to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all here Mr Franco I'm here and Mr Caba I am here sound check good all right in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the bulleon board here in burrow Hall and by mailing and emailing same to the heral of Kate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door that you came in our front left your back right or your front left our front right just by the American flag um this being this meeting is being shown live here today on the Burrow's Facebook page at and the YouTube channel uh if you want to call in and and ask a public question you can use the dial in conference line that number is 888 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 F by the pound or the hashtag if you watch the recorded version of this meeting and you have uh questions and we'd like to make a statement you're more than welcome to email our clerk at Clerk or phone her at 69729 804 speaking of our clerk Madam clerk I believe we have two ordinances yes sir the first is ordinance 1422 and it reads us follows an ordinance of the burrow of Commissioners of the B of w Crest amending the code of The Bu of w Crest to repeal chapter 36 flood prevention of the code of the B of wilda Crest and to adopt a new chapter 36 entitled flood plane management regulations to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for severability and an effective date motions that ordinance number 1422 be passed on first reading advertised according to law B brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on February 21st 2024 at 5:00 p.m. second has been moved in second that ordinance number 1422 be passed on first reading advertis according to law be brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on February 21st 2024 at 5: p.m. roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is ordinance 1423 and it reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 85 of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest entitled Land Development article 18 section 85-1 139 fees approving and and confirming rates and fees for guarantees inspections and off trck improvements motions at ordinance number 1423 be passed on first reading advertised according to law be brought up for second and final reading on public heent on February 21st 2024 at 5 PM second that Mr Mayor you want me to read that oh yeah M and seconded that ordinance number 1423 be passed on SEC first reading and adverti according to law be brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on February 21st 2024 at 5: p.m. roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have the resolutions the first is authorizing a licensing agreement between the burrow of Wildwood Crest and the dolphin swim club for the use of the Joseph Von Savage pool I will second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted Ru call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing burrow engineer work for municipal tier a storm water grant program application and stormwater GIS mapping services at the not to exceed sum of 25,000 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase pool system upgrades and service contract under the ESC NJ cooperative purchasing program for the public works department motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase one double-sided sign with electronic message center for Emergency Medical Services building under the hunterton County cooperative purchasing program all motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr ship yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing Award of the tennis court shade structure installation contract to Fred M shyon Construction Inc at the not to exceed sum of $42,900 I'll motion that second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing Award of contract for the Beach Street end Public Access improvements phas three motion it second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing um the sale of surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website all motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing a service agreement with msar for 2024 EMS full service rate card rates and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement on motion that second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba God bless you yes thank you next is authorizing expenditure to purchase lumber from Home Depot under State contract number 18- Fleet d234 for Beach walkways motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing Award of contract to Lew environmental services for Onsite lead-based paint inspections motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes lastly is approving annual sewer rates and minimum charges for calendar year 2024 motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes than you're welcome okay uh correspondence nothing listed but brings us to our first round of public comments uh if you have a public comment please come on up to the podium all we need is your name we do not need your address we'll start with anybody here in the audience Marie sir good morning morning morning my name is Jack oan see I reside at 100 East Avenue don't need that and I'm here to discuss a matter that's important to me and I hope it's important to you as well and that involves taking care of people with special needs during times of emergency I think most of us were here during the power outage in Late July or August when the power went out for about two or three hours in wild in the Wild Island my wife is in oxygen 247 and as soon as the power went out we lost power and she lost her ability to take in any Oxygen so we had to resort to a portable machine that last as long as the battery last and that's maybe four to six hours now we got down about hour and a half when we decided hey what are we going to do so the only recourse we had at that time was to take the portable machine into the car and plug a jack into the cigarette lighter to provide emergency oxygen as she required it now I'm not really here for myself because we have several options at the time I have a son who was in Avalon at the time and their power did not go out and I could also could have driven to Cape Regional hospital but I'm here to talk about the people who don't have that option what what would they do if they were in my w situation with an hour and a half left on that portable machine and once she ran out of oxygen