Mr fall is now 7 P.M we can begin call order roll call call the order um I'm sorry yes roll call I apologize yes course uh count councilwoman uh Peron presid councilwoman Whitfield present councilwoman councilwoman Dr worthy present Deputy Mayor Anderson present mayor McIntosh present re [Music] um Reverend yeah Pastor I apologize yes and your pastor Bond Del Scott Von Del Scott V Scott okay Von Del from uh Willingboro oh okay all right amen thank you so much mayor and the rest of the staff for having me today my lovely wife for being here with me uh let's uh all heads bow all humbled Hearts Heavenly Father we thank you we bless you we worship you we thank you God for uh the township of Willingboro father we thank you God for blessing our mayor we thank you for blessing everyone God who is assigned to this town we thank you for Willingboro God being a place of great history we thank you God for just for this meeting that will go forth accompanied by your direction your guidance we thank you God for just the right words being said the right words being spoken we thank you God for everyone being in unison in unity in the spirit God same mind same will to please you and to bring glory to you and to bring great to this community that we live in God we thank you for those who are coming to reside in this place we see this this is a place of excellence in Jesus name we thank you God for just for making this place even greater than than it's already uh been God and we thank you we thank you we still this prayer with the Thanksgiving in Jesus name we pray amen amen thank you Pastor vond Del Scott it's a pleasure to meet you today excellent yes flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all moving on to the compliance statement notice was provided to the Burlington County Times stating that date time and the agenda to the extent it was known in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act additionally notice was posted on the bulletin board the website and a copy was filed in the office of the township Clark thank you very much we'll be moving on to we have a couple of proclamations today um we will be postponing the proclamation and celebration of the Willingboro recreational um chair leading team um to a time when they'll be here so they can accept the proclamation um we'll start off with the proclamation in honor of Lupus Awareness Month thank you to Terina Williams for bring this to our attention thank you mayor proclamation in honor of Lupus Awareness Month whereas May is Lupus Awareness Month the color that is worn to support lupus is purple lupus is the disease of the immune system our immune system protects our bodies from infection however when when a person has lupus their immune system attacks their tissue which results in tissue damage and illness and whereas lupus can be very uncomfortable and painful symptoms vary for those who suffer from this illness but can include achy joints a butterfly-shaped rash across one's cheeks and nose hair loss sensitivity to Sun or other light and fatigue lupus can also affect body parts such as Skin joints kidneys blood and can also cause easy bruising and blood Cs and whereas there are a lot of people in our country that suffer from lupus there is no known cure for the disease genes have been researched but there is little evidence that confirms that genes cause lupus however it has been studied and confirmed that 90% of people diagnosed with lupus are women and whereas there is no confirm cure for Lupus there are some daily Lifestyle Changes one can do to improve their quality of life lifestyle changes include exercising getting enough rest having a healthy diet be a partner in your care along with your physician and most importantly asking for help to learn more about the disease and now therefore be it resolved um the Willingboro Township Council along with mayor K McIntosh um and the residents of Willingboro do hereby Proclaim May at May 2024 as Lupus Awareness Month I encourage all willing BR residents to learn more about how they can support individuals with lupus thank you councilwoman Whitfield appreciate that and now we do have a special um Proclamation for one of our um exemplary um young Willingboro residents um Mr Jordan Witherspoon Johnson would you mind standing up so we can acknowledge you and there's a pcture I think we have a picture for on for our online residents so we can um all give honor to this young man whereas Jordan L Witherspoon Johnson a remarkable 16-year-old has achieved an extraordinary Milestone by graduating from rowing College of buron County with an Associate of Science degree in physics and whereas Jordan's early childhood development began at the Cathedral of Love Christian Academy in Willingboro New Jersey where he demonstrated his academic prowess by graduating as the kindergarten St starian in 2011 at the age of four and whereas Jordan pursued his ele education at the Life Center Academy in Burlington New Jersey and during his fifth grade year he expressed a keen interest in science and enrolled as part of the part-time student at rcbc where he thrived in an adult learning environment while pursuing a rigorous stem program in physics and whereas he balanced his academic Pursuits with participation in the Burton City football program and developed a passion for the junior RTC at the lenp Regional High School school district achieving state level drill competition Awards in the Years 2021 2022 and 2023 and whereas Jordan dedication to both academics and extracurricular activities has led to his selection for the Howard University summer research internship for physics and astronomy in Washington DC and whereas Jordan has also demonstrated his leadership and technical skills through various roles including as a Turf installer technician at sad Services LLC and as a technology education and arts Ministry technician at Delaware Valley Baptist Church and whereas Mr Witherspoon Johnson's Community involvement extends to his participation in the Kappa League youth leadership development program where he engaged in community service and academic mentorship whereas Jordan's athletic achievements include serving as football team captain and contributing to his team's victories as national football champions in 2016 and 2018 and whereas Jordan's academic journey is distinguished by his consistent Excellence across multiple educational institutions including Rowan College of South Jersey lype Regional High School and Life Center Academy earning him numerous accolades and honor rooll recognitions and whereas Jordan will be rcbc's first African-American 16-year-old to receive an associates degree in physics exemplifying outstanding dedication intellect and resilience and now therefore I K T mck mayor K te McIntosh along with the township Council and residents of Willingboro New Jersey do here recognize and honor Jordan L Witherspoon Johnson for his exemplary achievements and contributions to our Community we celebrate his exceptional academic success leadership and commitment to Excellence can we all give Mr Witherspoon uh can Mr wether spoon Mr with spoon real quick yes go ahead coun U Madame mayor if I may it is also my understanding and speaking to his mom that he hasn't even graduated high school yet yeah so congratulations Jordan get a quick picture with Council come on come on up this way congratulations there you thank you congratulations to you proud of you it's always wonderful to hear the good things that are happening in Willingboro we're kind of hard on the young people sometimes and think they're not achieving but um Jordan is one of those examples of many that are achieving great great things and we look forward to you achieving further success and we're we're really proud of you so I like to thank mom for bringing it to our attention thank you all right we'll be moving on to our managers Municipal updates good evening mayor council members of the public I too would like to congratulate Mr wither SCH Johnson on his successes I saw him his name on the agenda this evening and just could not imagine who the individual was that would be receiving a proclamation for academics but absolutely welld deserved welld deserved so that being said uh I did forward to the governing body the full report uh for the month of April which will be posted on the Township's website uh for uh review and uh access to the public but I will just highlight a few points um for uh for your knowledge since we last met uh Revenue gener ated as of April 30th 2024 total 8,860 331 uh two 2.5 million of that which was tax revenue we did pay a monthly allotment to the Willing B Board of Education uh in the amount of 3,273 77566 um a total of 8,679 was expended as of April 30th 2024 um our inspections department has been busy they have uh completed 2,250 total inspections during the month of April uh noted 1,183 violations they issued 337 summonses uh they they completed um or 995 uh violations have come into compliance or have been closed and they have extended 72 extensions for those uh who are still trying to come into compliance uh they collected a total of $2,880 in revenue for the month of April our DPW also has been very busy um they received 11 uh pothole complaints they addressed 48 pothole complaints during the month for a total of 523 so far for the year of 2024 our sweeper is out um and busy collecting uh 57. 75 cubic yards of materials during sweeping operations for the month um our DPW are also policing our roads they collected 66 30g trash bags of material on our main roads 16 uh trash cans were swapped and dumped uh during the month they uh retrieved one deceased or animal carcass of our main streets during the month in our Parks they uh collected 39 30g trash bags of material 56 uh 55 gallon trash cans were swapped or dumped and uh they collected uh 88 30 gallon trash cans were also dumped in the month our firing EMS Department uh they assisted our mutual aid department several times during the month of April uh Willingboro sent firefighters to a few communities to assist their fire departments at various fire incidents one time in Burlington city for a house fire one time in Burlington Township for a house fire twice in Edgewater Park for apartment fires one time in Delan for a house fire one time to Mount Laurel uh to cover an assignment as well as answering 128 calls for fire department services and 425 calls for EMS services right here in Willingboro our EMS collected a total of 500 or not sorry uh 550 55,68253 61 for the year on April 1st 2nd and 3rd our Willingboro fire Crews did participate in a full day rescue Task Force rft training uh in conjunction with the Willingboro police department at the willing high school which I do believe uh they were uh participating in active shooter activities during that time am I correct Captain Perez it was a three-day event which um all of our department members uh sharpened their skills um in preparation for an active shooter event which we hope will never occur here in Willingboro in April our Police Department responded to 3,300 72 calls for service uh 13,31 thus far this year um ironically appears that it seems that for the month of April Tuesdays were the busiest day um followed by uh marginally by a Monday you would think that Thursdays and Fridays were but not in the month of April uh our human resources reports that there were new two new hires uh during the month one in our Department of Public Works a laborer who I am happy to announce that that is the first female uh public works department employee that uh has come to work in Willingboro during my tenure and there was one clerk in the recreation department as well and just some notes um our segment for Road prog program construction is begin to start on this Thursday uh the Starbucks Construction in the Town Center is underway and we look forward to its completion uh in the coming months they have also begun the Reconstruction on the old Goodyear site which will become a Caliber Collision auto body repair shop uh I'm happy to report that the main pool at Penny Packer was repaired last last week unfortunately the spray park Machinery um is beyond repair and we require a complete replacing uh we're getting pricing for this work but is unfortunately I do not believe that it will be completed um by this pool season uh we did go out to we did Issue rfps for the theater management of uh the theater being um constructed at JFK uh there was one RFP that was returned on May the 8th uh one respondent and the information was forwarded to the governing body for your review and final determinations uh we have been continuing our conversations with um consideration for transitioning the library over to the JFK Center um and uh we have also been uh furthering our conversations about a proposal to increase funding to some of our additional organizations in the township utilizing the $177,000 worth of um opioid drug