New Jersey Department of Maritime um their division of Transportation Maritime division last week they both assured me while they will be shifting their focus to North Wildwood right now as um they're doing the dredging beachville project they will still stay on track with phase two of the Wildwood State Channel project on and are proceeding as planned with permitting right now and acquisition the Bayside Pump Station we went over that with Mark in his presentation but I did want to add that Senator Booker Senator Booker's office also reached out to us and is working alongside of Congressman van Drew to assure that our project is being um given a fair shake at the priority funding that Mark mentioned for $4 million Washington Avenue flood mitigation project we appli to FEMA um to FEMA for a grant for this as well you already heard about um the Bayside bulkhead that we applied for a FEMA Grant there this area was previously studied and recommendations from that study were incorporated into this application we should be getting word sometime in June on both applications uh 2023 small cities award we did receive 342,000 roughly for bathroom improvements here we also just received word that we received the 2024 Grant in the maximum amount of four $400,000 to renovate the bathrooms at Crest pier and make them ada8 compliant so that work is currently in design Kate M County Road um local Road Safety plan in cooperation with the South Jersey Transportation Planning organization the county is coordinating with municipalities to identify strategies to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes um I attended the six steering committee meeting on Friday the 17th um and we at that point did release the draft plan which is now posted on the safeer road South uh website it was also sent to the Commissioners for their review this draft will continue to be updated as um the group progresses into the final version their next work workshop meeting they have just announced for the public is Kate May at the CATE County Technical school on Tuesday June 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 and it's open to all stakeholders as a side note the borrow is also working with kar's engineer on a pedestrian safety Improvement project um and we should look to have a resolution on our next agenda for a grant application um we would be applying for $200,000 to a safe streets for all Grant which is a Federal grant um that would include some pedestrian traffic safety improvements as an experiment that's all I have any questions for con oh good thank you wel all right anybody in the audience hearing none uh Mr deasio is uh little longer here to get up the road uh we already did the bulkhead presentation there's nothing listed under new business um let's go back I just back up the public comment uh for a second does anybody here in the audience have public comments first round we have another round coming in a little bit Michael Garrick here that okay um just had a question on the resolutions what number 13 and number 16 were uh so uh number 13 is with respect to the uh the the appeal with the Mahalo property and uh the burrow was uh given notice that that there's an appeal there and the bur was was mentioned in that case so we had to we have uh our current uh attorneys had conflict so we had to have a special a special conf okay I'm sorry what was the other one uh 16 okay so this is 16 is with respect to the uh the Army Core Dune um there's um there's some surveying that has to get done via drone and so forth for them to start their work and then we the buau puts out the money the state reimburses us back for that okay thank you wel anybody else okay uh we'll come back to another round of public comments uh nothing listed under new business uh under old business uh proposed amendment time limit parking uh so I think we have um I think Frank and chief you guys have uh you had some parking spaces and things at the at the Arts Pavilion that need to be does the any amendments to the ordinance that's needed that's no no amendments to that ordinance no okay um all right then with respect I'm sorry we were going to put you 20 minute parking 20 minute park in front of the C Center you need to amend it for those yeah my apologies so we have so we have I think we have some other I'll call it a meter and space matters that we have to ordinate so if I could ask uh Chief and you and commissioner shiff to get together and work on that uh on any revisions that need to be made I'd like to see us do it all one time I guess is what I'm saying instead of doing it at different times all right uh concession agreement Hotel Zone beach chairs that's on hold uh so traffic calming that's really the traffic study that uh uh administrator man spoke about uh again reiterate there'll be a grand application for some potential um Crossing what do you call those flashing beacons beacons rapid flashing beacons so that that application time frame is what August I think yes our deadline August for that um I've also believed that they circulated a report following our last meeting that everybody had a chance to look at if you had any comments or questions I think I'll filter those through through uh Connie and and I think we're what's the next step after that is the uh we're in step two of the colar project um and then this application would be separate and above from that which would um be a plan this is a planning Grant but it can include a few experimental projects within that planning so in other words the FL flashing beacons could be used and were suggested in certain areas to see what the um temperature of the local residents is to having those flashing beacons in their area whether they're effective or they're bothersome what have you but I did reach out to the county and they would be willing to purchase them on our behalf and through this program we would be able to pay for them so the county would buy them and install them and we would use this program to pay the county um and there'd be other recommendations put forth through this planning Grant and it would be able to help us to pay for the future studies that uh cers is going to do okay that's the purpose of it all right uh back beach exavation so that's on hold we SO waiting on the uh the the the start date of the potential new Dune and that the back bees get excavated as part of that part of that project um Connie mentioned about the dredging uh Joe do you have anything no no count pass on okay um New Jersey uh if infrastructure that's uh in the works Public Works uh funding is now available uh I think at the next meeting there'll be uh the the second phase of the roof projects which includes the Public Works roof the tennis uh courts roof and the scoop tayor roof will all be on the same project that's all done through a state Cooperative program the funding is already in place for that um and that should be on the uh on the agenda for the next meeting uh Baseline outfalls we just had the presentation on that Washington C VI um