##VIDEO ID:oqLdAMVVyfY## indivisible with liy and Justice roll call Mr shiff here Mr Franco here and Mr CA I am here compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 and those requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the bolon board here in burrow Hall and by mailing and emailing St to the heral of C County on October 4th 2023 and the president Atlantic C or December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door you came in our front left your back right or just by the door just by the American flag um couple quick announcements this meeting is being shown live here today want to do a quick soundrack Vicki how we sounding back there pretty good good all right so we are we are live streaming this meeting uh on the bur's Facebook page and also on the bur's YouTube channel uh if you want to make a public comment and you're want to call in remotely conference line that sits up here on the DI that number Access is 888 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag if you happen to watch the recorded version of this meeting and you want to make a comment ask a question you're more than welcome to email our clerk at Clerk atr.org or phone her at 69729 804 40 m clerk I believe you have a couple ordinances here yes sir the first is ordinance 1441 regarding rates and fees for the Junior Lifeguards motion that ordinance number 1441 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second has been moved in second that ordinance number 1441 be placed on second and final reading by tile roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1441 reads as follows an ordinance resending ordinance number 1440 and amending and supplementing chapter 32A entitled fees section 32 A-1 fees general of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion that a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1441 I'll second it is mooved in second that a public hearing on ordinance number 1441 now be held roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes floor is open with for any public comment with reference to ordinance number 1441 anybody here in the audience on the count and when you make a public comment uh you have 5 minutes to make a public comment but we do not need your address we just need your name anyway all right we're going to go to the conference line is there anybody on the conference line that has uh public comment on ordinance number 1441 hearing none motion that a public hearing on ordinance number 4 1441 now be closed second it's been moved and seconded that the public hearing on ordinance number 1441 now be closed roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that ordinance number 1441 be passed in second H rating and advertis according to law second that is been moved in second that ordinance number 1441 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabara yes next we have ordinance 1442 and it's a reintroduction and it reads as follows an ordinance of the buau of Wildwood Crest amending and supplementing the Land Development ordinance of the burrow of Wildwood Crest chapter 85 section 85-1 definitions Article 4 R-1 low density residential Zone section 85281 a semi low density residential Zone section 853 2 area and bulk regulations article 7 r-2 two family residential Zone section 85- 40 area and bulk regulations Section 85-69 Landscaping in all zones section 85 to 92 Lots motion that ordinance number 1442 be passed on first reading advertised according to law regard for second and final reading public he January 2nd 2025 at 9:30 a.m. second is the been moved in second and then ordinance number 1442 be passed on first reading advertised according to law be brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on January 2nd 2025 at 9:30 a.m. roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have ordinance 1443 regarding sidewalks and it reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 63 sidewalks curbs and Alleyways of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest to require certain perious materials between the curb and the outbound edge of the sidewalk motion that ordinance number 1443 be passed on first reading advertised according to law we brought up for second final reading to public hearing on January 2nd 2025 at 9:30 a.m. second it has been moved in second that ordance number 1443 you passed on first reading advertis according to all be brought up for a second and final reading in public hearing on January 2nd 2025 at 9:30 a roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have the resolutions the first is authorizing the appointment of Patricia a fex as fund commissioner and Victoria L Mason as alternate fund commissioner for the Atlantic County Municipal joint Insurance Fund I'll motion I will second is been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is amending resolution 2449 Which authorized a Professional Services contract with Michael a jinc of sarinsky hollenbach as special counsel for co- related matters for calendar year 2024 to now reflect Michael a Jed zeniac of Hill wallik from December 5th 2024 through December 31st 2024 on motion I have a second is been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr C yes next is authorizing the reappointments of Jason Hesley Jamie Peterson and Steven Delonte as members of the Wildwood Crest Heather Road fishing peer advisory committee for a 2-year term commencing January 1 2025 and expiring December 31st 2026 on motion that was second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the reappointments of Colleen Ferraro Linda enfs Carmen cassella krie molski and the appointment of Patty McQueen as members of the Creative Arts Council for a 2-year term commencing January 1 2025 and and expiring December 31st 2026 second he been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the