it's a purchasing procedur the absolute worst contract hello Julie manual revision one I didn't I didn't have a chance to look at I didn't either well you really didn't you got today I didn't see anywhere I have put my attorney should I get I should probably get my own attorney shouldn't I her husband is yeah he to get my own attorney he's been the ones that's he's helped me a lot speaking ipers yeah this is that PE yeah no he's good Gary had add I've got fours he's got 20,000 but are we okay can I give the green light to these he takes on the Michigan for blueberries takes California for Al and I'm talking truckloads full of I said I would check with you good evening I'd like to call to all of this agenda review session roll call please yes commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner dancer here mayor protm Yates here but stepping out and mayor Birdsong here got a phone call oh oh okay do you mark him as tardy then all right uh presentations we have one this evening Mr Mayor if we could um yeah but I will say the others um are all lined up and and at one point the commission had requested a more more um Regular presentation from lamped on the bus situation so that you'll get one in April and then you'll get one again uh in the fall but we would like to do a just an update on a marketing campaign that ties back to our uh ship program so I'm going to ask that Katrina hill our director of public affairs and communication and Cedric Cox our assistant director of Economic Opportunity and Community investment uh collaborate to to share this information with you okay and this will go to this will get launched um well she'll she'll give the details on that but we'll also do a a similar update uh at the next convening of the uh affordable housing advisory committee good afternoon mayor and Commissioners um I just wanted to give you an overview on the U marketing campaign that Katrina and I um um got together to present and to put out to the to the citizens in the community um just to give you a brief overview the um ship program provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create Partnerships that produce and preserve affordable home ownership and multif family housing the program was designed to serve very low low and moderate income families the City of Winter Haven um partnered with Guardian community Resource Management to administer this program um we received funding from physical years um 1920 2021 2122 and 2324 the program income is from individuals that had received uh prior funding from the City of Winter Haven and they they either opted to sell the property do a Cash out refinance or the property no longer was their primary residence thus they had to return the funds that we provided to them to put back into the um uh pot to go move forward and help under individuals we're currently working in the uh physical year 192 funding we have an approximately $50,000 balance um left to uh complete the uh expenditure for that physical year um physical year 2021 we received 62,000 approximately in program income and an allocation of about 31,6 in physical year 21 and 22 we received 41,000 in program income and about 489,000 in a allocation um from Florida Housing Finance Corporation in physical year 2324 we currently have about $12,000 in program income that we received and about $63,750 total um program income was approximately 115 15927 uh the allocation total is about 1.4 million for a total combined funding of 1,570 356 as a note we have approximately three well we have three years to expend these fundings because I know some of you all are probably wondering how this we keep um compounding the the monies and come July 1st we'll receive another uh $513,500 so and they send it to us um in payments with the total combined funding and the anticipated funding coming in July 1st we'll have about two 2,833 se1 um and I was getting to let Katrina get into the uh marketing Blitz that we um got together and worked on due to the amount of funding that we have um part of my um research led me to believe that we need to get this information out to the individuals in the community so we can get some of this money spent with that I I have question yes sir um so you have three years so the 1920 Mon's if we don't spend at least that amount then we lose it yes sir they'll recapture it but we have enough um uh programs or or cases in the pipeline to expend the rest of that $50,000 and so it has to be expended yes yes sir by July 1 yes sir okay Mr can I have a question yes Senator while you're there the money that the 513 that was for 2425 do we feel pretty confident that that we've been able to salvage that fund or I know risk is at risk for a while but do you feel pretty comfortable with that yes however we have three years to expend that and we have to expend expend the prior years funding before you can start on the funding that you're receiving that's what kept compounding us you know uh the money that we have with the pot to the city's defense and we did go through um the Corona virus and it it h hampered everyone and I can tell you in my former role it slowed us down previously at that time and it took at least a year two years to get back on track but you feel good that the 513 is still in play and we're going to we're going to get that money yes that's the that was the uh projected allocation that I just looked up yesterday as of yesterday um from the Fe February projections that um is projecting that they have however keep in mind that could increase or decrease what I'm saying is is there was some paperwork that was delayed and it was not in in in sent in in time because we had not voted on certain things the committee had not met enough to to that's the um the annual report of the ahck yes that's been done yeah that's been done and none of this is in Jeopardy so what you're referring to is whether or not uh what the governor does yes sir okay with that I'll let Katrina get into the marketing portion of it and Commissioners I'll tell you um we'll get another update to you on what's been spent down so far this fiscal year tell Thursday morning while sitting at the retreat they brought me a a check for Signature you know checks over a certain amount require manual signature that was a down payment assistance um $155,000 check that went out that morning for down payment assistance and I've signed probably I don't know half a dozen plus of those in the past few months of um work that's getting done and I uh have approved a number of roofing