##VIDEO ID:w1cZee-AMxY## e e e e e e e e e we'll call the meeting to order roll call may be here council member o here Nelson here Davis here shz here baggerly here osus here Butterfield here and O'Brien here nine present zero absent please stand foredge IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands na indivisible andice for all will uh any additions or deletions to the agenda motion to approve the agenda as presented [Music] second got Motion in a second discussion Audrey just seeking clarification we did get an email today that um about 11e that we will be reviewing that and not voting on it what was your point we we received an email that that was going to be updated however it wasn't updated in the packet but the the email we got said we won't be voting on it it's for information for us to review okay correct correct all right anything else roll call council member o hi Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi baggerly hi osmus hi Butterfield hi and O'Brien hi eight eyes zero NOS that passes um call on city clerk ber LaRon for the content Mr Mayor and council members tonight for your consideration I have the city council minutes of November 4th 24 the City Board of canvas proceedings minutes the Wilmer police commission minutes of October 29th 24 the ls mou for temporary assignment Planning Commission minutes in draft from November 6 24 the Municipal Utilities Commission meeting minutes of November 12th 24 preliminary and final plat approval for McKenzie estate's first edition consideration of deferred special assessments for senior citizens disabled hardship or active military accepting the clear Zone grant for the airport Improvement accounts pay report from 10312 to 11132 and for your information director's reports the financial report through 10312 24 and the Wilmer Municipal Utilities financial report for September 24 motion to approve the consent agenda second got a motion in a second discussion roll call council member Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi baggerly hi osmus hi Butterfield I O'Brien hi and o i 8 i0 no I pass we're at the open form but I don't believe we have anybody no public hearing um under regular business 2025 Improvement projects Professional Services agreement that preliminary budgets Justin Le Public Works director thank you Mr Mayor good evening Council for your consideration tonight is a Professional Services agreement with Bolton and mink for the 2025 Street Improvement projects in the amount of $63,800 these projects is 90 to 95% complete this would just be for um carrying out the construction of these projects um from bidding to the construction services and project close out um if council is agreeable to this there are also preliminary budgets for each of these projects um in your packet as well and I will stand for any questions you might have questions for Justin Justin the reason that so much of the preliminary design work has already been completed is that because some of these are projects that were designed for previous years and we've had to delay them that's exactly correct yep thank you anything else Carl on the uh Lakeland Drive path improvements are we still searching for Grants money y we have um grants we actually had a meeting this morning with uh M Minnesota development to help us work through the Grant and we've made it through the SEC the first stage we're on to the second stage of the grant we got a a good start on that thank youbody else I'm looking for a motion I'll move to uh adopt the preliminary budget resolution second we have a motion and a second any discussion roll call council member Davis hi sches hi baggerly hi osus hi Butterfield hi O'Brien i o i and Nelson I eight eyes zero nose that passes next is the 2026 Improvement projects Justin before we move on to that um do we need Council action to uh approve the agreement with Bol mink or was that included in the we need a second motion I missed that on the mayor's oh I'm sorry I'm sorry there's a motion so the preliminary budget or what you just approved there is a a contract with Bolton and mink for those services that is also for your consideration okay so we need a motion for project numbers 2501a 253b 2503 C 253e 254b and 258 for Bolton and mink okay so moved second a motion second any discussion roll call council member shes i fagly i osus i Butterfield hi O'Brien hi OS hi Nelson hi and Davis Hi eight eyes zero nose that passes then it's the 2026 Improvement projects J thank you sir there two M there will be two on this one as well yep yep y very similar um so the item in front of you tonight for consideration is a resolution entering into a Professional Services agreement with Bolton and mink for the 2026 uh Street Improvement projects um the design of those projects in the amount of $631,000 six uh for the proposed uh projects so we can get a head start on any um design work and coordinate with utilities and private utilities and and residents and and whoever that may be this is for three different projects Fourth Street Southwest a reconstruction a reconstruction on 16th Street Southwest and a crack seal and seal Cod improvements uh throughout the city um again the Professional Services agreement would be one action item and uh preliminary budgets would be a second I will stand for any questions you may have all right we need a motion for the preliminary budget so move second got a motion a second any discussion Audrey thank you mayor Rees this is acknowledging too that we're moving two that we had talked about moving him back a year am I correct correct okay so that's Fourth Street and Fourth Street and 16th Street 16 Street okay and we talked about notifying people if we did that will there be a notification to those two that they won't be next year we can certainly look into the different ways to contact the people yep okay I think that was