no Mr Harris hello everyone it is now six o'clock call to order this meeting of the Willingboro Township council is called presuming to the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 this agenda is complete to the extent Noe adequate notice has been provided by transmitting the notice of this meeting to the Burlington County Times by posting it on the township website and by filing it in the office of the municipal clerk on Wednesday January 17 2024 formal actions will be taken are you ready for the roll call Mayor yes sir council member pon council member Whitfield council member Dr worthy Deputy Mayor Anderson present mayor McIntosh present and we do have a quarum yep let us stand for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all there it is a little late a little late but all right um Mr Harris before we begin um I did just want to take a moment um to acknowledge that we we um have a huge loss um within our Township um just want to acknowledge uh the loss of you know one of our own Kimberly BR um Ken Shaw yes um who's been with our with our um Township for over 15 years and has been the backbone of our Recreation Department for all for many many years so I just wanted to you know prior to starting this meeting um have a moment of silence for our Kimberly caw thank you thank you mayor so first on the agenda would be um the manager Municipal update and I apologize that I do not have a a municipal update uh for you this evening um but I will have one for you on the meeting of the 6th catching you completely up to date okay so move you want to move right through the agenda yes please so first uh being present EXC Mr haris I just I'm not sure I missed it if I did I apologize did we do the compliance statement yes did okay that's my bed then sorry keep going that's okay just okay now just I'm sorry Mr Harris not to interrupt you again I just want to make sure we don't have Mr Dwayne Wallace on for prayer not okay let the record reflect that councilwoman Peron has joined us also thank you you may proceed Mr Harris thank you so first on the agenda is the first reading of ordinance uh number chapter 27 pedaling and soliciting Article 2 of the township of Willingboro Municipal Code this ordinance was something that has been discussed for a bit of time and it is establishing a noock policy for the township of Willingboro where residents will have the ability to uh register in the township clerk's office and be put on the list of the that uh um pedlers and solicitors would have to uh honor a requesting that there be no knocking on their their uh properties and any violations of that ordinance would be punishable by a summons issued by the William Boro Township uh police department or possibly code enforcement as well uh next for your consideration that's all the ordinances for this evening uh next would be resolution number 20248 which is a resolution authorizing the extension of the contract for custodial Services we did actually do this resolution back in December mayor um but we did it and authorized it under the 2023 budget and we needed to wait and do it under the 2024 budget so we just did it a little prematurely um it is the same or the same company the same dollar amounts nothing has changed after that is resolution number 2024-the the overpayment of taxes uh these are so that home owner uh homeowners mortgage companies and title companies or sellers or buyers can receive credit uh on the amount due um for duplicates or multiple payments or overp payments resolution number 202 4-10 is a resolution authorizing the ratification of a successor agreement between between the township of Willingboro and the CWA local 1036 or the school traffic guards um part-time employees of of the township organized as the uh School traffic guards Union we had negotiations and uh have a proposed contract for the period of July 1st of 2023 through June 30th 2027 um which the terms contain Provisions specific to their compensation uh which would be at a 3% increase per anom and other conditions of their employment one of them being receiving a $100 a year boot allowance and the U issuance of some um newer clothing their clothing is a little worn and dated and um they did want um ankle length raincoats instead of the jackets because the bottom halves of their torsos um get wet during severe inclement weather so we're going to ask you to ratify that contract this evening resolution number 2024-the the township of Willingboro to establish a not to exceed contract amount for main access Systems Incorporated um they are contracted through the um approved purchasing contract for the state of New Jersey we had done this resolution in uh 2023 under resolution number 2023 d272 however the approved resolution did not contain the entire account number for the budget line item and we would like to amend the resolution to to include the entire budget line item which is it capital account uh C- 04- 55- 923 d011 D21 and that- 021 was left off of the initial resolution resolution number 202 24-12 is a resolution approving the 2024 holiday schedule for the township of willing Barrow uh most of our holidays are contractually agreed upon but we did just want to confirm um the holidays for 2024 and also add the language that the uh Council proposed last year that Township offices closed at 2:00 p.m. uh the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas resolution 20 24-13 is a resolution of the township of Willingboro adopting the Personnel policies and procedures manual and the employee handbook uh for the period of 202 4 through 20245 25 2425 through 2026 uh we maintain and are required every two years to update our Personnel uh manual and employee handbook setting forth the policies and procedures that are applicable to Township uh employees this is the best interest of to to do and it is requirement of our GIF uh so it pro provides the uh Township and its citizens um s some protections from certain liabilities in the event of of maybe a certain claim from one of our employees for violation of a policy or procedure so we are required to update those every two years the last time this was done in 20 was it was 2021 and um we needed