##VIDEO ID:rUzGXOLQ7PM## all right call the meeting to order roll call Mayor Reese here uh council member ask here council member uh Nelson here Davis is excused council member shes here ferly here osmus here council member Butterfield is excused and council member O'Brien here seven present two absent please stand for the pledge I pledge alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible with liy and justice for all proposed additions or deletions i' like to make a motion for an amended agenda um I'd like to remove item 12a from the agenda uh and um with the understanding that Captain Anderson has declined the offer I'll remove 11 I from the agenda as well second all right we got a motion do we have a second second discussion roll call council member OS I Nelson i sheldes i fagly i osmus i and O'Brien right six eyes zero nose next I'll call on ver city clerk for consent items thank you Mr mayor council members tonight for your approval I have the city council meeting minutes of September 16th 20124 the special city council meeting minutes of September 30th 2024 the Municipal Utilities meeting minutes of September 23rd 2024 the Planning Commission minutes of September 4th 2024 the Planning Commission minutes of September 18th of 24 the Planning Commission minutes of October 2nd of 24 the accept an approve and final project number 231- c Irene Augusta and Mary Avenue Southeast reconstruction resolution approving a Minnesota Department of Public Safety Grant resolution approving discretionary Grant acceptance Public Works heating system replacement and repair Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota sponsorship funding the preliminary and plat final plat approval of rice Legacy and the accounts payable report from 912 of 24 through 102 of 24 4 and for your information we have the finance report through 831 to 24 the Municipal Utilities financial report from July of 24 and the monthly building permit report from September of 2024 motion to approve the consent agenda second we got a motion and a second discussion hearing none roll call council member Nelson I sheldes i faggle i osmus i O'Brien I and oos I five eyes zero nose that passes anybody signed up for the uh open form no okay so we'll go to uh number 10 public hearing authorizing the sale real property I'll call on uh City attorney Robert Scott thank you mayor members of the council uh and the agenda is an ordinance authorizing the sale of real property uh that the city of Wilmer will be acquiring as part of the Care Center transaction and you'll remember that uh transaction is at the request of centri care who operates the rice hospital system under a lease with the city of Wilmer uh centri care is uh partnered with Cura and is sought the city's cooperation to uh facilitate the transfer of the Care Center property to Cura who has taken over the operations of the Care Center um the city's request of Cent care and agreeing to facilitate that transaction was that centri care arranged for Rice home medical which owned a property uh in the city of Wilmer and one in the city of Redwood Falls to uh carve those properties out of the operating lease as well and turn them back to the city which uh Rice home excuse me which centri care through Rice home medical has agreed to do so those two properties will be coming back to the city um the current occupant of those properties Corner Home Medical through a lease with uh Rice home medical um has expressed an interest and even has a lease and option agreement in place to purchase the Redwood Falls property this ordinance is only for the city sale of the Redwood Falls property and the ordinance is conditioned on the city separately approving a purchase agreement um that is in the works I believe the property is being appraised um so there will be a separate action coming back to the council to approve the purchase agreement for the sale of the Redwood Falls Home Medical property to uh Steiner LLC which I believe is uh affiliated with Corner Home Medical who occupies the property currently um there is a host of transactions that the council approved at the previous meeting so we're down now just to dealing with the Home Medical property piece of the transaction um I'd welcome any questions um and it is a public hearing and I'll will open the public hearing if anybody's here to speak on this subject if you want to speak just come to the microphone nobody all right well then I'll close the public hearing and call for a motion so moved second we got a motion and a second to approve the ordinance authorizing the sale of this uh property to Steiner LLC any discussion from the council hearing none roll call council member shes I baggerly hi osmus I O'Brien hi OS hi and Nelson hi six eyes zero nose passes next we'll go to 10B water view SE Waterview senior housing vacation of drainage and utility easements I'll call on our planning and development director Christopher Corbett good evening Mr Mayor members of the council this agenda item came before you believe in early September when we took a look at the utility easements for the proposed development of housing as well so just to get us familiar with the loation of it is just east of Walmart on L Street where the blue star indicates this is the original plat um of the site and what you'll see at the top Western Corner the different Parcels around each parcel are utility easements as well and Trident is requesting to vacate those so they can combine the lots and I'll show you so this will be the new parcel the two lots are combined and then a total about 3 acres total of the lotes into it so you're familiar with this um this request to vacate the utility easements I know that when I presented in September I know back in September when we first uh discussed it there were questions about the drainage uh the the drains the water will be draining to the South uh so it wouldn't be a concern that was raised um back in September so uh I'll stand for any questions this is the public hearing um this came to Planning Commission back in September and we did provide proper notice this also went through um the Utilities Commission as well I will open the public hearing is there anybody here to speak in regards to this vacation if not I'll close the hearing and call for a motion I'll make that motion second the motion is to vacate those easements we got a motion and a second discussion Cil no no discussion roll call council member fagly hi osmus I O'Brien i o i Nelson I and sches I six eyes zero nose that passes now I'll call for a motion to approve the the preliminary and final plats so move second we got a motion of second discussion Audrey um thank you I'm looking at the map if lot two were to be purchased they would either there isn't a street there now that's listed as 24th Avenue on the your third edition of Waterview let's take a look further these are the only oh that's the only one so I'm looking at at this one yes that shows so Lots 2 three 4 and five are in front of lot two on this map and so I'm just curious if somebody who bought that other parcel could they could purchase the Lots in the front and come in from the front or would we I see so on the original PL you're referring to lot seven the the larger lot that's on the East right um there is potential to have a service road if each of the um Future Property Owners is not included in the scope of their work so there's an opportunity there for um other other buyers to to develop service road or a street a street a street okay okay all right that was my question thank you any other questions discussion roll call council member osmus I O'Brien hi OS hi Nelson I sheldes Hi and ferly hi six eyes zero nose that passes next is Waterview Senior Housing Development a tiff agreement and I'll call on our City attorney Robert Scott okay Mr Mayor members of the council I'll introduce this one just to familiar bring us back to uh to be familiar with the site again this is Waterview singer Housing Development it is 60 um 61 Assisted Living U 14 memory care and 50 no 20% of those units um approximately 50 units will be affordable at 50% Ami uh you're familiar with the Tiff plan that was adopted or approved back in July of um July 15th of this year this is just a um the Tiff agreement just solidifying that I'll turn it over to attorney Robert Scott thank you mayor members of the council the Tiff agreement in your packet uh carries forward and reflects the terms of the Tiff plan that the city council has previously adopted um It's usually the case it was a case here that it takes a little while to get these agreements finally negotiated with the developers attorney but this follows closely with previous agreements city the city has negotiated on other projects receiving receiving uh tax increment financing assistance the one thing I would note is uh after the Tiff plan was approved um and I don't have the number in front of me exactly but it C it uh authorized pledging upwards of $7 million um 7.8 I believe $7.8 million um to the developer um due to uh revised projections from the developer on the cost of the project uh working with the city's Financial Consultant this agreement reflects that um only five uh excuse me 5 point a little under $5.1 million will actually be pledged through the Tiff note to