money that um settlement payments that we have received so far thus this year um a few months ago residents from Troy Lane had come uh Troy Lane and Beachnut Lane had come to the council uh concerned about the traffic flow on those streets uh we did go out as a group uh Public Works the police fire uh my office and um yeah I did say public work and we did look at the area uh there the request was that that area be blocked off before we made a final determination to do that we did a little bit of a traffic study there to determine um you know the extent of the of the problem uh over a period of 1,00 uh I'm sorry 27 days from April the 19th through May 15th there was a speed trailer placed on that location uh in the area of 11 Troy Lane which monitored traffic turning off Tiffany Lane and traveling towards Beachnut Lane the average car count per day on the street was 70.2 the average speed of those Vehicles was 15.8 milph and the total cars during that period uh the 27-day period total 1,896 Vehicles the high traffic points um during the course of the the day were the periods at 7:00 a.m. between 7 and 800 a.m. where a total of nine Vehicles would Traverse through that area and then the other high traffic areas were between 1 and 400 p.m. with an average of about six vehicles coming through that area each hour so uh after those uh figures in in discussions um it would be my opinion that the that would not warrant a street closure however we have discussed and are proposing to place a no left term sign at the high school which would prevent um high schoolers from using that thoroughfare in the afternoon hours and we are also suggesting increasing the signage highlighting the lower speed limits and increasing enforcements uh by the soon to come Traffic Division uh and finally I would like to report uh that uh we had three applicants for the OEM coordinator's position uh after interviewing uh two of the three applicants we have chosen Mr James Anderson uh to assume that role as the OEM coordinator Mr Anderson is a 30-year firefighter has been a 30-year firefighter in willing Barrow and has served as a deputy OEM coordinator since 2001 which is a total of 23 years Mr Anderson has the knowledge of experience and connections to seamlessly transition to the helm and move willing burrow forward in our office of emergency management and he will assume his new role on June the 1st of 2024 and at this time I'm going to ask Miss jackon to come and highlight other happenings here in Willingboro good evening mayor Deputy Mayor members of council and residents of Bilo before I update you on the upcoming events I just want to make sure you are aware of a few items that are going in in around the town in effect of residents road work Street Paving and sidewalking Affairs continue to be done in the Township in our efforts to make Township a better and safer Community as a reminder please adhere to the road sign detours and other directors PR to ensure everyone stay safe in the process as Mr Harris advis work on Garden work will is scheduled to on Thursday so we just ask that you make note of that in your day-to-day travels also um p is working on replacing gas meters in our community letters have been sent out to affected residents regarding having their meters replac it's very important that our residents read and respond to the letters in a timely manner in the event residents do not respond it may result in having their gas shut off and of course we want to avoid that as much as possible so we just want to make sure we bring that to hey hello how you doing everybody's good all right can we just keep going or do we need to start over keep going okay I want to make sure you all know about just respond to the letters from psng um make sure you don't get your gas um shut off so we want to avoid that and then regarding the up upcoming events we are excited to share that our Friday night music series will finally have a kickoff on Friday May 24th at the amphitheater weather permitting so as a reminder live music will be held on the second and fourth Friday during the months of May June and July genres include Latin gospel Caribbean and R&B so plan now to be a part of that series and on Friday we will be welcoming Valerie McNair who will be specializing in gospel music so we're looking forward to that on Saturday May 25th we are anticipating that the Country Club pool will open and plan to kick off this so we invite you to be a part and plan to kick off the summer at the pool with us at Country Club pool and then closing out this month will be our Memorial Day observance on Monday May 27th at 11:00 we will pause to honor the memory of those who have sacrificed their lives while serving our country again the observance will begin at 11 o'clock and will be held at mil Creek Park we do want to let you know on Thursday June 13th the Willingboro police department will host cona with the cop from 4:30 to 6:30 that's a Thursday evening and they will be held in the back parking lot near the police department we will have a game truck some animals from the petting zoo and free giveaway so we invite you to be a part of that that'll be fun on a Thursday evening and then all are encouraged to save the date of Saturday June 15th we will celebrate juneth from noon until 4: at M Creek Park we're looking forward to another great opportunity to celebrate African-American culture freedom and education and this year's theme is the Harlem Renaissance so we're looking forward to a great afternoon to celebrate the Arts culture and music of that era we do want to remind you that applications for both our youth police academy and the youth fire academy are now available these spots will fill up fast so secure your spot today and we also have stopped the bleed courses on the second Saturday and third Thursday of each month these courses are hosted by our fire department we do want to encourage our residents to take advantage of these courses because um they have not been attended as well as we'd like so we want to encourage people to take advantage of the stop to bed courses on the second Saturday and third Thursday of each month here until I believe it's November so as always this information can be and all of other information can be found on our websites social media platforms and our YouTube channel or by subscribing to will bro weekly so thank you that is it for this evening man so the business being presented to you this evening for your consideration is ordinance number uh 6 202 24-6 which is an ordinance amending uh ordinance [Music] [Music] to uh help facilitate the repair ordinance number 2024-25 th000 in unused debt to also provide for uh the storm water repair project for Charleston Road uh ordinance number 2024 d8 is an ordinance uh to reappropriate uh $8,600 of proceed seeds of obligations not needed for their original purposes and reappropriate them to provide for the renovation and improvements to uh various municipal buildings parks and roadways one in partic particular is repairs at broo Park um their restrooms and then other facilities across the township as needed resolutions being presented for your consideration is resolution number 136 which is a resolution to reject rejection of bids for solid waste collection Services the township did go out to bid uh for solid waste removal services for the residents one bid was received um submitted and received from Suburban Disposal um that bid came in substantially high and after reviewing the the bid um myself Deputy Township manager the qualified purchasing agent and the finance officer has determined that the bid substantially exceeds the cont Contracting units Appropriations for those goods and services and we ask that you reject that bid in compliance with the local public contracts law resolution number 2024-25 is a resolution awarding an extension of contract with Republic Republic Services for the provision of solid waste collection services in Willingboro Township we did enter a contract with Republic Services back in 2021 the contract will was for a three-year term uh which had a provision for two one-year options to extend uh it would be in the best interest for the township at this time to exercise the first one-year contract extension with Republic Services for the period starting June 1st 2024 and ending on May 31st 2025 uh the first year extension will increase the current based contract amount by 50,4 se75 $ 52 from a total contract of 1,446 64152 to a contract value of 1,497 11664 resolution number 138 is a resolution authorizing a not to exceed amount for Sunnyside farms for the provision of leaf disposal services for the Department of Public Works uh this just sets the $43,000 not to exceed amount so we can prepare for leaf collection which will be here before you know it resolution 2012 24-13 is a resolution authorizing the sale of Sub sub Surplus Township property which is no longer needed for public use through uh the municip bid public online auction platform uh the police department is looking to sell a lot of various safe Fleet endcard video recording system parts um that are no longer uh useful or required resolution number 2024-the the award of a non-fair and open contract to CME for professional Engineering Services related to Bro Park CME Associates did design and oversee the engineering portion of the project but did not include contract and construction management in its original proposals to to the township and those services are necessary to make sure the contract is completed and the park is installed as designed so we are asking uh for the award of that contract to CME in the amount of uh 19 I think it's $199,500 resolution number 2024 D14 14 1 is a resolution uh of willing burrow to permit the issuance of a one new plary retail consumption license and setting forth the criteria for applications for such license and uh if the solicitor would like to further expand on that and she can do so when I'm done uh resolution number 202 24-1 142 is uh authorizing a payment of bills resolution 202443 is authorizing an emergency purchase pursuant to njsa 40 Co 4A col 11-6 this uh an emergency has arisen as I stated earlier with respects to the conditions of severe erosion at 460 Charleston Road um that's an an an existing outfall pipe uh from Charleston Road uh in its current condition the existing Pike presents an immediate Danger uh to the public and warrant an emergency replacement to avoid potential catastrophic failure uh the township engineer has to listed it uh from five contractors quotes and uh we are asking that the award be uh given to landberg Construction in the amount of $26,845 normally uh we would be required to go out to bid for this project but the engineer did certify that this uh repair requires our immediate attention and we will utilize our abilities to award a contract without bid under um New Jersey statutes njsa 48 11-6 uh resolution number 2024-25 is a resolution to authorize the submittal of a an application [Music] to the governor's Council on Al alcohol and drug abuse through the county of Burlington um these funds are the funds that are utilized Grant Monies to fund the municipal Alliance for a Willingboro Township the amount of the grant or the amount of the application for the grant for fiscal year 2025 is $3500 there is a $875 cash match and an in kind match of $2,625 so this resolution authorizes the submitt of that application uh resolution number 146 would be to go into executive session and finally resolution uh number 177b would be to approve a liquor license for Foster's military Lodge and the Township Clerk can elaborate on that further uh as he sees fit and that is all of the items being presented to you for your consideration this evening before we go into public comment for agenda items only did any council members have any questions for Mr Harris on um his update just for purposes of clarification the resolution 2024 136 where the request is to reject a bid um understanding there was one bidder and that just for the public that number came in at $19 million okay so that's why it's being rejected it was $19 million thank you um in reference to our OEM do we need to do a resolution for that we know okay all right any other questions for Mr Harris mayor M I'm sorry did I did did did you read uh resolution uh 134 with the ition of premises permit did um I don't see I don't have resolution 134 in I don't have that or 144 my 144 so I may have skipped over that so resolution number 144 is a resolution granting an extension of premises permit and authorizing the Township Clerk to certify the same special permit application what an extension of premises permit is or do you want to go ahead what an extension of premises permit is is it allows um anyone who holds an alcoholic beverage consumption license to extend the permit outside of the originally licensed premise so I believe they want to hold some function