##VIDEO ID:tIjQtsQKqXA## so Mr Harris was informed on in July uh September 12th and then again uh on September 17th I forwarded the uh our our September 12th email to Mr Brown and um just indicated that we would be advertising and then uh on September 19th again I informed Mr Harris about the bids opening October 1 and he just replied to me said that is fine so um I I Mr Harris was informed and so were um Dr worthy and some other members of staff that we were bidding and going to receive bids on October 1st okay so just to suiz so the information that I read in the email was not all accurate is that what you're saying so I think what it's possible is you read just P portions of emails no I read the complete email and I read the communication because Mr Harris was not satisfied at how the process went so based on your statements I'm just asking was the email incorrect I I would say the email must have been correct or it was in Miss okay yeah thank you very much all right you're welcome any other questions or comments for penon okay Mr Harris so thank you Hugh for for that particular report and I just want to respond to your last comments about me being incorrect I absolutely agree with you that we had a discussion back in July you stood right there where you're standing right now and laid out your whole plan before the council how we were going to proceed between July and the day that the bid was advertised I had received no Communications from penon that the specs had been put together that the bid packets had been approved and that that project was going out to bid you did send me a an email on Wednesday September the 18th when I was not in the office and I was not in the office on Thursday the 19th and I was not in the office on Friday the 20th and you had make made arrangements to post the bid with the clerk's office on that Sunday and I was not aware that that that was going that project was going to bid at that particular time so uh I respect your position that that I was wrong um and if you include including me in in an email uh 3 days prior to you posting the bid as informing me email that I did not receive or even read until after the posting occurred well then I guess technically you are correct but I did not have any pre- knowledge of that being the bid date or that project being did bid with those specs on that particular day okay thank you Mr Harris is there any considerations you need from Council today regard that particular matter yeah this matter or anything or the engineer okay count Deputy Mayor Madame mayor if if we may um I do see Mr Bobby Ducket in the back of the room okay can we ask him to come forth just to I just want to make sure we close yeah let close this okay thank you all great thank you so much you yes Mr Ducket can come up good evening I'm Bobby Ducket I'm the theater manager for Willingboro for Arts Theater um to recap from what just been said the bid process have been spoken about we have a vendor who pre presented all the equipment to be considered for the upgrade at no time do we know that that had to be a bid so those documents have been sent since probably May or so um Mr Harris has you guys on the council have had um the company is not based in New Jersey they are vendors of the equipment that we're doing so the fact that uh an RFP would come out on Sunday and be due on Tuesday which the document for the equipment that was submitted on August 1st was less than 30 pages this RFP was over 27 Pages um which would have taken just from a legal standpoint if I owned the company I want to read through that there was no way to make that bid Miss um Kevin Jackson who was the owner of the company that supplied it at the time for us we thought that when we put the change in it affected no price and so to Mr Do's point that he made earlier today that he's still dealing with ly to deal with the cost of the change order there is no discussion of of the cost the costs match what was already in the bid basically to the dollar other than some structural situations that were talked about in a previous council meeting that said almost that I was uh bringing $800,000 of overages to this which was not true that we were Ground supporting so the bid increas by about $30,000 to do the ground support um with all of that said Levy had purchased the equipment so in that same conversation we had the equipment that Levy had already bought we were taking out of The Proposal that we have readjusted because we were not hanging any of the equipment because of the cost of hanging stuff with the weights so in effect it doesn't feel where we are in the right place and every conversation leads back to someone named Levy who I requested meetings with for with Jim Mullen for the last 8 to 10 weeks never to have a meeting with him so the process as we thought it was was that the vendor that we bought with the pricing that was equal basically to the original pricing would be sold to Levy and Levy would then install the equipment now why would I if when ly bought the equipment originally you guys had a bow system Bose did not have to onor RFP Levy bought the equipment from Bose so I I mean I don't know the legal of why that change would be different than a new company because here's a gentleman that came in with his company in good faith to bring the sound system that was correct for the building and now at this point he has to put a bid in and he's not a New Jersey company so he may not be able to get the bid at all who was doing you know making sure that we had everything that we need so I'm a little confused about the process maybe some of it is legal for New Jersey and the state of New Jersey on the process but some of it at the end of the day if that was the case I could have had that vendor do the things that had to be done in order to be a legal entity in New Jersey now the fact that no one bid it on it means that did leave you I mean I don't understand the scenario so we're trying to get clarity because we've been going around and around with this and no pricing has changed so again what what of Mr Hugh's conversation when he said that he's getting with Levy to see what that will cost well the bid was going out because the cost was agreed upon so why can't we meet with Levy and find out what has to be done to get this moving forward because this is just a delay that you know the 2 to 13 weeks to order the equipment we can get around that we can make that move faster so that's where we are and Mr Harris from your position what can we do to make sure it's open Fair process um so to to clarify some of the things Mr duger was speaking of the reason that it had to go out to bid again because what was speced initially uh to what Levy had bid on when he bid for the project was the system that was received and planned to be Imp in installed in the JFK Center because the equipment it wasn't just a mod modification of the equipment it was a complete set of New pieces new equipment new sound material so Levy just can't go out and purchase that because that was not in line with what the bid speec was and if he had done that we would be in violation of the public contracts law because he bid and awarded a contract and now was allowed to install material in that that was not initi initially bid on as part of the initial contract so that was the reason that the township had to go back out to bid for that material so at the very least that component could be fair and open process and in line with the bidding process because although Levy is the contractor it is actually the township that is purchasing the equipment so that's why we did go out to to bid um Mr Dockery was correct um we did receive no bids so therefore we have the ability or really we need to go back out to bid again and then if we receive no bids the second time then we can go and directly contract with a vendor to supply and purchase the equipment so the conversation that I had with our qualified purchasing agent today was to get in touch with Mr dockerty to reestablish what the bid do the documents are set the new date set a new publication date going to try to wrap this up in another 10 days go back out to bid and then if there are no respondents again then we will be able to contract directly with a vendor purchase the equipment and install the equipment okay any other questions one more question so the last time uh Dr worthy and I met with you uh we had discussed what other work had been going on while we waited for this process understanding that you know we had roof repairs to make and so forth but you did mention uh electrical could have been worked on Cor where are we at with that process I'm not really sure the last conversation that I had with Jim was that Levy wanted to wait till the roof was done before doing anything so um at that point the electrical and the other stuff that's in going on in the building C could be going on right now um those things are not affected the actual carpeting the chairs going in place would have been affected if there was a major rainstorm hurricane or anything during the season so I do understand that part but the things that are are actual construction wise in the room um in my opinion could be going on again I don't know where we are from a legal standpoint but the conversation that I got back from Jim was that Levy did not want to move forward anything until they started finish the roof so when we understood the roof was being done today I guess in this time frame some when now when that we were told that was supposed to be on the 15th but here we are at the first so I'm kind of concerned about as any Contracting situation you have multiple delays and so we're also running into programming issues for 2025 because for the shows that we've been talking about in programming I have to go ahead and start looking at contracts in the whole bit so I don't want to start to deal with trying to program and we're going to have contined delays we the first quarter of 20 5 may not be the building may not be in use hoping not but that is a real reality based on how we the track record we've been on right now okay thank you thank you for that update thank you so just for the update the solar panels were removed from the JFK Center the roofing repairs have been been done and I believe levia is on track to begin working again on October the 7th and with the solar panels we were able to get those with no calls okay good okay we continue with your so I just have a a few brief items to um just update the the governing body on in the community um our inspections department um part usual has been very busy they have done 618 inspections of between September 1st and September 230th uh the 23rd I'm sorry collecting $ there have been 59 trash and recycling receptacle violations that were issued to Residents uh 25 disabled and abandoned vehicles were issued violations and then eight fixs which are Communications to the police department for abandoned and disabled vehicles um located on the streets to be towed um our DPW has been um supportive in Recreation with their departmental setups and some of their programs they they have also been doing a road work repair on great Gabriel Lane and uh Glover Lane and um and also have been working diligently to trim back the walkways uh as as the school season uh got underway again and on uh individual roads like Beverly ran cookus Dr King Boulevard Veterans Parkway Sun Sunset Road and Charleston uh our fire and EMS department they have been uh busy on the 15th they had a display table for an event uh held at the 7th Day Adventist Church their health Ministry located at 2011's Veterans Parkway uh on the 21st they had a truck display at West Hampton fire department for the Burlington County Sheriff's youth Police Academy event on the 24th they conducted a fire safety talk to approximately 93 children at the United Hearts Islamic Academy um located on Penny Packer drive on the 29th they assisted Mount law Police Department for a food truck festival um in Mount lauro and they have uh upcoming events uh related to um safety event and uh for fire uh prevention week and I don't know if Miss Jackson is going to elaborate a little bit on those on her report our Public Safety and police department have been busy as well during the week of September 9th to the 13th all of our police officers were recertified in defensive tactics uh part of police licensing which is a now requirement for police officers in the state of New Jersey is that all officers must complete a minimum of four hours of defensive tactics training per year and however we find this training extremely important and training to the minimum standard is not enough so this year uh the police completed eight hours of defensive defensive train training and in 2025 they plan on conducting 4 hours per quarter for a total of 16 hours per year um as a graduate of West Point Academy and and the leadership course our captain bucks was eligible to apply for a free scholarship to attend the advanced police practices seminar in various locations in London England and congratulations to Captain bucks as he was selected to be one of 15 police Executives from the state who will travel to London between December 7th and the 15th uh the the advanced professional policing um practice seminar will be held at multiple police and government locations including the New Scotland Yard the local city of London and the London metropolitan police station and among other things and and all tuition and travel cost will be covered by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association not Willingboro Township but nonetheless we congratulate and salute Captain bucks for another um plug positivity for the Willingboro Police Department on September 23rd officer Chris Kennedy and K9 Tyson started their K9 training school with the New Jersey police K9 Association the police department first established the K9 unit back in uh 1966 making it the longest continually running K9 program in Burlington County this training includes obedience agility um building searches area field searches um and different other areas um to protect the animal and the and the Handler and provide of these services to our Police Department the K9 unit has also had training in Narcotics detection and these skills are frequently utilized by Patrol officers narcotics officers detectives and the SWAT team uh K9 Tyson is the 33rd K9 in the Willingboro police department and on average a police K9 will be in service for approximately 8 to 10 years before retirement um our Community Affairs Department um has been very busy as well they've had over 2,000 attendees at the senior center they provided transportation to the Center for 189 senior residents um have transported 23 of them to different doctors and dialysis and delivered over 1,200 lb of food to uh residents that are in need so we thank this uh the um Community Affairs department for their hard work as well a recreation department too has been busy brle park playground pour and play has been completed yes uh the restrooms are being worked on and the plans are on the way for ribbon cutting ceremony um in a couple of weeks in in October U they have been working on a Hispanic celebration Or Hispanic heritage heritage celebration as this is Hispanic Heritage Month and they will be hosting a cabaret event featuring David selano on October the 12th and uh maybe Miss Jackson will have a little bit more uh information on that just a few other items really quick um we have begun um beautification work at the flower beds in front of JFK so if you have an opportunity to go by and look at the work that's been done there pcng has been doing a lot of road work in the township and we will be meeting with them soon to discuss the repair work to our streets um and finally we are in the process of establishing a an advisory committee and we're asking for Willingboro residents who may be interested in part participating seeking dedicated residents business owners and stakeholders to advi to join this advisory committee who will work alongside of the township and organization wsp uh who is working on our behalf through a grant provided by the state of New Jersey to study the feasibility of creating a storm water utility and if anyone has any interest in um contributing to this committee or participating um please just shoot me an email with your name and address in um and we will be sure to get back to you my email is DH Harris Willingboro nj.gov and then finally the Baldwin Lane um flooding project at that storm water basin is uh slated to begin tomorrow and um um the county will be working along with our Engineers to alleviate those flooding issues caused by the beavers and the trees and uh on I'm going to ask Miss Jackson if she would come up and just highlight some of the activities that are going on in willing burrow over the next couple of weeks Miss Jackson good evening mayor Deputy Mayor members of council and willing bro residents happy October so I just want to apprise you of a few upcoming events for October first of all we just excited about Saturday October 5th this Saturday will be our fall clean communities event we'll start at 9: at the Kennedy Center all are invited um we will be raffling off of four great ivings and giving out a few goodies including this wonderful sign that is reminding you to scoop if your dog poops hold it up okay so there's anybody here that would like a sign we do have them today and we will be giving them out on Saturday um just another effort to keep Willingboro clean so we want to encourage people to