##VIDEO ID:k5g38Iee-Ko## e e e e e e e e e e e call a meeting roll call Mayor ree here council member o here Nelson here Davis here schis here baggerly here osmus here Butterfield here and Council member O'Brien is excused so eight present one excused stand for the pledge of Legion I of the United States of America the for stand na indivisible any additions or deletions to the agenda motion to approve the agenda as presented second we have a motion discussion roll call council member o i Nelson I Davis I sches hi ferly hi osmus hi and Butterfield hi seven eyes zero nose that passes next is the uh consent items ber Mr Mayor and council members today for your approval I have the city council meeting meeting city council minutes from November 18th 2024 the city council work session minutes from November 26 24 the Municipal Utilities Commission meeting minutes from November 25th 24 Parks and Rec board meeting minutes minutes from October 14th 24 approval of the pursuant of Transportation alternative grants program and active transportation funding Legal Services rates for 2025 the accounts payable report for 11424 through 1126 24 the 2025 Improvement projects intent to reimburse and for your information the monthly building report from November of 24 motion to approve the consent agenda second have a motion on a second any discussion roll call council member Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi ferly hi osus hi Butterfield hi an O hi seven eyes zero nose that passes next is the do we have anybody for open form no no one signed up okay um next is the public hearing or truth and Taxation and I'll open the public hearing and call on our finance director Tom Odin thank you Mr Mayor and members of the council tonight is a truth and Taxation hearing for the taxes payable 2025 so a brief overview um there are two considerations for you tonight the first would be to adopt the 2025 budget for the city of Wilmer and then also to set the tax levy for 2025 a budget calendar we uh we received the mayor's proposed budget at the first meeting in September 2024 we did certify that to Candy ohigh County and that that certification is reflected on the truth and Taxation notices that were sent out to the parcels in town throughout October and November uh Council compiled final recommendation and administration and departments refine their budgets and tonight December 2nd truth and Taxation hearing and we must certify by the end of the year to the county for 2025 taxes let's break down the tax levy it's in three main parts uh this pie chart just shows the general fund is the the large Blue portion which makes up 85% of our tax levy there's a street debt and the City Hall get into those here in just a couple minutes so the general fund is the big blue portion so how was it allocated you'll see the The Lion Share of the allocation is to wages pension and insurance and you'll see also the breakdown of the other um spending types maintenance uh General supplies utilities Etc and then here's just a little brief illustration of each dollar of your tax money where it goes so 38 cents goes to public safety that would be our police and fire uh safety 24 cents goes to General government I'd like to think of this more as the city hall departments the city clerk the finance admin uh 22 cents goes to Public Works Transportation that's our Public Works engineering and storm water and then 16 cents goes to culture Recreation think of the uh Civic Center Community Center uh D the olon Aquatic Center places like that for recreation the next is City Hall and the dollar amount didn't make it to this is $587,000 for 2024 is just Rec uh um is starting in 2022 the council had put 3% of the city tax rate towards City Hall so here's a graphic of 3% so what this really means is it's 3% of our tax rate so this just illustrates the growth of the city of Wilmer that's going to be new constructions to be new homes businesses so it's grown from 485 to 587 and so after the collection 2025 it'll be roughly $2.1 million the third major portion is the street improvements so starting in 2022 the city of Wilmer started to Levy for their streets that's when the street Improvement program really started to be more aggressive with their repair and maintenance so this year it accounts for 10% or $1.34 million this illustration is uh the levy from 2022 through the proposed 2025 so what makes up the 1.34 we have Bond issues or debt that we have incurred to help pay for those Street improvements so 273,000 from 2022 526 from 2023 and then 334 from the 2024 bonds this next illust ation is just another kind of correlation between tax capacity and the tax rate um starting in 19 through 2025 that 2025 figures are still estimates being refined by the county auditor and assessor's office it just shows the growth of the tax base of the city of Wilmer and then the orange bar on top shows the city tax rate along with it I'm not sure why this is not showing full screen can you guys no see you see is that a little bit better for whatever reason this is going to show the it's not going to work this is just going to show the difference between 2024 and 2025 the general fund um increase $581,000 um part of that is going to be the salary changes as well as the equipment certificate that we issued this year for the fire truck as well as the plow truck the street debt that's going to be adding on the 2024 bonds the city hall debt is just going to be a reflection of our tax base increasing so this is a residential City example for what