##VIDEO ID:t34gumWJkIE## roll call please Deputy city clerk commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler mayor protim Yates here and mayor berson here okay all right so this Proclamation will be we'll do that Monday night right that is correct sir yes and uh Anna Rivera who's with uh the Puerto Rican Hispanic chamber of commerce will be with us that evening as well as Dei team from within the city okay good all right and um then I'll do my statement and then we have the audien's second reading since we've reviewed these now what two times on the budget millage I'd say several times we we've covered those but yeah um so there's nothing new there so let's move right along comments from the audience second reading the second readings no changes since first readings last week okay so that's 11a so no changes on 11b no sir 11 C no sir 11 D no sir lean e no sir consent agenda okay okay so we'll go through uh through these items so the first one is a uh settlement agreement with between the city in the Kalen trust this is pertaining to a well that exists on property that is owned by the Cen trust this is something that the city has had access to since the purchase of the gardener water system in 1998 um and it's part of our inventory of available potable water water wells under our water use permit uh there is some renewals that have to take place with that there was a dispute about whether a timely renewal of the lease had been made by the city uh a few years back and as a result of the ongoing dispute we actually stopped using that well in an effort to show good faith while we we work through a settlement um we have since between the uh the city attorney's office our water department my office and and representatives of the trust um come up with a valuation of the property that includes the well uh to be acquired at the cost of $93,000 and so a settlement agreement to that effect has been prepared um this basically gives us ownership of the land this is a small parcel um just off of lake miam is it Gary I believe um and so we will own that that sliver of land as well as the well that's on there which gives us some uh greater flexibilities going forward with our water use permit and our water demands um and gets us out of that long-term lease all right where is this exactly um trying to think I don't think we have we'll get a map for Monday evening commissioner dancer but it's um it's going to be kind of on off of not it's going to be just west of Overlook Drive in like the Valena wood Hills area Okay up on the southern shore of Lake maram and I'm not sure what road it is that goes back into it but there's um it's right at the entrance to this small little neighborhood but a million times I've never noticed it yeah um we'll we'll get a map that depicts that so we can display that for you Monday night or we can just send that out through email if you'd prefer um either way not a big deal I just like to know okay 12b Assa straight forward uh yep there is a there's a little additional cost with that project from what we had originally anticipated and the fact sheet identifies is that um how that will be handled let me just touch if I can on the the Financial impact so there's about $1.42 million remaining in the project itself the B the budget for the HVAC there's about $100,000 available from the Lake conine Recreation project contingency that will not be needed for that project and then the balance of about almost a half a million dollars will um be allocated from the general fund balance without impacting our 30% uh threshold there and that project has been approved as required by the uh the state since it is their building okay 12C 12C this is a developers agreement with the uh vmar development this is vamar and we've been uh have participating with them through development agreements for installation of alternative water supply transmission Mains um they are presently widening Cunningham Road to include a right-hand turn at the intersection of County Road 653 and our staff has requested the developer extend the 20-in AWS transmission line uh in conjunction with that road widening so they'll do that work we simply pay for it it's a not to exceed cost of $67,100 12d is um this is a transfer of some County Roads so this is a portion of West Lake drive and a portion of Shell Road um basically in concert with uh the harmony development so those two sections of roads will actually the the North Leg there that says portion of Westlake Eloise Drive um the bulk of that will go away entirely because you'll have a new road that comes in uh the the realignment of that and then there will be somewhat of a realignment of that portion of Shell Road those are going to be completely contained within or immediately adjacent to Harmony and certainly surrounded by City lands so it is simply a transfer of those uh roadways to the city which we are agreeable to I will note that there is and Eric I'm going to ask you the name of that additional Road West Lake Eloise Terrace so um West Lake Eloise Terrace comes off of West Lake Eloise Drive I don't know if we can if my mouse is going to let me drive to it or not Eric if you can show that so it's this small road that goes back back to us number of homes that are on the west side of Lake Eloise that one will be