good afternoon join me if you will Lord we come to you today a city that's trying to do the work of our citizens we ask you lord to bless this meeting to give us Clarity to give these Council people wisdom as they try to work as best they can for the issues of our city and Lord I ask you to be with my police officers Lord they every day every day they risk their lives for us and Lord I just ask you to place place a hedge of protection around them so that they will be safe and Lord I ask you to be with the fire department while the rest of us are feeling safe the fire department is on duty and Lord I ask you to be with our utilities department Lord when the storms come the utility department is there I have witnessed that I have been there and the utility department showed up and helped us to give electricity and the things that we need in our lives so I ask you to be with the rest of the staff each one of our staff members are precious to us we ask this in your name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much you may seat all right item one addition deletions changes and approvals of the agenda I will ask for approval from councel may pray will let the agenda as presented I'll second all those in favor say I I I motion passed item two it's one of our favorite things to do with the council and the mayor is going to do it is the mayor student of the month mayor Goodman so we have a movie star with us today Elena would you join me up here thank you hi Elena I wanted you to know what Mrs Edwards and Mrs Nelson said they made these following comments Elina is a six-year-old kindergarten student at Joyce bulock Elementary School in Mrs Edwards and Mrs Nelson's class Elina is diligent kind inquisitive she always comes to school with a positive attitude accompanied by a smile do you like to smile alinaa I'm glad with with a willingness to help others and share kind motivating words she is greatly respected wised Beyond her years driven to do her best while setting a great example for the other students she is such a bright light and blessing to both of her teachers and those around her that we would like to nominate [Music] her for student of the month from Joyce Bullock Elementary School that's quite an honor is it yes it is okay I want to read this to you Elena no don't gowhere you got say right here just for a minute outstanding student award this is presented by Charles Goodman the mayor of the city of Williston and this is to certify that Elena Zen is awarded the certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Joyce bulock Elementary School given this fourth day of June 2024 Charles Goodman mayor of the city Bon could I have a round of applause for Elina I'm going to give you this now there's one other thing here alinaa this is really important this is more important than smile mayor Charles Goodman would like to congratulate the student of the month for their outstanding achievements with this certificate good for one kids meal and ice cream from shogun's restaurant Shogun is a local Japanese restaurant I've eaten there many times they have an excellent menu and I hope you enjoy it okay that's for you wait this young lady would like I told you it was going to be a movie star thank you Ela I was was given to think that Mr zimma Frasier is not here tonight and the rule is that if he doesn't show up I get his piz his Shogun and I was also given the information that Miss angan ryz Bernell is not here tonight right do one of you want to stand in for her okay that's it then thank you Elena yes come e [Applause] congratulations um at this time if you would like to stay for the meeting you can or you may leave once again congratulations this will resume when school starts back in the fall okay item three public participation this is your first of two opportunities to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for five minutes on any topic other than what is on the agenda please state your name and resident and just a reminder the council doesn't have to comment any takers nobody online okay all right the consent agenda item four is the council meeting minutes from May 2st 2024 can I get a motion for approval I'm move approval of the consent agenda all in favor say I I motion passed item five updates staff board and Council updates cing manager Bard thank you Mr President so I I'll be brief as I can but I want to give you a couple updates on some things have been pending for a while as you know we're still monitoring and looking at what we can do with South Maine in a sense of making it more visible uh I spoke to fdot today and they're looking at um a lot of several things obviously there's a lot inside the pictures like realignment purchasing it right away and things like that they're telling me we don't have the money for um they're going to look at next week of standing up those high visibility cones uh adding some additional striping to the intersection and um and see what that does as far as making a little bit more easier to transfers that that intersection uh as you know the bank line uh is finished and so I do have a withdraw for the council president tonight so I'll get you to do that sir before we go uh the golf carts are all done unless I'm mistaken so they're they're completely done the pawn shop demo as you know we're kind of halfway through that and you also should have seen where we stopped and because we have some issues with some hazardous material cleanup up there uh which we're taking care of so we'll get that done and then we'll get back underway of of doing it still working on the draft for Performance Services as you know that's the RFQ um for um the Ami and system like that so we're I'm still working on that and as you know Mr Frasier came in here and and was concerned about getting back his money that he asked for um we did all the tabulations that you requested put it in a spreadsheet that was kind of easy to understand contacted or at least attempted to contact Mr Frasier multiple times and he so far has not answered our phone calls so I'm ready to put that to bed unless he shows back up then we'll talk about it as you know we're still working on the water rates uh as you know we're focusing on the irrigation meters uh their water rate tearing of them the heavy water usage for businesses and things like that uh we're a focus on how those water rats can look at being restructured I will tell you Central Florida electric and Central Florida fiber um I B have bad been back in conversation with them um and of course you know we we there's three models we're looking at with them the 5050 partnership is an investment of up to $3 million on our behalf now that would include if we did that uh which we don't have the money to but if we did you know that would also take into account our polls and everything that we do have would also come into play as what that our part of that $3 million will look like So that obviously is not an option um U meeting back with Denny George the week of the 17th to talk about the remaining two options to see what they are uh we want to give you something to look at to Noodle over so you can crunch some numbers see what their deal looks like and uh so at least we'll we'll get something back to the council in that form um and if we do something with them they're saying you know still um October November that time frame before they could ever do anything um as you know if you didn't know we started on the budget this week we met with uh with the updates were given to Steven Bloom from HR as far as their Staffing levels the budgets uh were sent to the department heads on June the 3D and June the 6th of this week um we're meeting with or have met with department heads uh along with u myself HR and Steven Bloom on the phone I will tell you there's been some preliminary Staffing changes that have been requested uh I won't go into detail right now because they're not