come you can register for the event on Saturday um so we'll know you're coming so we look forward to that as was shared and um with the proclamation um fire prevention week starts next week and so there will be an open house on Monday from 6:00 to 8 at the firehouse and a reminder to um find out about the smoke alarms and how they work for you so we encourage all of our residents to join us on Monday October 7th at the firehouse from 6:00 to 8 as Mr Harris mentioned on Saturday October 12th we will be celebrating his Hispanic Heritage Month that will be at 7M at the Kennedy Center the doors will open at 6 it is a cabaret style celebration featuring David sadino and DJ grety so tickets are only $25 so we're encouraged for people to come out and celebrate with us for Hispanic heritage month on Saturday October 19th is our annual indoor fall yard sale that will be held from 8:30 to 2 the deadline to register is next Friday October the 11th and reservations are $10 pre- registration is required so we do encourage you if you want to be a part of the Fall yard sale to um register for that event we will close out October with our annual Trunk or Treat event and that will be on Saturday October 26 we do need volunteers and trunksters for that event and that's from 2: to 4 um in the front parking lot of the kenned center and if you haven't already we just want to remind you to take the surveys regarding our Township signage and um to share with Mr Ducker who you saw met this evening about different events you want to see at the Willingboro Performing Arts Center so um just keep those um announcements and information before you and of course if you need any additional information you can um visit our website social media YouTube channel our app or subscribe to will bro weekly thank you so much just for clarification those surveys are online absolutely and on social media yes it's very important to get your feed the feedback of our residents to see what you want to see yes so just they're on our website on our social media and of course after this meeting now and make sure they're front and center tomorrow and definitely if you are subscriber to our willing bro weekly you will get that in your email um tomorrow evening but um the surveys are looking good we have about over 250 or so for both of them but we certainly encourage and and appreciate as much um feedback as possible so thank you thank you Mr Harish you can proceed so the business being presented to you for this evening for your consideration is ordinance number uh 24-19 which is an ordinance amending chapter 356 article 18 entitled left turn prohibition of the code of willing Barrow Township this is just going to establish a prohibited left turn uh coming from the uh High School making a left out of the parking lot and just kind of force the traffic to um turn to the right which would alleviate them traveling through um that's correct and uh which we have had a lot of complaints about um not only the volume of traffic but the speed of the persons driving on that road so we're looking to alleviate that a little bit ordinance number 2024 is establishing a working test period for Willingboro Township employees this ordinance is really um an internal codification of what the uh State's Civil Service Commission um uh requirements are and we just want to make sure that is that it is in our policies um and and established in our uh our Personnel manuals as far as a an adopted practice by Willingboro Township ordinance number 202 24-21 is a similar policy related to property and Equipment reimbursement um where when our where the Township's property is lost um damaged um because of of neglect or carelessness um then we're going to hold the the employee a little bit liable and culpable for whatever replacement costs um that are are required this is not a mechanism to be punitive um but it is a mechanism to encourage a little more care um in the handling and management of of a Township property which we spend a lot of money to acquire uh ordinance number 2024 is an ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter 314 section 21 entitled prohibited conduct um this is just uh enhancing our disorderly persons um legislation in the township enabling the police and our courts to um have a little more enforcement um against certain conducts that are being uh occurring in in Willingboro Township um ordinance number 20 24-23 is an ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter 370 which is entitled additional regulations by amending articles specifying the location where certain items may be placed on residential property this is going to prohibit persons from establishing soccer fields and having bounce houses and uh things like that in front yards and kind of restricting them to um backyards and and side yards as applicable ordinance number 20 24-8 uh is an ordinance amending uh 20-11 setting forth the hours of operation for cannabis business under 1265 of the Township Code of the township of Willingboro that would just be extending that hours of operation I believe until 10:00 p.m. um which they're currently required to to discontinue operations at 8:00 p.m. the resolution is being presented for your consideration is resolution number 2024 is a resolution approving the township of willing Barrow to form a scholarship committee and authoriz a memorandum of agreement to partner with newno foundation for an annual Scholarship Golf Tournament resolution number 202 uh 202 24-240 is a resolution authorizing the township to take uh all necessary steps to apply to the Burlington County Library commission for the Willingboro Public Library to join the Burlington County Library System resolution number 241 is a resolution supporting the relocation of Willingboro Public Library to the Kennedy Center at 429 John Kennedy way resolution number 243 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to enter into an agreement with Dell Incorporated for the purchase of Township computers and related accessories every year we do what is considered a refresh where we upgrade the computer systems in a particular department and I believe this year the is it the Fire or the police fire department is on Deck to have their computers upgraded um and again the necessary related accessories resolution number 244 is a resolution granting an extension of premises permit in authorizing the Township Clerk to certify the same application uh resolution number 245 is a resolution authorizing the township of Willingboro to enter into a contract with Striker medical to provide ambulance stretchers and stair chairs um then is exactly what we're looking to purchase um ambulance stretchers and stair chairs and Striker medical is the approved State Contractor for um those particular pieces of equipment resolution number 246 is a a resolution awarding a contract uh for the purchase of a National Fitness campaign fitness center if you recall about a year and a half ago uh I had presented to the township Council that we were being considered for uh an a grant from the National Fitness um organization to install one of their Fitness courts here in Willingboro Township um we looked at it we uh investigated we thought it was a good thing to uh provide to our residents uh we have a large number of residents who utilize the track um at the JFK Center and even this morning I noticed a gentleman on the grass doing push-ups and sit-ups and all of those and uh the fitness Court would be an outside type of exercise space for um those types of activities um since we initially spoke we did receive an additional $10,000 Grant from New Jersey Blue Cross Blue Shield who has got on board with this program so we are going to look to purchase the fitness Court um and have it installed uh right at the base of the track at the JFK Center for utilization by our residents resolution ution number 247 is a resolution authorizing contracts with approved state of New New Jersey contracted vendors uh for specific Contracting units um I don't have the resolution in front of me to outline what the Contracting units were but just give me a second so those were for uh office supplies from from WB Mason so they supply all of our office supplies uh for the township uh resolution number 248 is resolution authorizing a refund for the overpayment of taxes resolution number 249 is authorizing the approval of vouchers and the payment and ratification of our bills resolution number 250 is a resolution approving um standard operating procedures for Willingboro Township council's standing ad hoc committees and finally resolution number 251 is an resolution authorizing the township to establish an Arts advisory Council for the Willingboro Performing Arts Center and that's all of the business that we are presenting to you this evening for your consideration a little further yes so um the council is making a huge investment in the theater at the JFK and um there has been uh a discussion about establishing an at Arts advisory Council U made up of some notable Willingboro uh residents who have excelled in the areas of music and theater and performing uh Performing Arts to sit on The Advisory board for the theater to kind of Aid in bringing in top-notch talents uh and creating uh top-notch programs to be utilized in our and our theater um Deputy Mayor if you wouldn't mind maybe sharing some of the names that were being presented for that board pull up the resolution no just he's just explaining for the public some uh some of the names that will be participating on that board where the name is that it's on the second page uh some of the names the organ members for this committee will be Ted Reed he is the uh vice president of uh Morgan Stanley of he's over there entertainment division we have Adam Blackstone um we have Ty tribit Mike McCarthy Stephen Thompson and Kevin awood who would be sitting on this committee for purposes of bringing in dollars uh this is their base this is uh the folks that they deal with um and also for naming rights bringing in top a listing aister acts and so much more talent because of who they are and it allows us to generate so much more revenue from Grants and everything else they can generate towards this thank you very much and also Mr Harris can you go back through quickly the ordinances for um the ordinances because it seems like we have different numbers or something's a miss so 20 what happened 2024 d222 is it says conduct but what that is actually for is the grass clippings we discussed another ordinance related to The Courts which was not ready but will be put on for but it also had conduct I think it was just a little confus but this is in regards to grass clippings when the neighbors cut their grass leave the clippings on the sidewalk or in the street so we just amended an ordinance that we had to include that okay and and my apologies I don't actually have that ordinance in front of me so okay I was kind of right that's the that's correct so so what it is is is just tightening up the requirement for residents to not uh put grass clippings in the in the curb line in the street um along the sidewalks and also the Township's commitment to to clean up up for ourselves expediently if we do the same okay all right thank you very much we will now open up public comment for agenda items only anything that was um just talked about um you're able to speak on for 2 minutes please state your name and address for the record any public comment is now open good evening mayor uh Deputy Mayor counsel um can you state your name oh I'm sorry yeah forgot Pat Lindsey Harvey um Hadley Lane um and to our residents uh last night the library had a special meeting and we put together an ad hoc committee of two trustees two two um staff members and two members of the friends to work with the Council on um the two resolutions 2 240 and 241 that's my comment good evening Marcus King 135 torington Lane I just want to make sure I have this right because you talked about the article I mean the policy that I was going to talk about um 2421 this relates to and if I get this wrong please correct me uh employees who damage equipment and they would be some type of reimbursement so want to make sure I have that right and I guess my question really is because the city has or Willingboro has collective bargaining agreements to make sure that this isn't a violation of the of their Collective bargain agreements because if so then we could wind up spending a bunch of money up in arbitrations so if someone could look into that I would appreciate good evening I'm Brett Bonfield I'm with New Jersey Library Association I'm the executive director uh good evening mayor Deputy Mayor and Council um okay sorry I'll speak into the microphone yeah um the New Jersey Library Association is not a regulatory B body we're a nonprofit membership organization and uh we represent the library workers uh in New Jersey and the libraries um and we advocate for Poli policies that let everybody in New Jersey have the services that they need um we think libraries are a great place to get those services and I we think having strong libraries um is is a great way for New Jersey to remain strong and so we're I'm speaking just to 2024 d240 that's that's the only piece that um njla is taking a a position on and the um concern we have is that um it it appears that Council may wish to join the county system solely by resolution rather than taking it to a vote for the residents and based on our understanding of New Jersey library law it it would require a vote to join the county system and again just to be clear we are not in favor of any specific model it's great to have local control and to have an independent Library it's also great to join with you know neighboring communities and have a county system um nla again does not take a position on what willing burough should do or what any other community should do in terms of of how it runs its its libraries and how it offers Library services but it is really important for us that everyone follow Library law um libraries aren under attack in a variety of different ways people are trying to take books off of the Shelf in other communities um and so again njla just really wants to make sure that everyone respects uh New Jersey's Library law thank you very much hi good evening everyone I am Anna Pano cutton at 29 Nolan Lane and I would like to comment on resolution 20 2240 and 241 um I am honored to serve as a trustee of the Willingboro Public Library thank you for allowing me to um serve my community in that way I want also to thank and acknowledge Dr worthy and Mr Harris for their presence at our last two Library board meetings in which they shared a lot more background a lot more um context about what these proposed resolutions might entail um and I want to just share that we've also had opportunity through those meetings to hear from staff to hear from the friends of the Willingboro public library and get feedback on concerns and questions and so I think from my as a trustee as a person who's worked in County government and at County institutions I do want to um simply state that uh there are significant areas of alignment in these proposals with our strategic plan and with our goals for moving forward in closer alignment with County resources and closer alignment with Township Resources with better um digital infrastructure and better um better better programming that with that better marketing and communication around existing programming and utilization of our specialized spaces there are also a number of questions and a number of risks that have been raised concerns about the impact on our local employees um specifically with joining the County Library System concerns about um being subsumed under con County process concerns about um having efficiency through that process with some of our local um our local materials process I also have heard many concerns around the total amount of space relative to resolution number 241 being insufficient um being and then also how would we ensure that there's access for some of the public programming space and so I just ask that we be more involved as our um our president of our board stated we have S formed an ad hoc committee and look forward to being much more actively involved in the process moving forward thank you good evening Corvina Francis Denton 35 boxwood Lane honored to serve on the wenb library board and honored to continue to do this service for our community I would like to pick up where beonza cotton left off to say we have formed an adult committee through which we are hoping to be able to work more closely with the township and to be able to express our concerns the concerns of the library the friends of the library and the concerns concerns of the citizens with that in mind we are therefore requesting or asking councel we know there is the opportunity to vote tonight but we're also fully aware that we have not had an opportunity to evaluate either the move to Kennedy Center or to join the County library system with that in mind we're asked that the ad hoc committee and the council be able to look at the value of both what it offers the will inar community and to be able get the voice of the people at the table more than anything else what we've heard through this process is how the the heart of the people in our town is truly broken at the thought that we would have taken away their right to have a voice in this matter we are requesting just an opportunity to continue to look at where we go moving forward and what would not only be best for the library