believe all all the mechanics can operate Opera what kind is it Madame Deputy clerk it is now 7 o'clock meeting is called to order councilwoman for councilwoman whv present councilwoman present mayor present and mayor mikos present we will now have our prayer by Dr Cher good evening good evening bow our heads father we thank you for the privilege to come to the throne of grace where your word declares we can obtain mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need Lord we acknowledge tonight that we live in needful times thank you for these servants who have committed their time to help lead and guide our town and I pray Lord that you would superintend the conversations tonight that you would rest Rule and abide even as we meet tonight that you would allow peace and love to reign in this community that we would shine as beacons of light to the world so Lord have your way as our prayer tonight that you would meet every need that's recorded that you would touch from heart to heart that we would be mindful of our need for you that you would use us for your Kingdom Service bless every home and every family Representatives our prayer in Jesus able name we pray amen amen thank you Dr B please stand for the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in compliance with the open public meetings act this is to announce that adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following manner Advanced written notice of this meeting was hosted on the bulletin board in the municipal complex and was mailed to the BR County Times the Intelligencer and The Courier Times Advanced written notice of this meeting was filed with the town clerk the CLK is directed ENT into the minutes the minute meeting of this Public Announcement thank you Madame Deputy clerk well good evening everyone it is a pleasure to have you today on this evening of March 5th tonight we're we're beginning women women's history three month so we'll start off with our Proclamation by Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor Proclamation recognition of women's History Month whereas throughout history women have driven Humanity forward on the path to a more equal and just Society contributing in Limitless ways to our character and progress as a people and whereas American women of every race class and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation and have played and continue to play critical economic cultural and social role in every sphere of the life of the nation by constituting a significant portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home and whereas American women have played a unique role throughout the history of the nation by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force and were vitally important in the establishment of early charitable philanthropic and cultural institutions in our nation and where at say American women secured their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity while serving as early leaders in the Forefront of every major Progressive social change movement which includes but not limited to the Abolitionist Movement the Emancipation movement the industrial labor movement the civil rights movement and the peace movement which create a more fair and just Society for all and whereas American women have served our country courageously in the armed forces and dared to transcend preconceived expectations and proved they were capable of doing all that a man could do and more and whereas despite these contributions the role of American women in history has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the literature teaching and study of American history and whereas during women's history month we honor that countless women who sacrificed and strived to ensure all people have an equal opportunity to pursue the American dream now therefore I K T Macintosh mayor of the township of Willingboro do hereby along with the township Council Proclaim March as women's History Month in 2024 thank you Dr worthy and I like to acknowledge all our women in in the Willingboro Township that do a phenomenal job uh keeping this town moving and a special shout out to my Council colleagues outside of um mayor Anderson but thank you you know for all your contributions we work hard for this town so happy woms month um moving on to uh manager your manager report you may good evening uh mayor and Council and members of the public uh we just have a few updates for this evening recently at the request of the uh Township uh Burlington County completed a traffic study or warrant analysis under the mutcd uh to study the traffic patterns at Beverly ran cookus Road in Windsor Lane to determine if it was efficient to put a traffic light there uh based on the number of U and verac uh the seriousness of accidents that have been occurring at that intersection uh the county did include that traffic study and they did and determined that it did not meet any of the four warrants for a traffic signal how however we did go back and have a meeting with the County engineer uh and our engineer to press our case um and to discuss uh possible Alternatives uh the result was Burlington County has agreed to install flashing lights um on existing roadways there at the Beverly ran cookus in Windsor Lane to warn motorists that they are approaching that intersection and um hopefully this will be completed within the next few weeks along with that we did have further conversations regarding the Beverly ran cookus and Rose Street pedestrian Crossing signal uh Burlington County is preparing to make improvements to the Willingboro Lakes Park and the county will install a pedestrian Crossing signal at that intersection as part of those improvements which should also be uh completed sometime in 2024 hopefully in the uh next 3 to 4 months um but the beauty of that is there will be no cost share to the township to get that accomplished um but we will provide them uniform police officers to provide a traffic control during the construction period our EIP project here in Willingboro is moving right along um they have installed the HVAC units on most of our buildings um they are making plans now to get in and change the the air conditioner heating monstrosity that's in the library um also the boilers at JFK K are are being connected uh unfortunately the gas was disconnected there yesterday and today so it was a little chilly but that should be up and running again tomorrow to facilitate that installation um and they are working on the building envelopes on all of our buildings um the library has been completed when I say the building envelopes they're talking about door ceiling window ceiling um in the Kennedy Center they're doing a roof wall intersection ceiling where where the roof and the ceiling meets there's some gaps at the top where they're filling in with some type of foam sealant so the the wind doesn't or the drafts don't get in and then they're going to be uh beginning DPW a little later this month so that project is moving along um quite well and I I do believe we are are ripe to give them their first payment um which is a bit substantial but you'll see resolution for that um at our next meeting um as I reported in the past we did go out for bid for Our Country Club pool repair uh we did have four contractors or four individuals who picked up packets for the bids uh but unfortunately there were none returned today as we had hoped so uh we are in discussion with the um with the engineer they're going to reach out to the four biders and to see what it was that they decided not to submit bids and then we are considering going immediately back out to bid um for a shorter period