##VIDEO ID:hPUaftRL5mY## e e e e e e e e that's we'll call the city council meeting for order for September 3rd roll call Mayor ree here council member OS here Davis here shes here beggerly here osmus here Butterfield here and O'Brien here council member Nelson is excused please stand for the pledge did I cut you up or yeah it's okay I was just going to say that there's eight present one absent I pledge flag the United States of America stands naice propos additions or deletions motion to approve the agenda as presented second got a motion in a second discussion roll call council member o hi Davis i sches i baggerly i osmus i Butterfield I and O'Brien all seven eyes zero nose that passes I have a proclamation here for welcoming week of 2024 whereas our community's success depends on making sure that all residents feel welcome here today new residents are a vital part of our community bringing fresh perspectives and new ideas starting businesses and contributing to the vibrant diversity that we all value and whereas this week we honor the spirit of unity that is bringing neighbors together across the city of Wilmer during welcome welcoming week I invite all residents of Wilmer to join this movement of communities Nationwide by renewing our commitment to our core American values by taking action in the spirit of welcoming by working together we can achieve greater prosperity and make our community the kind of place where diverse people from around the world feel valued and want to put down roots and whereas regardless of where we are born or what we look like we are residents United in our efforts to build a stronger Community by recognizing the contributions that we all make to create a vibrant culture and growing economy we make our community more prosperous and more inclusive to all who call it home and whereas let us come together to build communities where every resident has the opportunity to contribute rute at his or her best let us come together to create more prosperous communities and to reaffirm that Minnesota still stands as a beacon of freedom and opportunity now therefore I Doug Reese the mayor of Wilmer do hereby Proclaim September 14th 2024 Wilmer welcoming week day I call upon the people of Minnesota to join to build stronger communities across Minnesota dated this thir day of September 2024 did you want to say something about the welcoming week good evening Mr Mayor members of the council at the city of Wilmer in connecting efforts with downtown Wilmar um we are hosting our fifth annual welcoming week event on Saturday September 14th of this year from 2: pm to 6 p.m in downtown Wilmer and it happens to be right in front of City Hall you all are invited this year welcoming week is a call to come together as individuals and groups to celebrate our strength and differences and recognize that we are at our best when we are all in welcoming week is a journey to build a community that it's all in on valuing diverse perspectives backgrounds experien business and cultures this is a free event for all community members to learn about and to celebrate our diverse population and to create a sense of belonging for all I'm pleasure I'm happy to be um joined this evening by members of our welcoming committee uh I think about a third of the Committees here so cha uh representing the Kuran community Naomi uh representing the Latino Community rally do you represent yes um rally representing the Caucasian community and Abdi fata the East African Community they have been working hard on preparing this event they are here as a testimony of their work and also to extend the invitation to you all to be part of this event on Saturday the 14th if there is any questions I what time does it start it starts at 2 okay yes all right any questions for pble looking forward to it pble all right we'll move on to uh call on ver Larsson city clerk for the consent items Maries members of the council today for I have for your approval the city council minutes of August 19th 202 4 the Municipal Utilities Commission meeting minutes of August 26 24 Swanson field memorandum of understanding consideration accepting Southwest initiative Foundation Grant kns of Columbus lawful gambling application the candy oh high County pheasants forever lawful gambling application glacial Ridge curling lawful gambl gambling application church of St Mary's lawful gambling application and the accounts payable report from 8:15 of 24 through 828 of 24 okay Council to approve the consent agenda second okay we got a motion in a second to approve as is any discussion seeing none uh roll call council member Davis I sches hi baggerly hi osmus I Butterfield I O'Brien I and Os I seven eyes zero nose that passes we don't have anybody signed up for the open form so we'll move on to regular business and that's the proposed budget for 20125 and setting the preliminary property tax levy um as mayor uh I say good evening to the council and residents of Wilmer the Wilmer City Charter requires that the mayor submit the annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the council and this sub Mission must include any proposed Financial policy changes and the reasons for these changes a summary of the city's debt position and any other information requested by the council tonight I will review the preliminary 2025 budget which aligns with the city's mission statement of providing responsible Municipal services in an open effective and efficient manner to all residents while uploading up upholding uh Wilmer Community Values Wilmer City budget is comprised of various funds the general fund which funds day-to-day operations of the city special Revenue funds which uh such as the industrial park the airport the community investment and Public Works Reserve all fund very specific projects or areas of debt