she was in deep trouble because she would be short of breath and actually gasping for air and that occurs even when we're out of power for maybe five minutes or so due to a kink in the tubing in the house so like I said what I would like maybe to happen is a registry of be established of people that have special needs that are living in a room with with not with not the resources that I have that they don't have the ability to take care of themselves and maybe a special task force be set up to make sure that when emergency exists that these people are contacted and told what to do it's important to me and I think you know it's just my S life and I think it's just an important thing that I would like you people to consider thank you you're you're you're bringing up a a very important situation for the community uh we have our head of the EMS here Mr uh Bill Crips I think he can address that for you to tell you what to do and I think your idea to create a list of people that we could call or see how they're doing a wellness check I know our police department has that already I think the chief could probably address that also but I did want you to let you know that we do have areas that you can go to right here in the town one of them is the fire department they have a generator that works all the time you could go there and charge up uh and also uh EMS has a generator in their building that you could do the same thing that's the one that's all the way down by uh Washington Avenue I'm not sure if you ever saw that building there I I appreciate that because when we left the hospital we were told to notify the burrow as well as the fire department M as to the fact that we had oxygen in the house just to make sure that when they came in the house that they knew that there was a possibility of accelerating the fire due to the oxygen being there I visited the firehouse there's no one there at Washington Avenue I went to the Firehouse up on Rambler Avenue there was nobody there so I went to the burrow office here and spoke to a very nice woman who took my name and told me that she would notify the notify the fire department as this situation at our house and she was kind enough to call me the following day and tell me that she had notified the fire department of our situation and that it was taken care of so I was very thankful for that happening so one of the things that I just wanted to help you with that RMS is 247 there's always somebody there unless they're out on a run that would be a situation that there would be there wouldn't be anybody there but they always come back home now the fire department's different because they're volunteer so you're not going to catch them there all the time but lucky enough uh Mr Crips in the back right there he is also a part of the fire department so I think we can handle the needs that you're talking about pretty sufficiently and help you out I'd like you to talk with him after the meeting if you wouldn't mind thank you very much thank you for your concerns okay anybody else okay uh we'll wrap up uh sorry anybody on the conference line have any public comments okay uh moving on to new business under the discussion uh we uh were provided with a draft of the uh EV ordinance um didn't know if anybody has any questions if not uh it's pretty pretty self-explanatory um we could move to have uh our clerk put that on for introduction at the next meeting anybody have any comments or questions or any questions from a legal perspective for Mr gunis I don't commissioner I'm good thanks February 21st 21st we'll list that one up um lot at Rosemary and C VI so just to bring everybody up to speed so we've received uh I guess a concern or request um there's some new construction going on uh at this particular uh location uh the the lot is in is in need of some uh cleaning up not going to not going to hide that um but at the end of the day it's going to cost money so the idea so residential houses are going it's all around residential we had we had discussed and had actually went out the bid before and I don't think we received any uh bids on it so I guess I raised the question is is as we're considering having to clean up the lot and put money out um is it better to sell the lot and allow someone to to put a single family house only on there and perhaps get the tax revenue out of it rather than just having it sit there um it's just basically an empty lot and it's something I wanted to bring up to everybody to to consider so if we're goingon to invest money you know we could have roughly five to6 thousand of local tax revenue coming up if somebody were to build a house there plus the the sale price of that lot or do you want to just keep it and sit on it um and just have it sit there I don't Envision there ever to be a park there it's in a residential neighborhood or anything like that it's been sitting there for quite some time so um governing body just happy to discuss it and put it out there so we know what action that we need to take but we do we are looking at um if we're going to clean it up at least a $6,000 expense to clean that up I have a question it and I can't find it on the State website does there a capital gains tax on Municipal land that's being sold is is tax exempt municipality is not going to pay any income tax um but I can look into it further because that would be if if I'm looking at it on a private it's 15 to 20% we get hit and then if it's it was gifted the property correct it was gifted right so that would add a little bit more since we didn't actually buy it so I'm curious to see how much we would actually get hit on if we sold that property okay assuming assuming that the is I I thought I heard you say that you don't think so there but I'll double check on that if there is I know exempt on a state level capital gains tax on there are you okay with the moving on it I would have to see weigh it out to see how much we actually get hit but if it works out that we don't get hit I would be open to it okay commissioner one of the things that I'd like to see with that property and I think it's a good time to sell because things are still moving pretty good is that we designate that that money that we get to something uh I don't know frantin and I were talking about a little bit but I forget where we could put that but I don't want it to be conceived or looked at from the burrow residents that we're selling