##VIDEO ID:_O6y-dXbcbI## [Music] call the meeting to order ask you to join us in the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all tonight we're going to go right into a special presentation on the tour to Tonka and Mr Lin Tim Lin's here to walk us through that welcome thank you very much shouldn't it be ride us through it oh yeah I we got a bike outside is that all right if I stand do whatever you want okay thank you very much uh good evening and council members and City staff and community and police and fire thank you for allowing Tatanka to come through Winstead we've done this now for the second year this will be the second year Saturday August 3rd is the day of the ride there's Riders from Winstead there's volunteers as well from Winstead so I'll walk you through a little bit of what tour to tanka is and I appreciate any questions or comments along the way and as the mayor said I'll be out here by midnight as well so um here's a little spin through some data 19 is the 19th annual tour to TKA so that's pretty cool it's got a nice has a nice history to it I'll go clockwise 51 um that represents the number of people who have ridden every one of the previous T tonas all 18 so that's pretty cool 43903 that's the number of uh total riders that have ridden in in the 18 years prior and 103,000 on the bottom we' raised money for a food shelf and so that amount of money is what we've raised in 18 years for the food shelf and food shelf buying power works pretty cool they got a 10 to1 buying power so that represents a million dollars so they're quite excited about that and about this relationship that we have with them uh 294 is the number of miles if you add it all six routes end to end that's how long all the routes are in total and then 44 in the events history we've had Riders from 44 different State pretty cool as well next slide please thank you Neil a little history here for you guys this Riders these Riders the 100 mile riders came through Winstead last year so how many came through Winstead last year what do you think wants to take a shot you already got your prizes so I can't give you another 518 665 you're correct so yeah that was a lot of riders coming through Winstead and it'll be the same 100 miles this year 100 mile Riders so we're hoping for about that same number we'll see thank you uh this is all of tat Tonka so if you threw it at one map uh that's what you would see and uh the 100 MERS is what Winstead's a part of obviously and you can see where the rest stops are those are the yellow squares and rectangles um and then um in and around the other parts of the ride are other towns the Delano is the big orc where if you're riding the 65 mile ride you go straight South to Watertown or you're going to go straight west uh all the way to Winstead and the Riders last year love that County Road 30 ride because it's just nice and straight other than a couple es and so they can get up and go uh and it's not a race it's a ride but some might think it's a race and then the other rides spin around parts of Lake motanka uh various cities that we go through and we go through 25 different cities with this event so it's a major lift it's a big undertaking and you can see the distan is down below okay thank you Neil uh we have great sponsors and there's two slides of sponsors and these are some of those that come back willingly and uh every year and they enjoy this ride ahead next one please thank you very good thanks Neil and then there's the rider shirt that's someone in the room raise your hand who's riding this year um nobody all right you won't get a you could get a rider shirt that is the rider shirt and then the next slide shows the volunteer shirts that all the volunteers would get as well so and I know some folks in the room perhaps but some in win said we'll get one of those thank you uh some nice quotes that came in last year from the people that rode in the event and they ride for various reasons as anybody does whether it's for personal enjoyment or they're riding for a cause and so those are some nice quotes that came in last year and we had Riders last year from uh five was the youngest that did a 16 mile ride that's pretty adventurous and we had a 91y Old Gentleman do uh the 16 Mile Rail as well so all ages do participate I mentioned before we had 44 States and you can see where they've all come from in our writer history and we're trying to make sure that they sell bikes out in Idaho and Wyoming and in Alabama um so if anybody in the room has somebody out there send them a text if you would please and bring them on in uh and then the next slide shows the state of Minnesota in the same regard where writers have come from in our 18-year history and really from across the state almost again we're we're looking for bikes in the northwest corner uh next slide Neil thank you uh and then as I mentioned we volunteers if anybody's interested or if you're taping this volunteer volunteers are needed tat tka.org will get you to the location where you can sign up to be a volunteer or a writer um these are some of our writers from volunteers from last year and then this is more of a personal slide I've H been the executive director of community ed in man tanka for 20 years going on 21 and I'll retire in mid August after tour to Tonka but they'll keep me on for one year as a as a cons them back to the program so next year standing in front of you might be somebody different and I would hope that they'll continue and I'm one of one of the things I'm supposed to make sure that I want to make sure of as this is one of my babies is that this continues and so we'll hope for that and again thank you for your great partnership but Winstead I appreciate it very much and then the last slide just shows a