##VIDEO ID:EYdfkRYYnNY## [Music] F that's [Music] member of thetion [Music] and I will I will the duties next and for those support United States support of the United States the to the Saint and govern in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people the than for using web visit our website at www.webex.com that I will possess the qualifications that I will possess the qualifications describ by law prescribed by law for the office of member of the board of education for the office of member of the Board of Education that I am not disqualified as a Ved and I not disqualified as Ved pursuant to RS pursuant to RS 19 4-1 19 4-1 nor disqualified nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in the njs for offense listed in the njs 18a 18a col 12-1 col 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me [Applause] God Miss W BL repeat after me I S name i w GL to solemly affirm to solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under under the authority of the people I do further solemly affirm I do further solemnly affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I have possess the qualif qualif qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of the member of the Board of Education and I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS pursuant to RS 19 colon 4-1 19 col 4-1 nor disqualified nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in the njs nor offense listed in the 18a 12-1 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and partially and justly perform all the of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of that AB my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you congratulations and Mr Michael Clark Mr L you want to your here sure and thank you for the appreciate it I state your name hi Michael Clark do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of for the office of member of the Board of Education member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified and that I am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursueing to title 19 pursuant to title 19 nor am I disqualified nor am I disqualified due to a conviction of a crime due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in 18a or offense listed in 18a and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations sir as uh as they're being seated they're being handed a framed uh certificate of election just so everyone is aware that's what I'm handing out and I'll read one and they're all typically the same the board of canvassers of camman County New Jersey this board does determine that an election held in said County on the fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 Michael Clark as well as the three other individuals who were swor in was duly elected to the office of member of the local Board of Education Winslow Township School District and witness whereof signed uh this day by Donna Robinson Taylor chairperson Board of County canvassers and Joseph Ripa camman County Clerk Mr Clark thank you all yours and here's your thank [Applause] you thank you Mr you're welcome Mrs Bo so we'll have a roll call Mr Clark here miss dreaden here miss GLA here miss Martin present Mr mcmanis here miss Peterson present Miss Pitt president Mr Shaw present and Mr Thomas here we have a quum we're going to move on to the election of officers until the next reorganization meeting in January of 2026 and I'd like to open the floor uh for nominations for the board president I'd like to nominate Cheryl pittz for president of the board there's no need for a second under our policies by one motion can nominate a candidate are there any other nominations nominations I'd like to nominate John Shaw president of the board education are there any other nominations hearing no others I'd like a motion to close nominations for board president CL motion to close a motion to close so Miss Martin second and can you call your name because I don't recognize sorry uh Jerry mcmanis um um second motion thank you okay I'm going to have a roll call to approve closing the nominations for board president Mr again this is not the election of the board president this is closing nominations thank you Mr Mr Clark yes Miss dreaden yes Miss GLA yes Miss Martin yes Mr mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pitz yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes the motion has carried Mr long thank you thank you Mrs Bole um as we move to elect a president of the board and have two candidates listed um I have found first of all the law requires that there be five affirmative votes for any candidate uh which is which is the majority of the full membership of nine of this board so you need five affirmative votes and there's nine uh individual seated you can vote for yourself that is not a conflict you are permitted to vote for yourself typically unless there's an objection I hear an objection it's usually easier to vote that when um your name is called that you since we have two nominees that your vote either says pits or Shaw if everyone's in agreement with that and it'll expedite the process and we won't have to go through it twice since there's two we will determine based on that call hopefully unless there's an exstension and a tie which then will lead to another vote and another vote and another vote um we will then uh proceed with electing a president so you do need a motion Mr support so I need a motion to um elect the president of the winlow Township Board of Education we actually have two Mrs Bole so we've already made those motions with Mr Shaw and miss pittz so we can proceed to a roll call under the uh the way that I outlined it by reciting when your name is called biter Shaw having heard no objections to that process so we don't need him no sir no ma' no ma'am Mr Clark sha M dreaden pit Miss glaude so Miss Martin Mr mcmanis John Shaw Miss Peterson pit Miss pit s Mr Shaw sha Mr Thomas sh uh Mr Shaw has five votes Miss Pitt four so it appears that Mr Shaw has been nominated as board president Mr sh it would be appropriate this time for you to take your seat as board president and guide us for the rest of the meeting sir [Applause] before we move the meeting