##VIDEO ID:bRxK5uOskoY## real yeah e good evening I'd like to call to order this the city Commission meeting for this the four 14th day of October 20 24 at 6: p.m. can I have a roll call please yes sir commissioner doson here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor proam Yates here and mayor bson here we will have the invocation by father Annie uh dwn from the Solid Rock Church and we be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Vanessa castill o city court please stand if able let us pray we take our first moments of Silence to remember those who have perished in the recent storms in this country we ask you father to have mercy upon them receive them into the Kingdom of Light and life through the work of your son Jesus we thank you Father for our own safety those who are present our loved ones who are still with us kept safe through the these storms we do pray for the recovery of those who are in need we ask for that we would find those that are still missing we ask father for the end of armed conflict where it is found anywhere on the face of the globe save us in a time of trouble and War we lift you our own Armed Forces for their own safety for their own wisdom and discernment in any situ situation they may encounter bring them all back home safely we thank you also Lord God of all creation for the freedom that we have to gather here tonight to ask for your presence to be asked for your wisdom and knowledge and Truth to be manifest here in every discussion and every decision that is made for the better better of life in this community and in light again of the trials through the storms other trials that we have been through as a community that we would be drawn together as a community to see how we can help one another lift each other up forgive each other do what we can to strengthen one another may your presence be known here in this community of Winter Haven may your presence be known here in this meeting this night ask a special blessing on every member of the city Commission of Winter Haven to hear from you as you speak to discern your words from anything that would seek to take their discussion their decisions away from your guidance Lord God and again we thank you thank you for your presence with us thank you for your guidance thank you for your Providence for us when we come to the end of our lives and may we pass on all that we can that is good and godly and holy to those who come after us so bless us that we would be a means every one of us a means of you blessing others through us for we ask and pray this all in the most blessed and precious name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and our savior amen amen amen flag the United States of America the for stands na God indivisible with libery and justice for all John commissioner evening uh mayor and Commissioners members of the audience we have um six presentations that we will give this evening in proclamations in other form uh Deputy C manager Carnaval is going to assist me this evening so he will start off with our first one which is for Red Ribbon Week Proclamation if Wally gallart or Galler is with us unit Commander for the mid Florida Eagles Young Marines you want to come to the podium thank you whereas the City of Winter Haven Florida is committed to a healthy lifestyle of its citizens and desires to ensure their quality of life and whereas communities across P County have been plagued by the numerous problems associated with elicit drug use and trafficking and whereas there is hope in winning the war on drugs and that hope lies in education and Drug reduction coupled with the hard work and determination of organizations such as the mid Florida Eagles of the Young Marines and the Marine Corps League to foster a healthy drug-free lifestyle and whereas governments and Community leaders know that citizen support is one of the most effective tools in the effort to reduce the use of elicit drugs in our communities and whereas the Red Ribbon has been chosen as a symbol commemorating the work of Enrique Kiki camarina a Drug Enforcement Administration agent who was murdered in the line of duty and represents the belief that one person can make a difference and whereas the Red Ribbon campaign was established by Congress in 1988 to encourage a drug-free lifestyle and involvement in drug prod drug prevention reduction efforts and whereas October 23rd through October 31st has been designated Red Ribbon Week which encourages Americans to wear a red ribbon to show their support for a drug-free environment now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby Proclaim October 23rd 3 through 31st 2024 is Red Ribbon Week in witness whereof he has here un to set his hand and caused the seal the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 14th day of October 2024 sign Nathaniel J bird song Jr mayor ATT test Vanessa Castillo yes sir uh first of all thank you uh mayor and the city commission uh I know you have a very busy schedule and there's so many things that you do for uh all of us all the citizens of Winter Haven um Paul County as you know has has been plagued with a lot of drugs it's easy for a young person to uh find them uh either at home in some homes at school and you know any unscrupulous person that can offer that to them the young Marine program is Nationwide and it's not just about the Red Ribbon Week we do this quarterly we do uh drug awareness training and uh just as uh Miss Reagan used to say say no to drugs that's the emphasis how we just don't say no to drugs we we give our our youth Tools in which to be able to say no to drugs and that means physical training leadership and also Community Service uh so with that said Thank you again uh I want to thank the parents because without the parents this program would never exist they're always they're the ones that take of course the kids over to our meetings which just happens to be about two miles from here at post8 of the American Legion so and and without support from the community our Marine Corp League that's always present with us uh we wouldn't be nothing so thank you very much but come forward to thank you they're a little bash for you [Music] all right right here on the count of three we're going to take two one two one more perect thank thank you mayor and Commissioners our next uh Proclamation for this evening is for Dr Jesse Davis Owens day Dr J Owens would come forward our Proclamation reads as follows whereas Dr Jesse Davis Owens is a Winter Haven Florence Villa native she was born on October 3rd 1945 and has one sister Mrs Betty Davis Conway she graduated from JWT High School in 1963 and is married to Reverend Alvin L Owens and as and whereas Dr Owens has been a music educator in the Winter Haven area for more than 50 years she retired as a coral director from P County Public Schools after 42 years and has served as an Adjunct professor of Music at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University better known as FAMU and pulk State College and whereas Dr Owens holds a doctorate degree also is the founder in our artistic director of the sanova choir coral a musical group that performs various genres of music and support of African-American culture and whereas Dr Owens founded the Dr Jesse Owens Academy of Fine Arts in October 2012 The Academy is located at 17082 Street Northeast in Winter Haven it offers musical education to low-income students in the public school system primarily to students who aren't able to get this type of education in their own scho schools extending music education to those in the community who cannot afford a traditional music education her motto is transforming lives through arts and whereas Dr Jesse Owens uh will be inducted into the pulk arts and culture Alliance Hall of Fame during a ceremony on October 15th 2024 at noro Hall in Winter Haven now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby Proclaim October 15th 2024 as Dr Jesse Davis Owens day in the City of Winter Haven and urges all citizens to join in the recognition and to recognize and help celebrate this important milestone for Dr Owens in witness whereof he is here and to set his hand and caus the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this 14th day of October 2024 signed Nathaniel J Birdsong junr mayor ATT test Vanessa Castillo good evening it is indeed an honor and privilege to be here to accept this award and to be recognized for a passion that I dearly perform every day and most the time when you have meetings I'm still teaching lessons because it's an after school program I teach students uh in the afternoons and on once a week we have the community choir and we're permitted to rehearse at jwi Middle Academy and in these activities we have formed families that are supporting the community with music from the students and what they're learning from me I retired in 2012 I had a wall of bookcase full of theory papers I said I can't throw all this num knowledge away so I brought it home and I began to teach lessons in my parents' home which is there because they left it to us as children and so it's called the J owners Academy of fire arts and we teach lessons weekly and daily and we perform from Christmas programs black history mon programs and just general General music because we love it and I am so grateful and thank thankful for Miss Pat for recognizing the work that I I was doing I didn't think anybody was looking but thank you Miss Pat and so much the you community leaders thank you all right all right right here on the count of three one two perect good all right next up we have safe sleep Awareness Month all right whereas sudden unexpected infant death suid is heartbreaking and can happen in any family regardless of income education or community and whereas suid is one of the leading causes of death in infants 0 to 364 days and is often associated with preventable un safe infant sleep practices and environments and whereas research shows that a child's brain grows rapidly during safe sleep and whereas baby should always be put to sleep on their back alone in their own craber bassinet with no bumpers pillows quilts comforters or other soft surfaces in the crib and whereas moms and dads should not share beds with their babies and anyone under the influence of drugs alcohol or smoking should not be resting with the baby and whereas local and National agencies such as Children's Home Society Florida Department of Health in P County Healthy star coalition and Winter Haven Women's Hospital Safe Kids Sun Co Coalition and their partnering agencies educate pulp County residents on safe sleep practices and whereas the City of Winter Haven recognizes the infant unsafe sleeping is a public health issue in Winter Haven and across the county and together we can help by ensuring any person caring for a baby is using safe sleep practices now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby proclaim the month of October 2024 a SE safe sleep Awareness Month in the City of Winter Haven and extends their continued support for the efforts of local agencies to promote safe sleep practices in P County in witness whereof he has here and to set his hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be fixed this 14th day of October 2024 sign Nathaniel J bird song Jr mayor ATT test pessa castio first of all I want to thank you so much for the opportunity to be here this evening and thank you the city of Winter Haven the Commissioners and the mayor for just acknowledging that October is safe sleep Awareness Month safe sleep deaths are actually 100% preventable and that's what we really want to try to educate our community on our parents our caregivers Aunts Uncles babysitters even Big Brothers Big Sisters whoever is watching a newborn baby or an infant needs to just make sure that the baby is in a safe place to sleep and the easiest way to remember that is the ABCs so A is for alone B is for back and C is for crib and that is for all sleeps all the time so whether it's a nap or nighttime or morning whenever baby is sleeping baby should sleep by herself himself alone and in a crib with nothing around them so no snuggly no Snuggies or no blankets or bumper guards so that's really important just to share if that's the one thing that you can get from tonight and just remember is the BC of safe sleep so Healthy Start thanks you and I thank you on behalf of Healthy Start and all of our babies in our community [Music] thank you thank you our next Proclamation is for Greenways and trails month and Mobility week I'm going to ask Katie white our Parks and Recreation and culture Project Lead to come forward Proclamation reads as follows whereas Greenways and trails provide Florida and Winter Haven residents and visitors of all and abilities with yearr round access to a wide variety of free health and fitness opportunities and encourage use of alternative energy saving forms of transportation and whereas Winter Haven provides over 14 miles of trails and Connections in and around our city and whereas community-based Partnerships are essential to the success of winter Haven's and Florida's Trail systems and many public and private organizations are actively involved with projects that are connecting Florida's communities with Greenways and trails and whereas Winter Haven supports additional local and Regional expansions of our multimodal transportation system which bring benefits in the form of economic health alternative transportation and connection to our communities and whereas along with the Florida Department of Transportation Winter Haven will also be celebrating Florida Mobility week October 25 2024 through November 2nd 2024 and whereas celebrating Greenways and trails month and Mobility week are just a few examples of why Winter Haven and Florida are such great places to live work and play now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Junior mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby recognize October 2024 as Florida Greenways and trails month and Mobility week in the city of Winter Haven and encourages all citizens to learn about our transportation options and enjoy our local County and state Greenways and trails and witness whereof he is here and to set his hand and cause the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be a fixed this 14th day of October 24 signed Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor a test Vanessa Castillo good evening mayor and Commissioners I'd like to take this opportunity to express our team's