some and welcome to the Township Board of Education regular meeting today is Wednesday the 2024 public notice of this meeting was given to all board members associat in a notate and provy the time place and manner in which this meeting is being conducted it was advertised post posted in all schools the administration office the municipal building the library the go center edge with a elst offes and this is our mission the mission of the Township School District a large diverse and growing Community is to educate all students to become independent lifelong Learners critical thinkers caring and confident members of their Community The District in partnership with the community and in a CL of cooperation and mutual respect we'll provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages students to strive for personal expence and assist them in acquiring the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary to contribute positively to a rapid changing World roll call please Mr M M Martin Miss Miss Peterson will this evening Mr Shaw present Miss Thomas Miss Thomas will be joining us oh she said pres Mr Thomas Miss P States the nation our 2324 District rules number one student achievement continue to implement best practices for delivering instruction to students utilizing all available and appropriate instructional models this shall include a develop plans to increase the graduation rate B decrease chronic absenteeism C increase in benchmark scores in fourth grade ELA by the end of the year D accountability for All District staff and stakeholders and number two increase parent caregiver engagement in education by a provide opportunities for two-way communication with District stakeholders B implement the culture climate survey and three Market our strengths and achievements to all stakeholders to increased capacity for greater parent caregiver Community Support by a work with communication Consortium B continue with our public relations marketing plan C continue to work with the various advisory committees in the district and D focus on refining our communication methods and messages to better Market our school district thank you m moving now page two Awards and presentation Madam president correspond board members at time I'm asking for to approve minutes meeting which was held on Wednesday April 24th 2024 Open Session and Wednesday April 24th 2024 close session is there a motion motion to approve the regular minutes of the Board of Education of the open and close session on April 20th 242 second by second by Martin any fur questions or comments hearing Mr as M Martin yes sorry yes Mr yes M yes motion Carri moving now to our community reports I see that our our student I recommend student is not put this this evening let's move to our athletic committee with ath okay that right moving now Adis yes good evening the citizens the group old business cell pH poliy happen at next board Education meeting concerns of includ suspension and era we were told by the way of our they were not going to be removed why not the old policy still on the book since 2011 there is no prision in the policy for suspension only given up the phone days 60 days or the rest of year this is a policy website the policy has changed since 2011 why isn't the website students have been suspended regularly years when the 2011 rised policy does not State suspensions serious inconsistencies have occurred in this year's student handbook the Middle School refers to the 30day resident school year the word suspension is not listed School refers tosol the high school with add automa supension factor plus the high school also that the phone will be to the parent only after conference has been held minist the high school also that the camera function must turned off too the group only know at three schools and their policies very in why is that the new policy if approved as second reading will go into certain day will students records of suspensions prior to that be removed and will par letter suion Athletics scholarship record information also before bringing the new policy for approval where sucessful policies schol Revis policy under the proposed poliy teachers and students will not be able to use their phon for instruction of any kind also a computer is an elect device will not be we know that this Nott elate Compu but the policy does not allow for their use testing in the CA and respon and our new business improve test scores overall achievement discussion scor overall performance Andor one keep student in school as much as possible out of school suspensions keep students out of the class environment so they are not test statistics off to support to consider from March year 142 students were given out supions if you fig theion three days that has6 days stud that fak instruction that 21,3 in a 10o year these statistics do not count daily which would increas these numb sub substan B suggestion to improve assign more suspensions class administrative detention and supension out school suspension ands to some SE as an EXC ABS to some students does not days some students are respect some students areat rule Breakers school rules provide end time School Al Alternatives that these students though they are removed from the classroom in hallways yet will still get instruction they need looking to alternative schools which have to be a very viable and successful program in the past assistant principl spend a lot of their day disciplinary matters in their office arrange for monitoring hallways during passing classes and inot the students issu a book that they can bring with them to school each day this will allow to continue their education suion