on the first thing I want to do is I want to thank Mrs pittz for all her years of leading the school board she took me on when I first came on and gave me a lot of guidance so give Applause as well deserved for [Applause] her uh our next order of business would be to open the floor for nominations for vice president I'd like to nominate Mr Joe Thomas are there any other nominations for vice president i' like to nominate Miss V Martin you have any other nominations motion to close nominations for vice president Peterson move to close nominations mcmah is second M po can we have a roll call close nominations close nominations for vice president Mr Clark yes Miss dreaden yes Miss GLA yes Miss Martin yes Miss mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pittz yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes motion has carried may I Mr President yes thank you um again since there are two members nominated if who can proceed in the same course that we proceeded with the president uh election um we have two nominated in position so we'll need a motion for one or the or we'll need uh take a roll call vote those are the two names in nomination and I would ask that you respond by either saying Thomas or Martin when your name is called Miss Bo maybe we proceed Mr Clark Thomas M dreon Rita Miss Claude Thomas Miss Martin Martin Mr mcmanis uh Thomas Miss Peterson Martin Miss pittz Martin Mr Shaw Thomas and Mr Thomas Thomas uh Mr Thomas has received five votes so he will be installed as vice president [Music] next we're going to move on to appointment of the board secretary um need a motion to approve the appointment of Miss Tyra McCoy Bole as board Secretary of the Board of Education Peterson move for approval of Mrs Tyra McCoy Bo as board secretary read and Miss Bo roll call Mr Clark yes Miss dreaden yes Miss GLA yes Miss Martin yes Mr mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pittz yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes the motion has carried um next designation of public agency compliance officer um approve to motion to approve to appoint Miss Tyra McCoy Bole as the public agency compliance officer Peterson move for approval of Mrs Tyra McCoy b as the public agency compliance officer it's second Miss Bo roll call please Mr Clark yes M Dre yes Miss glaude yes Miss Martin yes Mr mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pittz yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes the motion has carried um move on to business and operations um um can we get a motion to approve the business and operations items a through C Peter to move for approval of the business operations item a through C second M boil purp boil was that was that M who did the second I'm sorry yes yes okay I was writing your name as I as I was saying it I'm sorry Mr Clark yes M dreaden yes Miss GL yes Miss Martin yes Mr mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pittz yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes the motion has carried next we're g to move on to the appointment of delegates and board committees um I tried to do the best and that's done by the board president so that everyone is aware and it as elected as the board president Mr shaww will be identifying those individuals on what committee so um you may make the announcements if you to Mr President so if anybody chooses to that they don't want to um their assignment and wants the anybody that wants to replace them please let me know so uh New Jersey School Board Association representative um I chose myself for that and Mrs Pitts if you don't mind you uh you can be the can you be the alternate for me yes Mr show okay um Camden County School boards Mrs Pitts yes um Urban boards committee um Mr Thomas yes and Miss Martin um I know you've been involved with that too so I kind of put both of you in with it because okay um Camden County Educational Services Miss Martin athletic committee chairperson Joe Thomas myself and Miss GLA citizens advisory committee Miss Martin and Miss GLA education committee Miss Martin chairperson Miss Peterson and Miss GLA oh I'm sorry athletic committee athletic committee I have Mr Joe Thomas as the chair Miss myself and Miss glaud okay citizens advisory that was Miss Martin and Miss GLA okay education with Miss Martin and Miss Peterson and Miss GL yeah um marketing um Miss Pitts do you mind being the chairperson of that sure Mr sha all right and Mr Thomas and Mr McManus are a part of that um negotiations Miss Peterson chairperson um Mr Thomas and Mr mcmanis oh no I'm reading the marketing committee again um Miss Miss Martin and Mr Clark I'm sorry I can't read my own writing sometimes um operations Miss dreaden as the chair um operations Mr R Mr mcmanis and myself and policy Miss pittz is the chairperson Miss glae and Mr Clark and the mun Municipal drug and alcohol myself back uh for the planning board um Mr Thomas for the municipal drug and alcohol Alliance and Mr Thomas for the economic developmental Council Development Council because he was already appointed by the council now we've done in the past to Adopt A School representative um I'll each board member if you want to pick a school we'll continue that uh as we've done it each uh year we'll keep doing that Mr President if I may I'd like to pick the high school if I can okay Mr President I will take School number five M Martin you want School number five yes Mr President number School number three and I would like the middle school okay Mr President I'll take the early childhood education center okay Mr got it um Mr Dre you said you wanted Mr Shaw I have Miss Pitts as the Early Childhood I have Miss Peterson is school three Miss Martin is school five M dreon at the Middle School Mr Thomas has the high school so we still need schools one no two six four and six I I could do school too okay Mr Clark and one can I do one can I do two schools Peterson has three already I'll do school one it would be an honor if that you would consider me for school four and with school four Miss Martin is in school four I can't read across okay MC Manis and I can do school six because there's nine schools do we have one covered they're all covered we don't