##VIDEO ID:ePWsUEoXKpY## for [Music] somewhere from where ever from where that's a very good question right at o' okay all right it's 7 o'clock we can begin okay councilwoman Rebecca Peron present councilwoman Samantha Whitfield pres councilwoman Dr Tiffany worthy present Deputy Mayor Nan Anderson present mayor K T McIntosh present do the prayer Everett Everett your speak on the floor good let's pray Great and Mighty you are you Reign and you rule not just in this council meeting God but the Earth is Yours and the fullness thereof so as your presence r Reigns in this room so let it be with your people those you have chosen for the task to lead here tonight God you control the course of the world events you remov those in power and set those in power you give wisdom and knowledge to those with Insight father God forgive us when we attempt to do things on our own strength and and intellect we seek your guidance here tonight we call on you God to remember your chosen people who will stand in the gap for our families of Willingboro may they work in peace unity and Excellence may they have Clarity integrity and your spirit of love as they work together as one body for our commun Community as they discuss agendas ideas and strategies give them Godly strategies to benefit everyone in the community remain in this place with your people we thank you Father God because all things work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose in jesus' name amen amen thank you Chaplan Cruz black salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all notice of notice is hereby given that notice was sent to the Burlington County Times stating the time date place and the agenda to the extent of it was known in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act additionally notice was posted on the Bolton board the township website and notice was filed in the office of the township clerk thank you so much well first I'd like to welcome everyone to our first meeting in September um I hope everyone enjoyed I know summer's still going but I hope everyone enjoyed the time uh the kids out of school now that they're back to school um maybe you have a little bit of time to yourself but um I just wanted to welcome back everyone um we had a little Hiatus with the council so now we're back to business so welcome back everyone moving into the proclamations um there are so many uh awarenesses this month um that we'll probably Circle back to this uh next meeting um because we have uh blood cancer awareness month National alcohol and drug addiction recovery suicide PR uh prevention Awareness Month library card sign in month sign up month um world Alzheimer's disease month so we're going to all combine it into one Proclamation and make sure everyone understands and is aware of what's going on this this month Mr Harris you can start your updates yes good evening May mayor and counsel and and members of the public mayor this evening we have uh with us um Mr Brian mccare from Snider Electric who uh is coming to us to give us an update on our EIP project so I'm going to yield um at this time for him to come and present to the governing body I believe he has a pressing uh issue that he needs to to attend to uh so I appreciate him taking the time to be with with us this evening so Mr mcar thank you so much Mr Harris mayor McIntosh Deputy Mayor Anderson Council thefield pleasure tonight you speak of the microphone for the people online can here that we're here tonight to give you a uh pretty comprehensive review on the EIP program we will be quick to answer any questions but it is a comprehensive review I just want to introduce uh gentleman I have with me who is uh Mr Willam pennings uh Mr pennings is our um project installation director for the uh Northeast region of our sustainability business and he oversees uh the project and and the people that are on the ground with us working through the project uh um Mr pennings will do uh a lot of the talking tonight because he'll be going over to the slides on the actual projects that uh Issa projects that you're uh that that are uh have been taking place throughout the summer and giving uh you know pretty pretty good detail on on uh what's what's been going on with them uh so at the conclusion of that uh we will be here to answer any questions that you may have uh on on Isa project uh so Mr pennings and uh next slide please there we thank you Council for having us as in as mentioned I am uh Willam pennings I am the project manager and director of installation for the East Coast for Schneider Electric here to give you an update on the EA project uh the first item was the building envelope um this is basically air sealing and weatherization and this work was done at the Kennedy Center Municipal complex and library and the DPW uh at all locations we have completed our work uh a lot of it is sealing up of gaps and cracks and anywhere where cold air can come in in the winter and hot air in the summer and your conditioned aired leaves so that is all completed as noted on the slide and please if there are any questions do not hesitate to reach out or interrupt me please um the controls upgrade so at JFK we took out the Standalone control system that is controlling the new rooftop systems uh they are now inte integrated into the train building automation system the new boilers are also integrated into the system and we are just waiting on training right now to allow the um facility staff to get their understanding of how to operate the system and utilize the system better at the library the new Chiller and boiler are waiting to be integrated the chiller is operational the boiler is currently being installed uh at the municipal center we have 17 program thermostats that are completed as well as at the DPW we have eight next next slide please so that's just a a photo of the new thermostats that we have as you can see there's a display it allows you to see what the temperature is and both the setting um just for illustration purposes you want to go to the next slide oh and there's one right there as well so uh and another scope was a destratification fans known dstat basically it brings the hot air down in a large space such as a gym or a large open area as a garage as is installed at DPW so we have eight of those installed at JFK Center G gymnasium and two over at DPW uh We've also done some air balancing for this building specifically uh in hopes to address some of the Comfort complaints and some unevenness of the system so we balanced the new roof tops the existing systems um all that is completed and it is brought back back to the original design of the space uh We've also installed block heater controls basically to heat up the engine blocks for diesel trucks in the winter and controlling those so that they do not run when unnecessarily when it's warm enough basically you don't need them uh the large scope of the project was the mechanical heating and cooling plant over at the library uh the pro oh sorry next slide oh there's actually some photos of what the destratification fan is you can barely see it it's a small little thing but it basically just a round cylinder and it just blows the air down all the hot air from above comes down and it circulates especially in the in the winter when all the heat rises it gets the heat down to the to the space where the occupants are and they can enjoy the actual heat and not overheat the space next slide SE as I mentioned earlier the the large part of the project was a new Heating and Cooling plant over at the public library the cooling equipment consisted of a chiller which produces cold water for air conditioning a cooling tower which cools off the chiller that's mounted on the roof new chilled water pumps which are redundant so one fails the other one is operable and two condenser water pumps for the cooling tower the chiller pumps and cool cooling tower are installed and operational providing cooling to the library we do still need to provide training for the um facility staff both on the controls and the equipment uh and finish the final installation of the piping there are a couple areas where the installation needs to be finished up a new Chiller room was fabricated downstairs beneath the chiller uh beneath the library for the chiller so it's completely isolated um was there this morning it was this afternoon it was operating it's very quiet will not disturb the library occupants and the control system will also be updated so this control system will then allow anyone from a remote location to be able to operate the system the library and um monitor the conditions next slide please so here's a photo of the um a drone photo of the old cooling tower being removed and if you want to go to the next one we have another photo of that as well a little bit higher up this time and it shows the old unit being removed and the new unit is placed directly in the same spot so there is no uh issues and go to the next slide we have a couple photos of the chiller so that Chiller is shown a couple weeks ago it does not have the enclosure basically a room built around it to isolate it from the other storage area um that is down there you can see the pipe coming in um there's a new um storage tank as well to uh improve the system design that's also been placed down there that is also not shown but it is complete uh next slide please and that's a photo of the new pumps again that shows uninsulated pipe but um they are operational and working next slide please so we did have some issues during the installation of the chiller and the cooling system uh notably it was the water quality that took us a little longer than anticipated um due to some issues with the piping there were some metal chunks about an eighth of an inch thick sometimes there were fairly large about the size of a half dollar that were accumulated in the pipe as we started the pumps we were finding them at the strainer points so we flushed them many many many times to get the water quality acceptable for the new equipment we did not want to run the old the not the old the um the new that the the new equipment with the piping and the debris that was in there so we had a lot of different ideas between uh a chemical treatment which we did not go about um doing some other things but we We Came Upon a solution to install a magnetic filter that would basically collect all the debris the metal debris that is being run through the piping it'll collect down to a particle size and it'll be easy to remove maintain and clean and it's um something that's very passive and there is no negative uh there's no drawbacks of using that it doesn't reduce the piping the pumping uh there's no chemical so there's no no negative situations with that uh it's very passive but it is very effective you want to go to the next slide this shows what we were looking at the photo to the right was a accumulation of the metal debris that was in the pipe to the left is just a bucket that we pulled out uh as you can see some of those those pieces of metal were fairly large so we did not want that running through the new equipment for the township so we did clean all that up we're going to put the new strainer in the the magnetic filter basically and then um double check everything as well at the end of the cooling season make sure nothing is um nothing has gone wrong next slide please sorry uh the final piece of the mechanical plant at the library is the heating system which comprises of two boilers and two new hot water pumps the hot water pumps are in place and the boilers are also in place and they're being piped in uh the boilers are not operational yet we have new metal flu being uh delivered next week which will be run and brought up through the roof for exhaust of the boilers um all that should be a couple weeks and we should be really good for heating season to start October 15th so we're in good shape for that I've went over a lot is there any questions yes sir as as as it relates to the magnetic strainer how often does that need to be changed checked or monitored we will confirm with the omm the operation and maintenance manuals to find out how long uh I would suggest checking it on a daily basis to see how much accumulates and as we install it our guys are still on site working so as they put it in they'll check it if they need to check it every day every other day it a Cadence will be developed to understand how often it would need to be checked but as it runs it will clean out majority of the the the particulate that is currently in the piping that may still remain uh and it's our intent to I would think that it would clear itself up and not have to be checked very often maybe weekly maybe bi-weekly it's one of those things that um he would just have to see and continue monitoring it thank you you're welcome thank you mayor um thank you for your report you um I did have a follow-up question to Deputy Mary Anderson's question and I know you said it shouldn't have to be checked you know as frequently but is anyone here in the township trained on the new system and would they be able to check it or would that be like a continuing maintenance fee or something it's something we will train the township on okay it's a very simple thing to just you pull it out you look at it you clean it off and put it back in just oper operating a couple valves it should be quick easy one of the items that we'll go through with training uh we'll train you on the chillers or not you sorry the township on the chillers the pumps how to operate them how to maintain them the control system also uh we want the township to be able to operate these systems and to own them so that they're operating the correct way so that you gain the benefits and you realize the benefits of the systems that we've installed okay great um and one last question is you showed pictures of the um exposed uninsulated pipes were those pipes insulated or is there a plan to insulate them absolutely they will be yes yeah we're we're still in process right now the the majority of the cooling piping has been insulated there are a couple sections that are not uh the heating system has not been insulated but once the heating system comes up and online and running we'll get that all insulated and that'll all be completed before the project is closed out okay great yep that was all I had mayor thank you I appreciate the update thank you thank you gentlemen I appreciate it thank you Mr mcar and Mr pennings okay thank you also this evening we have with our our Municipal engineer Mr hu doery um who is here to present his report to the governing body and answer any questions that you may have uh regarding the different projects and things that are uh ongoing in the the township specifically or especially the um the emergency storm water repair that is occurring on um P our uh Vance skyver uh currently so Mr Dockery thank you good evening mayor and councel thank you for the opportunity to uh speak in front of you and present my Engineers report I believe you do have a copy of my Engineers report I I did send it out this morning it's dated September 2024 uh I'm just going to highlight a couple of portions of the report this evening and picking up on um what Mr Harris talked about uh starting with item number one the council's focus on infrastructure is really paying off we continue to make scheduled repair to the sidewalks and the storm water infrastructure and that'll be ongoing through the fall the uh the holstone lane pipe failure occurred but that was on our scheduled repair list so that is being fixed currently the Vance skyver Parkway which Mr Harris mentioned now that sinkhole was an emergency repair it it wasn't on the list uh that we had under the normal contract so we we uh declared that an emergency and that worked is underway this week as well now we also have very positive uh news for the Council on the roads as I reported last month we have 14 roads that are paved this year and Marshall Lane will also be paved in the fall we also submitted plans to the dot for the next 15 roads to be done using the infrastructure Bank funds and that construction will take place next year or our agent infrastructure also includes our pools and I have with me this evening Bob malusky from our office he's the team leader for our pools and we are actively pursuing a uh contractor to repair the leak at the Country Club pool that work should be uh take place in the fall of this year we also identified and repaired the most aggressive leak at the penny Packer pool and it was operational this summer but there are additional leaks that need to be repaired at that pool in addition the splash pad at Penny Packer is completely deteriorated and needs to be reconstructed so along those lines we prepared a comprehensive proposal dated August 15th to evaluate all three pool sites and it's the Hawthorne Country Club and Penny Packer pools once that once we go through that um evaluation we'll have recommendations and budgets for a phased approach to rehabilitate all three pool facilities on my engine report jumping ahead to item number five the JFK Performing Arts Center we continue to work with the Township's entertainment consultant Bobby Ducket to resolve open issues given the age of the building we we are meeting weekly to work to resolve issues with uh the existing Utilities in the building structural electrical power fire suppression and the roof and and moving on to the roof the roof repairs are proceeding ahead of installing the seats and the sound equipment in the facility we anticipating we anticipate advertising and upgrading the sound system and Equipment uh this month and then we we anticipate the Performing Art Center would be ready by the end of the year uh and then jumping ahead on our report to number item number seven are the mil Creek Park improvements we did issue a proposal for design and we are a waiting council's Direction on that to proceed with a mil Creek improvements and that's the grant applications that were made uh we also then continue to work with the township staff to to apply for funding for various projects through the Green Acres Program the municipal Aid uh the Bikeway program and also brownfields and HD srf and and that basically takes me to the end of the report unless there's any questions from the council councilwoman worthy thank you thank you Mr doery for the update um during our last discussion when you came for the updates we did discuss uh the completion date for the Performing Arts Theater and we discussed hosting the December council meeting um in the Performing Arts Theater so I would request that you would add that to the update um just so that we can all stay in alignment in terms of the completion date and when we can be in there and we talked about if we needed to slide it to the second meeting in December we could do that um but I just would like for us to refrain from vague statements such as end of year just so that we can all be you know aligned on the project completion date I understand and we are working you know very diligently to get that that accomplished um there are many moving Parts on this including the roof the solar panels have to be removed to put the roof together so there's a lot of things that are going on but but that is definitely the goal to have a the the the second December meeting in the in the uh the new I appreciate I just wanted in the report so we're all everybody because the report goes beyond um the conversations today and it's a historical document so since we talked about it before I would just like for it to be annotated here so we can all point back to that right okay thank you thank you very much thank you madam mayor thank you Deputy Mayor yes also as it relates to I know the roof issues deling but in the meantime we can start working on the electrical