##VIDEO ID:WsH4Kg91rGw## e e e e e good afternoon I'd like to call to order the city Commission meeting for this the 23rd day of September 2024 at 6: p.m. can I have a roll call please yes commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor protim Yates here and mayor BDS here we have an invocation by the Reverend uh Sarah bishop and of First Presbyterian Church of win haven and we be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Lan Harris Deputy city clerk please stand if able good evening will you please pray with me dear wise and loving Creator God God we first would like to say thank you on behalf of all who are gathered here today thank you for your many Abundant Blessings thank you for life itself for our measure of Health we need to fulfill our callings for sustenance and for friendship thank you for the ability to be involved in useful work and for the honor of being appropriate bearing appropriate responsibilities thank you for loving us for your boundless and great gracious nature in this time of prayer as our City commissioners meet we offer prayers for our mayor for the various levels of City officials and in particular for this assembled commission I ask that you graciously grant them wisdom to govern amid the conflicting interests and issues of our times a sense of welfare and Truth needs of our people a keen thirst for justice and righteousness confidence in what is good good and fitting the ability to work together in harmony even when there is honest disagreement personal peace in their lives and joy in their task I pray for this agenda set before them tonight please give them an assurance of what will please you and what would benefit those who live and work and in and around our beloved City of Winter Haven in your Most Blessed name of Christ Jesus we pray amen Jesus the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all mayor and Commissioners we have two presentations this evening our first presentation item 5A is for National Hispanic Heritage Month uh this will be received by our employee members of our employee diversity and inclusivity team along with Anna Rivera the president and founder of the Puerto Rican Hispanic chamber of commerce of P County and I don't know that I have seen her come in as of yet so okay so larius I believe is here and Charles Bolton and members of our EDI team Allen Scott if you would come to the podium please and anybody else that may have missed I apologize hope so our Proclamation reads whereas on September 17th 1967 president Lynden B Johnson signed into law the national Hispanic Hispanic heritage week bill which authorized the president to designate the week of September 15th as National Hispanic heritage week which was first observed in 1968 and 1998 President Ronald W Reagan signed into law the creation of the national Hispanic Heritage Month and whereas from America's earliest days Hispanic Americans have played a prominent and important role in our National Heritage National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural traditions and recognize and honor the significant achievements of us Hispanic communities which have influenced American culture and enriched the fabric of our society Hispanic and Latin American people can trace their roots to Mexico Central America South America and the Caribbean which consists of Puerto Rico Cuba the Dominican Republic and smaller Spanish-speaking islands and whereas Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the United States today generations of Hispanic Americans have consistently helped make our country strong and prosperous and embody the best of American values including commitment to Faith Family and Country they serve with honor in all branches of the Armed Forces continuing a strong Legacy and lift up their communities and the economy as entrepreneurs Executives and small business owners and make contributions in areas of science art music politics Academia government and sports and whereas the Hispanic American Community has left an indelible mark on our government culture and economy they continue to embody the pioneering Spirit of America today now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby Proclaim September 15th through October 15th 2024 as National Hispanic Heritage Month in the City of Winter Haven and in its continued effort to for diversity and inclusivity urges all citizens to honor and celebrate the contributions and achievements of Hispanic Americans in our nation's history and in our community in witness whereof he is here in two set his hand and cause the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 23rd day of September 2024 sign in theth J Birdsong Jr a test Vanessa Castillo good evening I know many of our members of our employee diversity team couldn't make it tonight but for those that are here we uh thank the city commission and the City of Winter Haven for this outstanding Proclamation and we look forward to seeing everybody at our Hispanic heritage luncheon on October 11 thank you song okay okay all right count three one two three [Applause] mayor and Commissioners our second Proclamation this evening or presentation uh is in recognition of Chief David Brandon our Winter Haven uh Police Department chief of police as you may recall we did a cele ation for David a week or two ago um where we were able to celebrate his upcoming retirement with the men and women of the Winter Haven Police Department and all of uh many of the the peer agencies that we work with um wanted to use this opportunity this evening to issue an official Proclamation from the city commission uh recognizing David for his his long and tenur service with the City of Winter Haven um given that Charlie bird has worked with David longer than any body I'm going to give him the honor of presenting this proclamation in word format for you this evening and then uh let David make some comments thank you city manager honorable mayor and Commissioners this is a proclamation for David Allen Brandon for Winter Haven Police Chief retired whereas David Allen Brandon was born in Winter Haven Florida on August 8th 1967 where he grew up and attended school he graduated from Winter Haven High School and whereas David was hired as a community service officer or a CSO in 1992 for the Winter Haven Police Department eventually becoming a swarm police officer in 1993 and whereas David was promoted to Sergeant in 2000 lieutenant in 2004 followed by his promotion to captain in 2007 deputy chief in 2015 and chief in 2021 and whereas in 2014 David received his Masters in criminal justice degree from St Leo University and whereas David served on the Winter Haven PD Emergency Response Team from 1996 to 2018 eventually becoming the team's operation commander and whereas David has resed received the medal of valor for his bravery in 1994 and again in 20 2024 and whereas after dedicating his life and service to the Winter Haven Police Department and the citizens of Winter Haven for 32 years David will retire on September 30th 2024 now therefore I Nathaniel J birdon Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida and on behalf of all fellow Commissioners the City of Winter Haven its employees and residents do hereby honor David Brandon and extend our deepest appreciation for his honorable and outstanding service to the Winter Haven community in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand in cause the Seal of City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 23rd day of September 2024 by mayor protim William Brian mate Yates attested by latan Harris congratulations David well mayor I'll keep this short for you he knows a joke the other day um mayor and Commissioners I really appreciate I'm honored by this Proclamation um honored to work the city this long um got my second met of Valor for all this time I had to spend with Charlie here so you know I couldn't let him get one D I don't know what it would be but uh I don't think I could be a saint but okay um but I truly appreciate it you know it's been a great place to work um it's been you know I have to say is a chief it's a whole lot easier when you have a commission and a city manager staff that supports you and you know we're able to discuss things talk things out and come out with outcome for our citizens that truly makes it a whole whole lot easier as a chief of police I can tell you that we have a lot of great men and women at the police department um they've done a great job of making me look good so um and I know I've challenged them