have five cover yes we may may I Mr President yes just just for the records clear early childhood education center Miss pits as the school Representatives these are all School Representatives School number one uh is Miss Claude School number two is Mr Clark School number three is Mr pet Miss Peterson School number four is Mr mcmanis School number five is Miss Martin School number six is Mr Shaw the middle school is Mr and the high school is Mr Thomas need a motion in a second and a roll call vote please Peterson move for approval of the adoption of the school Representatives as stated previously it's second Miss Bo can we have a roll call please yes Mr Clark yes Miss dreaden yes Miss GLA yes Miss Martin yes Mr mcmanis yes Miss Peterson yes Miss pits yes Mr Shaw yes and Mr Thomas yes motion has carried moving on the old business is there any old business next new business any new business uh uh Mr President if I may I just have a a statement or something I would like to read to to the many folks in attend us today if I okay first of all i' like to thank everyone for coming out um this is a record setting crowd we got the boxing champion the world we got the deputy mayor Miss Lee over in the world got committee men Watkins here we got the uh emergency uh EMT people in the house we got the soccer team and everybody in the house and this is this is a crowd that that makes me proud and this is why I got into this business so we can have all different people come into one building to make decisions so I just want to read a little statement on my past few years and I just bear with me and I hope hope you get through it it has been an extraordinary honor to serve the Windville Township School District over the past two years during this time I have witnessed firstand the incredible progress achievements of our students who continue to excel in the classroom and on the athletic field setting a high standard for success I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude M to miss bits for her exceptional 14 years of service as board president our leadership has been Guiding Light for our district we are cting on her wisdom to help steer us into the exciting new chapter the accomplishments of our students are truly inspiring the honest Society is growing stronger than ever showcasing academic Excellence leadership among our students our digital media class continues to shine displaying their immense talents across the state in New Jersey the winow choir has become a prominent act throughout the township bringing joy and pride with every performance the drama club continues to to produce Oscar worthy plays the captive audiences and highlight the creative brilliant of our students this year we have also celebrated and launched our newly designed District web page providing updated and accessible information for our families and community members one of those accomplishments are gaining well-deserved recognition with many new articles featuring our students being prast on television networks another Milestone achievement is opening of the brand new school welcoming 164 year old students and creating new jobs in our community this significant step highlights our commitment to early childhood education and fostering opportunities for our youngest Learners our athletic departments continue to lead the way breaking records and gaining National notoriety our programs like the social environment learning interal socer showcasing our dedication to holistic development and creating spaces where all students can Thrive none of these achievements would be possible without the support and collaboration of the winow to community from the HSA to the winow booster club and countless nonprofit organizations that work tirelessly For the Love of our students to the cooperation of our governing bodies every effort has been vital in ensuring to highlight and celebrate the greatness of our districts we are so deeply grateful for the contribution from our alumni who generally has supported initiatives like the resurrection of the wall of fame a symbol of Winslow Legacy edu Legacy of Excellence to our all stakeholders student achievement is and always remain our top priority we are committed to including your voices and ideas as we strive to meet our goals and reach new heights of success together we'll continue to build a future filled with opportunity and pride for every student in Winslow Township thank you all for allowing me the privilege of serving exceptional District I look forward to all we can accomplish together in the years ahead Winslow winning Mr President I'd like to thank Joe Thomas for his words but I also want to include because he's a Rowan graduate committee man uh Glick is in the audience too from more one also have Darius people for more to is in the office yes too newly [Applause] elected is there any other new business if I may yes um I don't think I'm as eloquent as Mr Thomas but I do want to thank everybody here that has come out here that wants to invest time in the Winslow Township School District I for one cannot wait to see what happens in this town I honestly believe it I and I look down this this here and I look out over there I think that we have all the potential in the world um this may not sound like the most sophisticated statement in the world but we are going to get ready to rock and roll and prepare the kids in this school district to be part of a competitive World economy and I cannot wait to see the success stories that come that continue to come out of the Winslow Township School District [Applause] thank you I'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight to share this momentous occasion for all of us new eles on the board and thank Miss Cheryl pits also for your service and all the other board members that have tirelessly given all of your service to our community and um thank you community for coming out and hopefully that you'll keep coming out to our board meetings and giving us your voice because your voice matters without your voice we can't continue to move forward so we need you to continue to come out and be a part of the movement for our community and for our students thank you