correct right we are about 70% done on the electrical work inside so that that is moving along we're not holding things up um that but anything within that theater proper we don't want to um yeah you know installation of the seats for instance and painting that type of thing we don't want to occur correct no I understood that but I know also there was some issues regarding electricity how to run it where to run it but that work can still be is still moving forward correct there there are some design issues with the new speaker system which we're working out but the the uh the base contract that we started uh with Levy construction that's about 70% done now so so we're not we're not holding anything up uh waiting for the roof on that you know for the infrastructure really okay thank you in last um meeting we also talked about our sound system has that been returned yet so so um I have directed The the contractor to return a sound system uh we we um notified him again of the need to return a sound system at this point we're discussing with the contractor to get that returned um there's a little bit of push back on the contractor's part that the the um at even after day one after having that that equipment there was it was not returnable so we're looking to work out some salvage or something like that but but we are working with the contractor to resolve that issue whether we return it or get some Salvage out of it you said it's non- returnable non that that's what he that's what the contractor is pushing back right now but I am working with him to try to resolve that yes councilman worthy okay um that's new information uh for us um the last discussion the discussions we've had in the past were about a restocking fee and um and we were requesting that penon pick up the restocking fee so now to hear that we're trying to see if it's something that could be salvaged and the equipment is nonrefundable today is the first time that's been brought to our attention so um um I'm a bit concerned because we've been asking for it to be returned for several months and now is the first time we're hearing about that so um when do you think you will have an update in terms of the final status and disposition of the equipment how much money we can get back how would it be Savaged and things like that right I I'm working with the contractor um we have to nail down the scope for the new equipment and and present that to the contractor we we actually have to advertise that um because it's it's new equipment not part of the uh existing contract so we're going to advertise that as equipment only and then also an installation and and I'm going to work with the contractor to to you know basically either return the equipment or like I said get a salvage but that that's new information to me as well the contractor is now pushing back saying uh it was not returnable after day one okay I'm just I just want to State for the record it's very concerning because we've been having this convers ation for several months um and also the conversation you were supposed to be having with um ly about the procurement of the new equipment we talked at the last meeting about putting it out to bid and you explained that at the last meeting and it's been about a month so I'm just concerned about where we are and the pace when it comes to getting the uh sound equipment um if you could let us know some more uh descript like dates real dates in terms of when it will be done so we can have some assurance that the will be ordered and and to know what's going on with the um the equipment that will be salvaged now that we thought was going to be just a restocking fee so I guess I'm looking for something a bit more concrete um than what I'm hearing tonight right and and I will I will get that to you the um the I mean I wouldn't call it the delay but where we are with the new equipment is nailing down the specifications that would go out to bid so that's what we're putting the that bid package together so that we're all on the same page with the uh with Mr Ducket and our staff and when will that be completed well we're looking before the end of this month so we want to advertise this month uh for a and we only have to be out 10 days basically so um we would be advertising this month out 10 days to uh to obtain the equipment right but we also know that it takes six to eight weeks for the equipment to come in so it's it appears that you're already pushing it really close to the December December 6th opening date of the theater if we're not even going to have it specked out and ready to go out until the end of this month if you just look at the the that timeline right it it is a very tight schedule absolutely and we were working with Mr Ducket to get to nail that down so um you know we're all working very diligently to get this accomplished but it's a very tight time frame yes so what can be done to condense the timeline so we're not waiting until the end of the month to get that that bits back out um I'm you know just just nailing everything down with Mr Ducket and our staff and then getting it in to a bid package that we can put out there so so if Mr DEET gives you what's needed within this week then that's all that's needed I'm just trying to get to the specifics Mr doct because the time is going by and we keep talking in circles um so it's a bit concerning because I'm trying to get to a real project completion date of December 6th or December 20th and when we talk in vague terms like this it doesn't appear that the project completion date is a high priority it doesn't look like it's staying in the front because it's just uh end of the on six more weeks eight more weeks so I'm I'm sorry mayor I'll I'll wrap up but I just I'm very concerned that we don't have very clear dates we're going to have this time by this time we're gonna get this from Mr Ducket it's going to go out on this date it's too it's too lose right um I mean well we did have um Mr Ducket was traveling so he was out of town so we weren't able to reach him in in um for some of this uh you know the activity that we're doing um we did um meet with him and we're trying to get that all resolved so um September I mean I I will firm up the date um because we're saying we're going to advertise in September and it's only 10 days so I was expecting advertise and then accept uh bids in September okay so so and and we do have that we do have the end date in mind of the second meeting in December for sure it's just that it's a very tight time frame I understood okay it's only been two years right now I understand thank you thank you madam thank you Dr worthy I think we all share that sentiment and then thank you for for you know pounding it you know keep reiterating it because I think it is very important that we get this done this year yeah councilwoman Peron thank you I just wanted just to follow up on um councilman were these questions with regards to the return of the speaker equipment do you have anything in writing where they stated that um it's a restocking fee and then they changed it and now it says this is s you know it's non salable do you have anything in writing like communication with the individuals that you were communicating with with regards to the return of speakers so right now it's just leavey construction U it's verbal but so so I we did instruct them to return that's to return the equipment that's in writing and then they responded verbally so I I mean I will get that you know um a written a written statement from the contractor well I mean I just wanted just to um get an um some sort of um document communication that you know you said you're trying to work with them so they can now solve it so it seemed like they were kind of giving you some push backs I just wanted to see you know where were your struggles as far as the communication so I imagine that if you emailing them they would email you back and let you know well here's what it's going to cost you to restock it with regards to restocking fees and then now they've changed it and now they said it's notable so that's when we have things like that as far as communication that can be disputed whereby they're all of a sudden changing what they initially stated in the email communication so um but you you're stating is that the only thing that's in writing is when you um email them to go ahead and return it and they never responded back to you in email they called you on the phone that I that is correct but I I can check that because they've been I've been um this my staff has been dealing with Levy as well but I don't I don't know that I have anything specific in writing but that I mean we are working with Levy um to finish this contract and also to bid the extra you know the additional equipment there and and some of the change orders that have occurred because of the infrastructure so I will get those things ironed out and and um at the next meeting I'll be able to report back to you all right great thank you or sooner or or definitely sooner if I have that information it'll be in my report for next month thank you thank you um I just want to Circle back to the conversation about the pools I know that's going to be up for discussion in um new business um you said you have to do an evaluation of the three pools correct right and you know when will that be complete well so so I'm I had submitted a proposal to council to um consider and then um we have um I did have a schedule in there uh working working with the subc consultant okay and and the problem with the pools there is that you know everything we've done to date is really and I think prior to us getting involved has been Band-Aid improvements um and so we we we at at Penny Packer pool just for an example we we um completed that the uh the most aggressive leak we we sealed that up but there's additional leaks and then we did an investigation Mr Harris had um um agreed that you know it would be worth it would be worthwhile to look for additional leaks because there were additional leaks and then there was another leak so we found another leak but then was still leaking so we really instead of doing it peace meal like that we should look at the whole pool area and it's possible with this evaluation we would um we would uh for instance decide that we should just dig up all those pipes because if we repair one piece of pipe that's the same age as another piece of pipe that next piece of pipe could fail any time so that's why we're looking at this comprehensive study and we uh we anticipated a four to six week turnaround time to have the the study in place and the budget numbers okay well for for clarity I I'll ask Mr doy um what exactly he was proposing because I thought the proposal that that I had seen was a plan for the three pools um futuristic not really a comprehensive study of their condition currently so was was that what you were proposing in your and I believe it was a $155,000 prop proposal for that well so so my latest proposal is um the 39,000 for the three pools and that is um that is to really look at not just um you know chasing these leaks and things like that like for instance at Country Club where we are currently uh seeking a contractor to repair the pipe that we believe is leaking and that was told to us by public works that the location of the uh the pipe that is potentially leaking but there may be a better solution where we would um um I mean in my Engineers report just to give an idea on Country Club we the latest the first estimate before we went out to bid for this project was $450,000 one of our quotes came in with that same work because we're now trying to negotiate this contract is about $400,000 so if we're going to spend $400,000 to repair a pipe we really should look at the whole pool and decide whether or not you know the the walls um the wall should be repaired or the additional leak should be repaired or some of the mechanical equipment should be repaired or replaced because it's all of the same vintage and so if we're repairing one piece of pipe there may lead to something else later on so one of the ideas uh that we were thinking about for Country Club for instance would be to abandon that pipe that's underneath that's potentially leaking under the pool and restructure the pool so it's a little bit shallower we would do away with the uh diving boards and possibly put sliding boards in instead um and so that we would have a functional pool in that same footprint but it would just be a little bit differently configured so that's what we're looking at with this comprehensive study it's not just looking at you know what we know or what Public Works told us was leaking we're looking at a comprehens iens of report because if it's going to cost us $450,000 just to fix one pipe under the ground we really should look at rehabbing the pool you when that was sent in our that was sent in our email I will have to look I don't know I don't know if if I forwarded that email to you because uh I have to look because the email that I thought he was referring to was a futuristic plan on where we would go for Country Club Penny Packer and possibly revitalizing Hawthorne pool and I believe what what Mr Dockery was proposing was something a little more substantial and I don't recall seeing that proposal but I would look at it okay and and get it to you because you know the council was specific on the amount of money they wanted to invest back into Penny Packer um we have reached that and surp it a little bit but you know I don't know if you wanted to invest more money into trying to figure out what's wrong with the pool or we're just going to take the plunge and say you know what let's just repair it so we could spend another 50,000 to say well this is what you need or we can say well it's going to cost you 150,000 to replace the pool so okay so yeah can we gather that just so that we can have you know a good discussion right okay thank thank you yeah and and I would agree with Mr Harris's that's exactly where we'd like to go with that yeah okay Deputy Mayor have we consider getting a second opinion and I'm just saying it because a lot of conversations not just the pool but it just sounds to me like a whole lot of rhetoric a whole lot of talking a whole lot of dancing and I just think that you know instead of us just taking from what we hear from this Source who just is it just seems like a hamster on the wheel just going round and round um have we considered on any any of these projects getting just a second opinion on you know what it looks like just to make sure we're not just spending money to spend money so the the persons that have been doing the work have been outside contractors for the pools that have been provided by the engineer and as always my hope that the engineers reviewing what these outside contractors are presenting and using their expertise to um balance the information but we have not gone and gotten additional outside contractors to look at the same problem which absolutely can be done um if you know the council feel that's a worthy investment um Deputy Mayor Anderson we we as Mr Harris had mentioned we are bringing in the Consultants who are Pool Experts who are looking at this problem we also did have reports that we were able to rely upon that Township had previously done um so that we are absolutely you know these the the pool contractors that we're talking to are Cutting Edge and they were looking at basically finding the leak for Penny Packer for instance and um it's it's not just one leak the original report suggested that there was one leak it's when we sealed that leak up the pool was still leaking so it's it we are it's a systematic approach either stop the leak or look at something totally different so to to your point when the Report was generated and the inspections were being done shouldn't any multiple leaks have been identified prior to sealing up and then saying there's another leak it it should have been a comprehensive inspection which should have and it's just my speculation that the other leak should have been detected well the original report that was provided to us from the township showed that the the leak was what we sealed and we went back and did a test to to um demonstrate that that leak had been sealed and that's when additional leaks had shown up it's in the piping which was never brought to our attention before or or the contractors so we sealed the most aggressive leak which was identified in that original report but there are several other leaks and that's what we were chasing basically uh through the piping system so so it's this is a trial and error process as opposed to looking at it holistically and saying hey what what really should be done with this pool and and um you know one of the points would be is to replace all of the piping because if we just replace the leak the other pipe is the same age so we would end up potentially a year from now having the same discussion all right thank you you're welcome and I I'll just com comment on that mayor just to be very candid um what Mr Dockery is saying is correct and that's a little disappointing because they took a report and made took actions based on that prior previously prepared report and didn't do any subsequent investigations as the deputy mayor um is highlighting that may have revealed other C situations that needed to be addressed other than just taking care of that one um problem that they were aware of and I think that was a a a little bit of a ball drop uh on behalf of of you know our professional on this particular issue and I'm just going to lay it out I I would take acceptance to that Mr Harris but but I understand your opinion I understand that any other questions from Council okay thank you very much thank you all right thank you thank you Mr Dockery moving right along I'll just give you a brief synopsis of some of the uh activities that have been um Happening Here in Willingboro since last we met uh from a financial aspect the township is in um excellent uh position uh our realized revenue for the township year-to date is 61 m34 th000 which is uh 24% uh above what our budgeted revenues for the year are to date so we have received um that much more money than we initially budgeted to to receive so we're in a good position there on the reverse of that our total Appropriations are only 67% of what we had budgeted for the year uh which is a great position entering into the last quarter of 2024 our inspections department they have been uh busy there were 74 in or 749 inspections completed uh in the month of August uh they collected $ 48,4 se1 in Revenue uh there are 32 vacant properties that were identified with unused trash and recycling receptacles um the list has been given to the Department of Public Works for collection uh and redeployment uh in the municipality uh inspections department did employ a interactive zoning map called map link which is now available on the Township's website uh this zoning map combines GIS map layers paral data and other information from our zoning chapter to quickly display uh important zoning related information for uh residents and different departments as well so anyone can go ahead and play with that and look um at some of our our zoning interactive zoning map Things uh through map link uh there were 23 Lantern F fly traps that were given out to Residents uh during the month of August DPW collected 2.72 tons of trash dumped from the jazz festival that's a lot of trash uh nine trees were removed from bro park there were four tons of asphalt repair on E gate and Elder Lane um completed and um you know they continue to assist with setups and different events that are happening throughout the municipality and our fire and EMS Department's Public Service um and gas St sponsored a gas leak drill in the rear of the Kennedy Center on