##VIDEO ID:_UW0yuovRKM## good evening good evening evening okay here we are in another understand this is days and this is August we know how a so welcome to everyone welcome to the W Township Board of Education regular board meeting today is Wednesday August 28th 2024 public notice of this meeting was given to all board members and Associates and a notice dat in January 5 2024 adequate and electronic notice of this public meeting has been provided specified time place and manner in which the meeting is being conducted it was advertised in The Courier Post posted in all schools the administration office the municipal building the library for dual Center as elown and the W Township Post Offices this is our mission statements the mission of the wio township the mission I'm sorry of the w Township School District a large diverse and growing Community is to educate all students to become independent lifelong Learners critical thinkers and caring and confident members of their Community The District in partnership with the community and in the climate of cooperation and mutual respect will provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages students to strive for personal excellence and assist them in acquiring the knowledge know skills and attitudes necessary to contribute positively to a rapidly changing World roll call please Mr ASU present M dreadon here miss Mar pres Miss NE pres Miss Peterson present Mr sh present Mr Thomas pres and Miss P pres we have a thank you m can we stand [Music] flag United States of America stands nais andice all 2024 District V student achievement continue to implement F practices for delivering instructions to utilizing all available and appropriate instructional models this shall include a develop plans to increase the graduation rate B decrease chronic absenteeism C increase in benchmark scores in fourth grade ELA in of the Year D accountability for All District staff and stakeholders number two increase parent caregiver engagement and education a provide opportuni for two-way communication with District stakeholders and B implement the culture climate survey number three Market our strengths and achievements to all stakeholders to increase capacity for greater parent caregiver Community Support a work with the communications associate B continue with our public relations marketing plan C continue to work with the various ADV commes in the district and FOC on reing our communication methods and messages to better Market our district thank you Mr Thomas moving now board members I'm at the top of page two Awards and presentation Madam President we have no Awards or presentations this evening thank you correspondence M Madam President we have none this evening thank you m po board members at this time I'm asking for a motion to approve the minutes from our Board of Education meeting our regular meeting which was held on Wednesday August 14 2024 Open session is there a motion motion to approve the regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday August 14th 20124 Open Session move by Miss Martin second by m Dre any comments or questions hear on roll call please Mr as yes M Dre yes M Martin yes Miss NE yes M Peterson obain Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss pit yes motion has carried thank you m moving now board members to our board committee Report with report out our athletic committee yes Madam president there is a brief report conductive conversation with Mr as Mr John by to meetings you all discuss very achievements of upcoming events for the 2024 season the focus of the discussion was on our significant accomplishment in Atlantic region and the anticipation of the upcoming athletic events key key points discussed was the 2024 Atlantic accomplishment we highlighted our major achievements in the Atlantic region of 2024 this includes our leadership in various coordinating events our strategic growth in in the athletic Community girls feature track a special announcement was made regarding success by girls track team notably we have a standout 14-year-old standout athlete who's currently ranked as one of the top performers in the country third Winslow football team a question was raised during the discussion and that question is are you ready for some Winslow football this is in reference to the highly anticipated return of our Winslow football team which has secured the sectional Championship twice in the last three years years the team will take the field on Friday at 5:00 pm against Mount Clair and this is a great ex excitement surrounding this event September 7th athletic Community Day we outlin the schedule for upcoming athletic Community Days of September 7th we will feature a rarity a variety of sports events including boys and girls soccer girls volleyball Phil hockey tennis that day will culminate with the football team fa off against High we are expected and enthusiastic on the turnout in the in the Vibrant Community atmosphere noted Highland has given some of our coex employees opportunity so that should be a good game in conclusion the conversation was insightful and set the stage for exciting and successful uh season our achievement in 2024 has position us strongly in the Atlantic region and with the support of key figures committee members like Mr sha and ask you we are all prepared for the upcoming events the excitement around our athletic Community particularly the return of the windo football team is pal and we look forward to continued success please feel free to reach out in any further details of required meeting adjourn next meeting September 24th 2024 2 o'cl thank you Mr Davis any comments questions on Mr Davis Mr th Mr Thomas Mr Thomas report thank you Mr Thomas moving next now uh citizens advisory committee would it be report this month or there is no report at this time however our meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 4th at 7M in the administration building okay thank you m Martin the report out of the education committee yes there is madam president the education committee meeting was called to order at 4M attendance board members Rita Martin and Julie Peterson committee chair administrative Dr darthy quaco assistant superintendent and education committee Le liazon members discussion topics a summer school number of students invited was 396 102 accepted and 53 actually attended anticipated student enrollment data at this point is 4,900 Plus staff development the teacher training academy number attending was 152 teachers the new early childhood education center at the Shirley B Foster Elementary School in chisler Hurst wooo what an exciting exciting thing anticipated student enrollment 105 students special learning environment features indoor play center indoor reading garding Garden Lego gear and leather walls sensory paths water and sand sens centers fence outdoor recreational area ribbon cutting ceremony was held yesterday at 10:00 a.m. and wow what a wonderful building kudos to all that did that