there are one participants on the call including you you are joining your conference as the host for a menu of available commands press star [Music] pound Vicky can you hear us back there we're good to go morning everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance to of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we call Mr shiff here Mr Franco I'm here and Mr cbera I am here in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the bulleon board in burrow Hall and by mailing an emailing scene to the herald of Kate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door that you came in uh our front left your back right or our front right your front left just by the American flag uh a couple quick announcements this meeting is being shown live here today on the Burrow's uh Facebook page and also the Burrow's YouTube channel uh in the event that you would like to ask a question while we're asking for public comment uh you're going to use the DI and conference line that number is 888 36347 34 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound with the hashtag if you watch the recorded version of this meeting and you have a comment you would like to make or a question You' like to ask you're more than welcome to email our clerk at Clerk or phone her at 69729 84 Madam clerk we have no ordinances on the agenda so I guess we're going to go right to resolutions that's correct the first is authorizing Award of Professional Services contract to colar engineering and design for professional Grant preparation services for the fiscal year 2024 safe roads and streets for all program at the not to exceed sum of 10,000 motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the appointment of Thomas d keywood as judge of the Municipal Court effective date is actually June 15 2024 motion I will second has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase installation of of roofs to burrow building projects numbers 505 8710 505 9725 and 55 9726 contract under escnj Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing refund of property taxes or utilities over payment made payable to C motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing refund of property taxes or utilities over payment made payable to Lisa and Timothy Walsh motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes the next five by consent agenda the first is authorizing refund of beachbox rental fee to John fod in the amount of 48 the next is a beachbox rental fee to Vince and Lisa R voo in the amount of $480 the next is beachbox rental fee to Cheryl Janet Chelli in the amount of $480 the next is refund for peer Playmates camp fee to John and Katarina Holton for $475 for 2024 and lastly is Pier Playmates camp fee to Michelle gathercole for $525 for 2024 I'll motion by consensus I will second been moved in seconded that the forgoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing a contract with kdi for a 36-month lease contract for one copy or printer from July 2024 through June 2027 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chev yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing a contract award for an amateur sand sculpting contest motion second it has been removed and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes lastly authorizing Amendment to the 2024 Municipal budget to account for additional fundings for the fiscal year 20124 clean communities Grant motion I will second it's been moved and second did that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr ship yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it it's been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes okay sure nothing listed under correspondence uh we'll go to our first round of public comments uh before we head into uh some some brief new business discussion items uh public comments anybody here in the audience we'll start with anybody here first all we need is your name come on up to the podium don't everybody rush at one time take your time anybody anybody on the conference line have any public comments okay hearing n we'll move right on to uh new business uh under new business so first one uh so uh newly added Park Mobile sign I believe that's is that's in the works right there's a discussion going on and and some revising of all that we got that uh three bur Lots New Jersey Avenue Park mobile or shortterm so so just to refresh everyone's memory so in the business district uh the the three lots south of the Brandon's pan pancake hous is owned by the burrow um there is the potential of a new business starting on the corner of sweet Brier and New Jersey that may uh as as well as the other businesses uh require potentially the need for taking those lots and allowing parking on them so if we do that um I think that they would need to be um be be at least put down some sort of gravel or stone if that's permissible um the the project for New Jersey Avenue they probably a good two years away at at this point waiting for the we have the infrastructure work to do as well as the county has some planning that they have to do on their end so uh but in the in in the interim is there any potential uh for us to to do that I had sent out an internal note to PD and Public Works uh to coordinate uh potentially putting uh putting some gravel in there in the event that we need it there's a a planning board meeting tonight that if that project gets approved that would potentially require this lot to be stoned I just wanted any concerns questions issues is that a temporary uh thing or everything had to be black top it would it would be temporary until such time as funding would be available when we would do the the project but I I believe that we're able to one our Lots yeah Rock just have an issue with your handicap spot careful can use very good thank you so I guess so I would say pending I would suggest if if if the project is approved tonight uh that we authorize Public Works and PD to to move forward with you know getting getting that lot uh graveled or stoned or clam