the 13th of August Fire EMS and police Personnel participated in this drill with uh psng representatives to respond to gas emergencies and how to coord inate together in a unified uh command system I will say that I'm extremely proud of our fire department and our Police Department um who performed just beyond expectation and even more than that it was noted by higher levels in pscg how they felt that willing Burrows police and fire were part of the most professional and well prepared that they have ever dealt with in these types of situations um but we already know we have the best but now everybody is recognizing it as well uh the annual touch thank you well deserved the annual Touch of truck event was held on Thursday August 22nd in the parking lot of the Kennedy Center we'd like to thank all the citizens that showed up with their children for the event and also thanks to all the participants who were able to display of their Department's vehicles and and and the such it was really another great event for Willing Barrow the next upcoming event for the def fire department will be the safety Event open house which is on Monday October the 7th I don't know if Miss Jackson if you had that in your your report um this year's theme is smoke alarms make them work for you on August the 7th in our Public Safety Lieutenant Bankston and Sergeant Thompson Thomas they started a 14-week command and leadership course given at the New Jersey State Association chief of police this course was created in 1993 when the the New Jersey State Association of Chief Chiefs of police traveled to the US Military Academy at West Point to work with the Academy's Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership to adapt the West Point model of command and Leadership to the needs of law enforcement um the result of this collaboration is the njso njsa cop command and Leadership Academy which is a unique blend of theory and application and candidates with the greatest leadership potential are selected for this highly competitive program from Municipal County state and federal agents um throughout the region so again congratulations to Lieutenant Bankston and Sergeant Thomas for uh participating in this prestigious um Academy um they are actually the third and fourth officers from the police department to attend this course the previous ones being lieutenant veter and of course our very own magnificent Captain bucks in our Community Affairs our Recreation our jazz festival was on uh August 11th uh which was very successful the broido park playground equipment is up we are now waiting be ported in place there was an issue with the the leveling of the stone I guess I'm sorry okay I guess when um when the contractor they thought something was being done that wasn't being done so the stone wasn't level enough for them to do the port in place so it would come to the so they're going in and Rel lasering to level the stone so they can do the pour in place and then um we're pretty much done with that project cor Boulder thank you uh Mr Dockery has given his report Mr mcair has given his report uh I am going to ask Captain bucks to come very quickly to give us some comments on um some security issues that have been arising at the Avery um Captain bucks all good evening mayor deputy mayor council uh just some quick things in reference to the uh to the Avery uh was brought to uh to I believe Mr Harris's attention of a possibility of an uptick in uh uh some types of crime at the Avery we went back we um we went back over the last two months and just to for for our information reviewed it and there there isn't any um the things that we have is there were 15 related incidents during July and August uh in July of 2024 we had six calls for service three were a change in mental status um which resulted in a crisis intervention the other three were juvenile calls resulting in no police intervention in August we had nine calls for service four were for noise complaints all resulted without incident three change in metal status which resulted in Crisis Intervention and then uh one call for gunshots the area was checked and fireworks uh were witnessed by a neighbor and one suspicious person's call what that individual was uh he was he was he was talked to and he was just sitting outside and was from the area so in reference to the in reference to the area of the Avery nothing out of the normal nothing out of the out um out of place the only thing that we've that we've seen uh over the last couple months is is thefts from motor vehicles um where you know the we we have an idea of what's going on where individuals are coming from different you know different areas of the state and what they're doing is they're being dropped off in a certain park or certain you know certain park or certain municipality walking through the neighborhoods going around pulling on door handles and then uh just trying to see it's usually it's mostly um unlocked Vehicles so that's what we've seen uh We've identified some suspects or some people of interest uh you know in other in other municipalities and we're trying to link them together to see if they relate to uh to ours traffic safety unit why yes of course so I'll be again brief with the with the numbers for traffic safety unit again you guys know that we've implemented this uh July 1st so they've been out in full out and in full force um the last couple months uh a typical day for them is is they work 10-hour shifts staggered staggered hours but they do cover a majority of the hours that uh that are the busiest uh within our municipality so the total numbers that we have for July and August um so we have they handled 45 accident reports they've arrested 14 individuals they impounded 17 cars they've conducted 596 motor vehicle stops where they issued 342 summonses and they issued 121 ordinance violations throughout the municipality um one of the things that were that we're focusing on in the beginning of September is back to school so between our Patrol officers and our Traffic Safety units that are traffic safety unit they will be targeting the areas of the school the uh working with the um uh the the ordinance violation of parking where you're not supposed to park during the school uh during the school hours and also with the speed in certain areas of of our school such as Evergreen Drive wiill Drive Penny Packer and our our EET I this written down too so we were supposed to be getting e ticket um they were supposed to be installed in all of our Patrol Vehicles there's a little bit of delay on that but that's nothing of our fault it's the vendor Supply demand uh so they have things that were on backward we're hoping to have them in by the middle of the month and fully installed by the end of this month any questions thank you thank you Captain bucks and um finally just to let you know number one we will have a ground uh or we will have a ribbon cutting when we're ready to do the at the boo Park when it's ready to go we'll let you know when that is going to be but finally PS G has been working to upgrade our uh Municipal lighting um on our streets to uh LED lighting they have been working in the penny Packer section and have completed Parish lane pensdale lane peppermint Lane each Tree Lane Pond Lane Penbrook Lane Pageant Lane and Paddock Lane so if you drive down those streets in the evening you will see a notably different brightness as most of those lamps have been trans I from uh what is currently in place to L and that is all that I have to report for this evening conc our and know had AEF discuss I just want to look into surveillance reinvesting yes our at that was very disappointing um but I I would like to investigate surveillance or some other method yes and Captain bus did have that conversation uh last week and he uh and his team are going to start looking into our options thank you so much for your upate so the business being presented to you this evening your for your consideration is uh ordinance for introduction ordinance number uh number 15 which is an ordinance amending the code of the township of Willingboro adopting the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections mandated regulations for uh tree removal and replacement I had sent that to the council for your review and if there are no issues then we can move forward with the introduction ordinance number 16 is an ordinance of the township of Willingboro amending the code to repal um section 175 and to adopt the new section 175 which is the flood Hazard maps and to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for severability and establish seeing the effective dates for um the implementation of this ordinance ordinance number 24-7 is an ordinance amending and modifying chapter 324 of our storm waterer control of the Willingboro Township municipal code um to include and make adjustments to recently mandated requirements uh by njde uh ordinance being presented for public hearing and final adoption is ordinance number 13 which is the bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by uh the township of Willingboro we're appropriating $4 million to capital projects this year but issuing 3.8 million dollar in bonds or notes um to finance uh part of the costs of these projects ordinance number uh 14 is an ordinance amending the Township Code uh to reflect changes relevant to different fees associated with uh different departments in the township resolution number 20 24-21 is authorizing the township to place Municipal charges on certain properties that fail to address uh Property Maintenance violations resolution number 202 is a resolution to amend the adopted budget for additional items of Revenue um that were receiv these are what we refer to as chapter 159's and they are different uh amounts of grants that were received prior or after the adoption of the budget and this one was for $887,000 from the uh New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the track refurbishment at the JFK Center track resolution number 203 is another chapter 159 resolution uh in the amount of $220,000 towards the 2024 Municipal budg budget which was a grant that was awarded to the recreation department by the Department of Community Affairs they will utilize the grant under the project wre uh creating a pathway for inclusion resolution number 204 is a resolution is another uh chapter 159 resolution and that's to uh insert the $820,000 received by the Department of Environmental Protection Green Acre section uh for the pickle ball Courts at mil Creek Park resolution number 205 is another chapter 159 and that is again um was granted to us by Green Acres uh in the amount of $750,000 for the um construction of a an inclusive playground also again at mil Creek Park resolution number 206 is a resolution authorizing the township to establish a not to exceed sign or not to exceed amount for Eastern s Tech LLC for the provision of a digital sign board at the Willingboro Town Center uh the Willingboro willing bro is the owner of the clock tower at the Town Center there is a digital signboard that has been broken there for several years and we are going to uh get that replaced with a new modern updated version resolution number 207 is authorizing the increase of the 2024 contract for electrical services to KRS who is our uh contracted electric electric electrician resolution number 208 is um the same increasing than not to exceed amount for FASA mechanical we're increasing them for from 20,000 to 30,000 again for um the extensive Plumbing work that they've been doing in our our properties and in our buildings resolution number 209 is a resolution authoring the township to um establish a not to exceed for wdds Enterprises Incorporated there for the provision of public property and infrastructure equipment parts and services for the Department of Public Works they get parts for for DPW to work on our equipment from wdds and that's what this contract is for resolution number 210 is a resolution uh establishing a not to exceed amount for generator Inspection Services uh for EMR Power Systems LLC they provide uh generator inspections and maintenance for our generators here at the municipal complex the JFK um and I believe those are the only ones that are included resolution number 21 is uh the not to exceed amount or increasing the not to exceed amount for Mainline commercial pools LLC um we're going to increase the amount to 25,000 they're the company that opens and closes and does uh maintenance uh throughout the year on our pools resolution number 212 is a resolution establishing a not to exceed amount for monitoring and inspection services for our rooftop um air conditioning units we're going to award a contract to train USA uh for monitoring inspections and inspecting our rooftop units for the municipality and all of our buildings resolution number 213 is a resolution authorizing refund of overpayment of taxes uh resolution number 214 there's the a resolution um executing a me memorandum of agreement want me to read that by title after that would be fine you you have the title now go ahead and read it by title then I'll give the explanation resolution 24 granting social Affairs permit and authorizing the Township Clerk to certify the same application uh it's for a social Affairs permit for an event that's happening this weekend for Diamond docks and there will be another resolution for the extension of premises permit so I thought 214 was to award the uhou to apparently they're tbling that we're holding that yeah not at this time it's under further review and it will be on for a later meeting resolution number 215 is a resolution authorizing uh the township to establish a not to exceed amount for kby built LLC for the provision of trash recycling containers um and surface and surface resolutions authorizing I don't know what that is for trash and recycling containers um this is the company that um we are purchasing uh trash and recycling cans that will be installed at various locations uh throughout the municipality to try to address some of this wward litter um that is collecting in our streets resolution number 216 is a resolution authorizing uh or entering into a contract with Striker medical which is a participant in the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance we are going to be purchasing from Striker medical a Lucas chest compression device that is a device that uh will be employed in our EMS Department which will do the automatic trest compressions for CPR um this is a grant that we are receiving it is a reimbursable grant that means we will lay out the the for the purchase and then we will be reimbursed 100% um for the acquisition of this equipment which is really good equipment to have um in case of any type of cardiac emergency resolution number 218 is a resolution approving change order number two with Longo Associates uh for the Willingboro Performing Arts seating that seating was slated to be uh installed earlier it got delayed until September it got subsequently delayed uh until December they are going to continue to store um this equipment for us and then come back in December to install it I will let you know that I did have very late conversations uh this evening with the solar panel company and we are making arrangements to have those panels um taken down uh over the next couple of weeks so we can go ahead and move forward with the roof repair resolution Number 220 is uh increasing the not to exceed amount for ala group for the provision of Engineering Services to the township of willing Barrow um specifically for Senior Center Senior Center uh improvements um engineering and design oh wait wait wait wait wait let me back up did I skip over 219 I think so yeah resolution number 219 is another chapter 159 and that was to include the $2 million Grant awarded to the municipality um for the Willingboro Senior Center improvements and then we will be awarding a contract to a limo group uh in the amount of$ 49,000 for Engineering Services related to the design and the engineering component for um the senior center improvements resolution number 221 is a not to exceed um contract in the amount of $34,200 being awarded to ganter contractors they are the ones that will be doing the roof repairs over the theater portion of the JFK center after the solar panels are removed resolution number 222 is uh authorizing the approval of vouchers for ratification and payment and I do believe that is all that I am presenting to you this evening for your consideration but it seems like I did miss one and that's probably been one yeah I have one more it's resolution 2024-25 resolution granting an extension of prises permit and authorizing the Township Clerk certify the same um it's an extension of premises premise permit which allows on 1911 Smokehouse to serve liquor Outside The Establishment but on their grounds right one second did I go through a resolution to award a contract [Music] to uh traffic Logics give me one second uh resolution number 217 resolution number 217 is a resolution to award a contract to traffic logics um for under person under national uh a national Cooperative purchasing agreement to purchase 12 Evolution radar uh feedback signs um there have been uh some commentary from the public very recently um about speeding in willing Barrow um after you know some consultation and research we really uh come to understand that data presented um particularly in a report and I do have the report here and I'll provide it to anyone that wants to look Atway anyway uh on long-term effectiveness of dynamic speed monitoring Display Devices they show that these devices or the digital speed limit signs in certain zones have a significant long-term or of one year or greater positive effect on driver speed and uh found that overall decrease the speed by approximately 6 to 8 milph at certain points where the signs are are uh location as well as these signs will enable the police department to collect additional data uh traffic data so they have a little bit more to determine um where the uh newly developed Traffic Unit should be deployed uh throughout different parts of the municipality one thing um that is really good about these signs that we if we need to pick them up and reinstall them in another location um in the municipality um we could go ahead and do that so that was uh just issuing a a contract to traffic Logic for the uh the acquiring of these speed radar signs and now I believe that is it that was 217 just oneck question reles um yes 217 right now we're going to go into public comment and this is just for agenda items only the items that we just discussed we will have another um public comment right after we handle the rest of our business um but this one is just specifically for Resolutions and ordinances you will have two minutes please state your name and address for the record see someone online uh yes Pat Lindsey Harvey yes guess you good evening paty Harvey Hadley Lane um I'm really excited about the tree ordinance I wanted to know how the tree ordinance is going to be communicated with residents so that they know what they need to do regarding uh tree removal and replacement um also noticed that uh there was 4 uh three $430,000 uh for the the refurbishing of the fural house was that in the form of a grant to the township and I'm glad to see something's going to happen with that as well thank you thank you Miss Lindsey okay Brown good evening 78 executive Lane good evening council member good evening mayor good evening Mr Harris and good evening clerk um I just wanted to reiterate if the clerk can repeat the audience that he mentioned I don't something about alcohol and resolution 201 what are some of the the example of a property violation and how will you report a property violation on resolution 2011 can you include which pools are being