that in their parking lot probably their first Friday events um the building is licensed but not outside of the building so they're just asking for a temporary extension of their premise to cover the parking lot so therefore they cons serve out alcohol in the parking lot for that event okay thank you all right I will open it up now for public comment for agenda items only if you have any questions or concerns about any of the resolutions please come up and state your name and address for the record you have two minutes and again this is public comment for agenda items only the other public comment will be right after um we handle some business but if you have any questions about the resolutions um this is your time you have two minutes all right we have some people online you can come up uh yes Mayor Brown good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon mayor deputy mayor council member manager and residents of willbo I wanted to ask about AUD 20246 yes we just need your name and address for the record Sharon Brown 78 executive Lane so I'm going over some audience that has to do with repair in the road and I wanted to know or if we had any money trickled down from the $1.3 trillion of the infrastructure structure built from Congress are we using any of that money for the road or we paying it out of our own pocket and audience 07 reappropriation going back to the budget so that money is going back to the budget that's not needed right and also audience 248 could you explain the detail in which it's needed for the 2500 for Capital Improvement and um ORD 141 what's the what is the new primary retail consumption could you explain to me what that is thank you very much thank you Miss Brown we'll answer all questions after we get all public comment all right Johnny Waller okay good good good evening good evening okay I'm sorry for the um noise in the background I'm driving in the car I'm my husband driving um Joanie Waller six Troy [Music] Lane can you hear yeah six Troy Lane can you hear me six Troy Lane yeah I'm sorry um I I did want to say you know I appreciate all of um the uh works that you've done for for the little openness for our for our street um you know and I appreciate the data you know we all know data is always important and the data that you gave is the um what happens in the beginning of the morning and the end of the day um however um I'm right at the front of the of the crossby with with Tiffany and we still see um we've seen several almost accidents and you know I know that um I know what you all want to do but I really hope that you would consider um you know just doing something else the sign I don't know if to put a stop sign I know you said you're going to put some kind of sign there um you know the residents would prefer the taxpaying residents would prefer that you put the box back um because what you guys cannot see we see during the day um so um that this has been an ongoing conversation uh Mr Harris I've called several times and to no avail I haven't gotten any um conversation back at all so um um you know I'm just really concerned about that as well that you know like I said I appreciate everything however pleas take in more into consideration the residents who actually Liv there and what is actually going on even if you came and had a conversation I know you went out of a group but if you come and talk to the resident you might get a different more understanding and that's all my comment is thank you very much for all your work done thank you very much all right iPad User yes hello yes uh good evening my name is uh Donovan pox um live on 71 messenger Lane um I'm not sure what the resolution was number of the resolution but um it's about the republic service contract that's that uh looking to be renewed beginning of June um my question is there anything new going into that contract or anything being taken out or is it just being renewed as is um I'm asking that just because the the trash situation in Willingboro just just been very just flat out horrible in my opinion um for a while now it's uh pretty difficult trying to get a a new trash can at your residence um I know they had the dump um open Thursday Fridays and Saturdays but sometimes it's you know if someone doesn't have a truck or a van to take things up there you know still difficult to get up there um the rules are kind of just [Music] um they're not that easy to abide by you know um some you know for me like my house is a four bedroom and one trash can isn't enough you know they only allow certain amount of trash bags to be taken up to the dump um so it's really just been an ongoing issue with me personally the other people that I know in that live in willber also been having this problem like I said it's it's a it's it's hard trying to get an extra trash can as well so that's that's kind of like my question about the new contract that's looking to be renewed June okay thank you we'll answer all questions after we get everyone's um everyone's concerns and questions thank you thank you good evening everyone my name is Nancy Burton I live at 35 Beach knot Lane I also want to address the beach knot Troy issue um it's all fine and well to say you want to put a no left sign at the high school but who's going to enforce it we already have a oneway in one way out on Beachnut people drive out the in in which is there is no room for two cars okay our streets are very narrow we l are no parking people park on the streets it's all becomes an issue the speeding again you put a a counter and a clock on Troy which is like a street that's maybe 300 feet Long Beach Nut is the speeding issue that's the road that is the speeding issue and there's people that live on the street that speed and there are people that just speed through as a cut through uh so they are issues and and and I understand you're trying your best and I know oh I know you know some people like it some people don't like it but I've lived there for 55 years I have seen the accidents I have seen the guy that went through the windshield actually it was my buddy a friend of mine that went through somebody's windshield right in front of my house because I live right at a Bend so there's these two bends and people hit this Bend Bend and they just gun it from there to the next and then when they get around that bend they gun it again well now they're gunning it until they hit Troy so they hit come out of Troy and it's really not feasible for the two cars if somebody's coming out of Troy you have to sit back and wait for them to get out of Troy to go on to Troy so it's not like it's a big convenience the issue of course is the speeding and that's a problem and we have the sign is was another issue that was going to be addressed which hasn't no parking signs stop signs we have two little wides oh sorry two uh two two wies and you know people just come flying out of them side streets they don't even to stop all right so we got that thank you very much is there any other um public comment online um not at this time here thank you public comment for agenda items is now closed um Mr Harris can we start off I know Miss Brown um was talking about the I'm GNA she said 3.1 bill I think it was 3.1 million so she was questioning I believe uh ordinance number at that repair and the answer to her question is yes we are utilizing a portion of ARP Monies to uh uh to facilitate those repairs uh most of the ARP monies that we received in Willingboro have been a portion to uh other projects other storm water projects so the monies left over are going to be utilized for Charleston Road and we will be utilizing an additional other monies that are not uh needed in other areas uh reappropriated them to C cover the additional expenses so I didn't really catch what she was asking for um for 07 but 07 is um again the the reappropriate of the 125,000 which would be which was taken from from other ordinances where those monies are no longer needed and being reappropriated to cover the expense at Charleston Road that is correct and Mr Harris would you be able to explain like a reason why those monies wouldn't be needed for the projects that they were intended so when we do our our Capital bonding um we always base our funding on what our Engineers Pro project total project costs to be once those projects go out to bid uh quite often or I'll say sometimes because it's not quite often uh those projects will come in lower than the anticipated costs um but we have already bonded or created Bond ordinance to cover the cost so usually that's where the additional monies come from monies left over after the project is completed that were not utilized okay thank you also and ordinance number 08 was reappropriated $80,000 under the same um aaces from ordinances that um um were designed for other purposes and being reappropriated for renovations and improvements to municipal buildings parks and roadways primarily the re uh doing of the bathroom at bro Park which is in really bad shape it needs a new roof it needs new doors um so those what those repairs are going to to cover some of those expenses so those are those are things that we are are discussing um you know what we are trying to accomplish in in that area and those are ongoing discussions again with the the police department okay I just want to secure our investment you know if we reinvest in doing those repairs something just to you know some maybe more surveilance or something right all right and I think um Miss Brown also had a question on 141 what that was that was the yes so um willing burrow for the longest time has been a dry Community um they have had six plenary retail consumption licenses available for usage um uh the governing body has uh determined under certain circumstances to make those licenses available to certain vendors um that would like to do business in or utilize them as part of their business in Willingboro um they have been very strict on the issuance and applications as to when those could be uh issued uh there was a provision in the Township Code that would permit a golf facility to have a liquor license as long as certain criteria were met as far as uh the the facility usage the capacity and all of those the new owners at the golf course invested monies into their course to upgrade their facilities so they could become compliant with the township code in the hopes that they could obtain a liquor license that would enable them to expand the usage of their premises like for wedding receptions and birthday parties as well as golfing outings um and they have done uh all that is required so the council is considering uh allowing an additional license to be issued to the golf course for their utilization and the solicitor can expand on that in any way that she sees fit I think that covers the majority of it um the only other statement that I would have I think that Mr Harris already stated that you have the availability for six only two have been sold at this point um and it would be for a golf course in accordance with your code Provisions with a banquet facility um in an R3 zoning District thank you um before we um go for um the Martins Beach the roads there um can we just address um the republic service contract so I believe that was Mr potza was asking about the republic service contract uh some of the issues that Mr pots uh mentioned were not uh in relation to uh Republic Service contract if he has issues with a trash can he can contact our Department of Public Works um they're the ones that issue trash cans to residents on behalf uh or here in willing Barrow um he did mention some some Serv service issues um pretty much related to to collection um there was a period of time where we had very severe service issues uh with Republic because of of transitions in their operations um for the most part um those issues have been resolved but there are still other issues as far as the collection of of trash in Willingboro that really are not related to Republic Services um one of the things he did mention or no that was someone else um um he did mention about bringing um trash cans or garbage down to the DPW Yard they're allowed to bring six bags and um you know a certain number of recycling items of not recycling items bulk waste items and things like that um but those are are part of or have been established in the contract and his question is whether or not the contract is remaining in contact yes it is uh because when the contract was bid there was a provision for um to renewals of the same contract that's exactly why the governing body did decide to go out to bid at the expiration of this contract to see if we could get better pricing and additional services for uh our residents but unfortunately the one bid that we did receive reive was outrageously high and I do not believe the residents want to pay $19 million for the collection of refuges here in Willingboro and then is there a direct number that