but what would be best for the people that the library serves thank you fa child9 good evening um I'm the friend of the Willingboro library and um we were here last year just about the same time we receiving a proclamation for friends of national friends of libraries week so today I come to defend that very library and advocate for it there res this is a statement that we reached some consensus on with the friends of the library um if it had a title it would be called more time a petition for more time for deeper engagement regarding the future of the Willingboro Public Library the residents Willingboro have been left in the dark about plans to relocate the library to Kennedy Center and or plans to turn over authority of the Willingboro Public Library to the Burlington County Library System resolutions have been drafted and decisions are about to be made without providing details about the total cost of the move whether the size of the relocated building is sufficient or whether Staffing programs and services will be reduced or how these plans spit into the 2025 master plan we the residents of Willingboro and the members of the Library community ask the township Council to postpone any decisions about the library until more material questions are answered a series of public discussions are planned and we have had an opportunity to be part of a meaningful process to reimagine our library as a institution that serves willing boro's essential needs okay uh Sarah Holly hello council members okay I have several thing things pertaining to the ordinance but I I'll just start with this one address oh I'm at talain um were you all aware that we have an international storytelling in in town I just want to say that not all entertainment um should invol involve music uh there are other types of entertainment um and a question for councilman Anderson maybe I didn't hear but all of the names that you listed were they mail that's funny Council I just want to I just asked the question where they all mailed we have some very we have some very accomp accomplished uh females in town were they all mes counsilman my time my time is ticking okay I'll just I'll just let that go put me a couple more minutes back on my time okay I'm gonna let that one go if you don't know the name of the international Storyteller I'll be more than happy to let you know okay um I'm not sure this wasn't agenda item but I just want to thank mayor uh McIntosh and manager Harris for the work that's been done on your part so you can give yourself a pat on the shoulder for that one I also would like you to know that as I uh been riding around town I've noticed that the tree branches that were overhanging the streets you've done a lot to um to take those down or to cut those down so you can give yourself another pat on the back for that um okay it's time is my time up yes even the time that another four minutes later miss Holly thank you Miss Holly okay I'll be back okay okay Myra sorry Myra heror 202 Northampton drive I'm uh calling in to commend the library system I have been in Willingboro since 75 so using it as a family since then however over the last 15 years I've been uh the library has been very very helpful to the Parkinson's people we have had meetings there at the library often we also have had um we have wonderful resources there they were they were really great about ordering all kinds of books on the topic for people who have Parkinson's we now are use are using their services they're doing um meetings for us on the web and I I can't thank them enough for what they've done and I think we should all be proud of what we're doing so I I hope you'll consider keeping this on so we can all have these continued Services thank you very much thank you Miss Hutcherson what do that say Miss Myra huh thank you all right Brown members good evening mayor good evening Deputy Mayor I wanted to cover resolution 240 and 241 I I think it's a great idea to reload the um the library to the Kennedy Center will'll be in the middle of every Park it's better place because the theater and art which is fixed into the foundation it is like a hub which brings people together which has lots of room because the building was for high school as for the county system we shouldn't be isolated I favor that as well we shouldn't be isolated we should be sharing access to more resource and the previous location that we have is so far out of Earth so far out of the end of the Earth thank you very much thank you Miss Brown you're welcome okay Barb hi my name is Barbara Stevens I've lived in Buckingham for over 36 years and I am a consistent Library user I do want to say that I am not in favor of the move only because I believe it will limit the programs the library currently offers to the residents from them the the English language service to the snack after school to the reading to the younger kids I also think that where it is now is easy to get to because it's easier for the res that live in apartment it's located right on 130 there's food around for the kids to get I think that if we were to move the library we would miss out on a lot our collections would change because we would not have the same square footage the programs that we offer would change because we would not have the space to have them there I understand the reasoning for wanting it at JFK because it is where so many of our programs are but I do not think long I disappoint this wasn't brought to the residents first and you didn't allow us time to really decide what we wanted before it was brought to a vote that barely any of us or will be brought to a boat that very any of us knew about I think our library is a huge resource especially for families who don't have the money to go out and buy books for their kids and it would be I think it would I do not understand how it would benefit our community to move it or put under the county and if you can give us reasons why I would benefit it then maybe I would understand a little better but until that time comes I think that again the vote should be held off thank you for your time thank you Miss Stevens All right relle we hi good evening uh Rell 18 Pin Street so I I had spoke on this the last meeting um I'm very concerned about the two ordinance 240 and 240 1 uh what I would like to say here tonight is um the last meeting I think Dr worthy had a list of items that um were ran down for uh the township uh last meeting in regards to the public library what needed to be improved and my question is what are the resources and the support that is being provided by the Town Council to ensure that the library Direct I guess the board has the uh resources that they need to be able to make these updates and changes um to be able to revitalize the things um that Dr worthy had spoke about so would like to get into more detail about that as well as understanding better um the benefits of the a combination of the township and and the Willingboro public library because last meeting we said we were supposed to get some documentation to lay out the pros and cons and and I didn't see any documentation to support that so would be interested in understanding that as well as also indicating um as many other members or or the township has also said the uh in regards to having the people actually have a vote I feel like the people should also have a vote in um where the library resides as well as the programs that um the current Library uh has and and not being able to have a decision or any input on combining um both uh the Willingboro Library as well as the township uh the um County thank you Mrs Lee Miss Lee all right Dr Jennifer Noble Slayton this is Dr Noble Slayton 28 Windsor Lane are you able to hear me yes uh good evening I was curious as to during the time of a relocation would the library remain in place place so that services do not discontinue during the time of building up or enhancing the JFK Center so that there's no loss of time for our students we don't want the children to be without resources while construction would be going on and if so if the library would shut down during that time then how long of a break are we talking and how long would take a project of this size to be completed uh in order to meet the size requirements at the library uh needs thank you thank you Dr Noble Slayton is there anyone else for public comment for agenda items only seeing none public comment is now closed obviously there's a lot of uh concerns over the library going to the Burton County system as well as the move to the JFK space um first of all um we just for um The public's understanding we did gather all the questions and I got yours Miss cray um and we're Gathering we're just combining all the questions um for consideration for the burlton county Li Library um so that's still in process just to let everyone know that's still in process we're still going over and hashing out some of the details um with the counting among Council um the move to the library you know from I'll say from my perspective is is that it is centrally located um and we do think it would be more traffic it'll be more um access to our residents and also the the place is the sizing right now is uh is okay but we are using our engineer to make sure that that is the truth um but as we know right now as we understand it right now that it is adequate space to um move our library for our population um I didn't know if any other council members had any addition to moving the library or the Burlington County um system um thank you Madame mayor I also would like to um to add um in terms of the potential move to the JFK Center um that's not something that would happen immediately that's not like we're looking at uh moving it in the next couple of weeks that would be something that would happen probably in a year from now or 18 months from now because we're renovating the JFK Center so the conversation that started with the library board in 2021 about potentially moving the library to the JF K Center was in uh part of the whole reimagining Willingboro Transforming Our spaces um what could it possibly look like um and so now we're at a point where we actually have gotten funding for the renovations in the JFK Center so we're revisiting a conversation about relocating um the library over to the JFK Center and I think that you know just understanding it's not something happening overnight if there's an ad hoc committee that was just formed um yesterday that's great and that ad hoc committee would be invaluable in terms of uh moving forward if the if we move forward with moving to JFK what the design of the library looks like being involved with the architect being involved with the engineer to be able to create a brand new space um in the center of town so it's not I just wanted to clarify is we're talking about a potential move we're not talking about just hurrying up and moving over um right away and we're not talking about just uh uh copy or cut and paste the library into the JFK Center there would be extensive Renovations where it would look very different from what it looks like today um and it would be a lot of shared spaces um and access to the to the residents as well so I just wanted to clarify that um that piece of it thank you Madame mayor thank you and just to answer um Dr Noble slayton's answer um question about the discontinue of um Services while we would trans if we were to transfer um to the JFK um we would work that out you know to have the least amount of dis um disruption to Services um I can't promise it would be no disruption but we would try to minimize that um and as we got closer if that if the will of the council was to move the library to JFK um we would definitely keep the community updated um does anybody um councilwoman withfield thank you mayor um I also just wanted to thank the um Library Commission as well as the friends of the library and all the patrons that got on today um the National Library Association um for your input um we are not a council that operates in a vacuum we really do take the feedback of our residents and um stakeholders seriously so I appreciate all that you um have shared today and I look forward to um more input and further input from the ad hoc committee that was formed councilwoman with I'm sorry wrong yes thank you um so my continued concern um is when it comes to um relocating the library to the JFK Center and I forget who mentioned it just now but there was um we do have grant money for renovations so why wouldn't we use the money to renovate the library to give it a facelift um and bring them up to speed as far as technology as opposed to breaking down walls at the JFK Center and creating a whole entire new space um to make it look like a library when the library already exists um and in addition to so that's one thought the library the structure of it exists does it need a facelift some areas yes does it need to come up to par with technology yes um I I can imagine that utilizing some of the funding to do that would be a lot less expensive than creating a brand new structure in what used to be a school because the area that we're speaking of are parts of the area of the JFK Center that still appears to be classroom settings and schools where we haven't really done anything with um so therefore why not use the money to renovate the JFK structure for whatever other ideas and I think uh councilman Anderson had mentioned at the last council meeting that having ideas to have more venues for um renting Banquets or other types of ideas which are great ideas but if you're going to build um breakdown walls to convert what used to be a school use that funding to do exactly what you just described as opposed to removing um the structure that already exists lastly um so that's with moving with regards to going to the county um the gentleman who spoke earlier had spoken about the community vote taking a vote on this so um I and still I'm concerned about that I didn't hear anybody speak about that nor did I hear anything from our solicitor um but I'm not sure why that's still on the the agenda when um that is something that has to happen first that it has to go before the people of Willingboro to vote on going with the county so I know we're talking about two different things so those are my thoughts on both um I find that with the aot committee I find that they're um they requ us to give them the opportunities to look into um additional um information such as uh financing or laws behind it or I think we should allow them that opportunity to do that this way when they come back to us with um some more um educational pieces for us to make an informed decision at least we have that and maybe my answer will be able to be answered at that time too what is the dollar amount to break down wall at the JFK Center as opposed to the dollar amount to maybe replace the carpet at the Willingboro Public Library um those are my thoughts thank you Council Peron um just for clarification um the vote I was going to we were going to address the vote for the vote from the public for the um bton County Library System um that was one of the questions that we did gather that um we were going to present um to our library lawyer and the county to see if that's the truth because the understanding that we had right now that that's not not there's no referendum needed for that uh decision however however like that we wanted to um make sure and confirm so you're gonna pull are we GNA pull that that's a discussion yeah yeah okay so you have that information go ahead councilwoman thank you Madame mayor um in terms of the grant money um that Council perone mentioned the reason that it can't be applied to the library where it currently is is because the grant specifically States Renovations at the JFK Center so we the grant money wasn't acquired from the library or the friends of the library or any of them the monies that we got were from Grants that were applied for and money that came down from the state and it was specific to um the JFK Center so that's why now if we had the grant grant money um from the library Friends of the library for those things we absolutely would allocate the money um for you know replacing the carpets and things like that but the money that we got didn't um that's not what we got so that's why it's going um towards the JFK Center in terms of funding we currently fund the library at 048 cents per $100 um the requirement is 033 per $100 so we're funding our library um very competitively and we also offset some of the expenses as things come up um as well we've worked on um giving the library more money there was a time where it was a big cut to their budget um and they've been able to secure additional funding fing and we work collaboratively director K comes and shares uh the library uh their requests at budget time so in terms of us funding them we do fund a library well um but it's a huge space to try to keep up with 42,000 square feet as you know is um it's a massive space um and we're funding them we're funding them at 048 and then in terms of the vote um you asked why why it's on the agenda uh for tonight again in terms of the possible relocation to the county system it's because we specifically tabled it until this meeting um because we wanted to be able to have that discussion if we got the answers back from the county and we had tabled it to the next meeting so we had it has to be on there whether we table it again of course Council can do that but the reason it's appearing tonight is because we tabled it until until this meeting but we absolutely can you know if