gratitude to the commission for this Proclamation and for recognizing Greenways and trails month and Mobility week over the past 20 plus years the City of Winter Haven has worked to develop an interconnected system of trails with over over 14 miles constructed and several other miles being added to the network through current projects including the lake Elbert Trail project and other projects that are in the pipeline because of these efforts the city was named a trail town and Still Remains the only Trail town in pop County I actually worked on this designation with Andy Palmer when I was still at the office of Greenways and trails and I'm very happy to now be actively working to expand this network as a city Winter Haven team member I'd like to commend all the staff that help helped clear all the parks and trails after Hurricane Milton so that folks were able to get out and use them the next day with some of the folks I saw um I'd also like to mention very exciting we found out last week that we were awarded $200,000 for the trail go Grant through the office of Greenways and trails so that money will go towards cleaning up the North End Of The Chain of Lakes Trail and we just like to thank you again for this recognition and we look forward to continuing Trail progress and access for on Winter Haven count of all right our next Proclamation is community planning month and our director of Economic Opportunity and Community investment Eric Labby will receive it whereas change is constant and affects all cities towns suburbs counties Burrows townships rural areas and other places and whereas Community planning and plans can help manage this change in a way that provides better choices for how people work and live and whereas Community planning provides an opportunity for all residents to be meaningfully involved in making choices that determine the future of their community and and whereas the month of October is designated as National Community planning month throughout the United States of America and its territories and whereas the American Planning Association and its professional Institute the American Institute of certified planners Endor National Community planning month as an opportunity to highlight the contributions sound planning and plan implementation make to the quality of our settlements and environment and whereas the celebration of national Community planning month gives us the opportunity to publicly recognize the participation and dedication of the members of Planning Commission and other citizen planners who have contribute their time and expertise to the Improvement of the City of Winter Haven and whereas we recognize the many valuable contributions made by the professional planners of the City of Winter Haven and extend our heartfelt thanks for the continued commitment to public service by these professionals now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby recognized October 2024 as Community planning month in the City of Winter Haven and in conjunction with the celebration of national Community planning month in witness whereof he has here and to set his hand and caused the Seal of the city of win Haven Florida to be affixed this 14th day of October 24 signed Nathaniel J bird song Jr mayor atest Vanessa ceso mayor Commissioners thank you um I'll be brief you get to hear from me uh every other week um but I want to take this time to publicly thank our staff in our department um who are involved in uh in planning and growth Management in our community it's a daunting task uh I would say we've gone through 10 years of unprecedent growth that we've uh experienced in Winter Haven and often they are um not necessarily appreciated for the work that they put in in that effort we have to comply with federal state and local law in everything that we do and we're very diligent in that to bring um you know land use amendments and Zoning changes and comp plan amendments to you that only fit the letter of the law um I'd like to recognize Cedric Cox our assistant director um Shan Byers our planning manager who has well over 25 years of professional experience um here with the City of Winter Haven um Heather reuter senior planner um Chris Young Senior planner Angie Hibbert our CRA U manager um sise Lee who's our C coordinator I don't think is here tonight um and of course our engineering building and affordable housing um staff who are involved in all the growth management our planning Commissioners um who show up every month um to deliberate and hear these items before they come to you on your agendas and make recommendations and of course the community who's always involved uh in our planning efforts um in a wide variety of of ways um not just showing up at at your meetings uh every two weeks and um just want to thank them and um if you guys would like to come up for a picture any staff or Planning Commission members who are who are here all right have three one two one more I thought it was a national planning day like every two weeks when we get together our last Proclamation this evening is in recognition of Florida city government week and Katrina hill our director of public affairs communication will uh receive this on our behalf our Proclamation reads as follows whereas city government is the government closest to most citizens and the one with the most direct daily impact upon on its residents and whereas municipal government provides services and programs that enhance the quality of life for residents making their City their home and whereas city government is administered for and by its citizens and is dependent upon public commitment to an understanding of its many responsibilities and whereas city government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along the understanding of public services and their benefits and whereas Florida city government week offers an important opportunity for elected officials and City staff to spread the word to all citizens of Florida that they can shape and influence this branch of government and whereas the Florida League of cities and its member cities have joined together to teach citizens about municipal government through a variety of activities now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby Proclaim October 21st through the 27th of 2024 as Florida city government week in the city of Winter Haven and encourages all citizens city government officials and and employees to participate in events that recognize and celebrate Florida city government week the City of Winter Haven encourages educational Partnerships between city government and schools as well as Civic groups and other organizations City of Winter Haven also supports and encourages all Florida City governments to actively promote and sponsor Florida city government week in witness whereof he has here and to set his hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be a fixed this 14th day of October 2024 signed Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor and test Vanessa Castillo thank you we are looking forward to celebrating city government week next week um leading up to it and through the end of this week we're accepting submissions to a photo contest called capture Winter Haven as of about 3:00 today we had 135 photos submitted to that um contest so we're excited to Showcase those during city government week on our social media we're also hosting a tet truck event on October 26th we're excited we've moved that event out to the airport so we can include helicopters and airplanes and sea planes in that as well as all of our Public Works and water and Public Safety um parks and wreck robotic things all kinds of cool stuff um it and the library will be set up at various places inside the airport to show technology and do story times our very own police chief will be mcing and DJing the event um we will have a dunk tank with various City officials in it and Commissioners I'm going to be seeing if any of you want to get in it um and we've got two local high schools um sending kids out to help volunteer and and park cars and things like that at that event so we're super excited and hope everyone can join us from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. on October 26th and get a close-up look at what we do [Applause] right mayor and Commissioners as you're making your way back to the dis um one item that we we would like to provide some insights on this evening that is not part of the agenda but is appropriate in the sense of sharing information um as we're all aware we just went through a pretty significant uh weather event a week ago and that being the case I'm going to call upon um members of my team to provide some insights I'm going to start with uh Charlie bird our assistant city manager over Public Safety to give you some insights into the kind of impacts that we felt in Winter Haven uh on Wednesday of last week as well as how we responded during that event with respect to Public Safety this is always kind of fascinating to understand that even when uh the city is is basically shut down in the face of a natural disaster the city is never truly shut down so assistant manager bird thank you sir honorable mayor and commissioner so Public Safety with uh PD they combined uh all of our shifts our four squads to two so there are two 12-hour shifts uh so that they could respond fire U moved their 24-hour shifts to two and what that did was give us more increas U Personnel to be able to respond to calls for service as needed um the uh police resources were deployed uh throughout the city uh at every one of our fire stations we had police uh personnel there with the fire uh folks so that we would have uh resources throughout the city as needed uh through the duration of the storm um the EOC was opened and manned uh from Wednesday and Thursday and Friday for 24 hours a day um that we had constant Communications with the p County EOC we have a representative that sits in that seat as well so we had very good uh Communications with them once the conditions became too dangerous for employees uh to be out on the streets we implemented the low profile you've heard us talk about that before the lowprofile response teams where they come into the uh into the stations and a paramedic is placed with a fire police officer uh so that we can respond to calls for service at some point the fire engines are not good for uh responding because of the the uh the wind speeds and this kept us to be able to keep uh responding for calls for service uh interestingly this particular storm we had no responses from those lowprofile um uh teams so um that can be looked at several ways but I like to look at it from the positive way uh which I'll get into a little bit in just a second um on the police side uh I just want to H hit a couple of highlights they had a total of 200 for the two days Wednesday and Thursday they had a total of 263 calls for service um most of those um and I'm going to kind of give you what what's the main what the main ones were most for most part people were behaving there were a few domestic calls the disturbances that we had to deal with uh there were 59 the most calls for service were 59 perimeter checks that could have been through U alarm calls that were false alarms with the with the uh um the power going on and off the winds uh but they had 59 perimeter checks uh in second place there was uh well-being checks that was where people would call from out of state uh afterwards and ask if we could go by and check on their loved one to make sure that they were okay uh it could have been from other departments as well that had loved ones in our area so that we would go out and check make sure they were okay and then report back to those family members and then alarm calls of course came in uh that was in third place uh of the total number of calls uh with regard to fire very similar to that under but theirs were a little different um 155 calls for service total uh of those the most was 62 which were for EMS uh and rescue type cost so medical is what we were predominantly responding to um for uh for fire there was one report of a fire um we got there it was a false alarm so we did not fight a fire in the middle of a hurricane like we did the last time um good intent calls was the second place total number and those are again where those St we we get dispatch to something it could be EMS it could be an alarm the uh the crews load up in their engine they go out they're on the way and they get cancelled for whatever reason that would be what's called a good intent call and then hazardous conditions that could be uh power lines down that could be uh gas propane gas leak things like that so th those were the the priority the priorities that we responded to um After the Storm uh passed our team has hit the street all of our firefighters and police officers and other uh team members utilizing a survey one 12 three Reporting System that's where they can go if they see a a a uh tree down on the road a flooding issue they can take pictures of it send it back to the EOC and we're able to monitor it real time and get the resources out there to kind of deal with that as quickly as possible um there were a total of 215 reports utilizing that um it probably was more than that but there was a point in time that we did lose some Communications with Verizon I'm sure everybody else around the county experienced that as well we did have some redundancy built in place and we have radios so that was what were utilized to help us mitigate that um the safe neighborhoods went out and began damage assessments uh the immediately following the storm they completed those assessments today um there were not as much damage as there have been in the past they had two major um what would considered a major incident where trees uh fell into residences and actually breached the residence nobody was injured um there was one total uh total collapse of a building but it had previous fire damage uh tree didn't fall on it it was just the storm finished caving in the back area where the fire damage took place um just of note after that uh two two-day period over the weekend we had two fires had to do with people putting gas cans in their cars and filling up their gas cans and having fumes and one ignited into an explosion at some point uh where there was a serious injury in that um uh the good news is I think that uh Katrina's team putting out bulletins uh educational bulletins with regard to generators we had no reports of anybody being overtaken