this agreement so the amount of assistance actually going to the developer is not the full amount authorized in the Tiff plan previously authorized um otherwise I believe this has all the um Provisions that the city has typically included in tax increment financing agreements and it simply memorializes the terms of the Tiff plan that the council had previously authorized but I would be again happy to answer any questions questions for R Yes Rick thank you Mr Mayor so how many years was this one 25 years 26 and we normally while we normally never did anything with housing for years and we did Tiff it was 10 to 12 I think I objected we said 25 years earlier I was thinking more like 15 so they couldn't accommodate 15 years the council approved um the 26 years we do have precedent of another Tiff District uh the name of it is skates me now but it is for 25 years that will be the second just recently then yes so after 25 years well they'll have to renovate them after five or six years probably who's going to pay for that then that's going to be built into their fees for rent so I can't speak directly to how the building will be managed in the future what I will say is that the 26 years Tiff housing Tiff District that is being um that was approved the Tiff plan it's a pooling Tiff and so we haven't done that in the past either it allows us to capture um some of the funding that is from the tip the increment financing and put into a a fund where we can use it directly for affordable housing um items throughout um the city the other thing I will mention is that the um 26 years I once it was approved the tip plan back in July we also talked about the 7.8 um total so one or two things can happen it will take less than 26 years to pay this off um at $5 million or um we could and we can see that Tiff District um being decommissioned earlier so um it won't it probably won't it shouldn't take the entire 26 years is what I'm saying any other questions otherwise I'm looking for a motion to approve the Tiff agreement so moved second got a motion and a second discussion roll call council member O'Brien ask I Nelson I sches I baggerly no and osmus I five eyes one no that passes next is uh Professional Services agreement for Runway 1331 Edge lighting and navad replacement call on Eric for that good evening Mr Mayor members of the council thank you for your time this evening and greetings from the Western frontier of the city of Wilmer the airport we have in front of you tonight uh a an agreement for Professional Services for design engineering of the new uh LED lighting system for Runway 13 331 this is the next project kind of up on our CIP list with the FAA probably the best news that I have tonight is that current guidance from the FAA has changed the federal uh share of this project from 90% to 95% the remaining 5% is a local share but the state of Minnesota has agreed to continue matching half of that so a typical project would be 955 this project will be 9 5 2 and A2 2 and A2 so tonight's action is is the engineering portion which amounts to about $4,200 from the city of Wilmer the the entire project will be somewhere in the 1.4 to $1.5 million range uh when we get the engineering all done but again that'll be say $35 to $40,000 local shares so a very good time to have a project ready to go with the FAA right now uh with that I would stand for any questions any questions for Eric all right well I need a motion to approve the Professional Services agreement then moved second okay we got a motion and a second any discussion roll call council member ask I Nelson I sches I baggerly I osmus hi and O'Brien hi six eyes zero nose thank you thank you Eric next uh Safe Streets for all project update from Chris Frank our city planner good evening mayor members of the council so I I'm here today to provide an update on a program called Safe Streets for all currently being run by Bolton bank and some of you may be familiar with this plan some of you not I gave this presentation to the Planning Commission last Wednesday after a long meeting um longer than typical meeting for the Planning Commission and eyes were starting to glaze over so I'll try to keep this version of it a little bit quicker since I know we have a large agenda but if I am going too fast or you have questions don't hesitate to stop me and ask those questions so Safe Streets for all is a federal funding uh support from the Department of Transportation through the Federal Highway Administration um aimed at providing communities with a study and plan to bring roadway deaths to zero the city received the grant back in February of 23 released the request for proposal in January of 24 which was granted to to Bolton and M in May of 24 and they've been working on that plan uh along with us as we have been doing update to the comprehensive plan um so this study will be looking at all roadway users including vehicles and pedestrians and other uh biking the biking and pedestrians are called vulnerable Road users so it's looking at that mobility throughout the city their final study will be an addendum to the comprehensive plan and then their work will feed in heavily to the mobility chapter of the comprehensive plan but it is a separate study going on at the same time as the comprehensive plan the kind of timeline and uh main aspects of the plan and study here are uh first Bolton and M was engaging community and Gathering feedback so they were at a lot of the events that we are at with the comprehensive plan as well working with us U they're conducting comprehensive safety analysis and transportation Equity review uh they're making sure that they get public input uh Gathering all the relevant stats and then they're also going back out and I'll touch on the their phase two plan to make sure they touch on under served communities historically so they're reaching back out after analyzing the information they were to gather from the public they pulled out areas that they felt they missed and are going back out in a phase two for outreach on that uh then once they have that input from the community and the statistics on road injuries they're going to put together what's called a high inury Network which they've already been doing and I'll have some maps here in a second to show you and then they're going to use that information to develop Design Concepts on areas and intersections throughout the city where safety could be improved and how they could be improved and then develop an integrated action plan and report so this won't identify specific projects that happen in actual intersections it'll just give a broad overview of these types of projects could help in these types of intersections but what it does do is once that report and plan is put together it will open us up to that additional grant funding from uh Federal Highway Administration and do once we identify actual projects um having this plan in place opens up for that additional money um some of their activities have included they had an interactive map on their website called input ID that allowed you to go in touch on certain roadways or intersections and leave comments that the other people in the public could see they did survey uh they did Community popups um and they've had focus groups and open houses they had about 682 individual interactions including 35 of those map comments and 261 responses on surveys of course their biggest areas of concern that they uh received from the public were the Uptown Mall parking lot uh East Highway 12 coming into town First Street County Road 5 and then their top safety concern were biking train crossings uncontrolled intersections lack of sidewalks and lack of audible crosswalk guides as I touched on before they're reaching out now for another phase two uh the demographics they identified as lacking in their first round of public Outreach was non-white residents and then people under 25 and O over 75 and then households that make less than $35,000 annually um they have developed this High Injury Network which which was in their step three of their uh development timeline uh so it puts together they first looked at Vehicles where are Vehicles having safety concerns and they looked at where are high vulnerable users of the road which is pedestrians biking things like that where are they having issues and they were able to put together a map this is from 2014 to 2023 of all the you'll see there the red the bolded ones are fatal and serious injury the lighter ones are non fatal and serious injury so there's red for motor vehicle blue for biking green for pedestrian this is kind of a map of where all the accents occurred over the last decade uh this High inury Network is for the vulnerable Road users so this is where they identified as kind of the major roads and intersections that pedestrians and bikers are struggling with and this one is vehicles and then this is an overlay with both of them on top where the gray is both uh users um called out and then the pink is just one of those so some of the risk factors that they're seeing are probably the typical ones a lot of people would think of uh railroad crossings especially in Wilmer I know we're receiving tons of complaints of people going around the arms when the arms are down and you know they're they're a thing that