coming back to us at a future date for a transfer as well that's also a county maintained right away um but we're still waiting for improvements to be made in that area and the bonding necessary to uh secure those those improvements but that's another one that will end up being a city road ultimately okay Jo 12E this is uh improvements or replacement of HV vac at Fire Station 1 so this system has become outdated and not real efficient or reliable so we're doing a lot of Maintenance repairs in there um that's the air conditioning units in the admin building as well uh so that property overall is about 14 years old and so the total cost for the replacement and installation of that new AC system is $228,400 um the fiscal year budget uh for 24 has about $33,000 for HVAC replacement and maintenance and the remaining funding will be available will be provided by available funds within the fire department to cover the AC unit replacement a mini split installation and the installation of the necessary controls okay Mr Mayor yes can we go back to 12d real quick or actually it's not 12d but I guess the what you were mentioning on that road back to those homes the Terrace yeah so I I just wanted to double check before I spoke but so those homes are not actually in in the city limits of Winter Haven no but the road itself um the land to the north of it and the land to the south of it is part of the harmony development so we because of that we'd want to even though the the main users of that road are are going to be County residents initially those that are that are back in that area um today yes that is correct but when Harmony develops that will not be the case because you'll have so much residential that is with within the city along adjacent to that road Eric anything beyond that yeah and the developer will be improving the East West section of that road as part of the harmony development they'll be re rebuilding that road okay have we gone knocked on those doors to see if they want to just Annex on into the city or we have not sir but when I'm ready to do that I will uh I'll check your schedule to see your availability I'm I'm down one yeah yeah I believe so all right uh 12 F 12 F so this is our Winter Haven area transit district uh agreement um the last one that we did was executed for the period of October 1st of 22 it expires at the end of this this month um so they have sent us a new agreement it is the same cost annual cost is what it has been for the past two years this is also a 2-year agreement and the um cost for both years will remain the same so that is $293 8 uh 800 $293,200 the four quadrants of the city that are eligible for resurfacing these are roads that have a pavement condition index or a PCI rating ranging from 30 to 40 so this is the worst roads in terms of overall PCI rating it's very difficult to see on this we will make sure that you have a a printed out copy of this for Monday um but the uh uh the approach we're taking here to to Really address those roads and because we're right up at the fiscal year end we um we have 1.18 million remaining in the current year budget for our tip to do all these roads the total cost is about $1.76 million so what we're recommending is that we issue a purchase order for the amount that is left on this current Year's budget and then once the new budget takes effect issue a change order and draw down from the Transportation fund the balance to do the B the rest of the roads it won't all it it's going to take us a few weeks to get these done obviously um so we'll we'll knock out what we can based off off of the uh fiscal year 24 funds available and then do a change order to add in those additional dollars to complete the projects um trying to see if within your if you look on in your uh app on in your granicus app there is a PDF of 2024 Millen Phil Road way list so you can see by name where those roads are um but we'll we'll improve the map so we can make that a lot more clear for you is it the green sections MJ those are the ones you're going to do and you're going to do that for 1.7 million that seems to be that's a pretty good deal but to me that's a lot of ab roads to redo I I was just wondering uh so it says Paving you know and striping but sometimes you all don't Stripe Right so generally we'll only stripe back the roads that have striping so if it's a road that has center line striping but in like a neighborhood Road um they'll restripe the stop bars so that's the striping that might occur if it's a like a local road yeah how hard would it be for us to have another column over here to show us like mileage like the ber Schulz Boulevard is that 0.1 mile or is that a whole mile is it how hard would that be no we can get you that and overall it's about um it's about seven miles overall which is uh I think Britney and I were discussing earlier is the one of the largest Paving efforts we've done in in a very long time um and we'll have an interactive map so you can actually zoom in and kind of see the roads um we'll get you the link for that I like that looks good the uh yeah there you go the U the other roads on there are just roads we've touched in recent years so we're making significant Headway on roadway Improvement Citywide what about any sidewalks you put any sidewalks in with this project we're