##VIDEO ID:x04AQKUZPiQ## yeah e e e e e e e e e e good evening Good's everyone welcome to meeting happy today is Wednesday 13 2024 public noticee Associates in noce place and man meeting is being conducted it was advertised post Library El this is our mission the mission of the district growing Community to educate all students to become independent lifelong Learners critical thinkers and caring competent members of this community The District in partnership with the community and in the climate cooperation respect will provide an academic environment which values excellence and diversity encourages our students to strive for a personal and assist in acquiring the to cont Martin Miss Peterson Mr sh Mr Thomas here [Music] stes 2024 2025 District h student achievement continue to implement best practices for delivering instruction to students that shall include conduct weekly administrative walkthroughs to monitor teaching and learning consistently review student assessment data to guide and redirect teaching continue to provide supplemental activities IE tutoring enrichment periods to address student deficiencies Benchmark assessment for ninth grade math language arts two create a safe and positive learning environment for students and staff strictly enforce the District student code Code of Conduct focus on upper elementary students to modify student behavior in early grades reinforce behav positive behavior in a specific and genuine way approach discipline with care respect and the desire to see the good in all students number three increase parent caregiver and Community engagement in in education provide opportunities two-way communication with District stakeholders continue with Communications Consortium focus on refining or communication methods messages to better Market our schools and continue with our public relations with Community thank you moving Mr Chester you can come up with your if you like I state your name I Robert Chester do Solly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of newey and that I will bear true Faith bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint Al to the same and to the governments established government establ in the United States states and in the state States under the authority of I that I possess the qualification prescribed by for the office of office of member of Board of Education a board of education and that I am not disqualified not disqualified as a voter under State LA nor disqualified disqualify due to conviction of a crime conviction of a crime or offense all offense all and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all duties of that office duties of that office according to the best of my ability of my abil so help me [Applause] thank moving down at this time approve minute of our ofeducation our regular meeting Wednesday October 2324 Open Session Martin to approve the following meeting minutes of the Board of Education reg meeting Wednesday October 23rd 2024 Open Session by coms questions hearing Mr yes Miss Miss Miss Peterson Mr Shaw yes Mr th yes m p thank you m board members we'll begin with our athletic commit just to give use this time to highlight that we do have a playoff game this Saturday at 1M as we as we travel through the tunnel of rose to become the state champions of New Jersey there is a one o00 game get show all right thank you Mr there be a report on CI advis committee yes the citizens advisory committee will be meeting tomorrow evening at 7M in the administration building thank you m Martin report out of the education committee no report this coming Tuesday the 19th time meeting wednes at 6 I'm sorry know at this time with regards to our policy at a poliy committee meeting in November moving forward time I motion the super report as begin the top of page and contines through Martin move superintendent report that begins on page on page three and goes through to page six at the top by comment question yes um page four number 14 page number I just would like to um make mention of the national parent involvement day at uh School number six I just wanted to give them a five and then um on page five number 23 the bilingual parent advisory committee I also wanted to noted that as CL and that would be it any further comments question I hearone yes yes secret as to the middle oftion ad at the middle of page six and goes through to the top of page yes M thas stakers on the board announ ofd process to that that's where the budget budg get started so than [Music] at the bottom of page 10 continuing FK yes Mr yes that so I'm going to I would add something to this item just one ju4 jun9 mtion on this item to include to tag on the sentence that says for the term of july24 through June 30th 29 so therefore I'm asking superintend report as it istion is there a motion Rita Martin superintendent's report recommending the approval of the following action that chisel Hurst lease agreement with the conditions of the term um beginning 7124 through 630 29 com yes yes yes yes Ma [Music] she was ch IND Choice okay thank [Music] you yes first okay for all for the in distri um that is are all teachers are working perod everything Poss can um we have open but the reality and of course SL enough so we uh go throughout the um it's a serious students all that it is us and I don't see any answer to this so is there any way that we could reach out beyond beyond ourselves perhaps um perhaps reach out to as far as Tren we not St neighbor stes um um in all the why would everybody experience same but I just um members of board to know that this is serious serious and I don't see a Sol so Dr what about