and I'm challenge them up to the day I leave this week of you know make the place better you know don't you know you don't always hear people say that when they're leaving but you want them to keep making it better and that's all I want now I truly appreciate and thank you all right I'm going to ask you to look here first then we'll look over there okay count three one two three one more your right one two and three AES all right we have no development sub note [Music] so substantive issue to be discussed at this hearing are name of the taon authority city of win haven roll back rate is 6.29 one2 Ms the percentage increase in the milit rate over the rollback rate is 4.75% minut rate to be levit is 6.59 the reasons for the avalor tax revenues are increasing the avalor proceeds resulting from the difference between the proposed millage rate and the rollback rate will be used to offset increased operating cost and fun capital projects uh all right so we have the uh aate second reading uh would you read in it's entirety City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d43 an ordinance of the City of Winter Haven Florida adopting a millage rate to provide sufficient funds for projected expenditures of the 2024 2025 fiscal year budget of the city of win Haven Florida providing for severability and providing for an effective date whereas on September 10 2024 the city Winter Haven held a public hearing as required by Florida statute 200.0 65 and whereas a budget has been prepared estimating expenditure and revenues of the city for the ensuing year with detailed information including revenues to be derived from sources other than avalor Levy and recommendations have been made as to the amount to be appropriated for the ensuing year and whereas the city winter Heaven strives to provide a level of service consistent with the expressed desires and demands of its citizens and whereas it is necessary that taxpayers of Winter Haven also be willing to share the common expenditures of said services and to provide funds therefore now therefore be it enacted by the people of the City of Winter Haven Florida as follows number one the millage Levy for the for fiscal year 2024-25 is hereby set at a rate of 6.59 Mills number two the millage rate of 6.59 is 4.75% higher than the roll backback rate of 62912 three if any word sentence Clause phrase or provision of this ordinance for any reason is held to be unconstitutional void or invalid the validity of the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby number four the ordinance will take effect on October 1 2024 introduced on first reading September 10th 2024 passed and considered for second reading this 23rd day of September 2024 City of Winter Haven Florida thank you thank you city manager good evening arable mayor City commissioners FL statutes require each taxing authority to annually set a millage rate for property taxation following required public hearings as part of the annual budget process each September the city commission establishes the adval millage rate for the ensuing fiscal year uh as I reported to you in July um at our budget workshop and then also during our prior workshops uh leading up to your two commission meetings in September the millage rate being uh enacted via this ordinance is set at 6.59 Ms um the roll back rate is at 6.29 one2 Ms uh of the 18 taxing jurisdictions within P County to include the cities and the board of County Commissioners the uh City of Winter Haven's tax millage is ninth out of those 18 um that is uh based upon all of the actions that are taking place by our neighboring sister cities uh during this month as well um we'll point out that the the city commission uh raised the millage rate in 2018 in an effort to fund capital projects uh by one M uh that number was later reduced in 2022 by 2/10 of a mill uh and has remained at 6.59 Ms since that point um staff is recommending that the city commission approve ordinance 0 24- 43 on second and final reading thank you commissioners Mr Mayor yes uh approval of ordinance 02443 adopting the millage rate for fiscal year 2425 thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this item may do so at this time by coming forth stating your name and address for the record you have three minutes seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposers by the same sign hearing none the Mage rate is adopted ordinance 0 2444 would you read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor and if you'll permit me I'll read the entire or oh you going to read it by entire it's entirety all right thank you sir ordinance o- 24-44 an ordinance making appropriations of funds for defining the expenses of the municipal government of the City of Winter Haven for fiscal year 2024 2025 adopting the budget of the City of Winter Haven Florida fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 is the official budget of the city of win in Florida fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for severability and providing an effective date whereas Florida Statutes require each taxing authority to annually adopt 10 final budgets and whereas the City of Winter Haven has had workshops and commission meetings regarding the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget and whereas estimates have been made by the city manager of the City of Winter Haven as presented in the budget of the City of Winter Haven Florida fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 showing that the sum of $263,600 will be required for defaming the expenses of maintaining the government of the city of win Haven Florida for the fiscal year of 2024 2025 and whereas the budget of the city of WI Florida FIS year commencing October 1 2024 anticipate sufficient revenues to fund projected expenditures of 263,000 m692 218 is hereby appropriated out of all of the various revenues accruing to the city in Winter Haven and set aside for the purpose of paying the expenses of and maintaining the government of the city Winter Haven for fiscal year 20242 2025 number two the budget of the city of win Haven Florida fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 on file in the office of the city clerk is hereby adopted by reference as the official budget of the City of Winter Haven Florida for the for fiscal year 2024 d225 number three if any word sentence Clause phrase or provision of this ordinance for any reason is held to be unconstitutional void or invalid the invalidity of the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby number four it is the intention of the city commission that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or releted in the word ordinance may be changed to chapter section article or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or releted in the correction of typographical and or scous errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the city manager or his design without need of public hearing by filing a corrected or recodified copy of saying with the city clerk number five this ordinance shall take effect on October 1st 2024 introduced on first reading September 10th 2024 considered on second reading this 23rd day of September 2024 City of Winter Haven Florida thank you thank you city manager honorable mayor City commissioners Florida Statutes require each taxing authority to annually adopt tentative and final budgets the tentative budget had been prepared based upon City needs and commission directives authorized at the budget Workshop held Wednesday July 17th 2024 those directives included the adoption of the current millage rate of 6.59 Ms the budget has been prepared in compliance with the city's policies and requirements in appropriate State statutes as the City attorney had noted the budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 is 263,000 Ms adorm revenues expected to be generated from that millage rate total 27.7 n million uh so just a little over 10% of our total revenues come from the adorm revenues the budget includes a set aside from the general fund for of $250,000 for affordable housing efforts $320,000 for support of nonprofits that includes 40 agencies to be funded in fiscal year 2425 $285,000 for Community Partnerships with the Winter Haven EDC the Chamber of Commerce Main Street Winter Haven and pulk vision 295 $5,000 for the commission's uh efforts to address homeless homelessness and housing insufficiency among families that have schoolage children that is through Arrangements that we have with Hart for Winter Haven it also includes $294,000 