by um by um carbon monoxide exposure by putting their their generators in their house or back porch or garage area uh that's a that's a very good thing and um with that uh we did have a few of our employees that had impacts at their hun house and we're helping them deal with that but I don't mean to rain on or steal any of the city manager Thunder but if you didn't already know it you have a fantastic team in the City of Winter Haven watching them work together uh even after the storm as a whole was absolutely incredible and that's all I'll say in case he wants to say more I don't want to take us Thunder from him uh if you have any questions I stand for any questions you have thank you Charlie um Commissioners you I think uh assistant City major hit on the head what we saw happen with this storm certainly we began preparing uh the Saturday before the storm ever hit uh Mr bird Mr carnavali and myself began that strategy on that Saturday uh working Sunday that week as well with the county folks to spin up all of the necessary um EOC operations and mitigation strategies you have by far the finest team of employees you're going to find anywhere they develop a plan they work that plan to a te when we met in uh earlier in the hurricane season leading into the hurricane season to review the plan they identified any shortcomings with within that they immediately corrected those and as soon as we were able to get our crews back in here they began restoration efforts at our Peak we had over 80 of our lift stations that were without power some of those are on generators on a permanent generator situation um so they were okay to continue operating but our staff began chasing every possible electrical issue that was out there moving bypass pumps moving portable generators uh when we closed Saturday evening we were down to about 9 UM this morning we were at 4: and by noon we were at 0 so we have were able to to address all of those um the staff that came in I can tell you one of the I I shared with you a few months back one of my proudest moments was the adoption of our strategic plan I think I've surpassed that on this one because when I walked through downtown and I saw in our city parks police officers firefighter the police chief the fire chief and the assistant city manager of Republic safety along with members of our finance team our Communications team our parks department countless other areas of the city working together to clean our parks and get those ready for the public to come back in because that's what they're clamoring for they want to get into those green spaces we were still have children on of school through tomorrow and they're looking for those spaces to occupy and we have made tremendous efforts in that regard we began hauling debris immediately on Friday I want to give a special thank you and I would encourage you all to do the same Mr chip Tucker with Tucker Paving was here at City Hall at 8:00 on on Friday morning uh to let us know that he had I think it was 13 dump trucks with drivers ready to roll at no cost to the city whatsoever he just wanted to help his community and we paired those up with our trash Masters and they began working the city from the downtown outward to begin loading debris and we just hauled it straight to the landfill um the uh the work that took place Friday and Saturday in particular to get our city back into one piece was nothing short of amazing uh your your team I I just can't say enough about them they are they are topnotch and um it's it's a pleasure to serve with them I would ask that uh MJ give you a just a quick brief update on our debris process at this point that's what we're in I will share with you beforehand though in terms of facility damage we had some damage at the airport um a number of of airport hanger doors blown in those are all being addressed we've had some major damage to Hangar 10 at the airport which is going to require some restoration effort we had some damage to the um motorpool the the Fleet Maintenance bays out there with some roof damage um I think that's probably the worst cases that we experienced we didn't lose any facilities everything is back online and we are uh slowly uh getting back to to full normaly here in the City of Winter Haven so with that I'll ask MJ to give you an update on our debris management strategy going forward good evening mayor and City commissioners like city manager said um we began delete debris collection immediately uh working outwards from the city center that was with City Crews uh we are a partner on the County's debris hauling contract uh there are two parts to that contract there's a company called ashrit who are the actual debris haulers they'll go out with the big claw trucks pick up that material and then there's a company called tetratech that actually monitors that whole process so that it all is reimbursable from FEMA um we worked with the county on Sunday I believe it was Britney right yeah Sunday um to established a debris collection site at motorpool Road where we did after Hurricane Ian uh so that is where tetratech that monitor will set up and allow the haulers to come in monitor it right there dump it and then get back on the road that that avoids them having to run all the way to simmers young or to the landfill we're much farther away which means we can be much more efficient in how we collect that debris locally um as for quantity of debris and timeline um we can say right now that it pretty confidently that it's less than hurricane Ian uh but we're not sure what the timeline on that's going to look like just yet uh there's a lot of small piles which but stopping to pick up a small pile sometimes takes almost the same amount of time as stopping to pick up a big pile so um as we get into that a little bit we'll have a little bit better feel for how quickly we're moving through the city and how many haulers are in the area but that is well underway um so residents should start seeing those Crews move through I will say uh in that period we have suspended uh normal debris Landscaping debris pickup and uh junk pickup so the full Focus will be on uh just hurricane debris hauling and Katrina's team has pushed out a whole lot of information on what that needs to look like uh so no bag debris if you have to separate out any white goods refrigerators furniture that kind of stuff uh from any yard debris so a lot of that information is going out there's plenty of that available to the public if they're looking for insights uh there's also a debris hotline uh want to say that nobody needs to call we know the debris is out there every every road will be touched uh that debris hotline's really just if anybody has any specific questions things they're looking for um questions about how small to chop something up those kind of things so map talk about the map uh yeah so we will uh we will also map that debris out as we have in the past and we'll be able to provide you guys updates on uh where where that has occurred you're still going to go from the inside out yes sir that's the plan yep and the city the city Crews will work inside and out out um and then the debris haulers uh we try to Corral them but they um they they are not operating solely for the city they're partner with the county so they have some priorities that they have to hit as well um I believe one of their big priorities is any like home debris if there are any full home destructions anything like that that they work to clear first but they're working outside City Limits so their pattern is a a little bit different but we will work inside out and then be supplemented um by those Crews and and is sad is to say you know we don't have the flooding that Northwest PK county has or South uh West PK county has so getting those haulers into those areas going to take a little bit of time is is our understanding so uh because we are a little higher and drier um hopefully we can we can get through that as as quick as we can I know that in a conference call with the uh the County EOC I believe it was on Saturday afternoon um as they began to mobilize those those uh outside forces I know countywide their goal is to have everything up by Thanksgiving um that seems like a long time there's a lot of debris out there in certain places I think we'll be much sooner than that um we just ask for the you know the the general public to have some patience with us we are running regular garbage routes we started running regular garbage routes on Friday to get everything from last week's routine collections uh up with maybe a little bit delay in recycling we are on schedule to continue with that this week and then get everything up as quickly as we can all right thank you any questions thank you we have no developments of note we have the August 2st special City commission Workshop many minutes and the August 21st agenda review session and attain a motion Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the two sets of minutes from August 21st all right thank you I'll close the city the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to these minutes may do so at this time seeing n close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting in a discuss in a discussion all those in favor say I I oppose this by the same sign comments from from the audience I have one person that signed up and the agenda item is 13A so I will call you up when we are reviewing that particular item however if someone arriv later and would like to address the commission you may do so at this time thank you Commissioners we have no Ain his second reading uh we have the consent agenda and Mr Mayor if if if the commission desires you have two items on the consent agenda I know we had to cancel our commission workshop last week I'm happy to provide uh clarification or details on either of those I will point out that with respect to the urban forestry Advisory Board appointments um those two individuals who are recommended for appointment um Mr Joseph poian uh for citizen seat four is with us uh Joseph is also understand a member of our City University current class and the uh other appointment recommendation is for Zach Strang to appoint uh to Citizen seat number five he is also with us this evening Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the consent agenda in its entirety thank you I will now close the the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to address the consent agenda may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing open the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign hearing none the consent agenda is adopted resolution resolution R 2439 would you read by title on this City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution n- 24-39 a resolution vacating an unimproved RightWay consisting of a 12.5 ft wide north south platted RightWay lying east of lot 269 is shown in the Wanita Farm subdivision as recorded in plug 1-c page 882a public records of Poke County Florida lying in section 21 Township 29 South Range 26 East Poke County Florida and west of lot 20 270 as shown in the one to farm subdivision has recorded in plug 1- C page 82a public records of Poke County Florida lying in section 21 Township 29 South Range 26 East pop County Florida providing for administrative correction of scoters areas and providing an effective date General location the unapproved rway is approximately 400 ft east of 12th Street East Wanita approximately 230 ft north of Ridge View East Wanita thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners Highland Cass LLC is requesting the city commission vac to ban and renounce and disclaim The public's rights in and to an approximate 650 5 foot long unnamed 12T wide 12 1/2t wide unimproved Norths South RightWay the RightWay was dedicated as part of the Wanita Farm Subdivision plat in 1914 the petitioner seeks vacation of the right of way to facilitate financing and future development of the parcel there are no roadways or public or franchise utilities within this RightWay no objections to the vacation have been received from any City departments Spectrum Frontier Central Florida Gas Company or too there's no direct Financial impact to the city with this request and staff is recommending the city commission approve resolution R 24-39 uh to give you a little clearer understanding of where this is this is going to be to the west of wastewater treatment plant three somewhat adjacent to the uh Intermodal Logistics Park oh okay Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution r- 24-39 thank thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R 2439 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign hearing done R 2439 is adopted R 2440 would read by title on the C the attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r-2 24-40 a resolution vacating an unapproved rway consisting of a 12.5 ft wide East West pled rway lying south of lot 206 as shown in the one Farm subdivision as record from pla 1- C page 882a public records of Pop County Florida lying in section 21 Township 29 South Range 26 East pop County Florida and north of Lot 212 as shown in the one Farm subdivision as recorded in plat book 1- C page 882a public records of Pop County Florida lying in section 21 Township 29 South Range 26 East pop County Florida providing for admin correction of scers erors and providing an effective date General location the unapproved RightWay is approximately 900 ft south of 4th Street East Wanita approximately 840 ft east of Avenue C East Wanita thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners this is a very similar it item this is a 544 ft long unnamed 12 1/2t wide right of way same conditions exist with respect to it being unimproved and there's no um utilities within it uh staff is recommending the city commission approve resolution R 24-40 and authorizing the city manager or designity to take all necessary and related actions associated with the right of way vacation same same concept just a different RightWay on the same piece of property all right thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion uh to approve resolution are 2440 thank you I will close the city commission meeting open a public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R 2440 may do so at this time time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign hearing none R2 2440 is adopted r444 would you read by title own the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 24-44 a resolution of the city commissioner of the city wi