##VIDEO ID:TEF72E9a2_Q## e e e e e e e e e e e how's everyone oh there okay there you go can I first say go Eagles go can I say that and I'm not just talking about Philly Eagles I'm talking about wiow Township Eagles yes who on next Wednesday the 4th will be traveling to ruter to play in the state championship game I just thought I'd let you know that so yes ladies and gentlemen go Eagles go welcome to the wiso Township Board of Education our regular meeting today is Tuesday November 26 2024 public notice of this meeting was given to all board members and Associates and a dated August 30th 2024 adequate and electronic notice of this public meeting has been provided specifying the time place and manner in which this meeting is being conducted it was advertised in the cura post posted in all schools the administration building the municipal building the library Buble Center Edwood acres elmtown and the Windsor Township Post Offices and this is our mission statement the mission of the wins Township School District a large diverse and growing Community is to educate all of our students to become independent lifelong Learners critical thinkers and caring and confident members of their Community The District in partnership with the community and in the climate of cooperation and mutual respect will provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages all students to strive for personal excellence and assist them in acquiring the knowledge the skills and the attitudes necessary to contribute positively to a rapidly changing World roll call please Mr ASU pres Mr Chester pres miss dreaden m dreaden will be absent this evening thank you Miss Martin present Miss neeves present Miss Peterson present Mr Shaw present Mr Thomas um waiting to hear from Mr Thomas and Miss pittz present we have a quum thank you can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge a to flag of the United States of America to the stands Nation indivisible liy and justice for all 2024 2025 District gos one student achievement continue to implement best practices for delivering instruction to students this shall include conduct weekly administrative walkthroughs to monitor teaching and learning consistently review student assessment data to guide and redirect training or teaching continue to provide supplemental activities I.E tutoring enrichment periods to address student deficiencies Benchmark assessment for ninth grade math language arts to create a safe and positive learning environment for students and staff strictly enforce the district's student code of conduct focus on upper elementary students to modify student behavior in the early grad reinforce positive behavior in a specific and genuine way approach discipline with care respect and the desire to see the good in all students number three increase parent caregiver and Community engagement in education provide opportunities for two-way communication with District stakeholders continue with Communications Consortium focus on refining our communication methods and mess to better Market our schools and continue with our public relations with the community thank you Mr Shaw moving now Dr Caro board members uh as you see we have presentation and when um School 3 uh does your presentation we will get up and take our seats in the front so this evening we have school three who will be performing for us miss for Miss Floyd are you ready to bring your students in okay so board members can we move to the front row good evening everyone good evening everyone that's wonderful my name is Mrs I'm the school number three I would like to thank a AR our board president miss and board members and of course our family and friends and our students coming out tonight to be a part of our presentation this is my favorite time of year is a time we can thank and count our blessing and I'm just want to share with you real quick a definition that I found about with thank you and it was the best one I saw I liked it a lot it said being aware or conscious of the benefits that you receive so as we go to Thanksgiving sus the SC your blessing and I have Mrs L coming forward she's this lady comes with 19 years of experience she loves music loves children and she's really herud I'm going to have her come out share children thank you so much and she's so dedicated she she a we but she's here and she present so than [Music] back row back row please move down more one more window one more window all right now thank you Mrs Floyd I apologize I on a scooter tonight feeling up my leg good evening and thank you to Dr uh Caro and miss pitz the school board members School faculty community members and all of our families here tonight I am Mrs Lake I am the music teacher at school 3 and I am delighted to share a musical offering from our talented third graders for your Thanksgiving meeting I have with me tonight a few of our third grade students from a couple different home rooms um the students will present three songs they are about the attitude of gratitude the importance of giving thanks for all of the blessings that we have in our lives our friends and our family first song our first song was inspired by a wise proverb from the house of people of Western Africa it says give thanks for a little and you will find a lot This song reminds us that gratitude even for the smallest things can lead to Great Joy in your [Music] [Music] life 1 2 3 for a little and you w find a l and you w find a l attitude ofe attitude of gratitude [Music] [Music] you attitud gratitude attitude of gratitude that something that [Music] [Music] World stand tall and proud in front of you these third graders I'm so proud of them our second song next we will hear a bilingual song this song blend Spanish and English lyrics in a celebration of beautyness please enjoy deos boys girls make sure smile and they hear your heart in your [Music] songs come on [Music] [Music] ready all [Music] all our [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] please take another bow to the you only get three songs our last song is an upb and beautiful reminder that no matter how tough some moments in life might feel