um e accessibility of the gifted and talent Pro program information for parents gifted and talented pupils policy 2464 adopted on March 3rd 2010 revised adopted April 11th 2017 revised and adopted on November 24 2020 was discussed at the March 24 meeting educational committee and reported in the school board meeting minutes of March 24 the policy includes the following process middle School step one administrators review data points for multiple measures including test scores grades and teacher recommendations from the Upper Elementary School step two students are placed in various courses based on multiple measures High School identification process the process by which students are evaluated and admitted to the high school gifted and talented program is as follows step one it administrators review data points for multiple measures including test scores grades and teacher recommendations from the upper elementary schools step two students are placed in the various courses based on multiple measures the education committee will review the accessibility of policy on District's website this summer next committee meeting is scheduled for 4 pm on Tuesday September 17th via WebEx meeting adjourned at 510 thank you m comments questions on education rep Madam president I don't have a question but I'd like to just point something out uh to the board members and the community um as a result of Mrs Martin's report she indicated that the school district provided a summer school we invited 396 students to participate in our summer school we received 102 acceptance letters but only 53 students attended our summer school that means 343 students did not come to get the additional services that we uh uh have available to them and these are young people who we identified who was in need of the additional services so again uh I want to point that out because we continue to try to provide as much um supplemental services to the young people uh based on their uh academic achievement their growth and a lot of our young people or the parents uh have not taken advantage of that program uh that we felt was very important for those young people so I just wanted to point that out because it's very very important thank you Dr that very moving now would there be a report out of the marketing committee uh yes the marketing committee met today at 6m here in the administration building uh at 6m pres were myself Mr Shaw Mr ASU and Mr Dion Davis from the administration uh we recapped uh National Night Out and h family day uh we briefly discussed back to school night and board members participation in back to school nights possibly um just with the suggestion of attending your home school back to school night so we have a presence there um also discuss board members attending at least one HSA meeting um at their respective home school again just to keep that board member Community Connection um we' asked Mr Davis for an update on our website and how that was going um we discussed a new OnCourse roll out for parents that replace the Genesis um in my experience it seems to have gone well I didn't have any issues accessing it for my children um another thing we discussed was possibly uh the board collaborating to put out our own quarterly newsletter depending on the capabilities of the new website um we also discussed having a districtwide calendar with all of our events throughout the school year that would be accessible to the community so they would see what was coming up in all of our schools um I did reach out to the contact I had at the uh winow Township for the newsletter we had discussed possibly um having an ad in the spring issue um so because we did not meet the deadline to do both fall and spring would be charged for just a single issue rate which would be 52 $5 uh it's a quarter of a page uh so those dimensions are 7.5 in high 3.75 Ines wide so a quarter of a standard 8 and a half by 11 um we would need to submit our ad by February 4th with the March 25th um mail date to Township homes um we discussed the feasibility of what type of information we could put on a small space um and Mr Davis had the the suggestion of you know it need to be our logo and a QR code um would probably be the best use of space if we did decide to go that route because at least with placing a QR code you know we would have access to change what was on that QR code for instance maybe a link to the landing page of the district calendar something along those lines so we weren't boxed in to you know time time deadlines um and then we also discuss the direction of the marketing meeting going forward and once we flush out our district goals for the for for the next school year we can further figure out how we can support the district goals and meeting adjourned at 635 thank you Miss NZ board members would the be any questions or comments Miss Nez I just have one question what with regard regards to of the newsletter that we possibly would be uh contributing to the township newsletter what was the figure doll amount uh $525 and that would be for what a quarter page or a quarter of a page quarter of a page and you um just to repeat the deadline if we decide to go forward with that we would have to have whatever materials we have in by to them by February yes okay thank you I just wanted clarification on that board members so if you can recall when we last talked about um being a part of a contributing to the township U newsletter we had a figure that was a bit higher than that however what I'm saying now what I'm asking now for comments and perhaps even um to decide whether or not we're going to go forward with that at that price because this is the end of August and February will be here uh very very soon and we need to certainly um relying on our marketing committee to put together what we want to put in that news uh the township newslet so what I'm asking here tonight is can I get some comments or even a motion with regards to going forward um with that amount Madam president I can comment on that I'm just being a fan of of making sure that the community is informed in every aspect in every platform not just social media not just via television but via magazine too and these articles do go into every household in wi Township and anytime we can get into a anybody household with our school district is considered engagement and I would I would think this is an important part of engaging are if we can get a 100 people out of them 46 uh uh 4600 households to look at it and and get some information about of it I think it's well worth the money that is doing that and we can put things in there that we've already achieved and letting letting the community know how great our school what we have done giving them updates on the school we just open so it's a place in the in the community that I think we should occupy thank you Mr Thomas any other any other comments Madam president I tend to agree with Mr Thomas I think this is um for for that price it's an opportunity to get