##VIDEO ID:pX7YsgN1sAc## e [Music] want we're going to invest [Music] some it's about time we didn't get any this year does he really okay I don't know what we have a three printer in house yeah I we have H I'm just watching the yeah I can't really thought don't know [Music] a microphone check yeah we're good all right cool do you want the close caption in there or no not for us but the public problem that's fine for the Public's VI if the public can see it we don't particularly need it but may be beneficial for someone watching uh correct so the option is always there it is enabled for you know this meeting so it it is available oh you sound so Cris and clear it's like you're sitting right next to me see e they from for were you planning on coming in um in my office uh Latoya is there yeah did you need something [Music] because the hearing is for Budget presentation that's the purp of public he we would have a public hearing the council were here or not and the only and the reason we advertised it is um because there is going to be a for there is a possibility for could be present and that's why we have to advertisement so did you advertises as a council meeting for that [Music] no not Che okay um I can start now you can get the ad later we just want to know Pro all right sorry um all right I'd like to call the meeting to order the budget hearing to order at 2:38 pm. roll call Council councilwoman Whitfield president councilwoman Dr worthy pres Deputy Mayor Anderson pres mayor minosh she indicated had a prior please Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice [Music] lail place an agenda to the wasn additionally notice was filed good afternoon everyone and again I thank for being present for our annual budget hearings um in compliance with New Jersey statutes annotated 40 col 69 A- 96 which requires that during the month of November in each year the municipal manager shall require all department heads to submit requests for Appropriations for the ensuing budget year and to appear before him at a public hearing which shall be held during that month on the various requests and these are these hearings are in accordance with the law and um in compliance with the statute so we're going to begin with our department a request starting uh with um senior services and uh under the direction of um uh Miss Rea Miss Rea Foster Miss Foster thank you very much sir and I'm very happy to be here miss Foster if you but just please speak up so everyone can hear you okay okay okay uh yes I'm very happy to be here I'm here to report on the budget presentation for 2025 for Community Affairs senior services and Veterans Affairs next slide please and all of you have the copies yes comprehensive proactive Community Based Services and Thea specific programs are in the Department's smart goals they are reported with accomplishments in the monthly goals reports each goal clearly defines the Mission direction highlights the dedication of the staff employees and how they are determined to be empathetic to the needs of the total willing rural community monthly averages Senior Center Senior Citizen Center attendees 2,656 transportation to the senior center and within Willingboro 233 transportation to doctor's appointments and dialysis 32 food delivery and distribution 1,500 pounds of food that is delivered every month the Community Affairs and Senior Services and Veterans Affairs Department have budgeted this year for each and consisting of six full-time employees and three part-time employees the six full-time employees include the ex exective director one clerk to administrative support two clerk ones receptionist transportation and general scheduling and two CDL Drivers the part-time employees include three clerks which are clerk On's language and Communications uh Community develop uh Services there are three certified contract employees and instructors teaching various classes such as yoga pilat sit down low and sit down and low impact exercise mediation and certified master trainers is the taii and Chon instructors we have four class instructors teaching line dancing and so on you can read them for yourself next page please the Community Affairs senior services and Veterans Affairs will continue to strategically and methodically work to have greater impact on legislations and public policies by leveraging our networking skills and resources towards making the challenging economic and medical conditions better in willing worldo I think uh I think we are a page it's not lining up after skip that page you can go on thank you that was the last page thank you re Foster are there any questions so we do we need to go back one page to the budget so Sean go back one page yes and that was the page that right there okay uh yes I got uh the email this morning telling me to take that page out and so I do have copies of that page we have it in our packet you have it in your packet already okay I'll put it in well thank you so these are your your budget numbers so will you go ahead and go through them and and explain or Justify I will do that yes online item last three three numbers are the actual numbers the line item for what we're doing but the first set of numbers are just for my department 51 27535 0000 that's the department number and 022 is the description of what that department number stands for travel expenses travel expenses in increased by $50 as for transportation clothing and Equipment which is 032 we didn't put anything in that one for last year so we're adding we're in increasing it by $1,000 and that's in the purchasing primarily those uh t-shirts and uh shirts and pants that the CDO drivers have to use as well as for the staff to be uniform to have shirts for them as well6 events decrease that from 15,000 to 14,000 and we've decreased it because we combined events that we hold every year holiday events we combine the Fourth of July event with the afternoon music event during that those events all of them are the same we uh provide music and food b style food for whoever is attending so by us combining two Obi we are using the budget by $1,000 programs those are the general programs that we hold every day in the senior center and they reduce that to 13,000 and use the sponsors that we have develop relationships with and the um agencies that currently handle senior services and handle V to come in to do that and therefore we were able to reduce decrease budget to 13 at 13,000 medical exams we were able to increase that because we're anticipating a substitute driver for that Beed because when one full-time employee is out and we only have two people that are certified drivers licensed individuals when one is out as you can see from the beginning there are too many people for that one driver to make the pickup to take them to dialysis appointment or even just to bring them to the center program supplies we did not allocate anything last year anticipating expanding Senior Center and it with increased attendance contractual those are the vendors that we have that are teaching the various classes and we've decreased that by $2,000 and U for using the sponsors and the other agencies that are currently coming in that we develop relationships with to teach those classes are there any questions on the bu and I apologize that the um printing is so small but if you all of have a cop of the presentation that follow along so miss fer as as I'm looking at your edmin budget forms there are two line items that I don't think that you included in your presentation line item number 298 um which is for um Community Affairs yes which you had I miss it 2500 and then for Veterans Affairs programs you had $1,000 yes when those are the same amounts that you requested last year as well that's right okay so your total Appropriations request for 2023 total 911, 670 in comparison with your with the amount that you were appropriated last year which is a substantial difference last year uh you were budgeted $2,825 and this year you're requesting 91,8 which is a $36,000 reduction yes you good with that I am good with that and that's what I sent over this morning when we wanted an adjustment to this uh one that's on now that Sean that Sean got earlier but yes that is correct and uh we are reducing the budget and as I understood it we are supposed to be looking at producing where we can like we took out the projects I was budgeting projects before and the entire line has been taken out because I was using projects as a beginning class that we have never run before to try out the instructor to try out the content and to try out whether or not the seniors will benefit it from and then after that line then we will go to the programs and we will make it an actual program within our our calendar of events that we have believe me I don't have any opposition to be reducing uh the budget but I just want to make sure that you are requesting enough to uh make maintain the level of operations that you had at least in 2025 or 2024 2024 2025 yes sir we are because uh we're looking at the goals monthly and at with the goals monthly we're looking at our schedule of events as well as schedule of classes we call them classes because the seniors can relate to classes and we want them to think that way and to come to pick out the classes they want to come to and actually uh participate in the classes now we are looking at looking at bringing in under projects but making it programs but programs on a smaller level to allow the instructors to be able to get the content that we want the seniors