debt in the form of service funds which are funds used to pay for Bond obligations specific specifically straight projects local option sales tax projects s and most recently an equipment certificate the Wastewater department is the only Enterprise fund of the city's umbrella since the City established a Public Utilities Commission to provide Public Power and Water Services and uses rates to fund daytoday operations Debt Service obligations and Capital Improvements tonight's focus is on the general fund and the tax leving the budgeting process starts at the staff level where Department's financial needs and objection objectives for the upcoming fiscal year are identified this includes operating budget requests and capital Improvement plans City staff have worked throughout the past months to establish a balanced budget the 2025 preliminary General budget presented tonight increases the city's Opera expenses by 3.08% reasons for the slight increase include Union contracts and market rate adjustments for 109 staff members that provide highquality service to maintain our beautiful city respond within a moment's notice to protect and serve and to Envision a welcoming Wilmer for all to grow and prosper Additionally the 10-year equipment certificate expense of $250 $3,156 for the purchase of a ladder truck a grater and a dump truck and $450,000 cash identified to fund capital investment projects as discussed in a previous meeting the city has $2.5 million of capital Improvement requests last year I spoke about the past practice of using reserves to fund Capital Improvement projects that is no longer an option the city has spent it down its reserves I also spoke about the need to slowly and strategically introduce these dollars into the general Levy this budget does just that last year the general Levy included $350,000 and a transfer from the community investment fund of $752 and2 752 th250 to fund the city's Capital Improvement program or CIP this year's budget includes $450,000 in the general fund to fund Community invest Improvement programs projects this cash is necessary to guarantee funding for various Capital Improvement projects including those that will receive state and federal funding of $1.9 million Council of if you want additional Capital Improvement projects to be funded from the general fund you will have to increase the levy tonight once the option is passed the 2025 Levy or general fund budget can only be decreased the tax levy is the second portion of tonight's discussion it is the tax dollars collected to fund the general fund our day-to-day operations City Hall reserve and Street Improvement debt this this year's preliminary tax levy is an increase of 99.3% or an estimated total tax dollar increase of 9 47,6 that will distribute the general fund City Hall reserve and Street Improvement debt tonight I ask the consel to continue funding the city hall Reserve so that we do not fall into B past practi of not planning for the future projects we started planning for a city hall let's continue that plan after the 2025 tax collection the city will have levied approximately 2.1 million for this future project this is a good start but let's not drop the ball on this necessary investment for our community the street debt Levy is a required obligation that we agreed to when the council passed 2022 2024 Street Bond improvements in the past three years Wilmer residents have seen 11.28 Miles of Street improvements seven parking lot improvements and nearly two miles of Trail improvements resulting in a yearly average investment of 11.3 million doll in comparison the average investment in 2021 for streets parking lot and trails was 3.1 million to help level off the future Debt Service tax levy staff recommended to the council during the 10year capital Improvement session to consider a 5 million debt for the next three years 2025 to 2028 the council will continue that discussion later this fall after the street Improvement feasibility study is received tonight I'm presenting a balanced budget with a 3.08% increase in the general fund and a proposed tax levy increase of 99.3% the 2025 tax levy increase of 9.3 is to cover the major expenses of the general fund the equipment certificate expense of $253,500 a fire truck a grater and a dump truck $450,000 for Capital Improvements continued funding for future city hall Debt Service of $587,000 and Street debt of 1,134 n82 council we need to stay the course by continuing to invest in our street plan streets plan for a new city hall and invest in facilities equipment and our staff the 2025 tax levy increase of 99.3% has an estimated impact of $446 or $372 a month for the Midian home value of 180,000 $200 it is too costly for the council to do nothing at this time I call on finance director Tom Odin to present the 2025 budget in detail um thank you Mr Mayor good evening Mr Mayor member of the council um so tonight is the preliminary 2025 tax levy and budget so the overview of tonight's meeting uh will receive the mayor's 2025 budget and we set the preliminary tax levy for 2025 and just to remind you all here's an abbreviated budget calendar that was set by the council earlier this year as I just mentioned we'll uh we'll hear the mayor's proposed budget tonight and we'll um we also must certify the tax Cy to the county by the end of the month so if we don't come to a conclusion tonight we do have time to certify our preliminary proposed budget from now through November um Council will compile all the final recommendations and will continue to work internally as well as with the council to refine the budget as of now December two will be the truth and Taxation hearing is and this is where we'll certify the levy for 2025 uh and then the end of the year is the last day to certify the tax levy to Candy County so