reappointment of Brian meler as Class 2 member of the Wildwood Crest planning board for a one year term commencing January 1 2025 and expiring December 31st 2025 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes excuse me in the next four by consent agenda the first is authorizing the refund of EMS overpayment made payable to Kenneth Ford in the amount of $158 the second is made payable to Lisa elki in the amount of $990 the third is to Katherine costabile in the amount of $327 74 and the last is made payable to e Katarina Giani in the amount of $513 on motion by consensus I second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is confirming the appointment of the appointing authority for the burough WWA Crest and authorized signers motion second has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the appointment of Joseph Franco as the burough W Crest representative to the K May County Animal Shelter Advisory Board I'll motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco stay Mr Caba uh yes next next is authorizing appointment of a municipal housing lead Aon I'll motion it second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco St and Mr Caba yes next is designating Francine B Springer as public agency compliance officer for 2025 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the reappointments of Joanna lasv and Thomas anram as members of the tourism development commission commencing immediately and expiring December 31st 2026 I'll motion it second is the seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing reappointment of Brian vasty to the recreation commission for a three-year term expiring December 31st 2027 motion second he been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adoped Ed roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco Mr Caba yes next is authorizing burrow engineer work order for the construction phase for fiscal year 2024 NJ do Municipal aid for reconstruction of Toledo Avenue at the not to exceed sum of 95,000 motion second has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes Nexus authorizing Award of the emergency medical billing contract 2025 to 2026 motion second has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes lastly is authorizing participation in the Kate May County Hazard mitigation plan motion second it is Mo moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted you I'll second that it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes sure okay uh brings us up to our Public Safety reports uh liant morning everyone morning um just going to highlight a few um points from the report to the director of Public Safety for the month of November uh during the month of November uh officers from M CR Police Department responded to 1,20 calls for service they conducted 40 criminal investigations 171 service calls 152 traffic related calls including 87 motor vehicle stops they conducted 296 property checks and over 268 hours of training they also processed five adult AR uh during the month of November um I'd also like to uh bring to the The public's attention just uh we are in the process right now of participating in the drives over or get pulled over enforcement campaign um that runs until January 1st and again we encourage everyone to be safe around the holiday parties make sure that we have a designated driver we're using another way to get home um so we don't have uh drinking and driving um and then just good and Welfare just want to bring uh two things to the Public's attention as well on the government body um members of the police department um participated in no shade November um we were able to raise $2,600 um that will be donated through the Police Officers Association to a local cause um and we also participated in shop with the cop um that was a program that was run through the county and in participation with the No Limits Academy um and that pretty much paired local officers with local youth um they had games and events um lunch and then also uh shopping with the officers it was a good event that was uh attended by Chief Lloyd and several members of the police department um KS certainly had a very good day that is my report the government body unless anyone has any questions I see we're still celebrating No Shave November and December we do we carry it on it take me my whole life to get thank you can I ask a question sure Lisa woss yes do you have a panic button in your um in your uh police station over there a panic button of any sort in terms of right right public or for the officers uh for the public a panic button inside your um just as you walk in your door there in the lobby yeah no ma'am there's a phone that you can call for no Panic Button no but if there is a phone that connects you directly to dispatch thank you all right anything else thank you thanks thank you thank you all right next report is going to be from our uh OEM and EMS supervisor Crips morning all everybody I'll start off with the volunte fire company report uh total Pooler service were 20 uh one fire one assist EMS two hazardous conditions one good intent and 15 alarm calls uh for the EMS we our calls of service were 54 for the month of November uh 23 were transported six refusals six Public Safety assists uh 19 fire calls and mutual given uh three to Wood one to North Wood and two to lower Township which covers Diamond Beach as well as anywhere else in L Township and uh highlight for us was that uh we thank Laura Farrell uh who had a connection with our local uh ARP reps uh we had a meeting and we discussed uh file Life program so we had a great opportunity to meet folks there I did not get inducted as I thought I was so it's kind of a little s sobering but um no but we uh it was a great event uh we have three more gents thanks to that so thanks to L for allowing us the