Mr Potts can call if he has um trash issues or is looking for another can yes he can call our Department of Public Works what's the number the phone number 609 8777 609 877 2200 extension 1051 that's the Department of Public Works and they will be able to um deal with your trash can issues thank you very much all right and now on to um some concerns with the Troy and Beachnut um you know we did get a report today um but one of the one of the main con one of the concerns is also that's speeding still on Beachnut I know we did some stuff on Troy but um Beachnut seems to be experiencing the speed issues yes um so and I understand the residents concerns I really really do um but the reality is is that there are speeding issues on every street in Willingboro and that was part of our uh rationale of implementing the new traffic division uh that will be going to effect in June to deal with those speeding issues um we did set up the traffic camera to kind of monitor um the situation and I understand um the concern but we were just looking at the numbers and um although you're absolutely correct I'm not there 24 hours a day so I don't really know what you know goes on um but the numbers do not project a high traffic volume in that area uh during any period of the day I did highlight some of the some of the hours as being the uh most busiest hours um but during a course of a 24hour period for example between 12 a.m. and uh 7 a.m. or 6: a.m. on average is A3 or2 of a vehicle coming through during that period of time so there's not a very high traffic volume during that period of time uh after 8:00 a.m. between 8 and and noon time three three vehicles coming through that area during that period of time so it's is not a high traffic volume issue but it could be a speeding issue but speeding has to be monitored and controlled by police enforcement and and unfortunately if we were to begin blocking or boxing off issue roads in Township that have speeding issues you would be placing boxes in in a lot of areas throughout willing Barrow and I don't know that the governing body really wants to get into um that scenario uh I also understand when we talk about narrow worlds narrowing Road capacity in Willingboro is becoming a very major issue and as a matter of fact we had a conversation this morning that on some streets it's almost impossible for a vehicle to get through on the street because you have cars parked on the left you have cars parked on the right uh I don't know how our trash collection is facilitating on some of the roads and as a matter of fact my concern is now that it could become a safety issue if there was an emergency a medical emergency or a fire emergency where our emergency Vehicles will not be able to get down the street because of the number of vehicles that are parking on the street and narrowing the withd of the road so when we talk about um narrow streets uh they are experiencing that down in their area and I do understand that but again that is an issue that is really prevalent throughout Willingboro that needs to be looked at uh holistically in the not too far Future Okay so I do I want to yeah get that on our get that conversation started um but are there is there anything else that we can do to kind of help mitigate some of those issues you know outside of closing it off um some surve some surveillance some some surveillance or I mean I know we did this or our little uh speed stuff but is there something else that we can do um because I mean we're have to make a decision on this at some point um Council will um but I just want to make sure that we look under every Rock to see if there's any solutions that um we can do to kind of mitigate some of it you know outside of you know unless you know the rest of the counil but outside of closing you know blocking off pieces of the street but there has to be I'm thinking there should be something that we can do well we are going to increase um the signage and I I do know that was one of the things that we had discussed and she was absolutely correct when she said it has not been done yet uh because it has not been done yet but it is Our intention to do um and we were also of considering the possibility of maybe installing a a speed bump in that area um but again that would be something that all of the residents would have to kind of be on board with um and then we would need to to have our Engineers look at you know where they would go and how many could be placed in in that area um again because if it's on a curve you can't put a speed bump on a curve and it has to be so many feet from an intersection and all those things need to be taken into consideration so uh we have not abandoned um Beachnut or Troy Lane I was just bringing you the the preliminary report um on the research that we had done uh as we further to look into this this matter councilwoman Whitfield thank you mayor um Mr Harris would we be able to put that Speed trailer on Beach Nut Lane just to get a little more holistic view on the traffic data over there um regarding the speed and and things of that sort and then also in addition to the no left turn sign would we be able to add maybe some uh local traffic only signs or something like that um no exits something of that sort that will um help deter um pass through traffic absolutely we can put the um the speed sign on Beach Nut Lane and I don't believe Captain Perez is here any longer but I will make sure that directive gets to the police department as well uh when it comes to local traffic only we can put a sign local traffic only but who's going to enforce that to make sure that only local people are are are down there so you know we can hope they respect that um but really it's a public Street and you really can't say no one but those residents are allowed on that street okay thank you um thank you um M Mr Harris what about the um I know um our Police Department had spoken about the um police I'm it's called something else but the police surveillance where they're kind of like um a traffic unit like to intimidate you know just by having the police vehicle there I'm not visually picturing where this street is that she's speaking of maybe you know it better in that Street area that she's speaking of is that an area that maybe a police vehicle can incorporate with whatever they've already mapped out because I know that they've strategically mapped out where they want to place themselves um what do you think about that adding that absolutely and and again um I believe when they did their presentation to the body a few weeks ago that was one of the issues that Captain uh bucks did or Captain Perez did highlight um enforcement of the the speeding issues on Beachnut and in Troy Lane as well as the monitoring of the traffic flow out of the high school oh it was there yes okay during that time correct yeah I think that might probably be helpful because once it becomes in a point of place that people regularly see a police officer kind of sitting there they'll just remember okay we're going to get to that corner let's slow down but just as as as to Madame mayor's question if something we could do temporarily since we're already agree we've already agreed to that process of the surveillance with the police department right we voted in LSP so maybe just putting that in as well absolutely back I mean we have to something but your point I mean it's a public we have to keep that in mind think that's in mind um but it is one of the smaller it is one of the smaller Tre right not have to change and if that's the ultimate decision to make it a completely a one-way Street then whatever whatever right apprciate is there anything else for okay um I'm would you like me to open the public hearing I'm opening the public hearing on ordinance 24-6 did you want me to read the title as well okay ordinance amending section one of bond ordinance 20226 of the township of of Willingboro in the county of Burlington New Jersey finally adopted June 2st 2022 in order to amend the description of the project to include Charleston Road anybody want to speak with no one coming forward I close the Public Public uh hearing can I get a motion in a second so moved second byy mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Peron any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman uh Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay uh now ordinance 247 ordinance of the township of Willingboro and the county of Burlington New Jersey providing for the reappropriation of $125,000 in unused debt authorizations not needed for their original purposes in order to provide for storm water project for charston Road Road Culver would anybody like to come forward with no one coming forward I close the public hearing can I get a motion in a second so moved second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson second by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes ordinance 2408 ordinance of the township of Willingboro in the county of Burlington New Jersey providing for the pre the reappropriation of 8,631 78,000 00131 of proceeds of obligations not needed for their original purposes and 2500 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide for the renovation improvements to municipal buildings parks and roadways would anybody like to come forward with no one coming forward I close the public hearing can I get a motion in a second mve second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes I like a make a motion for a consent agenda for resolutions through 146 and resolution 2021 d177 B can you I have two if you can just um pull I just have two questions oh you want to do the mo first um a motion I'll withdraw my motion oh sorry about that okay 144 and [Music] um I guess 146 I thought you that 146 for today we taking that off put it in okay so that was that was just 144 uhuh okay um I make a motion for consent agenda of resolution 2024 136 through 143 and resolution 2024 145 and resolution 2021 177b so moved got it second I always do that move Macintosh seconded by Peron roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman do Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes I like to make a motion to approve the consent agenda as stated second move by Macintosh St seconded by Wickfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes resolution 24-14 um make was there a question yes I have a a motion um I make a motion for 2024 d144 so moved second oh you made the motion second I'm second second by Peron um discussion please thank you um this is just a correction I want it for the record um it does say um June 7 202 to 400 p.m. to 10: p.m. with the rain date of June 24th 2023 just want to make sure that that is um that date is revised to 2024 we're speaking of this this coming up right that was a just just some clarity on those two dates um that I just noticed during this meeting and that June 7th is my birthday thank you but you that was it okay so we'll make that correct so we'll approve it with those Corrections yeah with those correction I believe it was updated with the corrections electronically it might have just been an old P oh okay my apologies okay roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay going to Treasures report we have a Treasures the treasurers yeah okay yeah is there a motion to approve the treasurer so moved second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes are we are you presenting minutes I am not okay so we can scratch we're going to do the approval of the minutes at the next meeting there were just some minor Corrections or minor um not even correction but just uh trying to make sure we have the format correct all right we'll move on to municipal clerk updates on Mr fault all right so um the polling machines will be um transported to the library tomorrow so we will have early voting here in Willingboro Township uh which is open to all residents of Burlington County um the voting will take place from Wednesday May 29th through Sunday uh or excuse me through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and then on Sunday June June 2nd wrote down the first I apologies uh from 10:00 am to 6: PM so any Resident in Burlington County can vote um at the library the primary election will be on June 4th and those hours are from 6:00 AM to 8:00 pm um so everybody will have the opportunity to vote if they so choose um I believe that's everything with regard to the election um with uh with regard to licensing we did hold our annual clinic on Wednesday May 8th it was very successful it ran um from the the early afternoon through 7 PM um we had 31 dog license issued I don't and 119 dogs were vaccinated so that's important because uh dogs have to be of vaccinated through November of the that licensing Year we're we're going to be looking into moving the rabies clinic to November December or January depending uh dog licenses have to be um they have to be attained by