##VIDEO ID:T02eKPs285c## e e e e e e e for e e e e e for e e e e got the p i yeah okay Mr clerk councilwoman Pon present councilwoman Whitfield present councilwoman Dr Tiffany worthy present Council count or excuse me Deputy Mayor Nathaniel Anderson present mayor K Macintosh present to the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr F we can go right into to the first um Resolute the executive session resolution oh I'm sorry yes this is here by given that notice was sent in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 the Philadelphia Inquirer Trenton Times and Burlington County CRI St the date time and the agenda to be extented it was known resolution resolution two 2024 183 resolution authorizing an executive closed session in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-6 etac to discuss Personnel matters contract negotiations and pending in potential litigation I need a motion to go into executive session so moved second moved by Dr worthy second seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes no ex back here yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay what GE soils and everything else [Music] r t Okay I need a motion to come out of executive session so mooved second moved by Council moved by councilwoman withfield seconded By Me Oh Dr Worthy that was the second ready roll call councilwoman per yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes oh welcome everyone I'm glad thank you for coming out you came out in the rain so um Mr you can proceed okay where well we we we tabled the proclamations yes we canel them so um prayer oh Mr Parish you wouldn't mind come to the microphone right up to mic let us pray Heavenly Father we just thank you for this time Lord in the name of Jesus God we ask you lord to bless each and everyone under the sound of my voice Lord we ask you lord to bless every Council right now in the name of Jesus God bless the meeting Lord bless it to be prosperous in the name of Jesus Lord we ask you Lord to just bless each and every one Lord with good health and strength bless our community touch Hill deliver set free we just thank you right now even through the inclimate weather God we ask you to bless us and keep us safe even as we go home to our several homes just cover right now with your precious blood in Jesus name we pray amen amen thank you so much all right Mr Harris we can just we can get started good evening everyone uh very briefly I'll give some updates on what's been happening in the municipality since we last met our inspections department there have been over 500 inspections completed between July 1st and July 23rd um they have collected over $47,000 in Revenue um last night we did participate in the uh or they did participate in the National Night Out that was sponsored by our Police Department uh I will thank Captain bucks uh for another wonderful successful National Night Out um here in Willingboro the energy was was great the participation was great and uh each year it just gets a little bit better and better our DPW has been uh very busy this week uh supporting Recreation and preparing for the Jazz Fest which is on Sunday uh they are continuing with the road program uh cutting out and res surfing repairing potholes in various streets throughout the municipality um and in case you haven't notice we do have our two clean communities ambassadors who have been um keeping the roads and the catch basins uh here in Willingboro clean um they've been working five days a week six hours a day and I really can begin to see the difference in the cleanliness of our streets here in Willingboro uh quickly with our fire department and EMS uh the 10th Annual youth fire academy concluded on July the 20th there were 22 Two Fire Cadets that graduated at the ceremony uh congratulations to them all uh the fire department also was the recipient of a silver performance level plaque for their achievements in online training this recognition was awarded to the Departments or two departments who achieve a minimum requirement for uh performance in five separate metrics uh the hours of training assigned the hours of training completed user activity external training and training assignment completion and um the fire department excelled in all of those categories uh regarding our Public Safety uh we are we currently have five officers who are in their 14 week field training program we do have two sergeants who will be retiring from the Department one in December and then one in uh January of of next year uh sergeant mishner and Sergeant Jennifer mitnik uh both sergeants will have 25 years in their uh service to the township um which makes them eligible for retirement uh back on July 1st we did Institute our traffic safety unit uh which was officially deployed uh since their Inception of their first month there have been uh 445 in incidents um 316 motor vehicle stops 167 summonses were issued there were eight arrests made Seven Vehicles were impounded they did respond to 22 accidents and 43 ordinance violations I think that is a banner start for our Traffic Division and I thank Captain bucks uh and his leadership in enrolling that out within our Police Department Our Community Affairs Department uh I'm sorry um due to the the spread of the long covid uh seniors in the senior center are being advised to wear a mask at the senior center especially during their bingo activities which seems to be uh the largest uh Gathering of seniors uh in in the center um they are referred to the veterans or referred veterans to the Burlington County military and veteran services to assist both active duty of military personnel and veterans of Burlington County this particular office is dedicated to assisting military members and Veterans and their families and established both eligibility and entitlement to Veterans Benefits um this in July of 2024 our recreation department has also been very busy um Penny Packer pool was officially opened on July the 13th uh the last day for the season will be uh August the 11th after which we will continue to do further uh repair investigative work on the pool so far Recreation has sold 7,358 bands at the pools totaling $ 36,7 190 um this doesn't include 7-Day tags or seasonal tags um they have concluded their last Friday Night Live music series which was held um back on July 26th um was a very successful event with 700 participants who came out to enjoy uh the music on those evenings their aqua paloa drive-in movie event was held on July the 27th uh with close to 100 people uh who came to the pool to enjoy the movie Kung Fu Panda 4 uh and again uh we'll have a little bit more information on it and just minute but our jazz festival is on Sunday and we are looking forward to another phenomenal event I just want to take a moment to uh recognize Miss Dion Balden who is our acting director of our Recreation Department she is being recognized as one of the 2024 outstanding women of Burlington County uh for her services in government work and I just want to acknowledge her just a summation of some of the projects that are going on in our municipality um we are still working on the library Chiller um there have been chunks of metal that are just continuing to exist in the piping um are present they're too large to go through the new system uh we have been flushing and flushing and flushing the system and after 40 to 50 flushes we are still running into a significant problem with sediment in the piping um last week we thought we had some progress but again the the debris in the piping is much too voluminous and too large for us to feel comfortable to run it through the new Chiller as it would have the potential to cause damage to the new Chiller and the cooling tower uh we are proposing a chemical be added to