##VIDEO ID:C6H6MRmU5Mg## e e e viw session for this the fifth day of February 2025 can I get a roll call please yes sir commissioner gison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor protm Yates who's absent and mayor bird song here all right uh we will have our Pledge of Allegiance and then we have some presentations 5A and 5B we will do on uh Monday but uh 5c uh item 5c Mr Mayor and Commissioners we'll do that at the end of the workshop so we can get through the more pertinent items if you please okay developments of note we have none we have the minutes and then we have the uh ordinate second reading we've we've reviewed this uh at least twice so far no changes no changes any of the three items no sir all right so um 9B and 9 C same uh that is correct yes sir okay to consent agenda maybe you need to give us a little quick overview of those items since this is our first certainly and in one of these we actually have um some folks is with one of our Consultants that we'll give a a brief presentation this evening as well okay um item 10A this is our non-ad assessment uh process so in in 2012 the commission had passed a resolution that implemented the uniform method of collecting non-ad special assessments and that authorized the commission to collect special assessment leans on property tax bills this aligns with our Code Compliance fines and leans um and that requires interlocal agreement to be entered into with the p County property appraiser and the P County Tax Collector so the agreement with the p County property appraiser must be renewed annually and uh your fact sheet will tell you what that what's specifically within that it goes from January to December each year it must comply with the Florida Statutes uh 197 3632 we provide the information and data to the property appraiser and then they are compensated for their administrative cost at the rate of 1% of the amount levied on the trim notice uh our estimated cost to the property appraiser is $500 so it's a relatively small amount and those are charged back to Code Compliance and budgeted annually so this is just recommending that the commission approve the agreement between the P County property appraiser and the city uh for the uh non-ad valorum assessments this is something we do annually we actually have not done this since 2022 I believe it is um and so we're uh we're we're getting back on schedule with that and we'll bring back to you in the next few months that list of where those assessments what properties those will be levied on okay thank you um item 10B this is a an an agreement with the woodpoint homeowners association they're asking these are private roads in woodpoint this is a subdivision that's displayed on your screen just off of the kind of northeast side of Lake Daisy off Lake Daisy Road Lake Ned Road area um they have requested assistance from the city for traffic control and enforcement over their private roads and Flor statutes does authorize uh us to do so the um woodpoint HOA is going to be responsible at its expense for complying with all the requirements for signage and traffic control that are mandated by law so all the signage that would need to go up within their subdivision they have to do that it must comply with the manual on uniform traffic control devices or mutcd and they're also responsible for installing that our enforcement in that subdivision is uh provided is the same as it would be in other similar Geographic areas so it's not like we stage a constant presence out there but we're able to patrol those areas and respond uh to issues that they have we have this with a number of private subdivisions throughout the community there's no Financial impact back to the city on this staff is going to recommend that we approve the agreement with and authorize my the city manager to enter into it with the woodpoint HOA Mr Mayor can can I ask a question about that yes yes so what exactly does this mean t we're just going to have a police presence in there periodically they're going to drive down the road once in a while or I'm ask uh assistant city manager bird to kind of respond to how we do that within the private subdivisions and I know there's a gate too so there's going to be some sort of a gate issue um yeah we have a number of these in different uh like like Ashton has in in the winter side has that uh agreement with us so generally it's whenever there's complaints about speeding or uh blockages or whatever the case may be then they would call us and then we would send an officer out there it's not a regular it won't be necessarily patrolled any more than it already is um but it gives us the ability to now enforce something whenever we're out there where we can't at this point my question Charlie is what are you g to do now that you didn't would couldn't do before could you not go in there and enforce before so if an officer went in there and there was someone uh that was speeding for instance uh we were we could not make an enforc or they run through one of the stop signs that's in there we would not be able to make an enforcement because it's a private road really yes wow so somebody can break the law in a private road and not be in danger getting uh yes sir I live in such a neighborhood and and it happens on a regular basis but but you have to be invited by the HOA to do this yes and then there responsible for making sure the signage at all matches meets uh statutorily what the state statute is it's not that's not our responsibility generally Brittney unless I'm have we done that you are correct Charlie that is correct they must meet the mutcd but they are private roads they're responsibility we don't have enforcement Authority on that without such an agreement yeah why would people not want to do that why would a neighborhood because I live in a neighborhood like this and we don't have that I'm like why the heck would we not do that well I live in a neighborhood that don't want to do it so no Comm dancer I would say that perhaps a uh a reason for not wanting to do that would be um that you don't you don't feel you have an issue or a need to do that you don't have a speeding problem you don't have a a Disobedience of of traffic control devices people running stop signs things like that therefore you know why why do I need to invite in uh the municipal jurisdiction to enforce something that's not really a problem it's usually when they have a concern about speeding and they they don't have any Authority within the subdivision to act on that that they want what they want help I get the speeding thing but what about a dispute or some sort of a disagreement between a lawn guy and a home I don't know I'm just something where you would you have a civil dispute if you have a civil dispute you have a situation that requires law enforcement to come out and handle we go out yeah that have jurisdiction there we have jurisdiction there St statute that's violated we would we can enforce that yes that's a state statute not a not a civil infraction so theoretically it's just speeding yes well yeah traffic traffic basically traffic okay I learned something I didn't know that and I will say Murphy's Law usually prevails that the people that most often want to have these Services brought into their communities are the ones that are found first who runs through stop signs [Music] because was there anything particular that prompted this not that I'm aware of no sir interesting okay thank you mayor uh item 10 C this is authorization for travel and training this is commissioner dancer's presence on the Florida Municipal Insurance trust uh Board of Trustees so there are uh five dates coming up over the next over the course of 2025 that require his travel uh commissioner Daner pays for all of those travel costs himself and then is reimbursed by the fmit so there's no cost back to the city but we do require authorization for his travel um 10 D is similar in that it this pertains to Mayor bird song's representation on the central Florida Regional planning Council and it is the 2025 board meetings for which there are I believe eight seven of them um six sorry six and uh the first one actually is February 11th and 12th in Arcadia coming up just next week so um again these are uh just standard travel and training requests item 10e this is a development agreement