set aside for the Lakeland area mass transit to continue the Winter Haven area mass transit program 20242 budget includes funding for 630 full-time employees and 106 part-time employees continues to fund the step plan that adjusts employee rates within their pay classification uh on an annual basis on their anniversary also includes includes a cost of living adjustment that raises the entry level uh pay rate of pay for positions to no less than $16 per hour about 45% of that budget goes towards Capital Improvements those are investments into the infrastructure whether that's new facilities roadways utility infrastructure about 20% of the budget is aligned with Personnel uh and related costs there that go along with having personnel and about 19% goes towards operations uh within our facilities the balance of the expenses are tied to Debt Service internal service support uh support of other funds and the grant and aid program there is it does include a utility transfer of $5.3 million which is consistent with the city Commission policy of not exceeding a 12% threshold of the uh most recent audited year of operational revenues within the Utility Fund and this is again the fourth year that the commission has met that uh has reduced their their revenues coming from the Utility Fund to be within that 12% so that is a a compliment to the city commission um the uh within the general fund I will say that our largest expense and I I think the commission and Community should be proud of this is our largest expense does go towards Public Safety that is not just police and law enforcement that is also our fire operations as well as our Code Compliance um the U beyond that um CRA revenues that's also part of your budget and you know you serve as the CRA board along with your two citizen appoint or citizen representative seats downtown CRA revenues are projected to come in at $3.75 million for next year and Florence Ville revenues are expected to come in at $1.3 million uh for next year both of those are increases over prior year revenues so with that um I'm happy to elaborate on any of the items within the budget I know we've talked at nauseum about the budget for several months now but certainly want to make sure you have comfort with what we brought before you uh staff is recommending City commission approve ordinance 0 24-44 on second and final reading this evening thank you sir thank you Commissioners Mr mayor yes motion to approve the ordinance and second reading for 02 2444 adopting the budget for the fiscal year 20242 thank you I will close the uh City commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this item may do so at this time seeing none Clos the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the the motion let it be known by saying I I posos this by the same sign hearing none 0 2444 adopting our budget for fiscal year 2425 is approved I have no comments from the audience however if there's someone that would like to address this board you may do so at this time okay would you state your name and address for the record and you have five minutes my name is alen Anderson Live at 140 Broad Street uh the purpose of me being at this meeting today is to talk about the irrigation the water the reused water that's coming into the neighborhoods and in our neighborhood I was the last time I was here was April 10th 2023 and at that time we were concerned about our irrigation system now was clogging up our our system and so we presented it at the meeting and many of us had to go out and augment our systems with uh our own filter systems and clean our filters and along with that each time we did that to get a system put in to augment it was about 250 if we had Massie or somebody come out it was about $200 I live in a neighborhood that has around 61 homes and not everyone in there can afford that fortunately many of us can but you know we have a lot of folks that cannot I've talked to Gary Hubbert uh the last time I was here and he and his folks have been very helpful uh one of his uh uh team members Don came out and he brought a team and it's my understanding now that you have to put a flush system in there it's also my understanding that at the end we're at the end of the line so whenever there's something going on our system just becomes clogged up I'm here to bring bring that to the attention of the city and let them know that you we're dealing with things like this this is one of our systems that's normally white but it's filled with things uh such as toilet paper hair plastic and if we continue to have this problem I know it's going to be not cost effective for the people in our neighborhood so I wanted to present that to everybody and and uh I'm not looking for an answer today I'll continue to work with Gary he and his team have been very helpful but I just want to bring that to the attention of the city thank you very much Alan can you tell me the name of the of the subdivision uh we're in Hampton Cove we're off Country Club and and for what I understand is because we are at the end of the line that is the issue and like I said uh your team your folks have been helpful they've been over backwards and and they're trying to help us but I think we it's going to be a problem that's going to be uh problematic for the rest of the people in the community thank you very much all right thank you anyone else all right ordinance second reading 0 2433 would you read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-33 in ordinance amending the winter Heaven code of ordinances chapter 21 article Roman numeral 2 section 21- 83 model homes and temporary sales offices chapter 21 article Roman numeral 6 Division 1 concurrency in chapter 21 article Roman numeral 7 division 5 subdivision regulations for the purpose of addressing model home construction prior to final plat approval establishing a preliminary plat process and clean up of existing language providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing severability providing for codification providing for the administrative correction of sceners errors and providing an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners uh this uh action before you for second reading and final approval is related to the passage of Senate Bill 812 which becomes effective October 1st 2024 and require Ires the city to create a process to allow Model Homes to be constructed on up to 50% of the Lots in a subdivision prior to the approval of final plat also requires the city to reintroduce thee preliminary plat uh to the subdivision approval process your fact sheet explains that we did have that back in the late 90s and they were there eliminated about that point um I think we've had lengthy discussion on this Eric Labby is is happy to elaborate on any questions that you may have this does take effect October 1st and this will put into play the necessary changes to our code of ordinances to ensure the city's in compliance with that thank you Commissioners under protest uh I make a motion to approve uh ordinance 24-33 on second reading thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this ordinance may do so at this time seeing none I close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting I do want to say something I'm going to vote for this because I know it's a state mandate but this aggravates me I don't like it there's nothing about this like this and I want to get this on the record that this commissioner doesn't like this this is not this is something that Tallahassee has forced us to do and I feel like we're setting ourselves up for problem but I know we got to pass it because we have to do this so that's all uh commissioner Danel I think you speak for all of us any more discussion I would just say Don't Kill the Messenger we're any more discussion all those in favor let it be known by say I oppos this by the same sign hearing on 024 33 is adopted 02 2435 five would you read by Ty City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-35 and ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of wi Florida by amending plan unit development ordinance 9-27 assigning plan unit development P zoning District to five Parcels providing for administrative correction of sceners erors repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date General location 16 Parcels generally located west of US Highway 17 south of Avenue R Southwest and east of the CSX railroad tracks the area covered by this request is 20.02 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners this is a request from V3 Square V V3 Haven Square retail LLC to amend the Pud ordinance 0927 and to assign PUD zoning to five adjoining Parcels this is City attorney had noted is located generally along US 17 uh the 16 parcels total 20.02 plus or minus Acres the original PUD was adopted by the city Commission in 2009 generally allows for retail restaurant and office uses without exterior activities on 11 of the 16 Parcels it also allows for the development of up to 277 residential units the petitioner is proposing to redevelop the property with one primary anchor site intended for a big box real re uh retailer and two smaller out parcel sites four access points are proposed including three along US Highway 17 the requested access from Highway 17 certainly will be subject to review and approval by the Florida Department of Transportation the primary anchor site is expected to contain 148,000 Square ft of commercial space um staff's review of the petitioners requested changes found several will be beneficial in redeveloping the subject property however some of the requested changes did conflict with portions of the city's code will result in significant impacts to supporting infrastructure or convey significant deviation from development standards not found elsewhere in the city staff has addressed this in the proposed conditions um at this point uh I think following everything that we've discussed on this unless you have questions specifically for Mr Labby um our conclusions are that the proposed uses and and development intensities are consistent with the adopted primary mixed use Hub future land use the petitioner's request will result in a reduction of potential impacts to supporting utility and roadway infrastructure the requested signage changes have some Merit given the subject's area location on on a six Lane US Highway and the subject area has been subject to PUD ordinance 0927 for 15 years with limited inquiries regarding Redevelopment staff's recommending City commission approve ordinance 24-35 on second f final approval thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance - o-2 24-35 on second reading thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this audience may do so at this time seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I poses by the same sign hearing none ordinance 0 2435 is adopted ordinance 02 2438 would you read by title onance to the attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-2 24-38 an ordinance amending ordinance 11-03 the 2035 Winter Haven comprehensive plan by revising the future land use map series by amending the future land use on 14 Parcels from neighborhood support future land use to primary mixed use Hub future land use amending 49 Parcels from traditional neighborhood area future land use to primary mixed Hub mixed use Hub future land use repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of sceners areas providing for severability and providing an effective date General location 63 Parcels located north and south of Martin Luther King Boulevard and lineing between Third Street Northeast and 8th Street Northeast the area covered by this request is 14.94% recap what was presented during our Workshop concerning this item all right yes sir mayor Commissioners this is uh again a second reading it is to amend the future land use on 63 Parcels um historically prior to 2011 uh this area was designated as commercial retail or commercial office on the future land use map uh and was later changed to traditional neighborhood area as part of the 2025 future land use map what that effectively did was uh eliminate the ability to do commercial uses uh within that future land use district and didn't allow the property owners to fully utilize the MX zoning District that sits on these Parcels today in conversations with some of the property owners along this Corridor there is a desire to further encourage the development of mixed uses as that is how it was traditionally uh developed in years past um therefore this land use change will allow that U mix of uses to occur uh in in accordance with the MX zoning District that is on the property today it does not render uh or take away any rights that are currently Allowed by the property uh owners um within this Corridor today the Planning Commission did hear it on August 6th and unanimously recommended approval of this request and staff recommends approval of ordinance 02 2438 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes a motion to approve ordinance 02 2438 on um second reading and final hearing public hearing thank you all right we will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02 2438 may do so at this time seeing none I close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none 02 2438 is adopted 02439 would you read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-39 in ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of win Haven Florida by amending the official zoning map for consistency with the adopted 2035 future land use map providing for the administrative correction of sceners areas repealing all ordinances in Conflict there with providing for severability and providing an effective date thank you thank you say the manager mayor Commissioners Mr lbby will going to take it all right yes sir mayor Commissioners again this is second read um this is a Amendment um to the official zoning map to for consistency with the 2035 comprehensive plan essentially this is an amendment uh for the purpose of smoothing out zoning boundaries um to more accurately follow streets alleys and mid blocks um it reflects historical uses of property that were not um uh reflected on the on the current zoning map and it is to rezone uh old obsolete or um puds that have already met all of the requirements uh within that PUD that are consistent with a uh City Zoning designation today um in no case did staff recommend a rezoning or a change in the zoning that down uh down zones uh or eliminates permitted uses uh within the current zoning uh This Was Heard by the Planning Commission on August 6 2024 uh and they voted unanimous to recommend approval and staff does recommend approval of ordinance 02439 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance 0- 24-39 on second reading thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this audience may do so at this time seeing none close public hearing weop the city commission meeting is there any disc disc all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none O2 2439 is adopted 02 2440 would you read by title owners to the attorney thank you Mr Mayor commission ordinance number 0- 24-40 an ordinance amending the win haven code of ordinances chapter one chapter 21 article Roman numeral 3 division 7 compatibility landscaping and buffering standards for the purpose of adding standards to promote and protect the city's Urban Forest providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing severability providing for cl codification providing for the administrative correction of scers errors and providing on effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners in November of 23 the city commission adopted the urban forestry master plan which performed an in-depth analysis of the city's trees 9,440 trees comprising 135 unique species were analyzed the master plan sets forth Direction on tree maintenance and planting guidelines makes recommendations for the types of trees to be planted and addresses mitigation and penalties to be removed for removed trees which are not diseased or dead uh to Aid staff in developing code language to support the master plan kimley horn Associates was hired um to do so in in also looking at our related Landscaping code and they have proposed changes to chapter 21 which we have discussed with the commission uh in first reading and also in the workshop the Planning Commission heard this at its September 3rd 2024 regular meeting and unanimously voted to recommend approval of the request there were no public comments staff recommends the commission approve ordinance 24-40 on second and final reading again this does not pertain to single family residential Parcels which state statute prohibits us from doing that this is on Commercial undeveloped properties is where the bulk of these changes will apply thank you Commissioners mayor yes uh motion to approve ordinance 02 2440 on second reading and final public hearing thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this ordinance may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing re openen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I oppos this by the same sign hearing none 0 2440 is adopted Commissioners you have the consent agenda Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the consent agenda and its entirety thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to any item on the consent agenda may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none the consent agenda is adopted in its entirety resolution R 2443 which read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r-4 d43 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of win Haven Florida adopting a revised modified industrial Wastewater limitations table regarding local limits of industrial Wastewater discharges into the city's Wastewater system to incorporate industrial Wastewater limit changes approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection FD providing for codification severability repeal of conflicting resolutions the administrative correction of scribers errors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager May Commissioners wastewater treatment plant number three uses an advanced waste treatment process which is regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection part of the permit issued for this facility establishes industrial pre-treat program requirements and those limits must be evaluated ated during each 5-year perit renewal cycle in 2022 the city submitted its local industrial limit reevaluation study to DP for approval the analysis demonstrated the local limits for industrial Wastewater discharge into the city's Wastewater utility system should be increased for six of the parameters decreased for five of the parameters and remain the same for 10 of the parameters the proposed revised modified industrial limit changes have received final approval by FD and must be adopted by the city the uh required changes will not affect the city's budget it is it is expected that the existing industrial customers will not incur any added expense as a result of the local limit changes staff recommends C commission approve R 2443 adopting the revised and modified industrial Wastewater limitations table incorporating the recommended changes regarding local limits of industrial Wastewater discharges into the city's Wastewater utility system and authoriz iing the city manager Andor his design to take all further actions necessary in related to the implementation of said revised modified local limits thank you thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor motion to approve resolution R 2443 thank you I close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R 2443 may do so at this time saying n close public hearing we open the city Commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none resolution R 2443 is adopted we have no excuse me ordinances uh first reading we have no new business commissioner Leon reports commissioner Mercer um attended the Winter Haven risk management committee um for the quarter and we meet quarterly um also attended honoring Our Heroes and the freedom walk and uh um the sheriff was our speaker again this year as he was last year the last couple years I think um um attended the RLC dinner and um zafo Springs watula area and the ranch 17 event venue and um it was a um a different place to be so but it fit in with that area that's a very Western type area um attended the retirement celebration of police chief Brandon and I think we're losing some very good people with all these retirements we've seen lately so um and I want to say um happy retirement I you deserve it uh sometimes you're not prepared for it I know you have told me that you are cuz I was not so but um uh legol land I slipped in and out because I had some other uh conflicts with that and the Red's open house I had a conflict and could not attend that um Pope County 7th annual Seven Rivers Water Festival I attended that I really enjoyed the cardboard um boat race so um and we had our own MC from the Lakes uh environmental division um Florence Villa um placed the grand opening um it was a residence welcome event and uh some of the people came up afterwards and we very thankful and appreciative of having um it's a beautiful place and one lady was in an abusive uh relationship and she and her children now have a place to to live she was recommended by another agency and obtained a place there which made it really uh wonderful for her um FWC annual meeting in conjunction with Main Street um that's Economic Development and so attended that and we got their annual report so uh I also listened in uh on the prwc board of directors meeting on teenss um sometimes I listen to it but not all the time um the neighborhood service center and wellness and empowerment and empowerment Expo I attended that uh was a little bit later um because again I had something else in the morning and I did attend the chn which is Charlotte Harbor um I don't know it's the environmental Coastal Harland it's change the names it's the same acronym but they changed the words oh okay and um there was a policy committee meeting they were updating their policies um it went from 9 to 3 scheduled if you gave up lunch you got out at 1:30 quarter till 2 so it was a long day it's a two-hour drive and uh uh I feel sorry for you if you've been the one attended it all the time so um greetings uh also I I gave the greetings from the City to the First Missionary Baptist Church for the 500 women in whites so all right good job all right busy Mr dancor okay I didn't do anything like that but that was did uh attended David Brandon's Retreat David well earned I've often wondered if you ever want to like pull out your gun in one of these meetings and shoot somebody or shoot one of us but this was your last time so oh my goodness enjoy your retirement chamber annual meeting what can we say Mr T Michael man of the hour congratulations sir well deserve I happened to know you were going to win so I was able to keep my mouth shut but I scared because you were in my office about three hours earlier I know I scared AJ a few times with some of my comments but I knew that you were going to win it so and Pats off to Betsy Betsy has been on our new executive director of the chamber she's been on the job about a month month and I happen to know this event is always nerve-wracking for the executive director so she pulled it off it went great sold out 450 people T Michael won Kumbaya everybody's happy so um had an ah Haack meeting and I'm and we have a Full Slate aack meeting ah Haack committees involved and engaged very happy with the way that that's going now we were able to get we saw a lot of the reports already but um they were able to present them to the committee and everybody's excited about what's going on there also went to the Ritz open house and um I got to tell you if Dan chesnik and theater Winter Haven can't make that place work nothing can so this is our last hope but he has got such good energy and such good plans and they put on such a good show about all they're going to do their their their intention is to be open at least five nights a week sometimes six with different events so I think it's going to create a lot of opportunity and a lot of Buzz downtown which is a great thing and I I I I I'm still very very uh cautiously optimistic that we've done the right thing by buying that place and turning it over to Dan but if he can't do it and the energy that he's bringing they gave us a little sample of what it was going to be like they flooded the room with fog and then they put these lasers through out there it was the coolest looking thing so U it's going to be things like that commissioner dancer I believe their first um event is tomorrow evening I think they have one of their tribute Tuesdays kicks off tomorrow night which is like I think it's the Eagles tribute if I'm not mistaken but it's on their website well we need to support Dan and and give him Kudos whenever we can because he's working his he's working his uh piny off to make that place work so uh let's encourage Dan that we're you know and support that place and talk it up as much as we can Heroes on the park I uh always enjoy that event I'm a little disappointed we don't get more people to come maybe next year we can espe particularly if Grady's going to be there we can promote it a different way or or somehow to try to get a few more people there but it's always fun it's always moving and um uh good event and last but not least congrats t on your budget