good evening good evening evening I'd like to call to order the regular City Commission meeting this February the 12th 2024 can I have a roll call please yes sir commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner Daner here mayor pmates here and mayor Birdsong thank you um my agenda doesn't say who's doing the invocation oh Father Paul head the Ridin dust would you stand if able and then we will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Vanessa Castillo our city cler let us pray Heavenly Father you have given broken Humanity dominion over the Earth and you have told us that if we call to you and seek your face you will answer us and lead us in the way we should go you will also stand aside if we choose to do it our own way I ask your blessing on these our Representatives whom we have given charge over our resources here in Winter Haven help them to be good stewards of the resources they have been given not only for your people today but as a legacy for those those who will follow us give them knowledge to know what they can do give them wisdom to know what they should do and give them insight to know the difference I ask your blessing on this meeting tonight for those who will state their case and those who will hear them let everyone work toward the common good and let whatever happens tonight be a blessing to you and a benefit to your people I ask all these things in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ amen amen amen bless the flag FL of the United States of America the repblic stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right it's time for our presentations oh my the first presentation will be for Christine Samuels week commiss would you join me now mayor and Commissioners uh Deputy c maner will read both proclamations this evening want Che [Applause] set whereas the City of Winter Haven recognizes how diversity inclusion is woven into the fabric of American life and solidifies the foundation of strong communities and whereas in 2021 the City of Winter Haven decided to begin celebrating Black History Month by recognizing Local Heroes who have made a significant impact on the community and whereas a group of community leaders came together and identified Local Heroes that blazed new trails while demonstrating passion dedication and empathy or compassion for the community and whereas one hero will be recognized for each week of black history month 2024 and whereas Christine Samuel in is recognized as one of these Heroes and whereas Christine Samuels has dedicated a large portion of her career to Social and public service demonstrating an unwavering commitment to enhancing her community this commitment has led her to assume her dream job as the Director of diversity and inclusivity for the City of Winter Haven and has made a profound impact on individuals with whom she collaborates and whereas Miss Samuels would say always leave a place or a person better than you found them if you love something or someone you will serve them with gladness and these are words that can guide us all now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven does hereby proclaim the week of February 18th 2024 as Christine Samuel week in the city of Winter Haven in witness whereof he is here and to St his hand and caus the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 12th day of February 2024 good evening good evening good evening mayor bird song Commissioners city managers attorney City Clerks fell employees to all the wonderful citizens here tonight to my family and friends what a night tonight is I'm Overjoyed with this night May I first start by thanking God for his many many blessing [Music] I do understand why I am here I know that it was his grace and his Mercy I recognized early in my career that I was born to serve I love doing for others I would like to just take this opportunity to thank the City of Winter Haven for this golden opportunity to serve my city as director of diversity inclusivity for these past three and a half years it has been a challenge and a joy at the same time working with us bringing us together it's not an easy task but what a joy it's it has been I would like to say that my family my mother and father moved up to Winter Haven in 1966 and I have two of my sisters is here my older sister Ernestine and my other sister Hattie is here tonight we were told that Winter Haven would be a place that our life would be better and truly we've had a great life here in Winter Haven our parents died early but they left us with so much love so much joy and to care about each other I was i' also like to say that my church family uh Dr John hman and Sharon hman my leaders my church family winter uh St Paul worship center and all of you that's here tonight they have been so loving I remember as a young person coming to Winter Haven uh they made me youth president my children were young but I served and I realized early in my life that I couldn't do any everything because the young people in my church was watching my pastor now was in my youth group so you remember how long that's been I also had an opportunity to serve with kids in trouble I was work for the E youth alternative facility I was an administrator for kids in trouble it was such a joy but I learned how to work with kids in trouble boys mostly because I have three boys I had three boys my youngest son is deceased but I have two other Sons but anyway it it's been a pleasure just to serve uh because what I know for sure and there are several people I just want to say thank you too for always being there for me um I would like to thank Mr her he's not here first let me do Roosevelt Smith who is my teacher he taught me at night school I want to thank Dr Tucker for at Pop Junior College she was my teacher Mr Mitchell Elizabeth and and Arnell Bryant Willis at Alfie uh Bishop Lorenzo Moore Bishop Cochran Jerry loose Mr her and and last but not least Dr Freo is here Dr Freo when I came when I took the job here at the city it was a new Endeavor and I didn't know how I was going to get it done but I want to tell you I met a friend who have helped me and guided me along the way and I just would like to say thank you to Dr Freo and thank you to the MLK committeed thank you T Michael for allowing this to happen in our city uh thank the uh MLK committee for selecting me as one of the heroes for this year thank you thank you thank you God bless a picture with the flowers we Cano it on fly I've been saying it on the FL yes yes thank you much I want to make a note of that wow this is my son Christopher he just arrived all right wow everyone if you can see me then I can see you all right on the count of three one two three and let's do one more one two thankk [Music] [Music] put [Music] she's the queen sure all right our next Proclamation is for Dorothy and Mitchell Tillman uh good whereas the City of Winter Haven recognizes how diversity and inclusion is woven into the fabric of American life and solidifies the foundation of strong communities and whereas in 2021 the City of Winter Haven decided to begin celebrating Black History Month by recognizing Local Heroes who have made a significant impact on the community and where as a group of community leaders came together and identified Local Heroes that Blaze new trails while demonstrating passion dedication and empathy or compassion for the community and whereas one hero will be recognized for each week of Black History Month 2024 and whereas dorothia Mitchell Tilman is recognized as one of these Heroes and whereas Dorothy has made a profound impact on the Youth of her community throughout her career as a library media specialist for elementary middle and high school students even in her retirement Miss Tillman's unwavering dedication to service resonates across the community as she extends her commitment to assisting the elderly further contributing to the well-being of our community and where Miss tman would say it's better to serve than to be served so serve while you are able to and these are words that can guide us all now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby proclaim the week of February 25th 2024 as Dorothy and Mitchell Tillman week in the city of Winter Haven in witness whereof he has hearing to set his hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 12th day of February 2024 thank you the City commissioners and the City attorney city manager I can't see the other part Deputy city clerk I thank all of you I really am thankful and greatly honored to receive this award and I would like to thank my Lord and Jesus Christ for just blessing me with the strength the insight and the passion to serve the community Winter Haven in the ways that I do uh with the help and support of my husband and my family I had no idea that my name was being submitted as a candidate for this award uh it was done like the Undercover Boss TV show my friend bu Thomas started asking me questions like why did I do the things that I do and other questions and she asked me several times and I tried to kind of not answer but I had to tell her so I asked her if she knew something that I didn't know because it sounds like she was writing my obituary but she guaranteed she guarantee that she wasn't so I want to thank you VI for just thinking enough for me to submit my name to be a