into all the households within Winslow and I we talked in the marketing committee meeting about using a QR code which means that any information that we could put in there could be um always updated and and can be ongoing so whatever information we decide can be tied into the landing on the thank you Mr ask any other comments yes uh um Madam president I agree with everything that's been said thus far um but I'm trying to visualize a quarter of a page and how much information can you really get into a quarter of a page um so I'm not sure exactly what information uh we still have a lot of time between now and February um but we have to be um I I think we need to really think about what we want to put in because it's not a lot of space okay thank you with the QR code it allows you to take that minimized space and open that up with the information you want to direct it to so by utilizing the Q R code you're opening up that quarter of a page to more so you're actually taking that quarter of a page and giving yourself a lot more volume by redirecting it so you can expand your informational usage to all those households that we have in Winslow including the new residents that are going to come into the new housing that we're putting that's going in the Windslow Township as well so it's a when Mr Davis came up with the QR code idea it actually made more sense because I really was on the fence about a quarter of a page because you can't really do anything with a quarter of a page okay any other comments okay board memb here's what I'm asking for is would there be a motion at this time to approve the idea of going forward and the cost is there is there a motion motion to um to accept the quarter page ad for the uh wiet Township uh newsletter in the amount of $525 with the deadline being February and the issue being put out in March the understanding that the quarter page would include a QR code thank you m Martin is there a second second okay I had a second down here who said it first you can give it to M give it to M okay so the motion is on the floor as you heard from uh presented put forth by m Martin and second by m Dre any further comments on that okay hearing none I'm going to ask for a um a roll call Mr ASU yes M dreon yes Miss Martin yes Miss NE yes Miss Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thom yes and Miss yes the motion has thank you so therefore um M NE it seems that you have the green light to go forward moving now to the operations committee do it be report out of the operations committee yes it will Madam president thank you madam president Board of the operations committee met yesterday 5:30 on Tuesday 27 through reex M Dre Mr straw myself and M Chico or in attendance we discussed the the lagging I'll just say 2021 project the school six main office the project did not close down it speak to the architect and uh he says he's waiting for the vendor just to give one piece information which is the um certific ific of completion of the co from the township that the work has been inspected and the second thing is we discussed a c couple of capital projects which are moving along now the circulation PS at schools 1 2 3 4 and the middle school we did have a job meeting that day the vendor is on track and ready to complete on time um one thing did cfus which are starters we may have to replace some of them so we're requesting prices the second project is the Middle School facade repairs and painting that job meeting is scheduled for tomorrow the good thing is Defender requesting a walk through a substantial completion punchless walk through which means they think they're done we hope they're we hope they're right not that we don't like them we just want them to leave everybody's coming back but anyway that problem there looks like it's on target as well uh some of the things that we did this summer is at school five we repaired retain it reced the gym floor which have been damaged by water U and we are ordered new exterior doors for that gym to prevent the water from coming in we repl flooring in the main office we just full F and repay it all to the stairwells in school 4 they eved replace VCT into classrooms at the middle school rep plac the carpet in the library school one they evaded and replaced BCT in the main office of gy floors were recoded at schools four six middle and high this is in addition to school five and at the high school we have planned the replacement of lockers in the visitor locker room those materials have have been boarded when they come in we'll get that project taken care of as was discussed earlier we had the Rhythm cutting at the onow Child Development Center at shy Foster school a lot of effort time went into that project with Dr car I just had to call her you know nice job that was pretty that was it was a nice um and well supported project moving on the forward we're going back to revisit some projects that we have in the wings they High School HB the upgrade plan's going to complete that project we're going to the bid spec to the Office of the State consol the school 6 pbac the grant agreements executed we just have to have the vendor design the plan and get that out B and school five upgrade for hpac I've had discussions with EI the new architect of record and they have been out that it they dance a little differently than than we do I'm like oh we don't want to give you the old price no no no no so it's just a matter of you know learning how to chop CH together I see or whatever um but it's been very positive they have been out here they've looked at a couple of our sites and it's very confident um we have also been engaged in and I'll say too the Clos out of the 2324 fiscal year budget we received TPA at final percentages which is the teacher pension and employe fund that was the last document for information we needed in order to finalize the close out so you'll get we did Supply draft financials in August will be to Def Final in September and then we reviewed the Arps are funds for nearing the end of that project period so getting all those numbers together making sure as the county calls it no dollar left behind so they want to make sure we we spend all the funds if you don't you have to get it back don't anything back we don't even want them to ask for anything and then we just briefly review some of the projects that we have this year we just have to get them out of the gate and then the meeting adjourned at 5:53 and the next meeting scheduled for com report thank you moving now to the policiy report the policy committee met um August 22nd 20 before virtually uh present at that policy committee meeting was board members Mr John Shaw Mr Anthony ASU M R Martin and myself Carol p administrator and attendance Mr Deion Davis Director of Human Resources uh if you will note uh especially on page three you will see also a list of the policies that we uh discussed which were policy 0141 which spoke to board member board member numbers and term which was rised as we