we all have something to be thankful for and we can find the silver line it speaks about kindness generosity and the Power of Love family and Community this is called we've got a lot to be thankful forap heart everybody get everybody get tell the [Music] [Music] St let be thankful for he is grateful for and appreciate everything we today [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] seems like you don't [Music] have app [Music] [Applause] [Music] go down one more time and stand up sming let's give one more big round of applause to our third Greers um their hard work is really play off this is a once a week class that we meet for music and we have uh so many kids up here today that are just sharing so much joy and love they have showed us the power of gratitude The Joy it brings thank you again to our amazing students and to their families thank you again to our school board members and to M Floy thank you again to for helping out tonight and everyone that is supporting these Young Voices thank you again to all of you we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving all thank you one more bow one more bow all right [Music] [Music] Happy Thanksgiving for all family members if you would like to to meet the children right here in the back unless you're stand for the whole meeting that was nice very nice that was nice very nice I know okay too excited the all right very good nice nice okay again many thanks to uh School 3 Miss lake and a great job that the um the students did so board members we're returning to our agenda I'm on the top of page two would there be any correspondence no correspondence this evening madam president thank you Miss B board members at this time I'm asking for motion to approve the minutes from our meeting of Wednesday no November 13 2024 Open session is there a motion motion to approve our meeting minutes from our regular meeting on Wednesday November 13 20124 Open Session motion moved by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU any comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ask you Mr Chester yes Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes and Miss pittz yes motion has carried thank you moving now board members we're going through our board committee reports is there anyone from the athletic committee I see our chairman Mr Thomas is not in attendance would there be anyone else from the athletic committee okay we'll move on citizens advisory committee would be a report out of the citizen advisory committee at this time yes I believe there is a report out of the citizens advisory miss glaude good evening everyone evening that was a great presentation as a matter of fact thank you Mrs ly and parents and students the wi Township citizens advisory committee met on November 14th November 14th in District administration building and the Texas with st hook ju May Hogan Mar thas and boardon freom Mar old business grandparents program through these minutes the CAC is recommending to the board that they R the policy 9180 who volunteers and revises it is necessary to allow for the grandparents intergenerational program that we recommend to be adopted by the school board as as soon as feasible parent advisory group it was brought to the attention by the CAC member that another organization is forming the group for the township therefore the group has suspended our efforts on that topic new business teacher retention discussion was held at the district what is the district trying to do to retain the teaching staff quality at the Board of Education meetings the sound quality of the Board of Education meetings continue to be an issue of being in consistent when parents are listening to it at home they're still unable to hear the board members in the parents in the audience that come up to the microphone so the board the CAC is recommending that we have um the TV production students use their equipment and expertise at the administration buil in when the meetings are scheduled we further recommend that the students Reen or our spend for service hours 2025 CAC membership reader informed the CAC members that they are being recommended to retain membership of the states for another year the meeting was at 9:05 p.m those are two recommendations that we did bring for um to to the board tonight is the grandparents program as we previously mentioned before in past meetings um that we weren't going to bring it back up to the board until we had did a little bit more research our research that we did find was that the township currently did have a policy in place which is policy number 91 and we ask that the policy Bo revisit that next policy Bo meeting to try to bring in to the grandparents program we that we are having a teacher shortage of I think that would be perfect program to bring it to our school district to have volunteers from our community and it does offer inside of that program that um background checks and fints are required and um how the district choose to handle that whether volunteers for district handles it in in the policy district is handling it but they choose update the policy for it is the volunteers do it then that's how the policy to be updated but being so that there is a policy already in place we ask that you look at that policy and we try to move forward and try to do something Rectify this and see if we can look into that program that we questions the last couple meetings and as far as the meetings we do ask um for the for the audience that is looking on YouTube find if the participants watching um the meetings when they're unable to hear what's going on in the meetings because they can't personally it is an injustice to our community that they cannot understand what is being said at the board meetings that we try to fix this audio so that they can hear this has been an ongoing problem for a long time so we can try to look to see how we can Rectify that like I said the CAC did recommend that possibly the students um they seem to do a great job their a they have no problem when they're going there screaming um that's not a um possibility that you all look into maybe you can figure it