looking the direction of of reti well um that's that's an option however since our post has been out there since summer um if people want to work they would apply now if you're ask make a call or send a letter to sure of course certifi because certified so if that's an OP that's Avail to you I would strong suggest that we go in that direction we can try unfortunately Department once you retired can't come out of retirement into a pension related position so there was a two twoyear Clause where they allow that happen that's done so I currently asked retire from another District that was able to come back but that window closed the summer so because it was for one year so you can't come back into get paid yeah so only from another some certification and re from psylvia then it's different you cannot have to Sy retire from New Jersey and come back into pension position Madam president Dr was suggest that perhaps we should reach out to our our legislative team there this is a state of emergency through the St and there needs and I I think idea that there are legal impediments for that to ur it's almost too answer to permit that per an exception um as children particularly of special needs not getting potentially all the do teachers we need to make that to our state so I would be more than happy putting something together as to maybe comments you or draft but I think that um recall you and I met with time Senator M and the department of EDS I really think that's our next you're right there's viable options at this point unless the state helps create a viable so it appears think again because our our represent two Asser and then yes and Senator I know very very well um will colesy um right because it's that's this is an situation and thebly Miller is on the and so my thoughts are because again this is state of emergency and so emergency says we have Tove quickly and certainly that's an OP I think I mean we also um our prechool program uh in so we had so we let's say [Music] no I'm sorry years it's a better op ctif so we but I just this is situ there's day this point um I am not at a point not because we asking and unfort and to meet all Dr yes ma'am the PIP for teachers even special education teachers is at the they did try to remove some of the prerequisites but then also some of the northern that's right so so you know um going to the legisl has not that's not that's not you know we've had placed I think we are yes absolutely so Dr yes I know that our staff that we currently have they doing everything that we can yes so what are we doing for the staff that we do have to make sure retaining them and keeping them happy and not well um we're trying toate all of because they have time so that they can recover and go back AR lot that teach experi as poss and try to work without without negotiating requirements that are necessary for them we can't um let's say drop our standards or expectations under any circumstances so wey to Lev know last year there was didn't we have like a few workshops we bought in the yoga all those place teach them some so those throughout the distri but anything outside terms com yes you good I'm good Dr yes ma'am good evening I just want to Circle back to the special ed teachers and avability I just had a question about the use of agency teachers is that something that has been tried with our system where there is I was just actually Googling because I'm I'm a nurse and we use agency people are Staffing in staffing companies that's something there is a staffing company for nurse teachers I just kind of Googled special ed teachers and I was just wondering if that is a viable option to send the opening to some of the agencies outside to see if would be willing to come in all of ours and that's sort of an RFP process where we would post and then that companies that have to respond to the bid if they're interested and service for so we do use outside companies for for I believe or lgtc the supplemental people for special P so we posted that earlier um and then we are currently using outside companies as well but the teachers are just not as available as the companies present so they may have general education teachers but the special ERS TR hard to find even with an agency than thank um just wanted to conc you know is also concern and we are working with accomodate us with the need we have um and you know we distri required through the I I mean AIDS are all over the district and 50% of that am because ladies and gentlemen body and this this is that just I mean we saw young people are not pursuing educ as a just there so this unfortunately it's not UMUC um is at where something soon or we all was if you have retired next year you would even of those place because of the the feeder teachers just like so every year but you're not try to it is a grow Madam pres couple more information inv we also are diligently monitor you know last year we talked about scho attendance very School attendance acemic achievement U so under our U supervisor services and attendance officer we are visiting homes we're sending out our already going um to the court to address those issues parents and again come school so that process and we are encouraging all to come to school and ask parents uh to please get those young people prepared come too prepar to learn thank thank MERS any question moving now to Old business MERS old business discuss at this time this is a really old business um but I would like to just remind board members that um on December 3 the cam County County School Board Association will hold their meeting here um in our district here in winow we will we