everyone struggles with in this city uh roadways with Crossing distance so like First Street getting all the way across First Street when you're not at a controlled intersection lighting stopping sight distance so seeing that stop sign from far enough away I know some areas with a car parks on the street you don't see that stop sign until you pass that car and suddenly it's right on top you uh intersection sight distance so just making sure the view is clear around corners and then driveway and intersection spacing uh so if you think of First Street where a lot of these turnoff into businesses on each side aren't lined up and then there are multiple so people are trying to kind of turn into each other um rather than being lined up and being directly opposite the road from each other um so that that is what they identified as the problems now so now they're going to look at more of those intersections and put together a plan of what would apply to this intersection what are some other possibilities and they'll also be looking for other solutions that have not been used in the past to address those concerns and then I'll I'll be coming back to further update the council as that plan develops more um mentioning again their Equity review this is a map that Bol Bolton M has been working with tool design on and it is a layout of Wilmer and kind of where our most vulnerable users are or uh or those groups that have historically been underserved uh it kind of identifies those areas where they overlap so you'll see on the left side as a list of um groups that have been underserved to historically in the city and so we are designing this map to try to uh make sure that those areas get the attention they need and then this map will be able to you be used in the in future projects outside of this one as well moving forward for the council side the do requires that either the council or a uh leading figure in the city U make a statement or in this case I think we'll be asking for a resolution from the council uh confirming that they will make a move towards zero deaths in the future so it could either be some cities have done a letter from the mayor some have done resolution from the city council uh but it's just a commitment to attempt to move to towards zero deaths in the future so once this plan is completed it'll become back to council for that resolution committing towards zero deaths in the future on their roadways and then approving that final plan as well here's an example of resolutions from other cities that have gone through this there's St Paul and Redwing uh and then the next steps that Bolton NE m is moving forward with is putting together an implementation Matrix so they're taking their three um main pillars here of community feedback safety analysis of those intersections and Roads and then that Equity analysis and then under that they're creating a uh kind of checklist of importance inside those tiers and then rank giving them a number rank so then when they look at a project they'll be able to score the project by going through that checklist and figuring out you know what will be the highest priority to the lowest priority on the intersections and roadways that they identify and that is what they are working on now uh the final plan plans to be done in December adoption by the Council in December and then forward it on to the Federal Highway Administration in January of 25 anything that jump out to anybody there for any questions I didn't go I didn't go in any actual statistics but if anyone's curious we did a pure analysis of other cities Wilmer ranked highest in accidents but second lowest in fatal and serious injury accidents so it appears we have been having a lot of fender benders but not as many serious accidents so okay Mike's got a question for you uh talked about people driving around the gates at the at the railroad crossings today at about 2:00 I was coming from here actually the train went through all the lights Gates came down the train was long gone but on the other on the North side the gate came open the lights came off off the Train's gone on our side it stayed down people were getting antsy because they were sitting there and this side's open and this side isn't I used to know the number to call to when I had a problem like that I don't have that number anymore but that's a bad situation you're going to get some people that are going to move on that yes y I know I'm hearing a lot of stories about people moving on it when both of them are down so I just had my my aunt was telling me yesterday during the Vikings game that someone was behind her laying on their horn trying to get her to drive through them so um I know one of the things that will be explored is some sort of upgrade to those intersections to and this will probably be get backlash from the public but to be able to block people from getting through there uh which is going to definitely be safer than allowing the status quo to continue so I know um in our last update from Bolton and B there was a lot of discussion on the intersections at Road or at the railroad so I've seen a lot of those with uh railroad quiet zones yep I see a lot of those bar those barriers they're talking about Y in different cities yep we've got just one quiet zone two two one on Wilmer oh yeah s TR brought yeah okay anything else Audrey thank you um I'm glad we're doing this uh question is there an education piece that comes after we do our resolution um with how you educate people how to ride bike or how to be safe and how to or what's the what's the steps besides us working on that's a good that's a good question that wasn't immediately presented at uh our last our last meeting analyze starting to analyze all the info we started looking at those intersections that are first popping up and you get all those normal like I said reducing or increasing visibility around corners all that but that that's a good idea if we could find some way to increase Outreach to bikers and pedestrians to make sure that they are also using the road as safely as possible that's definitely something that should be considered um yeah I'll have to I will bring that up at our next just curious if maybe we can see if other communities did anything else right you know too that we could piggyback on kind of I will forward that to Bolton and man and make sure that that is part of their analysis anything else Rick thanks Mr Mayor so on the potential risk factors on some of these pictures here I if you can go back and the one on lighting that's on Seventh Street that's a block North of the old high school that's a typical neighborhood lighting what what more do you want it's a residential area and I don't I don't know if they were using that actual picture of the actual intersection of concern to them just pulled a random picture with a light at an intersection um but I know that some areas that are not well lit especially when it comes to the bikers and the Walkers um we'll be they'll be looking at some of those intersections to ensure that there's enough light there what what more they could do I don't I don't know but it'll be Bolton and M will be fulfilling the rest of that uh plan like before I came here tonight over Skylark mall on the sidewalk I don't know what it was called but it was a one-seater little car red or orange and it was going right down the sidewalk and it took up the whole sidewalk it was a I won't say what who was driving it that's not legal is it no I would not believe so go down the street well I've seen a yellow one go down the street this one I've never seen before and totally enclosed and I don't know if it was gas or electric but took up the whole sidewalk so there has to be an education program too yep okay anything else well thank you Chris thank you next is the DNR trail head restroom and shelter project Rob good evening mayor member of the council tonight I'll have two resolutions um for trail head and uh restroom and shelter project the first one is Adopt a resolution approving the purchase of a green flush restroom for the total of $165,200 75 for the DNR Trail Grand project um just to recap um we were awarded $187 $500 from the DNR for the Regional Trail Grant and we've been working with the bike Community about how the shelter should look and restroom and we came up with the solution of the green flush restroom facility which is a prefab building which which really unique about this building is that it is a two separate containers one's going to have flush water and one's going to have waste water so now we're going to be able to basically flush the the urinal or the toilet and be able to use our wash it with the filtration system that they have so it's going to almost feel like just like a shelter that will have utilities to it um so it's it's a it's very unique um there's not another one out there like that so that's where we're able to be part of the um byard National Cooperative purchasing agreement because it is a one-of-a-kind bathroom facility and then when we looked at the shelters we agreed to um with the bike group with the 20 by 24 Northern Skylight model from the polygon shelter so the polygon shelter is similar to what is at Robins Island right now on shelter number two so both the restroom facility and the shelter