the tax Lev is really made up of three main pieces uh the main piece would be our general operating uh tax levy 85% of the general is made up of that we also have 10% of our Levy goes towards Street debt and then 5% to City Hall so let's look at the general fund for a minute here that 85% how are the how are the general fund taxes allocated so this is just an illustration of where our general fund dollars are allocated um as I pointed out in the past roughly two3 thir of the general fund expenses are are employee wages pension and insurance uh this just shows a spending by category so this is not by Department this is just by all the different categories of spending this next slide is a little bit more on the department side so we just saw the categories this visual AE shows by the department so Public Safety would be 38 cents out of every dollar goes towards Public Safety and this primarily would include our police and fire departments uh General government would be 24 cents of every dollar this would be including but not limited to mayor council Administration and other departments primarily at City Hall as far as departments go the 22 cents out of every dollar go towards Public Works Transportation this is Public Works engineering and storm water for the most part and then 16 cents goes towards culture and recreation that would includes parks and rack community center rack Event Center Civic Center and the pool the next little piece of the pie here would be the city hall Deb Levy so starting in 20122 the city has allocated 3% of the tax rate for a future city hall so 3% so since it's based off of the tax rate as our tax base or capacity increases of the city as the city grows this Levy would also grow um this that's best shown by this illustration here so St starting in 2022 we levied $485,000 and then proposed for 2025 would be 587 so the rate is still the same this just shows an illustration of how Wilmer has grown over the last few years and that that could include um new building new investment as well as just the real estate market increasing in town the third piece of the pie that we highlighted is our street debt our street improvements um also beginning in 2022 the city began to Levy for the street Improvement projects as they started doing more projects uh so this this just is the amount of money the $ 1.34 million is the amount of money required for our bonds to make those Debt Service payments so this last chart just shows the trend from 2022 all the way to 2025 and this number is this number can't really change because these are obligations that we've already um we've already bonded for so those are the payments that we have to Levy for next year for those payments so breaking down the 1.34 million is this figure right here uh goes Each Bond issuance 2022 2023 and 2024 just breaks down the costs and to total of $1.34 million as I mentioned earlier with the city hall uh the tax base or the tax capacity has grown so this chart shows from 2019 through an estimate of 2025 the the vertical bars is the the tax base for lack of a better term so you'll see that bar has steadily increased and as I mentioned that is from both new construction and investments in Wilmer as well as the real estate market the line on top would be the tax rate that the city has levied um you'll see when it gets steep towards 2022 and the reason for that is once again the city beginning to Levy for future city hall as well as Levy for our street projects or our bonds so here's everything compiled together um in comparison to last year the $581,000 does on the on the general fund the difference of the general fund $581,000 that would include things as Mr Mayor has spoke about previously the equipment certificate as well as salary changes in the general F uh the street debt we added on $334,900 and that is just the addition of the 2024a bond the street Improvement portion the city hall went from 555,000 to 5 187,000 uh increase of 32,000 that is just the illustrating the growth from last year to this year so adding all those three numbers together would equate the and that would result in a levy increase of 9.3% what does this look like as a residential example uh the per the candy County assessor's office the mean residential home value in Wilmer is $180,200 so if we applied last year 2024's taxes tax rate to that home they would owe $980 the city portion of their tax that same house with a 2025 if we U certified today's Levy would be $1,258 would be an increase of $446 per year or roughly 372 a month the far right column adds in another variable uh the median increase and change in value from 24 to 25 is about 7.7% so that would be the difference to be $1,142 that concludes the presentation tonight I'll stand for any questions may have questions councel no question questions looking for a motion to receive the proposed budget and adopt the resolution I do want to just interject one thing here I want to double check that the resolution dollar amount is correct at 11, $132,000 914 um I think that I the resolution in there a mistake in the levy amount um and then the truth and tax truth and Taxation hearing will be on December 2nd what' you say for the 11 11132 914 and did you change the date on the truth and Taxation hearing I think the resolution is incorrect so the the correct Monday is December 2nd yes just thank you Mr Mayor um Mr Odin's currently for the 2024 fiscal year projecting Surplus deficit we're tracking pretty close we're roughly to thirds of the way done with the year and I spot checked a few we're we're pretty close some of the some of the expenses that we do see are outliers you know we have one time big payments or receipts but I'd say uh for the most part things are tracking pretty good okay so I wouldn't say fore a big Surplus by any means but we're