is still draft discussion on on raises once again draft Department reorganizations have been suggested by some department heads additional positions have been requested and then just just be keep in mind that cuts will be made further Cuts will be made by myself step Bloom and the department head so we're not even close to giving you a final document however we have scheduled the first budget Workshop if I'm correct Latricia for July 9th and we've been we' going to do the posting and do the news media and stuff on that I will tell you the gfl contract myself and Selena Megan will be meeting this week to finalize our suggestions to it and uh one good note is that um dealing with Country Lane Estates Armstrong and lenar we did come to an agreement on the 43,800 something dollars on their cost for replacing a pole that we were in discussion with and um so that's their full account of their portion and then of course there'll be some additional work done by us on this one power pole uh because it's going to take a lot of work to to get it done um but other than that that's my uh staff update it's uh good to be back and um still limping but getting around not too bad so welcome back thank you staff any updates police chief rolls all right Mr Benton for that okay police chief I mean fire chief uh Lamar Mike please SLE no sir Miss Laura Jones yes sir any updates yes good evening um this is probably better to go at the end of the meeting but often I find everybody's packing up and ready to go when we have staff announcements so going to give you an update about our animal shelter um it's working very well we have these great agreements with Bronson and we were working a lot with Levy County but I just wanted to make sure that everybody understood that we are full we're actually over full so if anybody can help with um getting some dogs adopted or even just in foster homes that would help a lot we have some dogs that are getting depressed and unhappy they've been living there a little bit too long so I took one home for the weekend and um anybody can do that and it's uh it's very helpful for them or if you just want to come out and walk them and throw the ball for them or whatever we would appreciate the help so if anybody's looking for a nice dog for summer we've got everything from puppies to seniors and we don't just have pit bulls we have quite a few other dogs so come out and give us a little visit maybe you'll find your new friends thank you Mr Bishop Mr Miller Miss Hines M Jones just a word to everybody I will be going to Institute for elected officials on the and will be back on the late at night June 6 June 6 June yes I'd like to remind everyone to please use the microphone so people can hear you please Chief Rose I had a chance but let me go back and do it uh Sunday I will be leaving I'll be going Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday uh to the Florida Chief association meeting uh also I want to give an update real quick on uh our Rob that we have had uh at the BP station we have identified the individual uh he is not in custody yet but as soon as he is in custody uh I will let everybody know but we're diligently working on it with our different agencies and different partners around the globe to try to identify him and I don't want to go into all the agencies who we're working with because some of them are deep deep deep so but we are trying to locate them and as soon as we do I'll do a press release on Facebook letting everybody know we did thank you all right item six new business a discussion with possible action donation of the old non-working Speed trailer to the Cedar Key Fire Department chief Mike rolls uh yes sir uh this is uh a old Speed trailer uh that is nonworking uh Cedar Key contacted me because they have uh that same exact trailer uh there's is not working as well but they can use some of the parts off the one that we have to fix theirs so uh it's very expensive and costly for us to repair that Speed trailer uh so therefore I'm asking the council for permission to donate it to CD key one of our partners uh in law enforcement and uh let them use it to repair their Speed trailer okay and that was Police Department not fire sorry yes Miss blue can we do this through a motion or can we do it through a consensus uh a motion would be appropriate here okay all right Council have any questions from Mr Rose all right anyone else have a comment then I'll entertain a motion I make a motion that we allow the donation of the nonworking Speed trailer to Cedar Key Police Department as requested any other discussion all in favor say I I I motion passed I all right resolution 2024-the the submission of an submission of the application for the Duke Energy Foundation grant for vibrant economies to fund strategic planning marketing and research initiatives city planner Laura Jones thank you this is a grant from the Duke Energy Foundation um it's for from the economic development team and it's for a retail study but it's more than just a retail study when um we got a quote from the consultant we did a retail study a few years ago I don't know if you guys remember kind of tells you where people are going if they're leaving Williston why they're leaving Williston and then also if people are coming to Williston what they're coming for and typically like you'll go and say Well they're all leaving Williston to go find like say a clothes store because we don't have many clothes stores and then it'll say how much money is available in Williston for a closed store and then the next step of that retail study would be for a consultant to go out and talk to those kinds of retailers to bring those closed stores into us so we did get um a quote for $440,000 to do the study this is per year so they'll do the study and then they'll work with those retailers whichever ones we find that we need in town the most and they'll do this for $40,000 a year so that would be a recurring type of project however Duke Energy foundation will give us up to $25,000 to start the process so then we'll need to find the balance and I'm going to be going to the CRA on Monday to see if they will help us out because a lot of those retail businesses will be in the CRA district and then we'll probably need a small balance from the city council not asking you for any money today I'm just asking to go ahead and put this grant in it's due Friday next Friday so it was a little bit of a short turnaround time go ahead and put it in we'll see where we fall we'll see if we get the full 25 see what the C says and then I'll bring it back to you and ask if you want to accept the grant okay any questions from the council discussion now if we choose not to then we're not com we're not committing to nothing today nothing you're only spending money on me I haven't hired any Consultants to help me I I'm going to submit the Grant and then they'll probably help us put it together um but they won't charge us for that they're hoping that they win the grant so and then we can go after the same Grant every year and get the 25 and then 's other grants too that will cover this kind of um like a retail type consultant so we're we're looking for all these uh Economic Development grants anyway so um hopefully the balance won't be too much year after year okay if we pursue the project all right anyone else have a comment or anything all right then I will entertain a motion on move resolution 2024 64 I second any other discussion seeing none and move to vote all in favor say I I I I motion approved I don't see resolution 202 24-65 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving contractor wil site prep to conduct renovation to the parking lot on city of Willis's property located at block 12 parcel number 055 84001 0 0 parcel 0557 00000000 and parcel 0 5576 0000000000 city planner Laura Jones Thank you so this is the block 12 parking lot project we've been working on