shelled or something maybe with some parking bumpers I guess the bigger question is is would that be a lot that we would potentially charge for uh Park mobal and so for because we would have to identify that in the in the ordinance or or not maybe maybe we not and come back and address it later that's another that's a conversation that probably needs to be had anyway but I I would suggest we we can probably table that until the next meeting uh but uh and see how the outcome of tonight's planning board meeting does the the the neighborhood have to be notified for that should they be notified for that for the parking lot yes uh they were when we made the acquisition of the Lots they were they were made actually we had a this is going back to pre-co and even just after there were some uh public meetings held where there and there was some discussion actually the the permanent design was revised and tweaked as result of the neighbors um request for the for the park so the basically the parking comes in off of New Jersey Avenue and exes exits off of wiera uh or actually I'm sorry it comes in on wiera and exits off of the comes in on New Jersey and exit off New Jersey as well and andit yes okay I guess things have changed uh because when I was on the uh planning board before 132 years ago I can't remember uh there was the recommendation was not to take any lots for parking uh that probably changed with designs and everything else that happened that's the last time I really talked about parking down there yeah I I'm not I'm not familiar with that I I just know that we had there's there was lots of discussion going on as to how to design that parking lot because actually that was the impetus for the bur to purchase those lots thank you yep all right uh 250th birthday committee so looking ahead so 2026 will would be the country's 250th birthday uh I was thinking that potentially that the burough should appoint uh I mean it sounds like it's a long time away but it's really not but we should maybe appoint a committee that can help put together some nice events uh to celebrate the nation's 250th birthday um I don't know if anyone has any suggestions or we can we don't have to address it at this meeting but least just want to get it out and have everybody thinking about you know putting together a Kenedy so thinking back when the burough turned eared 100 years old that that's how we got the name of Centennial Park and so forth and there was a a lot of different events and uh history shared at that time and I I know this this could be something really special I think we should celebrate the certainly celebrate so I know and again it's sounds like it's a long time away but the planning and the budgeting for that would would needs to happen probably for next year in 2025 so I guess what I would be asking for if maybe just keep this under all business and then we can start gauging ideas or and or maybe some people to kind of spearhead a committee to to work with you to work with Wild Crest to uh get something special put together K corporate donations uh so there's been some requests from business owners to uh sponsor uh certain things and I I'll I'll I'll kind of highlight some of the things um maybe uh uh maybe there's uh the the holiday display lights that we have along the lake front during uh during during the holiday season uh having business sponsors to help purchase those to help keep our cost down I've had some requests for people that would like to sponsor uh maybe an entertainment night at the uh at the centano park you know concerts coordinated through the tourism and Recreation Department um I believe there's Provisions for us to accept said funds I'm not sure that process can somebody kind of maybe somebody can all that but I think going back to when we approved the budget if there's an opportunity uh to maybe offset some of the buroughs cost this might be an opportunity to do so so I didn't know franor con can is anybody got sh any P statute before I can send it out again okay but I didn't know if that was something that's you know I know I know that that's something that um other municipalities do I'm not I mean me personally I'm not looking to commercial Iz the municipality but I do think that there's an opportunity to you know certain expenses and so forth there's opportunity that that the public can enjoy certain events and keep the Burrow's cost down um it may be worth looking at I have a question for you y how would we recognize the uh donations to the PE from the people you have any idea about that no I think we would need to put together first identify what is available for for for corporate donations then figure out if there needs to be um like for example a concert if someone wanted to bring it you know to work with direct rec department and sponsor A Grateful Dead tribute band or something you know it's $1,000 dollar and and Joe shiff and company wants to wants to pay for the Grateful Dead uh concert you know maybe that night you know we can we can say you know this brought to you by Joe cheff and Company you know Cy is them I got the Beatles well the Beatles Tri yeah tribute so th so my point is is that ,000 instead of burrow paying for it a a a a corporate would pay for I'll send actually like that I wouldn't have a yeah I wouldn't have a problem with that okay uh W crft Municipal app so some of this stuff everybody is just stuff I had on my notes and follow up so I just want wanted Le get it to get it on everybody's radar or take it off the radar but a w Crest Municipal app so so the bur has a Facebook page the burough has um YouTube channel as I mentioned earlier in the meeting we have a website uh get a lot of requests people say I never knew you know I didn't know the concert was changed I didn't know that we couldn't go down the street I didn't know because they don't get certain alerts and I didn't know if it made sense uh for the burrow to to have a customized app so that people can get pushed to so if you want to know anything while crash right at your cell