good evening everyone good evening hope everyone nice and year and hopefully we'll get out welcome to meeting ises July 1 to Associates and July 1 2024 any M of Mee have provided specifying the time place in manner this meeting is being conducted it was advertised in the posted in all schools the administration office municipal building the library El and the winds Township Post offes and this is our mission statement the mission of District a large diverse growing Community is to educate all students to become independent lifelong Learners critical thinkers and caring and confident members of their Community The District in partnership with the community and in the climate of cooperation and mutual respect will provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages our students to for personal and assist them in acquiring the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary to contribute [Music] m m Thom thank you and M 20234 District goals number one student achievement Contin best practic for delivering instruction to students UTI all instructional modules this a increas graduation r b increase chronic abis c d accountability all staff and stakeholders number two increase parent caregiver engagement in education a provide OPP two communication with District stakeholders B implement the culture climate survey and number three Market our strengths and achievement all stakeholders to increase capacity for greater parent caregiver Community Support a work with b and in the indeed communication methods and messages to better Market our district thank you Mr Thomas moving M Dr thank you correspond of 1992 barel o but also EXC coaching guiding exemp as anic asach it would A fitting tribute to Legacy and source of inspiration current future Generations I believe and his venturing others to reach their full potential I you consider this proposal and take necessary STS to make it reality thank you for consideration I would be of inspiration for entire sincerely the second piece ofes at last week's Board of Education meeting a member of the a recation to name track school he was told submit a to board I called your office and told that I the same thing to nominate another person for that I would like to put the name coach Russell consideration for this time if the tra field is to be dedicated to someone if more information necessary to submit please contact and glad July 124s I am ready to you that res scho due to personal health issues it has been great to serve on the education and I staff myow ESP students please receive with aug24 thank you for your guidance last four and years you are a true leer and as aard M and District I appreciate service with gratitude and that concludes the correspond for thank you thank you board members you three um pieces of um correspondence and um certainly we at this point I'm going to take action with regards to the first letter that was received with regards toing the track uh if you can recall and I hope that you had the opportunity to read our policy that gives us Direction with regards to that uh the first step has been taken we've received uh request from the public at this time I'm going to um I'm going to have uh the uh the committee uh because we've already actually have a committee that is set up that can handle this uh when Mr um Robert Johnson um did contact us he also called me and said that he spoken to the mayor uh shortly after that uh mayor lawence called me and said that she had had a confrontation also with Mr Mr Johnson and that um she would agree to uh be a part of or assisting on uh naming the track as a joint venture between the township and the school board which is appropriate because certainly both individuals uh who residents and have contributed now we already have a joint committee uh on the board that's made up of members from the township committee their education committee and members from our committee so therefore what I'm going to do at this time is to ask that members of The Joint Committee because I've already contacted the mayor after receiving both letters asking her for a date joint committees could be to go over this to evaluate this to take a look at these request and come back to the court uh letting us know what you um what you recommend uh now the members who are on the committee that is jointly the township committee is of M Martin Julie Peters Mr Joe Thomas and myself so as going forward what I'm asking um as soon as I find out the mayor when is a convenient time and date for her to meet our committee then I would expect that our committee will meet with them and begin the process of uh helping us to decide exactly how and we going to um name the track I'm hoping that we can by our next meeting which will be in August our next board meeting uh is August 14 because we're not meeting anymore this um this month I'm looking at my C let me say this we have two board meetings in August August 14th and August 28th I'm hoping that the committee can be with the townships committee and get this started and I would expect that by our second meeting in office August 28th that those committee members will come back to us letting us know that they've evaluated that they have recommendation now Committee Member on this joint committee Martin M Peterson Mr Thomas do you have any questions no questions no questions Madam I'm totally totally in favor of the process thank you okay now moving now with the second that is that Thomas will be resign as of August if as she indicated in her letter as we know that she does have heal problems and she really has been hanging on um hoping that she could um go through and overcome these problems but U and I want us to certainly keep keep prayer so moving forward as the process we advertise we interview and we appoint as a board we that we must that within 65 days so therefore well since um Miss Kelly Thomas will be affective her letter her resignation August 14 uh I would expect either a August 15 or August 16 that we would begin the 30day process to let the public know if they're interested in coming forward very maor Mard members okay um the for Miss Tom her the first absolutely and going to that's a great suggest make sure that present her with her PL her rotating include that thank you any other comments any other questions moving forward I'm still on page two I'm asking at this time a motion to approve our minutes for my regular meeting which took place Wednesday June 26 both open and cl session is to approve the following minut meeting for theard of education for Wednesday June 26 24 open and close session second move by m Martin comments or questions hear please Mr M Miss Mar M Mr Mr yes yes moving now reports since this is a the meeting that we just having once um in this month I won't go down theair Miss not prepared to on the meeting that we just had today okay all right so the marketing committee right meeting from 6 to 645 myself Mr as Mr Shaw Mrs pitz and Mr for our administrative representative um we had four topics for discussion um one being um our participation in wi Township newsletter andil that goes out quarterly action items