e e [Music] it good e e e e e good evening everyone we will call this meeting to order roll call please councilwoman Rebecca Peron present councilwoman Samantha Whitfield Pres councilwoman Dr Tiffany worthy present Deputy Mayor absent mayor KT McIntosh present move over with the prayer who do we have for prayer today pastor Pastor Brewer yes she Pastor Brewer from commission to serve Church Pastor if you would come up to the microphon good evening Pastor Brewer good evening thank you for this opportunity this invitation to come and pray amen for each and every one of you that we Collective we pray for five days a week thank you already in Jesus name amen we're going to go to the throne in prayer amen the Bible says glory to God for where there's two or three gathered together in his name that he would be in the midst so we certainly invite him and invoke his presence even now in the name of Jesus we want to pray for the mayor we want to pray for the city council at large glory to God in the name of Jesus pray for the ability to rule justly glory to God we're praying for Godly wisdom for you we're praying for your strength we're praying for blessing we bind up the hand of Satan from operating in any space in this city in this Township in the name of Jesus we're praying for the community glory to God Amen that we will cover this Township together we will cover our mayor we will cover our Council men and women our deputy mayor in the name of Jesus glory to God as they go and seek wisdom glory to God acknowledge Him in all of their ways that he might direct the path that they may able to see and work together for the things that were needed in this community glory to God so we pray for the spirit of unity and Oneness glory to God in the name of Jesus we pray for peace Even in our city we pray in the name of Jesus glory to God for expansion of any areas that would benefit the community and build upon it in Jesus name father God we pray in the name of Jesus glory to God for everything that they need to do and work upon every decision that need to be made glory to God will be thought and carried out carefully in the mighty name of Jesus glory to God and we thank you God even as you will cover I even ask that you will cover their families God cover everything that is connected to them in the mighty name of Jesus we come against every hindrances that that will come to distract or deter them from their uh appointed um their appointments glory to God or the things that they have been assigned to do in Jesus name I pray that you will increase I pray that you would use their wisdom and their knowledge glory to God in every gift and every talent that you have given to each and every one of them individually that collectively they will come together glory to God and be unified and that it would work together for the good of this Township we bless your name and we count it all done right now we look for great things and mighty things glory to God we do understand that our god is so big and so strong and so mighty that there is nothing that our God cannot do and we pray that that all things work together for each and every one of their good and we bless his holy and righteous name in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right thank thank you Pastor Brewer appreciate it the flag we will now stand for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic one nation under God indivisible with liy and for all thank you well first I like to welcome everyone to our July meeting I will ask Mr Harris to start the convers um mayor I have to do the compli statement we will have our compliance statement from our clerk notice has been provided to the Burlington County time Philadelphia the location and the of the public laws of 1975 open additionally notice is posted on the board Township thank you so much and I will proceed with the um Proclamation for the designation of July as Park and Recreation months whereas Parks and Recreation are an integral part of our community throughout this country including Willingboro and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes health and wellness improve the physical and mental health of people who live near Parks whereas Parks and Recreations promote time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression attention deficit disorders and Alzheimer's and whereas Parks and Recreation encourage physical activities by providing space for popular sports hiking trails swimming pool tools and many other activities designed to promote active Lifestyles and whereas Parks and Recreation are a leading provider of Outdoor Services and education and whereas Parks and Recreation programming and education activities such as camps Youth Sports and Environmental Education are critical to Childhood childhood development and whereas Parks and Recreation increases a community's economic Prosperity through increas in property values expansion of the local tax base the attraction and retention of businesses and crime reduction and whereas Parks and Recreation are fundamental to environmental well-being of our community and whereas Parks and Recreation are essential and adaptable infrastructure that make our communities resilient in the face of natural disasters and climate change and whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and recreate outdoor recreate outdoors and whereas the US House of Representative has designated July as Parks and Recreation month and whereas Willingboro recognizes the benefit derived from Parks and Recreation resource resources now therefore be it resolved that this day on this day the second day day of July 2024 the Willingboro Township Council recognizes that July is Park and Recreation month in Willingboro thank you Parks and Recreation we it is a we do appreciate the work y'all do trying to keep our residents active and entertained so I just want to acknowledge you in July thank you all right Mr Harris good evening mayor and members of the Council and and Willingboro public and Community um we're going to go through our Municipal summary which is just a brief synopsis of some of the activities that have been happening since your last meeting I know this is your only meeting in July uh but I will still forward you a more detailed report towards the middle of the month uh just for your review and um keep you a breast so in regarding our finances revenues connect collected as of uh June 24th totals 1, 54,2 36 our year to year-to-date revenue realiz is 42 m139 691 23 million of that uh and some change has been distributed to the school and County as a portion of their taxes uh the revenue for Willing Barrow from 2024 the anticipated revenue for Willing burrow in 2024 has been uh coming coming in very fluidly into the township and we are a bit over 75% of our anticipated Revenue at the midpoint of 2024 which is a a very good uh position to be in uh on the opposite of that our expenditures total 2,277 287 um as of June 24th and our expenditures for the year so far at about 46% of our Appropriations budgeted Appropriations have been been spent so far so we have a very good flow of revenues coming in versus monies that are are going out our inspections department has uh been very busy as well um during the month our code enforcement officers have gone under uh underwent a uniform construction code training so they could get a little better understanding of what subcode regulations are and what the requirements are during Ing New Jersey constructions not that we're looking to turn them into um UCC inspectors but we do believe that they if they have a better understanding of what those um construction regulations are that will just enable them to do their jobs a little bit more better and a little bit more efficiently um so far or since June 24th they have completed 634 inspections have issued 287 violations and six summonses and have collected uh $ 47,7 48 in revenue and we are on track to having another million dollar year in Revenue collection in our inspections department our DPW department has been very um busy maintaining our Township properties and keeping our our properties and Roads clean um I've had conversations with DPW to kind of uh have a more formal process to address some of the potholes that are um in issue here in Willingboro and we have agreed that they will address potholes park by Park and Street by street over the next few months uh we are aware of the numerous potholes in the community and though many of our roads are scheduled um for milling and repaving we decided to systematically attack the outstanding potholes and make uh necessary repairs uh that would be prudent in um in each individ ual and particular situation um and I know they did do two cutouts and pothole repairs on Hopkins Lane so they will literally go Street by Street and and look at the pothole situations Street by Street park by Park and uh make the necessary prudent repairs um you know due to an increase in the number of of accidents um I have asked in requiring not only DPW employees but any employee that drives a municipal vehicle um except police and firing and EMS they have their own particular training uh to attend an online driving course that is being offered by by the gift making them a little more cognizant of their driving behaviors and as well as um giving us potentially little favorable rates on our insurance policies in our fire and EMS department they have uh celebrated their third annual citizens fire academy which concluded back on June the 12th they had nine dedicated citizens that graduated from the academy and I would like to formerly congratul congratulate um uh Lee Banks Sienna Black Shear Colleen daily Ashley daily small Adrien Dupri Corey Elliott Beverly M Teel Claudius Park and deetra Thomas those were the graduates of the um the um citizens fire academy and then we will be looking forward to sponsoring our fourth citizens fire academy in in 20125 the Burlington County Chiefs Association held its annual award ceremonies on Wednesday the 26th at that particular ceremony they recognized firefighters from Willingboro Lieutenant eron odonnell uh firefighter Christopher Clark firefighter Michael Centron and firefighter Mark uh Michael nardy who received unit citations for a rescue of a civilian that was caught in an overturned canoe uh back in 2023 um at Crystal Lake so they were recognized for their heroism saving that particular um resident also on the 27th another one of our firefighters was honored among several other emergency service Personnel at the Trenton Thunder hometown Heroes award ceremony where uh they recognized firefighter Bri uh Brian Riley for being one of the recognized