little bit of the iconic start at minona High School uh it really is a festive start with uh like a marathon start we got music playing we got and we send them off in waves uh out the front gate there and Old Glory is off to the right and that's a big flag so it's a pretty cool start and if you're out and about that day uh check it out one way or another and that's a little bit about tour to TKA any questions or comments no I think we're excited to have you in the community again and thank you thank you for all your years of service appreciate that very much thank you sir very kind you have a good rest of the meeting tonight would you guys do me a favor get together with your gear I just gave you we like to put these on our website so can I get a picture of everybody come together you're smiling about it you'll do it don't we charge for that yeah normally they're extra you're going to get a picture lovely a minute so we all gather like right over here wherever you want to and I'll do a selfie with you come on NE get over you got to wear your cap you got to wear your gear you got to who's going to wear the cap Neil in the ceve Steve sure I don't care you wear the C no I won't oh wow that up here somebody jump come on over and I'll sit right in that chair there you go yeah two of them inair there you go old people said all right I like it sorry to make it work okay all right oh that looks and there thank you very much thank thanks and we're rest of the meeting now all right have a good rest of meeting thank you very much okay we'll move on to the consent agenda tonight the consent agenda consists of the following items item a approve the city council work session of June 4th city council regular meeting June 4th City city council work session June 18th city council regular meeting June 18th Item B authorize the city administrator to execute a quotation from quality flow systems to conduct pump repairs at the wastewater treatment facility for an amount not to exceed $3,324 item C authorize the city administrator to execute a proposal with micro diving and Marine Services Incorporated conduct a cleaning and inspection of the water tower in the city of winad for amount not to exceed $5,000 item D authorize the Winston Police Chief or design to close a portion of First Street South a portion of Main Avenue and the Winston Lake prominade to through traffic Tuesday August 6th through Monday August 12th in conjunction with the 24 win Summer Festival item C approve the use or operation of the following items on city streets and property Friday August 9th 2024 through Sunday August 11th 2024 in conjunction with the Winsted Summer Festival as approved by the Winston Police Chief all terrain vehicles motorized golf courts Amplified music events until 11:30 outdoor food stands outdoor vendor stands outdoor Talent contest and outdoor Wingull game event item F approve a park or parade kids run and five 5K run walk sponsored by the winst area Chamber of Commerce and conjunction with the 2024 Winston Summer Festival on Saturday August August 10th on designated streets and routes within the city limits as approved by the Winston Police Chief item G terminate the land lease agreement between the city of winad and Mr Bert aurman for hanger number 16 at the Winston MPA airport item H approve the land lease agreement between the city of winad and Mr Anthony Schmidt for hanger number 16 at the wiid municipal airport based upon the successful submission of all required documents and fees to the city of winad item I approve the pledge Securities that Security Bank and Trust company has purchased for the City of Winston for the month of June 2024 item J approved the building permit report for the month of June 2024 item K approved the financial report for the month of May 2024 item L claims approve the claims list for July 16 2024 item M approve the off sale on on sale Sunday liquor license from August 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 for the woods group also known as cakes bar 1211 Street North contingent upon all state of Minnesota and City Winston requirements being met item n firework permit approve the outdoor firework permit of application for the winst area Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Minesota polytechnics to provide a fireworks display over winon Lake on Friday August 9th 24 with the alternate date of Saturday August 10th 2024 contingent upon successful submission of all required documents and fees to the city of winad and approval of the winad fire chief item o authorizes City administrator to execute a firework display contract to engage Services of Minnesota poly poly Technics LLC to produce and perform a fireworks display with terms and conditions on Friday August 9th 2024 with an alternate date of Saturday August stamp that's consent agenda looking for a motion approval Mr Mayor a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented and I abstain from voting on item I we have a motion do we have a second I'll second motion is second all in favor I oppos motion carried no old business but we have new business tonight and the first item is the wi volunteer fire department pair of penion plan and increased re retirement pay Neil okay fine now my hair is all messy all right so over well I think it's been kind of over a number of years but um probably towards the beginning of my time here about a year ago uh the fire department had talked about joining the Public Employee Retirement Association um for the volunteer fire department plan and uh did some research into it and Mr Vander lendy of the relief Association did a lot of research and I'm going to have him come on up and along with assistant chief cook or chief to I don't know what do you what do you go by what's your title