all know our board consists of nine members and each member has a three-year term policy number 0141 point2 uh spoke to board member number and term of of a receiving District then we move to regulation 2200 which spoke to it's a mandated regulation the curriculum content then next policy and regulation number 31 60 which spoke to the physical examination and the specifics for teaching staff that a particular policy has been revised next policy and regulation number 4160 also physical examination that particular policy spoke to uh support staff that was revised in policy 5350 St uh student suicide prevention we discussed follow policy 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity and advisors and assistance and we move then to policy number 01646 which spoke to remote public board meetings during the clar emergency uh that particular policy was abolished and the second policy policy number 7321 which spoke to uh gifts from vendors that was also that has also been abolished the meeting concluded um about 4:40 the next policy committee will take place on September 26 2024 it will be virtual and at 4M that concludes the committee meeting on policy any questions comments on the policies we do have the thank you board members moving now I'm at the top page three I'm asking for a motion to approve the superintendent report as it begins at the top of Page Three and continues through to the bottom of page seven is there a motion motion to approve the superintendent report that begins on page three letter a and goes through to page 7 principles update by Miss Martin second by m Dre any further comments or questions no hearing on roll call please Mr ask yes Miss dreon yes Miss Martin yes Miss yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss P yes motion has carried thank you Mr Bo moving now board members I'm asking for a motion to approve the business administrative Bo secretary report as it appears on page 8 continues through to the bottom of page 12 is there a motion motion to approve the bu business administrator or secretary's report begins on page eight letter a and continues through to page 12 moveed by Miss Martin second by Miss Dre any further comments or questions hearing on Roll Mr ask yes M yes m Martin yes Miss me yes Miss Peterson yes Mr yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss yes motion car thank you m mov the board members on the top of page 13 I'm asking for a motion to approve the Personnel report as it begins at the top of Page Three continues through to the bottom of page 15 is there a motion motion to approve the Personnel report that begins on page 13 letter A goes through to page 15 second mooved by Miss Martin second by Miss D any further comments or questions hearing n rooll call please Mr as yes m d yes Miss Martin yes Miss NE yes Miss Peters yes Mr sha yes Mr Tom yes and Miss yes thank you Mr Roy this time board members I draw your attention to our agenda and at this time I'm going to ask for a motion to approve the superintendent report as it appears on our agendum letter A on page one is there a motion motion to approve the superintendent report letter a page1 second move by Miss Martin second by Miss dread any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ask yes M Dre yes Miss yes M yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss yes motion has carried thank you Miss P moving now board member I'm looking at the board secretary's report ask you for a motion to approve that report as as it begins at the middle of phase one and it continues through to the top of page four is there a motion motion to accept the board secretary's report that begins at the bottom of page one and continues through to page the top of page four move by Miss Martin second by Miss Dre any further comments or questions I have one brief question with regards to that on page page two the uh press for proposal the behaviors Consultation Services M are these all of the vendors who applied is that is that yes okay yes there were one two three four five listed across the top right so there were five vendors they gave us various pricing um and then since it's an RFP it is evaluated so there was a team that evaluated it all of the proposals that came in and they selected first children learning service at which would be the third one and they're they're um the amount that that this they charge $100 an hour yeah but again with an RFP it it it's an evaluation of several factors and um cost is just one of several thank you do we have a consultant already in place so who was it that already place first children hearing um no no further comments or question roll call please Mr ask yes Miss yes Miss Martin yes Miss n yes Miss Peterson yes Mr shw yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss P yes motion has carried thank you moving now board members I'm on page four I'm asking for a motion to approve the Personnel report as it appears um on our agendum beginning with page four and it goes through to the bottom of page five is there a motion motion to approve the Personnel report that begins at the on the middle of page four and completes itself on page five second by Miss Martin second by Miss Dre any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ask yes M yes M Martin yes M yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss P yes motion has thank you m board members returning to our agenda page 18 M Madam president before we proceed may I interject yes uh as we normally do when we have the administrator we ask to be present at his school board meetings yeah uh Miss Gibson is here tonight miss Gibson is the new assistant principal at the high school uh just for those of you who may not know Miss Gibson is a graduate of adid high school M Gibson after the cols came back to Winslow she's been teaching at Winslow Township High School ever since and um we are glad to have her thank [Applause] you we know she'll do a phenomenal job and she still looks like a college thank you so much that's because we treat it right thank you congratul uh moving now board members um open public records act Miss Bo yes Madam yes Madam president between the period of August 9th and August 22nd we've responded to two open public record CL one from Jeffrey Star from karton scafford and he was requesting information pertaining to our October 23 and February 2024 uh Billings for our water um um they wanted it for three sites the high school the middle school and school one when when we responded that school one was well they asked us to provide it for school two said okay so we so we it it it's in according to the request they're they're trying to determine uh water usage throughout schools for another CL so it's just informational okay all right that answers my question right that's why they wanted the total occupancy includ including student staff so they're going to do some some comparatives okay um and then the second one was from Deltech and they wanted electronic copy of the