out with your technical department and see if we can try to figure out the issues that we're having with the audience on our meetings because it is live stream so not just our community is watching our board meetings but people outside of Township we don't want to look like the township that is insufficient of being able toide fast that includes our you have any questions to the recommendations if you could recall um when you first bought that I believe it was last yeah it was last month in October and at that time Dr potit indicated that that was not a recommendation that he would consider and he gave the reasons he was saying certainly because that Center just opened in September and with the um the principal having to acclimated and I just wanted to remind the CAC that Dr potin on his recommendation is saying not at this time so therefore therefore we will stand on his recommendation so what I'm saying to you is that there is a volunteer program that's already a policy that's already in placed the wi Township we're asking to activate that policy I understand and I know I'm familiar with that policy however that policy is was is a mandated policy of course and is very well written and it has safeguards in it that's a very good strong policy and so there really is again based on Dr Po's recommendation there's no need to revisit that policy in order to allow for this um the recommendation of the grandparent um program that you want to uh that you're recommending but again as you know as the CAC we do not have to accept all recommendations and again at the last meeting Miss GL I'm not trying to debate with you and said I recommended it to you I asked you all look at the policy you haven't even looked at the policy and you're standing right now no so and like I said with Dr spok he's not here right now to speak on it and I just brought it back to you I brought up the policy as before I did not have the policy to present and I told Dr at that time when I had no information that I would represent as well and I'm representing it so um and I'll just ask you guys look to Dr did bring up a new information last last Mee say that we did have a teacher shortage and because we do have a teacher shortage we do have an issue in classrooms especially in a lot of our where there the teachers do need help inside those classrooms and this could be something that could help these teachers it could help their mental health with our teachers and we're just trying Asun try come forward to help our teachers and if you all aren't willing to even look into it to consider it how we can make sure the wellbeing of our teachers are being looked at in Paramount and number one to make sure we can even rain our teachers to make sure their mental health is number one they have enough support in those passions with the situations that they're they they're experiencing in those classs I'm hearing a lot of horror stories from these from a lot of situations that classroom especially in the elementary they could use a little bit of Aid so we can kind of maybe just do a little research and I'm not saying you have to approve tonight but just do a little research would you say no and then if the research comes back we exclusive that we definitely don't need it even with our teacher short and our teachers mental health is perfectly fine they don't need no extra extra people helping them in their classrooms then we will stand corrected we'll stand quiet and we'll leave it alone just ask look Miss CLA again I stand on when you first B that with Dr potit response to you and I think you're kind of mixing two things this grandparent program as you spoke about it with regards to a teacher shortage these Grand this a volunteer they're not teachers so those those are two separate things and believe me I have read that policy um the volunteer policy so I'm familiar with it but we will close this by saying that Dr potit is not recommending that but thank you very much uh Miss GLA I did have one um I heard you briefly mention the 2025 CAC now I saw what was put out by The District in regards to applications for 2025 but it was a little confusing to me it's saying that applications were not being accepted but those individuals who wanted to participate would submit their name to the School Board office no um you actually have to speak with Miss Martin or Miss pit in regards to the CAC and how that's being operate sh I have no idea what they're doing with this so maybe they can answer that question for you with regards to the CAC what um is being done this year is that the application process is simply being suspended so that because we did not as a board we were not able to meet the time span in which we had set in order to accept applications and so therefore with regards to those who are presently uh members of the CAC will remain and if anyone in the community anyone else is interested just simply let us know because we're not going through the interview in the that whole process that process simply has been suspended that's all and and as a way of opening it up without having app interested folks going through so many steps that's all that's all we're doing so people can send in they can give us the information as the announcement said their names their address that's what we need to um to uh to receive from the individual so that we'll know who they are okay so does that mean that the board would vote on those people or anybody would be accepted what that means is that once we find out who has stepped forward to make sure that there are residents as I said the voting that has taken place in the past that whole uh procedure has been simply suspended for this year and so therefore it actually it it um makes it I think really just easier for folks who are interested to Simply let us know that they're interested that's all so as long as we can prove their resident they'll be accepted as long as we can prove that they are residents and we know that they're ready and when we talk to them and say to them uh what um the commitment is because they need to know that they're um expected to meet once a month then there's no