will be the host for that meeting so meeting usually begins at 6 or 6:30 and it's held um uh it's a hybrid uh school board members used to become in person and then it's the percentage of them that will attend via remote so I just wanted to remind us so that we can again Mark our C we will be here on uh I believe it's Tuesday December 3D okay also uh I would ask board members to mark your calendar for the following day which would be Wednesday December 4th because I'm calling for a special session on that to have our representative Cherry Lewis come in as you know we are are required to do training and she will be coming in to do ethics training uh on that day Wednesday at 7 o' she will also be speaking to us about taking steps again to become a u a board of education that is State Certified now to that M I am going to ask that you reach out to our um newly elected uh board members uh our board members elect that will be um and if you would send them a letter to inform them that we would like for them to be included that would be uh Miss Wanda GL that would also Mr I believe Michael clar and then the third one would be Mr Gerald MCM to let them know that we would also with regards to excuse me um I'm just kind of feig backing on something that happened here recently was really great success that was how um our wall of f for our Athletics um if we can recall most of us went and it was really over what I call Top event and so moving from that staying in the sports ve if you can recall that a few months ago we did as a board receive two letters two letters requesting that we name the track after two individuals um one individual who is current well two individuals from our community one is a retired she should be a retired teacher from the district and the other was um an um an a an athlete um went on to do really great that was Dennis Mitchell and Mr Russell B and if you can recall at that time I did a point based on our policy I did point an a committee to through with that um I think what happened they kind of stole because contacted the mayor's office because they also have an education committee and because one of the individuals first contacted the mayor about naming the track so what I'm saying is that we're back on track with that um and if you can recall ad hoc committee was formed Mr Thomas was on it Miss peerson was on it and Mar and so I'm saying that we can now take this and go forward and any of you and I'm but if any of you want to take the lead on that and and go with that so that we can make that happen please do so anyone speaking up now yeah I will send on an email to get us all together so we can see how we want to proceed done the timely matter okay thank you thas now yes there is process absolutely according to our policy if anyone is interested policy 77250 and if you want I can read I me the members of that committee I'll out to you we got we won't move forward and U just point clarification um we're not oh the field right okay CLE okay uh just one other thing um this past Monday of course as we know was Veterans Day and normally our Orchestra performs and our choir performs but I just wanted to say a special thank you um to the choir to the orchestra director Miss Samantha Mullin because they did a great great job better say and also one of my students Mr Nathan Downey Mr dowy played T it was a smooth as silk did a beautiful job so I just want to give props out to those two for that all right any questions on old business or new business me well Mrs pitchy kind of stole my thunder for veteransday being as our as the only veteran on board um oh sorry I think Mr Chester you're a vet too now right yes so that um but attending Veterans Day veterans St every money for the township um it was absolutely amazing our our Orchestra did did an amazing job set and doing an absolutely amazing job the whole entire ceremony so I was really impressed by everything that our our school district students had to do had to do with uh the whole ceremony so once again kudos to all those students that took a part of the whole ceremony absolutely absolutely any other comments new business all right leing to public comment thank Madam president the winds Township Board of Education highly values the of citizens in making the important decisions that affect the children of our community we also believe in the rights of citizens to observe board meetings to ensure that our citizens have the opportunity to attend board meetings and offer comment and to ensure that the board conduct the important business of the district we ask the speakers follow the guidelines public comments the board secretary will recognize those individuals in the audience who wish to make comments please respect the following procedures one all members of the public attending school board meetings must treat each other and the board with respect two please take your full name at Town of residence three your comments to four minutes four submit any event we're unable to answer your questions please submit them to the board with your name address and telephone number where you can contacted and your questions will be answered within a reasonable period of time and lastly individuals offering citizen comment or not permitted to make personal attacks on any District employee board member other testifier or member the thank you thank you Mard members at this time for motion to approve our moving into public comments move into public comment move by Miss Martin second by all in favor thank you fo yes my name is frim and I amow town I am here to revisit my concerns about they not being Pi free policy in