specifications and any other documents pertaining to the lease for GPS system tracking and Management Services which was bid 20252 um and that information was provided thank you m will moving on Doc uh board members we're at the point where we um are moving to our informational items Dr po yes uh Madam president members of the board and Community I have a few information items uh we're excited about the opening of the new school year um but I am reminded of the numerous conversations that I had with parents uh during the course of last year particularly at the end of last year and into the summer months um so most of our conversations were about sa and as a result I submitted a letter as I normally do welcome students back to school but I specifically um pointed out about safety and the student code of conduct for this year not that it hasn't been enforced in previous years but we're going to strictly enforce uh the student code of conduct year because um I wanted to make sure that the parents who have been asking questions about safety they expect their children to be in a safe School environment the students in staff expect a safe School environment um so I just want to say um tonight that we are going to work with our parents during the course of this year and dealing with of safety um but I assured those parents uh during my conversations um that the fighting the assaults the bullies um those individuals walk in the Halls not going to class uh in the bathrooms doing everything that they shouldn't be doing uh those young people who are just constantly disruptive disrespectful um refuse to go to class um we're not going to tolerate it this year I think we owe it to the parents and the overwhelming majority of the young people who come to school to do the right thing that small percentage of young people who constantly keep things in disarray and are disrupting the instruction uh we're going to deal with them we're going to deal with them according to our uh student code of conduct and um as I had my superintendent meetings with young people and parents toward the end of school year I asked the young people um the same question why do you come to school and the parents why do you send your child to school and if you're not coming to school to learn then these young people going to have to make a decision and unfortunately we're going to assist them in making that decision uh we're going to as I said continue to work with without young people uh but ladies and gentlemen if young people do not come to school to learn then they need not be there and we will take the necessary steps to address those young people accordingly but we must maintain safety in our schools our schools must be safe for our students and our staff and I promise those parents and I'm promising all of the parents of this community we are going to have safe schools and the district and for those young people who do not want to conform to the rules and regulations the student code of conduct will be dealt with ACC court and if that means they continue their education um at home if it means need uh submitting names to the board uh for expulsion or whatever it may be um we're going to take those steps however everyone starts a new come September 3D we start a new we don't carry over any type of disciplinary records or anything of that sort but I've said to the principles and I and I'm serious and I'm going to hold them accountable for the safety of their buildings you need to enforce uh the student code of conduct your teachers need to be prepared to teach um have lesson plans ready keep young people on task um I ask to have Cor on Support over the years U this year U Mrs pets members of the board members of the community we need to step it up Ange we truly need to and we need to again and I know I've been redundant but I want to uh emphasize again and again and again safety is first and foremost all right another issue I just want to address briefly is the cronic absenteeism that we uh are dealing with um again we will be constant communication with that parents however by law any student who does not come to school for 20 consecutive days by law they have to be removed from our Roes we cannot and the state does not allow you to keep ghost students on your role quote unquote to P your attendance so after 20 consecutive days those young people will be removed and if the parents want to reenroll them they will have to come through uh the enrollment process all over again meet with bu principles address some of those issues in addition to that we have young people who do come to school off and on but not regularly who contribute to the chronic absenteeism this year once those young people reach 20 days of absence after theyve received their Five Day letter their 10 day letter their 15 day letters after 20 days we are going to recommend those young people to dieap um it's not diapers anymore Department of Children and Families um we've tried everything uh to deal with this uh but the parents have an obligation through compulsory attendance that these young people should be in school so we're going to take it another step further again we're going to be working with our parents but if a person is out for 20 days and we do not have any communication from the parents we do not have any medical records no type of medical notes from doctors or anything of that sort then we have no other choice but to make that recommendation ladies and gentlemen we have been dealing with young people who have 40 50 60 70 days absence from school on a regular basis and uh again that contributes to our graduation rate it contrib to our um passing rate it contributes to our Testo success there is a strong correlation with attendance and achievement uh so we need to start doing some things uh here to address the concerns that we know we have and we are going to take the steps uh that we feel necessary to address them again working with the parents through the process hopefully we can get um uh cooperation from them and uh make some differences in what we're trying to do on behalf of our young people and um uh lastly uh no not lastly I'm sorry I have two more uh School four and I know we've already uh approved that school night um I spoke to uh Mrs Kelly and school for back to school night has been changed from September the 12th to September night now of course she'll be making uh those uh changes uh beforehand information will go out to the parents but I just want to make sure that I announc it here tonight and she'll be making H contact with her parents in the school letting them know that that back to school night has been changed now lastly and I know uh it has already been mentioned uh about a rivon cutting ceremony yesterday um I just want to take this opportunity need to thank some of the other people who really go unnoticed for the work that needs to be done and many of the circumstances and right now uh I want to uh thank Miss uh Sandy pinck and the building and grounds