um maybe 10 days and then if if we fail to get bids there then we have the ability under state law to negotiate a contract uh with vendors for that project so we're going to be uh continuing to move that forward in an effort to get that pool and Penny packet pool open by um Memorial Day we are also preparing a Grant application to the New Jersey uh BPU uh which has created a $10,000 Comm Community energy plan uh plan grant program for municipalities to develop a community energy plan to meet the goals of the state's um energy master plan so we are preparing that application and there will be a resolution uh for your approval at the next meeting uh to submit the application the fiscal year 2024 NJ doot Municipal Aid project which is being uh we received the grant for 47,4 $425 which is going to go towards the Reconstruction of Marshall Lane the final plans have been um prepared and the specs have been submitted to the New Jersey Department of Transportation last week so uh we are just waiting for their final approvals and we anticipate advertising that for uh spring 2024 which will go right in line with our other road projects that are happening this year uh JFK the recreation center proposed improvements um that we have received substantial Grant Monies to I did receive that information from penon this morning and I did forward it off to you for your review and um and we can have further discussions uh after everyone has a bit of time to absorb what was presented uh I just want to announce that DPW is finished collecting leads for this season if anyone still has leaves that they wish to um have removed please bag them and bring them to DPW Yard for disposal uh our financial picture for Willing Barrow the a revenue generated for the month of February or as of February 26 is a little bit over $16 m63 th000 um with 16.4 of that being tax revenue and we did put out a monthly allotment to the Willingboro Board of Education in the amount of 3,273 775 and6 67 the finance department um my department department heads the Auditors um have been working diligently to fiscally uh prepare a responsible budget to present to the governing body our financial reports have been uh finalized and we are moving forward we're presenting the 2024 budget to the council at the next meeting for introduction I would just like to announce that the third annual citizens fire academy will will be open for registration on Monday March the 18th classes will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. uh from April 24th through June the 12th that's an 8-week period the classes will be limited to 15 participants so please look out for the advertisements that will be uh released on March the 18th also applications for our citizens Police Academy are being accepted the deadline is March 15th those those classes will be held at the police department Saturday mornings um during the month of April and finally the senior center is offering federal and state income tax preparation Services uh through AARP tax AIDS they are offering free tax preparation for anyone at any age but especially if you are 50 or older or you can't afford to pay uh for tax preparation uh you can call this uh you can call the senior center uh to make an appointment and they're taking appointments on Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and those are just the updates for uh the community this evening thank you Mr Harris are there is there any um questions or concerns from Council updates okay oh um not a question um but I did just want to thank Mr Harris for foll through on the traffic portion with the county um those lights are critical to the safety of our community um so thank you for following up and getting that Feast done you're welcome any other comments or concerns from Council okay could I just have Miss Jackson come forth at this time and just announce the activities for yes please good evening mayor depy mayor members of council and all those in attendance uh we just want to bring before you that on Saturday March 16th we will have our annual egg Extravaganza from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. this will be at the Kennedy Center it's a drive-through Event open to ages 5 to 12 and participants will drive around Harpers will distribute candy and other um goodies while supplies last so Harpers are needed for this event if you want to distribute or donate candy please contact the Recreation and Parks Department and we'd love to hear from you by March 8th um the following weekend on March 23rd at 10:00 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. our younger residents will be invited ages 3 to 6 to the eggtastic event and children are invited to bring their favorite bag or basket and join us for this year's Easter egg hunt this we're here on the baseball field and it is a rain or shine event so again if you have any questions regarding that event we ask that you contact the recreation and parks department you did hear about our Citizen Police Academy so I'll skip through there um and we want to let you know that we do have um 15 spots available for our free CPR and AED class so if presents are interested in this opportunity contact our fire department for this and the class will be held on April 6 and April 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we have 15 spots available for that we also want to remind you that this Friday is the last day to nominate a woman for our 2024 phenomenal women Awards event this event will be held on Sunday April 27th and the deadline to submit names is this Friday March 8th so if you know someone you consider phenomenal please um make sure you nominate nominate them so they can be considered for this year's event and you can contact the recreation and parks department or visit our website for more information and lastly but certainly not lece we want to remind you of our spring clean communities cleanup event which is Saturday April 20 we excited we hope you are too so we're inviting everybody to join us to um come together and clean and beautify our community more information will be forthcoming but we just want to make sure you have that date before you and plan to join us and as always this information is on our website social media platforms our YouTube channel and by subscribing to will bro weekly so thank you thank you Miss Jackson okay before we proceed I just want to um say for the record or put on the record that Council Peron is present and we can move on Mr Harris with our resolutions yes so the resolutions uh there are no ordinances before you this evening for your consideration but the resolutions are as follow resolution number 22458 is a resolution that is authorizing the overpayment of taxes uh which is pretty uh standard resolution 2024-the resolution there's three things that we needed to accomplish in this resolution first um we needed to designate an official newspaper for the municipality um this is usually done um earlier in in the year um but with the transition of Municipal clerks we never got an official newspaper designated so we are designating the Philadelphia Inquirer the Trenton Times and carrier post um as the newspapers to receive notices under the open public meetings act we are also um doing a dedication by Ryder to um in the amount of $500 uh for the utilization of the Department of Public Works to make um small purchases as a petty cash fund and then designating Michelle Boon um to manage those cash uh the cash down in the the department also the township manager and the CFO are hereby authorizing or will hereby be authorized and directed to approve refunds between the different departments being Recreation