discussed last time when there were questions and concerns sure okay y thank you right we got a motion and a second any further discussion roll call council member fagly hi osmus hi butfield hi O'Brien i o i Nelson hi Davis Hi and shes hi eight eyes zero nose that passes now we need a motion for the uh the uh Services agreement with Bolton and M some moved second got a motion second discussion roll call council member osmus hi Butterfield hi O'Brien Hi O hi Nelson I Davis hi sches hi fager Le hi eight eyes zero nose that passes next is Justin again wa waterer great study thank you sir thank you Council um tonight you will hear a presentation of a Wastewater rate study from Doug green with Baker Tilly um if you would recall in July of this year Council authorized a study to be done to look at the financial of our wastewater treatment facility and Doug will explain um the findings and after he's done uh in also excuse me he can answer any questions you may have regarding the presentation and afterwards there will be a couple action items for your consideration right thank you see good evening Mr Mayor MERS Council pull this up quickly it is all right ready to go okay justtin mentioned uh we we did a deep dive into the wastewater treatment fund and very quickly the agenda we'll look at the objectives of the rate study uh the historical financial performance we'll look at the outstanding debt service because that's really what's driving um everything uh future assumptions going forward both on operating and the debt side uh look at the financial projections and the user rates so I I'm expecting this to take expectations probably about 10 minutes so uh but of course along the way you have any questions please please feel free to speak up so this might seem a a little obvious but it's it's worth restating the objectives of a utility rate study is to ensure that the rates are sufficient to cover projected operating expenses Capital requirements um whether that whether we fund or Finance those Capital requirements with cash or um debt and and Debt Service so those three things operating expenses future capital and Debt Service what are the legal there's only one legal requirement and that's to make sure when we've uh incurred debt in the past I'll use the term debt and issue bonds same same thing uh when we issue bond in past we pledge those Bond hold well State Statute says that the general obligation Bond so will have uh at least 105% uh revenues available for Debt Service how we calculate that is um you know we can calculate that a couple different ways but you know in the end we have to have enough money uh to pay debt service in a little uh cushion as well then we get into the non-legal requirements you know what are our minimum cash goals there are no set requirements um you know every every utility is really different it gets to you know how old the asset is uh primarily the treatment plant and then the system as well you know is it really old or we having to put a lot of money to it each year um you know then we'll want to keep more but a good roll of thumb something um that typically use is a minimum three months operating expenditures um and then 100% of next year's Debt Service a lot of The Debt Service that we pay principals do in February uh so we want to make sure that we have the money available um in the current year to make next year's Debt Service so that's a good goal if we don't meet it um it's you know nobody's going to come after us the radio agencies aren't going to you know come after us or the stay a it's just good to know that and we want to make sure that we're going in the right direction so what are those statutes on chapter 444 I won't read this but uh it's covenants which is a promise to secure debt payments and this is in the in the bond documents as well this simply says that you will maintain rates sufficient to cover operations and Debt Service so uh it it makes it pretty easy it's it's in in law that we have to uh set those rates sufficient like I said to cover operations and Debt Service so looking back this goes back you know to 2015 a lot going on in this slide and I'll walk through it on the left is historical net operating income so the green is that operating Revenue uh and the red is operating expenditures keep in mind operating expenditures does not include Capital uh might pay forward cash nor does it include principle so you're you're never going to have uh operating um expenses in revenues close you're always going to have you when we're looking at this metric a deficit what this tells us this gives us just a historical perspective and and it looks uh and we're looking here for what are the trends you know are operating Revenue um decreasing over time it's say the same as it going we know why it would go up because we know when we've raise rates but there's obviously other other factors that would um affect the operating revenue and then the operating expenditures and that does not include any Capital that we put in that uh or Debt Service so again looking at the trends there so uh and then down below that note the Personnel supplies and other services charges have increased uh 65% annually from 2015 to 2023 and a lot of that was over the last few years so um you know we're hoping that that does slow down when we get to it looking at our projections we're pretty conservative but also you've made some improvements that I believe will you know are supposed to uh decrease operating expenses by 100,000 I mean it's not going to solve all your problems but it's going to help uh so uh you know going forward we need to keep that in mind that you know o over the past 2015 23 those Opera expenditures increase 6 and a half% annually on the right the the legal um metric that we need to look at historical debt service coverage in the green is the net revenues available for Debt Service um