it be the will of the council to table it again you know we can do that so that's why it's there can I just respond to um thank you councilman worthy for um for adding that information so that's helpful um the grant is for the JFK Center and I do recall that so thank you for reminding me of that um still and so to renovate and break down the library structure to create something new I think that um uh whatever ideas that was mentioned with regards to what we're going to do with that building will not it will no longer look like a library so that's going to cost money and and as you stated the money to if in the event that it's moved to JFK we use the grant to create a whole brand new structure now the structure that currently exists as a library will no longer look like that because you're going to do something else to it you're going to pull up the carpet you're going to break down the Walls you're going to take down the museum and that's going to cost money so that means the funding to do that is going to come somewhere from the budget so rather than spend that much money to break down theu that already exists why not put in a little bit of money to perhaps just replace the carpet and maybe add the technology to our technology system this way it's coupled in with our agreements that we have with the um Tech uh our Tech um contractual agreements that we have this way the library is now up to speed literally uh technology wise and we we help that way um but the amount of money that it seems like it's what it sounds like is going to cost and again ad hoc committee currently has just been established I think having them come back with real numbers to to us will help um will help definitely what I think and I just would like to see the library um uplifted and just giving a little bit of um support as far as again with the technology and maybe the carpet I I think it looks nice honestly the way it is maybe the carpet needs to be updated um but outside of that um it just sounds like we could do something else at the JFK center with that money other than create a structure that already exists it's like creating another Municipal Township building at the JFK Center when this one already exists you break that's my thinking I'm like it's already a structure that exists so now you're breaking it down and creating it somewhere else utilizing the funding to break down a structure to create the same type of structure that you need somewhere else that's just my I mean that's just one this is my thought I don't think we're breaking down a whole structure to create it but okay I thank I appreciate that and then I I appreciate that input anybody else have any more input for the library oh boy some acts are just hard to follow um all right so you know where my stance is and I believe I spoke about it at the last meeting you know I'm in favor of the relocation and as we have Architects designing the library you know we have an opportunity to expand the square footage there other rooms in that building that we can convert to working spaces to accommodate the library so these are all options on the table as we work through the design process so this is not nothing that we saying we're doing specifically for the library we already budgeted to have that JFK Center restructured so from the point of me supporting relocation is from the standpoint of it gives us an opportunity to lease that space out and to make some money we are a bedroom community we don't have commercial land we just don't like other communities to help offset taxes so it's our responsibility to do our best to think outside the box so if you just want to know my reasoning for supporting it it's just that and I understand everyone in this room as a fan of the library everybody online but this is a community of 33,000 people and I know everybody may not be a fan of the library but everybody is a fan of keep taxes low and it's our it's our intentions okay to do everything we can do to accommodate every single resident now as it stands for the merging with the county system there are questions that were asked at the last meeting we have not received answers back on and I think it would be unfair for us to make a decision without having those answers so at this point I'm willing and I will support tabling that portion until we can get some more clarity thank you and I just for clarification I just want to make sure um the it wasn't the it wasn't the um I don't know if it's the Full Count I know you're saying about the economic development but that wasn't the reason for moving the library okay all right okay yeah that wasn't the emphas the that wasn't my for my decision but that was that's an added benefit possibly but that was never um my intention initially um you what I also did want to add one of the reasons why we looked at the space in JFK is not only because we got funding to do Renovations at JFK but also because the space that we were looking at was formerly used as a library um so it's not like we're doing or we want to do um break down one space to create it again we're repurposing a former space that was used um and updating it modernizing it um and hopefully providing better access to um students that live across town um having the library more centrally located um but I am open to suggestions hearing more about it I look forward to the feedback and I want to work with everyone um you know personally and I don't think I just speak for myself but for the rest of council and um finding common ground on what we want the library to achieve here in Willingboro um and how it can serve um our community to the best of its ability um whether it be at the location that it currently is or if we move it um to the JFK um the design is still pending so um we can make sure that all of the components that are necessary are Incorporated in that design as we move forward if we choose to um take that path thank you so much and just um thank you for that um I I'll go through the list what um Miss Lindsay Harvey um did indicate that they formed the ad hoc committee I think that's you know a great first step to make sure that there is dialogue between the stakeholders so um I think that was a great step as Dr worthy did call to the table um the library board and Friends of library to you know to call it action to make a the library the optim the most optimal it can be so I I do appreciate that step um towards that um Mr King he had a concern about um [Music] ordinance 21 202 202 2421 um Mr Harris Can you offer some insight into that concerning you know if this would be um contradictory to our Collective bargaining in a union so the governing body has the ability to establish policy within the township um and our responsibility to the collecting bargaining units are to provide them with notice of the proposed policy changes uh which we had done we allowed them the opportunity to comment on the proposed policy um we sent it out to our legal council to make sure that it was in line with our collective bargaining agreements and um there is no reason not to move forward with the decision however there is always the opportunity for um or the potential for a a disagreement um once the execution of the policy um happens some of the things that have been been occurring that really prompted this type of movement is you know we have had vehicle damage uh to our equipment because um uh employees um were Reckless and driving with rear Gates down or not checking behind them uh for equipment and running over Township equipment um we had an instance where uh an employee uh during their lunch break uh took a nap in in the truck when they came out the weed whacker was gone so these are the things that that the taxpayers are continuing to fund and I really like to support our departments by providing them with the best equipment that we can fund them to have but I also need them to take care and and respon be responsible for the equipment that we are providing them and I just think that are that in clear instances where there H there has been neglect or mal feent of you know stuff just disappears that we should have an ability to hold our employees accountable and you know when the first case comes then I guess the waters will be tested but I think now we have been in compliant with all the requirements uh for the colle through the collective bargaining agreements to establish this policy okay thank you very much um Mr Benfield um from the Library Association um did share his concerns to make sure we are following the library law um that was one of our you know our questions that we held out to make sure that we um had the proper um the proper information and count and Counsel on so that is something that we you know we are highlighting so I appreciate that um Miss cotton and Miss Francis Denton who are um on the library board share their concerns um um about you know making sure that they have a voice in some of the decisions concerning the library with the council um but I do think that ad hoc committee can can um make sure that happens um Miss Fairchild again came up just to defend the friends of the library defend the library um Miss Holly um indicated that we have an international Storyteller and I'll say miss Karen Abdul Malik AKA Queen no very familiar with her um she had a question for Mr uh Deputy Mayor Anderson I think needs to be handed it's a good point I gotta give her credit it's a good point so uh explain so prior to miss Holly's question there were uh all men or all males since her question when we read the resolution I'm willing to amend it to include miss Karen Abdul Malik yeah any other women no that's the only one okay we'll explore that um Miss Holly also gave kudos to um the renovation of brale Park and also the tree cutting so I'd like to pass that Kudos on to our employees and our Recreation Department our DPW and any other staff that was involved in that um I really like to say thank you and and push that uh the Kudos from Miss Holly to you guys for making that happen um miss m Miss Myra yeah had concerns also about the library moving and she wanted to just let us know that she was very pleased with the library system as is um Miss Sharon Brown um favors the move to the Burton County Library system and thinks it's a great idea to go to the JFK Miss Barbara Stevens has still you know has concerns um moving to the JFK and would like some more understanding of that um Miss Michelle Lee had questions about the resources provided by the resources that we provide to the library board um okay and also can you give us a number out the from the budget how much we um um send towards the library1 1.97 I think is the one 1.97 925 925 1.9 million and something okay so one point yeah okay over a million okay it's over a million dollar over a million dollars that that that the township does invest in the library yearly um and we take in consideration you know what's needed over there um but she also would like to know the benefits um if we move to the uh Burton County system and feels that the people should have more of a voice on that and that's all I had I acknowledged um Dr Noble slayton's um issue was there anything I missed okay all right we'll move on to our our ordinances do you want me to just go down the ordinances and request a motion in a second for each one um ordinance 202 4-19 in ordinance amending chapter 356 article 18 18 entitled left turn prohibitions of the code of the W of the code of Willingboro Township can I get a motion in a second so moved second moved by councilwoman Whitfield second by Dr worthy any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes I request a motion in a second to introduce ordinance 2024-25 establishing a working test period for Willingboro Township employees can I get a motion second so move second moved by Dr worthy seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes ordinance 2024-25 councilwoman Whitfield any discussion roll call please councilwoman prone yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay or uh ordinance 2024 202 24-22 an ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes ordinance 2024 d23 an ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter 370 entitled additional regulations by amending articles specifying the location I'd request a motion in a second so moves second move by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes okay um I'm opening the public hearing on ordinance 20248 and ordinance amending 20211 setting forth the hours of operation for cannabis business under 12 6-5 of the Township Code of the township of Willingboro can I get a motion in a second actually I I had to open the public hearing my apologies um the the public hearing on the ordinance is open if anybody wants to address uh the council come forward nobody okay I'm closing the public hearing can I get a motion in a second so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by mayor McIntosh any further discussion councilwoman pero yes thank you um I just want to further I know I spoke about this at the last council meeting when we spoke about this topic and um when it was at I think the last reading um again I did look into our local Pharmacists and none of them open up at 7:00 a.m. and they are legally allowed to cell drugs so when we look at cannabis to enter the hours of operation earlier in the day just one hour after 6:00 a.m. I find that we are being careless of um the fact that there are addictions that people have drug addictions and although cannabis is used for some medical purposes for some individuals it is also a recreational drug and I find that it's not necessary to have um an establishment that is selling cannabis to begin their operations earlier in the day um at 7:00 a.m. and close later in the day when again our local pharmacist of Willingboro which we have about five none of the earliest that one opens up and I don't want to call out their names I did look them up is at 8:00 and they're also not just selling drugs it's actually other things that they sell that could be used personal re reasons um so again I'm going to vote no for this and I just really would wish that the council would reconsider um allowing this establishment to start selling their products at 7:00 in the morning um I just don't think that it's necessary right now and just kind of keep in mind that there's some families that have people that are struggling right now with um drug addiction so I I would like for us not to encourage it by making it available a lot earlier in the morning that's all I appreciate that thank you any any any further discussion just just looking at the ordinance it it says hours no cannabis retailer may open to customers before 7 a.m. which doesn't mean that this organization is looking to do that because during their conversations they were just requesting the later hours to stay open be competitive not to open up any earlier so just so that we're not saying we're telling them they they will be opening at 7 it just says no no earlier than 7 previous to that it said no earlier than 8 but that wasn't their hours they're just looking to extend the hours Madam mayor yes goad I just want to be clear um Deputy Mayor the um the hours that they were currently allowed to open was at 8: a.m. one of our local pharmacies open up at 8:00 a.m. and that is the only one the others open up at 9:00 this ordinance is allowing this organization to open up an hour earlier and they will be the first open to sell drugs in willing merrow and that be our at 7 a.m. all I'm saying is that we don't have to push it up earlier it already exists at 8:00 a.m. of operation they want to open up earlier in the morning which giving them opening up hours at 7:00 a.m. but not to be open up at 6:00 a.m. so I just want us to make sure we're on the same page that I I understand that this ordinance does not say they can open up at 6:00 a.m. but what it says is to change it so they can open up at 7:00 a.m. as opposed to what's currently scratched out which was starting at 8:00 a.m. and closing at 8:00 p.m. so you want them to open up earlier and close later and what I'm just trying to remind the Council of they're not selling grapes you see they're selling a product that people have addiction to and for us to allow earlier hours and later hours we're encouraging this type of action and that's what I'm saying it's earlier than 8:00 which means this says before not to but not to open up before 7 am it's still to it's 8 AM is it's enough I think it's no I get I get what you're saying but at the same time you know these are individuals who have scripts you know some of this is medical that they serve that they service so if I have a medical condition and I'm having issues and I have a script it would accommodate me but once again they're not requesting seven and I get it we're saying they can't open no earlier they are requesting seven that's why I think no it says not well but it says that we can well miss would that um wait wait Miss mck would that con um constitute a material change if we were to revert the morning hours back to 800 a.m. um would we have to go through the whole ordinance process again or could we just strike the 7 a.m. piece from the um proposed change I can review this to double check it further but my initial thought would be that yes it would be material change the only purpose of this ordinance was to change the hours not any other aspect of the operations for the um cannabis business so we were did they request early I thought it was just later okay they had request to open up well later later oh I