the a chemical wash be added to the the system that would break down that metal um bringing it to a level which we would be able to uh comfortably push it through the piping or wash it out through the piping enabling us to uh connect the con condenser and the chilling Tower and get that system up um we had no idea that it would take this long uh based on what our anticipated install time was uh but this is the result of poor proper main or previous maintenance from our uh previous maintenance companies on that that that Chiller system if all goes well we do hope that the library will be open and again and functional Wednesday or Thursday of next week uh pscg is has reached out to the township they are required to hold emergency response drills every few years is a requirement by the BPU they have asked if they could host this year's events um here in Willingboro because of the large amount of work that they are are doing here in the township really one has nothing to do with the other but we are just trying to get good Synergy uh with them in our community uh this event will be held at the JFK Center and will be monitored by state and federal observers there will be a viewing area for any public officials that wish to be present and we are going to reach out to our neighbors and our surrounded communities invite them to come and witness or observe as well the drill is expected to last for 4 hours and it is scheduled for August 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 uh p.m. the rain date is August the 20th and this will not disrupt any of the operations at the JFK Center um the township is a a member of the professional Municipal management joint Insurance Fund uh they are offering a training on preparing for First Amendment audits uh First Amendment audit are those individuals who come with their cameras into uh government complexes and challenge you to uh throw them out I guess you would say so we just want to make sure that uh our our staff um knows how to handle those situations and absolve us from any liability uh from doing the wrong things there will be two 1hour sessions in willing Barrow for our employees being held on August the 22nd uh session one would be from 9:30 to uh from 9:30 to 10:30 and then again from 11: to 12 again and that will be held at the JFK um Banquet Center at this time I am going to ask Miss Jackson if she will come and give us an update on our uh community events and after that our engineer Mr HUD doerty is here um which will just update us briefly on a few projects and answer any questions uh the governing body may have Miss Jackson thank you Mr Harris good evening mayor Deputy Mayor members of council and all those assembled uh August is a busy month so I'll try to get through it quickly on Friday August 9th I'm Senator signal till will be hosed at MBC mobile van at the Kennedy Center from 9:00 a.m. to 3: you can visit our Facebook page or uh sen Senator single's website for more information regarding how to register and sign up for services such as real ID and registration no but that will be at the Kennedy Center on Friday Also on Friday we will celebrating 15 Cadets who will graduate from our Willingboro police depart um youth Police Academy so we um definitely extend congratulatory wishes to the cadets and their families regarding that we are now preparing as you heard for our 41st annual Jazz Fest we're so excited yay okay this event will be held on Sunday August 11 from beginning at noon the park will open at 11: a.m. I have received several inquiries about how much does the jazz festival cost so just as a reminder the jazz festival is free free free free there is a fee to park within the park but other than that there is no fee to come out and enjoy the festivities this year's featured guests are kind Family Soul and dwell and a host of special guests so we are looking forward to that and then of course on Saturday August 10th we will host our annual comedy show at the Kennedy Center doors to the event open at 7 and will begin at 8 pm this is another free event courtesy of our own Deputy Mayor Anderson and this Year's host is Marshall Brandon so we are looking forward to this weekend it's going to be busy but I think it's going to be fun the back to school Wellness event will be held on Saturday August 17 this year's event is positioned to top last year's event so this year we're partnering with Burlington County Action Partnership in addition to offering resources to educate inform and assist our residents as it relates to Drudge Ed Education Health and Wellness we will be transform forming the K Center into a carnival likee atmosphere so we'll we have some games and activities for all to enjoy and we're looking forward to that and of course we will be giving away book bags to all students in attendance so there is a registration form on our website um for more information regarding that endeavor on Thursday August 22nd the fire department will host Touch a Truck from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm at the Kennedy Center great silent event for our children to come out and touch some of the cool vehicles and check out the Interiors of emergency vehicles and other special truck trck so we're looking forward to hosting that another time this year and then on Monday August 26th the police department will be hosting a special session on preventing scams and this event will be held at the Kennedy Center from 6:00 p.m till 7:30 p.m. more information is available on our website the senior s will be hosting a farmers market next Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to noon for our County res residents age 60 and over and then on Thursdays during the month of August the senior center will also be hosting Wellness workshops from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the maximum of attendance for these sessions are 3 is 35 so for more information regarding that you can call 609 8778444999 we will close out our summer activities with the second annual Burl on B so we as an update this we have decided to move this event to Saturday September the 7th we're trying to um streamline some of the logistics and additional responsibilities that go along with the planning so it will be held on Saturday September 7th and the tickets will go on sale very very soon so I encourage all those who are interested in this very special willing bur and white party to please um follow us on Facebook and um visit our website and subscribe to our daily um to our willing bro weekly because that information will be shared throughing those channels and also just as a reminder there is a Willingboro master plan survey in circulation at this time the deadline is the end of August so we will continue to remind you of the opportunity to share your feedback about Willingboro and how you would like to see it look in the near future your feedback is definitely appreciated thank you any questions everybody good all right thank you so much thank you Mr doery thank you good evening mayor and Council um thank you for inviting me to present our Engineers report this evening uh I do believe you have a copy of my Engineers report dated August 2024 um I'm just going to go over some of the highlights because Mr Harris had already hit some of the item in our report um just starting with number one um a through G it's uh fairly lengthy but I'm just going to break it down fantastic news about the road program we have 14 roads that have been paved this year and we're also scheduled to pave Marshall Lane this year as well uh in keeping with council's focus on Aging infrastructure we're also making repairs to our sidewalks that's a contract that's out and also our storm water this year in 2025 will'll also be Paving 15 more streets using