in school suspension or detention it will also allow parents to monitor their children's progress contact staff easily reward students who do not reward students to what they are supposed to be going in school increase expenditures into programs such as r s where students opt in with their good discipline records passing grades activity involvement have in students each aely are suspended because they know to play having others do record impr perance now roof general contstruction nurses how many Chromebooks you can W contct to get it you can get data screen time is not a new issue television other Tex other schools have restrictions HSA significance increase knowledge of the of our HSA organ what they are and what other top discussed what are how and are we see suggest currently within the distri we stud suest and science um like suggest that all graders of all same gr from different elementary schools get to go on our [Music] and number Nona Sugg have all purchas put on account Noh the meeting: and then we and um take a look at and respond to the thank you the marke committee set to meet next Wednesday at 6 thank you report out of the not at this time have 530 but they did have meeting um at township devopment committee and that was on yesterday which is 56 2024 at 700m and the topics were uh presented his firm person presented their firm experience and bio um Mr gfre short uh resonation thankful for his many years of service I believe it's about 15 years he served and mayor Lawrence appointed Joe Thomas to be the new chairperson and I want to uh commend him on becoming the new chairman of the uh economic development committee and also they talk about uh Community collaboration engaging the community uh and projects within the wio township uh Community participation Township why cleanup um they talked about education of the school district they also T talked about um was a Hot Topic about liquor license uh Pros consons they spoke on the sville downtown district about starting to ask people to know what their desire is for the growth of wo Township and to keep up to date on community events and be able to share stakeholders uh and the next meeting will be August the 5th and they adjourned at 8:05 thank you Mr congratulations Mr Thomas Jesus okay moving now um policy policy committee met in District on a 25th 2024 members in attendance Dr m m Rebecca Nez Mr John Shaw Anthony and Mr de Davis and myself Cheryl [Music] items Bo policy 2464 get and talented peoples M's question stand alone gifted and talented grow programs at the middle and high school level and the selection process at the secondary level Dr P explain the selection process teacher recommendation parent selection request and the course offens for gifted students at the secondary level a recommendation was made to refer the concerns to the education committee to clarify the criteria and selection process procedures and post them on the website for each school so that is that is one recommendation uh out of the polic committee we also discuss policy 8651 Community use of Transportation let me just say with regards to that um with researching I want to thank the citizen advisory committee because that's a policy that we had not visited and that's a policy actually had was adopted April of 2010 and our research has shown that it is still in effect okay so here's what we discussed at the meeting with regard to the um Community use of Transportation the committee reviewed the current policy based upon request from the citizens advis committe Dr shared with the commit that the restrictions would put in place as a result of the district's insurance carrier and for ining us that we would not be covered if we allowed outside use of District buses after speaking with stra es our consultant they informed us that our policy is current and they recommended acquiring without insurance carer if they would provide an insance rer payable by the outside group for coverage if not they recommended theing the policy and not allowing Community use of Transportation now that is not polies committee recation we are still going to take a look at that because actually it needs to be modified and we still have one more research um person to contact before we um make a decision on this policy but I can see that this policy isn't going anywhere it's going to be here we're going to modify to make it more Community friend the following policies regulations were reviewed for revisions and recommend for first reading at this meeting May 8 2024 regulation 2200 curriculum content policy and regulation 2260 equity in school and classroom practices policy 2411 guidance policy regulation 2423 biling education policy of Regulation 24314 prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and headed DS policy regulation 7610 vandalism and policy number 9323 notification of juvenile off cases disposition and there was not any kind of um recommendation coming out of policy because we accepted what the state has sent to us with regards to those those poliy next the meeting was ajed at 5:20 p.m. and our next meeting again will be the 4th Thursday in this month now out and now this we're going to go back to oure because I believe Mr Thomas has some statements you want to make as it reles to thank you I just want to mention I couldn't sit here knowing that how well weed Rel a week ago and not have a conversation about I don't have the formal update I do know that1 event was on whole South Jersey event which was the first time they ever done that the girls wello Ian can come up you see they still out train if the track is train still in the middle people for the me a champ maybe have