will have similar qualities as of what we have already at Robins Island and so when we look at the the budget of this we have $250,000 um in the budget with the um green flesh restroom the polygon shelter and a concrete allowance were under budget be able to purchase picnic tables or trash cans for that facility and um it will start in this coming spring and the deadline for the grant is June 30th of 25 Carl I I think I might have asked this before when we were first talking about the Grant and I I'm sorry I don't remember the answer if I did ask it the so that green flush restroom will that have to be pumped out still periodically yes yep it'll have about a, to 1200 flushes that they're saying but there's meters on it so we can still how how much rain water is being used or if we had to add water to it and then when the it's going to get full so when we would have to pump it out we hire that commercially then or what y okay any other questions otherwise uh motion to approve okay second we got a motion and we got a second discussion roll call council member Nelson i sheldes i baggerly i osus i O'Brien I an o i six eyes zero nose that passes now we need the motion to approve the purchase of the polygon shelter so moved second okay we got a motion in a second you want to say anything Rob or no okay all right any any discussion roll call council member sches hi ferly hi osmus I O'Brien I OS I and Nelson I zero nose that passes next is the uh Minnesota DNR fishing platform agreement Rob Rob another resolution um authorizing the authority to approve the attached application for the robins Island Park Shore fishing project and authorizing authorities agrees to reimburse for the cost associated with this project as outlined in The Cooperative agreement so basically what this is um getting us to is similar to what we do with the docks that we do with the DNR um we were chosen from the DNR to put these fishing peers out on what they call the jetty which is the peninsula that runs out where the fireworks are at so we met with the DNR and the public work staff and they're want to put these upside down covers basically so people can get out there and fish it's part of their initiative of get out more and so when they looked at Wilmer they're like hey this is a great opportunity um to put the fishing platforms out there and when we met we thought it was a great idea because it really doesn't get used all that much and so um we' like to get into this agreement with them uh they're roughly thinking each platform is going to be between $8 and $9,000 um we will work with them on trying to get this project completed next spring the only obligation that we are going to have to do as far as the city has to be is to help improve that trail area so people from the parking lot can get out there and we probably need to maintain that trail bu a little bit better anyway so I'm looking for us to get into that Cooperative agreement with the DNR so sorry yes go ahead car how many platforms are we looking at three or four three or four about 9,000 each each yep so they want to bring out the their aquatic staff to see where we're at as far as the shoreline goes that when we walked out there they know that there's some um concrete out there but they also need to bring in with The Cattails and see how they're going to be able to cut those down per se and what we can move and what we can't and the idea is these would be handicapped for handicapped people yep but not just I mean anybody could use them but correct yeah any other questions otherwise I'm looking for a motion I'll make that motion second okay we got a motion a second to approve the application for the Shor fishing project Audrey very supportive but I'm interested in the CTS that are on the other side on the road where people stand on those are round and always scares me when to see people out there fishing especially at night um kind of thing is that a concept that if this works that you eventually could replace CS with the square design or or is this just a something for this project here there going be square culverts flat so right um we' have to I don't even know if that's even with the this DNR County that we would have to look to see how we would do those covers um between the two legs you know what I'm talking about though where there yep yeah over by the fairgrounds yes yes where people stand yeah yep got a question yes Mike years ago myself and another individual we're the ones that help put that dock in B those cber you're talking about um I've talked to the DNR about this before but there was over 20 people on that platform today when I came by it uh have they ever talked about extending that platform at all I know that they looked at it when they came out they actually thought about putting some of these platforms over on that side um their first goal is to get the jetty Pizza done so it can easily be talked about I know that we refabbed one of the fishing peers already um extending it I know our friends from still water are not making them anymore right so um so we would have to see how that would all pan out but I can check with the DNR for you okay going back to what Audrey was talking about I remember having discussion years ago about that radio station Road and building a bridge of sorts that would be higher so that boats could pass underneath and go over into the other uh part of foot Lake from where Robins island is and go over onto the other side but I don't that never developed any other questions just a little update on that I belond to W eles Association that has been brought up it has it has and also the C down by Robins Island so pontoons and boats can get through there we've also discussed that so it's on paper I think it'd be nice all right we've got a motion and a second any further discussion if not roll call council member faggle I osmus I O'Brien I OS I Nelson I and sches I six eyes zero nose that passes next uh preliminary engineering report for 2000 2025 our engineer Jared good evening mayor council and closing your packet this evening is the preliminary engineering report for the 2025 and 2026 improvements uh the reason for two years in there is we've received very positive feedback from our project Partners consisting of private utilities as well as Wilmer Municipal Utilities uh they appreciate the opportunity to review projects a year in advance uh so that they can have their forces move utilities and adjust them as necessary in advance of the project the other benefit of that is it helps our projects uh proceed more quickly and reduce the burden in front of um our residents and businesses homes so both your are in incorporated into this presentation which is basically a summary of the lengthy document you had in your packet this evening the maps um in your packet are probably more easily read um than what you'll see on the screen but nonetheless uh we will provide a summary of that and again these project areas are are based on the 10e uh Capital Improvement plan for streets that Council has seen in the past uh first slide here identifies the 2025 project areas uh you'll notice that it's broken up into reconstruction overlay and then uh there is a county component associated with this um the Reconstruction projects identified are 20th Street uh that is a project that was identified last year that uh got moved to 2025 and also Fourth Street uh overlays uh you can see those areas listed there I'm not going to read all them I've got a lot of slides and I'm going to respect your time um but the county is also planning an overlay project uh 7 Street and County Road 24 in addition to that in 2025 um at a previous council meeting Council asked us to include the Lakeland Drive path as part of the preliminary engineering report uh so that project is also identified and then of course uh the seal coating Improvement projects to maintain our streets and prolong their life have also been identified this is simply a map illustrating those locations uh that were on the previous slides for 2025 I'll draw your attention to the different colors the light blue is Mill and overlay uh the Orange is pavement removal with overlays um reclaim and overlay are the dark blues and we'll get into the differences between Mill and overlay and reclaim and overlay in a minute here the pink is total reconstructs and then the red along Lakeland you'll notice is that path Improvement I I referenced earlier with the yellow being the crack fill and seal coat improvements and then the green those are for the county projects that are contemplated by candy County for uh [Music] 2025 uh similar map just zoomed out so that you can see all of the areas throughout the community um that are being contemplated for for improvements 2026 similar to 2025 those areas are identified here uh we do have the College View area identified 16th Street Southwest for reconstruction and then overlay areas including Industrial Drive trat and then um the development area in the southern part of Wilmer and lastly the seal coating improvements for 26 as well this map basically just illustrates those areas you can see the College View um neighborhoods and then the areas throughout town that are being proposed for improvement in 2026 color is the same as the uh previous map that we just just