##VIDEO ID:dbPC4vn8dO4## we'll call the uh city council meeting to order at 6 o' roll call Mayor Reese here council member OS here Nelson here Davis here sches here baggerly here osmus here Butterfield here O'Brien here nine present thank you please stand for the pledge [Music] I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible in Justice for All any proposed additions or deletions to the agenda motion to approve the agenda as presented second we got a motion in a second discussion hearing none roll call council member Nelson I Davis i sches i baggerly i osmus i Butterfield I O'Brien I an ask I eight eyes zero nose that passes consent items I'll call Berne the city clerk for your consideration today Mr Mayor and council members I have the city council minutes of July 15 2024 the accounts payable report of 711 through 723 of 24 and West Central Ducks Unlimited lawful gambling application there is no addition information motion to approve the consent agenda second we got a motion in the second any discussion if not roll call council member Davis I sches hi pagerly hi osmus hi Butterfield hi O'Brien I askos I and Nelson I eight eyes zero nose that passes I'll assume we don't have anybody for the uh open form okay we'll go to regular business Capital Improvement plan City administrator Valiant good evening council tonight in front of you you have the fiveyear proposed just to give you an overview of the whole book that you have received the first pages are the 5-year Capital Improvement plan that plant there but the following page after the green one then will be each consecutive year following that so you'll have a further B breakdown of each year and then after that what we've started this year is providing more of a complete packet as to what each project is and why the directors of the uh departments feel that this is a uh obligation that we should be having over the next 5 years so each pack each tab after that you will have if there's a cost for the next five years you will have one sheet for each year that that project is going forward or if it's just a single year and with that then I will turn it over for Mr Odin to explain where we are at and how we will go forward then with this any questions first Audrey um the first page um if you would just go through fire years committed so that money is still there that's what Mr Owens will go through right now go through that okay yes all right right that is me again you're always a step ahead Mr Mayor members of the council um so yeah first the first we'll want to draw your attention to the the 25 through 20 9 Capital Improvement plan that's in the front of your binder and as uh council member Nelson had alluded to the prior year committed CIP per City Charter we keep money for three years after they're allocated for CIP program so the prior year committed CIP column would be for projects uh approved from 2022 2023 and then for 20 for those two years then we also included the 2024 column as it stand alone column uh so just a real quick run through them at the auditorium we have electrical remodel which is a safety concern there's the old old wiring at the auditorium and also the the roof gutter fascia and Tuck pointing so at the auditorium there's a uh $640,000 sitting out there committed towards the improvements there the next item is a blue line Arena installation that that number original ask appropriation was 350,000 there were uh Council resolutions and Council action to reallocate some of that money towards other Civic Center projects I believe in this case it was a Civic Center roof project and we could flip over to the next page um it's a park and wreck bike and walking trail grants for 62,500 and that is the city cost or the city portion of a grant along with the DNR and that is for the trail head improvements at the glacial Lake State trail for the total project cost of $250,000 but the city portion a 62,500 and uh if we go to the next page we do have one or uh uh in the police department there's a secure garage this would be a uh joint venture with candy ohigh County and the Sheriff's Office uh it was committed $50,000 to a secure garage out there uh you'll see that also is in the CIP for 2025 um the reason for that is the price may have changed since the last quote and I believe that uh administrators are still working on getting a better price for that secure garage as well along with the police and the sheriff's offices uh the International Dump Truck plow truck that that number is a hard cost it's a known cost it's on order um we ordered two of them um one of them were paying cash it was actually a 2022 CIP allocation and then we also ordered one that we paid for with the equipment certificate uh with our 2024 Bond issuance so we just have not taken delivery upon that of that vehicle yet so that that is still coming this fall hopefully public works also has some signal pole painting that figure I believe there were that dollar amount was larger but there were some funds reallocated that's why you see an exact dollar amount there uh there were some funds reallocated out of that project and that concludes all of the prior year committed CIP so all of those dollars sitting in our Capital Improvement fund those projects just have noted yet or we haven't written [Music] yet the the next column over is the 2024 and this this one's going to have you'll see red red numbers as well as the the black numbers the red numbers were the original asks in the capital Improvement program but they were pushed off or not approved in the 2024 budget so you'll see various projects that have been pushed off and then they either were reallocated to the future or uh abandoned altogether um the the black numbers are still potentially in progress for for this year um there's quite a few projects and um I I don't know if we need to run through each of those line by line um if you need any other information we can certainly do that one thing I do want to draw out though as we move forward in the 2024 projects it was approximately $17 million total that's including all of our funding sources of that the cash and the community investment fund is $1.1 million the other funds came from we got Public Safety dollars from the state of Minnesota uh we um bonded that's where we the significant portion of our streets come from our bonding as well as our equipment we had some uh American Rescue plan harpa dollars that was allocated in 2024 we had some local option sales tax that's going to be for our storm water improvements and then also the storm water improvements as part of our road project we did receive $500,000 in grant money for our bike path on the 19th Avenue uh trail that is being constructed as we speak actually and then there's also about $2.7 million out of the wastewater treatment fund that's going to be for various um projects as well as our street Improvement program but the the cash portion was about $1.1 million between the general fund and the community investment fund contributions so looking at 2025 did you want to go line by line Department by department or what would be the council's wishes on that how we start going through this well trly I I would at least like to talk about the Auditorium and what we're going to do and what's the plan I agree yeah I that too your discussion I had the same reservation I went through this this afternoon and I had the same reservation I sat with Leslie for a while and talked about it okay would you like to go line by line in 2025 first and understand what's in 2025 and then go back to what is available for transferring funding yeah let's do that because then we get a better picture Audrey yes Audrey just a clarification um I know this happened before that we weren't aware that some funds you talked about the three-year time frame and that um the mayor transferred it into the budget um because that time frame was was done without having a discussion about whether we wanted to keep the funds available for that project so do we have any of that this year that there's a plan to things that were allocated and are in that prior years committed that would be automatically available to be transferred I guess that' be this would not be automatic well it's council's DEC decision no matter what I I understand that so what you're seeing yep what you're seeing in Prior years committed is what we know that is still left from those back three years right so and what you're saying is it's council's decision if you we haven't taken anything off okay and that's the council's decision if you want to move any of these funds to something else like councilman osus had said about the discussion on the auditorium that's all of this is up for Council to move or okay whatever you want to do so we let's go line by line through 2025 so you know it's all in 2025 for expenses future expenses and then we can discuss if we want to move funding over to 2025 for projects that way that'll give us a better understanding of what and where the funding source is coming from can I ask one more question sure last year we came up with a figure that we decided that that's it we don't that's all we can spend on CIP we aren't that far yet in this process are we NOP okay that's why we need to know your input here tonight and we do have an idea but we're not going to give you that yet I want you guys to be able to decide what you need and that because even last year what we had said there was still additions to that what the council wanted but we can't do the same thing we did last year right which was take not our choice that you do that what's that it's not our choice that you do that no but it's still C decision we have drawn down that money so so I think that's important for us to know we talked about that being kind of a one time yeah it'll beu those are I think you're ahead of the game here too those are still going to be ongoing discussions even tonight we'll have more of that discussion after we get to the final ideas to okay Justin yeah just some clarity on what it is you're looking um for from us tonight then you're looking for some input you're looking for us to evaluate and prioritize projects yes okay I think that would be a a fair statement um to see council's this is what the Departments have submitted for their 2025 and Beyond requests and then now we're looking at council's direction to authorize some of them authorize all of them or none of them you know anywhere in between this is just a compilation of all the department requests and um I think the department directors for putting all together the all the um some of them have pictures in there the of some of the work that he's done so so at the bottom line we're coming up short by 2.5 million that is that is the funding Gap currently okay so is the is the point of tonight to close the funding Gap I that would be a good goal yes y but okay Julie's next I was I was each one of them I'm getting to exactly where I'm thinking as far as I know that Audrey was ahead but we then need Al before we can say okay let's cut this cuz this is more important you need to know where the funding sources are coming from and we and like Audrey was saying we are at um last year we we're at that point where I believe the league of Minnesota cities or it says we can't take any more from the funds that we tapped last year or or the the uh what's what's acceptable to have um in our coffers that that we tapped into that yeah a we didn't have cash left that's what you're referring to but we tapped into our street um fund that was there last year that's what I was referring to okay we did that last year and we can't do it again and then I just want to acknowledge this is the first time I mean this was laying on the table so whether we can get there tonight or not um I don't know I guess we don't expect you to get there tonight because yes this is your first look so that's why I want you wanted to go through this line by line and then after that we come up with I if you want you know okay without getting too far in the weeds for us to just be able to see the overview yeah I think it's important and it's important to your directors that they know that you have taken a look at the and then we have to decide what is not going to be done at some point in time so I wonder if this tonight isn't just the first step and then this gives you an overview and then we come up with the number that well I think we know what the number is that we're comfortable with staff has been working hard on this and it was just within the last hour and a half that I I got this put together and if you have the opportunity later on to go through uh all the department heads um supervisors notes it's very good very well done it explains it so Tom when do we find out what we get for local government 8 