not putting in sidewalks but we're always addressing that with the build of new roadways and complete Street projects and and those type of things one of the notes I had was while this is the roads we're going to tackle with the tip dollars that you all um committed to there's a number of roadways in the city that are being improved outside of those Transportation dollars like Lake Alberta or at the southern section of Lake Howard where we are adding sidewalks where we are getting sidewalks on both of those projects yeah that's a good point that you know when if you've driven Lake Elbert which commissioner mayor PM H I did today um there is no road on the west side of Lake Elbert right now it's just lime rocks so that will be a complete resurfacing as well that's not part of this um keep in mind that this is the the mill and resurface list so any roads that we look to do later into fiscal year 25 with micros surfacing or some of the other asphalt Rejuvenation like we've done a lot in downtown recently that further expend extends those life uh uh expectancies of the road as well there's a uh a stop sign at the corner of um 11 Street and Elbert drive that was blocking half of the coming down coming southbound from the college to Lake Elbert Drive yes okay it's and for you to turn left to go around Lake Elbert to go East M you have to get in the oncoming Lane in order because it stop we we'll get somebody take a look at that right away okay thank you all right uh so we're now to resolutions uh 13A so this is pertaining to our industrial Wastewater limitations table so plant three uses a advanced water treatment process that is regulated by D and part of that permit part of the permit issued for this facility establishes industrial pre-treatment program requirements and those limits must be re-evaluated uh during each 5-year permit renewal cycle so in 2022 the city submitted its local industrial limit reevaluation study to D and just in summary that an is demonstrated local limits for industrial Wastewater discharged into the city's Wastewater system should be increased for six of the parameters that are tested decreased for five and remain the same for 10 of the parameters um it's noted that an increase in a parameter indicates its limit is less stringent than what it previously would have been uh the proot proposed revised and modified changes have received final approval by DP and must now be adopted by the city via resolution um staff's assessment of this is that it will not affect the city's budget and it's expected that existing industrial customers will not incur any added expense as a result of these changes so we're recommending staff approve or the commission approve resolution R 2443 to adopt those revised and modified limitations okay just have a question just curious uh since a lot of them that have the uh lower level I guess are metals how do you Gary I guess how do you um how are you going to do that because the treatment plant being a biological plant doesn't remove Metals so I I can talk huh big magnets magnets is that what you said clean out the metals from the sludge I do the recycling plant you have to keep in mind this is for Industries primarily that are discharging to our system so we really don't have any um heavy industries that are using Metals so to speak we do have the the Florida can so there might be some aluminum that that would be in the Wastewater but for the most part uh all of our Industries are are food related so I don't anticipate that any of the metals will be an issue and no special treatment or anything right and if there was special treatment we would require the industry to install that before pre- treat yeah all right then we'll have we have no new business uh the lon reports City attorney city manager Deputy city manager and city clerk then emergency matters not received for the agenda are there any other things that anyone have before we are join who's going tomorrow everybody going tomorrow night to the chamber Bankers cup everybody going be we have a full table y okay I think we have um I think through our our sponsorship and coordination with the chamber there's two tables um that I think uh we have confirmations from all the Commissioners I think commissioner Yates is going with his Corporation and then um the majority of your leadership team Department directors um Comm mayor I just want to remind the commission that on on Friday uh Friday morning uh MJ and I will be traveling to the international City County Management Association conference in Pittsburgh uh returning Monday morning so we'll be back in time for City commission during our absence assistant city manager Charlie bird will be uh point for anything that comes up um go easy on them okay I just want to let you all know I'm going to Dallas Texas on Friday and I'll be returning Monday morning as well so hopefully I'm back for our meeting at uh 6 o' but I just stay on and ready fun night on Monday you may have an assistant city manager up here and Brian you may be running the meeting you never know Wonder this is such a light agenda now I get it we're at the end we're at the end of the fiscal year we don't have a whole lot left we can do so beautiful we can call te about that budget Char motion to a join kind of run off the rail we stand the Jo