their program fees tax refunds residential property taxes due um appeals refund for duplicate pay payments or over payments and cancellation of building and inspection re permits during the year of 2024 um all of these activities do have to be um ratified by the township Council before they are executed but it's just giving the authority to do the administrative work behind to uh to effectuate those payments after the coun after the council has approved them and also it is authorizing the tax collector uh to discontin the collection of interest for taxes in sums less than 50 so those are the four things that will be accomplished through that particular resolution resolution number 20 24-6 is a resolution approving the Final close out for the Buckingham Drive covert repairs and accepting the maintenance bond that project was deemed substantially complete um as of January 31st 20 23 and um it is accepting the maintenance bond from think pavers in the amount of $1,828 um which will be held for a period of two years from the date of substantial completion substantial completion um or until further release by the governing body resolution number 202 24- 61 is approving the Final close out for the NJ do fy2020 1 Municipal Aid project which was the uh Penny Packer Drive Phase 2 pavement project this work was also compet parti or substantially deemed complete um back on June 1st of 20123 this is authorizing the Final close out and the acceptance of the maintenance Bond um from or thinkk pavers in the amount of $2,025 and 64 C which also will be held for a period of two years or until further release by the governing body resolution number 202462 is authorizing the township of Willingboro to place Municipal charges on certain properties for failing to address um Property Maintenance violations um we do this when they have been um um violated and have failed to Abate those properties we will go and do the repairs necessary or do the abatement necessary and then uh pay the expense and then put a lean on the property and that is what we asking you to authorize us to do resolution number 2024-25 segment 4 roadway Improvement uh this has been a program that we have um been working on for uh well over two years we have designated 12 roads in Willingboro that we are going to go ahead and repave um they are the 12 worst roads in the township um we received um funding through the New Jersey ibank in the sum of just a little over 3.5 million to do this project uh for our good uh the bids came in substantially lower than that ranging from 1,523 513 to 1, 63569 so we are asking the governing body to award a contract with Earl asphalt company in the amount of 1, 523,000 and then we are going to uh look into utilizing the additional fundings to go ahead and complete 10 more additional roads resolution number 202 24- 64 is a resolution authorizing the township to award construction service contract for bro Park improvements uh bro Park uh received a $100,000 Grant a few years ago um the township did contribute matching funds to that project the project had to go out and be engineered um the uh equipment was purchased and now we are able or ready ready to go go ahead and move with the um construction and installation phase so we are asking that a contract be awarded to se Coast Construction from East Brunswick in the amount of $111,000 for this project which has been funded through a prior Capital um uh Capital bonds resolution number 2024 d66 is a resolution authorizing the payment of vouchers um for their payment and ratification resolution number 20 24- 69 and I know there are some some gaps in the sequencing but there were some items that were removed from um the agenda for various reasons resolution number 202 24- 69 is a resolution um accepting the tax collector's annual report um the tax collector is required by law to submit an annual state M of receipts to the governing body and this is her report from or for 2023 resolution number 20 24-70 is another resolution authorizing an overpayment of taxes I believe this resolution was supposed to have been on the last agenda but for um technical uh difficulty it just got missed over so we're asking that those be um approved as well resolution number 2024-the services to the Township in relation to the segment 4 roadway when penon first submitted their proposal two years ago um we did go ahead and award them a contract for the design and engineering and bidding phase in the amount of 231,000 or close there to um and this was the second portion which was the construction management and review phase so now that the construction work is going to actually begin we're going to ask you to authorize the contract to penon in the amount of $313 for those purposes resolution number 2024-25 and Associates for the year 2024 and the planning board is asking that you uh set a not to exceed amount in the in the amount of $8,000 for the planning board resolution number 2024 d73 is a resolution establishing the not to exceed amount for the planning board solicitor um the planning board solicitor this year is Cooper levenson and they had submitted bids and they asking for them to be awarded and not to exceed amount of uh $115,000 for those purposes uh resolution number 2024 d74 is U very similar uh asking for you to establish the not to exceed amount for the Zoning Board of adjustment solicitor who is Matthew B will yeah W yeah W let W let go okay um and again that amount is $115,000 and the um the not to exceed amount for the planning or the Zoning Board of adjustment engineer under resolution number 20 24- 75 um which is CME Associates for the year of 2024 and they are asking that you establish a not to exceed amount um in in the amount of of $8,000,000 so just a point of of clarity the planning board and Zoning Board do have the statutory authority to appoint their own uh engineer and professionals however the council does fund those appointments so that's what you're actually doing is just putting the mon monetary behind um their choice for engineer and um solicitors for 2024 um resolution number 204-762-6080 is uh the award of a liquor license to um rmt Holdings LLC um doing business in Willingboro Township as 1911 Smokehouse so they're finally going to get their um liquor license if the solicitor has any comments to that um no it's pretty much everything will be submitted to ABC uh for their review and final approval and that is all of the business before you for consideration this evening thank you thank you we just have one more um that was just added and that's resolution 2024 77 which is a resolution of the township Council of the township of Willingboro providing for the appointment of the Oprah and substitute conflict prosecutor Attorney um there were only one there was one submission for each um so for Oprah we have Florio peruchi steinhardt capellan Tipton and substitute conflict prosecutor we have kg mg Law Group so that's also on um one of our resolutions for consideration okay after that we will now open up for public comment for agenda items only you have two minutes please state your name and address for the record if you have any discussion or concerns for agenda items only host is there anyone online uh not at this time here thank you seeing none public comment for agenda items is now closed um I like to ask Council if there's any resolutions they would like to take out for further discussion just the um the last added one regarding the professionals okay any other ones okay I make a motion for a consent agenda for Resolutions 2024-25 second roll call please yes yes yes mayerson yes mayor yes I'd like to make a motion to approve that consent agenda