what e all right it's 7 o'clock welcome everyone Mr B okay councilwoman Rachel Peron uh Rebecca oh I'm so sorry I did that people do it all the time I don't know people always start the meeting right it's okay councilwoman Samantha Whitfield present councilwoman Dr Tiffany worthy present Deputy Mayor Nat Anderson presid mayor mayor K Macintosh K I always call you mayor in my I know okay everybody why they always is our is Reverend Middleton here today oh hello hello how are you come up here dearly father thank you so much for a wonderful town Lord to be in I thank you so much for this area and every single Council one and C woman on our team here Lord I pray that you just continue to bring safety to this area Lord I pray that we as we come together tonight I pray that you just be your presence we be here and help us to make good decisions in all that we're doing and Lord to bring safety and Lord just our educational programs in every area Lord I pray just continue to bless it thank you so much for every person I know Mr Anderson a little a little bit better but I thank you so much for all of them and Lord what a wonderful work they're doing here help us to continue go doing that going forward from you name amen amen thank you thank you re Reverend philli Middleton from Calvary Bible Baptist church thank you so much all right give the flag salute aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all notice with provided to the Burlington County Times Trenton Times and Philadelphia inquir stating the date time and to the extent the agenda was known in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act additionally notice was posted on the bulletin board the township website and a copy was filed in the office of the Township Clerk thank you all right we have a couple of proclamations today Deputy Mayor would you do the honors of doing the Willingboro recreational competition cheerleading team yes mayor this font couldn't be any smaller so if I struggle just bear with me where's your glasses Proclamation and recognition of Willingboro recreational competition cheerleading team whereas the Willingboro recreational cheerleading team has shown extraordinary dedication perseverance and unwavering Spirit throughout the 2023 2024 season bringing immense Pride to our community and whereas the Willingboro recreational cheerleading organization established in 1985 has a rich history with the leadership of former chair commissioner Tanya Rogers until 2006 and subsequently coach Lori Wilson and Mia Patterson who have continued her vision the program has continued to thrive and former cheerleaders who have gone through the program have become some of the current cheer coaches and whereas the program provides a family oriented environment where athletes learn teamwork communication positive social interactions precision and cheerleading techniques and whereas the Willingboro senior Diamond level two team closed out their season by winning first place at 10 of 11 competitions that particip they participated in and second place at the Spirit brand National Championship narrowly missing first place by 03 points and whereas the Willingboro youth stars level one team concluded their season with first place victories at nine of their 11 competitions and whereas the recreational competition team traveled to Atlanta Georgia to compete at the Nationals where they were placed into the All-Star division due to a lack of teams and the wreck Division and despite their initial uncertainty they were crowned first place winners in both the youth level one and senior level two divisions and whereas at the 20124 Beast of the East competition both teams qualifi for the grand championship by winning Grand championships at various Spirit brand events with the senior level two team winning the grand title out of all the rec teams and whereas throughout the final competition weekend both teams won first place each day and took home Grand champions again with the senior level two team being crowned beast of the east by scoring a 96 point6 the highest score of all teams at the event whereas we are extremely proud of the following athletes representing Willingboro with such Grace and Excellence Mila Harris joyful West Caris mcream Ariana Davidson Alana desper Jana Holmes Mila bullins Kila nms azori still Elias Stills jaia white n King Autumn unique milin Dixon Abby buut yel McCulla Nadia Chisum Malia Malia L Amaya Howard Parker mccan Maya Smith maaa Brown Deja beler Raven Lester Charlie Hill Aviana Grant Ava Howard Taylor Damon Ryland Johnson Naomi Hicks and Kayla Lawson and whereas the Willingboro cheerleading team triumphs continue to transcend mere victories symbolizing the indomitable spirit and unity that Define our Township by overcoming challenges and using the obstacles as fuel to achieve their remarkable successes now therefore be it resolved that I mayor K T McIntosh along with the Willing bro Township Council and the community do hereby recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of the Willingboro recreational cheerleading team for the 2023 2024 season and extend our deepest gratitude to The Talented team members their dedicated coaches and the supportive Village for bringing this year this honor yet again to Willingboro you have shown that through hard work and determination Anything is Possible the entire Community is behind you and share in your joy and pride for capturing multiple wins congratulation and go borrow Pride signed mayor K T McIntosh and I believe our winners just walked in so we just want to acknowledge them and let them know that we are so proud yeah I'm G to bring them up and get pictures real quick y'all come up let's see yeah all right very good can you come up in the middle no here we go you can still run and get it he was commenting on my name plate a proclamation for you um Miss Lori and then we will have some um ones for each and every um of our Champions councilwoman Whitfield would you do the honors for the juneth proclamation absolutely mayor it would be my pleasure thank you Proclamation and recognition and celebration of the juneth holiday whereas juneth a combination of June and 19th also known as Freedom Day Jubilee Day Liberation day and emancipation day is a significant day in American history and whereas on June 19th 1865 Union general Gordon Granger arrived in galeston Texas and announced the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of all enslaved African-Americans more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln and whereas on June 19th 1866 marked the first official juneth celebrations which took place in Texas and has continued across the United States for over 150 years making it the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery and whereas Jun serves as a powerful reminder of resilience courage and determination of African-Americans who fought for freedom and equality and it acknowledges the historical injustices and systematic racism that have shaped the African-American experience and whereas juneth is an opportunity to celebrate African-American culture Heritage and contributions to our nation recognizing the significant achievements and enduring Legacy of African-Americans in every aspect of American life including education business science arts and public service and whereas the observance of juneth provides an important occasion for all citizens to reflect on the meaning of freedom to educate ourselves about our shared history and to recommit to eliminating the ongoing struggle for justice and equality for all and whereas it is vital that we promote understanding respect and unity among all communities fostering a society where every individual is treated with dignity and afforded equal opportunities now therefore be it resolved Maya mayor K T Macintosh along with the Willingboro Township Council and Willingboro Community do hereby recognize and celebrate June 19th 2024 as juneth we encourage all residents to join in commemorating this historic day participating in educational and cultural events and continuing to work towards a more just and Equitable Society for all thank you councilman Whitfield thank you mayor moving on to the manager Municipal updates thank you for sitting in thank you for stepping in for Mr Harris of course um again good morning excuse me good afternoon evening uh mayor Deputy Mayor look at me starting off wrong already been here all day all day it's been a long day um I just want to say thank you for entrusting me with the responsibilities of uh Township manager acting Township manager Within These past week in the coming days until Mr Harris's return um it's been a fulfilling yet interesting uh couple weeks week or so um but I wouldn't have it any other way um before I get on into our update I'm just gonna ask Miss Jackson to um come up and talk about some of the upcoming events in town um and then right after that Mr O'Brien is going to discuss uh the cyber security grants um that are related to a couple of the ordinances excuse me the couple of the resolutions that are on the agenda okay good evening mayor Deputy Mayor members of councils and all in attendance uh in preparation for next couple weeks we are in preparation for the first Heatwave of the season please be advised that the Country Club pool will be open and develop to Res residents daily from from 11: to 5: beginning on Saturday June 22nd for more information regarding that you may contact the recreation and parks department directly and for those residents in our senior population the Burlington County Office on Aging is offering fans to seniors in need so for those who are interested may call 69265 569 for more information regarding getting fans on that note we do want to let you know that our library will be closing at 2:00 until further notice we think about mid July while the issue with the air conditioning unit is being resolved so we want to keep that um in front of you and also let you know that the Reva Foster senior Cent will be closed tomorrow June 18th to accommodate a internal cleaning and maintenance they do have air condition but they are um cleaning some rugs and stuff so they will be closed tomorrow June 19th I'm sorry we want to thank everyone who attended last Thursday's