##VIDEO ID:LlL-SqEVqRU## good evening I'd like to call to order the city Commission meeting this the 25th day of November at 6: p.m. can I have a roll call please yes commissioner dollison commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor protim Yates here and mayor bong here we will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Loria Harris the deputy City Clerk and I invocation will be delivered by Demetrius Phillips from The Bridge Church would you please come forward please stand your fa all right Lord we thank you for who you are and just for your goodness and I just pray for um our leaders of the city pray that you would give them wisdom far beyond their years give them a heart of understanding and eyes to see what needs to be seen and you'll get the glory for that in Jesus name amen amen of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we have no presentations we have no developments of notes Commissioners you have the minutes mayor yes motion to approve uh three sets of minutes this evening from October 14th October 22nd and October 23rd thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing andone wishing to speak to any of these minutes May do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign hearing none the minutes are adopted comments from the audience we have Savannah Hancock and uh would like to speak on 12b so when we get to that item I will call you forward uh is there anyone else that would like to address this commission that didn't sign up all right we have move right along so we have ordinance uh second reading public hearing 02 2449 we to read by tile on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor uh commission ordinance number 0-24 d49 an ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 the 2035 Winter Haven comprehensive plan 2035 future land use map series by revising the future land use map series by assigning primary mixed use Hub future land use to one annexed parcel repealing all ordinances and conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of scers Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date the general location 250 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by this request is 0.89 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you uh City uh manager we've had this at least a couple of times is there anything you want to add or uh just the uh 0 2449 and 02450 are assigning land use and Zoning to a partial that was annexed so there's been no changes since first reading staff recommends the commission approve at this time 02 24- 49 on second and final reading thank you thank you Commissioners Mr yes a motion to approve the ordinance 02 2449 on second reading and public hearing thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing any wishing to speak to ordinance o 2449 may do so at this time by coming forth stating your name and address for the record seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion quick question yes T Have y'all made any progress with do on that coming out of that um I know this is not this this issue but seeing on CY GS Boulevard the the road coming out from Gold's Gym there that we talked about trying to remember the name of it dve Roosevelt Drive that's that's later in the agenda when we do the complete Street talking about with the potential for changes there we not had any conversations with them since last Wednesday no sir okay any other questions and comments all in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign hearing none O2 2449 is adopted 02450 would you read about high loan the attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-50 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of wien Florida by signing commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel repealing all ordinances in conflict with providing for the administrative correction of sc's Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location 250 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by this request is 0.89 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager uh mayor Commissioners O2 2450 is the companion ordinance that addresses there been no changes since first reading staff recommends approval of O 2450 on second and final reading thank you thank you Commissioners mayor yes motion to approve ordinance 0- 24-50 on second reading thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02450 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen Cate commission meeting any discussion questions all those in favor let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none 02450 is adopted 02451 would read by to owner City uh attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d51 and ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 the 2035 winner Haven comprehensive plan 2035 future land use map series by revising the future land use map series by assigning neighborhood support future land use to one Annex parcel reping ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of scers Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location of parcel generaly located north of Highway 540 West East of King Road and south of cross Tower Drive the area covered by this request is 1.19 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners uh ordinance 2451 and 2452 are aligned with the assignment of land use and Zoning for a parcel that was annexed on May 1 1 2024 is depicted on your uh image there's been no changes since first reading staff recommends City commission approve ordinance 02451 on second and final reading thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance 0 2451 on second reading and public meeting thank you uh we I Clos the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02451 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion questions concerns all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none 02451 is adopted 02452 would you read by title lers to the attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d52 and ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of winen Florida by ass signing commercial D Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel repealing all ordinances in conflict with providing for the administrative correction of Governor's errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location