administrator man talked about that all right that brings us to uh public comments last round of public comments yes sir Joe I want to uh back up Public Works we do we do forget what goes on behind the scenes and as somebody worked in construction we kind of forget that what's going on behind the scene and we we just kind of they're they a blind eye to it the public works is phenomenal uh I've been in other towns I hope we never even think Outsourcing it I've seen towns where they Outsource like trash pickup and it always turns into Prop Joe Von had given me a tour their mechanic shop I worked on cars years ago their their mechanic shop is topnotch just the equipment that they work on is almost un unheard of that you would have mechanics that can work on trash trucks and regular vehicles and everything so I I Really they do a phenomenal job and they got forget they they sometimes are forgotten uh when one trash can doesn't get picked up it's like the world came to an end reality in reality person carried the trash can out as the trash truck was leaving anyway yeah so just again please never even think Outsourcing it they really do a phenomenal job and I said their mechanic shop was was better than what I've seen professional shops so just thanks all for your work and just pass on to the guys they're just the heav one has been phenomenal and we've seen them we live in Washington so we we go up and watch them they're just hustling to get these beaches ready and offload the the new boxes that were delivered it's just I I just can't say enough how well that that system works keeping everything inhouse and and I hope that they're paid accordingly taken care of care and the amount of money that they save the burrow and taxpayers is just with between carpentry the sanitation you name it the F work here was done in house correct so and this is phenomenal carpentry work so it was done in house and we look in while were in some of these other towns that outsourc the trash pick up all of a sudden the one company just said we're not going to do it anymore for that price and they basically at this point they sold all their equipment so the the town sold all their equipment but where the trash truck now I think is about two or three million by the time you buy a chassis any equipment so it's too late to go out and buy all new equipment so they had them over a barrel so we we've been asked numerous times by companies and even our sister communities to participate and and and the answer was a resounding no no so so than I just going to pass that La thank you anybody else anybody the conference line have any more last follow the comments all right now we're ready for commissioner comments I'll go quick uh I just wanted to say congratulations to uh Steve Shear on promotion well deserved and also to piggy back on what the mayor said congratulations to Joe Bono's recent retirement um I think uh everybody knows what is going on behind the scenes and how good of a uh waron Department that has uh has been so is the fin depart as well so just want to put that out there andice as well so and have a safe and happy Memorial weekend as well all right since there's a week for everything I think I should bring this one up this week marks the 50th anniversary of EMS week this week we honor our eer emergency medical technicians paramedics for their duty to the to service our communities uh I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to our Ms and honor their outstanding work that they do to maintain Public Safety and Emergency Medical Services they are a front lines to provide the best care during medical services for our visitors and residents in the burough of Wildwood Crest so I'm just giving them a shout out saying congratulations and they do do a great job too a lot of things that you don't see um also um ditto and everything that you guys said and the last thing I'm going to say is before I became a commissioner I didn't realize how all our departments do work together one way or another from the police Public Works rec department and and finance and our clerks business administrator it's everybody and I didn't realize how it worked until I'm sitting here there's a lot of moving parts and I think we do a great job there's no question of that I seem to say that all the time but I really mean it uh this weekend our beach Patrol will be in action please stay safe follow the rules got the police on duty and I want to thank especially Stephen Frank for working with uh Buddy Johnson to get those boxes out there placed and there was no issues this year which was great so I want to thank you for all that stuff they're out surveying right now the um our engineer so the the current placement of the boxes will go to the D so we have that for next year as well and we can resubmit it so that's ongoing now yeah there's a lot of lot of moving parts that are out there I never realized it y thank you for all your work thank you mayor all right um and I didn't know it was EMS week so had a resolution toip that up for do that right now just I have one question when is it like commissioner week I haven't seen that on I literally Finance week is March I think there's a day for everything I want to know when ice cream week that's what I every day that starts [Laughter] tomorrow okay so in the interest of time I my comments are are are short and sweet uh again wishing everybody a happy Memorial Day weekend I wish the weather forecast uh was looking better than than it is right now unfortunately but so it's all that hard work we're getting everything ready but looks like Friday and Saturday are going to be kind of iffy Sunday it gets better money look like it might rain again so that means everyone's going to be in their units in motel rooms drinking so they'll take the police department be very busy next couple days but nonetheless um again thank you to the public works department for getting the town ready to go um and In fairness to all the burough departments I agree we have the best staff here in W Crest keep up the good work everybody have a great Memorial Day Weekend motion to I'll make that motion second --------- the United States of America to the for it stands one nation indivisible and Justice roll call Mr shiff here Mr Franco I'm here Mr Caba I am here compliance with public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the N requirements have been satisfied as the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice here in the wion board in B Hall and by mailing and emailing sing to the herald of Kate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the back door the way you came in our front left your back right or our front right your front left just by the American flag uh just a couple quick reminders uh this evening this meeting is being shown live on the Burrow's Facebook page and also the Burrow's YouTube channel I we do quick sound check viikki test one two three are we good to go all right we are live okay um if you're watching this meeting live and you have