the infrastructure Bank funds which which Mr Harris um had uh put that together for the council part of our aging infrastructure includes our pools and Mr Harris had mentioned the pools while Country Club and Penny Packer were open this year we are still investigating the ongoing leakage at the pools um the the latest round of testing will take place after the pools closed at Penny Packer uh it's August 13th and 14th is when we're going to do that and and our goal there is to present the council with a comprehensive proposal to evaluate all three of the pools so Hawthorne uh Country Club and Penny Packer to include recommendations and a budget estimates for 2025 and Beyond uh jumping ahead to number four on my um Engineers report we are we continue to assist the township with maintaining compliance with New Jersey D storm water rules uh on number five um JFK Performing Arts Center we've had a very productive meeting on July 9th with Dr worthy Mr Anderson Mr Harris and his staff and our design team uh to keep the project moving forward since our meeting we've been working diligently with our Township uh Environ U entertainment consultant Bobby Ducket at to resolve open issues with with the changes in scope uh given the age of the building we have been meeting weekly and working to resolve any of the existing utility issues and and there's still some structural issues electrical power the power source fire suppression issues and the roof as well and one example on the coordination with the roof um there's some roof repairs that are needed but we need to move the uh solar panels before we can do the roof repairs so we now anticipate the Performing Art Center to be ready by the end of the year now moving on to the rest of my report uh we can continue to work with the staff to identify opportunities for funding for various projects and that's through the Green Acres Program um that's through dot Municipal Aid which we filed an application for also the bike way programs uh Alternatives um um the Alternatives program and also brownfields and HD srf funding and that I I wanted to go briefly Mr Harris asked me to be brief so if there's any questions from the council uh that's my report for this evening do anyone any Council have questions Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor thank you uh Mr doery um I appreciate the report I I heard you mentioned the end of the year for uh the Performing Art Center uh for completion would it be ready for us to do perhaps a council meeting um in the theater December we have two meetings that month December 3rd or December 17th um we can discuss it as a council uh of course but I really want you all to consider you know a targeted date um for us to be able to get in there in this space before the end of the year versus by December 31st and then you know we know what that that means February so um hopefully we're able to get in there so i' just like a little bit more specificity with end of the year um also I noticed uh the restock was mentioned in terms of the equipment can you share a bit more about what's going on with the restocking of the the old sound equipment that we asked to be returned several months ago right so we have asked the contractor to restock that um we um it's it's basically now part of the contract and the contractor has uh to my knowledge hasn't return hasn't restocked it yet but we are also working with um the entertainment consultant Bobby Ducket to see if there's some components of that that we can use so that there is an ongoing discussion with regard to uh some of the lighting and some of the other components that we may use understood for the lighting I know for the sound it was um already decided that we couldn't use any parts of the sound system that was the initial request a few months ago to restock that so that we don't end up with any uh restocking charges that would need to be paid so and we are working with the contractor to get that returned we we have directed him to do it um and and I we'll just stay after him to get it the restock I understand it's just it's been months of that response so I'm just trying to get to when is it going to be restocked I just don't want you to come back next month and then share with us a restocking fee right because we've been you know very persistent with you know the request to restock those materials right I I agree and I I we are working with the contractor as you know we had um he had pulled off site for a little while so he's looking to remobilize and then once he'd remobilized he would be returning that equipment understand I just within the next month okay I'm I just want to be clear on the record that the council has made this request several times and even though um penon decided to demobilize the contractor that was not a council decision I just don't want us to be penalized as a mun municipality for restocking fees so we're working diligently to keep that from happening so that's why I keep underscoring please restock the items we have no interest in paying restocking fees right I understand and I and that is I put that letter out there and and I did delay the contract in the best interest of the township because had we not delayed the contract or because we have that provision in the contract um the contractor could have um come after the township for delays of work so I suspended the contract so we wouldn't be burdened with an additional delayed claim I appreciate your efforts um also for the the pool you mentioned three pools we do only have two in willing barl so I want to make sure you mentioned a pool in Hawthorne Hawthorne yes I'm not aware of a pool and hathor we had talked early in the year that it's it's no it's defunct at the moment right under yeah but and has been for a long time there there was some discussion with Mr Harris and I about bringing that pool back to life kind okay so what you're saying is when you do the proposal or when you look at everything you're looking at what it would take to bring that pool back as well as repair the pools that we have correct um existing okay thank you very much um those are my questions thank you Madame May thank you Dr worthy any other questions okay thank you so much thank you thank you thank you Mr do and that concludes our report for this evening all right thank you Mr Harris are there any questions about Mr Harris's update any questions thank you mayor um Mr Harris thank you for your report very comprehensive as usual um I did have a question about the installation of the road cans that were discussed at the last meeting um do we have a Target date for when those um trash cans would be installed so those cans were ordered okay 18 15 weeks from when oh okay so they were just ordered all right um and then at the next meeting would it be possible to get a comprehensive EIP update I know we've been making progress on the EIP um but I just don't know where we are in implementation of that currently um also um I mentioned I think at the last meeting about shot spotter data will we be able to get uh some update or um effectiveness of the shot spotter system that um was installed this year and then lastly I had a question about the pools and I know previously the pools used to be open until Labor Day is there reason that we're closing them the day of the jazs this year closed early but Country Club country clubs stay on okay all right thank you that was all thank you so much thank you Madame mayor um in this speaking of reports U Mr Harris I was wondering if um going forward if perhaps council could get a report we had started talking about um businesses that are coming to town um or maybe exiting Town um or maybe just moving around in the town um I know we have a lot of activity that's happening um I see