there as I will reach out to our Township contact to talk about deadlines and the possibility of putting more informative articles as opposed to time sensitive information uh we had a deep read on June and how that went um we also discussed WIS family day and and what we would like uh that to look like going forward as well and I will send out an email to board members in regards to specific uh task and a sign up sheet as well um we talked about chat the board member um we're going to discuss that in further detail at our board retreat but we will utilize WIS Family Day and the Winslow Township Police National Night Out has we've been offered a spot there I'll let pit talk more about that and use that as an opportunity to further um talk to our constituents parents in that regard um we also discuss sending out an email glass social media alert and text message to talk about the board participation in those events and possibly having Dr puty add uh to his welcome back to school email uh the newsletter that we put together for the summer events with his email welcoming us all back to school and the meeting adjourns at 6:45 any questions report Madam president board meeting coach that associ girls I think yeah where would to display that did and right now we we asking that the uh the district uh purchased this Banner is that what we ask I don't know and perhaps do because we may have capili do something so I just anyone have providing okay thank you in contacts any other reports I'm asking for motion super the following action it uh 23 pages 37 and the second by I just have one says for build m m Mar yes but I need letter a page okay number 19 yes ma'am Mr toming [Music] the bottom motion to SEC letter a and page 14 second M pet Mr Mr yes as it begin 15 and continues through to the bottom motion to begin and goes to page the bottom of page 17 second by m m and number okay okay all right Mr yes going to move to our agenda and motion approve the superintend begin agenda begins tion Mr Mr yes moving now for motion to approve the bus administ secretary report as it appears when aend beginning at the bottom of phase one and it continues through to the top of phase five is there a motion motion to approve the business administrative board secretary report that begins on following page one and goes all way through to page five number 15 second move by Shaw any fur comments or question Mr M yes [Music] page to acend recommendations letter the personel report beginning at the bottom of page five and to the middle of page six second move by second by any F com question hearing yes yes yes agenda open request yes request which all thank you moving items Dr the board with regards to so Dr has been out due to medical reason and so while Dr is out I will be assuming his responsibilities and at this time he's expected back some possibly in August but mad president we're still moving forward and we will be prepared to open what was that date AUST a any other question thank you Dr any no further information old business be any old Business board members that you would care to discuss at this time hearing that put to new business board members any new business that you would care to discuss at this time at this time board members I draw your attention to the email that I sent to you that I received from Sergeant Matthew GI of Theo Township Police Department um just anticipating that um you've already had an opportunity to review it uh I'd like to hear your comments statements with regards to um his IED for the record it says I would like to invite Township Board of Education to set up a table and tent at our National Night Out event on Tuesday August 6 from 6:m to 900 p.m. setup begins at 500 p.m. I have attached the flyer more details on this year's event thank you Sergeant Matthew Gib wio Township Police Department community policing and engagement unit M want to speak on that you did mention that in our I did mention it in in the marke committee yes so if it's okay board and we would like to participate I could send out a a sign up sheet to see who's available for that night so we would be able to uh man that table um we already have literature in place that we use at June that we could also reuse so I'm thinking a similar setup to that and what we would do at family day as well board members any comments with regards to our participating in the National out this year well this is the first time actually formal request certainly this is not the first time for this because in the past as individuals we have defended but this is the first time that we've actually received request asking set table abely phal so therefore certainly as indicated that the time is of the essence because it's August 6 so please let others know um whether or not you going to be seated at that table spend some time at that table that night Miss NE I will be there I okay okay thank you public comment thank you mad president the Ws toship Board of Education High values the input of citizens in making important decisions that affect the children of our community we believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all our citizens have the opportunity to attend board me school board meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board can conduct the important business of the district we ask the speakers to follow the guidelines for making public comment the board secretary will recognize those individuals in the audience who wish to make comment please respect the following procedures one all members of the public attending Schoolboard meetings must treat each other and the board with respect to State your full name and town of residents three please limit your comments to four minutes four in the event of unable to answer your questions please leave us with your name address and telephone number or email where you may be contacted your question moving within a reasonable time and lastly individuals offer comment are not committed to personal attacks on any m t or member thank you asking for motion to approve into public com motion second Mo by m second by Mr Shaw all in favor you any thank you okay thank you m therefore move forward and um I'm asking for a motion to adjourn oh if I may M president I was um I'm sorry I interrupted you you're closing I'm sorry I thought I me asking for a motion to adjourn public comment motion to adjourn public comment second move by second by Mr Shaw all in favor all right we moving now to Executive s Mr yes Madam president I've been asked by the board vice president uh for short executive session um at his request and in view of that so in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings Act we will be entering into that executive session on July 17 2024 at 7:34 p.m. I think it's likely to be 15 20 minutes so opening somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes and would be item seven matters calling within the attorney Cent and me explaining the implication of various policies okay thank you Mr so therefore at this time board members are making to to ex to exective session second by by all in favor thank you we are to our session