Haven Florida confirming the appointment and reappointment of members to seats on the city Winter Haven Florida community redevelopment agency C board clarifying and confirming the membership on the CRA board making findings repealing all conflicting resolutions providing for the administrative correction of comm's errors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners uh commissioner doson had been serving as the CR board member in seat one prior to the time of his election seat one is reserved for a member of the public and is appointed by the governing board in this case the city commission once elected commissioner doson transitioned to a CRA board seat designated for a City Commissioner which has left seat one vacant in January of this year staff advertised to fill that vacancy one application from a qualified applicant was received Additionally the current occupant of CRA board member seat two which is Dr James Stull has indicated in writing his desire to continue to serve on the CRA board for the current four-year term there uh these appointments have no Financial impact and staff is recommending that City commission adopt resolution R 24-44 which confirms and ratifies the reappointment of Dr James throk to seat number two nunk prunk to September 30th 2021 which term expires on September 30th of 2025 and makes and confirms the appointment of Maxi Hunter to seat number one for a term expiring on September 30th 2027 thank you Comm commers Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution uh r444 thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R2 2444 May do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing re open the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none resolution r444 is adopted resolution r244 4 to5 would you read by title owner City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 2445 a resolution of the city Commission of the city W Florida approving that first amended suas and use agreement with Civil Air Patrol a congressionally chartered private nonprofit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the US Air Force regarding the sublease and use of portions of certain city-owned property locate at the Winter Haven Regional Airport and authorizing the mayor and appropriate City officials to execute the First Amendment suas and use agreement and authorizing the city manager and or his design to take all of the necessary actions regarding the first amended suas and use agreement approved herein providing for cability conflicts and for the administrative correction of scri errors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners the P County composite Squadron sefl 274 of the Civil Air Patrol has been based at the Winter Haven Regional Airport since 20110 and continues to provide volunteer services to the City of Winter Haven and the Winter Haven Regional Airport as needed on August 27th 2018 the commission approved a suas use agreement between the city and the ciens Air Patrol for use of facilities located at the Police Department Training Center on the south end of the airport the parties wish to enter into a First Amendment suas use agreement to allow the citizens Air Patrol to continue to use Those portions of the training center for the purposes and in the manner as more specifically identified in the First Amendment suble use agreement there are minimum increased utility cost for water and electric utility service at the training center main classroom building and temporary portable building those are uh insignificant in in total um this does align with our strategic plan of ensuring local government functions are aligned with Community best safety practices given that the Civil Air Patrol is tied to uh assisting Us in aviation safety staff recommends the commission approve resolution r24 d45 and off authoriz the mayor and all other appropriate City officials to execute the first amended suas use agreement with the citizens Air Patrol and further authorized city manager or designity to take all necessary actions related there too the map shows you where that's located this is the stoes Patterson training center it's on the very south end of the airport um south of the te- hangers on the uh Banks of Lake Idol and Lake Jesse all right thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution R 2445 thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R 2445 may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none R 2445 is adopted R 2448 would you read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution number r- 24-48 a resolution of the City of Winter Haven Florida extending the state of local emergency declared in resolution R 2447 regarding hurricane Milton authorizing Municipal officers to continue to take all necessary emergency measures providing for conflict severability in an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners as we mentioned hurricane Milton and its aftermath continues to constitute a serious threat to the lives and property of residents of Winter Haven the state of local emergency declared by resolution R 2447 is ratified renewed and hereby extended for a period of seven additional days so that it will now expire on October 21st 2024 at 11:59 p.m. unless further extended as necessary in 7-Day increments as you recall State legislation uh prohibits us from ex from issuing those declarations for longer than seven days we did this last week uh it's my uh position that we need to continue that at present time as we uh work to implement necessary um contracts and and response efforts to help our citizens um and if uh if approved by the commission this evening this will take us through uh up until next Monday I would like to also get a um consensus of availability that if we need to extend this again for an additional week uh what availability the commission would have to convene a special meeting uh next Monday to do so so if we could have a a a vote on it um it's your pleasure and then if I could have some direction on availability for next week Commissioners I'm available what time 6 o' we whatever work for the commission we can do it during lunch hour if that's need to be it would just be for a single item I can do it on Tuesday at lunch but if I do it on Monday in the evening at regular time but if we have to do it Monday it has to be in evening because I'm okay I probably wouldn't be available past 4:00 but I'm only one so do Tuesday Tuesday yeah if you do it Tuesday I'm open expire so do Tuesday we we can do it on Tuesday attorney's upon what time second I thought you needed to do it whatever works for the commission we can do it on Tuesday we'll be covered through midnight on Monday to do it on Tuesday if you wanted to do that at lunchtime we can we can make that work no good y okay that'll work but we will need to get a a motion and a vote on this continuation this point Mr Mayor yes motion to approve r- 24-48 thank you I would close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R 2448 may do so at this time seeing none closed the public hearing reopen City commission meeting all those in favor of the motion lady be known by saying I I posos this by the same sign hearing none r24 48 is adopted and mayor what we'll do is um as we assess conditions this week um we'll go ahead and and plug that in for a a noon meeting for the uh as a special meeting for the city commission if that is not needed uh we will notify you okay all right all right we have some ordinances second reading we will not be voting tonight but pardon me sneeze oh bless you startled me uh we won't be voting tonight but uh this the uh second reading and vote would be on October the 28th which is my mom's birthday my late Mom AUD is first reading 02445 which read by Talon City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordin number 0- 2445 and ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 the 2035 Winter Haven comprehensive plan 2035 future land use map series by revising the future land use map series by assigning neighborhood support future land use to one Annex parcel repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of sceners Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location 2400 Avenue East Southwest the area covered by this request is 0.91 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners Clawson trust is requesting the city assigned neighborhood support future land use and Commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an annexed parcel uh the size of the parcel is .91 plus or minus Acres it contains a 13,716 ft storage Warehouse building and a 1,210 ft office building that were was built in 1972 this property was annexed into the city June 4th of this year the proposed use of the developed property is that of a HVAC company as this property is developed no additional demands on public infrastructure are expected at this time should the property be redeveloped a concurrency determination would be made at the time the property receives site plan approval and is redeveloped prior to annexation the P County land use for the subject parcel was residential low for or rl4 the requested neighborhood support future land use is consistent with the developed use and the city uh designations to the South the requested C3 zoning district is consistent with the neighborhood support future land use designation all notice requirements have been met there's no Financial impact of the city the Planning Commission at its September 3rd 2024 regular meeting voted to recommend approval of these requests no members of the public spoke staff's conclusion uh is as follows assignment of the neighborhood support future land use and C3 zoning District district is consistent with the developed use use in surrounding City designations given the relatively shallow depth of the parcel between Avenue East Southwest and the railroad tracks the subject parcel is not well suited for residential use and the property is already developed thus no additional demands on public infrastructure are expected at this time staff recommends City commission approve uh ordinance o 2445 and Advance it for second reading thank you commissioners even though we won't be voting if there are any questions yeah raise them question so we're going from RL to C3 on this and they're not what's it being used for now Eric I believe it's currently vacant but the proposed use as an HVAC company it's historic uses as a a storage warehouse and everything around it looks like a residential except that all those houses to the left and it's residential to the uh the North and the East the ones that are immediately adjacent to the West are uh office and Warehouse additional office and Warehouse the left of the red line is that what you mean that those are those are offices those are not houses that's office and Warehouse yes sir acoss the street in that wooded lot that's not residential that's across the street is residential yes sir to the north and nobody out there complained about this nobody spoke at Planning Commission no sir okay anyone else I I'll allow anyone from the public that would like to speak come state your name and address for the record and you have five minutes good evening Commissioners my name is Sarah case I'm with Next Level planning and permitting and I'm representing um the Clon trust for this property um I wasn't going to say anything but I thought you know you had a a couple concerns um as indicated by staff this was annexed into the city at the end of June and it's very much an anomaly because the building was built as a non-residential building in 1972 so in the comprehensive plan came through with the county in 91 um they did not create an onclave for nonresidential there they just said future land use 2020 would be rl4 well um the clawen family has been using this facility for storage in an ancillary office um so that's why we came to the city because we're adjacent surrounding the property and uh working with staff what would be an appropriate land use and then zoning what you'll hear on the next first ordinance um but that was the conclusion that we came to um in my my client is um hoping to have his hbac uh there but currently there it is a storage facility there are items in there in the building existing mayor yes my Sarah my issue is not necessarily what the Colin are going to do I know they're good people and this is going to be a loow impact use my problem is is down the road once we give C3 zoning to this in the Clon seldis building or whatever all of a sudden we put in a much higher use that could potentially affect the neighbors around there that's where my problem is is not with what the current use is it's down the road because we can't take the zoning back once we do Z3 and another um item that we had to address was um from the financial aspect that A lender is not going to lend um to a non-conforming use and so in the county as rl4 before um it was non-conforming even though historically it has always been used non-residential so we were kind of in a quandry uh came to you guys and then you um accepted it there are no plans for um additional uh building or anything like that and as the staff report indicated if something like that does occur we would have to redesign to today's standards under that there's no way to do a conditional use permit Eric or something something like that so things still get their financing and no no sir and and just as a a little context um it is a small parcel um neighborhood support future land use which is what we're requesting to assign to it is a future land use that is neighborhood sized in scale um so it doesn't allow for real intense development uh uh yeah intense development on on the parcel um to the South across the road tracks is also SE uh neighborhood uh or is also commercial future land use and Commercial um zoning that is within the city um and so if the property were to be redeveloped in the future it would not be an intense it wouldn't be a 7-Eleven it wouldn't be an an intense use like that um it would be more of a neighborhood scale um you know non-residential use what protections do we have up against that though the comprehensive plan huh the comprehensive plan even with C3 zoning the comp plan would take precedent no the comp the comp plan always takes precedent C3 zoning allows for a variety of uses um non-residential uses but um the comp plan would ensure that would be uh neighborhood scale um commercial uses um it doesn't allow for uh real High um um floor are ratios their