uh the the building across from our Firehouse I see permits stuck up there just don't know what's going on with that um I know where Goode was they're making progress on that building it's taking some time but I know you know we have something coming there even in Country Club Plaza so I've SE the permits because I know so I know activities going on but just have no idea you know what those businesses are who's coming in who's leaving um yeah so just if we could get more insight on that I think that would be helpful for us as well as if it could be shared with the economic development uh committee so that they can just just have awareness of what's going on in town I'd appreciate that and um one other thing and Madame mayor if this isn't the spot for it just please let me know um I did see where uh Eve sham Township and some other municipalities are moving to tahos their police departments are moving to tahos um they've talked about the increase in space um also the weight of the vehicle um and how it gives them more room their officers um prefer the the the space Arrangement configuration in those vehicles um especially for like the supervisors because those are their mobile offices um and so there's a shift with some of our our uh neighboring municipalities and other uh municipalities um in the area with going over to the tahos they also talked about um the speed of the tahos they're not as fast as the vehicles that we have and so the officers a bit more deliberate in how they're driving the vehicles end up lasting longer it's a heavier vehicle so um I know that we have you know procurement things to do and I know that we're um we have reduced fleets but just wanted to to share you know that's what I've seen and would just be curious what that could possibly look like for our municipality if it's something that our Police Department is even interested and they may not be but um I have seen some shifts there and just wanted to to share that since we are um talking about capital and departmental um things as well we can have uh that discussion with the the police department they pretty much Speck out their Fleet okay and if they have an interest to moving into to tahos we can look at how that will cost what that will cost and see that we can make that happen Okay thank you that's all Madam mayor just one thing um I I remember a few months ago I think I had mentioned um if we could do more of marketing our vacant lots and businesses that are currently vacant um do you think we can do something like maybe with your team some sort of marketing campaign or um even lawn signs just to have displayed um some places where they where they make sense you know as I've driven around other places and they have like lot for sale or rent or just to kind of Market ourselves more physically and then also virtually utilizing like our um Facebook and um I um I AG you know some sort of um visual like Market you know properties available contact set and such just to kind of try to penetrate more businesses that we're looking for we can do something like that yeah we are working on um that exact same thing uh based on I believe it was Eve sham that does something very similar one of our communities and we did get yeah we did get a a model um that that we are working on okay and and that's um something we were working on we brought um at the last executive um one of the executive sessions um that we did you know we had our first stab at it but we just need some we were looking to get someone to come help also with a marketing background to kind of help us um gather the stuff because right now we don't necessarily gather that information that's correct we would really need to connect with a realtor or someone who would you know have all that information and contact information and the square footage and and all that let's just we could keep that as a priority thank you for bringing it back up um but keep it as a priority Council yeah I think on the same lines as as that councilwoman Peron I know we had talked before about like a buy and burrow campaign or some sort of business directory um on our website that just outlines the businesses that we have in Willingboro in an effort to highlight um local economics so um if that's something we can pursue I think that would also contribute and the economic development the economic development committee is still you know they're working on they've been going door to actually the businesses and Gathering that information um so that that is in progress just so you know so but thank you for bringing that back up to the Forefront anything else okay Mr Harris We'll go with the ordinance you could start the or are we doing the public comment we do that after we go through yeah we do that after we go I'm sorry yeah um I'm sorry Mr Harris I apologize the explanation of the ordinances and resolutions so being presented for your consideration this evening is um ordinance for introduction ordinance number 13 which is our bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by Willingboro Township we are appropriating uh 4 million but issuing $3.8 million in bonds uh to finance the cost for various projects and purchases throughout the the township for 2024 uh ordinance our ordinances to the same the new fees would include such items as the block party fee there are some fire and EMS fees uh there are some inspection fees that aren't included in the current fee ordinance and modifying some fees related to pool passes and the rental of a space at the senior center ordinance for uh public hearing and final adoption this evening are ordinance number ordinance to amend ordinance number 20 24-6 in order to amend the description of the project uh to or our storm water project to include the emergency repairs to the penny Packer uh drain storm water wash out that will enable us to use ARP Monies to cover those costs um ordinance number 20 24-12 is an ordinance to authorize the Township Clerk to approve raffle licenses without a resolution from the governing body resolution is being presented for you this evening resolution number 183 which is a resolution um certifying the 2023 annual audit this audit report had one finding on it wherein the township did not approve one budget transfer by resolution of the governing body which is accompanied uh by the correct action plan that was prepared by the CFO resolution number 185 is a resolution authorizing the approval of the corrective action plan and it is recommended that the council reviews and approves this plan u based on the finding from the 2023 audit resolution number 186 is a resolution authorizing the township to apply for the New Jersey historic truck Historic Site management grant for the future house we are looking to obtain some Grant Monies to uh make modification to the Future house according to the fiscal officer at the New Jersey historic trust we needed to adjust our grant portion to 18,750 opposed to the 15,000 that we had originally planned to contribute to that program uh the difference being 370 or 3,00 ,750 which again would be included in our uh capital budget resolution number1 187 is a resolution to participate in an electronic tax sale pilot program uh the municipality wishes to participate in the pilot program for electronic tax sales um electronic tax sales have been proven uh or is initiative to that has been proven to provide a greater pool of potential lean fires thus creating an environment of a more complete tax sale process so we would like to go ahead and um participate in that pilot program here in Burlington County resolution number 188 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement with United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local Number 360 this is the union that