a public comment you're more than welcome to call into the conference line that sits up here on the Das you're going to dial the phone number 888 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag in the event you watch the recorded version of this meeting you're more than welcome to email our clerk at clerk Wildwood with any questions or comments you'd like to make or you may phone her at 609 729 8040 um this meeting I we expected a nice turnout for this meeting tonight for tonight's uh Bayfront improvements for for the uh um bulhe heads and the valves and the street raising project uh we're going to that was actually on their agenda under uh number 5 13 so we're going Tove uh we're going to move that earlier here this evening so those of you who want to hear this and participate in that presentation then after that you're more than welcome to leave or you can certainly stay for all the fun that happens uh after our normal as we conduct our normal uh business meeting okay that said I'd like to introduce Mark deasio and Matt Abrams from Mark deasio and Associates uh our engineers um they're going to do the presentation of of the uh that project uh on thei go ahead okay thank you mayor so we're excited to present the Burrow's Bayside bulkhead replacement flood mitigation Improvement project this project has been several years in the making and we look forward to the benefits that the Project's going to provide to the property owners and the public accessing this area we're going to spend a minute recapping why this project was developed back in 2019 the burrow adopted a flood mitigation storm Sewer Master Plan which had several purposes first one was educating the burrow public and private property owners of the existing flooding challenges facing the burrow establishing recommendations to mitigative adverse impacts of flooding and other Coastal ha hazards that affect the burrow providing flood mitigation infrastructure options to guide the burrow when considering Capital Improvements complying with the Federal Emergency uh FEMA CRS program with the potential of enhancing the status and improving your your position participate and coordinate flood mitigation efforts with federal state county and local entities so this project that we're going to uh present is a direct result of the one bullet point of providing flood mitigation infrastructure options so the recommendations contained in that plan are going to be effectuated in this project there there are three recommendations that were in the master plan that are incorporated into this project these are General um objectives here the first one is we're going to be elevating the burrow bulkheads to Elevation 8 and the 88 datam specifically the street ends that uh border the Bayfront are going to be raised to that elevation the second one was elevating roadways and in this case this is just the street ends that uh AB but the bulkhead and then tie back into uh Park Boulevard or Lake Road and uh install a more reliable Bayside tide control option there were four options presented to the burrow during uh as a result of the master plan during the deliberation the burrow eliminated the traditional option which is a tide Flex valve that's installed on the other side of the bulkhead on the pipe that's proven to to not be effective the second option that was eliminated was the SK operated control valves because those valves require power uh electrical boxes being elevated so there's an aesthetic issue that's associated with that so the burrow opted to as part of this project install manually operated control valves as well as uh we designed the project to accommodate potential storm sewer pump station installations in the near future and we'll talk about that at the end uh this map represents the total project location so the project spans from Primrose Road to cresy the areas that are circled in red are what we would call the um getting the full works or the full Monte those areas uh go from Primrose Road to Cardinal Road and they include the replacement of the existing bulkhead new storm drainage improvements the insulation of that more reliable uh tide valve and Street end raisings on the Block the yellow X's represent uh roads that are just getting valves installed and we'll talk about that in a second why that's just occurring there in those sections these next two slides show uh what we consider to be nuisance flooding which we're trying to eliminate or mitigate so this is a slide that shows you on a normal happy sunny day everyone's going about their business everything's dry and then we have the Twilight Zone effect which is it's still sunny it's not raining and we have flooding going on in the roadway and as you can see too that Bayside tide level isn't higher than the bulkhead so you're wondering what's actually happening here you're actually experiencing what's known as Pascal's principle which liquid pressure is uniformly transmitted uh throughout the entirety of the liquid system in more familiar terms as water seeks its own level and that water in the roadway is at the same level as the Bayfront as uh previously mentioned this project has three General improvements the first one is to install a a more reliable um tide Flex valve or a tie control valve utilizing that same slide that we just showed you when that valve is installed and it's properly operated and maintained it will um prevent the water from coming back up in the street so in this instance here we actually assigned some um that was the TV okay uh we actually assigned uh a what we think as a real life scenario here to the burrow uh a street elevation of of elevation 2.7 a bulkhead elevation of 4.5 which is which is relatively uh low we have a tide elevation of four if that valve is in place that water cannot creep back up into the roadway and actually has to work harder to flood the burrow which um would be elevation 4 and a half which is the lowest bulkhead so the the burrow is afforded protection from elevation oh you just turn this one off Don oh jeez sorry that's probably why the HDMI got power this one up over here on that's the one that it out why was unpluged mean blew up have all right so so this slide represents a real life scenario in the burrow where you have pavement elevation of 2.7 a bulkhead elevation of 4 and a half with a properly operating valve the roadway and flooding will be protected until the water breaches the bulkhead which at this case would be 4.5 under a normal scenario you would have water in the roadway which would be at the same elevation as the bay which in this case would be elevation four so you would have over a foot of standing Border in the roadway uh these manually operated valves the picture on the left hand side is a typical representation of where this would be installed and what it would look like these valves are manually operated the uh the burrow will be required to actually go there open and close these manually there's going to be a science and a policy to that when to open when to close