crew uh not only with all the other things they had to do if you go into our buildings you'll see that they are clean wellmaintained as they always have U but the work that needed to be done to get um our early childhood education uh program up and running in a very short window of time people had to be over there every day into the night in order to make it happen so miss pin uh on behalf of the administration board I want to thank you and your crew all of the maintenance and grounds people done a phenomenal job and I would just want to thank you and of course uh uh Miss pits I would be remiss if I didn't thank all the individuals who came out from chur and from wso uh we had a great turnout and that's what community and education is all about wasn't that great to have so many parents and children um it's amazing what we can do when you work together and I'm hoping we'll be able uh to do the same kinds of things this year within our uh community and addressing some of these concerns it will be a community approach we're going to do everything we uh can do to make this not only a save but a vibrant uh community and vibrant educational uh system and working together so I just want to personally uh and publicly thank everyone who came out yesterday uh to help us celebrate that new program that concludes my um information items for this evening thank you Dr any comments Bo m I just had one thing that I wanted to clarify Dr k um in reference to those 20 absences we're talking about unexcused unexcused yes and uh Mr n there also mentioned that if they don't have doctors so usually young people are out uh excuse their parents provide us with a letter a note of some sort because we know you can't get a doctor's appointment in two days it's almost impossible U but send us notes letting us know that your child had a certain illness those are acceptable but longterm illnesses of course then you need your doctor's Nots um but what we're dealing with and what we're going to address uh those young people who accumulate 20 30 40 days parents aren't communicating with us we don't hear from them after numerous attempts numerous letters and the youngsters of course is still part of our educational um school system but by law they should be in school and we need to make sure that the families are going to be accountable for these young people to come to school all right dides that answer your question M yes and just to clarify also four latenesses are also one at the high school um four Laten is it's equivalent to one absence all of these uh has not changed U the rules regulations policies procedures as it pertains to the high school middle school and all of our schools are in the handbook there has not been any changes at all of course you know we changed our cell phone policy last year so that goes into effect that's why I didn't address it tonight but everything is in place and for those parents who've been in this community over the years this isn't anything new it's just a matter of us and me telling the building principles to communicate to the teachers uh we need to set it up we we need to uh hold everyone accountable we need to make sure uh that our school's safe and that's the bottom line we we need to make sure our school thank you moving now our board members we still on the old business um I do have something I want to say yes yes um just just I got three things I want to say one's a caveat um i s on some other communties within the township one the Council committee and I pointed out to them that the number one employer yeah I still on the economic development uh County Commission and I sent out a letter to them as well the number one employer in the country is public schools so anytime you have a community that's opening schools it's definitely a plus a lot of things is a spin-off from schools opening in the community that's number one number two I'm I'm I'm asking that the board allow me to get uh a copy or a schedule uh for our studio 106 digital media program of what events they're going to be doing this year um I know they did a lot of football games and stuff last year but I like the market I like to let the community know about what events will be televised where they can see it so we can engage in that platform as well with our events that are having that they're going to be at and they're gonna be televised just so we can get a preliminary schedule I know that's not in this entirety but just a preliminary schedule of what they'll be doing this year so we can tie into that also that so Dr PO is that a possibility uh I will speak with Mr Ingram uh the teacher for our TV production program and to find out whether or not he can provide us with a schedule of televis programs or activities during the course of the year I'm I'm quite sure he can provide us with something yes Mr Thomas yeah that's that's perfect say that's that's whatever he can and number two as I sent to the board as you all well know we are planning a uh a we uh Hall of Fame which we understand that the school is not sponsored but we are looking for some type of collaboration with it it is also non tax deductible it goes towards the wi booster club we have 12 inductors that we going to be inducting and I was asking wondering if we could put a little something up on our website um I got a I got uh some some footage that we can just put up on our website so if people are looking to come and they can know about it we it can fall right in line with not just student achievement but student achievement for uh the past and the presents we got a new Edgewood uh uh Personnel here I'm sure she she can feel proud about that because we're trying to bring Ed back and the for just to post that up on the website if possible sorry so Mr thas that um of course I'm sure you going your what is is exactly that you want just just to just to post that on the website okay now for this event will there be a program it will be a program book is going to be at we we're we're in meetings every other week uh to really formulate that and as I get information I will simp disseminate information as you well know I'm you know I'm I'm a platform so social media GE so the questions are coming responses are coming we do as feel as though this is going to be a a goto an event so the date for that event the DAT for that event is October the 25th on a Friday at 6:30 we play Cherokee the next day here at 26 so we we we trying to make that a w winning weekend for the community and we just want to make sure that you know we we're involving everybody and giving everybody an opportunity to be a part of of the successful event okay certainly one way that us at the board take ad that would be that would be wonderful once again like you said we're we're really um you know we are doing some fundraising to try to make sure that we get the appropriate things and make this not just an event for district but EV the township to come celebrate our achievements within the so any support that we can