##VIDEO ID:onV1i_wbcSE## and the amount of $540 to be dedicated to the winst holding activities that unite people item I authorize the city administrator to initiate the renewal process with Southwest Central service cooperative and and Meda to provide to provide health insurance coverage for the City of Winston employees for the policy beginning January 1st 2025 item K authorize the city administrator to initiate the renewal process with the Hartford to provide consiliary insurance coverage for the City of Winston employees for the policy beginning January 1st 2025 item L appoint Miss Christine kidak to the position of utility billing billing clerk for the City of Winston at step one grade three of the proposed 2025 Compensation Plan through December 31st 2025 item M approve the pledge Securities that Security Bank and Trust company has purchased for the city of winad for the month of September 2024 item n approved the building permit report for the month of SE September 2024 item o approved the financial report for the month of August 2024 um last item item p a claims approve the claims list for October 15 20124 uh that's the consent agenda I'm looking for a motion for approval Mr Mayor a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented and I abstain from voting on item M we have a motion do we have a second second I'll second have a motion a second all in favor I oppos motion carried uh tonight we'll have a public hearing and it's going to be on ordinance 02- 2403 Winston Municipal Code chapter 1 text amendment I make a motion we open that hearing and then I'll turn it over to Neil bring us up to work so I'm looking for a second to open that all second we have a motion a second all in favor I I go ahead Neil okay so at um at one of our meetings here we had talked about raising City Council salaries um had gone back and forth about racing the base salary or not and what we had decided was to at least um give council members the $40 that all of our other commission members get for attending meetings that will raise our budget approximately $5,000 over the entire year um and it raised from 25 to $40 and keeping the set salaries the same uh if anybody from the audience has any comments or questions on this state your name and address for the record and step up to the podium ask away okay nobody wants to do that so I'm looking for a motion to close the public hearing make a motion to close public hearing we have a motion do we have a second I'll second motion a second all in favor I I motion carries um so we're looking for a motion for the ordinance or so the next item then would be motion on the ordinance Mr Mayor a motion to adopt ordinance 0-24 d03 and ordinance providing text amendments to chapter 1 section 3 of the Winstead Municipal Code of the city of Winstead Minnesota with relation to City Council salaries we have a motion do we have a second second a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carried no old business but tonight under new business our first item is joint and Cooperative agreement for law enforcement services for the city of winad and ler Prairie uh we'll start with Neil I'm sure Justin you'll be coming up okay don't leave it up to me so as you guys are fully aware of we've been working on this for uh quite some time pretty much since I arrived here a year and a half ago or so um and I'm happy to say that we are moving in the right direction Lester Prairie approved moving forward with this agreement contingent upon attorney review and uh we're asking you do the same this evening I'll turn it over to Chief H yes if there's any questions you have I think we discussed at length in our work session um but if there's any questions you have regarding the agreement or the plan moving forward be happy to answer them this um the target is January 1st yes sir my input is I think this is a very positive step for both cities and both police departments and the real winners in this will be the citizens of both of our communities as we'll be able to provide them 24-hour coverage and um uh have ultimate transparency and clear communication which all of our citizens deserve and know you've said this in the past I don't know how many times at a council meeting but how are the uh future officers taking this yes there's a lot of excitement uh with officers of both departments um I've spok at length with interim Chief uh Travis Wakefield of Lester and I know uh in speaking with him his officers are also very excited anybody have any other questions for Neil or police chief if not looking for a motion I'd make a motion to authorize the mayor and city clerk Treasurer to execute a joint and Cooperative agreement for law enforcement services for the cities of winad and Lester Prairie Minnesota contingent upon review by the City attorney we have a motion do we have a second second we have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carried thank you mayor thank you next item is uh Municipal Winston Municipal Airport runway 927 clear Zone acquisition plan work order number 12 Professional Services contract boltman M Incorporated NE I know you want to take I do so and as part of our funding and requirements through the FAA we have to have a clear Zone acquisition plan what that means is we have to have enough room for planes to land and take off um we currently do have that but we have to have that planned in place in order to continue to receive the um funding that we do currently receive from the FAA so this plan lays out like I said it lays out you know where we might have deficiencies um as you can tell from looking at the plan there's U slivers of land that we will need um to acquire at some point but as it sits right now we have the plan and that is what is required of us any questions or clarification from Neil if not looking for a motion a motion to authorize the city admin administrator and city clerk treasur to execute work order number 12 the Professional Services contract between the city Winstead and Bolton and mink Incorporated to conduct project meetings and