to know about as you see there are several uh issues that seniors need to be be and Veterans need to be be educated on such as pain management such as mental uh mental mental capabilities as well as nutrition and I can go on and on but we have 30 different uh partners and sponsors in the senior center that's also appro appropriate for the community and the veterans and we choose those that are more appropo for the events that we're having at that time so we're going to move from there to the next level is to bring those in and those that don't fit with the Bild then they will be moved out and they will sponsor some some other things the events that we have there are different phases that we're set up for uh for in the programs that we have and uh we're now on the second phase of eliminating the projects and then going to just programs and then we'll be going to other phes of of our operation there's more than one way to do it I know and there might be some other recommendations for doing it but I feel that uh my experience with corporate America would be an excellent one to be used in the senior center and I've used it for 33 years I have Miss box for uh the programs that you're referring to that would start off this projects and then um the goal was to make up a a program or a class can you share what some of those things were that you looking to to okay well what what we did was we started off with the exercise classes and the exercise class we started out with low impact exercise those the exercise is that the seniors and the veterans can do while they're sitting in the chairs then from there you go to the yoga class which is a class where they can uh do yoga sitting in the chairs but they move to going on the floor to do the yoga classes and uh what yoga is good for is for your old body a lot of the seniors have uh problems with their joints with the arthritis with different phases of allowing their body to not be as active as it's been so we take that under consideration with the class with the nutrition a lot of the seniors feel that the old same weight they've eaten all along is good for them but we know some of the foods have a lot of salt in it and we uh have a sponsor that comes in and talks to them about eating food with limited salt or no salt at all and then uh go to uh they even prepare a snack for them to be e eat like yesterday we had our health fair and we had 10 different sponsors that we have in in the senior center and one of the uh sponsors brought in uh brownies and they were made out of out of uh beans and they taste and the seniors was coming back and back and back some more because they it look Brown it was black beans uh I wish I brought you some and maybe you would have stop laughing and getting getting yourself carried away but uh they were nutritionist and they were made and looked just like the regular ones so that's one of the nutrition programs and if you have ever been down to the sen Center and looked on all of our shells there we have the class schedule and then you can see some of the classes you say I would never go into this class but the seniors pick and choose and that's why we have almost 3,000 seniors coming up in a month and choose what they wanted to learn about yes ma'am thank you Miss uh fer for your presentation um I did have one question about the Veterans Affairs um line um we've had some vivid discussion on on Council about honoring our veterans um annually for Veterans Day and um you know doing a celebration for Memorial Day and is a Veterans Day event is that something um that would fit in that Veterans Affairs bucket um instead of leaving that responsibility to the committee just so that it's um allocated and um made sure it's considered as we G to this season yes it it can and it has for years the only change happened was last was the year that we had the parade and it was made clear to us that the uh this Peron I wish she was here but miss Peron would be responsible for for the parade and as a result of that the protocols were a little different and yes we do allocate uh Veterans Affairs in under Senior Services but we make sure that the the amount is minimum because my philosophy is that the commanders of each of the veterans are the ones that are should say what their their different posts and their different events should be and it's not that they should say where it should be or when it should be but in protocols to say that already through the federal government for's Affairs down to to the county when we have two divisions in the county that takes care Veterans Affairs and then we do it as well but we make sure that we supplement it with them we contact them we let them know what we're doing and then we do it and for years I'd say at least 20 years uh we have always uh recognized the actual year and within the year the month that they're they're they're expected to F qu call and that will be for Memorial Day and for for Veterans Day now it doesn't matter prayer is held but what does matter is how it's done that they're held on a specific time specific day and in order and that order only takes a few minutes now I know I talk a lot and I tell things in too much detail but the thing is is that when questions are asked I want it to be understood with the protocol now if we want to hold Veterans Affairs any other time if you want to do Memorial Day any other time that's fine as long as we're saying we're not doing any our protocol so as part of the departmental restructuring of programs like Veterans Day Memorial Day they will be encompassed completely under our programming um so we will have some type of event for Veterans Day for Memorial Day as part of the township programming and if you want a parade above and beyond that then that would be have something that the council would have to authorize separately but we're going to incorporate all those programs into our regular program Council Deputy Mayor all right so along those thoughts you know in light of confusion and conversations that going back forth one of the suggestions I was prepared to make is to now make that Township responsibility whether it falls up under Recreation and wellness and even if it's great that the township takes believe and the committee assists right you know I think we reverse the roles this way is clear what programming will be going on without any hiccups so that was one of the things I was definitely going to suggest but it was part of the restructure under that umbrella of recreation and wellness rate I just wanted to make sure we took the lead so it eliminate some of the confusion conversations around something so important to this community it's very important because the community was founded based on the lawsuit that the community filed with the federal government and that's why we want to make sure that we're following the protocol and being an ex veteran yourself you know how important that is any other questions thank you Miss Foster yes next up is um our finance department u under the direction of our CFO missia digs Miss digs good afternoon okay so today November 14 finance department 2025 budet presentation so we going to be saying next slide okay no we're not going to do that okay the finance department is responsible for the collection dispersement of all townships funds fincial reporting and Analysis Additionally the the department efficiently and effectively maintains the toship uh Financial records the department assists in the preparation and overseeing of the municipal budgets and forecast Department ensures proper controls are in place relative to financial accounting cash flow management then fin financing accounts account receiv Point paybl are all properly maintained and efficiently managed the department is primarily governed by New Jersey statutes and laws and follows the modified acal accounting principles and this method of accounting is commonly used by the government or local government in New Jersey it recognizes Revenue when they are realized and expenses when they occurred the Department consists of 11 say 11 yeah 11 budgeted fulltime employees one part-time employee um it's headed by the Director of Finance CF for myself we have one tax collector two clerks in the tax office we have one supervising accounting one accountant one purchasing agent for now um principal per clerk principal account Clerk the tax assessor with a part-time assistant tax collector we have two and now we have a vacancy for an accounting assistant so we're going to the department uh Awards anded line that's the first line um we are going from 280 to 350 and only because the membership dues for 2025 was increased by $50 that's the tax collectors and Association and treasures association dues were increased or will be increased by $50 in 2025 the travel expense um we decrease that by $1,000 $300 I'm sorry and uh that includes and we know the travel expense includes the attendance at the league the gfoa conference in the TC tcta conferences that are held annually and this line includes hotel stay tools parking parking and use and we reduce that by 300 because [Music] um we reduce that by 300 because uh the GFA conferences will be alterate we have alterate one year um instead of both cting any CF we going to do one at a time because of the cus so we have the office supplies remain the same and has vouchers bank deposit slips and check books this year we order a substantial amount of vouchers and deposit s so we don't intend to do the come 2025 um printing 400 remain the same those are the