um service in the resolution please resolution 215 can you explain more about this resolution please and resolution 216 can you explain more and resolution 217 can you speak more about traffic logic so I can get more understanding about that thank you so much thank you Miss Brown is there anyone else for public comment agenda items only public comment for agenda items only is now closed um with Miss Harvey's questions so M Harvey asks what is the Township's um plan to notify the residents of the ordinance and as all of our ordinances um are changed their notifications put in in the newspapers um and um they are available on our websites uh if they desire to go ahead and remove a tree they will be apprised of um the new requirements but there's not going to be like a mass mailing throughout town about you know the tree ordinance okay adjustments and I don't think there has to be a mass mailing but perhaps we can utilize our social media with a link straight to the ordinance to um just let people know and and and if there's any mailings that go out maybe you can have like a little piece a little portion of whatever goes out I understand okay and yes that was was that it for Miss Lindsay Harvey oh the furo house I yeah thank you thank you so much so we did um we are we did receive a matching grant for the fural house um and our portion of that matching Grant is included in our Capital ordinance for 2020 20125 um so we have not uh drilled down on what work we're going to do with that as of yet um but those conversations will be coming forward in the near future okay thank you um moving on to Miss Brown I think she was referring to Smokehouse 911 yeah I think why okay go ahead socials resolution submitted an ABC application in August um to hold a special event any non any Boni nonprofit hold up to 12 events a year um I don't believe they're anywhere close to the cap de um the extension of PR perit was resolution 23 um which I'm so sorry um resolution um 223 is to allow um 1911 Smokehouse to sell liquor Outside The Establishment but on their grounds so on the side of their restaurant on the side right in that parking lot restaurant okay um Miss Brown also wanted some I have two1 I don't know yeah so what violation a property um violation is if they don't cut their grass if there's excessive trash if their property is is dilapidating and not being properly maintained then um our our our Inspections Division code enforcement will go ahead and um address those issues uh but then we'll go ahead and put a lean on those properties to recoup our our monies okay then we have 211 215 216 and 2 17 so 21 [Music] is which pools right we we only have two pools Penny Packer pool and Country Club pool so those are the two pools that are maintained right so this is um M just money for mainten further maintenance correct all right uh 215 is um establishing the amount for Kirby built LLC um for the trash recycling containers uh there was a a request um by Council a few months ago to install trash and recycling containers throughout the municipality especially by um bus stops and uh routs to and from the school and um we're going ahead and acquiring those and installing those as requested by the governing body thank you 27 is 16 also 216 is the contract with Striker medical so again that is to um [Music] purchase and I and I don't have a a picture for everyone to see online but there is a brochure um where it's like a digital uh chest compression uh equipment that kind of straps on the patient um if they're in cardiac rest or or Mark you want to come in and fill in and it would do the automatic Tres compressions you could pass it around uh good evening mayor deputy mayor council uh to answer Miss Brown this is a uh a mechanical chest compression device that the EMTs will actually apply to a person in Cardiac Arrest um we received funding through a DCA uh Grant to uh pay for this piece of equipment um this will allow for one emt's extra hands while working on a patient in Cardiac Arrest it's proven that this will maintain and it will um exceed the quality of CPR versus a human being doing it over time a human being doing manual manual compressions they will start to get weaker tired and we do CPR anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes on scene H the Boost or the benefit to this is in transport from location to hospital it stays at that 90% mechanical compression rate whereas a human would be around 70% so this is a a great piece of equipment it's been around for 10 years and and luckily now we can afford to get it with this grant okay thank thank you Captain Deputy Chief forell and then I think she had another question 7 217 217 which is the um purchasing of the um 12 Evolution 15 solar radar signs uh to be placed in strategic locations throughout Willingboro um I don't know exactly what more she was looking for just wanted more explanation um yeah so this is the The Radars that we're going to install around the the township um to capture correct speeds and then gain some insight for our Police Department correct okay Miss Brown if you have any other questions just contact the township for further clarification all right and I I neglected to to ask Miss Jackson to come and give us okay yes thank you okay she's like [Laughter] ah she's like if she doesn't see me she he don't see me I won't good evening everyone good evening we don't have a lot so I won't be before you long but certainly want to thank everyone who joined us for um our summer events whether you were at juneth or the burough Barbecue National Night Out the JazzFest back to school Wellness or a touch of truck or planning to join us on Saturday for bur and Blan we thank you for your support So this year's B on blockc is scheduled for Saturday it is a rain or shine event so we are moving forward with um details regarding that which will be shared with registered guests but we are looking forward to another wonderful event on Saturday September 14th we will be hosting our craft fair at the Kennedy Center the event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 300 P p.m. in the main gym opportunities to serve as a crafter at this event are available and for more information you can contact our department of Recreation and Parks as mentioned no this was not mentioned on Saturday October 5th we will host our fall clean communities event that will begin at 9:00 a.m. and be held at the Kennedy Center more information and registration information will be forthcoming but please plan to join us for another opportunity to come together and keep Willingboro clean on Monday October 7th is the fire department um's event which was shared we will um they will host their annual fire safety event from 6 P p.m. to 8:00 P.M at the firehouse and this year's theme is smoke alarms making them work for you we will close out October with our annual Trunk or Treat event this year event will be held on Saturday October 26th volunteers and trusters are needed for this event as always so if you like to be a part of that you may contact the recreation and parks department and the event will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 4m. in front uh in the front parking lot of the kity center and we do want to thank everyone for their patience this summer while the library was having the HVAC system repaired the library is now up and running and under regular operating hours and will resume its programs and activities for all to enjoy as always if you have any information about what I've shared this evening you can check out our website follow us on social media our YouTube channel or subscribe to Will and BR Weekley thank you so much thank you Miss Jackson subscribe to Willingboro connect okay thank you Mr fault can we proceed with the ordinances would you like me to would you like me to read the title again being that Dwayne already read it I I have no problem doing that for each yes please ordinances for introduction 2024-the of the township of willing burrow adopting the NJ DP mandated regulations for tree removal and replacement I would look for a motion a second so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman or Council councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay ordinance 224-1167 to adopt a new 175 to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for several Bill several ability and effective date so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes or ordinance 20247 in ordinance amending and modifying chapter 324 storm waterer control of the Willingboro Township municipal code can I get a motion in a second so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay ordinances for final adop public hearing and final adoption I opened the public hearing on 2024-the County of Burlington New Jersey appropriating $4 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $3.8 million in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof can I get a motion so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield public yeah um the hearing's open anybody who wants to come forward please do okay the public hearing is open on ordinance 2024-25 the infrastructure and the department of Works uh you have $125,000 I guess going to be focuses on doing Road repair and repaving my question is you're saying that infrastructur is important priority for the township um when was the and I see that Mr doy reported in his his report that 14 streets were repaved this year 25 streets want to be repaved next year but where does it fall as far as repaving the streets on your priority list for infrastructure second question is when was the last time and I'm going to quote the area that I live in Harrison Drive holes Lane Hollis Lane H Brook Bon Lane I live on when was the last time those streets were repa so right now when you walk over those streets and I'm there all the time you see the underline the underlane that which the asphalt is laid on top of which means the asphalt is totally gone so my question is when was the last time that area was repa and if it's the priority of yours for infrastructure how are they being scheduled in these areas Parks what streets are being identified and how are they being scheduled to be Saed so if he's going to do 14 you did 14 this year and you're going to do 15 next year that's only 29 streets I'm sure we got more than 100 something streets in this municipality or more so where where does it fall in priority as far as infrastructure okay that your only that's your questions yes ma'am okay can I just have your name again Ricardo thirst Ricardo thirst thank you and I'm gonna be rude just ask your mother hour she remembered me okay what yeah my mama me and her mother used to run around here in 199 and was involved in in this okay now I to watch her as mayor I watched her when she was running around in elementary school tell them all my business yes that is my that Ricardo thirst okay if I can get an answer on that yeah we we do that after I do have one more question okay on the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was passed by the Biden Administration it was the amount of money that was allocated to willberg from the governor MH much was alligated because I did remember Mr doley mentioned something about infrastructure bank account how much money was introduced to this C Township and how much of it has been used on infrastructure got it thank you thank you Mr th um just had to answer these let me answer these questions so uh Mr thirston asked how were the streets identified as to how they're being paved um prior to my arrival in Willingboro the township invested in a program called robotics in conjunction with our engineer and they went and did a physical assessment of all of the streets in Willingboro the first 14 streets that were being paved uh under our program this year were the 14 rated four roads in Willingboro um so all those 14 streets um were addressed in round one Because the bidding came back so favorably and we had a lot of money left over we were able to go ahead and accomplish 15 more level three streets um streets that are higher than or lower than that um are not in as severe or in need of repair you are aware that we are also working in conjunction with psng who is doing a massive gas line replacement program in the township they plan on replacing gas lines on about 85% of willing Barrow streets we are not going to go ahead and resurface any streets while pscg is um furthering their project but we will be working in conjunction with them so as they finish their gas line replace B Ms and then have obligations to repave their portions of the street willing bro will tandem with them um and repave our portions of the street hopefully by the time the project is completed 85% of willing Barrow streets will have been uh resurfaced now this is a multi-year project it's not going to be done in you know by the end of or 2025 um so yes um uh infrastructure is a very major um component um to this governing body and our Administration as well and we're moving a lot of projects forward to improve that um I believe we received I believe it was 1.3 million in the um in the ARP money um of that 857,921 are being replaced I believe there is one in Country Club H Brook was one and off the top of my head I can't remember the other ones but we are reinvesting those monies into of the township utilizing them to repair the emergency repair at Penny Packer and the outall repair um on Charleston that was recently done so we are we are utilizing those monies for um infrastructure repair um one of our Capital uh budget uh Investments this year will be purchasing a camera that will go into our storm drains and underground and and take pictures because we what we are experiencing is a lot of um failures in our inner piping so we're going to invest 20 or 30 between 30 and 50,000 to to be able to investigate what's happening under our roadways so we can be a little more proactive um in taking care of these issues instead of being reactive we understand where willing burrow has been but I believe this Council has really expressed in working with us to move forward to where willing bro is going and you wouldn't happen to have I know this you know might have to get back to Mr um Thom Thom um I don't know the last time we did the streets in Hawthorne and I think this part of Hawthorne is near the dollar is on this side near the dollar store yeah okay um can we just get an update as to maybe some scheduling if it's because it might be in a near future we I don't know um but can we just update Mr Ricardo yeah and and I know Mr Mr doy um stated that that he expects the program to be finished in 2025 but I believe that we may be able to get it in by the end of this year okay um we're just waiting for um the state to just finalize some of our paperwork that's been submitted if we can get their approval in the next week or so we will be able to go out to bid and possibly have this work completed by the end of 2024 okay and I know we have to be in alignment where we're trying we're trying to be in alignment with psng correct um which makes sense um financially um but since um Mr Ricardo did come in please update him on his area I think this the section around the dollar store that hawthor par and I will have to can give them your information prior to leaving thank you thank you Mr Harris you're welcome okay can I get a motion in a second to finally adopt ordinance [Music] 2024-the any further discussion roll call councilwoman own yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes uh I'm opening the um public hearing on ordinance 20244 an or ordinance amending the township code to reflect changes relevant to fees associated with the township departments if you have any questions please uh step forward being that nobody came forward I'm closing the public hearing can I get a motion and a second to finally adopt uh ordinance 2024-the any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes moving on to all right for the resolutions are there any resolutions that we would like pulled I know um Deputy Mayor you said um 27 I'm sorry 20 217 um going to pull 214 any any other ones oh okay okay I make a motion for consent agenda um of resolution 2024-25 d215 [Music] through 216 and resolution 224 202 24-28 through 223 so moved no you're second second okay moved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Peron roll call councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes I make a motion to approve the same second roll call please I'm sorry moved by mayor McIntosh second in by Dr worthy okay councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Woodfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes resolution 2024 214 okay I mean can I get a motion so moved and a second second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Peron discussion so the the mo MOA is the memor of a this not the mo MOA Diamond Dogs Chang it to Diamond oh yeah got it yeah so um we got this this was a walk-on resolution so I just want to make sure we have Clarity um I'm looking at it the further be it resolved as the one you the one you gave us um I'm looking at the dates and the times um that was the SE September 7th and September 8th from 1 pm to midnight um that's not as clear 214 yep the one we've received um I just want to make I just want to clarify those two dates and times and I want to make sure they're consistent with what we're allowed to do in Willingboro the times are consistent I will double check I did not see anything in our code that says we couldn't do that that I would have to double check with the statute I looked at the code today I didn't see anything that prevented us from doing it but I can verify that and it has to be corrected on the resolution because the times um according to this um application it says 1 pm to 1 am I think what what it I think it's a I think it's a error in the system I think what it's trying to say is 100 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. of the next day but for whatever reason the portal just doesn't say that I think it's a mistake within the ABC portal so because so I mean I don't I don't want to make that assumption because it's according to this it's two dates one saying 1: P P.M to 1: am and the other one saying 11 am to 12 am and the resolution is different from that okay I can I can double check I can d double check in the system and just verify it and I don't know um councilwoman Whitfield do you recall any stipulations we had during the planning board um in terms of times I'm just saying off your head I don't no not off the top of my head but if Mary if if I may since you boarded the the planning board U Diamond Dogs had presented themselves as a social organization that was formed to um provide mentorship for young men and students in the municipality um but Diamond Dogs has transitioned itself essentially into um a club in Willingboro based on a lot of complaints that we have received especially from residents who live in that area with excessive noise um excessive uh partying and I believe there have been some complaints um and even acts of violence now I won't say that the acts of violence are of the the fault of diamond dogs but um their whole existence was not in line with what their utilization is of that property and I think that um that they're exasperating a a problem that was historic in that location um and furthering it um even now so the choice is always up to to you but it is my request and recommendation that their social Affairs permit um be denied M yes Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor um Mr fa my um questions are around the document I called as soon as I saw it um the resolution um says September 7th and 8th from 1:00 p.m. until midnight the application does not say that this is the same is we had during our