the median home in city wmer is $180,200 so the 2024 tax rate You' pay about 98 .50 the new tax rate that's being proposed tonight you'd pay $1,038 and then if your value did not change but then the third column on the right would be a 7% increase 7.7% change value and that was an average of the city of Wilmer the tax tax would be $1,118 195 so I'm going to pause here for now and then i' would like to open it up for public comment if that'd be okay yes anybody here want to speak to the budget as your name and address Jo Ridler 1912 20,000 sou bu when I'm looking at the budget here um not happy with the way we assess the houses it's uh uh to me uh it's a fact it's a process of unrealized gains on our houses and you folks are raising the prices of our houses so high therefore we're paying more on the mill rate right then you say well Joe if you lower the rate maill rate's going to be higher the problem with it is with what I'm telling you I'm not seeing any Cuts we're heavy we're heavy on the high side on our Administration folks we're High we got areas we can cut and we're not any and I look at the budget here we talk about um infrastructure excuse me infrastructure parks and that kind of thing and that's what our taxes should go for I've I've talked to different people we're fighting over money to give to unfortunately homeless or this or that other things things that have been added to our taxes over the years we can't afford it it's time to cut I'm telling you insurance is going up our taxes are going up I've yet to see any Department that made Cuts is can you tell me did any Department come to you folks and give a cut crickets no Cuts we can't answer you yeah why we have an open com why we have an open mic then take your information just my opinion it doesn't make sense either this is all about dialogue and and this is what freedom of speech is it's about dialogue and conversation so I sit here as a taxpayer and I don't know what's going on with the expenses nobody I mean I look at this I talk to many people I talk to a number of people at church and they're they're like they're cutting they ain't giving maybe V's a little different same Mary's aay I'm telling you you guys got to find ways to cut our taxes are for for services of the police department the fire department the streets the parks it's not for a feel-good situation the other thing is on the fire department we set aside money for the fire truck how much have we applied for Grants from FEMA on this you're not going to tell me it's very very important I know other people I deal with that are uh captains in in charge of uh smaller towns and they're playing and they're getting grants female money are we aggressively going after that don't know crickets I'm telling you guys you got to find a way you got to get the broom out you got to get the axe out and it's called cut we're not cutting you guys are spending I sound like a crabby rear end here but I'm frustrated I mean why are my taxes up 46 % in four years why 46% what are we doing next year bonds are due for the treatment plant the following year more bonds are due for the treatment plant you guys are handing on Tiff money left and right I mean this is not right folks you're talking about putting fiber optic in the ground I mean we have Administration that spent 400 some thousand no no authorization nobody got chapped on that no recommendations you guys just tabled it you know where that 400 some thousand could have went for our budget a long way we elect you folks you got to get the broom out you got to get the ax Out start cutting we got a runaway system here I could go on thank you for letting me speak please take these seriously I mean we got a cut thank you anyone else I'm Von Hoover and I live on 204 Southeast Agusta my complaint's similar to the previous gentleman I've my taxes have doubled in three years doubled the only thing I built was a 24 by 28 garage I don't think it warrants doubling of taxes that's the only addition and I know there's people on the southwest side I'm on Southeast that theirs didn't move no 30% this year so it's all I'm asking as things get in line and be fair anyone else headl 4237 104th Avenue Northeast um want to talk about the property at 1305 1 Street South my uh property taxes on that or the assess value I think there's a mistake it wasn't updated with the recent purchase that happened um it say that 1.47 it was purchased for 1.05 so it's 400,000 over actual purchase price recently I think that needs to be adjusted with the recent sale those you need to go on that one you yes that's that's the April meeting so anything on property values and assessments that goes to the uh truth and Board of Equalization in April is where that and that'll be uh typically at held at the fire hall at noon if I'm not mistaken yes anyone else not I'll bring Tom back all right thank you Mr Mayor members of the council so so now last week we had a work session we've had also uh a couple work sessions and Council meetings since our preliminary budget was adopted uh the first topic I would like to address is our arpa funds these These funds have to be allocated by the end of this year and spent over the next two years um on last Tuesday's meeting it was um discussed that $150,000 would go to the HRA for the Housing Trust $887,000 it was between the um there was some outstanding money for playground equipment for the parks and rec and then the balance was going to go to the Tyler technology implementation however then later on in the meeting