cona with the cop and Saturday's Jun teth event both events were well attended full of fun and fellowship and we want to thank the police department and the recreation and parks department for respectively leading those two initiatives have a good time at both of them unfortunately we did have to cancel last Friday's live music concert due to a thunderstorm but all are welcome to the next one weather permitting which will be held on Friday June 28th again that will start at 7 o'clock at the amphitheater and the lovely Lazelle will be our special guest for that performance our next B big event will be on Saturday July 20th we're so excited about a burough barbecue which will be held from noon until 3:00 at M Creek Park we're planning the afternoon of barbecue fun and festivities offering hamburgers and hot dogs while supplies last and inviting families to come with their barbecue sides chairs blankets whatever you need to have a good time we have a DJ some line dancing um with Kenny J uh kickball and um any and we're also interested in seeing people play a good game of um Spades yes so we're looking forward to that going to be a great event so we hoping that everyone will come out and be a part of that on our Jazz Fest will be held on August 17th so stay tuned for more information and we will also be having August 11th I'm sorry our Jazz F sorry I'll repeat that to make sure we're clear our Jazz Fest will be held on Sunday August 11 that's what I get for coming up here with putting on my glasses okay so stay tuned for more information and then uh the back to school Wellness Fair will be on Saturday August 17 okay so these um a summer mailer has been sent to some to some and will be sent to All residents over the next couple weeks I think some parks have received them some have not but everybody should be getting one and if you do not receive one we do have them here at the municipal complex or you can call my office at 69877 2200 extension 1178 and we'll make sure that everyone has that on a final note the application deadline for the Youth fire academy has ended we still have a few spots for our youth police academy and that deadline is next Friday June 28th so um make a note of that we also have the stop to bleed courses on the second Saturday and third Thursday of each month these courses are hosted by our Willingboro fire department and in addition to hosting a special fraud presentation for our seniors the police department will also be hosting a n number of active shooting preparedness seminars for houses of worship so we want to encourage our um area churches and congregations to take advantage of this opportunity the first session will be held on next Thursday from 6: to 8:00 pm as always this information can be found on our website our social media platform's YouTube channel and by subscribing to a willing bro weekly thank you so much I have a quick question for um in terms of the polls you said 11 to5 um 11 to 7 okay okay we have swim lessons okay okay thank you I want do okay thank you very much okay all right Mr O'Brien if you can start your presentation I'd just ask that you limit it to five minutes or less uh absolutely let me share my screen okay uh good evening mayor council residents of Willingboro my name is sha o'briant from the IT department I won't take up too much of your time but I like to introduce the NJ KCK a solution along with the Cyber incidents response plan so the first question you might ask is what is this program uh so basically the state has awarded willing bro Township funding to purchase their crowd strike endpoint detection and response solution as part of the state and local cyber security grant program Crow strike is one of the global cyber security industry leaders and device protection it prevents breaches ransomware uh cyber attacks and more Willingboro is one of the few organizations to be eligible and fortunate enough to be awarded this grant with over a hundred other enti on the waiting list all right so why should we accept this grant it's a cloud native infrastructure that alleviates time and hardship of deployment it uses advanced intelligence uh to prevent attacks from happening it scans devices for common vulnerabilities and exposures uh it also provides Around the Clock monitoring and Remediation it's becoming more common that hackers are attacking off peak hours and during holidays they believe devices and networks are more at risk during those times they also provide training and support with a technical account manager so on this slide I just wanted to highlight the financial savings that will'll receive uh the first uh first of all the state staggers out the out- of-pocket expenses each year starting at no cost for year one uh year two will be responsible for 2008 800 I mean $2,280 year three would be $3,420 uh year four would be $4,560 and the grant total for four years is $1,260 the state will be spending $ 37,3 40 out of their pockets it's unknown what will happen after the four-year agreement at this time but the state will continue to look for funding to continue this program um so on this slide just general questions like how will this change operations uh nothing significant will change from the end users's experience the agent will run on all devices and won't hinder any performance uh confidentiality and information sharing crowd strike in the state will provide will protect confidential information and any information that's collected is anonymous and it can't bre be open requested or summoned in federal court crowd strike is fed ramp certified which is one of the highest security assessments taken for online services and platforms and how are the machines being protected now uh we use software that is sufficient but not compliant with uh current cyber insurance requirements using Crow strike EDR and ndr will reduce deductibles uh other anti- malware Solutions depend on on malicious files having a signature or something already defined for detection Crow strike uh uses Behavior detection that prevents zero day attacks from occurring so the Cyber incidence response plan is a policy that will Define our methods for tracking uh responding to Technology based security incidents responding quickly and effectively to an incident is critical to minimizing the spread of the in uh and or the business's Financial legal or reputational impact our plan includes the following phases which are expounded upon in detail uh detection reporting and Analysis uh legal forensics uh containment eradication and recovery and uh public relations and post incident review so that concludes my presentation and uh thank you for your time all right thank you and Mr uh O'Brien's presentation is directly related to resolutions 156 and 157 um so for the interest of time I'm not going to go over word for word my entire manager's update uh but for the interest of the public the update will be available online on the website tomorrow um for those that don't have access to Internet feel free to call my office and we can provide that uh to you um so to start off uh psng uh PSG uh is using our lot across from the DPW Yard uh for staging um today they began Paving that area um where they'll be you know using that so um and then pscg also began uh me milling and Paving Front Street yesterday curb to curb that was a part of their um gas m placement program um for engineering um as a part of our segment for Road Project asphalt Earl asphalt began concrete work back in May uh on the 20th um so moving forward on or around July 1st they'll begin the Milling in overlay on the following roads Garden Brook Clear Water Drive Primrose Lane Pastoral Lane Montclair Moss Hill montro Cedric Lane and heel Wood Circle so those roads will be getting milled and repave on July 1st um they will not be working on July 4th but they'll resume their work on July 4th uh excuse me on July 5th um residents in those areas will be notified um with mailers door hangers and they'll receive those Communications from the contractor we'll also make sure that that information is available via our website and social media um Penny Packer pool um we are experiencing leakage at the pool um there was a gap repair that was completed last month month um but further testing revealed that there um continued to be leaks where they found where they repaired um but the contractors went back in to repair that portion that was repaired um in that testing they found that there was additional leakage um there's about a 15 foot structural crack at the floor of the pool um per penon and the contractors uh streamline pool profession um that crack can be repaired in 2 hours for about $550 um they do recommend additional um investigation to figure out if there's any other leaks in the pool um there is um leakage around the return line that's in the pool um it's leaking into the gutter um and that would have to be the pool would have to be drained just below the gutter to allow welding to be repaired um we did receive proposals for that I believe I shared that with the council um today um in the Microsoft teams um so it's not likely that we'll have those repairs completed by this Saturday it could be potentially done by the 29th but I suspect within the first week um of July um if the governing body wants to move forward with having that Pool opened um CME plans to working on bro Park um next Monday notices will go to those uh homes in that area as well just as an FYI and then General notices will be sent uh to the public via social media and on our website as a note we did um transition well we are transitioning back to the state health benefit plan on August 1st um open enrollment uh information sessions uh were last week there were four sessions over two days um the open enrollment period the special open enrollment period officially opened yesterday um it has seemed to be pretty seamless among active employees however um retirees and uh the library staff have been encountering some issues um with with um selecting their coverages uh selecting their benefit packages um we have reached out we've been reaching out to the state for answers and trying to figure out what's the holdup why these folks can't select their plans um the guidance from the state has been they should call