some people to J so I just want to say kudos to them on that and well also want to sayos to our a for this we Hall of Fame we had over five nominations for Hall of Fame candidat uh the emails are going back and for the zoom going back and forth people are excited people are are are culturally bound to this this project we have some some commun Community people in we have some ex employees in it and the at what we would want to create cultur decide the public venue also so many times theand performing every weekend going to the finals at the Eastern I just don't want be not talk about how Welling how how supportive we are of them I just want to say something achievements they're doing we're also do upate um and that's basically all I had to say about that ter also I got a request for the updating acceptance of students that are report all our sen that have accepted designated okay thank you m now we're going to includes our committee reports Dr going to return to the recommendations of the cic let's just kind of take them one by one now not the not the suggestion questions just the recommendation okay okay go back so um the one of the rec have to our students um at beginning of the school year and that they home through 3 um and this way have program this kids more um opportunity to be more active teolog have invol your report out of CC did the bo get a copy of that you usually do of what of your report out of the not all right okay um the second was first of all it's always prep and I think it's in anyone try to get so I feel the question then I but for most I have an opinion to respond at this I think um the some so at this point question as far as the oneone technology chomebook issues that's not this is not the first time you mentioned actually our third time mentioning it you did receive that that recommendation on ER so it is the they want to yes I know and exactly so because you responded that way we appreciated that response so that question goes down to the Board of Education members not to you because you've already passed the allall so the Board of Education members are the ones who need us response on this sit talk about that we should have have discussions on the just like all that's I will respond so can I ask one more question in regards to that we can close this off when will the board member be able to sit if can give us a DAT possible uh some kind of you know window we can look for a response back the technology being able to to our students for your discuss without doubt that issue that you bring up with regards to that will be answered the board will give you an answer well I app mad president if I just make and I appreciate Miss B and the hard work she puts in but I um I just have to say when if a board member was walking around town and someone came up and said why don't we have and it's it's has something that gets discussed in a public set trying to hide like that those kinds of you get the morage train over and over and over again the proper protocol is bring that issue as a board directly to and ask him pleas undertake a the insance and then at a public he would then announce it but this and I appreciate this is no wayes the hard work that citizens advisory committee does but these recommendations that we're getting um I know I come to every meeting pretty much um and a lot of them hearing for the first time and and um Miss Martin I I think that a procedure needs to be developed so that we're consistent with the way school board supposed to operate that when those recommendations come forward that that you take them to Dr so a meeting maybe hearing them for the first time or not we know that when he presentation um it's it's exhaustive he consults with his leadership team he consults with others it's not a defense on his behalf it's just about following the appropriate protocols but to bring these up with all respect again to bring these up in a meeting and expect discussion decisions to be made it's just not the way school boards operate it's not we we operating in the committee form um and these issues that get brought up really ought to be on Dr pH te's desk at least two weeks to a month ahead of when we need to speak on what our positions are on these so it's very hard in this environment to do it and I just draw the the interaction individual board member is out in the public and gets that information we've said a million times and everybody knows take it to Dr bouque pick up the phone and call him and ask be with him you are you do two things as I said a million times you establish Poli and you supervise Dr Po and you hire and that's what you do and beyond that it's not like a Min government it's not like the township Committee of wins it operates totally differently you are in addition you don't you don't get paid too um but the our process that we need to follow to be consistent with what the state regulations require is all of this and I hate to put the burden on the liaison to the uh to the advisory committee liazon but um it's got to come Dr before it comes to a meeting uh and in that matter so I just want to clarify that thank you as I indicated before usually um we do as a Bo we do um get a copy of your C minutes and we do get the from um Miss Martin so it was just just kind of like a just kind of snag one so as soon as you get those to get them and as I said rest assured we will respond to your recommendation and and actually it clear there were already so was discuss c as our c is very transparent as far as everything that's discussed in our meeting we bring it to the public so that's all that was sharing our minut of what was stated at our meeting because we're