##VIDEO ID:eWmHKPCfXHk## United States of America to the rep Nation indivisible tonight's consent agenda consists of the following items item a approve the minutes of the cusing board meeting held on November 14th 2024 to certify the 2024 general election results and be schedule a public hearing for December 17th 2024 at 6 p.m in the city council chambers at Winston City Hall to conduct it uh to consider adopting amendments to the fee schedule ordinance item c Schedule a public hearing for December 17th at 6 PM in the city council chambers at Winston City Hall to consider adopting amendments to the Winston municipal code with relation to cannabis in the city of winad item d resolution r243 authorizing application for the grants navigation program through the league of Minnesota cities for the city of wiid item e adopt resolution r- 24-38 certifying unpaid utility charges charges and leving it as a special assessment to certain wined properties item F authorize the city administrator to execute a job Proposal with CJ Cleaning and Restoration or Janitorial cleaning at the winst Winston City Hall beginning January 1st of 2025 item G authorize the mayor to execute a liability coverage waiver form allowing the City of Winston to not wave the monetary limits on Municipal tort liability established by the Minnesota Minnesota state statutes 46604 for the 2025 property casual insurance contract item H authorized the city administ ated to purchase $1 million in excess liability coverage for the 2025 Property and Casualty Insurance contract item I terminate the land lease agreement between the city of winad and J Ferell for hanger number 28 at the winad municipal airport item J approve the land lease agreement between the city of winad and Kenneth hubman for the hanger number 28 at winad municipal airport based on the successful submission of all required documents and fees to the city of winad item K terminate the land lease agreement between the city of winad and Steven Roman for hanger number 32 at the winad municipal airport item L approv the land leas agreement between the city of Winstead and John bergerhoff for the hanger number 32 at the Winstead municipal airport based upon the successful submission of all required documents and fees to the city of winad item M approve the pledge Securities that Security Bank and Trust company has purchased for the city Winston for the month of October oober 2024 item n approve the building permit for the month of October 24 item o approved the financial report for the month of September 24 and the claims listed it's item P approve approve the claims list for November 19th 2024 that's the uh consent agenta I'm looking for a motion to adjourn that or no Mr Mayor not yet to approve that uh Mr Mayor I uh make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented we have a motion do we have a second all second have a motion a second all in favor I I opposed motion carried we're going to jump right into new business tonight and uh first item now is Item B and we're going to do a development agreement with the leasing housing LLC and I'll turn it over to Neil so I'm going to address items B and C together um this goes hand inand with the Grass Lake farms development and this is in regards to the Minnesota WorkForce housing loan that we have received um in order to receive that loan SL grant funding we need to have an agreement in place and the second part of that going to be having um the documents to the Minnesota Department of Housing um so that's what the it's really the loan document ments are part of it and then they are requiring another development agreement that is specific to the loan and how those funds are returned so again when I say loan it is a zero interest um a zero interest interest loan as long as everything is executed properly it is turns into a grant so is not something that is need to be paid back can you uh do everybody a favor and clarify um for the citizens CU I've gotten questions on this again that this is not a Section 8 housing that this is a market rate apartment this actually cannot be a Section 8 housing um development because of the steps that we are taking to go through this so it absolutely is market rate thank you so are we looking for two motions then You' have B and C well I I did go through both of those yeah and and make a motion to authorize the mayor and city clerk Treasurer to execute a development agreement by and between the city of Winstead uh Minnesota and Winstead least housing LLC we have a motion do we have a second I'll second we have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carries look at for the next motion then consider a motion to authorize the mayor and city clerk Treasurer to execute a deferred loan agreement with Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and supporting documents as part of the workforce housing development program to expand Workforce rental housing in the City of Winston in conjunction with the Grass Lake Farm Apartment project we have a motion do we have a second I will second we have a motion a second all in favor I I oppos uh item D would be joint poers agreement Police Protection Services Winston and leer Prairie Minnesota and that I'm sure you want to get into that you we will a little bit um we've obviously been working on this for a long time and we are here at the final stretch Lester Prairie has adopted an agreement mostly um unchanged from the one that you had seen at the last council meeting the only change that uh they really requested was to meet quarterly instead of semiannually and uh I think that's fair at least to start so we are just looking to approve the agreement that uh we had approved to move forward with so entering those final stages so we can uh look to merge our police departments in the in 2025 any questions from the council comments motion I don't know did you have anything to add Justin or and the activation date is January 1 uh that is yet to be determined but it will be after January 1st sometime after that shortly after any other questions motion anybody uh Mr Mayor I uh make a motion to authorize the mayor and the city cler treasure to execute a onstead Lester Prairie Police Department joint Powers agreement to provide full-time police protection and service for the cities of Winstead and Lester Prairie we have a motion do we have a second a second you have a motion a second all in favor I motion carries um we've come to the organ organization report tonight and we've got at least a good hour it's the what up group I promise not to do that good evening council members I am here representing what up committee my name is Amanda zidler I also work for the city uh the other committee members include Jeff Campbell Rose Hil Mike Henrich and we typically try to have a high school student but we don't right now uh the most recent was Nicholas mner and he did a great job helping us out we just try to keep them engaged uh to give them the opportunity to serve the community at a younger age and then also to help us to plan events that will meet the needs and wants of kind of the younger age group to be a little more trendy I guess and to make it more exciting uh so most of you I think are