##VIDEO ID:zKkKKH1Bgt4## oh no did we oh no calling in calling in e e e I PL Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Mr Chef here Mr Franco I'm here Mr cabera I am here in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the Bolton board here in burrow Hall and by mailing an emailing scene to the heral of Cy County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door to our front left your back right or just by the American flag a couple quick announcements we're going to do a quick sound check here Mr kff how we sound we're we are live here on the Burrow's Facebook and the YouTube channel if anybody that's watching remotely uh would like to answer or ask a public question um you're more than welcome to use the DI in conference line that number is 8 88 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag if you watch this recorded version of the meeting and you have questions you're more than welcome to email our clerk at clerk Wildwood crest.org or phone her at 69729 8040 we have no ordinances on the agenda for this evening Madame clerk we may we move right to the resolutions please yes sir the first is authorizing expenditure to purchase one pile high compaction rear loader durac 5000 27 cubic yard eject contract Under The sourcewell Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department a motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes next is authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to void certain checks issued from the burrow dispersement account motion that second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing refund of property taxes or utilities over payment made payable to core logic motion second has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing Amendment to the 2024 Municipal budget to account for additional funding from the New Jersey Division of local government services for the fiscal year 2024 American Rescue plan firefighter grant program motion second has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cab yes next is supporting October 6th 2024 as knockout opioid abuse day motion I second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is approving updated flood insurance promotion activity with the Atlantic County or Atlantic Cape multi-jurisdictional program for public information motion second has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted Ed roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes last least cancelling Bond ordinance Improvement authorization balances motion second he been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted to be paid second it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the wild crust Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending August 30th 2024 be accepted as presented I'll second been moved and seconded that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the Wild Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending it should be August 31st 2024 be accepted as presented roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all minutes the commission's meeting dated August 21st 2024 and September 4th 2024 fore approved as presented second it it has been moved and seconded that all minutes from the commission meeting dated August 21st and September 4th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr Caba yes thanks CH sure okay that brings us to our reports uh we're going to come back to the administrator's report we have our engineer mark deasio on the conference line Mr DeBlasio can you give uh your report yes thank you there couple of updates here relative the capital project uh the first one is the big one it's the Bas i h replacement project that was rewarded at the last commissioner's meeting we had a pre-construction meeting on September 12th contracts have been executed the contractor is scheduled to start work approximately in three more weeks we continue to receive phone calls from property owners who have been noticed we're answering the questions we're trying to um you know amarate any concerns and help them so that's an ongoing process up until this phone call so uh onward and upward with that project we have two capital projects that are on Deck ready to go out to bid the first one is the fiscal year 2023 njdca small cities program that is the project that the burrow received grant money to renovate the burrow missible Hall bathrooms to make them ADA Compliant we are in position to request a resolution the bid at the next meeting once we strike that bid schedule and that resolution is approved that project will go out to bid similarly the burrow has the fiscal year 2024 njd Municipal aid program for the Reconstruction of Toledo Avenue again that project we're going to be requesting to go out to bid at the next meeting and um should that resolution carry we'll be on our way and both projects should be in uh into construction if all goes well before the end of the year okay that is my report okay oh actually I'm sorry I'm sorry mayor I have one other thing here um relative to grant opportunities uh at the last meeting we did talk about the New Jersey infrastructure bank which is a very solvent state run uh program for water sewer improvements we had a pre-planning application meeting with the ibank in burough officials on September 5th uh I would categorize that as a very good meeting we were informed that there's $2 million in grant money out there for sewer replacement which can also translate into roadway repaving and reconstruction as well as the fact that if the burough signs up for what's called technical assistance uh once the bur completes that process and checks that box it makes the burrow eligible to pay for engineering fees associated with that project so we're we're potentially looking at a $2 million grant for for sewer replacement as well as having our professional fees on the engineering side paid for as well so that I thought that was a good meeting okay thank you don't anybody any questions for Mr deasio none for me thanks Mark enjoy the game public any questions over engineer anybody else on the conference line have any questions for our engineer mayor I'm going to stay on the call in case there's any questions throughout the duration of the meeting okay just do me a favor and just