good evening how's everyone this evening well okay that's well it's good welcome to the wio Township Board of educations regular board meeting today is Wednesday June 5th 2024 public notice of this meeting was given to all board members and Associates and a notice dated January 5th 2024 adequate and electronic notice of the public meeting has been provided specifying the time place and manner in which this meeting is being conducted it was advertised in The Courier Post posted in all schools the administration office the municipal building the library the BL duuple Center Ed with acres elmtown and the wins Township Post Offices and this is our mission statement the mission of the wins Township School District a large diverse and growing Community is to educate all students to become dependent lifelong Learners critical thinkers and caring and confident members of their Community The District in partnership with the community and in a climate of cooperation and mutual respect will provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages students to strive for personal excellence and assist them in acquiring the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary to contribute positively to a rapidly changing World roll call please Mr ASU present M Dre here M Martin present Miss Nez present Miss Peterson present Mr sha present Miss Thomas M Thomas will be abent this evening thank you Mr Thomas pres and Miss Pitts pres we have a Corum thank you Miss can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands na indivisible liy and justice for all district goals for 2023 24 student achievement continue to implement best practices for delivering instruction to students utilizing all available and appropriate instructional models this shall include a develop plans to increase the graduation rate B decrease chronic absenteeism C increase benchmark scores in fourth grade ELA end of year accountability for All District staff and stakeholders number two increase parent caregiver engagement in an educ in education a provide opportunities for two-way communication with District stakeholders B implement the climate culture survey three Market our strengths and achievements to all stakeholders to increase capacity for greater parent caregiver Community Support a work with Communications Consortium B continue with our public relations marketing plan C continue to work with the various advisory committees in the district D focus on refining our communication methods and messages to better Market our school district thank you Miss Martin moving now board members top of page two of Bo and presentations um Madam president there will be no presentations this evening thank you Dr B correspondence Madam President we have none for this evening thank you m Bo at this time board members I'm asking uh that we uh approve the minutes from our previous board meetings I'm asking for approval of the minutes from our regular board meeting which took place Wednesday May 22nd Open Session and Wednesday May 22nd closed session is there a motion motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeeting scheduled on Wednesday May 22nd 2024 Open Session and Wednesday May 22nd 2024 closed session see a second second move by m Martin second by Mr Shaw any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ASU yes M Dre yes M Mar yes Miss neanders yes Miss Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss pit yes the motion has carried thank you for moving down board members of board committee reports uh our athletic committee I think in our Brown folders we see what uh Mr Thomas has submitted to us which is basically a year in riew which is pretty detailed and so I would hope that we would all take a look at it and at some point later if we have any questions we could check with Mr Thomas moving now to the citizens advisory committee Report with be a report out of citizens advisory committee no report meeting tomorrow evening at 700 p.m. in the administration building thank you Miss Martin with there be report out of the education committee no report will be meeting at the end of the month thank you Miss spe will you be report out of the marketing committee uh the marketing committee hasn't met yet for the month we be meeting the third Wednesday as usual um M I didn't know if you wanted to continue our discussion during report or during old business during old bus okay I'll see okay thank you would there be a report out of our obervations committee not at this time M president thank you Mr with regard to the policy committee meeting we did meet um yesterday um Mr Davis Dr po Mr Shaw and Mr asku with regards to one um specific uh policy and that was 8651 as you recall it was the communic the Community Transportation and we're still uh working through that and we're going to um later this month meet again to um pull it all together and um be able to present it to the board perhaps um for first reading okay I'm at the top of Page Three I'm asking for a motion to approve the superintendent report that begins at the top of Page Three and ends at the bottom of page four is there a motion motion to accept the student uh superintendent report to begin on page three letter A through 17 and letter on page four second move by m Martin second by Mr Shaw any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ask you yes M dreon yes M Martin yes Miss neis yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas abstain and Miss pits yes motion thank you m board members at this time I'm asking for a motion to approve I'm at the top of page five motion to approve the business administrative board secretary's report that begins on page five and continues through to the bottom of page eight is there a motion motion to accept the business administrative board secretary's Report with letter A and letter B one through somebody locked the doors 16 one page eight second mve by Mar second by Mr Shaw any further comments or questions hearing on call please yes Thom that's what he left M yes I'm Sorry Miss yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and M P yes motion has thank you m p four members moving now to page top of page n I'm asking for a motion to approve the Personnel report as it begins at the top of page n and continues through to the bottom of page 10 is there a motion motion to accept the Personnel report starting with letter A 1 through 8 on page 8 I mean 10 I'm sorry second move by Miss Martin second by Mr Shaw any further comments or questions hearing on roll call please Mr asku yes M Dre yes M Martin yes Miss neand yes M Peterson yes Mr sha yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss pits yes motion