very all right apprciate all right that's it thankk I think CAC a lot of District which is my so I need to respons thank you yes might I just be able to respond um under normal circumstances as you well know the um report comes to me I always order the copy to the board members I did not receive it therefore I so getting this information getting it tonight first is unusual I usually make every effort to make sure that everyone has copy prior to the me so and I apologize for M I don't think that's the issue I mean mistakes happen right communication I don't think that's really the issue doc said I was trying to say what he said he said it much clearer which is the recommendations that are coming have to deal with the Day-Day operations the school which is for really doesn't have any control um there are some policy nature um policy everyone Chromebooks for example but um whether there's decisions made as to Joint field trips or separate field trips or things like that are done I'm assuming they're the things that Dr some of the inequities between the schools if there are that were discussed tonight um dr's not prepared to address those but if you're aware of those at a minimum it should be brought to his attention coming out of that meeting um I appreciate the fact that there were recommendations I was hearing them I apologize I just hearing them as recommendations but apparently they were just discuss without um I don't think the issue that the report didn't get out I think it's the nature of the inquiries in areas that as a Bo don't have the authority to manage I hope that you all are aware that the CNC don't come together that one and the group that there come up with all stuff on our own I understand we are actually active in our community and this is what we're getting from our parents and our community so when we get this information feel obliged to bring it to you let you know what the community because I thought that's what we were for to let you know what the community is asking of us in our school district and do it do it hey I'm not FAL but all I can do is of what the concerns are from the community Miss you're abolutely right because the CAC was developed and as you've got your procedures you are a bridge and that's exactly what you're what you expected to do and that is just what you said to bring the concerns um from the folks because let's face it that's why you that's why you want right and so long as we have an understanding all right we can absolutely move forward for the benefit of us students okay thank you good M I'm on page three and asking to approve thee report as it appears on pageot yes I doation number 16 and number 17 five s approve to AC six it's a common um thing in the reive same [Music] as so it's just [Music] not after I know like so what did they do what happened to we just what did they bu approve new just give me some let's tell the stakeholders what it is what's going on that's a newti I just I don't know what it is of thank you any further comments yes I need policy student will make I wanted best the high schoes you know by it's not um so principle that is conven and that's all I just thank you any further comments question yes Miss Martin um just out of curiosity um because this has been a a topic of conversation so second know these policies once they are approved or not um what are The Next Step so how does the administration how do our teachers know when these policies are going into effect going into okay well certainly once the policy um then indicate as and and then make sure that the rest of the um teaching staff is aware of the change add or any kind ofation that's the process board has to make sure that we do two reading we have policy in the format that presented for the past meetings and once that then that is as would be the date that a and then thank you okay any further yes I have two going back to some of the things that M said I was concerned with the electronic policy um one being policy is to include use of computers in the classroom and that is not what the policy will do I just want to confirm that to the public that the way the policy is written is that it's not going to preclude the use of Chromebooks technology smartboards whatever the technology the teachers are already using in the classrooms we clear well I know at the low that's not at the lower elementary they do use earphones in their as any curricul yes okay to the second that I was curious about and I have heard this from the community frequently those students were suspended prior to the policy being on The Bu I am concerned that those students still have those suspensions on I mean suspensions have been served it's kind of done but it's still being on their record even if it's ceremonial having it removed because they were suspended under a policy that had not been no it will not because was the old point is student as a matter l then they so Dr under the old policy had they surrendered their phone it was a different you know they were automatically susp as option surrender that's I am um I don't have what but I'm not stand any F hear Mr M Mar Miss NE Mr sha yes M Thomas M at this time I'm asking for motion to approve the princip The Business administ secret as on page n andot to business administrator secret rep goes through PES 9 second yes Miss Martin P 11 question um flexible for the St Street tax dollars you can set aside heal Insurance you can put that money ta and the IRS that overse okay approved by cafeteria Services thank you okay M yes any further question hearing Mr yes Mr yes Miss Martin Miss n Mr Shaw yes M to Mr [Music] yes and as you can seees through of page motion to