trying to get the money for for a couple of years we hired uh R Pierce to finish the engineering and to put a bid together for us they went ahead and bid it out they chose um between the three people who put in their bids the one that they recommended went to the CRA recommended it to them the CRA approved them so they're called wil site prep Inc and um we're only going to give them Parts one and two which I know that this might be a little bit confusing because you haven't read you haven't been following through the whole thing but Parts one is new utility services and parts two is demo drainage grening and pavement the city of Willison utilities are going to help us with the landscaping irrigation and the Landscaping itself we have had a couple little design changes and we may have some more as things happen when this uh gets started because I know city council asked us to add a bathroom and we do want to do that there's some other things going on with charging stations so the changes might happen a little bit along the way but right Pierce is going to cover that for us so the SI has approved it with their funds we need to get you guys to approve it this bid so that we can go ahead and start the contract documents with the attorneys if you have specific questions about the engineering of the bid Walt is here to answer your questions for [Music] you very good very good so they're going to do the the utilities as well they're going to do the utilities that's wonderful and the paving and then we're going to do the landscape irrigation and the Landscaping yeah okay um and includes the bathroom no it doesn't include the bathroom yet okay not unless you do a change order and some engineering design so when we when we originally were talking about the bathroom we also had about an $8 million Grant in for charging stations that Grant didn't go through so now we have to figure out where we want to put the bathrooms but now I just got an email charging stations may possibly happen so I have to go through that process again so we're still trying to figure out exactly where that bathroom is going to go when it does we'll design it we'll bid it out and we'll build it does the bathroom include a closet for tables and chairs is this thing working yeah we can hear you I can't hear myself so I just wondered if it was working I mean we we the those I haven't gone into those details but if that's what is requested we could do it I mean so we won't have to carry things back and forth we finally leave some at linear at the Pavilion so if we can do the same over there people are more likely to use it okay well when engineer redesigns that we'll bring it to the CRA and we'll remember to put the so it's not included as yet no okay gotcha are there any drawings or plans that you guys have available for us see yeah we do we have a lot of drawings and plans available um some of them nothing was in the bid package for you uhuh only the wilt stuff you go in my office right on my board right on top of the most recent so years and years ago we had an engineer designed this for us and we didn't even own all the properties back then so we the CRA and the City of Williston both own properties across the street separately some of those properties were were Acquired and the engineering had to be changed a little bit then we had to do Swift Mud permitting um so a little bit of engineering had to be changed a little bit so some of the drawings are not going to look exactly the same as other drawings but we we have a nice one that right here's put together that's just very easy to look look at she'll get that for [Music] you it's been a long time coming 25 years it's going to be nice when it's done I'm sure the businesses will like that yeah they're not believing it at this point they don't believe me anymore nobody believes it at this point we take a picture of it now and when it's finished and split it over and the hard part is going to be those utilities you know as old as they are so I'm glad and we're probably going to have to help them as bad as it is oh yeah we'll we'll help them they I'll come apart when we start doing it well they're going to go ahead and bring those utilities out towards the building so that now we don't have to go underneath our brand new pavement to do any kind of repairs so they either abandon them in place or pull out what they have to gotcha yeah we'll bring it all out to the buildings themselves if y'all don't mind Sor sorry police chief is it more cost effective to to repair or to just abandon as you say and just make new or well we have we can't leave some of them underneath the brand new pavement because then we'll just have to tear it up every time it breaks down so we don't want to do that and then some of these I mean he can he knows what's under there and it's well most of it so the big question is what's there so we know what is supposed to be there but since beginning of time what has been abandoned what's still left what's been abandoned still alive so when all that goes away it'll all come out to the ends be be easier for maintenance and ease and more cost effective have it all on the outside than the inside so at the end of the day it's going to be good for [Music] everybody remember there were buildings on the whole around the whole thing and in the middle yeah yeah yeah so there's Footers in there there's Utilities in there it's all kinds of things we can proceive we don't have to wait I just want to see know if we had plans and see them we got an engineer we got plans believe me I haven't seen them either but I know we got them WS in the middle of it all right so we'll just move on does does the council have any uh comment yeah Walt nickel with right Pierce um just a little bit of clarification this was designed I think initially in 2017 the most updated one that we had was from 2017 yeah and Bell engineering did the design did the initial permitting um for all of that put it out for bid I believe several times they never went to a contract award either there were no biders or the bids weren't within funds a lot of VAR issues we took Bell's plans again we didn't you know we didn't change those put the whole package out for bid again read advertised contacted multiple biders and got three bids in on the project so so I do want to say you know Bell did design since then we've been looking at some alternatives to maybe changing the parking lot as we go forward if we had a restroom if we were going to add the charging stations if some other development was going to come into the area we looked at options um for that we are still going ahead with the barell design but as things like say if you find out about the charging stations comes in we may be doing a modification as we go but right now we're going with the barell plan as government's GNA pay for the charging St well they you you're going for a very large Grant and that would include site changes to the site to accommodate it so yes it would so that's that's where we're at what got us here you know today so we put the project out for bid three bids uh uh wils was the lowest on any combination that we wanted to award the pieces parts so that made it easy uh second bidder was close but they had some anomalies in their bid they didn't fill out the paperwork right we would have had to have rejected fortunately they were not the low bidder and then the third bidder was substantially higher than wilk's construction so I think we got a good value with wilk's site prep so the numbers are the parking spaces where the parking spaces are going to be located right so now where the parking but that is one of the alternates if we shift things around to accommodate the restroom EV station so that's a tentative design that we may change to uh and do a change order um but that's not the current as bid it's slightly it's a little bit different than that but we started look doing some