it because we need money you know that's one of the things I just I want it to be clear that we're financially stable but it's a good time to sell this property to uh to put us in a better spot so we could designate that Capital to maybe capital u and I have no problem doing that yeah it's a it's a it's an open space lot right now so anything that enhances or preserves open space we could certainly you know dedicate it to something like that that's okay with the governing body yeah just some ideas how about we leave it under their old business for now Trish so you get the U the details on the potential capital gains and then we can discuss it at the next I have one more question about that also uh are we considering going out to like an open bid or or a uh how's that an auction type thing with a minimal you can certainly do that do either or what the other option public auction um it's disposition of public property would be a statute so you do have options on how you want to handle that they take a fee yeah I would well unless we do it in house which we've done we can do it ourselves yeah I prefer doing it in house and not paying a fee yeah I have no idea yeah and that's what we did we did that last time yeah yeah and the other thing that I'd like to just suggest with that property if I could afford it I'd buy it but um you can the uh I'd like to advertise it a little bit better than we did last time I think we just had to sign up we really didn't put too much out there and I think we might be able to create more interest into that property we'd have spent a little bit of money but we could definitely advertise 2 million if you want it thank you that's all I have thanks right anything else joh no I'm good all right uh last one for on discussion ordinance number 1424 chapter 47 pay to park ordinance there was a draft um the buau is is um moving in into the direction of more Park Mobile uh and this ordinance cleans cleans that all up if I'm not mistaken there Mr G it it does matter it brings us into the era of Technology this was based entirely on Queen operated meters so we're putting language in there to um officially recognize the use of uh web- based uh Payment Systems uh there's also a couple sections in here that the Commissioners may want to consider uh we provide for the sale of seasonal permits but we don't have any regulation surrounding them um so it could be left alone or you could consider any further regulations like the transferability of the parking passes a limitation on how many can be purchased by one person or one entity those are some of the types of regulations that you'll see in other municipalities or you could leave it alone or adjust the fee uh and then there's also a time limit that exists for uh metered parking uh which is currently I believe eight hours so that could be looked at as well okay uh assuming Public Safety vetted and everything took a look at everything everybody's good there right as far as I CH on board with it we're good okay s for me to Chief on board that's fine that works all right I'm I would be okay we would list it for uh intro at the next meeting can do there we go with that yes thank you sir all right uh under old business uh just through there quickly I don't believe we have any updates since the last meeting uh concession agreements on hold traffic Hing is on hold back beach excavations on hold dredging anything on dredging um we've gotten a few emails back and forth with um NJ do Scott Douglas they are still in the acquisition phase um the the right of way unit at the state is uh working on the assessed value of property that they're looking at for a CDF um then they will negotiate with the land owner um and other than that that phase two is still moving forward um just waiting on that to get done and phase one which reported on at the last meeting to be complete for us to move on to phase two which will involve laa Crest um and sunset Lake okay you anyone all good Connie's the the dredging expert I heard she's GNA be speaking in Atlantic City is that true she Chang her name to judge dredge you're asked to speak in Atlantic City on dredging yes just recently was asked to do that wow let that run a national right that's a that's awesome all right New Jersey the Avenue infrastructure that's on hold pending some funding to potentially I think on the last meeting Connie reported that uh the county is ready to move forward on that project so we have some work that we need to do on the infrastructure before they start uh Public Works roof uh is now uh falling down in terms of priority so it is now going to be the crest Pier roof and the pool flat roof uh funding is in place for that we're just awaiting for uh it to be awarded at the next meeting February 21st uh Bas side outfalls any new on that Mark pretty much we're the same spot we're still on the design phase we're looking for a spring bid for construction and we did go over uh with got the approval from yourself in a discussion with Connie to uh do some value engineering on the bulkheads which I think is going to say us about two or 3,000 project yeah and the the permits were sent out as well right we s there just waiting on the check the permits have to go with the check today gotcha okay all right that project's moving along Washington SE viw nothing there nothing new there the report we're just waiting to hear back from Mr Roto on that any else uh governing body members do you have anything under open you like to add I'm good thank you sir all right uh public comments go with our last round anybody we'll start here in the audience Marie do you have anything Marie you have anything would love to hear from you it's been a long time welcome back it's all good good all right it's all good all right um line anybody have any uh public comments Harry num will'll move to commissioner comments I'm fine man good good how about you uh well I just wanted to uh to uh remind everybody that uh next Wednesday week from today is Valentine's Day so don't forget your loved ones Perfect all right thank you i' like to thank uh Public Works today for helping us out with uh helping one of our Builders uh move on and keep the uh building moving and that's a beach Patrol building we're starting to see some progress but I want to thank public works for helping us out that's all I have okay motion to adjourn I'll do that motion can I get a second all in favor I 954