opportunity to have that contact to get us in there with them and then office of emergency management uh we're currently working uh with the K County Office of Emergency Management and I which is the third party group to review and update our Mercy operation plan which gets done every 5 years this say is condensed into 2 years uh the state of New Jersey uh has received a grant and now we are uh all municipalities as well as County uh get this third party come in and help us evaluate and update our eops which i s up to everybody long document sorry I couldn't send it just in parts but I did um so that's working to that and uh they all get back uh I'm working towards uh our emaa grant which is Emergency Management agency assistance grant that's for anything that we need um the only downfall is that the state of New Jersey has now lowered up to 118 I talk the now we're down to 118 uh communities that can get it so it's very very very tight but we're going to do ourselves uh we have some improvement uh within our town but that's just the updates and 2025 Deputy uh eem gr and I will begin the process of development tabletop exercises as part of that so we get with police fire Public Works governing body and we go from there uh and then again training in 2025 will uh commence with uh governing body Administration and what not bring us all to speed uh and update that and that is all I have thank you sir sorry for that very long any questions for Christmas okay next report uh from our construction official Mr Rick Allen all right first I want to um thank mayor and commission for approving the Reconstruction of the construction office as we've made some changes as of January 1st um in the past try to keep it short here in the past a burrow had had a third party agency that uh helped us with our inspection process in which the buau would have to add an U you know split the cost of the permit fee using 100 for an example if a permit was $100 the burrow would get 20% and 80% would go to third party and then the burrow would have to put an administrative fee on top of that to um for operating expense and salary for the office we've changed that out in construction there's five disciplines building fire protection Mechanical plumbing and electrical so out of those five disciplines the burrow now currently employees inhouse staff to take on those responsibilities build building fire and mechanic uh this last year with the those three disciplines the uh fees collected which fund the office the permit fees actually fund the office and operating expense for salaries with Construction office last year 166,50 192 was brought in for building fire and mechanical the burrow only would get 20% of this which is 33,000 and put an administrative fee on on top of that 50% of 103,000 bringing that to 137,000 with doing it inhouse we've taken that administrative fee out which saves the residents basically were permit applicants $3,939 would have been saved this year by doing that in house saving that and keeping everything inhouse the burrow is keeping 800,000 $283 for our office and salary expense and save the residents $3,939 based on some facts and figures from last year we um I want to also thank the CFO for helping me with some of these numbers and I ALS the burrow also had a current employee that worked in a different department that obtained lure was able to come and work in our department and with his salary and some increase of yours truly taking on the building and mechanical we were still able to keep 88,000 $283 above what we would have made and I did an example if we would have gone third party with the administrative fee which cost the residents more we still would be ahead by 13,1 121 the other factor is with having in-house employees it's um I carry three out of the five licenses so we can have an inspection Monday through Friday uh during uh operating hours which in the past we were kind of held to what the schedule was of the third party agency and you know we had to work with their schedule now when someone calls and especially with a lot of out of town residents and Property Owners we can schedule a lot better we can um satisfy the public a little bit more and I you know I also want to thank my technical assistant Pam who does a really nice job and without her a lot of this wouldn't be possible and she also not only assists me with construction but does a lot of other stuff for the burrow um and the bar Barrow utilizes you know its employees to the fullest extent I believe with having uh multiple responsibilities which helps keep cost serve the public better so that's that's where we are and we hope to continue further and uh I also want to thank con for working together and I wish her the best you if anybody has any questions um or any questions about zoning construction flood plane management feel free to reach out to our office we're there Monday through Friday all right next report uh tax office report all right how about the purchasing off all right we uh have a motion here for our report motion to all reports received from the court administrator Chief fin Financial Officer tax color chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the W credit volunteer F company chief for the month ending November 30th 2024 be accepted as present second it it has been moved and seconded that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the Wild Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending November 30th 2024 be accepted as presented roll call Mr ship yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all minutes from the commission meetings dated November 20th 2024 and December 4th 2024 being approved as presented second it has been moved and seconded that all minutes from the commission meetings dated November 20th and December 