contracts uh for folks that are getting new roof s ship program excellent beautiful you're going to see another DPA check before Friday yes so another down payment assistance check before the end of this week awesome good job all right so how do we keep building on that momentum right and making sure everybody in the community that is eligible for this is aware of that so started with the site and really built out a new page on the site that's a robust and I know it's tiny you can't read it there but it's on the site um and I can send you all the link to it but it's got all of the ship information on there including contact information for our partners and for cedrick and his team as well um The Next Step of that and all these things are ready to roll um so we can launch this later on this week will be a press release um that'll go out to all of our media Outlets to talk about the funding we have available the last time I worked on a press release with Diane it got picked up really really well and we had a robust showing here at City Hall when applications opened so I anticipate that this will get good coverage um and we'll have good um return on that information as well but in addition to that um we're going to send out an email blast so we've got just under 10,000 people subscribed to email newsletters so we will get in their inbox um in addition to what they may see in the news media we're also going to do a very robust social media campaign so we're not just going to post this once got 13 posts we'll probably space these out about every 10 days that way it's not like a ship Saturday type Series where it posts on the same day every week we more likely to hit over wider audience if you mix it up a little bit um but the topics of the posts are meant to be relatable to folks so if you're a first-time home buyer or you know you need to add some accessibility accessories or I know I need a new roof sort of leading with that um and then backing into there's this program that's called ship that could help you with it right so to try to avoid always leading with maybe the government jargon there and we've got plans for Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn and the next door um platforms with that we also plan to use our new texting um system so we launched that a few weeks ago and we've got just shy of 900 folks subscribed to that now so we'll be able to send out some of this information to them um we're going to do a direct mail campaign so I have a partner that we can work with that will ensure that this hits every residents that's within City Limits so not just Winter Haven mailing address right that's actually within the city limits um and that's who is potentially eligible for this so we're going to work on a direct mail campaign um to get this directly to the homes that may be eligible um we're going to work on some informational videos so Cedric's going to be interviewed and share this information and we'll get that on YouTube and on the website and and make that available as well um some flyers throughout the community right so getting this up in coffee shops and diners and other places where there's community bulletin boards as well um and then staff talking points so when all of this hits we anticipate phone calls and people people showing up to City Hall and things like that so um Cedric's already been working with the staff that's at the front desk here at City Hall to make sure they understand it but we'll also um distribute some staff talking points to um anyone that is customer service rep and customer service facing at any of our facilities to make sure um people know how to answer questions and where to direct folks if they have questions and that's it that was really fast but so mayor and Commissioners just a couple final points on this um we've never done a full court press of this nature when it comes to our um ship program and uh I think that what what Cedric and Katrina and the entire team put together the beauty of it is it uses every tool that's in our toolbox to get the word out there it doesn't just focus on a single tool that may be most um assumed to be the most relevant tool to a particular segment of the population it doesn't Focus on a single geographic area it blankets the entire Community with the information uh the the benefit of that is I may not need or qualify for ship but I may have an employee who does have a roof issue that does qualify or somebody that's looking to be a firsttime home buyer that does qualify that we're putting the information in as many places as we can and trying to educate the entire community on what these services are um the churches the uh the Civic organizations so that as they look to do to help folks this is another tool that they can also direct those same individuals too is there any kind of a telephone number where people could text text you because everybody text anymore and they want to call Ver is like can they text somebody and say can I get something sent to me or yeah so the new texting service the Askin or Haven texting service if they text on that my staff is is monitoring that during business hours and can chat back with them or even send a link directly to Cedric and from his computer he can chat back and that's coming through to the recipient as a text so they they're texting in it's showing up on Cedric's screen he's typing something back it comes back to them as a text and that's also the system that will translate um for the end user if they're in Spanish or but I mean there like a telephone number they can just put on their phone or they got to go to an app to a website no it's just a phone number phone number okay and that'll be on all the stuff too yes sir okay perfect so all right so you said I just wanted to reiterate that I think what you said on the staff talking point so all levels of Staff will be trained at least at a minimum of where to push the call if they call that that we because I hear I hear things that you know I called in and they didn't know anything about it so just want to make sure like all levels they might not know the Deep dive of it but they know at least right if someone asks about ship here's where you train it yeah exactly um and commissioner Yates I would say that just giving them the number to city hall because the front desk and the backup support for the front desk fall with under Katrina's operation so I can assure you that they're educated on that um and if for some reason they are not available the next line of defense at our