represents our DPW employees uh DPW workers have been working without a contract since 20121 I believe and uh we have come to the table and um and finally come to significant um concessions and agreements there was a lot of cleanup language in the contract but the biggest element is that DPW has agreed to uh include an additional shift in the to Township one from or currently our DPW employees work 7 to3 but we know that the township is open from 9 to-5 so they did agree to include a 9-to-5 shift uh which would enable them to provide services to willing burrow residents until regular close of business um that was one big um thing in the contract the other one was the increase to salaries and wages we did uh incorporate or bring up our minimum wage for our DPW workers to 43,000 currently they were coming in at 16 to $18 an hour equaling 36,000 it was very difficult to recruit uh and retain qualified help so uh we did agree to uh raise up the minimum wage for the minimum salary for our DPW employees to 43,000 for our um our laborers our business make build maintenance workers uh laborers threes and truck drivers will go to 50 and then equipment uh operators mechanics and Senior Public Works repair men will move to 55,000 as their base uh starting salaries for those positions as far as uh salary increases um they will see a 2 and a half% increase for the contract year of 2021 and 2022 there will be a 2.7 5% contract increase for the year of 2023 uh which will be paid to them retroactively as well as a 3% uh agreement in 2024 and in 2025 which is consistent with what all of the UN other unions have um settled on and then because they're settling out until won't renegotiate again until 2026 they will see a 3.5% in that contract year um and the rest of the agreements pretty much was just language that needed to be clarified and cleaned up so we were very clear as to what um their responsibilities were to the township and what the Township's responsibilities were to them so um if the governing body has no qualms I would ask that you do go ahead and authorize the execution of this contract with our DPW employees resolution number 189 is a resolution uh to refund overpayment of taxes resolution number 190 is a resolution authorizing uh the Foreclosure to foreclose on certain properties for delinquent taxes in the township of Willingboro Willingboro has been Desiring to acquire the property known as The Big D Marina for quite a bit of time we have been working on this property uh for a few years and we are at at the point now where we are going to go ahead and foreclose or perform an inrm tax foreclosure on those properties uh which will take about nine months to complete after which Willingboro Township will become the owner of those properties and then we can begin um the remediation processes if any are necessary and put those out for um Economic Development and believe me there are a lot of developers that have serious interest in that property resolution number 199 is a resolution authorizing the township to award a construction Contra contract to Marshall Lane for roadway improvements there the township was awarded a grant in the amount of $47,000 to perform uh Road improvements on Marshall Lane we're very fortunate that the bids came back uh reasonable at $266,200 uh so we're going to award a contract to Black Rock uh LLC uh to perform the uh repair road work on Marshall Lane yes I'm sorry 191 202 24-12 is authorizing the use of competitive Contracting for emergency board up services uh we recommend that the council approve this resolution which authorizes the RFP for emergency board up services these services are utilized um primarily uh by our construction department and fire department if there is a house fire and they need to board up to secure the property um these would be the contracted vendors through the for the township that could be utilized for these particular Services resolution number 193 is a resolu solution authorizing a not to exceed increase to a Lio group for the provision of Engineering Services to the township uh Alo is one of our Consulting Engineers for the municipality and we recommend Council approve an award to Al Lio for Engineering Services that are related to the uh running track and the turf field um to be located at the JFK Center resolution number 19 4 is a resolution authorizing the township to establish a not to exceed contract for a Consolidated steel aluminum fence company um they're going to include or this contract will include upgrades to the fence at the Sportsman field uh resolution number 195 is the resolution to approve the vouchers for payment uh resolution 196 is a resolution presented by the clerk clerk's office to uh Grant an extension of premises if the clerk wants to elaborate on um 196 197 which is a resolution authorizing the township to execute uh social Affairs permit I yeah I have no problem doing that resolution 2024 1996 it's for an next an extension of premises permit for 1911 Smokehouse along with the rain date um resolution 197 it's a social Affairs permit it's for Diamond Dogs for um a fundraiser that they're doing uh and then resolution 198 is the ABC license transer it's the second of three licenses for the Rango ran cokus Golf Club um those and resolution 2024 D200 is another extension of premises permit for 1911 Smokehouse uh resolution 2024 199 is the appointment of a deputy okay sorry took Liberty that's all right and those are all the items being presented to the council for this evening for your consideration thank you so much at this time I'm going to open it up for public comment on agenda items only if there's any um questions or concerns you have have about what's been presented on this agenda please come up now there will be another um public comment for um miscellaneous things after this um public comment so if there's any public comment for agenda items only you have two minutes all right seeing none public comment for agenda items is now open I'm closed closed okay you can proceed with the ordinances of course uh I would request um a motion in a second to adopt um ordinance 20124 D13 introduce introduce adopt so move second moved by councilwoman Whitfield councilwoman Whitfield and Dr worthy second by Dr worthy Ro councilwoman perone yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay ordinance 2014-14 um I would request a motion in a second to introduce that ordinance so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and now uh I'm opening the public hearing on ordinance seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and then uh 12 oh I'm so sorry ordinance 2024-25 Dr Worthy any further discussion um just from previous conversation just want to make sure as we make this allowance that you know you do keep Council um a breast of what's coming through and you know just run it by in you know as time permits for for all the legalized games of champion of course all right any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor m yes all right before we move forward are there any resolutions that anyone would like to take out for further discussion I'm gonna pull oh God I was going to request to pull a 197 okay all right mayor I'm gonna I would suggest pulling the one for the deputy clerk okay and I'm going to I'm going to pull 200 too I just want further clarification on these all right um any anything else all right I make a motion for a consent agenda for Resolutions 2024 184 through one 196 and to also include resolution 2024 198 second moved by mayor McIntosh seconded by Deputy May Deputy Mayor Anderson Roll Call councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes I make a motion to approve the resolutions as stated second moveed by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield R call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr wory yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay 197 24 199 so resolution 2024 197 um what need a motion so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion yes Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor um I had a few questions Mr fall I was looking at the resolution itself and I wasn't clear in terms of if this was a one-time use or what we would be allowing I'm looking at the dates and times specified on page 147 it was a three-day I believe it's a 3day event okay the dates and times aren't it's not clear it states do you want me to read it or you want to pull it up I'll pull it up okay it's for the 9th 10th and 11th right um it's uh the first dat it's 400 P.M to 1:00 am that says 1 pm on hours yes so just the copy I have says August 9th looking at this I think the application has but the resolution resol speaking on here hpo yeah I just want to clean up the language so that the resolution matches our you know the application true um and making sure that it's also in compliance with whatever the ordinance says for our curfews or you know the times business is closed like I just um verify wanted to verify that I am still waiting on clarification from the individual um on exact explicitly what the event is I had sent correspondence this was this was the or organization who failed to provide the application in expeditiously they didn't provide it in time for the council to vote on it last month so I don't necessarily want to tell them not to hold the event but I will take that into account but is it wise to approve a incomplete would it be consider an incomplete application um if you want me to pull it I have no problem pulling it I have no problem sending it again because I did send the correspondence on Friday so if that's what you feel comfortable with I'm fine with proceeding with that but then they won't be able to do the event all right so I'll let I'll let Council yeah but it's in we're voting on an incomplete application and and if if I may you know this this is very vague what type of event they're trying to sponsor here yeah it wasn't and we have had some issues with diamond at that location prior and I would ask that you not approve this social Affairs permit based on previous activities and issues uh that have happened at that location uh which is really questionable uh really with the intent that they were establishing their um not for-profit entity at that location okay I'm fine with that well I would ask is that were we diligent and did we do what we were supposed to do in terms of reaching out in a timely manner um did we you I just want to make sure I don't want to penalize for no reason but I just want to make sure we did what we were supposed to do but I don't want to get in the habit of accepting incomplete applications I understand um but you know I just want to make sure we you know followed up when we were supposed to follow up that's you know my concern I did that that is correct yeah I agree with Mr har it doesn't specify what type of event it is um so I think precautionary they didn't submit everything so I'm okay with that tling it does anyone else have any other input um I would just ask for a a little more detail in the security plan number 19 okay that that was approved by the police department I can I can provide that feedback but that that is that portion was appr okay okay okay that's all I have if it was approved by the police department then all right and so [Music] um what was there's a motion already on the floor all right so um any further discussion there a roll call uh councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield uh to approve to approve the application right that's what I'm oh no it's no I thought we were pulling this I thought we were going we're in an open we're in an open it was a motion second we just that's it so now the motion is to approve whether or not to approve cor as is corre okay so my my answer is no okay councilwoman Whitfield no councilwoman Dr worthy no Deputy Mayor Anderson no mayor McIntosh no okay and please please give me is if there's a submission and a completion me update keep us updated not not a problem Okay resolution 20241 um 199 correct um I just request that we make uh an amendment to the resolution to reflect the name of Samantha Savino um I would make the motion with that Amendment you can say just what he said that's fine okay is there a motion with the amended version of that resolution so move second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes go to 200 okay and the last one is resolution 2024 D200 that is an extension of premises permit um it's a second one that was beinged make the motion we'll do discussion oh sorry no problem is there a motion for resolution 2024 200 so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion you can go now councilwoman prone no you can sorry jumping the gun um it's an EXT of premises permit uh for rmt Holdings their 1911 Smokehouse uh they're holding an event in the end of August they have a rain date in September um it's just it's approving their extension of premises permit uh we received the fee that we need to have we've received everything we need to have from them so it should be should be fine okay any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes all right we need a motion for the treasure we have a we have a treasur look at that yeah okay I looked at that we have a motion for the treasurer report for approval and adoption so moved second moved by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by Dr worthy any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes do we have we don't have minutes will be provided next month correct okay that is correct we're here for your updates okay sure I mean it's pretty light um I obviously we just hired a deputy clerk I went through a process of interviewing six different candidates two of which had rmc's we selected one tonight so that was a very unveiled involved process um I provided um a pretty comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on some ideas I have for my clerk Department um other than that um the vendor has been selected for a shred event however I will probably be pushing that event back only because I need the D Department directors to have enough time to work with them on doing an actual shred event so that would be something that would be great um for uh the new staff member um to be involved in other than that in the month of July we logged in 95 Oprah requests uh with that being said because I've been charging special special service charges we've been able to save the township $2,000 in the last two months in labor costs because I I charge the cost of the redactions Andor reviewing the records this means this isn't time this time isn't wasted uh by the different departments for example uh within the police department the person uh would have had to do at least two hours worth of work uh in the deputy clerk's office we had one Oprah request that would have cost us 25 man hours I mean that's almost a fa there and there were two op requests from that same individual so it's just one more way I'm trying to optimize the department and just make sure we have procedures in place that are appropriate other than that that's my report any questions for our clerk all right thank you very much moving on to unfinished business are there any items for unfinished business okay are there any items for new business all right we are now at public comment public comment is now open you have four minutes please state your name and address for the for the record public comment is now open all right mayor I see Shirley Dorth yeah okay good evening all Shirley Dorth 36 