##VIDEO ID:fB66EdWEOzk## all right Mr Don and just so you know in case Mr Bloom is online all right thank you sir all right good evening everybody today is Tuesday November 19th 2024 time is now 6 o' p.m. and the City of wellison city council meeting has come to order Miss wght would you please call mayor Goodman council president Cox here vice president hin here council member Jones here council member Martin here council member Ricky o here city manager Terry Bard here attorney kirst Balo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff welcome everybody at this time would do the opening prayer and pledge allegiance to the flag Mr Charles Goodman mayor that is join me if you wish Lord we're gathered again as Leaders of our little community and Lord we ask for your guidance in all that we say and do for your understanding as we struggle through these issues that seem larg L to us but I know to you are small Lord help each one of these Council people look at the facts and help them to decide what they should do it is in their hands Lord that we have placed these heavy burdens we ask all this in your name amen amen United States of America the very much okay item one addition deletions changes and approval to the agenda can we get a motion that second all right we have a first we have a second is there any discussion all right seeing none we'll move to vote all in favor say I I those oppos no all right 5 Z all right item number two pres presentation to Mayor Goodman by city manager Terry bard got it there you go I think he does be hon so you know I I was given the pleasure of uh presenting you with the original first series of the class you went through your with the Florida Le of City so I I take pleasure again in representing the Florida Le of cities tonight and presenting you with your second series uh of accomplishment for the uh emo classes that you took it was an October Al deont Springs presented to Charles Goodman mayor city of Willis congratulations sir [Applause] I would like everybody come back I would like everybody to know that I found these classes to be very helpful and I recommend them to all Council people and everybody that is elected they are the Institute of elected Municipal officials it's a good class thank you [Applause] all right item three public participation this is the first of two opportunities to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for five minutes on any topic other than what's on the agenda anyone on the ring central meeting wish to speak up unmute your mic speak up now nothing heard nothing all right item four cons an agenda none council meeting minutes from the November 6 2024 will be addressed on the December 3rd 2024 meeting can I get a motion to approve I don't think there's anything to approve Mr President you won't need a a motion on the consent agenda there's nothing on today cool beans thank you all right updates staff board Council update city manager Terry Bard thank you Mr President so just to give you a quick update on some of the places that we're at as far as our our fug lift station as you know we sent out for bid to have the fug lift station the bypass done and some work done on it uh one of the b or actually got two bids back we're going to be coming to you with one of the bids um of course one of them is quar of a million dollar the other is $500,000 but before you that sinks in too heavy um we're looking at about spending 53,000 on the Fugate lift station for the bypass valve um there could be opportunity for us to do it a little cheaper if we help in the installation of a bypass valve and then we're looking at purchasing the bypass mon that we talked about for probably about $53,000 off so so the resolve our issues as far as a bypass pum you we'll be speaking to you at the next council meeting um looking for uh resolution to move ahead with this project in addition to that we're also going to be asking for remember we discussed the the pumps that were bad in the F lift station that we got one running on manual and the other one is running on automatic but leaking a little bit there's a total of three there so that's another about $24,000 for those pump um so we're looking at investing about $130,000 in this usit lift station to make it um where we are comfortable with the way it runs we still have a lot of work to do there in addition to that we're going to come back and talk to you about uh the payment for Orlando um the utility company came out to help that about $229,000 so we'll be seeking approve for that you'll see that if you didn't know it right Pierce basically did a um assessment of our eight worst uh lift stations hit being one of them it's complete total upgrade and rebuild and we did the whole thing about 1.5 million we looking at about 3.6 million across the board for eight of them that are really bad shape course we would be seeking the srf funding so just give you an idea where we're at far the LI station goes um as you know the prognosis of that F lift station was you know we was in pretty bad shape we told you how bad off it was um after some consideration we probably do it a lot cheaper than what we originally thought and maybe it's not as bad as we thought you know we could fix it and get it running and basically we'll get us bu you know reach there's some other updates around the room I'll let them handle that but I wanted to talk to you specifically about that okay thank you sir sir staff you're up anybody's got anything yes sir Miss Willis so we have posted the city manager's position today so we are currently taking app thank you I'm sorry just one question where did you post in that book for the record it was posted on indeed Florida government jobs and FM anybody else please Chief Rose yeah M myself uh Derek Williams uh Supervisor over streets and parks we just made the change here uh har made the decision to give me the position of over roads facilities and Parks as of right now I'm dealing with the light up Williston everything seems to be going as planned I'm pretty much on schedule I know that you guys uh Council looks for a pole report I have taken care of ones that seemed major I we were kind of behind with the John Henry project getting the fents in that was kind of a had to get that done and then that fell in place of running into my light up Wills didn't so um I just want to let everybody know once I get through this with the festivals I looking after the first of the year I'm going to just go P for on these roads the easements and trying to get a repair um I did get uh asalt drag box so I can fix the rough spots in the roads I did get a mol drum I'm waiting for a dump truck so I can run this um smoothly with the asphall so uh if anybody's got any questions for me feel free go ahead Mr Mayor notoriously vandalized and the doors compromised and the bathroom I'm I'm asking this because we do have this Festival coming up and people will be in town are they currently all the doors operating in all the bathrooms all the parks that have them as of right now for um Heritage they work there we do have problems with some of the locks they have to get replaced um but they do shut you know um as far as the locking mechanism there's I don't know which one it is it's one of them that's got an issue mail email um as far as uh John Henry that one there you know as you see we just went through the whole park and um I do want to give to my crew and my guys uh Jonathan and Donald definitely came up with plans we are the ones that executed and made it happen so I I really would like to give my crew a round of applause because we were really under the gun trying to get this set up for the city know for this a nice part the bathrooms were painted we fixed the toilets the doors are in dire need of replacement at John Henry um they're rather costly so trying to find a u what do you want to call it not you know I don't want to spend so much money on them you know I mean I don't want to buy a cheap door but I don't want to buy a $15,000 door piece either so we are looking into them as far as uh erson that one is over here where the cannon is that is really bad shape that's another one that needs to get addressed needs to be worked on and of course we know with Cornelius Williams there's been an ongoing Grant with it whether or not they're going to move ahead with it I don't know the dates exactly um you know we will keep them maintained but once Cornelius goes under destruction you know whatever that's going to be there'll be new bathrooms out there so I mean as far as right now uh John Henry toilets there's water the sinks they work same thing at Heritage um same thing up Cor is erson again that one's bad you know it's been neglected for a long time so I you know I I did inherit a lot of this you know and I do want everybody to know that I have full intentions of correcting this is just it's it's a massive job very massive job and um know I'm limited on guys that I have with my crew you know and uh I'm G do the best I can with who I got what I got uh try to give the public what they are asking thank you sir so just as a clarification the back the only part that doesn't really need any fixing is John as of right now we do got to you know we got to do something about the doors but they do latch they do shut um they're just they're old you know they're as old as the park is or whenever baths were put in I don't know what year that was okay so 01 so you know yeah 24 years old so but everybody else oh yeah I mean you know they they are they're operational but you know as far as an update a painting maybe replacing toilet Cuts in the toilet but erson that one there I I don't even I don't think thees work for the sinks you know that one that's another one that's going to be know hopefully here in the near future that we can get on clean up whatever we got to do so do we have a lot of people who visit it uh so so you know I mean some there's there's kids that go there and play basketball I mean you don't see like a you don't see as many people in erson as you do in John Henry so I think John Henry and Cornelius are probably most us Parks we have you know thank you O'Neal I mean that's that's a nature trail park there's no bad out there um so there are I have a question uh and I brought it up four or five times in a couple different meetings you've not been here you're just new to the position but I want to put this on your radar um I have asked multiple times about a volleyball net in John Henry Park yes ma'am so there's not one the uh orid took the old one down um that's gone now the volleyball net has came in it came in I think I got it Monday or Tuesday with the hardware stuff and uh I I I would have put it up sooner I just right now with these the lights and and I know everybody wants to volleyball that but I'm not I'm just glad it's here I I kept being told it was ordered it was watered it was watered and I knew I could have bought one six times by the time that every every week yeah so I I I received at the beginning of the week and uh first chance I get you know I'll put it up for you and I know you changed the post too so I know that may be a little bit different to put it up than it was previously it's all the same Hardware just got to attach it yeah I mean it's not there you don't have to yeah no I got all the hardware and everything for perfect yep thank you I brought up once um while back when Gainesville when people use their Parks they their bathrooms have PIN codes because they stay locked most of the time why because people going in veliz but when people use the park they have access by pin pad to use the restrooms and then it then they change it back is that something that we can look at doing to help maybe prevent some damage we could try a p pad because when you rent it through the parks department they're R the park for Park I know but there are hundreds of people that come to John Henry that are just there I me they come for the playground they don't need to have a pin code or a rental agreement throwing an idea out there oh I'm just asking to help me understand how they would have a pin code to get in the resturant they do use it they have children yes here but I'm talking about as far as in game I'm not okay I'm not talking about so if that was an option then maybe you could post post the code next to the bathroom and then at night when time that nobody's supposed to use Park p a different code possibly use that just locks nobody has no that's definitely an option we can look into I'll go and investigate it for you you know just to see um you know the I think the PIN code thing is a really good idea uh Mike but I think it's geared more towards events than it is public because you know it's going to be real tough like every day you know like said you know with all the people coming in you I mean it's like how now now you're changing it daily or if you have an issue now what in the middle of the day yes sir we we have the ability to put locks on there that would also have time lock availab like we have here during opening hours the park the bathroom could be unlocked and then after hours it would just automatically lock don't we already lock and unlock the bathrooms at John Henry I uh yeah yeah I mean I see people there they lock they lock it every night and they and they unlock it every morning okay but we're also talking about how many times do you think you have to replace fixtures in a bathroom that could be a matter of 30 minutes or 30 days all depending on who goes in there I mean there's time we did John Henry par and we went out there and got some uh vulgar language on the pickle ball court we had to go out fix in less than a month you know so you know I mean you know that's just one thing and we've had them you know we go in fix the bathrooms we go back the next day you know and it be in the middle of the day we come back you know they get unlocked in the morning by lunchtime there's a toilet broken from the floor a faucet broke you know so I mean it's it happens you know it's right in my opinion if you're going to lock a bathroom you might as well not have a bathroom because people need it they need it and if they don't have the pen code they still need it well true we played played softball in games with Parks you didn't have access to the bathrooms when we were out there practicing I know that I want people to have access B especially on Children's Park well you know again you know I can look into the pin pad code and uh also have Aaron looking into a time you know lock also just trying to prevent spending a lot of money on stuff that we're having to replace time and time again so it sounds like it doesn't matter what time of day