front desk phones is the department that Cedric and Eric work for so I think that we there always that one employee that didn't get the memo that is the first one to answer theone which is why we're telling all the commissioner about it um I didn't hear anything on epcar can are are we going to push this out to the epar group so that they can push it out to all the Realtors East County Association of Realtors certainly we can make sure we get that in the hands not only of epcar and I think epcar is probably the best Clearing House to hit all the real estate uh markets but yeah sure I can add them to the press release list so they get it that way great and if you know of any other entities Civic organizations not for-profits that um are working with folks that could use it feel free to share that with us and we'll make sure they get the same information I think obviously like har for Winter Haven would be I'm sure they're already on your list and and those type of type of entities another question I is there like a do you have like a digital pack like a PDF pack that has like the information that you can email all of us so that yes we can do that okay cool thank you using a QR code or anything like that to access yes so the Flyers the um the direct mail campaign all the printed pieces will have a QR code as well as the phone number where they can text or call the staff you know I know there's we just got through with the application process for all the charitable gifts that we're going to do I suppose some of those in there if you I think you said you had over 50 applications are probably housing related in some way so they definitely need to get this information they're not on the list too I would think yeah so I in our email subscription software one of the lists is anyone that's applied for Grant Aid in the last like 5 years so they'll be included in the email blast as well way ahead of me good job try again keep keep slinging about anything else all right thank you all right uh developments of note there are none we'll have the minutes coming ments from the audience and second reading nothing's changed on any of the second readings uh mayor okay so are there any questions maybe all right so then we'll go to the consent agenda so your first item and I think I saw Troy come in um he can come to the podium and answer questions on this but this is um make sure I'm at the right one here Blue Line Aviation yes okay so um in September of this past year we did a land lease agreement with blue line Aviation uh for the development of an area covering 2.8 Acres this is immediately to the west of the existing terminal and it was for them to construct two buildings um they have come back and a requesting an amendment to that land lease to expand the area from 2.8 acres to 4.9 so if you look at your screen it's a little confusing um what's in black there and as well as what comes down along the right hand line in red um that was the original lease area and what is totally included within the new red line is what they are requesting which now comprises 4.9 Acres so they're looking to expand their footprint of the land lease uh in order to accommodate construction of a new facility that would span 38,000 Square ft it will include two hangers each measuring 12,000 squ ft and I believe that was the the size of the original hangers if I'm not mistaken um but as well classrooms for educational purposes and administrative offices for school management um the uh so this would this would all fall within you know it's their obligation to develop those spaces the rent would increase it under the current two 2.8 acre land leasee their rent is $3,149 60 per month that multiplies down against the CPI and compounds annually for 20 years um the new rent with the expansion would commence at $551 3.97 so just to kind of take a a swag at it um I did a 2 and a half% CPI over 20 years compounding year-over-year that total is out to about just shy of $1.7 million on the land lease um plus those buildings once their seed become property of the City of Winter Haven they'll be occupied and remain occupied by uh blue line but in the event that they depart those are are City assets we also gain um the benefit of fuel sales and any other ancillary sales that would happen from their operations on site um I will note that there's a there's a parking lot that's shown immediately to the north that is not part of this amendment in any way that is something that is um being explored as something the city may take on at some point and uh if that's a viable option to further develop the entire um I'll say uh uh commercial sector of the airport but still something that is very early in our exploration um but what we're looking at today is just what's within that red line yes um thankfully I've not received any emails about problems at the airport because of all the increased traffic and all the uh I know the the fuel sales are going up exponentially from I've seen the reports but have you guys worked out all your issues about wasn't going to be safe to have this many flight school kids you know students whatever is that kind of become a nonevent are we still a little concerned or tell me kind of where how how you feel about that you know for my for my opinion what I've seen over the last couple months when Blue Line originally came in there was It was kind of shaky getting everybody to play in the sandbox together but I think through a series of safety meetings uh collaboration on the safety video you know you look at the safety video and it's a great product we're pushing out but what you don't see is the collaboration that's happened internally through Blue Line Aviation and brown sea plane base and members of the fast team and so I think the attitude and the culture has shifted in a more positive direction to where everybody's kind of learning to play in the sandbox together and I think um you know with tgh coming in they flew their first helicopter in yesterday and I think that's going to raise some awareness for a little bit but again it'll balance back out so I think it's just a matter of smart Healthy Growth and getting everybody to play the sandbox together and I think through collaboration we're really achieving that out there good that's good news so a lot of the folks one of the the things commissioner Daner I think that speaks to that um commissioner Yates sits on that committee now attends the uh uh airport advisory committees we have an airport Safety Committee um that is is functioning