we already have that information um I think yeah it's the final certification has not come out yet but it's it's very similar to last year there was an estimate done I think at the end of the year um it's pretty close to last year though a little bit of an increase y but not not the jump that it was from 23 to 2 so about same as last year roughly which was 6 point just over six million so 6 million really round yeah yep okay okay Leslie or who's going to run down the each item for r five yeah start with with the airport and I as as we go along I can kind of lean on directors that from their departments um and I might be we start off with the airport um a couple of these in here this would be the city portion of the costs there are some federal or other funding sources that would be a match so I going to lean on operations director box on that but there would be a t- hanger design and construction I think that's a um a placeholder not necessarily for sure 2025 requests yep so actually in your in your books you'll actually see a a separate airport CIP should be the first page in second page in after the airport tab so you'll see the future outlook of the municipal airport and this is something that we work with the airport supervisor the FAA and minda to put together a annual CIP so really these are um are placeholders if if they can be more than that um but they're good good ideas or projects that we need to have at the U airport and we've gotten nods from the state and the FAA to keep pushing forward with those so that's why you see an aggressive especially from 25 and Beyond um the biggest project that the council or the city will be seeing is Runway 1331 which is the main tarmac at the airport with a edge lighting lighting being replaced um and then as you move into 26 well I'll stop I'll just talk about 25 but the what I want to have the realization is that these are um hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of projects if not Millions uh when the FAA is contributing 90 to upwards of 95 5% of those projects the city ask is is that five or 2 and a half% so taking advantage of those federal funds is really advantageous as well as we're getting to the point where the airport is um it's showing its age it's it's 20 plus years old um and it's um it's it's just time to start seeing you're the council and the city is going to start seeing those Improvement requests come in for for maintenance of the airport uh specifically for the edgeway uh the runway lighting which is the 2025 project um that will actually result in airport closure for up upwards of um upwards of 30 days we can still schedule flights to come in and out but the lighting is to a point where it cannot be replaced um as efficiently as effectively as it was when it was installed so this is a a new project that we've got the faa's attention on and um they're ask we're putting a placeholder in there for 2025 and that's the city contribution of $45,500 uh that has the potential to actually increase to two and a decrease from 5% to 2 and a half% but we are still planning for the 5% increase or 5% local share I know you're talking about 2025 but I'm just also just looking ahead and seeing how we would spread things out but why what is the big jump to 246,000 Y um in 2028 so 2028 specifically is an actual um Mill and overlay or Reclamation of the runway itself so that's why you're seeing such roughly a approximately a $4.9 million project um the city's contribution would be 5% of that which is $246,400 but so we're just putting placeholders and planning for it at this stage but again it's the original Runway it it's it's on schedule to be replaced for M for maintenance so just wondering if how your thinking process is going when you're laying this out so because we know of that huge expense that'll come up in 2028 are we thinking then we do just a little bit less on roads to cover that what's the what's the the thought process as of right now it is a a transfer from general fund to the CIP uh cash to pay for that the local share of that project Mike and that is a placeholder in your five-year Lookout um as well as the individual 2028 in that year we've got this new golf course coming in there's obviously going to be a lot of private airplanes jets flying in there are they going to be paying extra to the city for that or how was all that going to work just be if there's any rents um there have rents that we would collect otherwise they contract with if there's private hangers out there they could rent potentially rent those otherwise we do have taxi W um but and we not directly be contribut do we sell the fuel yes we sell fuel Oasis air sells the fuel the city collects a percentage of that fuel sale in 2024 we received 22 or 23 cents a gallon off of every fuel sale so round number about $25,000 a year is what we bring in for fuel sales okay all right okay um additional in airport you'll see um which is not going to be one that's going to be different from the rest is the drainage work in the private hanger area that is a 100% City city project uh this is a request for continued efforts to improve the drainage situation at the airport uh if Council recalls last year the council approved a drainage project on the south west corner of private hangers that project I will say is 99% complete we have done um the last couple of weeks did our punch list walk through with the contractor with the engineer um but water is Flowing it is it's working as it's supposed to um but the council is aware or if you're not aware that we do have drainage continued drainage issues at the airport just because of such a thick clay base and the elevation well there isn't any it's non-existent so it's tough to get water to move um out of the airport um so this is just continued improvements uh for drainage around the um in the private hanger areas there is a separate drainage system that um encompasses the Run way and taxiways itself and that was done when the airport was constructed Tom there's that property right next to it we talked about it in the past did anything ever happen with that it was sold what it was sold okay y um the property directly to the east on Highway 40 um we had authorization to bid up to a certain amount and we were out bid okay considera far exceeded our well I just know that there was a with the previous owner he was uh talked about the easement right and you know the water issue on where he goes in and out and so I didn't know if uh that gu tied in too yeah we can look at it no but if it's all this you know it would be their problem so yeah there is an easement between the highway and their property that is owned by the city and we do have to manage some of the the trees in that area out the flight path but um the property it's private property itself yeah um Mr Mayor and if that's all right I will pause there if there are any other questions on um airport asks any questions on Airport okay who's next I can continue on right Auditorium the electrical Remodel and safety concern um you'll see that it's uh $60,000 and you'll also notice that there's $40,000 in there as prior committed so the $60,000 would not be all new we could apply the prior committed to the electrical costs and that is a safety concern um our Public Works director and our U facilities maintenance staff have looked at that and I know that they're also having work done on it periodically as things do fail uh so that is something that is something that's been pushed off for some years and um it might be time to do something or or if there's a bigger if there's a bigger uh discussion to have with the auditorium I don't know um but uh it might be time to do something Justin may be able to give you more insight on that I was just going to ask does that project help us with the Mercury that that was the intent to help us with the Mercury but as director Odin said do we want a broader scope at that building cuz you've all have toured it um you know we have the electrical and the roof and the tuck pointing are the three you know listed here but there's more work to be done do we want one big project there do we want nothing there we got to know what the purpose of correct building is we we haven't addressed that correct and so these dollars are are you know placeholders basically that if we decide hey we want to keep the building as is and just keep maintaining it that this would get us a start on that but if we have a different purpose in mind for it you know we can look into that too okay Tom um keep going okay so the city hall the uh first okay not done with the auditorium I thought we were just doing another line no we'll move on okay okay we're not going to get into that discussion tonight then it's it's that's just there that's fine well we can the auditorium what you want to do with it you probably is a good time to discuss that I just um I I just think we have to do something with the rough um in the Windows be so it doesn't deteriorate anymore or we will lose any opportunity to do anything with it and we have kicked it down the road for eight years now that I'm aware of um but that's not it looks like the roof's not in there the gutter until 2026 but well the funding is already there from prior year committed okay why okay well we really need to have a talk here pretty soon on what we should do with that building all right because I can I can understand you're not want you don't want to put a half a million into it if the desire is to tear it down but I just yeah I I the sentiment that's the bottom line yes I think everyone knows where I'm at already it's a historic building it's one of the lastest historic buildings we have in this community I think this is a community discussion also more than just at this table I do not think see us tearing that building down um I think that when you talk about uses I think if the building was repaired um that there are things that could go on in that building um that go on other places both in our recck department and other there could be other uses if you look at other communities what they do and and how they use some of their facilities I think it's an opportunity for us to Market downtown and to do some other things with that and where the money comes from there is so much historic preservation going on we maybe missed our opportunity once already but maybe it's time to just go back to the drawing board and look but if that's a larger Community conversation um but I do think if we are in of the mindset that we need to preserve this building um then I don't know why we aren't dealing we have money set aside why we aren't dealing with the roof to protect it also along with the electrical how do you go about researching funding for something like this um I I get information from various Grand people also the Historical Society but the Historical Society doesn't have any much funding they're not usually the ones that do the funding for these things uh usually it's a bond request from the state government for those kind of things and then maybe they'll give you funding out of the Legacy funding so that's probably that's the one way to do it probably the and then there is federal funding too and that Grant opportunity we have missed it the last two years it it actually comes out in about February and then is the request is due by sometime March and then we need letters of support for that funding that goes along with it well we've got to know what we want to do with the building yes now we are are in our comprehensive plan project here right now so that's probably something that we can ask Christopher to add on to his public engagement over because there will be a portion or or night on facilities I believe or land or something like that so if you want to speak to that Christopher administrator valian you're absolutely correct so I'll be happy to kind of start to research and think about different uses for our public facilities and um hopefully we'll see that maybe highlighted in the comprehens of plan on things to do with some of our existing buildings and finding funding sources for that for implementation too Audrey just as a followup to some of the things that administrator Valiant said and and Christoper also I think now is the time to have a conversation with our legislators we have been at the table multiple times where they have not been at the table with us and I think if we start with them and say you need to help us figure out how to preserve this building um both local and both at the state level and at the at the um National level um to look for how we can preserve this it's going on in lots of communities but we need to start with them and we need to ask them to support this project um um with that if we get to the state and they don't sign on as support um it's not