previous council meeting where we were given a resolution that did not match the application so again on the record I'm asking for um the information to be consistent and clear I also am curious to know does this account for two separate social Affairs permits because we do know that if they are a bonified nonprofit organization they only get 12 um the council de Deni the first two that came during the last meeting um and there were subsequent actions taken even after the council unanimously denied it um and here again it appears to be two additional requests but it it's presenting itself as one so again I'm just asking as the documents are coming to the council please make sure that they're clear the documents are accurate because these are going to be historical documents and what Drive decisions even in the future and what we got tonight is just not it's not consistent it's the same concerns we had the last time okay thank you Madame mayor and um thank you for me I don't have it in my packet and this is the one you said you walked on today yeah all right so I'm going to abstain from this because I don't have I listen to what you're saying but I don't have any of that and front of me so if you do vote on it I'm going to abstain um my vote I do believe it was sent in an email but that's I have I'm just giving this to your for your you're not to vote on it but it just afternoon okay thank you ladies right and I I I Echo the same concerns it's not clear even when I'm reading that I'm trying to it's not coming up on the printed version um so it does it just makes it a little bit more difficult to make a decision on um this and I and I also want to make sure if this is approved we are keeping tabs on the amounts and I want to be consistent with whatever um the ABC says anything else from any other Council um just in in uh regards to Mr Harris's comments regarding zoning so if it appears to be an issue is it something that can go back before the zoning and allow I mean I'm planning board and and have them you know revoke whatever rights well Diamond Dogs doesn't have a a li license right so they're they're their zoning is is not the issue is the utilization of the property and um you know we've had issues there with them operating um unofficial restaurants being you know uh mislabeled on the internet um again we've had numerous complaints from residents who live in the area um with the excessive noise and parking and partying going on that location and I think it's a travesty because what's being done there is not how they presented themselves to the planning board but unfortunately once the planning board gave their approval there is nothing that they can do until something um on a different level occurs um but you as the governing body absolutely do have control as to whether or not they are issued um these social Affairs permits and again stated my position and I just I I just keep circling back to the planning books I remember there was some contingency about the time in which they had to close um I just don't have it in front of me but I just want to Circle back to that to make sure you pull that um and I you know I appreciate but for the record um we did this did go through our Public Safety correct Public Safety appr everything okay well any other discussion yeah if you can just like say go back to check the portal because if it is something you know information's not being represented properly it needs to be a correction we need to be able I can reach out to the state and ask them for clarification on this but it's I'm presenting you what I was presented with right so just as a clerk just make sure you know whatever is coming to us is something that we could you know but it's also my understanding sorry mayor that a walk on because Mr access the ABC portal correct had been deactivated accidentally he did share he did share an email with Council saying it had been uh reactivated from ABC because corre I think this was sitting there until I guess when you saw it Friday before the holiday or even correct I'm not I was G I was given access back to posi at 9:15 this morning I don't know how long it was was deactivated what happened was there was an email sent to ABC cuz there were two former one former employer employee and one current employee still listed in the system I asked that their access be removed because they no longer needed to have access I think they mistakenly uh deactivated my account not saying it was nefarious I think it was an accident and I didn't realize um anything was even in the queue until I got an email last week um I didn't see any alerts there was no way for me to know the dates or any of this information until this morning when I logged in I even tried to call ABC directly last week and I could not get in contact with anybody from ABC probably because it was the holiday weekend yes thank you thank you Mr fall and thank you deputy mayor for um for bringing that point up I just would like to reiterate that if something is walked on that doesn't mean it can be any less complete it still has to be checked um it's still everything still needs to be um documented properly even if especially if it's walked on I understand um and and making sure uh people have copy you know physical copies because no one was anticipating something being added to the agenda um this afternoon so also providing a hard copy thank you Madame mayor thank you I have one other thing yes um this was a question just for uh uh I guess Mr Harris through Captain bugs but on the um application it does say like it has a response date of the police department the response is endorsed there are no conditions but in the comment sections it says awaiting response and I was just curious as to what that could mean um it says yeah definitely says a wait on response that's probably the the the clerk's response correct this this resolution gives me authorization to go in the system and to approve it because you are the issuing authority as the local ABC Board ultimately they can go around you and they can go to the state in theory they can they can get around but it doesn't they want us to do the approval they want us as the appointing authority okay thank you okay and I think just for on the record from what I've seen advertise I believe this a just for the record um I believe it's a um a tailgate for the Willingboro um says tailgate um Gala okay members Gala tailgate and football branch and so that's two days okay so just for the purpose of this resolution I want to make sure the dates are correct um and then whatever you have to do to run by what times we can do things I just want to make be consistent and you know be I understand okay all right any anything else roll call please councilwoman Peron abstain councilwoman Whitfield yes Council Dr worthy no Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes7 [Music] so moved second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by mayor McIntosh any discuss I'm sorry roll call no I'm sorry any further discussion yes I'm sorry any further discussion yes I ask this to be pulled um this relates to the electronic speed devices so one of the concerns uh that I have is yes we put them up in different areas and I understand that it's based off the median so we can have 100 cars we can have 20 speeding the other 80 not speeding but it breaks down the average so it looks like there's not an issue in the area so I just don't want this just to be you know we collecting data saying it's a medium there's no speeding based on the majority but also Tak into consideration those 20 cars that are speeding you know at some point there can be you know situations on certain streets I happen to be on Tyler Drive car came through they had to be doing at least 80 to 90 miles an hour and it was just like whoa you know it's unacceptable so I just don't want this to be a deterrent to say we don't need speed bumps based on the data that comes in from these machines so I just want that to be taken into consideration understood and the the data that is is collected although I when I present it to you it's more of a c cumulative report um the data does break down vehicular traffic you know different points of the day if there are are 100 cars it will you know record the different speeds of those vehicles um and it will pinpoint the higher traffic areas and the infen is times of day when speeding is occurring and then again it will allow the police department to more effectively deploy the Traffic Unit during those times where the speeding is higher than other periods of the day when not so much understood and I appreciate that but I just don't want that to be the answer to us saying we don't need speed bumps at certain areas I just don't want that to be the Endo be on oh no we're we're we're still moving forward with with speed bumps as well okay and that will be um forthcoming after we do the capital ordinance okay thank you okay that's any other discussion roll call please councilwoman yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay um the minutes we got the updated minutes today okay all right so we're going to hold off on to the to the next meeting um everyone just please take a look at those so for approval at our next meeting mayor there is a Treasures report oh I'm apologize a motion for treasury motion a second for the treasurers report did I he a motion no so move second moved by count Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield this is for the treasur report any discussion roll call please councilwoman Fon yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes be mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes all right ready for your report Mr clerk okay I sorry either sounds like I'm screaming into this or it sounds like it's not on um I just wanted to let you know that um the clerk's Department received 500 incoming phone calls uh for the month of August uh we had 775 outgoing phone calls we had 70 Oprah requests uh this month we were able the running total for this year we've saved the township $7,495 um in Oprah C costs these are labor costs where different people in the different departments would have to spend time reviewing Oprah requests because we've requested special service charges we received two torque claims uh two raffle licenses um and we're still in process with the golf course liquor license um oh and on August 28th I swore in more than 40 um cross and Gardens so August was busy for my office so if you have any questions just let me know okay and then next next um next update we'll have um elections election news and everything like that okay and you have a new Deputy clerk correct yeah um everybody wants to meet my new Deputy uh Samantha um she started yesterday was her first day today oh today Lord Lord yeah it's been a crazy day we didn't we didn't work her on Labor Day promise well I did okay anything from the zoning board any any applications or anything for zoning okay all right so we can include that your next reporting zoning um planning um updates okay moving on to unfinished business outside of what's listed on here does anyone have anything for unfinished business yes all right so under unfinished business I believe it was back end of June beginning of July uh Mr Harris went on vacation for two weeks during his absence the deputy stepped in um during that two weeks of of him stepping in I think it would be I think it would be in all fairness that there some type of compensation it wasn't like one day two days but it was for two weeks I had the opportunity to speak to Mr Harris he said he looked at the scale of cost and the numbers came out to about $1,100 of compensation for those two weeks so at this time I would like to make a motion to have Council allow that to move forward and have the deputy uh manager um compensated for his time not to mention there were no incidence that I know is there that was a motion yes that was a motion second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman worthy any further discussion um yes so with regards to the email that we got from the labor attorney regarding this matter um I think it was pretty clear in there that stated that um when there's a coverage um when it exceeds I think it's 30 days then um it steps into a person an individual um handling two roles and responsibilities that means their particular role including the other um Department role that they're now taking over um two weeks um I don't think um it's nearly close to 30 days um I just find that it's um a waste of money um and I think that the purpose of having a deputy is for when you know you're out sick or maybe you need to take a vacation a day or two um but I think we um you know we spend money here very quickly um and I just think that we should um be more conscientious of how the money arrived there to begin with and that is collecting it from the taxpayers so although I appreciate um the uh Deputy Mayor stepping up and doing his job as Deputy supporting the manager um I think he was doing his job I don't feel that he went above and beyond um this date was not by a surprise and even if it were a surprise that Mr Harris um called out for two weeks due to sickness I still don't think that um you know it's something that we need to begin to start a habit of paying someone to do their job um again um Deputy is exactly what that is the assistant to the township manager so for me um although I appreciate this you know councilman Deputy Mayor Anderson's explanation as to why he he feels like we should because he did a great job um I just find that to be um it's not it's I think it's again a waste of taxpayers dollars and so for me it's going to be a no thank you any other discussion councilwoman Whitfield thank you mayor um councilwoman Peron I hear what you're saying I also agree with you the job of the Deputy manager is to fill in for the manager during their um time off you know however it's designated um I do also recognize that when it was presented to council it wasn't presented as oh the deput manager is um going to be filling in we appointed him as acting Township manager for that period of time um and I think if he if he was just filling in for that time and we had not unanimously agreed to appoint him as acting Township manager then I would be in full agreement with you but we did take the motion um and agreed that he would be acting Township manager for that period of time and therefore I feel that he is um entitled to that conversation for that period of time and just to add on to that um in his role as acting Township manager um he was required to be on call 247 um during that time um so I think that was you know a portion of you know what I believe but we did I I agree with um councilwoman Whitfield we didn't make the motion to or we didn't take the action to make him acting manager for that period of time when normally maybe Mr Harris would have just you know said that he's designated as the lead of the Town while he's gone Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor and I just wanted to add too that what made this a little different too was that um Mr Harris was on vacation which is great and he was not going to be accessible and so if Mr Harris was going to be like just around town if something really came up and Mr Lowry needed to reach out to Mr Harris or we need to reach out we could reach out to him get a quick answer um not that it's a good practice to bother people on vacation but in Willingboro we bother people on vacation some people do sometimes that's what I heard um but um but because um Mr Harris was out and he wasn't going to be accessible at all that meant that Mr Lowry was going to be our acting manager and held accountable for decisions that he made during that two week time um whereas if if Mr Harris was around and accessible um Mr lry wouldn't be active manager he would still just be deputy and would kind of fill in So based on this situation um that made doc Mr Lowry our act in Township manager um I think that this conversation is definitely warranted can I Rob okay thank you um yes so I just want to bring some key points here again um if you take a look at the job description of the Deputy Township manager you will see that that's what their job is to cover to step in to fill the shoes of the township manager so and when it relates to the law by law we have to appoint someone acting at any point in time if the manager is not in his seat for whatever reason we must have an acting however due to the fact that we have a deputy which by the way Cas in point has an increase in salary so it's not like we hired the clerk to step in and cover the township manager's position whereby now the clerk is doing the clerk's job okay because the deputy Township manager makes a deputy Township manager salary so where is it that it makes logical sense to pay them more to do their job according to their job description because the job description says cover the township manager's seat by any means necessary where needed which is why we agreed to even fill that seat because technically we don't have to have a deputy Township manager the reason we have one is because the township manager has made a diligent decision that in his absence at any time he has an assistant to fill his seat no different than the vice president of the United States at any time if the president cannot be there she does not get an increased salary because she covered a meeting in the absence of the president so again no it does not make sense and no it's absolute no for me no offense to the deputy Township manager you did your job you did your job well done and I believe he was compensated during his his Salary thank you any other discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron no councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yep mayor mcy yes thank you all right we could take that off a new business house Deputy Mayor um anything else for finish business um we'll go into the discussion of the library um we have some considerations as Council to make um one of the considerations is whether we want to move the library from where it's at to the Kennedy Center and also a separate um conversation is whether we want to move our library to the county system um obviously there's pros and cons hopefully over this week we've um everyone has weighed those pros and cons and is ready to make um either get some more information or um let me know what trajectory we want to go on for both of them um I'm going to have Dr worthy explain and go through um some of the conversations that were had um concerning especially concerning going to the county thank you Madame mayor um so as you all know for the past few months we've had a few conversations about the consideration of joining the County Library System um I shared that I did have a meeting with the county library director took her on a tour of our facility just so that she could uh see the facility that we have um but I did want to highlight some of the uh pros of move into the county system um would be leveraging a lot of the resources that they already have for instance they uh just recently procured a grant for pton um for that Branch for that Library they uh procure grants um to help expand the services and the amenities that they're able to bring to the different um users of the library another advantage of going to the county system is that our uh Willingboro residents would have access to more books more resources um because the county library is so large um our our residents would be able to go to Westampton without having to pay that fee they could go and use um cam menon's Library they could go you know to the different libraries all in the county system and take advantage of those different resources um we do have a lot of Willingboro residents that pay out of pocket