the call center um they haven't been quick with responses um so I mean there's not much that we can do we don't really have the agency to uh impact or move the ball along as we do in a self-funded plan but as we are to the you know to the whs of the State Health Benefit Plan so folks that are experiencing those troubles mainly the retirees um they're just encouraged to call the call center up so um beyond that those are just other departmental updates that will be available online um and that's my update I have a couple um what mode of communications are we doing for the road closures how are we in um informing residents that there's going to be some closures um anything that's happening now with PNG I know some roads are closed and residents are a little upset that they're not made aware prior you know prior to go so they know when they're going to work or school so psng before there's road closures we usually ask that 72 hours before 48 to 72 hours before that they inform the residents with a letter um that will go to their homes um and we we tend to see those letters before they get get sent out okay um and then the their public person their public relations folks um they coordinate with Miss Jackson and she over she overlooks those letters they get sent to their residents um and then we also uh give that information on social media and our uh Facebook accounts so from the from the township standpoint we put it out on the social media and website um the psng they will put those letters at the homes um and the knockers and things that that all right and just make we just make sure that's happening councilwoman with ph um Mr L would it be possible to send an alert through the app as well of the road closures just as another way to cover our basis absolutely thank you yep and are there any are there any um answers you need from the council regarding the pool that you do you need anything today uh preferably by the end of the week I would say um I'm not sure if well yes yes essentially yeah throw you Al yeah we we would like some sort of guidance in terms of how we want to move forward um I know through just conversation um if it's going to take weeks or months then you know there's no Reas no reason to open the pool but right the pool's open but the pool this the Country Club pool Country Club pool is open Penny Packer um is the one that's experiencing the leakage okay um we're also still investigating the altern alternatives to um open the splash um pad um that might be a longer process um that that work wouldn't be able to begin until July um but the pool itself um with the 15 foot crack they say it can be fixed in two hours for $550 say that they can do further detection which will cost between 15 to $2,500 again these are just all heard before okay um so right yeah we would we look some sort of decision or guidance this week goad worthy um Mr Lowry and maybe Miss Balden might have this answer but I was curious the impact of closing like if the pool doesn't open in terms of the the bath load of um Country Club how will that impact that could we still have a successful summer or would it mean um a tremendous number of residents aren't going to be able to have access just because of the the load I'll let Miss Balon come speak to that um but we will there's a lot of um lessons that would potentially have to be canceled because of that okay um other Aquatic classes that we have that would just you know Fall by the wayside because of the lo I will I'll let you goad correct yeah so um the impact would be huge because we do have um a lot of lessons that happen at Penny Packer pool as well as we also have camps that are around that also bring their children to the pool um we have our own camp we use Country Club but we kind of have to split it between the pools because the amount of people and then if we're just having one pool the volume at Country Club is going to be significant so it would definitely have a significant impact I do understand the financial implication but definitely it will be impact to us this summer thank you I appreciate right so I think we have to move forward I mean for me and everybody else can put their opinion in but I guess we have to move forward with the repairs however I still want to keep an eye on it because we still can't throw all the money into into keeping a pool open for three months um so hopefully these repairs are adequate no I'm hope I'm at Hope because I don't have the confidence that it is but I do want to make sure that we keep an eye on it because we're not you know outside of the the waste we don't want to waste water chlorine right um and want to make sure the pool is safe um so do you you need a motion what you need M Madam mayor go ahead um I believe he said he didn't have a time frame on how long it would take to repair and so forth for the spray park specific well I know the spray park it's a different situation but for the pool itself the 15t crack can be repaired um their communication was at our earliest convenience um it will only take two hours and $550 so when can we when with that being said when can we have this up and running the pool if that is the case if that is the their commitment was that they could still have it open by the 29th again I'm a little more conservative I would expect maybe the first week of July or so um being realistic next Saturday two Saturdays from now okay um we just don't want to go into mid July and at a certain point it's a lost cause I would expect just based on their Communications that we could be open the 29th or the weekend after and just for clarification this is just the pool this is not the spray park this is just the pool the spray park that's going to be a whole different that's a okay yeah all right I make a motion to move forward with the repairs of the penny Packer pool that's not to exceed what $550 or not to exceed so that would just be for the 15 foot crack but then there's also the welding aspect that needs to be done and the other so what's the total yeah because this just has the 550 we gonna hold you to the two [Laughter] weeks uh so there's a diagnostic test that can be performed during the season um and can be scheduled to accommodate the Township's hours of operation that's estimated between 15 to 2500 um that's just beyond that's just if there's more cracks after they there's complete um but the 15ot crack is $550 that's what they estimated that should be um again they're they're they're recommending that we consider authorizing further Leak Detection okay not to exceed $4,000 total pairs got it copy any other discussion go ahead yes I also see that the return line is leaking into the gutter yep so even though they repaired a crack what's the fee for the return that's the welding portion that I spoke about um it seems like we need to address that that's the part that would be within the 15 to $2,500 right but just reading the way this is written um the pool would need to be drained below the gutter to allow a welding repair so it doesn't sound like it's optional sounds like it's a package deal along with the so along with the uh crack repair yes so what is no I'm saying what is the doll what is the dollar amount that we're she said not to exceed $4,000,000 okay yeah all right I just wanted to make sure that was any other discussion Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor I do want to just State for the record that the council asked penon to um evaluate our pools and assess our pools last year um so that we would be fully prepared for a timely opening of our pool this season um it's disappointing that they waited um to this point to begin to assessing and provide Solutions um continuing to have you know consequences for our residents and the amenities that we offer in willing Bor so I appreciate the work of the recreation department and the administration um staying on top of this with our engineers and I'm just very disappointed that here we are again uh ready to start the season and they have not um done what we've asked them to do in terms of taking care of our pools so that we can have um the splash park so that we can have access to Penny packer was the request um so I did want to just point that out as we're moving forward we're trying to remedy it now but we certainly had started this process well in advance and so it's just disappointing to be here again at the start of the PO pool season trying to fix this thank you Madame mayor thank you any other discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes you got your answer got my answer thank you all right and then can you just keep us updated the council the governing body updated on you know any concerns or issues we're having with the healthcare just so we're a breast of um what's going on yep again like I said so far it's been it seems to have been transitioning smoothly for active employees but the retirees are the ones that are encountering uh issues but yes absolutely I'll keep you're working towards resolution yep okay all right thank you any further questions com yes thank you Madame mayor I did want to just publicly thank our acting Township manager Mr Gary Lowry for his collaboration um and his diligence during this time um working in a different role I think it's so important with when you have the opportunity to gain perspective I think that even if it's just for a few days it helps you to be situated and when you go back to your role you'll have even more insightful questions and insight that you can offer um once our manager is back so I appreciate you stepping into that role as the acting manager and um I wish you the very best as we wrap up another week thank you my pleasure thank you anything else okay you can proceed all right so we'll begin with the ordinances um ordinance 24-10 is an yeah okay is the introduction of an ordinance that's amending the Township Code code to include a section related to applications for block parties uh we don't have a current we currently don't have a policy regarding block parties in the town um there's been residents that have reached out to ask how they could have a block party and what the process is and we don't have a process so we're just enter uh introducing this um to have it I don't see it in my packet