to do again for the next cycle so we're going to ask that you approve that um resolution number 2024-the an agreement with virtual health for the provision of advanced life support service transportations we had entered into this contract before and I believe we do it every year U virtual Health uh compensates Willingboro Township through third-party Building Services for transports when Advanced Life Services or Advanced life support services are required for patient care the purpose of the agreement is only for billing purposes that deal with Medicare and Medicaid patients where one entity submits a combined bill for their services a virtual Health then agrees to pay Willingboro Township the sum of $439512 for each patient covered by Medicaid uh contingent upon the Medicare Medicaid um allowable rates so we're going to ask you to approve that resolution as well resolution number 20 24-15 is a resolution authorizing a contract for a municipal counting software licensing and maintenance this is our Edmund's uh software that we are renewing our um our contract our licensing contract and establishing uh maintenance agreements um in the amount [Music] of the software is 9,412 and the the annual maintenance is for uh $757 there is um some maintenance for Motorola and Epson equipment at $1,160 and the finance Viewpoint dashboard um at $4,000 so that's the totality I don't have the total amount on the resolution um but those are the services that we are um renewing and providing maintenance for resolution number 20 24-16 is a resolution authorizing and approval approving vouchers for payment and ratification resolution number 2024-the contracts with Omnia Partners formerly us communities that's a Cooperative contract vendor for uh Contracting units uh if you recall last month we did authorize the extension of the not to exceed um for this fender for the provision of of services for Amazon business purchasing and our Windstream Services which are telephone um programs so we're actually asking to W the contract to um Omnia partners for those Services resolution number 20 24-18 is a resolution authorizing contracts with approved Educational Service commissions which is the ESC andj um contract vendors for Contracting units pursuant to njsa 48 colon 11-15 these are contracts with the approved um the escnj um cooperative and we utilize them for different Services throughout the year uh this one we're authorizing for our Act Telecom communication Services uh and an amount not to exceed $15,000 resolution number 20 24-19 was a resolution authorizing uh the township to apply for Jake law playground funding Grant through the um New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections uh green anchor program mayor we're going to ask that that resolution be pulled from consideration this evening uh we are required to have a public hearing on this matter uh before the resolutions can be adopted um and unfortunately the resolution was not properly posted or listed on the agenda uh which is a green Anor requirement so we're going to try to uh do this on the 6th of January and have the uh necessary supplemental work done by the 7th so we can submit the application resolution Mr Harris I'm sorry yes sir the six of February not January oh I'm sorry yes okay January uh February 6 yes I'm stuck on January Okay resolution number 202 24-20 is a resolution of the township of Willingboro authorizing contracts with sourcewell um there are also a Cooperative pricing system that we do um do business with during the course of the year so we're asking that we uh authorize a contract with them for PL custom company um that is uh the well you know what actually we're going to hold off on this one as well um this one was for the the second half of the purchase for an ambulance um but we can't do this until the capital budget is actually approved so we're going to have to withdraw that one as well my apologies resolution number 24-21 uh is a resolution authorizing contracts with approved State vendors this is the uh County of Burlington um and we utilize them for uh certain things um and it's quite a substantial list that's attached to to this resolution so these are the um things that we're going to ask you to approve us um doing contracts with them for next is resolution number 2024 d222 uh this is a resolution um with the county of Burlington authorizing contracts with approved Burlington County cooperative pricing systems um again that's just for uh Shar services that we are purchasing through the county and we're going to be purchasing uh Morton salt uh which is what we are using for roadways uh in a not to exceed amount for $40,000 we're going to X that resolution number 2024 d223 be pulled and resolution 2024 d24 be pulled those are also of requirements of the Green Acres um hearing that we're not going to be able to be compliant with um this evening uh resolution number 2024-25 is a resolution um for the township authorizing the award of a contract for preparation of the Township's master plan uh the planning board subsequently requested and um provided with uh information um for the um for the completion of of the master plan um because we essentially uh the township is going to need to fund this project they were asking that the township uh review this information and actually award the contract to um BRS which is Brownfield Redevelopment Solutions Incorporated because it's contingent upon um the appropriate funds being included into the 2024 budget and the township does have the authority to uh appoint a a a a vendor for or award a contract for that purpose and those are all of the resolutions that I have for your consideration this evening thank you Mr Harris just for clarification we're withdrawing we're withdrawing um 19 20 23 and 24 19 20 23 and 24 that is correct okay thank you you're welcome well we are now open we'll move on to open um public com comment for agenda items only this is public comment for agenda items only you have two minutes please state your name and address for the record if you have any questions concerns or comments about any of the resolutions that um Mr Harris has gone over please utilize public comment for that