mute out I will all right thanks okay next on the agenda is the administrator's report Connie thanks uh the Herford in to K in Doom construction Coastal Engineering in coordination with the Army Court continues to work with deas Associates on the finalization of the survey exhibit Maps required for the easements for this project consultants for the office of Coastal Engineering we also refer to as oce continue to finalize title searches on the property interests within the project limits in the burrow one once those searches are completed DeBlasio and Associates should be able to formalize um and formally finalize those exhibits the Army Core real estate team continues to investigate lured options for our Crest fishing pier they will determine if we are eligible what is needed from us and what the next steps are I expect to get an update from them in the next couple of weeks deasio and Associates is working on a plan for the fishing paer currently which would determine the amount of lured credit that we would uh be uh elig ible for New Jersey Avenue planning work is ongoing in advance of the County's roadway diet um project this project is going to be bid as one project with the crest being responsible for lighting parking lots and Landscaping it's expected to commence with sewer improvements by the burrow only in 2025 and with the county doing the road diet work and the other improvements in 2026 Taylor Design Group is currently working on Final drawings um for this project that will be um very animated and easy to understand by the public in as soon as they're available we'll publish those and triad is completing an informational piece which will explain the project in great detail Sunset Lakes uh State Channel dredging Phase 2 the New Jersey Department of transportation's office of Maritime resources um project manager has retired he is coming back as a consultant in the meantime I have spoken to his BOS boss Genevie Clifton she has named a new project manager I do expect that commissioner Franco and I will be meeting with her and Scott uh Douglas when he does come back as a consultant to discuss um the channel dredging of the state's channel that does traverse through Sunset Lake in Wildwood Crest and our request to move the states Channel and I'll keep everybody updated on that I just don't have a date for that meeting yet um cafer applications we don't currently have any c cafer applications out there but will in the near future we have satisfied all information requests from the D on our ADR meeting that's an alternate dispute resolution um I continue to ask our attorney for updates on a bi-weekly basis but have not yet heard back I'm not going to cover the Bayside bulk um uh the bulkhead project because Mark just did that Washington Avenue um we're still awaiting word from FEMA on our FMA Grant application and um the County local roadway safety plan I did send the governing body the draft of that plan via email I believe yesterday um you all have that now and it's in a PDF form if you need me to print it for you it is is extremely long I think it's 250 pages so that's why I sent it to you via email so please take a look at that um our Safe Streets for all Federal Grant application in the amount of $200,000 was submitted on August 29th and hopefully we will be successful in getting that that's all I have thank you thank thank you public any questions of our mission yes sir sure just your name that sir my name is Eric Mor uh you you just me two uh projects or presentations one about uh New Jersey Avenue U road diet yeah uh when is that presentation going to be expected to be complet we did several presentations in the past but we will'll be doing a refresher and update once we have those final drawings from Taylor Design Group we don't have a date yet we're still awaiting those drawings as well as the specifications so until we have that there would be no point and um Triad will be putting out an informational package it'll all be published on our website as soon as we have it I'm only ask because I don't want to miss it sure uh we'll definitely let everyone know okay uh also the the that County Road Safety report uh is that a public report I believe so yes if you go on to the South Jersey Transportation Planning Authority um on the website should be there if not you can come see me okay thank you you're welcome anybody else sorry staff Jersey transportation planning organization there's an O at the end anybody on the conference line have any questions of our administrator hearing none we're going to move on to the public safety reports we'll start with uh Chief Lloyd good evening governing body um I'm going to uh go over some highlighted points from my report to the director of Public Safety for the month of August in the month of August the police department responded to 2526 calls for service 1,294 of those uh required multiple officers we conducted 662 criminal investigations 522 uh service calls which include alarm citizen assists fires medical assist School related activities and utility complaints conducted 617 motor vehicle stops issued 136 uh traffic summonses uh we had 21 motor vehicle accidents uh we conducted 453 property checks conducted 127 Hours of training and we had 31 adult arrests last month compared to our 18 last year so that's a 72% increase and we had 11 DWS um I'd also like to mention uh the public is aware there may be some uh there's going to be uh some traffic and some detours around the Assumption church tomorrow um because of the unfortunate and sad passing of our while weest Volunteer Fire Company assistant chief Jack Holland so please be aware of that uh it's it's going to be from 9: to noon and then there will be a procession moving through town so just be aware of that questions public any questions for our chief hearing none thank you we're going to move right on to uh our EMS supervisor and LM coordinator Mr Crips evening everybody govering body public uh start off with the fire company report uh 56 calls of service for the uh month of August six uh fires includes building fires cooking and rubbish as well as vehicle and mulch uh eight rescue assists medicals mvas or uh elevator entrapments five hazards conditions uh strains from gas leaks electrical hazards uh two