looked at for 2025 so when evaluating these roadways uh for the type of improvement to receive ultimately the utilities and the streets surfaces are the primary factors that are reviewed um the areas planned for reconstruction include utilities that are typically uh clay tile block and brick manholes contribute to a lot of inflow and infiltration um there is some water M within the project areas identified for reconstruction that is um asbestos cement as well as cast iron pipe and similar to the sanitary sewer the storm sewer exhibits some of the same characteristics and then uh streets depending on what the street surface looks like um determines whether or not it's a reconstruct a millon overlay or a reclaim so reconstruction areas as a reminder that is when the entire roadway surface all curbing Gutter and all utilities are removed and replaced the overlay areas um typically just a portion of the existing binous surface is milled off and a new Surface is applied the reclaim and overlay is where the existing binus and a portion of the gravel beneath it is ground up it's shaped compacted and then um paved from there while going through the preliminary engineering report we identified um some Street widths the city's standard residential street width wiid is 32 ft that allows for two traffic lanes and one side of parking uh as you'll note in these pictures up up there 20th Street currently is 30 ft wide which does not accommodate parking um and it's being proposed to be um brought up to the city's existing street with standard of 32 ft Fourth Street uh I know you're all familiar with that street is actually 52 feet wide um what the width being proposed is 38 ft which allows parking on two sides and two travel Lanes um I wanted to point that out to the council's attention because that um extra Street width not only costs more in terms of reconstruction but it also costs more in terms of snow removal salting and future maintenance so um certainly be happy to receive any input from Council regarding that proposed street withd but we are recommend remending um that that street width be reduced and that is actually um one of the safety related items that Mr Frank identified in the presentation that he just gave some additional streets that we're we're looking at modifying some of the widths um The College View area is currently 40 ft uh that is being proposed at 38 which would still accommodate um two lanes of parking and two travel LS there's a significant amount of um population in that area and depending on on the day there's there can be a lot of cars on that street so I think it is prudent to accommodate two sides parking on that those streets in that area um 16th Street Southwest kind of varies in terms of width uh we do have a 40ft section there as well as a 32t section and uh the the proposed Road width is 36 feet in that area sidewalk and path locations as part of the improvements uh you'll note on the leftand side there the existing sidewalk locations and trails what's being proposed uh is that Lakeland Drive trail from Highway 12 up to Civic Center Drive and then in addition to that a trail Improvement along Transportation road while that Improvement is being um in completed Fourth Street uh currently has sidewalk on both sides and that is the proposed um configuration as part of the Reconstruction project so sidewalks will be maintained on both sides of for Street as they currently exist today uh so what's included in the improvements once uh they're reconstructed ultimately it's boils down to new pipes new manholes uh new hydrants and valves associated with the water system and then of course new curbing gutter one one item to note um as part of the 16th um Street improvements project we have received some um concerns from residents in the neighborhood related to flooding during rain events uh and we have identified a potential Pond location there in menasco park um has not been designed in terms of uh the exact size of that but we have done some analysis as part of the preliminary engineering report to identify that a pond in that location uh would help reduce flooding concerns in that area uh overlay improvements this is just a more zoomed in version of the um improvements being proposed for 2025 we've kind of reviewed this map already but I wanted to um just make it available for Council um and a more zoomed in in fashion here and then similarly for 2025 the northern part of the city um that's been identified for for improvements uh 2026 we talked about that College View area as we uh reviewed some of the street widths and then um the areas in Southern and Southeastern Wilmer that are currently planned or identified in the report for reclaim and overlay in addition to the typical seal coating one of the items to mention along Eagle Ridge Drive uh there are some drainage concerns in that area and although that area is not planned for a full reconstruction uh we have identified some additional structures as well as flared end sections to help improve some erosion and drainage that's currently occurring in that area these typical sections draw a contrast between the mill and overlay and the reclaim and overlay again with the mill and overlay a certain amount of the bituminous surfaces removed it varies based on the condition of the roadway as well as the traffic volumes um and then it has repaved the mill or the reclaim and overlay the binus is ground into a portion of the existing gravel beneath it shaped compacted and then paved project costs associated with each of the project areas you'll note there uh the 20th Street Improvement area approximately 563,000 the Fourth Street approximately 5.8 million uh then the mill and overlay areas um both in transportation drive and or Transportation road and Arena Drive area Becker 19th the areas east of Lakeland approximately 3.2 uh the Eagles Landing area then along with 29th along County Road 5 that those areas that we saw on the map 2.3 and then Technology Drive has been estimated at approximately 570 ,000 the business 71 Improvement um which is which also received funding from the local Road Improvement program uh approximately 2.9 the counties the city's portion of the county costs have been estimated there we haven't received them officially from the county but based on their cost participation policy we've estimated them at approximately 370 the Lakeland Lakeland Drive path Improvement project you can see the estim costs there just over 730,000 and then the seal code improvements for 2025 this is just a summary breaking it down by the Reconstruction the utilities paths um seal coating and the overlays it's a further breakdown for each project it identifies each component associated with the individual projects whether that be utilities um or reconstruct did skip a slide but maybe you guys didn't notice even all right um that was the breakdown so then we get into 2026 estimated costs um that College View area is a large project approximately 7 million 16th Street 2.8 uh Trot and Industrial Drive 1.1 uh the southern areas of town by 10th 9th 25th that area uh 3.1 and then the seal coating maintenance Improvement Street reconstructions broken down there totals approximately 4.87 million uh the utilities you'll note their costs as well as the estimated overlay further breaking that down uh to arrive at that total estimated uh 2026 summary of 14.1 million so in terms of funding sources associated with these improvements very similar to excuse me the projects that we've had in the past uh assessments are component uh state aid the Municipal Utilities Wastewater funds local option sales tax for new improvements to help reduce storm water again just as a reminder the lost is not utilized to replace storm pipes um but rather to make a larger overall storm water benefit to the community and then of course City funds and state funds I did mention um the grant that was received for business 71 this is just a breakdown for the 2025 improvements the different funding sources associated with each uh anticipated assessments approximately 3.5 million of the over overall uh 2025 program the grant column there is identifying that local Road Improvement program funding uh that the city successfully received the M Municipal Utilities portion Wastewater and then the city portions are all identified there similarly for 2026 same breakdown um of the improvements uh assessments uh based on the city's existing policy and I know that council is very familiar with that because we just went through that here in September so um estimated based on the current policy these rates are very similar to the rates that uh we discussed as part of the 2024 assessment hearing um within within 3% of those costs so um ultimately those costs aren't identified until until we get the bids in and we know exactly what all the project costs are but um the estimates historically over the last 3 years have been relatively close to um where everything has come in so project schedule uh 2025 we are um planning to schedule an open house for all the property owners associated with the 2025 improvements on October 23rd uh out at the Civic Center last year a similar open was held and and uh that went very well it's a great space to have um multiple project areas discussed with residents and