reason why they wouldn't be accepted okay understood okay thank you would your be a report out of the education committee no report at this time thank you Miss Peterson report out of the marketing committee uh yes the marketing committee met last Wednesday at 6 PM via WebEx present were myself Mr Shaw and Mr Davis from the administrative team uh we discussed constructing an sop for the marketing committee to go into the 2025 school year um our hope is that we work on that back and forth via email to be presented to the board at our December 11th meeting um we also had some brief discussion in regards to the continued uh techn ol challenges and with on course and the scheduling of parent teacher conferences um and the suggestion was made similar to how we contracted uh the public relations Consortium that maybe we should contract a uh technology consultation to see if we can't work out some of these issues and the meeting adjourned at 6:40 thank you Miss NZ any questions or comments with regards to the marketing committee report hearing none moving now operations committee is there a report out of the operations committee yes Madam president I'm going to report out on behalf of Miss stren since she's not here the operations committee met at 5:30 yesterday Monday November 25th VI of WebEx uh in attendance were Miss dreaden Mr Shaw Miss foil and Miss Chico also in attendance were Luis Rosario Tom Andrew Michael wanie and Adam caraval Valia of EI Associates who are the district appointed Architects uh the following items were discussed we uh ran through a couple of the uh open projects that we had from the prior prior years um so the 2122 School six main office HVAC replacement that project has been closed out um other capital projects circulation pumps at 1 two 34 and the middle school they're at the punch list item stage and it's projected that this project will be closed out prior to December 31st um the Middle School facade repairs and painting that project has been completed a school fine there were three new exterior doors for the gym that were delivered and installed so that total project is also complete we had at the high school replacement of lockers in the visitor locker room that project is also complete um Miss Chico gave us an update on the budget development process for 2526 we're scheduling flat funding meaning we're not anticipating any additional state aid um one of the complications we'll be facing this year are unit negotiations our teachers and administrators we don't have a settled well we won't have a settled contract as of that year we are just starting so we don't know what the increase will be so we pretty much work it out so but we're also scheduling an additional hbac system upgrade that's going to be included and the fundings were going to be uh from Capital reserves so we're not going to go out for any tax levy increase and then the budgeted amounts for each of schools will be sent to the building principles this week that would be tomorrow the high school hva system upgrade that it needs to be revised before being resubmitted to the office of State com controller we're trying to work with L on that and uh EI Associates provided a an update on the budgeted capital and other projects so we had lengthy discussion on the budgets and timetables for five and six uh we discussed the construction of a pole barn for the Athletics at the high school um on tonight's agenda we're g or agendum um the balance of EI uh fees for these projects are going to be presented for approval tonight and we also discuss the remaining projects and time frame for the other two projects that were uh in this budget but we haven't off yet and that's the grease trap Replacements at schools 1 through six and the roof replacement at the administration building I think I omitted the roof replacing replacement at J J hall the jwing of the high school that's also under consideration uh we just had to price out some items U our meeting adjourned at 7:03 and the next scheduled meeting is Tuesday December 10th thank you m b any comments or questions on that report moving now to the policy committee the policy committee um will meet um at our last very last meeting which will be December 11th and I'll check with Mr Davis to make sure to see if any new uh policies have come down move now board members I'm at the top of Page Three at this time I'm asking for a motion to approve the superintendent report that begins at the top of Page Three and continues through to the top of page eight is there a motion motion to approve the superintendent report second the motion moveed by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU any further comments or questions hearing n roll call please Mr ASU yes Mr Chester yes Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes and I abstain myself from item 25 and 26 on page seven because I'm a member of both organizations Mr Shaw yes and Miss pittz yes motion has carried thank you Miss B moving now I'm asking for a motion at this time to approve the business administrative board secretary's report as it begins in the middle of page8 and continues through to the bottom of page 12 is there a motion motion to approve the board secretary's report second motion moveed by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr asku yes Mr yes Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes and Miss pittz yes the motion has carried thank you Miss P now moving board amendments I'm at the top of page 13 I'm asking for a motion to approve the Personnel report as it begins at the top of page 13 and continu continues through to the middle of page 16 is there a motion motion to approve the Personnel report second the motion moved by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU any further comments or questions hearing none no call please Mr ASU yes Mr Chester yes Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes and Miss pitz yes motion has carried thank you Miss Bo board members at this time we're moving to our addendum and I think I believe we all have it in our Brown folder and I feel certain that we've had an opportunity to read it