excuse me if you will we're going to call this meeting to order it is Tuesday February the 20th it is a regular meeting of the Williston city council it is 6 p.m and we will ask the city clerk to please call the role mayor Goodman president Jones I tell you to stand up not yet here a while I told you I missed you excuse us are playing in the back again president Jones here vice president Cox here council member Bullock he's absent council member Hines here city manager Terry bouard here attorney Kirsten beloo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff and the ones that were standing up here thank you I thought I had mistakenly asked you to stand but now I will please stand at this time for the pledge allegiance and The Prayer by the mayor help them make the best decision they can and Lord I ask you to look over all of the city staff all the city workers especially the police and the fire department those that we call the First Responders I ask this in your name amen States thank you very much am I not on I I am on is it not working okay um at this time we are going to the administer of the oath of office to miss Meredith Martin our newest city council member have me I Merith Martin a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America being elected to group c seat of the city council of the city of Williston Florida do hereby swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America the laws of the State of Florida and the charter and ordinance of the city of willston and that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State of Florida and the charter of the city of Williston and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter so help me God thank [Applause] you for the record Mr Bullock has arrived thank you Mr Mills we appreciate that okay at this time the mayor is item number two recognizing friends of grenes Williams Community Park committee as pioneers of the community Charles Goodman Mr Mayor thank you Madame President yes sir at this time I would like to ask that if the friends of Cornelius Williams Park would join me up here for those of you who are not aware Friday uh February is Black History Month so for the month of February we would like to share a brief black history fact Mr Cornelius Williams was born here in willston Florida he attended School in Levy County he graduated from Florida A&M University with a ba degree in education and a master's degree in guidance counseling Mr Williams was indeed a community minded person known for helping people of all ages in the community recognized leader in his church as a deacon a Sunday school teacher he was involved in various organizations such as the Congress of Christian education friendly choirs Union and others he was highly recognized for his courage and he received a permit from the city of Williston to have Martin Luther King Parade followed by a scholarship banquet at The Old Willis in high school is anyone else hear that ring I left my phone in my office and it's ringing in my hearing AES technology is evil he was married mared to Wanita Williams and together they have a daughter Vonda Williams at age 83 and a retired educator Mr Cornelius Williams passed away on December 31st 2007 due to his community services the city of Williston for those of you that were not aware of it named the park in hisory his honor the park is approximately 20 some plus acres located off of US Highway 27 it consists of various Sports Fields picnic tables playground basketball court soccer field and a large walking area and bathrooms today the friends of Cornelius Williams Park are here today to continue to try to improve on the park dedicated to Mr Cornelius Williams and as the mayor of the city of Williston it is my honor to give your organization this plaque certificate of appreciation for the friends of Cornelius Williams Community Park committee and as true Pioneers in the community and I know one of you the best so I don't know who's your leader but Jackie could I have hand this to you please and I'll give you [Applause] this what we would do is just give um give give you all just a brief brief very brief um introduction to this committee um as we pioneered through the community as I met many of you and how I met you so if you hear a name of someone that you known or worked under and I say under the umbrella under their ten under their Pavilion we just smile about it I won't get everyone's think but you would probably remember some of these people so that's what I would like to try and do yeah if you if you hear if you hear one of the names of someone that you worked under I say as an umbrella because we are umbrella under groups if you under 10 or Pavilion so some groups are bigger some are smaller so I always tell people to put yourself up front an umbrella Up Under the Tent or Pavilion and if you worked under some of these people you're going to know if you would just smile nod your head any of those things would be greatly appreciated before we do that we have a banner that we would like for you guys to see Mr G Williams we finally took a picture from his daughter and a picture from a young artist in Williston and I it brings tears in my eyes because it's taken us probably about three years to get this picture of Mr GES Williams so if you've never met him and you're not sure he looks like this is Mr G Williams past and present and this young man took this photo and he recreated that picture and this is um with work from Matt Brooks and his staff at be for signs at this time I would also like to so that his daughter will have something to remember him as well Contin so we don't have to keep asking her a picture I have taken those same pictures and had them frame to present to Vonda we and his [Applause] daughter now this committee that I work with guys they really tough cookie so they're saying we don't want to talk I do all the talking so for tonight they will introduce themselves uh I gave them a little cheat sheet so they will just read their little cheat sheet and tell you about themselves I'm ciled I'm [Applause] secretary [Applause] stre [Applause] most [Applause] also [Applause] we also [Applause] have [Applause] I have some other I am Julian Edwards I'm a youth coordinator I am researching ways to keep our youth involved and participating in our community I am a pioneer of the community I am Robert well am the financial specialist I also work with the convention Coalition and provide the community with various events I am a pioneer of community I am Albert Fuller I'm the assistant financial advisor and the coordinator of the community I'm a pioneer of the community I am B Garrick I am the secretary of the committee I record notes and share the group share with the group I am also a m of the ML King comme I am I the publication Theon of the community I am also coordinator and member of the Martin Luther King scholarship I am Sandra Harris I'm a volunteer of the committee I am also a coordinator of the senior citizen Community program I am I am Demetrius Lee I am a volunteer I assiste with setting up setting up and sharing I [Applause] am this was just a brief introduction of the committee um 2011 the committee started with a group called CSI citizens seeking improvements it consisted of Jackal na CIA ever Virginia Greenley AIS C Brooks nor fuget Latricia Wright I first met her there um we received a grant called a p Creek Grant um for that particular Year back in 2011 I also had donors with the newspaper and people that also was our media specialist tin BR Miss tin Mr Mr Arnold and now we have the ly County citizen that's the p and the present I met Steve and Sharon hok at gece bu Elementary School in 2011 and he gave me this project because he heard I was involved in Project playground I also met Adam Adam Hall Patrick Miller Chris Curry who donated 250 plants to the park that I thought I could plant with a shovel um my dad and my brothers yeah and many of you remember that I was determined I baby set plans for about a month I was getting them in the ground one with the other U my mom my dad my brothers and Frankie Jackson and many others helped to plant those plants the great Mur you never seen a beautiful go out to that Park when spring comes I met Kevin Edward Senor Mr Mr heathco Deb Jones Mark Nelson El Ross I met Latricia again I also met Nan and Gary M CJ Zim demesy Frankie Jackson Jerry Robinson Pastor Charles Williams Mimi Johnson um Miss Wingo um Fred oing and Michael Shoemaker some of these names you remember I also made contact with businesses such as Spar Drummond's Bank hitcho when Dixie um Anonymous donors I also met the staff at the Police Department chief stroll Mike Lamar at the fire department all the staff that was there I also met Laura Jones Laura Jones introduced our group to what we call Grants the heard that gr he had to really know about that thing to kind understand that but these were just the lists of the churches new New Hope Alan Chapel those are the churches and the people in community that we met when we started this committee the committee was reestablished um majus head it became jacqu Bond William B Gary abber FIP Marvin Erica Gusty and sandre Cil demet of Veronica we formed the committee again we call we call a jump start I would like to read you a quick poem and dealing with the committee all committees have their own ups and downs this committee is called attitude and I took