January 31st but again the rabies vaccination has to be good through November so uh doing the clinic in May doesn't make a lot of sense so we want to change that moving forward um so that was incredibly um successful um other than that um I'll be looking um to do some records disposition we have a lot of opportunity um in the bur in the township uh so I was looking to do a shred event um and usually I open that up to the public but I will talk to the manager about that um I did receive correspondence from a individual who was looking to create um a handicap spot uh in front of their house house I did forward the correspondence to the police chief just to get his opinion on it uh he did not agree uh with the request for a number of reasons but they did have enough um room on in their driveway for the for the vehicles that were there one of the two vehicles with the handicap placard that was parked in the driveway was not registered at at that Township so right now there's one car at that particular residence that's registered there so it's the recommendation that we don't proceed with a handicap spot okay and that's my update if anybody has any questions anyone have any questions okay thank you okay all right moving on to unfinished business are there any matters for unfinished business um Mr Harris I was wondering if there was any update or any um research done on the trash um receptacles either at the bus stops um in the township yes we are are identifying uh those locations where those trash receptical are going to go and then uh trying to uh identify the best type of re receptacle to place in those those locations okay great thank you um Mr Harris can you give me an update on the deadline that you need um council's input for the capital budget thank you mayor for for mentioning that um we would like to prepare the documents for our capital budget um I believe we're going to talk about them next week um so if you could give us your final input uh by Friday of next week that would be most appreciated okay thank you and then um I just have a question for my Council colleagues um in terms of Memorial Day on May 30th for the county I just wanted to know who was going to attend I just need to give them an update I didn't know if anybody was available I think it's 11:00 a.m. Dr I did get Dr Worthy's response I plan I plan on it to you okay anyone else we're good all right so then um deput mayor too okay thank you anyone else for unfinished business anything for new business okay moving on to public comment public comment is now open um if you have any questions or concerns please state your name and address for the record you have four minutes public comment is now open good evening mayor deputy mayor uh Council staff and neighbors uh pan Z Harvey Hadley Lane um I have some exciting news from the MUA um it's a project that we've been working on for quite some time and uh last month we were approved by the department of uh labor for a pre-apprenticeship uh water industry program for students 13 to 18 and it's the first program of of its type in the country we are working with the school district to put this program in um willing B excuse me where willing bro high school so we're really very very excited excited about it we were excited to know that we are the first ones in the country to do a program like this to prepare our children for the water industry um because the industry is is for lack of a better word diversity challenged and um most of the people in this industry are are aging out they are retiring there's be a mass retiring probably around um 2030 and this is a perfect opportunity for our children get in in the industry one the thing that's going to happen with this with this program is that the students go through the program over the course of the four years they will get a certification from the Department of Labor um those credits are good for a lifetime um they can take those credits anywhere in the country to any any water um supplier um with this program if they you know stay with the program they will be able to work when they graduate they'd only have to work six months to be able to sit for their state license to get to get a license whereas normally if they graduate it would take them two years so they can get a licens much quicker and get in the industry so that's I want to tell you good evening everyone good evening my name is Barbara Williams and I live in writtenhouse Park I assure you I am as unhappy as you are to be present tonight and it's this meeting which is redundant as well as un for if only certain of your employees would do their job I'm here again to complain about your Township manager Dwayne Harris who has intentionally failed to provide both Rittenhouse Park and Fairmont Park are du recycling bins the single family homes received theirs in 2005 and 2006 and unlike us you did not require them to ask for them just like them we pay our taxes which cover the trash bins and the recycling bins I repeat the single family homes have had theirs since 2005 and 2006 and for the former um acting Township manager Richard proval ours were due to be issued march 2019th to 20 2022 we are now two years overdue your Township manager and I stress your Township manager doesn't want to do his job and has failed to adequately serve our entitled rights he's paid a hefty salary of what 130,000 per year to address and service all Township residents accordingly he has made it abundantly clear he is biased and even fabricates to avoid giving us services that we are entitled to he lacks Integrity respect consideration loyalty and commitment which are all qualities a qualified Town manager and all of you should have as a requirement for your positions your Township manager has made it clear he does not like me and I really don't care as long as it doesn't affect his job performance he was confrontational with me at the recent HOA meeting we had on May 15th when I simply asked when the recycling bins would be issued on the recent list that I gave Mrs Jackson I gave her the list since many of the residents complained they called and received no callbacks he responded that they had to call him if they wanted one he proceeded to walk away when I reiterated they did call and he told me after I had mentioned it took me a phone call to action news before he responded before he said call him again um and furthermore he did not care what Mr proval said so now I am asking you mayor to follow up on this matter and let us know soon what's going on I also have some additional um matters to discuss because you had a few people present including him at that HOH meeting and there was some misinformation that was given and I think it should there should be another meeting because you still don't understand the HOA and the services they provide which are very limited now I'm sorry to say some people I thought there would be some here but short notice they couldn't make it here but there are people who do want to speak up too because they're not happy thank you Miss Williams is there any um Mr Johnson come on good evening Gary Johnson 54 grammarcy Lan I told somebody that is near du me that I would bring this up this evening um but during the repaving of Veterans Parkway I altered my route to work so that I avoided Veterans Parkway I have since decided I would Brave Veterans Parkway and use that route again and the last couple of mornings I've seen something a bit disturbing going in the direction you would go from Martin Luther King to Charleston Road and then proceed to make a leftand turn which I do on my way to work there is a left turn arrow that is supposed to come on immediately when the light changes for a short period of time that light has not been coming on it remains red and it appears that most of us who are going to work aren't inclined to wait to see if it will ever turn green and so when we deem it safe we're making the turn on a red left turn arrow which is probably not a good situation so I'm not sure why that is and whether that has been since the repaving has been done or what but the light is theoretically supposed to come on immediately when the light changes back green for Veterans Parkway and it doesn't seem to be doing that right now so thank you thank you Mr Johnson H Miller 11 Hollis Lane Willingboro I want to thank you Council for receiving the grant money for the pickle ball courts I hope I wish you all well thank you thank you Miss Miller John Burton 35 Beachnut Lane um good evening every good evening uh mayor I don't believe you were here uh so maybe just go back uh the last the last meeting when everyone was here um you know all this has come from the box the flower boxes at Troy being removed during some water uh mua stuff and that's what started all this okay just real quick I don't believe where we are we are probably and I would bet on the lowest Street in town so we do have water problem issues I don't believe any speed bumps are going to be applicable there um blocking the water it cause can cause a lot of uh flooding and driveways and things like that um the signage if the no parking signs and some speed signs and the no turn and of course the chief would would know better than me about you know a Car at JFK during down at the End by the barricade at the ran cookus uh after school or something might might might prevent some of the kids I know a lot of the speeding is the youngster younger drivers um anything we get done is going to be greatly appreciated you know you used to be able to walk walk there a lot of the locals from Twin Hills would walk they don't they just from talking to him they do not feel safe walking on the street anymore it was a nice quiet walk for them they could go between the boxes and walk from Twin Hills in there um uh at the park the other day and and don't hold me to this I believe I'm not sure how it happened but one of the flag poles is down uh it may be the Mia a p Mia flag poll which would be a shame if we don't have that up for Memorial Day um the only other item is at Pine and JFK the water company was you know mua was down there it is really starting to buckle uh again so I don't know if there's still water uh leakage or it's just settling or something like that somebody should check up on that that was Pine and JFK yeah Pine so it's just past the heist it's our Jug Handle yes come out of uh Beachnut Pine is on the other side but it's also the The Jug Handle there okay no thank you for that okay that's it appreciate it thank you thank you Mr Burton host can you allow whoever's online uh yes mayor Maddie mallerie good evening um Maddie Maller on Hudson Place and um I got on late so I just want to make sure that um the discussion about the Calvert on Charleston Road is the same issue that I mentioned at the last meeting about the blockage there um the other thing is um we have a fox problem in town and I don't know what we can do about it um my neighbor called me Sunday and said Sunday morning when she was having her breakfast and looked out of her sliding door there were five foxes uh on our property on hers mine and the house next door and last Thursday night uh well Friday morning after midnight um I heard this noise and I thought it was a human being screaming for help and I looked out my window and there was a fox on my driveway and I've never heard them make that kind of noise so I called um animal controlled on Friday morning to find out if they had any suggestions as to how we can deal with this problem but you know hopefully someone can tell us um what we can do because it's scary to know that we have this many animals uh on our property um so the other thing is I'd like to know if there's any progress with um securing the position of the veteran service officer and I'd like to know if there's any progress with um activating the ethic commission um I realize that you know you have to have diversity as far as the members but just want to know if there's any effort being uh put forth to make sure that we can have this Commission in place um on the issue of narrow streets I noticed on Charon Road uh especially from my Street Hudson going to van skyver a lot of the residents are now parking on the apron uh in front of their property and again you know we have regulations about parking in you know in town and I guess they're doing this because again the speeding on Charleston Road and they're trying to protect their uh vehicles uh so you know we need to either enforce parking or do something about uh the speeding on Charleston Road and um I think that's what I have for this evening so have a good evening thank you Miss mallerie okay call and listener ending in 72 97 if you're speaking we cannot hear you good evening Council good evening oh hi this is Jackal Ma sorry my fingers aren't working right tonight um 70 Maple wilan I have a couple of things I want to bring up I was at the Kennedy Center uh today for the ID um