a good deal I won't disagree I I if we could get them to come and take a tour that might be helpful Mike we talked about this before I know that the the veterans are very interested and getting that building and using it for what John's been using it for for all these years you can't keep moving that stuff it's not going to it's not going to stay together he's going to have to find a building and I've talked to him about this and he's more than willing to sit down and talk with us and do something but I I think we're past the time I think the veterans programs out there are there I think we can get some help there and I think we can get some help from private parties as well that I have talked to but um that that building is nationally known for what John does everybody knows about what goes on in that building only thing is it goes on temporarily but what we really need to do is make that a permanent fixture Audrey don't know that I um very supportive of that program however I see that building is much more than what happens in that building for veterans St supportive of him finding a location to be able to do that to preserve what he has Etc but I see this as a year round use um for our community um do we know what we actually use it for anymore year round I know at one point in time men's league basketball used it in the mornings still does in the shooting shooting downstairs but that was about all I remember being what it is right now yep you're you're correct council member Butterfield the men's basketball or basketball in general is using it in the morning I do believe there's some dance team practices in there throughout the school year at evening but otherwise um there's and John's uh display obviously for that that week um but other than that it's not uh highly used okay Audrey sorry just one more comment I think if staff was provided the direction to use that facility and it was um in a condition to be used um that there are uses for that building that we now are going to other locations um to do and um I I think if we're talking about uses that's a whole completely different subject than preserving preserving the building Julie is it a matter of of just making somebody the spearhead and the um to take on whether it's reaching out to the legislators to check for the grants just that somebody's responsible for checking into these things because otherwise I think we just leave it out there and every year just kind of great idea it's just there I mean could we make somebody accountable to do the followup well could we just start with the comprehensive plan and the community outreach first and find out just what the community wants to do with that building and maybe there's ideas that they have for uses that we haven't thought of and then that's part of building into Grant cuz there you know and then we'll continue following up with that I had the grant written and then there were other things that happened and that was two years ago so I didn't follow up with the grant aspect this year because but so what would what would you like us to do well I think right now we'll leave it on the table as committed dollars and and we'll go through the comprehensive plan and hear what the community says about the building and see what they think that we should do with the building and then from there then we will go after that what the and see what the comprehensive plan brings because if the community feels that it doesn't need to be saved then that's totally then you have another situation on your hand but if the community has ideas and uses for it um then then we need to plan to save it and then that's when we would start looking for the grants we will have the legislators are on our radar already for conversation for a couple other things so we will just add this to our list of things that we will CU we will discuss this with them right now and get it on their radar for 2025 and then that way it'll all it'll be in their Hopper cuz as you know we didn't we ended up with no bond this year it was a bonding year we ended up with no bonding so as they did two years ago they're going to end up probably doing bonding the same time they're doing budgeting so is the council comfortable with that Justin yeah just a couple clarifying questions a couple years ago when we took a look at this I think there was a a a bid for demo and a bid for kind of like what the estimate was to to bring that building up to all the necessary codes do you remember those numbers yes council member Ras thank you for the question so it was a uh request for proposals for um Leed and ASB bestus remediation with a bid alternate for demolition uh the city received one bid on the alternate for demolition only council with staff recommendation Rec recommended to deny or um to not move forward with that bid request so that was after we had um hired a the consultant to to write it to reach out to contractors and whether if it was a timing issue but we did not receive any bids for the lead remediation or Asbestos and what was the amount for demo do you remember um 1.1 1.2 memory if my memory is correct Carl so moving forward with that we'd still have to do the lead remediation and ASB bestus removal but nobody was interested in doing that so what well we'd end up having to do it again but if it was done as a project with other things like doing the roof the fascia the windows then it would be part of that project that they would have to do that just as if the uh demo there be led and and uh as best as remediation too but not to the extent that's necessary for keeping the building Justin I think I know the answer to this question but has has there been anyone from the community that's come forward that's been interested in purchasing this from the city no okay so the question is is the council comfortable with running with it with the capital Improvement plan review and then after we find out what the citizenry want wants to do we can maybe make a decision mhm you comfortable with that all right okay okay keep it okay City Hall we have a couple asks here uh the first one would be the first floor bathroom models and that would include um moving partitions uh fixture changes uh potentially flooring and at the same time they would be looking at Ada uh making sure that we're up to code on the Ada um these bathrooms are fairly old and like the door entryways and stuff are fairly narrow so I would begin to think that there would be some potential changes on that the second piece is the elevator upgrades and you'll see this is split over two years 2025 and 2026 uh there's recent code changes at the state of Minnesota uh this would bring that up to code and extend that elevator's useful life for another 20 plus years I do believe um and uh to know that this elev has um gotten stuck a couple times more than a couple this will be a code requirement by the end of 2026 for the elevator so that's why you're seeing a split TK Tom but that just brought up say 2026 if we go with the new city hall location and we you know City still owns US it's vacant would we still be required to have that elevator in place fixed up in 2026 my gut response would be yes but we can get a definite answer to that question if it is a vacant building but if if it's going to be plan Planned to be used I would imagine it would need to be up to code but we can get a solid answer on that yeah we should probably look at that cuz if we're going to still use the city hall and build a new one or buy a different one then why not just remodel the current one then we don't have well we will have to remod the current one no matter what after 2026 or before the end of 2026 for the code requirement so if we're still there if we're not there we sell it you know I'm not new do it but I mean it it's sitting empty my main thing is if it's just sitting there not being used mhm you know why should we have to stick that money into it if it's not being used at all Julie again it's an egg hor chicken um but my understanding was if we were going to buy uh have a different location for the city hall that that would be um demolished and then that was going to be parking for anything that was going on at the auditorium or for area but then again we're back to what's going on with the auditorium but City Hall um maybe I'm ahead but the the line for City Hall with rof repairs just curious if we know we need rough repairs 2028 versus next year um the best answer I can give you is we have one known leak at City Hall in one particular office and um similar to where councilman Butterfield was going if we know we are going to be there long term we would move this up as a higher priority but if we are still in question um we just didn't I I I just didn't I shouldn't say we I just didn't want to put everything all in one year I I wanted to spread things out and I felt that was one that could be pushed but I'm open to any kind of suggestions so just sooner than later if it's a roof repair it just seems like it would might be more money by the time we get that far if we don't fix it so I was just curious all right you want to keep going yeah sure uh the the Civic Center has a couple uh $80,000 asks and the tabs on yours this is actually going to start on page 30 it would be under the parks Tab and and uh director Parks and Rec has included some pictures in there for the doors that are subject to be replaced and the corresponding wall so you'll see the condition of the doors they are in pretty poor shape so the walls in the door are the the same wall on the east side of the Arena follow AG go was that place built I can't remember Civic Center 80 81 I believe 81 81 or 82 something like that mhm and I'm assuming these are original doors they I believe they are and then the uh the next couple items there's the um outdoor covered ice rink that figure is from the remaining contingency funds uh that was before this body a couple months ago and then there's also a storage shed out at the Civic Center uh the staff spends a lot of time moving and um setting up taking Downs this will be a shed to store store uh things such as boards glass there at the Civic CER they downsized it a little bit did I understand yes Tom I thought parks and wck just put up a new Shad out by Dorothy Olen or that was for Dorothy Olsen okay this would be for Civic Arena things such as the boards the glasses that kind of stuff okay the stage and they did downsize it because I believe last year they ask was 240,000 if I'm not mistaken 230,000 last year all right Audrey just a clarification that 156,000 that's prior years committed yeah or insulation uh that's the blue L Center I believe that's in the ceiling uh no I understand but how did we get 156,000 and committed got it that was uh $350,000 that was reappropriated to the Civic Center roof project yeah okay so if we didn't insulate we could probably use that 156,000 for now for something else or or in 2026 when is on the capital Improvement plan request we could decrease by 156 already towards that project so council's Direction Y and the blue line install installation has been put off I would say for at least 3 to four years it's been an Ask every year I'm fully aware of that but when I look at the needs in other areas I'm not sure about 350,000 for installation in our second Arena so Justin um it seems to me that early on in this evening the the theme seems to be that our our indecision is costing us money um when it comes to the auditorium in City Hall for for sure I'm I'm looking at some of the things that uh are listed here for the Civic Center and the $120,000 for that light replacement for led the project that pays for itself we're waiting again now now 3 years 2 years before we're going to move forward with a project that that has immediate you know payback for the city i' I'd love to see that in next years if possible and at the same time I recognize that that's not the direction we're supposed to be moving in no to help the bottom line no that's good that's good stuff mayor ree yes I believe there's grant money in and things out there to do that type of thing also could we ask for staff to look at what's currently available to get some money to do Environ um energy efficient kinds of things is that walls at blue light or is that roof the insulation it's the roof it's the roof yes it's the rough and it's causing issues so do we have so much heat loss yes and then it's causing like humidity issues too so that we get a lot um there's condensation and things like that happening within the building too probably causing damage structure could be is there mold uh I couldn't tell you that for sure what was the question we will find out though question was is there mold when you have humidity normally you're going to have mold yeah mayor re yes Audrey