this when I started working with the committee and also when I was teaching it's called attitude the longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude in my life attitude to me is more important than facts it's more important than the past than education than money than circumstances than failures than success than what other people say and think or do it is more important than appearance gifness skills it will make her break a company a church a home the markable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we Embrace for that day we can't change CH our past you can't change the fact that people will act a certain way we can't change anything the only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude I'm convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% what I react to and so if it is with you we are in charge of our attitude so if you keep that as a thought in your mind and don't let people put have dump on you um and I have quite a bit but like I said I'm not going to keep you long I met Laura Jones um with grants we started having events at the park um we had many grants that came about and she's still working hard along with other people to do grants for that like I said just stay with me because it's like a creeper it's one of those things you tried to understand and she walked me through understanding what F that because I wanted it right there like it's money out there I know it is um she walked me through understanding how that works in the whole process of grant writing so I thank you Lord for being a py in the community the next thing we did were events and we're going to just share some of the banners that were reproduced by Anonymous donors as well as beef for signs someone these are traveling banners that travel with us each time we have an event this was one that if you all remember some of you might remember we had our first Forum Community for at the park and everyone in the city with Council was invited to come out and share with the community your job and what you did in the community and it was called freedom to be all you can be so this Banner was displayed at that event and it made a big impact because all of you all came many showed up at the Park and introduced yourself to the citizens and it made a difference because they knew and understood you and what you were doing in the community there was another Banner as we do movies at the park we have banners that were displayed for the movies Desmond Holm will be doing our next movie on March the 30th hit Pavilion a remake and it's going to be in KCK we had movies that we had at the Park called Frozen lri remember the first time we had a movie night at the park if you know where the Park's at down by the bathroom we froze exactly what it said it was frozen we had Army blankets we had we had um donated Army blankets we had hot chocolate we had everything we could but we really froze during that time our first movie after that we moved up to the basketball court so it was a little bit not warmer but it's a little bit better so you see the little pictures of Frozen all the kids know about Frozen so those were some of the events we had at the park to do those events we had to have someone to make us safe and keep us safe that's when I went to Mike over there and I said Mike Lamar you guys and everybody at the fire department and all been looking at me like yes can you please come and help us they gave us that security anytime we had an event they showed up and we appreciated that because they were our police officers our fire department it also gave the children an opportunity to see the people in the community that was keeping them safe this Banner came came about with children because I felt like if adults couldn't show how strong they were for a project kids could Leandra Evans you guys might remember at third grade she gave me this Vision along with that big oak tree out there and it's how can we use kids and get the part Focus around kids wherever there's kids that will be parents get those kids and they want to do it parents are going to show up mama let's go through the par and that's kind of what we walk with and it says our modotto we are stronger working together for our community and if you show your muscles you all a community and stronger what you do so that became our event than you I also met several people when we were doing grant back with L we traveled to Tallahassee Miss B remember that we traveled to Tallahassee again to apply for Grant the African-American Grant so la went gusy son k Mr boat right I call him Mr B U we traveled to Tallahasse that Grant came through so if you guys read the newspaper I'm always cutting everything out my daughter told to get rid of some of this stuff it was in the newspaper it became a sports complex it was a grant to the city staff anytime we had an event all I do is say lri we have an event trash can were there um anything we needed set up cones okay for a long time we used cones and Yarns to keep the kids safe at the park we finally had a donation with Dennis Davis and right peers we got focused on getting some safety out there they are not guide wires are donated by spars so now you can't drive all over the park it was crazy out there people were driving all over the park kids cars don't mix so donated so if you ever go out to the park you see where those guy wives were Dona and I'm getting to the bottom of it some of the events that we had at the park and you guys might remember because many of you showed up miss Deborah can tell you about cleanup day at the park um there's many you can tell about the first U Easter egg hunt at Park if you haven't had kids go crazy for Easter egg they don't want anything but that dollar that's in it they were taking the eggs open them up if it was a dollar the egg stayed there so to all of you that donated for that we we had muffins for Mom during the co we had our first drive-through muffins for Mom awesome moms enjoyed it they came out got donuts went to church and they were done and Erica has our pictures of what we did some of those we had something called a juneth pre Father's Day first kickball game again that during that time was where we got all of you guys introduce yourself and show that we were all on the same page for events we also had movie movie in the park again that's coming up March the 30th it's a remake um 6:00 hit the Pavilion so we'll be showing a movie at the park again and I think I've wind everything down guys and I would just like to say to you all I GNA say this um I'm I'm hoping that I didn't leave anyone out if you up under an umbrella a tent or Pavilion you up under some of those groups that started with us and have worked with us tiess since 201 if you've never been to that Park if you just go out there guys you talking about space if you don't like your neighbors you don't want to be around anyone it's enough space for you be clear somewhere in that part and you wouldn't be bothering anyone but just go out and just over 20 some Acres it's still gr and I see positive things coming and this commit I want to give you a hand for supporting me I don't like I said I don't have an answer but I do have a special little um token to give each one of you um saying thank you thank you and thank you and I had a little card and I'm done there's a little card here that I found cuz I'm thinking about a party it says this is a time this is one of those times when saying thank you doesn't seem like enough so I present you with this flower and I say thank you thank you thank you and thank [Applause] you and we will be doing like the the soon another month we sneak out because we'll listen we playing Trenton tonight for the state championship she took my line I was going to let you know if they all start disappearing there's a basketball game oh sorry so thank you Miss hapley yes ma'am thank you for coming all of you okay we are again congratulations to K Williams Park committee we appreciate you that update and we go now to item number three which is additions deletions changes or approval of the agenda Miss Right Madam president can we move item 7D up to 7A can 7D be 7A please I have no objection anyone else have an objection okay I will entertain a motion for approval of the agenda with that revision to move 7D to 7A before 7 a yeah let's do because we usually do a motion to accept it make a motion to to move item D to item a before item a before item a perfect I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion all in favor the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number four is public participation if you are here tonight to talk to the city council and you have something that you would like to say there are two opportunities in our agenda to do that and you have up to five minutes to speak to the council about something that is not on the agenda so if you have something you'd like to say at this time please approach the podium and I need your name and your city of residence if if you will good afternoon everyone um so my name is Christoph brard I actually stay in the new development down here in country L Estates um I'm actually this was on a wh a bunch of us decided to just come in quickly we found out about the uh city council meeting and decided you know it would be a good opportunity to maybe just address a situation that we have at the moment um I'm sure everyone in the city council