it is if they're open in the morning and it's getting vandalized throughout day um so but it's an idea yeah Mr the ultimate problem is even if you lock it with locks or pin pads they're still going to destroy the locks and break in and do what they want to do anyway so you're not really solving anything by locking the door they're still going to break it then they're going to break the $800 door lock they destroy the the door they'll just beat it off with a hammer or brick or rock or again you're better off to just leave it open and have to fix the damage or maybe look at putting hardened U see what stainless prison type facilities that they just can't tear up or have a harder time tearing up there's youring Mr May that may be your problem you we we did look into you know that's stainless with you know a sink and everything filt in it too also we did look into something like that're they're rather expensive that was before I was here you know in this position I think there were like $8,000 a unit you know so just s attached to it know s setting it does have a toilet seat so it's not totally what it me rather expensive indestructible yeah but costly thank you sir Council I have something president Cox yes sir just touch back on what he talked about the stainless steel toilets are expensive they're about three grand uh that's why I didn't replace the one in the police department um so we locked the doors at night I like the idea of putting a time lock on it but the only problem is somebody had to close it in in order for it to lock which is us so uh we're talking about saving money if we got to go close it anyway we might as well just lock it and not spend the8 900,000 on door locks and we got to lock it anyway so that's just my opinion on that second thing I want to talk about is once again I wanted to give a shout out to the Women's Club uh for removing all of the narcotics out of the old hospital uh just the other night we had approximately five people uh that were caught coming out of the hospital uh and I'm thankful that Women's Club removed those narcotics out of there because those kids could have got hold of it and we could have a worse situation so uh I just wanted to give an update on that and thank the Women's Club again for doing that and I reached out to the attorney to let him know about it but he hadn't called me back yet so um but we did trespass those five children of people from not that facility so that's my update thank you thank you sir okay anybody else okay it's my turn um I just wanted to let you know that on our next agenda uh we're hoping to have the um pension issue with about the comp time for us to consider uh there is an ordinance I have not seen it yet myself but I understand that it exists regarding that I have not seen nor heard but I will find out by I asked if you wrote it and I was told somebody else wrote it I said well I haven't seen it but I was told that it was available for us I will ensure that I see it before it gets on your agenda thank you is it just on top time or is it 30 year is it 30 year out out okay nobody else in Council Mr Mayor I know that this is a complicated thing so I'm back with you uh just an idea yeah I have and I'm going to have it posted on my door a thing to try to help encourage volunteerism in the cities and there's actually a big movement about this getting Volunteers in the city so what I'm wondering is by my understanding chep and feel free to correct me damage to these things is a matter of cycles and if you break the cycle you should be able to put a stop to those that are doing so if for an in for instance if we had volunteers standing at each Park seeing if if any damage is being done for one month at that time people would say well we can't do that anymore because they're stopping us and it's it's just an idea for everybody's consideration I know people are expensive obviously it's expensive to replace all this equipment uh and I'm not suggesting this is a cure all but it sure would be nice if we we have volunteers for the city just monitoring the parks for damage for a while a month and I I believe that that would break the cycle because these people clearly according to what I've heard here sitting here they're on a routine basis now they can fix them one day and they're tore up again the next that means there's routines here and if we could break that routine I think we could put a a quick stop to a lot of that thank you thank you sir nothing else sir all right item six new business a discussion with possible action regarding City businesses Dan pink said please state your name and where you're from sir hey guys my name D from I'm in the process of going through trying to put a business outside the county a shed lot business and I go through the process and I see a stack of what I need to do to meet those criteria wait I want just like that lot here in Town's got they smile it's not going to happen so during this process I have found out there is grossly uh codes not being met here and I just want to make you aware because number one other businesses can point finger back at you and say I'm not going to be the code people not be the code there's a lot of stuff in here uh that I found talking about shed Masters here in Willis uh the office they have does not meet the uh codes U doesn't have an engineer stamp uh this is actually an outside utility shed being used as an office will not meet theability code number two office does not have a restroom with an employee in there for eight hours a day which is a OSHA violation uh the general public only have a bathroom that come as customers there to have a restroom um office is not ADA Compliant Ada's been in effect since 1990 uh there's no handicap restro no hand ramps leading up into the office and these are all the stuff I have to do and I've been working on this since January we ain't got ground for the yet this is what the count is requiring I would think the city would be a lot more stringent um so of you know Ada has been in effect since 1990 another thing I found out no Water Management District permit pulled I had to P retention what are we going to do for water overflow number five no driveway or apron coming off City Road just a dirt parking lot number six no handicap or Ada parking number seven no parking place in general for not the non-ada just no parking spaces period number eight I can't there's no 911 address for this place I mean when I say they you don't take offense but how did this happen this business was put in effect in 2017 and this was a grossly grossly notm Co basically what we got here is summary just an outside utility shed that the city put electricity to is what happened here uh all of my businesses had to meet codes Within in the city and I expect shed Masters to do the same thing too and let's make this a level of PL building for everybody that come to this town let's don't cut breaks for this one let him get by I've had to meet the codes and I expect everybody else to it cost money to get bu this it's going to cost me $150,000 above the land cost just for a freaking lot and I expect everybody else to walk through anybody got any questions because one thing I do fear is here's one thing if an ADA patient gets out there and gets hurt and that Morgan and Morgan sees oh my gosh there's another Ada here and all that they go scrambling and look at and that company says the city gave us the permit they let us do it lawsuit might be on y'all that's when I say y'all I say they I'm just got to reference the city who was the original owner of the shed place the original owner my dad had the business exactly okay he had an office next door that was his office he never owned it but then the new owners bought the property and said we want to put an office here now do we have to meet Cod when we put this office here I think it was already there Mr pres no there are a couple of things on this list that the city does not have jurisdiction over um OSHA is the first one that comes to mind we have absolutely no jurisdiction to require OSHA compliance in in the business um that's that's for OSHA um now let me ask you but I will ask you real quickly does it is it let her finish uh in addition to that there are uh vastly different is I believe this council is aware requirements for county code versus city code so I what I can tell you is just because something doesn't meet county code doesn't mean that it doesn't meet city code and vice versa um just because the county has additional restrictions doesn't mean that the county is more insulated around liability um for slip and Falls or or things like that ADA compliance I can tell you that we will look into what we do have jurisdiction over um here and we will enforce what we do have jurisdiction over and I'll work with Don in order to get that done but I can tell you that it won't be every item on this list do not have that jurisdiction can I say one thing I guarantee you if you'll look at in the code book Ada will be there yeah there there are several items on the list may have jur is not a city or a county thing Mr Mayor I believe that when lar subdivision wanted to use one of their houses as an office they were denied until they made it comply with the codes for an office that's in the city we did it our utility department was part of it but I don't know I don't try to run the business but I do know they had to do a number of things to make it comply with Ada code and to make it into an office on a temporary basis we were clearly going to sell that house afterward so I don't know I don't quite understand how anybody can suggest that the building codes are not a we have a building department we have a codes enforcement officer I don't quite understand how it cannot be the city's responsibility to enforce building code when they are doing it at lenar for sure they did and a number of other places that I know of but it just seems to me unfair to suggest that we don't have to enfor enforce these things we do as long as we have a building department it's not a County's building department it's our building department then we have to enforce the code no one else will otherwise it's a wild west out there and anybody can build anything that you well it's just just like with um The Ivy house because of the incident the fire and stuff like that now they have to bring that building up to Cod the only thing I asked let's go back to 2017 and visit that code that they were issued and permitted for Mr pres who was issued who was issued a permit shed Masters okay I think that business was there before shed Masters bought it though let's review it let's review it I I okay I know I've been here a long time just like you have and it's it was a building it was a business just like it is now right before they bought it right all they did was take it over they bought it they took it over and where was that office at I think they were doing business out of the same shed they're doing it now because I've been there multiple times no deah that was my dad's business he I realiz that that was his Min storage Opp storage St well they were also using the one at the shed because I've I've bought multiple things from them I know the history there I watch um Mr pingston we appreciate you bringing this to light to our to um us so that we can review it as our lawyer has said she and the um Dawn will get together they will review it they will look at what we can count what we can have okay app okay and doesn't it need to go to code enforcement instead of us if it if it is a Code Enforcement issue it will go through the code enforcement process I brought it to code enforcement and they said you need to come to the city council address the city council really microphone microphone I mean that was my first thought is why is it here why is it not the reason the reason that she told him to come to the board is because basically they had a conversation and the conversation was that if we enforce what he want we would sh down down and it' be a lot of places here in Wilson that we would have to shut down she basically told him that normally what we do we kind of wait when they do something like what he was saying about next door we make them bringing up the code then so she advised him to come to the board and discuss it now so it if I can just clarify it hasn't actually been she is not me just to clarify all of that so it hasn't actually been the Cod met with Laura I'm sorry I met with Laura but it hasn't been the code enforcement okay no but he came called me I went to his office talked with him he brought it up and then he came to see Laura and we talked about it yeah and he said like she was saying we just have to shut him down like you want to shut them out but he she explained to him but in the proper process wouldn't it be to go to code enforcement and let code enforcement give him give them notice I mean there there are procedures and give them a certain time period to make those things cuz I haven't I hav an I have I need to see the building inspector with some of this also as I told the Christian you know I have some of the permits going before but I there still some further investigation that needs to be done questions but just just to let you know because everybody else was speaking I do know of a couple of businesses that were old buildings and that they're working towards opening they had to bring those buildings up to coat before they could open I do know what I'm saying is when this building came in it met no codes no codes Ada driveway apron where's that at and that was a different group of people we are a different group now I would think once you're aware of the problems you might want to address them I don't I'm not sure well you've been told that we will address them yes sir I will give you prime example Subway on the hill it's not 8 compliance I've seen the plans that building when it gets done will be brought up to code and a lot of different Which business are you ging about the subway the Subway has been there for years so whatever code so has the shed Master 2017 so what was your code in 2017 I've come through it come through that code book Builder's code Mr sorry M that is what we are addressing we are going through that's what he was saying we need to speak to the building official right we are speaking with the building official to get what the code should have been or what it is now but we can't just do it he he brought this to his Friday op two weeks ago and we're we've been working on it so we're working on it with the with the building official to get the information so that we can get it addressed so code enforcement and permitting is both working together to see if we