see and then so we added the earlier piece to it I remember the oh yeah I think earlier and later it shouldn't be okay okay I'm concerned I don't know yeah I do think they're two separate things I mean we have Drug Act in the dispensary I don't think well um adds to the drug addict so I mean I do I I agree to you know that that does exist but um I don't think you know this and this has been a safe where's our Chief our chief hey I'm just saying that the our current pharmacies that sell more than just Pharmacy products are opening up later than at 8:00 and now we we having Canada open up earlier it's like what are we trying to tell the people of willing borrow they can get the medication early no but it's not just for medication it's also Recreation that's what I mean like it's like the one thing that I appreciate with cannabis is that it did eliminate um the people that were incarcerated because they had marij want on them I think that was horrible and that's the one thing that I appreciate that's now gone away but I don't want us to be so careless that we are opening up you know this type of store earlier in the morning as you know like I think we should be I would like for us to be a little bit more um conscientious that people do have addictions and you know what some people are addicted to their own prescriptions and I get that but I just feel that we don't need to open up earlier um and I do I think somebody did recall that they were asking for later hours yeah um so I would I mean I would I to to your point I wouldn't mind just resticking to 8: a.m. I mean I have a problem with that yeah I'm not I do think it's fair to allow them to open till 10 to remain competitive with the other um dispensaries down Route 130 which are majority of them are open till 10: I think that's fair to allow them that but to your point you know I don't mind changing um I me. I'm not trying to be difficult but honestly the pharmacy close at 9:00 too and and if it's you know I'm I'm not comparing it to but I'm just saying that we have to keep in mind what they're selling you know um I'm not to belabor the topic but thank you for at least looking into not you know we just trying to be careful about what because we know what they're selling um so um again maybe nobody in your family but there are families that are struggling with people that they're constantly on something and I think for us to create hours that are later or earlier in the day we're kind of you know maybe not really thinking about some families that may have these issues or maybe they don't have an issue but now they will because guess what 8 7 o'clock in the morning they can just well this this is what it says 7 will put it to 8 o'clock okay does anybody have does anybody have any objections to changing it to 8: am versus 7 am I have no objection to that mayor what about closing at 9: oh you had a question I don't have an objection mayor but I did I do want to submit that um our local quick Marts and Quicky Marts and quick stops and all of them open around 7: a.m. and they sell products that are very similar to cannabis um that are not regulated in the same way um in this different smoke shop so I just want to submit that I'm not saying that it has to be 7: am or 8 am but those quick Mar shops if you evaluate the products that they have in there um they are actually competing with the Cannabis shops because of the products that they're allowed to sell that are not regulated so um I just wanted to bring that up uh whether it's 7: am or 8: am it's fine with me but I think if we're looking at you know Addiction in willing borrow if that's the new conversation then I I'm just I just believe that we need to look at it then holistically and there are a lot more things that we can look at you know thematically that are going on in our town like the smoke shop that's over on Beverly ran cookus road across from the high school I mean there's a whole lot of things that I think we would need to look at um More Than Just A Time shift of if it's seven or eight but I'm fine with it being 8: a.m. and I I invite the conversation of looking at taking a holistic look at the community right um and I appreciate that and I don't I want to make sure I'm clear I'm not saying that we have a drug addiction in willing Mor I want to make sure that's on the record I'm just saying in the world people are struggling with certain addictions um and I I and I think I said it before I don't think they should be open at 10:00 at night the pharmacy close at 9: so I think we should again not to belabor it um but I think 8: am I think they should be on the hours with Pharmacy hours that's how I feel because of what they're selling and originally when coming up with these times the concern was really the safety was the safety of the um the surrounding area making sure there was no crime around the area right but so over this past year they've been open since till 900 PM there's been zero crime right zero you but allowing them but we're trying to support our businesses also in Willingboro that is for econ we are trying to support our business they their Quest was could they be open um at this point I don't see a problem with them being open later um why don't we look at it at a in a year from now because we just I mean they just started it's like give it some time to see because you may not even want them here anymore well also councilwoman for I think um there are establishments that distribute alcohol and sell alcohol products that are open far past 10 a 10: p.m. they're open till 2:00 a.m. um which is arguably more dangerous you know it gives more time and it has on-site consumption so those people are not only staying out until 2: a.m. but then also leaving intoxicated and driving after such not in Willingboro we don't sell Al we don't we're not selling alcohol pass kind across no like that's a problem I'm just saying like it's what I'm saying we don't have alcohol stores in Willingboro there are people that that um sell alcohol for consumption on premises um if you're referring to a party somebody's at a party that's different I'm talking about actual store you go just to buy I know let's not start talking other people I'm just all right so call the vote yeah you want to call the vote hours Scrat okay they minut okay okay I would agree with that recommendation you say that for the record yeah um you can note for the record of motion to change the hours however as the Cannabis ordinance was just for a change in the hours changing what has been published would be a material change so it would be republished for your next meeting okay what hours are those just for the record well that would be a for a motion for someone on Council to make so that that can be clear for the record I will not make that motion oh okay I thought was already made okay thank you m Maggie I make a motion that we alter the hours of ordinance 2024-25 reverting back to the previous language um but uh to keep or remain open um to customers for business after 10 p.m. 10 p.m. being the latest until 10 until 10 p.m. yes second open to yeah move by yeah you did it right okay move by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson Roll Call okay uh councilman PR councilman Whitfield councilman PR you talk you calling me yeah okay um I will say I would say okay yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes thank you all right for Resolutions um the council is there any can you tell me which ones you want pulled yes Dr worthy Madame May I'd like to pull resolution 2024 d240 240 any other ones yep 251 um 250 I think C said that and also um oh said okay so 250 mhm um 224 um you're already pulling 240 correct and are you already pulling 241 I can pull that okay okay 241 and hold um also 251 was already pulled 251 okay you pass that 224 240 241 250 and 251 got it is that correct for you that's what I have yes thank you okay let me just get that correct that's good two okay I make a motion for a consent agenda for [Music] Resolutions was it two um 2020 243 through 249 I'm sorry 2024 249 okay so so move mayor I think 244 Council and Peron asked for 244 to be pulled no she didn't no I said I'm 224 240 241 250 251 right 224 oh okay 224 it's right underneath 12 letter get a second for my motion second second okay mooved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Peron yeah I make a motion to approve that consent agenda as stated second oh we didn't vote I'm sorry I apologize we didn't vote I apologize councilwoman perone yes councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes all right I make a motion to approve the same second mooved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes okay we can start with the resolutions 224 just one second 224 yes so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Deputy Mayor Anderson discussion please yes councilwoman coron thank you so I did um review this um resolution and it's pertaining to um there's quite a bit going on with this one resolution um so part of my issue is that part first it says a resolution approving the township of Willingboro to form a scholarship committee and and authorize a memorandum of agreement to partner with newno foundation for all annual scholarships golf outing um and then I read everything and I did also recognize that they were um individuals appointed to this committee um and so I'm going to start off with my first issue one I do I like the formation of a scholarship committee that's great I think um it's I'm having an issue with it coupling with golf because when I think of scholarship I'm thinking of Education um and I think if we're going to form something like that it should be um something broken out towards education um secondarily um the the combining of partnership that should be its own isolated resolution because in the event no we're no longer want to partner with them what happens to the scholarship committee so I would like to see the resol solution broken up into two um this way we have a scholarship committee standing alone and what their purpose is and then another resolution to um have the partnership as you as it's written here with the scholarship committee uh of newno foundation lastly um the last issue that I have with it as written is um the fact that it says that um the that in Naro Willingboro Township count ccil committee will be comprised of the following individuals Dr Tiffany worthy Nat Anderson uh Gary B ly Ron Timmons Debbie price Aaron Davis Pat Lindsey Harvey and be it further right my issue with that is that goes against our bylaws um that speaks to chapter 16 citizens access to boards and commissions so if we're creating a committee um we have the chapter 16 in order to create a fair process whereby chapter 16 speaks to on um 16-1 of purpose the purpose of chapter 16 of our bylaws speaks to this the purpose of this chapter is to Foster openness of government and provide citizens with information concerning the various appointed Municipal positions which exists within the township of Willingboro New Jersey this chapter further provides for a procedure whereby citizens can indicate his or her desire to serve in a particular appointing position finally this chapter provides for notification process so that those who have indicated a desire to hold a position will be notified regarding this action that's purpose so if you're creating the committee and appointing who you want there you've now gone against our own bylaws by not not allowing the public of Willingboro the citizens of Willingboro to have the opportunity to know that the committee exists and have the opportunity to apply it further goes into saying um filing applications any person interested in serving in appointing a municipal position shall file an application for each such position with the Township Clerk I don't believe the Township Clerk received any applications because it never existed because we're trying to vote on it today so doing a little bit too much in one resolution as you can see um and we want to make sure that we are governing ourselves by our own policies and our own bylaws so with that said love the idea of the scholarship committee um we need to work it out for a separate resolution and then do another resolution I did look up Noo-noo they do a lot of great work have no issue with that I'm confused by the golf part that's added to this resolution it's really for me as you can see that's my questions and concerns and recommendations to separate the resolutions and we and for us to abide by our own bylaws okay start Deputy andon M mad mayor let me begin I'm gonna go in reverse so each of those individuals who have been identified did submit a form for the events parade committee okay because this is where the golf comes up under it comes up under that umbrella so they did submit a form which did go to the clerk which we spoke about a couple of meetings ago when we identified them you even took the list and was reaching out to them for meetings under the parades and events committee we formed it under that umbrella okay so number two the golf the ideal of golf the school district just did a golf tournament the monies collected went to scholarships they raised almost $10,000 that's where the idea came from so what we said was okay let the township put on a golf tournament the money's raised will be for scholarship but the difference is we as a municipality cannot collect the monies so what we had to do was partner with a 501c3 um um entity which is the new New Foundation to be a partner in order for them to take in the proceeds distribute the proceeds because that's a function the township cannot do so everything was done in order this is not the first time it's come to the table we've already discussed it you even received all the applications from the clerk because members on that committee reached out and say hey I don't want to do Parise event I just want to do the the golf portion and the reason it came up under there was because there was dollars in there for events so this was an event so there were seed monies already in there in the event we needed to put some forth before we started the fundraising process so everything was done above board Madame mayor yes all right um thank you um deputy mayor for explaining your thoughts on the Committees so the parade in events is a is a committee on its own no different than the parade in events is not the youth committee they're two different committees several people have put in applications for those separate committees the scholarship committee does not exist the parade committee does exist and yes individuals put an application in for the parade and events committee and when they attended the meeting we discuss parade and events not golf not a scholarship because that's not what that committee is you can't you can't try to force people into a committee and then have them have their own agenda which by the way according to um our uh policies okay the agenda I was going to get to that on the other topic we can get there later um when it comes to the agenda of the committee it's not the agenda of the Council so you cannot try to force force in uh I can get the information for you in just a second here is ordinance 2016-5 okay this is our bylaws that speaks to establishing board committees and commissions bylaws not to contradict the township ordinance resolutions and statutory establishments the board committees and commissions regarding of their structure and that paragraph right there reads do not try to intervene with the way the board or committee or commission exists furthermore okay it says here naming of committees or commissions this is what you tried to do today you tried to name would not try you're doing you're you're naming a committee scholarship committee which does not exist and I keep saying that because it does not exist there's a parade an events committee exists yes it does anybody disagree keep your hand down okay it exists right pay attention we got we you following me Okay naming of the committee or commission Township boards committees and commissions are identified and established as directed by ordinance or resolution of council all Municipal all Municipal boards committees and Commissioners accept quasi autonomous boards such as the library board the Willingboro I'm sorry are we having a separate discussion I just want to make sure um I'm following what you're do you have a question do you have a question about what I was saying or no okay I couldn't hear myself okay willing B Utilities Authority shall be governed in accordance with these uniform bylaws where the ordinance or resolution established by the board committee and commissions conflicts with these bylaws original establishments purpose of the board committee and commissions the purpose of the board and this is the part for you um Deputy Mayor the purpose of the board comma committee or commission shall be determined as it is established by the ordinance or resolution which is why I was speaking of all the Committees that are established they have their own the purpose their purpose their mission it's separate so the parade and events has their own has their own purpose and it's not a purpose of putting on golf tournaments or raising money for scholarship it's a different purpose that's why I was saying this resol solution is is congol with too many different Avenues some great ideas I'm not against the scholarship committee I'm not against the golf outing but we have to do it according to our own governing bylaws okay it goes into here members okay in absence of any