neighborhood um type scale and so it could be you know if the property is redeveloped in the future they'd have to submit a site plan they'd have to conform with current code um so they'd have to put in um the adequate parking uh as you can see it's a small parcel so they they wouldn't be able to put a whole lot of parking spaces on there they'd also have to put in storm water retention um I don't know that there's any storm water retention on the property today as it was developed in 1972 before we had storm water standards um and so those factors really limit what could go on there as a Redevelopment um Peace all right good all right you're good all right thank you thank you all right as I said we will have the second reading on October 28th um 02446 is the zoning would you read by tyone City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d46 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of win Haven Florida by assigning commercial D Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel repealing our ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for the administrative correction of scers Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location 2400 Avenue E Southwest the area covered by this request is 0.91 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners this is the companion ordinance that deals with the uh zoning right all right thank you we will address this second reading on October 28th uh 02447 would you read about title own City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d47 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city 100 Florida by amending plan unit development ordinance o-22 d54 providing for the administrative cor C erors repealing all ordinances in conflict with and providing an effective date General location 6945 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by this request is 41.4 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you C manager mayor and Commissioners Advent Health pulk North Inc requests the city amend PUD ordinance 02254 this uh pertains to 41.4 plus or minus Acres PD 2254 allows for the future development of a hospital building in medical facilities as you know the emergency department is already on this property um the proposed modifications to this PUD include increasing the number of Monument signs increasing the total building signage Square fet for the hospital and emergency department increasing the maximum building signage for each freestanding building and allowing for a Spire sign for the emergency department and I believe JJ do we have a picture of what the Spire sign is so that is when we say Spire sign that is uh what we're talking about that poll that comes up the top this is a trademark signage of of Advent Health uh as there are no proposed changes to the permitted uses and intensities the maximum development uh potential is unchanged therefore there's no increase and potential infrastructure demands beyond what is currently allowed all public notification requirements for this have been met and there is no direct Financial impact to the city the Planning Commission at its September 3rd regular meeting voted to recommend approval of this request two members of the public spoke expressing concerns about drainage issues in the river lake area and light pollution staff's review of the petitioners request yields to the following conclusions the increase of Monument signs based on the total partiel Frontage and permitted access points of Cypress Gardens Boulevard is appropriate due to the proposed size of the hospital and Medical Campus on a parcel with 2100 ft of Frontage the increase in permitted building signage will improve way finding at the hospital and throughout the Medical Campus and staff has included conditions related to the proposed Spire sign to mitigate any impact from light to Residential Properties to the north staff recommend City commission approve ordinance 0 2447 in advancing it to Second reading all right thank you commissioner have any questions anyone from the public would like to ask any question all right we have our second reading on October 28th new business item p2401 C City attorney thank you Mr Mayor will defer to the city manager on this there's no title to read here all right this is a public hearing however and Mr Mayor I'm going to defer to Economic Opportunity Community investment director Eric Labby to present this as this is a uh conditional use coming before you guess I don't have anyone to defer to stop here after you mayor Commissioners um Harold R Baxter and hrb Industrial Park LLC as a petitioner they're requesting a conditional use approval for airp Port / Aviation uses located within the industrial Light i1 zoning District um the subject property totals 4.24 plus or minus acres and is located at 4900 dundy Road it currently contains a 3,314 s ft office 4,000 ft warehouse and a 5,100 ft shell building the petitioner proposes to add a heliport to the property for Landings takeoffs and storage of a helicopter um this requires a condition use approval according to our Land Development code the proposed hours of operation are 800 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. uh the petitioner States no additional employees will be needed with the addition of the heliport on the property and it is an accessory use to the existing uses on the property additional impacts to public infrastructure are not expected um surrounding uses are denoted in your fact sheet um the subject partial is located on dundy road which is a mixed use Corridor of industrial commercial and residential notable uses in close proximity to the subject property include vacant pasture land to the north across dundy Road industrial and agricultural uses to the West Auto Sales and vacant commercial property to the East and a common are and common area tracks containing wetlands and drainage for the whispering Trail subdivision to the South across Highway 550 all public notification requirements were met there is no direct Financial impact to the city with this request uh the Planning Commission did hear this on September 3rd uh and voted three to two to recommend approval of this request four members of the Public Public did speak in opposition to the request with concerns related to noise and safety um staff's conclusions are that the added use of the heliport to this industrial site is expected to have minimal impacts to the public infrastructure and the petitioner's request is consistent with the mixed use character of dundy Road character uh Corridor and the existing industrial designations on the property and staff has Pro provided proposed conditions to limit the impact of the residential uses in the vicinity of the property um staff does recommend uh the city commission approve this request subject to the following conditions the site shall be limited to the storage and flights of one helicopter no other Aviation uses shall be permitted the proposed landing area for the helicopter shall be constructed of a hard surface material takeoffs and landings of the helicopter shall be limited to the hours from dawn to dusk the the petitioner shall be permitted through all federal state and local agencies for use of the property as a hel Hort they do have to be permitted through FAA and a site plan shall be submitted and approved for uh the addition of the hel Hort and all required Improvement shall be made prior to the occupancy and OCC and operation of the heliport we'll stand for any questions you may have all right the I had one person that would like to uh speak on this would you come for it uh Mr okono state your name and address for the record please this is the public hearing good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners Shan O Conor 4900 dunde Road Winter Haven Florida here on behalf of the applicant um yes we are requesting approval for the conditional use to operate one helicopter um out of the property we use this for business use it is not open for the public and uh I'm here for any questions you might have ex where is it exactly I'm trying to these map sometimes I get this is going to be um so you see where Overlook Drive is commissioner dancor um where the you know the if you take that due north you're going to hit dunde road where the new traffic signal is and uh traveling east of this property you'll hit Cypresswood right so this is right where those where Highway 550 uh used to come together with dundy Road Cypresswood Cypresswood Cypress Wood is going to be to the east is that left or right to the right sorry okay commissioner the heliport is proposed right where the hand is on the screen right now that's and you're going to make one trip a day is that what you said or the frequency would would vary I mean it is it is for business meetings but typically we would leave once hit our meetings come back so we haven't used it on a daily basis yet are you the pilot or no no sir anyone else so I have a couple questions so I I felt prayed to the misinformation on this one as well gentleman came up to me at lunch one day the other day about a week ago and said what is going on with this I got a an email saying that there's a flight school coming in and just the whole whole nine yards and um so I called up Mr Labby and and he you know kind of relayed the information that that this gentleman said shared and that's just misinformation just drives me nuts these days but what um what type of helicop I mean is is this restricting what type of helicopter it could or could be and I mean I'm our Aviation person isn't here tonight so I don't know the noise from one helicopter for another very I would imagine it it doesn't res restrict by hel helicopter type um and I would defer to the applicant on what type of helicopter they they have um but no it it doesn't restrict that I and I would imagine I don't know I don't think Troy heidle in our in in the audience tonight but they do have to get permitted through FAA so that might be part of the FAA permitting as well and when we've got dawn to dusk on there that that's kind of a general term is there no way to better toine we we can at the um commission's uh desires we can modify any of these conditions is there a specific time that that you guys are looking for as opposed to a DA The Dusk General that that's a good question commissioner our our business hours are standard to most businesses which I think is the 8 to5 as written I believe the The Dusk may be more important you know if we're coming back we typically don't fly after dark so our goal is to get in before Sundown the dawn however we don't leave quite that early and and so I mean would an 8 to5 Time range be acceptable would that 8 to 5 8 to 7 seasonally give us a little travel time to get back in the evening and I don't know I mean I don't want to impose a restriction or a ask for a restriction necessarily that can't be impose you know what are the punishment like oh you know slap your hand because you're here at 7:30 no nobody's going to monitor that but I guess what are your thoughts Eric it would be an applicant or it would be a um a community-driven code Code Compliance case somebody somebody would file a complaint get a code violation gotcha that's this the first is this the first time we've done one of these yes yeah first time since I've been here first time in 23 years I've been here yeah I think there's one on the C and I I assume but just kind of south of here on country or not Country Club Road but um Overlook Drive there's a chopper facility there or at least there was for quite a while but that's County so I don't know if they needed it's in the county didn't tell you commissioner y but there is a helicopter landing pad allowance down there on Overlook Drive and you're you're saying Eric nobody complained about this at the commission at the there were oh okay there's a couple out there okay sorry there there were it's denoted in your in your fact sheet I took my glasses off four members yeah four members of the public spoke okay it's a B on no I think you're against it might have some additional questions but I'd like to hear questions from the audience or comments no one else signed up certain well let me make them let me make the motion and then we can have the dialogue start um make a motion to approve uh public hearing p2401 DC all right I will now open the public hearing for additional public comments would you come to the podium state your name and address for the record you have five minutes hello Sharice GS um 4851 Highway 550 it's nice to see you again thanks for listening bless you last time I was here we were talking about my property at 5150 Dundee Road at the corner of the triangle there um next to the triangle you see my home we agreed to cut off that road because it was a dangerous 45° angle turn in way and um we were doing construction this about three and a half years ago since then we have blocked off the road there's a few dead end signs a no um a no Outlet sign at the end of the road however I'm still calling the authorities I'm so sorry about um crashes that still happens at the end of this road there are still kids you know hanging out a lot of activity at a dead end Road and we don't want any more traffic that's what we were doing um are talking about a few years back right now with the helipad we are worried of course I'm speaking on behalf of the three houses and the community but specifically the three houses the three home Community down here the noise um I was told that we were just now annexed to Winter Haven from po County I was told that if we were um in the City of Winter Haven that we wouldn't have built a home there but we're here I don't want us to get you know disregarded or thrown to the back my son is autistic I turned the swamp into the home so we can be away from the noise the Dundee Road um expansion has been lovely aside from the stress these last three and a half years I've lost a ton of weight due to it and all the new easements I've learned about um uh the debris I have dogs we have cows right across the road the anxiety the trauma you know for the animals I work from home what about the cable wires the stability you know how am I going to keep my job y'all been there I've been here 3 and 1/2 years I'm happy to be here I would like to stay please don't drive me out I have nowhere to go I just built my home I like to stay um other than that we we don't want the traffic and we don't want the noise they can't guarantee the hours of their operations we can