##VIDEO ID:Ggk5Hcpf75c## e yeah good evening everybody and welcome today you ready miss you ready all right good evening everybody today is Tuesday October 8th 2024 the time is now 6:02 p.m. and the City of wion city council has come to order Mr Right please call the r mayor Goodman I here council president Cox here vice president Hines here council member Jones here council member Martin here Council member riyo here city manager Terry Bard here attorney Kirsten Balo here city clerk Lisha Wright I am here and all other staff thank you all right thank you everybody I know uh we got things to do at our home so thank you for your time here so we can do this all right opening prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag Mr Mayor Charles good thank you Mr President join me if you so choose Lord we come to you today asking your mercy on our state our cities our counties and our people Lord we just put it all in your hands we will do everything that we can but we know in the end you make the decisions and we thank you for your care of us in your name amen amen I PL Al to the flag of the United States of America to the stands na indivisible andice all right thank you sir all right item one addition deletions changes and approval of the agenda Mr President yes ma'am on item seven Sor item 7A uh miss Helen painer with peris gray asked to table that until the next meeting due to the weather she won't be able to make it all right Mr President Mr President additionally item 7 B um we need some more information have a couple more things that we need to do before we're ready to bring that in front of you so we'd like to table that item as okay see all right any other all right so addition deletion changes approval of the agenda can I get a motion I move approval of the agenda with the change is to remove item 7 a and 7 B got a first second any other discussion changes all right all all right see move to vote all in favor of the changes say I I I item two the mayor student of the month one of our favorite things to do mayor on one hand they say I have a loud mouth the other hand they keep me on a short leap Timothy Taylor you're not here either are you okay guess who is my star you and you look like a star too you know when I was reading this your teacher could not stop saying good things about you she I thought I was reading a book so let's just see some of the things that she said about you w is an incredibly sweet and helpful student that's a pretty good start ain't it not only does she always show excitement for Learning and set a great example for her peers w w do you actually show excitement for Learning and I hate change okay but she also has taken on another role in the classroom Mrs list class just welcomed a new Spanish speaking student to their class it is his first year in the UN United States and he does not speak English very much he's a lot like me ah there it is Wana has been such a great help not only has Wana helped to make sure that her new friend makes it to where he needs to go every day when switching class and making transitions but she also took the liberty on herself to translate for Mrs List when she is teaching or giving directions to her new student W I just have one little question can you teach me Spanish okay let's see Wana has been I'm going to get back to this because this is really important Wana has been such a great help not only has W to help to make sure her new friend makes it to where he needs to go every day when switching classes and making transitions she also took the liberty on herself to translate for Mrs Liss when she's teaching and giving directions to our new student Wana is such a great little teacher you're an amazing young lady you know that I'm going to cry you're an amazing lady Wana is such a great little teacher she has been incredibly helpful with this new student not only has she been his official tutor but she has also become an example she sets for being a kind and helpful classmate wna is always a bright shining light in the classroom and her teachers are so blessed to have her in their class thank you for being so amazing Lana we love you Wana it is my honor to give you this certificate and if you'll show it to all the nice people out there for outstanding student of the month keep it down they want to see your beautiful face okay now that's a lot to get that that's a lot but shogun's Japanese restaurant and please don't learn Japanese while you're there heard about it and they would like to congratulate you for your outstanding achievements with this certificate good for one kids meal and an ice cream from Shogun Japanese restaurant and here's that certificate and W as the mayor of willston I would like to tell you that I am truly very proud of you what good Mr Mayor very good you are welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting or if you would like to go you may go your choice all right item three presentation by city manager Terry Berard okay can you hear me so as you know like I said with the Florida Lia cities they're they're very supportive of learning classes that we do um as you know your clerk is very uh suggestive and forceful on us going to classes and uh and going yes absolutely so to the point of making us go um and I will tell you that my experience has always been that I've learned a great deal I will tell you that the Florida Le of cities would also like to recognize you in the Institute of the elected Municipal officers in the last class that you took your emo class they wanted me to come up and present you with this plaque as on behalf of the bordera LI of cities and congratulate you on your class present you to this PL [Applause] thank you Mr [Applause] Mayor all right item four public participation this is your first two opportunities to address the coun at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for 5 minutes on any topic other than what is in the agenda okay all right item five cent agenda these are the council minutes from September 17 2024 I'm sorry September 17 2024 can I get a motion okay I have a first I have a second any other discussion concerns no all right move to vote all in favor say I I I I okay 5 zero updates staff board and counsel all right city manager Terry Bard all right thank you Mr President so as you know once again the hurricane is upon us and um I think probably what scares me the most is how easily the staff prepared this time for the hurricane uh it tells me we're getting used to them um as you know that we do our staff meetings preparing for the hurricane the mayor attended uh it went quite well it was very quick everybody knew their jobs and we all basically got on track pretty quick um I I will tell you that there's anything that we have forgotten which I would be shocked if we did but we are currently prepared as you know city hall or if you don't know we will be closing City Hall tomorrow and Thursday and sending nonenal employees home and the staff will be here to ride out the store and solve our problems that we have um we may open back up on Thursday we see what the Storm at we got to go there uh we'll tell you this time around we've asked Latricia to be our point of contact as our PI and hopefully you have seen much more updates on Facebook and the City web page than you saw last time so um if you have any questions of me of our preparedness of what we're doing and be more than happy to take them now uh but other than that that will conclude my staff up okay text messaging works really well too because we do have some older people who don't do the Facebook thing and so luckily for us you know eventually this text my go may work out for us very well um as y'all know I text y'all quite frequently at all hours of the night I'll try to keep those down to a minimum I know y'all are sometimes asleep when we're working and that's fine and um so um if you need please let me know you know as you know we are also working on our website we realize there's ways that we could better communicate with the public and just those two things alone which have been something we worked on I don't know for the last six weeks to bring here um hopefully we'll be able to launch those pretty soon with a new web built new text my glove go um the Marquee for outside obviously is something else to C is looking at as a sign you know we can never communicate enough and so we pushing forward for that right anything else there all right staff comments all right police chief Rose we have uh pulled our men and women from our offices from C ke uh took further notice uh spoken with Chief Jenkins and he's talked to the mayor and they're good to go um told them if they need anything during the storm just reach out to us but we have pulled our people back so we can take care OPP very good thank you sir Mr Steve yes sir uh just want to let the council everybody know that we're at this point in time we're still planning to move forward with the grand opening for terminal on Friday uh we will make a a weather call Thursday and push that out and let everybody know uh that you know if you don't hear anything plan to be there if you do hear something then it probably will be a don't show up but you're all still more than welcome to come out either way all right excuse me Benton could you give me the time again please sure uh the ribbon coating will be at 10:30 and um be a a short short sweet ceremony lunch will follow and then um we're kind of closing everything up by around 12:30 yes okay thank you want a picture of everybody okay we can do that we would like that thank you [Music] e for [Applause] that's the all right you want a picture too Donald do you want a picture too got your hand up all right we're still at staff I know that we uh last meeting addressed the fence around the Dr on John Henry and I want to give you guys an update told you 30 days it's been two weeks um we do have the supplies ordered they were actually supposed to order them today we told them not to I didn't want to take possession of them and something happened to them in the storm with them holding them they have to actually protect them so uh they should be delivered by Friday and we'll start building it next week and getting it all done so I just wanted to give you guys an update on that I know it was a concern all right thank you sir Council anybody marith yes Mr Mayor thank you Mr President you know the chief very kindly just short version we pulled our officers off but let me tell you the rest of the story Willison had its fire department and our Police Department go to our sister city in Cedar Key and they were one of the few in Levy County that actually sent Aid to our sister city and I am very very very proud to be part of them and proud of them okay thank you thank [Applause] you all right all right item C discussion with possible action donate five Gravely zero turn lawnmowers to the Department of Corrections Jonathan Bishop utility director yes so we have the five gravies that we do not use no more um they kind of work partially work but doc also runs the same same Gravely Motors and I would like to donate them to them so they can get theirs up and going for the budget restraints that they have okay what do youall think okay it's good um Miss blue will we need to can we just do consensus or we a motion would be appropriate you don't need a resolution but a motion okay can I have a motion please for the donation of the five gr Le zero turnning mowers second motion right second I have a first I have a second any other discussion the you may Sir Mr Bishop yes sir in the fact are these mowers not operating and not worth fixing for us no sir they have a whole Fleet of them and so the parts that they'll take off of ours will make theirs invaluable they'll get them get their so they will use ours for parts or use theirs for parts to fix ours absolutely but for us they're not a usable commodity anymore no sir I just want to make sure we're not giving them to them because we want to buy new no sir okay thank all right first got a second any other discussion all right move to vote all in favor say I I I 5 Z thank you all right letter D presentation comprehensive Plan update Laura Jones city planner thank you Mr President we've talked a couple times in the past couple months can you turn me down that our that our comprehensive plan will be updated for the next 18 months or so so we did give a presentation to Planning and Zoning last month