a clear Zone acquisition plan for the winad municipal airport 10d for an amount not to exceed $10,000 with funding participation from the Minnesota Department of Transportation mot office of Aeronautics we have a motion do we have a second I'll second a motion and second all in favor I I oppos motion carried get to do it one more time another resolution for the airport resolution r- 24-33 Winston municipal airport dat Grant agreement for snow removal equipment acquisition Neal okay and this is another project that has been ongoing um since I first was hired so as you know we have a payloader and a snowblower that is U been somewhat on back order for a while we have a few hoops and to jump through here and eyes to Dot and te's to cross in order to get this um to go through with our grant process and in that Grant process you have a 90% um match by the FAA five local and five State this is essentially just approving that if we are able to get this we will get the um money from the state or the Grant from the state if we're able to jump through those Hoops to get the actual equipment any questions for Neil hearing none looking for a motion I'll make a motion to adopt resolution r- 24- 33 authorizing the mayor and City administrator to execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics Grant agreement 10855 for airport Improvement including land acquisition for state project number a434 06- 41 at the wion municipal airport for acquisition of snow removal equipment we have a motion we have a second a second we have have a motion a second all in favor I I oppos motion carried we have two Department reports tonight um first one is building inspector safe build so if you want to come up and give us your pitch good evening thank you for having me here um my name is Al Green I am the account manager and the business development manager for safe built he in Minnesota I also cover uh Illinois and Wisconsin and I do live in Illinois so don't hold that against me um we have been doing business with uh the city of Winstead for 3 years now and as you saw earlier the contract's up for Renewal uh it expires on December 31st and appreciate the renewal from you um in front of you there's a packet I put together some information on what we've done for the city um for the past year um so if you'd like to go to the second page there the services that we provide oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce Mike he is your uh building official here so the inspectors and uh such that uh work in the city inspect the buildings and the plan review report report to Mike um sorry about that um so we provide you uh building official Services building Plumbing mechanical and fire inspection Services uh plan review Services rental inspection services and sediment and erosion control services if you go to the next page it shows what we have done uh for you from January through September of 2024 so there were 80 permits issued within that time frame and you can see by month the number of permits that were issued we completed 284 inspections um um and 216 of those passed and that's a 76% pass rate so our pass rate usually average between about 70 and 80 85% okay you don't want 100% pass rate um well maybe maybe you do um that means your contractors are perfect and they do everything perfect or your homeowners that are trying to do things themselves are doing it perfectly but uh we're there to find any kind of discrepancies noted and have the contractor fix it before the certificate of occupancy on a new home or whatever it would be is issued the next page uh breaks down uh the inspections permits and such by residential and Commercial you so you can see which portion of those are residential and Commercial so for example the inspections there were 146 out of the 284 that were residential and 38 that were commercial and I know you have a lot of commercial uh work going on here um within the city any questions on that page okay the next page breaks down your permits issued by permit type so it will break it down by commercial and then your residential and then by color so um there's new there's miscellaneous and there's alteration uh so miscellaneous would be water heaters windows roofs um you know small what we call over-the-counter permits um of course a new is new uh we do do some fire inspections for you and land use would be any kind of zoning reviews that we do for you questions on that page the next page is your valuation and again it breaks it down by the permit type whether it's commercial or residential and whether it's new miscellaneous or alteration so you can see there in in July there was a pretty large uh commercial alteration permit uh issued you happen to know who that's for Mike I know mil Milburn okay yeah so um point out something here um the information that goes in here is only as good as the information we get and I'll give you an example I have a community in Illinois where uh there was a permit issued for new windows in the Full House and the person put down that the value of those windows were $2,000 everybody knows you can't get new windows in your whole house for $2,000 so um hopefully we will check in on our side when it hits us sometimes too our our our permit Techs in in the office in Waconia uh will call and you know ask your your clerks here whether you know that amount is right or whatever if they catch something like that but we try and catch it in most cases so this should be pretty pretty close but you know sometimes people put down less amounts cuz they think it's going to keep the value of their house lower and their taxes won't go up and and such so they like to play play it around the next page if you go to uh shows your inspections completed and again that's broken down by commercial and residential and then by color to show if it's new miscellaneous or alteration and then on the next page the one with the little uh py graph there that just breaks it down by trade so it will show you if it was a building inspection if it was a plumbing inspection if it was a mechanical