Emergency Services Personnel honored and they did recognize him at that ceremony so I I also want to give my congratulations um and recognize those firemen for of their continued outstanding service to this community and their acts of heroism our Public Safety department has uh been very busy as well uh police waren uh five officers last month as you recall that graduated from the police academy and uh they did or have begun um their 14we field training uh here in Willingboro our new Traffic Division rolled out today um and we will be strictly enforcing traffic regulations here in Willingboro any statistics on how you guys did today on your first day lieutenant very I'm sorry yes sir so they were very busy today starting at 7 o'clock this evening sorry this morning till 7:30 this evening um educating the public on on U traffic you know proper traffic flow proper driving um they're going to continue to be busy Monday through Friday from 7 to 7:30 in the evening um we're going to move them around today they were Route 130 bever ran cus but we're going to move them depending on the statistics we get from our traffic I'm sorry from our crime analyst he gives us Heat in uh heat and traffic maps and we'll follow that flow also if we have any concerns from the citizens that come to you directly or to the the township manager please send them to me via email or via text and I'll get them addressed immediately and we can move right unit at will thank you L yes sir uh the police also did raid a home uh in Willingboro on Monday that was suspected of uh being a distribution center for cocaine um that resulted in the seizure of over 6,000 grams which is a equivalent to 13 lbs of marijuana um for 149 G of cocaine 250 various other pills uh a 22 caliber handgun and over $1,400 in cash so you know again we thank the police uh for their diligence and finding all matters of crime here in Willingboro and the investigative work that's involved um all for the betterment of our community and our our residents um on a little S note I will report that two of our sergeants John uh mcar and and Jennifer mitnik um have submitted their paperwork for retirement and will be looking to leave us or leave service not leave us leave service at the end of the year uh very early in uh January and we will extend our deepest gratitude for their service to our willing Barrel residents in our community Our Community Affairs division did have a mobile a van giving cancer screenings um at the senior center back on July the 12th and on the June on June 24th I'm sorry they will have a mobile cancer screening at the senior center on July the 12 yes and on June 24th they had the popup covid-19 vaccine clinic uh from 10 to 1 p.m. the senior center still does provide uh covid vaccines to twice a month to any Resident uh that is interested in receiving them um free of charge and you know if you catch them on a good day you may go and get a $25 gift card for somewhere um but you never can tell but those services are available if any residents are interested in receiving updated covid vaccines gift cards yeah the last ones were for Pac which I don't know what that is but it was a free handout to one that came in and um took advantage of the covid vaccine uh as far as Recreation goes uh the country Cup pool did open on the 23rd and they have collected over 10,000 so far $10,000 so far from daily bands and have serviced over 8,800 persons um on June the 8th uh we had a successful very successful National get Outdoors day with events ranging from uh Field Day events to basketball tennis Aquatics um they had a yard sale and you know we would just like to thank all of the residents that participated in all of those activities and bringing um socialization and entertainment uh to the Willingboro Community uh they are continuing to offer their Friday Night series but I will leave that to Miss Jackson to give a report on um it has been moving along uh as well I know there were a couple of weeks ago there was a a pretty big storm here in the township um but Power held out from what I understand no not so much okay um but there was you know some just minor uh IT issues with I think the the operating gates at at DPW from our human resource Personnel perspective um we do have several new interns uh in place we have an it summer intern that started back on June the 14th uh we have a a new intern in our finance department that also started back on um the 14th and we will'll have a new employee starting in the inspections department as well um the last uh week or so we did actually employ our two new clean Community ambassadors uh that started here in the township on Thursday and have been going around um Willingboro and cleaning the streets and cash basins um so far they've been on on Van skyver they've been on Garfield Drive Charleston Road and Sunset and uh you will see them out and about in the community helping to keep uh willing burrow streets and our our Parks um clean uh at this time I'm going to ask Miss Jackson if she will come and give a report of some of the events that are going to be happening in willing burough over the next couple of weeks all right thank you Mr Harris good evening mayor members of council and all those assembled so before we go into the events I just want to remind you that work is being done in broo Park Somerset and on Garden Brook among others so we want you to be mindful of the special notices detours and special directions from the Willingboro police department and government bodies um as you heard the uh Country Club pool is now open they are open daily from 11 to 7 daily passes are $5 per person and for more information you can contact the recreation and parks department and as we prepare for the Fourth of July holiday we want to advise that there will be a one- day delay in trash collection so Thursday's collection will occur on Friday and Friday's collection will occur on Saturday all others are okay and then recycling will occur on Friday July 5th so please make a note and plan accordingly we'll make sure it is on our social media page and we'll make sure it's in our weekly as well um but essentially just Thursday and Friday's trash collection are affected by the holiday so we want to make sure everybody's aware on Saturday July 6 we will have a blood drive um at the First Baptist Church on Sunset hosted by our Willingboro Public Library and that will be from 9: to 2 so we want to make sure um you're aware of that and certainly we want to thank everybody who attended Friday's live music um series on Friday June 28th we had about 200 people in attendance we're excited about that the lovely Lisa was our special guest and she was fantastic so next up is Dwight James quintet which will be on Friday July 12th that's next Friday and since we won't be before you I will say followed by um Valerie McNair who will bring us their long awaited gospel music and that will happen on July 19th and then we will wrap up our music series on Friday July 26 with James Teddy dewal so same time same place as long as the weather is good we'll be there and we're looking forward to three more great events as we wrap up our series our next big event will be on Saturday July 20th we are so excited about our burough barbecue we just cannot wait so that will be held from noon until 3: at M Creek Park as a reminder we're planning afternoon and barbecue fun and festivities we will have the hamburgers and hot dogs while supplies last and inviting um families to come and bring their barbecue sides chairs blankets whatever they need to um have a good time you can bring uh your charcoal grills but you must have a fire extinguisher so we just want to make sure we're make a note of that and we have a DJ line dancing will be led by Kenny J we have kickball and if anyone's up to a good card game we'll be looking for a game of spades so we welcome all of that and we're looking forward to good weather and a great event for the entire family so we're hoping that everybody will come out for that then the National Night Out will be held on Monday August 4th at M Creek Park another great event hosted by our Willingboro police department and um so stay tuned for more information regarding National Night Out but it is from 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. August 5th I'm sorry thank you August 5th and then our Jazz Fest will be held on Sunday August 11 write this time this year's feature guests are Kindred and dwell right I always mess up that D what what did you say d okay depends on its tomato tomato not sure but we will have a great artist at the JazzFest on August 11 so we are looking forward to that the back to school Wellness event will be on Saturday August 17th and we're looking forward to another great event and opportunity to educate inform and assist residents of our community in the best way possible so once again we'll be giving away back book bags as well as offering health and information resources as it relates to drug Education Health and W Wellness so please save that date and that will be held at the Kennedy Center from 12: to 4: yes great and we will close out our Summit activities with the second annual borrow on Blanc scheduled for Friday September 6 more information is forthcoming so we're looking forward to that event as well as always this information can be found on our website social media platforms YouTube channel and subscribing to willing bro weekly have a fantastic Fourth of July celebration thank you so much thank you Miss Jackson and just to wrap up uh bring you up to date on some of the projects that are going on here in Willingboro uh one of the projects that we are looking to undertake is uh reconstruction of Marshall Lane bids were returned or received for that Marshall Lane reconstruction they came in very favorably um with blackroot construction being the lowest bidder at $266,200 for this particular project so we are investigating uh expanding the scope of work um along Marshall Lane to utilize as much of the grant money as possible um they usually allow change orders up to 20% of the contract amount and even at at 20% uh the the Delta between the 266 and the 407 is above that so we are looking to utilize as much of that um additional monies as possible um Sportsman field the council has been uh looking at U dedicating uh the Sportsman field to uh become the Lizzy moris field and we have been looking at making uh certain improvements to the conditions at Sportsman's field we have requested several proposals from Engineers for engineering design bid support and construction management we did receive two quotes one from Remington and Vernick for 58,000 and one from