purpose public comment is now open for agenda items only post do we have anyone that wants to speak for public comment um not at this time mayor okay thank you public comment for agenda items only is now closed Mr Harris you may proceed first for official business is ordinance number uh 2024 one an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 257 P pedaling and soliciting Article 2 of the township of willing Barrow's municipal code is there a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 D1 so moved second moved by count Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by Dr worthy any discussion roll call please council member Peron yes Council uh member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes ordinance number 2024 D1 has been properly introduced it will have a second reading and public hearing to be held on February 26 with possible adoption thereof and publishing as required by law thank you than you before we move on to the resolutions does any council member have any resolution that they would like to discuss further I'm sorry uh Madame mayor yes um Mr Harris what date is the second reading did you say February 26 February 6 oh I 26 okay thank you does any council member have any resolutions that they would like to pull out to discuss further okay I make a motion for a consent agenda for Resolutions 202 4-8 through 2024 -8 and resolutions 2024 D 22 21 oh 21 and 22 my apologies second roll call please and and resolution number 2024-25 or you want to do that separately yes please include 25 I apologize that's okay so who made the motion I did and councilwoman Peron second it any discussion ready for the roll call please yes council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and the consent agenda has been approved no that was just to make a consent agenda well I'm going to make a want to make a motion to approve the consent agenda second as stated right and seconded by Dr worthy and roll call council member prone yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and the consent agenda has been approved as stated thank you I don't believe there was a a treasurer's report that was submitted for your approval or adoption um and I don't know if you had received the approval of minutes yes yes for the minutes so is there a motion to approve the minutes from the November 8th 2023 meeting November 10 20th 2023 meeting December 5th 2023 meeting and December 16th 2023 meeting so moved second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by Dr worthy roll call please council member Peron yes I apologize back I apologize Mr Harris any discussion okay roll call thank you council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes and the minutes have been approved as designated and we still have to doal approval of theas report yeah okay oh I'm sorry I didn't know there was a treasur report is there a motion to approve the treasurer report go moved second second moved by councilman Anderson seconded by Dr worthy any any discussion roll call please council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy abstain Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes and the treasury report has been approved and adopted okay we do not have any clerk updates we'll be [Music] moving moving on sorry my computer now is May I think we're on unfinished business okay okay moving on to un there it goes moving on to unfinished business does any council member have anything for unfinished business okay for unfinished business we can do the appointments for boards and commissions do we have any emotions for we could start off with the MUA do we have any motions for member full member of mu do we have all the names do we have all the names yes we did if you can just tell me because I don't have I have three names the uh Mr Garcia provided a um citizen leadership application and he had uh listed for each board and commission he was just missing one and I I shared that one with Council that that's the only one miss yeah that was the only one that I saw that was missing okay okay so it's four it's four names one two three four five it should be six names on for mua I nominate Daris Holly a second I nominate um diio Diggs to move to full member number four a second har are there any other nominations is there a motion to close nominations so move second mov by Council woman uh council member Peron seconded by council member Dr worthy council member coron Daris Holly council member worthy the alio digs Deputy Mayor Anderson Darvis Holly mayor Macintosh diio dicks point of order um I think um councilwoman worthy had nominated yo digs for a move up to a what what what was it member number four that's the one that the mayor opened up okay so those people are for the member four yes okay because you differentiated it I felt like it was two different seats no he's he's an alternate to now and she said he alternate to moving up to full um member so it's it's at this Mr Harris it's a tie TI it is a tie man yes okay all right so it's say okay so then we have to do another poll again and are we supposed to do it twice according to Robert's Rules of Order and then you vote you since it's a tie it goes back out for a second vote if there's still a tie at that point that it's table so you need to do it one more vote here right okay I nominate Daris Holly second I nominate di alio digs second is there any further nominations is there a motion to close the nominations second move by council member I'm sorry go ahead ahead got ah it got it move by council member Dr I have a nomin I'm sorry I have a nomination you did a nomination too late no he said a second is there any other nominations oh I can only nominate one is that right that's correct do one okay go ahead M and seconded by uh Deputy Mayor Anderson was there any discussion roll call council member Peron Daris Holly council member Dr worthy the alio digs Deputy Mayor Anderson Daris Holly mayor McIntosh digs having no majority vote this matter will be uh tabled and reconsidered at the February 6th meeting thank you are there any other nominations for boards and commissions I have one madame mayor yes I'd like to nominate uh Angelita Martinez for