Newport Lane I just have a few you know uh issues and concerns that I'd like to bring to the council this evening uh first of all I'd like to you know thank the leadership of the township Mr Harris and the township uh the Town Council for the infrastructure projects that are underway they really look good like the the road repair and I and the clean Community initiative uh based on my observations I think the the clean community in initiative is really making a difference okay in the appearance of our community uh the especially since school is out so maybe one of the things that we would like to think about is finding a way to collaborate okay with the board of education so that when uh schools are in session uh this initiative can take place in conjunction with maybe something that the Board of Education uh can buy into so that young people in the town now I don't get me wrong I know young people are not the only one you know that toss paper on the grounds they're not the only one to litter but they do contribute a lot you know to the litter that we see on the ground so I think it would be a wonderful idea if the township and the Board of Education uh could find a way to involve young people okay in this initiative uh the other area of thanks okay is um I just like to say thanks to the leadership in town for all of the activities the recreational activities and other types of activities that are geared towards you know the youth all the way up to the uh senior community you know like the uh music concerts at the amphitheater although those concerts were impacted you know pretty greatly by weather the National Night Out uh looking forward to the annual Jazz Fest the free comedy show pool activities for our young people okay and uh other activities like uh youth pickleball okay I I think it's it's just a wonderful thing that we have activities in town for the various age group uh uh some of the issues of concerns that I have one is uh too many of our residents are storing their trash and the Recycled containers okay in front areas of the property okay uh places where the containers are visible you know from the street and and if I'm not mistaken I believe there's an ordinance in place okay uh that would prevent trash containers and recycle containers from being stored in the front of the property they uh another area of concern is and this is something I just have been able to figure out you know how to handle it this is why I'm bringing it you know before this body uh new neighbors are curbing their dog on grassy areas near the street in front of their property uh this is disgusting time and I do not know how to handle it did she say time yes oh I I'm just so disappointed but thank you anyway thank you Miss Dorth you're welcome is there anyone else online for public comment uh not at this time mayor okay Mr Johnson G Johnson 54 Grammar Lane I'd like to do something a little different tonight um whenever I've had an opportunity to be with Willingboro police officers I have always found them to be very professional and a credit to the um the force in the township tonight I want to relate something that touched me because it affected people who people like door and a dear I live with a woman who has a daughter and she has a daughter which has has some problems one of which is when she gets too desponded or so she wants to run away not to someplace just run away she also can get competitive and that's where the story is I had a doctor's appointment on the hottest day of this month routine appointment and I was back home relaxing when there was a knock on the door I went to answer it but my nephew is a lot faster on his feet he got there first and I heard somebody ask him is your mother or father here he looks young and it struck me as odd and he just closed the door and said no they're not here and he went back to what he was doing I was curious so went open the the door and it was two Willingboro police officers and we looked at each other and they of course wanted to know who are you and we got into a conversation where I explained the household and the arrangements in that and what it turned out they were there for was they had my daughter-in-law's daughter at the police station and they were looking for her mother well my U other partner Esther and had the car with the daughter-in-law and they were out Gall thatting somewhere I had no idea where H her phone is out of order so I couldn't call her and so I called the nephew down and said can you call your mother he said no my phone isn't working either and I'm getting frustrated I said well you know our number and he said yes so I handed her him my phone and he went to uh call her and he said um she's not answering her mailbox is full so now I'm really frustrated so I try to help the police officers with as much information as I could give them and then being frustrated then of course the logical thing to do is to go get a cup of coffee so I was headed to the kitchen and my phone rang it was the daughter inlaw she initially thought I was calling to get a ride because I'd been off with the doctor's office and said no I says listen please the police were just here your daughter it's at the police station and I told her the message they given me to call 911 or go to the police station and she said after she got over the uh the call she said um all right I'll go there so she went to the police station and a while later she came home and she didn't have the daughter with her uh and she was standing in the hallway and saying I know they're going to be I know they're coming I know they're coming and I couldn't figure anything out and a few months later my the daughter arrived accompanied by five police officers and those police officers were fing over her like they were like she was their own child and it really struck me as you know touching and I really do appreciate it and to exaggerate a little bit but I still seen it that it were providing you I would say that outstanding service was a common virtue and so before this Council and our police chief I would like to say to those officers thank you a very helpful and sincere thank you I appreciate it thank you Mr Johnson is there any other public comment seeing none public comment is now closed um Mr has can we just address some of Miss Mrs dilworth's um she had plenty of Kudos which is great um but the storing a trash in a trash bins yeah that is a uh consistent problem all throughout um willing burrow and um our inspections department is going to need to to buckle down in those areas um so we will keep uh everyone updated on the progress that we make in that particular area I guess we have and um it can't be in the front and it can't be on the side either right it has to be in the back yeah back has to be in the back in the back yeah yes all right um the point that she made uh regarding the the uh collaborating with the Board of Education to keep the clean communities initiative um in tandem with the schools I think is a wonderful idea and I'm going to ask Miss Jackson now if she will begin uh the process with connecting with the schools and let's put a program together uh to uh educate and uh get a Buy in with the schools to keep willing bur bur clean um I appreciate the acknowledgement of the good work that our employees are doing here trying to make Willingboro the best community um that we can not only do our residents begin our our neighbors are beginning to look at what's going on in Willingboro as well um as far as persons curbing their dog on her front lawn um that is a an issue that if if they see it happening then they're going to need to really contact the police when it's happening um and then they can can deal with that especially if they're not cleaning up after um their