can resolve this Mr President just to summarize we we will look into and see we do not have sufficient information to say it did or did not meet code it does or does not meet code that is what we are working on that is what we will get the answer to and when we get that answer it will go through the proper channels I guarantee it thank you ma'am got full confid all right B resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving the name change of the Willison municipal airport to Willison Regional Airport authoriz authorization appropriate authoriz appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such a name change on behalf of the city of Willison directing staff to pursue updates to all all areas impacted by such change and providing an effective date City attorney Christ I'll hand this to Fenton if he'd like sure uh as most of the council knows um we recently opened a new facility and it's labeled Wilston Regional Airport um we became a regional airport in the eyes of fdot in 2020 and U waited for the appropriate time to actually you know make everything right um before this decision was made about the building we spoke with FAA and they said that you have to kind of do it on the front side and then we go back and fix all of the manuals um so what this is the first step of mini to um fix a whole bunch of Publications on the FAA side and that's pretty much it it's just a little bit of house cleaning okay so this isn't signed it yet or anything like that uh no sir I mean the the sign on the building says Williston Regional Airport we are Williston Regional Airport but as far as um Aviation maps are concerned as far as Aviation data on fa websites um and other websites we are still referred to as willston Municipal until we go through the proper channels and make the paperwork official through the feds okay and this this is the first step towards that and we addressed I know I brought it up in the past about putting a tenant sign out by 121 in the road leading to the airport we've talked about it with a few of the tenants um and a couple of them are interested and a couple of them aren't and it it kind of just comes down to funding um we have we've had some big projects come up that um you know we weren't necessarily expecting one of those was a roof on a building um actually two roofs on two buildings and that kind of ate up some of that money um I I think in the next two to three years we should be able to look at that again given that we're still having decent years but I don't I don't necessarily want to deplete airport reserves for a pretty new sign if that makes sense okay else will this uh renaming have any cost City or is it title I'm sure there's going to be some clerical expense with Kirsten um and you know our my my staff's time but outside of that no I don't think there will be really any huge FIS so it would be airport funds or city funds it would be airport funds move approval of resolution ution 20241 27 just to you should any other discussions seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I those oppos pass for to zero 5 Z resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving the memorandum an understanding between the city of Willison and performance Service Inc authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such an agreement on behalf of the city of wellison and provide an effective date miss all right Mr President this is going to be a a joint collaborative effort between your staff city manager and myself to present this this item to you the overarching idea of this memorandum is that this is the first step so if give a little bit of background rewind a little you put it on RFQ a request for qualifications for your internet for someone to build you an internet structure and grid the first step of that is what is called an investment grade audit basic in basic terms and I'm sure Hector will tell me if I'm butchering this um um is to tell you what you have and what you'll need in order to implement your plan um which is a a gross underestimation of how complicated this is um but in in 10,000 feet terms this memorandum of understanding is the first step in order to start implementing that so this is a very large project multi-million dollar project as has been um presented to you all before this is the first piece of this project um is the investment grade audit and so I think I think Terry's going to talk to you a little bit about it I believe your staff will talk to you a little bit about it I'm sure Hector will want to talk to you but I'm here to answer any of uh the legal questions that you have Mr today I sawle but it said that Newberry was trying to undo the interlocal agreement you have any idea why that is occurring they actually brought it before the ccil they' no longer wish to use the interlocal agreement and I'm wondering if this is all part of the same thing that you're talking about I am not so our firm represents Newberry I'm not positive what uh interlocal Agreements are being discussed I'm happy to but this is not affiliated with anything regarding new bearing at all there's no interal agreement associated with Main Street I will look at it absolutely I would be more had the lead off a little bit so probably um Hector maybe you could join us at the mik because I have a couple questions so maybe help me out with this a little bit so when we when I got the the actual and at the price of it the 256,000 dollar kind of surprised me all and maybe because I really kind of maybe misunderstood exactly what we were doing you know I was thinking more in the concept of you know the Ami which the original performance grade audit or professional grade audit was more than the $75,000 range and then we negotiated down to potentially verbally 50 and maybe 40 you know when I saw this it was a considerable amount of money um I do have some questions on and and maybe you can fill me in because I'm just not familiar with lar what it does and and how important is the lar studies $172,900 important to the professional grade audit in the sense of ensuring that basically we will meet our targeted take for what coverage in the flate statute you know we're looking at getting our return maybe you help with that I really don't know other than researching I'm fortunately to say Google you know I really don't know understand what it gives you well let me let me start with U your lit Community study research that was done came back to you with a lot of options what you can do middle Mile and The Last Mile which is what we're talking about here that that design last engineering so the project is a m middle and last mile for fiber in your lit Community study there were several options or scenarios the low end was to do the we're talking engineering that that investment grate audit is really the engineering portion what we're talking about and in that community research that was done the lowend was was $316,000 for the engineering the high end was 356,000 so when I presented that number in fact it presented 285 that maybe that do Terry that ass I cut that down even more so we're in at 250 256,000 it's about $100,000 less than what that L community's engineering study recommended or or estimated the price to be and that range was the low one for the first middle mile 316 so just wanted to give you that range because we have you know really worked hard to get that down to a Lo we can get it but that there's just so much engineering involved when looking at installing fiber far more than just the the Ami the water meters that's why it's you know the water meter project the engineering on that would have been far less than what this is going to require now I can't talk to you specifically about what lar is going to do and how it's going to do it but I did break down in thatou exactly what those cost what those costs are being allocated if you need you needed that I could have brought to address that but we tried to provide that information by breaking it down in that itemized cost structure that we have thatou I hope that answers the question well it kind of helps me out a little bit but I think maybe the question is and maybe it can't be done and and I'm okay if it can't be done um but can this actually this investment rate audit can it be done without utilizing the no so it's got to be done everything that's in there again I we uh really went back and cut out anything and everything we could we're talking $100,000 Less in engineering to do what was essential to get through the engineering phase so so I'll just I'll carry on just for a couple more questions and then I'll turn it back over to the president um so the other the other question I have is and and only because I just don't know but are there any other cities in which the Performance Services have done this site of internet based process program you know like Ami but not Ami but I mean where y all done internet is there anybody that we can what I'm really asking anybody I reach out to and say hey y'all done this for them you know basically how did it work out what went right what went wrong um just like we could for AMI you know are we and it's okay that we are the first one I don't have a problem with that being first not intimidates me but are we the first that that your compan doing for internet based well if you're talking about our company yeah Performance Services or yourself personally I I you know I know you have a history um yeah and just for clarity you know we have been around 25 years we done .2 billion in projects under 750 over 750 projects we've been around and we have done many projects um and so we put together the team if you ask me have I done that PSI done that uh we have done some internet but not in the way that we're doing it here so we brought in the team that has a lot of experience and a lot of experience in Florida so if you want me to and it's all listed in the RP response all different want to say some of the counties here in Florida got to go back and look at it look at that list but the extensive list of what we've done in Florida our team has done in Florida so you're not lacking we're not lacking an experience Mr Mills if if I'll just try to um elaborate how I understand the lar process works is it's more or less like a Google car that drives around and Maps the streets that's what the lar does it Maps the entire town and it measures every light pole position every house position how far it is from what curb to what pole that Pole to that house so they gather all that that GIS and and geospatial and GPS data so that that's how they map out everything it's basically required to have that engineering yeah and that's a very good what you just what Aaron just mentioned is understanding every distance po to pole po to house all that that's going to have to be designed or constructed has to be understood give us a second there something going onall I don't know it sound good oh my goodness I'm sorry good news that's like good news I thought she was so so I think my maybe follow on question to that is I actually have have two more is um you know the the the process of doing this professional grade audit how much time do you think it's going to take from start to finish um for y'all to do this and what I'm trying to do is kind of have an understanding of this $256,000 that we're spending you know are we talking this going be done in one week two weeks a month two months two months we're talking two months okay that's a little so we'll be coming back to you we expect to be able to come back to you in January with everything full design and the plan the contract and just for clarity this is just the engineering is Citywide how it construction is phased in still yet to be determined we taking a look at how to how to spend limited dollars rather than just do it all how do we and maybe that's just going be the best way to do it I mean certainly the economy the SC would suggest going to be far more cost effective that way but maybe there's going to be certain geographies that we wanted that are going to be suggested here's what we're going to be working with your staff because if this geography is going to generate the greatest Revenue let's get let's capture that first and as we're as city is generating that Revenue then we can take a look at other portions but we're trying to be very ous judicious and how we approach this but the engineering is engineering you got to figure that part of it out first right and that's Citywide so with theou I know that if we do the engineering agree to theou and we we do all the work and basically the city decides that we're not it's not something for us right um then of course we have to pay the $256,000 I think the one question I had was is the time frame in which we have to pay that $256,000 and we talking 10 payments 15 payments 20 payments because I know that we wanted to be able to have the opportunity to extend that out because these payments after talking to Stephen and Stephen's on the line and I'm just thinking outside that we don't do this you know that these payments are going to have to come out the rtil utility funds that we generate from payments from citizens every month so it's not like we can dip into Reserve pull out a quarter million dollars and hand it to uh the company for and then of course we get the data and I get all that stuff and we have it um but um and maybe the staff didn't convey to you but I think I asked them for what is the longest we can go to pay this6 that makes it a little more pable if we don't do this project and I think uh yeah ordinarily it's 60 days but I think uh when you requested that we put in 12 month cycle I think that's in theou correctly believe it's 10 month now with the first payment right with the first payment occurring within 90 days but it can be extended and and then I have one question only because I a little more clarification on this not that much about the but after we do this and after we do the engineering and after we we still have to settle on a take rate right um based on correct me if I'm wrong in the take rate is how many people are going to take Wills than F right correct and your yeah your staff's already working on developing that customer capture R that'll be what we use that cash flow scenario cash flow well what if we disagree on the take it's going to be your take rate that we're going to we're going to we're going to use I'm not going to come up with these are your customers whatever number you want to use you feel comfortable using that that's to use well currently they're using 1100 which I'm not comfortable uh um we don't have a take rate yes what you what you may have is some cash was cash flow example but we haven't