so second Thank You mooved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Peron roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman WiFi yes councilwoman worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and May yes okay you can we have this last one no I'm sorry is there a motion for resolution 2024 d77 second so move so move second move by Council Peron seconded by councilwoman worthy discussion please discussion yes um so with with with the Oprah um attorneys I did review the um their application and their fees um my question is just relating to a few different things one are we going to do a not to exceed um I didn't see it in here and then number two are they doing all of the opras or is there a certain criteria where whereby the clerk's Department um would need to send it over um in order for us to maintain and kind of control our um our spending for this because I know um I don't know how many opras we get but I know that we do kind of get quite a few and I'm just trying to get an understanding how we going to control um so those of my two questions C you have an answer which opras go to do all opras go to um the Oprah attorney or just some it would be if there's questions or concerns that the office cannot answer willne okay so all opras which she you said all opras that the clerk's office cannot answer so um by that if I'm so I can clarify do you mean like documents that are not in the building or has to do more with law something gets more um detailed about legalities okay okay and so we still would have to establish not to exceed regardless so um and we just have to look at the previous what it was last time it was and then where we where we net it out because I know um the the process didn't change from last year so we I think we did utilize them for every um was it every or was it some of them every just even if and they had to be um you know more involved more involved on some than others they but they their I went across all of them I believe okay so I'm hoping that we don't have to do that I know we're about to do our interviews um because um it is part of the clerk's Department to do that so I think may we should have some sort of like measurement as um Mr toyer um just described you know legality something more um where we need eyes on for an attorney but go ahead that was all I just wanted to um thank you Madame may I just wanted to add um what I've seen too is that the clerk's office would take the first review theyd look at and answer it as best as they could and thinking that it's complete and then the Oprah attorney would review it so it wouldn't be that it all comes in and just gives it straight to Oprah attorney they're just doing a final a final check like if something needs to be redacted or you know if they miss something in there um they would look at that but the clerk's office does like the bulk of the work and the Oprah attorney is like the final look before it's submitted back okay so the Oprah attorney always looks at all of the opras anyway is that what you are you just saying as far as what goes to them I'm talking about what goes to them I don't know if every single Oprah goes to the Oprah but I know that they give it a once over whatever sent to them they give it a once over they're not starting from scratch like initial request isn't going straight to the got it okay so we'll do it not to exceed later at a later date right and that actually for the next meeting can you write that down um for our next meeting so we can just have that I don't know if um Miss misss um who does a resolution for not to exceed yeah okay so we'll just look for that we have the Oprah attorney and the and the special um I'm sorry conflict prosecutor is that all any other anything else for discussion okay roll yes yes yes yes may yes all right um we need the treasurers Treasurer report treasury for approval we have a motion to Second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by Council worthy any discussion roll call please Council yes yes yes Mayon yes May yes approval minutes is there a motion to approve minutes January 30 so moved second moved by councilwoman worthy second by councilwoman mfield any further discussion roll call please counc yes yes yes yes yes and just to note for January 2nd and January 19th um there were just some corrections that needed to be made but we did not approve those today they'll be up for approval of their next meeting okay Madam Deputy clerk you can move on to your update for month of January the first office 1,131 calls 1,183 calls were made there were nine meranti licenses totaling $261 35 there were 163 job licenses totaling $234 there were 55 opras submitted there were four bids for the month of January and there's oneing and for also as a CL update for the there4 there were 1,165 there were 12 mertile licenses there was one liquor license there were 47 dog licens process tot $154 there were 47 AAS submitted there were five BS and there wasu like I said the one and do you need anything from us for the Bingo um yes if you guys could see the ra I make a motion to approve the Bingo license is it license raffle raffle raffle um for Corpus Christie so second all right moved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Peron any further discussion roll call please yes yes yes mayor Anderson yes and mayor yes okay thank you so much moving on to unfinished business is there anything for unfinished business pass M um I wanted to know an update on the um trash contract bids where we we have any update on that the trash contract bids are out required by law to be out for 60 days so they won't be back until um the very end of March very early April okay so you a knowledge have received anything okay um the other um under unfinished business um I recognized that um well first we all know um Willingboro is a um promly veterans community and we used to have a veteran service officer um for those who don't know what that position is it's a person or Department that assists veterans with um multitude of different um things when it comes to housing health benefits you name it as far as Li living um and we currently do not have one um so I'm asking the council to support me in giving some direction to the township manager to reestablish and have um a veteran service officer back in Willingboro so that's a motion for discussion under the new business I mean unfinished business that's all I have so the motion so the motion is to I'll restate my motion the motion is to um uh reh or appoint or establish um a veteran service officer back in Willingboro that's the motion second moved and seconded by oh sorry moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by councilwoman worthy further discussion please yes yes um worthy I I do support exploring what this could look like in the context of looking at the reorganization for the township there are a lot of departments I think that need to be um restructured and so I think in the context of looking at what the municipality could look like going forward I do think that um looking into that vssl where it could fit like under what department you know how does it fit into um the structure but I'm open to um the township manager exploring that but I also want him to continue to look at what um the reorganiza the restructure of the municipality would look like and how that position fits in no I agree going to add on to something yes and I I actually agree with um I agree with you councilman worthy um and initially and we probably could revisit if you want to make some changes but I believe initially it was under the Veterans Affairs department so um I'm not sure exactly