pretty close to schedule just put it on the table I'll make a motion to receive the mayor's 2025 proposed budget and adopt a resolution to set the preliminary Levy for property tax it's payable in 2025 and to set the truth and Taxation hearing for December 2nd 2024 honor after 630 p.m. we got a motion how about a second second we got a second discussion jul okay so on the slideshow uh there was it had to be to the um to the county on September 30th but it looks like we have a meeting on September 30th where I think we'll do some more cutting and uh refining does that change anything are we going to turn that in the next day then or what so the preliminary Levy would be what would go out on the truth and Taxation statements that will come out in the fall um if if we were to do any cutting or or any changes that would come from that meeting would go towards the December 2nd meeting would be for the adopted Levy so then the the statements that are sent out in the fall then would change if the council were to change anything on the budget they can only go down right not go up is that common to have to send out a a revision it's not a re it's not a revision just the final it's just the final okay y we set the final in December so last year if we cut things and they'll be happy to get the final usually I would think okay just to remind the council last year um between the preliminary and the adopted was uh roughly $389,000 different below what the preliminary was anybody else discussion just so setting the preliminary adjusting before we get to December 2nd seems to has been presented by the staff as like like this is a normal thing this is advisable um is part of that as council member osus just stated is is part of that psychological that citizens will see oh here's a high number oh look they cut it back now I feel good that they rais my taxes but only by a slighter amount like what's it is is that part of this is that thank you for your question I don't that isn't the goal of us there are a few unknown big one is our health insurance premiums haven't come in yet so it's we can't budget for that um so we want to we don't want to put out a final number until we have all the data and we're not scheduled to get that I don't believe until the end of this month cor of September um so we're right now we have our best guest is in there um but we just want to make sure we get all of our next year's figures in there I think there are a couple other um State AIDs that we don't know dollar amounts yet for once again our best guess as okay so we'll continue to refine as we get more information so if further state aid came in income wise that doesn't really affect the the levy correct if further Aid came in from the state that would add to our income that wouldn't necessarily affect um the tax levy as like a need to to increase it correct lowering it it very well could lower rate so that would be one possible change I guess what I'm ultimately trying to get at is I don't understand the principle of go ahead and pass the higher number even though it seemed like there was a consensus agreement the last time we gathered to talk about the budget that we don't want it that high why are we still passing the higher number tonight that we're unlikely to agree on in December why don't we cut that now and then spend our time figuring out where we're going to cut from rather or not and skipping that conversation about are we going to cut because again I'm only one up here but my read of the conversation that we had in our work session is that we're all uncomfortable with the current amount and I guess that'd be council's if that's the direction Council would like to see us go we could go there um once again we just want to make sure we have all the best data for Council to make the best decision we can it's not necessarily a question for you but maybe your question for across the board yeah Julie um when you say that we'll know the health insurance premiums by the end of the month um are we get so we're hoping that it's we have it by September 30th we don't need to have it by September 30th and I would suggest not to even think you have it by September 30th um and I would as I guess I explained at the budget work session last week we are recommending that the council approve this preliminary budget at this level because from September now until November 30th there can be some changes that we don't know about besides just besides the health insurance there may be other factors that come into play and it's just always best to have that cushion before you because are you saying that you want to set the preliminary budget at what you're going to pass on December 2nd because my recommendation would not be to do that my recommendation would to set the preliminary budget at this and then that allows Council time to look very closely at other things within that budget you've only had one look at the budget you've only had one look at the capital Improvement plan but this is what we're recommending to pass for the preliminary budget and right now where this stands this only increases the tax rate a little over 2% if I'm not mistaken and not even to where we were recommending the tax rate to be at at last year's preliminary budget we're actually below last year's preliminary budget rate I would also like to see department heads come in on the 30th with their ideas where we could help reduce the city budget they know a little bit more about exactly what they need versus what they want or need on their budget then for us Council go well we got to take this off we got to take that off we got to take this off let's put some of the burden on to the department heads where they can go back and say okay I can go without this this year I can go out with the this this year let the department