this was a good this was a a good budget I think we have a good solid budget and um I know like I was congratulating Betsy on being nervous about chamber annual meaning you're always chamber about you're always nervous about the budget so it's passed good job thank you sir good budget so that's it all right thank you commissioner doson good evening I am um I've certainly been impressed by many things that uh been shared tonight certainly the budget was a uh was a big deal the first opportunity to uh to really uh peer into and see how we actually uh you know formulate the budget and uh it's an amazing process very insightful and uh I'm just happy to have the opportunity to be a part of that the city has done an outstanding job in the preparation but also explaining it as well uh it's not as easy as it looks to say the least uh I do want to also uh commend Chief uh Brenan I've known David a long time um as a volunteer uh actually starting uh the uh chapy program for our Police Department probably 24 years ago and uh and I remember David very well uh as he was moving up through the ranks and uh and I've watched a lot of chiefs come through and um he's just been a stellar uh asset to uh the city and he will be sorely missed uh he's greatly appreciated by so many throughout our community uh his calm demeanor and just his overall attitude uh has been a blessing to uh to all of us and so I want to thank God for him and for his uh work here in the city and for his loving family uh that they will enjoy just time together and uh he is committed to uh uh certainly keeping an open eye on on the city and making sure that we do move forward but other thing that happened uh at the swearing end uh we had several it's one of the largest swearing ends I've seen in a long time and I think that it is noted that U the the diversity of uh the off officers and was was amazing uh to see that our city is changing as well as our nation as well uh but that's America and that's what makes us uh unique and special I think in many ways is that uh there are so many who come from various places and when we come together we really make a great a great Community uh so again to uh David God bless you and to the police department I know that uh you will move forward on the new leadership of our new Chief I've known him a while as well and uh certainly look forward to working with him and being a part of the Winter Haven PD also uh Florence Place dedication was really I wasn't able to make it to the dedication I had some work to do right next door and uh but I was happy to uh to see that uh the residents that have moved in there our church is in close proximity to the uh to the uh project and so we have had the opportunity to meet several of the uh residents and in fact we have had an Outreach to the residents and uh just yesterday I was conversing with several of them who were visiting with us so it's just great to have new neighbors and we appreciate that and it's really been uh a great opportunity for us as as a church who've been in the community since 19 um 09 so we've been there a while also uh the rich U award show I tell you that uh that was a blast in itself so that was one of the Highlight that I think I really enjoyed every aspect of that the uh Legoland um event uh was uh was amazing the food was just outstanding and uh they had probably the biggest hot dog I've ever seen my life uh I think it was made for at least five people and uh and chief bird tried it and uh he said they couldn't eat it all they couldn't eat it all they couldn't eat it all but uh it was just a wonderful event be able and able to meet with some of the staff and talk with some of them about some of the other things that are happening there so it's just great to see a a wonderful Enterprise in our city doing uh such great work and also opportunity for us to come in and to view some of the activities some of the things that are going on so continue to keep up the good work all right that's it may proam Yates still making notes here so sorry bear with me I've got a a kind of a long list as well it seems like everything started to happen here these last couple of weeks um for events wise but first thing I'll say is um the Blue Sky ribbon cutting I mean so many people came up to me and just thanked us for our focus on on housing and affordable housing and I hope that we can produce more of that especially the most impactful individual that walked up to me was a young mother who explained to me prior to them having that place to live she lived with her children in the woods and so the fact that we put our heads together with County funds with State funds with blue sky and everybody came together to complete this this project it's a huge Testament and gives these families now an opportunity to succeed and that I think is is really our should always be one of our should be our primary focus up here is families succeeding in Winter Haven Florida in addition to that I will Echo the heroes on the park is a great event we beat the weather again a little nervous with those ladders up in the air and lightning strikes all around but um we've got a bubble over Downtown Winter Haven I think and that keeps the lightning away but I will say I just I wish there was better attendance on that event as well um you know and it it drummed up some additional conversations that we had been having you know a couple years ago and that is the communication piece and well I didn't know anything about it and I didn't and I like we cannot go and physically knock on everybody's doors and say this is what's happening this weekend when in Florida but I I know social media has been a strong mechanism to get the word out on events but and I I'll skip ahead I I was going to say thank you to Betsy Cleveland for being here tonight from the chamber I think for a while there we missed having somebody from the chamber out in the audience so thank you for coming tonight and um you know maybe there's again we can start to look at some correlation between the city's calendar and the Chamber calendar and everybody's calendar and some way to get the word out on these events CU it just it's annoying to me when people say you know I didn't know anything about it and it's partially on them and probably partially on us so I I don't know not to babble on about that but I just wish we could get the word out somehow more clearly um to folks to say hey come on out because I think they would come if they knew about it um to toward the American Red Cross facility uh great facility there they're probably gearing up right now as we speak uh for potential weather impact here later this week um so they really do an awesome job they got awesome an awesome crew down there awesome leaders and uh so thankful that they are here in the Winter Haven Community um see I attended the Main Street Winter Haven uh and Winter Haven eting BC annual meeting um just so much positivity from that meeting and so many good things that are happening in downtown um and around our community um to to focus in on those rather than you know hear negative chatter out there and and un unfactual chatter on social media because it's just really where we were 25 years ago as Downtown Winter Haven and where we are today I'll take today over 25 years ago every day of the week so um little hiccup right now but I think things will start getting back on track and and refocusing and and it'll be hopping um mainly because the rits and I intended the Ritz open house as well and O standing room only I can't I've never been into the rits where it was a standing room only event so um yeah that Dan's doing an awesome job there every person that I've spoke to about the rits has said 110 % we did the right decision up here by buying that and moving forward so um no doubts that that's going to be successful um and thank you to Dan and his team uh attended a community discussion um near the the boggy bottom area and I know that's County but um they asked that I I come out and visit and attend and I attended that event along with some County officials as well and I think the most impactful thing to me from that event was just again educating educating what city limits are what county limits are who responds who answers the phone those kind of things because it's just it's as as well as we know it up here it's just not known out in the community and I think the more focus and more effort that we can put on that to just giving a strong education to concerns um makes for a stronger community uh