have with that um any Mark or capability to have and we think it's going I think we'll be maybe 11 and0 by that day okay so sounds good and and our number one contendant will be the next day so be a nice pet rally for us to really uh I'll put this motion Mr Thomas ask just a couple questions sure can I call you about this yes absolutely you can okay call you about this this is not a problem but just call you about this and um members of the board I know that last meeting we stated that we would support this activity because it does um include w low is with they all of our students anyway um I'm expecting at some point um a use of facilities document because we will be in the building that Saturday for the wall of fame and those induct Fe so just so that we cover all bases we need to have um a use of facilities because we will have people coming in that so that comes from well if Mr Thomas is going to spearheaded um I said to be correct uh Mrs B said that's already been taken care thank you Mr Thomas we're good thank you m b so we good because I just wanted to make sure all the bases are covered um because the building will be open I want to make sure everybody's going to be able to move freely back and forth and our insurance and all the liabilities are taken care Mr Bull say that's been done so Mr Thomas we good to go thank you sir that M Thomas any further moving along now with the regards to Old business and new business I just wanted to also mention that um this um that this past family day that was held Saturday um was was also a um a great Township event and certainly the board did participate we had a table there we had um a raffle we raffled off um 12 very fully packed uh fully packed backpacked and I just want to um say and thank the board members for giving up the time um for that day was uh was Mr Mr Thomas Miss Peterson Miss Martin Miss dreaden and Mr ASU and so it was a full day and also I would just like to end by saying I'm G to call there were seven we did have a raffle but there were seven people who did not come forward perhaps maybe because they had left and I'm just going to also give these this list to miss Bo but I just want to call off their names tonight in case anyone here may be familiar with them the seven people who did who won you know our fully packed uh bags were uh Mr Thiago Roa Michael gimnez Brenda question mark a Kim Maddox an Amar question mark a Denisha b and a c Mills and I will give that information over to um that this to miss Bo um but if anyone knows any of those individuals because I will be calling them based on the telephone number and the information that they left on their ticket so I just wanted to U put it that out there and lastly I just wanted to uh get the board's permission the board knows that certainly we do have each County does have a School Board Association uh however with Camden County Camden County and Gloucester County uh works together and they do have quarterly meetings uh it's usually held at Adelphia however I've been contacted by New Jersey School uh New Jersey School Board Association and we all are familiar with Naja Naja hackins and what Naja has done is she has asked if indeed we wio could host the County School Board Association meeting right here just as you said Mr Thomas keep the ball rolling and so as I said they have quarterly meetings and she is asking um if indeed she could hold that um glester County campon County meeting which um is put out to all school board members in those two counties for December 3 she would like to know if indeed we would be willing to host that meeting at December thir in the particulars I will um soon as I hear exactly how you feel about it then I can get back to her because Yi set up in the dinner fashion she has said in her email that um she would would want to work with um with our sedexo so board member I need to know are we willing to host the Gloucester Camden County School Board association's portly meeting Madam president Miss Martin yes and can we get that in motion yes like to make a motion for the Candon County SL cluster County County meeting be held at wub Township School District on December 3rd move by Miss Martin second by Miss dread all in favor I any NS thank you board members I'll be contacting m m na Haskins tomorrow any other old business yes M president I apologize for not being here last meeting I wanted to know the status of Coach shenik Brown's Banner that we had indicated we wanted to have up upon U opening of school and so and I believe we had indicated that uh because you do that very well that uh we would look to you to design that banner and provide that Banner for us or or would you want um the administration just ensure that we had the correct spelling and everything else and it was South Jersey Southern New Jersey Co if I can get that information yes you would do the banner yes okay board members how do we feel are we okay with that yes okay there you go Peterson is that all you need all the information I can design oh and okay and we will we will um present that at um the uh whatever board member FS once that's completed we will present that to let her her and her family know that that's uh that we will be honoring her with that Banner if I can get the information tomorrow you will have it within a couple of days excellent excellent thank you Miss Peterson any any other old business new business board members new business all right Miss Peters um I noticed and I just wanted to ask Dr Pro was there someone videotaping yesterday at the opening yes we had um a Professional Organization is that going to be uploaded to our website the gentleman told us within 10 to 11 days he could provide us with uh the video that was our intention on uh posting that information on our website thank you it was a wonderful experience thank you okay so once we get everything back we'll we'll take care thank you Mr thank you madam president uh public comment the Windville Township Board of Education highly values the input of citizens in making important decisions that affect the children of our community we believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all of our citizens have an opportunity to attend school board meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board conduct important business of the district we ask the speakers follow the following guidelines for making public comment the board secretary will recognize those individuals in the audience wishing to make comment we'd ask that you respect the following procedures one all members of the public attending Schoolboard meetings must treat each other and the board with respect two please state your name and your town of residents three please limit your comments to four minutes uh four submit your questions in the event we can't answer them this evening to the board with your name address and telephone number where you can be contacted and your question will indeed be answered within a reasonable time frame and lastly