it was um spoken about to use the $887,000 for squad cars in the police department it would be an eligible use and it also is an item highlighted on our Capital Improvement program which leads us into the next slide is our Capital Improvement program the highlighted items here are there's two at the airport one would be the runway 1331 Edge lighting design and reconstruction and then also an access road these two projects are um this would be the city portion there'd also be some federal and state money along with those projects the next two are the Civic Center door and walls a wall and doors underneath it it's on the same wall there are some fascia and some water issues the doors also need to be replaced they are um they're they're rotting out the next would be Information Systems cameras this is going to be at the um Civic Center as well as at the robins Island this would be security protecting our assets the the next is the police squad car so this is the balance of the $120,000 request the other portion coming from arpa and then the last would be the Public Works equipment Reserve um as if you recall there are um there's a plow truck on the capital Improvement program there's also a snow go which is a big snow blower that the city uses to you uh blow for downtown and they also use it out at the airport to get rid of some big drifting snow because we don't have enough to fund it we thought it would be a a wise idea to put it away for to build up a reserve fund um for the future and this isn't going to work so the general fund we set the preliminary tax levy on the general fund at 9.41 0932 and that was in September since then uh there's been $190,000 in reductions of the from departments uh cutting their budget as well as there was another Revenue that was um awarded to us uh based on the discussion last week we do need to budget for our Tyler technology and that's $155,000 um for next year's subscription and then also um the CIP adjustment to make up the the last page of 30 35416 which leaves us at our preliminary Levy of uh 9410 932 so I will pause there if you have any questions the staff questions J you have to close the public hearing first yes yes yes right I will close the public hearing thank you um Mr Odin I was just wondering if you could respond to some of the public comment and questions about grants and Department Cuts if you could if you remember some of those from earlier yes uh so for the Department cuts um there were like a I can run through them really fast here there's $25,000 cut from the Planning Development Department uh 26,000 was cut from the human resources about 25,000 from cultural diversity 22,000 from the police department that was going to be reappropriated from a license officer to a the newly um created CSO full-time CSO position there was a small change of about $3,500 from the fire department that is based on contract for our safety program that we have a contract with safe assure on and that's just bringing it down to that Public Works had a uh slight change of $7,000 um uh our library was also we reduced it by 23,000 that's going to go back to our 2024 ask they they requested a 5% increase from the city for our portion uh we did go back to the 2024 um allocation and then our Parks and Rec Department came down 10,000 and our community center also reduced by1 18,8 50 so and then as far as the grants go I do know that um our Public Safety uh for sure our fire department they have been pursuing FEMA grants we were just awarded some some money for the remainder of your radios I believe that's a state of Minnesota that one we haven't seen the money yet but we just found out we were awarded the funds um I do know that you've put in for the FEMA grants I do um the last round we were unsuccessful in obtaining any of those grand dollars thank you really okay I'm just going to comment overall on a little bit about the process and a little bit about some public feedback on what we did um we went line by line we spent hours going through each line of each department and what um they were um submitted and then what we had to cut now we all know at this table that we are not going to make everybody happy we know that um that's a given going in and so between all the different departments we had to look at what is most important and one of the things that I'll speak for myself I took some flak for but also council member ask in social media um about the police department I'm going to tell you I'm the last person that is going to defund the police okay I feel like that's a politicized statement when we had to cut from the park and wreck we had to cut playground equipment nobody blasted us on social media that we were defunding Parks or that we were defunding the fire department or that we were defunding the wastewater treatment plan when we had to um make those cuts but we took an especially hard hit about defunding the police now that was a discussion that we had to have there was four school resource officers that are no longer in the schools and each police officer is approximately 150 ,000 in our budget line so when we have to look at 87,000 for a piece of playground equipment or we have to look at 150,000 that has to go to something with the wastewater treatment plant we're looking for places where we can possibly cut and that was a that was a a position where we had four police officers that were no longer working in the schools and so that was possibly 300,000 450,000 if it was three officers 600,000 for four police officers so we had to