heads battle it out instead of all of us city council trying to figure out what it is for me I'd like to see streets go up that's one of my biggest concerns and one of the biggest things I hear about I'd like to see your our street projects go up but we can't afford it right now with uh what we have in this budget but department has would come in with a number they could reduce it by a little bit it would help Cil out here instead of picking and choosing which ones we're going to eliminate our uh City administrator and the uh Financial director Tom and operations director Kyle box have received um wishes want needs from department heads and that's what they've been going through since early May so I I think th those requests have been heard and have resulted in this proposed budget jie um at our work session um there was a small discrepancy and a couple of line items that got put in the wrong area do we have the corrections on those and does that make any difference in the numbers we were looking at so they have not been it was not reflected in tonight's information but they will be next time you see any of the data those um a couple small line items that we spoke about yeah so they don't make that much of a difference in the debts or in the preliminary to reduce the the percentages uh I believe that at last week's budget meeting we said we would have to reduce the budget by 195,000 at least to reduce it by one percentage point and the accumulative of some of those changes were not even $100,000 Carl I think excuse me uh part of the thing with tonight is too this sets the ceiling right it can't go up anymore so by doing this it it says okay here we are now let's work our way back uh and do what we can do so I guess that's kind of how I'm looking at it tonight is we're setting the ceiling so it can't go up any higher um and now we can take our time to look at redu it Vicky isn't this how we do it every year yes where we set okay I thought so but everybody was talking like it was something different no okay no it's the way we've done it I thought so forever truly and I understand that um we need that cush there are some unforeseen things that could come up and then we'll be prepared for that but um if there are none I just I think the Departments um should be aware that there's going to be some cuts J I think that's where I'm coming from as well like I don't want to send anyone you know the wrong message that I'm not serious about seeing this cut 480k was that the number you gave us again about that um you know before we passed this in which case I guess I'm coming I understand this is how we do it every year this 480 Cas like a real big cushion for for health insurance and maybe something else that comes up and so I guess my question is more about is is the final number too high for too much cushion tonight that's what I'm wondering I would like to I just want to um make a statement to the council that this this is not a a quote unquote cushion built into the preliminary Levy this is a as seen as the information that the that we as staff right now have for our best guess for 2025 on some particular light items such as health insurance so we are not identifying this as a cushion by no means this is our best guess to what 2025 is budgeted items will be and once those final numbers come in through the next couple of months we will be able to work back and refine those numbers to a to a a final budget number in December so I just want to make that very clear that is we're not building in any cushions this is just our best guess with a budget at tonight's meeting and I would also like to add to that that right now there's $450,000 cash for Capital Improvements we're not spending over 1 Point some million like we did last year if we don't have that 450,000 there's no Capital Improvements and then you lose $1.9 million that we have right now for that's coming in for state and federal funding so there is a loss part to this also so I just want to remind you that it's just not unless council is going to use capital investment fund for Capital Improvements which was something we talked about last year that we didn't like doing was use $77,000 from the capital investment fund with $350,000 of cash this year we're proposing nothing out of that capital investment fund because we need to start getting that capital investment fund raised up and that's part of our reserves so that's why we're only planning on $450,000 that's not going to leave much for anybody in any department for replacement of doors of vehicle vehicle certainly you know a a snow plow that we put need that's been put out since 2017 that's the large piece of equipment that gets put on the front end loader so we've got things that have been put off so but we're trying to minimize spending of under a large amount of cash and Reserves CIP the like I said in my statement the this year's budget includes that 450,000 and our city administrator just repeated it that if we don't do that we're going to lose the 1.9 million um I think that's unacceptable what I mean by unacceptable unacceptable we have a motion you ready to vote all right roll call council member shoulders hi Bly hi osmus hi Waterfield hi O'Brien Hi O hi and Davis Hi seven eyes zero nose that passes thank you Council next is uh authorizing the purchase of hazardous materials decontamination system for the fire department Frank good evening Frank Mr Mayor members of the council before you um is a resolution authorizing purchase of a new hazardous materials decontamination system uh this was approved prior in the 2024 Capital Improvement budget by using um arpa dollars the American Plan rescue act funding from I believe like 2021 22 whatever um we did receive one quote from the only company that actually makes this system for 24,000 41896 