a paral generally located north of Highway 540 West East of King Road and south of Cross toow Drive the area covered by this request is 1.19 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners ordinance o 24- 52 assigns the Zoning for that same partiel staff recommends with nothing being changed since first reading that this be approved by the commission on second and final hearing thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance -24 d52 on second reading thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to O2 2452 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen City commission meeting is there any questions concerns discussion all those in favor of the motion LED be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign hear none 02452 is adopted would you 02455 read by tyon City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-55 an ordinance extending the corporate limits of the city of win Haven Florida so as to include therein additional territory lying contiguous and adjacent to the present boundaries of the City win Haven Florida describing said additional territory repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the ministry of Correction of scers areas and providing an effective date General location 75 Sage Road the area covered by this request is 8.64 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you C manager mayor Commissioners this is a annexation ordinance there have been no changes since first reading staff recommends commission approve ordinance 0 24-55 on second and final reading thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance 02455 on second thank you I will now close commission meeting open public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02455 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the commission meeting is there any discussion concerns or questions all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none o 2455 is adopted Commissioners you have the consent agenda Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the consent agenda in its entirety thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to the consent any item on the consent agenda may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none the consent agenda is adopted in its entirety resolutions resolution r2452 would you read uh City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r2452 a resolution of the city of wihen Florida appointing a member to the affordable housing advisory committee providing for severability providing for repeal of conflicting resolutions and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners this ordinance appoint points a member to the affordable housing advisory committee uh as you know one of your members must be citizen who actively serves on the local planning agency pursuant to Florida Statutes Miss Elizabeth Davis was that design and his earlier this fall submitted her resignation from the Planning Commission um which left that seat vacant So at their November 5th 2024 regular meeting the Comm Planning Commission approved Ed Smith one of their existing me their current members to fill F that seat so um that is the purpose of this resolution thank you Commissioners can I get clarification for we sir um you said it had to be a citizen does he he he has to be within the city limits Eric I'm going to defer you on that that's that's been largely ruled when it with respect to the aack that it's a citizen of the county um not necessarily a citizen of the of the city I just want to clarify that uh Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution r2452 thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to resolution r2452 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I oppose this by the same sign hearing none uh r2452 is adopted okay now we're moving into our ordinances for first reading there will be no vote tonight the second reading will be on December the 9th all right so 02453 which you read by title or to the attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d53 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of waran Florida by resoning one parcel from plan unit development PUD zoning District to single family residential dlarge lot R-1 zoning District providing for the administrative correction of scous errors repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date General location 4020 Country Club Road South the area covered by this request is 6.02 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners Paul William Schultz revocable trust is requesting city of reson a portion of a parcel from plan unit development zoning District to single family residential large lot R1 zoning District the area subject to this request is a portion of PUD uh ordinance 02019 approximately 6.02 plus or minus acres and it contains the out the vacant Outback OAS o Asis event venue and Associated Pavilion restrooms in pond 02-1 19 allows for up to a 5,000 ft event venue or Clubhouse uh which was depicted in the conceptual plan of the subject property the petitioner proposing to remove that commercial use and intends to develop the approximately 6.02 plus or minus acre parcel with estate size Lots comparable to the surrounding Parcels based upon the acreage the theoretical maximum of 18 single family units could be developed however when development standards infrastructure requirements in the existing Pond are considered it would unlik it would be unlikely for the subject property to be developed at the maximum permitted density all of the other adjacent property uh not subject to this zoning request uh shall remain subject to the Pud zoning request established by ordinance 2019 there is sufficient poble water Wastewater and roadway capacity available to support the maximum potential development of the subject property under the requested zoning designation however that concurrency determination is not made until the property receives site plan and is developed based upon the maximum potential of up to 18 single family units the from a school standpoint it could require up to four Elementary two middle and three High School seats all not all notifications were met for this there's no direct Financial impact of the city uh this is a uh routine uh action of the city commission it is not aligned with any specific