take a look at that that that was our we had to do our due diligence and question that and discuss that so for us to take a back ing in social media about defunding the police I just I feel was unfair it was part of our discussion that we had to look at now some of the information that came back was um the serious crimes that we've had an officer involved shootings which 20 years ago we didn't have I can remember a point where we went 14 years without a homicide that's the past that's not the case anymore and each one of those cases takes a lot of man hours a lot of Investigation [Music] um so my feeling is then that maybe if that was um overtime then that should come out differently we shouldn't take that out of personnel so then say okay then let's have an a total overtime budget or um some other way to clearly delineate what that expense is for and not all for well we had 150,000 because we don't have that police officer we'll use the funds from that let's say exactly what that's for but nobody up here wanted to like I said it's a politicized comment to say that we were defunding the police we were not we were looking at line items where we could steal from Peter to pay Paul and figure out how we were going to lower um the the demand and what we were spending and try to do the best that we could for the taxpayers with the taxpayers money this is we fine-tuned it as far as we could and I just want people to know that and that we worked hard at it and um that's where we're at anybody else there's no other discussion we need a motion to adopt the resolution approving the proposed budget before we get to that I'm not ready to finalize budget yet uh I want to see a couple little changes on there uh I want to get to this arpa funds app I think we still can take get the H $150,000 that our past mayor Marv Kelvin said that we' get the H I think we can take uh you know the half of the 150,000 give that towards uh HRA and then meeting the other week I think it was a saw program that we're getting from State Minnesota we can take that other portion uh to get us up to 150,000 from that to get the H for 150,000 then we can use that $887,000 towards uh you know our CIP that we can at least lower it try to lower It Again by another $87,000 whatever it would come up with but uh I would like to see that that change on there before we vote Audrey um thank you mayor ree I have been a strong proponent of leaving that 150,000 with arpa and using those other funds to fund housing housing is one of our most critical needs in our community I think it's our job at this table to do the best that we can to to help make our community be a place that people want to work and want to live we're a regional center we have Regional responsibilities housing is definitely one of them and I think um with where we're at we are not funding all of our CIP we're not doing some things but housing to me is not a place that we should be cutting we should be looking at what we can do to improve our housing in our community both new and um to help improve that so I'm a proponent of leaving the arpa as we discussed and I think the majority of us had been there with that and I think that staff have done a good job of looking at what we have left the difference between the the levy and what we had talked about before isn't significant enough to make a difference to anyone's taxes with where we need with where we need to be and so I'd make a motion to approve the levy as it is Tom second okay we got a second go ahead Tom well I just did ma $75,000 we would take from the arall for there take $75,000 from from the saw 75,000 may not seem a lot to you uh to help reduce it but I tell you what I have I get a lot of phone calls from senior citizens people living on tight budgets they can't afford their taxes and going up anymore already I you know that's one of the biggest my biggest concerns is is we don't listen to people we've had three three people up here night now saying enough's enough enough's enough they're willing to help out but at some point in time people's pocket books say that's it $75,000 not a lot of money out of the pool and I've given up I fight for streets I fight for parks and I fight for Citizens I gave up Parks I gave up the netting I gave up I was one that said okay let's take out the the two parks put that Mone for the squad cars I should have been really fighting for for Rob Rob in the park Department every year was let pull out the lighting at Swanson field let's pull this out let's pull that out let's pull this out look at when we uh took that Grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield $100,000 got take my kids to build a a pad out there at the nobody replaced $100,000 at Rob was $775,000 to lower it just a little bit to help citizens of one out is the right move to do to do we're still going to be helping the homeless and I believe fagly asked e what they were going to do with the money they didn't have a definite answer yet so we're just we need to do this you know it's only $75,000 but $75,000 less tax on all right Justin then Julie remembering that we have a motion I was just wondering um Mr odens if you could speak a little bit about the growth of the tax base that we've witnessed recently yeah so that would be I guess there's a couple different ways to look at it this this chart right here be showing we've taken 3% of our tax base and applied it towards City Hall so that's just to to more or less be build in a payment for a bond for City Hall and this represents a $10 