youro school District as you all aware my granddaughter Navy Fisher has a life react reaction to penis my daughter has been called several times and picked up Navy due to her breaking out in hies which is a stage before going into an eptic shop it was one time that my daughter went to pick up Navy for school and noticed that she had high on her face and wasn't notified by school officials we are fearful that if she is disposed to penis and it becomes un noticed that this the phone call to my daughter could be devastating my granddaughter could lose Consciousness stop breathing and not get adequate blood flow to her Bible org basically she can die you can't imagine the pain of her parent being called about her child suffering from antic shock all my daughter asked was to have a pre peanut free classroom we followed protocols and did everything that was needed to be done and Brer keeping my granddaughter in a saf free environment we also came to the last board meeting and was told to follow up within theal since the last board meeting my daughter has received a letter which Dr just mentioned stating that if Davy doesn't return to school it will be taken to a municipal court for truy my granddaughter has Miss schooled due to her outbreaks being exposed to penis in the classro my granddaughter miss school is not our issue we brought you a solution to fix and follows every protocol in this process we were told by one of your top officials that they can guarantee that na won't very out in hies will go into antic shop we can't we can't put my granddaughter in environment that life or death that is life or death for her we want her in school we definitely want her in school she wants to be in school we want you to offer a safe environment to her and other children we have made every effort to get the school to help in fact school officials even suggested we home school Navy which is impossible because my daughter and I both work fulltime jobs not to mention that this is a public school or for which I checked the last time me and my daughter pay our taxes for my granddaughter has a right to public education all we ask is for you to update your policy and make classrooms peut free you can do some research and find out how other schools have a new panut policy this is already happening across several other uh from from across states of New Jersey but across the us as well now in closing there is what uh here is what can happen if they returns to school and comes in contact with P not digest contact she can die if not treated defly is peanut butter and jelly sandwich more important in life of a child I know the answer to that but I'll let you be the judge thank you m that is a fair hello gu and I am in the wind District so I did receive I just to know why am I is every day criminal charges why am I beinged if I want my school I receive the yes and um for a reasonable 20 showing up for during that time so that we all we've been and I do not again we have guy we've turned over dep dep solicitor been involved you the option to do so felt District do whatever you had to our services at this point okay we will addressal because with all du to debate this I think we this point is because states that we are on numerous child stays I'm so this is not just AAL like schol I want her to go to school she W up every day and cries to go to school so the fact that I get a letter now typ this letter theill and everything else when my needs to be in school but she has hives every time she go to school and she's being in cont would you send Childer I just want answer that question would you send your child to school if they were highly allergic to peanut butter at four years old notate she don't understand understand closing up so I am as a parent I'm not put my daughter at risk every day when all I'm asking for the panut tree room I don't get why that's AIG issue when it's being done everywhere else this is my district I pay taxes so she only can go to the school and I've been fighting for her to go to to school but to be safe when she to school but she's not safe with the policies that please do anybody we I am and our we have not not addressed the issue New Jersey um I'm a [Music] called a simple policy policy commit look at that situation and see if they can update the policy for classroom Mrs respect and being a and I mean this very respectfully um this is not something to debate about a particular child work with Dr it's not just I'm not speaking with that particular child I'm speaking in general as a general person I didn't men any child I have a grandchild I have a also have a I'm speaking of the safety and of children period I'm not even I'm just speaking of a citizen a shareholder Community member a WS Township is there a wayy can be Revisited is as I we've lost one two four five L this year with a replac we lost we are I'm not I'm talking we had teachers nine young teachers I met some teachers resign from I know you cannot discuss the reason and I'm not asking you and I'm not questioning anything about your HR but we have nine teachers that resign Township can we do anything to try to keep our teachers in to keep our tenure keep our people here to keep our kids with teachers no why is that because that there are then I can go so if I de District two mil not comp if you're ask year that's and I am I don't know why people are I do District some do but as long cannot did you say you don't know why teaching no you don't care to know why or you just don't first of all each teacher had the to go through okay don't why and you speak to your teachers why that's Psy but I work I've tog Le