whatever license and I happen to be waiting in the reception room and I notic something there is a beautiful little patio right outside the reception room um it's in need of some help maybe Public Works can do that and or maybe they're even um that's supposed to be something that ruers I think was doing to work on the um entrance to the school and there's a garden there and it has some bushes in it but the uh ground doesn't look very good looks like it should have some ground cover or some flowers which I also noticed by the way that the sign out in front of the County Center has some FL newly planted flowers and that's wonderful as is the it's good to see the flowers being planted in the boxes so maybe we can put that all together um and I understand that we have a lot of groups using the um Candy Center this summer um so it would be nice to have it look especially great of course the other thing is the street in front of the Walk light it was full of cigarette butts today I'm not sure what they're supposed to be doing over there and not to be smoking around schools so that along with the speeding seems to be a problem however with the speeding in town I look at our adjoining communities Westampton and ran hocus and going from Burlington Township into Burlington City you don't speed going through those towns I swear I don't know where the policeman SI but if all I mean I'm sure you learned the lesson once and don't have to remember you remind yourself always slow down when you go in those places so maybe with more police surveillance at some of these spots um it would help I'm not I'm not sure what the answer is people's just love to go fast life is too short to be going so fast so anyhow um I would like to end by saying I'm glad to hear that the Emergency Management uh team is in place and Jim Anderson will do a great job um he was a good student under John Carol who also did a wonderful job but I know JN has had it uh a lot of years so Jim I'm sure will do a fine job and thank you and have a good evening thank you Miss Mack you're welcome okay Brown good evening Sharon Brown 78 executive Lane good evening mayor deputy mayor council members and wenber Resident I want to give a shout out to the volunteers at the mil Creek who helped with the free rabies and vaccination and also for the police present and I want to thank the police officer the EMS and the fire department for their service and thank Mr Harris for his thorough report I would like to ask Mr Anderson Deputy Mayor if he is exhilerated for of the charges I would like to talk more about the traffic safety because I am a black woman with three black adult sons more States already adopt police policy limited police stop for minor infrastructures we are tough on traffic laws there are often other ways to do this we will I remember that we will stop our young adults which is most of them are male those are the one that's speeding by the way what else can we do we can educate them we can Implement policy for defense for Drive-In course in Willen B with a mandate of renewing every year between 16 and 25 we can also have permanent speed sign which is implemented in Westampton permanent radio radar speed sign also calls driver's feedback sign and they posted mounted sign install on the side of the road they use radar to sense an oncoming vehicle speed and display that and also display the speed would help them slow down as well their service as Visual and their reminders to slow down we can request one with build into the camera we can also request cameras on them as well also we could have speed bumpers at every school entrance and exit we can place bumpers in area that gets higher pedestrian traffic and place speed bumpers can hinder speed in vehicle before Crossing this helped prevent accident by a large margin this can be a permanent solution without AC s additional money to give out for more resources when times for increase knowledge is the power we have educate our kids we have to educate our children and the young adults when they're stopping and what how they supposed to respond now also I want to go into shear and service shear and service has a save a save money for New Jersey local government in 2022 in 20 20 sorry New Jersey was slammed by cobt Shear service will drive down property tax Governor Murphy is serious about sheer service and you can ask someone from his cabinet to come and talk to wber about it more about sheer service it's happening in other townships do your research New Jersey local government and or continue to have that consolidate of school district Municipal Court sh service that save money for New Jersey local government share equal service in the Garden State share services to reduce cost and limit property tax increase I would like to ask I would like to ask anybody on the elected panel that elected is anybody thinking about going to Washington we can see that our Township is great improved because of these people on the councel and I can see it for myself the past elected official which was councel was there mostly they was mostly personal interest now I see that y'all are working very hard and we can go around the township and see that and I gladly appreciate that I can say new elect official have been fighting for Resident have good plans for the willenberg there are lots of this there's a lot of misinformation that is spreading spreading about willberg connect which is a great idea is resourceful and it's very helpful it's knowledge is increased reproductive better reproductive I can't pronounce it better access to information about willenberg can we include in the um willenberg connect footnotes or where the information is coming because other people are saying it's for advertisement which I don't believe we also saying misinformation Pro advertisement which I just said we are I wanted to present something we need to have a black woman help Summit annually I want to give a shout out to to um Angela Bess oh go ahead move forward sorry thank you very much thank you Miss Brown all right uh Tera Williams thank you Serena Williams 8 botney Circle good evening mayam Macintosh Deputy Mayor Anderson councilman perome councilman Whitfield councilman Dr Tiffany worthy Township manager Harris Mr fault Town Township Clerk um Miss Jackson and fellow residents um I first want to say um thank you for today's Proclamation for Lupus Awareness Month it's greatly appreciated yesterday was the National Lupus aacy Summit in Washington DC and today was a special march on Capitol Hill to help promote and spread Lupus Awareness so it's greatly appreciated that things are being done nationally right there at our capital and then here locally so greatly appreciate it each voice makes a strong difference for years to come special thanks also to the Mental Health Association in New Jersey in partnership with the Willing bar public library and the police department they hosted a virtual youth QPR training that was so informative last Thursday I learned about it through officer Landrum so I just want to say thanks to officer Landrum and the rest of the department for the great work that you're doing outside of course helping to protect our Co our um community and I'm just um really inspired by all the community outreach activities that the police department does last week was National Police Week so special thanks to the police department for the great work that you're doing in addition to them we have the EMT and the fire department last time I didn't get to give them a shout out so I just want to take this time to say special thanks for all your hard work that you do for our community speaking of community I believe that every single person while they may have a different office shares love and commitment and service so we should never talk down upon people while we may have a different outlook on a person we should all know as willing bar residents we all share a love for our community so I want to say special thanks to Mr Harris for all your hard work you give thorough report s and I really admire the great work that you're doing as you work IND um individually and collectively as a body with our dedicated council members in the interest of time I want to say um congrats to Jordan L Witherspoon I'm just in awe about the great work that you're doing I really wish you were in my science class when I was in school to hear an associate degree at such a young age you're a true embodiment of that we can be great at any age so may God continue to richly bless you as he has great plans for you um shout out to your parents as well for the great work that they've been doing with you um the Beloved project under Miss Archer has a new location so just want to say congratulations to her and her organization for all the great things that they do um we are truly blessed to be residents of the community where we all share the desire to live love and serve thank you so much for your Times May God richly bless you and your family hey buer Williams good evening mayor McIntosh deputy mayor council Mr Harris our new clerk our fellow members this is bua Williams from 8 botony Circle my daughter was so succinct I'm so proud of her she said everything I wanted to say um but um I want to confirm how I appreciate our mayor Deputy the councel the clerk and everyone you you're just so focused on working for your community of which I'm one so I appreciate all of you all of your hard work don't think that we don't notice your hard work you have Caring Hearts for your community and that's a good thing so may God continue to bless you um Mr turn turn please forgive me um mispronouncing name Miss Conrad our new clerk was helpful to me I call for information and they were just right on on targeting response and so on so and Terina of course mentioned the young man I'm so proud of the 16y old very good God bless you keep up the awesome work and as my daughter said the Lord has special plans for you and all our young people my three children also went to um willing Public Schools and um did well so you know I have nothing bad to say about our Public Schools if our parents are very interactive and watch what their children do and you know present themselves they will all do well as well so who does for our children our teachers for our councel um I think that is it oh the the EMS and the fire department always praise the Police Department which they deserve but sometimes I forget about EMS and the um fire department and they're doing awesome work as well so may God continue to bless all of you as you work for the betterment of our great Community the Willing B Township God bless you and thank you so much keep up the good work thank you Miss Williams you're welcome May is there anyone else for public comment anyone else online post um not at this time mayor okay thank you public comment is now closed all right um first I want to just thank um miss Patricia Lindsay Harvey I think this pre apprenticeship is awesome I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about it um and the progress of it um and make sure um we all stay informed um and actually you know push our youth in that direction so I thank thank you for bringing that to our attention um Miss William Miss Barbara Williams from writtenhouse um Mr Harris can you give me us an update on the HOA meeting I know there was a meeting I believe last week so there was a meeting at The Written House homeowners association um they did request that Mr tuno from the inspections department and um what's his name going to mess it up sea scribers scribbans is that it scribbans I tried I'm sorry uh attend that meeting and I also decided to attend that meeting just to hear some of the conversations and uh some of the issues that or the concerns of the residents in written house uh Square um it was a very productive meeting uh it lasted for I don't know how long but I believe they gave us about 20 30 minutes to uh address some of the issues um that the the development was was questioning we talked about things about uh snow plowing and about the sidewalks and whose responsibilities different things were um and we did have a conversation about the trash cans the recycling cans um and as I stated at the HOA meeting there is a lot of conversation about convers regarding conversations that were had prior to my tenure things that I've been told about different conversations uh with the recycling Court uh company about the cans and and the cans that were coming or allegedly promised there were different persons at the county at that time that are not there now and what I was trying to explain to the homeowners association that I that although I do not um diminish those conversations but we have had subsequent conversations in understanding and have come to agreements regarding the recycling carts and those are the policies that we are going to be moving forward in implementing if a resident in writtenhouse desires