service calls assist police or public assist six good intent calls those are like smoke scares or odors that were under unfounded uh 28 malfunctioning alarms one special assignment and That gives it all a total of 56 calls of service for the month of August on behalf of Chief Cortez EMS we did 170 calls for service uh 69 were transports 32 fortunately refused we had 48 uh rescue calls uh regarding the elevator assignments as well as fire standbys 13 uh no cause for Action uh two turn over to other agencies uh mutually receive we received eight calls for service from wood come in and one from North Wood and we were given we're givers not takers and uh wood uh for number 20 North W for two and lower Township uh for number 11 uh again like I said on behalf of Chief Cortez remind everybody tomoris funeral for assistant chief Jack Holland uh everyone's aware loss there uh in our community so that's all I have for my report if anybody has any questions comments like any questions anybody on the conference line questions for Mr Crips than hearing none thank you Mr Crips thanks all right uh Beach Patrol commissioner shiff you're going to give the report yeah Chief has asked me to uh give this report last guarding day was Sunday September 8th uh past weekend September 14 15th emergency response team was on duty from 10: a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Chiefs ofic is no guard no swimming next weekend September 2122 will be the last time emergency response team will be on duty from 10:00 a.m. to 5: he wants to thank everyone for their cooperation and support and other safe and successful summer on the beach total total team effort that makes the burrow of Wildwood Crest a special place to work and live everyone uh on the beach Patrol is looking forward to working out at the newly re renovated headquarters in 2025 that's his report thank you any questions public the building yes yeah when was that what's that when when it's unofficial right now we're just moving some stuff in there we have a we don't have the co so we can't can't stay in there but we should have it shortly we have a punch list that we're going through right now all right looks good when we open up I'll take you through thank you you'll like it okay that's it for Public Safety reports we're going to move on to the assistant of uh Public Works Nick eer you have your report for this evening no report okay doesn't get old does it had to initiate in one way or the other to all oh boy all right uh under correspondence so we received an email uh with respect to uh bicycle safety on the bike path um in essence if I can summarize the email it was to uh uh to have new uh paint or traffic markings uh on the bike path identifying which way you know to head north which way to head south um to hopefully create a more safe environment uh there is some old paint that's on the bike path that was from years ago and to take everybody through it the bike path has been widened since then so the traffic pain is offc Center if you will so I think that uh the request was to to have the old paint removed put some new paint on up uh I'll remind everybody that we have a cfer permit that uh allows for the municipality to uh improve the bike path if you recall we we just did the foot showers uh in the new walkway so when that was permed we also got permitting uh to bike Escape streetcape whatever you want to call it to make the bike path just a little bit nicer there's no immediate time frame for that at the moment uh but in the short term the request was to is there anything we can do so um not sure how everybody feels about it I know that's probably something that we might be able to do in house but it might be timec consuming so it might be something we need may need to uh to uh bid out or have have a contractor do it thoughts comments suggestions well one person i' like to have involved it we're going to move forward I think we need to have discussion anyways number one is the cost is everybody's well aware but also to have uh Ralph and the chief of police and probably even EMS to make sure that uh we cover our spaces I thought we were going to try to redo that path I thought we had money that we were going to try to redo that path at one time or another later down the road that's what I just said we had the we have the permit in place but to make the Improvement that would be a capital Improvement which there's other other projects in in the cube before that one I think it's worthy of discussion yeah I agree so I think so if we if we can can you talk with your team to see if we can do that I think the request would be in time for next summer if there's anything that Public Works would need to assist with and uh I'm not I think the only way to remove paint it I don't know if press pressure was should do it but that may have to be sand blasted off or something along those lines so or if there some sort of environmentally safe chemical that could remove it I'm not sure but that's all things we need to look at but um if you need help from engineering or Public Works just let me know then we'll we'll get it going but I think the goal would be to have it done before next summer all right all right um Madam clerk can we move that under the uh old business we'll do all right next one is uh solicitation for offshore wind renewable energy uh there is uh a request from uh it's in our packets uh the mayor of uh Long Beach has sent us or I guess his consulting firm has asked us to send a letter uh opposing um the offshore wind project and the BP as it relates to the BPU um I I did read it um and I think our position has always been to oppose the uh anything that that has to do with wind turbines in the ocean so I just I guess the question is is are we all okay with Trish putting together that letter and I guess I would sign it and then we would get it out yes no problems for me yes okay I have that ready for you anyway Mr Mayor okay all right it takes care of the correspondence under uh new business uh draft ordinance for the yeny limitations on rental units so we did discuss this um at a previous meeting about I think it was about a month ago and we had we our takeaway from that was to develop an ordinance uh which solicitor gunis has done uh I believe he's pulled