very much anyone else with new business just wanted to say um to all who are who have come here this evening thank you so much for showing us that it's important that we are supported as a board by our community um I would also uh say to all the new board members and and also to those of us who are more seasoned that going forward we need to be sure to be prepared and be perform be informed and also be United in our certain efforts to take this District forward and I would end by saying I would want I would hope that we would all keep um a community on the other side of this continent in California that's really literally um LA County burning up for those of us who have friends and family out there keep them your thoughts and keep them in your prayers because Community that's a community and just as we are a community so thank you very much well I'm I'm gonna say one thing real quick before we uh wrap up new business I want to thank all our elected officials that came out um our nonprofit men empowering Nation um for being here and the boy the young men that came out with them with our mentors um all our staff that's here tonight and all our community members stakeholders um some of our students that are here our former Board member Miss Becky nevas is here and some of our former teachers that are here I want to thank everybody for being here and I want to thank again Mrs Pitts and all the board members you know that have supported me for my whole entire time on the board to help me get to the spot where I'm at right now because if it wasn't for you all all of you that have been by my side especially Miss Pitts and miss marttin and miss Peterson I I wouldn't be sitting here right now so thank and most importantly for all of the community members that have supported me through my time on the board so I really appreciate it come out help to support all the wonderful things that our students in Winslow do from the marching band our Arts our musical theater you know you can't be going spending a night watching our high school perform you know whether it's in the fall or in the springtime you can't beat a marching band performance whether it's in the bitter cold or on a a hot spring sum you know or even a hot fall day you know come to a sports game you know whether it's the you know our state championship football team or watch our baseball team or our tennis team you know or sorry you or a soccer team you can't beat it you know not only does our school board try to give a th% for everything we do for our students to make sure they achieve the highest goals but I know our Township committee men Watkins committee men peoples and committee menas I know we we all try to do everything we possibly can to make sure every student that walks through the halls of Winslow schools comes out with the best possible education that is the common goal that we are trying to achieve and that's what we were going going to do for you the best possible job that we can do that's why you elected us that's why we're sitting here so please if you have anything that you need to add to us for us to help do our jobs that's what we're here for send us an email I mean we'll probably send you through the chain of command but ultimately that's what we're you know we're going to help you so please whatever we can do let us know and thank you again for all coming out and supporting us there's no more new business I'm going to move on to informational items and Dr carel yes um Mr President I have just two minor announcements so we had a school closure on Monday due to the snow and as a result of that we will be adjusting our calendar for spring break so spring break will now be April 17th as it originally was early dismissal and we will be returning on Thursday April 24th so we take the last day we start at the end of the break so every time that we have to take a day we start at the back end of the break so that the staff and students will still have somewhat of a break so right now we've only had to take away one day and hopefully we won't have to lose anymore so school will resume on April 25th so we lost one day we lost a Friday and you'll be back in school on Friday okay Miss Murphy sure know and also uh unfortunately we had a minor mishap at the middle school and our life skills classroom we had a call that broke that first and as a result of that we had water damage so that classroom has been shut down we're working on it to resolve the issue maintenance was in right away um to make a minor repair but that room will be shut down and because of the damage we lost all of the furniture in there and we will be working with the insurance company uh to resolve that issue uh we mentioned uh earlier in now last boort meeting that we were getting a new website and Mr Thomas mentioned that again so I want you to know that we are still working on our website we will be continuing to update information and you may see some old information and that as a result of things being carried over so we are still putting information and we are removing those things that should not be there so I don't want you to think that because it's there that we are done we will continue to work on it and that's it for me sir thank you very much Dr and I might add that the website is much easier to navigate through now than it was before well that was the goal so if it keeps progressing it's going to be super easy um uh Mr long public comments thank you Mr President the windso attent Board of Education highly values the input of citizens in making the important decisions that affect the children of our community we believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all of our citizens have the opportunity to attend Schoolboard meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board can conduct the important business of the district we ask that the speakers follow the guidelines for making public comments the board secretary will recognize those in individuals in the audience who wish to make comment and we ask that you kindly respect the following procedures all members of the public attending Schoolboard meetings must treat treat each other and the board with respect two