this is kind of a unique one Brett and Aaron Kramer uh improved this property this is down by Dennis Middle School you can actually see Dennis off to the right in the the background there um they improved this residential property and pursued the tax incentive financing rebates are available through the downtown CRA that application was approved by the CRA board in March of March 13 of 2023 so almost two years ago now when we were doing our audit of all of the tax increment financing rebate programs we have we identified that this one had not come before the city commission although it had been approved by the downtown CRA advisory and the C board so we're bringing this forward to uh to get approval um they get a tax rebate on taxes they pay So based upon the timing they have not missed out on anything uh but this will affect going forward so they are due for tax rebate I believe beginning this year so it's just cleaning up that delay and bringing this one forward so the total cost of improvements total cost of the improvements that they made is that what you're asking commissioner doson yes do you know Eric I I don't know the total cost of the improvements the develop asking is it that's what it's based upon no okay it's it's a it's the housing investment program so they get $110,000 per unit um so the maximum rebate they they constructed two new units so it would be $20,000 maximum rebate item 10f as you recall we're going to be doing improvements to Roosevelt Drive this is off of Cypress Gardens boulevards um in the general area of oh I guess just to the east of Legoland is probably the best description I could give there this is where the new Best Western Plus Haven in and Suits is located uh to coincide with the public works Department's uh upcoming roadway Improvement project on that Corridor the water department is working to proactively upgrade the water and sewer lines in that same Corridor this is basically a dig once approach um they have the water department has requested kimley horn prepare design and Survey proposal for this utility Improvement project kimley horn is under a continuing contract with us and so it would allow us to expedite both projects concurrently so that we're we're maximizing our efficiencies there they do have funds available within the water department in the amount of $13,750 for the design work and then they will budget for the construction of those upgrades in fiscal year 2526 I know we've talked about this before and my concern is that is always that left turn coming off of Roosevelt Drive I've advocated for a while that's a right should be a right turn only because I travel that road bless you whoever that and I just keep thinking that we should that should only be right turn only because people sit out there and about to get hit constantly you GNA talk to that okay you have mentioned that as when we brought Roosevelt Drive before you to award to kimley Horn for the design of that complete Street project and we have let fdot know of the concerns of the commission and ask that they evaluate this and I believe that their intention is to do a traffic study to see if that would warrant um a change in that intersection since it would be outside of their plans for cyers school board okay thank you any other questions on Roosevelt Drive okay thank you um 10g this is the award of an interim East agreement uh this is with Rez this is the Bradco Farms project the best way can say it um we called that the East Winter Haven oer recharge and wetlands restoration project so we had received an unsolicited proposal from Rez much longer name but I'm just going to refer to it as re for this evening back in March of 2023 when we received that we were required to issue public notice per state statutes that would invite others who may be interested in providing the same scope of services and uh offer a proposal for that work work we had had issued that in October I'm sorry in um in August of 23 and then in October of 23 the commission had authorized me to commence good faith negotiations with resz for this so we have been working on this for well over a year to uh get to a an initial project for how we Advan the Bradco Farms project and at that I'm going to turn it over to Gary and our representativ from resz to give a a brief presentation on what's In included in this initial scope of work good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners um this Project's been a long time coming you know we've all uh seen this project for a couple of years this will be the first P3 project that the city is undertaking so it has take taken some time to educate ourselves and make sure that we're we're heading in the proper manner with this project uh interesting to note that um you know we do have a a grant with peps Co for this project and we met with them yesterday um they are still on board and very excited about this project we've received a $ 6.375 million Grant from uh resident Florida um we have State appro uh Federal Appropriations out there hanging right now um Rez is going to bring with them a grant from cocacola of $1.5 million so we have money to get this project started this initial phase of this this project is basically some evaluations we'll be doing a soil borings throughout the property to determine one if we can convert Open Water areas to Rapid infiltration basins if that works that's the easy solution if not we've already had permits issued for an upper floridin recharge well or a lower Florin o storage and Recovery well so we have the the cor the correct items in place to proceed with this project also part of this initial phase is procurement of roughly another 100 acres of wetland so the Wetland project will go to roughly 470 acres by the time we're done with it uh with that very brief opening I'm going to turn the floor over to the folks from resz and Matt you want to take away howy mayor bog commissioner Mercer commissioner dollson and commiss Daner thank you for inviting us here today to give yall a brief uh review of the agenda item that uh We've refer to affectionally is the East Winter Haven aquafer recharge wetlands and restoration project and I'll I'll follow Gary's lead on this and just refer to it as the Bradco Farms project for the next 10 minutes uh just to save us uh going through that and I do want to thank Gary specifically for for for uh advancing the project to this stage um he has been tireless in his efforts to to make this project into a reality and we really appreciate that and excited to be teaming with him on this uh let's see do I do the next slide oh I think I do who is Rez uh I work for Rez my name is Matt stalman is as Gary introduced me and I'm a I'm a director Regulatory and a project manager at Rez Rez is short for resources Environmental Solutions I I also like to say it's short for restoration because that's our main focus we what would what you would refer to as a green infrastructure company we develop property in in such a way as to do ecological restoration and then deliver the benefits of those ecological restoration projects to our clients and the communities in which they occur we're founded in 2007 uh on the notion that ecological restoration and green infrastructure development can be a win-win both for uh humanity and for the environment or for the communities that we serve and for nature that surrounds those communities and over that time since 2007 we've become a leader in the development of TurnKey total stewardship uh projects where we take on uh basically the long-term performance guarantees for the projects that we developed uh sometimes that can be a few years uh sometimes that can be a a few decades but we commit ourselves to the projects until we reach our performance standards these four projects that I put on this particular slide are just some examples of projects that contain similar elements to the Bradco Farm projects I think that about probably about 90% of our projects are somehow water related and uh I'm a rice Farmers kid from from from Texas I'll just put it in real simple terms that I can relate to we we really focus on slowing water down and cleaning water up and using nature to do so a little background on the Chain of Lakes obviously I'm probably speaking to a much more educated audience than myself but for purposes of uh those that may not