phone you just hit the button and everything comes up and then all the things that are things that we need to keep reminding people such as no smoking on the beach maybe there's request for something that they want to if they have a question on something they can there's a there's somewhere they can reach out to uh to a catchall email address so that they can ask a question and we can get back to them but I know there's I know there's been some success in other municipalities that have a a specific uh Municipal app um not trying to Overkill what we have but I just wanted to put it out there and I think the funding for that um could be something again maybe through corporate donations or something someone could pay for it but I know that there's been I know we get a lot of lot of requests um that that come through email that come through or a lot of alerts that need to get out and pushed out to the public that everybody's Gathering of information comes from different sources they may see it on the bur's website they may see it on the Facebook page but not everybody has Facebook um but I think pretty much everyone has a cell phone and much as everybody loves Wild Crest if they had one app they just tap it and it comes right all that information comes right up on their app it might be something um to consider so I don't have all the details I'm just spitball and if you will throw it out there to see if it made any sense we can not do it or we can dive into it get some more details and and uh report back sounds good for me all right um old old tourism building use so hopefully uh we'll be um moving forward at some point with getting our beach Patrol into our new beach Patrol building but the old tourism building is the temporary uh temporary location for the beach Patrol Administration uh to that frees up uh when they do move in there that's going to free up this space and for planning purposes for 2025 uh we need to determine what we want to do with that building and going back to again to the budget when we passed it we the burrow is should continue to search for miscellaneous revenues and I think there's an opportunity here for some sort of lease business out of there the burough could go out to bid for and get some revenues back out on that and we would we may need to renovate that building in the inside of it a little bit to make it happen but I'd rather get it on everyone's agenda now so that if we do the work in house that Public Works can plan for it and we can get ready to get some bid specs together for possibly someone taking it over in 2025 the only thing I'd like to add to that is uh the garage part of the building facing the beach the East part uh we use a storage so but the other part where we work out of right now which is our first aid in Administrative Building that would be the part you're talking about would be excellent yes use yes we can get into the design of but I think the concept is is what used to be the nesb center yes not the storage area but I don't know what I don't know what I was going to hit it for you but I knock you out what the heck it isting get bit up up here must have brought in for my run this morning all right I'm moving over it's SP yeah so uh no but I think yeah so I agree that's that's the area we're talking about the area that um used to be where the where where the I'll call The Visitor Center was and the staff was that could be a least out opportunity for some additional revenues yeah there'd be a building for what we do with the um old library section yes similar to that yes yeah so uh so I guess my my thought would be is it's listed under old business let's think about perhaps what kind of business we would like to see in there but all this is continuing upon how fast we can get each Patrol into their new building so just just keep it keep it on the radar but I just think that we should just get our whe turn I think I don't know I I know that uh there's a hot dog vendor there um the hot dog vendor may very well want to move inside there or maybe maybe a surf camp or whatever there's already some things that are going on there that may want a permanent location as opposed to having portable ones so but I think FBS correct me for wrong all miscellaneous revenues will help the municipality keep things stable all right all right Historical Museum last thing that I had on my chicken scratch notes and they asked Madam clerk to put on the agenda Historical Museum so at the rescue building all of our all the Burrow's historical items are being stored in the south side of that building uh that and it's it's it's all the stuff that used to be in the crest Pier when they had the Historical Museum uh we were planning on having it or some area in the in the uh in the Arts Pavilion but quite frankly we've all been through there I don't think there's enough room in there and it won't work there so the idea came up perhaps uh is that we take that room and make it into a historical area uh and just not to mention there's also the Burrow's uh uh street lights are also being stored in there so um that area could very well be a combination room of a historical a Historical Museum and possibly a training training facility training room I think I think rescue maybe mentioned that they they needed something uh to train people in but um right now it's just it's just a a there's some storage just a storage junk area that I think could have a good purpose and we can and the schools are obviously right there so the historical items in the school coming over to walk through and see some of the history of the crest um would be nice to to be on display right now it's just in a bunch of boxes and I know that a lot of the historians and and the old Historical Society members have been waiting for us to to you know find a home for all that stuff and I thought that would be a good location uh Recreation indicated that they potentially depending on how fast we did this for next year I'm talking about not for this year uh could potentially um determine and figure