just a a question the $3 million that's out there for the locker room Edition that was originally supposed to be part of the local option sales tax project and was not done um with that is when are we done with our local option sales tax or if the legislature does some should we be considering putting some of these things together to do another local option sales tax I would say yes by because we kind of we're I think by 2028 we're four years out yeah we'd be four years out I believe before sales tax ends so how many years would it be left to how many years do we have left on our local option sales tax is what I'm trying to remember I would say four and four is about eight cuz we just we just bonded in 2022 didn't we just bond for invest in Wilmer 2021 2021 2020 was the 133-year sales tax I believe does that sound correct it was an odd number yeah so if it was 2020 13 years is 203 and if we get there before if we get to the amount before the years we have to quit right yes that's in there too right yes but that also includes Co um some Administration costs over the years too because whatever we collect the state also takes their cut so it's not just what we collect totally it's less than that so still whatever we might be good for our community to know that cuz I see things like that 3,000 um $3,000 as something that we probably can't afford to do 3 million Excuse me yes that we can't afford to do that we'll have to wait for other funding okay mov on to the community center that's the uh that would be with a um potential collaboration with the YMCA there might be some costs associated with that in 2025 uh so there was $50,000 that that money would come from the local option sales tax um the Dorthy Olen Aquatic Center back it up yeah yeah so I was just asked today where that was at and I said I personally are not am not aware that the um that the YMCA has started a uh Capital correct they have no they hav they were going to do a survey and they've put it off for some reason um put off the survey until October I talked to her the other day about it she says when they their members cuz in the summertime their membership down so they wanted to make sure the numbers were up in their membership numbers so they wanted to do that in the fall and then at the same time I believe they will start looking to to also um hire a grant or fundraiser okay well again we should before we spend any money on there we should find out what we're going to be doing with the community center redoing the current one we do have finding different building going connection with YMCA is not cost worthy to be spending money until we know what we're going to be doing with the other facility Justin I just want to clarify what it is that the YMCA is waiting until October 4 is this the facility needs because I thought that was step one before it is step it would seem that the facility doesn't change based on the members to right that is step one they need to do that and they're for some reason putting this off until they feel that they need to have their membership numbers that are currently coming in in in the door up before they put out a survey and I just thought that maybe you could just put out the survey to everybody that you have had an email for let everybody respond to it but they work that's how they want to conduct their survey so the the steps that come after that facility needs assessment has any have they started working on any of no because they need to have that survey first okay I would think that you should be able to is just my opinion that you could do the survey and go by percentage of response of what you to determine what you should or could do you're so you will be anyway Audrey just a couple questions about the community center in general um back to local option sales tax dollars we have $2 million mhm um we're talking about about more like 12 over $12 million that what we're looking at in here um I don't know how we can afford to do that and City Hall and I don't know where the legislature will go with local option sales tax but I don't know that we can we have to have a plan right no I understand to me this is no different a conversation than the auditorium can we afford to do this but those things that you're talking about increasing local option sales tax in the future that would be part of this conversation in the future also and it would also be the conversation because we will we can't do anything with sales tax until 2026 because they are having they this they legislators have a moratorium on any com anything for new requests for sales tax it could be in the future that the sales tax for community centers is a total totally the way it looks they might just put community centers as a city function and let the city decide if they want to add a local option sales tax for that function so we have to wait till they write the law okay so what is the 50,000 for next year what's 454 it's just for planning purposes if there if there is any movement with the YMCA and the you and the commission or the council wants to continue that conversation then we would have to start having some architectural drawings for the YMCA space and what how are we going to do that and then also there's going to be legal work that we're going to have to do with the YMC a how is that operations going to go so there's going to be more than just what it's going to look like it's going to be what is the operations and the agreement between the city and the YMCA going to look like too so the 11 A5 million is that your guesstimate if we are with the Y that's the best guess that we will still have to do yes it wasn't there a conversation about them doing it and us renting from them it could be but I but this is your best guesstimate I can't say that in 20 I can't say right now that that would be we would even be doing that right so this is a placeholder and information for the council to know that you might have to spend 115 you might have to spend by the time 2026 comes around and you council is having this conversation for 2027 it might be 15 million or hopefully by the end of 202 you have a clear direction as to what you're going to do with the community center when my only comment is in my mind we put City Hall on hold to find out about the community center and so that's the holding pattern that we are in and so we to prioritize is it more important to our community to have a new city hall or to have a new community center and maybe we can't do both um at this time so that's the concern I have and yes I understand that we are not talking about it for next year but I see that we we have several conversations that we're not going anywhere with I don't I can't disagree I can agree but I guess uh in the comprehensive plan project think that that's probably part of the conversation also Community Center and City Hall go ahead Tom all right so the next up would be the Dorothy Olen Dorothy Olsen Aquatic Center uh the zero depth Pool slide or the Frog slide that is a um I believe actually original equipment to the pool when it opened and the the fiberglass has been repaired as kids use it um the friction from life jackets and things has deteriorated a fair amount and the um the person who fixed it I believe said it's time for replacement I I believe that uh Public Works director would agree with that and also our um but um I guess this year it is holding up it was recently replaced so that is a potential 2026 one as well um but that would be the the ask at the we move on to engineering anything any questions go ahead Tom all right so the you'll see the the big ticket item would be the street Improvement program of $5 million you'll see that as a significant decrease uh we have been levying for our bond payments the last few years and um as our tax rate increases and the amount of work we've done we feel it's time to maybe slow down a little bit um to 5 million Mark and along with that there's also a quiet Zone and railroad Corridor study uh to look at um a bigger picture of the the rail in the city and nearby areas one of the biggest things we hear back from the community our taxes and our roads I'm not happy with going backwards on the roads again they are getting pretty bad uh you know I don't know where we're going to come up with funding for it at all but I think we have to take a really second look at what we can do more to keep up with the placement that we are have been going on in the roads everybody knows us we you know everybody hears it all the time we're not talking it's taxes and Roads taxes and Roads is what the community talks about so I think we should probably take a another look at the the roads okay and not lowering it as much you know maybe back it off a little bit but I think we have to take a good hard look at it again and I would say that you will be seing that hard look again when the engineer comes in with the feasibility study report so then this can be you Council can then adjust this number as you see during the feasibility study report because it'll Encompass what 2025 is and 2026 are okay Audrey thank you if I'm looking correctly I see two lines for the Dorothy olon Aquatic Center that don't have any figures in it yeah the pool pumps filters and parking lot and miscellaneous site work in 2025 all the way across any year now the pool filters are in 2026 2027 no the oh the replace there yeah I think it's just a double got pool filter maintenance line 30 32 doesn't have anything and then line 30 doesn't have anything right doesn't have any figures right engineering 41 and 45 are the same or like there's no figures in any line I guess there's some above there too yeah in the Civic Center okay yeah they that's correct cuz the pool maintenance went in to replace pool pumps and filters as one line or vice versa okay Julie the only the only thing I will say is just bouncing off a little bit of what Tom was saying and I remember when we talked about raising the levy that then you were very adamant about not raising the taxes and it's that it's it's that same old struggle you can't have it both ways if we we can't repair the roads if we don't have the tax money um but I but there was a lot of push back this last year I would I would agree I mean something has to give I mean if they're talking about the school raising the taxes and the county raising the taxes and uh people really felt like they got hit hard um I can understand why we would be looking at possibly um scaling back a little bit on the roads even though I know and you know how important it is to fix them because previous councils um put it on the back burner and kicked the can down the road and now we're on that can um but uh it was last year was a tough year and push back for the for the for the levy and the raising of the taxes so there's got to be a happy medium in there and that's a start just for uh Council information this year the street Improvement portion of our bond was 6.7 65 million and that will add about $335,000 per year for taxes for 15 years that's 6.7 million of our street Bond okay all right moving on would be the fire department and the the request there for 2025 um we just we just purchased or are purchasing a new ladder truck to replace our one of our ladder trucks and the next multiple years in a row would be a uh request of $350,000 and then uh 2028 and 2029 $400,000 to replace another vehicle so this would be setting up a reserve account so we wouldn't have a huge um expense all in one year kind of spread that expense out over multiple years any questions on fire can you speak about the substation a little bit for 2027 uh it's more of a placeholder right now so it's it's more of a want than a need at this point but something that we the city will have to consider somewhere in the future so it's just really just a placeholder at this point in time just to keep that on the the back burner of the city what you know and then if that you know 2026 when you get to review the budget in the fall of 2025 and 2026 looks like that's something that's needed for 2027 then that's when we start working with public sa trying to get Public Safety dollars or whatever or bonding from the state Audrey I'm to think are there certain criteria for location for needing a substation if you're talking about population or area served or how do we determine that we need one more like areas served okay and what is the hardest cuz right now if uh if our Bridge goes down for some reason getting over to the north side is going to be very difficult CU we have no other and if there's a train in the way we have really a issue um but you know we we served on the South Side fine the north side is always questionable at some point in time could be a problem so hopefully in the future years you also will hear you know will'll hear