be as familiar as most of us in the room are uh the Red Dot on the site on the on the map shown here is the Bradco Farms project is surrounded by uh the Chain of Lakes system uh that is so um so integral to The Heart of the City of Winter Haven 50 lakes in the city 5200 Acres of the city is covered by these lakes and I I came across a statistic somewhere that just blew my mind that about a third of y'all's surface area I think I think the city covers 25 square miles that about a third of it is open water and um I've never seen anything like this before it's a beautiful place a beautiful place to have a city it's at the headquarters of the peace Creek Watershed and the Florida and aquifer and y'all are in a unique spot geologically and geography GE geographically because water that falls here rainfall that falls here is basically going out to your neighbors uh and that water helped to dissolve the carst geology that formed your Lakes uh so as as as folks have have moved to the city in order to enjoy this beautiful landscape the city population has grown I think it was 30 some odd thousand back in 2010 and now you're you're at uh almost 60,000 or so almost double the population in 14 years that puts a that puts a strain on natural resources as it does anywhere uh throughout the country uh where we have growing Urban and Suburban populations and the south Florida Southwest Florida Water Management District has has duly designated this area as a water resource caution area I take that to mean we've got to be cautious about collecting and holding and reusing and making the most of every drop of water that Falls here in the City of Winter Haven for water supply purposes uh on top of that we've got 50 plus EPA designated and pair of water bodies in the region uh that means that whatever water we do capture we have to we have to keep clean uh before we put it back into the system for reuse and along those lines because of that City of Winter Haven wisely developed this sapphire necklace program oh gosh I guess it's prior to 2010 uh in order to use green infrastructure uh as a way to capture that water and to clean it up before it goes back into the system the sappire necklace program as most of y'all are aware is um it's unlike anything I've ever seen before uh in my time doing working for res or even before it is a an amazing project that Rings the entire city and weaves together green and gray infrastructure at an incredible scale 19 different sites uh 13,000 Acres I think make up that system the ability to hold 29,000 acre feet uh uh and from where I come from uh that's something we would really jump on to as being such a great flood control benefit because you know being from Rice country I think an acre feet quite easily I can Envision all that water being held on the landscape especially during a flood event but in this context not only do you have that benefit you also have the benefit of getting that water back down into the aquifers and reusing it because that your water supply come back from the groundwater so an amazing project and the project that is on the agenda for cons for consent this next week is the first Jewel in that sapphire necklace the Bradco Farms project that project's purpose much like the uh the picture I've got here which is um lake lake Harvey Nature Park intends to to to dovetail together all the benefits of capturing that water through a constructed Wetland system cleaning that water and then putting that water back into the aquifer at a rate of around 2 million gallons per day at the same time it'll protect and restore hundreds of Acres of wetlands and and uh other habitats there for the for the benefit of our local wildlife and give back uh to the surrounding community in the form of a nature center and a trail system that adds to the existing Nature Park system already here in the City of Winter Haven uh it's a really amazing project and we're here to start the process of developing that project with this initial phase of an alternative assessment as Gary talked about we're going to be looking at three different Alternatives in this assessment doing a very deep dive from a design standpoint and a cost estimating standpoint to look at whether a rapid infiltration Basin a managed Aqua for recharge infiltration well system or an aquafer storage recovery well system have the most cost benefit for the project we want to know which one of these Alternatives is the most coste effective uh before we go into future stages of actual design engineering and then construction and maintenance of course we expect this initial phase of Alternatives analysis take about 10 months after notice to proceed the Alternatives analysis will basically follow three phases we're going to start with an in-depth project site assessment looking back at all of the site work that is already been done environmental surveys uh geotechnical surveys and whatnot supplementing those with additional surveys as necessary and then building off of that base to go into our technical suitability report where we will do the preliminary design and modeling of each of those Alternatives the last part of the Alternatives analysis will be a detailed cost assessment on the construction the design the construction and the maintenance of each alternative so we can make an informed decision or give the city the information to make an informed decision as to which alternative to go forward with on the project uh you probably figured out from my accent I've been told I have an accent I don't know I don't understand that why I think I do but uh I'm not from Florida I'm from Texas uh and I am I am uh familiar with these types of systems on my side of the Gulf of Mexico I know that Florida has been developing these water treatment Wetland systems for decades now and has exported an amazing amount of expertise to other parts of the country like Texas this particular project came to mind when I first was was was brought brought into uh the uh Bradco Farms project um this is a project south of Dallas similar in scope and nature to Bradco Farms what what drew me to what what sparked my imagination about Bradco Farms is I've been to this project many times and there's an amazing Nature Center and trail system there that serves all of the uh local school districts in that county and does an incredible job if you're interested in more detail you can Google Bunker Sands wetman Center East Fork Wetland re water reuse project but I thought it was appropriate to to to share that with you because I think that the sapphire necklace project is the next level of these types of treatment wetlands in an urban and Suburban setting in a growing a growing metropolitan area and I think it's the chance uh for the rest of the country to learn again how to how to execute these types of projects not only on a rural landscape like this project was done but in an urban setting in a developing setting as well our team which is represented in the gallery behind me uh uh Rez uh is leading the project management and Engineering we are supported by our our incredibly experienced team at Jacobs Engineering Group for engineering Consulting Services ducks andp lied has joined our team in order to provide Wetland habitat uh recommendations and hydrologic recommendations GMA water is a local uh local firm uh specializing in this particular Region's hydrogeology Montrose environmental will be helping us with soil sampling and environmental side assessments Phillips and Jordan helping us with our construction estimates and then Madrid engineering for geotechnical and S swca for cultural resources support back to our mission at re of restoring a resilient Earth for a modern world I felt like this picture captures a little bit this is from one of my projects I just I caught these two uh uh uh they weren't supposed to be in the water doing that um but they found their way into the water when somebody wasn't watching close enough we were at least uh diligent enough to get safety bus on them while they were on site so we kept them safe I I I share the uh the um desire to leave the landscape better than we found it for our children and for our children's children um I've got my third grandchild on the way here in a few days and I definitely want to leave the uh the the the ground that that they're going to have to uh