what if scenarios for Laura if you got the restroom charging station funds how could we change some things so when we go forward we're going to be doing the underground utilities first doing all that that buys us some time for the grant if before they start doing any pav we get the grant then we may do a change order to modify the paving to match what we need to do for the EV stations if we don't get it we're just going to go forward with the current design as it is so part of the EV stations Grant does include the additional Paving that needs to be done and the additional electric and everything so it's complicated if we end up getting that Grant in the middle it it does but we've got some flexibility built into this a little bit so if I'm reading this correctly the retention Pond is going to be right behind the Chinese restaurant am I looking at that right um North this no North is up on your drawing there so it's in the upper northeast corner it's in front of the barber shop yeah the grassy no oh where the VAC lot is now the vacant corner across from the Big Blue House okay gotcha thank you excellent now the people who are renting or own their spots where would they Park while this construction's going on yeah the the contractors going to have that whole back area in they're going to have to park round area yeah and they're going to have to use their front entrances during construction um it's going to be it's going to be a hazardous area we really don't want can't have customers for sure so the contct director has that whole back area for construction purposes yeah and do we know how long it will take uh three or four minutes um we had a we had that number in our bid documents I don't have that in front of me it was it was about four or five months that's what I that we we don't want to squeeze the biders too tightly because it causes the prices to go up so we try to give them you you know an ample amount of time and uh so I think it was in the in the F Monon range I'm sorry I don't have that number in front of that's okay I'm just thinking about the tenants of the buildings so we know how it's going to affect the people that's actually in the area there but what about the roadway that's alongside is that going to be that'll be open that'll stay open okay yeah I mean May a temporary shutdown when they make a tap there's a couple connections to the utilities in the road but those would be a shortterm type thing uh the roadways would be staying open I know the owners of those businesses I'm sure we be glad to have it done yeah I'm sure Laura's had those conversations I personally haven't but they don't believe me I the only other thing I see too and that's totally off the wall but the dumpster the one and only dumpster that I see is way over there um and I'm sure the restaurants are going to need them closer to the restaurant well what the restaurants can do is have have to have their own dumpster they can make a dumpster um enclosure enclosure for and they can take some of their parking spaces gotcha thank you any other questions for Miss Jones or Mr Nichols quick question for me um so when the businesses especially like the restaurants have big trucks there coming in how is that going to affect our parking once it's totally done they're just going to block the spots like they do in every other restaurant okay yeah they'll just pull in the back probably us they have the other areas have like a in the back there's nothing there like a loading area yeah just curious no they'll just pull in like they do at Walgreens and just you know probably do it early early in the mornings when they try to do it okay okay thank you sir thank you anyone else has have a comment if not I will entertain a motion for approval of resolution 2024 65 I make a motion that we approve on resolutions 202 24-65 Mr R I would second the motion all right any other discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes resolution 2024-the for election Services between the city of Williston and the Levy County Supervisor of election authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such an agreement on behalf of the city of Willison and providing the effective date City attorney Miss Christen Boer as you stated this is resolution 2024 66 this is regarding the interlocal agreement so that we can have services from The Levy County Supervisor of Elections for your upcoming August 20th 2024 election for your vacant seats um you'll remember that you recently passed an order ordinance um which sort of amended your election code and then you'd previously given us direction to provide for an election in August for your two vacant seat so this is the interlocal agreement allowing us to partner with the leevy County Supervisor of Elections so that we can do that in the most costeffective way possible I'm happy to answer any questions um section three outlines with the supervisor of elections will do section four outlines what the city will do um I'm I'm happy to clar if there are any um issues all right anybody have any questions from miss blo my only question is will this do for every election from now or do we have to do one of these every time we have one the way that it's worded right now it's just for this election and any runoff election um so we can put together and some of our municipalities do have um ongoing Services a blanket one um but this one just because that our only Direction was for these next couple I thought so that's all I thought that's what I was reading thank you okay anyone else has a comment or anything okay if not I will entertain a motion for approval for resolution 20 24- 66 I make a motion that we approve resolution 2024 66 second a motion all right those in favor say I I motion approved all right resolution 20 item e resolution 202 24- 67 the resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida approving the purchase of furniture from multiple vendors for the new terminal building authorizing the appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such an agreement on behalf of the city of Willison and provide an effective date Mr Airport Manager Venton steeve thank you Mr President um in front of you you have a a quick presentation and I apologize for a lot of the complexities in the agenda item uh this this presentation was supposed to be a part of all that um I did send it to everybody's email again so that you can and have it bumped right to the top so you can see the colors if you would like um but basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk through the uh the PowerPoint that's provided um and it's it this can be as granular or as quick as you would like to be um you you know like I've like I've told everybody you've you've had all the data for a little while and you can look over everything but uh you know for the most part this should be pretty smooth um I can tell you that that Kelly and I have put a lot of time in um getting quotes from everybody looking at furniture going and sitting in Furniture um and that's my first question I to look at it that's you can't have a question if I'm not even started yet um but yeah that's we we put a lot of time and effort into it um and initially we we reached out to a company to come furnish the entire building um and it ate up our entire budget and the FBO would have looked like a hospital um so we were not thrilled with that furniture set up um so from there on out we kind of just took it upon our hands to check out a lot of um a lot of different Avenues and you know like Kelly Kelly mentioned as we're going through it if we're looking at a good better best we want better um as cheap as we can get it um something that's going to last something that's going to be nice look presentable and hold up so um um you know that's that's kind of what we did if you turn to page two on our slideshow it has the layout um this this particular presentation doesn't