candidate for this award but uh on a more serious note through my childhood experiences from home church school and Community I've learned that it is better to serve than to be sered as long as you're able to and that's one of that's my mot to my community my Hurst Chapel family friends loved ones I want to thank you for my for your support and I would like to encourage everyone to give service a try just as our savior did it is a fulfilling an experience to give to others as you would want somebody to give to you if you were in need I want again thank you m [Music] all right look right here for me on the count of three one two three do one more one two three perfect all right we going to move it [Music] out [Music] okay again congratulations to the recipients this this evening and uh so the next thing on our agenda is development of note we have nothing so I we have our minutes so I entertain a motion for the minutes Mr Mayor yes motion to approve all six sets of minutes all right thank you is there any discussion I will now close the commission meeting or open the uh public hearing if if there's anyone like to speak to these minutes you may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign comments from the audience no one signed up however if there's anyone here that would like to address the uh City commission you may do so at this time by coming to the podium and stating your name and address for the record good evening my name is Victoria an the address yes 3740 Crystal Beach Road Winter Haven I'm a property owner on Central Avenue also I own a small house on Avenue E North East can I have your last name please D Castillo easy um I just wanted to mention something briefly uh that I've learned about in the last couple of years and that is that fluoride is a neurotoxin and everybody right now can put in their phones 2012 Harvard University neurotoxin fluoride and see that that study covered over or that paper that claims that fluoride is a neurotoxin 19 studies over a period of something like 80 years long-term studies that prove the following lowers the intelligence of children six points creates dementia creates Alzheimer's creates bone cancer and is also bad for our teeth so I've learned that there's only eight countries on Earth out of 185 195 countries that allow fluoride in their water they include Colombia the United States Israel Australia Malaysia Ireland and two more that's from 2016 from what I know so it's very dangerous and it's in the way win haven water and it's not a joke that business owners know how unsavory is the water of Winter Haven I think everybody knows that and we're paying for it and I got a water report about a year ago I can find it but I think you all know we have a small amount but we have water in our water and I think it's very important that we examine this because all the other countries that now no longer have fluoride in their water was from conversations on a local level from England from France Spain it all this is how it happened was when people realized that somehow we were told by Sigman Freud's nephew that Floyd was good for our teeth Etc then people just assumed that it was good to keep in the water when it's actually a poison so that's what I wanted to say and I hope it generates conversation thank you is there anyone else all right we will move on to auden's Second reading C attorney would you read by Ty only 9 a thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-8 an ordinance amending chapter 21 article Roman numeral 2 Division 6 section 21-103 of the code of ordinances of the city Winter Haven Florida for the purpose of amending Marine structure requirements providing for administrative correction of scers errors repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing severability providing for codification and providing an effective date thank you thank you city manager M Commissioners in 2019 the city commission amended section 21-13 of the code of ordinance is updating the city's Marine structure requirements and during that update the length and surface area uh maximums for marine structures were updated maximum roof area square footage were also created recent years doc contractors and res residents have sought to have larger roof areas over their docks to protect their watercraft section 21 -103 allows for a single family Marine structure uh residential Marine structure to have up to two personal watercraft dock to it after discussions with local dock Builders it was determined an increase in roof area is warranted to allow for more than one slip to be covered on a marine structure therefore staff is recommending to increase the maximum roof area of single family residential Marine structures from 500 ft to 750 ft and increase the maximum roof area for non- single family residential Marine structures from 625 ft to 1,000 square ft the uh there's no direct Financial impact to the city associated with this request and the Planning Commission did hear this on January 2nd and voted unanimously to recommend its approval staff recommend City commission approve ordinance 0-24 d08 on second and final reading thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor I move for approval of 0248 thank you public hearing I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone from the audience that would like to speak to this audit audence may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign hearing not um Commissioners we have the consent agenda Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the consent agenda as a whole thank you I will now close the C of commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to the consent agenda may do so at this time seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion Mr May questions yes mayor I got one on item 10 a this I think I talked to T about this uh has to do with the um necessity I guess of the master LIF station um T you got anything more to add after our conversation or no I just share um and I apologize that I was not able to be with you last Wednesday when when you had discussion on this I did listen in on the uh the Youtube um video of that so that live station that's located there at the main State healthc care uh property uh station 115 that is a station that needs to be replaced and is in our schedule for replacement so as often is the case when we're dealing with development that's occurring next to an area where we have either a utility line or a lift station an infrastructure piece to be improved if we can work that out through a developers agreement with the uh the the site developer site owner um that is usually to our best interest and that was the case here so the city uh had had planned to replace that doing it in conjunction with the um the land development side of the of the property owner we would pay the $545 ,000 for that replacement is was noted that has gone a little bit longer than expected there is some work that has been done already on that lift station so there is a uh a gravity uh main that is is feeding to that and I'll ask Mark bombard if if he's here if he could step to the podium because he may be able to give some greater Insight than I on this uh the wet well aspect I believe is also uh been partially constructed if not fully constructed the panels and and pumps for this station have been procured by the city that would be part of our investment into the into the project as well um and we have that on site now so it is progressing as we as we uh would want um not as fast as we want but that's the case a lot of times with what we're seeing construction nowadays so at this point because there is a delay in that construction costs have increased that developer has uh agreed through uh this amended development agreement to cover 50% of those additional cost overruns if we were to start this project today on our own we would be paying 100% of that total cost so this is actually a uh a good situation for us in the sense that we're not having to cover 100% of the total cost of the Reconstruction of that lift station it is in in bad condition it's one of the the last lift stations of this nature and Mark I forget what how you described it but it's a it's an old uh lift station can station station where the um sewage is in one face in and the pumps are in another and it's just Antiquated you can't get parts for them anymore so that is that's the the project that's underway okay so just so I understand and that's great just on these situations do we pay all we front all the money and re it's reimbursement this is they do and then we reimburse them or we do it and they reimburse us we reimburse that we reimburse them on on pay upon the work being completed and inspected and accepted by us so my point my my question is shouldn't we maybe in the future when it's something that needs to be done go ahead and do it ourselves and then build them or I mean because I'm sitting here thinking if this was needed four years ago it must really be needed now that was really needed now why would we not as a matter of policy or whatever I'm just I'm just asking about the policy aspect of it on how you guys view this scene because um I'm glad we're getting some help that's not my point at all and I'm going to vote for this but I'm just curious how it works we when we anticipate um