to have a blue recycling cart then all they need to do is request one and we will supply it to them as they become available um this Township uh over a period of time has spent 1.3 m ion doll on Blue recycling cards so we are getting cards we are distributing cards at a very large number but we did make a decision to have one siiz cards instead of some wanting smaller carts some wanting larger carts uh because we just wanted to be consistent with it throughout the township as Miss Williams was was remarking um so that was the decision um that was the administrative decision that was made and was communicated uh to the residents at Written House Square and most of them were receptive to that now Miss Williams did come by my office I believe it was 4:45 on maybe Tuesday or Wednesday of last week and did leave me a list of just names and some names people wanted large cards some names people wanted smaller cards it was just a list and I did take that list and I uh provided it to our Department of Public Works and our Department of Public Works has mailed out an application to every individual that was on that list and if they wanted a cart all they need to do was fill it out and send it back to DPW and we will make arrangements to deliver to them a blue card when blue cards are are available um Miss Williams stated that I do not like her I have no reason not to dislike her I really have uh no regard for her um and I believe that she says that I was confrontational and walked away she is correct that I did walk away uh because as I was leaving the meeting you know Miss Williams decided she wanted to follow me and continue to express her feelings about recycling carts me and my performance here in willing Barrow and I was not going to engage in that type of of dialogue um at that at that time um so that is the situation with the the the trash cards and if the HOA Association desires to have us come back to another meeting we will be more than happy to do so but we do not organize and schedule those meetings that's their Association that handles those and can I just ask you um how many people were on this list and have you been getting replies back from is the application cumbersome is no it's it's not and and really the the reason for the reason for the application is just to get an acknowledgement that they as the the resident would be responsible for making sure that the carts are um placed in the proper location understanding that our collection services will not be responsible for locating the carts if they're not properly placed uh that the homeowners are going to be required to store uh the carts in accordance with the township ordinances and uh that they are aware of all of those requirements above and beyond just receiving the blue cart all right and we're only offering the big carts is what you're saying offering smaller carts are the big carts able to go on the sides or in the backyards of um some writtenhouse properties are they able to go into the are they able to be because since they can't be in the front are they able to be in the transported to the back yes and you know just the way that the property is is designed for some folks it will be more convenient than others uh but yes they are I can um speak as a resident there the large cards don't necessarily fit into the back Gates it is difficult to fit the large carts in the back Gates just putting that out there okay Madame mayor yes um with regards to written in house as far as um those that received I mean at this point everyone should have received the trash can and and then to council um councilman whitfield's point of knowing that some of the trash cans can't I don't know what it looks like back there um can we um do like an inventory on making sure that those who need the small Lo cans in writtenhouse have them I'm not sure what we do still have the yellow recycling receptacles that many people use um in written house so those ones do fit in the back area and um we still use those on so I thought that but some residents are requesting the larger oh this blue recepticles the blue recycling receptacles okay let me ask a question the the yellow bins you're speaking of are these the ones that the machine picks up no the yellow recycling bins you know the the regular okay so how is the truck picking them up then they just pick them up they're doing it manually for written it's the county oh so the county is doing it manually okay in written house and amount very oh okay I didn't realize that okay and and outside of our recent Communications with Miss Williams there hasn't been a large demand or requ request for large recycling carts or or transitional recycling carts in written house right I think that's my question and my concern is there like are people calling up um has the list been extensive I can't talk to you I'm I can't public comment is over Miss Williams I don't know how many persons were on that list but I do know that the list was transposed and every individual uh name that was on that list was mailed an application today okay so I don't know who's going to respond uh we will wait and see okay all right thank you Mr Johnson um had some concerns on the left lights for Veterans Park way so that issue was reported by Captain bucks after the last meeting and uh he was relayed by the county that that issue had been been fixed um I was at that traffic light today and I didn't notice a delay in the green turn signal so um I will ask Captain bucks to follow up with that again uh tomorrow okay um Miss Miller was giving kudos for the pickle ball investment um Mr Burton um had some some concerns you know with the the um some maybe potential flooding um and then some flag poles are down can we just check that out and make sure so the flag pole that he is referring to is a flag pole that was uh damaged a while ago in in mil Creek Park um and it has taken a while for the the vendor to be able to come and fix that poll but that poll is actually scheduled to be uh replaced tomorrow tomorrow okay so I hoping that that that will be completed and I know um Mr Thompson and our DPW has ordered new P flags for that poll so I'm hoping that it will be repaired and in place uh by Memorial Day yeah please um also in terms of the potential flooding um when we're looking at the speed bumps we would address that may be something that we need to consider right that he was saying that if we put speed bumps there that could cause a flooding problem that would something would be um again looked at through engineering and also can we check out um I know he said there was some um mua work being done um at the intersection of Pine and JFK um some buckling can we check that out yes also all right um and miss mallerie um any updates on the covert for Charleston Road so you did award that contract tonight we are going to trans uher that information to the engineer tomorrow and they will have that contractor get on that project uh ASAP okay perfect um she also did indicate you know the um increase in Fox um Fox population I think that's happening all throughout Willingboro due to um some development surrounding willing bur um it's getting rid of some of our wild our forest areas so that isn't something that we may have to just look into um I did have conversations with the Environmental Protection Agency um concerning that because they're not there not there you know at the meetings when they're doing the planning so you know I did ask for their input on how to um mitigate some of that because I do have the same issue um in my neighborhood because of the development in West Hampton mhm um fox is in different Wildlife coming out and you know I don't think we want to get in the habit of just killing Wildlife um because they don't have a habitat right um but just putting some extra precautions in for our residents considering you know the foxes I did see some foxes um Miss mallerie also brought up you know our intentions with the ethics Commission and um I'll speak for myself and um any other council member can chime in but at this time I you know I don't have the interest in investing um into the ethics board um we haven't had it in years in in decades I'll say um and there is a provision you know for the county and Municipal boards um through the local Finance board so it's not that if we don't have a ethical board that you know certain ethical issues can't go before them so for me I'm not interested in making that investment um in terms of extra legal a whole another um set of money to form that board but that that's just my opinion um and I don't remember for in just to put things in perspective how what P what how many municipalities have ethics boards the majority of municipalities do not have ethics boards 5% and so um at this time unless you know we the majority of council wants that I'm I'm not interested in pursuing it at this moment um if anybody else has something councilwoman Peron okay um I have two things one just with the flag P um no it's okay um uh with the flag pole if we don't get it up can we just have um someone move it out of safety's way because I know we're we're drawing a crowd there for Memorial Day so I know you said that you're hoping that they move they get the pole up have flag this is not the one in mil it's it's in mil Creek by the flag I saw it flower bed right there at the entrance is there a way to move it from I just remember where it was before this is a few months ago I don't know if it's still there but it just seems like it's D it's dangerous to have it there if we're going to draw a crowd there that's just um a suggestion um with the ethics board um uh the ethics board is um it's like a buffer to the local ethics board local ethics board you're taking things basically to the courts um this is more um of governing our Municipal um in a a a professional and peaceful way so to speak the only expense that there would be is to have um a legal attorney represented um during I guess some of the meetings just like we have with some of our other um boards um we do have and have had uh legalities whereby our attorneys were called in for basic simple nuances in some cases and some of them were real cases that were needed we needed attorney representation and so our legal fees are at a high because we have to call in our labor attorney our special attorney and so when we talk about whether or not we want to invest in it this is actually a way to keep our legal expenses down so I find that having the ethics board um is um is a key essential Group which by the way already exists um this is not something that we have to create I did receive um the legal opinion from our solicitor um I had gotten it recently but I I saw that it was written in in February um and she stated um I would I can read it just one sentence here essentially if a town does not have an Ethics board the function is served by the lfb local Finance board acronym however if the municipality has a mpal ethic board the municipal board is essentially a jurisdiction and appeals go through the ethics board so there's more it says on here but just so that you understand um where I'm where I'm coming from and how I see that is um a beneficial um group for us and lastly I will close here three people did apply and um the part that I find insulting to our our residents is that we have these boards and then we want to pick and choose onto which ones we want to open our eyes or close our eyes to their applications and I feel that that's a slap in the face because none of us would want to feel that if we apply to a board that it's already existing which this board does and we ignore them and um I believe you were out of town that meeting um Madam mayor um but that's what I was trying to bring up at that meeting that we have applicants let's not dismiss them as if they are less of a people than us um so with in closing that's what I want to say about that this does not cost us any money it actually saves US money and I think we should acknowledge the three people that did apply which is Miss malie mie she spoke tonight miss Stephanie knock and Mr Kim brenley these are three residents that applied to that commission and they applied back in I think it was January that's it thank you Council mom Peron before I before I answer does anybody else have any input um I I hear what you're saying uh councilwoman Peron um and thank you for the residents that have applied you know to all of our boards and commissions we appreciate your desire to serve the township of Willingboro um but I have also talked to other elected officials throughout the state um on the status of Ethics boards um in in my research I have found that it has added a significant expense um to the township because there is required legal representation at um all of their meetings as well as um you know it wouldn't uh eliminate any of you know our labor attorney's work or our special attorney's work um for issues