have everything in it like it doesn't have some of the appliances this is primarily for furniture um so the part of the agenda item is a a spreadsheet with three quotes for every piece of furniture that you see on this presentation um the first quote that we're going to go over is the nnn quote U nnn is a is a commercial company that does commercial office furniture um their the price tag for their um their quote is $2,283 185 U there is a detailed breakdown in the packet but essentially this quote covers the administrative offices um with desks and all the trimmings of the desks so filing cabinets all that good stuff um it is the mezzanine furniture and the conference room tables and chairs um that's the in and end quote so um and I as we continue through this if you flip over to the next page we have a nice little breakdown of each room so the mezanine is the first one we're starting with we got a modular sofa set um that's going to go up on top of the mezanine with coffee tables end tables and all the tables that you can possibly think think of to the price tag of $892 rather pricey but this is commercial commercial grade furniture for up on the mezanine part of the reason we went with commercial is because it will be directly in the sunlight all day being up on the mezzanine any questions on the mezzanine and you have a concept of of the mezzanine and the rendering of the furniture and all that so is the mezzanine quote in our in what in this or in our packet it will be in your packet okay I start to say because it's not in this no ma'am no the the mezzanine the quote that we're the first three rooms that we're going over is part of the in and end quote right I have to find that I don't have to know what page that is because these are interspersed yes ma'am in the packet they're not it's got all three like things together yeah I sent the quote or I sent the two quotes over um the presentation and then or the N andn the Ashley quote in the presentation okay um and then later we sent the three quotes for everything and I'm being told page 64 is the end and end quote for the mezzanine 60 right because yeah I'm on 49 and it's not there 64 sorry and this was the lowest of The Three Bs for the mezzanine same Furniture so which I have to go back to the pictures which is the N&M they they all have a totally different look right so I there's one that's kind of white with barn doors there's one that's Farmhouse looking there's one that's more professional right so the end and end quote um is a standalone quote it's a standalone document um and it's it covers the conference room uh the mezzanine and the administrative office all three of them okay yes ma'am got it so it it is a standalone quote in the packet it's not it shouldn't be intermixed with everything you should see Inn in um on their header and it it should have all of their breakdown line by line item by item in there and I'm asking you which what does it look like is not any of the others that have pictures in here right no ma'am it's not going to have any pictures on it the other three are the pictures not the nnn uh well the Ashley quote's not going to have any pictures on it either it's just a quote okay sure so the Ashley the canes and the room to go that's totally different just for comparison okay but that's not what you're talking about are there are there any pictures of what you are talking about yes ma'am yeah in the um in the packet or in the packet that I just gave you guys um there's a a picture on each room with a concept or a rendering of each room gotcha so on the mezanine it has a rendering of what the mezanine furniture will look like I see that in the top right corner ex there is no me need in this packet yeah should be slide four five one two three four slide four is M number five four says Pilot's loue awesome sorry I'm just no you're you're fine and it looks beautiful by the way yes ma'am um Latricia is there any way you can pull this up please is it on what you send us can you can you pull up the you guys can pull it up on your email I have it I see it in the my email that you sent and it looks different than the P loue yes very much got it okay The Pilot lounge would have the sectional yes sir okay the mezanine does too though there's two or three sets of sectionals correct yeah but are those tables on the end of the mine yes ma'am so it's really not a sectional it's just it's it technically it's not a sectional they're calling it a modular sectional unit oh okay um and it's got if you look at it it looks like three couches and a bunch of end tables and a cofy t yeah okay sorry that I just wanted to visualize it absolutely I do find it thank you I did I did find it here good with a mezine all right moving on to the administrative offices um you can see the um we have two u-shaped desks with hutches um and filing cabinets associated with those desks and then a training desk that we're going to have in that room um originally we for some reason Paso put it as an open Office FL plan and I don't know why they did that but we just told them that we wanted it to be just a singular Administrative Office where the administrative staff of the airport conducted business together um no separate rooms because we just we I think it's more efficient if we're all in the same room talking um so this quote is um for the desks and accompanying Furniture is 3554 do25 any questions Cenas that are on the floor can they be put on the desk if you decide to do that uh those are filing cabinets those are filing cabinets yes ma'am up up against the back wall you're talking about yes ma'am that the back wall of the um the back wall of the administrative office is going to be lined with filing cabinets okay and the reason for that and not for other Furniture is because if you look from our door the wind windows are slightly off center um and it centered from the outside of the building but from our office it's like off center so we wanted to take away from that um as much as we could good thing so the credenzas that are listed here where are they they're going to be the the censes underneath the um okay so they what holds the top up the bridge they're calling it The Bridge is the bridge is Standalone um we're going to have three different pieces on the u-shape right and then you're going to have the credenzas under them they they don't necessarily hold it up they're free sing pieces okay they sell everything separately now I'm used to credenzas being on top not under the bottom like kind of like Stacy's desk with this with the creden on the top like theut I mean that's not a problem I just was visualizing it different Hello um the I think what they're referring to is the credenza is actually the third piece of the U shape on the desk is what I found there's like the the one shell and then there's a bridge and then the back piece piece of the U they're calling it The credenza um and then there is the file cabinets that attach to the bottom so that you have the drawers and stuff the two u-shaped desks will have hutches that are on the one side probably the bridge side that have um holders um stands stands that stand them up ready for the Next Room yep yep I actually kind of like the idea of the openness of your office oh you ought to come see it where you know well since you worked that way anyway they do work that way as a team yeah I like that um oh one of the uh if you go to the next slide it says admin office continued U the filing cabinets for the back wall was not a part of um the in and end quote it's a standalone quote for $2,500 for the filing cabinets and that's from Global Industries I'm sorry Global industrial okay now your picture yes sir on the bottom has like two people desks and stuff yes sir I think you're go in the conference room yep you're in the conference room I believe yeah the bottom right corner on the bottom right corner in the on the conference room