okay chief 2 C but then come come on up and and kind of explain the the process hello everybody again I am uh the president of the relief Association for the Wiston fire department uh with this again there has been a lot of uh information taken from this we got we met with a member of of Pera he came out brought us or gave us a presentation uh with that uh the Statewide volunteer firefighter plan started back in 2010 uh we are looking to move this direction mainly for ease of of operations of it we right now within our either agreed upon procedures or our audit whichever one we have to do every year uh the price is for our agreed upon procedures is $3,000 and our audit currently is $6,000 with joining Pera the price to maintain this is $60 $60 per firefighter and 6 cents per investment or per $1,000 worth of investment so roughly it' be $2,100 operating cost a year um currently they are doing a incentive program for uh for new plans being started rough that is $110,000 per plan started plus $1,000 per firefighter on excuse me on that plan so roughly we would have a $440,000 sign on bonus with that um with that we do have a cost analysis that they give us every two years which breaks down really where we are limited on going to our pension and that was a big thing with this too is that we saw we could we could uh upgrade or progress our pension quite a bit and that was really a CH change and going around to different fire departments within the community around the area uh they all had a quite a significance versus ours and that was another thing so um gu where yes our assets of M will'll move that within the state of Minnesota they will control that ours will stay I guess earmarked for our investments and it's not going to be just put into it's put into a kitty but it's still our money Mark for us and as far as that goes they do also have uh like right now we have a member that came from Lester Prairie with 10 years and he is able to collect if we join this program he's able to collect through that whole uh par program is Lester part of the program yes okay so that money what he's saying is that money transfers from Lester Prairie over to our when he when he retires comes out of those which wasn't the case before yes yeah yes so it makes it easier for people to to join or stay and for yes yes recruiting purposes to offers uh we are able to offer that like Chris who's on both does he get something for being on r no he's different he's an auxiliary member okay so they don't get any for the not a retirement piece okay um some of the other if you know mind mean jumping in but from a a City stand point after they ran the numbers we should not have to put in anything extra so so it should be what we have been what the state has been contributing and that money has directly been going to the relief Association for the retirement or the pension plans already so this should not increase our liability do do you expect any of the long-term members uh to take advantage of the new rate and retire they all the ones that I'll say they've been saying it years we going anywhere until we see at least good backlog of members that want to join or people that want to join okay or they would so I don't think it's going to okay here January 1st this kicks in January 10th they're going to retire right I've heard from the mall numerous of times we go anywh till there's a b okay any other questions no it sounds like a good thing guess if there's no more questions thank you and we uh are looking for a motion for approval I would make a motion to authorize the city administrator and fire chief to initiate the process to join the Public Employee Retirement Association Statewide volunteer firefighter plan and increase the retirement benefit to $2,500 per year of service for eligible Winstead volunteer fire department firefighters we have a motion do we have a second all second motion a second all in favor I oppos motion carried maybe U next time Chief too or second Chief said comb your hair a little better use your yes you can borrow my hat Todd okay we'll move on to the next item is Fant run service extension award recommendation letter Neil you want to start us off yes um we've talked about in the past here at 114 lyen a there was a proposal to separate that part particular parcel into three separate Parcels two of them being New Lots where we could build homes with that we needed to add sewer and water services to to service those lots and Mr Xin from Bolt and mink is going to explain the bidding process for us here sure thanks Neil um Mr Mayor members of that Council uh as as Neil mentioned we had one lot that split into three and that lot was not part of the original Fant run development and as such there wasn't City sore and water um in that area so that's the need that we have right now to be able to serve those two additional Lots um we did go out and solicit quotes for the work um the quotes are received on June 25th two quotes were received um that ranged from a low quote from Schneider Excavating of $75,100 did a high quote from Whitmer construction of $11 17,6 79 the proposed work includes all materials labor and to install sanitary sewer and water services to the two new proposed Lots on Pheasant Run valuation of the bids um does indicate that the bidding process was competitive and the low uh quote was 36% below below the high quote um if the council would choose to award the contract tonight uh the schedule is favorable the contractor uh sh Excavating has indicated that they're ready to begin as soon as as soon as we give them the go- ahead um so there won't be kind of a delay in getting started with this project we'll probably start within 2 or 3 weeks we have to get shop drawings and a few things in contracts in in