Library Board of Trustees second moved by Dr worthy seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson any discussion roll call please council member Peron Angelina Martinez council member Dr worthy Angelita Martinez Deputy Mayor Anderson Angelina Martinez mayor Macintosh Angelina Martinez Angelina Martinez has been confirmed by a majority fot any other nominations for boards and commissions I'd like to nominate Pat Lindsey Harvey for environmental commission second moved by mayor McIntosh seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson are there any other nominations motion to close the nominations so moved second ready for the vote council member Peron Pat Lindsey Harvey council member Dr worthy Pat Lindsey Harvey Deputy Mayor Anderson Pat Lindsey Harvey mayor McIntosh Pat lindsy har Pat Lindsey Harvey has been confirmed by a majority vote are there any other nominations for boards and commissions is there anything else for unfinished business are you want to go through the other applications or we going to do that at the next meeting no that's why I'm that's why it's open now anything oh you okay um so we can do parades and events yeah if you if you would like yes okay I would like to nominate um for parades and events I would like to nominate um Esther Turner second moved by council member Peron seconded by council member Dr worthy are there any other nominations can I have a point of order um because there are other people that applied so I can only say one person but it's open to other applicants and the pr events there are seats so how do we oh we just keep doing each one by one no just just nominate whoever you nominate submitt because they have we have more than one seat like this I think it's like 10 seats for parades yeah I can say all okay so um Esther Turner and um Sheila Harrow um I thought there was a third person don't have the list in front of me I had was on it Angels yes I would like to nominate all three what was the name Angela angel angel jaella Phillip pH Phillip okay thank you so there was a nomination for Esther Turner Sheila Hart grve and javel Phillip are there any other nominations any discussion you ready for the vote Yes council member Peron all three names as stated council member Dr worthy all three names as stated Deputy Mayor Anderson all three names are stated mayor McIntosh um three names as stated and all three members have been confirmed by majority vote of the body any other nominations for boards and commissions okay any other matters for old business any matters for new business um one madame mayor yeah Council from ABS thank you if we can um uh have uh Mr Harris work on procedures for um Municipal closing and remote um essential workers and just kind of drafting what that looks like um I know we just had a snow our first snow day really on Tuesday so we had a few hiccups and we weren't able to conduct our meeting for a number of reasons but I know that um coming together and establishing who are remote workers if they're equipped with working remotely um if we can um my motion is to um have Mr Harris identify what that looks like on events where we have an emergency and the building is closed and we're going to opt to not close the entire Municipal however operate remotely um that's what my motion is point of councilwoman Peron I just want to make sure I understand the motion on the table is the motion on the table for um Mr Harris to create an essential personnel roster and execution plan yes the execution plan would lay out um essential workers what that looks like in detail yes okay second okay moved by Council Peron seconded by Dr worthy any further discussion I have discussion Madame mayor I do think this is an important um matter of business I know Mr Harris um started taken a look at it and just wanted to um him to include perhaps whatever the OEM uh coordinator has left behind those historical documents perhaps there's information there that could also help us with business continuity um for snow days I know in other municipalities the OEM coordinator has a you know has documents and it it should include some of that so that might be helpful so he's not starting from scratch so if I may we have emergency operation plans for all elements and all of our facilities for a whole plethora of circumstances U what we went through on Tuesday was a snow day um where Municipal operations were being suspended because of uh safety precautions for the employees traversing to and from work um um there really isn't an an oem or an operational policy for that um so if that's really what you're looking to establish then normally what we do is we have conversations very early in the morning uh myself the director of Public Safety and the Department of Public Works and determine how we foresee the conditions of the municipality progressing throughout the day and make a determination as to whether we're going to close for the day whether we're going to have a delayed opening or uh what that is going to look like um but I think the issue came particularly into play because there was a scheduled council meeting um that evening and it was really unclear on how that was going to to progress so are those the kind of the fine things that we're looking to find to what wasn't unclear to the coun I'm sorry go ahead if I can just um respond um thank you um Mr Harris for addressing you where you are as far as what I'm speaking of but I'm specifically speaking about working remotely because when I suggested that we work remotely you said it's impossible we we cannot work remotely we're not equipped to work remotely and the only option is to close the entire Municipal and I then further stated that we did operate remotely during covid and you did Express that you were not here during covid so I I think the document that Miss um the councilman Worthy is speaking of is pertaining to operation on and you can speak for yourself worthy but I know for myself I'm speaking of specifically guidelines on remote remote workers essential workers therefore I'm going going to give an example if someone has to pay a court fee um for something that's due on that day just because the building is closed