um currently our decontamination system with our hazardous materials response team has been in place for well over 20 years and is pieced together um patched holes are patched and it's just time to move forward so with that stand for any questions Julie okay so if we use the arpa funds um for this is there anything else remaining from the aring funds that I don't know that would be I believe there is I believe there's do you know Tom but nothing for the fire department yes there are are are um excuse me more arpa funds to allocate and those must be allocated by the end of this year we'll we'll be speaking about those at upcoming work sessions okay I need a motion I'll make a motion to purchase the Hazardous Materials decontamination system from Air shelters USA LLC for the Wilmer fire department as approved in the 2024 CIP budget in the amount not to exceed 25,000 second got a motion in a second discussion Rick is there any value to the trailer we have obvious it's not a trailer it's like a tarp and some showers and stuff and no not really any other questions roll call council member fagly hi osus hi Butterfield hi Ryan hi o hi Davis Hi and shes hi seven eyes zero nose that passes Frank you can go to the next one the rescue streets Mr Mayor members of the council before you um I'm asking permission or authorization to purchase a set of rescue struts um once again this was also approved in the 2024 Capital Improvement budget using money from the public safety funds that we received from the state of Minnesota um that would complete that fund I believe um we did receive two quotes on the rescue Strat one is from Alex air apparatus and one from Curtis tools um Alex air apparatus came in is low for $6,800 we would be using a little over $55,000 from the public safety funds with the remaining amount plus shipping coming out of the fire department operations budget [Applause] motion to approve second we got a motion in a second to approve the purchase of the rescue struts discussion Julie I know we've had this discussion before on equipment like this um to see whether or not it's a duplication with the rescue squad and I know in those discussions it's been like well one if the rescue squad is tied up they're out on a different accident and theirs AR available so I always go back to how many do they have um how necessary is it that the fire department has them or are we duplicating I I think we're we're duplicating in a good way the rescue squad I believe has two sets of this style um these are not heavy duty ones these are for strictly for um like one vehicle normal car or trench rescue um something like that um but we go back to if the rescue swad is not available because they're somewhere else and we need a set um or we need additional sets for a major incident that's what we're looking at not necessarily duplicating but just supplementing that's what we're looking for a motion in a second any further discussion Julie I just feel like if it was that catastrophic that we needed three sets that we would have other fire departments and other rescue squads and I I I just don't know if it's a necessity or is it nice to have if we needed it um I don't know you know I know plan for the wor it was my family I'd want you to have them I know Rick can you explain again it's a cost share with the state is it that's correct yes they're paying for 5,000 of it we're paying for the rest of our budget where does civil defense where do they get their funds from is that the county I believe from the county yes strictly from the county thank you if the 5,000 did go for this would that go for something else though certainly yeah it could yeah me it's just Public Safety funds that could go for all kinds of needs not necessarily just these yeah would it go to us yes it is dedicated to the city of wmart Public Safety any more discussion roll call council member osmus hi Butterfield hi O'Brien hi ask hi Davis Hi Jes Hi and fagly hi seven eyes zero nose thank you passes thank you Frank next is a request to set a public hearing for Waterview senior housing vacation of drainage and utility easements Christopher Corbett Mr Mayor members of the council today I'll be looking for a motion to set a public hearing for the vacation of utility easements on the three sites the sites that we're talking about is the water view senior housing um site it is just east of 9 Street or east of Walmart and let me try and pull this up for us usually I have a power but typically this is It's undeveloped land as you all know um Trident development is building the Senor housing facility on Lot number one number two and combin combining um partially or the north northern part of lot 7 to create in total of um five acres or So currently the easement are along the um borders of the property and so with undeveloped land um you're going to see utility easements I think these are as 6 feet um around the property as well as each parcel and bear with me just a second and I will have this up okay so this is the first parcel we're going to name this block one block two two is just south of it and then if you just take this line and extend it to the east that will make part of block number um Lot number seven excuse me everywhere you see kind of the red boundary that is um associated with the East and so there's no utilities um in this part of it we can guarantee that utilities are on 9th Street Southeast uh however here in the back and they want to V those easements that are on the parcels for your reference in the packet is the pr preliminary and final um plat U that you'll see both of the easements so the U trade in development went ahead and did a petition they submitted a petition that petition went to um Municipal Utilities Commission uh it was approved at their Monday meeting and now is here today for your