what that department looks like currently but maybe we could have something at the JFK Center where because I know we have a a few of our veterans um offices there like you know organizations there so maybe it's an appropriate place to have like office station there but again that goes into looking into it um maybe we can just um like agree to have Mr Harris look into that and just get back to us to see what does that look like um right and I like to approach of holistically how it fits into the whole organization um I know it was listed on our website for quite a time but I don't know if it was being appropriately accommodated for our veterans so we just want to make sure that it fits into what we're trying to do that's my opinion but I'm okay with support and looking into that definitely all right any other council members okay so anything else to add okay so we'll do a roll call because we made a motion okay councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson and mayor McIntosh yes any other items for unfinished business Dr worthy um thank you Madame mayor um Mr Harris thank you for following up with penon for um them helping us to look at the JFK Center and the site with all the different proposals the track and Fields and pickle ball courts and what the pickle ball courts all the different pie yeah okay all those different components and the parking um I'll just ask that uh penon um um specify as their helping us with particularly the track and field um that part is really important to me to make sure that we have somebody who's working alongside them okay um who knows about track and fi so that we don't get far along into the project and realize that it's not meeting the specifications that we need to be able to run aaou meets um and to make sure that it's USA Track and fill certified and I'm I've mentioned this on the record before and I'm stating it again because I think it's important that penon understand that we're not spending this kind of money on a track and field just to have you know um track and fill like it's not just for kicks we want to be able to run official meets um it's the home of Carl Lewis the home of many Olympians Lamont Smith and others um and we have to make sure that this project is done right so I appreciate the work that they've done um I did notice that what they submitted in terms of pricing included theow lowest level track which is exactly what we said we did not want but what triggered me a bit I need them to make sure that they are really paying attention to this because the community is investing a significant amount of money um into the turf field and the track and it has to be done right that's all Madam thereor thank you any further items for unfinished business okay moving on to new business any items for new business um I just like to say um we we did receive all our applications for the clerk so um EX in executive session we will just be discussing um where we want to go with that and what we're going to consider an interview schedule and things of that sort just to get that moving um we can move on to public comment public comment is now open please state your name and address for the the record you have four minutes public comment is now open anyone online for public comment uh yes mayor Maddie mallerie good evening Maddie mallerie Hudson Place and uh I was reminded by the mayor at the last meeting that the public comment uh section or portion was limited to uh four minutes however if memory serves me correctly when the pickle ball discussion came up it was more than four minutes so we're going to say four minutes let's make it four minutes for everyone uh my other statement has to do with the fact that um being an oxygenarian and a soldier for civil rights um I was well I was not to use the word upset but I guess aall to hear an elected official official of this Council use the words Petty and Messi in the last two meetings uh in her comment about the taxpayers of this community um I feel that her comments were unprofessional and disrespectful uh due to the fact that you're talking about your constituents and many of these uh citizens of this town probably voted for this council person and for her to use those two words that our comments and our concerns are Petty and messy um is something that we should seriously uh look at um the other thing is I would suggest that the citizens uh continue to be Petty and messy because we pay our taxes we pay our utilities uh I'm a 51-year resident pres of this community and um you know I'm just really concerned I was not allowed to finish my presentation on the black history but I would like to suggest that um if you have the time that you Google as your generation uh does at this time the Orangeburg Massacre because we're talking about three young as we were considered at that time colored uh young men who were actually murdered on the campus of South Carolina state and of course a copy of this uh book uh should be in the library because when the late um librarian director Christine King uh was the director of the library I requested that she order a copy of this book and it is in the library and if not you can always Google uh the Orangeburg Massacre 1968 and you can read for yourself all of those things that led up to the fact that these three young colored as we were known at that time individuals were murdered and all of the events leading up to what CA this of course there were those who said that you know other individuals were uh the instigators and this is why it happened but if you read for yourself you will find out all of the events that occurred uh leading up to their murders and on that note I'm finished for this evening thank you Miss mallerie anyone else online for public comment yes mayor Shirley dworf good evening everyone Shirley dillworth Newport Lane okay I have an announcement that i' like to you know share with the council and share with the community I am a member of uh the wenber the willenberg friends of the uh public library and on Saturday April 27th we are having our spring book sale and I'm inviting the entire Community to come out to support us uh to you know to be a part of our annual book sale uh the book sale will be held at the willbur public library and I think all of you probably know where the library is located and the time of the book sale is from 10:00 a.m. to 4: PM the um the purpose of the book sale okay we generate funds the friends of the willenberg public library generate funds you know through various projects and these funds go to assist our library in okay doing various uh activities or making certain purchases for the either the children's library or whatever the needs are so I hope the entire Community will be available to come out to support us okay for our book sale and again that date is April 27 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. thank you you and I hope to see all of you there thank you m all right bua Williams evening mayor Deputy Mayor and councel Township manager and everyone good evening um I want to thank thank um the council the manager as well for the report very comprehensive and I um I say it every week I think the council and the mayor they're doing they're working hard for our community and we really appreciate you um we appreciate the invitation that was extended to the council the mayor and everybody and they respectfully who couldn't come respectfully responded that you know unfortunately we can so um I appreciate the feedback and so on WE especially appreciate our our Township manager he prayed and the prayer was so inspirational each person felt as if the prayer was prayed just in individually