and um we did get another presentation put together to you guys from JB Pro who we contracted to help us with this um big project so they just want to come here and give you an update on the schedule and everybody should have their comp plan in front of them at this point or at home so and that's their old one so go ahead and study that we're going to be updating that one so if I could welcome Kathy and Nick from JB Pro they'll take it from here uh if you could give me just a minute to try to get the new one up I just received it this is the update from the one you have in your packet okay good evening um mayor President we are excited to be back um to support the the strategy for the development of Williston once again um I am excited to introduce you to Nick Hill who will be the project manager for this project I will continue to be the planning principal on the project but um Nick will be leading the everyday operations of it and um all the activities we have also secure the services of two subc Consultants uh Stant Matt Lewis from stantech will be working with us on the land use plan and looking at some new land use strategies partic particularly for the implementation of the Main Street plan that you just adopted this past spring uh we have also secured The Contract Services of um new Urban Design new or design um they are a transportation expert and a mixed use development expert so once again we have secured them to help us with the Main Street plan and implementation of the Main Street plan through the comprehensive plan but also for uh looking at Route 27 um for some design standards and ensuring that we can integrate the mixed use walkability that we talked about in the Main Street plan throughout the city so you will see mostly Nick and myself but at times you will see stantech or new Urban Design assisting us with this project and at that I'm gonna turn it over to Nick who will give you the presentation all right thank you Kathy for that warm introduction and thank you mayor president Council for having me here this evening so like Kathy talked about we're going to be talking about the city of Willis's comprehensive Plan update congratulations on that process that's a really exciting go it's a big deal I hope you feel it is too next slide so we have a lot of fun on our agenda tonight first we're going to reintroduce you to the project team then we're going to provide you a brief overview of the Plan update process then walk you through that project timeline and then my favorite part we're going to hear from you what you want to see out of this process and then we're going to talk about next steps next slide please so this project is really a partnership between the city of will led by the wonderful Laura and Nikki as well as the JB Pro planning department as led by me again my name is Nicholas hill I'll be the project manager for the Seer the comprehensive planning for jurisdictions across the State of Florida for several years now and that's why I was able to pry this project out of Kathy's cold dead grip because she really wanted this project um but I convinced her to uh let me take a hold of it with her still acting as the principal charge next and of course we will be receiving additional planning support from some sub Consultants including M next so whenever we do these types of presentations we never know who the audience is going to be there could be someone who's exposed comprehensive plan for the first time so we always like to start with the basics what is a comprehensive plan comprehensive plan is basically a state mandated master plan for the future your Comm next and through that comprehensive plan we can help coordinate local decision making provide guidance land owners on what they can do with their property my personal favorite Implement a shared Community Vision which we'll talk about more in a second next so a master plan for an entire Community obviously has to cover a wide range of topics right and these topics are covered in their own individual chapters which in the comp plan world we call Elements the adopted elements of your comprehensive plan today are as follows introduction future land use Transportation infrastructure Economic Development housing conservation Recreation and open space public school facilities intergovernmental coordination Capital Improvements public participation monitoring and evaluation and currency management system those shown in Orange are those that are required by the state of Florida to be addressed in their own individual elements and those shown in Gray are optional elements that the city has decided are important to their future and therefore deserve their own elements as well the real reason I read each of these and bring this slide up is because I want you to understand that each each of these specific topics will be addressed as part of the comprehensive Plan update and will be looked at whether or not they remain their own elements of the plan at the end of the day all right next so each of these elements has two primary components first is the data analysis which provides us the factual basis for that topic and identifies the issues and opportunities for that specific Focus area in the comp after that is the goals objectives and policies of each element which is really the implementation side to address those issues and opportunities that you identifi in the data analysis next but at this point you're probably thinking Nick we just updated the comprehensive plan I believe last major update was 2018 why do we need to update it again next well first it's actually required by Florida statute we have to update the comp plan at least every seven years to make sure it's consistent with recent changes in Florida law we want to make sure that we're sufficiently preparing for future growth and what level we're going to grow is something that we'll look at as part of the data analysis process it's something we'll have plenty of opportunity to comment on next of course we want to make sure that we are implementing any great planning work that the city is doing such as Kathy talked about recently the downtown rules Main Street plan the comprehensive Plan update is a perfect opportunity to begin that implementation process next of course we want to make sure we can reevaluate current practices standards to understand if we could be doing anything better as a city or anything more streamlined in our processes next then of course what I alluded to earlier we can reflect a shared Community Vision next and really that's what phase one is all about building that Community Vision which takes us from August 2024 to March 2025 and to build that Community Vision we are going to work directly with your community to empower them to identify build consensus on and Implement a shared Community Vision for the future of Wilson and so during that time we're also going to be working on the data analysis for each El so as we look to start phase two in the actual Plan update starting to draft those goals objectives and policies and revise what you have now we'll have two critical pieces of information by that the Community Vision plan and the data analysis the factual basis for the plan so we can make informed decisions about the goals objective and policies will be revised now I'm going to let cath evolve to go into a little bit more detail as to what that phasing may look like and the great Community engagement work that we are going to do as part of this process so the first part of the Community visioning First of all we are building off of the community visioning effort that we've already done for down on Main Street plan we are not um we have not ignored the input that we received that we are not putting that in its own box we are building on it we recognized that the comprehensive plan is a city-wide plan and when we were focused on the community engagement for the main street we really focused on that Corridor and the implementation of that Corridor now we're taking that implementation and we're going further with it so in this first phase which will start has actually started if you were at the Festival this weekend yes GS I saw you um I do remember I also remember I ow you a phone call um so if you were at the Festival this weekend you saw that we had a booth there if you were at the fiesta a couple weeks ago you also saw us and in that input we received probably talked to over 300 people um who came by our booth and talked about the vision that they had the ideas that they had um any challenges that they had and we got some really great input so because of that input that we received at the popup events what we call popup events Festival events um we are now able to accelerate our community engagement effort because we don't think that there's much that we need to do in terms of having a workshop that reiterates the information we've already gotten there so now we're able to really move on into more accelerated and more um strategic Community visioning as we move into the next phase on so like I said uh we're going to be doing Outreach events but we're also going to be targeting our schools we know just flight this evening and and how wonderful it is that that every month you you applaud your students that this willston schools are really important um we talked about that when we did the Main Street plan that's why they were one of the anchors of our Main Street Corridor um and so we're going to be going into our schools and talking to our class classrooms about what their vision for the community is in fact after all this is their plan this this plan is for the students we talked to uh a wonderful woman this weekend who had lived here in Willison was born here in Wilson and lived here for 85 years so now it's our turn to go back and talk to the students who will live here for the next 85 years and what they want to see out of their Community um we're going to be talking to you we will come to you at the end of every major phase and letting you know what we've heard what we've learned and how that's going to be brought forward into your comprehensive plan and we'll be doing the same with the planning board next so the at the end of this phase the major deliverable is that we will have a vision statement a vision plan for and how the comprehensive plan will be implemented so we'll really understand the foundation for which we will develop our goals objectives and policies and this all starts with a brand um you may have heard about City reimagined it was really kind of cool as I was walking around the festival grounds and and uh taking a little break from the booth I heard people going heard people talking did you stop by the reimagine booth did you talk did you talk to those people talking about the city um and I haven't had a couple of people who came back and said we've been looking for your booth we knew we we heard you were here we needed to give you our input so City reimagined will Williston 2050 is the idea that we are reimagining what Williston can become in the next 25 years um and we worked with staff on this logo which has elements of the logo that we did for the downtown Main Street plan but kind of takes it again a little bit further as this is a Citywide plan so we're connecting the two not ignoring the two recognizing they're all part of the same strategy to develop the future of littleon so as I mentioned we were both at the Wilson Fiesta and The Peanut Festival and these are some of the pictures um we have a little uh frame of a a little frame that we give to people and ask them to take pictures so we've got quite a few pictures of all different kind of people uh with their frame we asked the kids to draw their picture of what their favorite part of the community was was um and we got some great drawings from the kids we had great discussions with with parents and with children and with seniors it was really multigenerational it was wonderful and we then we also have the show us your Wilston story kind of this idea of willston story what is your story talk to you us about the story at willston how you see willston and how you would reimagine your story as in the future um so we're developing a map that shows us where people want to live work and play in Williston um and the really cool thing about it was I think we expected especially this past week and knowing that the Peanut Festival is an event that draws people from all over the region