more about the National Guard site you know so if that's ever if that comes to fruition that would be actually a very uh ideal place for a fire station it would be already equipped and ready for fire trucks to already be move in with everything that it's got already so Chief Hansen really likes the idea um yes a okay the mobile and portable equipment replacement we've been able to do Grant dollar and I think we've used some arpa dollars to do some of that that's in next year for police and fire uh I believe all of our go ahead that's in that's in uh this year oh it's this year thank I'm in the wrong line and that sigure is actually um a little low the council has approved authorization um uh by resolution this year uh the police and fire have their radios ordered thank you for helping me that funding was from the public safety is a one time Public Safety dollars that was awarded to us in 2023 Julie okay um line 60 training in the burn facility for 900,000 um I'm guessing that's a want and um there would then would there be a discussion about that would be like something for Ridgewater yes that's a an ongoing discussion if memory serves correct there is was or was a program offered at Ridgewater college that is no longer offered anymore um I I don't know the details around why it's not offered but this would be to establish a a training burn facility in Wilmer to partner with other potentially partner with other agencies but it is a I would say at this point still in discussion whether it just to obtain feasibility if it's feasible or not or if there's um other organizations would partner to help fund it or grant opportunities but as administrator Valiant said it's a placeholder at this time as we continue to evaluate and bring requests forward to the council be a regional type facility potentially yes yes Tom you know when I asked uh the chief you know Frank uh last year on this is clearly a want you know he said other local communities would come in nobody from the cities would really come in you know it's a little bit too far this is clearly a want I think this is something you know we tell Frank we just got to take this off table for now uh inflation's way up there we got a lot of other problems where $900,000 could go to in the next couple years I instead of just kicking can down the road let's just be honest and say right now maybe come back to us in five six years with that maybe that's another thing for the local option sales tax but um and I get it it's 2026 we'll talk about it again next year if it's still there as a placeholder or whatever but um I I just because Ridgewater dropped it before doesn't mean they wouldn't take it up again they programs change every year but it just seems to me like that's a better fit I um my opinion is that there would be a lot more conversation that would have to come back between staff and the council before we would officially ask for this request in funding year okay I also want want to you know string uh you know our fire chief along too you know this way he knows okay now I can kind of look and shift gears we're going to need this more than this you know versus this want and go after a need this is clearly a want it's not something the city of Wilmer really needs we function with without this for years and years and years and nearest you know I just I think that we owe our fire chief due respect you and say we don't see it happening in five six years you know keep it on the back burner just don't be bringing it back year after year after year let's get a few other things done that we need done I you know that way we're just not kicking can down the road we're letting them know move on you keep it on the back burner the council shouldn't have to be keeping on the back burner kicking it down the road well again I think it's a it would be a regional usage facility and you would probably have other agencies and organizations that could step up to say we need this for West Central Minnesota for a training center um so so can I ask Council would you like us to just really move it out to like 2030 just so that it's in as a reminder coming up in within the next other fiveyear plan that would be more feasible than come back with it every year so where do they train now I know there's some place Marshall Marshall does have a um Regional Training Center um I don't know how frequently they go there but there are Regional places in the state that offer these trainings as well I'd push it back Justin yeah I was just going to say I think because I remembered this conversation last time and I agree with council member Butterfield it was a clear want and there already is a regional facility in Marshall I don't know where our region and Marshall's region is going to you know where you draw the line there but but the chief was clear that people aren't going to be coming out from the Twin Cities um and I think again the theme of the night in my opinion is that indecision costs us um I think we're moving it from these next few years is is a is a step forward and sends a clear message to the fire department about what they should be planning for the future now if they can get some grants and this becomes 100,000 they can come back to us if there are Regional partners and this becomes a 100,000 it's a different story Audrey I'm just curious um the substation is out in 2027 would it be something that should be looked at at the same time as a substation or is that a not a same type of thing at least maybe we could move it Well it can't be it can't be connected to the substation it will be an entire separate building because because it's going to have to be quite a ways away from the substation besides because they're going to be burning so they'll be so I I don't even know how many acres they want around a uh burn facility because they you know they need acreage to surround it with fire trucks for one thing or whatever you know they they also use a burn facility not just for fire training but they also use it for search and rescue training and they also use it for police training too thank you okay so are we going to move it I think that we should move it out at least till 2030 and I agree just so that it's on the radar for future Council we focus more on what we actually needs all right um The Next Step would be our information system Department asks there are two of them for next year the first one would be at our Civic Center there uh would be Network equipment to be installed out there for $30,000 and then also at multiple locations such as the Civic Center in Robins Island would be security cameras installed for about 50 um that has um been something that's been planned and this would also help us just keep an eye on things as as the world um keep an eye on things changes Audrey do we already have them at Rice Park they are here we're just waiting to get them wired up they're ready to go we just need to wonderful so would that's the only that's the first one yep so that we're doing out of my operational budget this year this would really help us get a leg up on getting our other shelters and stuff surveilled CU great okay we need supportive thank you yep yep okay there's something on First Street by the clinic there's a poll yep whose cameras is that the state or is that the county or is that so the police department has what are called flock cameras um they have I think a few through town that do license plate reading and we also have a couple um on Wilmer Avenue intersection with First Street and 19th that dar's up there for them to use as well so that's a separate thing they're finding that out of some different dollars okay is that always on the RightWay then Boulevard or I think there was one one one downtown on a private that caught right there might be some private cameras along the boulevard but yeah yep you're welcome all right go ahead Tom moving on to the parks and recck Department itself the uh first a the first ask there would be a bobcat toolcat replacement um and then the next couple lines down there' be a kayak paddleboard Rental Station that would be in conjunction with potentially a couple outside uh vendors as well so the $10,000 would be uh the city's portion of that um then the at out at the new um pin wheel softball ball fields out near the Civic Center would be protective netting for the softball and baseball complex out there this would be a safety issue as um as games are going on foul balls and fly balls might come from other fields and uh obviously the spectators that are not facing that direction don't see it so this would be a safety issue as we have tournaments out there um and then below that would be on Swanson field our blue and our Green Fields uh the blue does not currently have lights it's a 90ft baseball field and then our green softball field does but they are the old lights so that would be an ask for a couple consecutive years to upgrade the lights on those fields um and then also right below that would be just fencing improvements on various fields in the Swanson fields and that would be U $50,000 per year uh for the foreseeable future Tom I actually did reach out to the baseball association when I was looking through this and their top concern is new back stops would be nice out at Swanson red yellow and green and I've been bringing this up for the past couple years on greens back stop with my concerns on how the fence is curling up they think the netting at the new compant is a want again it's it's not really needed right now is more of a want and they also think that the lights on Blue should be the very last on the list to get done so he's they're actually putting the The netting at the new park above putting lights on that blue for for the uses what they what the baseball association would be using them for but I'm in total agreements with the the back stops at red yellow and green that's been a huge my my concern personal concerned for two years from when I've noticed that the green back stop the mesh is in very very poor condition and that's not even on here right I think you need to read your narrative oh okay that was just going on from the lights I just asked what their concerns that'd be part of part of the line 83 or page 45 in the in the binder 82 83 yeah I think the intent was the fence fencing improvements were all encompassing it could include the back stops as well yep okay might as well keep going Tom okay move on to our Planning and Development Department um the there are two asks for that they're both downtown oriented the first would be round and elliptical Planters and the the second one would be downtown waste receptacles to be placed throughout downtown all I I I can't help myself make a comment on Planters I've seen downtown put in planters of different kinds over the years and they've all been taken out and gone for years without anything and then we put something else H was up I I'm just I'm not big on Christopher Mr Mayor members of the council so we are we received a grant from um the small cities development Grant probably a few years back and so those planters that you see out on the sidewalk um were paid for made happen from that Grant and what we have noticed is that we need probably 16 more just to make them permanent fixture throughout downtown um on Becker and on lville um in the past we have put out Planters on the corners U we since this year we um placed those in front of municipal buildings only so the firehouse um City Hall you'll see them there at the auditorium because those are more seasonal but the concrete um sidewalk Planters you'll see those year round on both Becker and lville uh a couple of questions on that one for Justin with the permanent structures snow removal has that become an issue with snow removal in uh thank you Mr schies council member schies um it it can and um I've had discussions with director corbette about that and just making sure we have enough space to maneuver around something like that because um you know anything out out in that area is obviously going to be in the way to a certain point but um we also want to try and work together that we can come up with a plan that works for both of us and and get the best of both worlds so yep we are in con conjunction on those okay then a second question for both of you has part of the issue in the past been that who takes care of them like would is that something Public Works could assign somebody to just go around and water them and weed them and keep them bro them back and whatever it takes I mean not to throw another thing on public works but no so so that's a great question too so right now and and again we've had this conversation and and I said the same thing that I I'm unfortunately I cannot commit staff to watering downtown we just there's enough else going on and