4th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr shiff yes Mr frankco yes Mr cab yes okay we're back to some more reports we do a lot of reports lot reporting going on here all right so Constance this is your uh I guess your last official administrators report forever yes sir all right well let's make it a good one yeah I I'll keep it brief the Herford Inlet to Kate May Inlet um Beach Dune and dune construction project comments were provided to the njd Department of Coastal Engineering regarding the 95% plans which do reside here in the conference room for everybody we do have a large shale scale set of plans for review uh discussions are ongoing with the njd and United States Army Corps regarding this project there is much more to come the New Jersey Avenue project the tailor Design Group is producing uh final drawings for the burrow that will be published along with an informational piece uh that is being produced by Triad also the uh County engineer Bob Church continues to work with tnm Associates on the road diet plan and submitt to the state and federal governments which are required the sewer infrastructure work on New Jersey Avenue is expected to commence in the upcoming year in advance of the County's road diet project Sunset Lake and uh State Channel Dr ding phase two I have briefed The Dredge committee on the New Jersey Dot's progress on phase two of that state Channel dredging project during our meeting on December 12th they expressed to commissioner Franco and I that they would like the governing body to once again consider moving forward with their request to have a majority of sunset Lake dredged in addition to what the state project will be I have recommended that they place this request in writing to you for consideration cfer applications uh Pete Max has been contracted to create a plan to reconstruct and replant the Disturbed Dune area adjacent to the beach Patrol headquarters once that plan is completed it will be necessary to prepare bid documents for this project which has to be uh completed in Spring of 2025 for the D the Bayside Pump Station flood mitigation project South state has commenced work they have 4177 days to complete this project and the notice um to proceed was issued on September 9th um so they have 14 17 days from that date due to manufacturing lead times of the valves uh that's approximately 7 months those streets that are receiving only valves um will be completed later in the portion of this project our FEMA application for this project has been identified for further review uh once our New Jersey state OEM um proceeds with that we expect to hear back sometime in the spring of 2025 on our success with that the project cost is $1,559 five million and the local cost share would be approximately 3 million this project includes two pump stations and necessary connective piping work which would be be done in a second phase um in that phase we have also requested $4 million in congressionally directed spending for this project and we are um very optimistic that we will receive that funding that's through commission that's through Congressman van Drew's office for the Washington Avenue flood mitigation project we also requested $4 million this time from Senator Booker's office and we are um also again very optimistic that we will receive that in addition to the um portion that FEMA will be covering for this project this is a $12.6 million project and involves a pump station um which which will allow uh alleviation of flood uh issues that we have in the Washington um Washington Avenue flood area there's a large area that um is low and floods frequently so we should hear back again it's 18 to 24 months from the time that we put the application in again you should be hearing about that in the spring of this year fiscal year 2023 small cities Ada um contractors are currently working in our bathrooms um they are keeping a very tidy construction space um they're they're doing a great job thus far we're very proud of our work with cpri construction on this project demo has occurred um and we will have new bathrooms in a couple of months there's a temporary bathroom out front during this construction we did get $342,000 in Ada money for this project um and finally I just want to take this opportunity to thank the governing body my fellow employees and taxpayers for allowing me the privilege of working here um in the crest it's a fine Community I'm very proud to work here been here eight years and it's been a blessing um I will truly miss being part of such a wonderful community and I will miss you all um thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything and I will be leaving in January and wish you all the best thank you thank you um I think we have something for Connie yes right there I is in here flowers are and I can't take the credit for this I think it was fanc idea to do all this but uh I think it's safe to say that uh so I've been here for a while uh worked with a lot of different administrators I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart she's best sorry you see go it'll be uh hard shoes to fill so um you I look back over over all the projects that we were able to accomplish uh I look back in on just general policy you know when you when you hear the title administrator it's a job that you interface with a lot of employees a lot of department heads a lot of public you can't make everybody happy and it's that's not her job her job is to protect the taxpayers and to protect and follow the ordinances and the laws at the state of New Jersey United States of America and just this little small mun ality of Wild Crest um put forth so um I can say that I'm going to miss Connie I I'm I'm not looking forward to hiring or for another administrator or kind of get used to you know you have a relationship and you know you have a Vibe