hear a helicopter from miles away I don't want to hear it outside the house we worried about you know the hurricanes and the wind damage and whatnot all the insurance for that I don't want to have to get insurance for extensive wind damage due to a helicopter in a residential Community still um I was made aware that if 550 was an industrial Road as well I understand that I don't want to down their dreams but we're residents y'all we're living here at least 30 years I know I have at least 30 left so that's all I want to say thanks for listening all right is there anyone else good evening mayor Commissioners my name is Joan Morgan I live at 2793 Whispering Trails Drive and I promise not to filler Buster this meeting but the last time I was here I expressed my concern over this proposal I will preface by saying that I have been a resident since 1971 probably longer than a lot of youve been alive I'm sure but all joking aside I've seen much good and much bad come into this town this is definitely a no I've been in my home since 2015 semi- quiet neighborhood combined with 302 homes including surrounding neighborhoods this is disturbing Wildlife it's disrupting pasture land my home stands and I don't have a map but it's right there at the end where it squares straight faces is the helicopter strip where it flies right over my house excuse me I have seen them I thought one day he was going to land in the backyard that's how close he was to fly such at a low altitude I'm not trying to make a joke out of this but you know we don't need a set of mash coming over our homes granted Poke County Sheriff has flyovers on occasion but never that close the foundation to my house has been shap the walls windows are vibrating I have a retired Canine dog that she even whimpers because it's too close for comfort we have gas appliances most of my neighbors have gas appliances in electric that in the theory of uh Newton's law what comes up goes down and unfortunately I don't want to see that happen but the noise level like this other lady was talking about property decreasing Insurance increasing construction on going and not that it's my business but what cargo are they transporting and why do they have to have Dawn to dust because that's a that's an open debate dawn to dusk um I'm a teacher and sometimes I get up at dawn or dusk or whatever and it's like really give me a time okay and I like I said in all due respect um I'll close but I just wanted to give you my opinion and my voice my opinion and um thank you very much is there anyone else my name is William French I live at 2797 with spring Trails Drive I spoke at the last meeting um so at the last meeting it was stated that he was going to have flight school I heard it with my own ears so you're going to have a flight School flying over a residential area and it was also stated that they have another heliport pad on Overlook Drive why do we need a second one a mile away I the noise is horrible I'm telling you none of you guys are going to want a helicopter landing over top your house I don't either please reconsider thank you anyone can I ask you a question real quick yes Eric is there is there a flight school or is there not a flight school this is this is not approve a flight school and I'll defer to the applicant but I believe what they were saying was that their pilot is part of a flight school but I don't believe they're not going to operate a flight school and if we want to add a condition that this is for personal use and no commercial flight school shall be located on this property we can do so thank you pleas your not from the last meeting thank you good evening everyone my name is Kelly Smith and I live at 2853 rping Trails Drive I live on the opposite end corner of where this proposed um Hill pad is going to be um I'm a registered nurse I'm a clinical nurse underwriter and I work from home and they have already had we've already had numerous takeoffs and landings and it's it's quite loud it's very very loud and it's it's you know for th for those of us who work from home it's almost impossible to get your work done it's it's just very I I mean I'm sure you can imagine what it actually sounds like when you have a helicopter landing right beside your house um I just wish that uh well I've been here for eight years and I love my neighborhood and I love Winter Haven and I really would like to keep our peace and quiet please please do not vote for this thank you anyone else uh good evening everybody my name is Andrew Alvarez patet I live at uh 2801 Whispering Trails Drive um I think it's important to note that our concerns and complaints are not spec speculation but something we have already endured uh during the few weeks so the helicopter was flown without approval uh the noise of the helicopter taking off and Landing multiple times a day is very disruptive uh to the communities around the property uh this disruption is not only for myself and my wife who both work from home uh but also our neighbors with infants toddlers uh and young ones at home uh the multi the multitude of retirees in the communities um and the people who work nights and sleep during the day um we're not just worried about the day-to-day noise disturbances but also the safety factor of having a helicopter flying so close uh to our homes um hrb had mentioned like they had stated uh that there would be used for a flight training school um this obviously will increase the uh chance of a helicopter crashing into our homes um safety obviously a huge concern um for having it so close to residental areas of course the concerns don't stop with the obvious noise pollution safety concerns we have to face but we'll also have to face potential profit values decreasing uh and home insurance premiums increasing um in addition our homes um homes that are near helipads uh and airports face increased cost of homeowners insurance that should go up with safety concerns uh with airra traffic frequently overhead um last I heard like they were saying there was a helipad a mile down the road uh that could be used um so I don't think by not approving this it would impede business too much um there's also multiple airports nearby um you know uh I think approving this will greatly negatively affect uh the three neighborhoods nearby um but we also have a petition of 342 signatures of people that agree with us uh and don't want this near our homes thank you is there anyone else good evening Commissioners uh my name is Harold Baxter I am the applicant um we've never had multiple you state your address please oh 4900 dundy Road I understand your concerns but the the Hort down the street is a private Hort that's what we're asking for I don't think that you have any history of any complaints of it it's across the street from a subdivision and next to a church there is restrictions that they can't fly during times of the services for us we will be doing no no takeoffs going to the South or no Landings coming from the south we will take off and go to the north and over the pasture our Landings will always come in from the north and excuse me and land on in the center of the property and then pull it in we have a dolly that's electric dolly that pulls the helicopter inside so a lot of this misconception about a school is just that we've never anticipated we're a development company we're all over Central Florida with the traffic today the efficiency of the helicopter for us is Paramount and I understand their concerns and but I don't I think it's a little bit blown out of proportion but I thank you for your consideration anyone else Marie Alvarez padet 281 Whispering Trails Drive our concerns our complaints are definitely not blown out of proportion this thing was Landing for weeks behind my home behind my home not I mean you say across the street but that's not a very wide Street it's a two-lane little road and it landed there for multiple times for weeks until we complained finally complained and it stopped we've already endured the noise that it's more than just an inconvenience it really affects our daily life thank you anyone else Mr Mayor I'm Nancy Abrams 3257 Whispering Trails Avenue and I will say that you know we live to the South and there have been helicopters flying very low over my backyard so saying that they're only taking off and coming back from the north isn't an accurate statement youone now okay I'll close the public hearing and weop the uh Commission meeting I'm just wondering uh in the stipulations it does it specifically state that there will be landing and taking off from a particular direction no no sir it doesn't um FAA really is the governing body on flight path pattern and uh which way they should take off and um and come in when they land and uh they they are required to go through FAA permitting so we didn't want to be inconsistent with any conditions that FAA May impose upon them um in that regard they really are the permitting jurisdiction uh with respect to flight pattern okay so the FAA uh permitting process is not contingent upon uh any requirements that we put so it is if so we we would be um we would be the governing body over the conditions in that are that are proposed in our fact sheet FAA May impose additional conditions upon their permit uh to operate a a helipad uh including their flight patterns and perhaps the the applicant knows a little bit more about that FAA per permitting than I do um but they they if if this were to be approved tonight they would need to go get their FAA permit before they could legally operate a heled I'm I'm just thinking there are conditions that we have heard tonight that is not in what we are being uh considered just being considered far like uh the resident says that it it takes off in lands wherever the applicant says it will take off in land from did he say to North over the pastor well there's a disagreement I don't know I don't you know so could we put that stipulation in there we're willing to abide by that stipulation if approved and if the FAA comes in with any anything else we will be we'll be bound by the approval by this Council so if we did anything outside of that we'd be coming before you I was just informed by our senior planner um that uh Troy hi highle our airport director informed her that we cannot condition flight patterns in our local U that FAA is the governing body and we cannot condition flight patterns in our local approval we could condition it but they could overrule could overrule it I have a question um just is a helicopter louder than airplane or one of the uh sea planes because I live where I live the sea planes come over and they fly right over almost over a swimming pool and I never hear them I mean unless I'm outside and look up and see them I don't hear them um commissioner Mercer I don't know that I could provide any expertise on that but I will suggest that the the primary difference you would experience between a a fixed wi you know Aviation vehicle in in a helicopter is going to be helicopter is stationary so that noise is going to remain stationary whereas a plane is traveling past you that noise coming from rotation and engines is going to dissipate as it gets farther away from you and commissioner I just wanted to point out this is a quasa Judicial hearing as you might imagine and you have to make findings and that's what this order that's before you and the motion that's on the table that you're considering will do based on what you've heard and based on the information presented to you tonight uh I believe I heard Mr lbby say that there were um not withstanding the conditions that are in the order that's here before you tonight that is the subject of the motion that's currently being discussed that you could put additional conditions on the use and operation of this heila port proposed heil report and I'm hearing two things that are potentially possible and that is putting specific times that would accommodate rather than saying dawn to dusk possibly 8:00 a.m. to I heard either five or seven I'm not sure seasonally that's that's one thing I heard the other question that I'm hearing or that I heard the applicant state was that they would only take off and land from the north but not from the south South and that this is subject to FAA approval and FAA is the agency not surprisingly that I presume governs flight patterns for Aviation uses such as this however um if the applicant who is here tonight and has testified and is willing to agree or commit to a condition such as he said takeoffs only in Landings from the north and not from the South um it you know we could condition it I suppose based on concurrence of or based on compliance with FAA we don't want to overstep our bounds um but we could place a condition that's agreeable to the applicant as he stated if it is valid and is if it's recommended or accepted by the FAA I think you could word it in such a way so as not to overstep whatever local government bonds we may have but it would address potentially the concerns and it would you know the applicants indicated they're agreeable to it so I you know those are two things that you could add to the conditions here that might help alleviate some of the things that you have heard if I may we only take off from the Hort that we're now using as a favor from Mr Adams Thomas Adams to the north over um you know we go over U what is it trans um Indian River Indian River Transport is right there and we have to come up and go over Indian River we get across dunde Road and then we either go east or west and that's what we're proposing to do here it will be no different from me flying out of that Hort or to mine there's a subdivision on the south side of theirs that is not even offset like it is with mine it's directly across the street theirs is offset from mine and back to the the lady that lives on the corner and I respect her and her child but that home behind the building there of the commercial building which is uh a mechanic shop I also own that home and there is no other homes on the back side of my property there she has the new home and it's a nice home and I do agree with her about the people coming in at night and partying down on that corner on the old CER sack that does need to be addressed but um but that's that's the way we do it today and that's the way we'll continue to do it and if the FAA said there's other ways to do it I'm Bound by what you put on the restrictions so so if we put that restriction there and the FAA came back and said what for whatever reason