so um this year we were able to hire some part-time help um one particular staff member a seasonal person to come in and do that and I would assume we would do that moving forward I believe so y but part of the part of this request is to make sure that we do have permanent fixtures fixtures downtown and so um I think in the Years coming that agreement may look different between parks and wreck and and public works and and myself so but right now our grant is satisfied for the Planters we do have right yes yes so clear clearly a want again correct well it is a one I think we we have to think about the priorities to for downtown total I'm asking for what 225 compared to other things I think uh this is definitely um a one but it's a need if you want to create environment for economic development downtown um it's and you can say the same about waste receptacles too but right now if you want to create a walk a walkable downtown or more pedestrian friendly there's no way to discard of trash and so um it is up to council's to decision to um how you all like us to proceed or but just to give you some of um the the backstory and the desire for these things this is something that's also um was hasn't been called out from our downtown board and so we do have a board of residents who volunteer their time and um called out a few things that they'll like to see downtown so Julie so about five or six years ago probably was 10 but there was there was a committee a and I believe stepan deleski was part of that committee a big research on the receptacles for downtown um so there was some garbage G I mean they had was a whole thing about the size so that people couldn't get personal garbage in there and what happened with all of that so it predates me and I am aware of um I'm aware of the effort to have waste receptacles downtown um what I will say is that and it's in the narrative to um your CIP um binder but part of it is to get the right receptacles downtown so it will have a bonnet on top of it so you cannot put household trash bags um into each receptacle we're requesting around 20 of them um to be placed throughout downtown so we never did put garbage cans downtown so my understanding they were not the right ones I mean it were just a big garbage can so people could just throw you know there was just the residential ones with them the top to so yeah I can speak to that when we were downtown um they were just regular carts and they weren't attached to anything so people were moving them all over the place people were filling up their garbage from their apartments in there and it was just a nightmare so we need something that's attached to the ground and people can't put their big bags in so it is taking us some strategic planning about the placement and the right product to place downtown um but you know this request is for the future of downtown and the economic growth so I hope you all take that into consideration okay thank you Christopher so is this part of Main Street whatever they change their name to or do you have a separate so this is very much um downtown Wilmer formerly Main Street is a part of planning and development and planning and development is this is definitely a planning and development effort um just to make sure that we are creating some type of space where it is more you know walkable and more pleasant and enjoyable to be down um town I will say that downtown is one of our dense denser or most dense uh neighborhoods in the city and so both items are needed um and it's a small ask if you're asking I might be bias yes it is a small ask in light of the the others okay okay Audrey am I looking correctly that there's a Ford F150 pickup for Planning and Development there are soes there there is we have um three vehicles Municipal vehicles for our um rental inspector building official and residential inspector and those are pushed off until 2027 and 2028 we don't have a vehicle right now we do we we do we just need to replace them those were in the CIP I think last year last yeah but it's a replacement for an existing vehicle correct thank you okay anything else back to you Tom all right we'll move on to it's actually page three of your 2025 through 2029 a uh police department is our next Department up uh first item would be the secure garage that says I went to an approved item from before this would be in conjunction with the kand County Sheriff's Office uh they do they do have very limited indoor storage this would be a Secure Storage so it also get uh their Vehicles large Vehicles out of the elements um the original appropriation was $50,000 and uh the current estimate would be 80 so uh I do know that there's ongoing um price uh verification or a lack of better word for that uh to get a harder number um so the $50,000 is already there ready to go uh then the next would be Squad card replacement so 2024 uh it was scheduled to replace four squad cars uh for $245,000 and then for 2025 would be to replace two squad cars for $120,000 Tom well I know uh chief police felt isn't here but then if you look at 2026 we're looking at $420,000 correct so so that go ahead that's the the vehicle equipment replacement historically has been around four four squads and and that is subject to change they don't they don't designate a certain Squad because tomorrow one can be involved in an accident or anything can happen so they do their best judgment to replace when necessary which vehicle as necessary and um I believe administration had had conversations with the chief about that and they were comfortable with two for next year okay the concern but my main concern is you know if we could probably bump one up you know one year and then we're not looking at a half million dollars in brand new cars and you know kind of keeping a steady instead of a big swing yeah and then what's happening in 2029 so the 10 10 Vehicles is listed in the current vehicle replacement but that's it's just an ongoing yeah placeholder type sort of information anything past 2025 or placeholder dollars Just for future didn't know if we were buying a tank in 20 no no just 10 Vehicles is scheduled so they're just kind of placeholders for for a reminder of that this is what squads are coming up so that secure garage yeah is that our amount and the C's paying half to them that'd be correct the intention would be to split it with the county y so who secures it then who secures the funding no the building who secures the building yeah it'd be inside the law enforcement center who would be in charge of it though the county yeah just as the same right now the county and the city both have various buildings that they use together is that for evidence then or no it would be for Cold Storage type sort of thing yep it's not heated storage or anything else like that it's for Cold Storage stuff trailers questions on Police Department like that other we'll move ahead to public works okay so the public works department has a few asks uh for next year the first one would be a generator and this is located at our Public Works garage this is uh um this would be a whole building generator also would be a um uh security for should that building lose power that would be to literally open the doors up to get the plows out or to get uh Emergency Equipment out uh if the storm hits and there's no power um currently I think there is a way to manually do it or use machines but um I think this would be a um it needs replaced the current generator is um in poor condition then the next item would be a dump truck plow truck uh this is this is an ongoing uh would like to replace one annually uh the the price has uh increased over the past few years to to be outfitted with the box and the plow and all the the wings and attachments uh roughly $290,000 then our our zero turn mowers that they use in the summertime put a lot of hours on those uh there's a a more in as the request and then the uh line item number 123 would be a snow go frontend loader attachment uh that is that was originally in our Capital Improvement program from 2017 I believe and that is our the big snow blower that mounts on the front end loader uh that is used downtown when they're doing snow emergencies as well as if there's needed areas maybe the airport if there's big drifts Maybe um I'm getting the nod from the public works director over there so um but that's um also at the end of its useful life okay Justin can you get one more year out of it we have been following years we can always get another year out of it but um like director Odin said I think 17 was the initial time it first came up on the vehicle replacement Okay so we've been asking you that question for a couple years now [Laughter] correct Julie so I see that again at 2029 which is only four years later so if we limp this one along for uh eight or nine years why um they have to start asking us early now because they know yeah because they know we'll kick it down four more years oh so the the the 29 is so we have two of these blowers ah so so that would be an ask for replacement of the other one okay the 29 yep okay go ahead Tom all right the next uh item would be a storm water Western Interceptor storm water phase two between Bakerfield and Wilmer Avenue or South Swanson field $450,000 for the storm water any questions on that pece just may yes location of that D do you know that okay just curious why they're um it's between the two when there are other issues around [Music] tone start somewhere and that's that's not coming out of local option sales tax yes it would be that would be that would be okay that one would be yes yep you have to look on your 2025 single street is that going to be the one uh right behind the the truck car washer right before the industrial park or I think this is where we were talking about putting the nursing home or the the assisted living facility thing in that area it says Baker between Baker and Swanson yeah yep I'm still curious why that is a priority right now compared to other residential or other areas that have storm water issues I think that's been a priority for a long time on the council's list for the local option sales tax who will that help I I guess for me I need I think we're going to have wait until Jared come back and answer that question for you okay and I would like to see that reviewed as as far as other priorities that where we've had other flooding since we didn't do anything there there's nothing being used there the water can stand there better than someone else's basement because right now we also are doing that feasibility study the Kennedy side side so say that again I'm sorry I said we are you know the we have Bolton mink looking at the Kennedy feasibility study right now so that that's when that study is done then we can look for more um ask for more funding more grant funding and things like that too for these things too so that's another I I think that should get I don't know if this completely designed or not I don't know if this has even been I this might just be still be in the design phase too as far as I know I don't know if they ever have completely designed it so that's a Jared question okay like I said I know we are designing the Kennedy site so that we can then it go out for Grand funding on those things when we're further along it might be helpful to review how much we have done and how much we have left we do that before we make the decision Tom with the the Kennedy are we putting a pond in out there can't tell you okay because if I recall right Rick might remember this but where they got the baseball field that used to be like an old gravel pit that one point in time if I recall right right behind hold that field yeah years ago so you know I don't know how much more water that would hold you know so when I I remember it up being filled up that's pushed out to 2028 is it yeah what's that the Kennedy I don't even see it's on here yet 2028 you got to get permission from the school first yeah same with gy okay what else all right the next items up uh would be for our Wastewater Department the first would be the uh industrial BNR would be um this would be located these next couple items are on page 78 and 79 of your packet the industrial BNR would be U biological nutrient removal using biology to remove phosphorus instead of chemical this um this has a money savings as well on it um using a chemical reaction and then also the Iverson Park live station design construction um for $1.2 million and then the item number 140 would be a liquid sludge trailer um that to be replaced for the waste water that's a replacement yes that was the trailer that was involved in the rollover earlier this year okay honey way no different different but the same oh it's a semi-trailer truck looking okay so that concludes the 2025 requests from the