them who's tracking the tide Etc these valves uh I believe there's going to be 15 to 18 valves some of these valves are very large they're 24 Ines in diameter takes numerous turns to close them so we're recommending that the burrow purchased the necessary equipment uh automated equipment that can be attached to trucks to go and actually close these valves the uh second Improvement that we mentioned in the project is the replacement of the existing bulkheads this video shows an actual uh representation of Wisteria Road uh on a high tide event that bulkhead is at elevation 4.92 uh under the proposal the burrow will be replacing that bulkhead to Elevation 8 and just to give you some graphical context elevation 8 is going to be at the top of that rail how tall is that top of that rail I'm saying how how tall is elevation at top at the top of that rail yeah I'm saying how many feet it's it's it's 8T relative to zero of the 198 8 datom it's a technical answer you see a here is another example of uh the bulkhead replacement we have a before photo of Coline road on the left hand side elevation 5.15 which is approximately 3 feet lower than where the Burrow's uh bulkhead ordinance is required when that bulkhead is replaced we're we're trying to make it very graphically clear that that bulkhead will be at that elevation of the handrail so you will not be able to see directly through the water at that point you'll have to walk up to the bulkhead and and peek over it is that consistent with the bulkhead say We'll answer questions at the end okay we get through this the third and final piece of this is um roadway raising let me back this up here so here's that example of a bulkheaded elevation 5.15 so that bulkhead is going to go up approximately 3 ft we we tried to compensate for that uh once that bulkhead goes up to eight we're trying to raise the street ends on the back side of the bulkhead um based on the designs we've completed that that uh that raising of the roadway is going to come up anywhere from 6 in to 15 in and then taper down to zero at Park Boulevard this will provide like an immediate benefit to Property Owners on the corner that have driveways on the side roads um not that we're going to eliminate flooding but we're going to make that access a lot easier and what this also does is it provides the burrow the opportunity to get some waterproofing behind that bulkhead up to the top of the pavement surface as I had mentioned earlier there's a section of roadways uh that were those yellow X's from Aster to cresy Avenue at this point those roadways uh were improved through 2010 to 14 the both heads were upgraded roadways were repaved and are in generally pretty good shape so as part of our project we're going to be installing a valve only to provide better protection for tidal inundation and at some point in the future the burrow is going to look to raise those bulkheads those bulkheads are at generally speaking elevation six which conform with the old ordinance so they're in pretty good shape they just need to receive a cap so our total project estimated construction cost is about $6 million the proposed schedule has us going out to bid this summer with construction starting in the fall of this year and completing in the summer of 2025 we're going to have to work with the contractor manufacturer on the valving because those are special lead time uh special lead items so that may affect the scheduling but the physical construction and the roadway improvements Etc will be completed completed in time for summer 25 in regards to Grants the burough has been aggressive over the last couple years uh unsuccessful but hopefully we're going to be Abraham Lincoln here and finally hit it uh the bur has applied for FEMA grants uh at the end of last year for two pump stations located strategically through the triangle area of the project we have an estimated construction cost of $12 million for that project if the burough is successful the burrow will receive a 75% Grant on that with a 25% match additionally uh the burrow has successfully worked with Congressman van Drew's office to establish an earmark for the burrow in the tune of $4.1 million Grant to offset the uh Pump Station project whether it's one or two but that money hopefully will be available to the burrow and like I mentioned before this project will be designed in a manner to integrate or accept two pump stations in theut future if they so had so that is the our our presentation um Where Do We Go From Here We refine the the drawings we go out to bid and then once the Burrow's completed these improvements our weakest link in the flood uh wall so to speak will be private properties which at that point private property owners we need to do their part to raise their P mayor that mayor so outside of private properties you have the whole Lake Road you have the whole Sunset Lake area right is there a strategy to make that complying as well so Sunset Lake generally is um receives elevations of between six and seven so that's pretty good that's a really good height if the burrow wants to consider raising that to eight they could do that with land bming but that's not part of this project to put to put that all perspective the burrow has seen two elevations over six in the last 20 years that was uh Hurricane Sandy and Jonas so those elevations on that Bayfront are close to that so the Burrow's in pretty good shape if the Burrow's entire Bayfront was at that elevation we would be in really good shape so we had our house since 1977 on the corner of crocus and park we've had one instance of greater than that7 so um is there any supplemental funding for homeowners to be got shut that Val off that I'm not aware of you might want to reach out to FEA there might be some I know there there's funds from FEA to raise homes depends what are you talking about new bulkhead or raising your home well just to be compliant we would have to raise our bulkheads yeah we're not we're not talking about raising our homes right so if everyone has to be compliant with the Barrow on the street ends we got to raise our bulkhead to meet your size correct so just S one those the ordinance that we passed there's no there's no compliance date so right now if you there's no there's no time frame as to when private property owners have to raise their vs there's there's nothing there there is if I recall uh solic gun if you do substantial improvements roughly 50% of the value property then you would have to raise your Bulet otherwise there's no requirement at this time for any any private property own to raise their bulkhead to the mate burs 8 so I'm in the category so for what it's worth you're the category of I think M Builder's going to talk to you okay so so what would happen in that case as for everyone's information if you're in that situation your bulkhead needs to be raised or replaced we would encourage you to engage a licensed engineer because your bulkhead may be in good shape it could be retrofitted to be extended not just replaced