um a developer coming in it works to everybody's advantage to work together on it um under one contractor um we require three uh three bids um so it's it's just like we send it out to bid um and get and get proposals back in and evaluate them and go with the um typically the lowest responsive bidder um this was the same situation unfortunately something happened with the developer in this case it's it's kind of an odd one out it doesn't usually happen that way so if this development doesn't happen we're still going to go through with this regardless or yes yeah okay and and commissioner dancer you know each one of these is evaluated on a Case by casee basis there's not a okay this is the absolute singular way that we do it every time it um you know sometimes it's that that developer has to extend say a water or sewer line to get to their property which is an expense that they incur it's in our best interest if we can upssize the size that line so if you're having to put in a AN 18in line and we would benefit from having a 24in line we'll pay the difference to have you install a 24 in line on our behalf so we look at those constantly um pretty much every development that comes in we're we're seeing is there infrastructure that needs to be improved there and can we do it through some type of developers agreement it that would save the city time and resources and and particular money in in the project dig once dig once that's you you hit it on the head it is dig once because if we go in and do it um you know you got two contractors potentially on site and you run into conflicts with that this is just a unique one that it's taking longer to get done and and if it doesn't happen um fast enough then we'll have to revisit how we do get that done one of the things that I've asked uh staff in a in a conference called this past week was that when we do development agreements going forward we've never had the issue of the timing that came into play with this one um so we need to evaluate how to include language and future agreements that put some um some time frame for performance within there okay so that's good all right I'm done sir all right I have a question yes um you said this is the last can station it's the last can station we have one other Antiquated uh lift station out there 119 that's out that um was bid earlier this year but we didn't receive any bids in that were uh um within the price range we thought so we have two old ones left right I'm glad to hear that you're getting rid of all of those as most people don't know there are some employee safety concerns on those can stations so their confined space is awful and right and gases all right thank you any other questions all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign here none the consent agenda and its entirety is adopted resolution r248 would you read by tyone uh City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution number r- 24-8 a resolution of the city Commission of the City winen Florida designated land situate within the corporate limits of the City of Winter Haven Florida as a Brownfield area for the purposes of environmental remediation Rehabilitation and economic development providing for terms and conditions of the designation and identifying the responsible person person for remediation and Rehabilitation providing for transmitt of the designation to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection providing for an effective day General location South of Martin Luther King Boulevard Northwest slate Road 544 and west of First Street Northstate Road 549 the area covered by this request is plus or minus 5.41 Acres thank you thank you C manager mayor Commissioners blue Winter Haven LLC submitted a petition almost a year ago to the day on February 16th of 20 23 for the city to establish a green reuse area in accordance with State statutes the area contained within this request is 5.41 plus or minus Acres the establishment of the green use reuse the green reuse area will open additional funding opportunities to the petitioner in this case blue Winter Haven LLC for this site this designation does not impact or apply to any other properties beyond the petitioner's property so basically what this is is you have a a former piece of pro property that was formerly a Grove and operated as a Grove um and so when they were developing it they had to mitigate for soil conditions and and other matters that would be impactful to the site which they did so um they are then available to is their through their application and their uh efforts to research this further apply for I believe it's federal dollars that flow through a state program to offset some of that cost they incurred during that cleanup effort um commissioner Daner you had posed a question to me uh I believe it was Friday about know public notification on this there was actually a public meeting that was held on this uh matter on May 18th of 2023 it was publicly noticed and advertised held at JW middle uh jwi Middle Academy um specifically tied to this application so at this point they've done the work this project as you got if you've driven by bu there it's a beautiful property that's been developed um this just goes back for them to offset some of their mitigation costs they incurred in developing that site through the state program the um there's no direct Financial impact to the city as a result of this request again it ties strictly back to the uh the folks with blue Winter Haven LLC and their petition and staff recommends the commission approve resolution R 24-8 you'll recall also that this this resolution because of the um the regulations within the statute require two readings uh and an advanced notice of that as well which we have accomplished and so this is your second reading and it is ready for your vote this evening thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor move for approval of the resolution r248 public hearing thank you and Mr Mayor I'm sorry to interrupt again but the uh I do believe that the attorney representing blue Winter Haven LLC is all also here this evening he here all right I will now uh close the city commission meeting open the public hearing if there's anyone that would like to speak to this particular resolution you may do so at this time by stating your name and address for the record and coming to the podium seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion yep I got a another question if you don't mind mayor um T Michael you go on vacation and we have all these great discussions and I'm and I'm glad you were able to listen to us the other day first of all I wasn't on vacation I was on official City business you made that very clear FR I'll make that a bun no holiday for you I get it I get it so to be to be sure because I was out there and they're putting saw down and they landscape and the the cleanup work has been done all the stuff that we oh here he comes yeah would you just answer that question for me so I can Rel rest at night yeah good evening my name is Brett brummond with the goldsteen environmental law firm we have offices at 2100 pontillon Boulevard and Coral Gables and we represent blue Winter Haven LLC uh yes commissioner cleanup work has been completed in February of 2023 the applicant did excavate about 100 tons of soil from an old uh in the area of an old storage shed where we think uh chemical mixing took place back when this was a Citrus Grove that issue has been resolved uh the soil was removed and disposed off site and clean backfill was brought in to fill the excavated area so that that's what they call a kind of environmental study or is that what you call it or uh the uh it was we call that a source removal where we removing the contaminated soil but that was identified after an environmental study uh where soil borings were taken in locations across the property to identify any contaminants in the soil from that Citrus Grove and all you're trying to do is get reimbursed for that expense that you incurred last year or in 2022 or whenever it was or 2023 correct yes the Florida brownfields Redevelopment program has uh several incentives available to help encourage the development of affordable housing and one of them is uh an opportunity to recoup those costs through a refund on sales taxes paid on construction materials and this money would come from the state uh nothing would come from the city oh it's sales tax on sales of materials okay yes um so that's great I hope you get it and um and I'm glad that you cleaned everything up there will be no more signs posted out there for public comment that's all been done and this was done like a year ago right so we're just now applying for the relief at the this point but doesn't matter correct yes yeah we've uh we finished this at the end of the process and I hear the the development is ready to nearly ready to open the next several months okay that's great Mr Mayor I noticed that the thank you the uh that the uh project is beautiful I mean it's Landscaping looks wonderful uh I guess for the fencing uh I'm assuming there is retention uh significant retention uh I'm assuming that area has been fenced for the retention area uh I I'm not certain um I've I've only worked on the environmental side so any uh area of impacted soil that has been removed um so I I can't