year end envelopes that we order training is um we actually reduced about $2,000 and that's the and the reason for that decrease is um all of our accountants have attended the cmfo classes and if we do hire which we intend to do an accounting assistant we give that um employee a year to get familiar with what we do and then we send the class so we 2026 expense in by 2025 that's why that reduction so we have our contractual line um going up by going up to 11,000 and as because of FR Point uh fees adance which is the accounting software software that we use is going up and our Professional Services definitely go up at least 2% annually so that's our financial advisors and the Council the credit card and Bank fees remain the same and misell actually I took out misell zero yeah so for purchasing Awards and dues remain the same and as the gpj membership dues and the qpa license renewal um travel expense that's the hotel stay to used for the qpa Purchasing Office Supplies that's the uh Township wise supplies we increase up $500 so we have print yeah $500 I'm sorry so um more just for clarity M can you just explain that those supplies are for the town yeah but every Department yeah every Department through this um budget line 35,000 35,000 you said increase of $500 five oh increase of$ 5,000 5,000 went from 30 to 35,000 so we have printing that's also Township wide um printing of the purchase order the envelopes uh it went up $1,000 and the postage which is for the um postage machine the annual cost is actually going up about ,000 from $55,000 to $56,000 and we have training of course remain the same office equipment um remaining the same some of the calculators we have you know ready need to be changed have numbers you can't even recognize any on the calculator they all up so we tend to buy new calculators and de um printers C suppos for that uh contractual that's the annual contractual lease agreements for the printers actually this these are based on contracts so it's going up from 125 to three to 30,000 I'm sorry and then the least cers these are the least these uh agreement for cop years remain the same at $60,000 we have the tax office that is within the finance department it was ued it's going up by $50 as I mentioned in the um earlier that the tcta membership use are going up by $50 in 2025 printing uh we have um $5,000 you see a $4,000 reduction because most of um the printing of the envelopes will be in the purchasing printing line so that's why you see that reduction of $4,000 actually in the purchasing printing line so the advertising the tax sale advertisement cost is $8,000 and you see that reduction even though 2024 and prior years show nothing because it was charged to the it was charged to finance line I said no it has to be charged to where it belongs so the $8,000 instead of being charged under Finance contractual under the actual tax off own um expense now the finance um line so we have um tax office contractual that's U professional fees went down from1 19,000 to $5,000 and the tax col why are we going down so much that um hopefully not a lot of um Professional Services that will be needed because of most of the bankruptcy other stuff are clear now she said and misenus requested $1,000 for unforeseen expenses and the training is actually I just put the explanation what is for c for conferences the tcta conference and the Le Conference of municipality we go to the tax assess tax assessment office we have Awards in use pring 150 that's membership to use for the association of Municipal assessors in Bon County the travel expense remain constant $50 office supplies we have an increase because of the re the office supplies these office supplies are specific to the tax assessor office because of the going on to the more than $900 whole be getal so the printing of the annual assessment cost definitely going up because of the rear as well and then uh training staff enrichment and training uh we have a new staff on Bo is going to be trained from 2025 2025 so we have photo mandatory fees are paid to the New Jersey uh to the state to who I have records that's $25 always has been for the past um two three years and it tax maps need um to produce annual assessment cards as it regards to the tax map and the requesting everything is in line with the re only, so M if I can ask a question the previous page you had 13,000 for printing related to the annual assessment cards and then you have a th000 under tax math uh attribute to the annual assessment card what's the difference like um I asked um the same question to Justin and he said um these assessment cards are related he wanted it another year because it's deled strictly to the tax map so he didn't want it to be included in the printing line yeah he want separate okay to that um tax boxs because these cars are direct relation to thex I I asked the same question trust me yeah so the office equipment uh the increase in the software needed in the new update for inspection software and this toughest Pro for the ongoing inspections to the reevaluation so it's going up by $6,000 contractual uh Remains the Same 11 11,700 Legal Services professional legal services and for appeals it's $1,500 after that $1,500 was actually part of the contractual I decided to um spit to show the Fe is 1500 and 11,700 remain the same because increase in the software cost software maintenance cost and computer repairs nothing we have new computers so to repair anything to the line is zero so for summary to the increases and decreases in the request for the finance um Department propos o other expenses Appropriations everything remain kind of stable the Purchasing Office uh proposed OE appropriation increased by 23500 23,500 due to some increase in service contract contracts for the printers and copers the tax office proposed an O increase by $5,100 due to upcoming training for new staff in 2025 and the tax assessment office increased by 173 17,350 due to ongoing inspections and reassessment program thank you any questions bud is stra forward with the fin thank you Miss for your presentation um there were two questions that I had one was about the office supplies for the entire municipality and some of the presentations I just scan through really quick yesterday there were line items for office supplies um and will those be DEC conflicted I don't know for so those ones are specific to the department let's say for example inspection need a specialized kind of um envelope or stick hand in that but say General office supplies that P papers p are depart specific specific okay and then um in the legal services line 137 or which office tax office or tax office okay yeah tax office in the legal services line um do we anticipate any uptick and appeals because we are doing the revaluation that we would need to account for I know you put in $1,500 but I that was like a base fee I think from previous years before we did the revaluation and there may be um a higher number of appeals um with that process going on yeah um I mean that's always requested and hopefully the 11,700 is not you know all part of the software maintenance so some of that can be contractual and can be in there too for part of the contractual 11,700 that's why he request 1500 so I think the reevaluation that the tax assessor is going to is in the process of doing now is a is a multi-year process so when he actually finishes all of the sections for the first time that's when all the information goes back to the county they strike whatever they they do and at that Point people can begin to repeal those those assessments but I don't think that's going to happen until 2026 yeah but I mean because the process will be continuous in 2025 anticipate high in okay so we don't we don't distribute those until the whole process is over okay thank you um so on slot 14 can you say more about the contractuals that increase from 125 to $30,000 purchasing department says 14ot yes um cont contract printer it's just okay yeah oh uhhuh these are annual agreements so you know the the agreements were already put in place so you know year after year increases so uh I think not think I know for sure there more um printers that were added this year that um the contract come or to 2025 the te do 2025 that's why like I'm just I think there were three or four printers added onto this contract that that payment that double more than doubled our contract value y actually this 125 we're going to go over this 125 2024 the 12 the the 125 that was U requested in the 2024 budget right now is over okay I think that's what's missing like yesterday we had columns that showed 2024 and then actual and then the request for 25 so that you could see because there's no way we would know you were over we just know that the request was 125 so it seems exorbitant you yeah so yeah just look at the slide you was inat has that's why back through and try to recile that's why I was concerned about that J right there and then for printing on the next page you mentioned um that five went down to $5,000 because some of the Mone was mov to different okay so then I went okay okay I see all right what is the $8,000 for the tax adver yes elect tax have so we didn't pay that you got you know it was chared the finance contract line tax to show I'm just trying to follow it's not like a note or anything okay so Finance contractual mind for 2024 yeah included the adver for the tax yes okay ma'am and so but that was 10,9 that was 109,000 733 so then we're going to back out take out take out 8000 but the request for