animals and there are some homes that do have very attractive please curb your dog kind of signs that um we are looking to um expand and incorporate in other areas in the community as well thank you so much and Mr Johnson um definitely appreciate you sharing that story it's good to hear those stories um the positive things that you know a lot of our departments in in particular our police department at this time so um thank you for sharing that um anybody anything else all right moving on to council comments does any Council have any comment today Dr worthy yes thank you Madame mayor um I enjoyed National Night Out and appreciate um that initiative I'm so glad we did it on Monday as we normally do um all the rest of the national nights out have been uh rained out so um that was wonderful um I'm excited about the youth police academy and um encourage the community and my fellow colleagues to come on out um to support our youth I missed the youth fire academy but I will be there live and in person one Friday um to celebrate our youth I'm super excited about that and I'm really excited about the work that um we're doing as a council um the public doesn't see a lot of it uh you know in between meetings having conversations just two at a time don't worry uh just two at a time uh and then the productive executive session uh meetings that we've had so rest assure the work continues even though you may just see us a couple hours twice a month or once a month during the summer um there's a lot of work that's being done and I'm really excited about that the meetings with the administration with our Professionals in town um I'm just excited about the momentum and being able to work alongside um this Council and the accomplishments that we're able to make thank you Mr Harris for your continued leadership and for the work the administration is doing thank you Mr fault for the work in your office it certainly takes all of us you know moving in the same direction with alignment on the common vision and the common goals and I'm just really excited about the work that we're being able to do to to get done um together so thank you everyone thank you Dr thank you mayor yes thank you mayor um I'm going to start on a somber note I wanted to extend the condolences to the family of Sharon Anderson um she was such an involved part of our community um being the founder of the burough Pet Project being a participant and um on the steering committee for the Willing burough heart and soul um Community engagement project being the secret AR of our wmua um she has just been so involved for so many years um and always had good feedback a frequent attendee to our meetings um but she always had really great um input and was a a pleasure to have as a resident in this community she will sorely be missed um and I would um ask for Council support to prepare a resolution of condolence for the family um and that also on a lighter note I wanted to um say congratulations to the graduates of the youth fire academy 22 uh graduates again um it is just so so great to see those youth being able to explore career opportunities in a really um robust way um and congratulations in advance to the youth Police Academy um graduates I know both programs are very rigorous um and they put in a lot of work and are dedicated to to that for the weeks that they are in that program so thank you to our police and fire department for continuing to run those programs I know it's much appreciated by our youth and providing them those opportunities um also just a reminder as Miss Jackson reminded um the master plan survey is up I encourage our residents to go on um tell us what you like about Willingboro what's challenging in Willingboro how you move around Willingboro what development you'd like to see um the survey takes about 10 minutes um and we only have 61 respondents so far but we would like to see many many more than that um so please go on the website follow the link and take that survey at your earliest convenience it is open until the end of August and then lastly I will see you all at the JazzFest I know we are looking forward to a wonderful show on Sunday um make sure you bring all your things to stay cool and I will see you there thank you mayor thank you anyone else um I do want to Echo um uh councilman whitfield's um sentiments with regards to uh Miss Anderson's passing she will be greatly missed um so I definitely um would like for us to put together a proclamation for her and I just also wanted to just add to um Mr Harris and staff for all the wonderful summer events you put on so thank you so much for everyone that played a part in putting it together um it's really thoughtful and I and I the events that you've put on I can tell that you put a lot of thought into it and time so I just wanted to say thank you and job well done that's all I just want to thank everyone for coming out this evening um I know the weather was bearing some but for those who came out you know we appreciate it uh National Night Out was a great success thank you Captain bucks for volunteering your time in the dunk tank um congratulations to Chief Bernett and his department on your receiving the award congratulations Miss balding for being recognized as a 2024 Bron County outstanding woman this one hurts Mr Harris keep up the good work you're doing you're doing a great job you're doing a great job projects are moving and you know the community is seeing what's happening so keep up the good work ever thank thank you so much for hitting the ground running making a difference in that Clerk Office coming to the table with new ideas implementing uh and just keeping things moving congratulations to the new uh Deputy clerk I wish you much success um and um condolences to you know Sharon Anderson her family uh she was someone I considered to be a friend you know doing Council meetings you know she would text me saying ask this ask that so I'm going to miss that but definitely condolences she will be greatly missed thank you and I I definitely Echo the sentiments of my Council colleagues um and then I know Mr Harris you touched upon it that we were being noticed by neighbor and towns and I do agree we you know as we're out and about um sometimes I'm with Mr Harris sometimes not but other towns are actually saying oh I love this clean communities I love the way you know I'm going down Beverly R and cus I love the way it looks y'all are doing big things in Willingboro so I want to keep up that momentum and I know it takes all of us so I'm I'm very I am extremely grateful to everyone um and their input for making this the one of the a great town um and I can and I look forward to continuing that momentum um so I don't want I'm going to repeat great job um you know sometimes you know we're hard on you sometimes but you do a you know wonderful I know he [Laughter] is but keep let's keep the momentum um over this over this past month you know it's it's supposed to be one of the council's downtimes um but over over this the summer we've had a lot of deaths a lot of young deaths um a lot of um phenomenal residents that have um passed on um but in particular Sharon Anderson um I did want to just acknowledge her because she was one who bought Solutions she didn't you know complain even on online on social media she was one to offer correction and solutions and I think that was very important you know in in educating our other residents cuz a lot of people like to get on and talk and and not offer Solutions but she was one who offered an outlet in a solution so I do want to acknowledge her and I do want to end um this meeting with a moment of s a moment of silence for Sharon Anderson thank you with that move second I now your curls are gonna be you don't hear to good night will