the Staffing out to at least staff the building but it's not an everyday you know N9 to5 or whatever just it' be it would have limited hours uh but the stuff would be on display and that we continually to get stuff but now we would have a home where we could put stuff and and create something special out of there yeah if you're if we're going to move forward with that idea I'd like to have Billy Crips involved with that any meetings and stuff like that because he lives there that's fine I just want I'm just I'm just talking really just concept now because instead of it being a storage area and stuff being in boxes you could probably into something to be a mixed use yeah kind of like a mixed juice com I'm good good okay all right under old business uh proposed amendment time limit parking so I believe Chief Floyd and sister gunas are working kind of on all all of the all things parking and mobile apps and Ada and and all that good stuff right all right there there's a there's a lot there's a lot to lot to grasp okay um concession agreement hotel that's on hold uh traffic caling is on hold uh although we did just do a grand application uh for some new fixtures uh that round of applications will be decided on in I think it's in August Back Beach excavations on hold pending the Dune project dredging anything Mr Franco no Connie I don't know if anything any updates on that yet I have not the [Music] last and scas a couple weeks ago and we are still on target they're still in the permitting phase they are still going to do phase two which is the state Channel Through L Crest it is sched for next year it's not going to be delayed too much by the drudging that's going on right now in North Wilder but it will be slightly delayed okay uh New Jersey Avenue infrastructure so I know we're moving uh uh closer to that uh but that's not that's a 2025 uh project Public Works through so we just we can take that off but we just uh we just approved the uh authorization to move forward with so that just to go back resolution number resolution number what was it resolution number four three I'm sorry resolution number three so that is the Public Works roof the pickle ball courts roof at the restrooms and the scoop tailor roof all three of those are going to be addressed but they're going public works roof is the is the priority and that may very well happen uh towards the end of August if uh if they can get the materials in in time uh Baseline alol and capacity bhead so Mark uh I think that we all walked away with your meeting your presentation at the last meeting with a first of all a very nice presentation very well done um and I think it answered a lot of questions confirming that are the letters that went out um uh to the public the general letters I'll call it and then I guess the specific letters we're we're we're holding on those at the at the the moment okay um unofficially we got word that the burrow received but it's not it's it's still not 100% final yet but the burrow was as it was approved for 4 4.1 million it went it went through the first phase so Congressman vengers office has been advocating for $4.1 million in a in a special Homeland Security funding for the pump station and that is moving through the process it's got to go through Congress and it's got to go through the Senate so we're also working with Cory Booker's office who's been very helpful and it looks like you know that it's going to proceed through the Senate as well um then it goes into the federal budget and president sign off on so still a few more phases up looking really positive it did make it through that first round which is a really that's good you got Republicans and Democrats working together they're Reaching Across the aisle for our benefit yesterday we didn't catch up but he did talk to me briefly about that announcement nice work nice work Mark all right uh Washington Avenue so we have no final word uh yet on that from our grant writer Mr Ral okay uh we're going to go with our last round we have a close session item so we're going to go with our last round of public comments we'll start with anybody here in the audience anybody on the conference line last round public comments good morning can you hear me yes good morning this my name is Ernie dandro hi Ernie go ahead with your question okay um I guess I was a little bit surprised I unfortunately was unable to attend the last public meeting um I know you switched the agenda around with all good intentions because of the way um that the audience had participated there so I think it was good but it meant that I I couldn't be there in time for that meeting um but I I did want to ask um it looks like U you know a few years ago and I'm I'm talking specifically about the bulkhead orance with uh raising the bulkheads to 8 foot um um the application to private owners okay specifically and two years ago over two years ago you know there was plenty of notice we had a letter that went out to all the residents that in February that announced that there was going to be a a meeting um at Crest Pier on a Saturday um so there was plenty of notice there was um plenty of accommodations for people to attend the meeting and we had a very good discussion on the flood mitigation project and at the end of that meeting right we talked about and I believe M Mr Mayor you know you said hey if we could punt this I would I would want to punt this raising the bulkhead down the road as far as we can even maybe past 2030 right but then something happened in October of 23 this past October something happened where the board without the same kind of notice and without the same kind of discussion um the board or Commissioners you know decided to put the ordinance in place and now I received a letter um specifically um that talks about FEMA guidance and Noah's report um for sea level rise as well as working with the state of New Jersey uh working with the state of New Jersey and that the state and FEMA have outlined methods for mitigating the effects of the coastal storm so very aware