live off of better than what I found it I'm very excited that this project will do will do exactly that for the City of Winter Haven and with that I'll conclude thank you'all very much so mayor just kind of wrap up on that this is you know the first real phase of um the Bradco project you we acquired that land in oh gosh end of 2023 um and so we're we're ready to advance that this is kind of the initial look what's there what's the best way to accomplish the goals of the project and what's it going to cost based upon where we're going to have the greatest outcomes based upon those Solutions so um that's what we're we're recommending we enter into with Rez this is a not to exceed amount basically about $1.5 million to do all the preliminary investigative and assessment work uh and as Gary talked about we have that budgeted and have a number of grants that are tied to this as well yes um if you would go back to where you have the can you pull your mic over if you would mind either one thank you okay um well you have the four one with the Meandering stream and one with the you know you had four different I guess you'd say green project yes ma'am I will if I can get the clicker to go back for me I'm sorry for some reason oh nope there it goes okay the green stands out really well but I on the far left uh says the living Shoreline construction did you describe that or do you know what the white is in that those I mean that is I believe beneficial reuse material that's been redeposited there in order in order to uh uh reestablish uh Marsh uh contiguous Marsh grasses and whatnot behind that living Shoreline commissioner uh living shorelines projects we do we do quite a few of those around the country up and down the Eastern Seaboard here in Florida they're starting to become more and more popular even even on the Texas Gulf Coast and we've we've worked on some there in Louisiana as well essentially living shorelines projects are about slowing down wave energy coming from from the Gulf in order to to uh Abate continued erosion of um either Marsh or beaches whatever it may be the the living component of it involves using the right material to grow uh shellfish oysters and whatnot on those on those um break Waters after they're established and that draws in a fish community and it becomes basically its own Reef system okay I know when I cross on the Clear Water going to clear water and uh um they have a lot of the rocks and they have them you know different areas like that but I've never seen anything in the middle of it like that they do come in a lot of shapes and sizes and and a lot of different configurations none of them are exactly the same um but I will say it's an amazing tool when properly when properly deployed the way that those projects can can stop erosion in an area is uh is is just um uh miraculous in some cases Thank you very thank you yes so um I'm glad we're meeting you because uh I think you're the company that that I would ask about this um we're all hearing all this water stuff and that's great Tracy loves the water I know mayor loves the water we all like water but I really like Parks and Recreation yes and so um sir what I'm after is I have I have coded this property as the Circle B East version okay and I know you're probably familiar with Circle B and how I don't if you didn't work on it or not but that's over in Lakeland not you're not familiar with that um well it's a it's a big it's much bigger partial than this but it's got alligators it's got a nature um building where you can go and you can kind of learn about nature and it's got catwalks and trails and hiking and biking and all that kind of stuff are you are is that your role in our in our world are you just looking at the water or do you have anything to do with trying to construct a property that we can Bike and Hike and do that kind of stuff on Well we'd be happy to construct whatever you'd like us to construct commissioner uh I mean tell us you know that's what I'm trying to find but in all seriousness to answer your question yes I we we can we can we can we can work on those types of facilities most of our focus is in the actual ecological restoration component typically when we're involved with some sort of a Nature Center or a trail system or whatever we're teamed with uh a landscape architect or whoever it may be that that was brought on just to do exactly that design as far as construction is concerned for sure we can wrap that into any kind of projects that we do but that's not like One of These Fine people that work for you that's not you've got this person and all they do is they try to figure out how to make it pretty and make it user friendly and all that kind of stuff and we have we have we have a few Landscape Architects on on staff that do that but typically when we're engaged especially with a city yeah uh there's us usually a landscape architect that is much more familiar with that local landscape that's brought to bear in order to give you know in order to draw up that plan and that design I think it's not that we couldn't do it it's just that we don't typically do that that's not that's not your role in this in this what we're voting on is our primary role in in this is is to well first of all you with this scope of work is to is to do this Alternatives analysis we would love to be involved in the actual uh design and construction uh of a project like this because that is similar to these other projects that we've done right that's what I see you doing here I'm commissioner ncer if I could respond to that question from staff's perspective the the work we're assigning here is the again it's the investigative assessment what is the best approach what comes out of that will guide how that site develops and at that phase you there's another task order that comes forward that again gets negoti at and worked on as to what's to be included in that um each one of these approaches may have a different formula for what the Parks and Recreation components look like there was a one of your images showed uh a big open it was the one in Texas that right there you can see that you have your boardwalks and your trails and stuff you know that's going to be driven by how do these cells for water end up being configured on the site and and we know that we want to have those Recreation components so that gets factored into subsequent phases of the design and ultimately the construction this first work is just how do we do how do we make the site achieve our water goals based upon its unique characteristics that's what Pepsi's paying for are contributing to I thought they were contributing more towards the trails and the I'll let Gary speak to pep part what they were interested in Coca-Cola huh yeah and Coca-Cola I'm sorry but both of them commissioner Pepsi's uh commitment to the city was for water replenishment okay so it was not for parks and rexs it's uh replenishment of the local aquafers okay never mind that was what I was trying to say is that it's more about directing the water and cleaning the water so that it is reusable to a certain extent Comm I was going to use it's it's a little more than yeah um I just want to know how long is your project timeline 10 months for for the for the item that's on the agenda May yes it is it is 10 months basically is what we're looking to from notice to proceed to wrap up our alternative Alternatives analysis of 10 months yes sir okay and then I just have one little follow-up question probably between you and Gary uh once once a determination is made Gary then it moves us into another project area and then with that we can I know we're not going to have the money to totally uh develop that particular project so then does that's where we're trying to get some bad monies and then we possibly would be able to go back and get some State monies through the water Cooperative so because all of this all of this is playing into the overall need that we have long term in the city of w Haven for what's now couched as alternative water supply so so mayor the the next phase would be uh design phase where a GMP would be uh developed for the construction of the project the the actual funding of the project you know we've got pretty substantial amount of money already um but we are going to need more um we're also going to be uhu bringing the