generated a cash flow again we haven't even we haven't even figured out we doing Citywide are we doing a geography and all that's going to impact payment terms so I'm kind of looking over the bot of the ship of what this would look like when we come back after we've done this and did I get that number wrong okay um so you know I don't know that the take rate will be that high and then I think my question is let's say we go with the take rate of 1100 out of 1,700 that's I'm not real smart on that that's well it's probably about 60% um give or take some of more weome correct me and then I think my question is if we go with that 60% and this is something I've just thought about if we go at that 60% take rate you agree to it we agree to it and then basically we sign a contract for this we borrow the money we put all the stuff in play we get the system up and running and then it's over how long that you have to guarantee the net return well the cash flows would be uh 10 years 10 years the statute goes to 20 years but I think we're going to be at a 10 year 10 year financial payment term payment term could go to 15 but I think 10 years is all we're going to need so let me ask you a question if we if we if we figure on 60% uh is the take rate and by some chance the city of gison does a poor job of managing this and we drop down to a 40% take rate how does that affect our contract with you on what's required to be paid if we don't need our financi I want to clarify you talked you're mentioning 1100 I I don't know where that number is coming from our first our first year is going to be I think we were using 400 or 300 that was the number that I heard yeah at some point you probably will get to 1100 but we have we haven't determined when that when that number is going to be hit that's not the number we're using year one and year or year two some point you will hopefully get to that number I like a a lower number that that I'm glad that you and I heard the same number 400 yeah I think in again I just in that um graph cash flow I think the first number was Doc you gave us yeah I think it was 400 yeah it's much lower than what you're what you're describing but just for clarity and this is important um I'm not capturing customers you are your staff is they're already doing it they're already they've already got as I understand a commitment for them so those are the those commitments and those rejections that you know your department is is going to achieve are the numbers we're going to put in there so I'm not going to come up with that number it'll be working with you your staff and what that number should be and that's going to and that's going to play into two things certainly the cash flows and the revenues is going to generate year-over-year but also if that number is low and it's in a specific area then we're not going to build it out Citywide we're going to look to build it in specific area so that the cash flows make sense in that scenario I think I use 4 and a half million I forget what what it was started at 400 then it was 600 but again that's just a scenario um there's so many ways that this that this can play out what it's going to cost how much y we're going to take in right now we're looking at the design and for the next two months it's going to be a lot of discussions about how do we make this thing cash flow how do we make it positive for for the city let me add let me add one of thing I think you all know me well enough when I say this is you know we're new to our company is new to Florida we've been around for a long time we've done a lot of projects but we're new to Florida and you know taking care of Williston the smartest thing that we can do is to have Williston sting our ra at the end of this not to make a whole bunch of money that's the worst thing we can possibly do the best thing is how do we make will city will the council memb manager happy and pleased with our project so we're working from in all different directions right now even at cut cutting our engineering cost to make this thing make sense Financial Technical and financial sense of the city that's going to be our objective for the next next few months how do how do we put this pieces together so that it works it's not a you right now right now it's not to do everything all at once at the four and a half million whatever the final cost is going to be again that was just a scenario yeah no I mean I'm I'm pleased with the project it's obviously something that I want to do is set to bring high speed internet to City of Wilson I think it is something that the citizens are deserving without a doubt I do believe that it divides us the people who have high speed internet do not who has have not who could go to doctor visits on Tel Med who can't I mean it's it's it's a wonderful thing to bring here um I'm just trying to look further down the road more strategically what it will look like if if we don't do the project we do all this work we don't do the project we have to pay the money you know and I get that part but it also it when I look at it and I'm just going to say this that when if we agree to do this we are committed 100% % there's the cost of doing the the audit is such that it will unless something drastically changes will force us into doing this project right this is a lot of money um you know that's why I was curious about how would we pay it back and stens online he can answer any questions the council they have of where that Fundy would come from would it be something we could do without any issues or would it strap you know the the agency would it be good for the city later on down the road nobody really knows I mean um you know my concerns has always been the changing technology U you know we don't it is I don't want to say a wild wild west but it is what people are going to phrase a very noisy environment to be in there's a lot of people out there competing there's nothing we could do to really stop them from coming in where you know we don't have Monopoly on anything but you live in the city of Willison you have to get our trash you have to get our electricity you have to get our gas you have to get our water you have to get our waste water the only other option is not live here and I know we can price it I get that part to a point where we be very competitive and we don't have to make money the first five years right we can price ourselves to the point where we will just make enough to pay the bills and be competitive enough where people will switch from their Market to our Market um as we move forward um I just want to plant a few seats there I want to have this discussion you know the take rate was something that you and I are on the same sheet of music U I really didn't like the 1100 I I really was kind of curious to double back on the and I'm sorry to ask you so many tough questions no this is perfect but I think it's the questions that they want to hear too but you know if if we decide on that 40% take rate or 43% take rate and for some reason five years into the project the city is backed down to a 23% customer base what does that mean to the contract with that we later on sign in the sense of what do you owe the city if we're not making that we don't make our money um yeah our and just again this is Clarity first of all you you're touching on a lot of things talked about how much of a project we're going to build engineering is engine in we already already shaped as much as we can on that that's that's the engineering cost um but is it a you do we build out 25% 50% all those things that the factor because your customer capture rate or the numbers that you know that your your staff is able to generate another variable and even your pricing is going to be a variable you can set it at you know what you have it now two years from now a year from now you can increase it a dollar $5 $10 and still be below Market and believe it or not $10 makes a huge difference on the revenue to generate for the city um to again to get to that break even so all of those things are got factors we have to work on but the customer capture rate again that's that's going to be your number I I can't guarantee that number I can guarantee the performance of the system I can tell you that it's going to be capable of doing you know whatever number of customers you have in your city but how many customers you capture I can't guarantee that that's going to be a number that you be working with your staff to identify and put it in the C so and I know we've talked about once we set that capture rate that is the number that you have to guarantee no again I'm not guaranteeing that capture rate that's when it comes to meters you got to you know you got I'm just using a round number but a th meters ground and I increase accuracy that's a finite number that I can tell you I'm going to increase Revenue by x amount but I don't have you don't have a thousand customer that we're using as the base for that Revenue Stream So that customer capture is going to be something that we have to work with your staff to identify and we have to agree what that's going to be it's not a guaranteed number that I'm going to have in contract I want to be very clear about so that's why when we look at that number and we come up with whatever that capture rate is that that you're comfortable with that everyone's comfortable with then we got to say okay well that's going to generate this much revenue so let's focus the implementation maybe 25% % of the city until those revenues start to really start to grow the capure rate grow from that so I just want to be clear that it's a puzzle we're putting together um and so that customer capture rate and make show you know it may be that doing the entire city makes the most sense doing have but I think at some I think doing maybe and I'm just going to throw around again half the city or 25% or 40% of the city initially is probably going to be the scenario that's going to probably flush out at the end of this that makes it financially attractive and technically sound but that's just my my guess over the next two months what I think is going to come out of this here is going to be to make sure that this makes good Financial sense and that doesn't mean that it's going to be doing everything at once to be clear on that I don't I don't know what it's going to look like um I at the end of this you want to be Citywide but how do you do that incrementally to make sure that it's comfortable Financial pay I mean I always Envision it to be Citywide in order to capture everybody here I think maybe what I'm struggling with now is it's not there's no guaranteed income coming in based on like the Ami system um H how do we guarantee that income going to be I guess it's more of you know how how do we like like the Ami system I guess you know we if you say well look you're going to make you know $20,000 a month on this the payment is $1,000 a month and according to the fla State Statute if we go back and we make $111,000 a month we haven't gained or lost anything so there's no need for your company to step back in make the difference if if we guaranteed $111,000 a month we make 10,000 under the Florida statue and you agree to it you have to come back in and pay us $1,000 so is this not the exact same thing it's not the exact same thing you don't have a thousand customers out there or thousand meters th meters is the Baseline right now we're trying to grow your customer Bas so that number is going to be a variable it's going to have to be worked into the cash flow so that's why it's the intent is doing this Citywide end of the day it's Citywide and that's what the engineering is for I'm saying to you is so in this instance what do you guarantee just the performance of the system that it's going to perform performance of the system okay that it can provide the engineering proportion is going to be to for all 1,700 customers whatever the number is right so Citywide for the engineering what's implemented we can do the full imple implementation what I'm saying is that if the cash flows are such that it makes sense to do the full full full implementation up front wonderful Citywide you can install everything Citywide in six months and you're off running but what I'm saying also is that we have to be we have to play that game of what what what if on the cash what if you have 30% capture rate you have 50% or 70% what does that do to your cash flow you're going to need to be comfortable with what that cash flow looks like uh so that we're only building out to that initial then when You' got that customer base starts to grow then you can add to that I would love to do Citywide and I hope that's the way it works out but I'm just what I'm saying is that we this is the puzzle we're going to be put together as we move to the next two months okay Mr R pleas and and maybe I missed this part um but like city manager was asking the question about I believe it was $256,000 is that right yeah there yes okay so I guess my question is kind of the piggyback on his is we paid a $256,000 now for the engineering no no okay we pay it over 10 years okay but we sign a contract much should I say we signed a contract for the $256,000 but have we done a customer account to know even how much how many people we've got that will even partake in this program before we move to that step because otherwise in my opinion just my opinion uh we can sign that contract for the $256,000 and we get 30 people that say they want it now the city's struggling to pay the bill so that's my that's that's my question my concern Mr SAR okay just to clarify that we're he's not asking for us to pay anything this is a agreement that says if you get past this engineering and you decide to back out then you have to pay the cost of doing the engineering right now with no advertising no door door knocking nothing we've got 15% of the customer base already signed up pre-registered right now if I could give it to them today they would take it we're already at 15% that have said they would take it today if it was available that is literally without any advertising or any campaigns whatsoever and what do you think it would have been if we'd have gone door to door back when the open infro was and well if you count the open in for contracts they last we heard they said they had 358 customers in and signed up with them if we offer them some sort of buyout program where we can get them out of their contract if they sign a contract with us there's another 350 give or take let's say we get 80% of those 75% of those call it 250 we're almost at 400 people if you count that amount um we're currently negotiating with the uh RV park but that may have changed from