we address both options yet okay at the end of the day we're still going to have a wall which ni alha water um before we go any further if anyone has po comments I just like to give your name so our clerk can record it for the record so just Tommy Al I got him got y I have a question um name please being a person that is I need your name I need your name for the record colen Brady thank you um being a family that's lived since 1940 down here across the street at Park Boulevard and between Lotus and bomb and our back porch looks directly over like we can see this the view of the lake from that back porch and how higher you talking about bringing these pillars up that like that to so that we won't even have a a view of the beach the water anymore because of how high you're going to build these so I can't answer that question because I don't know how high your deck is but that that representation is is pretty much at scale so you're talking 8T but the wall would be like 3T not eight not eight yeah not 8T from the top of the road surface if you look at that photo at the on the left man you see that top rail yeah of the okay that's going to be the top of the new bulkhead okay cuz I took a ride down Lake Road and Aster and there's not one one thing on Lake Road over 26 in and that's even including the the curb and yet when you get to as it's is 31 in so like from the asphalt and up so I'm asking like are we looking as we go further down higher and higher from the asphalt so in that scenario right there like in that photo okay that's what the bur deals with now well that's that's that's an anomaly that's not that's not a thing that goes on all the time so the the top you're long enough to tell you that that does not happen all the time so tops of the the tops of those bulkheads will be at the same elevation at elevation 8 and our pavement elevations are going to be raised so we're going to compensate for that a little bit but if you're standing in the intersection of Park Boulevard and you're looking at this bulkhead and you can see the water today from where you're standing you're not going to see it when you're standing there at the end of the project right but if you're up on the deck across the street that doesn't live on the water now doesn't have a view that's pretty much what you're doing I don't know if that's the case cuz I don't know where you're located and how high your deck is elevated across the street yeah because what the okay it's lower on one end of the of like Lake Drive and and there and then you're elevating it all the way down to Lake the lake itself at Rambler Road then it's like okay well anybody down there has no Lake View anymore you can live on the street but you can't see the lake yeah I want to be clear so so just so you know the current bulkhead that you're talking about there's there's like three layers of Bulkhead there now those bulkheads are failing so the federal government FEMA says hey you got to rate the standard is 8T ad so it's when you say up when you say the burrow so we're just trying to get the burrow caught up on Aging infrastructure to help reduce the flooding that's going on but also give you a better product that's going to last a long time and when you do that you need to get to the F was Rec a I understand that but I'm just saying the lake doesn't is the the water is coming from the pipes it's not coming from the lake coming over it is it actually is in some areas yes it is it absolutely is I saw it's coming through and it's coming through the buad in some cases it comes through the bhead but not like that it's like I think no well but but if it's coming through because they need to be watertight so the water's going to come through and it's going to not only go through the not only go through the valve back but it's also going add water coming I understand but that's an anomaly that's not the everyday case down here that's get that picture for a second the bulkhead still need to be replaced that's that's my point so that bulkhead right there is actually almost 2 feet shorter than the requirement prior to the adoption of the eight so that's that's a low bulkhead but yet you put the same size bulkhead on Lake Drive last year and the year before all Lake Drive was done and there's not one higher than that I don't think we did any bhead projects last year there's not one higher than that I went and measur everyone every at end every end every street that's about 10 years ago I think you're talking about you talking about the concrete ballheads I'm talking about the concrete bhead yeah that wasn't done last year that it was done what two years ago maybe a couple more 10 years ago yeah but not one of them is more than 21 to 26 in not high enough as under the new code they're not high enough they're going to be raised by 18 to 20 in are they going to be raised too not part of this project no time will be they're right I think they're right 6 right now 6 to7 goad Gary Agnes AGN s there's a group of us that live at the cresy side of this whole project is it true that cresy Avenue is the second lowest elevation in the entire Wildwoods from my recollection the intersection of cresy Avenue bur in the burrow yes in in Lake Road in the burrow Wildwood Crest I believe is the lowest elevation West Wildwood is the lowest on the island and that happens to be the second lowest and the best of my outage so the best so the answer your question is the intersection that you're speaking of in at least in Wildwood Crest I can't speak to other communities I I believe from my recollection that's the lowest spot what we are facing and we're not talking about new or full moon northeaster and high tide combination which is the worst scenario we're going to get General Tides back up through the existing outflow pipes into the street probably 10 time tenfold the amount of time that you would ever see anything there it's a common occurrence period the money that was spent what 8 10 years ago when they did that project was pissed away it's all it was because they they they raised the road ends the street ends N9 in then from what they were prior to that they changed the location where the drains are from at the bulkhead to Lake Road they're bringing everything down I still contend that if we do not have some kind of dredging involved in all this project I don't care what you do it's not going to make a difference because water from the land that goes to the Bay is not only pushing water out there it's pushing sand out and that's coming up and up and up more and more if you look at the channel along Lake road all the way through you probably have 15 less feet from the marshes in where the muck is taken over and the same thing with people who have water you know the waterfront property themselves in low tide right now people who have floating docks are in the mud so somewhere along the line I and I know it's expensive and I know they got all kinds of crap it's because of money but if we do not take that base and get that down you a bul is designed