to be part of the county system already um so there is a trend um of our residents using the county system um even all of the students at Burlington County well BCIT which the majority of the students at BCIT are willing Boro residents all of them um receive those County library cards um after talking to some of the students they um they enjoy using that County system that they wouldn't have access to um otherwise wise but because they are students at BCIT they do get the library card to the system some of the other features with the county um library is how they advertise the uses um they have a newsletter that's dedicated um to the different branches they have uh programming that they while we're able to still have some willing bro specific programming um we would be able to leverage the resources in the scale because of the different programs they have uh throughout the county um it would be more shared services of it support web design support the newsletter support um and so it's just a way to be able to provide more amenities to our residents at what we're paying now for our library or even or even less um so it's just another option for us to be able to consider how we want to serve um our residents Willingboro and I believe it's Willingboro Mount Laurel and Morristown are the libraries that are not part of the system the rest of the county is already part of the brington County library system so um that's just a a consideration not a proac con just it just is um and so it's just something to consider in terms of being able to bring more to our residents to give them more access um to different resources and to leverage a system that's working really well um in the county so that's um some of the features and I did send um you sent out the information there was a overview that was provided to the council about going to the system um so what I'm looking for for the county system is you know um further discussion obviously and the feel you know that everybody what everybody wants to do um we're not making a decision tonight um but we want to prepare documents and I would ask Dr you just speak to the library um the board and um just okay um bring them into the conversation and I have had preliminary conversations with board members um I have not brought it up at a meeting as you all may know I'm a liaison to the library um but I'm not part of their the way it's currently structured I'm not a voting member um but I can bring it to the board officially in a meeting but I've had conversations with the majority of the board members um offline um oneon-one to not violate any rules um just to get a sentiment of what their thoughts were about move into the system any questions thank you mayor um thank you Dr worthy for doing that leg work and getting um The Base information to make a really informed decision on whether we move to the county system or not I think one of the hesitations um although I do like all of the amenities that the Brownton County library system does provide you know the museum access and all of those things um some of which we do offer as well but they do have a larger selection it would give our residents a larger um many more options um but I think uh one of my hesitations is we currently have representation as Willingboro on the county library um system but in the event that that should change or um you know we don't have someone there advocating for Willing bro is there a possibility um that the Willing bro Branch be shut down or how do they go about shutting down branches would those materials be returned to us or would they be absorbed into the County Library System you know if we wanted to maintain a library if they decided to close a branch here and we wanted to maintain a library um in town um because I think it is a good resource for our residents um but I am hesitant of letting go of that control whether a branch stays here may I respond okay no I appreciate that um and I think that's a concern that many residents may have something they're thinking about um but the county doesn't have the authority to shut our BR Branch down because what happens is we would be paying a library tax and that Library tax would go to the county right now we have budget money that goes to to support our library um so the county wouldn't have the authority to to shut down our library it's our money it's just that we would be paying it to the county library tax versus having budget allocation and money ta tax dollars going directly to our library so the county can't say we're shutting down your library what they could do is say willing B we don't want you in our system anymore I it's h it's not likely but they could say we don't want you in the burlin County Library System any longer um we want you to REM you know be removed from our our system and then we would go back to what we have now which is our own um library branch but the county wants to have more libraries in their system so that they can get more resources to more uh residents um what could also happen is if willing burrow says we no longer can afford to pay uh a certain percentage which is um I don't have it in front of me but there is a Formula that lets you know how much uh has to go for the library tax and we said we can't fund our library anymore that has nothing really to do with the county it's us telling the county we don't have the money anymore and if we don't have the money to pay then they could say okay will and bro can you we would either need to decrease services or ask you to exit our system but they don't have the authority um or the um they don't have the authority or the positioning to be able to shut our library down it's our physical space and we maintain our physical space so they don't even have the authority to do that those were questions I did ask the library dor and the chairperson of their board great thank you that was yeah exactly what I was looking for and obviously I think you stated some um very viable Pros um you know some of the cons at um I would say I think some of the biggest ones that people are concerned about is the employment at the library do you have any explanations so the things would change it doesn't mean anyone would necessarily lose their job there are opportunities throughout the County system the county would come in and they would have to evaluate what number of employees are needed whether we're at the current location or if we relocate to JFK um there would have to be an evaluation or an assessment of how we operate what's needed the level of service um and we would be depending on the county to take a look at that what it will do is disband our current Willingboro Public Library board Who currently has jurisdiction over whatever is happening or not happening at the library our Willingboro Public Library board would be disbanded and they would be encouraged to become friends of the library um and to attend the county library meetings um but the employees would then become uh employees of the brington County Library System any other concerns or questions um like I said there's there'll be no decision today but I'm just trying to get a gauge on which direction we want to go um with that and this would require a resolution or an Orin it would be a resolution yes one question um conman worthy you said you you're on you know I know you're the Lea on but um on this board did you meet with the um the staff there or at least the leaders there the management there at the library what's their position in on it if you did so I didn't um so I don't meet with the employees if I did that I would need to talk to the library board the chair um Miss uh Pat Lindy Harvey to get oh she's on she's the chair so she knew that I was meeting with the county library board um Miss K was there when the county library director came um and we walked around but I haven't sat down to sit with employees and get perspective just like I can't really do that in the township I can't um do that um I'd definitely be open to it and I'm sure miss Lindsay Harvey would you know would welcome those conversations but I didn't want to overstep and have conversations with their employees yeah okay I was just wanted to know um what was their perspective on the change and um just I'm not a Librarians I don't work there I'm not sure what it entails um I'll look I'll look into and reading what you sent out um but just just curious about what their perspective was of switching right and because we hadn't further further conversation I didn't want to get anybody all worked up we haven't you know understood okay right at least for the next couple of next couple of weeks it gives them an opportunity to come forward for public comments and reach out to any council members you know um with their perspective so but I just want yeah I just wanted to gauge um I do plan on um I guess we'll have a draft of a resolution is that where we should go have a draft of draft of the resolution to go to the county and it can be turned up or turned down so that's the that's if not for us to push it it's just everybody has to make their vote at that point in a couple of weeks and it gives everybody an opportunity um the public an opportunity to speak on it um and get some more input from our residents um our library employees um and our board okay thank okay all right so is everybody okay with us moving forward with a resolution that can be obviously can be um voted up or down at the next meeting okay mag can you um war that one the resolution to go into the county system or coun well I thought you all would have the a copy of it but do you need special counsel to you beening with for no it's a library library attorney but not Z it's a library I can pull it up and let you know his name see all right so you'll send that to yeah okay all right and now for the second part of the library um the decision or consideration moving um the library from where we're at in the Town Center to the Kennedy Center the revamped K to re um we're building if we choose to go there we're going to build you know for the library um I don't have do you have the square footage the difference in square footage um 12 to 17,000 square feet would be allocated in JFK dependent on the configuration between 12 and 17,000 12 and 17 okay and what do we have I know it's a lot of space at the other lot it's 42,000 but it is not all utilized right okay all right any discussion on that that will be presented whether we want to move the library over to FK um for me it's it'll I think it'll be more utilized over there with you know the people um the FL the traffic flow that we have at the JFK um also when parents are dropping their kids off for uh Sports they can go to the library take a seat um so I I for me I'm for that definitely for moving it over to the JFK yeah I'm in favor of moving it too because it would help help alleviate the homeless issue that we have over at the library where we really can't kick them out or anything but they spend too much time in the library in the bathrooms so I think um you know we've tried different things but it the last time the last update it was still going on so I think that would help with that situation as well from a safety standpoint um I would uh I I think we talked a lot about um you know the pros and cons and looked at different configurations on if we were to move it to JFK um if it's possible I'd like to hear from the yeah we're going to have them at for public comment public comment okay and I'm I'm sure for the next couple of weeks to this conversation yeah I just like to hear a little bit from um the JFK Center on how it would impact um the operations at JFK fair enough yeah that was going to be um same thing I agree with um councilman Whitfield because for me um I would want to hear from the the library to know what there what would the change impact as far as the material and you know I really want to hear their Vision um of what they what they think um but I think you know I agree with both um Deputy Mayor and councilman uh worthy that um both what you said I agree with with both of you um but I do I would like to hear from um a YouTu man mayor I I age with you said you said it too yes I agree with all three of you you know for all of those reasons but again um I really would like to hear from the library fair I think that's thing okay I'm sh I have I see a lot on online so I'm sure they'll try oh okay all right okay so would that with um moving the library require resolution or not sure I have not okay so we can figure that out over the next two weeks just for consideration again it's not saying that we're going for it or not just make that clear it's not that's not an indication of us saying yay or nay well know that day we make that decision all right thank you anything else about anything else for the library okay thank you um the pools is there anything that you need to know from us today Mr Harris because I now I want to wait for the report from um penon no I will go ahead and I will go ahead and and if you're fine with it authorize the expenditure for them to compile that report um and again you you heard him say what you heard him say right around 30,000 or 39,000 39,000 just for the report yes and Doc and and Deputy Mayor had indicated maybe if we get another set of eyes on it possibly and I don't have a problem with that either we have other Engineers um although that they're not our Municipal engineer in our pool of Engineers okay so I just want to go forward with that so we can make a a solid decision with all the facts that we need and the options cost and this would still be Hawthorne Park and do we have access to Hawthorne Parks the Hawthorne Park Pool we do was it was it was put out of service a few years ago but it's still there we look at um the equipment uh in consideration about maybe reactivating it um but it would just require a little more work then initially um anticipated so again all right so I just want to make can you just make sure this the pool stays on the agenda so we don't let it fall off okay moving on to new business um beside what's on what's listed is there any other new business I did have one pie Mayer yes thank you um Council I didn't want to uh I just proposed an event or a mixer um I've been meeting with the economic development committee um and we've been um talking about ways to um strengthen the business Community within Willingboro one of the ideas that uh the committee came up with was just having an economic development mixer um with businesses that are located in Willingboro um so that they can meet each other the business owners can meet each other maybe share information best practices tips and tricks and um also have some resources there um for Grant resources just as table set up um to be able to assist some of the uh economic activity um within the businesses here um the proposed date is September 30th um and the time was from 4:30 to 7:30 uh pm. at the JFK building we would like to do a light refreshment um and as I said a number of tables um for information from different resources that businesses can use um but I did want to run it by Council and get approval um before we sent out any uh invitations um so I'd like to make a motion that we move forward with the economic development mixer on September 30th second moved by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson any further discussion um I did want to add that we did CH they um the Monday was chosen also because a lot of businesses are closed on that day or you know a lot of our the hairs hair and barber and Nails um and other businesses are closed on money so it just make it easier for businesses to um congregate or take some time um so that's why the Monday was chosen um but I think it's a I think it's a great um initiative um just to just for us to also get a count of our businesses um we've been trying to do that for years um and they have their own set of uh issues and concerns that I don't think are always heard so just wanted to make a um concerned effort to make sure that they understand that they're included into this community as well as our residents yeah and I think the the last thing or what my hope would be is um not for the economic development committee to be the uh provider of programming for Willingboro businesses for the foreseeable future um but really to have the businesses meet each other and potentially form a um like a business Collective or uh Bureau Business B Business Bureau of sorts on their own right any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes yes mayor Macintosh [Music] yes um also for under new business um I do see we have The Roots dispensary here um we a couple of weeks ago or last month we did receive a um request from Roots um to expand the hours um in our ordinance we currently have 8:00 am to 8:00 pm that's what we agreed on initially um for business purpose and consideration um they ass in that we expand the hours from 7 a.m. to 10: p.m. um a lot of that is in alignment with a lot of the a lot of the dispensaries around um the town a lot of them do close at 10: so it's not you know uncommon um so I just wanted to bring it before Council or bring it before the public for consideration um for expanding the hours we are looking to um make some adjustments to the ordinance in alignment with you know a lot of the updates that have happened so this would be the time for us to either um add this or keep it the same um I just wanted to get you know the vibe of the Council on expending the hours and I would say for my from my um position I we've had no issues over there at at zero issues and Captain zero issues I just want to make that known um for the record so I just wanted to know how everyone else felt no I support that and creating a business friendly environment because not only do we want them to come here we want them to thrive and if it's going to allow them to be more um uh compete with the other businesses you know uh within that same line of business I'm in favor of it yes no I'm in an agreement as well I'm in agreement I support it and just for um also just I didn't I left out a piece of information um the 7 a.m. they would Reserve our morning hours for medicinal uh medical patients and remain open in the evening similar to the dispensaries in neighboring town so think I support any you have any comment okay all right um I make a motion second to extend the hours as we as we um go through the ordinance at the Cannabis ordinance but the extend the hours um for cannabis a second to motion motion um moved by mayor McIntosh seconded by Deputy Mayor roll callone no councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and so again we would put this in the ordinance I just want um agreement to put in the ordinance and then it'll go through the proper channels um with the public input anything else for new business all right I'm going to open it up public comment got four minutes any concerns or any concerns please come up for minutes please state your name and address for the [Music] record good evening ja ma Maple with Clan I'd like to first thank uh Dr worthy for continuing the question the sound system at the Kennedy Center uh she said one year I think we've been on it oh gee I I'm not even talking into sorry about that um we've been talking about that for at least three or four years and I'm right there with you so keep at it don't give up even if it means you lay in the opening don't give up um let me see what my other thing is here can't read my writing now uh MOS Hill Lane looked very good to me tonight when I came up the hill I will try and um go and visit it tomorrow and I hope the residents are liking it I saw them working earlier in the summer they had their equipment over at uh the cotton building um so that was very nice to see and I'm sure everybody will be happy when