place first um we're looking at a 3 to four week construction window um and there will be a short-term uh street closure involved with the project as well um Schneider Excavating has successfully completed projects of this type in the past they have shown themselves to be responsible and resp of bidder and we are recommending that the city award the contract the amount of [Music] $75,100 I don't prob I don't see that being issue we could add that in prior to signing contracts okay um any way we can put some teeth behind it or once they start correct right correct in seven weeks right and what are the consequences if they don't finish they'll come work on your street okay do do we have any insight into how long they're going to shut down the road that would be Lyndon the intersection yeah that's the intersection I I'm guessing it'll be a week closure a weekl long closure Lyndon or presant run presant run at the intersection sorry not Lyndon presant run by the cesac intersection correct okay sorry any other questions no I'm sure you'll impress upon them the importance of uh timely work yes it will cuz they left a very big impression on some of us last year at the project they did and I will convey that message once again okay you're looking for a motion a motion to approve a bid from Schneider Excavating Incorporated to provide all materials and labor necessary to install sanitary sewer and water services to two propose New Lots in the area of Fant run we have a motion do I have a second I'll second motion a second all in favor I I opposed motion carried um because I took so much grief from recel we're not going to do item C tonight online payment system proposal you want to take it sure the city of Winstead currently works with revr to provide their customers the option to pay bills and other fees with credit card payments over the Internet telephone or in person the city's current accounting system would which is banion data collaborates with revak to deliver this information to customers but banion is also compatible with a number of other companies including nuve paa which is able to provide to provide more options for both City staff and the municipal customer than re rev TR currently offers some of the additional services from newv Paya include a more userfriendly payment system for both customer and City staff the customer will have the ability to schedule their own automatic credit card electronic payments there's additional payment options including payment by text the customer can view their utility bill information and limited Bill history when they pay at the S system website which they currently can't see any history with our rev track system the ability to email utility bills to customers which we will consider in the future and the ability to send text notifications to customers about bills coming due the financial part of this project uh nve nve paya's price proposal which was included with city council packet materials indicates fees that have been waved leaving the fee of $9.95 per month for the PCI compliance that the city will incur in addition with Banyon they'll charge a $795 setup fee and an annual support fee of $195 after that at onetime fee these fees would be paid through the city's Water and Sewer funds which currently pay for the Rev track fees that we are have with our current system currently with rev TR the city pays for the customer payment transaction fee there will be a change with new vapa and those fees will be passed on to the customer um the customer fees will be as follows a credit or debit card payment is 3% per transaction and if they do AC payment it's a dollar per transaction the city will continue to provide other payment options that incur no fees for the customer to include payment by cash check or signing up for AC through our system with Security Bank and the city currently takes those fees so we're asking for approval of executing a proposal and corresponding agreements with nve and paa to provide online payments ebilling and citizen engagement solutions for the city of Winstead and with that change um with the 9.95 per month fee through no Paya and waved fees and also with the customers taking the fees there will be a savings to the water and sewer funds as soon as we join with new this is not mandatory for residents this is not mandatory for residents right because there are those other options to pay the cash check or automatic payment through the bank do we have an implementation date we are are wanting to start as soon as we can so it's about a 3-month process so hopefully by October november-ish the 995 fee is per person per household or what no that's the city's fee just a once a month fee of $9.95 right and that's because of that um PCI payment card industry compliance that they do annually and and you said they're waving that for the first year no that's the only fee they are charging they had a number of fees that they waved for setup to to create our portal and to um sorry not on that page but they waved it's on page of the packet materials but they waved um 20 cents per e bill when we go to electronic um billing if we do that payment by phones they waved the 50 cents for us waved um monthly portal fee $250 per month was waved in the initial implementation that to set up our portal $5,000 was waved thank you how does this uh help staff this helps staff because there's much more that if they if customers are paying by the credit card there's much it's a user more userfriendly system for them and there's a lot more information they can see and find on their own with their bill detail than what our current system has does this save you any time processing yes it should because they also provide help too so you could this new they if people contact them