in the end we end up talking to mostly people who live right here in willston um who call willston their Community even if they some of them would say well wion's my community my home but I don't live in the side the city boundaries but they really there were most people we talk to occasionally we talk to somebody from Orlando and from Gainesville or somewhere else but most people we talk to really consider willston as their home and so it was great to talk to them um and have some really interesting conversations and I think staff was really pleased with the the activities they came by and helped us with the booth from time to time so we were really excited by the participation we got probably more than we've ever had from any single other event and we've had some really great community engagement efforts that we've done over the last couple years but I think these events have brought more brought more attention to the planning activities um than any of the other activities we've ever done move on and now I'm going to turn back to next excellent next so you might have noticed that the phasing in phase one was fairly similar from Phase 1 a 1 b 1 C we largely follow that same track in Phase 2A and 2B we're going to continue to do Outreach events getting in front of the community meeting folks where they are understanding that some folks may not turn out for the workshop on the week night but they will turn out for something like the little and so continuing to gather input through that ember we also intend to host open houses which as opposed to public workshops which are really intensive kind of twoh hour meetings with the public where we do a really structured engagement activi um at these open houses we like them to be a lot longer Kathy and I will make ourselves available during that day and at this time as we're updating the actual plan itself we'll make sure we have plenty of time for if folks to come in at any point in the day during the open house we or another member of the project team is available to speak to them about any of those changes really bridge the gap between their Vision as well as the actual plan of dat itself and of course at each stage at each individual phase we'll also come back to present you the findings of that stage and really allow you to provide comments if anything needs to be adjusted or reevaluated for the next sub phase between 2A and 2B we'll have opportunity to do that for Tex and then at the very end of course we will have the hearing process which we will work with staff all the way through that process next um I just want to point out one very important thing is that if you have a wonderful comprehensive plan today that probably needs a little bit of work right need a little touch up and so one of the first things that we'll do before we do the actual update to goals objectives and policies is run an audit basically what we call a be dist comp plan we want to know what's worked what hasn't what needs improvements and what can we keep as part of that comprehensive Plan update so that way we're not just completely growing out all the good work that has already been done we're building upon that we're advancing it based upon the Community Vision based upon the data analysis and based upon the direction provided by your board next so you've heard us talk a lot tonight a little bit about the plan update process the project timeline all the community engagement work that we have done already and that we will be doing especially those involving the kids in the schools as we want to plan for their Community but really we want to turn it back to you heard a lot tonight we want to know what do you want to see from this process what are some of the other public engagement tools do you think that we should consider that we didn't already speak about tonight what are some of the topic areas that you think this plan really needs to address to be successful I'm going to use that to open up the floor to that conversation right now whoever wants to take the first shot you're in shock can you elaborate a little bit more on that sure absolutely uh just to reiterate we are in the very beginning of this process we've done two Community engagement activities just because we don't want to pass this opportunity up to meet so many members of your community and we understand both of those were big events and we felt like we can move forward on the project a little bit just to make sure that we are getting out in front of the people before we lose that opport but yes we're still in the very very early stages so what has been the most popular item that the public has said what they would like to see for yeah I mean there's so many good ones but I I'm sure Kathy has an answer but one of the first things and what I keep hearing over and over again is that people love the small town charm of Willis and I don't think that people necessarily are afraid to grow but if there is growth it needs to be and it needs to retain that small pound charm that brought so many folks to and we can definitely do that through this comprehensive Plan update process develop strategies for how we can keep that small town charm even if we have some semblance growth what that level is going to be we'll actually identify through the data analysis process but Happ so Nick right that's absolutely the number one thing we've heard um a couple of things you know as you know I've worked with your community now two years so there were a couple things that I learned that I didn't have never heard before um and the number of community engagement efforts we've done through the update of the map and through the Williston downtown project um was kind of surprisingly that I learned some things the number one was the community is looking for Health Services here um they really feel like they don't have good access to uh an Urgent Care type facility they're not looking for a big hospital but they would like some more choices when it comes to local doctors and Urgent Care Facilities uh a number of people suggested that we need to work with University of Florida to see if we can get an urgent care one of their branches that they have in the Gainesville area and bring it down to willon um the other thing that that surprised me that I had not heard before um was the Mount of um the the the amount of people who want to make sure that the surrounding areas of Willison are as connected to the community uh but remain in a very rural state so a lot of people were like I said they said they're part of the community but they don't live in the city and those people were very much like and don't bring growth out to us let us they let us stay in our small in our large Lots they like the five acres they like the 10 acres so they wanted us to work very close closely with Levy County to make sure that whatever planning we did we absorb like Nick said we absorb the growth inside the city and leave the county to be rural um so those were two things that I had not really heard from before but the other thing that I was really happy with uh and probably the thing I most excited was people said they want a mixed use downtown they want a place that they can walk they want a destination and so we started asking the question well had you heard about the the master plan that was just adopted for willston Main Street and there were people who had definitely but then there were quite a few people who had not heard about the Wilson Main Street master plan um so that's something that we learned about as well that we need to do a better job of talking about the good work that you've already done um and how this plan will achieve those kind of goals that have already been established especially for the Wilson Street so um I think those are some those are the big things that I've taken away so far um we've heard a lot of things that we already knew about that they love this the character of downtown they love the character of the community they want the historic homes to remain them there was a lot of Pride from people who have lived here all their lives we talked to one woman who's been here for six Generations somebody else who had been here for five generations a lot of pride in your community um but and a lot of a lot of people who said don't change anything um a lot of people would like to have as you grow with the business side to make sure that it's small business that's something we heard about when we did the downtown plan so that wasn't a surprise um but hearing some of the things that we talked about in the Main Street plan to be echoed again here whether or not people had heard about the plan before didn't know that the Synergy was there was really was really strong because that means we don't have to go back and reinvent what we just adopted we just need to implement what we adopted through your comprehensive plan so um I'm really excited Nick is right I did not really want to give this project up when uh when I hired him but Nick is such a as you can see he's so amazingly talented um and and I I know he's in great hands and so I'm I'm continue to be excited to continue to work with you because I gota have people like Ry on I know I know I mean this it's that's what and that's the other thing I think that was really wonderful is that people have seen us a number of times and so we've kind of become a part of the community which I take a lot of pride in that we're not just that consultant anymore we're as work here what they think you work here they do think we work here and I'm okay with that we also had a lot of people really thanked us for going and do the popup they were we had a couple people like this we've never had anyone do an engagement effort here at the festival and I was like well we actually did some of this part of little history but but it was nice anyways that they they really enjoyed that we went to them instead of asking them to come to us very good um I just want to make one other comment I just remembered as Kathy speaking about the community one other comment that we kept hearing was it just charms me to know and particularly after what I just saw tonight there was a lot of comments about having stuff for kids to do and that's why it's so great that this project staff has been so kind to embed into our project opportunities for us to get into the schools speak to kids about what their vision is for the future what do they need as part of this conf update so we're very excited for that to be a part of it and I hope you are too because so often they're completely left out of these talks I I'll keep this short because I know everybody we got H prep we want to get out of here but how much success have you guys had in the P past working with Florida Department of Transportation for like few sheds coming in and out of a city because that sets the tenor and the feel as you come and um it's yeah it's it's absolutely very important to us and you know Kathy and I have worked with fbot on numerous occasions particularly for comp plan updates and having them involved in these conversations is incredibly important they need to understand that what the city's vision of that Corridor is or multiple corridors in some cases um and communicating that Vision to them will often bring them to the table and start considering different changes to reflect that Vision that being said we have Al often as Kathy brought up earlier today brought in new Urban Design um new Urban Concepts rather and they will be helping us with the transportation side of things and helping us get do to the table and making sure they're a part of this process as well and make sure that you know everyone's on the same page and we're collaborating seeing from the same Mar is exactly why we brought in new Urban they have they have a lot of success doing these kind of projects across the state and have a very strong working relationship with fdot um and you know it's while we have worked on them we have worked with f policy standpoint they actually work with them standpoint so having having Jonathan and Lauren Froman be a part of this project is really critical to helping make sure that we get success we understand and it's something that we heard a lot about President talks about people don't want be a town anymore they don't want to be something that they just drive through and they really want us to work with to slow traffic down through the downtown to slow traffic down so people