is aware of the uh water and sewage issue that came up in countryland state and while we are really uh happy and you know we we appreciate the fact that we uh it was addressed the later that we got seemed concerning to us considering the fact that even though it says uh the calibration was correct and the water usage was accurate and in fact that some of the uh some of the meet is actually under recorded respectfully I have to disagree I mean we have people in our in our community that you know myself and my wife we're two people we barely use any water and from the time we actually register the utilities in our name to up to the point of our first bill we were barely even home having a utilities bill of I'm I'm speaking under correction but 850 and change just for water and sewage seems a bit of an anomaly we went around spoke to a bunch of other uh individuals in the community most of them agree that you know that is that is obscene most of them said that their utilities and total average at about 250 and that's including everything so I don't know if it was just a disclaimer or you know just a bit of legal ease to calm us down but the basically the statement saying that it was reading accurate had me wondering whether or not the meter was reading maybe in liter as opposed to gallon because I'm talking out of Correction but some of my uh you know some of my neighbors actually reported water usage in excess of 25,000 gallons 25,000 gallons we had one I mean wow speaking as someone that you know used to work in liters you could probably tell by my accent 71,000 lers is a very large swimming pool 71,000 gallons that's I mean you could fill your you could fill a large size bumming pool three times in a month for that for that amount so you know we appreciate the city looking into the matter in the first place we are just concerned moving forward from the letter we received that the problem has has yet to be you know resolved actually uh and you know the city council's discretion is appreciated in this matter I don't know do you want to say anything if you will please state your name for the record my name is j thank you I live in country states also I'm appreciative that the city has worked with us so far to reduce our bills but I moved here and I looked at the first this is the second bill that I got I looked at the first B I thought I was reading it wrong and was telling me that I used 55,000 gallons of water the second Bill tells me that I used 71,000 Gall water that's what's gone through our M um Don and I have seen each other spoken to each other frequently and um we're at a loss at this point in time um right now my initial bill was $822 for all of the all of the facilities that were used um I don't think there's anybody over in country in the states that can continue to pay in22 a month I don't know what the answer is I spoken to my husband and I think we're going to get a second leer put on right now to see if the is being utilized sprink system rather than the house that's the only way that I can prove to lenar probably that they have a faulty system somewhere it's going to cost $2,000 plusa probably like to have lar pay for that but we'll see about that has been very forthcoming um who's tried to work with us he's told me that the meters are correct and that the readings are correct but I don't know where 71,000 ballons of water went if I use 71,000 somebody else use 55,000 another person next to me used another 48,000 I mean obviously I'm not filling swimming pools and I'm not floating away so just something wrong I'd like to have a meeting if you could possibly do it with lar Anders find out what their statement is the statements that they are telling me is that they are working on I don't know but I told them today I said we have one more bill that will be educed after that we'll be expected to pay what's on the bill they're going to have to me at in our country estates I don't know what the heck is going to happen but I certainly would like may get some type of a meeting going with everyone involved Department with the homeowners and we did not know about this meeting tonight this is just us but there's many more the same right so my only suggestion is maybe we could get something together with them and have a meeting here and hash this out we not be paying $800 you I know when lenar put in irrigation systems we advise them that they really should put in a separate meter for those irrigation systems and I don't know that that's where the water is going but it's almost got to be I know the typical house uses what5 to 8,000 eight 5 to 8,000 gallons of water a month um so it really shouldn't be a whole lot more than that especially if there's one or two of you um so there's definitely I don't think the issue is the meter though because they have pulled those and they have tested them I was told I believe it's three meters that were under it actually the Flowage was under what it should have been so in other words it didn't report as much but all of the ones that reported other than that were accurate while the other three were under and shorted us so the water's going somewhere but you're right there should be a pole somewhere a puddle there should be something it's got to be somewhere I know we are sand hills and it does go back into the aquafer as fast as it comes out are do you know if your irrigation system is on all of us turned them off I have turned them off pulled the plug um and and top it off um when I did turn it on to look to see what sprinklers were going on yeah there were only two out of the whole are the rest of them broken and leaking water that would be my next question is is are they broken um and are they leaking water underground um that would be my next question well I have someone coming out Thursday supposedly to look at the irrigation system okay um but because even if you've got it turned off if it's leaking underground you're the water's still going through your meter still going through it yes ma'am so that would be my next but yes if you want to hold a meeting City staff would love to to meet with you and and if you could get lar here that's even better that would be nice that's about the only way we're going to accomplish something Mr Mayor did you have a comment thank you madam president yes sir I have a couple of questions what is the c cost Donald or Jonathan the cost is refer to what for a irrigation meter so we uh supplied that in the letter um a irrigation meter since the system's already tapped is about $2,000 and uh say it again it's about $2,000 but what we offered to do specifically and only for the residents there was to break that apart over 12 months so that it didn't hurt them as severely okay my other question is has anybody turned all the water off to your homes see if it's still start and and look to see if the meter's turning and then start your irrigation meter with your your irrigation system that only has two and watch the meter and see how fast it's spinning to see what water is going on or get the city to turn it off and see if it still spins so we we miss uh Fabric's house we we actually did that and um of like 30 sprinklers two or three were working and there was quite a bit that was broken okay um so you confirmed that it was broken and not watering the property well I mean it's watering it but it's watering it underground I got it all right thank you that means they need to fix the sprinkler system for you because it's going to keep doing it yeah if lenar put the system yes they did I mean sometimes they put the system in and then they run trucks over it yeah or they plant trees or they do whatever they do and they actually puncture it and then tear it up um in the process because the contractors that are coming to do the the trees or the S or whatever they're doing they may or may not even know it's underground well I'll tell you I Thursday I have lenar coming out to look at my spring system um because like I said right now only two heads are really working um that means the others are all leaking on the ground sing underground I would like to suggest to you that when I built my house here 18 years ago I made the decision that I did not want to pay sewage for the water consumption so I bit the bullet and put an irrigation meter in for watering and miscellaneous things like that so in even especially if the utilities department is willing to work with you it's a no sum cost to install irrigation meters for irrigating consider it okay I know thank you thank you thank you city coun let us know how it progresses yes sir if you will state your name for the record my name is Sean Schuler I'm also a citizen of Williston we moved here approximately 3 years ago um I wasn't even really sure if I was going to speak today because um I kind of told myself if anyone the El had a problem with the country L States um that I would uh speak up my problem isn't in the water issue per se but um my house being flooded by these approximately six foot elevation that they put uh directly next to me that I've uh told numerous times to not only lenar but um I I have showed videos and pictures uh two different members of um the staff here at at at this office um nothing has ever been done um my house has been flooding ever since they have elevated it approximate over about a year and a half now I have probably 500 videos and pictures of uh just the atrocity that has