through so at this time I'm asking for a motion to approve the superintendance report as it appears on our addendum page one letter a is there a motion motion to approve the superintendent's report as as it reads on the addendum second motion move by Mr Shaw second by Mr ascu any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ASU yes Mr Chester yes Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes and Miss Pitts yes motion has carried thank you Miss po at this time board members still on our addendum I'm asking for a motion to approve the board secretary's report as it appears on our agendum beginning at the middle of page one and continuing through to the bottom of page five is there a motion motion to approve the board secretary's report as it appears on the addendum move by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ASU yes Mr Chester Miss Martin yes Miss neeves yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes and Miss pitz yes motion has carried thank you Miss Paul moving now board members back on our regular agenda page 17 I'm uh we're um I'm looking at the open public records act request Miss Bo yes Madam president between November 6th and November uh 20th we responded to I believe three open requests the first was from Miss lomn from Deltech Inc uh was requested for us to provide information relating to the solicitation be below which was the um the solicitation for an architect that uh it's really an RFP 20 24-6 and the due date was May 2nd 2024 they wanted to uh the contract number the vendor name the vendor's address the vendor's phone number the award amount date start date end dat contract terms and contract documents um those documents which existed were Supply second request came from Michael gotsman founder of New Jersey public education Coalition that the request for was for the copy of the curriculum implemented in your District to comply with the Laura woon's law um that document or those documents were provided and sent and then the third one came from Mr Christopher Canton he wanted an electronic copy of all payment transactions for Winslow Township schools for fiscal year 20203 through 2024 um those documents were compiled and sent so that's completes it and that completes it thank you Miss P moving now to our informational items Dr carer would you have any inform not at this time Mr thank you moving now board members to Old business board members would there be any old business that you would care to discuss at this time hearing none moving now to new business board members would there be any new business that you would care to discuss at this time um I would just like to at this time take a minute and thank um the um production that was put on by our High School drama and uh stage crew of It's a Wonderful Life uh it ended Saturday and it was was just excellent the uh they did a very very good job and I especially like to thank I think it's Miss Savannah Hefner who heads that up um the kids were on point the stage crew well they they met their cues they were in and out it was just a great for and and uh certainly U if any of you who are here who went um I'm hoping that you would also agree with me on that oh they they they definitely was on point as uh as Mr Shaw would attest to and in addition to that board members if you recall last meeting I ask that you mark your calendars for a training session to take place next Wednesday December 4th um at 7 pm that is being cancelled why for a very good reason because we most of us hopefully will be sitting heading towards ruers at that time for the championship game so that has been cancelled uh I've been in contact with Terry Lewis to see if she can give us another date and I'm waiting for her to get back to us okay now with regards to the um picking up on the uh the game uh as I've had a conversation with Dr Caro and uh Dr Caro can expound on that more I understand that we're going to send have buses Char so we will have fan buses so we will have chartered buses for the athletes for the football players and we will have um a couple buses to take up the band the cheerleaders and we will have some for just fans so we have to close this and finalize everything tomorrow morning hopefully by 10 o'clock so that we can get a good handle on how many fans we will have accompany the students thank you Dr Kon now it's my understanding also that if we're taking students up that we're going to need chapero room and it's my understanding that in a situation like this for every 10 students we need one chapero room that's correct so therefore board members board members I'm asking if any of you would be interested in being a chaperon for the game um yes I'm saying yes just for me well I would um I'm I have a home up there it's my second house however if you're short I will do that okay thank you any any other board member would want to make yes I will participate the Fe okay thank you and also Dr car Miss dreaden while she's not here I did speak to her and she indicated that uh she will let you know by tomorrow miss GL would you come back up to the mic please miss CLA I'm also extending and asking if you would uh be able to contact your members uh on the CAC to see to share with them what we're trying to do that we need some chaperon I think we have uh I think it's one or two Dr coo possibly two possibly two positions open and so again because we know that what the CAC is all about and what you do so um I'm asking if CAC members and and for those of us who may not know I just want you to our current citizen advisory members are Christy Renzulli Marcy thomaso Gregory wake Rosemary Hoffman Diane McKenzie Wanda glaw May Hogan Jennifer Moss F Crooks and carer Ortiz so hopefully Miss GL perhaps we can get one or two who would volunteer to be a shopping room we can get sure we get two people okay well no more than two no more than two she said two people but Mrs P I know but Mrs Ortez will not be participating okay okay thank you Miss GL so at this time um board members moving now to public comments M thank you mad thank you madam president the Windslow Township Board of Education highly values the