can walk stop and participate and see what's here so we understood that that's why we brought them in as our partners on this project because we understand they have relationships that are really going to move this need forward a lot further than honestly yeah because I I think when you're saying about people with downtown they want to stop everything like that because once they get all that paid is put signs 127 saying Park with an arrow so people realize because when we moved down from Maryland it used to be parking along the street along 27 many years ago do took took that away we have it across the front so we lost you know probably five or sixs so we lost that area yeah and you know as part of this process say something that we're going to do is speak to the community as part of our workshops particularly and show them you know based upon the prelimary analysis that we've already done that yes just like you mentioned we already have already identified pictures which show uh street parking on 27 and show that change and how that's changed over time and really giving the public all the information we can so they can develop a more informed Vision not only about their downtown but the rest of the community and so it's just funny bring that up because that's exactly one photo that we'll be showing at the first workshop and have seen yes we found some from I work and we've asked people you know when we as we talk to people been here mations you have pictures you give us pictures you share pictures us our own homework we found quite a bitos excellent thank you so much com any other questions or comments okay I got a few more slides next SL prise all right so like I mentioned we're in the beginning of this process we're in Phase 1A if you want to call it that the very early processes we did some community outreach because we didn't want to pass these opportunities up but to finish phase 1A we're going to get back into the community go to the Local Schools um we're still working on identifying which want to start um and meeting with students directly in the classroom about the process and then we are also going to be hosting our first public Workshop as far as I'm aware right here in this room on November 13th 2024 we certainly hopeing make it help with that conversation next just to reiterate right middle of national league of cities conference oh is it and I think there's at least four of us going okay gotcha we staff at on that date but just to reiterate as we close the presentation Kathy and I are just so pleased to be part of this project we feel real sense of ownership and pride over this project and we're very very proud to help the community facilate process I think you can see from all the happy faces on the slide that we're doing our best to really get unity and make sure that this comprehensive Plan update is truly a Community Driven process that's where the plans going be successful thank you again thank you [Applause] I love the logo by the way whoever came up with it we have stickers I want one can I get one president Cox can I just wrap something up for you guys real quick I know that um the mayor did bring up a good point that this is a really big book that I put in front of you guys and it's a little bit um overwhelming sometimes but don't forget that there are elements typically I tell people to just go through chapter by chapter um don't get overwhelmed by the whole the whole thing that's what the consultants and the planners are here to do to try to make it all get to go together at the end but um my door's always open so if you guys just want to look at it if you have anything you have questions about or you think that you there's things you want changes you don't have to wait till the end you don't have to wait till Workshop you can always come in and let me know as the process is going okay I think Mr Po and I have both told you that we helped write the one that you just handed out to us yes ma'am and when we got it back neither one of us recognized it yes ma'am and and we helped do all the visioning and we did we walked from business to business getting businesses Impressions what they wanted as well and when we got it back it was not at all what we had told them uh so we're I I for one am very happy to look at it again and let's do it right this time because we have to live by it once we do it yes ma'am Mr Fuller told us about his experience when we give this presentations to the planning zoning commission so it'll be a little bit different this time around okay Council got any other questions or comments so we don't need to vote on anything with this just Ro good all right e resolution 202 24-16 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida approving the amendment to the State of Florida Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement for fiscal project number 4251 69-29 4-25 regarding the Williston Municipal Airport Taxi way G Rehabilitation and realignment authoriz authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such Amendment on behalf of the city of wellerson and provide an effective date Mr Benton State yes sir so uh what this is um we have a couple of uh couple of housekeeping resolutions for you tonight for some of our grants um we are adding some funding to the taxi way G project uh because you know we think we may need a little bit more in it um and we've got some available funding from the FAA um so we're we're adding that to this project um and we should be starting construction pretty soon next council meeting I should have a work order for you guys from pass R in the the contract to get started on that one okay right Council have any questions it's gonna connect to the wellb built area right yes ma'am I know it's not wellb built anymore but yes ma'am there's a there's a diagram in the packet um we what what's happening is um it's not going to appear the same um because the FAA doesn't like the straight end taxi way so you can see the uh the the perforated area is kind of old asphalt that's how it stands now um and the the solid gray joining up to the runway is going to be the new geometry for the taxi way are they going to take up the old pavement yes ma' okay that was my question I had thank okay anybody else question all right I will entertain a motion for resolution for approval of resolution 2024 D16 move approval of resolution 2024 106 all right is there a second second any other discussion public or all right see unmoved vote all favor say I I I 5 Z all right resolution 224-1 7 a resolution of the city council on the city of Williston Florida approving the amend Amendment to the State of Florida Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement for a f project number 44447 3-19 4-01 regarding the Willison municipal airport design and construction new hanger buildings authorizing the appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such Amendment on behalf of the city of Willison and approving an effective date Mr Steve yes sir so U what this amendment is for as the new hanger on um The t- Hanger row it's going to be a box hanger but after some some Geo testing we found some areas that are possibly concerning U so we talked to FAA or we sorry we talked to fdot about it um and they threw some additional funding at us just in case there's some discrepancies in the soil that we have to take care of on the front side okay have any questions just comment that we can always move it we could yes ma'am I don't like it there anyway but no I've had that discussion I mean I've told you how I feel about putting in the middle of tting H row but you know I know you're okay with it so that's all right right so the the intention behind it is to make it the same as building seat um so we're we're putting the Box hanger there out now because that's what what we have the funding for and we're going to add t- hangers to it to the end of it you're just going to flip flip it to the other put the the big hanger at the other end and te hangers on this end yes ma'am okay yeah that's that's the intention is to make it basically make it mirror building seat that's the first I've heard of that that's good well that would make me feel better yeah I'm sorry I didn't mention that in the past good anybody else all right I will entertain a motion for approval of resolution 2024 107 make a motion approve resolution2 can I second second all right any discussion from audience or all right see none we'll move to vote all in favor say I I all right G resolution 2024 d110 in resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida electing to remove automatic CIP CPI um increase for fiscal year 2024 d225 to Water waste water and reclaimed Waters rates pursuant to ordinance 20 23- 722 section 35 cifi December 11 2023 authoriz authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required um effect to U effectuate the same on behalf of the city of Willison providing an effective date Mr Terry Bard president thank you very much you there was some original discussion at the beginning of whether or not we would discuss this tonight or leave it on the agenda and I'm glad that you left it on the agenda so we can have discussion about it so as you know the uh ordinance water ordinance uh allows us to or actually includes a consumer price index increase that occurs automatically every October 1st you know my opinion was this year because of the recent increases in the water and wastewater rates that the uh CPI increase you know was really not something that we wanted to do this year on top of what we've already done you we have done a little bit of research on it I will tell you some discussions that I've had with Stephen and I don't know if he's online because we've lost Aon somewhere um you know but the bottom line was if you remove the CPI for this year and this year only you know we would gain if we left it in place about an additional $64,000 which is on top of what we're already making I will tell you there were some documentations from Florida World water discussing of what leaving the CPI meant what taking it away me however I I will tell you that the conversation that Donald and I had at least with them was that they were unaware at least the lady we talked to Diane what's her last name what is it yeah uh that basically she was unaware that the actual increases had incurred in the city with the water and the Wastewater so having realized that that we are going to set a date in the near future to sit down there and discuss where our new rates are what we've done U and to her defense there was another person that was operating or dealing not dealing with but working with the city that was aware of our rate increases um and knew what was really going on he has since left the organization doing something else so we're now we're doing uh dealing directly with her um the City attorney has done the review on it I'll let her speak to it but it's my opinion from her understanding is that we can decide not to do the CPI increase and uh and let the water rates remain the same for this year and I'll let her John on that yeah so I made sure that that was spelled out pretty clearly in the body of the resolution itself um just so that anyone who had any questions knew exactly where we get this legal Authority essentially what your ordinance says is there's an automatic CPI increase every year um and then in the following section it indicates that you all can set any rates fees charges um deposits or costs um by resolution So pursuant to that Clause you have the ability to come in and say okay well for this year or for whatever period of time you want um you can by resolution make that change so that's how we get to the CPI from to the CPI um elimination from a legal standpoint so there's been discussion obviously with staff about the mandatory or the by ordinance CPI increase I felt that it was inappropriate so we did not follow it beginning October one I felt this was a topic based on the information that I received from the city attorney that I do believe it should follow in the purview and y'all should have the final say on this of which way we should go um I obviously you know I'm looking for some guidance you can either approve the resolation resolution tonight we can table it come back with addition information um you know you can just give me instructions it really it's up to y'all what y'all want to do I will tell you that if you approve it tonight and later on we