does not mean we don't have um programs where they can actually pay online or conduct um a court hearing virtually or um pay your tax virtually or whatever you would have normally want to do in person wherever we have um accommodations that are virtual business transactions that should still take place in addition to um essential workers that have a laptop that still can address emails and concerns um from residents and business um conducting a business phone call regarding our projects that we're working on with the Performing Arts like everything should not just shut down where there is not one particular person people in place to answer a phone call on their cell phone so now does everyone in the municipal have a cell phone does everyone have a laptop no so that's where the um identification of essential employees where just because we close the building from population of the residents coming in or employees coming in we will close the building off but still operate remotely so the remote piece is what I think we need to build upon and create that's all that's all I want that does that help Mr Harris I know I I I heard what you said um but you know there there are are many components there so for example um if anybody wants to pay and you utilize court if anybody wants to pay a court fine there are systems in place now they can pay a court fine anytime 7 days a week 24 hours a day 365 days a year however they not have a remote court session unless the judge establishes a remote court session and that is beyond my control that's something that is operated by the the court system so in relation to that particular that particular example um there's really the the the elements are already in place and whether or not the court session is going to be held would be determined by by a judge we have uh mechanisms in place residents can pay taxes online if they want to they can can dropped them in in the mailbox wait Miss wait um Council Peron let's let him finish so I know about mailbox I mean I just don't want him to go down I know we have a mailbox I know we have the internet I just wanted to interject because just for time purposes Mr Harris specifically what I'm speaking of is somebody picking up a resident picking up a phone and contacting somebody of their department so I don't want you to get confused about who whoever's behind the phone so we have essential employees that have cell phones so some of our employees have a Township cell phone so those employees should also probably have a laptop and we just need to that's why I want you to just work on it as far as a resident can go online and pay a bill but if they need to make a phone call just because we sent the employees home certain employees like a clerk should be able to work remotely and if the if the resident is calling the clerk's office that clerk should be at her home or his home to be able to answer that cell phone and be able to pull up his or her laptop and conduct business at their home so that's what I'm speaking about remote remote essential workers right okay and Dr worthy go ahead Madame mayor I would like to add perhaps we set up an ad hoc committee um so that Council can assist and provide insight into this um project I would hate for the administration to invest a lot of time and energy developing a that isn't consistent with what we're saying we're looking for so if possible if you know if um if we can have a committee or whatever we need to do in terms of the working mechanisms with the administration to to make this happen I think we need more insight right so and I and I just wanted to say I do support councilwoman you know your I think that request it's it's essential workers and keeping the um local government going you know during you know even when we have shut down the building so I think think that is you know the the intent you know to make sure that we can address the concerns of our res residents or just the concerns of just making sure business flows even when the building is closed so um I do support that um and we can develop um or or just have the ad hoc committee to just um see that through I'm I'm open to the ad hoc committee too I think that would be a collaborative effort this way um we the ultimate goal is to have something that we all agree on um that's that works for the community and for us to also communicate with each other um during emergencies okay anything else I think we were taking a vote Madam May yeah any other discussion I'm in yes okay roll call so you're voting on the establishment of the ad hoc committee no we're voting on The established uh for you to work on the essential Personnel list execution plan okay so it was moved by uh council member Peron and seconded by Dr worthy Dr worthy Y and we're ready for the vote council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes and the motion has passed now with the ad hoc committee can we vote on that too because they think that be simultaneous yep you can make your motion I make a motion that we establish an edoc committee for establishing establishing the essential Personnel list and execution plan second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Peron any further discussion roll call please council member Peron yes council member Dr W yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes and the motion has passed thank you mad Madame mayor yes can we go back to boards and commissions yes go ahead I I found the doc in the emails um I would like to for the shelter board The Advisory board I would like to uh propose Ayanna Walker and Judith Banks second are there any other nominations and you ready for the vote yes please council member prone um both names as stated yes council member Dr worthy both names is stated deputy mayor mayor Anderson both the names is stated mayor Macintosh stated all right I have two more okay Advisory board on public Communications i' like to nominate Stephanie knock second are any other nominations you ready for the vote yes please council member Peron Stephanie KN council member Dr worthy Stephanie knock Deputy Mayor Anderson Stephanie knock and mayor McIntosh Stephanie knock and Stephanie knock has been confirmed