what we talked to them last um they want last week talk to them they wanted to be out of the internet business that's and they're offseason 200 customers that we didn't even include in our metrics um in this peak season there's 4 450 um that may have changed may have decided maybe they want to just purchase wholesale and distribute it themselves so we don't know yet how that's going to go but I can tell you from being here and doing people's internet around this town for 30 Years everybody here that has Century Link DSL will switch to whatever we can give them which is literally everyone the business customers that I know that already on fiber from centry link or Lumen will switch because they're paying anywhere from $650 to $1,200 a month for their internet well sure they would because cink's going to go away and be replaced by this so I have a question for you lay it on me so with knowing what it is that we want to do why have we not done anything adver find out because we don't have a contract to guarantee what am I going to go out and sell something like open infro and promise people something that I can't deliver yet no I'm not willing to do that I want to wait till I have a guarantee that we are doing this I want to wait till we have a agreement where we can offer these in open and for customers a buy out that's something we'd have to bring back to the council for approval how but I think it would probably would have been good idea we we've already done that through through the two different studies the two different studies we've done I'm saying is what have we done we've already done that through the lit Community study and all that was already been done they put their campaigns out they put all the studies out they they've done all that they've already shown that it is a viable business to do this that's what their sole recommendation was that we proceed with lit communities with the cons customers with with our customers within the city we didn't do door-to-door campaigns but they did uh social media and website and whatever they did with their study they they did the study that said this is a viable solution and it was a very and I'm saying to you as a council member and a citizen I have not seen anything nothing has come to me that I've seen because we haven't been able to do that yet until we get something officially offered other than we have put out on social media and Facebook the pre-registered up on the thing here we've got Flyers at the front counter we' put stuff in the utility bills you know made these postings out that people have pre-registered we did a thing at The Peanut Festival and you know handed out these things so you little flyers and stuff like that so we've done a little bit that's how we've gotten these names but until we get something in a guarantee that we are going to do this and you guys are committed 100% we can't go out and solicit for them to actually sign a contract or if I have an offer approval process where I can say offer these open in for people and out so they don't have to pay $500 to get out of their contract if they sign a contract with us for instance we would pay their 500 for them as long as they sign a contract for us for X number of months or whatever so we basically be loaning them the money to get out of their contract which is something that's done industrywide and cable and internet services all over but that's something that we would have to bring back to you guys for approval to be able to do that so I don't want to go knock on doors without having that in hand so if I knock on an opening for customers door and he says oh well I already signed this contract you know then I have something to actually offer them as opposed to saying oh sorry about your luck walk awayes that make sense and let me add that that research study it looked at different scenarios bringing in a third party to do bring Internet to the city the things that actually were occurring here with the different companies that were approaching you what that studies found what it recommended is that it said the best scenario for the city of Willison is for you to do exactly what we're talking about tonight best scenario was for you to own and operate your own middle and last mile provide service your customers you found that was the most financially lucrative option for the city and the other reason we're here is because all those other people were in here you know knocking out your door saying we want to provide B to the city because they've already done the their due diligence they have found that this is a great place to do and make money and so you know you have opted to pursue going this Direction doing it yourself I still maintain that this is the best final op I feel like once they see us start building it that they will all be on board I mean they'll be coming as fast as they can come once they see it actually coming to fr then just last the last piece whatever the cost of this is whether it's 25% or all the entire city and again I it's just going to be we're going to have to jugle that go through this because it is a chicken and an egg scenario today you know but once we get into it you're right I think people are going to start signing up that is going to grow quickly AR Point can't really advertise just yet but um I just think it's going to be again you have people knock on your door for a reason and I know I I have liked the way that the department every step we take every different thing that we've done they've made that announcement that we've done that uh and people are keeping up with that from what I can hear they're all keeping up with it I have one question about the the contract if if that's if this is the time for that um where it says should Performance Services determined any time during the investment grade audit that the project goals cannot be attained the invest grade audit will be terminated by written notice from Performance Services to the honor in this event neither party shall have any financial obligation to the other correct what exactly does that mean if a month from now we're in development and we find that this is going to be instead of you know million dollars it's a $10 million cost and there's no way it's going to have a good return on investment that would be a scenario where you say this isn't going to be financially lucrative for the city they're not going to be able to do it not going to be able to afford it just shake hands and walk away and you don't know us anything because we have this has to be this has to make technical con at the end of the day and that includes the 256,000 yeah yes that we you would not ow as many if we said this can't be done okay that makes me feel a little better now Mr Mills and all them know I've been on board with this the whole time I think it's going to be great for the city and stuff but I do have a couple concerns we're kind of in a let say turmoil we're going to be changing city managers um what if the city the new city manager comes in we're still in the phase of doing all this and says you know what I don't like it then they terminate we're on the hook for 256,000 um what if we lose people in the internet department and we're shorthanded we can't ruce hit our goals the other thing too is I'm listening to lift stations that's going to easily take quarter of a million well most current one about 15 we we're that's in consultation with right here please understand these are just my concerns um you know this is a big step for our account this is Major decision so um those are just kind of my concerns that I have again I'm on I'm on board with it but I'm also concerned about the 256,000 because in the next three or four months our Dynamic and our city manager could change is going to change I think Terry's leaving the end of January and we're going to be back to you with a contract don't go anywhere yet talking but the other part of that is on on the funding side just for clarity you know say it's a million dollars could be any number that money is going to be put into a city control we just get paid for the work we don't make money on the money the million dollar that money let's say3 million a better number that gets put into a city es that's where that 25,000 come from when you move forward with this that money you put in there that includes that the engineering and it includes all the design and development and implementation but let me add one other thing Terry was talking about L station and how you found way to save money here and there and do it a little more efficiently make it work I've been talking with your staff about how that very same thing Aaron if your crew can install this portion we're going to save money if I give you take the money that we're going to put into so if I buy the equipment I'm going to pay taxes and I got have going to have a margin margin enough like everybody does any industry take a car for oil change you pay a little bit more for oil cons but that's just the way the process works it's not a lot of money but you there's still a little bit of orang there why don't I give you put that money here in your esro account and you buy at cost that way we're saving money on the project so I'm already working with your staff on how to reduce cost and cut Corners here and there to make this more cost effect I'm working in that same way that Terry was talking about they understand part of that you mentioned staff part of this is looking at do do we take some of that money to allow you to hire an additional technician or two technician we've already been discussing that putting that of that money into into the cost of the project so we're looking at various scenarios to make sure this is is successful what it's going to take to make I I'd like to just read the paragraph before the one I read before because I think it's a good one too um in the event that the owner elects to proceed to install to the installation contract with Performance Services the fee indicated above shall be incorporated into the project cost and no upfront costs are required I think that's important too that that money that we have committed to becomes part of the buildout essentially the installation of of the L I think that's another those were the two I was looking for as I began to read the contract to show me whether we had to pay more money we know we have to pay if we decide not to do it we have to do we have to do a buyback or payback but if if they decide it's not viable we stop right there and if we decide to do it it becomes a part of the installation contract that money that we've already committed to we don't have to commit to like other upfront money I think that's important too so so does the take rate affect the decision as to whether or not you think it's going to be profitable sure if you tell me you're going to have one customer it's never going to work unless you're going to start charge that customer you know half M A Year hope play play a part in all of this which I'm glad it's not a lot I mean it's a lofty goal and keep in mind that nobody in BR open infra is not going to bring fiber to any business in so so not that we would have exclusivity on them but we will be the only and never mentioned the buyback and again this is get we call it owner directed allowance put money in there buy equipment what may be maybe some little bit of money that put in there so you can actually buy out these contracts so that we can make that cash more attractive because now you got greater customers but that's not a part oh no no this is just engineering and I will say too I've had conversations with other parties as the mayor said there we had a lot of companies that were courting us at that time I've had conversations with one of them um who had oh let's just say it I had conversation with Central Florida the fire by Central Florida who has had conversations with open emper and gave me the information that they say they now have like 450 but I think they're completely stalled and they're not out there anymore I think their number was more in the 650 range I don't think they'll make that number I think they're not even trying anymore that their goal that they have to have in order to bring it here at all so they may walk away from Williston all together um and I I was given that information probably three or four weeks ago that they they actually called the gentleman that was here and said how many do you have can we be be your buildout company instead of that other one you talked about they were actually talking to them about that um and made some comparisons with each other and got some information about how many they have and how many they have to have I think they're to the point where they're not even trying anymore and it'll be long time they have to come I think it was from poorn was hawthor or mro Hawthorne hawthor that they had to actually build a service from Hawthorne to here I don't think they the construction has actually stalled on 316 coming this way for probably a couple of months yeah I did see some work going on out there this last weekend so they may be resuming some of that but in typically in this game it's first first first first one in wins that's typically the name of the game for that reason we've done a lot of say we've done a lot of work already because it is er said first then so we're trying to make sure that we're doing this quickly that's why I say to my January to run through this get you guys ready to start capturing customers early next year Mr President I yes ma'am um the sort of going in the vein Hector of of tough questions that we were asking um one of the requirements that we put out in our um request for qualifications was that there be a performance bond or a rable line of credit provided um by the individual um there was a question received um would we wave that during the um bidding process we declined to wave that requirement um in psi's uh response they again requested that we wave that requirement uh it's not implemented into the because it didn't occur to me until after I put it on the agenda um frankly which is my mistake um but I I would like to see some language in there that uh does not require the city to pay for the um IGA if PSI does not offer a contract with a performance bond or irrevocable line of credit because we I do believe that the council has made their their uh desire for that clear yeah irrevocable letter of credit I've never seen that in accordance with the legislation Contracting performance bonds absolutely uh company corporate corporate guarantees absolutely would be provide your bookal letter of credit it's a little bit unusual very unusual I've never seen it before um and