Marshall Lane gets done CU I continue to fall into that ho this down at the bottom of Moss Hill or um excuse me Moss Marshall and Drive um the other thing is that I have to say is um oh the pools we're talking about opening three pools or getting um estimates on what takes to renew them those pools are 50 years old and 60 years old I know Penny Packers at least 63 because that's when that's a long time so how much money are we going to put into those and I don't know Hawthorne hasn't been open for years um so I think really we have to look at it and say how much are we going to put into it how much are they used and does one brand new pool look at look better than doing three and still having old pools um that was my second thing and the other uh idea about the library I'm all in favor of join joining the county system I was years ago when that came up and it was denied it was decid no and then it was said well let's move it up to the plaza a lot of people were against that because it's not the center of town so if you move it back to the Kennedy Center I know it will be used by many more people than use it today um I recently have been uh taking rehab at IV rehab have which is in the old Sears building which is right across from the library and I'll tell you can't believe how many of the homeless people were directing traffic up there when people came up this summer and found that the library was closed oh well the homeless went over to the Y and said no don't get out of your car because the library is closed you could see them doing this so it's just not the place for a library I don't think pendy Center would be much better and better served thank you thank you I will I will make a statement uh Council woman um I'm in I'm in agreements withon in regards to you paying the depy uh manager to do his job one of the reasons why I sto participating in this townships that it will process is because of stuff like that we were paying superintendents who weren't teaching out School were no longer employed in our schools we're paying inspectors who retired from this municipality and then come back at the contractor I have to re him if his job is the deputy and it's part of his work responsibility he shouldn't be getting compensated for that he's doing his job he's learning to take the position a manager if he moves this is all part of that process of learning we have to stop spending money unnecessarily and spend it things that we need done in this community so I just want to say thank you for stepping up and y'all made your opinion and based on what y'all believe but based off of what I believe he should not be compensated for that he was doing his job and as you said there was no issue that came up where he had to go beyond and beyond that if something like that happened then I can understand but nothing happened it was fun and he just filled in it should not be P thank you Mr thirst anyone else in the audience all right online oh okay uh Pat Lindy Harvey good evening py Harvey had Lane um first let me thank um those council members who um attended my husband's memorial service and um your calls of condolences and your continued calls to check up on us it it really touched my family I thank you for that um speaking as the president of the library board I've been on this board since 1999 um I was off for four years and back on and we were told at least five times um that they would that the county would close our library five times we were told this uh we we're also told that our um employees would have to reapply for their jobs and those jobs are not guaranteed um a number of the employees are willing B residents and I would hate to see our residents lose their job um there's also a calculation as to the size that's needed for a library depending on your population in the size of our population the minimum that we that we would have would have to have is 16.9 so the range goes from 16.9 to 49.5 yes our current library is on the higher end but we need at least 16.9 um our library currently already has inter Library um borrowing so we can borrow uh materials from any any Library um my other point is that you know our library under our Township control is an asset and I would really hate to see us lose control of our own asset um the library was moved to the town center for a number of reasons one we were moved out of the the municipal building at the time because it was it was too small it was 10,000 square feet and that's why it was moveed one of the reasons why it was moved the second reason why it was moved to the town center is that we had two colleges that were going to uh be in the Town Center yes they are both gone now that was that that was the second reason um two colleges okay and I think that's all I wanted to say on that number calculation control yep so that's all I have for this evening thank you very much and I I do encourage we have a library board meeting next uh Wednesday at 7 p.m. and I really would like if there would be two at least two council members who would come to the council meetings um to our our board meetings so we can have this discussion because we have not had discussion as a board with with councel thank you thank you Miss Lindsay Harvey okay Maddie mallerie good evening MD mallerie Hudson Place and I would like to begin by thanking Mr Marvin Harris from public works for taking care of cleaning out the Culvert behind Hudson Place uh there was an issue with um large logs that were left by either the tree company or psng when we had a power problem um the next thing that I'd like to speak on is the traffic safety unit that I've seen around town and um one of the things that I've noticed is that um the radwell employees I think they leave about 4:30 and uh if you're not out of the way they will run Over You on Van skyver getting out of town so I think that's an area that needs to be um considered at that time of day the other thing is I'm still concerned about the uh illegal parking in front of the businesses in the Kennedy Center and I don't know if this is a part of uh their patrol but it's an issue when you're trying to go in and out of the stores and the people will park all over in front of where it says clearly no parking um the other thing is the Radar Radar signs that were mentioned I hope Charleston Road between kenned Way and Van skyver uh will be considered as putting a permanent uh Radar Radar sign because we still have speeding on Charleston Road as far as the deputy manager and the fact that you voted to give this individual extra money um if it's not if it was not in his job description I agree with Mr thirston and um councilwoman Peron that he should not have been compensated we ran into this problem before without clerk uh you know giving out extra money and of course those of us who pay taxes this is something that you know is not very favorable um the other thing is as far as the library goes uh we've had a public library in this town I'm a 52-year residents and um you know I I'm not in favor of moving the library to the county system because the majority of our residents are seniors and a lot of them do not drive uh any distance and of course I think this would create an issue for the seniors in the town and um I think that's all of the things that I wanted to mention this evening so um have a good evening thank you miss mallerie all right Brown good good evening everybody good evening mayor good evening council member and good evening Mr Harris and Mr clerk um I just want to give a shout out to the mayor and the council member for providing the free tree removal for the community we really appreciate that very much and I would do you have any followup about the property assessment and I know the pool is important for our community but we need to re-evaluate if we can afford to keep the pool open or consider the ongoing cost um thank you for Captain Buck for the report can he can Captain Buck explain about the issue with people trying to open people's car when it's Park I would appreciate that and um the traffic logist I need some more information about it it's 12 radar sign is that you're talking about a cameras is that what we're talking about cameras how does it work for the resident exactly because I'm thinking about a permanent speed sign and um speed bump so I want to know how does that work and who will be monitoring the the 12 radar signs and one more question is also can the council member make time to take a walk through the project in the library and can you explain to me what is a diamond dog that sound like a club and the report that the clerk gave I thought we would see the print out of the report the treasury report I didn't see any print out I just heard him speaking about it I thought we usually see a print out and can we talk more about the county position Library update more about that and I I'm grateful for the great idea about the business mix I really appreciate that thank you all for your hard work thank you Miss BR you're welcome Hey Dr Cina and Francis Denton good evening everyone to our Madame mayor Deputy Mayor Town Council thank you for the time and the opportunity to speak uh let me start by saying thank you uh for the work that has been done at the library under the EIP EIP project with our Heating and Cooling uh but I want to take some time just to caution us with our next step with the library to think about about the value of a library to a community what it offers not only our adult residents but what it offers our students can I and I get your address I'm sorry boxwood Lane your record boxwood Lane may I continue yes okay um I also want us to take some time to think about about this project before we move forward and to effectively engage the library staff board and Community I I'm fully aware of the need that we have but I just want to make sure moving forward we take every step necessary to make the right decision not a quick decision thank you thank you Miss Denton all right buo Williams thank you good evening mayor Deputy Mayor counsel Mr Harris our clerk our community members and everyone good evening I'm glad you're back and I appreciate record oh um buer Williams botony Circle I'm sorry I always forget that yes so I'm glad to see um the council back in session and we appreciate your fine work and so on I would um I'm listening to hear the vote um the reminder of our community how important it is to vote so I hope hope we'll promote it each session because voting is it's a shame to waste it really um we have our sixth annual Health Fair coming up the Willing 7th Day Adventist Church invites everyone our Council our community to our sixth annual community health fair free event for all these are just some of the things that's being offered covid and flu vaccines shingles shots vaccines I should say blood pressure screening massages healthy living resources body mass screening food demonstrations gluco glucose checks sleep apnea and other screenings tobacco cation resources that's just a few of things um the food bank of South Jersey will be there to do food demonstration and give away free bags of food um we have our representation from vert Hospital de Bor hospital Southern Jersey family medical um Public Health burnton Public Health New Jersey Health Department as well um Cooper and so much more so Community please come on out you will be richly blessed now now um I would like Mr Harris to explain what the job of the Deputy manager is because I heard the the discussions and I appreciate um councilwoman Peron her explanation so if we have a deputy and the the manager is gone I I'm assuming that the deputy would assume the job of the manager without an extra pay so is the ma the deputy manager get paid to do the work the two week work of the manager and then did he get his pay as well I would appreciate an explanation for that all that being said I love the um the freedom to ex to express yourselves do it in a um in a way where nobody's feelings is hurt it's not comat or anything I appreciate that um so and the pool the pool I remember before the pool was open that there was work done already and then there's more work so I guess some more thinking should be put into it to see are we wasting money do we need new pools what do we need to cut down and to make our money our dollars stretch a little bit more um thank you so much again I I feel that you're all doing a fine job you represent willing borell and we appreciate you God bless you and hope to see all of you at the hell Fair on the 15th of September from 1 to 5: at the mil Creek Park thank you God bless you and your families thank you m Williams all right Sarah Holly I haven't even started yet and you've already taken 10 uh 10 seconds for me how about if I get my seconds back please Sarah Holly at nine tyoga Lane first of all I want to thank councilwoman Peron and councilman Anderson who has really uh taken the time to check on me I've been out uh having U medical situation for the last few months so I want to thank you two Council people for checking on me that's the first thing your address the second thing I want to talk about has to do with uh the res trying to find not find how to get on these meetings I spent over an hour tonight trying to find the zoom log in for the meeting why don't you put it on the web page uh with the H the homepage where it's easy for taxpayers and residents to find you shouldn't have to go click click clip to find uh the login Zoom I was on just about every page page and I clicked on Township Council this and Township Council that and could not find the login so I'm suggesting that you put that information at the top of the page so that Township uh residents and taxpayers can find that information of course unless you don't want to hear from us which I kind of think that's the reason next thing I want to talk about is uh the work at broo Park now that Park supposedly you've been working work on it now for at least four or five months and it's it's in shambles uh there's no reason why that park has not been finished I live right up the street from the park and uh whatever work's going on there it should be finished the kids went all summer without that park playground finished now that's that's the problem the other thing I have a concern about is the sidewalks the grass is growing between the cracks on the sidewalk uh over by um JFK the track it's horrible there you all used to have a program where you would hire teenagers during this summer to pick up paper clean the sidewalk and that kind of thing I suggest that you go back to doing that uh at least that way the sidewalks are nice and clean right now it's just bad and uh where are the workers how come someone's not cleaning that up and my next thing to talk about has to do with um the uh housing inspectors those position how come someone's not coming by to check whether or not people are cutting the grass and things are falling off their their homes and everything else when I first moved to Willingboro people were getting citations for those kinds of things and instead of having the police officers parked on uh uh bever ran cus Road handing out tickets so if you want to make some money how about if you drive around and see what's wrong with the homes in town and why the homes are not being kept up and write some citation you can get some money that way hi Dennis um uh the next thing I want to talk about is uh trees that are falling or leaning across the streets there should be someone to go out and cut those trees tree branches down and please don't tell me that it's PS and G's responsibility no it's not it's the township responsibility to cut those trees down so that they don't fall on the street as the uh residents are driving driving back I think that's about it oh and the water bill but I won't talk about that tonight I I'll save it for the next time because I I'm down to like six seconds even though you took time from me at the very beginning you guys have a great night her second back okay thank you Miss Holly Madame mayor we need to extend the meeting yes make a do make a motion I make a motion to extend the meeting or another hour second roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Woodfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes all right we have Miss Williams online thank you Deputy Mayor thank you sorry hear you okay thank you mayor McIntosh for extending the meeting um Terina Williams botney Circle um first I wanted to um let everyone know that the Beloved project of New Jersey a wonderful nonprofit organization that cares for so many people I saw on um on Facebook one of the various places which posts this council meeting all the information is there um they posted that a father of five is in need of a car seat and size three diapers for those of us who do not know where it is they're located at 640 Beverly ran cookus Road and maybe during the the course of this week maybe um um Miss Archer another faculty member will post the other items that they're in need of but please note car anyone who has a car seat and size three diapers um second I wanted to extend best wishes to the Children and Youth that return to school hope you had a wonderful day and as you pace yourself taking it one day at a time I hope each day gets brighter than the next um may God bless you your family and the other faculty members principal teachers um gym teacher and faculty for the lunchroom AIDS and so on and so forth um special thanks thanks also to um the fire department and police department you're I can proudly say whenever someone moves to willing bar how blessed we are here because we have so many um hardworking men and women um both the dep departments will be at our health fair that my mom shared with you shared with everyone so special thanks to them um willing connect and willing weekly special thanks for both both of those um um whenever people move I also share that with them so anyone who doesn't know about willing bar Connect app I encourage you to download it on your phone and then willing bar weekly with Mrs Jackson and the other faculty of the communication department they keep us posted on upcoming events such as the council meeting so stay connected with what's going on in our community by by um these two these two things but my mom generally um play out the different places of sponsors that will be coming to our health fairs um in addition to that we'll also have the eight laws of Health n is for nutrition e is for educ for exercise W for water s for Sunshine t for temperance a for air R for rest and T for trust in God so please if you can at attend our six annual community health fair and may God richly bless you each and every one of you on the council and the department I greatly appreciate your dedicated service and Pace may you Pace yourselves as you work hard not only for the council me not only for our Township but you have your own families you have your own separate lives in addition to caring for the needs of others and I greatly appreciate all the work that you do thank you for your time thank you Miss Williams thank you um mayor good evening and Township uh Council I appreciate everything you've done to support us um Lisa Mone from root dispensary and U Mr Harris and Mr fault uh I just want to say I'm very excited about the economic development Enterprise that's what it's called thank you and looking forward to the mixer but I I appreciate your support I appreciate your concern for the businesses in the town and um just means a lot to uh the success of of all of us and your support thank you you're quite welcome thank you all right seeing no other public comment public comment is Mayor I'm sorry we do have Shirley d good evening all okay uh thank God you did not miss me I would have been very disappointed uh I just have a few things that I'd like to share with the