ordinances from uh neighboring municipalities and this was in relation to rental houses you know packing or overpacking the the rental units uh with um with tenants um more so than the occupancy and we realize that our ordinance um needed some clean up and some revision so I think Mr gunas had done that and also would prohibit landlords that are renting to seasonal workers or any seasonal Folks at all from from over crowding and and packing people into units uh making it uncomfortable and unsafe so Mr G can you give us an update on have certainly mayor so the burrow has on its books an ordinance which regulates the rental of properties in in the burrow um that ordinance largely adopted based on state statutes from the early 1990s that address concerns of shore towns along the coastal counties uh were permitted to pass this ordinance which regulated the uh rental of properties um that ordinance has an existing provision that allowed for uh the posting of a bond in the event that there were four or more qualifying incidents on a property within a two-year period that being someone being convicted of a violation under title QC which is the criminal code in in the state and or violation of a municipal ordinance constituted a breach of Peace um the existing ordinance also had a provision for the revocation or suspension of an existing merket license uh under the same circumstances uh so in review of the statute the statute allows actually to tighten that up a little bit and reduce the number of violations qualif what they call qualifying violations down to two in any uh two-year period um so in the event that anyone staying in a property is convicted of a a violation of title 2C or a municipal ordinance it's it's a breach of the piece in any two-year period the uh municipality could hold a hearing and have that property owner post a bond if the conduct continues at the property that Bond can be forfeited Andor revocation of their merti license or suspension of their meranti license um so those were existing Provisions in the ordinance and and we're just going to tighten them up as much as possible uh under uh the statute which allows us to do that um missing from our ordinance was a provision that you mentioned um mayor concerning occupancy we had no occupancy limits um certain buildings have occupancy limits under um uh construction codes fire codes and whatnot um rental properties uh do not so we're going to impose an occupancy uh limit that's going to be based on um occupancy limits for multif family homes and and that would be in a sleeping area that's 70 square feet you allowed to have one occupant for every 50 square feet above that you need for any subsequent occupant so you can't use kit kitchens or hallways or non-habitable areas to count towards your occupancy limit so you'd only be talking about probably your living room with to pull out couch and and your your sleeping quarters that will prevent people from having 20 or 30 people show up for the weekend and and pack in um that will be a requirement as part of obtaining a meranti license they'll have to demonstrate the square footage which they already do for for certain things and then they'll calculate the uh square footage that'll be inspected annually by the fire inspector to make sure that documentation is correct that information would also have to be posted in a public place visible let's say somebody walking up to the door and visible to the occupant staying in the premises that you're not allowed to occupy the property with more than x amount of people if the place sleeps 10 then it's 10 people um and then also it would prohibit advertising a uh rental property that sleeps 20 people or whatever uh and then as you mentioned as well the uh student housing or international student housing where uh some instances they're putting four five six people in into a single bedroom that that would stop that as well um so this is going to be uh we hope mostly a deterrent and as mertile licenses go out uh Property Owners would be notified at that point uh when they apply for their license if they haven't seen that it'll be part of the application process so going into next summer if this ordinance is in place if the Commissioners adopt this uh the property owners will be put on notice and they'll have to comply with the occupancy provisions and also the tightened up restrictions on um breach of the peace type offenses that would be occurring on their properties uh so that's it it's really just three amendments to an existing ordinance it's a very surgical Amendment very specific very limited but hopefully it has a uh has potential to have a good a big positive effect so Ron I have a question for you how do we police this thing if there's complaints do we sit there and count yeah that's it's great to have all this stuff and I think there's a need for it yeah but my problem is that we get a call what do you do well right so the public has to understand that law enforcement's constrained and what they can do you you're not um kicking in the door s to speak and entering a property and Counting heads and writing tickets that's that's simply not going to happen um enforcement we hope will come through um just putting the property owners on notice and deterrence that they can't do this um you'll have instances I guess where you know maybe fire inspectors will be on the property uh code enforcement can be there law enforcement will be there um so it like anything else it's not going to to be uh easy to enforce uh but at least we would have something on the books to enforce and the ability to tell people no you can't do this I mean that's one of the main things right no no you can't do this you can't pack them in um you going to be limited and uh most people I think conscientiously would would comply with that all right I agree with it I just was wondering how how what and where well you have I guess run through your head a million different strange scenarios where you find yourself on the property and hey how many people are staying here oh there's you know we're having a big party there's 20 of us staying here and you look on the window and it says occupancy limit 10 I is there's going to be a basis uh to issue a summons to that person or to the um property owner thank