then it's going to be an odd request because we're going to be using your capture rate in that letter oh you don't need it in the I believe we're just requesting yeah I'm saying she's not saying she wants both she said you choose I I think that that's that's the um feedback that we've got from but it's not required for the for the design you're talking about for implementation and correct my concern is that the way that theou is written is that PSI will will provide us with a contract after the IG is done we'll start you know moving forward with the project um to your point and I just want to make sure that in the event that we request that there be a performance bond or an irrevocable line of letter of credit that they're not and that is not in the contract and PSI refuses to put that in the contract that we would then not be responsible for paying for the investment grade audit that is something that we do wish to have in the contract okay I I I want to I don't want to stand here and say that company will accept D scenario irrevocable letter but it was very unusual because again it's the number Capt to be based on staff's numbers um can I as far as the detailed design the construction implementation phase for that phase of it is is where we're requesting so so if I can just bring it back to you tomorrow with what that language what we would accept as that language again that it letter of credit it's not that we're trying and you don't have to do the irrevocable credit if you do the performance law you see that a lot in large developments like where lar and them build and they have access to large sums of money they don't want to put up a bond they'll just give you irrevocable line of credit during the course of the development of the um project that they're doing and when upon completion and signed off that lot of credit goes right so we do corporate guarantees all the time for these Pro so let me just let me just go back you do but you know when we talked about this one we talk this is slightly different in the sense it's not like Ami where we pick a number um so even though we we reference the Florida State statue in here the performance of that statute you know we're we're still saying that there's there's that little gray area in there we all have to agree this is going to be our return and if we don't get that return there's really nothing to hold you the standard of giving us the money I me am I getting that right I not sure and I wasn't following that well I I wasn't either so we we were gu I got a little confused when when because in the Ami process under that statue we sent off the meters and test them and they all look great um and we know okay based on this testing we're going to be able to capture more Revenue because the meters are reading poorly and then you give us that guarantee that if we go with the Ami system and change on our meters we will make that money to cover the cost of loan to bring in the Ami system if you're wrong and we don't make that amount of money under the Ami performance under the for State Statute you have to make up the difference according with the statute absolutely and we do what about this this is not what we're talking about here so Chris kirston if we can if you're going to put this in the theou can you just copy and paste the the guaranteed language from the statute and put that in there because again there's no I don't think there there may be a letter what do you call letter letter credit yeah I don't think that's in the statute that's again unusual but if you just copy and paste that language on the guarantee language statute put it in there that's easy so just the irrevocable letter of credit is one that just throw things I've never seen it I I I'll need to triple check the statute and see what the exact languages regarding performance fond but I think I think the performance bond or irrevocable line of credit is is what the council is looking for if if we make those changes to the m if we decide to approve this tonight my request for the council would be that you approve it subject to um language being approved by my office uh ensuring that there is that and that language will be comply with the statute language now if you want to go IR revokable letter credit what makes that what what I think is different about that it's unusual it's like taking a credit card and saying okay you know you got $10,000 limit and I'm going to keep 5,000 open for thisal letter credit well now you've only got 5,000 to play with for the next 10 years so that's where I think that letter vocal letter of credit impact the company we got to keep that Lance of that on our books for 10 years it matters whatever that number is whatever that guarantee number is so I just want to be comp I just want to comply with the statute language we to add that to the and I have a purchase of a performance bond may be cheaper than doing that yes so I mean it may be that you choose to do the performance bond instead of the irrevocable lot of credit yeah and and just to clarify is there is so I understand that there's the concern and the questions and and the the uh discomfort regarding the irrevocable line of credit do you share those concerns with the performance bond requirement in the RFQ nope not at all okay so I think that that's that's all that we're asking is that to comply with the language that we have in the RFQ requiring a performance bond I I think that that's that's the language that we would want to add to theou just that the contract that okay I'll I'll send it to you it would be approved by PSI it would be approved by my office prior to being signed off on that's the request that I would make the council sign there was and then that that question I had sent during the RP process I just copied and paste the language Statute in my email my question so that that's all I'm asking for tonight but you know if the option and and then before we go too far I want to make sure Stephen's still online so I want to give Ste G the opportunity if he has any questions I know we talked link about this but um he he may have some that diser can can you hear me yes go ahead Stephen I I think most of my questions have been answered um but I was curious and again not not being involved with all of this the the 250 um 6,000 amount is it possible to do that in phases so that you know phase one and then after each phase there's a decision point about proceeding with the the project or is that already built in somewhere yeah if you're going to go phase one that's covered you don't have to worry about that that being paid that'll be paid by the phase one cost or the funds that are put into the ESC account if I that answer your question so there's not really because it it seems like there's there's parallel decision points running through this project where you have the engineering work going then you have this discussion about calculating what is the right you know for lack of better terminology Break Even point for the city how is that working together with the the cost of the 256,000 versus these decision points you know Aaron mentioned a couple things in terms of numbers and different things how does that kind of work so that you don't get to the whole $256,000 um from the city's perspective I understand from your perspective you could say it's not worth it but from the city's perspective is there any other decision points built in or can be built in just to kind of make sure we don't get all the way to the tail end of this and then realize this won't work um certainly at any point you know either of us can walk away say stop with the the engineering we're done you've done x amount and we're done so at any point you can cancel it we can cancel it it's not going to work out it's not going to work out but whatever reason during the design during the engineering phase um but in the but the only way we're going to determine the cost mod you know project cost and whether it's all built out all at once or whether done one or two or three phases uh that's not going to be the only way to determine that situation and that outcome is to do the engineering you got to design it you got to understand where your costs are what your buildout buildout is going to look like you know the in Loop that's you know part one and what branches are you going to have to provide services to the various parts of the city I mean you have to do all the engineering to come up with any scenario thereafter student did I does that answer your question I I can't break out the fa the phases are almost uh automatically Broken Out In it's essentially an upfront commitment by the city it should be yes but we can do the whole thing at L but the engineering phase is going to take about two months probably a little less than that we're we payment start doesn't start until the payments don't start after all the construction is over you're making Mone I'll say about six months let's just say middle of the late later part of next year it's all done I don't recommend deferring doing a year determent on the payment you can really you can do that we'll look at that as an option I look that as an option to give you a year to be make even more money before that birth payment is done is due interest will still accumulate but take a look at those scenar as well okay and this engineering and the professional grade audit we will be looking at this absolutely and then we're we're locked we're locked in on that 10mon payment it's a what did we decide not to do anything we locked into a 10 month payment plan yeah normally at 60 days 10 mon but I think you say 10 months but I think it's first payment doe in 60 days right so really it's 12 months so that'll go this distri next year if you go down this path and you really do change your mind anybody anticipating that yes that happens you'll have this year next year yeah to clarify the the way that it's written is that it will be 10 monthly payments in equal amount the first payments be made no more than 90 days after we decide not correct submission of the IGA is is essentially where how it is written right now so how does Mr Bloom feel about yeah my request was to extend it you know to 12 or or 15 um it just gave me a little more comfort in terms of being able to recoup that from utility billing on a monthly basis you know but that that might have been me just being a little greedy so you said there'll be other cities watching this to see how kind of model a little leadway here and there would be great well I hope you know how um how much we're really we're working hard to make this thing again this is end of this I want you singing prises that's that's so important from a business perspective and Aaron can tell you we had many conversations about how do we cut cost how can we save money how do we make this project even less expensive that that number that you were first that was first thrown out by you know some of these people of your presentations not even we no work working hard to way way below well early on in this when we first started talking about this and putting it out in the public the City of Lake City has contacted me and talked to me about it they want to follow our lead on this and piggy back off of this and they actually have at least three providers in their town already and they want to basically put them out of business I think they can do that the advantage that we have we've talked about it before is that and I've said it already tonight is that we can operate and for three to five years even if we wanted to without making a single profit not one time and be able to pay the bills a matter of fact we could do it over the seven years that or the 10 years that we owe this money um or we could raise small incremental raises as the market inre it's never going to go down like Insurance it never right um the benefit is is that you are establishing a brand new that's why it's such a serious conversation we had tonight that's why I raise question that I do have um you know it could be I don't want to use the term the goose that lays the golden egg but most certainly is the way of the future without a doubt just so yall know the it's easy to make these kind of decisions on electric and gas because you simply can't come in the city you can't come in the city so if we do that if we do this we're going to have to very very hard at providing solid customer service and when I say that that I mean if your internet goes out at 8:00 in the morning on a Saturday our crews will be going out and fixing your internet right that's the service you got to have um and you may lose money on that event but the reality is that you have to do you have to be so much higher than everybody else did I miss something back there but you have to be so much higher the expectations of what you're providing has to be so much higher than anybody else can provide um fiber by Central Florida does a great job providing internet services but you know they may not go out on a Saturday to fix somebody's internet at the very end of their last stream and we'll have to make that commitment um they'll have to work from home on the system to figure out what's wrong with somebody resetting the router doing whatever all these things have to be back providing exceptional service because there the market is nor because it is crowded so that would be my only caveat as as we move forward if we approve this you have to move it forward with mindent of that you're providing a service to the citizens and that service has to be excelled off and carry on with that you're saying Lake City's watching us so we got to be that model yeah that to address the service of customers we already do that now I've been here at 10 o'clock at night getting phone call from a customer and I show up in 40 minutes and fix stuff fix their internet and they were very appreciative I've got emails and letters say they appreciate that service that we that's the model that has local provider local offices local services commercial right that's what you're going to be able to provide and those folks that are coming into your city that want to offer they're not bringing in service teex live Mr Fuller please state your name where your Albert Fuller and Willis FL I'm not required to do that couple of questions as it relates to I mean a couple of concerns as it relates to the customer more than the finances you all are talking about in terms of customer we're talking about potentially building out some areas well before the others or never building out some areas I'm concerned particularly if I'm in one of those areas because C link has been around for a long time and I don't have internet and it was promis and so I'm