input of citizens in making the important decisions that affect the children of our community we believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all of our citizens have the opportunity to attend school board meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board can conduct the important business of the district we ask the speakers follow the following guidelines for making public comment the board secretary will recognize those individuals in the audience who wish to make comment kindly respect the following procedures one all members of the public attending school board meetings must treat each other and the board with respect two please State your full name and your town of residence three please limit your com to 4 minutes four submit your questions to the board in the event we're unable to answer them and provide your name address and telephone number where you can be contacted and your questions will be answered within a reasonable time frame and lastly individuals offering citizen comment are not permitted to make any personal attacks on any District employee board member other testifier or member of the public thank you madam president I'm asking for motion to approve our moving into public comment portion motion to move into public comments move by Mr Shaw second by Mr asku all in favor I any n thank you Miss [Music] Bole yes madame president um Andrea dobins good evening my name is Andre I just wanted to come up here [Music] follow we people walk all the way from Hollow to crosswalk over in order to cross their today when I was leaving the school I [Music] must every other school district that has a [Music] school once again I'm asking for you also to talk to the town so we get present because there's no reason why another thing I also want to address is a teacher and have come here and I've also G to the special education group as well and told them to something teach my child is special educationr very always challenged and we're not do to en our kids who highly intelligent school when I address the special education well they just have they're in [Music] violations teach class special education with other class because we don't have teachers that other class the teacher [Music] so we have a program where if you're new and contract years that you all Association order to [Music] implement town homes and have now [Music] our was working they're all to CH because because short every herein [Music] Mr Gerald [Music] mcmanis hi my name is jerem Manis I'm herland mail [Music] address um I was Rec L one elction for an unexpired term and I know I was speaking with a good counselor a little earlier I just wanted to uh make sure since it was an unexpired seat but I believe I should be seated probably sooner than later because I haven't received any I haven't received any correspondence from anybody as far as either get myself printed some of the other processes that are involved in SE Bo so I didn't know if this is the right form but I would really appreciate you guys yeah I appreciate you reaching out and uh I did speak with Mrs Bole about it our our business administrator and board secretary Mrs Bole uh on the um issue with regard to doing the criminal background check I advise Mr mcmanis that um once the results are certified he's correct he's filling in unexpired term he's he's now eligible since it's been certified to now request the fingerprinting and background check that's required before he can take his seat he's entitled to take his seat as soon as that can come in it does not have to wait to the new year because of the unexpired term he fills it immediately upon meeting all the criteria so can he get with you or meet with you and discuss with you how that's done yes we can send him the information historically we wait until we get the certification from the state um but on U Mr Long's advice we'll get the inform get you the information so you can start that process and again once you do get your fingerprinting you can be um born in um our next board meeting is December 11th so hopefully it could come in by that time if not we're at our reorder uh rather than sending it to me you mind it terribly if I uh shut up the office to pick it up no problem whatsoever awesome and then if I somehow get this more sooner than later I I believe I can volunteer to be a sh on that trip guys late to that that be great thank you see welcome okay Devon Davis Devin Davis Devin good evening Transportation come to school and get home um issues that I'm having far as guideline that states that my daughter is not allowed to on another bus not our was involved home up being dropped off off the principal I was told thatter never [Music] even I wasn't notified they alsoi [Music] aare off this is have my she just as [Music] aent I'm sitting up there and my go H another bus got and he wases [Music] that that that's well from the from the board's perspective Mr Mr Davis that is something that Administration has jurisdiction over and so Dr car Mr Davis once a student has assigned a bus that is the bus the only bus that they can ride unless the administration uh makes a change so for your daughter not to get on her bus and get on another bus it was a violation because she was never assigned the second bus every student gets a bus assignment at the beginning of the school year you receive the assignment the bus that your daughter will be on she has to be on that bus the entire year unless the Administration has removed her and with regard to dealing with things that happened after the school hours so we are responsible for transportation to and from school so that means that she she still falls under our student code of conduct if any violation occurs So based on what you've said and I don't know very much about the incident that you're referring to the first violation that your daughter has is not getting on her bus and there is a penalty associated with that if something occurred as a result of her being in the wrong place and not getting on her bus we are going to enforce the student code of conduct uh [Music] [Music] so so this was [Music] already about this I that