million Bond so it started off 3% was 485,000 now it's gone up to 587 so it's increased a significant amount over the last four years that's coming from new construction of homes that's going to be people improving their homes it's also going to be businesses that are being built in town as well as just a general appreciation of home value as people buy and sell just the the real estate market itself uh that is going to be also Illustrated on the bar chart the bars are the um tax base for like a better term since 2019 through the estimate of 2025 and do you have any um insights onto how much of that is just the the increased property assessment values which have gone up as the market has gone up significantly or how much of that it be new businesses coming into town I I can't answer that specifically of the breakdown between the two okay Julie I just want to clarify some of the comments um that I think there's a a misconception about the house funding it's not the homeless I mean this isn't money that's all going for homeless this is housing housing is a need we have because of our Industrial Park growth because of businesses growth and businesses coming to town and we need housing we can't get people to come here for Workforce if we don't have housing it's one of those tripod things with uh child care housing you need that for a Workforce I just wanted to clarify that thank you Audrey um I serve as the Lea on to the H and and um this Housing Trust Fund is set up to help us be able to get access to other grant money and to some of the other things to work on projects H has made a commitment that the um Wilmer money will be spent in Wilmer um that will come with with the resolution as we as we do that and I think the other thing when you said H didn't know what they were going to do H intends to work with our um comprehensive plan with to come up with a plan to best utilize that with how we can benefit our community and with that so there is a it is a work in progress and you know unfortunately we didn't have a conversation about this money from the state but it's there and it's been our staff have been working and so is H working on it so um you know and I think the other thing I want to comment is we spent significant time going through the CIP the capital with what was a want and what was a need and we have a lot more things that we aren't funding that we said were real needs that are going to come back to us next year or we're going to have to look for how are we're going to do that so I think it's critical that we recognize that where we're at now we need we need this we need the tax levy as it is do I like it no but are we unusual for cities we are lower than a lot of what cities are doing or having to do this year and so I think we are doing our job um to to the best that we can looking at it um just really taking a look at it and discussing it and turning it over we've done that and we we've given a lot of input and uh I have uh worked with the city staff in the past developing the budget this time we got Tom Odin our finance director we got Kyle box our operations director we've got Leslie our city administrator that sat down and went to work they went to each director and got the wants and needs and then separated them we went through we had this book never had anything like that before developing the budget but this is all information historical information photographs um recommendations um I think we've done a good job it's been tough it's been tough but um I think we've done a good job of breaking everything over the coals if you want to say to see what what is going to work what isn't going to work I I thank our directors our Administration for the good job that they've done thank you Tom so with that we a motion and a second you ready to vote roll call council member Davis hi sches hi baggerly hi osmus hi Butterfield no o i and Nelson I six eyes one no that passes thank you Council um next is uh we have the other yeah okay yeah we need second motion yeah the second resolution in the amount of 11 132 914 make a motion to approve that amount second okay we got a motion a second discussion we repeat the motion please adopt a resolution approving the 2025 tax levy in the amount of 11,132 1914 any discussion we have a motion in a second roll call council member shers hi Bly hi osas hi Butterfield Hi O hi Nelson hi and Davis Hi seven eyes zero nose I pass it thank you Tom appreciate your hard work right next is uh an ordinance amending the sanitary sewer rates for 2025 through 20 29 and I'll open the public hearing and call on Justin Deo our Public Works director thank you Mr Mayor good evening good evening Council um the item before you as the mayor alluded to is adopting an ordinance amending the sanitary sewer rates at our last council meeting uh we heard the findings of a Wastewater study performed by by Baker Tilly to ensure that the user rates cover outstanding debt service projected operating expenses and future Capital requirements rates are recommended to increase by 12.5% in 2025 10% in 2026 and 5% in 27 and 28 with no increase in 2029 the sanitary rates uh for the city have not changed since 2017 all right are you ready to okay next we will have public comment anybody wants to speak to this issue anybody want to speak right if not I have a question so are the sewer rates is that our water treatment plan so I'd like to know as a citizen what is due next year in the following year on De bonds excuse me one second here so in 202 before we had outstanding