our debt Services stayed flat uh over the past um over this time period and then that dash line is that one 05% so we need to um we need to have coverage that um exceeds that and you can see we have uh but it's you know going in in a direction such that you know we need to increase rates but you know we've obviously been in compliance um since 2015 so this is really what's driving the boat and uh you might be aware of it uh the outstanding debt service um on the left in 2024 going out over the next 10 years the principal in interest and you see here we have that big jump we have the big balloon payments um and that is because on the right uh the the four outstanding um State loans the that were uh associated with the um with the 2008 2009 wastewater treatment plant project so there was a uh that PFA loan 2008 he has a um as a balloon payment uh and then the the 2009 loan that BW shaded area uh that stays in place and then during that time we were in that um that uh Aura if you remember that the American Rescue um not American Rescue plan that was the latest one uh I I forget the acronym now but the r loan and then the whiff loan so what that did at the time was uh that was a no interest loan and then it becomes due on uh 2029 and 2030 and so that takes the place of that 2008 loan really in the end you just need to we need to look at all those the same because they were just um all four of them together or part of the um the 2008 2009 wastewater treatment plant project so our challenge is you know next year we have you know we're going Debt Service of um you know 4.8 million up to 7.1 um and and then you know in beginning in 2030 we have a that precipitous drop off uh so that you know creates a short-term Challenge and then you know going forward U it somewhat creates a challenge um in that you know we're going to set rates to meet that 7.7 7.7 million in debt service each year but then it's going to fall off but of course we'll look to see what's could potentially be coming on so if there's not any questions with this go forward so what are the operating budget assumptions going forward um for personnel expenditures again we want to be uh conservative here just like all were budgeting 5% annually supplies uh you know last few years they've been averaging 11% but you know that it should moderate uh so estim 7.5% other charges and services uh which biggest at 5% and then we are assuming we're going to continue to do the transfers out uh 375 this year and basically increasing that for inflation as well uh notably we're not uh putting in any kind of assumptions at least for now for changes in service demand what would that change in service demand be that uh you know if we had big expansions um in usage if something comes along like that it's really going to change the overall usage of the facility you know we can we can certainly add that but for now um you know we're not assuming a big change in servic yes just a quick question about the transfers out of the general fund what transfers are currently being made I it is just that I believe yes it's it's just that to cover administrative costs so Staffing cost yes Staffing cost is that what you asked yes no it has nothing to do with Staffing okay no it is the Public Works Reserve fund that it transfers too I'm getting to mix up Staffing for the Wastewater Department stays in the Wastewater Department think so okay those are Enterprise funds so any expense Staffing expenses stay in that fund goes to a reserve that's under operating expenses okay so the transfer out goes to a public works Reserve yes and that fund is used for what for maintenance of streets so if there's water main braks and we have to do Street repairs and things like that that's what that fund is used for okay thanks for that clarification my utilities mixed up um looking at this um going forward if you remember historic with the community investment fund you know we've been able to fund uh the street the utility portions of the street projects uh with cash and because of you know the challenges over the next um next few years with a higher debt service in in this plan we're saying we're going to um just like we did this this year we're going to include the sewer portion in the annual Street Bond uh and you can see that next year's uh there there's luckily not going to be a um sewer portion to the street project but then going ahead and again I I'm uh hoping these are you know conservative pretty conservative numbers these are quite a bit larger than uh the price tag that we we've had you know just historically for the sewer portions of the annual Street projects um you can see some smaller uh we have moving down the list we have one of some of the last lift station projects um next year uh have a biological neutral removal project for estimated to be a million dollars next year um going down the list again the the [Music] welshire uh lift station out in 28 and then the big ones that that are really unknown um and it it's all going to come down and other people can speak uh uh to this more there more ible in this area uh what are the nitrogen mandates going to be um and so you know we have to plug a big number in there I mean how much is the state going to pick up of that you know if I mean talk about Statewide I mean that's a you know a massive number um and I think I hear again this is not my expertise other people here know it better but and some of you might but the uh you know are those mandates stay in place um um you know I I I think there's a lot of opinions U that you know they won't they'll get pushed out but we have to plan as though you know we're going to have to front we're going to have to incur all those costs and that they are going to stay in place until something changes you know then we'll then we'll adjust from there but until then you know we we'll plan on incurring you know all