been happening ever since they started this development approximately two years ago I have two small kids N9 and 10 years old that we canot use our backyard because our uh continuous tractors uh they dredged a three-foot hole completely around our property then decided to fill it back in that was supposedly what I told to put a drainage system to fix the issue but that was never fixed they filled it back in without putting any kind of utilities then decided to burrow twice under my frontways which is now completely cracking um after returning from the weekend after just we we constantly don't want to be at the house we we're constantly making excuses to leave anytime we can get a chance to get out of it we can um there's just nothing being done so when I came home after this weekend there was another water issue now there's a 4- foot hole going under my foundation and the the side of our house is starting to crack um I'm at the point that I have no really choice to take drastic measures um to make people listen to this issue um I don't see any change now because I I thought that they might have done something because of all the issues videos pictures and everything else showed to them and relate to them what was happening um but nothing has happened and my house is continuing to flood um the problem is on Fourth Avenue where they again elevated right next to me I could literally see the feet of the people walking on the ground where they elevated which used to be completely flat level with my ground um if anyone Drives By it it's pretty EV evident of what's going on but once that house is constructed which they just started doing it a couple weeks ago so I thought and was praying that something would happen because we do love the area my kids go to the school they actually um go to Jordan Glenn down the street but we love the city of Williston uh I've even have other families from South Florida move up to this area just because we do love the area so much so it is unfortunate but our family literally feels no longer safe or comfortable living in this in our home um I don't see because they're now building right next to us how they're going to be able to fix the problem um so I just wanted to make the whole city council and members just aware of what is happening are you in Country Lane States or you're across I'm the only house that's in there that is not a part of them so we bought it when it was complete Forest year after's old house the oldt Harris's old house and I old house um okay for the longest time that he's been there he's never had a flood flooding issue um the outdoor gazebo outdoor kitchen the pool we have is all the the structural Integrity of it is all it's shot so um I'm I'm now in in the pursuit of seeking legal representation because I have no other choice because now they have started a new construction on the house directly next to us that's literally skyscraping on top of my fence which not only is going to be an invasion of privacy but the flood water that comes down the street is literally going around and through my house so I I don't really know what is going to happen uh it's really I'm misfortunate but again I I just wanted to make everyone aware of the situation and know what was happening at this point I guess I was not aware of um can y'all get Mr get get right Paris to go and take a look at that y'all know which house he's talking about I think most people know all the City Utilities there's been numerous conversations I spoke with I mean 20 probably different people the members I could recognize probably 10 of you guys that told I've been to the Eastman but I haven't been to yours and I knew I knew you weren Mr I might have a thousand pictures and videos because I work from home and it's just been a disaster these last two years it was December 21st of I think 2021 when they started giant cranes coming down knocking over their 500y old oak trees not with no warning no barriers I've even uh heard of my my neighbor directly across the street one of the ditches that they left uncovered for months his blind dog was stuck in that crying we had to pull the dog out of the ditch um plus not not to mention the safety of the whole community and my kids around it's just horrendous what they're doing no barriers no no safety precautions or measurements that have been done at all not to mention the for story burn pile that they started at the beginning of the whole thing and I know there's a transition period between Armstrong homes and lard and everything else but the way to West West construction has handled this and the lar especially they're just ignoring me so I have no choice now to again but to take more drastic measures so I don't know anything anything that anybody can do I mean I P I personally think the time has passed now because they've already started new construction at the part part of the place that they could have altered the land right but but they literally leveled it from the hill up on the top of it and just the Topography of where the elevation is where we're sitting the water's coming down off the street running down and around and through through our home so wow just wanted to let everyone aware of that yeah I was not aware of it yes I don't know that anybody else here was either I'm I'm G stay here too if anyone has any questions or I would like to see some pictures on my phone I'd be happy to share with you okay so Madam president I may add that if the gentleman would say that would be great we would love to talk to you I would love to see the pictures uh I I have not met you so I do know the house you're talking about and uh I can most certainly assure you that if there's anything the city can do uh to write anything been wrong to to you we will definitely uh assist you that matter all right yep thank you Mr Cher okay anything else for this public participation ER particular we have another one at the end if you'd like to add it anything else all right we're going to move then to item number five which is the consent agenda which consists of the council meeting minutes of February the 6th I entertain a motion for approval of the minutes of the consent agenda I make a motion that we approve the consent agenda I second I have a motion and second is there any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item number six is Staff board and council member updates and we will start with the city manager Mr Bard all right thank you madam president I'll try to be brief but just give you an update on a couple things that came your attention the last meeting you know Mr Monroe came in here and talked about a water leak and some issues that he was having um and I don't recall the actual numbers that he had but it was in the tens of thousands uh also and so he came in the very next day and uh sat down and spoke to uh Jonathan Selena and Mike Miller and uh we introduced him to how the uh electronic reading transmitter SS work and what machine does it reads them and showed them both uh and then we went out MET Mr Monroe at his residence I did not they did was actually Jonathan bishop and Alex uh Rodriguez went out met with him uh found his meter immediately saw it was spinning I asked him if there's anybody inside he said no they walked the outside of the residence found no leak went inside found a major leak at his toilet uh so it was uh just constantly blowing and running and uh so he he clearly understand that uh toilet running that way with a bad flapper valve constantly pour in water 247 um you know it's just one of those kind of things he have to get fixed and uh and we will as we always do help with with the tiered Mount and the sewage and uh help him in that respect so I wanted to bring that back to your attention that we met with him and took care of him the very next day I did speak to uh myself and Jonathan Bishop did speak to fdot about the intersection on South Main down here where that little jog is um so we're working with them they've actually kicked it up to a meeting with their safety engineers and basically so um I don't know that we'll be able to completely correct the problem down there but maybe we come up with something will assist us in identifying or lighting that area so hopefully we can minimize the number of traffic accidents we've had there anything you know there the original plan involve $5 million which they didn't have uh that was to buy everything straight in the road out and corrected but that's definitely out of the game um so we're we're working with them and I suspect I'll give you a brief on that the next meeting um as far as the loan goes for underwriting the uh the on uh line of credit is underwriting um so we're working moving forward with that I suspect hopefully we'll you'll see that the next city council meeting and um and we'll start start be able to move forward with that so it's making some progress too I'd Al like to introduce Brooke Willis who is our new HR Director as you know we had a uh vacancy so um we interviewed Brooke she did an amazing job if you don't recall you know she was an interim HR director for us before uh and I was pleasantly pleased to see seven people in her office this morning that didn't stop in mind and uh to speak to her and uh so she's been very busy and my understanding that she we expect to have her I think full-time February the 26th thank you sir and uh so we'll have her over here rocking and