has carried thank you m moving now board members to our agendum um Mr before you move on to theend I would just like to make a comment and reference to the retirement of Dr John Mills yes uh as all of you well know Dr Mills has been a loyal employee of the windso Township School District for many years and I would like to publicly thank him for his service his commitment his enthusiasm uh that he brings to his position we going to miss uh Dr Mills but we do wish him well in his retirement and whatever new Endeavors he will be embarking upon we truly going to miss time Mills here in the W C School District absolutely the miss those mtown Mondays absolutely so have S all right okay the finale that'll be that's his his fin finale tour okay looking forward to it looking forward to it all right turning our attention to our agenda I believe we've all had an opportunity to read through it so therefore at this time I'm asking to approve the business administrative board secretary report as it appears on our agendum beginning on page one continuing through to the middle of page two is there a motion motion to accept business administrator board secretary report begins on page one letter A through 5 on page two second moved by Miss Martin second by Mr Shaw any further comments or questions hearing none roll call please Mr ASU yes M stren yes Miss Martin yes Miss neis yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes and Miss p yes the motion has carried thank you Miss Paul moving now still on the addendum I'm asking for a motion to approve the superintendent report as it appears on our agendum begins and ends on page two is there a motion motion to accept the superintendent's report the bottom of page two letter a second moved by Miss Martin second by Mr sha any further comments or questions hearing on call please Mr ask you yes M Dre yes M Martin yes M yes M Peterson yes Mr sh yes Mr Thomas yes I miss yes motion has Carri thank you Miss Paul moving now board members I am at the top of page 11 uh open public records act um M before we go into that I just have a question on number four here Mr Carlos Lopez Rodriguez where it says document requested now his dates he's asking for documents from 2023 back to 2002 I believe uh 20232 was either a um was a big number okay so he's requesting documents from that b okay thank you so we received Madam President we received and responded to four of these the first one Brian Jones from Quant they wanted a copy of the postage machine equipment lease uh for the mailing equipment at our facility that was approved and given um supply to the gentleman uh number two I'm just going to say B BP they wanted contracts with winow Township School District all change order submitted for the year 2023 and 2022 uh invoices from that we would have given to nym or receive from nym Inc to the win Township School District for 2023 and 22 and certified payrolls for the past two years that nirm Inc submitted as proof of prevailing wage pay those records were denied because we do not have a vendor by that name uh Carolyn Swan from records Management Group Management trm Group uh requested information for each educator within the district as of 2023 24 the name the years of service in the District salary position email and phone number uh everything was provided with the exception of the phone number due to the um what did we use the Privacy uh and it's Exempted if it's a unlisted number so I'm not certain what it was so uh we aired on the side of caution everything else was compiled and submitted and Mr Carlos Lopez Rodriguez wanted the 2020 bid number 2023 aort and the bid was data management and assessment system they requested the bid tabulation and scoring sheet are used for evaluating vendors the winning vendor proposal any relevant purchase orders and the awarded contract everything was provided with the exception of the bid tabulation sheet um in a bid you just go low um low quot or the lowest responsive vendor so there was no evaluation of okay and that concludes all right thank you moving now top of page 12 informational items uh yes Madam president um I just have a few items um as reminders for the board and members of the community um starting Tuesday June the 11th at 9:30 School 6 will have their sixth grade promotion exercise uh Wednesday June the 12th school 5 will have their promotion exercise and as you know uh the middle school will have the eighth grade uh promotion exercise starting at 6 o' those school board members who will be attending we ask that you arrive no later than 5:30 we normally have a space in the back of the gym uh for those of you who are going to attend where um the ladies will normally provide School board members with flowers all right um Thursday June 13th is a high school graduation as you know we try to get everyone here as soon as possible so we're asking everyone to please meet here at the administration building by 5:00 uh for any preparation that you may need um there will be a bus here to transport everyone over to the high school there is a room designated of course uh for those of you who would like to uh partake in a meal prior to graduation and uh congregate with our guests from the mayor's office as well as other elected officials um with the year winding down of course uh that Thursday June 13th is the last day of school for staff uh excuse me for students the 14th is the last day for staff uh for close out and that concludes the 2023 2024 school year okay uh that concludes my information items for this evening okay thank you Dr before we move into Old business I'm going to pick up Dr what you said about concluding the year and um at this time I noticed that our student representative did come in and Miss Doyle um would there be anything that you want to share with us since this is your last meeting with us okay yes of course so yes as you said this is my last meeting so I would just first like to just say thank you for the opportunity for me to even be sitting here to you know come here at the meetings and speak and yeah like as I said me and um Miss Pitts we had a conversation like last week and she kind of just asked me like about my experience at Winslow and I just had all good things to say you know I've been here since kindergarten so yes I have been in Winslow my whole life so I just had all good things to say and like I said I'm just appreciative to even have had the opportunity to be on the um to sit amongst you all and I'm just very excited for graduation and all that but yes I had all good things to say my experience with Winslow has been great winsa has a lot to offer and as long as you take up what you can from Wis you