certification and hav so it's very and that's so just I'm notet what I've ran MTI and my my that work for me the only reason because and they so okay and so I didn't hire people I have and they St love children love teaching children and only question I had n SE and we being a great School District if it's a great School District we got to find out how we can keep our teachers in this great School District that's all we just got to find out how we can Empower our teachers to want to stay here and be a part of great environment that we want to offer them to teach our children in our school district that's all and we can do it if we care we can do and that's what we supp to do is making sure that when we in our we keep to teach our and want to because people don't waste their time and going to school to have nobody what I'm saying the pipeline this is a so where so I unless you can't do it that's why some schools signing bonus if they can't and that's and I so yes you need to keep to our elected official salary when you look at it has been up okay so then we have teachers we're not getting so maybe we look at how Alternative Learning in our classroom we have short teachers maybe that's the next but our kids have to learn and we can't keep looking at we can't get teachers because there a short and we can't teach our children we have to find we we dis that's okay that's okay you can bring to the table and hear each other you can come up with Solutions reason teachers some of Prof and I hear what we do know there are well Dr going forward perhaps we certainly will be able to at some point share that information with regards to the VRI that shared with with Mr Claud that will help get a better sure and my heart is heavy you know we had this the last time had this board meeting and the young ladies came up to talk about the penology I did send an email heart wasion for her incid understand we did we are doing everything the realm of the law being compliance um but I'm just asking if if there's anything else we can do that we we at least walk through this this tunnel of ambiguity with her to see how we can do be a little more compassionate least I can um with this situation not I saying we need to break the law do anything else EXT that we needed to do but I just wanted know she asked a question that I heard you me I sent memo saying I felt compassionate about this and I'm praying for for for all of love we can share for you and your family and your that we find resolve of this issue thank you so much next [Music] good evening even I earli hopefully everyone has um I want to start by acknowledging the surrounding your Staffing I hear the issues being raised and I believe we could look to local colleges as potential Solution by partnering with the colleges you could establish a residency type program allowing students to gain his on experiences at our school while helping to address additionally for Aid I suggest we put a fly to the community to ensure everyone is aware of shortages many community members may not even know there and we could attract applicants we might otherwise miss moving on I need to I need clarification on the hiring and training process for the staff currently at school six my son is experiencing unacceptable treatment is being bullied by adults who are supposed to support him despite my efforts to address this issue remains unre furthermore is now facing and disrespect is especially given that processing delay I here to ask the board what measures will be taken to ensure that this understand and respectful working with Stud with IEP finally I must address my son is not re required services this is an essential part to education development and I'm asking to address this over thank you I just answer youres well I've already reached out to the superintendent as well as School principal as well as direct Support Services the director um and I'm now asking you guys because there's no resolution and my son still moves to school every day he's being traumatized every day so what are we going to do because I and once we then we collaborate unacceptable not okay absolutely we don't the whole I'm giving you the whole story you're giving me your U your story right as a talking to our we need to to hear from him whole this has been going on since mid October we're in mid November no no more okay now miss F that means that means it's not that hard to have a conversation with an adult to ask an adult to stop and be respectful his name is j Curry that's what he should be called nothing else that's inappro if in a special education classroom I'm pretty sure their training it's not appropriate to anyone outside because they cannot yes and it's more okay thank you you didn't answer I I'm s my baby I'm best we with the super because and I'm repea I'm hoping we cannot don't I canate absolutely because this also other side this particular situ that you were and [Music] [Music] that work so then so who's the super good that you can send it this individual should only be refer to as his name nothing else that to speak to them directly an event school where he got to reading of it at he walked in before me the teacher did not know that I and she called him a when I walked when he walked in but she didn't realized so I heard had already that that was but I heard and so as and let me really I hope I it's really not I so confused why have hey this is traumatizing I don't cannot correctly or immediately but that unacceptable and I'm very teachers individual who are bull child I'll be back next thank you hey every morning till let's resolve thank by in any this meeting [Music]