but um ordinance 24-9 is uh the public hearing final adoption it's an ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter 297 entitled Signs by adding um updated definitions and permitting uh and permitted signage um removing of additional regulations regarding flashing and moving signage so we're just removing that part to allow uh new and modern signage in the township uh like LEDs and things of that nature uh resolution 24-1 155 is a resolution to support House of Representatives Bill hr40 at the commission to study and develop reparations proposals for African-Americans act resolution 156 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to indoctrinate the cyber security response plan um that's the plan that Mr o'briant just gave a presentation on excuse me I'm looking for the next one resolution 24-1 157 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to accept the memorandum of agreement for this New Jersey cyber security services again that is also part of the presentation that Mr O'Brien gave his presentation on resolution 24-1 158 is a resolution amending 24-40 authorizing an increase to the not to exceed amount for CME Associates for the provision of Consulting engineer Services uh to the township of Willingboro um this res this is a request to amend the resolution 24140 to include 2023 fair and open award to CME for Consulting engineer Services which include rodeo park project that commenced in 2023 CME did not include the full scope of the desired services at the time this amendment includes the contract execution and construction management phases and the updates to the capital line capital budget line uh to include the improvements to the municipal facilities so the last resolution didn't have the correct uh line item um budget line item and um they also didn't include their construction management uh phases in that proposal so we're just updating that uh resolution that yeah resolution to reflect resolution 24159 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to establish a not to exceed amount for environmental connections Incorporated for the provision of aist removal services for the Department of Public Works um this resolution will authorize the establishment of a not to exceed of of $1 6,867 for speci removal services um this is regarding the uh boilers over at the Kennedy Center resolution 24-1 160 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to establish a not to exceed amount for OTC of Burlington County for recycling carts for the Department of Public Works um Public Works obviously manages are overseas are recycling um so they're ordering additional recycling C carts to be available to the public um that not to exceed amount is $19,800 the next few resolutions will be um regarding performers at the uh JazzFest so 202462 is a resolution of the township of Willingboro authoriz authorizing a Prof Professional Services contract with duck and entertainment um representing Kendrick Family Soul um for music performance at the 2024 bingbo Jaz Fest resolution 24-1 163 is a resolution of the township authorizing Professional Services contract with Ducket Entertainment Group representing dwell for a music performance at the 2024 burrow willing burrow Jazz Festival resolution 24-1 164 is another resolution authorizing a Professional Services contract with Ducket Entertainment Group representing Kanye Doss for a music performance at uh the Willingboro jazz festival resolution 24-65 is a resolution of the township of Willingboro author authorizing a Professional Services contract with Ana strings LLC for a music performance at the Jazz Festival resolution 24-1 166 is a resolution of the township authorizing a Professional Services contract with sunny Productions representing arnetta Johnson for a musical performance at the 2024 jazz festival resolution 164-167 is a resolution authorizing uh approval of vouchers for payment and ratifications um it's the bill list uh for May for June excuse me there's one item on the bill list that we're going to be uh removing it's on page four and it is uh in reference [Music] to um a payment to think pavers and the amount of and the amount of $643 6480 um that is regarding a change order that was included in their contract um but there wasn't a change order resolution um that came before that so we're going to remove that and hold that one from the bill list um until we get that change order at the next meeting resolution 24-1 168 is a resolution granting an extension to premises permit and authorizing the Township Clerk to certify the same application um this is for an extension premises permit for 1911 smok house first Friday event for next month July and finally we have resolution 24-1 169 is a resolution authorizing overpayment of taxes that's all consideration thank you you and just for clarification are we amending 158 or that that was one resolution amend okay never mind I take that back Madame mayor I got a question um resolution 159 I know we mentioned the asbest uh removal you indicated JFK but it says removal services for the Department of Public Works and we have clarification here I think the I think it's just the way the title was worded just because Public Works is overseeing that project um I think that's just the way they wrote The Resolution but it's for the Theus removal at the JFK for the boilers um they're just overseeing the project yeah I think we wanted um clarification in the in the title for that one if it's not in the body I think yeah for and in our agenda meeting we indicated we wanted that clarified in the title okay how should we which number was that again 159 mayor in the title it says not to exceed amount for environmental connections Inc for the prision of aesus removal services for the Department of Public Works M yes so we want to change the um can we take out the P Department of work this is Center okay I see or then so I'll pull that one out we'll pull we'll pull that one out and address it then okay all right thank you m l moving on to public comment for agenda items only this is public comment for agenda item only there will be another public comment for other concerns but this is public comment for agenda items only you have two minutes please state your name and address for public comment public comment is now open yes is there anyone online Mr Johnson bless you you can come up after Gary Johnson 54 grammarcy Lane uh just a couple of nitpicking items on uh 24-9 on signs is that referencing textual signs only or could this be any kind of visual presentation cartoons videos what have you uh and the other question I have is on 24-16 I'm confused because it says to indoctrinate a cyber incident I'm not sure what it means to indoctrinate a an incident could you explain that to an olderly gentleman okay thank you Mr Johnson you have public comment for agenda item okay so we'll have another public comment um a little bit later quickly Miss back hi Jack FL Ma I just have a question concerning the jazz festival I didn't total up all of those um requests for 20,20 but it seems like it's over 70 I mean I did not specifically do could someone tell me do we take in enough money to cover that okay that seems a shame that we have to go outside our town and hire all these people to come in when we used to do it everybody wanted to play the jazz festival but just a question thank you thank you Miss Mack is there anyone online for public comment for agenda items uh yes Mayor Brown okay good evening everybody 78 executive Lane um I just have a comment what was the name Sharon Brown Sharon Brown audience audience 20 24-10 about um the block party if y'all do decide go forward with the block party can we make sure we have a committee organized to overse it and um 2024 164 um I'm glad that we have in the jazz festival I'm excited about that but why do we need fireworks at the Jazz Festival thank you did you hear her F did you hear Miss Brown's first question yeah okay thank you anyone else online uh not at this time man thank you so much public comment for agenda items is now closed um Mr Lori can you address the concerns of Mr Johnson sure mayor I also realized I didn't read 161 into the record would you like me to go back and do that before I oh okay yeah please do thank you you're welcome resolution 24-1 161 is a resolution of the township of willing bro authorizing the fireworks display by DM DNM fireworks for the 2024 jazz festival um those fireworks are usually purchased by Senator Singleton we're just voting now to accept them um okay thank you what would you like me to start Mr Johnson Mr Johnson um so Mr Johnson's uh comment about the signs um those will be textual text textural signs um yeah we won't necessarily be displaying any cartoons or anything like that umotion or emotions um they're just for texts displaying um fers things of that nature for the churches and other businesses that are in the area um the to indoctrinate um that's just another word to accept um and so yeah we're just it's just it's a strong word for except um so that yeah that's that's Mr Johnson yep all right Miss for Miss Mac the um how much total I didn't 62 625 yeah um in the question was do we bring in enough to cover that look at me like that it's yeah we budget for it at the beginning of the year I'm not sure if the Jazz f itself brings in that um yeah I'm not sure if the Jazz Fest itself brings in uh that amount I mean and it's part of what we would call Quality of Life correct cultural events yeah culture events okay 62,000 oh that's only for the entertainment that's all we pay for anyway is that for the entire budget I know we talked about the budget for jazz festival what is the entire budget for the jazz festival for this year I think we did if you don't what we budgeted yeah that's what I thought it's about 100,000 100 and we did not exceed did we exceed that or we so we're in we're in the we're R line with our budget we're within our budget I'm trying that's the question I'm trying to get out okay so that 60,000 is coming out of that reserved 100,000 correct okay um I do think with the question with the um I'm not sure if you want me to bring this up when we pull out the agenda pull out pull it out for our discussion okay I'll say it then then so you want me