well it had some some rough stops along the way in the fall uh Troy has has done a great job of of building trust with that team and bringing to the pl to the table the uh the experts in aviation both those that are tenants on our Airfield as well as those that come from FAA and other areas um they did he mentioned the safety video I don't know if any of you have seen this but we did a about a 7even minute safety video yes sir that includes a lot of the people that you all know um Jake Palumbo I think Jamie becket's in there uh Troy's in there gentleman from Brown C plane base a number of folks that that make cameos and speak about the safety of the airport in that and that speaks to The Cooperative Spirit and the partnership in trying to mitigate safety concerns um Troy hit it spot on with with Tampa General Hospital and their aromed system that is now going to be housed at our airport uh that's going to create a little bit of disruption right off the bat we expect that uh we mitigate that in the best ways that we can and and be prepared to answer the questions and and pivot where we need to the other thing I would say is that U we are 6 days out from the start of sun and fund and so that will also generate a whole lot more activity out the airport um and I think that they've done a really really good job of getting ready for those things okay okay okay just a couple questions um so and I remember talking about this and a while back can't remember how long ago it was but it's great that it's that it's here now what was the option at the end of the 20 years like did um there is an additional I believe uh two fiveyear periods two fiveyear renewal options that that may be exercised assuming they're not in default and that you know and is that work on both or is the is the option heavy in their favor meaning like can we say you know this isn't just this isn't working out at the end of 20 I not that it would but I'm just trying to it provides that the term of the lease if you look at page two of your um is uh 20 years with two additional renewal terms of 5 years each lesie shall provide to less or not less than 30 calendar days written notice of its intention to extend for any renewal term prior to the termination of the existing term unless this lease is terminated in accordance with the provisions and provided that they're not in default so it's I wouldn't say it's he it's it's it's it's probably heavy on the Lessie side in other words they have the option to renew it and and if not we building Roots back to us and now we've got all the space and everything and in fact the building gets is our as soon as it's certificate of occupancy it's functional equivalent is is issued if they left and and this is probably in there I apologizes but the if they left in five years is there any you know again not saying that it will happen but let's say they said yeah we're going to go somewhere else in five years there is not in fact um that like there was in the C plane Pilots Association Le if you may remember that that that's a whole other story but um I I'm not aware of any provision requires us to reimburse them for any or them buy us out for the remaining 15 years on the lease I guess but at the end of the day we get the building and that they' paid for so got your capacity to lease those out at a higher rate right could more you know the market rate may draw that more so would tend to yeah offset whatever contemplated revenue and do we envision the same kind of deal potentially being structured on the other future hangers that are indicated on on yeah I think um and not to get ahead of the game but I think not just in this area but in some other areas as well there's some space at the airport that um people are I'd say kicking the tires on maybe I'd like to do a land lease there for either corporate hangers or perhaps even for tea hangers um used to be a time when we could go out and build tea hangers relatively cheaply and turn around lease them I we could lease tea hangers from here until the end of the year if we could just build enough of them I mean it's You' got 90 people probably on your waiting list years out and the problem is they're just so costly to build but if somebody else wants to do that I think that there's a lot of opportunity for it and then the other thing is you heard superintendent Hy talk about last week was the potential for a uh permanent Sticks and Bricks facility for the central Florida airspace Academy that lease may look a little different um we have to kind of explore you know how that comes to be because it's it's a school you know it's not really governmental yeah it's it's it's very different from say a hanger so I'm I'm much in favor of these lease deals as opposed to to selling the property because you know as we've we've said before you know you retain the property you retain control of your own destiny so it's great every October there is an increase that increases uh I guess commerate with inflation or how CPI does it price every October there is an increase release and I believe it actually increases this October right yes so for Le other goodal all right thank you yes sir item 10B mayor this is um it we'll actually be asking for this in in retrospect and in in reactivity but um uh commissioner doson will be attending beginning tomorrow the Florida Black Caucus local elected officials conference um we weren't able to get that onto an agenda to be fully approved but sharing that with you this evening that will be a kind of a r a ratification approval on Monday okay and then 10 I'm sorry I was just asking where it was CI cimi okay good have fun uh the 10c is uh travel and training that is for myself the Deputy city manager and the director of public affairs and Communications to attend the annual Florida City County Management Association conference that is in Orlando every year at the very end of May that is also when we will do our ethics training 10 D 10 D is um this is uh this kind of like follow the bouncing ball Lo on this one I'll try and explain it and Eric please jump in or John so this is dealing with rain dance in collateral assignments so in 2020 we did a um uh developers agreement with rain Dan Winter Haven LLC uh rain Dan Winter Haven assigned its interest in that developments agreement development developers agreement to rain Dan SP LLC in 2021 and the city and the CRA consented uh rain dance then SP then entered into a loan agreement with Hall Winter Haven LLC for construction conru financing as an additional