uh task order one to you here in the very near future for the Wastewater resource facility so we are going to have to go out to the bond market or to to wiia and we'll address those needs at that time okay it's coming all right any other questions thank you all very muche all right thank you T thank you sir item 10h this is an item that came before you in December uh this was to acquire the open gov budget and planning solution software um we had had bring brought to the commission on December 12th a request for approval to acquire that software over a three-year term and that included expanding our existing cograph software which is an asset management platform by expanding it to include a budgeting and planning solution so all of our budgeting process our reporting our dashboard will all go out through that and that was approved just under $700,000 for the three-year commitment on that software one of the things that was uh was not included in that was a uh cost associated with the Professional Services required for the configuration set up in training of the budget in planning software that's an additional cost of $665,000 it is basically a change order to the original contract amount but given that it is above the $50,000 threshold that I'm authorized to uh to proceed with I wanted to bring that back uh for your consideration so that will allow us to fully advance that project okay any questions and we are um I think we are already in discussion with the open goov team on kind of assessing our systems and getting ramped up to begin that launch it will take us probably into next fiscal year to have that fully onboarded we're going to beta test some of the budget and planning efforts with some of our smaller departments in this year's budget process make sure we know exactly what it's going to take to make to get all that data in and then we'll be able to uh push that to all of our departments in the following year okay uh the last item under consent is fairly standard this is just a request for a DOT temporary road closure this is for the torch run which is the police department's annual 5K that benefits Special Olympics Florida that race will take place on March 8 and it does travel along sections of First Street North which is a do road so this is just the request for the road closure permit okay thank you all right we have no resolutions so we have some ordinances first reading 0251 thank you sir uh ordinance 02501 and 0252 these are companion ordinances that deal with land use and Zoning this is a small parcel let me try and give some explanation to you if you remember a few months back we had uh Reggie Baxter that was in about a helicopter pad that is that building to the far left that large white building there that was the property in question so this is along Dundee Road uh Highway 550 used to actually extend out there you remember recall that um so this is the general area we're talking about uh Reg Real Estate Management LLC is the petitioner and they're requesting neighborhood support future land use and Commercial Highway C3 zoning District to this parcel that was annexed in May of 2023 they intend to use this property uh as a small business office for a lawn care operation and all the uh pertinent details are within your your fact sheet we do have sufficient water sewer and transportation infrastructure to support this it's a relatively small development and the requested zoning district is consistent with the neighborhood support future land use designation uh this did go to the Planning Commission earlier this year in January and they voted to recommend the requests they did have someone that spoke regarding Improvement to the adjacent RightWay Eric I don't know if you have any any further thought on that comment yeah the citizen was um inquiring about the RightWay right there you can see where that's a dirt um kind of a dirt Drive uh his question was if the parcel is accessed by that rideway would that be uh required to be improved and the answer is yes so um so we're recommending approval both the land use assignment and the zoning designation okay any questions all right then 0258 this is an annexation along snively uh Avenue gives some sense of direction all of the Shaded area that is harmony at Lake Eloise um if you can hover over where those small units are that is Valhalla so give you some kind of sense of direction there this parcel is Arc Industries Inc is the petitioner they're requesting the City Annex this 32.3 n Plus or acre parcel they are seeking annexation for the purpose of obtaining City Utilities for future development of the site they um the petitioner also owns an adjacent parcel which is inside the city limits already and so this request will bring both parties Parcels under the same jurisdiction for future development uh quick question sir before you move on would you hover over the where the new roundabout is I think I see it um whoever's driving can you Eric's gonna get it for you I don't think it actually shows up in here but we can show you where it is right there okay yep so don't we have an issue with water and sewer back there with Louise and the W water sewer I thought we had a problem in this area out there about that's further south of us so that's going to be down off of um this is Eloise Loop Road so that would be Eagle Lake Loop Road where we had Residential Properties that were inside the city but located within the Wanita water service area is that what you're referencing yeah that I just want to make sure because I thought we had some problems back in there no sir this is actually right next to Harmony um which is within our our water service territory and we're building the the New Harmony Master lift station right just to the east blueberry farm is it the blueberry farm is going to be south of there so this is um adjacent to snively Avenue if you uh Katrina or Eric can you show where the railroad tracks cross so there's the railroad track that you would cross that road comes further east and then travels uh back up to a new stoplight that is at snively Avenue Rifle Range Road so it is going to be to the to the east or kind of northeast of that that intersection no problem and that completes my report on that item and another questions all right then we will we have the um budget ordinance so again we just did a budget ordinance uh we have it for second reading uh on this meeting this is another one this is on first reading this ties back to the $200,000 trail go grant that we received from the office of Greenways and trails that is an unbudgeted item so this is uh this is to include that within our budget we need to do that by ordinance so we'll include the revenue and then we'll also include an offset in terms of expenditure within our parks and grounds cost center and this is tied back to work to make improvements along the chainel Lakes Trail just really from motorpool Road North a lot of cleaning out of that underbrush and and debris that's in that area Okay the uh City seal update City seal update um this is kind of an interesting one that that uh Vanessa and her team have been working on so we have we've had a city seal in Winter Haven since 1911 that was one of the first actions of the Town Council back then um since that time we've used a uh a metal cast iron embosser and that has become worn and problematic and so we want to upgrade to new equipment and at the Prim Time of upgrading to new equipment one of the things that we realized with the city seal is that it did not have a year of incorporation on it when they did that so that is really the only change that is proposed for the city seal uh City seal is um per state statutes the Govern governing body can adopt or designate by ordinance an official seal so we would need to do this as such by an ordinance to make the change to it and again really all it does is it allows us to include the incorporation year of 1911 and then from if it's approved we will then pursue acquisition of the new electronic embossers and custom plates to go with that that's used on all of our official records so it kind of brings us into the 21st century so to say and also appropriately recognized as the city's year of incorporation okay any questions all right new business cdbg 2526 uh okay so us HUD administers and distributes the Community