approval uh there was a um guess kind of a discrepancy or um here as you see the original easements on the preliminary plat is six feet or a six foot easement around all of the parcels utilities is requesting that they do a 10 foot easement around um around here so you'll see um on the preliminary plat here at the top North on on the northern part there's six foot all around and then you'll see the new um plat is showing and the petition after the petition is showing a 10 foot um easement around so we'll have to have a public hearing per the TR that's why we're here today um and I'll stand for any of your questions questions for Christopher otherwise I need a motion to proceed with the request for vacations I'll make that motion second we got a motion in a second to move forward and set a public hearing discussion Rick Mr Mayor so where would the drainage they would go into one of the ditches yeah so the drainage um currently they would um propose to do it on site and then go into ditch and so um have their holding Pond or detention Pond correct and then go to the ditch or creek to the east along the highway or go into the ditch that's by Walmart it will filter probably to the South I can before the public hearing I can get the entire Water Management storm water management um plan for you okay because I know the ditch that's ajacent to Lakeland school and Valley Golf we had cleaned it out I don't know how many years ago it's getting overgrown now with with weeds and stuff so the water doesn't flow real good from Nelson's International into that cek so something must be getting filled up and I might have to be dredged okay and that's something we can check too with public works to see um I know that they're currently looking at a list of um waterways to kind of flush out and so if it's on the list then that's we can always save it we can make it a priority too but I'll I'll double check and have that for you before the public hearing appreciate you're welcome much closer here the ditch is right here I know but I'm not an engineer no I don't know that's a good thing or not spenc all right um you ready to vote roll call council member Butterfield hi O'Brien hi OS hi Davis Hi shes baggerly Hi and osus hi seven eyes zero nose thank you Christopher next is a call for Budget work session Monday September 30th at 6 PM Les good evening Council yes uh this is a continuation of all of our work that we've been talking about tonight and what we did last week and such so I would like to have the council approved setting the workshop on September 30th and we're asking that the council look at your Capital Improvements that we've been that we listed for you and what we went through in the 10-year Capital plan have that information to you know what your suggestions thoughts are by September 16th and then on the 30th we will review that we'll review the capital Improvement plan again along with the budget and we'll continue that discussion and then um if necessary we would have another uh work session on October 18th at 6 o' both these meetings would be scheduled at the Wilmer Auditorium Municipal Auditorium difference there is a difference I'd like to see it us getting back to now because we're getting my busy time where it's going to be tough for me to make it at 6 Council doesn't make a difference to me Julie I won't be available on the 30th but I think I'll email out um all of my line by line suggestions we uh we don't have a motion yet what was the other date you suggested October 18th would be the next date following that o October 18th is that a Friday am I right no it should be a Monday no no should be that Monday 14th that's Columbus or what is it it's Columbus an indigenous people's day y May the 14th then holiday no we we have thanksgiv is that holiday yeah okay and then that we're thinking that's going to be our final fin yes that's what we'd like because November is pretty packed with a lot of other stuff okay I make the motion for um the work sessions on Monday September 30th and if necessary Monday October 14th both at 6:30 yes second got a motion and a second any discussion roll call council member O'Brien I OS hi Davis I shes hi begly hi osas hi and Butterfield hi seven eyes zero nose thank you Council that motion passes thank you Community Pride Mike you have something yeah I'd just like to bring up uh a good friend and person I had a pleas working with for quite a while passed away last week and that be our former Sheriff Larry Klein hous and uh I just wanted to say thank you to to him and thank you to his family for all the time that that they gave us with him um it was I had some amazing conversations when I'd walk in at 5:30 in the morning and there sits Larry in his office and I'm just coming back from working deer shiners and him and I would sit down and have some great discussions and I'll never forget that he was just an amazing guy yes he was anything else um sure I would just uh like to announce that on the destination playground the pickets are available for sale you can go on the community center site or um Community Foundation or they have a Facebook page of the destination playground uh to purchase a p picket I believe it's $75 and then they will also they're looking for volunteers for September 9th through the 13th uh for people to help uh repaint some of the uh playground equipment out there and to repair the flooring um so if you also go to that site you can sign up to volunteer for any of those days all right thank you Julie I do have a question on that I did I was on the site maybe Rob will know um are they only are they only working on things from like 9:00 to 5: there's no evening work sessions 9 okay but they there's a lot of openings left sign up to volunteer thank you I have a motion to adjourn seconds we're adjourned e