please State your full name and your town of residence addresses no longer needed number three please limit your comments to four minutes before submit an event we're unable to answer your questions this evening kindly sub MIT your questions to the Board of Education with your name address and telephone number where you can be contacted and your question will be answered within a reasonable time frame lastly individuals offering citizen comment are not permitted to make personal attacks on any District employee board member or other testifier or member of the public thank you sir Miss Bo do we have anybody that's signed up for public comments yes Mr President um Miss Lanna my name is l NZ from Super New Jersey Miss Nez would you lower the microphone so we can hear your important words thank you thank you Mr Watkins I attend M Township Middle School I'm I'm in eth grade I am a part of the student student government Association and National Junior Honor Society today I attended the New Jersey Association of student council convention at the College of New Jersey the sessions I took at the convention are mastering the art of public speaking and enhancing Community engagement via School events collaboration with local businesses for events and using social media for all school events including the middle school and the high school will definitely help Embrace and make community members attend the events Roo calls to go out to all school events not just the upper and lower elementary schools an idea for the middle school and high school sgaa and National Junior Honor Society would be to have a general assembly which is a group grou of volunteers who would help run school events using social media to market the events as well would be helpful and providing recognition for all bands Orchestra the marching B at the high school and the color guard thank you for your time Miss would you like to share your notes with me can you forward them to me you email them to me thank you unfortunately I forgot a step I forgot to make a motion open public comments but it still counts need a motion to open public comments motion to open public comments second all in favor is there anybody else that uh yes Mr Shaw Marcy Thomas hi I'm Marcy Thomas from Elm at this time I'd like Becky NE if you please [Music] stand I've known Becky for many many years and it is a pleasure to recognize her for her service on the board uh during this last term what you were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time is commendable and I think that we as a community thank you and hope you I know you're still staying active i' i' watch you on social media but I hope you'll consider running again we need you back up here thank [Applause] you is there anybody else that signed up for public comments yes Mr sha and I'll apologize right now because I'm reading handwriting it appears to be Devin Davis good evening and congratulations to everybody tonight here um I'm here tonight uh I had put in a request to have an executive meeting and uh I just wanted to know if there was any update to that um I did not receive uh through the administration office your request Mr Davis and I I believe at the last board meeting you were told to forward that to the administration we've not received that okay anybody else um that concludes those that have signed up I will check with Mr fan nobody's on the line okay so um Mr Shaw that concludes then when you're done if you wouldn't mind seeing Mrs Bole ins Sig thank you good evening my name is joanni pohill um a a resident of WS Township I'm actually up here because I've been attending the BO Union since November trying to get some resolution for my child um I too have um submitted an email asking for an executive hearing and I haven't heard that about a date so I would like to know so the Administration has not received an email from you uh requesting an executive hearing or meeting the Administration has not received anything from you so miss pill did you send your request to my office or to the superintendent's office that's where your request to go I sent an email and I CC multiple individuals on that email as well as Miss Pitts on that email so you need to send a request directly to the superintendent's office and that would be me you're now the superintendent well I'm sitting in his seat so you're asking question your request will need to come to me Miss I already cced you on a lot of emails Dr K I'm not talking about a copy I'm talking about a direct request that's what you need to do when I sit down but I'll be at the next word meeting again man if you would be C up to check in thank you so much I like to say something and it's and it's I feel like I have't say this we're only here to get help for our kids y'all say y'all want to help us and I say y want to do so much great things for the community but when there's an issue and I understand you have to go through the chain of commands I'm not saying anything is wrong but when we go through those chain of command and you say a direct request or we reach out to a Boardman or we email or we get phone calls and then we stand up here and to go through basically a repeat is what you're asking us it's just not fair I don't feel that a parent have to go through so much stress to just get help that's it help thank you pardon me sir are you Mr Davis yes okay thank you is there anybody else Miss no Mr President that concludes we need a motion to close um have a motion to close public comments motion close public comments second all in favor I I'm sorry who I couldn't hear the second dread second thank you m dread no um Mr President uh there is no executive session this evening this being in the nature of a reorganization meeting which essentially is a ceremonial function we will be having two uh I see from the our scheduled two two additional meetings this month so there'll be plenty of time to go back there sorry to disappoint everybody this time can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second uh all in favor I'm sorry who was mcmanis mcmanis thank you Mr MCM of course we need a v vote all in favor all in favor wi will be sitting here for the next 3 days [Music]