have discussion with FL Royal water and they're happy with our rates I will be the first one to come back and tell you yes when they looked at the rates that we raised to they were in agreement uh not necessarily they have to be and she told us that look we don't have any dog in this fight since of making this decision this is a decision we get make locally and how it fix our citizens so but the fiscal impact will be that although we are making what we're making now and what we're making now Keeps Us sustainable right uh the we will lose out on the additional $664,000 Revenue um and I'm okay with that based on what I've seen from talking to Stephen um and I don't want to speak for Mr Bloom he if he's there I will tell you the discussions that I have which is obviously third party um you know is basically um that he feels not raising the rates will be fine this is sustainable going in the next year and probably considering everything we raised so far would be more than approprate Stephen and Aaron's not here so yeah so I will tell you this even if y'all approve the resolution tonight the meetings between myself Donald and Royal water will still be held I do want to talk to them and show them where we have made our increases and what we've done in order to move our water rates forward and to receive input from them as whether or not those are justifiable or not or you know what should we do next year or should we come back in front of you and do something different I will tell you right now I am very comfortable I was happy to see it on the agenda I didn't know it was going to be here but I was happy to see it because I don't think I think we need to raise no they're high enough now well keep in mind we will not lose money right I realized that okay this is just an increase yeah this would be just an increase and I'm not ready to do that especially since we just did it my my concern is we're moving forward with the the ship slowly turning and everything else so so my concern is are we going to be taking a step back and you know and that's going to stall the ship let's say because what's to say come next year there's not I I would like to see what like you just said with the lady from uh Florida waterways just to see what what comes out of the meeting with it um you know I know that we have uh electric on a fiveyear it's a small percentage increase we do and um you know that could be you know kind of the same you know the same way I think it's been less than a year when we changed the rates and I think it's very in appropriate to raise it now when it's been only a few months since we raised it it's almost like a double de yes sir you can I'm talking to the attorney now you can just do it for one year right you don't have to amend the whole CPI schedule absolutely okay I want to be sure I agree with counselor Jones I have heard nothing but difficulties from our citizens and we have increased their cost a great deal and we should we have a plan we don't have to change it we can just hold it for a year let them get a little more used to what they're dealing with before we continue on with what we have to do so that's just my opinion thank what would it cost per citizen if we did it I Donald had those figures but I don't know if we even brought them tonight because of um but if he has them he wants to go over he can so on the residential water rates um we did uh three things we did what the current is the 2.5 for the CPI and then Florida RO water stated that we should actually do a 3.2 so we did the figure on all those on water for a residential the base charge is $20.46 the CPI that we're proposing it would take it to $20.97 it's 51 a month um 3.2 is 2111 uh so it's uh it's like 70 something the that was the inside the city charge the outside City charge base charge for water is 2251 currently these 2.5% CPI increase would change it to $23.7 so approximately uh 56 um that's what the change would be for inside and outside the city limit the residential sewer rates the base charge is $60.79 the change would be $622 less than $2 a month um the commercial rates uh standard commercial usually is 2 in their base rate currently is $74.40 the change would be to $762 less than A180 per month I have the average bills for the car washes I have the average bills for the uh laundry mats and I have the average bill for all the residential both at 5,000 gallon use and 10,000 uh nothing's increased uh even on the commercial more than $20 a month what is the base rate allow for in gallon I'm sorry what gallon do the base rates allow for so the first tier is 5,000 gallons and a average residential I can find that for you here average inside uh water rate at 5,000 gallons with the base charge and their water usage uh is $ 6486 currently and if this changes it'll go to $664 C that's both the base charge and consumption so it's less than $2 thank you thank you sir anybody else got questions did that did we have any information on the inches the size the meters and stuff or had two in do we have the four and six and all that there are no customers that we had in issues with that had more than a 2in meter the laundry mat and the car wash which were two in particular um they all have 2in meters uh if you guys want to talk about that I have those figures well I was just kind of curious if the four and the six inch because I know they step up sure what are they up to so the 4 in meter on um base rate currently is $232.00 it goes up less than $5 it goes to 23831 that's that's for the 4 inch we have any more that well that's the 4 inch I mean uh we have one 6inch client and we have two 8 in clients um the 6in client is at 465 currently it would go to 476 63 so it would be less than $20 a month and then we say we got one 8 in we have two 8 in those are industrial clients they pay $740 4 a month they would go to with the CPI they would go to 76260 again less than $20 increase those are for industrial fli we get some different grants and good stuff from the florid water uh we got our lead service line through them we have our srf loan which was addressed in the letter um that's that's we have a lot we do a lot through qu and I just don't want to see us jeopardized losing any loans or whatever in the future that would be the meeting that Terry referred to in nov yeah I think I think the problem was with now what's the gent's name left Mr Andrew Green yeah Mr Green when he left we were working with him so I think working with uh Diana is basically she was unaware I think when she pinned this letter that Donald has uh she was unaware that we had changed our rates increased everything so so I think that was the reason why not I don't think we do that's the reason why we're meeting with her to go over her with her okay look this is what we had you came in you did your study this is what we raised them to okay and then she may have either the same view that we need to continue with the CPI or she may have a totally different VI one of the two um that I don't know but any case it's our decision not hers well it Absol absolutely is yall's decision and she made it very clear on the phone um basically I I I don't know I mean I got the kind of feeling of speaking to her that um you know she probably maybe would have written a different letter I can't really speak for her had she known we raised our rates and got us in a little better position she was still concerned about our you know as everybody is still concerned about our Capital Improvement projects and things like that um and her concern was that you know I'm assuming she thought maybe we didn't change our rates um that obviously we can not continue to fund our Capital Improvements or operate the city water system based on losing money every year but we don't lose money every you know so this is going to be a whole new set of numbers he's going to be and they're not quick I'm just going to tell you that too um you know what I'm looking for to be honest with you because it's an ordinance you know I'm looking for y'all to give me some direction on which way you want us to go um and it's a consensus that worked fine for me um you know when somebody questions whether or not we raised the rates and what we did you I want to make sure that we we got ourselves covered through the or either way so you all if you are going to leave it as it is you don't need a resolution just give us consensus we'll leave it how it is with the CPI increase because it's an automatic increase that's built in so technically it's already in place it's already been increased what you all are considering is a resolution that eliminates that back out and that's something that you can do through resolution but you have to do it through resolution but we have we have not added these new and I understand that from a logistical standpoint that we have it but that's sort of where we pange is that te technically the rates have have been implemented with the CPI increase under your ordinance so if you want to change that you have to pass this resolution otherwise your that will need to collect with the CPI increase I just would like some clarity from you if I could sure you said if they want to change that that means permanent change so because you did not say for a year or anything like that I I to be more specific if you want to change it for any period of time in any amount you must do that by resolution okay so I'm going to make you a motion and y'all can take it or leave it I move resolution I move we approve resolution 202 24-10 to remove the automatic CPI until October of 2025 motion second Uh I that we approve resolution 20 with 202 24-10 for one year till October 2025 and reconsidering it and then it would it would automatically go back into effect on October 1st of next year Mr fishop don't only thing I would like to say if y'all don't mind is yeah Mr President I did not hear it sorry go ahead one thing I'd like to only only statement I would like to make is the city's finally in the black all the way across um y'all and us have worked so hard to go from the red to the black something to be very proud of in the past the previous Council chose not to raise the rates smly in small increments or big increments then we had to make the big rate hikes which scared us y'all and the citizen tonight and I totally see the Optics of that what I'm scared of is if we keep if if as we try to dig ourselves out of this hole if we repeat the same mistakes if you don't mind me using the word mistakes in the past as we dig ourselves out of the hole we're automatically dig another hole to crawl in and how do we dig out of that one so if we if we postpone this for a year yes it's $64,000 but if we don't if we postpone it again next year it's 64 plus whatever next year's rates are and the only thing I can see is if we're not careful going back in the same Rabbit Hole or trying to dig ourselves out of it's been less than a year since we raised the rates AB I cannot sit here and raise them again even if it is as little as we said it was I absolutely see the Optics I'm just scared of the future is all I'm trying to sayate I'm not saying your decision right or wrong or I agree or disagree I'm just scared of re Reinventing the wheel that we we're trying to get out of now that's all that's all I'm trying to say I agree and I agree with what you said can't keep doing it but I don't if it had been a full year it would been a different story but it hasn't and we're not taking any money away we're just not putting the extra money in absolutely so next year do we raise do we try to no raise it double to catch back up don't so then we're automatically behind again so then what I'm going to say is sorry so then what I'm going to say is that we need to look at different ways of saving money I'm not against that at all so I'm G to say this and I know every time I say it people are not so happy about it but when we look at our budget and things in an overall manner we give raises every year whether or not people want them so you're talking about increasing um increasing the taxpayer having to pay things out right because it's not going to or decreasing if we're not um agreeing to this because it's going to lose we're not going to make $64,000 but yet and still every year we're giving raises so even if we do this and we give raises next year we may have made some money but in the bottom line it probably won't be $64,000 you know what I'm saying so I'm just saying in