security for that loan Hall Winter Haven LLC required rain Dan SBE to execute a collateral assignment of the developers agreement for the benefit of Hall in March of this year you may recall the city and the CRA both approved an assignment of collateral assignment that collateral assignment of that collateral assignment of the developers agreement between Hall as the assigner in favor of shelter growth Master commercial real State Credit fund a Roman numeral 4 LP so as his customary with transition from construction financing to permanent financing the prior agreements and assignments may be assigned to a new lender and its subsidiary in this case shelter growth has requested the city and CRA consent to further assignment of collateral assignment to a wholly owned shelter growth subsidiary known as term fund a Roman numeral for Mr a seller so if you could follow the bouncing ball it's all the collateral assignments Associated to rain Dan and just as a matter of note when we asked you all to originally approve this on March 11th at that time we also received your consent to assign it to a subsequent known asse at that time which was a related entity but at that time we did not know about term fund and a Roman nmal 4 MRA seller so that's why we're coming back now and you might ask well why didn't you take care of all this on March 11th we would have but we didn't know so that's why we're coming back on April 8th to ask for your consent and we'll be bringing it to the CRA on June 14th or June 10th their next regular meeting um and I think uh my general understanding is that these entities are sort of bankruptcy proof or it has to do with way above my pay grade in terms of financing and loans and what have you but they they they like these entities to hold these loans so they have some protection from bankruptcy b or maybe Brian might even know this is this like selling mortgages like you get a mortgage from pretty much Bank of America then they sell it to XYZ and then they sell it to YZ Y and that's my understanding in general they're selling yes in general that's my understanding yeah they're selling the debt or what do they I I believe that they are well I don't want to characterize it because I don't know for sure but my general understanding would be that they're that they are placing the debt so if that requires the exchange of monetary consideration very well may um I don't know jump in if I'm not I mean every lender is going to have their own quirks and requirements and sounds a little Overkill to me but you know that's what this is right it is um probably but we want to be very transp that lender prerogative and if that's where the mortgage is that's what you know that's what they've got to do so and and because we are public we want to be very transparent and that's why I built in these requirements because I don't ever want to not know who we're dealing with or not know who's entitled to our performance under the developers agreement okay because at the end of the day we're going to have to be paying someone right the Tiff and we want to know who that is for sure mayor yes um on the second page of that uh shelters growth Master commercial real estate credit fund um the first paragraph at the top would you look at the dollar is this on the summary report commissioner Mercer or on the actual consent Doc it's on the summary okay my understanding is that it's a $17 million it doesn't have it's like in a zero on one of those oh did I yes there's a typo with it there looking at the actual consent document here oh yeah sure enough yeah thank you for pointing that out we'll make that correction and fortunately I have the original signatures that I provided to the city clerk in anticipation of our meeting Monday but thank you uh that was something I uh I did not catch appreciate you catching that anyone else all right uh this is the um Lake conines Wetland uh Recreational Park design build contract so may recall that we did a design build contract in 2022 with Whitehead for Lake conine Recreation uh first phase of that construction was the land clearing and the search charge I think we had some conversation just recently about all the dirt that we had stored out there to to get the uh the Earth and area compacted Whitehead has moved that along to 100% design and based upon the design build contract they presented staff with a guaranteed maximum price to develop the items that you see on your screen those include the trail systems pedestrian walkway Bridges and boardwalks parking lot playground restroom picnic areas site Furnishings fishing Pier kayak launch the necessary fencing landscaping and trees some educational signage as well as some it improvements for that site that will help us with security the GMP for this shall not exceed $3,518 43 that is inclusive of the construction the search charge and the design fees uh constructions expected to start in the early summer or late spring of this year and take approximately 10 months um we do factor in a 10% contingency for the project not knowing everything that can possibly happen that takes the total project cost to just over 3.78 million there's a table within your your fact sheet that spells out where the revenue sources come from for that project uh you have cdbg allocations one from the P County as well as from the city those collectively are about $584,000 there's a $200,000 Florida Recreation development assistance program Grant uh 1.25 million that was uh has been earmarked within the construction fund for the project Duke Energy is part of their um work in that area wanted to do something in recognition of Jerry Miller and have a a little impact little Legacy in in his recognition and so they made a contribution of $150,000 towards the playground and then at your last meeting we discussed the fund balance allocation of 1.6 million uh towards that which brings the total to the 3.78 s million so T we actually have that F out Grant yes sir okay that was I believe and I'm going to look to Andy was that not the number one rated project in the state okay all right uh resolution 11a this is the um plat approval for final plat approval for uh Harmony Phase 2 so this is 47.72 acre subdivision containing 144 building lots and 10 Common Lots um their internal roads will be dedicated to the harmony CDD and the sewer and water utilities will be owned and maintained by the city all their drainage conveyance and storm Water Management areas will also be main by the maintained by the CDD they have submitted a performance