and a Synergy and you know it's not going to it's not going to be easy to replace so um these flowers are from the all the municipal staff I believe correct uh so Francine Trish and everybody help thank put this together come down and present this to you and you may be G temporarily but not forever you're my favor loss I've ever had thank you okay Mark you got to follow that up I'm G to break that up for a second because I do want to I do want to I do want to comment on at least one or two of what was in uh Connie's last administrative report uh so with respect to the with respect to the uh Army for D do program uh there was a meeting on Monday uh that we had attended at the convention center we met with uh commissioner uh some some of the Army Corps Representatives as well as a d commissioner uh the burrow has taken an opposing position to the project uh we formally put them on notice subject to a meeting with them in January so that's where it stands uh right now uh there was also that meeting on Monday with respect to the the real uh act or the NJ act uh if you're not following that law it's a executive order that's coming down from Governor Murphy that basically said hey all you know properties that are in these floods different flood mitigation risk zones are going to have to be raised about 5 ft so there there were some concerns countywide that were expressed to the state of State did send down Vince Mazi and commissioner lat to meet with all the Mayors and and some of their Professionals in in the county uh talk about that you're still reviewing all the public comments uh I expect some some changes I'm not going to say a lot a lot of surpris some more clarifications in the executive order that will need to be uh spelled out a little bit more because there's still a lot of questions on that so that's kind of wait for there's more more information to come a Connie mentioned about the sunset L uh dredging uh I did hear uh you say that there's going to be a request for Sunset lake so I I just need to get my hands around I guess at some point someone needs to formally make a presentation like cost and tress property and and all that good stuff so I don't I've been following it but I haven't had my hands on true so uh all right now we are ready for the engineers report Mr Mayor I just wanted to add that the Harford Inlet uh the 95% plans they're online on our burrow web page so people can look at them at your leisure they're on the front page okay thank you all right Mr GL you're right it's a tough fact to follow so let give a shot here um so my report this month is actually our ND year report which I provided to the uh to the burrow on Monday and I'm going to read that into a record I'm going to try to paraphrase it to keep it brief we are pleased to provide our 2024 yearend summary regarding our services that we provided to the burough wood crust throughout the year our team of professionals have strived to provide the highest level of expertise and quality services you expected when you engaged as your missor all the professionals at our firm have enjoyed working with the administration the governing body your employees and constituents we hope we have exceeded your expectations to better serve you we have prepared the summary of services that we have provided through Monday uh our office has completed review of 21 land use board projects reviewed process and inspected 55 Street openings reviewed process and inspected eight sanitary sewer applications reviewed process and inspected two sewer emergency projects reviewed processed and inspected two bulkhead projects and provided project management Engineering Services utility engineering construction observation on 15 capital projects we also worked on eight Grant and Loan initiatives that yielded uh approximately $4.6 million in Grants this year which the big one being the New Jersey I bank which is a $3 million uh we have successfully managed nine active construction projects on behalf of the burrow with a total construction cost of approximately $11 million to date we have effectively managed those projects all those projects have progressed on time and within budget additionally please note that the other significant items that we have pursued on behalf of the bur for this year are we assisted the burrow in securing a almost $1.1 million Grant from the njdca for the crest fishing pier we completed the crest Arts Pavilion site work Beach Street end phases 2 and three before summer 2024 on a very tight time frame those facilities were open and available to the public for the summer season we uh assisted the burrow and and narrowly avoided a major problem with the Park Boulevard sanitary sewer uh emergency as you remember we had rags and all kinds of goodies found in that plate that was backing up down there we got we were able to get that done uh without any problems initiated and secured the New Jersey I Bank grant funding for approximately $3 million of grant money for roadway and sanitary sewer improvements and um two more items here successfully designed bid and awarded the $5.3 million contract to South State for the flood mitigation along the Bayside which is now in construction that Connie had mentioned and lastly which is um was good to end the year on this and very exciting uh completed and assisted the BAU with two FEMA Grant applications for the Washington Avenue and Bayside flood mitigation projects those projects have cut the mustard they're in for final review the grant amounts for both of those projects that are being considered which I think we're in a really good spot is 12.7 and $9.5 million respectively um lastly we're able to we were available to answer your questions and work with your consistents and we were uh very uh honored to work for you this year that's our report I guess you want