reference to what Miss Jones just said instead of contining to compound the citizens to make money you know how about we look at some other things to decrease that and still be okay so I'm totally open for the conversation absolutely my only concern is just recreating a whe I'm not saying do it one way or the other right or wrong but it's just just something to think about all but we continue to recreate real every every year when we're giving raises whether people deserve or not M Mr barara SS I agree with you completely um I didn't get a raise for three years so I didn't get a raise every year um when we increased rates starting four years ago when Jonathan and I came in we did not ask for raises not all of our staff got raises we've proposed Merit raises every year on top of that we were the only Department that put together a uh uh valuation like Council asked for previous year and we did those evaluations and we were prepared to do Merit we had no part in that decision- making process I will also say that this isn't losing $64,000 this is compound interest not simple interest so the CPI next year isn't an increase on the current rate it's an increase on this 64 which compounds it's kind of like an investment I will also add that even though Florida RW water and Diana particularly hasn't looked at it other people in Florida R water has Andrew before he left and I had had many conversations about this and the presentation in March of 2021 that they did uh we did not implement the changes that they recommended we did less than the changes that they recommended by a large percentage by over 25% we also did things like the sewer rate that they encouraged you guys to charge the residents the first 5,000 gallons we kept that in place not to charge them for the first 5,000 gallons there were many other things that we didn't do to increase the rates when they gave us their study it did not include Capital so that what they proposed had no Capital Improvement involved in it so we're still budgeting based on annual needs and we're not thinking ahead on anything to do with capital any large investment in water mains water plants or anything of that nature so what difference does it make to increase a rate because hold on what difference does it make to increase a rate if somebody's bill is extremely high and they come in and they complain about they take money off of whatever you're still you're increasing rates but you're losing money because you're not actually getting the entire amount of money so why put a strain on citizens you know to increase it when you just increased it so we're the answer to your question is we're a business we're an Enterprise fund just like McDonald's just like when Dixie they went up a a lot more than 2.5% there's not a service that exists their insurance anything else that they have that did not go up more than 2.5% my point is is we're in the same place it's not that we are escalating costs it's that our vendors our person who operates our plant all of those things have gone up 2.5% or higher so again it you you may be keeping up with annual costs but we're 10 15 20 years down the road and again you've lost out on the capital argument we're only relying on grants we're only relying on srf at that point we are not providing any capital gains for the future we're doing that through electric through the rate stabilization we're proposing that through gas because we're going to bring this year to you guys a rate stabilization for gas with fgu help but we don't have that mechanism in water and waste water there is no rate stabilization but the only difference with that is we have a choice with whether or not we go to McDonald's and pay that price citizens don't have that choice I agree with you but they don't have a choice in their insurance they don't have a choice in their phone bills they don't have a choice in those things and all those things because then they can go and look for insurance that is cheaper across the board no choice across the board there's no company that went up less than 2.5% we all have insurance we all know that there's rate Skyrocket uh my my point is simple you guys have to consider Capital Jonathan's point is it's not 64,000 compounded it's much more than that if you take that and you escalate that investment it's like a 20-year-old investing $20 a month wor with the difference of waiting till you were 40 and investing $20 a month that's what we're talking about and eventually the adjustment is going to have to be made just like we just made it this year because it hadn't been made in 15 years so the question is when do you want to pay the piper but once again we need to make adjustments all the way around question can is there any way that we can you know if we defer this CPI increase for one year can we make it mandatory that it's appli the next year so that we don't go further back in the hole that it's a special exception that Grant only do it just for one year it would go right that but there's no guarantee that that I mean the next council could say oh no we're not doing it again the next year and the next year and the next year and so I guess my question is is there any way that we can avoid kicking can down the road to Jonathan point so not not really because what you have is an ordinance that says that you can amend it by resolution anytime you feel like it so you can't by resolution go in and mix that part of your ordinance Mr stle yes sir I I think we also have kind of lost track of the fact that we're talking about CPI uh the Bureau of Labor Statistics updates their CPI um all the time and it's it's very possible that the CPI could go down uh there's there's not a guarantee that it will go up I mean we've seen record inflation and that's why the CPI has gone up the way that it has uh but just I think it was 2020 just before the big crash we actually saw CPI go down and we had to adjust airport rates U to the negative as a result of that just because the the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the level of inflation and then you know take that chance so it it's not like you know yes we may be deferring 64,000 this year but it's not necessarily that we're going to be going going double that next year right it could be level across the board it could go up a very small percentage um and it could go up you know another 2% or it could go down partial percentage we just don't know what the CPI is going to do we can kind of take a measurement of that but that's what we're looking at tonight is is putting the CPI on hold for a year and I I feel like we kind of lost track of that well my thing too is as you referred we're a business and working in retail cost of goods and everything else has gone up so is our prices um we raised our rates 12% Mr President I just don't want to do it another two and a half Mr yes coun Jones called that me I person that makes the motion can call the question and that forces a vote what you currently all right well all those entertainment yep y right the motion as I made it was uh or approval of resolution 2024 1110 which is to remove the automatic CPI at this time for reconsideration on October 1st of 2025 okay have a first I have a second any other discussion yes sir councelor Jones correct me if I'm wrong but this time you said for reconsideration and last time you just you said you are only removing it for this period and Next Period it doesn't get considered it automatically goes in unless that coun unless somebody brings it up that's exactly right okay so it I just want to make it clear to everybody reconsideration is not what we're looking at we're looking at one time an abatement until October 1 until October 1st and then you would start it again automatically unless someone does this again like another Council unre so I had a first and a second no other discussion move to vote those in favor say I those oppose no no read two to myself yes I said no we knew sorry no I voted no Miss Martin voted no Miss Miss Hines is no Miss Rio I'm Sorry Miss Hines was yes Miss Rio was yes M yes so Mr President yes take the Liberty here so you're not I tell my staff all the time that you know they going to be decisions that I'm going to make that they're not going to like and they're going to make decisions at times that I'm not going to like and we have to understand that accept that and and that makes us good working staff we get along we have our discussion and I'm very proud tonight to see that we can have this kind of discussion in this form make a decision staff can speak their mind and thank you for allowing that and we can come to a decision what we want to do moving forward and that's all I want to do I want to thank the staff for their part and I want to thank y'all for here thanks why we love the place all right H resolution number three attached here to exhibit as exhibit a to fdot FM number 44255 D1 regarding the Willison Municipal Airport terminal building project authorizing appropriate parties to sign any document required to execute such Chang order on behalf of the city of Willison and provide an effective date Mr Benton Steve yes sir so this is uh change order number three for the terminal project um we had a couple of issues that were um that came up while we were about to start Paving as well as the uh the floor uh we had decided we had some money left over in the project so we decided to change the floor from polished concrete to lvp um so with with a lot of those changes became this change order a lot of the work's already been done but you this is the the legalizing process also that that Gap was filled in with additional what's the orange so it's showing you it's showing you the fill spot so that Gap existed um as drawn by the original plans that Gap existed and gray didn't like that and neither did pass row so we added the change order to to fill that Gap in and run it all the way to the ground that'll look good it yes sir it does okay all right anybody have any El have any questions just legal anybody in the public all right I will entertain a motion for approval in resolution 2024 d111 I have a first I have a second any other discussion Mo vote all in favor say I I I zero um Mr President Who second okay thank you all right I resolution 2024-25 provide an effective date Mr Steve yes sir so um some of the council members may remember a couple years back maybe it was last year um we we were a site for a logistical staging area for the Florida U Florida emergency management so this is just updating our memorandum of understanding with them um laying out the the space that they are allotted in the event of an mergency where our airport is selected um to be in LSA once again and if you guys didn't see pictures from that it was it was a pretty impressive site and those guys cleaned up the area very well and they were you really good stewards of the airport okay that's the perpendicular yes ma'am uh so they essentially they had the um the southern half of the secondary Runway all the way to the grass Runway the grass yes ma that's do you think with um the hurricane that's going to hit south of us that they'll use utilize that typically they like to go with someone closer okay um so the the reason that we were selected last year is because it came right into Cedar Key um and I think the reason that we weren't selected this Pastime is because it it hit a little north of us and this this memorandum wasn't quite updated yet so we wanted to make sure that we got that updated for them so we could avoid this you know next time if something comes in and you know they're not going to um you know I don't even know who else has anou with them so there's probably other airports that do the same thing but uh they try to select whoever the closest is okay have any questions no all right I would entertain a motion for approval of resolution 2024 D12 all right second have a second all right any other discussion staff audience okay all right if not move to vote all in favor say I I I okay it's 5 z Mr President before you move on could everyone please make sure you use your mic because it's hard for me to capture if I miss something on the audio and also on YouTube thank you Mo it got be all right J resolution 202 24-13 a resolution of the city council of the city of willerson Florida authorizing the purchase of one police vehicle and provide an effective date police chief Mike RS uh yes sir this is uh the vehicle that