##VIDEO ID:NK-kh-9e2T8## e e e good afternoon I'd like to call this special City commission meeting for this the uh 22nd of October 2024 can I have a roll call please yes sir commissioner dollson commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor Pro Yates here and mayor bson here we have one resolution R 2450 would you read by tyone uh can I call you the assistant City attorney or or what's your official title you may call me anything you want mayor just not late for dinner oh all right um resolution number r- 24-50 a resolution of the City of Winter Haven Florida extending the states of local emergency declared in resolution r- 2447 and continued in resolution r- 24-48 regarding Hur hurricane Milton authorizing Municipal officers to continue to take all necessary emergency measures providing for conflicts separability and an effective date thank you C manager May Commissioners thank you for uh giving us a bit of your time this afternoon uh pulling in for this special committee uh City commission meeting October 7th we issued a declaration of local state of emergency through resolution R 2447 that was in response to Hurricane Milton's approach uh that was done pursuant to chapter 252 of Florida Statutes 252 does limit us that we can only do states of local emergency for a period of 7 Days um that is that ties back just for a little context that ties back to co and uh when that was amended we had a number of municipalities and counties that were doing states of local emergency to enact regulations and restrictions and uh the state legislature at that time uh was opposed to that and so you can only do those for seven days now and then they automatically expire unless they are renewed by official action you can't do a 30-day state of local emergency so that being the case Monday of last week October 14th resolution r448 was approved and adopted by the city commission which extended that Declaration of local state of emergency through yesterday um and at this time we are requesting the city commission consider favorably uh this resolution 2450 which will extend the state of local emergency from um today through and it will expire on Monday October 28th at 11:59 p.m. unless there's it's further extended as necessary in a 7-Day increment I would say that I don't expect there to be a need to do another extension of this um as I mentioned we've been blessed with the uh the The Limited damage that we have encountered in comparison to other jurisdictions within P County and certainly within Hillsboro pellis Sarasota Manatee counties Pasco County um we are I'm I'm recommending the extension simply tying it back to giving us some greater latitude in how we tackle any outstanding debris issues that we've been not been not been able to mitigate as of yet as well as any facility issues that we need to act quickly upon uh that we have perhaps not discovered yet I think we've touched every single building but just having some latitude within that this gives some Freedom there um I would like MJ Carnival our Deputy City Manor just give you a quick brief update on where we stand with debris that's the biggest thing that's still out there we are working on some some major repairs out at the airport I think that's where we had probably the most damage there and then also at our Fleet Maintenance operations but on debris MJ um so City staff began collecting debris on October 11th uh debris collection site uh run by the county at motorpool Road formally opened on October 16th if you guys have a chance to ride by there that is a growing quickly um the city there's about 225,000 cubic yards of debris that's been collected thus far for perspective that's about 20,000 dump trucks full uh so an awful lot uh and we continue to do that that operation's running uh six days a week with County staff um and then there are private debris haulers under the county contract in the area uh collecting as well so moving forward quickly um but it's going still you know there's an ongoing process there and just that's running six days a week with City staff yes sir yeah not County staff so City staff our trash Masters we're running and picking up everything we possibly can then we're augmented by the assistance of um company called ashrit is who the County contractor is and then tetr does that monitoring the um they're making a huge dent in that but certainly if you drive around you see we've got a lot more to go we'll tell you and this is just kind of a precursor for what's on your agenda for tomorrow evening's agenda review and then Monday's meeting there were uh three new trash Masters that were budgeted within our um fiscal year 25 budget we went ahead and pulled the trigger to make that order that's about a $600,000 plus order for those three vehicles and that will be on your agenda as a ratification item uh for next Monday but that's kind of what we're dealing with I'm trying to make sure we have the the resources that are budgeted we we expedite those as quickly as we can yeah I was going to add up we continue to work on our normal pattern for debris clearing which is kind of from the center of the city out um with some exception uh trying to get back to some level of normaly we had a lot of road paving projects that were planned uh so those we are trying to get the debris off of those roads so the pavers can get back in and continue their work so that's like the one exception to our normal approach J it going to be are you going to have more than one pass because like I'm noticing people putting out the brush now and then they want to put the trees out later they don't want to put it all out at one time yeah we generally assess that as it goes um depending on how big that is you know that might be it might be one big push through and then we can kind of run it like a a heavy brush schedule for a week or two um it just kind of depends on how much of that's out there as we go um on the unload site to pick up and unload is it just to pick up and unload or are you chipping any of it so that it's just dropping right now uh what has happened in the past is the ashpit the contractor who runs that site uh they'll bring in a chipper and Chip all of that um the through hurricane e and they chipped it on site and then um hauled the chips and then burned it I believe out maybe at simmers young uh but they burned it locally um they they may also haul brush out um without chipping it they did some of that during Ian where they bring in like a semi load that semi and pack it down as all that material dries down it's a little