ordinance or resolution providing direction to the contrary the Township Board committee or commission members shall be appointed by the mayor and subjected to approval by the council therefore there there is a process of how you appoint a members to the established committee this committee again does not exist voting it hears right here letter A A duly appointed board committee or commission members presented shall be authorized to vote in all matters coming before it goes back to the parade of the Veterans Day Parade which I was stopped the committee was stopped because Mr Harris I guess didn't see this part I'll read it again voting all duly appointed board committee or commission members presented shall be authorized to vote in which ones all coming perers all matters coming before them any agenda that they have put together they can vote on it it doesn't say the council now take the vote Council Council Peron get want to get that later lat to okay cuz I have a lot here I mean y put a lot on me on this agenda here um but so we can get to that later I'm going to read the rest of what it says but I just want us to govern ourselves accordingly and how do we govern ourselves by our own policies and our own bylaws all I'm asking is that we all follow those procedures and not try to force and change things according to our own purposes it's great that the the school district we found a great idea how to raise money I'm okay with it but you know what let's do it the right way so what I'm saying with with this resolution 224 because we didn't get to the other resolution talking about 224 it goes against our our um our our bylaws so it's too much in one so are you okay at least separating it and then the scholarship committee has its own whatever its purposes and then you know what those individuals who guess what they only came to one meeting and when they realized that we had a whole plan of all the events that was taking place they never came back so it also speaks to again to our ordinances that they missed three meetings they're no longer part of that committee which by the way they did Miss three other meetings so they actually no longer part of the pr events committee but I'll read that later but I'm just talking about as far as right now this needs this is it goes against and maybe the um solicor can take a look but this goes against our policies as far as our bylaws and I just read to you what it says it's too much in one and you have to give a fair opportunity for people to apply to the scholarship committee not to the parade and events committee Mr Harris would you like to way in on how form this thing I don't care no Mr Harris this is not a Mr Harris comment right now he did vot on defense but to um councilwoman peron's point is this in line with what we you know as a council as a full governing body um did agree to I just want to make sure this resolution is in alignment with um our bylaws it's it's on chap I can tell you what it's read it's chapter 16 citizens access boards and commissions that's one issue with it number two the scholarship committee doesn't exist it never existed so let's make it exist let's just do it the right way create it make sure it's a committee and its purpose so this way we're doing things the right way and then whoever is on this Dr titony worthy everybody whoever's on here apply to the scholarship committee don't apply to the parades and events if you really didn't want to be a part of the parad and events because honestly it insults me I thought you really wanted to help me put on a parade by the way all right but but it's okay I try to trick me with the whole scholarship thing but that's all I'm saying it doesn't exist if there's additional background on the applications I don't have full picture on that so I would look at so so the um people that councilwoman um W councilwoman Peron stated um did fill out an application and were approved by the full Council for the praise and committee yes and I can also double check the section that councilwoman Peron is citing I did review it initially um as far as the exact formation where there was a citation of unless there's a contrary resolution which arguably this could fall under I'm need you to write that down because woman scholarship committee all you can we can the council can the township can create committees that's how all the other committees existed but you have to create it and now it's established and then you have then you post it whoever wants to apply because I'm pretty sure it was never posted anywhere that the scholarship committee is looking for it was approved on this state and now you can apply because the people apply to the parade and events committee you know what I mean it's different that's all just separated and then um that's what you know when I did have another question here but I think that's the biggest part of this that's the biggest part then we to review that portion of it you know considering part of the parades and events committee and I okay one of the thing since we're going to look into it Council um mayor um Deputy Mayor the other question I was going to ask it says it seeks to co- host the event in conjunction with Noo-noo so and I think I heard you talk about scholarships um if when you look into it can you just also specify if there if there going to be any funding that comes from the township budget this way we understand that it's a some committees do receive like the pr events committee they receive monies per year so if this is a committee that you're going to put and if you can actually have the solicitor look into if this committee can be a committee especially because it's going to be a scholarship committee if they can receive some funding towards it because when you say co-host what do you mean are you providing the building are you providing police services for events are you providing Monies to purchase music food so when you say co-host I'm just going to I would like for that to be more elaborate as far as what does co-host look like when it comes to the scholarship committee that's the last thing going I have with that one you have anything else you want to add is there something that can be tabled and we can kind of I'm in favor of tbling have the solist a look at it yes and if we need to tweak it we can tweak it okay we need to hold it okay she's gonna let me just be very clear right okay so miss Maggie what and then just I know we I spoke about a lot so just to keep simplified my concern my biggest concern is that the committee doesn't exist the committee of itself scholarship committee and what does that look like in order for us to create a committee would you mind just sending that in the email I do I do have notes and I will follow up with you for the interest of time okay and now for approaching and also follow with an email or concerns we'll do thank you thank you so now do we have to vote the table or okay make a mo motion draw his um you gon withdraw your second her motion yeah your second I withdraw my second I withdraw my motion so motion to table yes that motion to table 224 um until do we have enough time for next coun meeting how much time do you need I can prepare for October 15th you sure okay table to October 15 okay table to October 15th at our next council meeting second did you you moved second mooved by Council go ahead I'm just taking the notes um so it was motioned by councilwoman Peron perone seconded by mayor McIntosh okay roll call please councilwoman perone yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor MC yes [Music] um uh resolution 2024 -240 Madame mayor make a motion that we table resolution 2024 d240 until um October 15th second until 10:15 moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Peron roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes all right 2024 d241 a motion motion still moved second oh second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Dr worthy any discussion and the motion was to table it no no this was just a motion we opened it up so um do you want discussion yes just disc okay um this is regarding moving the library so I find that this is probably a resolution that also should probably be tabled um I know it's um actually it's separate this is separate because you want to remove the library regardless if we go to the county it would still be there um I think I've already spoken on this okay topic already any other discussion okay roll call please we already had public we had public comment on it correct that's not ler you want to tell no no I'm saying no that the four minute conversation yeah but it's still if we vote on it they can still talk about it but it's already voted on so right right right okay we got it you know you can't speak from the audience okay they can still talk about it at the end I no but if we vote on it then it's a null conversation so you want so all right we'll withhold it we'll withhold it till the after after yes so we'll do that all right so we'll just take that off the table for right now okay so I'll withdraw my second withdraw I need the I withdraw the first okay so hold to end thank you to end all right 2024 das2 250 so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by mayor McIntosh discussion please yes so this this resolution has to do with the sop's standard operating procedures which I was which I had asked um for us to be able to create this way we can operate efficiently as a committee or board and so forth so um Mr luri and I um have been working on populating what it reads we have a disagreement on the verbage um and so my issue is although we've come along way um we put a lot in here there is language in here that goes against our bylaws and our ordinances as well and one speaking on Council liais on the council liaison it says here the designated council member will serve as the liaison between the council and the committee the council member will coordinate the and communicate formal event plans requests to the governing body on behalf of the committee to be approved so Mr lri took that to believe that the council needs to vote on whether or not we have events so I want to go back to the same document of ordinance 2016-5 and I read already the purpose of this which is our bylaws and it has to do with our boards committee and commissions okay I read it earlier before voting a duly appointed board committee or commission member present shall be authorized to vote on all matters coming before it right it says here a one person one vote okay B unless otherwise authorized these bylaws do not provide a virtual or proxy voting so you can't you have to be present to vote you can't write a letter I'm going to vote this ahead of time that's what that means in case you didn't know for the public election of officers okay the people appointed to these committees I know we we've been AV voted on these seats by the community but guess what when we appoint people to these Commissions in these seats they are also officers they are no less or more important than we are okay we have different roles and responsibilities and respecting the fact that the citizens have put their name in and their time towards doing whatever it is that they put their time in to do it I think we should we owe them that respect so it says here election of officers number four a the commission or committee members may elect a chairperson vice chairperson and secretary B election of officers shall be nominated of committee members of committee members not the township Council I'm going to continue reading C elections shall occur during the first meeting of each year you see how with their govern how we are govern January 1st we select our officers you you're going to see when you read this nowhere does it say the township Council now steps in and decides to tell them what to do right okay D officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote e the officers Shall Serve for the term of one year the officers may be reelected for up to two years Mr Harris I'm hoping that you're listening because you gave us the most hard time okay yes I'm calling on you because I feel like you back sleeping nobody I want you to because we don't I don't want to go over this ever again I'm just saying officers the officers shall call regular meetings number two create an agenda with the committee and commission's input or so it's committee or commission's input number three distribute agenda and minutes draft minutes to the previous meeting electronically um of the committee or commission members no less than five calendar days they are speaking of to themselves not to the council number four preside over meetings not the township council meeting their own meetings Okay in absent of the chair who is the chair not the mayor the chair of that committee the vice chair shall preside over meetings number five provide reports or minutes to the Township Clerk that would be Mr Everett six the chair may act as a committee or commission spokesperson which means that person can speak to the township manager okay as the liazon to the council that would be me for the parade and events committee where no liaison is appointed if I'm not appointed then they can speak to the township manager directly I want you to read that one again Mr Harris later okay but that's number six because that speaks to because he said he doesn't talk to the commit the committee members and I told him that that's not the case he's not supposed to think that way but here's it says it here number seven verify the committee's web postings are accurate and up to dat that will be the public PR person okay eight report upcoming openings of the committee to the Township Clerk that means if somebody in the committee is no longer there we have an opening reported to who the Township Clerk that would be Mr Everett nine share the committee re relevant resolutions and ordinances passed by the council that means if we create a committee like scholarship committee we can say hey guys there's a new ordinance that exists and it affects us because guess what they want to put the scholarship committee underneath the parades committee now we report that that's what that sentence means okay um 11 the council May assign a chair duties as needed okay you can assign your duties not tell them what to do that means we don't sit here and vote on whether or not the township the the committee puts on a parade just everybody knows we're working really hard to put on a Veterans Day Parade we started in May Township manager decided the council needs to vote on whether or not we have a parade so that's why I'm going verb in frustration because we had every opportunity Mr lry and I'm hoping you're listening since May this could have been brought before us the Sops we are no longer going to discuss that line it comes out it goes against our own ordinances okay there's more in here please read it because it says it here the Sops is just how we communicate but we can't create your own laws because you want to so all I ask if you can communicate with the fire chief Department the police department so we can lay out the street and make sure everybody's in their place that was the leason's job and then I was supposed to come here to this council meeting hey guys we've already established this the parade and committees have met we're putting on a Veterans Day parade this is the day okay and we talked about this already in 2022 right yes and it also speaks about here's another thing that about this sop that I know I didn't put there it must have been Mr lry it says here volunteers this has got to come out okay Township employees employees may not volunteer in any capacity directly related to their job functions really so if you're good at drawing pictures you should not be assigned to create a flyer come on let's just let's just stop okay because the committee honestly they worked really hard and this sop which is ordinance 250 against our or um sorry uh yeah resolution 250 goes against our ordinance so we need to table this too and really look at it and compare it to our have discussion from other council members and Mr Harris if you would like to I know because we went through this this a lines with you know our ordinances it's right here just let let them speak we'll allow your explanation and our understanding because I have I have the same understanding that the um counsel yon does at you know she's a designated council member but you also report back to the council I mean that's yeah I'm I'm let I'm let M I'll read it here so he can whatever he say I'll pull it back up go ahead what what does the leaon do well want me to answer your questions or do you want me yeah the question is you know in terms of the council AIS on I think that's the the one of the main points of contention um and how that aligns with no say it so he knows the liaison serves as the communication piece between the governing body and the committee ordinance 26-5 please identify to me where does that say I see it here 26-5 where does it say that I don't know that it does say that it doesn't it really doesn't Mr Harris you can't create what you want it's right here I'm not training what you want it was created in two in April it was approved April 2016 he wants to create you see how he just he say it he doesn't know where it says it because it doesn't pull it up on your phone that's not what I'm saying councilwoman I'm saying the the purpose of liazon and if you if you go and look what the definition of a liazon is is the person that communicates between one organization and another