rolling in HR um I will save the golf cart update for Mr Bishop and that's all I have ma' Mr Bishop are you next we'll move to staff updates then so the southwest side is fully operational with no issues that I know of at this time um the Northeast section is a total of uh 36 signs and hopefully within three weeks or less the Northeast side will be complete what was that last part I'm sorry hopefully within the next three weeks the Northeast side will be complet Northeast okay that's it appreciate it anything else or any other updates on your behalf any other staff at this time Mr stle yes ma'am I'd just like to uh let everybody know that this past week the airport was uh awarded an additional grant for the terminal building um it's something that we applied for U when we started out in this process we actually applied for it back in 2022 um when the bipartisan infrastructure law came out um and we were denied the past two years that this year they you know they actually awarded us $500,000 towards the terminal building does that mean we could put our T Hanger back in unfortunately it does not why why not because we've already got a signed contract on or with with u fdot about the new hanger development that's going in um and you know a lot of that money that was transferred out was to get the building um basically at its base level U you know completion so this money the money that we're getting from this new airport terminal program Grant um will help us to actually complete the building in its entirety so you know that a couple of the add-ons that we were you know not going to be able to get we will now be able to get so the portic coet the you know the pavement like the entire parking lot when all be repaved um and on top of that we we secured a grant with fdot to actually get an emergency standby generator for this the building as well um so with these additional funds the building is going to be built out the way we designed it initially so none of the add-ons that we had to take off because of cost are going to be left off anymore we still have a huge list of tea hangers oh we do and I'm I'm need them bad I'm working on it but we have to wait for you know State funding to come in $500,000 is a lot of money it would have built too while it no it wouldn't close it wouldn't have built anything like that the the cost for a te- hanger building right now is roughly $2 million yes I assure you so you know and that's for an eight unit T Hanger that's ridiculous I would agree I can remember when they were 181 but we are going to make every effort moving forward to continue to try to you know look into making finding more grants for t- hangers and other Hangers On The Airfield we got a lot of investors that are coming in and looking to build hangers um you know some for themselves and some to sell to other people because there's such a need in Florida so we're we're working on the problem while we may not be able to facilitate tea hangers in the immediate you know we have other options to explore on here but not for the little guy that's what I'm worried about we're trying okay appreciate that anything else that's it anybody else back there on have hearing none we'll move to the council any so you're going to do announcements instead of instead of updates okay any any questions at this time in the way of updates from Council Mr Mayor do you have anything I do not okay then we're going to move to item seven we're move D to the front so discussion with possible action special election for Group C and Group D seat and tonight we have Miss Tammy Jones here with us who can advise us as well as Miss Wright and we and Miss Balo who know the scoop we also had a page in our packet tells us all about um Madame President if we could have Tammy come up and start the conversation regarding special election obviously the need for a special election because we're getting ready to have two empty seats because nobody qualified so here we go so I'm definitely not the person to advise but I definitely can have conversation about what can maybe be done um you know I had conversations with Miss Wright and Mr Bard on Saturday uh Friday felt like Saturday um about the vacancy so I'm passing around a sheet that outlines some of the laws in Willison Charter and also in state statutes if you look at the front page where it says vacancy in office during term I highlighted paragraph two and it states if at at the time the vacancy occurs more than six months remain before the next general election the city council shall at their next regular meeting said a special election to be held not more than 60 days thereafter to fill the vacancy so we had this discussion Miss Right Mr bravard about when does the vacancy occur that's something the council needs to decide is the vacancy now that you know there's going to be a vacancy come when the oath should be taken on May 14th right so May 14th is a set date to take office and then at the next next meeting would be May 21st and then you could go from there 60 days or are you going to consider a vacancy now knowing there's going to be a vacancy and move forward now with the special election so that's first question um so that wasn't advice I I really am not the attorney I would feel more comfortable if um Miss kir would um give us her thoughts absolutely so so just to clarify I know that there's been some conversation among a couple of members I do want to clarify that the section that's being referred to right now is part of our ordinances it's not part of our Charter right so we do have a little bit of leeway to fill in any gaps here um I think that part of the problem that we're we're facing is that we have a bit of a gap in our ordinances which says what happens when just just no one qualifies not a withdrawal or a death or a removal from the ballot but no one even applies um our our ordinances are are silent to that so my overall recommendation would be regardless of how we proceed right now that we make those changes those changes in order to address this specific situation which is not addressed in our ordinances right now and is not addressed in many um city and Municipal ordinances because it is uh perhaps a less rare event um in the past than it is now exactly um as for when the vacancy has occurred my reading of these sections together is you sort of have two sections so you have section 20-13 which is the vacancy during the term of the office I believe that that vacancy in my reading of Florida statute and here occurred upon the resignation upon the resignation there were less than six months and so we were indicate we appointed someone and here she sits right um what then I think that we don't move into for this this issue coming up after this next general election I believe that then we move move into section 20-2 so we're no longer in 20-3 because there's no longer a vacancy during the term we have now filled the term now there's just a vacancy right um that did not occur during the term so now we just have no candidate for office um as far as how we address that I believe that a special election is appropriate at this time um I know that our lovely clerk would love to hold our special election at the same time as our general election and save us all a little bit of money um and a lot of bit of headache um I think that the council could make a determination to do that based on the knowledge that there will be a vacancy because there are no qualifying candidates so if you're asking me for my opinion on when can we make a determination that the vacancy has has occurred because no one has met the qualifying for either of these seats that we know for a fact are going to be vacant I believe that now is an appropriate time in order to call the seat vacant perfect and the main reason I'm here is just to offer help not really to make decisions um but I would like to see if you will to have the election with us ask you to have it on the primary election rather than the general and the reason for that is because we're looking at at a minimum of four amendments and a maximum of about eight so we're going to have probably a 22-inch ballot front and back and your city stuff will get lost on our ballot so it would be preferable to me and I think it'd be a little closer for y'all to have it in August um rather than in November so I would be happy to um work up agreement with the city has I always do every election um if you guys wanted to have the um your election on in August August 20th with us so basically the agreement would say Latricia would still do qualifying and I would do everything else um we'd have to work out the details later but I would be happy to assist and there would be no cost other than if an extra pole worker was needed or something because we're already hiring the pole workers we're already sending out the ballots so really you'd have minimal costs to join us on the primary election I can tell you that I for one don't want to wait till August we'd be with nobody between May and August two people two empty seats between May and August the other thing thing that I do want to point out is that if we decide that we're going to go in August that we should not declare the vacancy until the general election because we do have to call special election within 60 days yeah I'd rather do it earlier so if we call it now we'll have to hold one in 60 days according to our ordinances unless we amend