CME for 49,900 I have provided you with those quotes so you could see the Scopes of services being offered by both and uh and we will go ahead and um make a designation um to one of them um probably at uh your next meeting in August because it would require uh an act of uh resolution uh so if you have any particular preference otherwise we would go with the lowest quote um babit Lane Basin uh we have received one cost proposal for the work at babbit Lane uh we received a proposal in 87,000 from Mobile dring to continue the work at babbit Lane which our Engineers thought was excessive um we have been uh suffering some flooding issues and as we've been doing the inves inative work what we realized is that there was a lot of debris like tree logs and brush and things like that that are actually clogging up those systems so we were looking to have a contractor come in and dredge out that material um to see uh if that was um the most effective means to correct that situation and again they came in a little bit excessively high at 87,000 so we're having con conversations with uh Mr Janice from Burlington County who is going to come in and look at that and see if they can assist us with that project um and we will enter into a shared service agreement with the county and um and get that done uh at a bit less um less of a cost you are aware that pscg has been working feverously in uh the township to do their gas line Replacements on streets that are part of our 2024 Road program so their line rep placements could be performed ahead of our Paving our plan Paving um it is never desire for the township to invest monies into repaving a street than to have a utility to come back uh shortly thereafter and dig up the road to replace a a pipe so uh we did meet with pscg prior to our intended work and uh they identified the streets that uh they needed to do work in line with the streets that we were moving forward with Paving and um they have completed all of their ahead of Paving work um so they actually finished that on yesterday with the last Street being completed um being s Sedwick so at this point they are 100% out of our Paving limits and all ahead of of Paving work can um is considered to be complete um they will continue to move forward with their gas line replacement um but it is not the those will not be done on any streets that we are immediately planning on replacing um and again any concrete restoration work uh where pscg has Disturbed uh sidewalks driveway aprons or anyone's property uh they will continue uh approximately through the week of July 15th to make the necessary repairs at those those locations um their phase two of their gas main replacement program will be focusing on installing a main on sus Sussex Sudbury and Siri and uh they will continue to do some work on padet Lane and uh you know then they will break up into do different Crews and continue moving forward throughout the community uh with their gas line replacement and their goal and objective is to have that completed uh before school starts again in September so they are working feverously um towards that uh and just as a reminder um Earl Construction will begin milling and Paving the streets that are part of our segment for um Road Project they did begin doing some of the preliminary concrete sidewalk work but they will actually begin the milling and Paving of streets um uh these are the streets they're going to be starting on meta Brook PL mebrook Place metalark Lane Montclair Lane Pastor Lane mainbridge montro Prim R Sedwick Lake Drive Moss Hill Lane Hazelwood Circle Garden Brook Lane and Clear Water Place those were the initial 13 roads that were identified in uh as being the worst roads in Willingboro and we're identified in our initial uh road project um that is really underway once again because those bids came in very favorably uh we were allowed to expand um that program to to include 12 additional roads in the second phase and those 12 roads would be barington Lane Eastbrook Elder Globe H Brook industrial Main Street Mayfair Circle messenger Lane Pine Street Sheffield Drive and Hopkins Lane so those are 25 um roads in Willingboro that are going to experience a milling and Paving here in 2024 uh inclusive of the other road work that we are doing as well and I I thank the council for your support um with this program as we are probably undertaking probably the one one of the largest uh road infrastructure projects at at any one time that this Township has has undergone so thank you for that in conjunction with that I did mention that Lake Drive is one of the streets that they're going to be working on um as I was going down Lake Drive and looking at that particular Road Road um I did reach out to our engineer and ask if there were any possibilities for them to um widen Lake Drive to uh allow the residents on that particular Road a little more hard surface for parking and and widening the street uh uh giving a little more access as people go up and down those roads um they did provide um some design work um towards that end um and they would they would be able to expand Lake Drive in various areas up to I believe it was 18 ft um in various uh areas along that um that street so I did provide you with the diagram and the proposals from uh the contractor and the cost estimate uh was going to be just a little over 48,000 which would be included as a change order in that road program and I I just needed to to get the council's thought and consensus uh because the contractor is really going to begin work on that road on the 19th and I just wanted to see you know how the council felt about that project overall so we can give them the thumbs up or nay um but I did at the very last minute um provide the information to the residents on Lake Drive with what our plans and intentions were so they would have the opportunity to be here this evening if they chose to and offer their uh support or or objections to it um so we can get into that um a little bit later uh pscg has begun Paving the backat clot on Industrial Drive which is our DPW Yard um part of an agreement with them is that um we would allow them to utiliz that space for staging some of their equipment and they were going to cover the cost of Paving that and a sizable portion of our DPW Yard as well um so they have begun U doing that and uh and I think as Miss Jackson stated CME has begun installing the new playground work at the Bro Park uh last but not least Charleston Road emergency repair has been moving along and we are approaching completion uh the drainage has been run and connected to the storm drains and the CRA the contractor is in the process of restoring the properties on um that construction site I have given you updates on Penny Packer pool the pool floor crack was prepared and uh was repaired uh prepped and repaired with hydraulic cement um the repair was to be die tested before the contractor left the site and we are awaiting the results of those die tests um the drain piping connection to the gutter was video inspected to determine how of to plug the pipe effectively and they're going to conduct uh future pressure testing I did receive reports uh from the wmua today um and they have noted a markable decrease in the amount of water being consumed at Penny Packer Park uh so it is evident that the work that has been done so far has had an effect um but there are still some uh areas to be uh addressed so they will be preparing and issuing a final report and um and we are still um waiting for those uh and and and just to keep you a breast that we are installing the new trash receptacles throughout willing burrow um our community at the council's request um we have initially gone out and purchased 12 is that right Mr gain 12 trash cans um and recycling bins and uh we're going to uh start uh installing them at locations that are are recommended based on school student foot traffic and pedestrian traffic um those locations being Sunset Road Kennedy way um at jenese Lane and Kennedy way between Beverly ran cookus and Tyler Drive on Veterans par parkway at the bus driver at Dr King Drive Twin Hill Drive at the parking lot across from Twin Hill Elementary evance Gyver Parkway um two locations needle Point Lane Hampshire Lane on Kennedy way at Charleston Road um on Dr Ching drive at P Pageant Lane Beverly ran cookus there's a bus stop there um one on the Northbound side and one on the southbound side and wind over Lane between Clubhouse and Country Club and I know Council woman with that you had mentioned a specific location and I don't I'll be honest I don't remember if is it on this list it is not okay what was that location it was at um veterans and babit Lane veterans and babit Lane so Mr gains we're going to make adjustment for one of these um and get veterans in babbit lane and then we are will continue to order and we will uh install additional cans um in uh additional areas as the need dictates and that is all that I have to report to you this evening thank you Mr Harris does anyone have any comments or questions for Mr Harris's report Dr word thank you Madame mayor uh Mr Harris I had a a few questions um related to some of our projects with the engineers yes and I understand you may not be able to answer them tonight but um I thought it' be great just to have the conversation ask the questions see if Council had any additional questions and then we can get the answers uh collectively yes um the first I well I acknowledge I don't see our Township Engineers here at tonight's meeting and we do have some big projects uh underway with them so that's unfortunate um that they're not here but for our JFK Center we're working on the Performing Arts Center and I noticed that in one of their reports they talked about a change order regarding fire protection and that hadn't been in any of the previous discussions that we've had so I'm curious about that change order if we can find out more about that change order the amount and how that came to be because we've been under construction quite some time and this is the first of us hearing of that um also they noted that um they're still figuring out the process to restock the sound and Light Equipment that they purchased it's been several months since we initially requested that they return those items um we followed up with the request about a month ago so it's a bit disappointing that here we are in July and they're still trying to figure out how to return items that we've told them to return so I would like to know just where they are and when they plan to have those items returned um also I noted that they mentioned that there's a roof leak that was uncovered in December I