bond of 7 167,168 for those items that have yet to be completed to include some earthw work sanitary sewer potable sewer or potable water um poble sewer that's a future concept I think poble water storm water management and Engineering certification um so they have developed this in accordance with the Pud 0612 and all lots are in compliance with that um once this is built out with a taxable value estimated at $250,000 per lot uh subdivision will have an estimated total taxable value of 36 million and will generate just over $237,000 per year in City adalum revenues all right any questions all right we have ordinances uh one ordinance first reading TOA uh this is the uh annexation of the ABC liquor store on Cypress Gardens Boulevard um so they are requesting annexation of a partiel just shy of 0.9 Acres located on C Gardens Boulevard seeking annexation for the purpose of operating under the city of winter Haven's alcohol hours which you may recall were changed in O was it October September yeah less than a year ago yeah less than a year ago so they are inside the county I mean unincorporated County um and you can see adjacent to their to the west of them and across the street and they wanted to come in so that they can um operate under the the new ordinance benefits I must not know where this ABC look right next to Red Lobster on Cyprus that's in that whole side of that street so if you go back to the image down that Lake Lulu down there so everything that you see that's in white versus what's in Gray what's in white is inside unincorporated pulk so beob bradies is in but the um the financial uh property directly to the west of them is not and same with ABC so they are want to come in I thought I thought we kind of mirrored the county but County does not provide for Sunday Services okay other cities do all right cool new business 13A ask Eric to present 13A because I think he's had much greater involvement in this than I Mr dudy oh yeah so um as you may recall in pursuant to your authorization uh at a previous meeting uh to donate a a parcel and the parcel identification numbers in the fact sheet to dudney Plaza LLC um on February 26 2024 um we are proposing this First Amendment to the developers agreement as you may recall when we donated the first sliver of city-owned property to him we entered into a developers agreement um establishing the parameters by which he was going to redevelop that site in conjunction with a j recent Parcels that he already owned um and gave a timeline for for doing so um the First Amendment to the developers agreement would incorporate this new parcel uh into that developers agreement establish new timeline uh for performance uh for the Redevelopment of the property and uh this will authorize the city manager uh this this action would would authorize the city manager to execute the First Amendment um and authorize the mayor and all other appropriate City officials to execute all documents necessary to facilitate the transfer uh by donation of the uh parcel in question by quick claim deed to Mr dudney um there is no Financial impact other than additional Ador uh expected upon the Redevelopment of the property and staff does recommend approval okay questions not on this one but I was just curious where are we on Mr Cameron's situation and and needing to send that lot back to the so I had a conversation with uh Dot and after a few meetings they had internally they are um acceptable to transferring ownership to Mr Cameron it's my understanding though that their process would be that we um as the owners would have to transfer the convey the property back to Dot and then they would enter nego negotiations with Mr Cameron how soon do you anticipate that potentially happening um I'd have to discuss that with uh City attorney as we what we need to do very quickly we we could probably get it on your pardon we could probably get it on the next meeting if we can get the yeah I mean we what would be what would be required would be authorization to the city commission to you know allow the transfer by quick claim deed back to the dot and um can we get that authorization on or does it have to go through public like Can it can we do that Monday night or you need to put it on the agenda agenda a published agenda so we could I just hate to tie it up longer than it has to be tied up so this is first I'm hearing specifics of it I talked about it last week at the retreat with Eric but we could get this on the agenda for your second meeting in April and and then quickly how long dot takes um that's a DOT matter yeah then then it's off our plate at that point well there is one more piece that we own that we will then I guess we'll figure out how do we do that um that's a small piece there are no restrictions on that so we'll have to assign a value to that and I don't know that we'll be prepared to do that on that's I just wanted to get the get it rolling with d for Mr Cameron we can move our process relatively quickly so if we need to amend on that second parcel which we do own we can do that in probably a two we turnaround right you know after the transfer quick claim back to to dot but they'll need to do their side of the thing yeah yeah thanks and there there may be a form do quickly de that they want to provide to us and I can get with Mr Conway who's their legal councel there BTO and figure out what what all needs to happen so not to worry the um getting back to the other one um just as a matter of information on April 8th I would ask the mayor and I've already provided the city clerk and I'll bring it with me to the meeting the original quick claim deed to be executed that night because I'd like to be able to record the Quick Claim Deed on Tuesday April 9th in the public records um as well as the the first the amendment to the first First Amendment to the developers agreement because there is a deadline of April 10th of 2024 for Mr dudney to perform or the property goes back to the city on the other piece we donated last year so if we can get this recorded on April 9th then that extends that deadline of record so we don't have to fool with it so I there's a timing issue I want to get that I just mentioned that too it's probably down in the weeds you don't care about that but it would be helpful if that night Monday night we can I can walk out of this room with with the doc with documents because I'll run them over first thing Tuesday morning to the clerk's office and give them out record all right and to accommodate Mr dudney as well