it was comprehensive and inspiring it was for our Black History Day of Service um and also Mr Weston he was invited to represent the NAACP and he couldn't attend but he got um Dr Saluki which we know very well who supported our health Ministry before and so on so she came and did the scripture reading so we appreciate Mr Weston and Dr saloi as well as well as our Township manager and our councel um I'm not sure if the manage our Township manager said the working Buckingham park has been completed because um there's some potholes on the corner of Bayberry and Buckingham and they've been there for quite a while so please address those maybe I misunderstood when I thought you said all the work has been completed um so yeah uh I had a several things to say but now that I'm on do escaped my mind but [Music] um oh I want to remind you that each Tuesday we uh host a health health Workshop Health inspir in um INSP operational Health uh program on Zoom um my daughter when she gets on she'll give you the zoom address informative subject so please um if you can come on on Zoom I chose to um skip it because I wanted to um be on the township my time is up oh okay minute Miss Williams if you're speaking we can't hear you yes Miss Williams if you can hear us and you can speak I still need your address for the record oh I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry um eight botony Circle in willing B thank you you're welcome so thank you every one I know I forgot a few things but that's what the memory does so thank you all very much continue um may the Lord bless you and your household as you work as we work together um for the black history months I guess we you know we committed ourselves because to work hand in hand with councel with our churches for our community because our mot at the Willing 7th Day Adventist Church is serving the community with love and compassion and that's what I see with our town is up so thank you thank you thank you all right Martin knock good evening everyone um it's Martin owin elain um I want to par uh thank Council for taking up the banner of the light at the corner of Windsor Lane and B ran cus I really do it was something I couldn't get done because the excuses given to me was there was a hill and they couldn't uh put a light at the base of the Hill coming from uh Martin Luther King uh Boulevard down to uh drive down to winds Lane because it would create a traffic program uh problem that's what exactly the County engineer told me uh several years ago when we had a rash of accidents but I would like to say to uh to the mayor and the township manager I think what will really help is that there's a dead tree uh the first tree on on on the I believe the township property if that could be remove that would open up a line of sight down to the curve where Produce Junction is and I would also say for the low cars that come down to the bottom uh that's low uh not a SUV that even removed the uh Park signage that I uh helped to create I think it's maybe 20 years ago and pay for it and maybe just put it on the other side but it is also uh very dirty and I just think it's a ISO at this point in life uh there were two of them maybe the other is in the warehouse somewhere that you could uh bring back and put on the other side because you don't have the same issue you just have the issue to the left I have spoken to the mayor I have spoken to Mr tonsil about it but we just had another near Miss I was a car behind it um it's it's just a crazy intersection because uh they just go out and go out too far and they had an accident that I didn't know prior to the meeting that we had um but it is to the left and I have gone over this Mr tonsil at least and he say may may may may not be a problem but anything to clean up the line of sight so there you know just in case County turns us down again will be very very helpful and I do appreciate and I think it was um uh Tiffany Dr Tiffany worthy councilwoman who was really on top of this uh I couldn't get it done so I deeply appreciate that because last thing I want to come out and see a fatal accident at that intersection and we have been very close and we' have been very lucky unless there has been one that I'm unaware of thank you for your time thank you Mr knock uh Terina Williams thank you terena Williams 8 botney Circle good evening good evening mayor McIntosh Deputy Mayor Anderson councilwoman worthy councilwoman Peron and councilman Whitfield um Mr Harris and Deputy um Township Clerk and of course our residents I want to extend special um Happy women's History Month to our dedicated um women on our own Council as well as the officials and officers of the township of willing bar there are too many great women that if I were to call names um my time would elapse so I just want to say special thanks to all your hard work and dedication I admire that you give it your all and whenever there's pictures posted on the township page Facebook page or the newsletter we can always see whether it be one or two or all if if if need be if you're if it's possible supporting the variety of activities and special causes of this Township may God richly bless you um and your family for all the time that and hard work that you do I really appreciate the proclamation made for women's history month and wanted to also inform you and any other the resident um on attending this meeting that March's autoimmune awareness month as well as nutrition month as I'm sure you know the reason why I selected autoimmune Awareness Month though that there are more than 100 autoimmune diseases that affect 80% of the people living with and 80% of the people living with them are females I can attest to this because I have Lupus uh one of the autoimmune diseases so please if you don't already know about autoimmune diseases I would encourage you to surf the web and learn more about them because the more we know the better we'll grow and educate one another on how we can how we can avoid getting these diseases what was that and can be a service to educating each other on what what to do and where to go um my mom extended special thanks but I um want to express express my thanks to so many people for attending um willing bar SDA Church's Black History Month service on the 27th of February on the 24th of February it was a great service thank you so much to Mr Harris for doing the prayer thank you so much for um it being posted on the township newsletter we greatly appreciate seeing that along with the other Black History Month programs as we commemorated black history thank you so much Dr Saluki for doing the scripture reading thank you so much Reverend geralda of the St Paul United Methodist Church as we portray different characters from the past as well as current black his black Americans who are serving in different capacities she um she portrays the poor and it was so nice having so many people of different Generations commemorate such an important month of the year where it's America not just black history it's American history that is so often than not acknowledged but as Mr Harris said let us not just acknowledge it during the month of February let's take a look at our history throughout the entire year um my mom mentioned the health talk that we have it's on our Church's Zoom the meeting ID is 8 71209 5223 and the past code is Adventist capital A dvnt IST thank you so much for your time may God richly bless each one of you individually and collectively as a body thank you so much for your time thank you thank you Miss Williams you're [Music] welcome good evening Council good evening the uh residents of Willen bro I'm G to just start off by piggybacking