that line went up go down yes because but other stuff other services here going up for sure other Serv um software is going up by 2% for sure Point fees is going up and then U Professional Services are just estimated always go up I used to amount that went up exceeds $8,000 if you look at difference between 109 and 119,000 109 no no no but I back out the 8,000 first8 8,000 at $111,000 101 okay so so now we have almost like nine so all these I'm I'm doing 2% on the financial is that 109 you already exed 109 okay all I'm looking at is what's presented here so okay I'll go back and take a look at the other documents but you can't see it here so okay I'll go back and okay that was yeah I thank you m uh so next we going to have our it presentation by uh Mr Sean o'briant who is uh online so se you want to go ahead and take us to your presentation absolutely um let me know if the presentation slides are visible yes okay all right good afternoon uh Deputy Mayor counsel and uh residents of Willingboro uh my name is sha o'briant I'm now one-third of the IT department and I'll be presenting our uh 2025 operating budget requests uh here's a brief summary of what the uh Department provides for Willing bro Township uh we support and manage internet service providers ranging from xtel Crown Comcast Verizon Wireless and crown castle additionally we admin uh administer the on prise firewall dozens of switches throughout the township physical and virtual servers uh camera systems and the uh Office 365 platform uh we have around uh 200 laptops and workstations around 150 mobile devices uh such as iPhones Galaxy iPads myi devic deves and uh voice over IP polycom phones and we do uh daily technical support all right so questions or I'm good all right so I wanted to highlight the line line items that we either uh increased or decrease uh the first line being a slight increase of $250 that is because we plan to join uh the public sector organizations as members to network expand knowledge and to combat uh cyber challenges together uh the next line is to increase the cost towards the uh technology online services line so this line uh allocate funds for Zoom licensing uh domain registration renewals um adult be licensing subscriptions and the majority of the increase of this line is due to uh our plans to incorporate our s collector and to our environment so this initiative is due to the uh cyber GIF we're trying to be in compliance with their Advanced security tier three requirements um the next line would be an increase for the technology contractual the amount from last year shows the allocated amount not the requested so my requests were 2025 is comparable to what was requested in uh 2024 so this uh account number consists of xtel who provides the township with internet connectivity hosted facts office phones and more uh crown castle they provide uh network connectivity between our buildings uh blle attch they have our uh Remote Control software backups for the police department and we're also hoping to add a Pam solution that is also part of the Cyber GIF uh tier that we're trying to be and compliance with um Office 365 which we all know is a you know comprehensive platform that provides uh you know office site for emo hosting um and Etc uh we also plan to upgrade our Microsoft licensing uh in order for us to configure to factor authentication for our Safety and Security all right oh I'm sorry so the last line would be a slight decrease I'm sorry that would be an increase for our technology training so the IT department will will utilize These funds for professional development and to attend uh webinars and conferences that provides resources to enhance our knowledge with uh modern technology standards and just want to take this moment to thank you for the opportunity and I just want to open up the floor for comments questions and recommendations so Sean let's go through your presentation again because on your your slides you have 2024 numbers but you don't have any 202 five requests so let's go back to line 156 if we can and you have 2024 at zero which I believe which was your appropriation in 2024 what is your actual 2025 numeric request is that for technology online services that is for technology computer repair oh um I would say since it's not on here it would stay the same I think we reduce that to zero for 2024 so I was looking on his his PowerPoint slide yeah I 202 cont do you have his admin sheet I just was trying to see what you were looking at yeah so Sean let's go let's pull up you have do you have your edmin sheets in front of you um I could yes I got to pull that document okay let's go to your edmin sheets because your edmin uh requests are not lining up with what's on your PowerPoint presentation all right give me one second you there yep I'm trying to pull up the uh budget prep on my other screen so give me second so computer repair that and or make it a little bigger little more little more 151 okay so we're going to start at at the very top on page number one line number 021 Awards in dues so this year you're requesting $125 um last year requested zero in that line item uh correct so that's an increase yep okay and then the next line is 0202 or 022 uh travel expenses uh your request in 2025 is the same as the amount appropriated in 2024 $325 uh correct okay so line item 23 which is office supplies you're requesting $500 why why is that $500 out outside and above the $500 or the regular uh municipal office supplies yeah this is a outdated uh budget prep I think you have the one that we discussed in the office we decided to strike this one out because you know Mr Brown from the finance would order office supplies so we don't we don't need this okay so then that's a a zero yeah correct uh online services uh in24 there was 20 or 15,000 appropriated uh this year you're asking for 59,000 correct so go ahead yep so online services of course that Zoom Adobe uh platforms like that and our new initiative in order to meet the requirement for the Cyber GIF would be our Sim collector so that is responsible for the uh substantial increase but that is to uh satisfy the tier three to Advanced security uh compliance that uh we hope to achieve okay I don't know what all that is but trust that that that you do and it's all important I don't can we um talk through that a little bit so is the requirement something that has to be done by 2025 or What's the timing of the roll out for that um compliance because this is um I mean it's new we had it wasn't something we were anticipating so what's the timeline and what is the roll out for something like that right yeah so I got a preliminary uh well I got a quote I had some conversations with one platform but I do want to evaluate uh you know other providers what they uh could provide as a solution the timeline for the GIF I could can imagine it's pretty uh immediate I would say within like the the next year or so uh to you know be in compliance with this or you know of course it'll affect our deductibles and things like that but it's something that you know I'm looking forward to is new technology something we haven't had in our willing bro Township so um and it will be uh a benefit to uh the department yes no I I don't doubt that it won't be beneficial I just would like to um be a bit more definitive in terms of like the timeline and um from the jef so I do understand that it's something that we need to do um but it is a big jump so I'm just curious about you know what there what the timeline is because maybe it's a payment that's actually made in 26 so that's why you know I'm just trying to understand that piece of it yeah um so we'll we'll get a definitive uh answer on a solution what route we want to go with but I can imagine maybe you know summertime or fall if next year we'll get this implemented I guess I was in terms of clarifying with the J the timeline where whatever their compliance requirements are because we don't want to incra increase our rate you know we don't want to jeopardize that so I was just curious if we could plan towards that making sure we're in compliance by whatever timeline they set out that would be helpful yeah if you can supply us with the requirement when we have to be compliant by and then whatever quotes that you have associated with that related to those expenses I have a followup question too on the technology contractual um the increase to the 356 that request can you talk us through uh through what the additional requests are I'm looking at admin and the PowerPoint but I'm not fully understanding the what what comes with that additional almost $200,000 request yeah so that is our uh technology internet service providers xtel that's the recurring fee we're and a three or fiveyear contract with them crown castle as well and Office 365 um this number I mean from from last year this was requested um I was only allocated that you know 170,000 figure and that's why um we're requesting more funds to to that account to help you know pay off the uh outstanding invoices that we have there but this this requested number is pretty accurate and would you know pay the services that we utilize today and the year before and next year okay I think I'm I'm not following what you're saying are you saying that we encumbered debt that's about $356,000 but the township allocated you only 176,000 and we already owe $200,000 in in outstanding invoices is that what you're saying well to finish out the year we requested additional funds to fund them for the year but for the entire uh budget