you anybody else uh Trish we we circulated that draft ordinance to everybody right so I think that um if everybody could uh just take take a deep a deep dive on it let uh Ron know if there's any revisions or questions but I think it's probably best our best interest that the earlier we can introduce it and adopt it the better so that we can get the word out because I think you know when there's to your point of advertising and I think folks need to know in advance of next year here that they have it on Airbnb if it holds 10 people and they got it advertised for 16 they probably need to know that in advance I think it probably makes sense to to do it sooner enforcement uh way to enforce it as well is to Simply check the advertisements and and advertisements do put out there yeah we can sleep so many people so okay uh so I the goal I think if everybody's okay with would be to introduce it at the first meeting in October yes but very way I problem okay um that takes care of new business under old business uh police composition possible ordinance Amendment uh so just to confirm uh composition will remain the same however there is still language in the ordinance that needs to be revised right Mr if I remember correctly there there was a there was a lot of other language there that needs to be cleaned up so I think that still makes sense to introduce at least with the visions and the language changes at the next meeting as well everybody okay about it yeah I'd like to say something though uh I just want everybody to know that I spent many hours discussing this uh possibility with the chief and reviewing the financial breakdown prepared by the CFO I believe this is the best path forward for this police department and for the buau the class 2 program has become unreliable and a liability of not Staffing our Police Department properly is becoming great I think we need to continue discussing this issue and make an educated disc uh decision as a governing body I'm also aware that other municipalities have uh adopted the program that Chief came up with and they are currently expanding their Police Department because of the lack of class twos I just felt like I needed to say that okay uh lightning action anything on that uh the other two municipal Burrows or towns are very interested into it uh into getting this uh smaller version of the lightning detection system for the each Beach Patrol building basically it's breaking down to uh $33,000 per person and uh it it's very reliable so I I'd like to continue thinking about this and seeing what they're going to do first and do it as a community instead of a separate entity okay 250th birthday committee uh no more information on yet on that yet um Municipal app is a 2025 budgeting item uh old tourism building is so we did have a a a uh internal Capital discussion meeting yesterday um so as to your point where the beach Patrol is moving out into the new beach Patrol headquarters um Public Works needs to will need to get in there to start doing some some renovation work to get ready for a potential least space um my understanding is when we went out to the Arts Pavilion uh we went out to the for the bid for the Arts Pavilion uh uh Beach Brew uh lease space so we have a draft template of what could potentially be used uh in this area as well so the question is is what types of uh what type of business do we want to see in there uh in that building um and it go back to when we beginning of the year I think we identif if IED is in the Burrow's best interest to create as much miscellaneous Revenue as we possibly can and that is a that is a good location so I think the potential rent there would be good uh and to have that annual income coming in would be good for the burrow as well to help keep our cost down okay um so if anybody has any ideas feel free to shoot them out now or or give it some thought we can talk about it at the next one but the work in there and the going out the bid someone is going to put a business in there for next year we have to get on it sooner than later because they have plans and purchases that they need to make and I think as as a result of our discussions yesterday the suggestion the idea would be not to put anything that requires a kitchen you know like like deep fry like Vats or or grills or things that need ventilation but things that you know plug-in type services so if anything that would be a major increase cost in there would maybe just be some upgraded Electrical uh electrical service other than that the vendor or uh would be the person to uh to purchase the equipment and and install it I had a question about that so I was under the impression you only could put like say they're going to vend some sort of food so many yards away or so many feet away from another venue does the hotel across the street or they they're vending food I believe is would that be a problem no that's our iceam is that what that is mobile ice are only allowed to be within like 150 ft of yeah I think that's what you might be thinking yeah I think so I just didn't know that came into this same tip and it doesn't necessarily have to be food I was just throwing something out there it could be a service it could be retail um something it's a it's a hi traffic area it's the surfing beach the beach patrols there the bike shop the turnaround for the the bike path is there um halfway it's the Midway point of the burrow so I think it would have um it's a good idea put a lot of traffic in there so the demo would happen before the new year yeah we could yeah with the work that we just it's really just more just remodeling we don't even really need to demo anything just just upgrade it just with you know give it a fresh look in the inside and then when someone comes in there but the but electrical work I'm not sure how that would how that would play out but that would need to be upgraded the electrical would have to be upgrad cuz I know that there's been issues in the past with with not having enough electrical service in that building Fact one I think Mr enner can you make a note to uh have an electrician go in there and see what would it would take to upgrade that service I'm not sure what's there now but maybe he can give us some options for some some for uh if there were some