inspection fire or anything that falls into our other category questions well you guys are easy tonight I did one last night they weren't as easy on me so thank you it's early yeah it's early yeah um the next page uh specifically breaks down your residential by type there so you can see what's happening whether it's miscellaneous new or residential alteration and then the last column there where it says submittal completed those are your plan reviews that come to us and that will tell you if the initial plan review was reviewed and approved on the initial one or if we had to go out for more information or didn't get the full packet that we needed do a complete plan review so uh luckily actually there was only one resubmittal in April so uh the contractors that are working here uh in Winstead I guess they're pretty pretty used to us they know what we're looking for um and uh if any are from the homeowner too they read the permit application and uh gave everything that was needed so that's good um the next page is your commercial and the same um your permits issued your inspections completed by type and then your submittal a few more submittal on the commercial end but that's pretty pretty common as we get into the plan review we um notice you know buildings need to be handicap accessible and the plans don't include certain things that are needed in within that plan questions on this okay the next page then um again is your plan uh review submittals uh together both um residential and Commercial uh so you can see which ones were approved on the initial submitt and which ones were not so uh little results so in the 9 months um that I provided here uh we completed 284 inspections with a pass rate of 76.6% as you on the other page the number of inspections has decreased over 2023 by about 23% and that's pretty common for most of the communities we've been servicing in Minnesota um I've asked questions about that um many of the uh city managers and and such have said number one morgage rates so a lot of new homes are not being built at this time hopefully we'll see that pick up mortgage rates gone down a little bit um they've told me it's an election year and people are scared to spend money and want to wait until after the election so there's a number number of reasons um I handle Illinois and Wisconsin too I have not seen this in Illinois and Wisconsin they've been pretty steady we're not up we're not down we're we're steady but Minnesota in general including like Lake Elmo which is I guess one of the fastest growing cities in Minnesota their permits are down about 20% so maybe we'll see that change after the election and into 2025 questions so the next page we've met the slas for the city so the slas any inspections that are called into us by 400 p.m. are done the next day or if the person wants it a week out you know we'll we'll U schedule it at that time but for the most part they're done the next day and then your plan reviews are all completed within the time frames uh the time frames that are in the contract our residential Plan reviews are completed within 7 Days um commercial small commercial are completed within 10 days and larger commercial are completed within 20 days as long as we have the full packet questions no so the next page uh there there's two lines there the upper P part says Community Development Services those are the services that you're familiar with and that we we've been providing here in Minnesota Planning and Zoning plan review Building Inspections and code enforcement the safebuilt family has a number of other companies that do all these other things on the next line so we do do engineering we do Capital Management we do real estate Rightway Construction engineering uh parks and operations we actually have a division in South Florida that if you see the guy out in the park cutting the grass that's actually a safebuilt employee they're Contracting that out to to us we don't do that here in Minnesota but and then landscape architecture do you do you want to um anything is possible okay told so you know I'm a salesperson so I'll sell it and throw it over the wall and you know hope it works no I would I it's something we we're we're considering doing and if there if there's enough interest it it it's something that we can easily jump into and then of course landscape architecture uh Calvin gordano and Associates uh which is where our president resides from it was actually his father's company that was a safe build acquisition that you'll see on a couple Pages back um Miami uh Fort Lauderdale and many of the cities around Miami and Fort Lauderdale have used us to do their landscape design and upgrade their park and their Bridges and and such like that if you look on the safebuilt website it will show you a lot of the projects it's pretty interesting I'd like to see some of that happen here in Minnesota so questions I have a hypothetical I don't know if you can answer or not if you're the right let's say I have a neighbor um lives across the street from me um not a real neat cly wly West cleaniness wise but I can see visually that he's got a roof that's starting to cave in on her home mhm he's got some other issues of actual sighting falling off the house is there I know we have ordinances but do you explain your inspection for a process like that the complaint is coming from City mhm so are you able to do an inspection on something like that we in that contract to do code enforcement services for you right now what what do you normally do with code enforcement is the police department handling those or yeah it is something we can handle but if it's a life safety issue we could do that for you as a favor is go out and you know look look at that you know as a one time favor look at that house and determine what needs to be done I you would not be able to go inside no just a visual yeah a visual on the outside but if you can see the roofs caving in you may want to yeah so that would be enough for the city to proceed with I would think so you know the better in Minnesota I would