will you have the opportunity to be successful and I feel as though that I got a lot from L congratulations thank you um I'm going to Lincoln University all right well we just want we don't want you to leave empty-handed so if you will stand for a minute uh we have two things that uh oh yes yes M door come around come on around come on around so we can uh so that we can we would like to present you with two things one a resolution for you uh and I'll just it's brief and I'll take short time and just read it and the resolution says honoring student representative TAA Doyle for service on the win Township Board of Education whereas Miss do has served with distinction on the board of education and whereas through her leadership the WV Township Board of Education has gained fresh insights into student concerns student priorities and what is on the mind of young people in the community and whereas they have further contributed to the community by serving as a valuable spokesperson sharing the student perspective at board meetings and whereas Miss TAA Doyle's exemplary commitment to fellow students and and the school district has promoted clear communication between the board The District administration and the student body and I'm going to skip over a couple of wees so so therefore be resolve that the wo Township Board of Education recognizes Miss TAA Doyle's dedication and commitment to advancing educational opportunity and open communication between the Board District administrators and the student body and be it further resolved that the members of the wiso Township Board of Education extend their best wishes to Miss T Doyle and all of her future endeavors signed by Cheryl pittz president and Dr oh yes and then it's just a little happiness for you thank you thank you now you have a name plate down there the store right yes it's yours to take with you okay all right my name BL not unless next year's U student representative have the same name we can recycle no that is uh that is for you to keep among all the other Awards you receive this year and um the administration of course the school board and administration we wish you well miss Jo if there's anything that we can do to assist you uh please feel free to call upon us appreciate that thank you welcome all right thank you moving now we're moving into um old Business board members old business we care to discuss at this time um and I know that Miss Nez is going to speak to us about juneth but since June 8th before juneth I'm going to uh just draw all of our attention to the email that Miss uh NE has sent to us with regards to June 8 and I'm going to recommend I'm going to take aend ation certainly because of um various schedules that we really do not have uh U sufficient an amount of uh board members to cover a whole day so therefore I am with your uh permission board members I'm simply going to contact CH her to let them know thank you so much that but however this year we will not have a table but aoid members that does not prevent us from certainly going over there that day because it is from 12: until 8 so there be is would there be any objection would there be anyone who would oppose that okay thank you moving on now miss juneth where are we um as far as I am concerned I kind of wanted to do a keep it simple approach I think we've we've all kind of attended vendor events before and been vendors um and it's a certainly a busy day and we have a limited amount of time to catch people's attention um and I think the best way again in keeping with the spirit of marketing our district is to put together something that people can take with them as they may not have the time to obviously you know we would hope that people would sit and talk with us but we appreciate that there's a lot of exhibit going on that day um so with Dr K I've asked him for some information uh I plan on putting a brochure together that we can also recycle for a website for W on family day you know something that we can use as a marke throughout the year so it will serve multiple purposes um I know I had spoken with you about that you had already purchased the the giveaways for the table so thank you for that thanks to Mr Thomas he's supplying quite a few giveaways for us for that day okay so I that's pretty much all I have um I know I've heard from some board members already who may or may not have availability we haven't nailed down the schedule yet but okay um that's kind of how it's looking so far okay all right so moving there um but we you do know that we're going to contact Miss pen to let her know exactly this time went the tent and the table for ETC uh also in addition to that M Peterson will we uh will we be going through with your um suggestion with regards to having a brief video we are okay so folks we have that and I can link it to all the um board members beforehand probably on Tuesday so they can excellent so the table is going to look pretty great U one of the things I wanted to share with us uh and I thought it was I just think it's a great idea to hear again it comes from our very energetic member Mr Thomas he has suggested and I agree um that uh for in light of um going to say Goodwill Ambassador uh he has suggested that um we have our mascot that today uh to go around hand out uh some of the informational items that we will be having on our table uh and I spoke to Dr fa about that with regards to uh perhaps there's a student who would like to uh do that only for about 2 hours from about 1:30 to uh 3 to 3:30 and a few of us board members are going to offer uh that student for those two hours $1 we're offering $50 an hour because here again it's June and as I understand that that uniform is hot and someone has suggested well maybe whatever student the administration picks maybe they could do it without a head but Dr PO said no that'll be a pigeon it won't be illegal so hopefully we can get student or or again maybe two students maybe one student can just do it for the two hours or two students can do an hour a piece a piece in any event we're offering $50 an hour we're total of $100 for that for that Mach okay all right so um we are there any questions about juneth day any questions at all I just wanted to confirm Mrs B I know you said Mrs Peterson has a generator so would I need to check with the township to make sure that that's absolutely the fire department absolutely make sure yes any F questions about June no looks like we're going to go forward with it okay all right now that's old business any further old business all right hearing none new business would there be any new business yes could I just ask a question yes Dr M Mr do are your these are your