speak to retention area of the fencing of the property uh but as far as the environmental goes the uh the contamination has been resolved oh I got one on the point Mr Mayor yes for what it's worth in my research I found out the difference between the Brownfield and Greenfield John okay the Brownfield is like an industrial property it's already been built a green field is it's never been developed so that's did you tell me that already or I I said that the statutory distinctions were probably um that's what it is for whatever it's worth the difference between commercial versus residential or developed versus undeveloped so like the fertilizer plant there on 17 is a brown field cuz it was developed and this is a green field cuz it was never developed correct right and ordinarily yes and ordinarily the types of contamin ation by virtue of the uses also goes into play and and I'll defer to the Mr brummond who's the uh the the environmental attorney expert on that but I think that's probably fair to say yeah that's correct yeah it's good distinction between greenfield and Brownfield but we also chose the name green reuse area here because the statute gives you the ability to name the the designated area anything you like obviously uh having uh calling it a Brownfield area does not reflect what the property is now becoming uh beautiful residential development so we chose the name green reuse area to reflect that it was a former Citrus Grove of environmental issues but now it is a uh a brand new area that has been ready for reuse well I don't mean to be a stickler I'm just saying I'm really glad that our the kids are going to be living out there will not be plain and contaminated soil that's what I want to be sure of and I'm satisfied now so thank you m all right anyone else will there be any type of uh signage uh new signage relative to traffic traffic patterns in that area uh because that there are challenges there will be some challenges I guess the ability to turn onto First Street whether turning left coming uh off of s there or not um so I'm just concerned about if there are any plans for the city to update uh signage in that area so that traffic will not be a challenge for those new residents um I'd have to defer to to the uh site plan I don't recall the site plan off the top of my head but I'll we can pull that and um and look at what was approved as far as signage um and any traffic improvements in that area and I can I can get that information for you all right anyone else all right thank you thank you all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign n hearing none resolution r248 is adopted resolution r410 would you read by Tyle only City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r-2 24-10 a resolution of the city commissioner of the city of winen Florida affirmatively accepting the conveyance of that certain real property from BF 1500 LLC a Florida limited liability company to the City win in Florida for land is more particularly described in the special warranty deed executed by BF 1500 LLC a Flor limit liability company to the City of Winter Heaven Florida and recorded in official records book 11 12948 pages 0436 through 0440 of the public records of Pope County Florida in providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager or mayor and Commissioners uh on December 11th the commission approved entering into an agreement for the purchase and sale of real property with BF 1500 LLC that transaction took place on December 15th and a uh special warant warranty deed was delivered for the property that warranty deed was recorded on December 20th proposed resolution r410 formally accepts the real property from BF 1500 LLC staff recommends the commission approve resolution R 24-10 thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes um motion to approve resolution r241 thank you I will now close the city Commission meeting open the public hearing is there anyone would like to speak to this resolution from the audience come forth state your name and address for the record hi Victoria del Castillo 3740 Crystal vro how much was this property how much did it cost the uh this is the uh bradc Farms property this is a $10 million land acquisition that Winter Haven the City of Winter Haven bought yes for what purpose for aquer recharge and storage and for uh future Nature Park and uh operational facilities for Winter Haven water I don't know if the public is able to comment on this but I think it would be great to have a more extensive understanding of that purchase for the citizens of Winter Haven I I'm I just would like to say to you ma'am I'm sorry that this is my first time seeing you here we've had discussions about this I mean this is not the first time on the agenda I just wanted you to know that right okay thank you anyone else I'd close the uh public hearing reopen the city commission meeting any a discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I posos this by the same sign hearing none the uh resolution is adopted i' just like to say to you ma'am that uh this is a very important project to the city of win haven one of the major challenges that the entire PP county is going to face has to do with uh fresh water drinking water and this is a project that will contribute to alternative water supply for the City of Winter Haven and so we're very excited about it great all right thank you all Okay resolution r413 would you read by title only uh City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 24-13 a resolution of the city commissioner of the city of Wen Florida reappointing members to the affordable housing advisory committee affirming terms of the members of the affordable housing advisory committee n prunk to January 1st 2024 and providing for severability repeal of conflicting resolutions for the administrative correction of scors a and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners section 3-32 of the Winter Haven affordable housing advisory committee bylaws stay the members of the ahck shall be chosen by the Winter Haven City commissioners from a list of applicants compiled from Citywide solicitation for members including recommendations from the ah Haack section 3-33 states that members shall be appointed for two-year terms and that term shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st there are no limits on the number of subsequent terms that may be served current ahck members and their dates of appointment are noted within your fact sheet uh several of these have expired all of the individuals that are presently serving on the aack have expressed desire for reappointment uh and so that is what this res resolution will do uh there are currently four vacancies on the ahck as well and staff is seeking actively seeking applicants to fill those seats and will'll present a list of applicants for City commission consideration uh for appointment in the near future staff's requesting is request is for the city commission to uh consider affirmation of the reappointment of the committee members whose terms have expired and clarify that the terms for all members shall commence January 1st of 2024 and expire December 31st of 2025 as stated those members whose terms have expired have submitted reappointment forms to the city clerk indicating their desire to continue service on the affordable housing advisory committee there's no direct impact uh Financial impact to this uh staff recommends City commission affirmed the reappointment of the aforementioned affordable housing advisory committee members for a term commencing January 1st of 2024 and expiring December 31st 2025 by passing resolution R 2413 and author city manager or designate to take any further actions related to those set appointments thank you thank you mayor yes uh before I make the motion to approve this I'm wondering if we can add another person we got an an application in from dwe NN the next day I know it was sent to me by um Diane I don't know if we all got it or whether we all have to see the to see the application to vote on him because we're having a meeting tomorrow I don't know if we can add him at this stage or or what's the how does that work but I've seen application it's it's a stellar application but I'm not familiar with the application so I'll that's if the commission so chooses to do that I'm not familiar with the application well he's he applied for we got four openings and he applied he came to the meeting um and applied sent his application in Diane sent it around to uh I know I got a copy I think the whole committee got it we need we got four openings we need to get these people on if we can get him on here tonight great if not we got to wait two weeks but i' just soon get him on T night if there's not an objection to that but if you want to wait for the application I get it but you know Mr Dan so just for a matter in commission the resolution before you does have the specific names and and positions of those so if you wanted to supplement that you're that's the city manager noted that's you're free to do that but it maybe if we have the application that can be processed um you know we can bring that back at at a subsequent perhaps the meeting on February 26th well I know we'll get to it I'm just trying to they're having an aack meeting tomorrow and if he if we can