Steven has incorporated into our budget was to purchase the one vehicle uh as you remember uh other vehicles we've purchased in the past have come directly out of our budget um this year Steven was able to put at least one vehicle uh in the in uh in our budget to be purchased uh the good thing about it is the vehicle we were looking at was a Chevy Tahoe uh from Brandon was $555,000 uh we found one through networking brand new same year same vehicle uh for 48794 nice yeah so savings there um and this is a vehicle like I say it's brand new it was just one that some agencies ordered that they never picked up uh so God is always in the midst of everything so uh we were able to get our get our hands on this one and he's holding it for us if it's approved tonight so that's what that's about okay and the additional dollars is to yes ma'am ma'am okay anybody have any questions for please Chief move approval of resolution 2024 1112 I second got a first got a second any other discussion excuse me make that 113 any other discussion all right those in move to vote all in favor say I I okay all right 5 thank you all right res K 20 resolution 202 24-14 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison approving surplus of certain equipment at the Willison Police Department deemed unneeded by the police chief approving a sealed bid auction for said Surplus equipment authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to in effectuate same on behalf of the city of Willison and approve an effective date police chief RS uh this this resolution is for us to uh sell old police vehicles that uh we no longer have any use for I'll give an example uh I know many of you have seen the vehicle that our school crossing guard used to drive uh it was a donated vehicle from sua County uh it was falling apart be honest with you uh but through the purchasing of uh new vehicles we were able to get rid of a new vehicle new to him but not a new vehicle uh and if you go by you see it it's a black Dodge Charger that our city manager used to drive um we're getting it striped it's going to say willston auxiliary uh I've been trying to talk to him about putting home of the Red Devils but he haven't let me get to that point yet but oh yeah I may surprise him so so uh we we want we're wanting to Surplus his old vehicle uh and sell it uh through a seal bed uh and we may have another vehicle that we may be looking at selling which also helps cut down on our insurance cost uh as we get new vehicles we get rid of the old ones so we take one off off add one take one off uh so we're asking permission to have a seal bid to sell those BS okay all right now I will tell you about the seal bed real quick if you don't mind um two of our police vehicles needed Transmissions this year at the at the tune of about $6,000 uh we fix one of them through the monies that we receed from sale bids so that's it helps us out a lot very good thank you sir yes sir Mr President one comment yes sir so you've worked out for Stephen this is going to go back into your your general budget the youth Police Department right correct yes yes okay all right okay I will entertain a motion for resolution 20244 I make a motion that we approve resolution 20244 all right do I have a second I have a first I have a second any other discussion anybody from the audience all right seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I I okay 5 zero thank you again all right Mr President the next item on your agenda genda is item L which is ordinance number 2024 736 this is an ordinance of the city of Williston Florida amending the city of Williston code of ordinances as amended providing for amending chapter 18 Article 2 Division 2 section 18- 51 and section 18-54 regarding powers and duties of the community redevelopment agency and powers and duties of the city council providing severability providing for incorporation in the city code of ordinances and providing an effective date Mr President this is the ordinance that we talked about at I believe our last meeting um which uh sort of fixes a bit of a clerical error in you all's um code of ordinances and allows us to better delineate the responsibilities between the CRA and the city council so I'm happy to answer any additional questions and this is a open public hearing this is an open public hearing this is the second reading of this ordinance all right so anybody have any questions yes no all right and then we'll just go ahead and vote this okay so I will entertain a motion for the second reading of ordinance 2024 736 move approval of second reading of ordinates 2024 736 okay second I have a first and a second I miss R you and right any other discussion it all right uh move to vote all in favor say I I I 5 Z all right Mr President the next item on your agenda is item agenda M which is the CLA of judicial um ordinance number 2024 737 so I'll begin by reading the ordinance and then I'll sort of walk us through the QJ process um this is an ordinance of the city of Williston Florida providing for the permanent closing of the unimproved RightWay just west of Northwest Main Street in Willison Florida with a partial ID of 048 0000-00-00 an approximate area of 0.053 acres and a description is in exhibit a finding that the closing of the road RightWay will not adversely affect the public health safety or welfare providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing an effective date um have there been any expart Communications which is any communication that is not in a public hearing from any of the council members regarding this item no no no lots of shaking heads okay um if anyone has any evidence that they would like entered into the record um now is the time to present same to the clerk other than what is already included in the agenda all right anyone who wishes to speak to this item uh staff or public please rise and raise your right hand to be sworn do you swear or affirm this the testimony give us the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth thank you very much Mr President now will be appropriate time for staff presentation on this item okay so last uh uh council meeting you remember Steve McMillan gave you a pretty um good explanation of what he's asking for he is the applicant um they bought some property and they realized that some of the property was in the right away the RightWay is the old um train tracks and it's it wouldn't affect the city in any way if we went ahead and vacated that for him so that his property would be would make a little bit more sense I think he discussed his office is in the RightWay is chair where he sits so uh he just wanted this is really like a clerical error that we just wanted to fix up do you have any questions for me have any questions Mr President I don't see the applicant here so that would be the next piece um I assume that Miss Jones does not have any rebuttal to her own testimony um now would be an appropriate time for public comment okay anybody have any uh questions comments concerns anything this all right there's no any public or councel so I will entertain a motion on the second reading of ordinance uh 2024 737 I make a mo second second have a first got a second any other discussion all right all in favor say I I I okay F zero right Mr President the next item on your agenda is item n which is the second reading of ordinance 20124 738 this is an ordinance of the city of willon Florida amending the city of Williston Land Development regulations amending section 60- 295 special exceptions for the zoning category residential business to add retail providing severability and providing an effective date all right anybody Council have any questions still looking for what I was looking for before so you were looking you were asking about the definition of retail right and where and where it says in the in the code that we can do it I know there were more things included in our packet this time than were included last time um and I really didn't see a place that it as much as I want them to be able to do it I don't see anything that allows it so help me see that so that I can do it I mean when I see residential business it says it doesn't say anything about retail it says professional offices it says homebased businesses it doesn't say say a retail store well that's the point of this ldr change is to add retail as one of those special exceptions correct okay so you'll see three I thought maybe I would I thought we were going to see that with the change with the underlined I thought that's what you were going to bring or somebody was going to bring back to us was the actual change in the code if it's here show me where I miss uh page 2115 it's very small it's only a small change so you may have missed it but page 215 it adds retail um underline and then we did get the we did get the definition of retail which is 215 is not the code though that's the resolution so 215 is the res so the way that the Ordinance Works is if you read section two um section two says city council to amend the text of the Land Development regulation section I'm I'm paraphrasing section 60- 295 and then you have the following which is an excerpt from your code which is generally how ordinances work so we're rewriting that specific section in the ordinance itself which is how it generally looks most of the time we just have an exhibit that's attached to the end because retail to the code correct but we still don't have a definition of what's allowable in retail where what Laura was talking about just now okay so there's um there's two definitions of retail there's a state statute that is is a definition I'll read that to you okay it is retail or sale at retail means a sale to a consumer or any person for any purpose other than for resale in the form of tangible personal property where Services taxable under this chapter and includes all such transactions that may be made in lie of retail sales or sales at retail um that's the lawyer speak the S that's talking in circles yeah the easier speak um so that's what we would go back on if anybody asked for a definition because that's Florida State statutes but basically it's an user so you're you're selling something to an end user you're not a middleman and it's usually smaller amounts of goods not bulk products so you're not talking about um say Levy Jones sell yeah selling big things buying big things and being in the middle so this is smaller smaller Goods being sold to an end user and just for clarification the the benefit of not having a different definition in your ordinance than what's provided by Florida statute is that what Laura just summarized is what that big long lawyer speak means it to the legal community means it's defensible if we need to Def yeah anything else M Jones no uh we're really excited um if we can start to bring some retail downtown that's basically the purpose of this and this also was where if these people if the tenants move out they would come to him to Mr web and say Hey I want to open a leather shop he would have to come to us for the approval right so we have two things you guys sometimes see we see variances and we see special exceptions variances stay with the property special exceptions stay with the owner so if we had to say for example um we were giving somebody a variance because their property is too close to the RightWay it's not in the right setbacks that can stay in perpet perpetuity untility yes until the property is is demolished or replaced but this is a little special exceptions are different they every time A Change Is Made they have to come back and get your approval to do it okay meaning the owner Mr web or the particular business um we always go by the property owner okay so Mr Webb could have a different retailer yes Mr web could bring another application for special exception but this is not a special exception application you guys remember that this is just the ldr change that we can have retail in residential business so to be to just be clear when you all Grant special exceptions because I think I see where you're going I'm reading it says it's a special exception so but what I what I mean is is I think that potentially I could be wrong um that the concern is that there's property owner who may have several tenants gets a special exception and he continues to own it but multiple different Tenants come in as retailers and when you grant a special exception for a property is very specific to what