they should already but my daughter involved in incident there was other parents involved and just that right right yes my for hopp but at the same time all scho property not the other part so I understand so with regard to U parents being involved yes we have absolutely nothing to do with that something happened in your neighborhood and parent is involved I would suggest that you call the police it's not a school issue then our only issues that we will deal with would be that of the student okay thank you Mr Davis can't read the first initial but the last name is pill since the last time I was here and um into a meeting address some concerns excuse me what's your first initial just for our record okay yay thank you um I want to thank you for allowing the opportunities I'm here today as a concerned parent regarding ongoing issues involving my son while I appreciate the resolution of a recent inent in which my son was hit by another student I feel it is important to highlight that the situation initially presented several discre before being address it raes concerns about how such incidents are handled and the consistency and ensuring the safety and wellbe of the student more recently my son experienced an incident with a teacher that I find trouble he was publicly humiliated in front of his peers and even the very had been [Music] buling into another classro and to demonstrate action as a part of what the teacher described as a teachable moment I must ask what does the board consider such action as a parent I view this as a form of public chaining rather than instructive teaching it is left my son and has negatively impacted his confidence and Trust in adults responsible for his education while I understand the importance of discipline and learning moments this approach does not align with creating a supportive respectful environment I would like to know how the board plans to address this type of behavior by Educators and what policies are in place to ensure that disciplinary actions are handled in ways that respect stud being furthermore I seek reassurance that all students will be treated fairly and protected from further incidents of public embarrassment and humiliation thank you for your attention to this matter I look forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing appropriate steps taken to ensure these issues are not repeated in the future thank you thank you thank you ma'am and if I can respond briefly because we're a bit handcuffed up here and sometimes it looks like we don't want to respond but we do we just can't for example it would be illegal for anybody on this board to talk about a specific issue that might involve your child or any child so we have to be very careful of what we say so there is a chain of command that begins with the teacher in the classroom the principal of the school and then up through the um administrative team that's Dr claro and Dr poti so it's got to go through that process um depending upon the level of discipline that's imposed such as a long-term um um suspension or an expulsion and I don't know what's going on here and I don't want to know um not because I don't care I'm very sorry that you're going through this actually um but I would encourage you I'm not sure where you would be on the step of teacher principal assistant superintendent superintendent but that's your that's your appropriate course under the law because no one here can say oh you know what Dr Caro why don't you just explain to us what happened so that we know in a public forum and then we're talking about your child we just we just can't do that and the board doesn't have the authority under the law to do that either that's it's an administrative as Dr Caro said earlier that's an administrative issue that you can deal with at the administration and then if there's no relief granted there there is the possibility depending upon what the discipline is that uh was rendered for you to then appeal to the board but we would we are required to do that in executive session meaning closed session outside the public purview so for us to say something to you now you can go in the principal's office and do schedule an appointment with Dr caramal Dr potit when he returns um that we can have any discussion with that one onone that that's easy and I would encourage you to pursue that Avenue and only when that Avenue is exhausted under some circumstances can the board get specifically involved but I'm sorry that you are going through that I would encourage you to follow that chain of command I follow the last time I spoke with that um well these are new incidents um have you spoken to the have you spoken to the principal yes I and how about Dr Caro yes I and how about Dr PTI Dr PO is not available yeah I I'm aware done so I'm Mr long may I interject I did have a conversation with M Miss pill and at the time she had not spoken with the building principal I believe you called the building principal around 3:20 in the afternoon she was not available and you immediately called to the central office and I said to you protocol is that you speak with the building principal so initially there was no communication there was no follow in the protocol Friday my son is school Thursday because he was so traumatized by what happened so again I'm at the board meeting because the last time that I spoke with you guys or pleaded with you guys to get some help or some resolution for my son I'm here again because it got it worse well at this time Miss Paul here what I um as um as far as the board is concerned as was explained we can absolutely speak with Administration but as of right now as far as saying to you that we can resolve the situation because we as a board we do not have all the facts we cannot say that we can resolve but what we can say as a board is that we can have since you've gone through all the steps that we can have um we can say to you that we can have a conversation with the administration to get the whole picture okay thank thank you thank you ma'am Madam president that concludes those that have signed up to speak this evening I just have something positive to