concerned that I still May five years from now not have internet because it may be a low customer base in that area now something to me something is wrong because yeah if this thing doesn't make money it's going to cost me as a taxpayer and I add up there um I would and I know I'm leaving right and I I get that part but there's no way that you can build this system and leave anybody out at all period no one that does not meet what I consider the minimum standard of providing a service to everybody in this city if you remember at the very beginning and I appreciate you making this cont comment before because I agree with you is that this literally high-speed internet divides who we are in the sense of what our capabilities are as community and to leave one person behind would be IND and I've heard the fact that tonight that the the areas that have higher customer base will be prioritized I've never heard that this is the first yeah that's the first time I heard that in the presentation tonight that I would never and I would just say Cal link is very limited because of the line of sight there are so many people that can get it because of the trees it doesn't matter why but I've been promised internet and I haven't been here and when when it was being sold to us that was never mentioned and now still waiting for for internet and actually don't have it and I don't want to go to one of these satellite things like basically when I got fiber by Central Florida it was a world of difference imagine between I was I had satellite internet and it really stink but I don't want to wait a life to get internet [Music] but not home not yeah so that that was never a part of any plan that I have it's one or all or none ma'am I have yes if it's any consolation it's part of the plan period it's the entire city you know and I and I I don't want to delay this but I drive this message home when you children and their parents sitting by our library to get on the internet there to turn in their homework assignments and it's ridiculous and it's not fair conern that concerns me greatly they're parked in front of my church because I have an open an open server in one of my building that we rent out open internet there and people be parked there because the way it is set up now um by but when we talk about the last thing the last thing is Rel to well we can't figure the cost till we do the engineering so we don't know a cost well well of course we don't we have an idea but we don't have a cost until the engineering to the per month cost of customer oh no that we're shooting for $50 s to say you did make a proposal that had a dollar amount in it yeah I thought you meant the cost of the project not cost of the consumer sorry and no nobody can touch that well F fiber bu they can't they can't get close that they don't sell it at50 I'm going to give you a gigabit internet for $50 a month I'm giving you a gigabit internet for $50 a month yes same rate with triple the internet yeah and no install no contract no contract we want you to be happy if you're not happy you can go away they do charge an install fee well and and and that's why Mr Fuller I said that we have to be focused on the mindset of if we do this we are in the service industry in the city this is what we do we provide services to the citizens and we have to have the mindset that if we launch this program which will be an Enterprise fund which will be run out of utility is that if we have a problem in the middle of the night we need to do everything we can to resolve that problem if it's Hardware we need to come out the very next day if I have to pay overtime to make that happen uh then we will I mean people have to understand that we're going to give you the best internet service there is by far anywhere that's my hope as well yes so in order because right now Aon just you thank you Mr yes so in order to make sure that we provide this service yes that's included in this whole plan incl I apologize fortruss scenarios I wanted I I do think it's far more cost effective City Wide that's not my hopefully we that okay Mr Mayor he you have heard Mr Fuller and I believe counselor uh whatever vice president but I'm telling you also I would advise if city of Willison is going to go into internet go into internet don't just beat around the bush and Hector was struggling trying to find ways to modify you as far as what it is that you're willing to pay the fact is I've been trying to get internet from the city of Williston for well over 10 years maybe 15 it only took me 10 years to get gas from the city of willon so now I can get internet from the city of willon but I signed up with whoever they are open in one day I don't care who they are uh because they they came to us they actually came out and now we're saying oh we can't advertise because we can't guarantee we're going to have it well now you're all telling me that they don't have any guarantee that they're going to pull out because they didn't get the customer base so why are you so so uh tiptoeing around the same issue that no one else is if you want to get do internet go do internet if it's good for your city it's good for your city if it's not leave it alone thank you goodbye I think once we get step by step like we're doing now this is a big step if we do this if we agree to this it will be when they can go out and say we're on target for six months from now okay that's what they've been doing they make a post after every decision made you make a motion I'll make a motion I make a motion that we approved resolution 2024 d128 with the wording from Blue can I get a second we have a first we have a second do we have any other discussion all right CN none move to vote all in favor say I those opposed no it's passed 5 Z thank you Mr President all I'm GNA ask say that again all I'm gonna ask is when you start oh we will we we intend to there's money in the project for advertising and such but again until we get to that point I can't promise it probably do door hangers I can't promise it to people without knowing we're there right that's where we're and and when I asked that question it wasn't for pra it was more of a ping of people to say if we have this well that's already been that's already been done in two other studies plus the pre-registrations we're having now that's kind of what that's about is to get a number and get an idea okay Mr President yes ma'am can we please take a five minutes yes ma'am just to stand up and stretch please thank you I but it take five minutes that's all we don't have to leave the room just five minutes stand up and stretch time is 7:58 so we're going to be out here 803 e e e e e e e e e e e are we ready all right one of my favorite topics item D discussion with possible action fireworks for Independence Day celebration city manager Terry Bard thank you Mr President I really don't know why I'm talking about this tra told me I was um what's that okay all right so so as you know we all we all know we have our our annual fireworks display on July the 3 we have a couple quotes in front of you for that fireworks uh Latricia is already told me that her pick is option number one um so but there are there are three options there two from Premier event um that we can look at and then there's like a third option in there from another company or another V the discussion that we've had that let me know if I get our discussion wrong um that uh proposal number one is the one that we want to go with and um we're looking for um any discussion y'all would like to have about it and or have other ideas and they did it last year who did it last year Premier Events SK SK Premier Events have done it for the last two years and their proposal it includes the fireworks and entertainment along with the sound system I for one would like to go back with Sky lter skylighters is just skylighters is a much it's a longer it's probably seven or eight minutes longer than the other one it is bigger shells more professional they go much higher if I don't know if you'll remember but when we started going with Premier Events uh most of our complaints were the fireworks weren't high enough that people could see them from remote areas like the school and the airport and different places like that is because they were using to SCH because they shot so high they're the ones and they did them so long that the the father actually died the sun took over and now there's there's a son and a and a daughter that are actually doing it they're out of voala um and yes it does not include the entertainment however I think we could get entertainment in other words a ban that will bring a sound system for much less than the $4,000 so and I would be glad to facilitate that my concern with the sound system and what we had in the past um it is very hard to hear now last year with the premieres we could hear it better because they had a better sound system and everything else when you look at the way that the stage is stage Runs Out and it's basically pointing to the direction of where the city council the tree line but where the city council's at all of our vendors and everything run the opposite direction away from so people who are you get further away you can't hear and Derek you might want to uh help me out here but if you go to outdoor concerts speakers are suspended up high they have right and everybody can take and hear that now unfortunately we don't have I would like to go with the other ones too sky from but we're going to have to find a sound company to be able to come out and to do the speakers to where we can hear them um hear the music all the way around the sound company what we've been doing lately and what Premier does is they hire a band B bring sound Sy it is essentially the B that's how they money because they don't hire what we did before when we had Sky we had a company call Every Man's down they brought exactly we had the same man who came for probably 20 or 30 years he just knew that every July 3rd he was going to be and I I can tell you why we changed during the pandemic this guy there fireworks got caught on the boat coming from China and they called us up and they said we don't have any firework if you remember when we had the laser light show that's why because they called and they refunded all our money that we have paid them um because they could not provide the show because of that but I would definitely like to go back to them and if it means going finding our own entertainment and our own but like I said it's $4,000 differ I think we can find a sound system and entertainment that am I just I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you I just want to add when we did do the sound system it worth $4,000 for the company so we would still have to do some research yes ma'am if you you get an actual sound engineer that guy that that's what he does for living they're they're rather expensive who's that if you if you get a sound engineer you know a guy that runs sound for a band they they can run up three four five6 th000 easily this was a company out of o no I understand it but what I'm saying I was Premier provides the entertainment right they provide a band who so you know and you're paying a $4,000 for that I mean if anything we could hire a band that has a sound system it would be the same thing and it would be less than $4,000 but you were also talking that you used to hire a sound person also well if we wanted to do that okay so all I'm saying is that I I don't think you're to be one we just trying to approve the sound hiring well I'm actually having it Miss May we'll come back to I question why you prefer this is definitely not my area of expertise fireworks so why you prefer the the reason why is because the price of the fireworks the vanan along with the sound system is all together in one and I don't have to try to go out and try to look for one and try to do compar analysis of who's going to be the cheapest and who's going to be able to we're going to be able to afford when he already has it in his packet but in his pack he made him h last year they were much higher than they were the previous year if you read the comparison of the shells and even dur duration but I mean I agree but I agree with like Derek was saying generally when you hire the sound company it's all topnotch equipment that they bring and they have a sound technician that comes to it just knowledge is based upon some who's been to many concerts indoors and Outdoors the higher you can get the speakers the farther back the people will hear is this not something you can do and last yearor last year and even the year before you couldn't even hear how halfway to where our tent was from there you're only going to get so far higher the speakers more you're going to get where people can hear it because right now the only people that really in all Odyssey that hear it are probably about first 40 yard talking and what they had too was they had a snake snake out with all the connections all the connection they have St on board way out there not under the Pavilion with what we had last years the snake and the sound board are way out there and they can hear and know when it needs to be adjusted it's like when we having and it was an outdoor event a totally different it is when you're indoors and you do need we required the sound system that we hired them to have us so that they can set up the sound there well a a really good sound company well they know how to set it up and they'll have all the Miss what you agree with option one as well yeah correct yeah even um well I'm G to make CL mad but um you know it it does require a lot of work to put this thing on she worked very hard at it it is easier to hire one company that does it all um I just hope personally say do I believe that the fireworks display last year were lacking in duration um yeah um I was surprised when the finale occurred I don't really hear much go really but it will it will create more work for the city clerk to do that but miss deorah volunteered so you know it is a lot of work to put it on it on how much more are you all willing to amend the budget to accommodate the extra not we only have 18,000 okay and then we still have to get the music in the sound system but we would have to increase the yeah so I'm just asking so we know what we' be looking for can I ask a question and maybe Mr Lamar when the fireworks when the fireworks were out at the baseball field that's been many years ago yes sir I was a member of that team that used to do that do you remember how much they spent for fireworks I know a heck of a show I no idea um I can tell you um the Williston fire rescue department will not shoot off fireworks that is the that