calendar year uh 3 you know 50,000 is what I'm requesting to uh you know pay those bills without any any fear of requesting for more funds can someone help me follow yeah I just I'm a little more confused Sean um with Dr worthy here so there was an allotment of $176,000 for this year but um the project continued are you saying that whatever project you were working on continued as requested as the budget was requested last year without um receiving the allocation it moved forward yeah I somehow did not receive the requested uh amount that I you know recommended so when you don't receive the requested amount the project doesn't go because you don't have the money yeah but these Services um right now the the account is actually zeroed out and we can't actually charge like these previous invoices as well as new invoices to this account since there's no money to to pay it from but these services are critical to the operations of the township and they have to get adequate funding so Sean so what you're saying is that that was my question that that's why I asked my question the way I did so when you you got a 2024 budget it was 176 and somebody signed a contract or an agreement over a period of time that exceeded the $176,000 is that and so now we owe money beyond the 176 that you were allocated so in 2025 you're saying I need this 356 so that I'm able to pay all the bills and not have to come back for more money is that accurate well the way um I plan you know xtel crown castle and Office 365 they have recurring so what I'm saying is not correct I'm just trying so that's not correct what I just explained well I'm not saying you're I'm not saying you're incorrect but I want to rephrase it in a way uh so I'm trying to do track changes as we go but go ahead all right all right you could jump in at any time please but what happen 2024 is we allocated you know because want to keep a flat no increase in the tax we allocated to each department what they spend the year before so we allocated 170 something because of what he spent in 2023 was the prior year so if we come December 3rd when next meeting there's a transfer request for that line INE of $90,000 to complete all his um contractual agreement so instead of that 176 that he's asking for 90,000 to be 225 for 2024 so the extra he himself can you know talk to speak on that but yeah he has $9,000 to fund his 2024 to complete all required there was no track changes needed that's exactly so it's 175 176 Plus 90 which is 22 something 22 something for 2024 yeah and then the contract is expected to increase again for 2025 because since it's it's $100,000 more than what will be the actual for 2020 I don't expect increases from xtel or crown castle but I do anticipate Office 365 having uh you know consider considerable amount of uh increase in the funds because we're trying to upgrade the licensing there Office 365 is outrageously expensive in my opinion um Sean what do we what do we spend a month for our Office 365 expenditures that would be one second yeah but I remember like before Office 365 municipality I don't you don't have to give me what I to know since we're talking about uh this this particular topic when the council voted to to make the investment in it for Microsoft Office 365 part of that conversation was a roll out of a series of training that was supposed to happen that hasn't happened so employees know how to optimize Office 365 and the different features the functionality which um is absolutely amazing um in 365 and so I'm hopeful that as we're having the conversation about technology that it happens because I'm still getting emails with zip files that I can't open and things are zipped and they don't know how to put stuff in the um One Drive we're not using teams effectively like we have all this money that we've put into the software and it's it's not being optimized people are still using it like as a AOL email or something so I think that there's a lot of work that can be done um so that we're optimizing you know the investment that's been made in this considerable software so we don't continue to get like loads and loads of attachments of zip files 100% thank and I too am guilty of not really understanding and utilizing all the components that are are at our resources I'm but when we get into HR we'll talk about that awesome thank you very much thank you any other questions for Sean thank you Mr o'briant all right thank you Sor I do have the publication um for what it was advertised as okay um it says Count Council to hold public hearing for2 bug so I'm leaving live meting okay thank you Deputy Mayor so next on uh next on the list is for our human resources department and I will go ahead and present that on behalf of Miss Anderson who is um out out ill um so a brief Narrative of the the human resources department the Willingboro Township's Human Resources is dedicated to applying the best practices to recruit train and maintain current and future employees the HR department partners with the New Jersey civil service commission to provide ongoing training and skill development for professional growth and personal well-being we utilize webinars workshops courses video presentation and Civil Service EAS which is the employee advisory services and our comprehensive approach to provide the township with stable wellt trained customer friendly staff that is dedicated to accomplishing the goals and missions of the township uh so the budget uh present or being presented for HR for 2025 five is human resources Awards and dues line item number 21 and 2024 there was 0 allocated to that um that request for 2025 is $300 which is an increase of $300 of course um Human Resources directed director travel expenses line 022 um is an increase of of $100 from $400 to $500 and like the other departments that pretty much encompasses a municipalities and and various conferences Human Resources advertising uh line 9M 27 in 2024 it was 0 in 2025 we're requesting $1,500 to account for the additional um advertising for uh new positions uh that are going to be recruited um in Willingboro with our uh plan restructuring so that's what that $1,500 represents primarily um adds to the League of municipalities which are a little expensive but uh effective uh line item number 28 is human resources training is going from $300 to $500 to um increase our staff training um medical exams is going from 098 um line item 098 is going from 10,000 to 17,6 120 these are all the pre-employment physicals um that we go through through for new for new hires which we do anticipate having a few in 2025 and also this would Encompass any pit for Duty examinations if people were out extended period of time um and require a fit for duty to return back to work um that would all be encompassed under there for the whole municipality um contractual line number 132 is going down from 2,615 to 9 ,000 these are our our fees for Civil Service Commission LMS um systems and things like that primarily although we allocated 21,000 in 2024 um I think the realization is even close to that um we only used 16 um and we don't anticipate that going up or being 16 against for 2025 uh so Human Resources miscellaneous is uh $300 for a total budget request in 2025 of $ 28,224 by $ [Music] 4,345 Human Resources is currently comprised of um the acting um director Mr direct Anderson um we have one Personnel technician and part of the restructuring we're going to be recruiting a training coordinator in 2025 that individual will be the person that is going to be tasked with training our staff on things like um Office 365 and the different components and and things like that they would be the ones that are responsible for onboarding new employees teaching them how to use the time clocks all these different components as well as making sure um that employees who have certifications keep their certifications up to to date and provide um any other trainings in the township that may be required like customer service training and things of of that and then there is a clerk one's position that is vacant and I still don't I'm still not sold on the need to rebuild that spot um based on our new transition to more electronic human resource component I don't I I don't really know at this time if we're going to need that additional person but it's on the chart of on the um on the um yeah on the chart thank you um just in case so that is pretty much um the human resources budget request for for 2025 um I have a question with the human resources medical exams are those different than the police medical exams or are they included in here if they're separated out they are they are separated out um sometimes the police are required to do um different exams that are a little more sensitive I guess you would say um that they're not going to be encompassed on under under HR and then um the position that you mentioned the training coordinator that'll be responsible for on boarding and such like that will they also be responsible for making sure all people worth is returned um when they're new well that that is incorporated as part of the new HR System um that that will kind of happen automatically but once that person is higher uh they would be placed in the hands of the training coordinator who would would walk with through them with the Personnel manual explain the nuances how to clock in with Park and uniforms whatever all a question with um with the training coordinator proposed role coming in will they need additional software to track licenses and training whatever other