additional equipment you know how what would be the recommendation for the for the size of the panel or what would need to happen just to help us get an understanding what that cost may be all right um Historical Museum same thing that would just be that would be inhouse uh nothing major there proposed amendment to chapter 79 time limit parking so uh kudos to Ralph grai and and the team for I think they started putting the signs up on New Jersey Avenue and some of the paint uh so I I know that we need to get the ordinance uh amended and adopted so that we can start to enforce uh the new the new parking that we have there concession agreement Hotel Zone and beach chairs that's on hold uh traffic calming Connie mentioned in her report uh Back Beach excavations on hold we're just waiting to hear back on the Army Core Dune dredging we have a new uh new person at the do and a new person assigned to that and between Connie and Mr Franco you guys are keep us in the loop on that that uh New Jersey infrastructure pre- County uh we as a part of the capital planning for 2025 projected time frame for that if we uh once we get all our ducks in a row uh remember we have to do the so this this work is the sanitary sewer replacement on New Jersey Avenue the burough owns that uh infrastructure so when the county comes in and does their work in 20126 all of our work has to be done before they do their work on the county roadway and that would be projected to start after the summer of 2025 Public Works roof they were going to start on that project uh actually today but because of the weather and the wind they're going to hold off and started on Monday uh Beach outfalls and capacity uh that's on uh on hold and subject to the uh the grant Rider okay that brings us any other thing anything on the old business governing body no sir okay the brings us to uh public comments if if anybody has any public comments we do not need your address just need um your name and feel free to come up up to the podium just so everybody knows that microphone does not amplify your voice it actually just helps uh those listening and watching watching remotely it can hear your voice so you don't have to I hear see a lot of people they they scream in it but you really don't have to CU it doesn't amplify anyway anyway my name's Eric my uh I had attended a a meeting I I believe it was in the spring I brought up uh con just kind of General concerns uh seeing uh those e-mobility E Scooters uh now the new uh C carts have been uh low speed vehicles have become very popular uh and then so there's like a lot of additional types of vehicles that are kind of interacting now in the streets intersections sometimes riding in the opposite directions the same direction and uh I don't know I've been thinking about it and it kind of expanded um my thoughts on exactly what is going on and what can be appropriate to uh just be be able to just accommodate everything uh everybody wants to come down here and have a good time in the summer people live here all year round don't want to be uh you know don't want to worry about their kids or themselves getting injured with you know you know they just want to ride a bike or whatever it is uh it seems like there's just more more conflict now and then just trying to find ways to accommodate everything uh safely as possible increase the safety uh and then maybe um in addition uh improving aesthetically uh I know uh there's some very wide parts of New Jersey Avenue which I think used to be a train stop uh where that business district is uh just outside of this building we have a pretty wide Road uh we don't uh it's not it's not the most uh I don't know tourist friendly look I guess it's it's kind of I kind of think of it as like a parking lot aesthetic uh so I don't know just ways like um to kind of spruce it up at the same time uh I've had a lot of thoughts and and I know there's a lot of potential directions that you can go uh but what I want to ask a couple of questions as far as um I know you would uh you'd breach the idea of um traffic cing uh several last time I was at the meeting you've mentioned it it's on the agenda here tonight uh and are there any ideas that are are you ready to implement now lowcost maybe temporary stuff I know we have those ballards uh you know like yields pedestrians B ballards that are out there that uh I don't know if they really slow down traffic or if they're distracting drivers or they're helping I don't I don't have any information on that but I do feel like it would be an easy um potentially temporary lowcost method of traffic coming just to kind of place them smartly maybe within a um like 8 to 9 fet apart um to mark kind of the the road Lane so as cars approach they would naturally slow down so they can make it through 8 to n feet is plenty I think uh fire trucks can get through 8 ft so it's not like it's it's really tight but it's just a visual kind of inducing people to just kind of slow down protect just and pay attention to exactly where the car is on the road slow down and you know that that's kind of the idea that we want like we want to make sure that they're aware of what they're doing as they're driving I know kind of vacation brain kind of kicks in for a lot of people that come down here and they just want to not think about anything because they been thinking all week and working you know the kids family whatever they come here down here they don't want to think different or you know just they just want to turn off have a good time and you know I don't want to accommodate that but at the same time we have to have to recognize that there is a lot more traffic in in the summertime uh I know when they uh every time the traffic lights switch it mentally knowing that the traffic lights will just turned back on it's just it's an extra thing to think about that you weren't thinking about for you know six months so it's the same kind of a thing so so having that big like nice visual uh reminder of like you there are pedestrians here make sure that you're not you that you're driving a little slower and and just placing them on either side of a lane of traffic uh and then just kind of marking you know you shouldn't be going so close to parked cars or or going over the the double yellow line uh that