think [Music] so well I I know we can't do an inspection um you know at this point we we're not doing any code enforcement for the city so City but we could but we could we could go out there and take a look at it so I think that's I think question I have is I don't think anybody that works city is qualified to make that decision and I think I think you need an engineer in this case to I don't the city contract can they can they do that inspection without going in the house probably not probably not but if if the if the if the damage was that severe and you could see it from the outside would that be something the city in your opinion should pursue it's if it's a life safety issue I would want to pursue it it but that kind of depends on your ordinances also ordinance I think is pretty strong we've used it in the past but this is a a totally would be a totally different situation than what we dealt with in the past more well let's say my my neighbor lady is we can't get a hold of not in town that's that's a hard one I mean if it's if it's bad enough I guess you can condemn the house but it would depend on your ordinances yeah I would talk to your City attorney yeah okay I'm just trying to get a back that's all is is the house farther enough away from any other houses it's not no it's in the neighborhood yeah let's say nobody's complaining because she's a lovely little old lady that yeah probably doesn't have the money to right it or yeah or other issues yeah yeah that's a hard that's a hard one but if if it's really a life safety issue you you want to take some kind of action I think in this in this particular case if it looks like it's caving or not caving and put up about to um I'm a neighbor like what I'm looking at and I'm concerned with kids in the neighborhood absolutely I just want to make sure that City doesn't overstep its B yeah I'm asking the EXP Ian be more happy know I mean there there's a fine line there it in well as a neighbor is one thing but as one of the officials of the community if we have that and a neighbor comes to the council we need to know what our what our plan would be our options are and how far we take it I'm not an attorney so well what are you doing here there's so much that we if if this building looked like it was you could visually see it and it looked really bad would that be enough to allow the city to go forward with the next step I would think so again again yeah okay consult with your your attorney to be sure but I I think so I just want to make sure if there ever comes an issue that we know what supposed to doing anybody else have any questions it's it's it's a hard one and if the the person doesn't have money to we have we have a house like that in my neighborhood too and I asked it's actually unincorporated and the county actually happens to be a customer of ours and I asked him and he's like there there there's not much we can do there okay you guys have anything yeah I do I was going to ask Mike how's your cooperation with the city been and I was going to ask the city staff how their cooperation with Mike has been most of the city [Music] iers what have you heard from your staff um our St it's it's pretty smooth or else I hear about it and I'd be talking to Neil yeah it's been smooth from our end other than the person that deals with it left so for the most part that um when Maddie left so there'll be a little transition there and then obviously um Mike's new so and yeah I don't know if you guys are know the history but originally you contracted under mpec minspect was a owned by scottw who was your former building official um he sold to Safe built uh 3 years ago October so about 3 years ago and that's when I came in also I've been with safe built for uh just about four years and uh he he stayed on he's still actually on our staff he contracts with us and he does um some some work for us here or there but he's officially retired um safe Bill also officially this year started rebranding the men speec name uh in fact I got an email today going back and forth that we needed to register at safe belt because we were registered under mpec and that's happening but like all the emails changed recently and stuff like that and we went Scott was the Boo for all 38 communities that we have uh in the uh metrop in the Twin Cities area um we've went we've divided it up so that now there are five building officials so they have less communities they can spend more time in the communities Mike is one of them we have one East and one South we have um seven or eight communities in the Rochester area and uh Mike happens to be the the west west rep we have one up north and one down south so um it seems to be working much better too than Scott being pulled to all 38 communities at one time but yeah any other questions oh thank you for coming yes thank you thank you for your time we appreciate it um you have by card if you have any questions and um Mike's cards are up at the front I think they're up in front they are y Mike don't scw up okay thank you the other organization report is the Winston public library you're up [Music] pass bye you're big fan not thank you well all right Katie would have loved to have been here but she has no voice so hopefully this will go well if not we'll be done in 5 minutes anyway so my handout is not as exciting as his I have no pretty graphs no no you just get pictures that's all you get with me so um that is just a snapshot of what her remarks are and she wanted to thank you for the opportunity to speak with you and we are here well I am here to share a brief overview of the library and so she created the photo handout to hit some of the highlights for you um one of her one of her main points this year was going to be to remind you and to thank you for making the library a Central Central Point downtown the location is perfect for what we need and we are one of the anchors of downtown and have been since I believe 1976 so for the 2023 annual report that she has to put together every year the library recorded a total of 6,653 visitors which