approve the personel as on page 17 and goes through Page 24 second Mr yes M yes Miss Mart miss Mr Shaw Miss Thomas Mr Thomas yes thank you board members at time I know you the top of page agenda and I believe look at that ask for a motion to approve the administrative secretary report as it appears in our agenda uh beginning and ending on page one is there a motion motion to approve the business administrative board secretary's report on our agenda containing paper second by any further coms question hearing Mr ask yes M Dre Miss Martin yesz Mr Shaw yes Miss Thomas Mr Thomas yes yes motion is carried beginning pingot is there a motion motion to approve the superintendent's personel report on our agendum on pages two and second F com hearing none real please Mr ask yes m m Martin yes Miss Nez Mr Shaw yes Miss Thomas yes Mr Thomas thank moving to our yes moving now MERS information it yes first of all to let we have been having some problems with connectivity during assessment throughout scho District ased alls [Music] internet as asid um we condu partip and and we that test however that these nothing with the district Hardware or software computers District incture to do of the district the Department of Education this issue is and we going to wait on them I will do a this issue right um some good things happening in the district um wi ccil High School their May 3 at Lu everything went [Music] very were there things look great had a great time um so uh want to thank the parents and a memorable we also list on oursite the best of class4 these for school spirit and these are all for school spirit [Music] best allar performings Monica Ty community service gtoo leadership Harris most courageous more and most improv Kanye we would like to commend these for their most recent accomplishments representing wi best we would also like to congratulate the five students from our high school who were accepted into the 2425 New Jersey all courses um um two of students will be mix while the other three TR um these young people have an opportunity to rehearse following a two night stay in City The Experience two conc one in Atlant City and one at New Jersey Performing Art Center in new the mix female rehearses performs 24 and the rehear February 2025 the Mi course students are as follow Shiloh gar grade 11 Cassie Warz grade 11 the treble students are Madison Anderson 11 Izzy M 11 and Jordan 11 the Arts and we will continue to support them but I like Mr for all of his hard work um and continues putting young people on the All State all Jersey year after year after year so want commend over the years those are accomplishments because those young people representing US State uh Mrs you inded to have a discussion with the board on the and other on the wednes august2 at the um this is first time there distri each SCH District 50 students again seven um some of the other individual spor Phil um let me see here free the free books project the best book us philadelph and andun excuse me to know that we have inv there only um getting so we're looking at at least five staff MERS 10 so at this point we just yester so we discuss any administ teachers so at this point just that we were in you know we won't meet again as a board until after the deadine make um so uh board members are going to at this time ask have any questions about what Shar with us do we think that it'll be a problem to get stuff to sh at that um we use community volunteers for something like that since it's outside of school year not [Music] and can or other so we would be using then School transport and parents have the option the trans so I don't think I think [Music] we haven't one way so um have window here they're saying that they have to hear from us okay so what what would be AC make sure that we would be able to respond I mean just situation questions is that something that we would have to vote and approve as AI yes all we okay well then let's let's do this let's do this because we're not meeting and because we give subject to the administration I'll put this motion out there subject to the administration um taking care of the details uh would the board approve this field trip should all those circumstances work out it would beo that okay is there a for to this I would say motion to approve this excurs under Mr what we'll do all in any preap we have last teach just so know we'll be ask those teachers of with as Cate who have committ themselves to the district and fantastic prepare that con thank you bus I just say to remind us that we do have theu that we must complete we do have the superintendency that we must by moving yes I um one going back to request um did you put in a recommendation to have that on the district website I thought yes it did second question or old business in regards to the next chat of the board member m said I would come back with uh dates aftering the end of the year um we know May and June are pretty crazy months um so when I reviewed the district end of the artivities I came up with two possible dates that would put us before the end of the school year we're looking at Wednesday May 29th or Thursday May 30th it does not have any opposing evening activities for our students so those are the two dat my next question in regards to that whether or not we wanted that to be virtual or in person my personal suggestion would be to try it virtual again it didn't go up no good question the other option that we have discussed in the marketing committee you know the last time we've had it in person so when we began this last summer we did four and we held one at each of the lower elementary schools because they are each within the boards