sort of approach I feel like that's just a cheap temporary thing that can be tried I don't know if there's any legal problems with something like that I feel like that uh should be able to implement it I kind of wanted to know if you were open to that sort of idea to try those things uh but beyond that uh you know things become a little bit more permanent cost some money time thought process planning you have to go through a whole budget thing um so I was I was wondering also if you if I know there's some committees about different kind of projects there's the the pier uh project uh on the beach there's uh the green committee or I forget what it's called Green Team yeah at Green Team yeah so potentially making a some sort of committee that kind of thinks about uh this these sorts of issues you know that you know the conflicts with the different types of vehicles uh and pedestrians people do want to walk down to the beach you know they want to make sure people are paying attention as they're crossing the you know New Jersey Avenue Pacific Avenue whatever uh I think earlier I witnessed uh the after math of an accident on C viw Avenue uh where someone just went they seem to I I don't have all the facts I'm sure the police do uh they seem to blow through a stop shot sign hit a car and then those two cars hit another car so like if there was a bike there I don't know if that person would survive right that's uh seems un it seems more safe to plan than just you know hope there's not a bike where that accident happens or there's not a person or or a family bringing some beach stuff and kids are coming behind they're trying to keep track of traffic and their kids and carry stuff and you know uh it becomes a bit chaotic the more intersections I guess there are of who's doing what and what their mindset is in so I think uh I would like to have a committee started for that you know setting up meeting meetings at you know the crest Pier or whatever so monthly quarterly whatever to just kind of think through some of those issues um I also uh I was also curious about that that Jitney Service uh do they report about how that's going or sustainability are they going to do they need special permits here or they just show up and just do their thing they so it's actually so it's a Shar service with the the tourism Authority okay the tourism Authority they actually the ones that went out for the bid on it and then each one of the municipalities sharing in the what I'll call the allseason cause and then they have to come here to get a permit and a background check for their you know for the drivers and all that who's uh who's a good contact at the tourism authority to uh Ben Rose he was the Ben Rose Ben Rose yes okay Eric remember the trolley service it was just it's basically just like the old TR service if you remember that yeah yeah there was a simar to that there was a trolley service like that yeah I think they had two of them right pick the kids up yeah the uh I think there's a lot of potential uh there's a lot of um a lot of options uh I know I'm one person so I'm sure I didn't I'm very sure I didn't think of any everything other people might have different concerns or uh problems that I don't see with some of things that I would have suggested uh so you know getting people together and kind of think about different answers is I think a good thing to uh get set up um uh one of my main questions or the reason why I'm asking about the Jitney service and whatnot is because uh in addition to all the conflict with all the different types of V vehicles we are a vacation town uh and even this weekend uh on the island there's going to be a big uh Festival which is largely revolves around drinking uh so people that are attending that Festival a lot of them are going to drink some of them are coming from Wildwood Crest they got to get from Wildwood Crest through Wildwood into North Wildwood they're going to drink hopefully people will find smart ways to get back home but it's almost a guarantee that not everybody is and reducing that as much as possible we not just that event but all events that we have that there people come down for that uh country western Festival Barefoot country thing similar similar thing uh a lot of people stay in the crest and go to that event uh I want people to get home safe themselves but also be safe to the people around them uh providing ways to get places conveniently um where they're not hesitant to take the the alternative to driving themselves uh which I think a lot of times any additional Financial cost even if it's $3 seem it it seems to just turn people off to the option uh you know it's $3 is nothing but their car doesn't cost them anything technically to get in it and go so that you kind of lose out to the more risky behavior that where we get more of it in our community uh because there's just a little bit more friction there so kind of reducing those frictions making it easier to reduce those uh the number of people that aren't making the best decisions uh make it E like make it natural for them to make better decisions kind of uh so uh those those ideas can also you know I feel like a committee would be that same committee would be a good thing to uh discuss those ideas and present what we can um and then you know look into the financing and the timing and the engineering if if any of that's needed uh for the answers um did also have a question about uh oh here we go um I had a question about uh you know just grant funding opportunities uh is there is the who's who is like good at like finding grants for for the town to do stuff like do we have a full-time employee or or or do we depends on what it is on dep depends on what it is if it's an infrastructure thing if it's a public safety matter if it's an engineering type thing just it really just depends on on on the type of project yeah cuz I'm sure like Healthy Living Grant stuff and you know that I'm I'm sure there's federal and state stuff that you know if you don't look into it you don't even know it's there so yeah okay uh I think that most of my points there I have a lot of detail I didn't want to go into everything uh but I would like to go into those details uh and and find some other people that are interested and kind of create