slide yes yes sir will you have that open like it let's say somebody comes in and they want to have a meeting with management or something like that is that set up to where you could rent that spot it will be yes sir um we're actually one thing that's not pictured on this but if you go back to slide two um you can see that there's a small kitchenet that accesses the conference room okay um so our intent with that was to be able to close the conference room off and basically have a keypad on that door um and say if the fire department wants to um rent the space or the police department wants to rent the space to come in and do training um and they cater that little kitchen net or the utilities department if they want to use it um you know they can come in use the kitchenet for their catering and then have their class um in the conference room so these these twom man tables um they're they're stackable they're foldable they're nestable and we also have a nice little closet to store the ones that are not being used in lot of everything not maybe not everything but we've put a lot of time and effort into this I have one other question about the conference room it it's not a long table it's tables smaller tables that are put together to make a big table just like what you see here in the picture yes ma'am well I'm seeing actually two I'm seeing one up here that looks like a long one oh yeah so the but that's with them put together right the rendering um the rendering is just the initial floor plan um but it's not a long table like we have now correct it's the it's going to be it's going to be the bottom right corner with the all the little tables and we can put them together or you can have a a classroom style got it you see that at a lot of airports now Okala Okala conference room is the same way U when we have Regional Airport Manager meetings they we all come together and we P like four or five of these together and we all sit around the table sounds great U the conference room price tag is 8,86 and 20 big one for that one is going to be the office chairs um and the tables they're they are not cheap especially once you put add the word nesting to it all um so next up we're going to move on to the was everybody good with the conference room okay next up we're moving on to the as asy Furniture quote the Ashley Furniture quote comes in at $ 6,978 186 um and it covers the Pilot lounge the quiet room and the lobby um and we have two separate seating areas in the lobby that it's covering and that's back on the back on here MH to the first room that we're going to be going over is a pilot's Lounge they're looking at the slides just let me know when you're ready okay all right um so the Pilot's Lounge we are going to carry over some furniture um we have a round table and some chairs that we're going to take over there um for the pilots to be able to sit down and eat lunch they're going to have a small kitchenette in there um and then we're going to put a um Ashley two-piece sectional in there U one with a Chase Lounge in it it's the na'vi two-piece sectional that'll be $1,199 198 and you're going to have one of those the pilot yes ma it was either that or like a couch and a recliner and by the time you get that you're paying almost twice as much so so the next any any questions here are you getting the Reiner too that will be for the quiet room okay gotcha yep same sectional and and the recliner will be going in the quiet room which is our next room you you may not have the slide in the in the scann packet y I saw it in the packet but essentially the the quiet room is is a little 16 by1 foot room extra insulated um we we kind of stole the idea from Okala and essentially it's it's a it is exactly what its name describes is a quiet room U Pilots can go in there turn the lights off and take a nap um and you know just be away from everybody else asking about how nice their jet is um you know if they need to take or if they need to just unplug for a few minutes they can do it in there um it it's actually a pretty popular concept that's popping up in fbos all over the place now um so but we're going to equip that one with the the same sectional you see and then the na'vi uh manual recliner that's a chair and a half recliner any questions on that okay um you should have a slide labeled Lobby landside all right cool got that one so um we're going to have two seating areas in the lobby um one's on the land side one's on the air side this slide um since we couldn't recruit any kind of rental car place um we're kind of you know we're kind of turning that into just an additional seating area and a coffee stand um so our coffee machine or our coffee yeah coffee machine is going to be in this area um you can see the the chairs that we're going to get um you know the little accent chairs coffee table and then the um the server SL Buffet that's going to have all the coffee supplies in it um you know as I said earlier this doesn't have an area rug in this quote um these accent chairs actually aren't in the quote either I just wanted to give you guys a good idea of what it's going to look like um they're not in the Ashley quote they are on that sheet though you can see the the price tag for them for four of those chairs we're looking at $1,116 yeah so you going to put a piece of glass on top of the buffet probably or something something something nice or something Granite the the havalance the havalance set is actually a really nice really durable set from Ashley um I believe somebody that's in this room has a lot of that set at their house so we you know if it lives in Josh hor' house it's probably pretty durable yeah it have to be um the next slide is going to be the lobby airide which you guys may not have a slide for at least in the in the scan copy it it would be in your email um but it's it's another seating area going under the um under the mezzanine and essentially it will be facing the wall underneath the stairs going up to the mezzanine um we've got a sofa two oversized chairs um a coffee table and a couple of console tables included in that quote it comes out to um $4 4,126 N3 Kelly do you have the slide for the so they can see it so that's the sofa those are not the end tables we're not going to get any end end tables it'll just be a coffee table in the middle there's the recliner they're very deep and and very comfortable looks like it it's dangerous it's going to be the coffee table so do you not have a lot of foot traffic or a lot of people in the airport at the same time cuz I'm not seeing a lot of seating that's a great question um um the area that we have right now has seating for about six total um very very rarely is there standing room only in the FBO currently um so with three three seating areas in the main lobby um and the Pilot's Lounge in the quiet room there's going to be ample seating for everybody um and if we need to figure out more seating arrangements that's a good problem to have so so when the pilots are coming in they're coming in alone or they're coming in with passengers who are leaving the location or they hanging around a little bit of all of it okay um sometimes the pilots will come in early excuse um you know they'll have a charter flight that comes in early Pilots will get there an hour hour and a half before the uh the passengers are supposed to arrive we'll be fueling the plane while they go back to the Pilot's planning room um they can print off any documents that they need or they just you know grab a cup of coffee hang out in one of the other seating areas but most of the time um most of the time the pilots are coming in they may have one or two passengers um they hang out till we're done fueling they get on the plane and they go um so you're you're not our team's pretty efficient when it comes to refueling Jets you're looking at maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes turn around before