those costs and then the big uh project way out in the future is the Lakeland Drive sewer M I know in some of our discussions you know we it's such a big project would' be looking for some um State dollars as well but again just to put that plug in there to know um that that is a possibility and then so that top table is bonds the lower table is Cash again then turning over again once we get through uh 2029 the debt Ser higher debt service payments uh looking again to fund this sewer portion of the street projects um with cash annually was there not any questions on this Capital Improvement plan uh this this these graphs combine the outstanding and projected Debt Service what we just looked at again on the left going from 4.8 uh this year to 7.1 um and again still adding uh that new debt on you know it it doesn't look too much different than what um the graph showed with just the outstanding debt service still have you know a big drop off there in 2030 and then that uh the nitrogen um removal and the um the big street project come online there in 2034 so the big picture this just really uh reviews what what I just went through outstanding debt service payments increase from 4.8 million to 8.6 Million by 2029 but fall back to 4.7 and 2030 the operating expenses are expected to increase uh between next year 220,000 and then they increased you know that 5 six 7% uh to 360,000 annually over the planning period so when we get another way of saying that is we get to year 10 that annual increase in operating spend ERS is $360,000 uh the lift station improvements luckily will be completed by 2028 and then the nitrogen mandates and Lakeland Drive sewer main projects Loom as significant you know unknown so need to keep an eye on so in order to maintain debt service coverage of at least 105% over the next 5 years revenues will need to increase by those folling amounts uh 12 a half% uh in 2025 10% in 2026 and then 5 % in 2027 28 I I will remind you that uh rates have not increased I believe since 2017 um so you know if we were to go back and put in you know three and a half 4% increases each year um we would be at the we'd be about the same place we are um today so Mr Green I I go back historically to to the late 80s and our difficulty with our waste rer treatment facility that we had at that time and uh the multiple projects that we had we had rotating biological discs and right uh air filters organic air filters but we finally moved ahead with I think it was like just short of 90 million in 1990 that be right when we built that or later than that no I later originally oh I'm not later that but what 2008 was the oh that was 2008 right okay I'm sorry my memory is Right understand um but my question is the original debt you had some graphs there um the original debt where are we give me a simple feeling for good question Mr Mayor and it's it's on this this graph here so on the right hand side again these four um in the legend we have the 2008 2009 PFA loan yeah the 2009 R loan that that's a that's a PFA all these are PFA loans they're just four separate ones with four separate names so if if you look at if you look at those um and that's primarily all of them the only other debt that's on top of that that top teal part is the um 2024 Street projects because but for the most part with the exception of the small amount of the uh 2024 um sewer portion of the street projects which is here that that very top part for the most part this is the wastewater treatment facility uh debt original from from 2008 n yes yeah right okay I I think I got what I was looking for I I just didn't know right and again it's been around four four and a half million and then um you know by 20 2030 it'll be uh you know it drops down to about 3.6 million and then the next year drops down to a little over 2 million a year well when we were first told we needed a new wastewater treatment facility they told us if I remember right Rick you helped me 20 million then it was 40 million and then it got to 80 million 80 87 just short of 90 million if I right which I don't we were supposed to get 14 million from the federal too and never got signed we lost out on that so oh really so by implementing given those assumptions that we talked about and implementing these rate increases what what does it look like projection wise and again projections are inherently wrong but they're going to put us in the ballpark and we can you know review them on an annual basis so on the left the Green net revenues available for Debt Service uh then the projected Debt Service in red see the big jump there the dash line again is the minimum coverage we have to keep 1.05 uh and so this uh you know the these rate increases will keep us just above that line you know will we we'll certainly need to just review it annually to see if they need to be tweaked um to give ourselves more cushion but for now you know this you know I think this is a good starting point especially given um you know the conservative uh the conservative numbers we have in there for the sewer portion of the streets for the operating increases each year um you know hopeful hopefully this will uh you know our coverage each year when we look at it if you know these rates are implemented way we're recommending then you know we'll have uh that coverage level will look even better on the right again going back to uh what the level of cash that we'd like to have the projected minimum cash balance uh the dark red is that three months operating expenditures um and then the next year's Debt Service is the light red and you see the green is the ending cash balance so you we're well under where we would like to be for the you know through 2028 and again that's not uh we're not violating any bond covenants or anything it's just for planning purposes it's good to keep in mind if something were to happen catastrophic at the you know