to pull out 161 yes just for an amendment okay all right and then for Miss Brown for just for the fireworks Senator Singleton covers that so there no cost to the township um that's what I was going to ask if you can word that in here because it doesn't say that it does say the township is um um you want me to wait to ask that we'll still pull it out okay so um just for Miss Mrs Brown will um Senator Singleton does cover those and has for has for for many years um so that this one we just have to authorize that we can use this company but um he covers the cost okay any ones we want to you say you want to pull out one 61 yes okay and then we're pulling out 155 for further discussion 159 asking councilwoman Whitfield okay and then 159 okay you can proceed with the ordinances okay I'm requesting Motion in a second uh to introduce ordinance 2024 [Music] T-10 so moveed move by councilwoman Whitfield and seconded by councilwoman worthy any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes yes okay now we're going to open the public hearing on ordinance 20249 um if anybody has any comment if they want to come [Music] forward okay with nobody coming forward I request a motion in a second to adopt so move second moved by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by councilwoman Worthy call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay okay and then we're done with the ordinances correct okay I make a motion for a consent agenda on resolutions 20241 156 through 158 resolution 2024 d160 resolution 2024 d162 through 169 second mov by mayor mcage seconded by Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes and I make a motion to approve the consent agenda as stated second the approval is moved by mayor Macintosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes woman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes all right we need a motion for resolution 20241 155 so moved second move by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman councilwoman Whitfield any further discussion this is on 155 yes um I brought the this resolution to council at our last meeting and I just wanted to thank Council for their support um in this resolution to support HR Bill 40 um the commission to study and develop reparations proposals for African-Americans act I think as we acknowledg juneth um tomorrow and as we celebrated over the weekend at our Festival on at mil Creek I think it's um important for us to do all that we can to continue um to fight for justice I just wanted to read a small excerpt um to help folks understand what this bill is um and uh it's a small excerpt from the resolution whereas in June in January 2023 house bill hr40 was introduced into the 118th Congress sponsored by Texas representative Sheila Jackson Lee with a purpose of the commission to study and develop reparations proposals for African-Americans act to address the fundamental Injustice cruelty brutality and inhumanity of slavery in the United States in the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposals for reparations for the institution of slavery its subsequent desure in and deao racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans and the impact of these forces on African-Americans to make recommendations to Congress on appropriate remedies for other purposes and the other part um is just a little bit on passage the passage of hr40 it will acknowledge compensate and repair redress and cease past and continuing harms flowing from the institution of chatt slavery Jim cor laws and generations of Ral racially discriminatory and exclusionary policies and practices including those resulting in mass incarceration and criminal criminalization of black people in the United States um and I spoke with the clerk and um we will be sending a sealed copy of this resolution to Senator Booker Senator Menendez representative Kim um Governor Murphy Senate President Nicholas SC screwy and assembly Majority Leader Craig coflin that was all I had May thank you councilwoman withfield thank you any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes we need a motion for resolution 2024 D1 159 so move second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson second and by counc woman worthy any further discussion yes go ahead yes I mean the way it reads it looks like the asbest services are being performed for the Department of Public Works when the work is actually being done over at the J AFK center for the boilers so I think if we just remove Public Works and indicate JFK M Mr clerk can we just um change that aestus removable Services just removed for the Department of Public Works correct but do you want to say for the JFK building build Bo at the at the JFK is after JFK building okay problem any other discussion okay roll call for for the amended version correct yes uh councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes I need a motion for res resolution 20241 161 so moved second everybody moved by councilwoman worthy seconded by councilwoman Peron fur any further discussion oh this is regarding 161 um I actually read it again so I'm okay as it reads I think it sounds fine initially I thought it said that we've contracted but we did just because of the insurance piece it doesn't mention any Financial Obligations that the township has um applied to this so therefore I don't think we necessar me to add um uh Troy Singleton's name to it so I think it reads fine as it as it is okay any other discussion go ahead uh thank you Madame mayor I just want to thank Senator Singleton for his con um cons consistent efforts to support willing burrow um and what he's doing for the fireworks I know that uh Miss Brown was asking why it is a quality of life issue or um it is uh for the amenities in our town and it's a wonderful end to the Jazz Fest so once the Jazz Fest is over and the sun's starting to go down um the fireworks go and it means it's time to go home like it's over the end guess the fireworks you're dismissed everyone go home but it's a really nice end um we don't do fireworks any other time of year in our town and so it's wonderful to be able to celebrate with the community at no C no additional cost to the township to have the the fireworks so I appreciate the question and the opportunity to thank uh Senator Singleton once again for this Year's fireworks thank you Madame mayor thank you Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay proceed the treasures report can I get a motion to adopt the treasurer's report there's there's no treasurer's report for this meeting oh apologies we to take okay um approval of the minutes um I will be providing the minutes for the next council meeting okay and then for my update when you're ready okay just a couple changes you might have noticed for this meeting um I changed the agenda format I'm going to change it moving forward just to make it a little bit easier for everybody to find the documents um in this meeting format um I've hyperlink the documents this way it's easier for the different department heads after the meeting when we sign the resolutions when we sign the ordinances they will simply log on the agenda and they will download it from that in addition I made the the URL link I made it a friendly Ur URL link uh the way it was previously it was kind of like it was a headache and now it's a little bit easier it's going to stay the same and it links right to zoom obviously there was no meet problems with the meeting people getting on the meeting I just want to change that move moving forward a couple other things um I'm proceeding with the shred event I will be reaching out to the vendor to schedule that probably for late August sometime and then finally for the next meeting we're going to put an ordinance on the agenda um for raffle and bingo licenses um I would like to streamline that streamline that in my department right now when somebody applies for a liquor or not a liquor license a raffle license uh they have to submit the application to my office and it goes through this process it's a very bureaucratic process and it takes between four to six weeks to get a raffle license approved if we adopt this ordinance we can we could approve it with within a week or two so it just makes it easier on the residents the organizations who do these raffle and bingo licenses so I would like to put that on for the next council meeting presuming you guys are good with that other than that I believe that's everything I have to report on for this meeting okay and just for clarifications the raffle then you would update us on whatever you I would make that part of my report my monthly report how many raffle licenses we've approved it's just to make life easier for the residents of the township businesses and the all the different organizations the nonprofits who utilize that as an opportunity to raise funds for their organizations okay Madame mayor yes um for you Edward um so the process will no longer come before Council so it takes it kind of streamlines it for us gives you the authority to do what you do as so many other clerks do throughout the state correct that is correct okay Madam yes yes Dr word um thank you Mr fault for um considering the shred event um I think it's an important event in the in the community to help us to really to keep safe and confidential documents get destroyed um and I just ask that you would please consider like what other events are going on around that time um when you're ready to do it so we can optimize you know Community use of of that shred event yeah I I I will work obviously with the recreation and all of you guys because you guys have a better institutional knowledge I'm still brand new so I know I don't know a lot of the stuff but I I I have my professionals I can work with okay no worries within Town Hall yeah okay thank you are there any thoughts um from the governing body on the new agenda any pros cons or anything else and are we okay with this going forward okay right so thank you of course all right okay so we'll be moving on to unfinished business are there any matters for unfinished business no are there any matters for new business um for new business from me I just wanted to make the governing body aware um that Dr worthy and I along with the