um those were attend uh the ones we've had here in the administration building have held somewhere between 10 and 20 participants uh the virtual meeting which first one we did at the beginning of the school year I think we had about eight okay so looking at those statistics appears we get a better response when we do yeah and I the last chat with a board member they a need be going to a community function that you know is not the administration but going out to the communi oppos to them coming to us I don't know if we're prepared at this juncture to do something like that given our time constraints that's why I fa we your virtual another shot especially since people are so busy at being the end of the year and there are so many commitments that was why I was opposing the it doesn't work I need to hear from okay school or not anywhere else is by okay I AG person better any other any other no okay so Wednesday 5:29 we generally do them at 7 p.m. or Thursday 5:30 at 7 MERS and consensus at least either yes not well whoever wants to sit can I give them the deadine back to you I would like I would like it by the week actually um to know MERS by uh Friday May 10th whether okay and I'll second 29 okay then the other input I would like to in regards to that topic the past several ch board members be kind of ped it in on one particular topic to kind of keep it on a agenda so to speak um and it's been parent stakeholder and did we want to continue in that vein or is there anything else that we wanted to discuss with the community kind of give them a rough agenda to work with would just thinking also that this will probably be the LA it could be the last with a board member before we do our board retreat okay well let's let's do this uh all right any board MERS who interested in attending I would to call you and also let you know topic [Music] top is that is that concluding for you okay moving now new business be any new business you care to discuss at this time all right uh thank you madam president when Board of Education highly Valu the of citizens making the important decisions that affect the children of our community we believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all our citizens have the opportunity to attend school board meetings and offer comment to ensure that the board can conduct the important business of the district we ask the speakers follow the following guidelines for making public comment the board secretary will recognize those individuals in the audience who wish to make comment we'd ask that you kindly respect the following procedures one home members attending school board meetings must treat each other and the respect please State your full name and your uh three please Li your comments minutes uh submit your questions you have any unable to answer it to the board with your name address contact again if we can question uh it will be answered within a reason time frame and lastly uh individuals off comment not permitted make personal attacks on any District employee board member when we had all right miss calling uh [Music] in okay CH yes good evening again first thing I want to do ask this letter it's from a parent um instead of reach it out the public I think I would rather it to you let you be able to talk to the parent yourself that you can I think that would be more appropriate and real quick um I like to thank the board and W School District from the village of County for allowing us facility on April our youngo um lot of that soccer games relays but all that Thomas both to and those children are amazing I wish that the rest of you would have been able to see what gifts we have in our community and our Uprising entrepreneurs um that are surving great things so more things by the county and I believe have a lot of came back to us and great feedback and want to see another one happen um so it will be bigger and better so thank you for the opportunity for allowing us to that scho and open up that opportunity for our community um the next thing is Township and 'll be I want for w toship we're going to be having the celebration on June 22nd it's going to be from 2 8 at par because they're we're so we hope partipate start and whatever success from I think we talking about last year we got a little bit more time to make that happen this year because certainly that is really what our all about hopefully it's G be it's be a very Empower empowering um event because we decided to make sure our youth the main ones that are going to be holding and hosting our events from this forward because we feel as though them the empowerment to start doing things we'll start having more positive changes in their behavior so as a group def County that is one of our optimal goals is to make sure that we can try to turn around our children um and the next event well there is a country music in the park in WSB Township it's in July I don't have exact but next week and I will have it it's a new so hopefully every come and enjoy that moment as well come I will have a location next meeting and family day is be held on um August 24th so Board of Education always do great things for those days too back to school of things so you're invited to come there as well you're able to register online now but just so everybody knows um one of our young was n years old and an author who was selling her own and there was young ladies were and selling their owns and they were what 15 and 16 years old um so that just gives you some examples of what was at the entrepreneur Expo and that was representing you know the Community Village of Canon County so it was that Expo I came saw that J was an amazing event which was