Bond payment of $4.8 million next year in 2025 that um payment in interest is increasing to 7.1 million in 26 7.4 million in 27 7.6 million 28 7.7 million and 29 um is 8.6 million and after that then it would level back off back down to that $4 million range you just Council how how are we going to pay these bills what's what's your proposal what how we going to pay that I'm not sure you guys got all these ideas of spending money on all these different programs but here we know we got debt and no money was set aside it's user fees it's a revenue s so is everybody paying uh Mr fley is everybody paying the same rate or are other people getting a discounted rate well there's a rate uh fee schedule here depends residential pays basically the same same commercial industrial they pay different depends on the size of your sewer line okay water that's coming in so so we're all going to see another substantial increase wow looks like three to four dollars month increase is that enough I hope so that's what our consultant said so I don't think it is you got to remember we were supposed to get 14 million from the federal government yeah we got stiff done it we got stiff done yeah we did that would have helped immensely yeah nothing we can do about it yeah it just we got stiffed on the airport too didn't we some areas yes we did yeah just seems like we the citizens are just getting bent all the time I'm more Blue Collar speaking here maybe I got enough guts to get up here and speak maybe I'm maybe I'm being stupid but I ask a lot of questions because there's a lot of people in the community again these are just hidden increases and these increases people can't afford you sell three bucks a month isn't much I don't think it's going to cover it there should have been there should have been maybe a a little bit better bump earlier I mean the millions we paying on on the bonds is terrible that's poor business Julie I just want to clarify one thing that it really it something that was alluded to earlier it doesn't matter if you're on the southwest side the southeast side the northwest side or the Northeast side the increases are all the same the taxes are all the same um it's the city so I just wanted to clarify that all right anybody else all right I'm going to close the public hearing call for a motion to adopt the ordinance amending of sanitary sewer rates I make that motion got a motion you have a second second got a motion in a second any further discussion Audrey I think it's important that the questions that were being asked the chart that we went through and the explanation with why we needed to do this now and why we didn't need to do it before this year with how the the funding was going on um if that is something that would be helpful um to share um with Mr Riddler um I think we should do that because we did look I mean we did take a look at it and we are this is the study that was done and that we need to do it now that we had funds and with the rates that we were okay and now we're not and that we have to take steps forward to meet the balance that we have to maintain but I also want to comment that I think one of the things that we've worked hard at in the last last years is applying for Grants and being at the table and being ready to apply for more and I think we missed have missed some big opportunities and parts of that come back to both um how the state looks at us and how the fedal looks at us but I think we're doing a better job with applying for things to help us fund um the things that we need to do anyone else we have a motion and a second roll call council member faggle I asmus hi Butterfield I ask I Nelson I Davis and shoulders I seven eyes zero nose passes thank you Justin I need a motion to publish the ordinance by summary so move second discussion roll call council member osus I Butterfield I OS hi Nelson I Davis I shes Hi and fagly hi seven eyes zero nose that passes thank you Council um next is uh jny old turkey store purchase agreement Christopher our planning de development director thank you Mr Mayor members of the council uh today I'm looking for two actions one is a motion to approve by resolution and the re-approval of a purchase agreement for jinnie O Turkey store as well as a motion to authorize um the mayor and City administrator to sign a final version of the purchase agreement and proceed with scheduling a closed date um by the end of this year in April 2024 um you all might remember that we entered an agreement a purchase agreement for 29 Acres um just south of the jio site um we'd have made some we renegotiated some of the terms and I'll walk through some of those now they're also found in your resolution um so the price is not changed the price is still the same um purchasing the 29 acres for $854,000 [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is pretty much the um edits or revisions to the purchase agreement I'll stand for any questions I have um I may call on attorney Robert Scott for assistance as well as Matt shup from J's here to speak all right Council I'll make a motion to approve by resolution the reapprovals agreement reflecting the change in terms and intended youths for the property as outlined all right I got a motion on a second discussion did you want to address this Robert I think uh planning director Corbett gave a good overview I think from my perspective this is coming back to council just because after the council approval was given previously we had some followup um requests for revisions to the agreement