of all those things but it's it's really hard as a private citizen to find that information on fba's website of the state's website even on the Burrow's website and I'd be curious to understand what other recommendations has the state made um so first question is what happened in October November that the that that we decided to really was without any public notice right compared to two years ago compared to the two years ago it seems like you know taking advantage of the fall when not a lot of resident or part-time residents like myself are there um right before Thanksgiving that this ordinance was passed without a lot of notice so that's my first question did something happen no so I I want to make sure you understand so the one of the one of the takeaways at that meeting that you referenced at the crest Pier was uh the idea of of pushing off the Mandate if you will for private property owners to raise Theirs to the same eight right so and another takeaway from that was hey while Crest you have your own issues you need to address I.E the valves the bulkheads and the height of the street so we as a municipality uh agreed with from the from the takeaway of that meeting and said okay we are we the burrow are going to raise uh and address and repair the areas the public areas that we need to address first before we mandate anything on the private property owner so the ordinance that you spoke to that was passed um does not have a mandate time frame it just basically says that if you do significant improvements to your to your property in other words roughly 50% of the value you would then need to raise your bu head to the to the a FTS right now there is no time frame uh set as to when a private property owner needs to do that yes thank you for that um I actually am speaking now somehow to the private owners who are making who are making substantial improvements or who are trying to make the crest more beautiful right by purchasing property and raising new structures that all of a sudden we are putting this ordinance on them and it's devaluing the value of our properties on the beach and I know that at the last meeting um we talked about the perfect opportunity to raise your elevation is during a construction right that you would somehow bring in three feet of top soil or fill um to raise your entire structure um to three feet for the bulkhead and these are engineering Solutions these are engineering Solutions but they're not very practical Solutions right because what happens to the neighboring to the neighboring properties that are not at that elevation it's just I'm not asking for um I'm not I'm not saying that it's not the proper and the right thing to do I'm just asking for there being enough public notice and debate around this issue so that we can talk about a comprehensive solution that includes not just prevention of flood but how we prepared for flood and what are the cost benefits of doing all of these things to the private owners the municipality you know when you're fixing the storm drains and the end and and the presentation that was that was done was very informational last last week but there is a picture of what the bulkhead would look like on colum by and Road and if the residents of Wildwood Crest saw that bulkhead I'm guessing that people didn't even know that that was going to happen and walk down from pry to all the way to to Sunset Lake and their morning walk or run will somehow lose that sight of the Back Bay because there's a a bulkhead that is going to prevent that view and somebody will say oh when did that happen when did that ordinance happen right so I mean we could do so much more for the resident even mock up what that bulk head looks like instead of looking at it from a drawing use a piece of plywood whatever it is a couple you know to demonstrate through users to get public new and say this is what we're looking for this is what we're asking for and what does that happen to the to the property owners on each side I just think that we need we need more debate on the on the private properties and we need more information and we just need to have um a more comprehensive study that that looks at the values of the properties and the cost benefit analysis as well as the value of flood you know people have been fighting water since the time of Noah right so what's the best way is to not prevent flooding but to be prepared for flooding raise elevations don't put faes that are not able to get wet on the ground floor these are What the residents are doing along Park Boulevard along Lake Road that you know I don't even know how many insurance claims have been made you know we referenced that 57 times a year the flood you know roughly the waters go over the 6.7 um or they hit 8 foot elevation what happened as a result of that how many how many insurance claims were made how many lives were lost how many you know how much expense did it come to and we don't have any of that information right I happen to live on Lake Road it's a very personal thing obviously as you can tell um my house is elevated I don't put things on the ground floor that can't get wet and if they do I take them outside and I hose them right the water comes in and the water goes out let me interrupt you for one second you did you say you live on Lake Road yes I do okay so there's there's no bulkheads being raised here on this project and the street ends aren't being raised either I understand it's just it vales it's you're you're getting vales I I understand okay I just want to make sure on this on Lake Road on Lake Road on Heather and Lake Road a brand new construction just happened where that person has a new bulkhead that's at 8 foot elevation because he did a substantial Improvement obviously they knocked down that house and if you remember the house on Heather and Lake Road it was worth knocking it down and it made it made the crest more beautiful okay but that person on that on that property did not fight or did not try to mitigate you know or or look for a variance for the bulkhead