them which I don't know that anyone's prepared to have an election I can tell you that was my first thought you know when we first started talking about it the minute qualifying closed was to do it as soon as possible so that we could see meet them all together in May with everybody uh and I don't know if we're can accomplish that at this point TimeWise I think we're real close Miss Wright may have counted days to know if we have enough time so if we didn't have anybody app initially why do we think that we're going to have somebody apply that quickly I think we will got one guy against against you so there is one guy out there but I talked with him he said form six next so once again you talk me mrend gentleman who from another firefighter no this was another gentleman there no I talked to the guy that okay that's Mr yeah I talked to him and he's still very much interested in getting his information turned in and running in the next thing I told him to be here again I do think that it CAU keep people off guard the late notice of the form six even though it was past Dural legistation it really didn't get out really until later so I think you likely have three weeks to fill it out before our election that was the hard part the hope is that you get people to qualify and that you don't have to then turn around and have to do this again in 60 days you know because you could keep having qualifying over and over and over again exactly so and I came to you a few years ago definitely the charter needs to be looked at to clarify some of this stuff um you know I mean who would have thought you would have empty seats usually it's a a very you know either you at least fill the seats at a minimum but you have opposition sometimes y I'm here to help as I always have um I will help either way if you deing over there so what's the minimum amount of seats that we need in order to hold our sessions we have to have somebody for Mr Bullock and we have to have somebody from Miss I have a question about that I'm sorry can we reappoint uh Miss Martin because Mr Jerry SE really doesn't ter out until December 31st that's a whole year yeah I know I'm just asking couldn't we reappoint her I think that if we're look I think that we've gone to the extent of our code AS that exists right now for appointment and that the appointment must end in uh at the next general election in May the now can we Implement a new ordinance that allows that if no one qualifies then we have a period that we can appoint someone yes I think that that's that's well within our ability but we would need to change our ordinance because right now we have we've maxed out where we can we can appoint someone well even May to December is more six months that's correct I mean that's a special election right there I'm not a mathematician but that sounds right to me yeah June to December 6 so may definitely is but if we changed the ordinance then we wouldn't have to have a special election is that correct i' rather have a special election than have two people I don't know how y'all feel I just hate to keep many days is the gap between May when the seat empties and August 20th and then after August 20 election how many days is it until they actually can take the seat so how many days is that Gap do we know that more than 60 yeah I thought we if we figured it out it would be more than 60 days we would not be inside so you would still be the next meeting that you let's say you waited till May 14th where the people will take office your next meeting's the 21st you would have to have an election by July 20th technically but there's a caveat to the law and 10.75 which I might be wrong on this but notwithstanding any provision of local law or Municipal Charter that's where this might not work out the governor body of a municipality May by ordinance move the date of any municipal election to a date concurrent with any Statewide or countywide election so I don't know you know I don't know if that would work or not yeah I think that I think that we can make it such that we hold our election in August I think that that provision allows us to to make these changes such that we can move it to be held on the primary date instead of the date that we normally have it even if it's just a temporary period even if it's only if we have to do it for a special election we can codify it in that way such that if there's a special election then it'll be held in August um but so so I think that the the point of this is there are a lot of options for you all but what you need to make a determination of is how do you want the seat to be filled if no one qualifies and right now no one has qualified and the qualifying is over just just to put us all on the same page do you want us to construct and we can a different ordinance that allows you to appoint someone for an interim and wait until August do you want to hold a special election as soon as humanly possible it probably won't be 60 days but you know as soon as humanly possible outside of that is that what you'd like us to do would you like us to wait until later on some some other period of time some third option that no one has that I haven't presented today we can do any of these but you all need to make a determination of what you want us to do I can change your ordinances to allow you the power to appoint someone if no one qualifies until the next election but it doesn't sound like that's where many people are so do I do just want to hear from me I don't know any how anybody else the next election would be the primary or you could have it sooner you if you call for a special election you have to have the election within 60 days we call for it tonight has to be within 60 days I think we have the paperwork ready so that would be before April 20th which means they could be seated at B I don't want to which is when we need them to me that's like russan just to get anybody to have a seat in a seat can we hold our Council meetings with yes what's the amount of the number of people so if we can do it with three people we have three people let's do it the right way and allow time for people to come and want to do this and have the I don't think they're not going to do it unless we put it out there I mean I don't think there's right right let's put it out there but why we rushing to have it within the next 60 days that's not really putting it out there it is no that's rushing month is a long time it's not we did a week before and what yet that's always a week so 60 days is a long time that's the way I feel about it is if they're going to do they're going to do it if they're not they're not right so it doesn't matter whether we rush it or we dog except you won't have anybody sit in the seat and all three of us will have to be here every single time okay sir in May what are you who are you talking to and then you have three months that's true but it will but it's going to joh yes so we'll only have three as of May as of which is what I'm trying to say that's why I'd rather have an election so they can be seated in May which is when they're leaving we have two people that are not going to be sitting in their seat unless merth decides to qualify which she may which we will hope she does hopefully we don't scare her off real quick what is the cost for the special election do we know that you're going to be paying for everything approximately 2,000 or more and we could get something written to where we could get seats filled faster if we did it in the primary to save the save the $2,000 and then get it to where maybe they could get in faster and take over the she said she what I thought we could write an ordinance if I'm correct so that when the term ends that she could stay in until the primary election we can edit our ordinances so so let me it seems like time and cost and who's going to be sitting are are import the important factors that you all are looking at so so let me sort of analyze each the options with those criteria option one is we do not make an ordinance change so no change to the ordinance we keep doing what we're doing and we hold a special election as soon as possible from now within 60 days of tonight okay so that they can be seated in May right if anyone qualifies they would be seated in May no ordinance change none of that if and the cost to us is same for that option if we hold about $2,000 um if we if we hold that special election because it will not be at the same time as the general election all right if no one qualifies under our current ordinance and we do nothing else in 60 days we will need to hold another special election if no one qualifies for that 60 days after that we will need to hold another special election and on and on and so forth until either someone qualifies doing both I'm for changing the ordinance but proceeding with a special election C I'm I'm just sort of outlining each of the each of the option so that you all know what's what's available to you the other option is to change the ordinance such that we will also hold a special election 60 days from today okay so no change there we continue on with that we have the cost of that $22,000 or more and and we change the ordinance such that if no one qualifies for that spe special election then some amount of time can pass that we appoint someone the board appoints someone the council appoints someone to that seat before the next special election that we hold okay