within the utility we would probably be doing some great bonding you know instead of just using our reserve and that that's that's all that that means but again looking out ahead um to the future you know we we know there's some likely some relief there about five years so the next two slides and I believe uh this is also in your packet the um projected user fees uh all of these charges went up um are increased by that uh recommended amount 12 and half 1055 except for the administrated billing charge it's just a small amount goes up um a dime um each year uh that's much smaller than and what we're doing there is just trying to recup cost from uh the uh willmer utilities and then that looking at the average bill um for average residential un uh user 58 meter 800 cubic feet about 6,000 gallons um 58 uh mon this year next year go 65 72 75 and 79 and you know should should stay there for a while it we should another way of saying that oh it should cap out that for at least the time being until you know we get other information or U you know things change one way or the other so so with that be happy to take any questions M you mentioned the nitrogen issue I saw the numbers on that that is I mean how would we ever be able to take care of that right that's to I mean those are I mean you can't even imagine what those things could be and hopefully like you say they might be pushed out right okay and that would be hopefully this year right okay yeah I mean it it really needs to be because they um and what is that number Statewide is something just astronomical it is there's no way right it's kind the carbon free by what 20 um 30 20130 2030 right yeah put goals out there but we reality kicks in Audrey how do we compare to other communities with when we're looking at charges I I did not put that in there but but I can add that I I did not add that into this presentation um so I mean it again it's whether you compare it to you know neighboring communities within KY County or you know other Regional centners that's going to look um a a lot different as well uh but know um I did not include that in this presentation but that I can have that information available else um is there's no other question um we need to um a motion we need a motion to amend the sanitary sewer rates I make a motion to call for a public hearing to amend the sanitary sewer rates on December 2nd at 6:31 second discussion I find this uh average user rate breakdown interesting um roll call council member Butterfield hi O'Brien hi OS hi Nelson hi Davis Hi sches hi baggerly Hi and osas hi eight I zero NOS that passes motion to publish by summary second got a motion in a second discussion roll call council member O'Brien Hi O hi Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi beggerly hi Osmos hi and but field I eight eyes zero nose I passes um now Justin another Professional Services Amendment are you sick of looking at me up here no no this is my last one for tonight we haven't gotten to see you in a while instead of sitting back in the corner right uh the uh item for your consideration tonight is a 2222 engineering Professional Services Amendment for project number 253d um and I can explain that so project number 253d is the business North 71 Mill and overlay project um initial design work for that project was done in 22 that's why I was part of that 22 Professional Services agreement but the project itself did not happen since that time we were awarded a $1.5 million local Road Improvement Grant from the state of Minnesota and that required the scope of that project to change the initial project um back in 20222 was designed for um right outside the window here from County Road 24 South to uh Civic Center Drive but now with this um grant that we've gotten that scope is is broadening and the project will extend South all the way to Robins Island um the entrance to Robins Island the 10th Street entrance so it's quite a bit of a larger project um along with that there is Grant Administration um meetings and paperwork that needs to be submitted with the state and make sure we have all our um T's crossed and eyes dotted for that and uh lastly along with that is traffic study will be required um regarding uh safety of pedestrians along um North 71 there and Crossing North 71 which I know is a high priority for a lot of us um the reason that this was or that this is being proposed as an amendment to the 22 is is since Project work started in 22 instead of having part of the project in the 22 and part in the 25 we wanted to keep one project in one contract so that's why um I'm asking for an amendment to the 2022 contract but the work would happen in 2025 and with that I would stand for any questions you may have questions Audrey um thank you mice um the traffic study would incorporate then any concerns or updates to um safety issues into this design um um for that to take place when we do this is that correct Jared could you speak to that please evening mayor council um as it relates to the um Amendment that's being discussed tonight yes the intersection would be evaluated as part of that design process and then we would identify what improvements that might consist of um because that had come up at a previous meeting uh to review that and then once the design piece is done then the C estim we provide and we'll go through the similar process where plans are presented to you uh with an estimated cost and decisions regarding what improvements are made can be made at that time but they'll be evaluated as part of the design yes okay so but the funding that we're getting requires this right to have that traffic study in and and safety improvements into the grant money that we're receiving the grant that was received for the local Road Improvement program um includes the pavement when that was presented there was a question that was brought up by Council regarding