that person bought that property and you know it's up for rent as as an investment as opposed to people actually live there and deal with that so I'm I'm looking at there are there are properties to the left of me that are for sale where sales are falling through because of the uncertainty around what's going on with the bulkheads there's a house two houses down that wants to make a substantial Improvement that I'm aware of right that he's going to have an extra $120,000 of expense to raise to raise his bul and to what end right so so the question I'm having I'm just saying we need more time for debate to put these issues and costs on the on the table and and discuss them as a whole okay it's from a private private owner standpoint okay so I got go back I'll reiterate so there you there there is no mandate time frame so this year is 2024 um the the FEMA recommendation I believe is 2050 which is 27 years away um I think if if the burrow opts to do you know uh some sort of mandate you know we're certainly listen to any any concerns that any property owners have but again we're working with with with f recommendations and so forth the original intent if you go back to the crest Pier meeting uh was was to move more uh more move the timeline faster to do the Mandate we we opted to go the other way with it and do the public side first and push everything off I don't think there's not going to be there's going to have to be some mandate or or some requirement of property owners to do that cuz the burrow can't raise their bulkheads to the eight without private property property owners doing the same thing otherwise that's going to be the breach in the bulkhead where the water will in fact come over at some point in time so that's that's what so we're addressing our our the burrow public side of it first before we before we put do anything on on the private property side and as with respect to views I I get views views are one thing and and I and I hear that um but as as we're sitting here you know we we constantly have owners that are come to our meetings and say what are we going to do about and stopping the flooding that are not happen that happening all around town right so listen I think everyone understands we live on a Barry Island there's always going to be flooding but there are things that our infrastructure is outdated if you heard the presentation at the last meeting you heard me say that the bulkheads uh that we are replacing are many years old and there's three levels three layers of dilapidated bulkheads behind there the going to replace so if we're going to touch them we need to bring them up to the feema requirements that's the decision that we're making um so but again there's no mandate so I think I think at listen at the end of the day if you have more comments and questions listen just shoot me a note uh we can certainly set up a meeting with uh our engineer and we can kind of talk through all the concerns and the issues but uh the project as far as the the burs project is scheduled to uh to go out the bid here very soon uh and and and construction to start in the fall yeah all right so so Park Boulevard floods when people have their sprinklers on that's how that's how bad storm and and the the roads are okay um we're we're not we're not talking about that and as has been identified the primary reason for the FL is the storm drains and the street levels that that's been documented it it you know by by you know the the engineer okay buhe admittedly are secondary issue right they're the secondary issue and they're primarily responsible for flood prevention right and and I'm just saying we need more debate and I will set up time um with your office I just just don't I know there's a time limit these meetings and you have a Clos session I'm trying to be respectful but I it just feels like it feels like while we had a lot of notice to have the first debate two years ago it feels to me like something was done when no one was around yeah you're using the term debate i' rather use the term uh public notice and and open and transparent discussions yes okay so all right so send me if you don't mind send me that send me that email and we'll get we'll we'll set up a meeting and we can sit down and and and talk through um some of the issues but again I just want to before we before we we leave it uh there is no mandate on the private sector but the public sector uh part of the of the project is moving forward I'm going to respectfully disagree with that like I think we we try to we try to brush it through there's no for private unless you do substantial Improvement and we're trying to encourage investment in the in the we trying to keep our value of our properties people are making Investments and they are doing substantial Improvement yeah just say that ordinance by the way was is that's that's a that's coming down from the state that's that's a requirement from the state that's not something we sat up here and said let's create a ballhead ordinance and we backp and that's that's the information I would like to be shared I don't know where to find that information all right we can we can certainly get that for you but that's it's better I like to I'd like to uh to have a conversation and we can you know have you a more detailed um review of of all what you're bringing up today thank you very much all right thank you anybody else on the conference line have public comments okay hearing none we have a a motion for a I'm sorry we have Mr comments if anybody has any comments I'm okay for today may excuse me and I'm okay as well I have uh just one the beach hours we're going fulltime and it starts this Saturday let everybody know okay all right right 10 to 5:30 all right uh we'll take a three minute let me just read the the resolution sir authorizing executive closed in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act specifically njsa 10 col 412b with regard to contract negotiations motion I'll second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes okay thank you