to keep the land in a Bulet is not designed to keep the the water up yeah so two comments to your comments sir one is the first one is you're correct so the flooding that you experience at that intersection is primarily tital that comes out of the roadways and back and back up so to give you not only that intersection but all the way up to butterup you know so to get so to give you some context I believe that that the elevations in an intersection are about 2 and a half they're definitely less than three so when we looked at 20 years worth Tod gauge Todd gauge data elevations in that area above three were 57 times a year so you probably have anywhere from 50 to 60 times of flooding on average over a 20-year period ining that intersection so you're you're right and I suspect that that flooding is occurring primarily in the beginning out of the roadway and then probably over some lower bulkheads the second part is of your comments about the dredging would be true if you I don't want to get super technical here if we were in a free flow condition if that water was flowing through the pipes out into an open atmosphere that would be true but we actually have this scenario here where we're in a closed system so if you notice it wouldn't matter how much you dug on the waterward side the tide is going to find its own level no matter what but it's got a lower base so therefore the same amount of water is only going to it's going to bring that higher end of it down too if you were to dig out the entire world right so if you were to go and dredge right in front of that bulkhead that water level will never change I I don't mean just in front of the bul I mean that you'd have to dredge out to the Atlantic Ocean so just to to give you the everyone's expectations the the valve is going to play the most crucial piece in helping you with new flooding to a certain point because we still have bulkhead private bulkheads in your area that are like 4.2 yeah I know we got one is not worth the ERS Dam because he won't won't do anything with it so there's 4 point so your lowest bulkheads are 4.2 we have a 4.3 and a 4.6 so this project is is going to help you guys to a certain extent so my general statement to everybody is if anybody ask a question how much flooding is going to be reduced when the burrow finishes this job my answer is going to be generally speaking it's going to help protect you for six more inches throughout that whole area you're you you realize more um success as people raise their bulkhead so if that lowest bulkhead at 4.2 becomes 4.6 or five you gain more protection so the burrow is going to complete all of this work and then hopefully the private property owners um will step in and help out as well I mean I don't I see priv Property Owners get it on the chin but bottom line is if you got a Bulet here from the from the town and you got everybody else's here you haven't done anything period it's not connected right so I mean right now you got bu connected Street end bulkheads because you cannot according to what we were told you cannot tie into private property bulkheads unless there's some agreement there there there spaces that wide from private property to street ad B the water's going to come through that it's going to happen you know just like you said it finds its own level it's going to come through there unless and I don't want to see a lot of people have to spend a lot of money that's not my point but unless that does happen across the board all the way up and down it's not going to change that it's only going to change the width of the street that's the only so we're trying to manage everyone's expectations that this project could be a $50 billion project and you're going to have the same result until such time as those both heads come up and your streets can get raised as well it's not ma'am right Nancy Agnes I just have a question you said these are going to be uh maintained by Public Works the the vales what about on Like Sunday Morning 2:00 we got a flood tide coming will the valves be taken care of yes yes okay so what'll end up happening this will if you don't mind me speaking for the bur so this will be new territory for the burrow so the burrow is going to have to adopt a policy on how to maintain these these valves they could their policy could be and again I don't want to speak for Public Works their policy could be we'll keep all the valves shut and we'll only open the valves when it rains and the tides down they can leave the valves open and they can close them based on predicted tide charts so there's going to be a science to it okay but my my recommendation to the Bur would be to do it in an efficient manner so you don't have to touch them every other day okay sir yeah my name's Jim Jones uh two questions first of all you're going to put these manual valves on the street ends correct where on the because where on the street ends and will it affect parking no so these valves will be no different than what you see in the roadway for water name valves it will be buried okay but they still have to get access to them right they're going to pop so if you look at a typical water main valve in the street there is a cast iron box that comes out with a lid they would pop the lid they would use their equipment they would get on n of that valve turn the close put the lid back on and move to the next one okay and where in the street are they going to be located you won't be able to park a car over top of these um I believe they're going to be they're located in various spots in the street end I are they in any parking areas um most well I don't I don't think is there parking on the street ends anyway yeah both sides but you may have to like if you depending on where they have to go most of them where that valve is are oriented where the pipes are coming through the bulkhead which most of them are on the sides the corners can have two pipes so off flow pipes are two and that it based on that then yes it would affect parking because they are close enough to the curbs right now where people can park there the only place you cannot park at Street end is in the center of the street some of those double some of those double pipes will be converted to one so there'll be one of that I think something needs to be looked at because if you take a look at primrose for example the street end there on the left hand side you have pull in parking off the street and on the right hand side you have vehicle parking parallel parking parking on the so so you have to figure how maintain access to covers so that's something we can look at that's a good comment second question um I live at 710 Park Boulevard right across from the water tower par Boulevard always fls in um on high ti do you anticipate that when this Project's completed that that will flood that location be very clear about that you're going to you're going to benefit average about six in of less flooding than what you experience today until such time that everybody else's bulkhead gets raised well it