like I I don't know I'm just not that they would say this but flights can only take off and and land from the south and they must fly over the houses not that FAA would say that but let's just say hypothetically they came back and said that could we then revoke our our approval well I think that I I think that would be a difficult uh to do to revoke approval um based on hypotheticals um you know at this point I if I'm willing to just cancel I think the applicant is willing to that happens place you're willing to revoke the agre to a revation come back says I can only take off to the South and and land to the South I will pull my request okay so we we need to put that in well that needs to be reflected in need to be reflected in the document that we will additional condition correct uh so I I I've heard two things trying to provide guidance not I made I'm going to have to amend my motion right I've I've got my list going okay um the other um question that I had was the landing pad is it I I just want to get this thing if it if it moves forward I want to get it as far away from the homes and as much buffer as we can so could we not put would it work to put the The Landing Pad in the northe northwest corner of the property uh it would not work you would have to pull it all the way around and that machine is just a small Dolly if you will Ran by A Bridge exraction engine you know it it lifts it uh what we had proposed to do was to build a concrete Hort with an H on it and the H is basically just for your distances of your rotors so in other words if you land on the H you know you're not going to hit anything any buildings or anything around it and uh you know and again to the to the east that whole strip there I own the only residence there to the another that the next Road and then the man the man the lady was here earlier owns that house down by the CER sa what what are we looking at on the so this is the same drawing um this rotated yeah dundy road is going to be on the on the uh right hand side there and you can see the boxes where so where is the pad going to be that would then facilitate you know right where that area is right there can we go back to the other map I'm sorry oh sorry I forgot I was in control there we go right here so that's what I mean that's a tight pocket to land in I don't not an issue it's a small helicopter it's and and another condition we're willing to put is no turban helicopters it's an r44 um which is a small single engine helicopter it's a a 0540 um that's in the single engine plane and all we used it for his business meetings and also going and looking at land it's a big tool for us to look at land from the air for Ingress and eass for design also for Wetlands Etc so it's it's a great tool for us and we're lucky to be able to have it and I I just want to point out this aerial is is fairly dated this pasture land that you see in the aial is this area right here which our additional industrial warehousing which is under construction today that's all Ware that's not homes that's warehouses 54 2,000t warehouses yes sir all right let me try to amend this motion okay before you do time time we never we address the Dust to Dawn I got it okay take care of that all right I entertain your motion can I ask for a point of clarification if I can Mr yes um and maybe this is from uh City attorney I just want to because based upon concerns that were shared this evening the language that states the site shall be limited to the storage and flights of one helicopter and no other Aviation uses shall be permitted that would rule out the opportunity to allow for any flight school that would be considered a other Aviation use would you agree expressly would rule that out by I mean there's no no no ambiguity about that whatsoever so that that does not have to be in the amendment no what saying it's already in your it says no other Aviation usage shall be permitted period that's as broad as you can get and as much as this for you say this is the first time we've done this are we establishing any precedence with regards to this no this is a quasi judicial matter and these are based on specific facts and circumstances on specific pieces of property okay so it's not a legislative act so even when this was when this was actually proposed there was no no issue with noise ordinance or any issues relative to that if if citizens are living in the area where they even uh ask or some type of feedback from the from the citizens in the area what impact it would perhaps have on them the Planning Commission to do was that a did that's the that's through through the means of the Planning Commission of posting the property and issuing the notice on that was that required for planning to do that if you bring approval that our code just so we're clear on process for conditional uses like this and these are these are different because you don't generally have these coming to you all sure but for conditional uses our code requires that a public hearing be conducted in front of the Planning Commission that the Planning Commission then has to give pretty robust notice they have to give posting they have to mail and they have to advertise so there's a number of different ways that those meetings those public hearings are noticed and it's a it's a full hearing like you have at planning commissions and then they vote and you have before you a recommendation of three to two so a majority of the planing commission then our code puts another public hearing requirement which is what we're doing tonight in front of you all as the final decision makers in this process and to your point commissioner doson this um in my view would not create precedent in the sense that I think you're referring to it because these types of matters are quasa judicial what does that mean they're they're fact specific based on the specific property in question I see so you couldn't say well because we issued this on October 24th that means you're compelled to do it no that's not how that works each case has to stand on its own merits up or down so what requirements are are there that were established or that you all somehow come to some conclusion that this is conducive uh to this type of uh um setup I mean you know how how did you come to that simply just because a person makes a request no sir we look at the zoning we look at um surrounding uses we also uh look at the conditions we can apply uh to a particular case to mitigate any offsite impacts that we can um this particular piece of property is zoned industrial um it has existing industrial uses on it and um additional fairly large industrial uses that are under construction on the property um right now and with the added conditions to the order that you see in your fact sheet staff believed that we had mitigated uh offside impacts um uh and Planning Commission agreed um to make a recommendation of of approval so so basically you're looking at the the table of land uses in our code and what's permitted by wri and what's authorized and this is one of those kind of uses in this particular zoning category that is permitted but only on a conditional use for example as if you wanted to construct a building an industrial building presumably on this site you would only need to go to the building department dep to get a permit and make sure that you've otherwise met you know requirements in this instance to allow for this particular he Port you have to get a conditional use as part of the approval process which in this case our code places two public hearing opportunities just for that very reason so that what Mr Labby said that the staff could uh suggest and and articulate conditions to help mitigate the impacts of this particular use so the other heiler Port is not in the city proper it's in the county I don't know where the it's in the county I just know because I drive used to drive by it all the time mayor proam can you can you inform me where that one is I'm not I'm not familiar is it so it's so it's it's basically directly as the helicopter flies it be directly south of this property off of Overlook Drive behind the church the large Church there the newest church that was constructed at the corner kind of thank you okay so I I have one clarification question from the applicant you you mentioned no turban helicopter but I I that I don't want to get too into the weeds here what specific kind of helicopter was it that you use we have an an r44 helicopter they start at 22 44 and 66 we have the mid-range it's a four- seat helicopter passenger uh pilot and three passengers it's kind of like the ones that FL take off from my drive over it's exactly the same helicopter that they do those little tours with yeah exactly that's what I thought that's what I thought okay um okay you ready yes all right so i' like to amend my original motion of approval of p- 24-1 DC to include takeoffs and landings uh we we remove Dusk to Dawn and that's replaced with 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I split the difference there of 5 and 7even uh takeoffs and landings shall only be to the north and return from the north applicant has agreed to withdraw the application if FAA requires a different flight plan and limit the type of helicopter to be used as an r-44 helicopter and my thought there is if he gets a different helicopter then it just comes back before us to amend the conditional use approval so that would be my amended motion did someone get that down so that we can has someone written that those additional conditions down into the record mayor biram can you give me that last condition again please limit the use of helicopter type to an r-44 helicopter and if additional different helicopters are applicant would need come back before and and request the change in use of the conditional approval would need yeah seek an amendment to okay so those conditions are takeoffs and landings would only occur between the hours of 8:00 a and 600 pm and only in a pattern to or from the north the applicant agrees to withdraw the application if the FAA prescribes differently on flight pattern and the uh helicopter is limited to an r44 model and any change to that would require an amendment before this Commission that's what I heard is that what you said yes now the applicants here Mr Baxter are those uh agreeable to you yes sir the applicant has indicated that they're agreeable all right we have an amended motion I will now allow the public to comment if you would like to comment on the amended motion my name is William French 2797 W spring Charles Drive Winter Haven Florida regardless of whether you have an amended motion or not that doesn't negate the fact that we still have noise pollution in our neighborhood I I I I'm dumbfounded by the fact that he's sitting here telling you guys that he's willing to amend his motions or whatever they have another Hort we have a an airport here in Winter Haven if it's that important to fly that helicopter to go do his land surveys why is he not using it that heliport or the helicop or the airport why do we need to put another heliport behind our neighborhood I I just don't get it I mean it's it's not right all right thank you shares gills 4851 Highway 550 um if we look up the definition or not so much definition but um a helicopter noise in the Google residence the kind of sound that it makes it says it's a loud a rhythmic whooshing or woring sound with a distinct chopping or pulsating quality to hear that from Dust to Dawn or 8 to 5 8 to 6 it doesn't matter in the middle of the night that's a disturbance that we don't want the reason most of us didn't question when they were Landing and taking off without permits one we didn't know but two we thought the military was doing something we just we we just saw the helicopters we were like oh okay that's a lot then we didn't even know about this motion until I received a petition at the door we wouldn't even have been here we would have known nothing so just look at the noise complaint if nothing else and then the helipad and thinking of how he explained it how you doing of how he was going to build it how high again that's our roof I'm like even if it's down low that's the noise coming up is still noise but that's the roof that's damage I'm still working on damage from uh tiny hurricane a couple years ago with the water going sideways into the garage like I don't I don't want to deal with that that's that's a lot I've been in Florida n and a half years now I love it not leaving but I don't want to leave here either I don't like Orlando don't want to be anywhere else I like Po County I like wi Haven I've been here retired from po County School Board from here didn't last too long but I did my due diligence please let me be in peace y' thank you hello I'm back Joan Morgan 2793 Whispering Trails Drive okay um I don't want to be de Debbie down or negative Nelly but you know what like I said earlier what goes up comes down hello Newton's law I Googled the Robinson r44 helicopter has been involved in a number of fatal accidents and some say it has a history of safety issues boom Dr mic drop I should say boom it flies right over my house into the field okay or into the area where they're building and I know that photo is not accurate because of course it's been trucks are coming in and out with all kinds of equipment and this dawn to dusk thing come on you know we live like right now the time is going to change in another few weeks and it's going to be either dark or earlier or whatever I get it all mixed up all the time but I agree with my neighbors and some other folks here that are kind of like protesting this and I believe in capitalism I believe in keeping America great okay but not this sorry okay thank you God bless you all and thanks bye all right anyone else all right Commissioners all those in favor of the amended motion let it be known by saying I I oppose this by the same sign I motion passes what was the 32 32 three four four one but you Brad three to two three to two all right moving right along that's it commission lone reports commissioner dancor not a lot to report went to the downtown Art Exhibit Amanda mallister is taking that space right next to the old fire uh and I know Amanda well and uh quite a quite a space she's got in there and it's she's going to be there for a month and then I'll have many other artists come in there it's a pretty cool little space they've got going on there so go in there and support Amanda and say hey to her also went to the Ritz grand opening which