followed up several times through may only to find out now it's July and it appears that the roof still hasn't been repaired I'm very curious about the timeline in terms of the actual repair it appears that they've had multiple professionals come out to evaluate the roof and it's still not fixed so I'm a bit confused about why it's about a seven-month process to fix the roof um so I'd like for us to be able to follow follow up with that discussion as well um in terms of the senior center uh Renovations in the JFK Center um they mentioned that they're awaiting additional direction from Council if they could specify what it is that they would like to hear from Council and perhaps if they join us at a council meeting where Council meets to conduct business they might be able to get answers to their questions if they would just kindly join us um let's see see on a different note I did have a question in terms of the employee handbook while I'm not an employee I did read the document it's about 46 pages and I was curious to know has there been any consideration about uh professional development for employees and if we want to have some sort of uh not tuition reimbursement but some kind of a commitment to the township if the township does invest in the employees we do value employee growth and development um but we do also want to make sure that employees are committed to the township and if they do decide to leave perhaps they could just pay the difference in whatever that training is but we do encourage employees to take advantage of professional development at the same time we don't want to train everybody else to leave us to go to another municipality or over to the school district I mean willber you okay let me see that's all I have at this time Madame mayor thank you thank you you can take that Ando get answers next month or you can you answer any of those questions now I can answer some of them now okay so for the change order for the fire protection I am unaware of that because I don't not recall seeing that change order and I do not recall discussing that in any of our meetings with the engineer um the the instruction to return that sound equipment um had been sent to penon um that equipment is under lock and key at the JFK Center and in an undisclosed location and we had the locks changed so nobody have access to that particular um space um but they are very clear on the count Township's desire to have that equipment return okay and and we know what we're going to do with the rest the roof Lea the roof the issue with the roof leak um is that the area where the leak is there are solar panels up there and there was an agreement that was entered into the township or initially regarding those solar panels but there was a subsided agreement that was entered into with then the governing body that any work done on the JFK Center um the cost to remove those solar panels and to replace those solar panels would be borne by the township that agreement is set to expire in August of this year okay so I asked penon it unless it was absolutely necessary if they could delay the repair on the roof until that agreement expired so therefore we would not be responsible for the $100,000 Plus cost to take down the solar panels to store the solar panels and replace the solar panels okay so that's the only reason that we've delayed that particular um portion of the repair we do have uh what I believe to be adequate funding in our capital budget account for those repairs but that was the only reason for that particular delay um we did receive concept designs for the senior center and and JFK um we are in the process of sending out feelers to Engineers to give us uh bids or or quotes to move those concept designs from that actually into engineering and then the council can determine um you know who they would like to award those contracts to um as far as the handbook um the employee handbook is you're absolutely correct Dr worthy uh we do support um employees uh furthering their their education and um off providing additional services to the township by expanding their knowledge base um it was just about a year ago we sent uh several DPW employees to get get their um CDL licenses and once they got their CDL licenses they left our employee and went to go work for Pepsi so it was right after that time that we did Implement an ordinance okay um where that if the township covers the cost for unmat training so if they want to expand you know if we're going to pay for them to go to school to get an additional certification unless it's something that we absolutely require them to do um that they have a five-year commitment to the township um that they will be re they will reimburse essentially uh the township 20% of the cost for each year up to a fiveyear span so if they leave year one they would reimburse us 100% if they left year two they would reimburse us 80% and on and on on you say that's codified in an ordinance that's so it's not in the employee handbook it's in it is in it is in an ordinance and and um I thought there was a reference to it in the handbook but it is codified in the the code but I'll look for that thank you that's anything else thank you Dr any other questions or concerns for Mr Harris Council Whitfield thank you mayor um Mr Harris I did want to thank you for your um work for the street trash cans um a few residents did bring that to our attention um and thank you for um confirming that veterans and babbit um is on the list um you mentioned the storm that we had just recently um I did notice you know while driving around town that there are some down Limbs and things like that so I think just a bit of storm cleanup um is necessary and I do want to Comm men DPW on um their diligence and um you know improving the appearance of our community I saw the mowers and the street sweeper out today um and I think we've really achieved a better maintenance schedule um I would like to add just a little more detail to that some of the roads do have edging that's not um you know sightly um and it kind of negates all the hard work that's being done to keep it looking good um and then also I did just want to ask about the curation of the garden beds outside of JFK um they're just bare and overgrown and um not very sightly as the center of our community um and I'd like uh with Council support I'd like um for you to look into beautifying that face of bit yes thank you that's all I have thank you does anybody have any opposition to um councilwoman whitfield's requests to look into beautifying the beds in front of JFK the flower beds I support it yep thank you um anything else all right um Mr Harris we can make the um explanations quick I see we have a lot of people for public common I just want to make sure we get to them um in a timely manner thank you okay so ordinance being uh being introduced this evening is ordinance number 202 24-11 um which is an ordinance to amend ordinance 2022 D 6 to include uh emergency repairs to Penny Packer Drive the storm uh water wash out so we can uh include that and utilize AR P monies for those uh repairs another ordinance being introduced tonight is 202 24-12 which is an ordinance uh to uh to to authorize the Township Clerk uh to approve raffle licenses which will streamline the raffle license process um in the clerk's office uh ordinance number 20 24-10 is up for public hearing and possible adoption um and that's an ordinance to amend the town code to include a section related to applications for block parties resolutions being presented are resolution number 202 24-1 170 which is um a resolution uh approving um chapter 159 uh for uh body War cameras for the public safety department in the amount of 12,664 uh for the benefit of the public what a chapter 159 is revenues that were received after um our budget was adopted um that were not anticipated so these will uh allow us to insert those revenues into our budget and go ahead and spend them uh for the purposes that uh they were uh dedicated resolution number 171 uh is a resolution authorizing the township to place charges on certain properties for failing to address uh Property Maintenance by violations resolution 172 is another chapter 159 uh for uh$ 127,128 uh for the receipt of the $ 47,4 25 njt uh grant that will be used for Marshall l uh resolution number 174 is uh authorizing a change order for a contract with think pavers for our 2023 multilocation storm water infrastructure repairs we are going to include the emergency repairs um at Penny Packer Drive the storm water wash out to that contract and um which came in at $ 64,66 [Music] 80 resolution number 175 is a resolution authorizing an increase of the not to ex uh exceed amount for uh penon Associates for their Engineering Services related to the engineering work at Marshall Lane initially Marshall Lane was going to be included in our 2024 road project uh when we were understanding that we were going to receive um the monies for that we had to extract it out of that program which was doing the engineering for and they went and proceeded to do the engineering work for marshala as a standalone project and those fees came out to 48,000 resolution number 126 is a resolution authorizing the overpayment of taxes resolution number 177 is executing uh authorizing the execution of an agreement with mobile stage LLC they're going to provide staging services for the 2024 welding Barrel Festival resolution number 178 is authorizing a professional service contract with Henry McMillan for musical performance at the 2024 jazz festival uh resolution number 179 is the approval to submit a Grant application to execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for um uh a grant that we are looking looking to do work on uh some additional roads in uh Willingboro particularly Eastgate EDG Lane and Rockland Drive and then resolution number 180 was presented by our Township Clerk uh to authorize the renewal of Alcoholic Beverage Control license for the period of July 1st 2024 to June of 2025 to I believe Foster military Lodge and um and then resolution number 181 is just the approval of the the bills and that is all that's being presented for your consideration this evening okay thank you Mr Harris I'm going to open the floor for public comment and this is just for agenda items only this is for the ordinances and resolutions that we just went through um there will be um a full public comment in a little bit so we're just going to run through this real quick if you have any questions or concerns about what we just went through in terms of ordinances and resolutions please come to the front state your name and address for the record you can come to the