everybody's walking back out the door again um so as far as waiting time and and not enough seating in the lobby I I don't really see it happening um if we do um and it it is one of the concerns of of one of my team members that this new building is going to generate a lot of new traffic um and if we do start to have that issue then that is a a good problem to have um and we'll improvise adapt and overcome I always buy another sofa or a couple more recliners yes ma'am or accent chairs because they're there's are really pretty I like them any questions on the lobby all right if not we'll move on to the staff break room you guys have a slide for that one all right so um we are going to be equipping the staff break room with nine um nine lockers that are um 18 by 15 by 72 um that way excuse me a team member can put an entire um set of clothes in antire change of clothes a bag and everything so they don't have to worry about you know taking a jet fuel bath and then having to drive home to change clothes they can keep an additional set of clothes on site um and on our side of the building we're actually going to have a shower in our restroom as well so um that that takes care of a lot of that issue too um aside from the lockers we will be buying a um break room table U this break or this table we found on Amazon for you know around $500 um it's expanding um we're going to leave it set for about four but it expands to seat about eight um sometimes we have people that you know family members that come out and eat lunch with with a team member and we like to have the additional seating but you know we want the want the break room to be efficient um and not be taken up by a single huge table so we like the ability to be able to collapse it and extend it um chairs for that table are going to be carried over from the old FBO I'm going to use the stackable chairs from the conference room which chair is he going to use for this table we're carrying them over from the old FBO I but the conference room chairs yeah that's what I fig nice comfy lean bag any questions on that one I have a question but it has nothing to do with your furniture send it so you were talking about the lockers and um the clothing that your staff has to wear to like refuel and do different things do you guys Supply them with like I guess maybe overalls or whatever it is and if so good why are you looking at me like that and if so um are you going to well first of all do you guys do that or do they have their own clothing that they have that they just we Supply each team member with shirts um and we haven't quite gotten to fullon uniforms yet um there's not really a need when it comes to that U we do Supply I proo and ear Pro for each team member um which and gloves which is a safety consideration when fueling an aircraft um technically or I guess typically clothes are not something that's that's given to a team member like that um and in the past we haven't really had the money to do it um we're starting to work towards a position of being able to um but that's very costly um to to outfit a team member with an entire uniform um they pretty much wear their own jeans with their own shorts okay right and we we give them shirts um and if the shirts end up getting destroyed you know we we pay for our team shirts with t-shirt sales but if they're getting fuel all over them is it getting on their if you do you're not very good at your job are are we replacing their pants and not not typically um with with jet fuel um you let's say you get it on a pair of jeans um you can wash that pair of jeans twice and it'll get jet fuel smell out of them okay um it it it stinks um like actually stinks smells bad but you can wash it a couple of times um and you know we tell every 10 member that like it's it's not a matter if it's a matter when you're taking a bath um so when it happens keep a set of clothes on hand you know immediately change out of it you know and um if it's bad enough I'll send the team member home um because it it can it can start to burn if you're not uh you know it's it's chemical like any other so chemical irritants are are bad but no we we don't Supply them with anything but a t-shirt gloves ey Pro we PR okay the shower is wonderful we' we've needed a shower for a long time yes ma'am um other than that um go over some of the carryover furniture that we're looking at we're we're saving about $2,500 in carryover Furniture um you may or may not have this slide but the flight planning room um we're taking chairs over there the maintenance shop um Mr David valz the vice president of our Experimental Aircraft Association donated a tool bench to us a really nice like 8T tool bench um and we're taking a couple of chairs over there and um let's see Pilot lounge round table and chairs are going in there so I mean we're and and we're taking a couple of coffee tables over as well um so we're estimated Savings of of $2,500 in carryover Furniture um going over the totals um the in and end quote for the commercial Furniture is 21,000 $ 28385 Ashley quote 6,978 186 uh lockers are 1300 filing cabinets is 2500 accent chairs 11 um extending table for the break room is 504 total price tag to furnish the building is $33,600 um not six or not 60,000 like we thought and it's all coming out of airport Reserve and what are we going to do with the old building refresh my memory on that so our intent is to fill the old building with commercial office um you know commercial office space if I can't have if I don't have renters for every room by the time that we're ready to move into the new one I'm going to come to the Chamber of Commerce and say hey what you got um because from what I understand commercial property is a at a premium in the city of Williston um and a couple offices out there can easily be taken I'd imagine okay all righty so it's nice it's coming out of the airport reserves yes sir all right and it's the it's actually the only thing that the city of Willison is going to be paying um aside from the permit fee that's the only thing the city of Wiis is going to be paying for for this project is the furniture the the rest of the building is completely Grant funded by FAA and fot have we ordered our generator yes sir awesome in how many weeks months a lot yeah I think we're we're about 38 weeks out right now yeah I remember it being 42 or something 42 weeks or something yes wellow was bad whatever it was yes Years hopefully it'll show up right before the first hurricane you mean like couple of months from now all righty I move resolution 2024 67 I second all right any other discussion all in favor say I I motion passes all right thank you very much resolution 202468 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida approving Mr Ron Beasley to the Planning and Zoning commission for a three-year term beginning May 28 2024 and ending May 28 2027 and providing an effective date Miss Laura Jonesy planner thank you uh we had one of our Planning and Zoning Commissioners move out of the town and Mr Beasley had been waiting um very patiently for an opening so he went ahead and took his application and we're asking for you to appoint him to that commission move resolution 202468 a second all right any other discussion all in favor say I I motion passes all right discussion with possible action ly County tourism Development Council seat council member Deborah Jones I got a phone call from Tisha Whitehurst who is the uh executive director of the tourism Development Council for Ley County um and she said that first thing she asked me was Mr Bullock still on the council I said no ma'am he left on May the 14th and her her answer to me was that Wiston has a seat on the tourism Development Council an automatic seat and we need to appoint someone yes I was too so I think we've all taken turns it's hard I can tell you you may want to be there again um they meet at 9:00 in the morning every other