on with uh Mr martinet said uh for myself I was blessed to survive an accident right there at Windsor and belly ran cookus coming out of there thank God I was in a F-150 pickup truck I was rear ended by a woman doing 75 miles an hour uh at the peak of that Hill there is a blind spot so someone speeding even if it looks clear you come out boom so I thank God for that the police came out and saved me and that was a good thing uh second of all I'd like to thank council tonight for making a motion and passing uh a resolution hopefully we'll get that done to get uh the much needed service officer back here in Willingboro um I remember several meetings ago Dr worthy asked me to come up when there was a problem with a veteran with the housing when a relative wasn't to purchase y'all were able to resolve that that night you know you called me up we had a resolution to say hey let's look back to when he became 100% retroactive and that's what y'all did just like that 26,000 was removed and the some was able to take over the property so I thank y'all for that because we all have pet peeves and y'all all know mine's the veterans I'm hoping one day that we are able to again maybe purchase some of these foreclosed properties get them renovated get some veterans in it bring them back in the community because right now it's very very difficult to afford a home here in Willingboro it's a good thing that our property values are going up but it's hard for a young veteran to move here I mean you're looking at what a mortgage $3,000 2500 whatever so hopefully we can look at those type of things and U the other thing I wanted to touch on was we've been talking about it a few meetings and that's the reestablishing the ethics board I think it's something that's needed I did put an application in it's something that is in place but we just don't have people so that we can all be accountable we talk at these meetings about transparency we talk about integrity all these things that as Leaders we supposed to be accountable you know I'm I'm here for the community I mean I see some good things being done in the Comm y'all know my my thing was bring back a better willing bro I rode by my old section held and I see that now the kids over there had fiberglass backboards on their courts but the pool area is still a mess I mean we got the cover over but it's stuff thrown in there but we are doing things and I recognize the good and not so good so y'all are doing things and I appreciate that as a resident because I didn't just come here you know Mr tonsil know I Liv four houses I was blessed with uh having here in Willingboro 14 hensdale 29 heurn 42 Barker and 44 with Haven that's my address for the record too 44 with Haven Le but I just like to thank council tonight for doing what y'all doing um I hope that we can get this ethics board established I think it's needed I hope that y'all continue to work together you know one day I like to see uh Council one uh Aron be mayor I don't know how y'all rotate and do things but you know we talk about being inclusive and being on one page I mean we we we still got work to do all of us you me and the whole community so I just want to thank you for your time and uh God bless everybody thank you Mr Brentley and I do see Miss Holly's hand raised on the on the zoom hello councel Sarah Holly nine Ty Lane I missed the first part of the meeting because I was actually on a meeting and I had a little difficulty finding the login for this meeting I went to the website the Township's website and on the website you guys were quick to publish YouTube that the residents could watch the council meeting on YouTube but you're real slick with that because if you're on YouTube you can't speak there's no option there to speak I suggest that you publish the zoom log in so that people can click on the log in so that they can actually speak publicly at the meetings you can't do that on YouTube but I know you guys already know that also um from last meeting I just would like for this Council to know that every quarter when I pay my bill my tax bill that is that payment gives me the right to be messy to be Petty to whine to complain about anything that's going on in this Township and that's anybody else that pay taxes in this town it gets them the right so you sit up there and you throw your little shade after people have spoken about Petty messy whining and complaining and to my Delta sister Sher Chisum not only talked about whining and complaining you need to go and look up some more her quotes because she spoke about a lot more than that so as long as I still live at nine Tha ogre I will continue to pay my taxes continue to pay my water bill on time and I will continue to be messy and Petty and whine and complain about those issues that are important to me thank you and have a pleasant women's history month because I enjoyed black history month last month so thank you Council good night thank you Miss Holly is there anyone else on for public comment all right seeing none public comment is now closed uh Mr Harris um there were some comments I'm just going to go through the ones that um need addressing from your office um I'm say Miss Williams started with um potholes at Barry and Buckingham yeah so DPW um is out beginning the pothole repair season so they will be out in the in all of our communities um beginning to repair those those potholes so we'll make a special note and have that taken care of thank you thank you um also Mr knock um he did indicate that there's uh maybe a dead tree impeding visibility I me just to make sure we take a look at that and have a report back so we actually did talk about that tree at our director's meeting this morning and the directive to cut it down has already been given and also the signage that looks the B it looks pretty bad on the corner I'm the Willam BR I don't know if we can remove that um also okay yes I'm sorry yes okay um Miss Brantley um we did it we acknowledged the vso looking into that um the ethics board um we're still in the process of consider at this point we don't have one we just don't yeah can I let me just finish um we don't have one um and then in lie of that we are able to do the local F I mean I just want to make sure I'm the local Finance yeah under title 40a if you do not have immun ipal ethics board the jurisdiction is retained by the local Finance board if there are any ethics complaints or issues okay and when I say we don't have one I know there's one in the ordinance but that has not it's not populated um and we did go through seeing what we needed to populate that and at this point we don't even have enough people to even populate it even with the two people that um put in but so I so um counc Peron yes um and you were um right madam mayor um we do have one it's been dormant um and it's it is underneath uh 34-7 under our codes and it's identified as ethical standards board established membership terms and compensation hearings um not to read the entire document but um the it says here that um I'm looking at it on my phone I I closed my computer down but it says there that there shall be the members of the board shall be appointed by the Township Council it it says that um the members should be um shall be chosen by virtue of their own um reputation and integrity of the local government Affairs no more than three members of any same party shall be elected I am looking at my phone so it's a little crunch but the other thing that it says in here is that we're supposed to have at the minimum six um members to be elected Ed or Not Elected I'm sorry appointed by the township Council and it um also describes 5year term two-year term