attended the uh Winter Haven vers Lakeland game we won't talk about that that didn't wasn't the outcome we were hoping for but I will say they started talking about graduation and potentially graduation not being held in Dennison stadium and I know that was kind of one of our main focuses to bring graduation back to Winter Haven by putting in the money for the field and it's just a beautiful space now um I understand I don't think we've written that check yet to the the count maybe they forgot about it we won't have to give them so I I'll share with you um the you know when we had the discussions with the school board about making a contribution it was about the primary point that was factored into thatou and that discussion was public access to that facility and the coordinated shared use of it that has to be worked into the use agreement with the school board that has not happened yet um Julie Adams is having conversations with him to try and pull the parties together I sent communication last week to uh one of the administrators within the school district and have also spoken was contacted by a school board member um we are prepared to write that check we just got to have what that use agreement is going to look like well maybe we can put one more caveat in there to like graduation must be held well I think school Bo has just executed some agreements on using the RP funding Center sorry John you're you're just always a buzz kill aren't you sorry um anyo uh couple more things so almost done uh attended the mission ribbon cutting um they wow what a what a great new facility they've got down there um they they work so hard and Kudos out to the mission and everybody Associated and their staff and volunteers they work so hard to do to fill a need in our community and just congratulations for the stride that they continue to make in in filling the Gap there and commission may if I could just add one thing for the benefit of the I don't know if everybody got a chance to go by there to their the missions new facilities but it is certainly aligned with what your priority has been with addressing homelessness in in Support Services for Families that that new facility that they opened up is is 100% geared towards families and the facilities that they have in there for children to kind of keep them in safe View and and and while parents are doing job interviews or working on uh at the at the computer stations or doing the grocery shopping that they do it is really intended to accommodate the whole family not just the adult so it's a certainly aligns with what your your principles and priorities have been expressed us over the past few years um attended the RLC dinner uh where I was sworn in as secretary so now I can get Bobby Green's coffee at all the meetings that'll be my main job secret that's secretary joke but that's all right I've never had a secretary but now I am one so that's good uh Main Street Winter Haven board retreat um attended that and again they just really just brainstorming on Downtown Winter Haven and and being positive and and doing positive things down there Bankers cup congratulations again to to our very own t Michael also to the woman of the year Jane mcginness uh also wanted to give uh congratulations to the large business of the year which was the agricultural and labor program the small business of the year which was next home noris and Company real um and then also the entrepreneur of the year in Steve caligus so all very welld deserving um winners and just congratulations to all of them had a chance to sit down with 610 last week um I wanted to reach out and kind of hear from them what's going on and what are their plans what what you know what are their next projects that they could be looking at and and we had a some Frank conversations um to say the least about you know kind of what my thoughts were and the community's thoughts were and again I'll take Downtown Winter Haven today over where it was 25 years ago um but I just kind of wanted to be better informed about where 610 currently stood and where they're going and and what their vision is and and so that was a Amber Alert um everybody's got it and so that was a good new that's your time limit I know right I'm sorry one one more and this is the very important one one last one so the county is reviewing the comp plan which may result in the removal of the adjacent concurrency calculation with the school board's interlocal agreement for concurrency I've been harping on that since I've set up here it's just a a calculation that's unfair it doesn't make sense and the fact that we are very close now to the county doing away with adjacent concurrency calculations and that goes into you know do you approve this project because there's a school available a district away or do you approve this Pro not approve it because there's not uh a school area right next door so I think that's a positive thing uh for p County going forward and I hope that comes to fruition I'm done now you know I was just joking well I was almost done anyway all right and the reason I was joking because I have a long list here so I'm going to be here for at least another 35 40 minutes am I going to be by myself no I think so oh all right so I'll be brief well I'll start with the the the one of the the joys that I had the last two weeks is to present a uh proclamation to a lady DET turned 104 and she was alert she ate and uh she thank you she thanked me for the proclamation and I said oh my goodness at 104 I was really really impressed with this lady and um so that was my real my my my my biggest highlight I also attended uh honoring Our Heroes I attended our Lakes committee meeting of which I'm the Leon uh Chief Brandon uh retirement celebration uh you know I've been here a long time part of his career and so he has just been just an outstanding police chief and we're going to miss him I tried to get him to delay it but his wife said no that's my that's my take on it now Chief you did not tell me that uh so but we're going to miss you and uh we wish you the absolute uh best uh attended the uh Legoland uh event uh the public safety wearing in of the offices event uh the EDC SL Main Street uh annual meetings and they both are doing a fine job and we appreciate you all uh and the bankers cup uh Betsy I have to say I've attended uh um a lot of Bankers cups over the last 20 years and uh the chamber event and I think you did an outstanding job and uh welcome officially to the City of Winter Haven I hadn't officially done that from up here and so I want to uh welcome you to our great City me wish you well and to our uh own uh city manager welld deserving and uh just congratulations man and and you know I learned something and um you know they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks or old person new information but T the one thing that I learned from the bankers cup was that whole story about you playing and raising the money for the uh Transportation I I had never heard that before so I'm was very impressed with that so you don't keep all your money that they donate to you so I'm you know I'm really impressed with that t so uh I want to publicly say that to you because I had never ever heard that story before so it was a great event thoroughly enjoyed it uh chaired one of the prwc uh meetings and Gary and I and the rest of us we you know water is really a major issue alternative water for pop County and not just pop County but for basically the State of Florida so and it's going to cost us and we're moving forward so I'm just grateful that we have a Gary hubber that's uh a part part of our leadership team that uh is helping Charter the path forward so more to come on that attended the uh health awareness at the neighborhood uh service center ate some very very very very very good food is they always have hats off to the cooks uh thoroughly enjoyed it got to the uh France Place uh ribbon cutting Lake but I did make it and uh actually viewed uh one of the units and uh had some of their food as well um the one thing that I I I want to say tonight is that you know with the avalor weight rate and the budget that we passed you know we did it without a lot of fanfare but at the end of the day it has such an impact on our city and our residents and it's a testament to the commission and to the uh management of our city that we can do it and improve and make things better and do it in such a way that uh we all work together there's not a lot of uh drama for lack of a better term and so uh my hats