businesses as they come in for that uh the action item before you this evening is to adopt a resolution to call for a public hearing to be held at the November 4th meeting uh that would allow plans and specifications to be be approved in February with bid openings um sticking in the same um timeline that we've utilized in the past which seems to have been successful getting good bids um in March and then that would allow contracts to be awarded in April so that construction could begin as soon as possible in the spring of of 2025 and then uh the assessment hearing uh date to be determined but um typically held in September or we can move it up to July depending on um Council discussions relative to the that the 2026 schedule um similarly uh we would hold an open house in 2020 the fall of 2025 to allow all the residents to to view the improvements um that would allow bid openings in March of 26 and um the assessment hearing of course in Fall of 2026 so with that mayor council um I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have but the action um requested this evening is to adopt the resolution scheduling the public hearing uh for the improvements on November 4th all right that motion Mr Mayor okay we've got the motion second and a a second discussion Justin yeah thank you Mr Mayor um I'm certainly supportive as we continue to prioritize um road construction here in Wilmer and trying to repair some of the roads that have fallen along the Wayside in the last few years couple questions the open house coming up on October 23rd do invitations get sent out to homeowners to attend that yeah each property owner ident or affected by the 2025 improvements will receive a personal mailed invitation okay and the assessment schedule kind of the plan you know what that's going to cost for each homeowner that would also be presented at that time uh it would not be included in the mailing m uh it will at the open it will be available those same ranges um that I showed and we will speaking with staff um and based on comments received in September um will'll Identify some typical if you will lot sizes associated with Mill and overlay um and reconstruction projects so that residents have an idea of of the magnitude of the assessment that might be applicable to Residents would then obviously be able to to know their own lot size and figure out EXA that information would be out there for them absolutely right and just wanting to also be transparent because I feel like you know the last time the last couple times we've gone through this we've heard you know citizens say how come I couldn't have known earlier um is there a way to invite 2026 Property Owners to an open house this year rather than waiting till next year is that something that that they I mean I'm I'm assuming that the turnout's never going to be great anyway um and if you get another year out in advance the turnout probably drops but for those people that want to be able to to learn as much as they can to maybe start making plans for their financial um you know Outlook in the years ahead we'd at least offer them that we certainly can thank you Audrey yeah I'm I'm curious with the narrowing of Fourth Street um and I don't remember the exact feat but it's significant am I correct 52 to 6 52 to 38 38 yep where are we at with trees and sidewalks and that means there'll be that much more driveway for people right yeah it would be a larger Boulevard so the driveways would have to be extended but do we have as many tree issues as we did on that was because it was tighter but the trees were in the do we have the same issue on Fourth Street I'm trying to remember yep so there will be some tree impacts they'll be lessened or reduced because of the narrowing of the street um you'll notice and I'm sure Council has seen it as you travel along four Street there are some trees that are impacting sidewalks and curbs like they always do um so those uh potentially will need to be removed the other thing that we do as part of those improvements is we review them uh based on their health um with Public Works staff so that in the event um for example asht trees right if they're if they're not doing well um we get that incorporated into the project so usually we meet two to three times uh to review the trees once once initially then as the design progresses and then finally before the bids are sent out so y we'll be cognizant of that it goes from Trot to Walmer Avenue uh yes okay not downtown nothing on the other side I could go back to that slide I just want to make sure that I'm speaking correct correctly here Trot to Wilmer Avenue yes you're affecting the parade route for the war parade it will be over about to come Justin just following up uh with something that council member Nelson was asking about the the extension of the driveways who's responsible for that City we are that'll be incorporated into the project so that'll be part of the overall city project um and I know there were some question s in 2024 about Driveway costs and who pays for that but um the projects are are reviewed as a whole in terms of cost and um the costs are born by both residents and the city so it's not a direct extra if you will cost to the homeowner okay thank you Rick thanks Mr Mayor so on Fourth Street again are you going to try to balance it out so each one gets six feet or 7 feet in yeah ideally what we'd like to do is Center that roadway on the on the right of way so that each side of the street has the same Boulevard width um same amount of I guess extra lawn too Y how wide is Fourth Street now right 502 why 52 huge okay another one you got something else Rick for on grants we or uh paths we try to get grants so on Lakeland is there any grants available yeah actually um right before I came over I noticed that the Department of Transportation just sent out a a grant notification um that is definitely a project given its price tag that uh we would recommend that we pursue some alternative funding sources for that um but certainly if Council wants to move forward without grants that's that's totally up to council but um um there are a couple programs that I am aware of that we would like to apply for that absolutely okay and then um Min Gasco Park you talked with mini Gasco or Center Point uh it's my understanding that that is 100% City owned so I always thought we leased it so I don't know when ownership we'll double check on that but yeah cuz we always had to get permission to put playground equipment there so yeah just to be clear uh for council's benefit and the benefit of the public we're not talking about putting a storm water pond on the entire parcel um or impacting the entire park it's just a portion of that property more towards the north um that would accommodate some storm water Relief by the railroad tracks yes yep okay thanks Mike I brought this up probably numerous times you're going to love this right uh I've spoken with the with the county but there's going to be a lot of Assessments I mean there's going to be a lot of work and we've got to find a way to help out people live on these streets and I know the county has a number of different ways that they use and one we talked about is wheel tax and I have talked with the county and I've also talked with the state that we can do this and I understand that there is a a cost involved but from what I understand from the county we can work with the Department of the license the people but if there's something that we can work on anything to help these people pay for some of these assessments I think is more than that we should do this a long time ago but we should do it now because just because you live on the street and you get you get assess to all this stuff well everybody drives on these streets shouldn't they be getting assessed as well I believe just like the county does County collects a wheel tax certainly something that council could explore for sure yep like I say I have talked with the county about this and we can go on with it later but i' I've talked with them and it seems like it's doable all right any other discussion otherwise I have a motion and a second if you're ready to vote roll call council member osmus I O'Brien I OS I Nelson I shis I and fagly I six eyes zero NOS that passes thanks Council next is uh Professional Services contract with Bolton and mink a call on operations director Kyle box thank you Mr Mayor good evening Council uh tonight before you is a Professional Services agreement with Bolton and mink to uh for the civil engineering portion of the uh fiber Network project that we are considering the council is considering uh this has been brought to council a couple of times but sent back to staff for further uh further input or further um deeper dive into um why the contract was not brought to the council uh earlier late 2023 so in your Council packet I did put together a uh report from City staff as well as uh some contribution from Bolton and mink as well so I had an opportunity to sit down with Bolton and mink staff a couple of weeks ago to one go over a timeline and uh really take some action steps uh to make sure that something like this doesn't uh we don't put the council staff in situ like situation like this moving forward so um the purpose of the report is to summarize the