doesn't come up with the bulkhead in that area everything comes up the drains right that's that's correct so you will you will not experience the normal flooding coming out of the drains until such time that that water level on the bay finds a spot whether it's uh a gap in the bulkhead whether it's over a property owner X's bulkhead or a hole in the bulkhead okay so you're going to get you're going to get a level of protection to a certain extent okay because primose to nothing comes over the bu is it all comes up the and that's that's okay one more question the the valves the cast iron valves cast iron valves was as much stainless steel that we can get involved with yes what would be the longevity of a valve sitting under water so the valves will be no different than a b main valve that sits in a road for 50 60 years so we work with the the manufacturer to make sure that as much of the guts or stainless steel as possible it would be no different than a Val that that's buried out in these roadways Now American stainless steel or Chinese well everything has to be yeah but New Jersey Law requires everything to be americanmade how often do you work those valves that are installed their street I need your name sir pawar W so you said this will be as good as the other valves how often do those valves get the water well the burrow doesn't own or operate the water main system so I don't know the answer to that nobody I mean so once they turn the water on somebody's house maybe never those those valves are always open or you wouldn't have water so I can't speak for the Wildwood water utility when they exercise them but I'm going to venture the guest that once this Project's completed the bur is going to touch those valves probably a little bit more than while we order touch their water vales are going to use a lot of so I'm wondering if they're going to get stuck what's that I wonder if they'll get stuck they should other ones they're no worse but nobody opens those Val or closes them yeah the these valves again these are going to get operated a lot which is good the more the valves operated the better it is Joan dhower I have a couple questions can you flip back to the um myor Road picture I'm just jurious as to when that picture was taken Sandy had to be Sandy that was this year February 12th of 2024 this one yeah that was February of this year when you mentioned that the road is going to be CU that we live on the corner par in Mysteria okay um and the only time you've ever had it come over the bulk had in your back is D ding sand when you talk about raising the street end 6 to 15 in what does that do to the sidewalk and the property on either side of thead that so that's a great question so it varies on a Case by case basis on each Street end so I don't want to steal the mayor thuner but the segue as to the next steps of this is we've identified um each Street and what impact it has on a property owner what I can tell you is there will not be a scenario where your property is back pitched All That Sidewalk curb in the right away is going to be replaced and elevated if there's an instance where the burrow has to go on the private property to say to transition a driveway or find another joint to make it come out smoothly the burrow will be in contact with each one on IND individual basis to review that get an access agreement Etc so there'll be no surprises but you just mentioned that potentially if you're raising the street now you have to raise the sidewalk as well correct so that would impact my property because my property meets the sidewalk at some point okay so if that's the case then in your case we'd have to look at our plans if we we might be able to make that transition in the RightWay or we might have to come onto your property to redo your concrete driveway of to it's concrete the bur would be in contact to go over that with you n um where are you starting which street are you starting or that that's not specified when those bid specs go out we haven't been given like a preference okay I would think that this contractor because there's a lead time on the valves would not start in the area where it's just getting valves I would suspect that they would start in the southern end of the project to start replacing bulkheads we haven't specified to a contractor where they start first but I would assume they're going to be working in the southern n first so under the qu of crocus and parking well and you have redone the vad there it's vad probably set the street level you have a cement block ahead of it uh as I become compliant and redo my bulkhead hypothetically to the required 3T above How am I'm going to tie my bul it in in the cement slab there's no really way to seal that and second piece do I have the ability to tie a new bulk into the existing City bul I'm going need to do that if not you're going to get seage so th those are good questions so when you hire an engineer he's going to take a look at that and he'll integrate that into his plans you'll need to get a permit for it which would be reviewed by our office okay and we would work with your engineer to make that um to make that coordination I think you talking to Rick Allen you know rck I do okay I think he's he's engineer speaking to you about it okay okay I'll make sure that he addresses that as well with the thought that you want private property owners to raise their bulkhead as well has anyone looked at the impact on the individual's property who you know if their property is now at bulkhead level what that does to their yard if you're now raising the bulkhead that you're you know you're potentially elating part of someone's yard essentially or deck correct it essentially takes away your view which you bought Bayfront property to look directly out into the water and potentially it could go up 36 in not 8 ft not 5 but 36 in I I would say it would be a good guess that would certainly impact a resident's view if you were to sit in your yard as as we said today we look clearly at the water so let's do a scenario where you're going to do substantial Improvement which I think you might be involved in as part of substantial Improvement you have to make the whole home compliant which means you're probably raising the house and you're going to have to raise the bul that's an excellent opportunity for you to fill your backyard okay but if but if you had no intentions of doing improvements we're raising your house well if you're if you're ra if you're raising your house that's going to trigger substantial Improvement you're going to be required to comply with the new height understood but if you're not going to raise your house and then when you make that when you raise that house now you have modifications on the ground you have to make I would say to you that's a great opportunity to fill if in a in a perfect world we would have those bulk kads up at eight we would have all the backyards and Lots filled and we would have all the Streets Raised you can snaap your fingers and do it all over again so