Development block grant funding program Nationwide hopefully that continues to be such um we had a little concern last week but there's been a little bit of a stale on that and we'll see where we land in terms of the timing of getting the funds from cdbg P County does administer the city's cdbg Fund in our program our anticipated revenues for this coming year are $279,200 the initial phase and funding for that project is included in the 2025 Florence Ville CRA budget we also assigned the 2425 cdbg funds to that same effort and staff's recommending that this uh 2526 appropriation of $279,200 G application is not only the city commission's endorsement but also the opportunity for public comment regarding the utilization of cdbg funds towards that project you may recall mayor and Commissioners in the past we've brought forward projects and gone through the same process so we assess what funding we have uh projects that are of direct benefit back to the areas of community most in need certainly neighborhood service center is doing some phenomenal things for uh seniors within our Florence V community and um this will further advance that project to make those Services even even more effective okay any questions all right then we'll have our Lon reports and and just real quick on those so there's an RFQ for design build Services we're going to be doing some improvements to the diamond Plex softball complex we're also doing some exploration of some pickle ball court options within that not necessarily at Diamond Plex but at different locations we want them to assess those and and see where we can fit in additional pickle ball courts and and and construct those and then the second one is an RFQ we need a liaison assignment for an RFQ again um this is for utilities Administration facility Water Resource Center and operation Center those three entities or or or assets will comprise a utilities campus that will be on the Upland portion of the Bradco Farms property all right can I go volunte well I was going to suggest we nominate Brian yat since he's not here but since it's pickle ball I'll be glad to that's what I was thinking I know that you want I know you want it Yates can do B that'll teach you well I sld her one that okay all right yeah I'm just teasing all right so I'll take uh 16b and 16b is is for the design criteria in owners rep Professional Services so that's getting that uh that front-end team that helps us develop everything we need in order to do a design build process okay so now we are back to the Strategic pillars yes sir so this evening uh as you know we we've done one of these each month and I think uh from the feedback I've gotten from from Commissioners individually these have been effective and sharing with you some of the advancements we're making that align with the Strategic pillars this evening we're going to do a very brief presentation on our infrastructure pillar as you know this is not just about the the roads and the sidewalks and the bridges that everybody sees but it's also our water and wastewater systems our our storm water systems it's the vertical buildings that we have it's Broadband it's you know Street so many more different things so uh we have Gary and Tyler are going to present for us this evening and I'll hand it off to them city manager and again good evening Mr Mayor and Commissioners this evening we're going to talk about uh five infrastructure initiatives that are in various stages of of being accomplished we're going to talk about Pard Road next next slide please so this is a a video you're looking uh South at po road towards Wastewater Plant 3 eventually that'll be Logistics Parkway going on down through there along the the west side of the property there and you'll see here this is now looking North on the the property and you can see the the lighting there and and the trail system on the side along with additional trees that were planted along the the RightWay there if if you remember this section of Road here it was basically a one lane road going into Wastewater Plant 3 this roadway I believe will be the Western bound Lanes of Thompson Nursery Road in the future um Thomson nurser Road will intersect this roadway just north of the wastewater treatment facility also um this roadway will allow us uh to connect to Fourth Street in W as you know the last City Commission meeting or previous meetings a commission approved the purchase of about 13 acres and that 13 acres will allow us access from the West to the east over at Pard road we got a good nighttime shot there too of uh the lights working there uh with people on the on the trail system so very exciting that you know this project um the the northern portion is done and the southern portion is very close to going out uh forbid next slide Master lift stations so this slide that you're looking at here is the current Master list station at the chain Lakes complex uh it pumps around 4 billion gallons per day of Wastewater to the Wastewater Plant 3 um you're see ins sides here this is a biot tower that's going to be painted white with the onew logo on it they showed me a a rendering of that just yesterday um so the new station basically will act as a standal load station that will serve Harmony and portions east of the of Harmony along towards uh Legoland it can also be used as a repump station from the chain all master so as we were designing this we put a lot of flexibility into the design to use multiple options the existing 30in Force man that's that we took out of service some years ago we didn't really take it out of service it's still in service so we keep that that Force main active once a month we flush that line to waste water plant 3 so that that service is still available and needs to be available for some time because we have customers in w that are connected to that 30in line so you can see here this is the current service area of the chain Lakes master and the harmony master and you can see the chain Lakes has got a very large service area it takes up almost all of all downtown and wellp passed uh Lego Land and out to the east next slide so what we plan to do is we plan to take a portion of that surface area and redirect it to the New Harmony station and what that will do will allow us to add more flow to Harmony so that when we take when we decommission plant too we now have capacity in the list station to handle that additional flow so we looked at a lot of different options as part of this process and this is going to be a very successful project any questions okay I'm going to turn it over to Tyler you Gary and good evening mayor and Commissioners so transitioning now we'd like to focus on fire station 4 the development of this station highlights the city's commitment to investing in the safety of our communities with the rapid growth that Winter Haven has been experiencing the need arises to expand our Emergency Operations to ensure that urgent needs from the public are being responded to in an efficient effective and timely manner the facility is very close to completion although no official ribbon cutting date has been set just yet yet from what I understand it's a little over 90% of the way there perhaps what will be most unique to this station is that it will be the new home to our safe neighborhoods Department who are currently operating out of the fire station or excuse me the police station so when a member of the public first enters the facility they'll be immediately greeted by a member of the safe neighborhoods team this reflects the city's goal to provide exceptional customer service by ensuring that residents are able to come in and quickly get the help that they need in a timely manner and this is just a simple photo showing the office space where they will be working in this is the fire station's kitchen our firefighters spend a lot of time in these facilities so ensuring that they have a quality home away from home is very important and this is just a simple photo of the station Bays finally one last unique aspect of this compound is that it will also host a new facility for our Parks and Recreations department this facility is on the same street as the Winter Haven diamondplex so our maintenance team at parks will be able to house the necessary equipment that they need nearby in order to maintain the diamondplex next we