so you are the conduit between the com the the conduit the communication piece between the committee and the council yes committees are creatures of the governing body they do not exist out of their own realm they are created they are purposed they are disbanded at the will of the council so the committee is established there is a liaison that speaks to the committee on the behalf of the council there is that that same liaison comes back to the council with what it is that they propos committees are designed to be guidance advisory boards to the Council not dictate the operations of the administration Mr Harris it's it's clearly evident that you want to create your own Ordinance do because one already exists and it doesn't say any of that at all due respect Madam mayor I'm only asking that we go by our own ordinances our own bylaws because that's why they exist I know you're new Mr Harris you I mean meaning like you were not here in 2016 which is when it was established I don't know and Mr I can even read to who voted for it mayor Anderson voted yes Deputy Mayor Walker voted yes I'm just saying these these these documents exist so this way you can't say look up a dictionary I'm not going to look up a dictionary because we took words from a dictionary and created our own ordinance well council with all due respect you were the one that asked me to establish Sops for the boards and commissions okay so when I asked you what it was that you wanted in that you did not offer anything so we put together something we present it to you and it was flatly rejected not comprehensive enough so we sat down and went to the table and included you in the conversation we included you in the conversation to establish the SOP which was crafted which was presented to you which was brought back to Mr lry who was designated from my or my office to work with you to establish this sop and when it was and when it was presented uh that you wanted to put together the the parade I don't have any objection to the parade the only thing that I was saying is that the parade needs to be established or approved by the authority of the council because the New Jersey statute which is the law of the state of New Jersey states that Municipal that this form of government works as a body unilaterally Collective as as one unit so that means that anything that the council decides has to be collectively agreed upon by the entire body whether it's going to be a parade or whatever as far as it comes from the the the authorities of the body the council now the committee advises the council they can go ahead and set forth whatever plan is but the committee does not operate to give dictate to the body the council does and you as an elected official do have the authority to tell us what to do in in preparation for the which which you have been doing however there has been no consensus from the body to have this parade so you as an elected official as a as a council member cannot sit there and say by yourself that we're going to have a parade and you're going to do do this and you're going to do that and we're going to spend all this money without the consensus of the whole body and you can oppose that as much as you want to but that's what the law says and as far as I'm concerned that is what I'm going to adhere to now if the body wants to collectively say well you know what we don't want to follow the law we want to do our own thing then of course you have the ability to do that but then once again you going to have to collectively say this is what we're going to do not one person individually has the authority to do that right and Mr Harris you're ABS you're correct on some points the body the council unilaterally or majority vote appoints the Commissioners we appoint the committee the people to those committees based off of a process like chapter 16 there's a process that's what we vote on right once these people exist for one year and I didn't read the whole ordinance but there's more in here and and you would be very surprised that it doesn't matter what President Biden or Trump say this is our own Pro this is what we govern ourselves by okay and in this document what you're saying is not the way it it goes it's not we have to say Okay we want to have a balloon party or we want to have a parade the council and it says here every it breaks it down very clearly on what the Committees and any and this is not just about the parade committee it's any committee or board or commission that we that that that we create so I don't know what part well anybody has objection please read it here and let me know what you object with because this does anybody else have any other discussion well I I just want to see if anybody in the audience got any holy water to start with next when this was put in place that a representative for ccil would be assigned to different boards and commissions it was for the purposes of communication read so whatever that board of communication wish to do and at the end of the month each report would be board back through that liaison to council at the end of the day council is the one that appoints these Le liaison I want you to read what it says when you talk about purpose it's a whole paragraph It's in bold and white it's in black and white let's do this let's do this we we've been no no we've been in conversation long enough let's take it to a vote let's just take it to a vote let me just ask does anyone else have anything else to say about isue is with this okay that is both against our own ordinance Council perone you've talked let everybody else have their say also thank you Madame mayor I just wanted to to reflect on resolution 2016-1 122 that was the resolution to authorize the creation of a Township parade committee um and at that time that resolution which still stands and um is governed governs the the parade and events committee it specifically states that um the it says whereas the committee will act as an Advisory Board to the township Council to plan assist and support parades and similar events it goes on to say it's the intention of the township Council to solicit and appoint individuals and representatives of community organizations to serve on the committee in accordance with chapter 16 um of the code of the township and it talks about citizens access to boards and commissions um and then further on it says whereas all recommendations made to council must be made by a majority of the members of the committee and Council May develop additional guidelines and or laws by which the committee will govern itself you again the committee the majority of 2016 about the committee you can see majority of the committee I don't have it in front of me okay so the committee I'm not done and so um I think what's important here is that the understanding that members of the governing body had was that this resolution is how the parade and events committee was still operating that it wasn't like uh a commissioner on the wua it's not a commissioner on Library board um they are different um things that govern the parade committee where the residents and that Council leaon are working to help bring forward things that um Council desires and wants to happen in the community not that we're trying to be restrictive but we would not want the parade and commit event committee to obligate Township funds and resources that are not in alignment with what we're trying to accomplish or that would overspend or overextend the township and I think it's reasonable um to expect some conversation between a a board or committee rather with the council I think it's very unrealistic to to plan something over a duration of so many months and then 30 days out say oh by the way this is what we're doing and you just have to get behind it because this is what we're doing there was there were no updates there wasn't any communication we've gone through this year-over-year it's I'm not surprised that we're belaboring this point once again at this point the year because this continues to be an ongoing um Trend where the conversation could have just been you could have just mentioned it previously we could have talked about it nobody's against the parade nobody's against you know um the work that the body's doing it's just a matter of communication and connection that's all I have thank you madam May Madam mayor hey wait a minute I just want to also um just chime in that you know even when we were talking about the Sops over 250 is about sop only yes talking about right yeah so the SOP when when we were crafting the SOP there was a consensus among the majority of council that um it would come any event would come before the council that was that was said on many occasions in the open public meeting um that that was the intention um I do think it aligns with um our you know as I was reading I do think it aligns with our ordinance but I do I I stand by that de liaison you know should coordinate and communicate the um plans and requests to the government body for approval like I stand by I I definitely believe that um I think that was the consensus of the majority of council over this last year and year and a half when we were e um also talking about doing the SOP so um if anybody else has anything to say I'll bring it back to you I will bring it back to you but councilwoman Whitfield yes thank you mayor um I am in support of theop and it supports what I thought the consensus of council was um to for and in the ordin or in the ordinances and resolutions that establish the Committees outside of the library commission and the Mema um the first line or the first two lines you know of the um document do say the purpose of this committee shall be to act as an Advisory Board to councel um so it's it does not allow the Committees to operate on their own and spend Township funds um it has to be as an Advisory Board to be approved by Council um and that was my understanding of the policy and procedure um as dictor as dictated by um our legislation and that's the process that I think many of us have been um following proposing any idea any event bring it to the full body get the approval of the governing body before the plans go into effect um and the committee moves further with their um planning I also am not opposed to doing uh a parade but it does need to be approved by the body um first okay um thank you um so the ordinance or resolution that councilman uh worthy had read it spoke it said it there and I asked her to repeat it where it spoke about the committee approving their events okay and in addition to when it comes to the bylaws ordinance 16-5 nobody here has read from there everybody spoke about their feelings and what they think a liaison is I'm literally reading from the ordinance the ordinance says it here naming of the committee or commission okay and I'll just read this one sentence not the entire thing all Municipal boards committees and commission accept quasy automous boards such as the library board I'm not talking about the library board such as the willor minicipal utilities I'm not speaking about that and it says it here this document does not speak about those boards so the fact that councilman wor these bring up as an example clearly means you did not really study this document okay because this document says not those boards not the library board but committees such as committees such as I know Tiffany worthy if I'm speaking why are you telling mayor to interject me to stop what I'm speaking yes you are and that's rude it's rude it's rude it's rude just you have one minute we're gonna call I'm about to be I I think I was very clear no one here read from the ordinance and the SOP whether you the SOP was was my idea create it all I'm saying is it should go align with our own bylaws so this document goes against it so all I'm saying is it does because it says it here if you compare it to I'm not put look CU she I me somebody at the whip you it says it here it goes against the bylaws okay let me ask one question Miss Maggie did you review the SOP this document I did not assist in putting it together there was a brief review of it my interjection on the distinction I if I recall correctly and it may not be verbatim What councilwoman Dr worthy read was that the majority of an advisory committee can vote to see what comes back to council and then Council has to approve it advisory subcommittees are different from your library commission and your mu Utilities Authority because they do have some authority to take certain actions as opposed to The Advisory committees thank you for that and also and again I didn't read all of the all the entire ordinance but another thing that it says in here the ordinances can whatever resolution we create for these committees it cannot go against this ordinance so that that parade and events committee goes against this ordinance okay it does so what I'm saying is if we could have Miss Maggie look at it so this way we have a legal opinion on this on the um ad hoc um I'm sorry the um yes the SOP for the ihoc Committees and please um and I can put it in an email too if the council's if the council doesn't want her to look at it then but I'm just saying look at it regardless but we can call the vote ordinance 2016-5 for her to compare it and review it V okay and we're voting on Council we're going on accepting or accept yes or no whether you want to go wait I have a question I'm sorry I want to be clear what we're voting on ask are we gonna have her review it to see so she she can it she never reviewed it she said she never looked at it she said she saw it but she didn't you didn't review it as far as Peron again I'm trying to get clear on what we're voting on Mad May 2024-25 is it to amend it to no I didn't say no did anybody make a motion to it so you don't want to amend no I'm saying did anybody make a mtion there's no motion the motion on the floor is to vote for resolution 202 I'm making a motion to amend it for Miss Maggie to review it not amend it I'm sorry to pull it so miss Maggie has the opportunity to review it because she just said she did not review it comparison to our ordinance all right is there a second we have both we have both a motion and it's oh wait oh sorry that's what I was trying to get if they don't want a second to have Miss Maggie review it then they just don't want then that's what I'm saying just I just I know you have somewhere else to be I'm just saying let's just I want to be clear on what voar czy I'm okay you don't want Miss to it then she doesn't of course yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor McIntosh yes and I never got the vote from Mrs Peron no okay all right resolution and it's another one 251 yes so to okay move we need a motion for that so move any seconds second move by councilwoman Peron San it by Deputy Mayor Anderson um discussion please discussion yes andw I'm sorry councilwoman for wrong that's fine so similar to the first um the initial ordinance that I discussed earlier with regards to the um scholarship committee I noticed that on here and I think uh cman Deputy Mayor Anderson had read off those who have been appointed to the this committee again it goes against our own bylaws which speaks to chapter 16 citizens access access to boards and commissions so this committee it says resolution authorized in the township of Willingboro to establish which means it never been created yet an Arts advisory Council so therefore if we're establishing it to name people that already exist with the establishment again a is conut and you need to establish it first advertise it according to our own chapter 16 okay that's what needs to be to happen first so I'm not sure um so that's that's my issue with this the the fact that people have been appointed and it was never advertised it goes against our bylaws that's fair okay they don't live here so I mean it still has to what's the full Mr Ducket can you come up and speak to this please no he's he's not he's no no he's we're we're we're forming it because it was his request he's in charge of the theater okay so he can give you the clear precise the purpose of it before he starts Mr dunet I'm going to be very clear what my my concern is not the establishment of this resolution my concern is the fact that you're appointing people and you've overlooked again what our bylaws say our bylaws say you cannot say further result we're going to appoint Ted Reed Adam no why because we we're voting to create it today once it's created then we advertise this committee now exists or advisory Council now exists and then there's a process that we have on chapter 16 so I'm not sure what he's going to say any addition to the the process that we have once you create the um the resolution then you go through the process of people applying to it it's like creating a job but you never never posted yet nobody knows um Deputy Mayor number three exists because it never existed and you put people in that position help you a little bit with this um the thought of the ad advisor counselor is that it's not fair because now he's speaking and nobody else in the audience was allowed to speak well we called him up for clarification does matter want to clarify the library see you guys are all out of order here I'm serious I'm very serious because this gentleman is here okay but you are no different profession he not anybody he's a professional consultant he's a consultant he is a consultant he is not a counsilman he's not a councilman okay if you want to create if you want you have to have order Madame mayor your job is to create order so now you're