so that would be the other option to say we're going to appoint someone but we're going to hold a special election in this period of time and it could be August to line up with this primary that's the that's that's another option if no one qualifies then we would do that appointment so if no one qualifies for this upcoming 60 days we would do that appointment and we would wait for the next special election that we hold a special election if no one qualifies for that special election then we would move forward with appointing someone until the next special election and we will continue on until someone Falls okay I got a g bear with me she's got a third option there there are more options here another option that you have is to not hold a special election within the next 60 days you wait until May when both seats are actually literally vacant then you call a special election to be held within 60 days so round about August in the interim no one sits in these seats you have two vacant seats in order to have a quorum all three of you would need to show up at the same time right we could do a variance of that where we call a special election when the seats are actually vacant in May to hold it in August and we change the ordinance such that you all are permitted to appoint someone and the interim between when the seats are vacant in May and August I like that exactly I I like that option all right I like the second one she said well you like the third I should have made a a spreadsheet and my only request if you were to have it on the primary is that I don't want to get lost in the primary it's my problem they might they obviously do because they don't want to pay but your primary going be long get lost in the primary country this much on the whole B no I was just going to say if you were to do the primary I do have deadlines for my ballot which would be June 14th as also that okay so so the election in August that's just a cursor to November right it's a runoff election for parties but we elect a lot of local County people in the August election big balance it won't be as big as November right and actually I would not want to do it in November no sorry and more people would show out to me in August show up and to vote in August correct and they'll have to figure out which ballot to give to who if we do it at the same time right we would have six ballot SES three and we do have a ballot issure that hands out ballots so it does put a little little yeah got people it's not an easy move for my part but I'm willing to do it for y'all if you have other people coming into a city hall to vote that aren't City residents which is what you would if you're on the general just like when a Republican or Democrat we have to make sure we out the right it would only be able to be printed on the citizens of City the citizens shouldn't feel anything different it's going to be more of our office and managing the ballot Styles and giving out the right ballot which we should have a decent system in place I believe I think I believe we do I believe you do too okay I mean all they got to do is look at the B I truly am not here to help make a decision I was just here because I was asked to be and just to say I was here if you wanted to do the primary that's just but I I don't I understand you don't want to leave a vacancy so I I'm not in any way pressuring you to feel that way think so I still like the hybrid idea better if you just listen to it it is it is not we you're gone well yeah so it would actually be you three but on option three but that would keep the seats from being vacant during that during that last which is what you don't I would actually like to put somebody in it what i' would like to do and change the ordinance at the same time so that if nobody qualifies you're get the same result you want but if nobody qualifies then we're paying 2 2000 well the qualification is only an add of the paper I'm not talking qualification I'm talking about having to have special lecture each time well if somebody qualifies that time you have a special election you're going to pay that fee but if some qualifies you have it that the optimum word if yeah I mean it's are we throwing good money after bad because that much every time we have a city election whether it's a special election or not that's what it cost I like the last option you presented I hope somebody wrote it down well I I hope you remember it I remember it which one is the last I I wrote I wrote six options so that's terrible he said he said the last one the last one was let me see if I get this last one straight what we're going to do is we're gonna we're going to also amend the ordinance or edit the ordinance we're going to declare the seat vacated in May we're going to get on the August election but we'll have to have that to you by June 14th right and if no one qualifies we can app point then my question is till when and how long it would be up to you all I wouldn't recommend more than six months because that's currently where you all stand with your in term vacancies ordinance so just to keep it really clear you know six months so you would never see us or never recommend us appointing outside of that six-month window I would never recommend that you appoint someone outside of for a longer period than 6 months without holding a special election what we don't want to do is disenfranchise your community such that they can't have an opportunity to vote even though it is expensive I know that that's not what you want to hear from me but that that is my recommendation as the safest course and I would not be within I still am not going to be within that six-month winda even after the August election if nobody qualifies and we point for six months that's still not going to get me until the next election he still going to get you a special election I'll have to have another special election which is correct what the supervisor of election and I and and Miss Wright talked about is it's almost like this vicious cycle of special election special election special election special elections um which is what obviously I would want to avoid um I have a question I think Mr scher's going to sign up tomorrow he's ready to be up here with us Mr Madam president my question is if if I qualified to help fill the seats during the gap between May and August could I be or me or somebody else be appointed just for that window so that there isn't a threers board from May until August could there be a shorter terms if we have a qualification period and you qualify you'll have a two-year seat but between May and August I would not be sitting on Council and I guess my question is could I be appointed for that window of time if we Chang the ordinance right just if we Chang the we Chang the ordinance just so that there would be which was option three right okay and I believe opt there were a couple op ordinance Change option two gets you qualifying period and an ordinance that changes in case nobody qualifies that's why I'm for it can can I just say I I wish you would because I know what it's going to be but just go ahead no I was going to say that if we did move it to August that would give us enough time to talk to different people we' talked to everybody we know but that still give us enough time there might be more people out there willing to come in and talk with us about being on the council and what the duties are so EXC in days we should all be ready I what is it I've just waiting for it let me just before you make your motion counselor Hines has anybody considered why are we really going to blame this on form six yes is that really the fall back position I don't agree with that there's other reasons why people are not sitting on this Council it's not just form 6 form 6 has been around for a long time there have been a lot of people doing it I think that there is other things at play and I'm going to jump right out here these counselors are horrifically underpaid and they put in a lot of hours and they are not renumerated as low as the lowest paid person in the world for the hours that they are asked to put in and we want to conveniently blame all this on form six I just think that we are living with blinders that's all I have to say I yield the floor to you counselor on that note I really I want to be super clear appointing someone they will still have to fill out the form six yes so the none none of no there's no getting around it if there's sitting up here with us they're filling out the form six no matter how they got there all right so somehow and all this I've got extremely confused I don't understand how because I think it was you're confused I want to seek um advice from you you and you well as far as the meeting that y'all had what is the best for the city of Williston moving forward in y'all's opinions can I go first yeah and you yes you're you're one of those four 1 2 3 four all four all right uh I like the last option that Kirsten presented to the council and only for the reason that it gives me time to make sure that I have all of my election stuff correct what a phenomenal memory you must have because I haven't got the last could you repeat it I I believe that what we are all addressing as the last option is the option where we change the ordinance to allow you the ability to appoint someone for a six-month interim if there is no one that qualifies and that we declare the seat seats