completely crowded there was tons of um corporations and companies and trade uh organizations that were there so I mean lnow did everything that day it was just completely and utterly amazing to go from one to the other and and our youth did proud of that exp well actually our youngest entrepreneur was 4 years old oh yeah very articul up on that stage talking about her business very Talent young the young children okay thank you evening evening before I talk about what I was talk about know I just wanted to say first off that some of the comments that were made specifically about children that we here to serve regarding their out School suspensions for cell phones policy this that these are kids that we all can know serve simple I'll investigate this and get back to time be a little more but in addition you know read the super report that shows the monthly school suspension see the number of incid of how many kids have been suspended cell phone but quite frankly the reason I came here tonight was to really board members regarding the email that I sent to you about the violence in W Township Public School not cell phone I don't mean to make light of that but the violence I was very clear in the email that I sent and those superintendent reports that I copi just from January through April are telling in another itself now remember if you go back into the archives September through December those out of school suspension we just in so I'm asking since we're talking about chat with a board member I've been chatting publicly for two years about teaching and learning happening and now about violence in our schools but yet I don't hear anything other than motions being approved and an approval for that superintendence report that contains all these violent out of school suspensions and again I don't speak here to agitate I offered my therapeutic learning model to you and a service I I care because I mean I don't send my kids to your schools because of their experience here and I pay a lot of money for my kids to go to schol quite frankly in addition $6,000 that I have to spend in tax dollars that go to your schools I just want some collaboration this point you know going on two years yet Mrs pittz was kind enough to respond to my email thank you Mrs pittz and she assured me that she had full confidence in the superintendent's ability to address the um disruptive problem in the schools I I of you so I made sure to copy all of you members because I'm trying to reach out to you I'm trying to build a bridge because quite frankly I'm not satisfied with what I've seen I've already school for a reason but the vience needs to be addressed and I want to work with you because my youngest is five and as I said better school so on top of that taxes I have a reason why I come here because when I and I go to sell my house I want to get because we have the best public schools that not only have great not only great academics and it's activities but it's a place Community celebrates that's my vision wow Township Public Schools and I don't know if that's communicated to all of the board members but that's one it's not to you it's to believe for you if you can't help let me help you because it's time for a we need better thank you very [Music] much well that was really can we give him a round of applause for that that was awesome thank you and the spirit of collaboration thank you very much um Joe stole my first part of my comment about the um weekend that all spent at the ATL County at the Atlantic Championship which is a a champ a group of 10 chapters from Pennsylvania Delaware um New Jersey and just came in at I'm sorry 16 out of 25 and finished finished six place all are poed on proud parents um just to watch these individuals and when I tell you that our guard consists of 10 maybe um students from high school and middle school um but they were going Eastern we're talking 20 people on their guard so just excitement and positive the other thing you mentioned a list the Mr students I also want give everyone here that our music competed iny a we had several um CA nominations best actor in Comm role best soloist vocal like a lot um those a that a ceremon tell Eastern call on the evening of the may but it's like a big old opening numbers and it's a big thing again we're going up against p a ofthe but literally good happening here the other question I just question umet [Music] no can I suggest I'm they all very when social media social media yeah I didn't hear response um I had a real quick question about um the person um School School Miss has accept principal is that position has that's let me double check yeah thank you thank you so I called my and I asked please she had noide she said I don't know you guys said so I'm [Music] not that's so went he was super um I'm not going to now but he just to us asking for us ask I need that everything never children I dise we have what so I don't know we have in our lot of great and tell of what as far as but I will that going to can't walk the teachers are hundreds of who are proud of being I just that most Pro and whenever these things because at this there's no um newy and tell but with all constant then I'm oh yeah absolutely absolutely so and thank you thank you [Music] MERS said again and I know program [Music] but [Music] anyway thank you I'm sorry just um 1 isk do you have thank you thank thank you mad inance requirements of the open we will be during session May at approximately 836m of the N uh we be enter matters relating to Personnel um which would be and that of part of the process of the um speaking with Dr earlier the thought was that 30 45 [Music] minutes approve Mr M th yes