is the job for a professional yeah and uh the night that a mortar blew up about six foot above my head with the night I said that's it we're done I was just curious because that was a heck of a show back then it it was um and it was one of the most dangerous things I've ever done in my life especially when the mortar went off 30 little bit above your head that was exciting wasn't it it was very exciting 5000 8000 just foror I've been pushing 50 the last couple years for a budget the the the program back then like m m Jones said uh it it we probably didn't spend 10 grand total but you got to remember all of the labor all of the labor was supplied by the the well the fire department they the they did everything they were shot individually out of a tube these are all computerized at least skylighters is um whoever Premier Events hired they use the computerized board too so it comes completely set up all you do is push a button and it does so I guess we need whether not ex firor show or but ENT we have local entertainers to come and sing first and they're all free and we do that even if PR doing it people like Stacy think who else got do you get three or four other people they would all because they just love this thing trying to figure out how until till what the next meeting because I really would like to go ahead and start so we have our down payment or whatever we have it locked in so the price won't go up again could could we also do maybe a a hybrid version where I think we're we're happy with the sky y'all are happier with this the other company fireworks display um I've never seen n so be honest with you be um and then you know maybe we could maybe have uh Premier Events do the other stuff if we want to they're willing to do that that way got have the firework company doing their thing and for events doing theirs just a thought let me ask we've gone for the last we would still have to have well we'd have to have preferably three quote you know because it doesn't go out for sealed bid anything because it's not over 25,000 so anything below that then obviously we would need free quotes and maybe we ask three and only got two people and also premere cleans up do they I thought I read somewhere in there they they do do some of their own clean they do some yeah well I'm not I'm not saying they clean the entire park but do clean up they clean up their area yeah is what they clean theion area okay I've seen it afterwards I know you have to it is p p trash everywhere oh I mean you know obviously we have trash obviously you can't take it away it's just even the trash cans that we have are overflowing and all over the ground what normally happens is is that they clean up whatever they can the night they're there we celebrate excuse me we come back on the right so can this be Ted until we get an idea of what the 5050 option would look like personally I don't think if I was the in the business of it I would not do that I would not have a competitor coming in and sharing the spotl um all the other events he does he does think I'll help you yeah I would help you because I think maybe if we because I told you I could call U K Country and find out who they use when they do their outdoor events and their concerts um maybe a partnership with them to where maybe they can supply the you know get them to supply the sound system in exchange for letting them advertise and so but I'll be glad to help you with that I will help you no no place you're not g to find a sound system or a company to run sound for less than $44,000 so cabling it for two more weeks to have the same conversation when we could just vote about it it makes no sense I'm voting on option one four of the okay well that's great there's five of us here so we can make a vote why are we going to drag it out for two weeks you make motion yeah I make a motion to approve option one not and just to clarify that Premier Events yeah I I would bring back a resolution in in Conformity with that yeah so that that's my bad so um we should we should had a resolution with this spending as much money okay yeah okay so in two weeks we will have a resolution related to this subject and in weeks Mr andar Right just briefly if I what she said if I may super briefly you don't have to have a resolution to approve it tonight that's generally how you all like to practice it's not a requirement um just just to clarify so I could in order to formalize it you could approve it tonight I can bring back a resolution that's already been approved in Conformity with your vote tonight so so you don't have to wait for the resolution and then create I put something together in Conformity with what you all tell me it's just your standard practice that we generally bring you resolutions but is not a requirement that you have a resolution a motion sorry okay so we have to Adit we're going to need to increase the budget yes because we're going if we're looking to hire a sound system sound company motion fail lack a second we would just readdress this at the next meeting all right e discussion with possible action classification and transfer of supervision of the fire inspector for acquisition man Brook Willis Human Resources Terry Bard city manager fire chief Lamar St thank you Mr President I appreciate I'll start to lead on this so for some time myself and uh Chief Ste going have been talking about where's the best suited position for Danny his position and what he does is send a fire uh fire inspections almost fireworks fire inspections and uh and continue to be able to do what he does in the sense of for the city in in saving us money and looking for stuff like that um so um as an example of of what we would like to do is is forly transfer that position underneath the fire chief and that uh he would be supervised by the fire and keep in mind the reason why we're coming to yall on that is that it's it's two different people he would call fall under the direction of the mayor um and Out Underneath the direction of of myself Council however we would expect him to continue with the process of doing whatever he needs to do in the sense of finding us uh resources and stuff that you know the trucks and Generator and all that stuff um I have no problem with it Danny has no problem with it Chief seagull has no problem with it um fiscal director Bloom has no problem with it he'll do a budget amendment uh next year his budget will stay inside uh we're currently at um until this budget over with I will tell you that like I said the the main thing is he's going to have to have two du purposes he still got to continue to look for the stuff that we need um I'll give you an example what he just did um Danny just acquired 24 10,000 KW diesel generators that have roughly about 250 hours on them each for a cost of $500 each that's getting them here and every that is absolutely unbelievable um and our goal is to put these generators in the lift station so we don't have to run around and and hook them up to the truck generator pump them down during storm and stuff like that and we'll be able to keep theem up and running to give you an idea of what what the cost is um I know we paid $12,000 for them and this would cost you 240,000 so far every one of cranked up right of the batteries uh but so far they're Rock off so we can't lose that aspect of what he does and what he's done with finding us vehicles for the for the city uh but I think he would be better suited supervised by the chief when it comes to fire inspection and stuff but we wanted to be transparent about it come to y'all see what you think and see if you're okay with this clarification nothing will change Rel to his position partment sir yes ma'am he's still going to be tasked with finding those things that he needs and he does that already he finds things for for all departments within the city he he doesn't just work for me and look for things that I need he finds vehicles for everybody so he's very good at spreading out you know what he what needs the city are and how to find sounds good so miss BL do we just motion motion I make a motion that we um agree to the reclass do I have second right have first a second any other discussion right seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I I all opposed no all right passes 5 Z all right item seven public participation the second opportunity to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for five minutes on any topic other than what's on the agenda is it good um like to give a little bit of a comment from earlier I wasn't here whenever the discussion was had in regards to shed Masters I'm sorry could you state your name yes mess please yes Crystal kingon Wilson is that all all I'm not very formal guy so I had no intention of addressing or even coming into the public participation but uh this as someone on the other side I'm not speaking as Dan's wife I'm speaking as a licensed contractor who was the contractor in the time in which the building code for 2017 was enacted and updated as it is every three years and this this is not something where there was an office building there for shed Masters that was something that was brought in now when that the office building is brought in whether it be a shed those sh are actually engineered as a storage facility as a utility building it is not engineered as an office now you can actually put by Florida building code smaller storage sheds in without a permit all storage sheds are supposed to have a permit however that kind of gets lacked and they usually don't really enforce that side of things um in this situation though that building was not there because we actually built the second and third phase of the Mini Storage in that same building code year in which we were told that we may have to have a bathroom so either that building was put there and there was no permit that was actually pulled or there was a permit that was pulled and some favors were happening somewhere along the way that they were not required to put in a bathroom to put in any type of of parking or anything like that and and we haven't even talked about water management at that point so I suggest you guys look in into this a little bit further you know as my comment this is Don if I'm not I'm correct Don was going to look into into that okay okay I just you know so when this business is done are we going to go looking at other business I'm I'm just curious we're bringing you a breast of a code violation and and it needs to be looked it to the paperworks already been filed as far as that's concerned so that's that's obviously you guys but I don't know anyone else in the in the and I tell you this over a factor that it would have happened again three weeks ago in the county in which shed Masters decided to just throw some buildings on a piece of land and it's again a code violation so this has happened once and it was about to happen again so this this is a consistent recurring problem with what's going on so thank you for your time I appreciate you taking a look okay thank you announcement staff I just want to announce that um December the 7th Christmas parade and the council normally rides on the float are you are doing that again this year because the guys are getting ready to start working on the float for the council Saturday DEC 7th and it's for counsel and their spouses correct yes yes guys unforunately will be out of is it be a big it's a 40 foot lowo equipment trailer you won't have to climb a whole uh there is a set of steps in the back that you have to walk up sit on the ha BS it's not it's not like the green I did the Fourth of July all right Mr Mayor just briefly Mr President I apologize um but very exciting December 18th is our ethics training it is coming up if you have not already rsvpd to either myself or Kimberly please let me know that you coming so that we can make sure that we have tons and tons of food I'm seeing the signs as rsvping right now so I'm making this note that I'm checking you off um so if you've not already done that please please do again for everyone this is for our newer members this is an annual um training that my office hosts free of cost to you all when you fill out your um form form one form six um you have to certify that you've done four hours of Ethics training this uh fulfills that require requirement for you we provide you with food we provide you with drinks and we provide you with a what we believe to be very entertaining take on ethics Sunshine Law and public records December 18th from 4: to 8 p.m. it will be at our office in Gainesville Florida I can provide that address to you and I'll resend around the invitation again um this is a great opportunity all of our cities um attend we represent eight municipalities um so it's a great opportunity to network um with other municipalities and and also have a good time and and fulfill your ethics requirement while you're there so we typically have a pretty good turnout and the food is delicious yes it is so question if someone is unable to so the if someone is unable to attend I I will not guarantee that it will be live streamed but I can guarantee it will at least be recorded um um so I'm I'm working on the live streaming piece of it right now but your Tech guy is me um so just don't hold me to a live stream but it will be recorded I know that the Swan River City always has one too and I think the last one they had I can't remember they had one at cheap on but I think they also had one at Cross and I've SE I've seen it they make it entertaining and and I've taken it remotely over over zoom and it's horrible we just sit there but they make it very yeah we get credit because because we're there and we listen to it but they make it so much more entertaining they give you great videos to watch about things people do that are not that really scks we try okay thank you Council any question that item nine adjournment Mr President sir you have called on me and then other people took go I am sorry I am so sorry I forgive you for those of you that are unaware of it I am a combat veteran and I have pts and for many years when I was called by the wonderful clerk that we have to come to this event I would go to this event and I would do the things in the beginning and then try to get out of there before the fire work I'm not going to do that anymore I'm going to just stay away I don't I I want you to know before you think about asking me I'm not going to do it again I am trying to recover some precious parts of my life and this is an encumbrance to that effort so thank you and I wish I could but I cannot totally respect that sir thank you thank you El we have a second you know see none all in favor say I I pass 5 Z all right time is