microphone sir good evening good evening uh my name is Rick isolder I live at 7 for Lake Drive I believe we can comment about that if it's um or do you want to wait yeah just wait we'll we'll be real quick we're just going to go through the ordinances that's fine ask you oh no no problem it'll be at the next public comment um is there someone online for public comment I see a hand raised uh yes mayor e Anderson okay I'm sorry mayor I'm I'm going to wait for the further public comment okay thank you very much seeing no public comment public comment for agenda items only is now closed move on to the order i' requ excuse me I'd request a motion in the second to introduce ordinance 2024-the any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor Macintosh yes all right I'd request a motion in a second for ordinance 2024-25 Dr worthy any further discussion roll call please councilwoman perone yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor Macintosh yes okay uh I request we open the public hearing to ordinance 2024-the seconded by Dr worthy roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor Macintosh yes I make a motion for consent agenda of resolutions 202 24- 170 through 181 second move by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes yes mayor Macintosh yes I make a motion to approve the consent agenda as stated second mooved by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor Macintosh yes we need a motion for approval of the treasurer report and adoption so moved second moved by councilwoman Whitfield seconded by Dr worthy any discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman withfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor Macintosh yes you looking for approval of minutes correct I I would withhold the executive session minutes but the other two sets Okay so we're looking for I need a motion for approval of minutes for June 5th Council regular meeting minutes and June 21st Township Council regular minutes meet and minutes so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Peron any further discussion roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor McIntosh yes all right we can move into municipal clerk updates um we have ordinance 20 uh 24-12 was the raffle license um I put that forward to um give myself the authority to streamline the raffle process um other than that I have no additional report for this meeting sorry it's quiet meeting okay um moving on to unfinished business does council have anything for unfinished business I do not I do not all right moving on to new business does anyone have anything for new business not at this time not at this time this what we will have um some conversation about um some development in Willingboro executive session tonight all right moving on to public comment public comment is now open you have four minutes please state your name and address for the record it's all right no it's okay the microphone okay hello okay hi I'm here on behalf of the L competition Rec program um your name and address oh sorry I see Smith okay okay sorry I'm here on behalf of the lb Recreation competition team program my name is AAR Smith Gibson um I live at 19 Bri LA and I just wanted to discuss um as far as Recreation space okay so over I think we've been part of the community for 19 years and um over time it's been harder and harder to secure space to ensure that we can give the youth a consistent space to grow and develop so um this year when we went to V Space they said there was no space available at JFK um I just wanted to know if there was a way that we can work something out for us to have a space for this season to go on we um started looking at other places but we would love to stay in L because this is our town and we love being here okay and you said you represent who um the wi bro Recreation competition Recreation comp okay and when is your season just so we just have it for so our season typically starts in July and ends around April and how many days a week um so previously we had three days but we reduced it down to two due to so two to three days a week you're looking for okay so we we will take everyone's public commented time and we answer all the questions after everyone went after everybody goes so we'll definitely answer your question as soon as we get through public comments okay thank you thank you okay again hello again do it again yeah um good evening everybody thank you for having us here when I say happy reai sua I live at 74 Lake Drive to my left is Miss holder cramp she also lives at Lake Drive and 90% of my neighbors are behind me or on zoom and we're here we got the letter today and uh we thank you for having us here today number one um our main concerns at this point in time is that obviously we want the road repaved I mean it's probably the worst Road I haven't seen the other roads but it's up there um and they uh you know it gets progressively worse but be that as it may uh we do appreciate that the township is taking position that they want to try to help us and give us more uh roadway and more parking um the problem is is that that road is a 40 foot right away as I understand it 20 ft is pain um there are certain portions that you could pay but you're going to run out of room it slopes down to the old Olympia Lakes sing bar Lakes Olympia Lakes so we're not in theory we're not opposed to that um especially out front where the limousine um businesses Paving that fop allall across great neighbors okay it provides additional parking for that CU that's a little bit of a problem believe me we're not complaining but it's just that that would help them what we'd like to see though U is maybe get the township engineer contractor and uh someone from the county because it does border on the lake come out and just walk the street uh with us because uh it's been paved numerous times the residents paved it years a go so there's Madam it was originally a dirt road but I think at certain parts when you start Milling that you're going to see you're going to open up Pandora's Box and there are some limitations there are fire hydrants that I you're not going to pay around a fire hydrant at the end of the street there's turn and that's very important because emergency vehicle is getting down right now as it stands it's very hard to get two emergency vehicles come down uh trash trck comes down I don't know how many times they hit the fire Hy one time turning around it's a shame but okay that has to be discussed also and I think that we can give valuable input into um you know the best possible resolution to and again we're not opposed to it um I was going to ask you to send a pothole crew out today but but you just said the 19th that hopefully it's going to start so I guess I'll withdraw that but that's our position at this point in time we'd really like to put some input not negative input just positive um there's manhole covers there's a I have a map that shows an additional right of what uh easement beyond that now whether that was taken care of when the township transferred the property to the county or vice versa during those periods I don't know okay but those are the the different things that I think when it's a shame Township engineer is not here tonight but you know we can talk to him later on his representative and just to express what we consider they've already paided uh the front part okay U Front Street Front Street that's been done and that was milled and it it didn't take much to Mill that right I think when you get on L drive though it's be different it's just there's some parts that are just uh like I said I think you're going to open up you may open I hope you don't open up Pandora's box but if if you go beyond some of the places 10t additional 10 ft from the existing Road way you're going to go right off into the leag so I don't know if they know that or not um so that's basically what I'm here for today my neighbors are back here um if they want to say anything Miss cramp I don't I don't know if we get additional four minutes each one each person okay so I'm not used to talking with a time limit but I'll be quiet just thank you you can come to the microphone that's right I'm I'm not used to using a mic of course um I agree what Rick has said and I think all of us that are here tonight request that you please please please take a second look at what you're doing and we would like to help you and be part of it as he said we'd like to meet this engineer and um I can think of uh your Township manager I'm sorry your name manager of work right yeah he was very nice and got send us letters and mine was in my front door and I went oh well you know right because timing was of the essence and uh you know I knew we would be discussing it so I thought it would really important for you to be made aware of what the conversation was going to be I thank you for that I thank you for your consideration okay and I there was a comment made if I about concete she allow you can we take some of your time like you allow me there's that concrete down I don't think there's a lot of concrete I have one of the only curves was put in like probably like 50 years ago but there's not much for that to be done on there uh if you know we want to see you get the best most B and let it be used in the most efficient way I guess that's a sum no we appreciate that okay and I just want to compliment those young people on the back because they were the loudest ones said the Pledge of Allegiance yes just so everybody heard all right thank you so much thank you for having me you're welcome hi I'm Kiana Foreman n Hamilton Lane willber New Jersey I just want to say hi to everybody um so I'm on I'm here on behalf of the wboro recreation um competition chair so um I would say like for eight for 18 years plus the Wombo um Recreation competition team has been a part of the Panthers but it's getting harder and harder to focus um just on the competition portion um our coaches are looking to expand and grow the um the skills of our you know competition team and we need the space and we need more practice time you know and um we are asking the township to support our girls and help obtain space n JFK for practice um the past year practice has been cancelled for the basketball um the things that they have for basketball and sometimes we'll find out the day of and not you know ahead of time so that we can prepare for anything or whatever um and then we have been the Nationals in two years in a row and actually we won both times so um we would like to grow and you know know be remain as a recreational team um so that it can stay affordable and for the community and everything but