get him on there that's great if not he'll have to wait but we do have enough to conduct business but um we need more members on this committee is what is what the bottom line is so so we can have more more inputs I I I just I just think it would be appropriate for us to just go with the resolution as it is but we can let him know that he he's in okay just not official all right well then he can't he won't be able to he won't be able to vote right right okay well can he still can he could still participate he just couldn't vote would be a to vote they got to make some votes tomorrow oh we just got to make sure we have a quorum there and that's been our issue all along is getting quorums at these meetings and we've got some votes that we have to take tomorrow for um ship funds and we just have to make sure we have a quorum there that's why I'm trying to get more people on the committee I'm just concerned about us Sting the presidents you know to um to do something on the live without all of us basically reviewing it like we normally do you guys didn't get an app did get the copies of it okay no I don't recall okay well I'll still make a motion to approve the the Slate that we've got because we definitely need to get this get this uh on the right track here so that'd be great motion thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone with wishing to speak to uh resolution R 2413 you may do so at this time seeing Oh Come forward state your name and address for the record Mr Mayor commissioner Abdul raheim Alti 1435 10th Street Northeast witer Haven Florida I arise this evening on behalf of the some of the members of the aad committee of which I am one and thanking you for the reappointment and commission answer as our uh commission representative and I'd like to uh support his uh asking for the additional person to be added I don't know that uh but I think isn't it the case that on tomorrow we can actually vote the person in ourselves so if I can I'll weigh in the bylaws say that the uh City commission appoints the members of the ahac upon recommendation of the ahac committee so tomorrow at the ahat committee they can review his application and make a recommendation we can bring forward that recommendation to the city commission for uh official approval which is what I suggested yeah thank you thank you well thank you as a rebuttal the issue is if we don't have a quorum tomorrow we cannot make this application to for our ship funds and that's why we've been having a we've got one person can be absent and we don't have a quorum that's right that's what I'm trying to get to is we're we're right we're cutting it dead we're cutting it close and we've got to get this app submitted to get this ship funding and if we don't have I think it's eight we have to have five people there tomorrow to have a a quum and if we don't then we can't apply so whatever I mean have you Eric have you pulled the group to see who's yes Miss Diane's been pulling the group it appears we'll have a quorum and um we are going to reach out again tomorrow morning just to make sure that everybody is going to be in attendant okay good okay thank you anyone else yes I just want to say I don't think you should have anything that has no term limits I mean if you did 18 years or something no term limits M could you please state your name and address for the record sorry Kim Davis 354 teranova Boulevard Winter Haven 33884 okay so what are you speaking on so to have no term limits on how many times they can still be on it I mean the point of being a leader is to multiply yourself and to bring others in I think if we're having trouble filling committees and stuff it means that as a city we need to do a better job of bringing people in to get involved so I just want to make that suggestion that having a term limit even if it is for an extended period of time would still be a good idea so that we can bring Circ culate more people into the functioning parts of the city thank you anyone else I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting any other discussion all those in favor of the resolution motion signify by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none the resolution is adopted ordinance is second reading um we will not vote on these tonight we will vote on them on 226 ordinance 02405 which read by tyone City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-5 an ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 the 2035 Winter Haven comprehensive plan 2035 future land use map series by revising the future land use map series by assigning neighborhood mixed use Hub future land use to one Annex parcel repealing all ordinances in Conflict to with providing for the administrative correction of scor's errors provided for severability and providing an effective date the general location a parcel generally located the northwest corner of Cypress Gardens Boulevard and lamp light Lane Southeast the area covered by this request is 2.16 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners Tim Campbell is requesting the city assigned neighborhood mixed use Hub future land use in commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel totaling 2.16 plus or minus Acres this parcel was annexed into the city on June 26 of 2023 petitioner proposes for the property to be developed with commercial uses similar to other C3 properties along the Cypress Gardens Boulevard cdor property surrounded by single family residential to the north a dental office and single family residential to the East Cypress Gardens Boulevard to the South and a gas station and convenience store to the West maximum potential square footage under the proposed neighborhood mixed use future land use uh would be um your your chart within your your fact sheet depicts what the uh available water and sewer and transportation levels are for this uh this area and for this property notation that final concurrency is determined at the time the property receives its site plan approval and is developed when C3 development standards uh or and on-site parking requirements and storm water requirements are applied to the property the ual maximum square footage would likely be less as would the impact the requested neighborhood mixed use future land use is consistent with the surrounding City uses and designations and the former P County land use designation there's no direct Financial impact to the city with this request Planning Commission at its January 2nd 2024 regular meeting voted unanimously to recommend approval staff's review of this request yields the following conclusions the assignment of the neighborhood mixed use Hub future land use and C3 zoning district is generally consistent with the former pul County future land use and surrounding City uses and designations and there is sufficient public infrastructure capacity to accommodate the maximum theoretical development under C3 staff recommend City commission Advance uh ordinance 02405 to Second reading thank you thank you city manager even though we won't vote tonight I will allow anyone from the audience that would like to speak to this audience to do so at this time state your name and address for the record good evening Mr Mayor City commissioners my name is Tim Campbell with a law firman Clark Campbell L Caster Workman and ath 500 South Florida Avenue Lakeland Florida um I know you like it to be brief so I just wanted to point out this is a uh has been annexed into the City of Winter Haven um so that it can be developed with Winter Haven utilities and as part of of the city's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance it is consistent it is presently it presently has a pul county land use of Neighborhood Activity Center which allows the same type of uses as the land use and Zoning District that we are requesting uh and as you heard from your city manager Heather and your staff have found that the requested land use and Zoning are consistent with uses in the surrounding area um and the the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval I will point out because commissioner Yates was and your staff two of the residents on lamp lighter Lane I think it is there to the north were present um they didn't have any issue with our use they actually had fences and structures that um were over their boundaries so we've talked to them met with them had our surveyor back out and uh they they are going to need to move their one of their fences there's one structure that's barely over the line and the the the purchaser and the applicant in this case have agreed to allow them not to have to move a building so for any of those who were kind of at that meeting we just want to let you know that we've addressed that and so we have no outstanding objections from any of the neighbors thank you for your consideration and I won't say the same thing for the next uh hearing for the zoning stand available for any questions that you have thank you any questions all right thank you thank you is there anyone else all right as previously stated we will vote on this on 226 ordin it's 024 06 which is the zoning would you read by tyone City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-6 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of Wen Florida by assigning commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of