you bring up another great Point as I raise the bulk to be compliant it's about 29 or 30 in I had I had the elevation survey done that extends my house by extra 2 and2 ft there is a limitation of 43 ft I believe in the maximum residential house and this will push it above that because of the new starting points well so the definition of Building height is measured from your finished FL elevation so let's just say hypothetically there's a maximum Building height of 40 ft that wouldn't start until your finished FL is at the proper elevation so you're not being penalized that's not the explain to my guy because we're chatting about that CH so we can take there's a a new home with Gary ages there's a new home at Heather in Lake Rog yeah you know big if anybody wants to see what the bulkhead is going to look like just walk down Heather to the water take a look over the fence because they got a little thing there they've got an area that's probably uh that high above the ground and that bulkhead meets whatever is going to happen for the future the criteria that you set for it so if anybody wants to know what it's going to look like just walk right there and take a look at it you know you'll you'll see the because the ground wasn't brought up was it so the house was brought up right well there new house oh it's a new a brand new home so if that was they spent $3 million making this place Corner proper so that property owner could elect to fill the backyard or leave that wall there in correct if if you don't have major improvements planned and you can't really fill in your backyard um and you raise that bulkhead um and you have a boat with um on the other side uh you propose that we have to install steps now to get to so you're saying you're saying under a theoretical situation where you're raising your bulkhead so you would hire your engineer to deal with how you would make that transition all your Casas have to Beed they it off your V there's a lot of trickle effect to this oh absolutely 100% anybody else any other questions yeah uh Kevin Malloy is my name and we are on the bay at Palm Road and we like I think just about everyone else along the day that I'm aware of who have existing properties not recent Construction have a pier that goes out to their floating docks whatever those peers are all of course built on the height of Bulkhead but peers can't be raised peers can only be destroyed and rebuilt because they're built on pilings that have been loed at a certain height that were shot at the level of the vad so if one raises one's bulkhead the only thing you can do is start all over again with the brand new pier all new pilings all new framing decking Etc and that doesn't even address what you have to do on the house so you could install steps you can talk to an engineer and a contractor about trying to extend those piling up depend it depends on how high you have to go well 30 in position so you could do steps for repl appear exactly and the ground based te on the land side of the pus poten yes y I know okay any more questions anybody on the conference line have any questions on the presentation okay so just a wrapping this up just a couple quick uh quick comments so uh this pack that you just that the presentation you just saw um don't be surprised if you get the same presentation in the mail we just want to make sure that um all of our uh I'm going to put it on the website tomorrow okay it's also you're they're going to get a letter the general letter is the general letter is going to go out to everyone uh advising of the project um to all the property owners on Park and Lake just so that they're aware the individuals that have I'll call RightWay issues uh they'll be noticed uh uh directly as well by certified male and those are those are um identifying the rways that have improvements that weren't put in by the bur for example papers and traving slate and things that weren't supposed to be there uh but we going to do the project they're all they're going to it's going to get put back in with concrete so those details and any any easement or RightWay issues that may have to be addressed between the bur and the property owner that'll be uh addressed that you know between our legal counsel and the engineering uh Engineering in the burrow uh to make sure that everybody has an understanding as to what's what's going back um I heard a lot of discussion on the bulkhead so I just want to make sure that everyone keeps this in mind is that the Burrow's bulkheads I'm talking the southern end of the of of the park bouevard from from Astra South um those buhe heads are are there's three of them right there was the original one that was put in there was another one put in behind it and then there's another one put in behind it that infrastructure is old it needs to be replaced so it's not this is not something that the bur wild press said hey let's just raise the bulkheads 8T if we touch the bulkhead we have to get it up to the 8 ft that's a federal mandate that's that's that's what the feds want that's not what Wildwood Crest wants that's what the feds want and as we're dealing with flood insurance and and and and ratings and so forth and that's the stuff that we have to look at because they want to see every it's not just wild crft it's hard it's Avalon it's all Coastal environments that have Bayfront so um I want to make sure that we we we keep keep our eye on the ball um and lastly I learned one thing I'm going to this is this is a trivia question so what is so what what is another name for water seeks its own level who was paying attention to the presentation all right that's good that's good congratulations all right so if you have any more questions we're going to again this is uh still it's still some Wheels in Mo motion some balls in the air um we wanted to have this public meeting we've had other public meetings in the past um and from those other public meetings it was very clearly made to us that hey the burrow my bulkhead personally is not a problem we'd like to see the burrow address its vows and the bulkheads first before you start mandating what happens on the private property so we did we did uh pass the ordinance but there's no mandate in the ordinance so um I think I'm safe to say You' got some time before that even comes down the road this is only 2024 I think we have Mark correct me if I'm wrong no later than 2050 to put something like that in so just I just want everybody to be I won't be in De I won't be here there is there is a mandate if you make substantial Improvement right well that that part of it is yes I'm yes I'm I'm talking about if you don't make in substantial improvements you're C okay all right any other last minute questions all right Mr DeBlasio Mr ABS thank you and if anybody wants to leave the meeting uh after this presentation you're more than welcome you have further questions please feel free to give engineering a call we'll get it addressed we'll take a three minute recess and we'll clear the room and anybody wants to go