action concerning the approval of the contract with Bolton The Mink uh this contract is essential for the ongoing project the connect Wilmer initiative and requires prompt approval to formal formalize the partnership and ensure continued progress on the on the project so as we uh an explanation on delays in contract signing uh signing uh transition of project managers a change in the project management occurred while ongoing conversations regarding the network architecture and civil engineering were being discussed during this transition the staff completed the review of the and recommended to the city council on October 2nd of 2023 to accept the network architectural proposal in the amount of $687,500 staff were made aware of the unsigned agreement in approximately May uh spring of 2024 and work continued on the project while this specific contract was being refined only to phase one of the project uh understanding that the the continuity of service and an effort to maintain uh that to and avoid disruptions work continued while the contract was still being revised and finalized Bolton both Bolton The Mink and city city staff prioritized the deadline lines of the project to ensure that critical tasks could be Pro proceed without interruption despite the lack of a formal contract uh both parties uh we involved involved uh in demonstrated good faith in moving the project forward uh Bolton The Mink and the city have a uh wellestablished working relationship um being able to focus on meeting uh wanting to make sure that we're meeting project Milestones um and then on Communications and on Project updates to ensure project goals timelines uh those are continuing to be met so things that we learn uh have learned from this obviously moving forward uh lessons learned from this experience will inform contract negotiation processes um to prevent similar delays will'll establish more explicit timelines for contract approval in relation to project kick in in relation to project kickoff these will be a priority uh just a little uh comment from myself uh and from the Broadband committee uh we have tried to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible throughout this entire project uh so this uh City members of the city council I hope that this inaction from staff from U that was brought to you is not a reflection of the project or the staff that are committed to this uh ongoing project uh we want to make sure that uh situations like this don't happen again um but we want to make sure we get ahead of this um and um put ourselves in a position to move move forward with the project um and ultimately put this behind us so if there are any questions on the contract itself I'd be happy to answer those um just a little overview of the contract I guess uh the Professional Services agreement will as a contract for $43,000 if the council recalls at the previous council meeting uh there were invoices uh sent to the city those have been paid in full uh what has been paid on that is150 $568 uh one of the con questions that was brought up at the a previous council meeting was the difference on contract work value completed and the invoice amount to date so the contract work value that has been completed is $244,300 what has been buil to the city is $15,600 is that the work that has been put into this project from Bolton The Mink uh there's there's project deficiencies there's project savings and and the actual invoice amount to the city is a is an overall project savings on the project now there is still remaining contract value or there's still REM um remaining dollars in this contract to move forward on um but there have been efficiencies and and project savings identified through Bolton The Mink through through their progress on this uh to date so Mr Mayor uh I will stand for any questions questions other I'm looking for a motion I'll make a motion to approve the Professional Services agreement between the city of Wilmer and Bolton and mink got a motion second we got a second discussion Audrey um just a question the figures that you gave us so the the amount that of the contract is 43,000 and we owe them 155 has been built now but you talked about some savings but the 403 is still in the original or how does that those figures fit together sure so the the original contract amount does remain the same uh there could be other costs that come could come up between what has what's not finished um so we just make sure that entire contract amount is still available in in this amount um but work that has been done I mean you can see 85% of the work has been completed on network design 60% on construction documents 10% on permit so overall project cost or percent of the work is 61% um but obviously there are still unknowns um throughout the entire project but we want to make sure we capture the original contract amount Rick thank you Mr Mayor have we ever seen a map for the city showing where all the uh fiber and internet connections are from arvig Spectrum Intel yeah uh coun thank you for the question council member fagaly uh not to that level of detail uh in December and January December of 22 January of 23 the city did approve a mapping contract or a mapping agreement with Hometown fiber and we did Hometown did parcel or parcel by parcel did a inventory of every internet service that's provided whether it's coaxial cable uh P fiber or Fiber itself uh in that map it's not identified who the service providers are only what only what types of services are being provided at that parcel uh so yes we do have a map but it does not get to that level of detail on service providers because I know arvig was in town here a few weeks ago and they were doing underground work on First Street someone's in our neighborhood been doing underground too going up to houses so personally I I think this is a joke we don't need it it should be up to the private sector to be doing this so anybody else otherwise I've got a motion in a second roll call council member O'Brien I askos I Nelson I shes I ferly no and osas I five eyes one no that passes thank you Council thank you Kyle next uh approval of job description for full-time Community Service Officer Chief felt good evening Mr Mayor and members of the council item before you tonight is uh consideration of approval of a job description for the full-time community service officer um as you've heard me talk about before here uh we are facing a a staffing crisis at the walart police department and we've got some severe Staffing shortages we're looking at some different ways that we could potentially um strengthen that or uh to help uh uh the existing licensed officers out with the jobs that they do and looking back in a little bit of History the warmer Police Department had two full-time community service officers of in the 1990s we're we're fortunate to have one Manning the controls in the back of the room today vill was one of our full-time csos uh in about in 1999 uh that program ended when a full-time CSO became a uh full-time Deputy with candy County and then the CSO position was changed to a part-time uh a an apprenticeship program with Bridgewater College uh for law enforcement students now recently there's been some challenges in the number of law enforcement students everywhere throughout the state and Ridgewater college has also um reached that point where at one point we were having great difficulty getting Community Service Officer applications for part-time so at that time we expanded out to Alexandria Technical College uh we did get some some part-time csos from there um but that really es and flows with uh um the student um student rates the uh students are generally only around for about a year year and a half and then if all goes well they get a full-time job um at an agency and we would like that to be wmer but sometimes they move elsewhere sometimes there's a delay in in college and that type of thing so I know we have some csos here that are great prospects but some of them won't graduate until summer of 2025 or 20 or even 2026 at the soonest so uh so we're seeking approval for a full-time community service officer job description uh with that um we have some specific duties that we thought that could be added to that position um field training community service officers more directly aison with the local animal shelter um work a little bit more intensely with vacation home checks one thing that could be of great assistance would be providing Fleet Service assistance to the designated Sergeant right now that Sergeant Works rotating shifts so it's a little bit hard to to keep up with some of those uh duties when you're working overnights or on days off they could assist with inventory control of Department supplies and equipment uh one thing that would be helpful with a full-time CSO they could be uh provide evidence technician duties to supplement the detective unit that right now since one of our clerical staff left uh probably about a year ago they've been operating with one less technician and a big thing is just providing other law enforcement Services as needed to free sworen officers to do what sworn officers can do um some of those duties can be um you know in Wilmer here if somebody breaks into your car we like to have somebody in a blue shirt show up and take