they will provide provide the customer help too currently with revt TR we don't have that they all customers if there's questions they call us we anticipate a reduction in phone calls from citizens about bills that you'd refer them to new pay right and even yep because they would maybe call nve and if NV can handle it they will or because they can see more of their detail in history online and find more information before they well the city pays the credit card fees now correct what do you anticipate that to save in a given month or year probably over 12,000 right now the fees are about between 1,500 and 2,000 per month any other questions if not looking for a motion uh Mr Mayor I'll make a motion to authorize uh the city administrator to execute a proposal and corresponding agreement with nuve Paya to provide online payments ebilling and citizen engagement solutions for the city of Winstead we have a motion do we have a second a second we have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carried you know I was prepared to wait for you presentation report tonight is the Winston ambassadors all of you step up pass this topic hello we are the 2023 2024 winet ambassadors I'm Amber ganika I'm Haley Lina I am dny we have had a great year traveling all over the state of Minnesota representing our beautiful Wind Community our travels took us as far away as Northfield and Cambridge and as close as our neighboring communities and everywhere in between when we complete our rain in August we have visited a total of 24 other communities State um and have participated in a little over 50 events we've also had the opportunity to volunteer in our very own Comm Community a few things we have volunteered at over the last year um have been the firemen spaghetti dinner the pancake breakfast Legion breakfast movies in the park windstock easter egg hunt business trick-or treat Winstead winter festival the Women's Expo Winstead Chamber of Commerce banquet and we will be volunteering at Winstead night out and the Summer Festival we want to thank the city of Winstead for helping us to keep this program running it is a wonderful opportunity for young women to grow in confidence have opportunities for public speaking participate in a leadership seminar as well as etiquette training and grow in our interview skills all of these are lifelong skills that we can continue to grow and improve upon this program is also a great way for young people to get involved and learn the importance of volunteering and giving back to their Community thank you so where do you all go to school I go to where I graduate from Howard Lake Bly windset High School I also just graduated from Howard Lake Waverly winet High School I graduated from Holy Trinity here in okay and you mentioned it a little bit in your talk but if there are young ladies watching tonight or they'll see your picture in the paper because you're going to take one right okay yes um what what would you say to encourage them to run for a Winston Ambassador I would say it's a really good opportunity just um to getting to talk to people getting to know people of your community it's an awesome scholarship uh opportunity and just really getting to enhance your public speaking skills through this program I have learned a lots of leadership skills and um it helped my ability to public and I have gained Lots skills and knowledge and um it would be good any um young girls get involved with I've learned a lot more about public speaking and just gaining more confidence in myself being able to talk to people in a bunch of communities that we visited I got to believe those skills will go with you for the rest of your life right for sure so when you're at other communities um I would assume because it's Winstead they recognize you oh for sure yeah there's a lot of um like close towns for sure that we have like our surrounding towns were um pretty familiar with so it's super fun and then going to some of the um the bigger events like in NOA or big lake was pretty big um sometimes they know know where windset is which is kind of pretty small towns well you're you're one go ahead I'm sorry whenever we them to our Summer Festival and our Winstead winter festival as well good well you're wonderful representatives of the community so thank you because I know it's a lot of time and you don't have any weekends of your own in the summer thank you any other questions comments no thank Youk thank you for having us we come to the open Forum section of the meeting if you have anything you want to address the council step up to the podium name address okay we'll move on to the last item then that would be City administrator updates and announcements I don't have a lot just a couple of things tonight uh I was just told by Mr exin that the brush site goal to um be available is on Saturday hopefully right everything goes right yep and then I was told to remind people that the filings will be opening up for the city of winad we for um Council and mayor positions be open on July 30th at 8:00 a.m. and close August 13th at 5:00 p.m. for the mayor twoe term one council member at large fouryear term I guess there's two of those two council members at large and then the general elections to be held in the city of winad on Tuesday November 5th applications for filing are available at city of winad City Hall and the filing fee is $2 last day to withdraw is August 15th by 5:00 p.m. anything else no sir Tom do you have anything I do not je no jie just want Neil to put his hat back on again other than that all right train melon nothing Mr Mayor looking for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we have a motion do we have second I'll second motion the second all in favor I meeting adjourned there must be a lot