to be H for next year nicely done mark thank you thank you sir all right let's bring it up to new business nothing listed we're going to go right to Old business uh bicycle safety bike path anything on that commissioner no sir all right uh 250th birthday committee we're take still taking uh good news is we have a whole year plan for it so uh still taking uh uh volunteer applications uh Municipal app tourism building Historical Museum all budgetary items and planning items for 2025 uh proposed amendment to chapter 79 timel I believe a draft was circulated to uh the government body for any final comments I have uh Trish had one out I haven't had a chance to R it uh concession agreement Hotel Z be chairs is on hold uh traffic calming is also on hold back Beach excavation again that's tied directly to this Army Corps D Dune project uh dring uh con already stood to New Jersey Avenue infrastructure pre County that's a a capital bonding uh matter which we need to start preparing for for 2025 in anticipation of the county doing their project in 2026 uh Washington C VI I'm sorry Public Works roof is still under construction Washington C Beach fall Beach outfalls and capacity Mr deasio covered that in the report Mr deasio just a quick question if I heard your math or if I heard your numbers I did the math correctly is that $21 million potentially 21 yeah 21 million for two projects for two projects yeah all right plus $8 million in Congressional funding right yes plus 8 million four four from each okay possibly okay so all you all you spouters out there that uh take shots that uh spending money and so forth that's also be aware of that the uh the amount of amount of grant that this municipality brings in I'm telling you we probably Franc if we get that that's close to $100 million I'd say in the last six years four six years that's good stuff yeah so okay um that brings us two public comments so um we'll start with anybody here in the audience we're just going to come up to the podium I just need your name do not need your address feel free to ask your question and keep it under five minutes please morning everyone um I'm Veronica straga and this is Jen straga with straga Brothers we are the contractors for the beach Patrol that wrapped up early this fall we are here because our final payment application was not approved to make this meeting um we've been trying to close out this project before the year is over so it is not dragged into another calendar year part of this process is to agree on the final contract cost amount which includes change orders credits and allowance deductions in June we provided a change order to install electrical service in a new location due due to a conflict with the ad Ram this included credits for the omitted contract work our change order was denied and stagra strer brothers agreed that the bur electrical contractor could complete the service to the building this prompted resolution that was passed at the August 7th meeting resolution 24244 this Awards an emergency contract for electrical repairs at the beach Patrol to anzelone Electric not only is the wording misleading but it was stated it would not be a change order to the project and will be deducted from our contract prior to the Bur electricals contractor being on site we requested a scope of work um for our review which was never provided the service installation went well and our electrical contractors were back on site to complete their open items as agreed on October 8th we provided a credit for the electrical service work omitted from the contract documents the credit included a breakdown of material labor units and hours this was to be reviewed and the design team must provide us with feedback with the breakdown as well on November 15th we still have not received any sort of breakdown or review of the contract electrical service credit strager Brothers proceeds with close out documents and paperwork we send in our accounting of the final credits and change orders due to obtain the final contract amount for the maintenance Bond and also for the final billing to be approved at the December 4th meeting it wasn't until December 9th of last week that we were provided with their accounting of the final contract number with no explanations of the credits I request again for a breakdown of the electrical service credits on December 10th the design team provides us with three quotes from anelim the design team acknowledged that one of the quotes is for the relocation of service and is not charging straggle Brothers because this was a change to contract the other two quotes are being back charged to our contracts the quotes have no breakdowns no units and contains work performed by our electrical contractor so now we're here because we were strong armed last week to accept credits that had little to no explanation and since we did not accept our payment application is once again delayed we have been transparent and we ask the same from the burrow and design team as this is a public project so why have we not been given a breakdown of the work for Fair assessment in a timely manner we have responded to your most recent comments on Friday afternoon when will you respond respond to ours and why did the buau pay a contractor for work they did not complete okay so I just want to make sure we're we're speaking about a contractual relationship between municipality and contractor right so obviously if there's issues with payment There's issues with some of the charges and some of some of the details that we're trying to work through so I don't think this I mean the municipality's already paid well over $2 million on this project so I don't think there's nothing the buau is is looking to hold back intentionally so I think that there's some details that we're still working through um I think your