goal or strategy within strategic plan however it is aligned with economic Strate sustainability strategic pillar Planning Commission did hear this on November 5th and voted to recommend approval of the request there were no members of the public who spoke uh based upon the following conditions staff is going to recommend approval of 02453 those conclusions being that the zoning district is compatible with the immediate surrounding uses and also the city designations in the Country Club Road Corridor the R1 zoning district is consistent with the neighborhood Suburban future land use assigned to the property and the request will likely result in a potential decrease in public infrastructure demands by removal of the commercial event venue Clubhouse so staff is recommending that this be Advanced to Second reading on December 9th all right okay even though we are not going to vote tonight if there's anyone from the audience that would like to speak to this particular uh audience you may do so at this time thank you all right aess 024 54 which read by tyon City attorney thank you Mr [Music] May ordinance number 0- 23-57 which established the peace Creek Village Community Development District to expand the boundaries of the peace Creek Village Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Flor statutes 2024 providing for severability providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for administrative correction SC erors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners the peace Creek Village Community Development District or CDD has filed a petition to expand the boundaries uh the CDD was established October 23rd 2023 and presently consists of approximately 95.3 eight plus or minus Acres the Annabel estate subdivision totaling 324 building lots and 12 common Lots is located within the CDD and is presently under construction the proposed expansion of the CDD is located south of old Barto Lake Wills Road Road in West of old Barto Road and contains approximately 84.75% plus or minus Acres the CDD consists of a five member Board of Supervisors known as the CDD board which has the authority to oversee the installation of infrastructure improvements secure financing and to Levy non-ad special assessments on Future Property Owners within its boundaries the petitioner has submitted a statement of estimated regular Co regul regulatory costs for the CDD expansion area statement indicates the total infrastructure costs are estimated at6 16,31 12,555 and will be financed through District bonds the City of Winter Haven will not incur any costs relating to the establishment of the CDD nor will any debts incurred by the CDD become debts of the city the county or the state the CDD will not have any effect on the bonding capacity of the city county or state water sew and reuse infrastructure will be maintained by the city while all internal roadway and drainage infrastructure will be maintained by the CDD in the event that the CDD is terminated the city will not be required to accept ownership or maintenance of Road rights of way storm water management and drainage system sys and Street lighting without Express written consent the petitioner is requesting consent to exercise special powers relating to the provision of parks and facilities for indoor and outdoor recreation cultural and educational uses and security there's no direct Financial impact of the city with this request uh St the staff recommends the city commission approve ordinance 24-54 thank you all right thank you this ordinance will be read for a second time at our uh December the 9th meeting we will not be voting tonight there was one person that signed up to speak to this ordinance could you come forth now state your name and address for the record Savannah Han Hancock Hancock yes sir my name is Savannah Hancock my address is 517 East College Avenue in Tallahassee um I here on behalf of the petitioner and would be happy to answer any questions that the board has on this amendment any questions don't have any great y'all have a great week all right new business city manager thank you Mr Mayor um our new business item this evening pertains to the grant and aid application review committee's recommendations for the fiscal year 26 cycle as I mentioned during our Workshop agenda the committee met on November 1st to discuss the 2024 um process that was uh included in the current Year's budget this meeting was noticed by the city clerk and uh all committee members were in attendance the committee voted unanimously to recommend the following changes to First allow for an opportunity for applicants to submit Corrections if any were not met this would consist of a two-e application window a two-e sufficiency review period for staff and then two weeks for the applicants to correct any errors uh within those applications the second recommendation is to eliminate the uh opportunity to request the $40,000 single initiative funding category as that has not been something we've been able to accommodate the third item uh recommendation is a request of clarification from the city Commission on how to address funding requests from schools and other organizations with established foundations and the final uh recommendation was to request clarification from the city Commission on their desires regarding funding levels for what we have designated as our Legacy agencies prior to that next review cycle and as I mentioned the other night I believe the best way to do T tackle that fourth one is that we will discuss that with you as we are uh preparing to do our training um they would still go through the process they would still submit an application but if we intend to maintain those at those higher levels those are uh some some agencies that we have historically been funded um we can factor that into what how the grant Aid Review Committee uh considers those and then how they consider the funding for the rest of the agencies um at this point uh staff recommend City commission approved the first two recommendations and as I said provide Direction on how to proceed with the schools and other foundations prior to the next application training and those dates will be set for January 2025 and probably early February 2025 and then also at that point provide that direction on those uh Legacy applicants for f uh upon