investigating the safety of the crossing as it as a result of inquiries from businesses and residents in that area so that's been added to the proposal uh to be evaluated as part of that okay my concern is that we've talked about those things and I've heard um that there were suggestions made before to make that safer and we never did them and so I just was concerned if we do the study and that we would make improvements or update it without improving safety any other questions otherwi I'm looking for a motion I'll make a motion to adopt the resolution approving amendment number three to the 2022 Engineering Services contract with Bolton and mink in the amount of $35,000 second we got a motion and a second discussion Rick M mayor so what were they paid originally for the 2022 the9 391 1,748 this 305 is additional an additional yes there I correct yep there was also other Pro they it was also the original amount also included the projects that were done in 22 such as six Street and uh Industrial Drive and Lichfield Avenue okay okay any other questions or discussion roll call council member Oz hi Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi ble hi osmus hi Butterfield hi and O'Brien I eight eyes zero nose that passes need another motion to adopt the resolution approving project 253d preliminary budget of 2,927 so move second Motion in a second discussion roll call council member Nelson hi Davis hi sches hi fle hi Osmos hi Butterfield I O'Brien I and O I eight eyes zero nose that passes thank you Justin thanks Council next we call on Kyle box our operations director to go over the CIP American Rescue plan act thank you Mr Mayor good evening mayor and councel uh tonight um as was previously stated at the beginning of the meeting uh this agenda item was prepared as an action item and has been changed uh to an information only item for tonight's discussion however I would still like to go through and walk through uh this agenda item with the council uh for future cons consideration on two two areas that still would need to be um addressed here ideally before the end of the year or into early 2025 and I will explain so first we'll start with the American Rescue plan act or arpa funds by 2022 the city had received a little over $2.1 million in funds and over the last two years the city council has approved approximately 1.9 million of those funds to be spent through a variety of projects and programs consisting of mental health assessments technology updates and upgrades which include software doors cameras we the council approved a child care Grant jout gear for the fire department waste excuse me water infrastructure updates at the airport an air exchanger at Public Works facility Park improvements including playground equipment Court resurfacing and a bike and Trail Master planning according to the federal government uh for these arpa funds requirements U for the requirements for the for the arpa funds approxim L $250,000 remains to be allocated and obligated with an agreement contract or purchase order by December 31st 2024 if the city does not act on allocating or obligating to spend those funds under a purchase order or contract by the end of the year those funds will need to be returned to the federal government so as we look through uh some of the projects that uh previous Council had Council has previously discussed along with some staff uh in inputs of previously approved or um identified projects throughout arpa funds uh the city so just I wanted to highlight some eligible expenses that could be considered and I um again this is not a recommendation for tonight's Council this is for information only and I would love to appreciate to have this conversation at a future meeting but uh since uh administratively since funds would need to be obligated to allocate before the end of the year the city does have current currently has a five-year contract with Tyler Tech technology that is our software provider for various software tools and those annual costs for that total package cost the city approximately $156,000 a year uh plus implementation costs are to be expected throughout 2025 as we continue to build and phase that project in also identified uh uh from previous City Council meetings is $150,000 of arpa funds to be used uh for housing specifically for a to be transferred to HRA the city of Wilmer parks and rec department has a remaining balance of 87,000 approximately $887,000 for playground equipment in 2025 and out of these identified project there's projects there's a little over 100 $393,000 uh in requests or that are identified in this memo and again just to reiterate the council must identify a project or projects to uh to obligate the arpa funds before the end of the year any questions on arpa the Tyler technology um 156k a year if we wouldn't spend our funds on that what's the plan for for paying for that yeah it would come from General the general fund so that's been budgeted the mayor's budget that's been proposed that's included in there corre okay there's a yes we would be able to move funds to pay for that expense so if we in theory if we were spending our funds for that we'd reduce the budget by 156,000 uh potentially but as a city council is aware there are other projects um that the city could Fund in place of that this is just an example of a allowed use of funds that could come out of arpa however there are still needs and other projects programming other expenses that wouldn't necessarily be recommending to reduce the budget uh if we're using arpa funds to pay for this example for software okay thank you Audrey what have we already used of oura funds for Tyler technology because we that's what we used to buy the software and I thought we had already put funds in there for um maintenance or for the things so what is this figure that isn't already in the hadn't already been accounted