sceners Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location of paral JY located the northwest corner of Cypress Gardens Boulevard and Lamplight Lane Southeast the area covered by this request is 2.16 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners this is a companion ordinance that speaks to the Zoning for the same property and staff recommends it be Advanced to Second reading okay this audience will advance to the second reading but if there's anyone from the audience that would like to speak to this we would allow you to do so all right thank you commissioner quick quick question mayor um we had a lively discussion on this too and we wanted Mr Campbell to explain something to us but I don't remember what it was it had something to do with this chart on page two of seven but do you does anybody remember what we were going to ask him well what since he's here but it was specifically was addressing the apartments further to the West on the what we what I thought was a 10% commitment actually turns out I guess it was a 5% commitment on affordable housing for the lake Dex so I think that was that was part of the discussion on this one it was more specifically just in the trips was the discussion but I don't think Mr Campbell was needed for any of that clarification it was really just the the Carlton at Lake Dexter um all just knew we just knew he was going to be here tonight and I said let's grab him while he's here so but and and mayor and Commissioners for what it's worth the staff is in dialogue with the uh I guess it's the development and management company with Carlton at Lake Dexter Mr lbby has been chasing that down with respect to that I'm not familiar with the issue but I'll be glad to help that's the Carlton Arms group and the mfy uh company um but and I recall the allocation of affordable housing pursuant to the city's ordinance but I am glad to um participate with Mr lbby and in getting you the answer that you need all right thank you all right all [Applause] right we will now move to uh ordinance o 2407 read by title only please thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 02407 an ordinance amending the Winter Haven code of ordinances chapter 10 section 10-3 high water marks and chapter 21 AR Roman numeral 2 Division 3 section 21-7 waterr properties for the purpose of clarifying high water setback measurements and elevations providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing severability providing for codification providing for the administrative correction of scor's erors and providing unaffected date thank you thank you city manager mayor and commissioner section 21-7 of the Winter Haven code of ordinances provides setback requirements for waterfront properties specifically special setback standards are provided for principal structures accessory structures and in storm Water Management areas in recent months it's come into question how the high water mark setback is measured from seaw walls particularly those installed along Lake interconnecting canals the code is currently silent in this regard proposed changes will clearly State the setback measurement is made from the back or landward side of the seaw wall to the applicable structure in addition the established high water elevations for the city's Lakes will be moved from this section of 21 -70 uh from chapter 10 of the code of ordinances there no direct impact Financial impact to the city with this request Planning Commission at its January 2nd 2024 regular meeting unanimously voted to recommend approval of this request staff has recommend City commission approve ordinance 24-7 and move toward second reading thank you okay thank you as previously stated we will have a second reading on 226 however if there's anyone from the audience that would like to speak to this audience you may do so at this time seeing none we're good all right next item new business we have none commissioner reports commission danler okay not a lot to report on we had a an aack committee uh my first one of the of the uh of being the liaison on that and the reason that I was making such a big deal about it is we had a really good meeting really good discussion new president is Brad Bey Abdul's very helpful he's I guess he just left um but we've our problems have our problems have been we just haven't been able to get a Karm there and we haven't been able to actually get our application in for our ship funds it's late and so the reason we're pushing this tonight is so tomorrow they're going to have a meeting then they can actually make the application for the ship funds but we've got to have five people there of of eight so that's why we're trying to expand the Committees what what this is all about out so I'm hopeful that things are going to really progress nicely with that committee everybody is on for two more years and we're certainly looking for more people to uh join the committee but it's slotted in other words there's certain parts of there's certain occupations or parts of town or whatever so but if you know anybody that has an interest in in Workforce housing affordable housing please uh ask them to pick up an application to see if they can fit in somewhere and then of course I went to the harmony ribbon County uh went out there uh to see the it's not py homes who is it um who's building those houses out there lenar Holmes lar building all those houses out there and DR Horton DR Horton that's what a place that place is going to be huge when it's all done so and um in today's world it seemed affordable but still was over $300,000 so I don't know what affordable really means but a nice place and going to be a nice nice subdivision when it finally gets finished so that's it for me all right Mr Mercer um I went to the greater Winter Haven youth U Baseball opening day jeree uh at saroma um the staff had really done a great job on the fields they looked excellent they were just uh the red um just looked they were perfect so the best I've ever seen them so um I also was on incubate debate um at um Florida Southern College a judge also um commissioner Huffman was a judge from hanne City so I think all of you Commissioners probably will be salt they seem to be doing that I know the mayor was on one too um it's um these were high school there was um one girl from Winter Haven and the surrounding there were other students um on that and then there was an individual speech I was there from about one to about five um listening to those uh two teams I guess that um they do an excellent job it's really um they really have their information their facts they're um it's just um so great to see them and see them at that age but it brings back a lot of memories when I was in college of doing this on the business team and doing that and I um competed in finance and and um accounting and some of those fields too but uh one thing that I did do is when two years in a row State of Florida for Mrs future business executive that was a long time ago so um neighborhood I I attended the neighborhood service center their first annual all red former Gaya and some of the other Commissioners were there and the mayor um also the chamber coffee and conversation at Haven coffee roters um the uh former mayor of St Pete spoke for 16 and what some of their new developments that that they're doing um I attended the ridge League Lake Wells was the sponsor for that um dinner and um uh of course we had a uh a speaker and uh then I also did a couple of the Florida League um morning calls at 9: but missed this morning at 99: so all I have is old news so that's that's I have all right commissioner doson I have um thoroughly enjoyed orientation I'm still uh being orientated and uh it's a uh it's a great process I want to commend the city for the great job that you do uh it's been very insightful and helpful to uh understand the inner workings of the city but also more importantly the uh staff uh who actually are actually you know making the difference in our city and uh so I appreciate the process I was speaking to uh someone the other day the new commissioner in the city I won't name the city uh but they do not even have an orientation process and uh so uh I am I'm considered uh our city to be exceptional on that regard um planning last week I was to be at the first planning meeting unfortunately I had a prior engagement that would not allow me to attend I'm looking forward to that I was able to attend or I actually did take the time to go out to the Flyin I won't speak of what they call it but uh uh it was uh really nice I think probably about 60 aircraft or so that flew in and uh was kind of for the older guy they call it and uh but I took the time uh to meet the staff at the uh airport and they also gave me a tour uh some of the expansion and other opportunities that will made available at Winter Haven airport it's exciting to see that also able to attend the gala for neighborhood service center their first uh uh first bash and it was uh it was exceptional really nice and uh we all had a good time I told it was the Grown Folks crowd and uh but it's good to see the neighborhood service center uh bounce back and rebound as it has uh as a very viable uh place for many of our seniors to spend time quality time and not just sitting at home with nothing to do uh so it's just