vacant in May and hold a special election in August August 20th so you're professional that's the last option that I get the very last can I make an understand how we can do that if the charter says we can't I make a motion that we go with the very last auction that attorney Bel stated which was for us to change our ordinance make our seats vacant in May and then appoint somebody from from May until August have a special election in August for any qualified candidates this so that is by if nobody qualifies yes you wouldn't appoint if no no qualifies yes for only six months got do it again so if nobody qualifies there will still be two vacant seats from May until August what it amounts to I look so we can get the ordinance before then I don't know how you can change it by ordinance if it's in the charter that's my whole question if it's in the charter that you do it one way how do you change it so there are a couple of I think that you all have this in front of you here this little packet of staple together papers probably not okay so then I'll just read it to you I made a motion but we're still have conversation what so I have a what ask for I don't have to ask for a second somebody wants to give a second give it addressing no she was helping me with the motion I asked her a question I didn't get an answer to my questions in the middle of the motion all right well then somebody wants to Second it they can I'm not stopping I'll call for a second is there a second to that motion second I have a motion in a second is there any further discussion now we can discuss this is the discussion yes disc question how can you change it by ordinance if it's in the charter in a different way so you have two Provisions that address this exact issue so Florida statute 101.7 5 which states in subsection three notwithstanding any provision of local law Municipal Charters which means regardless of what your local law Charter says the governing body of a municipality May by ordinance move the date of any municipal election to a date concurrent with any Statewide or countywide election and then you also have that pretty much that same would have been helpful to have this earlier oh you would not hear my argument if I had had it earlier okay well that that is the provision that allows you to do this so not see it before exactly yes all right any further discussion is the ordinance going to have when qualifying is the ordinance will lay out be decided you come back to to approve that ordinance will been qualifying for the additional special elections that will be called after that since we're saying this is I I I don't believe that it'll be changed from what's currently in it says we have currently that the supplemental qualifying period shall end at 12:00 noon on the fifth business day after the beginning of the date of the supplemental qualifying period which shall begin no less than 9ine days after the notice is published so it's already in the ordinance when each of these qualifyings will be for the special election so it'll be in there we're just amending to give us the ability to appoint if someone does not qualify so that'll be the only change I would also comment that by moving seats from one place to the other like we appear to be doing or thinking about doing it puts the next set of seats in rotation really close to that that would just be my comment because we have elections every year and by moving them six months by six months by six months it's getting it'll get it's going to get really complicated I just throw that out there all the more reason that when they do the charter review that that gets changed to either three or four year terms well the nice thing was I would say the nice thing about Willison is y'all run for seats and that's what I'm trying to get other cities in Le County to do because when you run for a seat that has two-year term it's going to be a two-year term minus the lack of the few months and then for mered SE assuming she's taking Jerry's or assume she qualifies for that se it's literally she's whoever gets that se is gonna have to run again in January right I mean you're kind of G to get back on track based off of what seat the people run for you might run for a short seat you might run for a two-year seat be that exactly so you get back do it yeah you get back to the same one because when you say in 12 months someone qualifies you're just qualifying if that's for a seat that's been vacant for whatever is left in that've done this in the past so you so you're not having to do an entire new cycle of Elections I know but what I'm saying is the ones that you're appointing are make real close to the next ones that are having to run so what if you get to the point where you're appointing everybody six months or three or four people six every six months and nobody's really got a permanent seat it's gonna get crazy I know I'm just saying I'm just saying Mr Hardison all right any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I'll oppos say nay I would say nay so I'm not in favor of doing that I want to have an election I oppose yes all right all right we're going to thank you Miss Jones We Appreciate You item 7A resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida to approve a 100% paid Grant from the State Fire Marshal's Office Florida firefighter assistance grant program for 47 $1,500 the grant is for a five scuba tanks and masks Chief SLE I'll make this uh really quick it's 47,000 free dollars of equipment do you want it or not absolutely thank you I'll entertain a motion for resol I make a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 I'll second that I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item 7B resolution 202 24-26 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida reappointing Mr Matthew beler for a threeyear term beginning February 1st 2024 and ending February 1st 2027 and reappointing Mr Richard mandoo for a three-year term beginning March 1st 2024 and ending March 1st 2027 to the Planning and Zoning commission and provid an effective date Miss Jones they've both been on the board for three years and they' like to renew it my question is why is their month different they're different seats but the seats should be the same month just a different year they're all different seats probably for the similar reasons that they were um taking vacant seats there none of them are quite adding up and the board of adjustments is not supposed to that has a totally different they don't all add up but they should be the same month I'm just going by my spreadsheet when they were elected last time so I thought I'd get them both knocked out at the same time okay I'll make a motion to approve resolution 202 24-26 second thank you have a motion in second and further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppos same sign motion carries I just ask that you check the dates you can roll your eyes at me but please check I mean just go back and check because they were all like three one time for the other they they were not Mr bfor may have been appointed separate that his term should have been the same for the board of adjustments we do it that way for for Planning and Zoning it's not exactly the same okay it used to be it was before we had a lot of question yeah because I've been on there before twice all right item number c resolution 20242 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida authorizing the salary adjustment for the city manager Miss Willis thank you so the resolution is before you um based on your agreement um on the evaluations of city manager bard I make a motion that we approve resolution 20 24-27 thank you sir do I have a second not a second I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number eight is public participation we're back to that location if you have something you'd like to say at this time this is your second opportunity anybody online Mr bills all right we'll get move to announcements and I'll start with Miss H okay Mr Bullock I heard you say you had something yeah I wanted to thank the city manager and anybody involved I think bishop and possibly Barber on fixing that road to nursing home he went by and looked at it said it was absolutely excellent that the guys did a a great job so they're extremely happy there assuming the sidewalk is good too at the um but thank y'all everybody involved I appreciate it uh the signs for the golf cart stuff thanks again y'all are hammering that out we know it's tough because y'all have got full-time jobs on top of running around and putting up signs but once again thank y'all for that yeah Mr Mayor I have okay Mr cops Miss bgan I'm just gled to be here thank you we're glad to have you Mr barard yeah no please don't just B that's right I just want to inform you all that a federal complaint was file with the United States district court regarding form six I will forward everybody this email yeah you had to pay $10,000 each to get in the in the suit I and a lot of people did $110,000 to be a claimant to pay for the attorney y That's that was one hour somewhere somewhere else not here that's two years that's two years pay here I maybe three all right anything else for the good of the cause from anybody all right I'll entertain a motion for adjournment we will adjourn second I have a motion in a second any further discussion none all in favor say I I will adjourn at 7:39 thank you for coming