department so I know it's a lot of uh information to digest okay so there are any other questions or clarification as we can Julie first and then Justin I know I've kind of asked this before but so like something like when it comes to the wastewater treatment plant we just have to go with they need this million dooll piece to keep us flushing that's and so we go okay um but how what's the oversight on that and then it's through rates and the oversight of the fund itself because this is not these these are not tax dollars being spent here these are Enterprise fund dollars being spent okay and we are you know as you know we've now so these numbers here will be taken into consideration of funding and how how much cash we have available each year to spend on projects like this okay so when we're looking at the bottom line of 12 million and we need to cut something I mean that isn't usually any place we're going to go no and okay because then that is kind of my same thought of thinking is like just going back up again and I had this discussion about the fire trucks yeah big ticket item and so um is it is it a pride thing to have a really nice new shiny truck or is it how' you feel in a new officer yeah car yeah or you're talking to somebody who drove the blue Ford Taurus for 14 years shouldn't have done that to you so um what you want to look at is the cash so your 2025 one is what you want to look at not necessarily this one because it doesn't give you complete the fiveyear one does not give you a real complete picture as to where the funding is at so you want to look at your 2025 sheet see where the funding is at and what cash is the one that's going to anything in the cash is the one that's going to move the needle on the tax levy bonding and also move the needle on the tax levy too because it won't it won't move the needle on the tax levy for 2025 but it will move the needle on the tax levy for 2026 because we'll Bond it in 2025 the the bond payments will start coming in in 2026 Tom now this is just a couple things I noticed that may be missing out of here City Hall we've been kicking in about $500,000 every year for that I don't see that that's cuz we don't plan on spending any of it yet okay we can can and then also and then also would be for the Citywide internet I don't see anything budg you know we did pull forward with that I don't see anything you know mhm preo pre doing that so I'm just uh kind of wondering where the the city's at if they decide they want to push the button for this or for this or for both at the same time and we have nothing here to kind of look at you want to answer the Broadband part sure so this what we have in front of us tonight is the capital Improvement plan so this would not include um the way City Hall is structured as a Debt Service so that is a separate from the CIP that's why it's not in your document this evening um the Broadband project um yes would be bonded for we're not ready to have that conversation that'll hopefully be a 20 early 2025 conversation um but again that's not going to be a CIP ask because the dollars to pay for um pay for that project would come from potentially a a bond we could certainly come from a capital Improvement program on this sheet it is well worth the conversation council member Butterfield but um it's not in this document before you tonight and we could put it on as a line item under bonding for 2025 yeah because that's where it would be yeah well you know it would be nice nice to kind of see that and then you know like with the city hall too had that on there we're going to be looking at ban for that you know why because I know we've been and I'm all a little bit more for that because you know the more we tuck away now is the less we're going to have to borrow later and less we borrow later less interest we end up paying so Justin all right I'm looking to move the needle that we were just talking about a little bit so and when I look at a couple of these things I just want to call everyone's attention to for next year the financing gap for 2026 sorry for 2026 the financing Gap and we started the evening was just a little over a million but I do believe that was the 900 gave for the fire department so we've almost got zero gap for next year or 2026 now 2025 I'm looking at three possibilities that I saw and I hope everyone saw three things and then we should be done right um first of all the Swanson Bluefield Greenfield lights um they were asking for 100k in 2025 and 100K in 2026 I'm wondering if we just take that 100 K from 2025 and push that out to 2026 when we've got a little bit less of a funding Gap um the fir Tru replacement Reserve seems like a great idea but jumping right into 350k when we haven't been doing that in the past seems high I'm wondering if we bring that back a little bit I'm going to suggest 200 and I expect a uh rebuttal from council member O'Brien but uh the quiet Zone Corridor pushing that back a year as well uh and saving 200k there I think that frees up almost altogether half a million dollars in the funding piece we've pushed that back numerous times 2014 I brought it to this Council 2017 when I was on this we did it here again uh I can I can show you a list of people who want this quiet Zone and we're also doing the study at the same time and so that's why we brought it up because we're doing the road study at the same time so but 200,000 is not even going to come close to doing a full quiet Zone but it will start and it will get some things done along with the road with the the study that's going on that's why they put it in there and I don't disagree with any of that um there's nothing in front of us right now that wouldn't be nice to have um and I appreciate that you even used the word want when you said you can show me a list of people who want this in my opinion it falls under that wand the other major thing is 200k isn't even getting us started as you said and so this comes with a lot more dollars in the future behind it um I'd love to have it I don't know if there's are there grants for that is that something that gets thrown into a future local option possibility I don't know if there's I don't believe there's any grants for that at all I so I can touch on this a little bit um so the the study that councilman Brian is referring to is the Safe Streets for all study that is in progress as we speak that is planned to be wrapped up early next year end of this year in that study there will be a chapter or a focus focus on rail uh and pedestrian Crossing so the goal and anticipation is being able to take portions of that study or that maybe that specific chapter and started looking for grant opportunities for quiet zones pedestrian Crossings um whatever it may be at that time um if you do look at the 2024 projects uh line 37 which is the six you don't need I can explain it it's the Sixth Street it's the pedestrian bridge there's $200,000 that was approved in 2024 uh if you'll notice the line in the 25 budget and Beyond also includes the the PED Bridge quiet zones and a corridor study so we'd like to combine we all have the feeling under the impression that all of these projects would tie together in some fashion so there might be an opport opportunity to like I had mentioned once the study wraps up to start applying for grant opportunities but um it's expensive quiet zones in particular are expensive but there are rail Administration grants in the works they do as of right now part of the iig funding they do Wrap Up by 2026 so we just want to make sure we've got a plan started in 2025 to apply for Capital grants when they become available if the the study wraps up in 2024 and we spend 2025 looking for Grants then we need the money in 2026 to start contributing to the projects that we're co-funding with the grants potentially yes we don't need 200k to apply for Grants next year well it depends on yeah so one example would be um a proposed Corridor study with BNSF um just to enter into that was $100,000 so we did not move forward with that um but it's it's just not cheap especially when it comes to rail but there is funding available um that we did that the council did approve in the 24 CIP the 200,000 that we could roll forward into Qui zones ped Bridge Corridor study um more to come once that Safe Streets for all study wraps up end of this year and any sense of like What's the total cost if we go through with all of this at the end of the day because again I feel like the indecision costs us money we're going to spend 500k just to decide that we can't spend $5 million like we don't get that 500k back uh quiet zones are very expensive um 6 to seven figures depending on the intersection and we'd have to do multiple intersections yeah that's what the study would need to tell us but they can be very expensive I mean we could reduce the cost wide Zone just for in because this would not this would also be Pro spent on I would say the planning and designing that our engineer or whoever we hired this would probably start be the start of funding those costs I have some information for the conso too I got a packet that I put together that I'll give you guys we we leave here is that the one we got before we started did you give it to them yeah okay yeah Audrey so just a clarification the quiet Zone quor study we're talking about 2 4 6 800,000 is what you have budgeted for the next years so if we still move ahead with checking it out we could move that to not be in next year's right we could the council and still be working on it yes since the council could just appropriate the that 200,000 that in 2024 to carry forward into 2025 yes instead of a new ask okay I can I I can understand that so mayor Rees yes I also was going to comment on the lights about moving those back but I I had my second question was about the fencing there's $250,000 worth of fencing around the can can we give a line item when you're talking I'm sorry yep Park and wreck right below the lights 838 mon field Bakerfield fencing improved there we go there's 250,000 spread out over the is are we in for every baseball park we have I know can we just push that back for a year or two um I think it has been pushed back what will 50,000 get us next year it'll start it'll be a reserve for so that when there is enough funding for a park to be done then they would be able to request to use that for a specific field it's just like the fire truck we need to we could cut it in maybe up to 70,000 for the next four years certainly can I'm cuz you're saying we 50,000 is not going to accomplish it next year anyway accomplish something next year well it'll be the start of get building that Reserve so would not pay for an entire project we wouldn't do anything next year and we wouldn't do anything the next year after that either we're just building it up for four or five years until we do do something correct okay but so the orange was oranges good that project is not outlined uh page 45 of your packet touches on this um the description from the director would be the a phase out project they do one field a year until the project is completed you wouldn't do them all at once you'd do one field at a f yeah that would yeah um if I recall right we've kicked this can down the road removing it two years in a row now we've had it on there pulled it off had it on there pulled it off uh or did again this is this is definitely a need but it's also going to save City money want or I mean a city want but it's definitely going to save City money in the long run this is just kicking the can down a little bit down the road again and uh this will just cement saying okay yeah we're going to look at the get at least getting one of these ball fields done right now and it's like I said blue field very last on their list they would like to see done I know Green gets used quite a bit for softball that probably should be the first one and then I think it's red and yellow that get used is back over there too but I believe the primary field out there that parks and wreck uses and a little bit with the baseball association would be green you know so I think that green really needs to be moved along and get going on and something to be done out there I think that would be a Rob discussion wouldn't it yeah I'm just if it's a safety issue then we should hear about the safety if it's okay for now when we're if we're looking to priority I that's a question that I would have all right Justin what kind of consensus are you all looking for from us tonight like are we supposed to be making motions at this point it seems like it can get a little tedious if we're making a motion for every you know let's cut five grand here are you are you looking for us to agree with each other disagree with each other when someone suggests something like what's the