manager's office are working through our reorganization um process restructuring um so we just want to let you know we are making some progress um we will provide uh Council the whole um proposal prior to introducing it um again this is just going through every Department making sure we're streamlining and that doesn't mean getting rid of anything just making sure that we're um operating more efficiently um in alignment with our strategy our strategic plan and the vision of Willingboro going forward so um that is happening now but we will keep everyone updated um prior to the introduction if there's any questions or any concerns you know feel free to reach out feel free um to inquire about any if you have any ideas on how you see um the different departments you know we're open to the conversation so I just wanted to make everyone aware that that was happening oh can I just say add to that um I also want to bring to your attention that um uh Mr L and I have been working on putting together the SOP for um events um as we discussed earlier in the year so that really is um at a more complete State and I'd like to email it to the rest of council just for your input and um see if there's anything that we should tweak um but so far and I am in the middle of planning events right now and we 've been utilizing it um in the way it is but if Canen it's not um finalized but I would like for the rest of council to take a look at it and see if there's anything that we might have missed or we can add to it thank you anything else for new business okay moving on to public comment this is public comment for any for any um concerns or input public comment is now open you have four minutes please state your name and address for the record public comment is now open hello ebony uh say address to yes oh 4 I got it Barker Lan Barker l so I have ebony who I'm sorry C cin okay I have three let me three concerns Public Works my main concern well it's two they both my main concerns but as far as cleaniness and sanitation I live right here on Van Scott going up into Charleston van JFK it meets right at chareston like right in between okay it's never clean it I just always look at it monitor I want to get out there myself and just clean it every time that I go go into my property because that area is never clean it's trash it's just always stuff in there as I'm doing my walk and I walk past the firehouse and up into that area where JF I mean Lev I say l CU it's it's it's clean and I'm and I I put I use the connect thank you for the connect because I like it but I the feedback from the public works is just to me is horrible and also the feedback for the potholes of where I live I asked about this every single year or however this same potholes and I say well is there any way we can get them filled I have to go over these potholes not just me I don't know if I'm the only resident concern but at this point I am and I'm like the feedback that I received we don't have resources there's many uh potholes in Willingboro that we're um handling right now and um we'll get to it when we can I've been talking about these Pooles since December it's June that's Public Works sorry about the hostility but um and as far as inspections I just just need clarity as far as inspection am as a as a resident am I always supposed to have to complain about something that is kind of don't sit well with me or is inspection supposed to kind of inspect I don't know if I'm being clear no I understand what you're saying like are is there something methodical I mean but we'll we'll answer it after yeah but take all the public comments so that's basically what I have that kind of grind my gears okay thank you Miss thank you we'll answer questions after we complete public comment is there anyone online uh yes Mayor [Music] Brown Miss Brown if you're talking we can't hear you you're on mute good afternoon everybody Sharon Brown at 78 executive Lane I want to give a shout out to Captain Buck about the new um Safety project program which I agree can we get a new update about the programing and the progress I would appreciate that and I am so glad about that yall going forward with the amendment for the reparation the making of the amendment for the wrong on his done on paying money to others I haven't heard any payment in the reparation Clause moving forward also I want to talk about also about the um the permanent speed sign that I that I was speaking about it's a permanent sign with ridus speed sign also cuse direct feedback and it also has a camera if we could have some place in certain areas where there's excessive traffic um I'm over here by Garfield East at the ele early elementary school when they pick up their kids they Zoom down my block like really a lot and I also had heard in the past future that there's a cop there's a cop assigned to each school um I would love to know when their presence is there as well and also idea again about speed bumps it's not only in the school area area where there's high speed we can also Implement speed bump and if the speed bump does is producing more water we can also Implement a drainage for that as well um also I I've spoken again about Shear Services if you have any more input about that I would appreciate that yes so I would also want to to ask if any on the anybody on the council interested in in a future plan of going to Washington also I wanted to talk about the the great app that we have the willberg Connect app I'm very proud of this app it's increased knowledge and it's proactive it gives a lot of information but there's also some resident there saying that it's misinformation it's sharing with the app is there a way we can include the footnote in the app where the resource come from so we don't have this rumor going around and mayam Macintosh I'm waiting for your call good night everybody okay thank you Miss Brown you're welcome anyone else online host uh yes mayor will [Music] Weston uh greetings Council yes this is William Weston from 44 Bosworth Lane I'm calling in instead of of being a member of the NAACP so I do want to thank you Council and councilwoman Whitfield for your open support of house bill hr40 and it's a step I mean we got a long way to go um you know to what Miss Brown was saying it's a bill that establishes the commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans so it seems to be uh the proposal be put forward um to find out what would be the reparations so it's just a long it's just one step in a long way to get actual repr rep rep reparations excuse me and coincidentally um we had our criminal justice meeting tonight uh you know because I would try to be there in person and we reviewed the first chapter of the new Jim Crow by Michelle Michelle Alexander um where the thought is that from slavery now we have to deal with mass enar duration but just the continued impact of that Legacy um so of course if anybody to join we are the third Thursday uh but thanks again Council for your support of the Bill thank you Mr Weston is there anyone else online um not at this time man okay thank you I'm sorry sorry mayor we have a Shirley d good evening everyone good evening I'm happy that you did not miss me I my hand was raised for quite some time uh I just have a few comments and concerns that I'd like to share with the group uh first of all I like to you know praise leadership of the township for the ongoing infrastructure projects that are taking place um it it really looks good in our town I know we still have a long way to go but I'd like to just thank you for the work that you are doing and also I want to praise our mayor for participation in seeking economic growth opportunities uh willenburg is long overdue a uh for that kind of uh participation for that kind of growth there's a couple of concerns that I have you someone on the council just mentioned a minute ago that you're going through a reorganization process I think if the council is going through reorganization I strongly encourage encourage you to consider reinstating okay the commission on ethics I think in uh in the world that we live in and uh with this a governing body there needs to be a commission on ethics so i' like you to consider as you reorganize as you reorganize uh to strongly consider that uh the next comment that I have to make is really an announcement uh it's an announcement about things that are going on at my church uh my church is located on the Boulevard and we strive to be a beacon okay in the community so I just like to announce two activities that are coming up next month in the month of July uh Vacation Bible School is July 8th through the 12th from 6: to 8:00 p.m. um this information will be posted okay on uh social media and uh if you know any young people or if there are parents listening to the meeting tonight um please consider participation in our vacation bible school and also during the month of uh July uh we're having a yard sale okay at the church and that yard sale will take place on July 20th okay 2024 starting at 9 o'clock in the morning to 2 in the afternoon uh tables they will be available and you can contact someone at the church you can also find additional information on social media now I know one of the things that I forgot to give is my name and address so again this is Shirley dillworth at Newport Lane and thank you and thank you for that all that you do for the community good night thank you Miss Dorth before you get off what church is is this Vacation Bible School uh Vacation Bible School is at Parkway Baptist Church thank you you're welcome all right is there anyone else uh yes mayor Terina Williams good evening um Terina Williams 8 botney Circle I want to say good evening mayor McIntosh Deputy Mayor Anderson councilwoman Whitfield councilwoman worthy Dr worthy and councilwoman Peron and resident and Community I wanted to say special thanks to um willing Police Department for hosting cone with a cop I called different um members of the community and they were greatly appreciative they're like what that's happening today thank you so much for letting me know they were very excited and when I saw pictures I was like wow where was all this when I was a child I really admire the fire department and the police department and of course