community your name and address uh Shirley dillworth Newport Lane thank you you're welcome uh first of all I'd like to say congratulations to the police department uh for the Youth police academy uh for 14 years of providing this type of growth and development and nurturing for the uh youth of Willen bar okay it's really a wonderful program uh the other thing that I'm concerned about is several weeks ago I reported to the police department about a transport vehicle that was parked at Martin Luther King uh School the wenberg police department doesn't appear to be able to you know do anything about that situation on the weekend this transport Vehicle Parks on Fridays and stays there for the entire weekend I've uh reported it three times and on one occasion I was told that I need to call Central Dispatch all right to share that information the other thing that I'm concerned about is I think it was last week cut grass along the uh van Sky Parkway and at the intersection of Kennedy way uh was not vacuumed they at that uh intersection so it was and I don't think it was uh left there by you know residents it seemed like it was left there by Township workers okay the other issue that i' like to uh that I'm concerned about is it relates to uh trash and recycling containers okay people a large number of people in the township are storing their trash and recycling containers in front of the garage okay uh new people moving into the community are doing that exact same thing and if the inspection department doesn't do something about that I think it's just going to continue okay it is uh very unsightly we've been talking about it for a long time and I'm a little disappointed that something has not happened you know to uh that that issue has not been corrected I think that is all that I have have for tonight uh so thank you for your time and have a good evening thank you Miss delward you're welcome that it online for residents for public comment uh yes mayor thank you public comment is now closed all right see where we start all right just have some things for you Mr Harris um starting with Miss mat Maddie mallerie um first you want to thank Mr Harris for the covert um cleanouts that's good are we doing that across the Willing B and there was a particular instance related to her property and some work that was done by PS CNG and it was an issue and the issue was resolved for her yes um but there are other issues that we are dealing with um with the blocked culverts I guess throughout the community um so yes to your question okay um the I'm now I'm hearing traffic safety unit for run radwell I guess they're speeding um during their work uh coming into work and leaving work yeah they are um a little bit excessive on the gas pedal especially over by um um Willingboro way and um trying to think of the other street over there whatever's over on that right and they're they're very yeah but but we will um redirect police over into that activity to kind of alleviate that as well okay perfect thank you um also there was some current I believe this was about the speeding the signs that we talked about earlier on Charleston between you around Kennedy yeah so radar the radar signs and there was one of them or there are a few of them already around town especially on JFK um I'm sorry MLK by the schools there are digital radar signs where there are radar units embedded in the traffic sign which bounce and do as Radars do is is for approaching traffic so these would be the type of units that would be placed uh around different spots of the municipality one of the places for consideration absolutely is Charleston Road and um yeah so that's kind of how they operate and U we will evaluate um based on prior complaints you know where we're going to uh immobilize the other ones okay um and for the library moving to the county system um Miss mallerie had a concern about the seniors trans being trans um having to get to the county libr uh the library and I'm assuming in um Westampton um going to the county system wouldn't mean that we move our library Library our library would still be in town so um that shouldn't pose an issue for seniors um trying to get to our library um but I did want before I go forward with Miss Sharon Brown I did want to acknowledge Mr thirston what did agree with um councilwoman Peron um in terms of um not paying more to the deputy manager um for for him being acting manager during the two weeks I just want to that for the record um and Pat Lindsay Harvey and her concerns um for the library um which will be further discussed in his next two weeks all right for Sharon Brown um just need some more information on I'm I'm assuming she meant the property reassessments that are going on now yes and our tax assessor will be here at the next meeting to give us and update us to where we are with that project perfect perfect all right and the pools I know some residents have some concerns about the cost of the pools um that's probably one of the biggest um the biggest inquiries I get um I did grow up here and I did experience that every pool was open when we were growing up um however over the years uh Grant just for the residents understanding over the years grants that we were utilizing to keep the pools open all of the pools that we had um they have you know we don't have them anymore so now it's tax dollars going towards um our pools so that's why a lot of them have the decisions prior to us being on Council decisions were made um to close down the majority of our pools um due to funding um so but that pools are still one of the biggest attractions in Willingboro and that people ask about residents ask about all the time and if you saw the pools during the summer you see they were well populated a lot of CH a lot of the kids still um utilize the pool during the Summers so at this time council is you know looking into the value of the pool and how we want to move forward whether we want to just revamp the whole pool system or if we want to make repairs but we're waiting the report from our engineer to make that decision so um we will be continuing um the pool discussion um for the next few months um to see what we're going to do whether they'll be open next year there's there's plenty of options that we have to consider so that will be conversation um in the public concerning our pools um I think Captain bucks did a good explanation on the break-ins and the cars that was trending up okay you'll have a call okay can we okay we'll do that you have you have Miss Brown's email Mr oh you have it oh you have it okay all right so Logistics um she wanted to understand the Diamond Dogs um right now the Diamond Dogs is supposed to be a 501c they're located um in the old kns of Columbus building um they're just a uh supposedly a 401 51c I apologize um operating out of the the old kns of Columbus building I don't did you ever print out did you ever have um issue your uh Clerk's report in theend ever since I've been here IED up an official report I can right okay that way I I can take a look and see if yeah we'll see previous examples of what was done okay for Miss Corvina um Denton um her concern was to make sure as we're um weighing our options with the library that we Engage The Residents and make sure the residents in the board and make sure you know we have those conversations fruitful conversations to get their input so think there's opportunity for that in the next couple of weeks um Miss bu Williams indicated that there's a community health fair that um the seventh day of Venice will be hosting September 15th mil Creek Park one to five if you can make it I think those are great um events put on by the seventh day of Venice um so if you're available September 15th mil Creek Park 1 1 to 5:00 p.m Miss Sarah Holly um she indicated there's a zoom login um malfunction I'm not sure can we just make sure that residents can get on with ease on Zoom um in our defense I think council is doing a phenomenal job in our technology our it has done a phenomenal job of trying to make sure that residents um have access um since 2020 um we have engage we make sure our residents can stay at home and engage they come in and engage so we have done our best to provide transparency and access to our meeting so um I'm very confident in that just want to make sure there's no mishaps with the logins should be the same if they actually bookmark it it should always open up even if they don't bookmark it just make sure a new a new Resident can get on if they need to just want to make sure that's always working um can we get a some information he said bro broo broo park is in shambles um is that is that the case right now I know there doing repairs but it's been under construction so um yeah it needs some some a loving touch okay so we're so what's the schedule on that uh that will be uh cleaned up and ready to go for the grand opening I know we're talking about installing benches in there as well and and um and just the Tiding up of that Park area trash keeps getting collected over there okay okay so we can just make some put some on make sure it's a little bit cleaner make sure we're just not Having excess trash or it's a eyes sore especially with the kids going to school okay um I did see this also grass between the cracks and the sidewalks yeah the the sidewalks U along JFK by the Kennedy Center um and in front of the JFK are slated for repair or replacement under this Capital ordinance that you just approved um today and we are currently doing extensive sidewalk repairs and Replacements throughout the entire municipality so they are being addressed okay thank you um the deputy mayor and I did have conversations with PS and along with our administra Administration um concerning the trees that are bent over our main um thorough fares um is there any update I know psng said they would work with us um with DP DPW to remedy that situation yeah and and you know that it's not a very aesthetically pleasing situation that exists there but a lot of those trees are not technically dead um and they've just been butchered um over the years um through through Mis pruning um so you know aesthetically I guess the township is going to need to make a decision as to whether they just want to take them down um or just deal with you know well some of them some of them they might not be dying but some of them are the Integrity of the tree is messed up and they're coming way across right like where can where one good Swig could just fall so there are a couple like the majority of them to your point are just Aesthetics but some of them are definitely making a number seven or a number going across the street so we are we are still having those conversations and U we're putting together a further meeting with pscg and DPW to to really look at those trees on a one by one basis and make a determination as to what we're going to do and I would recommend we make that a priority before snow starts coming or snow or ice starts appearing because it's just the the the limit the root is over here and the tree is is bent going across the street so those are the ones I'm more concerned about there it does look pretty crazy going down the street but the ones I'm really worried about are the ones bending over the street understood okay thank you um Terina Williams also you know talked about the community health fair um Miss dillworth um brought up the uh uh a vehicle transport at the MLK School okay and also did get a couple complaints also with Miss Dorth the um excess grass that after it's cut it's in the street and can go down our drainage system so we just want to make sure even our DPW is mindful of the grass in the street so they are are Mindful and and it's not an excuse but this is just an obstacle that we have to deal with um when it comes to County Roads the county sweeps the county roads and they try to coordinate their sweeping with our cutting um but one thing on those highways that is absolutely a requirement is that when the street sweepers and to go and do them they have to have the inators behind them those are the big trucks with the big bumpers on them and it is always an issue just coordinating when we cut the grass and when the sweeping is going to occur so it's not like we're just deliberately not doing it it's we just cut the grass more often than we Streep those than we sweep those particularly busier roads okay and did we just do or we were looking to do something for that especially with the residents is it the Residence and the other like landscapers on their main roads yes okay okay and then also a concern about the recyc and trash in front of the houses um I know some people get banged hard for that and some people don't get anything so I'm just want to make sure that's a methodical thing that's happening because some people get a lot of violations and some people get none okay okay right okay I just want to make sure it's equal and fair throughout the township because um I I wanted to Circle back to miss Holly's concern um you know she's saying Twin Hills is not being properly assessed okay yeah but but in general and you know I do hear some people getting a lot of violations and some people not okay did I miss anything from any of the residents okay thank you all right moving on quickly to council comment does anybody have any Council comment just want to thank everyone for coming out um I had the opportunity to attend Touch a Truck Event which was a great event congratulations again to officers Bankston and Thomas uh the JazzFest was another a great success uh thank you for everyone who put the hard work in and the numbers have increased and that was based on the traffic trying to get in so it's growing um and like I said let's just keep up the good work um the atap uh foundation and myself will be doing a a debate watch party next Tuesday at 8:00 at the burrow epicenter 621 Beverly R cus Road suet 1A thank you and have a good evening thank you anyone else after the word thank you Madame mayor um I want to say congrats to all of our students that are going back to school I know some of the schools have started willbo school district starts on Friday um so we just want to keep our students and teachers administrators the leadership um in mind as they're preparing for a new school year they also have the opening of their new um turf field and track on Thursday September 5th at 6: p.m. so if you can make it out um please come out and support and celebrate also congratulations to our boys um for the football uh the football team at the high they had a game on Saturday 35 to zero so they're off to a wonderful start this season so we're excited about that um wanted to also recognize one of what was a eyesore in our community over at East Ridge Plaza when you enter Willingboro it was the big pink building uh buildings over there um they are under renovation they've been completely painted um there they have light work that'll be going on soon and a new sign that'll be coming so just wanted to um to congratulate the conglomerate over there that condo association for helping to freshen up things and willing borrow as we move forward but um thank you all for participating in your local government tonight yes that's all thank you Madame mayor thank you Dr worthy anyone else okay mine will be quick um I just wanted um thank everyone for coming out in addition to for all the invitations um that have been addressed today um I do love the um the business mixer idea by the economic development committee U so I'm looking forward to that as well as the um sixth annual community health fair um by Miss Williams I'm looking forward to that and in closing I do um I wanted just to add to um Miss Holly's point about the location of the meeting on the website it is kind of set in the needle and the Hast stack location on the website so if we can probably not necessarily move it but also add the link to like the homepage and very visible you know our meeting this way it's more of just click here this is zoom meeting um maybe somebody in the technology department Mr Harris or can look into seeing how we can make that um more user friendly and available to U those who are not able to attend in person um honestly that's all I have um for this evening I know it's been a long meeting so but um that's all I have so good evening that's it done I know that could a session thank you thank you Council Peron thank you mayor um I just wanted to say happy back to school to all of our willing bar students and parents um and hope that it will be a very productive school year and you learn lots of new things and um get everything you deserve out of your education this year year um also thank you to the entire Township for a phenomenal summer I think um we had an incredible amount of events for not just the youth but residents of all ages comedy shows events for seniors um events for the Youth and the pools open um there was just so many activities for people to engage in throughout the township this summer um and it is all thanks to you all um so I appreciate all of your hard work to make this summer a success and I hope let's keep it the same energy as we go into the fall yes um that's all I have for tonight mayor thank you all right thank you and first I would like to just thank everyone for coming out tonight um I do want to to say I do appreciate everyone's insight and perspective even if we disagree it's good to hear we need to hear it um it does form our opinions a lot of times so you know I just want to say keep coming even if we disagree sometimes um we are all the community we're the governing body but we definitely represent the people and I'll say that about every council members even when we disagree you know the heart our heart is really for the residents so I just want to definitely appreciate everyone for coming out um also as school begins I just want to be mindful when going to work just slow down a little bit the kids are out their kids are back slow down um Also let's make a effort A Better Effort this year to show them a little bit more support um they are having a football game on Friday I'm be nice if people show up also going back to school and I wish I had the times I don't have the times for individual schools but um they are welcome welcoming the community to welcome the kids back and stand out front and chare them on going into their first day I think when they see the Community out there it gives them a little bit of umph so but so if you're available on a Friday morning I think there's 8:45 for the elementary little bit earlier for the high schools and the memorial um in Cotton so wherever you can show up I think um it's a good look for our community as we support the kids in our school system go getting ready to go back and again that's Friday um I don't want to belabor the conversation it is 10:30 so I will stop there but thank you so much for participating in the government process got an executive session real quick we going to do that quick mayor you have need for executive session tonight for under njsa 10 412b um subsections 5 7 and six matters involving potential property acquisition Personnel matters and contract negotiations and pending or potential litigation okay you have a rest res solution you just read the number the executive session make a motion to go into executive session second move by mayor McIntosh seconded by Dr worthy roll call please yes councilwoman perone yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes good night everyone e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I need a motion to come out of the executive session so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by oh my God Deputy Mayor Anderson roll call please yes yes yes yes yes can I get a motion for adjournment second all in favor I any NS no thank you have a great night what time is it