familiar that whatup started out of the Blanding group uh it was created due to a lack of community events and specifically to have family and free events that are local so people don't have to travel uh so they don't have to expend anything if they maybe are tight on money and to encourage family time together that a lot of people don't get anymore so that is our purpose and we try to work with several Community groups to do that and to accomplish that purpose as well we've worked with the lions in the past when they were active with the Arts Council um with the Winstead fire department they help us out each year and it's a great way for us to work together to uh reach out to the community and work on that and and to meet those needs so our events are usually held Fridays or Saturdays uh We've paired it down a little bit from what we started with just because we found they weren't there were some events that weren't as successful so we didn't want to keep doing that uh so what our main events are are movies in the park which are usually held in June July and August uh we have move to September if the weather has not been on our side but we try to plan around things like Summer Festival windstock things like that to make it good timing as well uh the July movie is usually sponsored by the Winstead fire department relief Association so that is usually held indoors at the fire department so at least it's one day that we don't need to worry about the weather um but but it's nice for the community to see them reaching out as well and get to know each other that way and a lot of them have families so it's fun for them to interact and engage in that as well um our other big event is our Halloween bash that we were excited to bring back this year we had to take a year off last year uh but that was held here at City Hall in towards the end of October and we have free pumpkins that the families can paint and decorate we also have a witch's corner where they can try out different things we have face painting we have a hay ride we hand out candy and hot apple cider things like that and it's been very well attended every year that we've ever had it it's been fun to see kind of even the generations change since we started it to see the new generations coming so again the weather held out nicely for us so we appreciate the support from the Council on that our funding sources we usually try to budget about $1,500 per year unfortunately the movies we do have to have licensed so they are expens ensive they run between $3 and $400 usually uh and I think that amount is only going up in the future so that's hard to stomach sometimes but we know why we're here and what we're doing so there are some generous donors that help support that as well so some of those include the Winstead chamber uh Jeff Campbell's reality business of Century 21 the Winstead Fire Department in ATHC and then the city also generously gives us a stipend towards all of those things as well so at that point if you have other questions for me we just really want to thank you for the support and we appreciate you backing what we do because it's an important thing for our community it's nice to see those families and how you can just see that they're grateful and they're gracious that we have that available to them so I just have one question has the um participation from the group's been more over the years or has it stayed about the same you know it es and flows so it just depends you know if there are other events cuz there are a lot of community events throughout the summer so our movies we tend to compete with different things a little more than we'd like um but I would say depending on what we're showing like our movies we try to keep very current and very new like new releases uh so that's helped quite a bit but for the most part I'd say we we've stayed pretty much the same so we get from the movies we can get anywhere from 30 to 60 or 70 people there so I'm just blown away at that's crazy just a teror movie it is and I mean obviously we could do it without the license but that's not the right way to do it and we want to follow the rules and and it is a little bit less expensive if we have an indoor movie so that's why the fire hall is named cuz we can save on our budget there a little bit but yeah it's just trying to do the right thing on both sides so never guessed no and that fee is charged by who it's we work through SNK Motion Pictures but there's a couple of different companies that you can order the movies from and you can get the licensing so in our case we get the licensing and then we can purchase the movie and then we can donate it to the library or things like that so we try to give back where we can Swank Motion Pictures correct that's interesting isn't it and they do they do a lot I mean they've got you know they've got different if you look at their website they definitely have it set up geared towards they have like parks and wreck or colleges or schools or things like that so they've been really good to work with so we appreciate that are they on real toore or VCR or DVD it's Blu-ray yeah at some point we'll be streaming we figure but we're not there yet what's streaming CU I have all kinds of VCRs or um left from our store that you would not have to pay for you could just L yeah we have talked about maybe upgrading our screen so far all of our equipment's hanging in there and really good it's not outdated which is kind of crazy considering technology and the advances we've made uh but our screen we're getting to the point where we may try to upgrade that in the next year or two but I think we've got some sponsors and we've got some funding left over yet too that we might put towards that so otherwise like I said we try to keep a pretty tight budget and only ask for what we need and the the Halloween bashes you know other than the movie the Halloween bash we do quite a bit but we've got some generous donors with pumpkins too where they give us a good deal and it's you know the paint and candy and things like that that add up but other than that it's it's been good so any other questions or comments for Amanda well thank you for running the program and all your help yes yes well thank you thank you we've come to the open Forum section of the meeting if anybody has anything they want to address the council step up the microphone and at your name and address and okay we have no takers so we'll move on to the city administrator update and announcements Neil yeah I don't have a lot for tonight either I have um I'm guessing we're going to be adding our uh winter parking signs and putting them back up they came down accidentally with the um polls old poll so we'll have some new signage coming um but that does not mean that the winter parking will not be enforced so just something to be aware of so winter parking will still be enforced regardless of signage or not and uh we have a public hearing on truth and Taxation on our next council meeting on the 3D that's it Neil that's all I have any questions for Neil Jeff do you have anything I have nothing Jesse Y no sir well then I'm going to make a motion we adjourn I'll second we have a second all in favor I meiting adjourned