training components will be off the top of my head I don't I'm not able to answer that question right now but there could be POS okay I just would want to consider um what that could look like in terms of you know storage or perhaps um working with it to see if SharePoint could be leveraged or whatever functionality you have already um but they're May if it's not its own Software System to um just consider how L of technology that we have so that that person is optimized to be able to manage the train records um one of the one of the areas that we are in the process of rolling out um we do have a we do have a state approved um digital archive so some of HR Human Resources records are going to be stored digitally in our electronic archive and not so much manually um in BIO cabinets and I believe that will help keep a record of of keep track of some of these training records and things that may have been um lost misplaced or whatever through through the years the reason I asked specifically about the training records though is that certifications Manor certifications um have dates you know and so without a system correct it's not going to give them like a any kind of Tickler anything to let them know um I know that can build into SharePoint and other platforms so that you put in when it's du bu and then they set it so that it comes up you know 60 days 90 days in advance the person training um otherwise they're just like another clerk where you're just filing stuff and somebody's got to go back and figure out what do stuff do so that's just some of that automation really um helpful for someone who's be in a training it also is helpful for if it's going to be used in a way to help with not necessar promotion for professional development so like someone's been in a role for some period of time by now they should be taking these classes or it's just a way it needs some kind of automation otherwise it's just going to be another digital like Archive of files but that the power of that training coordinator is really being able to stay on top of the training and being proactive and they're going to need the tool to be able to do that okay so ready to proceed with Communications Miss Jackson Miss Tanya Jackson around town good afternoon May sorry mayor yes yes yes I am please present you with the communications overie for 2025 as always our role is um tied to the component of the Strategic plan to ensure that we have a well connected education committee I am on the next slide and getting ready to go to the next one thank you and then we're going to the next one all right so our goal is to offer more opportunities and fing girls to make sure that our community feels connected to to connect or feel connected um under that we ensure that our new residents feel welcome and formed put the information they need we are expanding opportunities we are social media platform website delivery services and just using all of modes of communication to the best provability to keep our residents informed whether that's our social media e newsletter a b and Boards Comcast Public Access Channel we now have live and recorded videos um we're hoping to utilize some podcast opportunities the door hangers um we also have been using transitioning to using more manners and law and signs which seems to be very effective way of communicating um with our residents and US mail where feasible and financially what you know what makes sense there um some of our goals are just to increase our subscriber race for will weekly and connect by 10% um we also want to enhance our Communications by advising more like I said the podcast the videos and more podcast we see that there is definitely an increase in views when do thingsa video so we take of engaging at space um and we just want to increase the opportunity sure more of our residents have access to the to the township and make sure overall that all of our reses are well and upates so our budget um for25 is very similar to 2024 terms of last year request we have 95,000 just an increase of a th000 and that's essentially in our Grist contractual Services which um we requested 25,000 last year and um went over a little bit so we're requesting 26,000 and that essentially our website renewals G delivery services and that kind of thing um and just as a reference some like our website we are in contract with them until um April 2026 so um so every year you know have an allotment that's already kind of in the budget so that will probably be changing in 2026 but right now allow us to satisfy our and services and then our only other line is6 which is the of our Communications um items and that essentially is $7,000 so 7 plus 26 is 96 and within that is our Township mark promotions like I said the banners anything we're doing our little Township Chachi and all that kind of stuff or anything we need to do to promote our Township we do within that are $10,000 Community mailing um kind of move the money around we have $30,000 in 2024 but that is really essentially the calendar for the bias including the holiday mailers we do the holiday mails and the summer mailers are about $5,000 each so that's where we have um 40,000 2025 vendor Services suppes training is already $5,000 keep steady looks like it's enough to you know keep us moving the community engagement podcast um last year we did do 20 we're doing a decrease of 10,000 like I said 10 to help the community now just trying to keep steady here um and we think that we can still do what we do with the 10,000 and then um Miss Services parent makeup right now is just me assant public information officer and a public information assistant that is really good you have any questions question comment okay um I appreciate all the the mailers I know that I got some feedback about the size of the like the holiday and summer the concept is great but then get it it's the smaller fers so just something to consider but concept of that but it looks onit your computer yeah and then the other was um I love the calendar and I didn't realize I knew it cost a lot but I was wondering if we have considered or considered um partner with the school district to give Stacks calendar to students to get those out that way and then perhaps pick up at the township not that I don't enjoy every getting one I'm just just curious about you know open to the discussion some residents um I'm sure appreciate it others may not so much and then those don't have here Center at post office just just a consideration not saying just something to consider we still can get them out we inv maybe yeah it's like I said every time we mail it's about $5,000 about yeah the same as that kind of kind of a yeah Distributing schools households may get multiple calendar so they may home students I think every year we try to brainstorm get back to the same place talking about um Miss Jackson I really appreciate the um goal to increase our membership in the will World subscribers and connect subscribers um is there any marketing or targeted projects surrounding that um that will make sure that wech that so marke inms SC and sign up make [Music] I am um and then my last question is about the first line on your slide about uring resents feel welcome yes um are there concerted efforts to reach out to new residents I know the um calendar gets mailed um but if someone Mes in in the middle of the year or something like that um the calendar really acts it's kind of like a welcome Guide to the community has trash days and all the that pertinent information in there but if you move mid year after those C have been mailed you don't get that unless so what are the efforts that are surrounding new residents sure apprciate that so we I use this word but it's not [Music] all right that's great and the the like printing of that gu is allance thank you thank you Miss Jackson Miss Jackson's presentation isre so that's what we're going to um do next is the manager's office and I ask Mr Lowry to make that presentation on my behalf all right good afternoon all um the to manager is the chief executive we all know that um oversees all the ordinances and resolutions policies make sure that those are enforced I should say next slide Sean please uh keep up with me um if you go to the next slide I want to say page number three um you'll see organizational chart for our office um Mr Harris is the township manager I'm the deputy manager M Carmichael is our executive Mr Harris's executive assistant and Ruby is the uh office next SL okay okay and 2024 we requested 3500 for awards news this year decreasing that to, 1500 um Sean if you can increase the size of the slides okay better keep going thank you um Awards and dues we're bringing that to 1500 this is for participating organizations staff recognition um travel expense last year prested 75 $725 to share requesting 2500 um this will cover the link of municipalities travel travel to various um conferences sessions Summits that happen throughout the year um I think there's an interest for next year for Miss Carmichael to attend j conference it is it's in another stre um she is our um our gifar if you will um so we're allocating 2500 to vet um Township manager Office Supplies uh last year we requested 800 uh $50 this year we're bring that down to $600 we use this line for Budget prep creating ERS that presented to the council dur budg pre and various other office training we're leaving that consistent at 5,500 um this is for us to pursue various professional development uh training um I am particularly interested in the CPM