that's why we're here tonight to try to get support from the township to see what we can do so that we can remain where we are and not take elsewhere okay thank you thank you it we have someone some people [Music] online uh yes mayor Judith how do I do it oh hello can you hear me yes hi I want to just say good evening mayam Macintosh councilwoman Whitfield councilwoman worthy and councilwoman Peron thank you for taking the time to hear me I am from Willingboro SDA my name is Judith javey I live at ten helmon in Willingboro New Jersey and I wanted to kind of just say that my church is doing a community event on July 14th we are having a a fish fry it's a community um it's a fundraiser for um a church building um we want to extend it to the community and in addition to that I wanted to know um let me go back a little it's going to be July 14th from the hours of 2: to 5: we will be doing Caribbean food and there will also be vegetarian options um is there a way that I I don't know if the um Township offers a way if I wanted to post the event so that the community is aware um at your facility or anything such that would be my question or online okay thank you Miss J we'll answer all questions at the end of public comments thank you all right e Anderson hello mayor thank you Council for your time um my name is Eric Anderson I live at 50 Lake Drive uh 24 years um I want to talk about the uh Paving of Lake Drive um I agree with my neighbors it's a it's a great thing we're looking forward to it but there are some considerations and uh I would like to uh add something to what Rick had mentioned that um you know based off the information I was given yesterday looks like we're you know the idea is to add about 8,000 square feet of black top Lake Drive does has no um type of drainage system there's no curbs uh no sidewalks uh no gutters I I just can't help but wonder if there was any um research done or engineering to determine where that additional rainfall is going to wind up uh I know you know a lot of the the aprons on the driveways are pretty level with the road now uh depending on how much the road is milled and and built back up and the additional rain flow uh I could see there maybe uh problems um you know I don't want my front yard to become a a drainage ditch um besides uh the engineering part of the road a uh longstanding issue that been a problem on Lake Drive is um Park visitors using Lake Drive to access the park um I I've been through this for years I've talked to many officers about it and you know there's times where people are parked right on my front lawn and as the officer explained to me there's no ordinances saying that residents or people can't park along the road so he's kind of limitate in what he can do and I understand that um Lake Drive is narrow in front of my house it's about 15 feet wide um very difficult for emergency vehicles to get up and down I've had issues with uh you know people pulling right in front of my driveway my house is across from a entrance to the park and it's a short distance to the lake so I I often get kayakers people pulling up with boat trailers and small boats it's like waiting in line at the boat ramp to get in my driveway um so one of my bigger concerns is um when the roads repave and there's additional parking if there is you know is that additional parking going to be limited to the residents and how do you enforce that um will there be a ordinance or something like that uh there's no signage or anything like that currently um if you look at the map that the county created for the park on the map it shows Lake Drive and it indicates it as a private road now my only assumption there is is that the the county didn't intend Lake Drive to be a designated parking area because the parking area is clearly shown on the map and uh the parking area is is controlled has a gate opens at 8 they close it at sundown uh Lake Drive I have people coming here at midnight unloading kayaks and fishing police tell me well that's a county issue and I talk to the county they say that's a Township issue so uh you know my concern not only with the engineering aspect of the road but also uh the public use I would like to speak for my neighbor who's on vacation uh Otis Campbell and his wife Janine they deal with it a lot more than the rest of us they live at the end of the road and part of the road is actually Otis's front yard and he's been intimidated before trying to get people to leave thank you thank you Mr Anderson all right NAACP yes uh I apologize that's William Weston 44 Bosworth Lane I just had a question about bro Park uh when will that I guess it's the play area be done and is there a place that residents can see the the plans what's potentially going to be there and that uh is all my questions thank you Mr Weston yes seeing no other public comment public comment is now closed all right somebody just leftt their hand okay yeah uh Terina Williams if you know yes last one no just last public comment for Terina Terina Williams if you're talking we can't hear you I will speak for Terina I'm not sure why she's not being heard can I speak for her absolutely you'll be the last public comment okay thank you thank you mayor thank you councel thank you everyone oh here she comes Terina you're you can heard go ahead speak okay thank you Mom good evening Council I me excuse me mayor McIntosh Deputy Mayor um Anderson in your apps wherever you are um councilman worthy councilman Peron welcome home Mr Harris Township Clerk and fellow residents thank you so much for me being able to make this comment um I wanted to say first happy anniversary this is the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act I'm really grateful that that was passed 60 years ago by President Lyndon B Johnson in um recognition of how wrong it is to discriminate based upon race color sex religion or one's national origin um we had three special days so going back another day yesterday was alumni Carl Lewis's birthday 61 he turned 60 I believe 63 years old God bless him may God richly bless him many more years of good health love and happiness and then we go back to the the 30th this past Sunday Senator Troy Singleton another willing alumni he turned 51 I mean I constantly see him online on his Facebook page I was like you're truly an Energizer Bunny where do you find the free time to bounce from one place to another to another but he truly gives it all and greatly appreciate and admire all the things he does for throughout New Jersey may God richly bless him with love good health and happiness and want to say special thanks again for Lupus Awareness Month he wore purple on for World lupus say excuse me he wore purple and did a special posting on his Facebook page I greatly admire and um appreciate everyone's Um passion to serve our community and state with love and happiness just like our church employs to do serving the community with love and compassion um add anything I want to extend special wishes to everyone as we prepare for Independence Day may you have a wonderful break and uh oh yes since we're not going to have another council meeting I wanted to let everyone know that July is also National minority mental health month so please take time to get your doctor's appointments because as we all know these horrible diseases one after the other attacks minorities and the others so please there's only one life to live and I want as many people to live a long happy and healthy life thank you so much for your time and dedicated service and please help us pray for Jamaica tomorrow the hurricane is threatening and and you know the life of her fellow um family members and friends and so on all over is in Jeopardy so more prayer more power for all of all of the countries yes yes so God bless you and as usual I want to let you know we appreciate all of you councel all of you you're doing a wonderful job welcome back Mr Harris God bless you all happy Force thank you so much okay Mr Harris can we start off um with our Panther crew and how um what is the story right now of um how we're operating uh with their practices so my understanding and I think Miss Foreman uh kind of emphasized that the they were used to be working in conjunction with the Panthers um and are are breaking off and are looking for uh additional practice space um which would they would have to arrange that space in conjunction with um the JFK with all the other organizations that are utilizing that practice space so uh it would just be a matter of them finding a a time where the the gym is available um that they can utilize that that uh space for for practices uh I am not aware of of when they said they were kicked out because of um notice with basketball or something maybe Miss baling can Enlighten us on that a little bit better but I would think that that they would um align with all the other organizations and reserving and having practice space which has really been a portioned out already um pretty much for this year so we just yeah can we hear from Miss Bon but we you know we just celebrated them last meeting so I don't you know and we were you know we just said we're very proud of them um and they've done you know some great things for the name of Willingboro so I just would like to just understand um where we're at and what we could do to help accommodate good evening mayor and council members um so I will start off by saying that we understand that the recre organization the Willen bro wreck um competition team have done great things we're not negating that and we have been supporting them for years we have supported Willingboro Panthers football and cheer organization it has been one organization until recently we just found out on Monday that the competition team is breaking away from the Panthers so we had already tried to accommodate a lot of organizations inside the building there used to be times where organizations could get three or four days we just don't have the space for that trying to accommodate everybody there's a lot of organizations you have wrestling we have pickle ball we have cheer we have additional groups conglomerate we have Fantasia you name it we have it so we're trying to accommodate that so what we did is we asked everybody to do two days of practice but now we are creating another organization because they're no longer part of the organization that we had already given space to so it's not that we're trying to keep anybody out we understand organizations grow they need practice time to continue to develop and and go back and you know compete in all of those things so it's not like we're not trying to support but if we're already having trouble trying to accommodate