questions will will it will be answered um as as we get the information I just there's a process and the process is and as I think I indicated in my email I think the burough just wants to make sure that as as it wraps up the final details in this project the accounting is correct everything is moving the way they should be moving and everybody's you know paid for the contract now there's going to be some disputes along the way maybe there's routes of the disputes we're going to have to take I don't know I'm hoping not I think that I think the burrow with with ongoing dialog and conversation I think that you can run through but I don't want to be I'm not going to sit here on behalf of the bur or engineer anybody and and start um offering Solutions and answers we don't have them the time to do that is on table everything right and we respect the bur's position to take thorough review of said credits and change orders um but as I stated October 15th we provided our information the quotes from anselone were dated July 26th the work completed was August 1st November 15th we sent her final accounting I respect of course the review you have to do for these taxpayers but if you listen to my timeline and now we're moving into 2025 it's just why is it such a why is there such a gap in time so may it may be help so it sounds like there's just a contract dispute here so and it certainly sounds like the sters want to bring this before the whole commission so um it might be helpful if you could submit it looked like you were reading from the statement prepared but if you could submit that um and then the governing body can consider this they'd have to do so in a closed session um but if you had some specific questions and timelines or what not so if you could submit that and then if they'd like they can go in the Clos session and discuss that or uh go through the normal channels of of the contract and right and we have Thea email that go in ignored via meetings where requests are denied so yes I'm up here and this may not be the exact place to talk this out but again if we're not being met with the same respect in time we wanted to bring it up here because now we have all Commissioners in front of us we can only talk to one at a time um we've been trying to close this out since November 15th was the last of all my paperwork last thing is a maintenance fond I need a final contract number our requests are a breakdown of the quotes units and labors just as we provide it and I don't think it's unreasonable or something that would take over a month to do so understandable if you guys don't want to or can't answer or whatever but this is um where we are with that project okay thank you anybody else Lisa R Wellwood CR um we stopped here since the um last meeting to see um code enforcement and no one was here and so I'm here to address again the issue with Icona and J1 students and I'm not going to stop addressing it until we come to some kind of an agreement on how we're going to make this right or how we're going to um make some kind of restitution for these people and um we have Icona that's getting ready to move into Ocean City and a lot of people don't want them there I was out at the county talking about this since our last meeting as well putting it out there that summer's coming so I asked at the last meeting if there were wasn't a stake statute that should have been written when I reported what I considered to be a humanitarian crisis to the bar which was early summer and I realized that you have since put into uh an ordinance new requirements for rentals but I want to back it up and talk about a state statute that I believe exists and I think code enforcement should know what that is should they not I mean I could be totally wrong but my understanding is there's a state statute that allows for one person 70 square ft of living space in a room and for every additional person 50 square ft these girls were told that they had a contract to put three in a room that might have been legal at $800 a piece which is $2,400 for the month but then they shove six in a room so somebody got money that they shouldn't have gotten and somebody's sponsoring these people aren't they and I want to know who's watching the hen housee in lower Township with Icona and as a community I want these girls to get restitution because they went home broke they paid twice as much as they were told they were supposed to and they got put in a room six to a bedroom you go home tonight and put six people in your bedroom is this how we treat people that come to our country I would like some kind of response on how we make this better and we make this right I would take any comments please all right so I want to go back to the last meeting so when you raised the issue the B did did create an ordinance that gives the the bur the ability to enforce via a Cod a code uh visit to the property or a fire safety visit to the property uh as part of the merant to license process there's a process um after that there's I mean other than if we get a complaint there's nothing the burrow can do if we followed up on it landlord does something inappropriate and people are moving in as a result and and these J1 students my understanding is they have to be sponsored they go through an organization to get here so correct that organization generally interviews or talks to the landlord correct not okay that's right but so the burrow the burrow has no involvement in private property what happens only only in the matter of if there's like I said violations okay let me let me rephrase this let me ask a direct more direct question question is there a state statute Mr shiff is you are you code enforcement I am okay so if I have a parking ticket and it's written out by the police it's written out on a state on a different thing than a