is up from 5,967 in 2022 too and then just this year alone from January to September we've already had um 6,47 visitors and this doesn't include the quick pickups and the curbside services to pickup materials freebook Fridays are always always a hit always they continue to be in high demand and it's a good way to keep donated books and Library discards here in the community and um we're this fall I'm also doing a puzzle exchange this is my second year doing this program so we we're constantly bringing people into the library even if it's not for programming like we used to we just don't have the space for part of it but we have um combined with a senior group here and are able to use the vulmer room which we will be doing on Thursday with the felting class and being downtown provides us with some unique opportunities like our big picture windows we do the sidewalk story times because I'm not able to do inperson story times at the time at this time because it's just me working there and so so every week we put up a different story we have the crafts to go with it and since our presentation last year at this time we've done over 110 different kits and she I love her remarks just how popular are the kits a total of 2,133 kits were distributed with an exclamation point is as a downtown business the library strives to be a strong Community partner we are part of the Chamber of Commerce and we are one of the people who do the business work r Treat and last year this event brought almost uh little bit over 1100 visitors just to our spot at the library and we are continuing as I said to partner with different organizations here in Winstead and our newest one is a senior the senior um group to to do uh the felting art workshop and then we have a full class this Thursday like I said but funding for this program is made possible thanks to Legacy grant funding and there's no cost we try and keep the cost low or zero for people just because that's what libraries kind of do we offer a variety of programming throughout the year The Returning programs each year include Bob booktoberfest adult winter reading and summer reading for all ages Winstead is unique in that it offers summer reading activities not just for children but also adults and not many smaller libraries offer this full range of programming for all ages and one of the things that she really wanted to highlight has an in bold so I'm assuming is just how important the library is to the community when people think of books when they hear the word Library they're missing that we serve as a Community Connector between people and businesses and lots of Life happens at the library and the library's interactions stretch far beyond its walls or even the business hours like dayc carees and school schools pick up books to share with children we're we partner with the uh hlww little Lakers to get them books every two weeks family and friends order and pick up books for their loved ones who are in the hospital or long-term care facilities Community book clubs I have three that I get books for every month we have served as a neutral location for supervised visits between parents and their children um people count on the library for computer services especially printing the library provides necessary tax forms each year although I do tell them I'm not an accountant and I'm not going to jail if they get the wrong form and then her favorite is when the grandparents come pick up the craft kits to mail to their grandchildren and then they do like a phone call and they do them together um she also wanted to thank you for your continued funding support for the library's collection development and looking ahead to the 2025 budget the city's continued support is just as critical as ever and we continue to be extremely mindful as we work with an Ever growing lean budget which we which we do and when we can we do try to find other means of support we just got a $600 Prairie lands graft craft Grant which will pay for another uh I think another felting class this winter and then we are going to be doing other pre land up that's like the southern part of Minnesota um marketing grants and other grants and Legacy funding through the state is the other the other thing and then any Patron and um supporters that do monetary or book and DVD collection also helps too I'm just reading the rest just make sure that I'm not going to trip up myself this again this this year oh and we'd like to especially extend our sincere thanks to mayor stco for all of his support of the Winstead Library over the years he has been a wonderful leader for the community and advocate for the library he has done more for this community than he will ever know and then questions um now I know why she yeah well last time she remember I just read the thing and it was Lisa is so great so this year I said please don't say that if I'm going to read this by myself so all right if someone wanted to donate money to the Winstead Library are you a nonprofit not yet we are working on that I think we'll be doing that next year that's what we're working toward okay and then if someone had books they wanted to donate what do you take what don't you take um I do not take encyclopedias or dictionaries I just encourage people to recycle those I do take mostly fiction but I'll take whatever and if I don't use it on my shelf then I put it on the free book Friday somebody will take children's books absolutely absolutely fiction is the big thing here at our library that's what our collection tends to be based around okay thank you how about the children's uh summer reading program you still did the competitive um event every year where the kids come in and read every week and Report their points and all that kind of thing um we do a different it depends on who is my summer reading coordinator it's I let them decide how they're going to do it but yes it's still we still do it's still a pretty good program for us and we just don't do story time in the park right now because again it's just me so I'm you know one person show there do