and it's very similar to the MUA how we appoint um Commissioners and then they are they serve a term so because we have two applicants that have applied it doesn't mean that they are denied it just means that we need uh four more people to apply which by the way I'm not sure of their political party of the individual who applied however they would need and I believe they may be Democrat so therefore only be allowed for one more Democrat and then you'd have to have three Republican applic applicants or Independents so I just want to make sure that the information that we're putting out there is not that it doesn't exist we need more people to um Miss I think Miss mie mie spoke about it I think um Mr Brantley spoke about it this evening so if you know of anyone who's interested that are of um additional parties Republican or Independent party that's what would need to happen and they would need to put their application in there are four more positions that are still available and at that time then the council can vote to appoint the individuals to that seat there's nothing else additional that we need to do as a council because it already exists in Willingboro we just need applicants that's what I want to clarify thank you Council Peron anyone else have any statement on that okay and lastly um Miss Holly with the login and zoom I we just looked it up and it's on there so I just want to make sure it's always on there make sure that all residents have access to the zoom um we just did look and it's on there um so we just want to make sure that it's always on there because that the intention is for all residents to be able to um log in and be a part of um this meeting so um and I think that's it anything else did I miss anything from any of the residents all right moving on to council comment does any Council have any comment tonight just want to thank everybody for coming out have a good evening okay Dr worthy thank you than Madam mayor in the spirit of women's History Month I am so excited to be a proud Legacy member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority Incorporated um and also to come from women who have taught me to work graciously with tact and decorum sophistication and elegance and not to be um threatened by those who may be louder um and consistently louder I am excited to represent my family well and my community well I'm fine with disagreements and us not necessarily uh being on the same Accord all the time but I will continue to lead the community and to support my colleagues and the residents um with decorum and professionalism from whatever I have to stay from the DI or my interactions um in the community and while there are people who severely strain the powers of endurance whether they participate live or online it's my job to make sure that I serve all the constituents and that I provide information and resources which I will continue to always do and I encourage um our young people to take note and to um and to model their behaviors after those that they one day want to be like and to create the standard of Excellence and professionalism that they want to see in the community that they're creating for their future it's always wonderful to be able to serve the residents of willing borrow and I look forward to continuing to do so um not just during women's history month but every single day thank you madam mayor thank you so much Dr worthy just one yes Peron yes thank you um and good evening everyone thank you all for um participating in this meeting this evening your comments suggestions and presence greatly appreciated it does help um all of us to be able to uh make decisions for our community uh so with that said the only thing I wanted to add is and if it's not already up there with regard to the book sale um at the library is that on Facebook if if it's not can we put it on our Facebook um feed um in our website this way the Public Library is having a book sale um if it's not up there if we can just post that there to um let everyone know that um this event is coming up that was all thank you councilman Peron thank you mayor um good evening everyone thank you for coming out tonight um I did want to say happy women's History Month to my Council colleagues our solicitor our Deputy clerk um and all of the wonderful ladies that um make willing burrow run um it is not an easy feat to be in these chairs and um to lead this community with uh Grace and um Poise as we do but um we take up that charge and we are strong determined and dedicated women that help this um community be the best that it can be so thank you to all the women um that make that possible each day um I do want to just give two reminders um for the community cleanup on April 20th it's always wonderful to see you all out there helping to make our community our community more beautiful place um by pitching in and helping to clean up so I look forward to seeing you all on April 20th at that event last year we raffled off a lone mower so if you're if you're in the you know um there may be some other prizes and things that you can win this year and we're looking forward to keeping uh willing bro clean for another year um as well as uh the volunteer fair so this community doesn't run without your help and your support and there are so many countless organizations that needs your support and your involvement to continue to um create a vibrant thriving Community here in Willingboro so that volunteer Fair will take place at the JFK community center on April 27th from 1:30 to 4:30 and we look forward to seeing you there um to sign up to volunteer your time in one or multiple of the many organizations that we have here in the community um don't forget to download the Willing BR Connect app to stay connected and sign up for our newsletter and that is all I have tonight thank you councilwoman Whitfield and I'll just make this quick I do want to say um I'm so happy to see everyone tonight and I just want to make sure we do participate in the activities that are happening this month um I think it I do believe it's crucial that we interact as a community on different levels and you know even with the disagreements is still one love and we have to focus on that um and I'll stand by that every time um I do believe in this community you know and I I I absolutely love this community but I do believe that we are going in the right direction and that we can do better within ourselves so with that continue to love one another and have a great great night yeah executive session I'm sorry we do have executive session uh yes executive session tonight for matters involving personnel and contracts yes thank you and the St the resolution is there a motion for executive session so move second mooved by councilwoman Peron seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman with Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes Mr Harris we're just going to go in executive session real quick just to talk about some clerk stuff and just touch the SOP real quick and then and then we'll have you in ER is in there while we breathing like yeah it was it was yeah I was like oh my God court on this side of the building was all controlled by one in my office off I mean technically we could sit out here if nobody's out here too right right that's true they going forward if nobody's out here and when we go in sometimes they're here right all right we're back on so move second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes I make a motion forment move by move by mayor McIntosh second by Deputy Mayor Anderson all in favor I any name thank you good night willing burrow good night everyone thank you so much