because I'm sure he's interested in you know moving forward as quickly as he can all right um Mr Mayor quick question in and I'm glad Cedric's here because this is probably something he can answer me and this is somewhat related in regards to Mr doy because I've had a couple of meetings with him and he's about this property and he's talking about affordable housing and Workforce housing as as part of this development he's doing there and he's he's asking about the affordable housing trust fund and whether he would qualify for any of that I know we're doing down payment assistance and roofs and all that kind of stuff but Cedric do you know if a new development or or something like that new construction would apply for our affordable housing trust fund for Mr dudy is a good example but others where it's a new whole new building that they're trying to build affordable housing on will that work I'd have to defer to trust yeah so there are two pots of money there's the trust fund that's associated with ship funding that likely would not apply in this case um unless he was doing a for for ownership and we could do a down payment assistance since something like that um we have the affordable housing trust fund that we established a number of years ago that you guys contribute um a minimum of $250,000 to every year we have much greater latitude with that trust fund um and so there would be the potential we could come up with a a plan or a partnership or a program for the utilization of those funds in partnership with affordable housing it just has to be with you know that's the pool of money he could potentially or him anybody could potentially tap into if if they're uh if they're doing affordable housing the challenge with that commissioner dancer is there's not a there's not really a formal program or incentive package that aligns with the affordable housing trust fund so what we we've put money in there um to we use that to offset the Blue Sky local match we we set in their funds to be the local match for the Winter Haven Housing Authority should they project get selected to move forward we use some of those funds to advance the uh initiative of the Winter Haven Housing Authority or Winter Haven heartt for Winter Haven yeah um one of the things that Eric and I just talked about I think today the days start to run together the uh housing or the yeah the housing incentive program that we have within CRA you may recall um this pays out $10,000 per residential unit in the CRA when the Improvement to the property has been at a level that uh raises the um the taxable value by 100% so that's and that's what we did with Jade so um the Jade departments uh is in the CRA they qualified for that and that became a a very healthy incentive for them to move that on you could do that within I mean this is in the Florence Villa CRA so Eric I'm looking to you does that that housing incentive would yes sir so that's an incentive that would exist right there I don't know how many units he'd be looking to do in there but um he's got some pretty cool plans I've met with him on a couple of occasions and he's trying to do something right on First Street to get something started and right if there's any way we could encourage him and help him with what whatever kind of pool of money we have cuz it's going to be a financing thing for him but he's got some plans and I know y'all he's been very complimentary of Eric and Sean and how everybody's helping him so I think that anything that's that's tied back to the I mean there's a number of incentive programs that apply within the cras that housing uh $10,000 per unit certainly sounds like it would fit that and and there may be others as well okay all right just for what it's worth that's coming anyone else so sorry not to expand on the we've moved past this this specific item I think at this point but so the what about the accessory dwelling unit um primary residence to have an access got to be a primary res in order to have an AC accessory dwelling you have to have a primary residence to which it's accessory too otherwise I just thinking if you did commercial at the bottom and then resid I don't think you can have an accessory dwelling un on a commercial yeah it's just an apartment at that at that point like the creative thought though there if there some way we can like I said cra's got got funds and and they've gotten sent of packages that are in place and you know I think that that's let's look at the tools that we have and see which which best fits that need I just want to encourage him because he's doing something nobody else is doing let's get Let's help him as much as we can anyone else all right then we have uh 16a so mayor and commissioner 16a uh speaks to some procurement manual revisions I'd like to invite up um our procurement Guru Bethany Owen um we don't get to see Bethany that often uh since she's left the city manager's office and handles our checkbook for us now ultimately but in 2022 the commission passed ordinance 22-25 which established the first revision of our procurement manual since its passage 10 years prior but with that revision further edits and amendments were allowed to be made administratively so it it at my level provided that the city commission uh received information on the any modifications or changes within 60 days um of the effective date so I have just in the past two weeks uh reviewed with Bethany a number of of minor modifications within the procurement manual um these are probably very um insignificant to the commission at the end of the day we want to make sure you're aware of them so what we've noted in the fact sheet or in the memo uh We've provided you as well the redline versions of these but um it's really just clarification so when it talks about exclusions we note that the ex while there are exclusions they still require purchase orders when they're over a certain dollar value of 15,000 um we've identified that uh when we're talking about real property transactions that also includes appraisals RightWay Consultants um and and uh that are part of that purchase that's just natural that that should have been in there and then um when we talk about buying software a lot of times we have to buy the implementation and training that goes along with that so that's included in the exclusions within our CH within our purchase order uh section of the procurement manual we have made a change regarding ing uh when a changed purchase order uh or change order authorization is required um we had that at a