parking ticket it's written out it's a state statute is there a state statute in the state of New Jersey that limits the amount of people that are allowed to be yes or no I'm not sure how do you not how are you not sure how are you not sure your code enforcement I reported this in the middle beginning of Summer if it was an issue you should have written them how are you going to keep those people from doing the same thing this is a crisis here in our community but when that lower countship isn't being watched you have a problem and if you don't care about your community and the way that people are being treated just say it or let's get on it let's get on it and make it right there's got to be a way we can do this I'm not aware of there's commissioner there's regulations out there this this commission has done what it can do in the form of putting it in an in ordinance to be enforced for the upcoming I would like to know if there's a state statute I would like an answer to that the next meeting can we do that yeah I think if you I mean yeah we can certainly that that's that's that's a reason I asked to be for it to be reviewed today prior to getting here I asked you I said I would like to talk about it I'd like to talk about the St stat research that that you'd like to do if you think there's no that's not my job that's your job to keep our community clean has done everything to do no so you're telling me there is not a state statute is that what you're telling Mr I'm asking you if there's a state statute somebody in this office should know so so you made your request let us do our due diligence and we'll try to have the answer for you at the next meeting okay no problem but I came in here earlier this week and asked that we discuss that here I'm not I was aware you were asking questions I sent you an email I sent you directly docy yes I did okay I didn't I didn't might maybe I missed it I didn't get the part about there's if there's an ordinance that you want us to look into I I I can show it to you though there is it's an administrative code it's njac 5 col 10-22 point3 and and our housing official is aware of it and our housing official now has the ability to to uphold it through the ordinance that was pass I understand and we'll do so I understand that I'm not talking about in the future I'm talking about what they're doing and what they have done and making restitution to the people that deserve it we make restitution all the time for people are you not going to pay restitution to these people that went home broke the burrow no not the burrow the gentleman who broke the law how about we get him in here how about we bring other people in here to talk about this problem and keep our neighborhood clean and respectable and be decent to people that come to our country thank you okay anybody else good morning my name David Thompson um I would like to take just a moment to Echo what the mayor had said about our administrator Connie after working with Connie for four years as commission last three years on the dredge committee um Connie has done just a fantastic job I don't believe there's anybody in the state that Connie doesn't know anything that came up she knows the right people who to contact and get it done and and she was certainly an asset to this community and we are going to miss I leave Connie to be probably the best administrator in the county so with that I wanted to say thank you for all you've done and we're remission thanks Steve appreciate it anybody else okay so before we I think we have an a closed session uh any other Ane public comments anybody on the conference line have any public comments all right we're going to go right to uh commissioner commas before we entertain the resolution anybody yes uh wishing everybody a happy holiday and I'd like to also uh thank the EMS people biles group for uh decorating a float for the Christmas sprid which I thought really went over well and also by participating in the trunk or treat that wild would had they they were always stepping up to do different things so enjoy the holidays and thank you I just want to Echo what uh the mayor said and also what commissioner Thompson said that uh about Connie um Connie was here for eight years uh gotten to work with her for the last three and um the the professional level of her and the knowledge that she brought to this community um the shows and she did not want any type of credit she's not that type of person in my opinion and I think um we're as a community going to miss her um and uh I wish her nothing but the best moving forward and I hope you don't sit on the sidelines too long because the county and the state needs your voice so congratulations on your retirement and um hope everything is uh good for 2022 thank you Merry Christmas everyone she's too young and retired okay uh so lastly I'll wrap it up my comments uh first and foremost um I won't repeat what I indicated and already said about Connie um we'll stay in touch if we have questions please don't don't hit the delete button when we call nope uh I won we going to have questions as we go forward um to this community I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year uh our reorganizational meeting is on January 2nd right here in this meeting room at 9:30 um hope you all have a great and safe holiday that's the number one um Str will'll get you resolve one way or the other so U other than that I entertain a motion for a Clos session so I'm going to read the resolution it's authorizing executive closed in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act specifically njsa 10 col 4-12 B with regard to employment and the responsibility of Commissioners and duties of the administrator motion I will second has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes we're going to take a 5 minute recess