by a majority of the of the votes and the last one is for municipal Alliance I'd like to nominate Stephanie KN second move by I'm sorry go ahead Mr Harris I apologize mooved by a deputy mayor Anderson uh seconded by council member Peron are there any other nominations are you ready for the vote mayor yes please thank you council member prone Stephanie knock council member Dr worthy Stephanie knock Deputy Mayor Anderson Stephanie KN mayor McIntosh Bethy knock Miss knock has been confirmed by a majority of the vote Madam on Deputy Mayor is there any any other um nominations for boards and commissions oh no I'm sorry nope that's it for me thank you Council yes yeah can we can you can you um clarify um how many seats are available for the MUA there is one seat one um seat open on the MUA one main seat yes okay um so because I did see some applications that came in for um requesting to move to a different level so are those like voted separately that was a little confused by that part well if you have alternate if remember we went through this um a couple years if you have alternate um members that wish to move up they did they did submit their um citizen leadership forms and if moved up that if if you know they would get the nomination or if they won the nomination then they would it would create a vacancy in an alternate so that's because there was no movement because there's no movement at this point so there's No Vacancy okay so we got to First fill that seat and then if if if the alternate wins that position then it creates a vacancy so what we voted on today for the MUA we were voting on member four which has nothing to do with the alternate that's correct applicated right nothing to do with that so once we once we select that person then the alternate seat becomes a discussion of nominations is that what you mean perhaps per perhaps it depends who who wins it you know if we had Darvis Holly and and and the AL digs who are both on the MUA now if Darvis keeps it then there's no change okay okay all right but but in the event diio gets it then it creates an opening for alternate two got it okay all right all right well maybe that's just something we could think about too I know we're going to discuss that to vote on it at our next meeting but possibly since those are two creating one maybe we can just think about it you know between now and the next meeting putting one of the people that we've nominated today since we had a at a tie placing one of them in those seats and the other one is the alternate just to since we've only identified two people tonight this is suggestion for us to think about for our next council meeting regarding that area thank you okay anything else for unfinished business all right moving on to public comments public comment is now open you have four minutes please state your name and address for the record public comment is now open all right I see Maddie mallerie okay good evening good evening Miss mallerie please state your name and address for the record Maddie mallerie Hudson Place thank you all right um I have a few questions um uh I understand that there is a uh position called Vital Statistics that has been um uh established in the township and um my first question is is this a civil service position um the next question is is it a new position uh the next question is was this position advertised or posted and if know uh how many applicants uh were there for this position the next question is uh was this position a part of the upcoming budget and of course um if this and and what is the pay for this position um and those are the questions that I have about that position um the other comment that I have is that on uh January the 17 um let me just pull it up here a minute so I'll get my information correct uh there was an article about a member of our Township Council um that stated that there were several uh there is a federal charge against a member of council and I'd like to say that if this is true it's a sad day for the township of Willingboro um this is the kind of publicity that we do not need we have enough negative um comments about our town and again if this is true I'd like to go on record to state that I think that this individual should consider resigning from the post as a member of the council and I'm finished with my comments for this evening thank you Miss mallerie is there anyone else for public comment not at this time man oh Kim Brantley Mr brle yes Mr brle yes please state your name and address for the record oh yeah K Bradley Wood Haven Lane uh first of all good evening U Council um and everyone on the line um I just wanted to uh thank the um SDA church and the food bank of South Jersey for the uh luncheon that they had honoring Dr Martin Luther King and our veterans lunch and tribute service on January 15 I had an opportunity to see uh our managing director there had a nice conversation with him but I was again disappointed that there was not one council member there and just like Veterans Day and I'll ask the mayor again because the last meeting I asked about not even having a reflame for our veterans and I spoke to Mr Harrison I said this is very disappointing to me and just like the gentleman said he's going to continue to advocate for our uh Township workers health benefits I'm going to always and continue to advocate for our veterans this was embarrassing to me as a veteran there was a lot of commanding is there not one of you all were there except Mr Harris but that's okay and I just like for the Willingboro Community to remember this during election time and I said to Mr Harris and he did thank our 1500 veterans that got deployed overseas this month and uh again I just want to say that uh I'm just disappointed in how we don't recognize our veterans for all that they do for this country and I would like for any or all of y'all to comment as to why it's only important around election time to thank our veterans for our service and that's the one comment that I'm going to just stay with right now and of course there's a lot more on my mind but I'm going to let others have an opportunity to speak but I would like to say this one thing to Mr Anderson as to at the