flat rate of 20% of the cost uh that did not always make a whole lot of sense um because on large projects 20% you know could be a huge chunk of money 5% could be a huge chunk of money and we needed to better have some better control on that so now we are um at a 5,000 or 1% whichever is greater to track changes and um Bethy I think we note that that when when something's under $500,000 the change order is required at a $5,000 change that is correct yes that's the minimum and if it's you know if it's an excess of $500,000 then it's at 1% that just it's a control you know mechanism for us um we are also tracking our change orders through our um Erp program with which is how we manage all of our finances it's no no longer the the paper transfer copies that take longer and longer because you got to curry them from office to office this is all done electronically now terms of emergency purchases a change that we made really tightens up our language on um that says not that a PO may be um issued uh let me make sure I read this correctly going from a PO will to a PO May in the terms of a procurement May obtain to procurement may require the department to obtain um just again clarifying who has responsibilities within that aspect and then also tightening up control again that if we issue an emergency purchase order for something say like a hurricane that there is a time period in which those things have to get done that we can't just have emergency purchase orders that Linger on on and on and on if it takes us 6 months to get something fixed then that's no longer an emergency situation per se there's probably opportunity to appropriate bid and procure those things through traditional proper methods so again it just tighter controls um design build Services one of the things that that we talk about with uh within that section is that if there's not three biders that um we can forego uh that requirement if we feel um that we don't need to rolic um Bethany anything else on that one that was significant no just taking out the fact that you have to approve of the use of a design build in writing it just allows us to eliminate that written portion and then to allow the PSC the Professional Services committee to evaluate less than three proposals um without automatically having to come back together in a meeting to decide that yes we do want to evaluate and we do not want to rolic and then having a second public meeting to then evaluate just allows us to make that choice for them under Consulting agreements you may recall that um if something is detailed in the budget we always talk to you about at the time we're doing budget approval in in July and September both of our meetings there that's to detail out what's in the budget we're going to buy garbage truck or we're going to buy um I don't know a a whatever the widget is and it's over $50,000 because it's detailed within the budget that doesn't come back to you it's something we share with you early in the year and it just it allows us to procure things in a more timely fashion um with the commission having uh approved those in advance we were um updating the procurement manual with respect to Consulting agreement so if we put in the budget for a $75,000 um agreement for a transportation study it's gone through the RFQ process that because it's detailed in the budget that would have to come back for a subsequent approval from the commission doesn't mean that I won't always bring those things back to you um for some of the innocuous things there's not it's not necessary to do that but on the things that um certainly larger items you know construction agreements design build for Lake conine Park those types of things those are detailed in the budget but you're still seeing those come before you so it just gives us a little latitude there asset control procedures this is how we manage our inventory um all of our Fleet all of our equipment um it allows Fleet the authority to determine if an asset should be auctioned immediately um giving them me they are the subject matter expert on that for us it also replaces the um uh cons the one stock shop within asset control from being housed just within procurement to be within Finance so it gives them some latitude on how how to do that the last thing is um changes to our Contracting under Federal Awards and adopting uniform guideline rules Bethany would you mind speaking to that yes sir so basically this came to our attention recently with a mitigation Grant um forms were sent to procurement and to the finance director to complete and in completing these forms for um the applicable entity it was noticed that there were some things that were missing from our manual um so that caused us to take a look online and see what had changed exactly so this section here is just incorporating changes that have been made to the two CFR sections that apply to us it's just adding that language to keep us up to date CFR stands for code of federal regulations which govern the uh the federal procurement uh requirements that of course we want to be so whenever um we're dealing with federal dollars or even State dollars through do which ultimately end up being federal dollars in order to do their grants and be a participant in lap projects or or jpas um you have to meet certain conditions within your procurement protocols and so those have been incorporated into into our procurement manual over the years and this is just making sure that we are up to speed and up to date with the most recent CFR and that is the those are the changes that have been um applied and so as per the ordinance I'm presenting those to you for informational purposes no action necessary all right any questions thank you Bethy thank you all right emergency m is not received for the agenda I will be out on Monday so you can't hold down the fort for me and we're not going to let you go I'll send my best from Augusta National so and I understand that had to had to I understand the mayor and um commissioner Dawson will will both be traveling to the uh Florida black local elected officials tomorrow on Friday so um wish you safe travels thanks Mr Mayor I also want to apologize everybody for Miss the second day the second day of the workshop I got some the proverbial bad sushi at public so I was a very sick puppy and uh appreciate you guys carrying the mail for me I'm sorry I couldn't be there but I was with you in spirit so but I'm better now it's a one day event two-day event we're good all right we all good motion to adjin we adjin