that would go through them um so for for those reasons um and because of the research that I found through talking with other elect officials throughout the state I am not in support of um appointing people to the ethics commit committee anyone else yes so based on picking backing off of what my colleagues have indicated it is and will be an additional expense not to mention that only 5% of the 500 66 M municipalities engage with an Ethics board and any decisions that come have to go through the um Finance board anyway so if there's any decision because the board itself can't make a final decision it was still have to go to the ethics board so at that point you know what is the sense in US wasting funds on attorneys and fees when there can be no final remedy at this local level so for that I don't support having it at you know at the additional expense just real real quick um thank you both for your comments and um there is more information that's involved but yes um Council MC Anderson um you are not correct whereas by there are certain things that cannot be voted at that board that's why they exist um so not everything needs to be upscale to um lfb um so that part I wanted just to clarify that part the ethics board if they were appointed can make decisions and vote and solve things amongst yourself that's basically what you're doing you're SOL you're solving your issues inh house amongst yourselves without taking it to the streets so to speak outside of your house um but that's it I mean again um I find that this conversation is um appreciative because um for me at the end of the day we are all individually um equally one council member of this board so having a discussion on whether we agree or not um I'm fine with um and just again speaking to the residents so they know that we're not just ignoring them that's all I have thank you Council thank you everyone okay um also the veteran services we're still in a discussion veteran service officer correct just want to you expand so we are in discussions about um some uh administrative restructuring in the township um veteran services was part of that conversation uh we are doing some research as to how we're going to move with those operations and no final determinations have been made as of yet right and just um for your information um we are going to be engaging with the um Federal to see the best way to accommodate our veterans and what willing bur will be responsible for or not um so we are reaching out we're just waiting a away um dates for meeting with the federal veteran services to get their input on how to assist our um military um person people okay that's good thank you um also miss mallerie indicated speeding some speeding on Charleston still you know she had said that last um meeting also so I know we're getting our traffic units together all right Miss maack um Miss Mac had some concerns about the patio room outside the reception area so as you go into the J and I believe this is the area that she's talking about as you go into the JFK Center you go to the banquet hall on the right hand side there is a little patio area out there that um is a little overgrown and does need some attention so I will uh bring that to the attention of our Public Works and we'll see we can get it cleaned up a little bit okay thank you and also um Miss Mack also did indicate some issues with speeding in Willingboro so I think that's starting to come up um quite a bit um Miss Brown first gave kudos to you know our Police Department clerk's office EMS um from what I got from the from um her public comment was some concern over being too tough in our policing for traffic considering um she's quote she said black men do to speeding yeah I I understand what I understand that um what she was referring to and I think and maybe Captain press will be comfortable with saying just a few um remarks about that um the the attorney general in the state of New Jersey really is the one that kind of dictates policies and and procedures regarding police departments and and things that they do and um they they are not as free to do policing work as they used to and part of that includes pulling over vehicles um so uh at this point I will turn it over to uh Captain Perez who can explain a little bit about that some of the difficulties when it comes to um speeding issues and the reality of of speeding not only here in in will Barrow but the perception that our neighboring communities have no speeding issues that's a little uh false but um go ahead and Enlighten us sir if if you don't mind good evening city council can you hear me yes so we train and direct our officers to focus on distracted drivers Speeders and aggressive drivers which we feel lot of the the majority of our accidents come from those type of drivers so that's what we focus on so I understand her concerns about trivial car stops but that's what we focus on we focus on the stuff that makes a difference with the safety of our citizens in Willen bro and that would be those type of drivers so that's what we focus on um city council was wise enough at last meeting to approve the the uh traffic safety unit and with that unit we'll be able to place them as strategic points within the town to dissuade and deter that type of behavior so um that's what we have that's what we're going to have in place that goes into into effect July 1 and hopefully by then we'll stop getting so many complaints but again the perception that some towns have I guess a higher presence on the roadway that in a sense is true because again they have lesser call volume than we do like I said last time we have the highest call Value in the county uh about 36,000 calls uh per year so we focus our attention now on 911 calls and the safety of our residents and those type of situations but with the Inception of this traffic unit we'll be able to put more bodies on the street to focus primarily on the saf the road safety motor vehicle accidents and they'll be able to address those issues as they pop up not just on the major roadways but as uh issues come like for example on Beachnut Lane so Mr Burton I think he left but I just talked to him in the back and he pinpointed the area on Beachnut Lane by Troy where there was an issue so immediately I just called I just text my lieutenant and said tomorrow during school hours I want an officer place there to deter and to address the situation so that's how our Traffic Unit is going to be deployed so as soon as we get the intelligence it's going to be acted upon acted upon immediately so hopefully that will change the culture the driving culture coming through our town where we have a constant presence of uh four to five officers on those major thorough fares coming through town I hope that answered the question appreciate that Mr Lori left I wanted him just to briefly say something about connect um and Miss Brown did mention um something about black women Summit um Miss Brown if you're still on can you just contact the clerk's office um just to set up some time with me I just want to get some context to some of the um things you listed today um just think it needs a little bit more than four minutes um so please get in contact with the clerk and we can set up some time to discuss further um Miss Williams Miss Terina Williams and Miss bu Williams both gave kudos for the hard work of the fire and EMS um and congrats to to Jordan um and I think that's it did I miss anything um okay so I appreciate everyone for the public comment we'll be moving on to council comment does any Council have any comment for tonight yes just want to thank everyone for coming out I also want to give give uh congratulations to our Law Firm Adam malamut and Maggie for being recognized as uh leaders in lore by New Jersey Biz 2024 so congratulations thank you also congratulations to Mr Jordan Witherspoon um I also had the opportunity with Dr worthy to attend the reopening of well 5B with the uh wmua and um I would like to say happy birthday to one of our favorite residents Miss buer Williams birthday is on the 30th and also to councilwoman Peron who is on June 2nd happy birthday 7th I got it all wrong I'm sorry got one more count it's the thought that counts thank you I'm sorry and I know the mayor is on the fifth just in case I forget okay Geminis thank you everyone thank you Deputy Mayor Anderson anyone else for anything real quick okay um yeah I do also want to congratulate the young man uh Jordan with a spone I'm sure you're going to do amazing things we are super proud of you so I'm looking forward to reading more about you and your accomplishments and I just also want to give a huge thank you shout out to Miss Sharon Anderson I'm surprised she wasn't on tonight um but and I think I've said this before I have two dogs Pepsi and cola so Cola went missing on Sunday and I contact conted um Miss Anderson and she got her red cape and went flying to help me find my dog um so we found her it took us it took us um a few hours but I just want to thank her um for her um you know stepping in with her team to help me find Cola so that's all she's always running off what Phil you have anything thank you mayor um good evening everyone I did want to just ackn knowled that summer is definitely coming quickly um so I want to remind everyone about heat safety um make sure you're staying hydrated check on your elderly and young neighbors um I saw some kids playing out front in in the sprinkler today so that's always fun to see um but you know let's take care of each other as the temperatures Rise um keep ourselves hydrated and um enjoy all of wonderful summertime activities that we have going on around the township I look forward to um seeing everyone at the Friday night music um at the amphitheater um to hear some good Gospel tunes um it starts at 700 pm at the amphitheater outside of the library so I am excited about that and I'll see you all there thank you councilwoman withfield and I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight I'm going to make mine quick we're 9:20 um just a reminder that we do have a community garden at JFK and that you know we looking for volunteers um it's growing we just started a couple of years ago but it's growing into you know something fabulous um so during the daytime hours of the open hours of JFK just check it out you know and they are definitely go grow um is one of our one of the people who are um one of the groups who are really pushing this um initiative so we are looking for volunteers to help Plant weed um water the things that go into maintain in a garden um just a select few cannot do it all so if we're trying to really be abundant as a community we need all hands on deck um so I just want to keep reminding people about that during you know these crucial months um summer spring and summer months mon but um as councilwoman Whitfield said I do look forward to seeing everyone at some of the events we have over the next couple of weeks um I think our departments are doing a great job to make sure that our community remains engaged and interfaces with each other so with that said have a great great evening um and that's it for tonight and we executive session I'm sorry y yep you can read the resolution oh wait no she she has laryngitis our dear our dear councilwoman worthy she usually has something very fruitful and very um profound to say but today she has um some throat issues I'm going we're gonna give her a break today okay did you want Mr I thought you said you wanted Mr lvery say Lori no that's all right he wasn't here when I needed him yes go ahead um resolution 2021 2024 d146 resolution authorizing an executive closed session in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 colon 4-6 at sec to discuss personal matters impending and potential litigation um should I read it in full yeah you can read it go ahead no wait no go ahead okay yes I all right is there a motion so moved moved by Deputy Mayor second Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield you could make your statement thank you mayor uh yes executive session tonight will be for um pursuant to njsa 10412 subsections B7 and 8 for matters involving personnel and litigation all right roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and there'll be no there'll be no voting on no anticipated action tonight mayor thank you everyone have a great night thank you for coming out again e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are we record recing all right I didn't hear it did you say we recorded did you hear it I thought I heard it yes it's recording okay thank you all right I need a motion to come out of executive so moved second moved by councilman Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr Tiffany W yes yep Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor mcos yes make a motion for adjournment second all in favor I I any Nays have a great night thank you everyone thank you every