the other departments that take the time to host such great activities for our youth and children um happy Jun team I'm so happy with the proclamation today and um Wanted to um let you know that on the following day June 20th will also be a special day it's World Refugee day for more details on this it's you can go to u n r e f u g e e s.org to find out how you can support there's also Adra A R A which stands for Adventist development and relief agency they have different projects for different M um relief um they're equivalent to yeah they're equivalent to the Red Cross um children The Children and Youth who may be looking for something fun to do or they may want to look into having a nice family trip as a that will not only be enjoyable but also be able to invest and helping to make a difference in so many different parts of the world trust me when I say um there's no Greater Joy than you can experience than to be able to give back to different people all around the world my mom and I went to Cuba we went also into to Haiti and the Dominican Republic where they um so um they were so appreciative but they have so little compared to so many people all over the world so um who compared to us I should say so please if you can um support in any way you can but thank you so much for everyone's dedicated service may God richly bless you Happy Jun team good job oh I was just saying um the manager is doing a good job we welcome Mr Harris when he comes up that meanwhile the deput is doing a wonderful job Miss yes this is BU Williams a piggyback of my daughter since I didn't Lo down and since I saw that I had more time I extended the phone to my mom but thank you everyone God bless you we'll announce our vacation bible school later as well but we we're still recommend commending that people log on for the health Workshop that takes place on Zoom every Tuesday um it's very informative the reversal of um diabetes there are a lot of techniques a lot of good poter to help us better manage diabetes or in some cases reverse it so we can live healthier lives thank you everyone God bless you keep up the good work Township man manage um mayor and Deputy Mayor and councel I just love willing Bor the wonderful job that you're all doing and how you love your community our community and how you're doing your best to make things better for all of us God bless you thank you Miss Williams is there anyone else for public comment seeing none public comment is now closed I need my host to confirm all right Mr lri um can we start with Miss um Ebony's uh complain concerns and complaints um the cleanliness on JFK in Charleston can we ensure that that stays that's not the only complaint we get on that area yeah can I just address her comments in the reverse yes go ahead okay I want to start off with um the in inspections um she noted that um she asked the question if if she's responsible for um sharing that information we absolutely always encourage our residents to share that information with us as they are our eyes and ears of course that is not their uh responsibility um we are working with our inspections uh team and our code enforcements officers to ramp up their enforcements of any uh code violations um we're addressing those and we'll continue to address those um we do get those concerns we take them very seriously um so we'll be uh continuing to work with our team to make sure that they're addressed appropriately um and when we receive them and when they're out doing their uh daily inspections um for the concern regarding the potholes um what I like to tell people is every pothole is not one size fits all um some potholes can just be filled just with a hot Patcher easily and just going on to the next one um that's not the case with all potholes some potholes have to be cut out and you know measured cut and then filt that way and the process is just a little differently um so those quicker potholes often take precedent over those that need to be you know that need a little more uh TLC I'll say um the good thing about the [Music] um the Bearington Lane I spoke with Miss uh cin last week um so I know she's referring to pothole in barington Lane um barington Lane is scheduled to be uh repaved it's in the phase two of our uh segment four road paving project um which we expect to commence at this SEC going into the second half of this year um for the feedback um Willi and bro connect actually just had a conversation with our directors morning in our director's meeting uh just kind of highlighting the way that we respond um on will and bro connect the way that we respond to uh certain emails and just making sure that we're responding to our residents with um you know in a caring manner um in a manner that's supportive in a way that we are you know taking their concerns seriously and not kind of just like thanks and then blow them off um that's not necessarily the stimate coming from the directors um I do see every response that they send through uh willing BR connect we have an audit Trail I see every action that happens in that thing but again we still emphasize the importance of quality uh customer service and response right and so let me just back up a little bit for um barington yep um what is the what is the issue I mean you said the second half of the year and that's when like in the winter in the because is there's something that we can patch is it a issue of the material that is at that street or can we can we patch that in the meantime we can certainly patch it in the meantime that one we just kind of did the same thing on hopin Lane there's there was a pothole that was you know a nuisance to one of the residents I went out there looked at it myself it was it was it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great um and I noticed another one across the street so I made sure that Public Works got out there and they cut that out again we're using the resources um for the temporary fix which isn't from our standpoint from an operational standpoint an economical standpoint isn't always ideal um but we'll go and do it if um if you know if we need to um same thing with barington Lane that one needs to be cut out um and then it can be filled so you know I can work with Public Works to make sure that that gets done um between the time of now and then when you know whenever we get that street uh repaved um but again that that might be something that comes down the pike I would have to double check with penon but I think we expect that to happen somewhere uh somewhere between uh April and excuse me August and September is when we expect that one to go out okay but ideally can we get that I mean absolutely came to the meeting I just want to make sure trying to get that and finally for her notation about JFK and Charleston um again we we initiated the KE will and bro Clean Campaign last year um we do take that very seriously especially in our office um and in public works we actually just hired two clean communities um people who will be starting at some point who where is he there you go um wait Kevin um they will be starting I don't have a firm date on when they when they're starting actually the interviews just they just had those interviews maybe a week or two ago within the next 30 days within the next 30 days they should be starting um of course we have our clean communities carts that we purchased last year so their main focus will actually be going around the community daily um picking up trash identifying those areas of of need and concern um just to make sure that we're keeping up with our heat will and bro Clean Campaign um making sure that the the community is clean and and presentable um for the residents and our visitors um yeah um also for that uh at the next meeting can we just have an update on the trash can project and those key locations um because that may be a help to cut down on the accumulation of litter at that corner yep thank you and even also I would just also ask if anyone sees people just littering I just had to tell somebody they were just throwing stuff out the out the window and you know I just happened to be driving I did follow them but I'm I mean I had to I'm sorry but they were just dropping trash I mean it was really people just throwing bags of trash out the window um so I followed them into the McDonald's and I we don't we don't want I I don't want I don't want people doing that but um at least if we can have some report or you know people you can report to yeah the police I'm not encouraging following I'm just saying report it um but uh we do we do need we do need um we do need our residents to look out also um but back to miss Ebony's thing Al um the inspectors we just need to understand what the process is and why we may be missing some things and we do understand there's some internal processes that the public doesn't always see and that things are happening in the background um with the court and trying to enforce um our ordinance so that is happening sometimes that the public does not see so I do want to acknowledge that um that there's are there are checklist and inspections going on yeah there's a lengthy lengthy process in terms of violations and summons and things of that nature when they get to the courts um and then the last point on that just to follow up um there is a feature on link not LinkedIn uh will you know I love LinkedIn on willing BR connect where we don't want the residents necessarily to be the police but there is a way that they can if you see somebody uh dropping something out your window you can quickly take a picture and report it on uh will connect anonymously to the police department that'll go directly to Captain books um if you happen to get a license plate number while you're sitting behind him at a red light and you see him do it while you can stop that I would say make sure you get the picture give it to Captain Buck through will and bro connect um perfect but again we're not advocating for you to be the police but you know Assist us with as being our eyes and ears um and finally I want to encourage people to cont on the Willing bro connect on the website excuse me I mean there is the feature where you can take the pledge uh for the keep willing Baro Clean Campaign we bring out a sign that you