refreshing to see that and I want to thank our city for one supporting that effort and uh really being there to help uh the neighborhood service center come back to to what I remember it to be and uh so I'm appreciative of that and look forward to more orientation uh coming forward and uh we're excited about that all right thank you m Pro 10 thank you uh just a few items this evening um attended the chamber economics Summit um finally had an economist with a sense of humor humor up there he did a good a good job that morning could actually understand most of it um the outcome is I think at the end of the day nobody knows so we're hopeful that rates uh will start to fall and and growth will continue but uh it just uh you know it's all in the numbers at this point so we'll wait and see what happens uh attended my first airport advisory meeting uh there was a great group out there a lot of um like-minded individuals and um future goals for the Winter Haven airport and I think uh that is moving in the right direction out there and I look forward to continuing to serve and learn more on that uh Advisory Group uh had an opportunity to tour the Salvation Army building um the one that is currently essentially being shut down um where the shortterm um shelter shelter thank you um it's a lean operation out there you can tell um had an opportunity to go over a lot of the cost or what they um you know spent on a monthly basis over an annual basis and who they served and kind of got a better understanding of what has transpired over the last 12 months out there I think there's some neat opportunities that could potentially be in the works um with other Community Partners out there so I'm hopeful that something will come to fruition there and hopefully we'll be hearing that as a commission from those groups um sooner than later because that shelter is something that's needed and I think that it it whomever if there is an opportunity for someone to take it over it needs to be from a group that's here in Winter Haven not an outside group um so we'll wait and see what happens there also attended the TP board meeting I'm going to marry that with also attending the C fmoa Alliance meeting which I'm a member of that board through the TPO board meeting and it's all about transportation and we hear it you know on a daily basis that the transportation is off the chain around the city of Winter Haven and I think a lot of times people feel like that's a unique situation it's only happening in Winter Haven but sitting on these committee meetings it is happening all over P county is happening all over Central Florida and it's you know you you feel I think a lot of the times like you're you're spending the wheels but you're not going anywhere and it takes time to get these things um to the drawing board and then funded and then built and um you know you could make the argument we should have done all this before we we started to grow but unfortunately you can't pay for it all if you don't have the growth so it's the cart and the horse and which one comes first so I think everyone is in the the mode of playing catchup and everyone sees a need for better infrastructure for transportation throughout Central Florida I think we're going to get there we' got a lot of great projects that are currently happening in the City of Winter Haven and uh it unfortunately it just takes time uh at this point finally attended the ridge Le of cities dinner where I was had the honor of being sworn in as the treasurer and that was the ridge League meeting out at the Lake Wales and uh Ashton Lake Ashton yeah Lake Wales Lake Ashton um and that was a great event great time food was it's not my kind of food it was New Orleans Food I'm like oh I'm more of a hamburger and french fry kind of guy but it was really good um but it was great to hear an legislative update from from from Tallahassee and here also from other communities of of kind of things that they're facing and um meeting with other individuals out there so I look forward to continuing to learn more from other Ridge League cities in the capacity uh as treasurer for that group so um with that that's all I have okay thank you all right I'd like to start off by saying welcome to former City Commissioner triford that's in the back of the room glad to see you all right right um I attended the uh I want to start by attending the uh baseball jam Marie had the honor Brad of throwing out the first pitch did you bounce it how' you that's all we want it was a it was it was a uh it was a strike though okay it was definitely a strike but it in bounce so oh so it was good it was good it was good but I mean that that facility is is really uh has been upgraded and the thing that really impressed me is that they told me that their cameras have been installed and that the games are going to be televised so that you you know if you you could actually watch the game out there not have to be it and I said now wait a minute that's that's really above over the top but uh that was that was great news uh attended the TPO meeting and one of the things about the TPO that that uh that they said on at our meeting is that they gave us a little update on to uh some of the improvements that are going to be on I4 between um basically the 429 and and um Kathleen Road so there are going to be some improvements that that are going to be made that will help to uh I won't say eliminate there is no way to eliminate the traffic on our for there's not enough Lanes if we could if we could put five on each well 10 on each side that wouldn't that wouldn't eliminate there's not enough land to do that so we can't build our way out of it we got to improve our way out of it but any rate hopefully we're working on it um had a meeting with uh our representative that represents uh Winter Haven now uh Scott Franklin uh he made his rounds and he came to talk with us because we basically have a earmark that's uh in the current uh federal budget uh for the City of Winter Haven but they haven't passed a federal budget so hopefully that in Mark will at some time be funded um attended the neighborhood service center and T you you should have been there because they had a ballroom dancing team and I know that you and your wife are experts at the ballroom dancing and so they had time for us regular folks that can't ballroom dance to get on the floor and dance too and so I I hadn't danced in prob I don't know when but I did get up and try a little something and uh I know that you would have been really good if you could have i' have been very proud to see you that that evening sir that's what I was told earlier today that you were uh you were tearing it up well I'm just glad to see that the neighborhood service center is uh bik open and uh Opera and they' got a reserved spot there just for me because I meet the criteria to uh attend the neighborhood service center so they got a reserve area just for me uh that I'm I'm looking forward to one day um attended the pension board meeting and we were really pleased that um our Investment Portfolio did so much better in 2023 than it did in 2022 um I attended the uh ERWC meeting we still we were uh received uh a preliminary uh report on what the actual alternative water that we are going to be purchasing from the prwc what that's going to cost and unfortunately it's costing a lot more than what was projected of you know basically even 3 years ago so but it's what we have to do and so we're moving right ahead with that uh attended the uh frer the Florida Regional Council Association of which I'm uh a member of is a result of being on the central Florida Regional planning Council thanks to uh commissioner uh Trier back there because he was the representative that that I replaced but uh it was a good meeting and the meeting was held in Tallahassee and finally uh I attended the ribbon cutting at the uh Carton on Lake uh Dexter and that is a very uh good property good-look property property and uh we've already had a little discussion about the uh set aside for affordable housing and so hopefully uh we'll come up with a way to make sure that that actually takes place and with that that's all I have um City uh attorney have anything thank you Mr Mayor commission nothing uh this evening other than just happy birthday to uh Brad and to MJ and happy belated birthday to uh believe City clerk so thank you that's it thank you all right thank you city manager thank you mayor uh a couple items uh first off uh yes I was not on vacation last week MJ and I had a pleasure of attending the winter Institute uh sponsored by fccma I ended up having to go up earlier in the day on Wednesday so I just want to publicly thank him for covering the meeting um hope you guys had as much fun with him as I did watching it um I think he did pretty well that night although he did Rush to St Augustine to meet up with with me I think to make sure that I was coming back so um that conference by the way was two solid days of learning about artificial intelligence and how artificial intelligence is coming into play in local government and in the services that we provide uh fascinating fascinating fascinating on so many fronts scary scary scary on many others um I'm happy to say that that where we are using artificial intelligence probably in more ways than most people