last meeting why was it so important to Advocate to have the new um position under council's um whatever you want to call it under you know like the clerk is under counsel he advocated very hard to make sure that this vital statis position was under counsel why we got other important things we need to worry about like our TR collection or taxes and other things but that was very important to you and I remember at the end of the comment besides you uh sweating out your curls had nothing to do with it but you said Checkmate when the person was named as a veteran and I did also put in for that position so I wait to hear what the answers are to what Miss Marry ask we'll go from there but I hope everybody has a safe evening and God bless thank you Mr Brantley all right Sarah Holly happy and prosperous New Year Council I have a question about brand I mean Mr Garcia M Miss Holly before you start will you just state your name and address for the record please oh okay sir Harley I reside at nine T Ogle Lane for almost 50 years so there I gok you all right so but don't steal any in my time okay no no no all right then Mr har so um I like to know what happened to um Mr Garcia Mr Garcia was the deputy clerk in that office for many years then he left uh because of a new opportunity and he came back he's only been here for a month month and a half I personally would like to know uh what happened and not to point fingers but I'm pointing fingers uh what did you guys do to run him out of here that's crazy he is a very hard worker and uh I just like to know the story behind him only being here for a month and a half and that's my comments for tonight thank you m Holly are there any other public comments not at this time there thank you public comment is now closed all right Mr Harris can you start with or do you feel comfortable explaining a vital statistics role okay so the department of uh division of Vital Statistics is is not a new position in willing burrow um Vital Statistics is almost in every municipality in the state of New Jersey in some form or another those are the persons who record the births the deaths and the marriages that occur within the municipality um the registar of Vital statist Statistics yeah yeah that word statistics got it statistics um actually has a close uh Connections in ties with the state registar and takes most of their Authority and directions from the St State registar and not so much um from the from the municipality um it is a civil service position it is not a new position uh the vacancy was advertised and it was posted according to Civil Service rules I believe there were uh three um applicants for the position uh the position is part of the budget and the salary range for that position I believe is of 46,000 give or take uh to 72,000 is the salary range and did I miss anything uh from Miss mallerie no any council member I got that yeah you checked off everything I have written down okay and then I want to move to Mr crook to address no madame mayor may I address okay um let me Mr Mr crook would you recommend and I know Mr Anderson it's just a brief com just a general comment I'll defer to Mr Anderson or councilman Anderson although I am prepared to state that this is the United States and people are deemed innocent until proven otherwise but you know if Mr Anderson wants to add anything more to that he's welcome to it yes so to your point to your point Miss malary yes there was an article there were allegations and that's all they are until it's proven guilty that's a different story but allegations have been made they just have to be proven so until that time you know I'm innocent until proven guilty that's all I have to say thank you deputy mayor moving on to Mr Brantley um his concerns um first you know uh thankfulness to the SDA for their tribute to the veterans um and then his concern that other council members were not available um during that particular um festivity honoring Dr King um we all are aware that there were many many um celebrations and honoring Dr King and council members were spread among all of those um so we weren't at the SDA but we we did have representation from the township which by you know virtue of Mr Harris which I thank you Mr Harris for representing the township over there um over the years we have all participated greatly you know with our our um brothers and sisters at the SDA um on various events you know and on many times the MLK events that they hosted um this year you know and I'll let other council members speak for themselves if they would like to but we were all doing our duty that day um at various places serving you know whether it was um volunteer work somewhere um the Willingboro was represented throughout the county and if any other council person would like to just add you know what they were doing yes yes Madam mayor so in relationship to the SDA uh received we received communication from Miss uh Torina Williams the communication came in at a later date uh closer to the event at which time council members had already uh had commitments to do other events there was communication with Miss Williams indicating that we were not available that we had already had other commitments so we did communicate it's not that we just didn't show up okay and and we all participated in you know I know you participated in some volunteer work myself and Dr worthy were there okay so and in terms of veterans um I still think that's a dis disingenuous statement that the council only talks to Veterans during election season that is not true we are this Township is very supportive of our veterans in multiple ways it's not just one way but in multiple ways it's not always lunch or dinner you know but we've invested and we honor our veterans every day so I don't you know I don't take lightly that accusation um but I will speak on all the full councel we definitely all support our veterans in various ways um the wreath laying I'm not sure what happened there but um going forward we will make sure that at least a wreath is laid at you know at our at our um veterans um Monument uh in mil Creek Park I will make sure that happens from now on um but other than that we do honor our