that that committee for you know pedestrians spiking e Mobility people cars trucks coexisting as safely pleasantly as possible so most of so most of the so you're talking mostly on the on on safety type matters and things largely safety yeah safy committee probably probably I would suggest you know maybe commissioner Shi and you have a conversation on some of your ideas and some of the things he he might be able to do and not do and so forth um I know when like anything on a committee It's just sometimes we have a hard time just getting people to serve on our committees and so forth if you have ideas feel free to bring them forward and we'll see see what we can do I I can comment on at least two of them the traffic calming so on the New Jersey Avenue project you talked about that earlier so that is a so New Jersey Avenue is going to basically be leftand turn lanes and one through lane and then in the business district where you mentioned the crest uh train station so from Heather to Coline that will have medians there as well um so from Cressy down to Rambler which is the county roadway which is also the truck route that's one way one through Lane and an all left hand turn lane so that's going to be SK It Up on Park Boulevard uh there is a in Connie report um there is some Grant monies that we are using to put in as a test pilot to see there's uh what are they call there we pushed a button and it talks to you pedestrians Crossing type uh one one park on Ocean Avenue and Atlantic Avenue people trying to get to to the beach um we just actually just discussed that yesterday for potentially um whether it be in-house or um through a contractor you know people have to slow down when they get cuz there's tons of people like you to your point trying to get to the beach and they need to slow down and I think sometimes I I often drive up and down there as well I see the issues and I I think that and that's how we got to some where some of these things that we're talking about now is from residents and folks bringing things forward to to improve the safety of the community so um anyway painting pedestrian crosswalks and so forth I know that the the traffic safety department they do put up those um stanions and they do paint uh areas that are high traffic areas as well as best they can but for specific areas I know those STS aren't aren't the most well received I know they get hit by cars and they seem like they're everywhere now already on the street so I know that we're doing that now as a as a as a stop Gap so to speak until we can get cuz we are planning on at some point reach repay saing and reconstructing all Park Boulevard um same thing with New Jersey Avenue so rather than throwing good money out the door we're kind of waiting for that those projects to happen and then we'll we'll we'll do them all at that time um anyway so I would recommend that you guys talk uh have a meeting and then see what kind of ideas the grant that we applied for that I spoke about a little bit earlier is a $200,000 Grant it's a Federal grant it's called Safe Streets for all it's a planning and implementation Grant and the idea is traffic safety implementation and planning so it would involve some work but mostly a plan a developed plan by Traffic Safety engineer which is Colliers engineering we did apply for it um August 30th but we have not heard back yet whether we have received that $200,000 Grant but we are taking making our own efforts in addition to the County's local so safety Brad plan right so we're we're taking it one step further and bringing it to our town the County's plan kind of marrying the two things together and doing something right here in this town um but we don't know if we're successful yet in obtaining that money okay thank you sir thanks thank you uh I'll be talking with Mr shiff and uh hopefully won't be the first time right hopefully we can uh I don't know figure out something I didn't even recognize you man grew your hair out I didn't even recognize you yeah I got lazy I stop cutting all right anybody else public comments anybody on the conference line have uh public comments all right we're going to go right into commissioner's comments uh I'll be quick I just want to say thank you to all our staff for a successful summer police uh fire uh public works wck department um Finance Trisha's office did an excellent job uh I didn't hear Too Many negative things it was so in my opinion it was a successful summer so thank you to all our staff for keeping us uh safe and moving forward yeah go ahead I just want to say the same thing Joe just said it was a great summer and hopefully we'll have a great winter and I think the mayor wants to say a few words uh so uh first I want to as Public Safety has already indicated tomorrow is uh Mr Holland's uh services from 9:00 to 12 uh I want to express uh on behalf of the buau our condolences to the Holland family um I could tell many stories about Mr Holland when I moved back here as a young man he was one of the first people I met here in wild with Crest when I took my vehicles I had my red Toyota truck and had rust spots all over it and said hey can you fix this and he started laughing at me and uh but he got it done he he he he he was always uh always very helpful and um he'll he always tell you what's on his mind was wasn't going to hold any punches um pull back on anything so um again uh our condolences and tyes from behalf of the burough to to the Holland family um also just as a reminder this saturday is the uh seaf fars celebration uh along Sunset Lake um weather looks like it's holding up holding up for us pretty well and uh if it goes this plan there'll be uh fireworks uh at Centennial Park as well to um pretty much end the summer unfortunately um and I will ech Echo what Mr Franco Mr shiff indicated um thank you everybody in the burrow for all their hard work um it's been it was a good summer it was uh very crowded um we took our share of uh compliments and and complaints at the same time but hopefully everybody sees that that we do recognize and we do see issues and we do address them proactively as as we go forward so um it's not always perfect but we work to be that way so thank you all for coming out for tonight's meeting I'll entertain a motion for a journ motion