course um and there's other certifications that are available um for our staff and other training opportunities um this year I went to a few ja participated a training Mr Harris also participated with one um my training was covered because of I have a close relationship with the president of the organization but she said Don't expect that 2 office equipment for this year um we cut that at z um Township manager contractual last year was 3,825 we added some um more technological components to our office we have dran monday.com um there's the AI solution that we have so during all of our meetings we have ai co-pilot that takes all of our notes I'm sure we can incorporate that some way that would help the F's office with their minutes yeah that's so actually the as you can see the transcription um that happens during our meetings in the cler take that transcription and use that to to do minutes have to clean it up a littleit and to Mr Harris's Point Zoom does really well with the transcription a couple times will be some things that you have to clean up but is it does it do the summary like well ours does but Zoom doesn't do that with that transcript okay we'll talk um so yeah we're taking up $7,000 just to accommodate the new software that we've included Township manager mellus that was 3,200 um this year it's 14,000 because we're added 10,000 for the tree Ling into this budget um and our request is it's an additional $13,500 um but again that's because of the uh inclusion of the tree lighting into this budget and there is the increase in travel and that is a total request of $31,100 but again that's decorating so last year it was kind of encompassed under the communications and I wanted to pull that out from underneath Communications and that was just the the location that that we had placed it it's actually going to transition as part of the community events or I mean you know it's the tree lighting but with the decorating the buildings is that like grounds yeah buildings and know it it just it just misrepresents like what's happening in manager there but um okay and question that I have oh in terms of training given that we have um like that's the Executive Suite uh in the township manager Office $5,500 adequate in terms of being able to spread out training opportunities for the Department it is it is adequate um yes in my opinion it is and that would cover a training for everyone in your in the manager's office not just your professional development okay uh so thank you very much Mr Mr lry and one of the things that I that I wanted to um impress with these budgets although each department came and presented their budgets individually you know we are going through a a restructuring process and a lot of these IND visual components will be pressed or merged together into the respective overall departments when changes come and uh Miss digs and I were going to be working um uh in tandem over the next couple of months to to restructure the budget to restructure departments um uh getting new departmental line items and bringing all of these little individual components under their new umbrella or new home I guess you would say um as you were talking I just went to see how how much the training cost and it looks like the CPM class is $4,100 um so if you one if you or any one person did the did that class this year I know it's been a conversation over several years with different people interested um it doesn't leave you much money left for any other uh training so are you anticipating not much I anticipate Mr L to go into the CP classes no it wasn't my question question was was more specifically in general because we're talking about training for the whole department so that's why I was I was asking okay thank you I do most most training courses five6 700 no understood understood but for the past at least two years have been conversations about multiple people going into that CPM class so that's why if we to pull if somebody does get to go that $4,100 being pulled out it doesn't leave much left after that so that's why I was I was not saying class mindful of of theost okay thank you uh and last on our agenda was the presentation from the clerk's office and I do not have any budget information from them um so I don't know how the council wants to proceed with that because technically the clerk's office is not a department um and but we would need their their numbers to um collaborate put together the the structure or the budget for [Music] [Music] 2020 all right M do you have any prounce um for office or anything do you have I just ask yeah yeah um before hold on before we go to public comment um Mr Harris I think um you know your team did a great job job with their presentations um just for next year if we can get a consistent form um with the presentations there were you know some differences between how different departments use the template that was provided um and it got a little confusing switching between departments so if we can get something standard across the board and I will I will apologize for that um it's because because did Supply them with the templates I supplied them with the street the sheets I supplied them with the instructions month ago but I also would allow them an opportunity to um to compile all of their stuff and get it to me in a very short window of time between then and now so some of the stuff I didn't actually lay eyes on until earlier this week um and then it was a little late to adjust so I will work on that for next year to uh make sure that everyone really understands what the assignment is uh even though it was presented to them many times over don't create your own don't adjust this is the template use it but while we're on the I'm sorry while we're on the subject of template um I request that we reconsider the template um just for the size and you know size of the font to be mindful of that and also um in PowerPoint you can embed you know tables so that we're not trying to do quick math and stuff it's just calculated in show the differences that may be helpful and maybe you know working on that separate not this budget time but like you know and during another time of the year and lock in on a template um I would I would appreciate that that would be helpful um and then also I think we need more time um for the presentations nobody likes long meeting but I would like for us to be able to start with understanding the smart goals at a high level just you know what the goals are how it connects to the Strategic plan and then go into the numbers so it doesn't feel as transactional um I think it's just great to you know just to tie that back together so we may need more time um especially for the larger departments I think that's something that we can appreciate and it brings the community back in so that they can see like well we're asking for more money or you know but this is why and how we're bettering things um so I think that could be really helpful and are you prepared to present the clerk's budget um well I wasn't really told what this would look like I can go line item by line line item um of what I'm asking for I have no problem doing that but I didn't prepare a PowerPoint or anything like that do you have something for councel do you have a follow but I have some cop it's only the two coun mayor told me she this is the format one yes at this time we'll open it up for public comment please um use your raise your hand feature to be recognize and then state your name and address for the record you will have 4 minutes for public comment at this time public comment is now open Sean if you could help us to uh navigate public comment yes ma'am um I do see Callin listener ending in 7297 good afternoon Council good afternoon Miss Mac hi I'm glad I finally got through today to you um I hope you well I have to say first of all I appreciate you're taking the time to explain all of this process to it address please excuse me oh 70 Maple wi clean I'm sorry no worries thank you I'm I'm having trouble the sound system is not good so if I say I can't figure out what you're saying that's why sorry about that and maybe Sean will correct it for the next time we do this um at any rate I'm wondering if there are any hard copies available of the proposed budget for the public because there were certain um areas that I couldn't quite put it all together I couldn't hear really uh on the library presentation and I would have liked to have heard more on uh riva's Pro um um presentation today it was just my fault that I could not hear that and the other is that um public uh information officer are those um copies available to the public or not yet and um I think that's all I have to say thank you thank you Miss Mac we'll answer all the questions at the end of public comment thank you for calling in so all these presentations will be compiled and put on the website for the public to access after today thank you any other public comment uh not at this time okay seeing that there's no other public comment public comment is now closed and miss Ma I'm not sure if you heard Mr Harris he did say that the the presentations will be available online and hard copies will be available hard copies will always be available if she wants a hard copy print out print her out print her out a hard copy okay Miss Max special delivery just for you we're going to have a hard copy thanks so much for participated at this time we're going to uh move on to uh the clerk's office to hear their requests for Budget okay so I'm just gonna go line line