all the groups now we have just created another organization so I'm not saying that it's impossible but I'm just saying that we're going to have to try to figure out in the midst of what we were already doing okay just to get chair are there two chairs chair um chair leading or the competition organization has left the Panthers okay exactly that still has time so now it's another organization that we have to figure out practice time for okay just to put it in a little context so it's not a matter of us not trying to support and I don't think we were trying to imply that we need to understand the scenario cuz you know there was some right AB um scheduling issues but I would if you know Council agrees um I don't know if anybody else has any comments thanks um thank you Miss Balden um do you know if there have been any conversations where the township has um requested assistance from the school district because they have so many more buildings we reach out to the the school district to um actually put in space um for the fall so that we can have additional space to even go over there I know the organization themselves the competition they have also reached out to the school as well I believe they were recently practicing there as well okay yes and another um consideration could be I know First Baptist of willing borrow has uh a gym um and that might be an option just to consider Pastor Gary he was here just a few meetings ago and they do have h a gym space that might be um a space that could be suitable just as another alternative if things don't work out with the school district and if um it's not enough meeting times um in JFK understood yes I have a question good so with your I know the calendars are tight because um we've went over that you've you've explained that to us before so I just want to know um as far as the calendar year so I understand they're breaking away I guess this happened recently so with year 2025 do you um allow for a flip where it's like okay the calendar starts again in January 2025 where this space is at first come apply or you know are people just allowed to say I'm there for the next 10 years this is my date how do you what we used to that's what we were up against before when people were locked into three and four days and then we had to take it down to to two so a lot of what we're running into as well is that some different sports used to have like a particular season but now things are kind of rolling out you know you used to have a fall season but now you're fall you're you're doing spring you're doing you know practices in the summer to get ready for the fall so it's it's just a lot of juggling because we try to cater to the activities that that is really their season and then everybody else will try to fit inside and so when it's your season then it's your season and everybody else has to kind of get in where we fit in when I tell you it's a juggling game it's a it's a juggling game okay and they kind of I guess they St the same season because it's the same type of sport right exactly exactly okay because July to April's pretty long yeah that's a whole season almost yeah almost a year almost a full year um I don't know if Council agrees that you know I would like you to investigate what you could do and update us um we do I think we do appreciate them being here um and from your perspective I do understand we have a lot of things going on so you know we we recognize that right yeah other like organizations as well that went and went on we have the conglomerate and they went somewhere did the championship you know what I mean so we have to be very careful how we just maneuver that's agree agree and then um as Dr worthy had said also just looking you know for alternative spaces absolutely yes and we've talking other G as wellthy I had a question Miss bald so what is the so if I start a group and I would like to rent space at JFK uh for my team or my group what is the tenure of my agreement with you is it what does that look like um well I guess first you have to create your group you also have to make sure that you have insurance right um and then you kind of go on our portal and you put in the request for your space sometimes people try to put in six months at a time but we don't do blankets we try not to do blankets of like six months because we also have to see other things that are going on at the the same time yeah sometimes we can try to say like first come first serve but we do know the seasons of different organizations of when they're going so we usually know when wrestling starts so they have their space of when they kind of have the auxiliary gym so we're just trying to juggle things around have one year agreement that Tuesday Thursdays are mine from this time not for a year no okay it would be for maybe three months and then we ask individuals to make sure that they put back in for to see if we can accommodate the next three months because if we lock in for a year then it's hard for us to put anybody else in so we don't lock in for a year time SP time thank you okay you're welcome one other um suggestion cuz we're speaking about the gymnasium right that's the gym and the auxiliary gyms yes so what about outside like is that available as far as okay we you'll swap you're you know it's nice weather you have this this this season you have the gymnasium and then you have the field of course not in the winter time I'm speaking of those warmer Seasons as far as just kind of like rotating uh groups just to kind of be um to try to make some sort of median and I don't I've never been a cheerleader I was on a track team we did practice outside and and the panther would um use like the side of the building we were trying not to have them in the front because we also have to remember we also have a banquet facility no meaning like on the back I know that that's what I'm saying but sometimes they would used to be in the front of the building they'd be on different sides of the building at the Kennedy Center and then we had asked kind of everybody to kind of move to the side conglomerate would be in the front parking lot with the drum so we kind of have to move everybody around because we also have to understand there's other things happening inside the Kennedy Center as well so we have to be mindful of you know who's out who's in I'm speaking more of literally probably on the track or on the side of where the track is that area no been out there well chair goes up yeah the Panthers go up there like is that just open it's not like you don't have to reserve that space they let us know that they're out there but yes they're out there okay so was just a suggestion as far as like groups you know you were outside now you're going to swap it this is another thought I wasn't sure if they were already practicing out there um but before they come inside the building they usually start out they warm outside okay yes so um go ahead councilwoman Whitfield no I also um you know being the Champions that they are I'd like to find a solution that works for them and um you know try try to accommodate I understand the schedules tight um but I I agree with Dr worthy and offering options and maybe Mr fault um if you could provide them with the contact information for f First Baptist um that has that gymnasium um maybe we can you know be a bridge to help solve the issue yeah okay you're on top of it Rose and then I would just anybody else and I would just ask our burrow um cheerleading team I just would ask that you just be a little patient because there are a lot of things going on so we just have to look at what shifts that we would have to make to accommodate um you guys we do appreciate you um so we will put the effort into trying to but you know we still have to be mindful that there are a lot of other things going on and it's you know um becoming difficult I understand from recreation's point of view it's becoming difficult just to manage the space um so we definitely you know I just want you to know you know the township does support you guys however you know I I do have to just defer to our Recreation Department to um see how they can accommodate you along with you know the other activities that are going on so um we'll just be looking for an update maybe in August just to see what you can work out and you know we'll look we'll we'll put our heads together to see what we can do so I just wanted to um let you know we're we're going to try to come up with a solution so thank you thank you for coming coming here and voicing your concerns this is how government work so I'm glad the youth came out I'm so happy to see you guys but um we appreciate you coming out and stay in your concerns thank you um Mr Harris Lake Drive well before we get to Lake Drive I just wanted to acknowledge Miss Judith harvy um she had mentioned that they have a community event for the Seventh Day Adventist on huh a fish fry um July 14th from two two to five two to five so I just wanted to reiterate that um for the record for Miss Harvey oh and an advertisement yeah we Mr Harris can you just explain our communication strategy in terms of advertising so we do have various bulletin boards that we could post different um events and and things like that but we are are very particular about the ad advertisements that we uh put out through our social networks um because then it becomes a everybody wants to and we just can't accommodate all the requests so do we have so we don't we don't get we're not in a business of advertising community events that is correct right okay so just okay so miss hary I just wanted we don't advertise because we would have to advertise everyone and we don't have the capacity um for that so you know when you come on public comment you are more than welcome more than welcome to you know state that and inform the community of your events but we don't advertise them online or anywhere on our facilities correct okay um moving on to Lake Drive we I think we can put it all together yes so um you know in the discussions with with Lake Drive and I think the the residents uh I maybe clarify for the residents that Lake Drive in its entirety is going to be milled and and repaved uh we are not including any sidewalks down there there's no additional concrete work going on on Lake Drive it's essentially just uh upgrading that street um and putting it in a better condition um there is no rain uh no storm drains going in there so the the runoff would be the same place that the runoff goes now into the lake um it was just our uh our thought and again our Engineers did go down and look at Lake Drive they did you know measure the different areas that um and