future receipt of applications from those agencies okay we we had some discussion at the uh at the workshop so I guess my my um question is um in instead of doing it tonight that uh we have an additional discussion at our next Workshop okay on those uh on those other two you talk about yes on the other two items okay are you are you good with voting on the first two recommendations in there yes okay we can vote on the first two and then the additional two after more discussion cuz we we just had a brief discussion about it and we can and even if you don't want to do that in your December meeting we can do that in January you're going to have a pretty heavy agenda in December I can tell you right now okay when let's just do it in January I I would like to do that when when all Commissioners certainly understand appreciate that Commissioners is that agreeable yeah so you need a motion on the first two items yes Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the uh first two items listed on the grant Nate application Review Committee recommendations for the fiscal year 26 uh cycle one being update the application timeline to allow for an opportunity for applicants to submit Corrections if any requirements were not met and to also eliminate the $40,000 single initiative funding category all right I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing to allow anyone from the public that would like to address us on this item would you please come forward state your name and address for the record have five minutes hi uh my name is Victoria del Castillo 217 Central Avenue West Winter Haven Florida um I just had a question regarding this I understand it's for fiscal year 26 these grants and Aid applications are for the the capital investment fund but what which fund which uh which fund does it come out of the operating budget or the capital investment fund of Winter Haven this comes out of the general fund the operating budget this is grant and aid funding that goes to winner Haven based nonprofit agencies okay and what is the um budget this year that will be determined by the city commission at the point that we prepare to uh consider those applications last year it was a budget of I believe $35,000 was what was allocated for it so there was a budget allocated and then the applications came in or you had we have a budget number before we go into the applications before go applications and that that budget number is just based on past past petitions it's based upon what we funded in years past and if the commission wants to increase that or decrease it and we asked for that uh guidance from them in January okay um and then just cuz I I thought there might be like something more in writing but I should have reviewed the agenda for the first few recommendations um this this $440,000 single single category can you explain why that's in um necessary or what I understand it's to provide Direction but can you exp I don't understand it Mr Mayor would you like me to why is it 40,000 why isn't it 60,000 why isn't it 100,000 why isn't it 2,000 well that that's what we decided so I mean is it based on like in the past people request this certain amount or I mean it's just curious to me why there would be a specific amount I wor I worked in government so I worked under the Obama Administration and I learned a lot and I learned that sometimes there's a specific amount put so that things can get whipped through really quick without public discussion so that's my concern so everything is uh first of all everything that is awarded or recommended for award for grant and aid goes through public discussion public hearings at the grant nid committee level and then before the city commission that $40,000 package was a single initiative that an agency could apply for for a capital investment that has never been able to be funded because of the magnitude of applications we receive from nonprofits so there's roughly 45 I think that we funded this year and based upon the budget um and the amounts that go out to those agencies in small dollar grants that would eliminate 8 to 10 different agencies from receiving anything so it is not something that has been feasible for the city to award in that category in years past so an agency you said an agency before you said nonprofits nonprofit agencies oh okay cuz that threw me off I thought you were talking about government agencies so nonprofit organizations can request any amount there's thresholds within the application package that they can okay so this is like a Max threshold okay excuse me okay great and um what was the last what was the highest that we've ever awarded as a city $45,000 to the Boys and Girls Club which is one of those Legacy agencies that I mentioned that we've funded for the past probably 30 years now and do we think it's just going to be presumed that everyone's going to want to continue for the last 30 40 years funding the same people well that's up to the commission is it just a commission it doesn't come to public debate it's that's who makes the vote on it we make we decide but anybody can apply anybody can apply anybody can apply so I can create a nonprofit mhm okay cool thank you thank you very much thank you is there anyone else all right I'll close the public hearing we open the city commission meeting is there any discussion questions concerns all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I oppos this by the same sign we have adopted the some revisions to the Grant in aid application Mr Mayor we will let you let the commission know probably in the first meeting in January the dates of those training sessions for those that want to apply okay all right commission lar reports commissioner danler okay uh attended an electric vehicle show out at Lake Ashton and made some comments out there and uh pretty amazed how many people showed up to look at all the EVS I think they wanted to see mine too so that was kind of a fun little thing to do on Friday went to the uh hanne City Davenport PP Community College um ribbon cutting now groundbreaking I'll tell you one thing Pok knows how to put on a round a groundbreaking day that was a that was a fun day very well attended also attended the givewell foundation uh party they had a little fundraiser for out Adams estate and we had a couple Commissioners