from jenio uh spent some time obviously negotiating the new language just described by the planning director um this is coming back to you because the changes were significant enough that it wasn't uh within the same 100% within the same substance of terms that the council had previously approv so U if we were just talking about details like closing dates or things we probably would have just uh made those revisions administratively but since this involves some change substantive terms we brought it back for re-approval okay Matt do you want to say anything Matt sh appreciate the opportunity to clarify some language in the agreement uh work between the city legal and the hormell legal to get that cleared up so thanks M good to proceed thanks Christopher yes we need a we didn't have the motion yet we do all right um got a motion and a second any further discussion at table if not roll call council member Butterfield i o hi Nelson I Davis Hi sches hi Bly Hi and osus hi seven eyes zero nose thank you Christopher we need a motion to motion yeah m a motion to authorize the mayor and the city administrator to sign a final version and proceed with scheduling a closing date here we got a motion in a second discussion Audrey just I know I have asked this before that's clarified there's no substantial changes correct Robert uh the version that would be signed is not going to be substantially different than the version that was just approved by resolution it is different than the version that the council approved some months ago but that was the point of coming back today thank you roll call council member o hi Nelson hi Davis Hi sches hi Bly hi osus hi and Butterfield hi seven eyes zero nose thank you Christopher you're welcome thank you next is an amendment to The Cure purchase agreement and I'll call on Robert Scott our City attorney thank you mayor members of the city council this is a uh Amendment before you for consideration the purpose of the amendment is to do two things one is to allow the uh conveyance of the Care Center property um to be made to a holding company created by Cura for the sole purpose of owning the real real estate at the Care Center um and the second is to then address some of the service commitments and restrictions uh that we're going to go into the deed and make sure it makes sense and applies to all members of uh Cura and its Affiliated entities so quick point the council obviously previously approved the purchase agreement with Kira Kira is the nonprofit entity that is currently operating the Care Center pursuant to a subas with centricare um Kira does have the right under the existing purchase agreement to assign its purchasing rights to an affiliate so to an entity under common ownership and control with the parent Cura entity so the purpose of coming back today is to ensure that the commitments that c Cura had made and agreed to in the purchase agreement continue to apply uh not just to cira but to any affiliate of cura um in your packet the amendment details what those service commitments are and so just to remind uh the council what was in the original purchase agreement with Kira in paragraph four of the purchase agreement uh Kira had agreed that it would maintain ownership and would continuously operate the Care Center for a minimum period period of 5 years after the closing date Kira agreed that it would not transfer titles of the property to any third party for that same fiveyear period and we will be adding a commitment in this amendment that cira the parent nonprofit entity that will be operating the Care Center will also not transfer ownership of the real estate excuse me of the holding company to any third party for the same 5year commitment so the purpose of this amendment is really just to clarify those provisions and make sure that they continue to apply Cura will remain a party to the purchase agreement but the conveyance now would be made to the holding company under Kira's control I would stand for any questions about anything any questions motion to remove to approve the amended purchase agreement second we got a motion and a second discussion hearing none roll call council member Nelson hi Davis Hi shes hi baggerly hi osus hi Butterfield hi and O hi seven eyes zero nose I passes all right Comm Pride offs anybody Carl i' just like to thank all the volunteers that uh helped set up and and make uh celebrate the light a fantastic thing again this year and thank all the volunteers ahead of time that are putting in time there now so driving out here tonight I went past the locomotive and I looked to my left across onto the robins Island it's beautiful absolutely beautiful all right and one more yes Julie well also thank you to um all of the Departments that helped with the uh holidays parade um I think we had a gorgeous night and uh it was good it was there was they had the touch the truck all of those were in the parade it was uh it was a a good representation and we had Queens from other communities um and it was just it was a great event we're lucky to be able to do that anything else audre I'm sorry I too would like to just comment about the the um holidays parade um and also the gingerbread houses that various um we got to vote on but there were various departments that did that also and um Public Works truck was what looked really great with the Snowman on along with others and so I just want to say thank you to everybody who did that it was a fun night to be downtown anybody else we have a motion to journ I moved second journ