month the next meeting it has to be approved whoever we recommend has to be approved by the County Commission and the next meeting is July 11th and the next one is September 12 the next one's November 8th those are the ones for this year uh we can wait until we either appoint I hate to wait till August uh but if if we're that was my next question are we going to appoint someone between now and August to this city council I'm saying that's up to you but you have the ability to do so if you choose we haven't advertised it yet though have we we have advertised it have we got the applications out so we can do that fairly quickly uh we might want to wait until we get two more members unless one of you wants to do it I could have sworn I heard you say you were interested well I can't I would have to take off work to do it but it may be easier for me to do it than y'all to do do it yeah I can't put another thing on my FL I know I I I know Miss hin Works a long way away I would be interested in it you would be think you could take off to do it it's important to be there because we're the representative for williston's tourism yeah that's once every other month right every other month at 9 o' in the morning and they meet they used to always meet in Bronson but lately they've been meeting in different cities than Le the county so I think the next one if I remember right is in Cedar Key um and then and they go to englas Bronson chelin wherever they deem to go at each meeting they decide where to go next way I understand it so it's it's um that's interesting not as easy as driving to Bron so let's put it that way M Kirsten would we have to do a motion or could we do a cens you'd need a nomination um and then you would move okay I nominate Darin no I'm just joking I nominate Miss deorah Jones I second that any other discussion don't look at me Sor are you okay with it though seriously yeah every other month like you said I think I could do that all right no other discussion no seeing none I move to vote all in favor say I I I motion passes I know right not too sure about that right all right item seven public participation this is your second opportunity to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for 5 minutes on any topic other than the agenda please state your name and presid just a reminder the council doesn't have to comment anyone on the ring central wish to speak up unmute your mic speak up now nothing heard all right seeing none and everybody's favorite time announcements staff councel staff any announcements no I have Mr Gard thank you Mr President so as we all know that you know one of our staff members not here today it normally is and that's Donald Barber um you know he's been out on maternity leave and you know he there were some complications and but we are happy to announce that you know today uh both the baby and the mother home and doing well um he did write the city a letter and to uh but I like to read it if that's okay and um he wants to thank us for everything we've done the Gratitude and the prayers and so he wrote us a letter it says uh City willson family and friends and the trials of Life are not a burden but a blessing when darkness begins to creep into the seams of life one could be given to Panic or be given to the almighty presence of The Sovereign and Powerful Lord many times In the Heat of the Moment all it takes is a reminder of a passer by giving the right encouragements and offering a simple blessing in a prayer in making the difference it is easy to fall prey in the cicis cynicism to forget that each time anyone holds you up before Jehovah he hears you to intercede our families are Beyond humbled by the show of support and the love you all poured out to us watching and recording of everyone from all the Departments standing in Celerity with us through our pain anger and sorrow made us weak we feel like we are a parable of the lost sheep whom the shepherd left the 99 to search for the one it would be our desire to be able to repay the kindness and support offered to us but we know that that cannot happen so we find ourselves at the loss we can only say thank you and God bless you all with warm gratitude the bar very nice hallelujah it's great to hear too that mom and baby are doing well Mr Mayor just one thing everybody thank you thank you Mr it man you have a fantastic Carpenter right there for building that furniture I'm sure Chief RS would be more than happy to build it thank you Mr Mayor I want I want it to last I need it to last more than a couple weeks I don't make the wood I build done and I don't have an announcement but I was thrilled to see that the permit came through for Cornelius Williams Park I saw that somewhere that it had been issued by Swift m that was a Swift Mud permit that we'd been going back and forth on for long to see it come through yeah and um rap here saved us about $100,000 on that permit wow yeah wow so the gentleman who was here I think Mr Frasier maybe last time was it Mr Fraser who asked about that last time no Mr Brown it was Mr Brown Elijah Brown who asked last time about it so we will be bidding it out in the next few weeks to get the construction started un fortunately we don't think we're going to be able to do all of the projects that we wanted to do sure um but we're going to go ahead and and get started so I can go after some more funding perfect great miss hin no announcements but I will say that I didn't realize that Mr Barber had an is uh M family issue um but I'm glad that him the mother and the baby are home safe and well and I will continue to say prayers for their recovery Miss R I just want to announce Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. the friends of the corus Williams Park committee whatever they are we'll be having uh fun day at the park so if you aren't doing anything Saturday go out and visit with them I think they're going to be playing kickball and sever other different games just I'm sorry she's made me remember something they're having juneth on the 19th as well at Heritage Park I think that's we don't have another meeting between now and then uh so there is a juneth celebration at the park um I last most of the day has that been canceled I'm sorry you're pushing your button on me is that right have they changed it it still is there yes okay the other thing that I wanted to mention is I'm going uh to Palm Beach County on Thursday to the Florida Municipal Insurance trust board meeting um Chief Rose just reminded me Watermelon Festival Saturday June the 15th starting at 10:00 a.m. here in Heritage Park so if you're not doing anything then please come out and support Mr Bishop would they be blocking off where they took the trees out so nobody steps or at just time no um if the ground settles and absolutely yes sir but right now it's packed and hard so if it winds up not being then absolutely yes sir got oh you made me you made me remember something else oh my gosh those trees yes I called you and talked to you about it so I know you know but yesterday morning I started getting phone calls off wall about those trees um I told them that we did know sort of about it we got minutes from the CRA and in those minutes it told us in the minutes that they were going to do that that the Arbors said the trees were dead and they were going to do it so yes but that was months ago and I certainly didn't know they were going to do it when they did it I'm just here to say clear them away as soon as you can so people don't have to look at them and please be prepared to plant them back as soon as you can can cuz we're going to hear it to you D yes ma'am they're all gone at this time red up and cleaned up thank you thank you okay anybody El going once going twice it's our favorite part of the meeting can I get a motion to adjourn make a motion that we adjourn can I get a second second motion approved the time is now 7:25 p.m. meetings aour