uh understand and I would say that everybody in this room from what I learned um if you're using a spell check on your word processing software you're using artificial intelligence and have been for some time um there it's just constantly evolving into what we have today and uh how we're using it to manage infrastructure and help us gather data to make decisions long term is really fascinating um I wanted this this evening I wanted to uh take an opportunity to introduce you to two new employees that we have first I'd like to introduce you to uh Deputy Chief of Police Vance Monroe who is in the back Vance if you want to come to the podium if you would sir um so Vance joined us uh Monday a week a week ago today so he's been on for for one solid week he shows up every day so he we must be doing something good to keep him around Vance is a seasoned professional with the um po County Sheriff's Office 28 years I believe it was with Theo and has joined our team is our Deputy Chief and we are so excited to have him on board let him tell you a quick couple things about himself if you would sir sir well mayor Commissioners good evening uh also uh citizens I'm kind of uh kind of shy you hey come on come on now let them judge for themselves no I am extremely excited to be here um thankful for this opportunity and um want to introduce myself here my uh my journey is a little bit uh it's a little different here uh coming down here first I was in the military uh uh just a little bit under 10 years my last Duty station was in Boston uh Massachusetts hansam field we're I station there in the Air Force um so if you if we have some veterans here love veterans but I'm married I've been married for 34 years wife named Carolyn we have three kids three kids that I would definitely love to trade I give them to anyone here you're more than welcome to adopt my kids um now I wouldn't trade them for nothing in the world um moved down here been here in Florida for over sweet Jesus it's been a long time um don't know but I'm a Flor reading now so it don't matter I'm here um been Sher off like said for over 28 years um moved down to Florida for the job at the Sheriff's Office uh been there uh been several jobs several jobs at the sheriff's office but I can tell you this um in 28 years and I've been talking to several people um throughout the city I've never ever since I've been at the Sheriff's Office been up at 4 in the morning excited to come to work never in in in my 28 years of uh being in law enforcement and that's just a testament to the quality of people that you have working here in the city and I'm not just saying that because I'm here I've been I've been preaching that since I've been here from day one and I am truly excited for this next venture in my life here and um I am truly truly thankful for this opportunity and the opportunity to serve the Serv citizens here we got some great things coming ahead and I'm telling you Thank you for the opportunity the city manager and I call him my chief here and my chief uh my chief back there hiding out in the back where is there he is who's been great since I've been there and I thank every single one of you here for for uh providing me this opportunity so thank you Vance thank you and and Commissioners so you're aware Vance's last role with Theo was over the and I always get this right I'm going to say Central District or Central East Division East Division which has the central district and everything else basically the eastern half of the county from point Siana down through Frost Proof including Winter Haven and and that included the uh the contractual resources that were uh with the city of Eagle Lake Dundee and frost proof that the sheriff provides there so he's got good understanding of of the background um Municipal operations as well so we're excited to have him on board and look forward to a a great career with him um the other individual I'd like to introduce you this evening is Cedric Cox Cedric if you wouldn't mind stepping to the podium as well uh some of you have had the chance to meet Cedric I think that Cedric was getting orientation the same day that commissioner dollson was getting orientation about his own department so Cedric joined us last month last Monday was a really good day um for for Vance to join us and Cedric to join us and they are two peas in a pot they both are extremely shy individuals I'm sure but Cedric comes to us as the new assistant director of the Department of Economic Opportunity and Community investment Eric has never been so excited at 4:00 in the morning to come to work either he now has a right hand and um Cedric brings with him a wealth of experience and understanding of uh programs like ship and affordable housing from what he did with the county so I'll give him a few minutes just to introduce himself if you would uh good evening mayor uh City commissioners um I'm excited to be here um I'm originally from Plant City uh I graduated high school in 1983 joined the Air Force stayed in the Air Force about 5 years played basketball so I was TDY a lot I traveled all over the world I mean Japan Hawaii the Philippines you name it came back to PL City didn't like the makeup of the city so I decided I'm moving to PP County I came to Lakeland I stayed in Lakeland maybe a year or two I'm relocated to auale and then Winter Haven in about 98 or 2000 and I like Winter Haven I've been here ever since um I have over 30 years experience in affordable housing from um ESG ship home cdbg you name it and I'm excited to be here um I I appreciate the opportunity for the Center City of Winter Haven I I'll um Echo the sentiments of the gentleman that was here prior to me they've been treating me very well here and I've never been excited to wake up in the morning my wife told me said who are you and I said a happy man and I just want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to add value to the City of Winter Haven so we are grateful to have two key positions in our leadership team Phil these are outstanding gentlemen um some of us have known for a number of years through leadership programs and through our uh engagement with the County's housing program particularly in the in the bogy area that's where I first came to know Cedric many years ago um so lot of lot of good stuff happening um you should feel confident that your team is getting a lot more depth and some new experience coming in that will only make the future that much brighter for Winter Haven last thing I want to ask for from the commission this evening is a liaison we have a RFQ a request foral qualifications uh solicitation for design criteria package and owner's representative Professional Services this is for the water recycling facility at Pard road so the uh which is fancy way of saying wastewater treatment plant uh but this is for the uh The Firm that will do the design criteria package that will ultimately fold into a design build solicitation this entity that is hired for that package will also serve as an owner's representative uh for Professional Services which is kind of the ongoing construction oversight and CI work so if there's a if we could get a designated liais on for that Mr Mayor yes I nominate Tracy merer to be Thea on I'll second it are you willing Tracy I'll do it all right thank you thank you thank you and that's all I have this evening Deputy city manager uh good evening mayor and City Commissioner just again thank you for taking it easy on me Wednesday night um I have a fun note for you this evening so uh FWC has announced that they'll be placing a special trophy bass in lake Rochelle so this bass has a pink tag on it uh anybody who catches that fish will win a $5,000 gift card to Bass Pro and then be entered into a drawing for an additional $10,000 gift card uh it's part of their trophy catch program to encourage fishing in the area but when does it start what L they put it in Lake relle and I believe I believe they put it in there um maybe Monday night I'm not sure you catching Monday so uh and that's it other than that happy birthday to my birthday T twin commissioner dancer thank you C cler if we can't find you we go look in Lake relle is what I'm here that's right that's right thank you for the birthday wishes um so the only thing that I have is that last Thursday latan and I attended a Florida Association of city clerks webinar regarding form six it was a 2hour webinar very informative um as I said this morning in staff meeting the commission on ethics um really I mean they made it very simple to understand I mean individual slides for every single thing that you'd be seeing on the screen so um we have that on hand so when you get to the point where you have to do your form sixes we're we're available to assist if you need that and I'll also be sending you an email with some resources that's all I have all right I just I I got an email about form six that you can't submit it paperwise it's got to you got to set an account and yes and do it online that you can't do it uh so if someone doesn't have an email they have to create a new email it must be online yes yes that's all I have all right emergency matters not receed for the agenda One Last Time anyone from the audience that would like to say anything I'll allow you to do so at this time if not motion to adjin we are joined