line item by line item up just a little more sorry yeah of course so uh the first line I am I have is a Bo to do um last year um we appropriated $100 but we spent $370 this year I'm putting in a request for $900 the $900 is for the inclusion of iimc which we previously didn't join but I'm a part of um Samantha's going to be part of it uh it includes the municipal clerk Association uh and the county clerk Association so because we're belonging to an association um both Samantha and I have to maintain our RMC certifications um we need more money in the budget for those associations we both have to maintain our cus uh the next thing I have is travel expenses uh last year we appropriated $500 um spent $476 but that's taking into account that nobody was here to go to the municipal Clark Association event in April um and I will be going to the league municipalities in the fall next week so I'm requesting an increase of $1,500 um clerk office supplies last year we budgeted $0 and we spent $670 so I didn't think it was appropriate to keep it at Z so I'm going to put in the budget $3,000 I don't necessarily expect to be spending $3,000 on supplies because we all full supplies but I'm just trying to give myself flexibility taking into account there's a tax levy cap and a budget cap I just want to make sure that we're budgeting appropriately for my department and taking expenditures and the cost of living the account uh so the next item is is um printing uh last year we budgeted $3,000 and we spent $3,088 since I've been here I haven't really spent anything on printing so I don't know what that the cost was for that um what exactly went into that I'm thinking dog licenses which would have been procured before I started here so so I'm going to try to leave that line item flat again I haven't seen the need for it um oh yeah if you could look into that before share what your request Isa to that um the only thing I think I I put an increase in for um the no knock stickers excuse me the no knock stickers I I think there was a a good cost for that so that could be part of the printing cost but I will look into that further um for advertising last year we budgeted $7,000 to well I should say today to the date of this report which is dated November 1st we we had only spended spent $4,840 um advertising gets kind of tricky because some years you do more ordinances than you do others uh some years you do more meetings than you do others so I I I I do I I I do want to increase the cost for advertising a little bit just to keep up with the cost of living um just to give us the flexibility if we need to I would like to appropriate $7,500 if I could um the big ticket cost that I'm going to ask for uh is in training and education education and training is very important to me um some of you may or may not know I recently got accepted interrupts for a masters in human resource management I do know we have it on the books a tuition reimbursement plan I would look like to put into the budget $266,500 um last year we only budgeted $1,000 but we didn't really have anybody in position that wanted to do training um my big focus is succession planning and making sure we have people in place um and have a succession plan just in case somebody Le at some point in time um so my big ticket ask would be $26,500 um I I know it's it's a lot at point in time but my education means a lot to me I'm asking for it you can deny it like that's fine I'm fine so this is for your personal master program training in the office this is well this is to include it's to include to include $155,000 a year for my Master's program because we have two tuition reimbursement but there are other professional certifications that are taking into account for example Samantha has has expressed any interest in doing the qpa program Donald let me just take a step back I'm not saying names certain people in my office have expressed a desire to pursue certain certifications in certain education um certain certifications and this takes those this takes into account a TPA program a registered Municipal CL uh certification a planning zoning certification uh presently there's nobody in my office besides myself has the planning zoning certification believe I'm the only other person in town hall who went through public okay um I think it would be a good idea that we have that in place to make sure that our people are not informed but they're they're well trained they're well educated within their realm of responsibilities um if it's too much it's too much um the other thing moving on office equipment I'm putting into the budget 20 last year we put into the budget $2,000 um I would like to purchase a monitor in a docking station that I can take home with me um I often find myself working from home um even on weekends and nights it would be helpful when I go to do minutes when I go to do just random stuff having a second monitor having a docking the station would be helpful um again this is a want this isn't necessarily A need but it's only going to help me assist the township and getting all the work done because I I do find myself working a lot on night and weekends the next thing is contractual obligations I'm not putting anything in as of yet last year we budgeted 56,000 almost $57,000 but we only spend $20,000 so I'm going to have to look into that a little bit more because it's there's a large gap there and I want to figure out if there's any invoices we have that are outstanding because $30,000 is a big difference from one year to the next and I might think be my um but so I'm going to hold the line on that for that reason um I don't seecas it nothing's come up yet the next thing is equipment repair um last year we budgeted 0 um that doesn't seem right and it seems like we didn't spend any money on it either um I wanted to put $2,000 in the budget because I know there's certain equipment in my office that other departments use um for example um the machine I'm not sure where that contract is under that's Encompass on finance it is okay I wasn't sure because a lot of times it's located in the back but that's not your Department's equipment that's the Township's postage machine so it's covered under our general okay operating so I would still like to budget $22,000 only because for example the um the call buttons weuse for election day those we lost some somebody took one of our call buttons from one of our calling locations but those aren't cheap and we have the budget for those I am looking at cons possibly for next year consolida calling location so I might not need to buy another one per se but I just want to make sure I'm preparing in case I do because if we lose another an issue and call buttons prevent you from being sued for Ada violations and say for example the in a parking lot is not right as long as they can hit the call button it it absolves you the responsibility for that um but if we don't have those call buttons we can get in trouble and you have an adaa violation if somebody chooses to sue us so I just want to make sure I'm budgeting again it doesn't necessarily mean I'm spending I'm just budgeting and then my final line item is just miscellane it's miscellaneous um it's miscellaneous last year we budgeted $1,500 um this year I'd like to budget $1,000 um although we did spend 2500 um I'm going to have to look back I'm gonna have to look at that item I don't know what that is I should know what that is my apolog seconder okay but some of the numbers are a little different I would go I would go with I first so why don't we just take a step back Mr fa and perhaps um Once you pull together the information and you're prepared for the budget presentation you can have your slides together that and then whatever final copy of your request so that it's all together and it's the most current information and we can send that out to the whole counsel so we can have that and I know and then we'll share you know share Mr Paul can can y'all hear me yes yes so as I'm listening to the meeting I'm going to be I'm going to be straightforward I'm a little disappointed um because we the clerk's office was not prepared for this meeting you walked into the meeting at the last minute and you're just flying by the seat of your pants on this presentation so that is very disappointing for us and for the residents who are on you know waiting to hear a thorough report such as the other departments so to the point of Dr worthy um I fully support you're taking the time putting uh together a cohesive budget that makes sense all right all of the training and the training dollars cannot be focused on job roles or training or education that's outside of your role as the clerk so in listening to what you wanted for training I understand it but at the same time I cannot support you going and us paying for HR um management classes and it's not part of your job role the purpose of that training budget is to enhance those within the department making sure they're doing uh the roles of that department to the best of their ability so I'm going to request that you you know take the time go through this and you know make sure when it comes to training you have identified what courses what education you would like to see the employees get within that department and let us know through those training classes what tractors that put them on for advancement within the department thank you thank you man all in favor Deputy Mayor oh no he's there Deputy Mayor you're muted all in are you in favor of Y I'm I'm in I'm in favor rightone