parents here yes oh I recognize when I came in I I didn't want them not to know that we have acknowledged your daughter we presented her with a gift uh I don't know if you going to do a re however but we have presented your daughter with resolution from acknowledging her for her participation acknowledging her for her participation we truly we truly appreciate her being a part of the school board and representing the high school and we wish her well the future endeavors and we are here to support her um if there's anything we can do as move on please feel free to call us okay thanks appreciate it all right moving again with there be any new business board members yes Madam president Miss Martin yes yes on Friday May 31st I attended Strauss ESP Associates 36th annual education policy and school law seminar the seminars that I took um were artificial intelligence and today's education and environment of the First Amendment and the schools an Ever Changing landscape and is this student our District's responsibility I must say that stra esman does an awesome job with presentations and it is very nice that we are a part of that group so I just wanted to share that with the board thank you m Mar I believe um most of us here have attended at least once when year um yes the St presentation all right if there's no other new business at this time board I had one item I'm sorry okay um I kind of had a thought and I wanted to put it on the board's radar uh especially considering we had that wonderful presentation uh last uh board meeting with the Teacher of the Year Awards um in light of that in light of the board retreat that's coming up something that I wanted to put on our radar was uh te attention you know I know that we we've had this discussion before uh it's a teachers Market you know but all districts are kind of feeling the pinch in the movement um I just want to make sure that as a district we're doing everything we can to keep those wonderful teachers especially hearing some of the stories that we did you know truly heartwarming and and we have some of the best teachers in the district so kind of in that vein I wanted to put in a request uh for some information just to kind of give the board an idea of what we're looking at and possibly taking that information into our Retreat um an aggregate report of reasons staff have left over the past three years when it's due to resignation uh the number of Staff resignations uh versus how many have actually completed an exit interview and just making sure that all staff have been offered exit interviews when they have resigned okay so I'll I'll have that information available now Mrs M as you say you would like to have that for our Retreat yes by okay yes I'll compile that information I'll sit down with Mr Davis and we'll put the information together and have it available for the retreat thank you okay and um again speaking of the retreat board members you know we us to hold it on a Saturday in August and uh just if you could get to me to let me know um which Saturday or Saturdays are would be good for you so that I we can at least uh be able to schedule this certainly by the end of July okay well Mr pit I believe we've already lost two Saturdays correct one will be family day and one Dr PA said he's not available the first yes the first Saturday of August I'm not available but the others I'm available okay that's fine but with regards to family there I don't see that we would lose it and I tell you why how I family day doesn't begin until 2 p.m. our Retreat usually goes from 9: until 1 and if indeed certainly um my thought about that Miss NE is um if and certainly there we used to get there before that time to um to set up and so my thought is to have members from the citizen advis committee if indeed that should be the the uh the Saturday that we would have members from the CAC to fill in for us at that table get here okay fair enough all that's if you select that s right right exactly so just a reminder board members again we're heading towards the end of of June and as you know we have a responsibility of evaluating our superintendent and so I would make sure that uh when we go into our system that we've completed it because we will be evaluating him at our executive session um after our June 26th meting all right okay and Dr has completed his portion now any other new business no moving out to public comment W okay I usually fit into the old business to public comments but Mr way let me let me pause for a minute Miss um Miss Bo is there anyone signed up um M Sherman no I think we still have to open though okay open yes the Windville Township Board of Education highly values the input of citizens in making important decisions that affect the children of our community we also believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that all of our citizens have the opportunity to attend school board meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board can conduct the important business of the District we ask that the speakers follow the guidelines for making public comments the board president or board secretary will recognize individuals in the audience who wish to make comment on the public comments on the agenda items please respect the following procedures one all members of the public attending school board meetings must treat each other and the board would respect two State your full name and address three please limit your comments to 4 minutes four submit your questions to the Board of Education with your name address and telephone number or you can be contacted your questions will be answered within a reasonable time five individuals offering citizen comment are not permitted to make personal taxs on any District employee board member or other testifier or member of the public thank you Mr at is time board members I'm asking for a motion to approve our moving into public comment motion to move into to public comment second move by Miss Martin second by uh Mr Shaw all in favor any thank you since we had no one who had signed up for public comment and no one is any waiting no's waiting therefore board members at this time I'm asking for a motion to adjourn uh public comments at this time motion to adjourn public comment second move by Miss Martin second by Mr Shaw all in favor thank you we are back into um looking at our regular agenda and so therefore board members since Dr has informed me that we have no executive session this evening so therefore board members at this time I'm going to ask for a motion toour for this session motion to adjourn meeting second move by Miss Martin second by m all in favor any name this meeting is adjourned you