individuals offering citizen comment are not permitted to make personal attacks on any District employee board member or other testifier or member of the public thank you thank you Mr board members at this time I'm asking for motion to approve our entering into public comment motion to enter into public comment move by Miss Martin second by miss all in favor any names thank you Miss Bo Madam president Madam President we have nobody that signed up on the list I don't have my there's no one on the WebEx and nobody on the WebEx I do see somebody familiar waving in the audience I don't see anybody where would you like to sign in yes since you know the procedures started a minut m good evening good can I yeah it's a on and off button right right on top of there see just speak 30 seconds left hello helloo it's working perfect I just want to make sure anybody just watching at home can hear me as well AA Mendon 60 pen so I stand before you first I want to say on behalf of the W Township special events committee again thank you for the school board participating on Windville family day um we really appreciate having you out there secondly I want to bring to your attention and which Dr B you and I have discussed it a little but I do have more detail information and I'll make sure you have this as well so back early this year back in January our governor Murphy and our uh lieutenant governor wall as well partners ship with the Department of Education um to uh write a legislation for bipartisan um Civic engagement among our students so you know this coming year is our coming general election that's coming up so this uh legislation which is uh legislation ases in Sam 2304 81271 um allows public school students grades 6 through 12 to have one excuse at per year for a Civic event the event has to be sponsored by a government entity a community based organization or a nonprofit um so they do allow students from grades 6 through 12 one of the things that um I'm looking at implementing and I'm working with Dr P Dr B on that is getting our 17 and 18 year olds they are eligible now to work at the CL so we all know that 17 year olds can register but they can't vote until they turn 18 one of the things we're looking at now because it's such a big election is to engage our young people more into it and so our governor has proposed this and has written it into a legislation for this particular reason it started back in the primaries back in June they were pushing the voter registration week back in May all week long they wanted to encourage Community organizations residents to push voter registration for the primaries well now guess what the general election is on his way and so we want to be able to um speak and and talk with our young people especially our high schoolers 17 and 18 because they are eligible to work at the F if you're 17 you can only work half a day but if you're 18 you can work a full day and again it is um a lot of an excuse absence one per year um for a Civic engagement so I wanted to bring that before the board um because we're hoping to get some of our 17 and 18 year olds from the high school signed up to work at the polls uh hoping to work in conjunction with our Camden County Board of Elections um to work on that and kind of partner with the district to be able to come in share this within also sign young people who are interested training will be provided as well but we're working out the details but again I want to stand before the board to um make everyone aware of it plus to share what the legislation um number is so again is s is a Sam 2304 a is an apple 1271 again please yes ESS Sam 234 slash a an apple 1271 now this is proposed has it been oh this is already has beened January 16th 24 so already s would be the S would be the Senate Bill be the assembly Bill and out of if you track the legislation you will come to a conclusion of what was ultimately approved right so this was put in place with the Department of Education as a partnership to increase uh civil engagement among our young audience meaning our students so m m you'll be um pleased to know that M Mr Davis just advised me that at our September policy committee meeting that is what we will be discussing in recomend attend policy is on the Slate perfect okay perfect any other questions uh you forgot to mention that um the young people will be paid yes there is a p so that's one of the yes so we're hoping that we're hoping that that would encourage aiz them one because of the day off from school how many kids don't want to day off in school but also they will be paid for their services but hopefully this will be an educational lesson for them to learn about our legislative Government hard works and also that it starts critical at the local level so it ain't always about the presidential election it starts with your local elections who your senators are who your legislators are in your District so these are key things um that we want to teach our young people working at the poll so I definitely looking forward to um getting it date on the calendar Dr I will be reaching out to you sending you all the additional information and then hopefully we can move from there thank you thank you m Mr did Mr reach out to you if he has I have not talked to him so I don't think so do I need to reach out to Mr Mel yes uh I shortly after we had our conversation I reached out to Mr Mel okay and I did ask him to reach out to you but you can call him tomorrow okay um now he may not be readly available because you know teachers are back and they're moving all over the place but if you call leave the message he'll get back in touch with you because I told him that you would be calling him for this purpose perfect okay do you need call you to no I'm good list because I've done everything you've asked me to do [Applause] thank you okay board moving this time I'm asking for a motion to adjourn public comments motion to adjourn public comment second move by Miss Martin second by miss all in favor I thank you so at this point um Mr we want to move yes I understand that the board desires to have an executive session uh in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act um we will be entering into an executive session on August 28 2024 approximately 8:15 p.m. of the nine exceptions we'll be utilizing uh item seven matters involving conflict resolution and in the context of board gold setting um and uh so commender exception number seven um I would anticipate that it may be up to one hour of discussion hopefully less for those that have to attend which is not me and um so we need a motion in a second and this time I'm asking for a motion to approve by moving into executive session motion to approve to move into executive session move by Miss Martin second by Miss roll call please Mr ask yes M Dre yes M Martin yes Miss yes Miss Peterson yes Mr St yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss P yes MO is car thank you what minut at this time we recessing thank you