there and I'll let them talk about it as well but give well foundation was was was grateful to have a good crowd uh we had a had one hour continuing not continuing it uh something for ahck what was I doing again uh what training yeah yeah training of some sort so riveting I tell you just riveting but um very good very enjoyable learned a couple things though but can't remember what they were right now so um did some interviews we all know about that for ABC and fox and whatnot on TV also went to the uh Midge Le League of dinners over at uh noro good job by staff for pulling that all together and last but not least everybody knows I'm wearing my gator tie here so you know last year when I offered to you know call off the bet you know that was met with a much muted response and this year I was going to make in an effort of being you know Goodwill offer Mr Yates opportunity to wear this prior to the game if he has a committee meeting or maybe a a maybe a loan Review Committee he must if he wants to go and get it over with I'll let you have this tonight you can take it home or I think we're going to I think we're going to pull it out okay all right well we'll see that's it for me Mr Mayor all right uh commissioner Bon okay I attended the parks and rec cultural Master planning public meeting at willbrook and uh it was um a very nice laid out um master plan you got to pick and choose and vote and do all kinds of things um and also attended the ridge league in Winter Haven and that was that was very nice and very it was nice to um be able to get through the lines really fast and a lot quicker so they did a great job in doing that and then I attended the heart for Winter Haven Vision banquet and um that was different than it's been in the past and um I'm really glad they had three people speak and um it went to what heart for winter hav does and um and why they do what they do and these three people have uh come from um I guess u a place and have have gotten housing now they are uh have done the their courses they're supposed to do the faith and finance and so it's really working out that's it that's it m protim Yates I attended a a few few things um attended the Main Street Winter Haven board meeting and if you've been wondering why there's grown men running around downtown Winter Haven wearing skirts Kilts excuse me Kilts um that that's to hang up the Garland around downtown Winter Haven to get uh get things looking a little bit more Christmassy um but uh Main Street continues to do a a wonderful job in our downtown uh Ridge Le of cities dinner in Winter Haven I think we were well represented uh we we missed the the U the lead I think by one or or maybe two um but still I think uh we had a great uh speaker there and it was a great event to have um a few weeks after the original was scheduled uh from the hurricane uh and then finally also attended the groundbreaking as well and that that's going to be you know PK state is is now kind of got out all the corners cover they're in Lakeland their main campus here in Winter Haven and now being out there on Highway 27 um that's going to be great for our um uh I was going to say our kids but really it's anybody and everybody to continue their education and they can get a good quality education right here in P County there is no need to go to Gainesville or anywhere else so why you Bing oh did oh that slipped not everybody can get in right we know it's just you know got to have alter for everybody not everybody gets a yes anyo pulk State's doing a wonderful job so kudos to them and that's all I have okay thank you um had several things I attended the Pok State groundbreaking um we had a prwc meeting um address the uh cub and boy scouts one of the things that I really enjoyed was having breakfast uh with veterans over at Lake Howard Heights and uh the food was good and the conversation was even better very seldom would do you get a chance to sit and have breakfast with people that are over 95 years of age I mean that just doesn't happen because usually people that's that old can't carry on a conversation sometimes but these veterans and other folks they they talked the whole while I didn't get a chance Harley to say anything no I'm telling you y'all know how well I like to talk but I didn't get a chance to talk and uh and one the the one veteran that I uh spoke with knew my former boss at cocacola because he was in the uh Citrus business and so he knew all about I mean he was telling me all about the Citrus and what happened to him and his family and so I really enjoyed the conversation and the food I went to the givewell foundation uh reception um went to the ridge League of cities gave the welcome and sat through that and I also went to angels aama that Girls Inc so I did double duty that night I miss you I uh and then um my final thing was uh we did a um a cookout we cooked lunch uh my fraternity and uh us for the senior citizen at the neighborhood service center and so uh I really enjoyed that we we did uh barbecue chicken and beans and hot dogs and hamburgers it was all good and I'm looking forward and you all are coming tomorrow right for the Thanksgiving dinner what's that the Thanksgiving dinner at the neighborhood service center I don't have that on my calendar put it on your calendar cuz the seniors be looking forward to us up what time 12 it's it 12 noon I think it is I'm certain of it 12: noon so come at a quarter till 12 food will be great all right that's it for me uh City attorney thank you Mr May commission I have nothing other than to wish everyone a very nice and happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday thank you thank you city manager uh nothing this evening other than to say go NOS ah goodness nothing this evening sir all right Deputy city clerk just want to tell um commissioner Mercer a early happy birthday and I want to wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving on the behalf of the city clerk's office all right thank you oh happy birthday today is your birthday no Wednesday just com in Wednesday all right all right all right happy birthday thank you uh emergency matter is not received for the agenda just want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving be safe and return back so that we can continue to do this motion to adjin so we move we are joined