could put on your lawn it might just motivate your uh neighbors to help keep their areas clean as well thank you and and you know can we do can we pay um special attention to that intersection because that intersection does get junky even with um animals and excess debris so we just want to make sure yeah I I I noticed uh when I spoke with Miss cofin last week and drove out there just to kind of survey the area for myself CU I want to see um what she was experiencing and that is duly noted okay thank you yep moving on to Miss Brown um first if I have an outstanding call to you Miss Brown I apologize um I'll follow with the clerk's office because I I know we were supposed to make a meeting with her and I know um the schedules didn't match but um can we please reach out again and align our schedules um Mr Captain bucks can we get an update on our traffic speeding strategy yes our Traffic Unit is uh in full swing we are due to start that uh that unit on July 1st we have four officers and a supervisor designated uh to our traffic safety unit so they're all set ready to go and they'll be implemented on July 1st uh she talked about speed trailers or speed signs uh we do have two mobile speed trailers that um H are equipped with everything that she uh that she discussed they have been placed in you know numerous places throughout the municipality uh we can definitely replace it back on um executive or um Evergreen Evergreen Drive um in front of the school that's uh a known problem to us it's been a known problem to us since since I've been here um so you know then that's part of also part of the uh the traffic safety unit and then her last question was about officers uh and the school so each one of our daywork Patrol officers are assigned to a particular school and they are encouraged to stop there you know at that school periodically throughout the throughout the day based on call volume and calls for service we do have two SRO one's assigned to the middle school and one is assigned to the high school so um I think that was all of her questions and I hope I answered everything for her thank you thank you was there anything for you Mr she made a comment about the app and including a footnote um from my end I'm not sure if I can include footnotes I would I could go back to the um the goov um folks that we work with to see if that there's something that we can include and the the actual template um that shows the front facing um for the app that you know the user see I can reach out to them tomorrow and see if that there's something I'm more interested what kind of footnote she's referring to um so that we can develop that and I'm not sure what she's looking for so Miss Brown also if you can reach out to the township manager's office um just to get so that they can get clarification of what you're referring to as um misinformation as you would state it um just so we have more clarification and we can better commun better communicate more efficiently and effectively um also Miss Brown brought up the shared service I did um go into that last meeting I don't have any further updates on shared services do you have anything Mr L again I think Mr Harris spoke about this last meeting it depends on what kind of shared services we want to pursue I mean we we' considered certain we've considered shared services in the past and I think there's some that we have currently um again I would be more interested in developing that convers with her to kind of figure out what she's looking for what her interests are um so she's more than welcome to give me a call tomorrow my extension is 1068 got a lot of calls thank you um we had input from Mr Weston concerning the reparations act um and Miss stillworth um first had an announcement that they will have vacation bible school July 8th through the 12th 6:00 to 800 p.m. yard sale July 20th 9-2 that's at Parkway Baptist Church um she also did bring up um considering the commissions of Ethics uh for this town implementing that again um we've we've looked over it um the majority of the council um disagrees that it's critical at this point um that doesn't mean it can't come back up for conversation um but you know I just wanted to address that um Miss Turner Miss I'm Sorry Miss Williams Miss berer Williams um encouraged the residents to um check the Seventh Day Adventist uh Health workshop online um so if anyone's interested from the community in in terms of looking that up for diabetes or anything of that matter um check out their health Workshop from the Seventh Day Adventist of willing oh and she said Gary Lowry is doing a great job as Township manager for the record is there anything else that I missed all right moving on to council comment is there anyone that has Council comment yes um like to thank everyone for coming out um congratulations again to miss Maggie McHugh for being installed as the Burlington County Bar Association trustee for 2024 through 2027 yes also congratulations to Brian Riley of the Willingboro fire department for being selected as a HomeTown Hometown hero for the Trenton Thunder baseball game which will take place on June 27th and I got to thank Gary for doing a great job while you fing the shoes of Mr Harris while he's gone great job thanks y anyone else Dr worthy thank you Madame mayor um I'm glad we got a chance to celebrate our young ladies who went off as Allstar Cheerleaders uh from the high school and recreational team I also wanted to shout out to phenomenal young women from Willingboro who represented uh up at the United States Military Academy for a week Cheyenne Edwin who is a a rising senior at BCIT westtech and my daughter Chloe worthy a rising senior at West Tech also were selected um to go represent willing borrow in a one-week immersive program the summer Leadership experience um statistics show that a large majority of the students who are a admitted into SLE as they call it um have a high chance of being accepted into the United States Military Academy so it's exciting to be able to celebrate our students that are Scholars that are athletes that are representing willing burrow um at every level um and being at the service Academy for that week and being there to see those girls graduate it was it was amazing so here we are willing bro we are doing great things and I just am so proud of them and their families and what these young women have done whether they go to the academy or not for a four-year education the experience that they had with uh about 500 other young people from across the country and also International students there as well I just think speak to the caliber of students we have in our community um when we remind them that all things are possible thank you Madame mayor anything just oh congratulations to Chloe um Yes actually we have to congratulate our young people for doing great things so I'm super proud of her and I'm I'm sure you are to um and congratulations to our cheerleaders as well again congratulations we are proud of of you and that's all I have for this evening thank you Council thank you mayor um congratulations to all that um have done great things Khloe the cheerleaders um I also want to say congratulations to the class of 2024 um we are upon graduation season and I know that our Scholars here in Willingboro school district will go out and do great things all of our graduating seniors that reside here in Willingboro um will go out and continue to represent Willingboro well um I think that's all I have to say happy June T yes there you go thank you so much um I just wanted to add to I agree with everyone else what they've brought to the tablee I was going to bring up West Point I think that's a a huge a huge um accomplishment so I'm quite proud that willing bro was represented um at West Point um I do want to back up um last meeting I did not mention Happy Father's Day to our men of the community our leaders our brothers our uncles our neighbors Brothers our pastors um you know I don't want to ever forget to acknowledge them with gratitude um because the men you know you know I know I love my women I'm proom but our men I am so grateful for the provisions and the protections and everything the stability in our um Community um we need you you know absolutely so I always just want to make sure I take time to thank the men in the community for the F and the father figures for being the pillars and pillars in this in this community so thank you I didn't mention it prior to Father's Day but I wanted to make sure um we we acknowledge you guys um also as councilwoman Whitfield said graduation is upon us so let's continue to uplift pray for pour into our youth because they are our future in our community and they need our support there's a lot going on and we need to be present for them um and they do actually appreciate you know they don't they don't always get they don't always agree with everything we say but they do appreciate the support and the attention that we give them um also as summer comes upon us just make sure we checking on our elderly um we are having a heat wave coming up so please um check on our V neighborly and checking on our seniors um and go to our pool we've invested a lot of money in these pools and it's great to see that it's you know on the weekends it is it is packed and people are enjoying the pool that's why you know we make the investment um in our pools because it's one of the um things that the that the families I'll say families enjoy um so I'm always glad when I drive by to see the um public utilizing our pools hopefully we can get this next year get this tightened up um and our pool secure um but make sure um during this during this summer season we we look out for each other um and make sure we participate in the events that um Recreation is putting on for us um it's a good way to interact with each other um and I think it's very important I look forward to our what is the music uh series um and that that'll be happening when June 28th okay so that I'm looking forward to that I appreciate those series um but all I can say is continue to show love for one another we are B and good night it is it's not even 9 o' yet but I'm looking for a motion for adjournment go move second all in favor I any Nays no thank you good night willing B