process well I think well go ahead it relates to the process so I'm just going to ask the question before you answer but last year and I got the sense today that these are all staff requests but you haven't sat down and prioritized or have you uh yeah we have oh you have okay cuz you came back to us when we said not more than something a total you came back to us with suggestions and we can refine this even more if you would like us to is there something that I guess on the council's side you would really like to see um if I may um Julie brought it up before um we sort of agreed last year that we couldn't raise taxes again so if that's our Direction then what do we have to reduce this down to to not have to raise taxes for CIP I'd actually like to see the taxes go down you know we've given out tiffs to people I would rather with cost of inflation you know know it's going to be big you know and I'm big on roads and I know there's not enough money in there and I also know we can't take away from this side or the other but I would like to see us give back to the community and and have the staff go yeah we hear you guys' concerns you know I got it written down uh right here I know 2004 isn't the correct number but 2021 we're at 6.1 million up 3% 2022 we were at 7.3 up 3% 20 23 we're at 9.1 up 25.6% and I believe when 2024's came out we're at 10.6 up 15% and I know that got reduced a little bit I was first thinking I'd like to be down at the 2021 numbers but I know we can't get there I would like to be somewhere between 2022 and 2023 around probably about 8 mil you know and I for and I think all of that is because of the agre aggressive approach on the roads and they've made the move with this proposal to to make that cut then on the roads all this did not go to the roads we did not add $4 million onto the roads we added a lot yeah but not 4 million but that's that's where I'm thinking from I would like to with the way inflation is going I'd like to see our citizens be able to afford groceries and not have to worry about how they're going to feed their kids I think we all would that's pretty basic statement so if we go ahead with the gas franchise fee that' be like 600,000 where's that money going to go general fund or is it going to be designated for something it's up to the council where that where funds would go but at this point we would recommend it would go to general fund if if the council enact or approves that ordinance but then that would just be a a hidden tax so because C point energy is just isn't going to write us a check they're going to be charging for well they'll write us a check but yeah the customers going to be paying for it so but you know we're just kind of red directing this from this but also the franchise fee everybody pays for not just taxpayers we have a lot of we have a lot of non-t taxable entities that use gas that would be paying a franchise fee sorry we have Street assessments for the nonprofits still have to pay but you wouldn't have to pay if you don't have the gas it's true you just have electric or fuel oil Justin um we haven't seen a budget yet um and so it's it's hard to know I'm assuming that this financing Gap means that that comes in under cash coming from the budget so it it's hard to know what the goal is if we if we haven't seen a budget I get that they two you know there's the capital Improvement plan there's the budget at the end of the day it it kind of comes from the the same spot right the goal is that the budget the general Levy funds the CIP that's the goal last year we did $350,000 in cash from the CIP to fund the general to fund the capital Improvement program we transferred 752 th000 from the community investment fund to fill that Gap this year we're at $2.5 million gap so that's the unpopular response I would say at this point so there's no money coming in from the budget we are in proposing to increase it to 450,000 um cash okay so we have to cut the rest would either be cut or a transfer from CIF again and what's the balance in that account Community investment fund M uh it's roughly 11 million um but we have Bond payments to come out of there yet so I'd say 10 is a safe number and council member fager Le's question about the um uh gas franchise the gas franchise thank you is that already planned into the budget it's not planned into the budget but we've been so if there's 450 using some linary numbers with it but okay so 450 I mean maybe a million dollar cash to support the CIP if that goes through there are other needs in the budget that we still need to okay um so we need to cut if we're not willing to raise taxes which I would agree with personally we've got to cut $2 million off the CIP okay trans discussions with Kyle and Tom and leslee and I think we're going to have to see the budget to be able to make that yeah absolutely Julie way at the beginning of the meeting the community investment fund was the one I thought last year when we said we took the 752 th000 out of there that at weren't we told then that can't happen again because now we're below the it was some percentage of what we have to have in there different fund so the um I believe what you're speaking of is our Reserve account our Reserve balance okay much how much fund balance we have to continue operations because we only get a couple infusions of cash per year and our audits still wrapping up so we don't know what our final Reserve balance is for the year end 2023 but the in the past uh the we've spent more than we've taken in deficit spending spending down those Reserve figures and the plan on the community investment fund last year and then going forward would be to step that down or I mean that can obviously change at any time but to eventually get back to 100% funded from the general fund and not use the community investment fund anymore right yep okay mayor Reese yes I think you made a good statement that we probably need to just wait right now and not do anything until we see the rest of it to see what the next step I think since this was our first look at it tonight maybe look through it again these they all building blocks yeah and so this is you know granted your first real in-depth look to all this and and that's what we wanted to provide you and then when we get to the budget we will provide you more information on that building block and how that all works and hopefully then it all comes together and what we can do and um we'll go from there because we want to by by of course the 1st of September we want to have our preliminary Budget on the on the agenda uh I think that's September 4th or something like that the third so that our meeting in September will be moved to Tuesday and uh so then you'll have that first look again but hopefully in between there we will have a work session on the budget also that is the plan that you would have a work session on the budget and maybe go line by line on the budget too in August in August mhm and the only thing that sways the needle on anything is the general fund fund 101 all the other funds are supported by what happens in the general fund by transfers to those other funds and CIP is a little different animal because we do have funds to support some of these B es all right anything else from you three no no if you have questions please feel free to email us too and we will be happy to research more information okay we'll wait till we have a budget proposed budget in front of us um next Community Pride announcements anybody Tom yeah wmer uh bball kids the 12u took first in state tournament the msf baseball tournament this past weekend and then the 13 took second place in state so it was very very productive for our youth programs going on throughout having uh state champion and then runner up all right time Julie and I just want to give a shout out to public works for the last and law enforcement for the last couple Rock and Robbins but Public Works having to uh be fluid shift with the stage and the seating and everything else for the setup out at Robins Island um just you know Kudos doing a great job Carl i' also have to went out Malia uh aquatennial princess or queen or queen of Festival queen of lakes I guess it is uh what a nice uh honor for wmer and and that young woman just a fantastic thing yeah Michaela Audrey um I actually was going to U mention that uh aquatennial Queen Laura Schwartz was what did they say nine or 10 years ago um that since then and so that was was fun to see you too but if I may I just do a shout out Leslie and I were at the Coalition a greater Minnesota City's conference in weight Park St Joseph um you guys missed a good conference with good information but also we um had the opportunity to go to the ledge which is a very nice amenity um for their Community um and looking forward to our community maybe being able to hold more more um events like that so um that was good and uh I don't know if Leslie has any other comments we got good updates and yeah it was a very good conference they they uh did it very well between the city of St Joseph and Wade Park so it was a combined um conference and uh were able to accommodate all of us in providing information on um parks and trails also with things like that it was really kind of fun interesting um it's always interesting to see how they do their you know encourage economic development in those spaces too so I did a tour of St Joseph um and Leslie went on the bike tour but um if you haven't been to St Joseph for a while they're doing a lot of revitalization in their downtown they've got some good investors they've got some good housing they've got some good restaurants and good boutiques and and um a few breweries and um but very nice very well kept up they talked about um also um that the city has donated money just in general to help um storefronts fix themselves up besides the building that um with the other and so I think it was a was very well worth to see and thank you all right there's nothing else we'll take a five minute recess before we go into a closed session we're going to close the meeting here and then recess for the uh got to record all this other stuff uh closed session in the back room back room that sounds um this portion the oh yeah this portion of the meeting of the city council will be closed pursuant to Minnesota statute section 13d 05 subdivision 3C the following real property will be discussed separately in closed session partiel 95- 003 d2350 and 95- 003 2490 and 95003 6270 I need a motion to close the meeting meeting some moved second got a motion a second all those in favor say I I or did you want a roll call Voice vote is okay yep voice is okay okay opposed the city council is now in closed session pursuant to Minnesota statute 13d 05 subdivision 3C the time is 8:26 p.m. in addition to city council also present in the closed session will be Leslie Valiant City administrative Renee Larson city clerk Kyle box City operations director Christopher Corbett planning and development director Tom Oden's Financial director this meeting must be tape recorded the minutes of this portion of the meeting should reflect only that a meeting was held on this agenda item with its date time and who was present at the meeting and the purpose of the meeting I will now call on City staff to lead discussions when we get in the back room uh parcel 95003 2350 95003 2490 and 9500 36270 members of the council following the completion of our business we will we will now go back into Open Session now I need a motion to go back into Open session so close session oh second yes okay we got a motion and a second or did we have to close the first one no you're good okay all those in favor say I I opposed we're back in Open Session now this portion of the regular meeting of the city council will be closed pursuant to Minnesota statutes section 13d 05 subdivision 3C the following real property will be discussed separately in the closed session parcel 95- 833-0525 833 1600 95- 833 0160 95833 0240 95833 0250 and real property located within the Hidden Valley Estates plat need a motion to close the meeting so second all those in favor say I I the city council is now in closed session pursuant to Minnesota statute section 13d 05 subdivision 3 C the time is I don't have my8 54 854 we stay in addition to city council also present at the Clos session are lesli Valiant City administrative Renee Larsson city clerk Kyle boach City operations director Christopher Corbett planning and development director Tom Odin Finance director this meeting will be tape recorded the minutes of the portion of the meeting should reflect only that a meeting was held on this agenda item with its date time and location who was present at the meeting and purpose of the meeting I will now call on City staff to lead discussions on those parcels