are off to uh the staff of the city and to our commissioners as well because we play a major role especially in the uh avalor tax and even in the budget so I'm just Overjoyed tonight and uh happy and pleased and uh I'm a little tired I just did make it from my trip my Cowboys lost the game but I made my commission meeting on time right straight from the airport all right so with that being said we're moving right along uh S turn thank you Mr Mayor commission I share your sentiments about feeling grateful and blessed and feeling Joy being able to have the privilege of serving and sitting here tonight um I look out and I see our friends Kim and David and um I certainly wish them well we won't say goodbye we'll just say see you later and um it's well deserved uh and certainly well thought of and the new police chief an Monroe we look forward to many years of good leadership um the chamber function par excellance um it was it was well done and you know I I I get I had no idea uh who the bankers cup man was I walked across the street from T's office with him to the function and um you know it's it's as I said a privilege it's my privilege to get to sit next to a leader servant such as T Michael um who I consider both professionally and personally a friend and so when good things happen to good people that's a great thing and and we have a lot of good things happening to a lot of very good people in our community and around and so I think this is a this just a testament to a lot of hard work no one rests on their Laurels we shouldn't we should always strive to to to move forward continue to do better and uh and and I think that's just the message that you that you hear and I think this meeting tonight is reflective of that and I'll say no more all right thank you thank you city manager yeah these comments I feel like I should be retiring tonight um I do just want to take just a minute to say thank you for your support you know those things that I get to do in the community um probably take a lot of grief at times people think that that's foolishness because they don't understand the greater good that comes from it but it is all about paying it forward and helping so many of these agencies that I see doing great things to help others so I appreciate the commission's support over the past 20 years that has allowed me to do that and give back in that way and um intend to do a whole lot more of it uh in the minutes that I have between meetings and weekend events with the city to uh try and make Winter Haven the best place it can be um couple things uh much like you mayor we just uh flew in today this afternoon from Pittsburgh MJ and I it was a long commute uh we've spent the past uh 72 hours there about in classes with the international City County management association um and I'll tell you it is it is always great to go to those because you learn so much about what's going on in the world and how you can apply that in your neck of the woods um this year was particularly special because as I heard people talk about all the things that they should be doing and needed to be doing we were proud to say that Winter Haven Florida has done those things and is doing those things and um Stand Out amongst a crowd of thousands of Managers from around the world and be able to tout the successes that this commission has uh accomplished and that is so enjoyable to do um you mentioned the budget I've got to give a special thank you to uh CJ and Allan and Katrina uh and all the team that worked on this budget all of our department directors you know CJ and Allen are the kind of the brains behind how do you make all this stuff work once you get all the requests and all the needs from the Departments the department directors are very fiscally conservative and very um mindful of the dollars that they're asking for Katrina help helps us put all that into a document that is easy to read I will tell you that on the communication front they are working now on what we call a budget and brief document that will synthesize this 500 page budget down to just a few pages that is easily uh disseminated out to the general public either in hard copy or through our website and becomes a very strong communication tool um the budget is a numeric reflection of what the city commission's priority are and so this will help further uh educate and communicate to the public those items I also want to give a um great word of appreciation and thanks to our finance department and to the city commission finance department over the past few years has brought you number of different policies to consider you have graciously listened and uh adopted those where you felt appropriate and as I shared with you I believe on Thursday of last week your most recent credit rating improved again so this is two years in a row and this is with your fit uh credit worthiness of your non-ad revenues went from a double A minus to a double A with a positive outlook it was a double A minus with a stable Outlook I believe uh going into that some of that is tied to some of the rating adjustments the the the criteria they use but it also that doesn't happen by accident without you being intentional about decisions you're making and I want to thank um CJ and her team for for helping us uh find ways to improve and for our department directors embracing that to put those practices into place and congratulations City commission that is a again a tremendous uh step again forward that shows the responsibility that you take so seriously and how you carry out your work last thing I'll mention is uh we are monitoring what is happening in the tropics right now um we will continue to do that over the next 24 hours before we start making any type of decisions in our neck of the woods I've asked assistant City Manager for Public Safety Charlie bird to begin communicating with our department directors as we look to what could be deteriorating conditions uh Wednesday evening uh through the better part of the day on Thursday of this week um a lot of we my intent is that we will continue carrying out our mission critical work through those days but but putting absolute priority on employee safety and citizen safety in the process of doing so um and also being mindful of what the county is doing as well as what the school district is doing in the event that they have to do any Sheltering and I think that that is yet to be fully determined but we are watching that closely and we will communicate to all of you via email collectively no need to respond to those unless you have direct questions you need from me but expect some communication over the next uh 48 hours that's all thank you Deputy manager good evening Mary and City commissioners um so as you may know the County's Chamber of Commerce has come together every year to recognize young Professionals in the area um believe commissioner Gates was a recipient of that award not too many years ago I believe MJ carnavali was as well one point it's true uh but they revamped those Awards a little bit this year um and so they switched into they used to recognize multiple people uh they switched it into three categories this year so there was an emerging leader a legacy Builder and one nonprofit uh leader and Savannah wi Stanley from our city staff who has led a lot of our urban forestry efforts was recognized as the emerging leader for p County this year so that's pretty exciting if you see her just you know give her cool for Kudos on that and a lot of it was specifically related to the work she's done uh leading the urban forestry efforts for the city so just wanted to point that out and then also uh congratulate city manager on the bankers cup I probably have a better feel for than almost anybody of just just how busy he is and the fact that he spends time endless time outside of His official duties to give back to the community in so many ways is inspirational to all of us to get to work with him and uh it's cool to see that be recognized so thank you thanks Deputy city clerk just want to extend a happy retirement to Chief Brandon just want to let you know that it's well deserved hopefully you get some rest some much deserved rest and that you enjoy it was a pleasure work with you and we're going to miss you very greatly and a lot and I want to congratulate our Bankers cupman of the year um city manager sta very well deserved it's a pleasure to work for you and with you that's all I have all right thank you emergency mans not receive for the agenda motion to adjin so we stand a join