we've already talked about and one other thing I'm going to bring up and I didn't bring it up now because of the hurricane but I'm going to mention it now and it has to do with this fluoride in the water and I'm going to start uh I've done a lot of research on this I don't know if anybody else has gotten uh stuff been emailed to them but there was a court case that came out and the FDA or the SE I don't know who it is but they're they're going to start looking at this again and there's a lot of evidence that this could potentially really be dangerous there's not a lot of evidence that it does much for your teeth you have to put it you think about drinking a glass of water that's the Flor fide that touches your teeth then it goes in your gun it doesn't really help your teeth so how you know it's got the like toothpaste is got fluoride in it you put it on your tooth and your teeth and that's how you get floride in your teeth but how if we have it in our water we drink a glass of water there's not that much floride that hits your teeth so there's a potential of this being really really bad we've heard from several people coming through here and what's what's the benefit that's the thing I'm not sure there is any but we're one of four communities in pole County that still do it and I I'm going to propose or I'm going to suggest and I've got already already put te on notice that we maybe pause us for a year while the FDA or the whoever does their study because there was a big lawsuit that went that went South about fluoride and I don't know why we wouldn't just pause it for at least a year to see but there's only four towns in po County that still do it and we've heard several people come to D and talk about how bad it is and they've been sending me all this document because I'm I'm a I'm a sympathetic ear so I've gotten lots of stuff I can that I've read and I can share with you if you want to know it but I'm going to I'm going to pursue this I'm working with t on this to try to find out what's involved to get it out of our water I don't know if it's that much but it is something I think we need in the in the in the entrance of Public Safety we need to consider this and we need to do our research and make sure this is something we want to do because there's a lot of EV more and more mounting evidence that it's not good so I'm going to keep bringing it up until we until we come to some of inclusion you make a lot of operators happy they don't like putting so I me because it's another chemical so what is that process to end I mean to I don't have one one feeling one way or the other I I what does that process look like let me let me try and give some context to it I apologize Gary Hubbert is not with us this evening so um we do put we we fluoridate our water you have fluoride that naturally occurs within within our water system um the uh the effort that we do so in our case you have about two parts per million that naturally occurs within our water um we add about five parts per million of fluoride to the public water system that is that brings it to a level of seven parts per million which is consistent with what the national survey data showed on prevention of tooth decay you know fluoridation of water became um an issue in 1945 is when that started the City of Winter Haven did this beginning in 1986 um and it was a our notes show it as a community decision none of us were on the Commission in 1986 or um I certainly wasn't while working here wasn't wasn't aware of what was going on at that time but the um all right but the so what what what commissioner Dan was speaking to is there was a case in Northern California that basically questions and challenges the benefit of fluoridation of water and and um provides evidence that it may be more detrimental than beneficial and so where that has led at this point is for EPA to weigh in on it and further assess Ru making tied to fluoridation um we put it in like I said it's we do it via our water plants um it you know the cost for us to do that within the system is probably uh less than $45,000 a year the the product that we're using you know the amount that we're the volume that we're using um as he said that we are one of of four communities uh within PK County us Lakeland Lake Alfred and hanne City uh due floration all of your other Municipal utility providers do not the county doesn't uh the county does not no sir so if it's you know and it's from a a city manager standpoint I I'll look to you all to give direction on that I can tell you that it is a process I agree with commissioner Mercer that um it's one less thing to have to to manage from Plants um but if the commission is supportive of that uh I believe this was enacted via resolution I apologize I don't have my notes on this in front of me this evening but I believe that was the case when this was done in 1986 and so I believe and the City attorney can correct me if I'm wrong if there was an effort to uh reverse course on that we would do that via resolution as well if there's consensus from the commission for us to prepare such a uh an item to come before the commission we can certainly do that for your next city commission meeting can I give a little history on that um of course I we went through this in Clear Water and um um I won't tell you the results of that but in in research it and going back it was in the 50s that um they started introducing it and as you know everybody was pretty rule they had Wells and everything so there was no fluoride and um those people in in the poverty level it was introduced to the water um in order to get it to them and um they did studies and they did U all of that it's empirical data that it did help with the reducing C cities and things but now when you look around you now and there's fluoride in the toothpaste there's fluoride in mouthwash there's fluoride uh Rines and things that you can get um as long as it's not a you know financial crisis I guess for some families to get that it doesn't make as much sense to put it in the water as what it used to so but that was that and that um was that was before and I think it's 1956 when Crest started adding it to the toothpaste and some of that so i' I'd be in favor of bringing a resolution to terminate the use of fluoride so we not yeah I have the public hearing usually on that and sometimes the public some of the public is for it some of it's against it nobody's ever stood out in there and said I want more fluoride in my water I can tell you that but like I said I'm not making a motion I'm just stting I I would be in favor of bringing the resolution before the commission yeah I I grew up in a town that uh did have fluide when I was a kid and uh I don't know if you know I know a lot of That's genetics also just Dental uh hygiene okay itself uh but I did not have a cavity until I was an adult uh and I remember denn asking me you know where did I live and I told him he said the area you must have lived in had fluoride and uh I guess because the studies had shown that it had benefit uh to to Residents I guess and uh but as you have stated that in as much as now we have we can you're putting fluoride you know you're getting it direct versus more of an indirect not to mention we're drinking more bottled water uh than anything else nowadays too so um I I agree I don't I don't know if it's if it's if it's not needed then why do it yeah that's yeah and and that should probably come out in some of the research yeah fluoride does nothing for you when you consume it it has to be put on your teeth and when you just drink a glass of water that's and and they well it comes to the mouth first so it goes through your mouth through your teeth usually if you're I'm just repeating some of the things I've seen SW back when they first started putting in toothpaste they had Commissioners uh we'll debate this do not inest this we we'll debate this at a later date bring the resolution back I can yeah and we're going to let you have it but not whatever I think you have consensus I have my marching order thank you all right all right now we Flor that's it that's it commissioner doson uh FC had the opportunity to uh go to the uh committee meeting it was just really insightful my first opportunity uh really enjoyed just a process and uh an opportunity to meet other uh officials from uh various parts of the state and um I've just enjoyed that and uh that was just wonderful to be able to be a part of it um and and uh you know tonight you know is one of those nights I guess you know when you hear residents share passionately their concerns and their uh issues as it relates to their lifestyle and and the way what impacts their life you know I I think that being sensitive to that is important and uh I won't say much of that but this is the process working itself out and uh this is the way it works and so I appreciate that and respect that all right okay um I did attend the fire Lieutenant Jason Ward's um retirement at fire station one and I'd like to say thank you um to all of our employees um for your dedication your hard work and uh going above and beyond you guys are just fabulous it's greatly appreciated and I just don't want it to go unnoticed so thank you very much all of you I know what it's like um being there I know liking utilities uh anybody lose water services Wastewater Services you know um great job you guys so because I know you were there um during the storm as well so thank you as well as police and fire they were they were still Duty in that so yeah I'm just uh I don't have a lot of liaison reports to give this evening so I'm just going to give some thank yous and I'm going to send an invite out so first of all thank you to the staff as well um you guys obviously put in tireless hours over the last week um in in keeping our city prepared and uh and safe and uh now in um repair mode um post the storm so thank you to all of you um Katrina left so I was going to give her a thank you to managing the social media aspect of it um one I mean it's just this has touched my nerve the past week it's the amount of misinformation that's out there is appalling um and it's it's aggravating and I think Katrina does um Yan's job of um of trying to sort that out and and um and and correct where Corrections are needed I know myself I I was putting out a few things just you know if it's just blatant you know it's I like to set the record straight um and I think Trina does that uh very well as well so thank you to her and her efforts and her staff in um in getting that out then the final thing is we've seen the governor on TV a lot the last week and uh you know he he has some harsh things at times to of of of to say of of other municipalities but uh not that he'll come and and see us anytime soon but I'd welcome a visit from the governor if he wants to see how a municipality does it right um because we've got the team here and we're doing it right and uh with that said that's all I've got all right thank you uh I had a couple of meetings I attended the uh Transportation disadvantage uh Committee of the uh Pope Transportation Planning organization and attending the uh Florida League of cities utilities and N natural resources committee and U got a couple of surprise phone calls got one from the vice president's office and one from uh Congressman Rick Scott's office to see how the city of win haven was fairing uh and I said we were doing fine thanks to the great staff that we have at the city of wi Haven so uh again uh thank you sta for a job uh well done and I know that you're going to get all of this debris up cuz that's the next real challenge for us as the city is that uh we the city beautiful but uh we're still beautiful that uh our buildings are standing and we don't have water in the streets but uh there's a little bit more that we can do at the time but thank you uh commissioner I mean uh staff for the job that you've done and we really and truly I hate to say it we would expect anything l i mean so keep up the great work we appreciate it all right City attorney thank you Mr Mayor commission and not to um to be duplicative or redundant but I we have a great team here and there was abundant evidence of that throughout the last week and um as we've all said it I I just consider it a real privilege and and an honor to be able to to be here day in and day out and to provide advice and counsel to uh to this great group of folks so um we uh we hopefully are going to be through with storms let's hope maybe for the rest of this hurricane season but that's all I have tonight thank you yes city manager thank you mayor Commissioners uh just a couple items to remind you of this week I think you may have gotten an invitation today for uh a luncheon on Wednesday we have leadership Winter Haven be doing their City day to kick off their season and I see that Betsy Cleveland are President CEO of the per Winer Chamber of Commerce is with us this evening if you'd like to join us uh I know commissioner doson will be there is a class participant in this one uh but that will be at the Fieldhouse on Wednesday beginning at 11:4 we also have Wednesday evening I know that I heard uh my assistant Mana Joe coordinating with you earlier on the winter Heaven High School homecoming parade that will travel in front of City Hall and down to MLK Park this Wednesday evening again the park has been ready to prepare and prepared to receive that they had to postpone it from last week um and then the most uh significant thing on my calendar this week that I want to make sure you all have on your calendar as well is the swearing in ceremony for our chief of police Vance Monroe uh that will take place at the Fieldhouse on Friday of this week at 2 pm the public is certainly welcome to attend that but we would certainly love to have the city Commission in attendance if you're available not on our calendars it'll be on there before we leave this evening okay so that is 2 p.m. on Friday and and that may be apologize Mr Mayor that may be because we're still trying to coordinate around the storm and making sure that we had all the details set for that but that will be the that will be the only swearing in that we will do that day um sometimes you know we do swearingin we have multiple uh positions that we're doing that will be the only one that uh we'll do at that time okay thank you thank you assistant city manager nothing this evening thank you city clerk nothing this evening Deputy city clerk Mercy matters not received for the agenda motion to adjin