for because I thought we had a whole chunk that we did for them to able to do that yeah that's a great question I don't have an exact number for you but I would be happy to provide that to you in the Council on what we have spent um with arpa funds on Tyler technology um round numbers for 2024 and this includes all technology updates so anything that has to do with software cameras doors the whole gamut there we're at around 330,000 and that also included including in that is implementation cost with Tyler as well so in addition addition to the 156 annually so but I will um provide that breakout to the Council on what has specifically got to Tyler Tech okay and um I need to speak to the housing um one um our previous mayor made a verbal commitment of putting that 150,000 into that HRA setting up a housing um now I can't say the right word um TR fund or trust fund yes which would allow us to apply for Grants and other things which there is something that will be coming up this next year and the county made a commitment to do the same thing and that trust fund has been set up and the county has made their contribution and um in my mind we made a verbal commitment to do this to get that fund started to work on housing and for us to be able to apply for Grants state grants Etc we had to have that trust fund set up that is done I have asked for HRA to come before if we need to um to explain how that would work and what how it would be used in Wilmer and so I'm still fully on board that we made a commitment to do 150,000 of the arpa funds for that and we have not talked about the other funds that we've gotten from the state for housing which I think the council needs to be involved in that conversation also that would help to understand um with some of that and so that's a request that I have that we have a better understanding of that and that we honor that verbal commitment that we made okay any other questions for otherwise we'll move on to the CIP CIP portion of of the memo here um Mr Mayor members of the council uh identified in the 2025 operating budget is $450,000 to be transferred to the capital Improvement fund which is fund 450 previous previously identified projects that have been brought before the council uh totaled approximately right around $2.1 million and acknowledging the Gap in funds um we did lay out some uh potential recommendations or staff recommendations for the council to consider now I will address that previous work sessions and meetings with city council members that there we staff have have stated that um as long as the funds council is comfortable with making that transfer or approving the $450,000 of general fund to be transferred to the Community Capital Improvement program uh the conversation on CIP approved projects could happen at a later date um so this isn't a um this is just that like I had mentioned at information only this is an idea of Staff recommended uh projects that have to do mainly with building equipment M Building Maintenance equipment maintenance uh Grant matches at the airport and then uh keeping up as up to- dat as we can on rotating vehicles with the police department again this is just a for information for the council tonight um I will offer to the council who are so inclined uh we have reserved space at the Municipal Utilities next Monday uh next Monday and Tuesday if the council would so desire to have a work session to discuss the budget as a whole or arpa or Andor the CIP so that just wanted to share that with the council and whatever you would wish to do otherwise if um if if that meeting does not occur um we do need to make identify those projects either on dice for arpa only either December 2nd or December 16th would be the next two last meetings for the year else thank you thank you I'll call on our intern police chief Mike H in regards to criminal prosecution services I didn't get any paperwork with it but it's um didn't allow it to come through it's the bid proposal for um the prosecution contract which we which is the three-year deal that just ended um and they're looking to put it out for bids again directly when are we doing that be for next year yes this was the past was a three-year contract I would say our request for proposals will also be a three-year contract um the reason for this is the um the RFP request we have had uh local uh law firms asking about if we were going to be putting this out for proposals so that's why we're doing this so is this a the end of the three years is the end of the year correct to December 31st okay so the proposals request for proposal will go out shortly correct okay I'll make a motion to approve the release of the RFP for the criminal prosecution Services we got a motion and a second discussion questions seeing or hearing none roll call council member Nelson hi Davis hi sches baggerly hi osas hi Butterfield hi O'Brien hi an O hi eight eyes zero no thank you Mike all right Community Pride anything Audrey I'm just curious if we are going to set a time for a meeting next week or when sta when the council wants to talk about um the rest of the budget and the so it's not it's not Community Pride but it's a question before we adjourn I agree what was it it was Comm it was uh the budget and Mr Mayor uh yes the work session could consist of a a general budget update to identify um arpa funds and then the CIP discussion as well much as I don't want another meeting I think we do need to meet yeah I think we do too I'm available on Tuesday but not on Monday I can do Tuesday Tuesday is fine for for me works for me works for me calendar but I think so 6:30 6:30 Tuesday the 2630 Tuesday um at public work or public utilities will be checking with the utilities I don't think we got oh did it work okay Public Utilities it is all right Tuesday 6:30 mu Auditorium anything else thank you audre move to Jour second we're adjourned e