other people they can't speak was based on the fact that when you have a Performing Art Center anywhere if you know New Jersey pack or anywhere else the only way that you will be able to get grants or any outside money from from LL groups is to have a nonprofit outside organization that that money is funed to if you guys as I'll give you an example the township deals with uh TD Bank is it I really don't see how the only way to get sponsorship money is have a nonprofit organization that goes into their portal the names that were put on there was first beginning to be arbitrary because of the level of those artists that spoke to it so that we can have a level of people that can raise an amount of money for us for the Performing Artist Center to ultimately be independent so I understand your political conversation about it but the success of the Performing Arts Center and being able to do it putting it out for now it may be another way that we have to discuss doing it but putting it out to the community to be on it those people are not professional enough to bring in the dollars that this place can do and deserves as we um m b have talked Al about with raising money for the jazz festival so these things have to have a nonprofit component to it to bring those monies in now how that was set up and what we have to do to make it work but it wasn't about naming these people on the board as it is what it were that these were the most some of the most prominent names in the entertainment business that could help us generate funds so it was a starting point about what wanted to be done by it so this Council has be something that's independent that's able to go out and and be able to do it there be some community members on it that can work with us on it just as the young lady said about the having a woman on it I was throwing out names at the table that I have talked to since I've had this position that definitely want to be involved with us so it's a it's a fluid situation okay thank you and to C's Point can we make sure that that is an alignment we are creating this in alignment you know legally I L that is done I'm obviously there's no order here because I guess we can just all speak no because I think I think what H what the issue is madam mayor seriously one of the responsibilities is to maintain order and honestly no it's not because that gentleman should not okay get this again if we're gonna talk over each other no listen m madame mayor honestly seriously he's here advertising for us to vote Yes for it that's all he said at the end of the day what I'm speaking about is chapter 16 that's fine chapter 16 speaks to creating a process of who we appoint you know what listen at the end of the day just we can call a question if you want I I really obviously there's no there's no call a question call a question call a question no we call the question so what no we don't there's no order here call the question no just just vote call the question does anyone holy water that's the question question call the question because there's no order here no call the question Madame mayor let's go you don't want order you don't want order you don't want all to speak at time when we're supposed to speak you don't want to be governed by right the book no you want to you want to create your own own time no call the question Council Peron you just spoke for 30 minutes nobody else as far I'm concerned you're not going based off of bylaws nor ordinances you're completely going against our own policies okay so therefore call the question Robert's Rules of Order I need to hear nothing else you're out of order from the beginning there is no order call the question call the question you are not listen to me you have no order here Madame mayor you have lost order okay call the question let's go let's vote vote I don't want to hear anything from her vote Madame mayor call the question call the question you don't want order here you don't want us to respect each other as individual members right yeah you don't want to go by the based off the bylaws go ahead no no you lost that already tonight Madame may may maybe the next council meeting you could try again try again next council meeting call the question you don't want order here you want me to respect your order respect me too call the question the go call the question that's it there's no order here you don't care about bylaws and ordinances well we'll go to we we'll go to 10:00 call the question let's go I do not need to hear from worthy she said said enough of nothing you want respect respect be gets respect so you you you've lost it tonight let's try it again next council meeting call the question call the question I don't care what Madam she keep telling go ahead speak go ahead go ahead no you me to get to the next topic call the question go of call the question call the question call the question I do not want to hear from you I don't no there's no order here so you're not going to continue order I do not want to hear I already called the question Robert's room yeah adjourn motion to adjourn thank you don't move second I TR next meeting oh listen if you start off out of order you will end with out of order --------- ##VIDEO ID:9qaylT31PiM## resolution 2024-25 six ATAC to discuss personal matters pending in potential litigation contract negotiations and sale of real property a motion okay make a motion to go into s second move by mayor minint second by Dr worthy call please councilwoman Dr worthy pres yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh I think should read the compliance statement statements yeah of course notice notice was provided in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 to the burington County Times Trend times in Philadelphia Inquirer stating the date time place and the agenda to the extent it was known additionally notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk session no later than S e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay now oh that's got work so and PR for e okay at 7 o'clock we have a motion to come out of executive still moved second moved by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Rebecca Peron present councilwoman Samantha Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor Macintosh yes can move on to our prayer Pastor Michael Michael Edwards roning from where what church oh it doesn't say you El know this church uh St Luke Lutheran Church here in Willingboro let us pray gracious God your goodness fill this fills this room room we thank you for the joy of living in this place of great natural beauty watered by the ranus mil Creek and the Willingboro Lakes for the colorful trees and flowers that Adorn our Parkways and for the fertal landscape once inhabited by the Lenny lenapi tribe and now filled with your diverse people from every continent we bless you for First Responders the firefighters please sent EMT Personnel who keep us safe and protect us night and day and for our hospital where medical staff help to heal and Save Our Lives we're grateful for dedicated teachers eager students waving crossing guards and everyone who makes our schools places for scholarship and creativity we praise you for our library as a welcoming safe space of reading and learning with meeting rooms and opportunities for young and old alike we're grateful for our Public Works staff and for those who keep us neat Clean and Free to travel on safe roads we praise you for our utilities clean drinking water and the electrical power that keeps us going we Delight in the Kennedy Center and its opportunities for sport exercise seniors and their Performing Arts we thank you for mer merchants shopkeepers restauran teers and all who keep us supplied with every kind of need provide many necessary services for wholeness of body heart and mind and who feed us with excellent food we appreciate the many houses of worship where your people pray and encourage one another engage in serving and feeding those who are in need and provide space for healing and recovery and we bless you for our dedicated mayor councel clerk court officials Township officers and employees who look out for the well-being of our community Prosper your wonderful people of Willingboro and guide us in this meeting and always with wisdom and peace we ask these things in your holy name amen amen amen thank you we will proceed with the a flag salute pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all first I I'd like to just welcome everyone to our our our first Township meeting in October it's great to see so many people I know a lot is at the library so we will have that discussion um but I would just like to have our clerk um read our compliance statement again of course notice was providing in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 to the Burlington County Times Tren times in Philadelphia Inquirer stating the date time place and the the uh agenda to the extent it was known additionally notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk thank you all right I see we have some of our fire staff firemen staff here it's great to see you guys um you're going to do the proclamation thank you good evening mayor deputy mayor council good evening Proclamation 2024 Fire Prevention Week whereas the Township of Willingboro is committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living in and visiting our state and whereas fire is a serious Public Safety concern both locally and nationally and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk from fire and whereas Home Fires killed more than 2,700 people in the United States in 2022 according to the National Fire Protection Association and fire departments in the United States responded to 360,000 Home Fires and whereas roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or with no working smoke alarms and whereas working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in reported Home Fires almost in half and whereas smoke alarms sense smoke well before you can alerting you to danger in the event of fire in which you may have as little as two minutes to escape safely and whereas the township of William Boro residents should install smoke alarms in every sleeping room outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home and whereas the township of Willingboro residents will make sure their smoke alarms meet the needs of all their family members including those with serious sensory or physical disabilities and whereas residents should test smoke alarms at least once a month whereas residents who have planned and practiced a home Fire Escape Plan are more prepared and well therefore more likely to survive a fire and whereas Township of Willingboro First Responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrent of Home Fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection and education whereas the township of Willingboro residents are responsive to public education measures are better able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire especially in their homes and whereas in 20124 Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms make them work for you serves as a reminder to us of the importance of having working smoke alarms in a home now therefore I K Macintosh mayor of the township of William Baro do hereby proclaim the week of October 6th through the 12th 2024 as Fire Prevention Week in the township of Willingboro and urge all residents to make sure their homes have working smoke alarms and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of the township of willing bro fire and Emergency Services thank you so much and I would like to just take this time to thank each and every one of our firemen for the sacrifices and the energy that you put into this Township you know I just want to take the time to on top on behalf of the full Council to say we appreciate you and thank you for everything thank you um Mr Harris we can proceed with the manager's report yes good evening and I'd just like to thank our deputy chief Mark fidell who didn't identify himself for representing the fire department and reading that Proclamation uh good evening everyone this evening before I give my report we do have our engineer Mr hu doerty from penone who is going to present his engineering report and uh summize us on some of the projects that uh his organization is working on on behalf of Willingboro Township Mr Mr dockerty thank you Mr Harris good evening mayor and Council and deputy mayor thank you for inviting me here to present our Engineers report this evening I believe you have a copy of our report dated October 2024 uh it's pretty comprehensive so I'm just going to hit the highlights of my report this evening starting with item number one the council's focus on our aging infrastructure is really paying off for the township we will continue to make scheduled repairs to our sidewalks and our storm infrastructure through the fall hallstone Lane and Van skyver Parkway pipe repairs have been completed and the area restored additional pipe repairs are underway at Clubhouse Drive and additional pipes at Windsor Buckingham and birkshire are also scheduled to be repaired we also have very positive news on our roads in addition to the 14 roads that have been paved in 2024 Marshall Lane will be paved this fall and next year we anticipate 15 roads will be paved using the infrastructure Bank funds our aging infrastructure includes our pools due to years of deferred maintenance and deterioration our pools are in need of extensive repairs we are we are actively pursuing a contractor to repair the leak at Country crb pool that has existed for years due to the anticipated expense of a single repair to fix the leak below the bottom of the pool which is 18 feet deep we recommend a comprehensive review to look at other possible options we'd like to provide design options so that we can pursue Green Acres funding perhaps to make the needed upgrades and repairs as I reported last month we identified and repaired the most aggressive leak at Penny Packer pool but additional leaks still need to be repaired in addition the splash pad at Penny Packer is completely deteriorated and needs to be Rec constructed again we would like to provide design options for the pool and the splash pad so we can pursue Green Acres funding and make the needed upgrades and repairs we did prepare a comprehensive proposal for Hawthorne Country Club and Penny Packer pools for council's consideration the goal is to develop a budget estimate for a phased approach to rehabilitate and restore all of the pools and then also seek funding and that uh proposal is da August 15th you should have a copy of that with you jumping ahead to item 15 in my report the JFK Performing Arts Center we worked with the Township's entertainment consultant Bobby Ducket to prepare a bid package for the alternate Sound and Lighting system we had scheduled the bid opening for today and we did get results but no bids were received today we will continue to coordinate with Mr Mr Ducket and uh Levy the contractor to develop a change order to purchase and install an alternate Sound and Lighting system given the age of the building we continue to meet weekly to resolve issues with the existing Utilities in the building including structural electrical power fire suppression and the roof in fact the roof repairs are proceeding ahead of schedule and we will be completed by October 7th remaining work under the original contract will be completed by November mber 30th and the seats will be installed by December 13th we were notified that there's a 2 to 13 we lead time for the alternate Sound and Lighting system but we anticipate the Performing Arts Center will be ready by December 20th pending the delivery of that alternate Sound and Lighting system uh moving on to the rest of my report item seven uh I'll just touch upon that uh we did Issue a a proposal for the design of the mil Creek Park improvements we are just awaiting council's Direction on that to proceed uh and we will also then continue to work with the township staff Mr Harris and his staff to identify and apply for funding for various projects through the Green Acres Program for our pools uh New Jersey DOT Municipal Aid and Bikeway programs and the brownfields and HD srf funding for our environmentalist with in town and uh that's all I had this evening unless you have questions from Council does council have any comments or questions Dr word worthy thank you Madame mayor thank you Mr dockerty I appreciate your update and the details and the dates and keeping us right along um so we understand where we are I really appreciate the specificity um I did have one question related to the restock of the equipment I did see that um you requested that the materials be restocked are there any updates on if there were any fees assessed or anything that um that would be out of pocket to the municipality or how that how that will go with the restock right we are working with Levy to uh provide a change order for the the new sound system as well as um other um uh improvements on in the um under the contract and so Lev is putting that all together so I haven't gotten any specific feedback on the cost but we're negotiating with Levy to work on that change order and then once I have that I'll be able to report that to council thank you that's all I have Madam mayor Madame mayor yes um earlier this week I had the opportunity to see email communication between Mr Harris and yourself as it related to the uh bid specs uh the question I have is normally when the bid specs go out it's ample time