veterans regardless of you know your accusation um Miss Holly um has a concern about Mr Garcia oh madame mayor yes go ahead it was one more question he had Mr BR regarding Vital Statistics and why I was uh so oh I apologize yes thank you so Mr Brantley that position um always operated under the council umbrella but technically based on ordinance is part of the manager's uh umbrella based on ordinance but it hadn't functioned in that manner so what I was doing is making a motion to bring it under the council because it's always operated in that manner so that's the reason for the advocation thank you Mr Anderson Mr crook would you like to address Miss Holly's concern yes as is well known in the state of New Jersey employee matters are confidential there's certain things that you can talk about uh you know the only thing that really can be said at this point is that Mr Garcia has submitted his resignation uh that resignation is being considered by Council uh and other than saying that we're going to respect his confidentiality and there's no further comment thank you Mr crook are there any other comments that Council would like to make concerning any of the concerns of our residents okay moving on to council comment does council have any comment tonight Dr Worthy thank you Madame mayor um I wanted to congratulate Miss Dion Balden um for her award from Kappa uh Epsilon chapter of f Sigma fraternity she was awarded um over the MLK weekend for her work in social action and it was wonderful seeing one of Willam B's own um shine and be recognized and I was happy to be there um and supporting her getting her award um and there's so much to be said this evening but I will leave my comments at that and I'm glad that uh people came out this evening online um to see what's going on in the business of willing borrow thank you Madame mayor thank you Dr worthy any other council member yes I just want to thank everyone for coming out and uh you know Dr worthy with her modesty she too was honored at that event along with our very own uh Miss Dion Balden just want to reiterate you know at beginning of the meeting it was indicated that we lost you know a loved one here in the township one of our own and I I believe it was stated over 15 years but I think she was here over 30 years oh okay yeah yeah I believe she was here and she was just a staple at that Community Center and she will definitely definitely be missed that's it good evening thank you Council Peron you have anything today yeah I just I just wanted to um you know I know we missed the meeting as you heard there's been a few different changes that we're trying to work on as far as um absentee of a clerk um so just please bear with us with that um but I also just want to um Echo councilman Anderson it is with at heartfelt to hearing the loss of Miss Kimberly uh Quin Shaw she um um was amazing an amazing person she um was my daughter's Mentor um I remember my daughter's going to the Whatchamacallit uh summer camp program and when my oldest daughter aged out she was about 14 I was likeoh what am I going to do um I can't leave her home can she just volunteer to be a counselor she was like sure she was like we'll do a whole interview for her and she did uh my daughter was a counselor volunteer counselor and then you know went away to co went away to college and then came back for the summer and he hired her as a counselor as well and Miss um pimbley was her her boss I was like you're the boss I said it doesn't matter what my title is said you you are the boss with that she's like okay and my daughter um we just both I love her dearly and we we are she is dearly missed and um um I just wanted to state that um she was she had a big heart and just always smiling and just willing to help um so I'm sadden to hear that she's passed away that's all thank you councilman Peron I just want to say good evening to everyone um hopefully the snow our our DPW is in the process of making sure our streets are clean um we apologize for the inconvenience of the M meeting on Tuesday um that was beyond our control uh but uh our next meeting will be February 6th and um I look forward to seeing you then thank you and have a good night we do need Executive session tonight oh yeah Mr K yes so right now there's a motion to go into executive session based on attorney client privilege and Personnel matters I have a motion go moved second moveed by councilman and Deputy Mayor Anderson and councilman Peron roll call [Music] please Madam mayor be a different link was it already sent out um it'll be sent out okay Mr Harris will send that out okay all right I'll see you another side we gonna vote gotta vote on it now have to vote Mr Harris is on the phone so why don't we you know uh roll call I guess Miss Miss mayor okay roll call go ahead there he's off you we roll call Mr Harris you're on mute uh council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes and uh Mr uh Mr O'Brien is going to put together a a link for the executive session and uh forward it to me and I will send it to you forth with okay and now did you I'm not sure Mr cook did you say we may or may not come out to vote or anything I must I might have Miss that it's possible we might come out and vote on a potential resolution after that executive session okay all right so okay so I'll see you on other side I'll go it'll come through your email in just a moment okay all right thank you [Music] I is everybody here yes everyone's back yep so is there a motion to come out of executive session is somebody second second fa I out of executive session okay all right um first order of business Mr crook I believe it's a resolution appointing platan Cooper McBride as a deputy Township Clerk Latoya Latoya I'm sorry still moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by mayor McIntosh any discussion roll call please council member Peron yes council member Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes and the motion has passed so the resolution has passed thank you make a motion to adjourn move all in favor I any Nays and we are returned at 8:30 pm thank you very much all right good night will than you Mr Harris you Harris bye bye good night