say in regards to happen is that okay little so the Winston Township High School football team is going to the States but I also wanted to recognize the 10 new elite football team from the MERS who also going to Nationals in Florida um they are an elite football team that's 10 year old kids that made it to the national football team and they're in number one in the state of New Jersey and they're going to be playing against the number one teams and Across the Nation down in Florida to make it for the number one team in the United States and my grandson and my sons well my sons are the coaches and my grandson are is on the team as the quarterback so I just want to let you know it's starting from the little leag all the way up to the top so you have a lot to celebrate winow Township thank you Miss GL I see another hand up if you would just come to the mic give your name sorry I didn't sign in I'm acting up for I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said my name is Vandy Ros um I am a director with organization called an association New Jersey environmental commission and I'm here tonight because um I have an opportunity for the W School District um one of the things that we do as a nonprofit is that we a various grants and we partner with a lot of organizations like is Preservation Alliance univ ofion right now um Island preservation lines was awarded a grant through the New Jersey CP to uh install three infrastructure projects um in Lake CH both in the pands and in the highlands the Pils area Pro we're going in Amberton a Harbor Township hamton and in here in ws and um we are looking at three projects in the new Brooklyn lake lake shed two of your schools number three and six in that Lake shed and I'm here tonight to see if there's interest in doing this type of project I have some um handouts I have some handouts I didn't make I didn't make enough for everybody but I'll pass them ma'am if you would hand those to our board secretary Mrs Bole who is three down from me she'll make sure that the board gets everything there I'll take that okay thank you let this up let this opportunity is is I don't know if you know what rain infrastructure is basically putting in it's called a rain and it takes um storm water run off from roof of a building into a basically a pollinator Gard but made about 3 to six in down and it's an opportunity beautify the schools it also Happ obviously important for pollinators and the process is from uh R Crawford to come out initial site visit to the schools to look to see if there's an appropriate location you just do a walk through and if the principal or or is interested in going through the project they then come out and do a full survey of the site pull together an engineering plan for the schools and come back to you for approval and any adjustments that might be made and then we have a contract that will come out and take out the garden put in the soil men with the mulch and then we get the students involved because we want to get them out there in the dirt putting in the plants which is the fun part thinking out thinking out the garden is not much fun it's a lot of work but putting the plants is a lot of fun it's in an educational opportunity for them to learn about what purpose of it is um and also just learn about plants and pollinators flowers and then they then they take the ownership of the garden and take care of it in the future we do give support up to year or two afterwards try to replant plants U we do give a vual to maintenance on it don't just come in and put it in go way it also comes with a permanent sign thats about what G does the purpose of this is is that as right now storm water run off go off the building into the storm drains and out the creek and you know all that excess water goinging that although we've had a Dr recently we haven't had a lot of rain sure we all remember we had too much rain it causes flooding and you know water quality issues so this is a way to get the water back into the ground where belong okay I I would say this that we want to thank you for bringing that to our attention and before you leave if you could again have a brief conversation uh with our assistant superintendent and our ba I also want to state that as Winslow as a district we are very environmentally conscious because as you may or may not know uh wio uh 2023 is only two one of two um districts nationally that has been awarded uh the green ribbon so I just wanted to let you know that part of exactly it's a part of sustainability so we are well aware of that and we uh we again have been recognized for the work that we've done in that area so again if you would just take a few minutes uh uh once we adjourn and um have a conversation with our assistant superintendent in our VA okay I just wante there's no cost on this at all CED by the so it's kind of free money for you to get a sustainable project ground okay thank you very much the back of this the back actually some concept designs that R put together for both okay thank you is there contact information in here for us cards yes got you thank you when you close public Mr falan is there anybody waiting in the waiting room okay all right thank you at this time board members I'm asking for a motion to adjourn the public comment portion of our meeting motion to adjourn public comments move by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU our public portion has been adjourned moving now with regards all in favor I any n thank you at this point um I believe we uh really do not have an executive session it's your call Madam president I certainly respect that I have nothing pending to discuss an executive session thank you Mr long so Board gets very disappointed when I say oh I can see the disappointment on your faces so before on behalf of the school board I would like to say to the community that we wish you a very happy and blessed Bountiful Thanksgiving and um go Winslow Eagles I'm asking for a motion so therefore I'm asking board members for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn move by Mr Shaw second by Mr ASU all in favor thank you Happy Thanksgiving