easier to pack down and then haul it off like that so it just kind of depends on how they want to run that site and how fast it's filling up commission Mercer there will not be any burn burning on that site though or too close to Residential Properties and certainly our fuel storage uh there at the uh at motorpool would be a concern okay well the state the state emergency uh doesn't really have any impact with regards to the Statewide emergency it does commissioner Dawson um so we use a belt and suspenders approach that the the state Declaration of emergency certainly covers everybody the county covers everybody both in the county and then the cities can do their own we do this just again to to formally document what we're doing it makes it much clearer when we're going through our audit process you know they check and see what our um our secure controls are for how we procure that we're following our guidelines it just it tightens that up even more so for us is there any involvement with FEMA with regards to uh the city itself so we um the county PK county has uh was originally declared for what we call decks A and B that's your emergency prepar activities and your debris management anything that you do from the point of Declaration uh and it varied on those two um going forward you're we're covered for 90 days 100% reimbursement costs now that doesn't mean that our Solid Waste workers who are out picking up garbage we're getting 100% back on on their routine cost it's it's all the additional cost that you would incur with that people that work their regular schedules to do preparation work we don't get to claim that it's when they had to do overtime work or something special we can claim 100% of that cost back we were just approved um I think either the 16th was it MJ for p County let me just get my note here real quick if you'll bear with me um the for deck C through G so that's a lot of the the restoration work um and and your qualification for those is a county is based upon what the total value of damage is and in order for us to pursue that we have to register with FEMA the city as a as an entity does through the public assistance program and then we'll have a um uh a FEMA representative a liais on a sign to us and we begin going through that process of documenting everything certainly insurance pays out first on our buildings that were damaged and then FEMA would come in after that this as far as individual Assistance or what they call IIA that is what you as an individual I've had damage to my home and and I need some assistance with that repair you would as a as an individual register for that we have that information I believe Katrina online on the city's website it's also on the County's website that gives you instructions on how to apply for that um County there's also a significant amount of information on our website about County support centers they were doing a um an insurance Village they called it over at the RP funding Center for people having they would have representatives from all the various insurance companies to help you navigate claims and and and the like um they're also setting up a multi- agency uh response facility at the Stewart Center down in Barto that is similar but it folds in programs like the Army Corps of Engineers Blue Roof program and some of those for for people that need it I also want to point out um that if you talk to Residents in in our community and they have a need for emergency repairs um our ship program has a uh one of the strategies within ship is for emergency repairs um and uh as long as they qualify for that through the the traditional ship program requirements Cedric uh Cox can help them through that process with ship is there's only one contractor that they're primarily dealing with or how competitive is that or is that not or that it was done from the beginning so right now ship uh when we're doing home repairs there is a h contractor that they're using for that I don't recall the name off Up top of my head but I can have that for you for tomorrow night when you're dealing with uh emergency repairs certainly that may be things of I've got a tree that's about to fall on my house that's going to be a whole different contractor um but we can have Eric and Cedric provide some additional information on that pathway you indicated overtime with was are are they currently doing overtime are you uh working Beyond hours in in the evenings to do pickup or you know less traffic and maybe more opportunity you know yeah so the um the way that we do our our debris collection and and MJ would be more of the expert on this but typically we're running our trash trucks um five days a week Monday through Friday doing everything from Horticultural waste to picking up you know construction debris and white goods that people put out we're running six days a week right now and we're focusing solely upon the the the uh the brush debris the horiculture so they will run as long as they can in a given day um under safe light conditions that's the challenge that we run into when you're running claw uh claw trucks or knuckle boom loaders at night you don't see what's around that pile you don't necessarily see the overhead power lines um and that's when when accidents happen so we'll be real cautious with that and they're running on Saturdays as well so you typical you know they work a 40h hour work week they're probably running I would guesstimate somewhere between 50 and 60 hours a week as we work through that one other piece of that is there are some other of those vehicles within the city so uh streets for instance they have one that they use when they're taking down a big tree uh those guys when they finish their shift uh they have the opportunity to hop on that truck run some overtime and go out and help with that debris clean up after they've worked their normal day as well so so those opportunities you know we're utilizing everything we have available to us to make that happen all right anyone else Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution r- 24-50 extending the Declaration of a local State of Emergency due to Hurricane Milton thank you our closed commission meeting open a public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this resolution may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppes by the same sign hearing none resolution R 2450 is adopted is there any further business no sir I look forward to seeing everybody tomorrow evening for our agenda review workshop at 5:30 entertain a motion to adjoin move we stand