the ambassadors come in and read um they have not for a couple years since covid because again I don't do the story time at the park like I used to but that's something again the inperson story time is something that I would love to do again it's just not feasible at this time okay you know 20 years ago when uh the internet started to become popular mhm there was great fear that the libraries would not survive but I think they've gotten stronger I have been at the library well it'll be 25 years next month and I have seen the changes and I think that we keep up with it pretty well but we always have that Core group that will come back because they just like to read but that's why we do the other things as well well personally I never never used the life Library till about 3 years ago um and I didn't think much of it but I can see how important it is community not just because I'm reading now he learned yeah I finally got learned um but I can see the value of it I think it's important that do whatever we can to support it and I think you've been in there when it has been an absolute Zoo so you see all of the people and you see everything that they're doing I used to think I was you know vacated the place when I walked but lately it's not not been like that no it just depends on the day it really does any other questions congratulations on 25 years that's a big accomplish yeah that's like a lifetime I did not think I was going to be a librarian when I grew up when I was a kid to be quite honest well we're glad you're ours well that's Katie had that in here too but I did not read that out loud because she said that I don't remember where it is but it's something about that the community you know the community loves a library for sure of course this list could go on and on I've seen firsthand how much the community loves its local library and Lisa as their treasured librarian but you know let so I I had somebody tell me that you guys will tender out hot spots for people to use as well too yes I I was completely unaware of that can you share a little bit about that sure we have a rotating I think we have two but they go out throughout the system as well because we are one big happy family we share but that is something that we can if you get on the waiting list for it soon as you're not and they go pretty fast and so you get it for a month and it's a T-Mobile HotSpot that you take home and you then you're not using your own data you're not using your own anything it's just it's like a Wi-Fi right there yeah and a lot of our homeschoolers use that I know and and other people who don't have internet access yeah yeah and they're very popular so I rarely have them on the Shelf this this library has two or the no we do we we have to I don't know how many there are in the system and if they don't get turned in they get shut off so it's basically a brick and so it's you know people tend to return them because well you know you just don't want a thing sit in there but yeah they are very very popular and I think they got them originally through estate Grant and then they just took off from there and they've added more I know because they've been in such high demand can I ask question sure process you just come with your library card and you um just say you want to check out a hot spot and then if I have one on the Shelf I scan your card and hand you the Hotpot and say have a nice day and then if I don't then I'll put you on the hold list for it and then as soon as one comes up it'll come here for you some yes yep just a driver's license with your current mailing address yep yep that name it reminds me of all the time I spent not the bar either I don't know if I can help you with that that's on that's above my pay grade level right there so I can't really help you with that was there another question what are the hours of the library uh Monday and Wednesday were those are our late days 2 until 7 and Tuesday and Thursday 10 until 1 and then Friday 2: until 5:00 and then Saturday we're open just a brief window 10 until noon it's an odd thing but Sharon Norberg the former librarian said that's how it's always been because they figured that way they could get the people coming home from work and then they could get the families and the older people here in down and then Friday I don't it just is what it is yep anything else any other questions thank you very much you are very welcome thank you thank you you are welcome uh we've come to the open Forum section of the meeting if anybody wants to address the council step up the podium Mr Mayor councel I just wanted to mention coning November 1st our winter parking ban goes into effect I don't believe we have a city council meeting prior to that so just so the community is aware that there is no parking on the city streets 2: a.m. to 6: a.m. uh like years past um we do give permission for parking on the street we just ask that you call the police department at 320 485 2600 and um everything will work out thanks uh We've Come to part of the meeting we really enjoy the most City administrator update you don't know how hard it was for me to not ask Lisa if that was fiction and not or non-fiction when she was saying those nice things about you but anyway I'll clear it up for so uh well number four pumps installed and flushed U sent the samples in for testing hopefully that'll be up and running by the end of the week here completely election days November 5th we have the Voting is open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the vul room which means that our next meeting will be November 6th mve to Wednesday because of the election and the Winsted chamber business trick or- treat is Friday October 24th at or sorry Friday October 25th at 4: p.m. start that's it any questions for Neil no Tom you have anything I do not Jeff no Jesse what are you dressing up as he's already wearing M staco yes yes he's dressing as an old guy looking for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we have a motion do we have a second I'll second all in favor I I I meeting Jed