and it was initially birthed in my mind that maybe the residents would appreciate some hard surface parking in areas where they're parking in the grass primarily across the street from their properties um and then also of affording a little bit of of of room with traffic going down to and from Lake Drive um so you know that was really the the thought um and I don't really know I don't I didn't really receive a clear yeah were're for this or yeah we're against this um they like the idea but I know there were other issues um you know with the parking and people accessing the lake in all of those things I'm not going to say those issues are going away those weren't really the issues that we were dealing with this evening um it was just on whether they would be open to and receptive to having additional Paving along Lake Drive yeah which is fine and I think they you know I think they brought up some other legitimate points um I think as we're even doing our um storm water drainage I just want to make sure you know we are getting we are widening the street widen widening Lake Drive a little bit on certain parts on certain parts right so um even with that you know I think we should be mindful of the drainage and impervious surfaces and things of that nature um I don't think we can you know Reserve parking I will say that I don't think we we we have an opportunity to reserve parking um but perhaps we can talk to the county just in terms of closing that other side of that um the park you're not and we can talk to the county um if people are still going on a back end they're sneaking into the park after hours right which is causing you know parking issues over there um and that's not a private road though that's a public it's not a private road just no thorough no through access okay so yeah I think you know I think they were res I think from all I got you were receptive to it you just wanted to make sure you know as you're doing a road to make sure that um some things are taken into consideration to make sure it's not a disaster right mayor yes yeah and I would ask um maybe I don't know if you've met with the residents of Lake Drive um but maybe you can set up a meeting with them so that you can explain the areas that you know are proposed to be widened and um see their uh point of view and and perspective on the plan that has um poten to come to fruition so I again I I can I can coordinate a meeting um that we may have the opportunity to meet with the engineer and um Construction Company um but again you know we're working between window of now in the 19th so you know when would the residents be open to that you know keeping in mind that usually they do their business during the week during the day um you know would you be open to meeting with them this Friday like like two days yeah I don't know that that's going to happen um but we can so when can it happen so they can I mean I think some some I think somebody will make accommodations if you have a date that you that is more amiable to what to what's right that just doesn't afford a lot of time to arrange a meeting considering that we're right back up against a holiday which is on Thursday I mean I can try to arrange it um but I don't I can't guarantee have a point of contact I don't have a point of contact I don't and again these all these letters were hand delivered into their mailboxes no I appreciate that I think that was you know I think that was a great move you know to inform and so you know I think it was fair for them to come and just voice you know they live there and voice what you know make some concerns I think some some you know possible legitimate concerns considering they're on the lake and there's it's a different setup than the rest of Willingboro um so if we can get someone before leaving to be a point of contact okay okay well yeah so we can we can have that discussion after the meeting but y but um Mr Harris will be the point contact but if we can get someone you just need a phone number and email yes correct okay and I'll reach out to the engineer and if they can if if we can get a meeting with them and the the construction company on Friday I'll try to to work it out I'm just appreciate that I'm just not guaranteeing understood okay but we we will try to work with you to see um what's what um moving on to Mr Weston he had questions about the Bro Park so what's going on is bro Park is really that playground equipment is being upgraded and is becoming a little more accessible equipment and the surrounding um area around it and those those plans are available in the recreation department if he would like to go in and see them no you can contact someone in the recreation department okay there also golden okay there also was a question of when it would be done when it would be completed um I think they have a 30-day a 30-day um build so hopefully by the end of July very early August all right perfect anything I missed any other things that we need to go over no okay moving on to council thank you moving on to council comment any council members have any comments yes Dr wor um thank you Mr Harris for the updates tonight and thank you to all the residents who have come out um I did want to wish um a congratulatory remark to Dr Ashanti Holly who is now the superintendent of schools for B County Institute of Technology and special services schools um she is willing boro's own and so I think it's so wonderful to be able to celebrate our residents when they're going off to do amazing things um so congratulations to Dr Holly and the great work that she has done and the wonderful things she will do going forward um thank you to my Council colleagues for the work that we're getting done and I look forward to working even between our meetings with updates and calls and things like that as we prepare for our August meeting um we do have a meeting coming up with uh the engineers um next week so I'm hopeful to get much more details from them um and I'll owe you all a few more updates related to the library um and restructuring of the township so I'm looking forward to continuing to work on those projects throughout the summer thank you Madame mayor thank you Dr worthy any comments okay any comments yeah thank you mayor um I wanted to say first uh thank you everyone for coming out it's always uh great to have that input in the political process um and we appreciate um you not feeling it robbery to come out and and join us tonight and express your concerns um I also wanted to say congrats to the citizens Fire Academy graduates um as well as the firefighters that were recognized at the the various events um we are so proud of our all of our emergency services and um it's always good for Willing B to be recognized and in a positive light and um going out and continuing to do great things um I want to remind everyone about the burrow Barbecue on July 20th that's going to be a great event um thank you Mr Harris and I know the residents are appreciative for the 2024 Road program um I think 24 roads in one year is a tremendous feat um and all of that done um with a tax decrease so I I definitely see the in increase of services and um you know I I know for um some of us the commitment to uh stabilized taxes um has been achieved and and I'm thankful to my Council colleagues for um working diligent and Mr Harris for being diligent um and making that happen um and lastly I wanted to say a happy early birthday to my mother Muriel Whitfield um she turned 69 this year and yeah and she is just full of energy she has an amazing Garden in our backyard um and I I love her so much so y to say happy birthday to her happy 4th of July happy birthday Mom with that's nice I just want to say before we go um just a reminder that the next meeting is a August 6 we will not have a second meeting in July so hopefully we see you out in the town with the recreation um events that are going on and I just want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July you know be safe out there but enjoy your time enjoy your time uh with your family enjoy your time with your neighbors uh continue to love one another like I always say but um take that day and just um and we appreciate the people who have fought for this country um so I just wanted to acknowledge our fourth of July um and that's it for tonight it is before nine o'clock mayor one second can I add one thing go ahead oh and we I forgot to add say a happy birthday to our Donald St halier from our Clerk office he's been very diligent working with us in the clerk's office but happy birthday to you Donald and and one other thing um Willingboro is undergoing a master planning process currently the um planning board is hard at work um compiling our existing conditions report but we do need your feedback um there is a link to a resident survey online on the um Township website um also it's available on on Facebook and Instagram so we invite you to take 10 minutes do the survey let us know what challenges you about willing bro what you like about willing bro what you want to see kept how you think we can improve over the next 10 years um so that we can create a very inclusive plan for all residents that live here in Willingboro that was all thank you mayor yeah thank you for that reminder thank you yes yeah if you want to just read the title and then I'll read what it's for that's fine thank you yeah we're not voting we're not voting them correct resolution 2021 20241 182 resolution authorizing an executive closed session in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa njsa 10 4-6 at Su to discuss Personnel matters contract negotiations and pending and potential litigation uh yes madame mayor executive session tonight um as stated under the resolution under njsa 124 D 12 B7 pending anticipated litigation or contract negotiations or matters falling within attorney client privilege no action is anticipated tonight right thank you so moved second moved by Dr worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please councilwoman Peron yes councilwoman Whitfield yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor McIntosh yes my RO thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that was a big contention for the time pres against the we can revisit motion to come out of EX executive session so mov second moved by Dr worthy seconded by Council Whitfield roll call please president yes yes Council councilwoman Whitfield yes yes councilwoman Dr worthy yes mayor McIntosh yes is that a yes you you said was that supposed to say president doesn't matter you're supposed to say oh yes right so move [Music] second second Byfield all in favor say I I good night Willam it's 9:33