they're using it for so if for instance you were selling podiums in for the first tenant and then you're selling something that's very completely different and isn't in line with the application that exists for that special exception you need to come back for special so special exceptions are very narrowly tailored and are are generally very specific to what is applied for you know nothing scares me more than a lawyer who says I could be wrong I could be wrong in my mind reading yeah in Reading M mind reading I'm not not as good at as I am at the law so you're telling me as not lot of special exceptions today you're not approving a special exception today you're adding retail as a special exception to residential business okay do the code got yes you will see on the next um thing probably a special exception re um request for their specific business gotcha but this is something we've been talking about way before this happens so just kind of fell into line appreciate it okay anybody else have any any other questions or anything all right then I will entertain a motion on the second reading ordinance of 2024 738 I make a motion that we approve the second reading of ordinance 2024 738 a second I have a first I yet a second any other discussion Council or anybody in the public no all right then we'll move to vote all in favor say I I I 5 Z thank you and with that we are closing the public hearing all right oh discussion with possible action changing November 5th council meeting to a later date Mr Latricia right city clerk Council uh supervisor of election Tammy Jones has asked that we cancel our November 5th meeting which is election day and just move it to another a later date due to heavy presence of Voters coming in to vote here at City Hall so I am looking at November the 6th which is a Wednesday if that will work for everyone if not let me know which date would be best I'm good well Le Dr all right so 6 o' 6 o' thank you she really we appreciate that thank you yes November the 6 at 6 thank you and that's a consensus from everyone correct it is it is 6 6m we're deleting the okay that one's taken care of item8 public participation well okay not available item nine announcements staff any announcements M police chief rols uh the police department will be applying for the Jag Grant uh which is a grant that is up to $25,000 um the application is due by the 16 of this month yeah this month so uh we're in the process of completing that paperwork and getting that turned in and I would keep you updated on that when that occurs so do you need approval to apply because we don't have another meeting before then oh that's right or do you need do you need a signature I don't I don't need a signature and I'm just applying to see if we're even eligible for it so yeah I I don't think I need a signature at this point we're going to go ahead and complete the application send it in and then we'll when we get the feedback we'll let you know this the one you found this is the from the regular no this is the Jag grant that we normally get through the county yeah uh that was missed this year it's our turn yes and it was our turn but we they missed it and it's down the 20 down 25 they give it to nobody they didn't do it nobody they didn't do it so uh better to give it the wrong person I got an email back from the from the county that says the city could apply for it could apply for it itself so uh we're going to we're going to look into that process and get application done that we will be independent I have one other thing um Noble Global is a company that uh you know their profession is screw zone speed cameras um and the safety in screw zones um uh in our next meeting I will have a give lric have a presentation from Noble Global uh I actually had them do a speed study here in our school zones really quick just to give you a touch of what they found uh by doing that Speed Zone on Main Street between the hours of 650 and 9:00 uh there was 11 violations with maximum speed over 11 mph the new law for school Zone cameras it has to be 11 miles hour over so we had 11 uh and this is on Main Street between 115 and 4 p.m. we had 67 violators that was doing over 11 miles hour in the scre Zone holy cow 90 901 to 1:14 p.m. there were 16 violators for a total of 94 violators between the dates of 916 and 920 here's the interesting one 316 between 650 and 9:00 a.m. 697 V over the speed limit of 11 mph between 115 and 4 p.m. 1,233 viol above the speed limit of 11 mil hour and in between 9:01 and 1114 p.m. 479 violators for a total of 2,49 violators where was that at which way both schools on just from the high numbers was on 316 okay so top speed on South Main Street School Zone 70 miles hour top speed on 316 93 m hour during school zones during school hours during school [Music] hours so sure that was a nice ticket if they were been C um the good thing about this program is that I don't know if it's good but any speeding ticket that is in the school zone will be a $100 fine uh no points on the person's license but with everything there's a revenue source so Noble Global has approved for the $100 ticket $60 goes to the state $23 go to Noble and $37 come to the city what it calculates in a year's time is 3 360 $363,000 if we cat them if they pay all their funds camera catch the cat the camera catch camera catch this is for cameras within the city to catch speed violations in scre zones SC zones Noble Global doesn't mean much to me but cameras gets their tags on right it gets their tag and it sends them a ticket yes ma'am if 70% of the people pay their fine is which their they guess and maybe 70% will pay it be $252,000 to the city just two cars every year I will remind the council the two I will remind the council one of the things that you are focusing with with this whole thing was how to stop Williston because this is why this is happening from being a pass through a drivethru it's convenient way you may as well be on 441 because you're not coming to Williston you're going someplace else and Wilson's just a spot in the road so that I believe Chief is why a lot of this is happening uh it's not that they're intentionally saying oh I can speed through Willison it's because we're not considered we're they're going from A to B and we happen to be in the way if they're on 316 they're pretty local they wouldn't know about 316 well 316 is a cut through Road that's what I mean been on it many times they would just go flying down yeah Noble if they were I was on it today so my plan is in the next council meeting is to have Noble Global come and a presentation to you all just so you can get a better understanding of what what their companies all about and what they what kind of services they provide but I just want to give you a quick brief of where we're at so far so thank you well I've had a couple of people comment that Willis's getting kind of be like Waldo and St and people and I said to them I said you know they pulled somebody over and they had drugs they had fital warrants and I said so they're catching a lot of these people and they were like oh well suspended driver's license plus our crashes have decreased uh since we've done traffic enforcement but you say that and uh the chiefin police chief told me about a comment that was made uh because they're looking into this same program and the comment was made well if y'all in four school zones like Williston we wouldn't have this problem but we're enforcing school zone and we're still having this problem yeah so because we can't be there at all times right okay so is this a is this a state program yes the state sets the law on it um how fast you have to be over the speed limit before you can receive a ticket there's laws and stuff that's set in place by for this program the state laws and I can get you a copy of it that's why they get most of the money who the county gets the most of it but it's that's by stat state state want to mean the state because it's state statute yeah money it's divided into different programs that state have yeah you know right now if we Rite a ticket I think we're getting like three or four doll yeah they used to get two if you're getting three or four that's better than it used to be yeah it used to be $2 rest but looking at things that you mentioned to me the ways to do business better okay Mr Mayor Mr President yes ma'am briefly sorry we're on staff um the annual ethics training is coming up December 18th at 4M everyone's invited your staff's invited all the new Commissioners are invited uh council members rather um for anyone who hasn't done our ethics training before it is a requirement for you all um to have four hours of Ethics training that you undergo on an annual basis my office as part of our contract with heol part of our services puts on um that presentation for you all you come to our office we feed you generally some pretty good food um and we have a good time and we try to make epic Christmas party will you have wine and beer again this year we will what what date can we all wear Christmas sweater yes what was thee it's December 18th at 4 p.m. so if you haven't received an invitation let me know I will forward that around I have not received that invitation I have not received you probably thinking I'm so ethical I don't need it's 100% what I was thinking I'll send you one okay I got it and it's all my calendar for um for anyone who can't make it we will uh we generally record it and have it available after we're trying to do a a live stream of it as well but I never make any promises on the live stream so it will be at least recorded potentially live streaming and I will say the invitation came from somebody different correct the invit the invitation came from um one of our new assistants who's helping us out with the cities Kimberly probably deleted that's probably why you missed it I will resend it from my own email so that everyone it and the council president is in my also I'm I'm just going to reset I'm going to forward the email from her to all of you again okay anything else Mr Mr Mayor you know I had something I wanted to say Chief but I was so shocked that you were going to put cameras in my city that my mind is frozen and I no longer have anything to say except please be safe in this hurricane it is not a thing to take lightly and pray for our state and all the people that it okay item 10 uh excuse me yes ma'am thank you uh I just want to say to the council thank you very much for particip ating in the cancer awareness by wearing your shirt tonight and before everyone leaves if we could get a picture so that way I can post on the Florida Leal City's website so thank you again and next the next meeting the next October what is it 22nd meeting if you could wear pink again as an support of breast cancer awareness I would like you all to if you can and if you want to wear your shirts again that's fine that was my question we keep them yes cool can I make one quick you make um I know everybody's anxious to get out but I just want to say I attended um Chief RS training session on protecting places of worship and it was sobering um and very informative and I highly recommend if he does it again but anybody and everybody go it with beyond my expectation it's delighted to there thank you thank you and that was presented to me by Miss Jones oh uh she gave me the contact and I made contact with him actually attended the same presentation in a to and said man that we need that a he jumped right on it it was amazing thank all right so we have to staff I told y'all when I saw you last hurricane be safe don't try to be heroes because we don't need to put our lives in danger if it gets above and beyond when are they coming in have you made a decision yet can we get a motion to adjourn all right item 10 motion the time is 8:15 can I get a motion for adjournment you can question answer okay well I Mo we adjourned but I still want to know what time staff's coming in tomor what time staff's com yeah do they know3 and they're staying at that time yeah is that the plan okay all right I second the motion thank you first we have a second oh are you saying so no we're trying to close we need to finish item number 10 please can everybody please hold on we have not finished with our agenda please let the president finish thank you we've got motion who did a motion got a second second all right got a first got a second all those in favor say I I I we are adjourned at 10:16