wanted to make sure that we gave credit to the amount of fiber infrastructure work that our it team has been so hard at work on fiber is the backbone to our City's infrastructure as it enables for Winter Haven to become the smart city that it strives to be with this expanded fiber Network Winter Haven is able to provide crucial Services pertaining to traffic manag agement Utility Services emergency responses and more as shown on this map the fiber infrastructure touches multiple key facilities within the city and has expanded so far that our reach now extends all the way down to Lake Wales and up past hanne City this past year it was able to bring fiber to critical infrastructure within the city including every single fire department and that does include the temporary station on Havendale as well as fire station 4 and wastewater treatment plant 3 in 2025 live it will continue to work to ensure that fiber is included in ongoing infrastructure projects including the Warner Haven Rec Center The Chain of Lakes complex and the lake conine and Lake Elbert Trail projects this expanded Network provides higher connection speeds to these facilities granting Winter Haven increased security high-speed Wi-Fi access enhanced support to digital City operations and more pedestrian enhancement projects are another great example of on going infrastructure expansion taking place within Winter Haven these types of projects reflect the city's commitment to ensure that areas where improvements are needed have been identified Solutions have been developed and issues have been fixed to ensure a safe and reliable transportation network is provided to all one example of a pedestrian enhancement project that recently concluded is the project that took place along South Lake Howard East this project was fully funded by the fdot and includes multiple improvements to its Corridor for starters there's now an accessible asphalt and sidewalk trail that begins at 15th Street Southwest and extends to Avenue D Southwest with this pedestrians will now have a safe way to walk and bike into the downtown area for work and entertainment purposes prior to this project no such trail system existed in this area so this is just one example of steps that are being taken by the city organization to fill in some of those gaps the project also included some new technology primarily the solar powered rapid Flash ing beacons that fully illuminate The Pedestrian crosswalks in the dark when users are crossing safety handrails have also been included along portions of this sidewalk and finally the project also included a resurfaced road with fresh striping new pedestrian signage and some minor drainage improvements in addition to the project that just concluded on South Lake Howard East there are multiple projects that have either recently wrapped up or are set to commence in the coming years around Lake Howard the area on the northwest corner was repaved just this past year in 2024 and extends from Avenue G South Northwest excuse me down to West Central Avenue in 2022 a strip of road on the west side of the lake extending from West Central Avenue down to 21st Street was also repaved in the southwest corner is where a future project utilizing funding from HUD is currently being planned this would begin at Avenue SE Southwest and extend to 15th Street where the fdot project recently concluded and the fdot project is that area there in the dark blue on the east side a utility project was recently completed that extended from Avenue E Southwest up to Avenue B RightWay Studies have also been concluded in this area to identify where a potential trail system could be installed in this area in the future and finally on the north side of the lake Rejuvenation work was just completed a couple of years ago in 2023 all all these projects reflect the overall goal of the City of Winter Haven to enhance the quality of life around the mini lakes that we are so proud of looking to the future we have multiple pedestrian enhancement projects in the works that will utilize some funding from the fdot three that are coming online in the near future include Third Street Northwest Sixth Street Southwest and Roosevelt Drive Third Street would enhance the road right out in front of City Hall here extending from Avenue D Northwest to South Lake Silver drive this is a heavily traversed Corridor being so close to the downtown area and also being wedged between First Street and us7 there's also multiple key City facilities along this road including the garden center the senior center the tennis courts and the trail head playground six Street would extend from Avenue G Southwest up to us 17 this would take place where the water department is a highlight of this project is that it would create an ADA Compliant pedestrian walkway system in this area and finally the Roosevelt Drive project is a small strip of Road out on Cypress Gardens by Legoland and would act as a connector between Cypress Gardens Boulevard and register road Roosevelt is right behind the plaza where the somewhere sports bar and just move jyr there's currently an awkward dirt path along this road that has to be taken in order to Traverse some of the trees and bushes that walk the area um I think a picture was shown earlier of that road and for our last set of slides here we would like to focus on the transportation Improvement program this program highlights the organization's efforts to maintain the city's roadways using a data driven approach areas that are in need of Maintenance are identified and mended through various means on an annual basis we're proud to say that 2024 was the biggest year for Winter Haven repaving efforts as a historic 1.7 million was used for the purpose of milling and resurfacing our roads in need additionally 500 70,000 was also allotted for crack and Chip seal in micros surfacing work culminating in 18 miles worth of repaving and micros surfacing being completed all that is left now to be performed is some Rejuvenation work to ensure the resiliency of all these roads for years to come the primary way that roads are selected for maintenance each year is with the assistance of roadway management Technologies or rmt this software allows for us to measure and track the pavement condition index or the PCI of Roads within Winter Haven there's sensors that are provided by rmt attached to the bottom of a few of our solid waste and streets vehicles and they're able to measure the PCI of a road based on the vibrational response that that vehicle receives as it's driving around all day this is a screenshot showing what the software itself looks like this is Third Street right out in front of City Hall here and it's showing us that this road is in pretty good condition as it's not showing a dark red or orange color there's also a camera C mounted in these vehicles so that we can see the photos taken of these roads to determine if the data that these sensors are providing to us are accurate or not this year rmt is looking to roll out substantial updates to their system which will include updating the cameras for our trucks these cameras will allow us to better process the data of our roads and they'll also be capable of classifying signage and we'll be able to build a system of signs for the city this could be of great benefit in the aftermath of a storm when reporting to FEMA for our cost cost reimbursement purposes because we would be able to better understand the quality of our signs right after a storm hits as these vehicles are driving around and responding to emergencies and that wraps up our presentation we touched on multiple infrastructure projects going on throughout the City of Winter Haven including poed road the master lift stations fire station 4 fiber infrastructure and the Investments being made in our sidewalks and roadway system so we thank you and would be happy to take any comments or questions that you have at this time goad oh he's got a question or two first one the the boat ramp on Lake Howard on South Lake Howard uh I know there's space there is tight um my thought all along has been to maybe turn that whole park into a canoe and a kayak ramp potentially and you know improve the park where people could you know have lunch down there because I've taken lunch down there a few times CU I work downtown but there's probably