that report if if there's a crash which we were talking was talked about earlier tonight if there's a traffic crash we like to have a licensed officer show up and take that report but some of those duties could be done by non-sworn community service officers and could be um you know an additional thing that that could help there uh with this job description and you have a full copy of it in your your packet um some of the updates are highlighted and R um but just so that you're aware of the uh police Civil Service Commission did look over the job description for a full-time Community Service Officer and they gave their approval on it also and with that I would ask your approval for that one more thing is that uh with the understanding that there's a set number of uh full-time positions at the Walmer Police Department we would like this as an option if we need to that we understand if we hire a full-time Community Service Officer that would take away one of our licensed officer spots we ideally want want licensed officers but we're in a position where we want to keep options open so that's why we're looking at this as a potential question Mike so with this position would they be actually licensed police officers on this or not they would uh they would not um so they would not be carrying a firearm they would not have arrest powers and that type of thing so would they be the mppa would they be listed there at all as Minnesota police and Peace Officers Association I haven't seen any other departments there's a number of departments that do have full-time community service officers and I have not I'm not aware of any of other departments that that do but I'm not sure so any questions I'll make a motion to approve the job description for the Community Service Officer second and we got a motion in the second to approve discussion taking none roll call council member oos I Nelson I sches I Bly hi osmus hi and O'Brien I six eyes zero nose that motion passes we're going to take a five minute break all right we come back to order um and we're going over I to Jade I has been removed uh set special assessment hearing for unpaid weed and grass mowing city clerk ver thank you Mr mayor council members um tonight pursuant to Wilmer Municipal Code chapter nine concerning the cutting of weeds of grass and in this case the non-compliance um there's a list that's been presented on our our car um we are requesting that we set a public hearing for October 21st to uh for the special assessment of the unpaid grass and mowing charges that have been overlooked or not paid by those residents annual thing move to approve okay we got a motion second oh yeah and we got a second discussion Julie y I just have a question on um uh the second from the bottom one the SE um sorry third one the 500 13th Avenue Southwest I'm just double checking is it should that be 13th Street Southwest because that Residence at we're con we mow that it's it's falling apart it's been un uninhabited for I just it's at TR there troton 13th Street there is an up there is an update on that one that I have noted here um I it may be that it will be removed I'm not sure at this point but at the time we submitted it was on the list so but it has been and then just yeah I just if there's there's two that were updated with the county the um second to the bottom and that third from the bottom have been updated okay Rick thanks Mr Mayor you have to send out notices again then yes well we have notices will go out tomorrow once we've approved a hearing date okay so there's that we're we're timely with our with our notice it go right it goes to the property owner and the uh taxpayer all right thanks any other questions roll call council member OS hi Nelson I sches I baggerly hi Osmos hi and O'Brien I six eyes zero nose that passes next is uh special assessment hearing for unpaid fire alarm and system charges R again we're asking for a special assessment hearing to be set for October 21st we have one unpaid uh fire alarm false alarm um and that is the summer set by the lake apartments at Lakeland Drive move to approve second we got a motion second discussion roll call council member Nelson Hi schies I beggerly hi a I O'Brien hi an oos I six eyes zero nose that passes set special assessment hearing for unpaid infectious tree removal charges ver again according to Municipal Code if we have concerns over an infectious tree and the homeowner is notified of that tree um if they do not remove it we have authority to go in and remove that tree and assess the property for the costs and that will be assessed to trot Avenue Southwest again notice will be sent out Mo to approve second got a motion in a second discussion Audrey just a a question on how did we did someone inform us that that tree was in infected or like where there's dead trees or that people don't take down what can we do um give it to Justin Justin I was just going to say Justin sent out a letter but but I'll have him speak to that yep so thank you for the question council member Nelson but we had a um the neighbor informed us of a tree that was um dying in this property and our tree inspector went over and determined it was an elm tree and we have the ordinance for removing a a dead elm that's how we found it what about other dead trees that nobody does anything with currently we only have the ordinance for Elm trees okay all right thank you not not ases yet not yet is that something that's possibility it's a possibility yep um yeah it's a possibility any other questions roll call council member shelis hi baggerly hi osmus hi O'Brien o i and Nelson I six eyes zero NOS that passes next is uh introduction of an ordinance amending electric rates Janelle Johnson Janelle's not did not make it tonight so in front of you is the electric rate that the uh Utilities Commission has passed and um so they are looking for a public hearing also on October 21st on the electric rates um I commissioner Balmer was here but she left so um you have the rates in front of you that they're anticipating and Janelle uh interim GMC general manager will be here on the 21st for a presentation okay need a motion make a motion to set the hearing for 21st 6:33 or thereabouts or thereabouts we have a second second we have a second discussion roll call council member fagly hi osmus hi O'Brien hi OS hi Nelson hi and shoulders I six eyes zero nose that passes next is a resolution to acknowledge donations for the third quarter 2024 ver mayor re council members would like to I present to you the donations for the period of July 1st through September 3 30th of 2024 looking for your approval um an acknowledgement they are $25 from Jared tagtow for the Minnesota C certific CT fund $50 from Jared tagtow for the wmer police body armor $100 from Karen bery for the Wilmer CT fund 3 $60 from Wilmer Fest for the Wilmer s fund $500 from Ridgewater for the welcome week and $500 from Ryan Clark's Heroes project for fire fire explorers looking for a motion to approve so moved second got a motion and a second discussion Rick thanks Mr Mar so Wilmer Fest we give them money why would they don't to a project like this just I I wish I had an answer for you or someone here from wmer frest to answer that okay thanks all right any other questions Audrey I could see it coming well I'm just just a comment um I think that they help with wmer Fest wmer C program helps with glmer Fest so is that can maybe Chief felt can answer that question yes thank you um they do help with wmer Fest all the assert members are volunteers so it's volunteer time and uh and they don't we don't solicit for a uh a donation from Wilmer Fest but it's probably about 15 certain members um for Wilmer Fest that assist and and in turn they made a donation to the C program this year what do you what do the C funds go for uh we use them for uh generally for purchasing equipment for our C members our C volunteers so it might be safety vests first aid kits uh backpacks um training when we send people through the initial SE training we have a fire extinguisher company come out and um uh uh hold that training for us and uh occasionally throughout the year then we'll um you know we've bought some uh radios we we're always searching for donations and grants and things like that but a lot of miscellaneous equipment thank you no I'm not opposed to it but it just seems funny they ask us for money and then they give it to somebody else so maybe you need to put it in your budget fair [Laughter] enough any other questions roll call council member osmus hi O'Brien Hi O hi Nelson hi schis Hi and faggle hi six eyes zero nose that passes last closed session pursuant to our next agenda item is labor negotiations strategy under Minnesota statute section 13 15 d03 subdivision 1 Clause b a portion of the meeting will be closed pursuant to such statute Upon A duly approved motion of the city council I will now entertain a motion to close this portion of the meeting so mve second got a motion a second roll call council member O'Brien all askos I Nelson I shies begly I and osmus I six eyes zero nose that passes the time is 8:17 p.m. the city council will now go into close session in the conference room um only the conso un authorized city council Representatives may be in attendance at any portion of the Clos session