no way to make that space available for boat the ramp is too Steep and all that kind of stuff what have you got any thoughts on the on that boat ramp in that little Park talking about the uh the the one at the end of Central Avenue yeah yeah I Julie is that being considered within the master plan it is yes I know and while she's coming to the podium commission answer I know that one of the things that we've looked at you know we trying to connect the trail through there as well so you know with the Trail Ends by baranco clinic and now it picks up you know down this section we just showed you here uh I'm talking about the one right across from braco Clinic all the ducks like to hang out right so if in part of the trail plan to make that connection along there we had envisioned that being uh somewhat of a trail head as well for people to park and access the trail that ultimately that trail is going to go all the way around the park and that would give access to it but I'll let Julie speak to the the boat ramp aspect just wanted to speaked to the fact that the master plan the Consultants working with us are evaluating the boat ramps within the city and that is included in and a part of that evaluation I think we could use a real a place for people to launch kayaks and canoes and where they can put their little because they're smaller trailers and they typically cars instead of big trucks you put these big trucks with these boats there's no place for them to park right right it' be a nice place for people to because people do good on eat lunch all the time with the animals and stuff so okay the other thing is um MJ you may know about this but that rmt system for our roads I'm very impressed by that are we the only one that uses that technology or the county use it do other cities use it who if not they should be because this is like sh don't tell them this is really good it is really good so yes sir um right now P county is also utilizing the system and actually when we were at our Public Works conference in August this year they had P County's data on on their screen and was showing kind of where they've been doing one of the things I will say that Winter Haven is doing proactively is we have this on a number of our Solid Waste Vehicles as well as our streets vehicles and so we're getting upto-date information each week um whereas my understanding right now is p county has this on four of their vehicles to go over the entire County and so they have some areas that aren't yet touched that they don't get data on but P county is also using this as well it's all about vibrations it's not on the how much that's pretty cool yes it's based off of basically the vibrations um per second that it's getting and then it's measuring that based off of kind of how it should be if the roadway was perfect um and then it's grabbing those photos every few feet um to verify and you can see if there's a lot of cracking or if there's potholes or things like that and so um I think you can also see in the the top Corner that there's dates and so there's M you can go back so we can go back and see you know how has that road changed in the last six months and should there ever be a a large failure of some sort that's attributed to a storm perhaps um we would be able to account for that and say you know this road was perfect six months ago but then we had two major hurricanes and now the road is failing and and could we tie that back somehow um to get get dollars to to repair that well believe it or not I have actually bragged on this system it's it's kind of nerdy now but I have bragged on this system to other Commissioners and Mayors and meetings that I've been to about how they should look at this because I'm so impressed with this I've been watching for years and whoever whoever came up with this Bravo because I think is great so well I'll share with you um commissioner you may recall in 2017 we did our real really our first PCI yeah assessment and and we contracted out for that um and I'm sure it points in the future we're going to have to bring in a third party to help us really get some finite detail on this but to be able to have a PCI inventory and then updated ourselves is a tremendous efficiency and it allows us to monitor this stuff in real time you know our technology allows us as electives whenever we get complaints about roads we say hey we got you we got you you can you can actually see what condition it is and we have a science dated plan that tell you when your road will be paved that's that's all we need you know I actually saw some of the same technology in Gainesville at the uh Do's uh station up there where they manufacture and material for the roads and stuff and they were it was a group of us that basically trying to determine how does dot because we were up not upset that's not the word uh concerned about do and their uh state budget was spending so much money on reming and doing things for Rose so we want to know how how where does that come from so we were uh the uh Central FL Regional planning Council we had a meeting at the I didn't know it existed up in Gainesville where there's a whole um station there where they develop technology and the materials and experiment on how they do all that up games with so but any rate we're uh my miles ahead of everybody else it's funny we are we really are Miles Ahead oh Miles Ahead um another additional just exciting thing that rmt um they met with Tyler and I a few weeks ago and let us know they're also going to be able to start measuring the condition of our striping um which is more important as we see the everybody shift more to the autonomous vehicles they are being driven through that straping and that reflectivity and and they're also going to be able to help us better manage our sign assets um and and notify us if if those are not as reflective as they should be or if there's one missing and so we'll be able to start utilizing the tool to manage more of our roadway assets and and we're very excited about that possibility and I tell you I was out on Pilot Road and I didn't recognize it today really I didn't recognize I hadn't been out there in so long because basically unless you you have no reason to go to the way L of treatment you know you have no reason to go back there you don't want to take your wife out for a drive let's go check out a waste water Point Mr Mayor I I'll share with you when we were driving back um and for the rest of the commission we we had to travel through Harmony because you know CSX is making numerous rail Crossing improvements throughout po County and uh here in Winter Haven and the one right there by Harmony was closed so we had to travel North on what was West Lake Eloise drive and ended up on the new leg of the road that goes through Harmony and ties back into the area right by Heron K and I thought I knew where I was and then suddenly Heron K was upon me and it was it was a completely different Drive than I've ever had in the I don't know what 45 years I've lived in Winter Haven now it's it's very well done you know I was thinking tea I said if it was dark I actually could get lost out here I'd really maybe have to use my GPS to get by my way but anyway it's really beautiful out there I really well Commissioners I just again want to compliment staff there's a lot happening within the infrastructure world and it's it's some of it is behind the scenes some of it is beneath the surface but it is all very important uh whether it's in water and fiber and Roads and sidewalks and lakes whatever it may um we are looking forward to the grand opening of our fire station form we will let you know as soon as we have a firm date for that we are just wrapping up a few small items uh happened to go by there today and it was looking incredible if you haven't seen Winter Haven Recreation and Cultural Center there are a whole bunch of walls that are now standing out there it is which looks incredible as well and uh we will be back before you next month on March 5th to talk a little bit about economic sustainability and uh looking forward to that presentation I just want to say to you I really this is really good thank you sir really good appreciate that okay then we will have all our reports and then emergency Ms not received for the agenda so next will be a join we stand a join all right