##VIDEO ID:ywQE_BVHS2Q## so we were at 10f 10f this is a replacement of the motorpool roof so this was damaged during Hurricane Milton um I've already authorized this as an emergency repair because we've got to get that taken care of very quickly um this is a $15,504 roof replacement we will submit this and it has been submitted through our insurance it is also tagged as a FEMA project um so when we pursue Public Assistance reimbursement from FEMA this is one of those projects uh as I said I've already approved this so we can get that work underway so this is a request for City commission ratification of the item okay all right complete to the resolution complete it's a complete it is a complete roof replacement yes that membrane it all lifted up and then you had water that penetrated underneath it uh 11a is appointing Ed Smith to the affordable housing advisory committee so on that ah Haack you have a representative from the Planning Commission Elizabeth Davis has been that representative commissioner dancer is your appointee to that as well Miss Davis has stepped down from Planning Commission uh so we need to appoint somebody from the Planning Commission to fill that designated seat on the ah Haack and Ed Smith is who's recommended for that this is not Ed Smith the county commissioner no this is Ed Smith that's what I younger individual you you'll know him when you see him okay he's a professor at uh PK State College okay good all right on this is first reading so 12a this is uh the Paul Schultz property coming back to you um they did a PUD for this project a few years back you recall um in 209 2020 uh they are requesting to amend that PUD and take approximately six acres of what's in the Pud that contains the Outback Oasis event venue in the associate Pavilion restroom and ponds you can see it outlined in red there and that was intended to be commercial event space uh that was going to be used that was one of the big conflicts that the community had with that that original PUD petitioner is proposing to remove that commercial use and instead develop that area with estate lot estate size Lots comparable to the surrounding parcels um it could theoretically the maximum would be 18 single family units you could fit in there but when you factor in the design the development standards the infrastructure requirements that existing pond it's certainly going to be much less than 18 but they're looking to get away from that you know corporate event space and make that residential does this have to go back to the state like did before and Eric this is a PUD Amendment it's pretty small I would think not doesn't requ carate review okay and this this did go to Planning Commission you know this is this is advertised this is posted out there when it goes to Planning Commission um the uh no no member spoke at the Planning Commission Planning Commission recommended no no Eric did you have anybody even attendance at that Planning Commission no nobody spoke we've received a couple of phone calls and the the general consensus is it should be residential and we have had no opposition yeah good like I said I think the biggest opposition when we looked at this PUD in 2020 was that commercial space commercial okay uh 12b this is um just an expansion of the CDD associated with peace Creek Village um so there's a map AJ you can see that you see the existing peace Creek Village on the top of old Barto Lake Wills Road they are uh developing another section to the South and want that to be added to that same CDD um the current one I think is the Annabelle estate subdivision if I'm not mistaken Eric and that's about 95 plus or minus Acres this new one uh will be south of it it be just shy of 85 Acres so and that is the Reserve at the lake Parker subdivision had a couple items come through recently with this um on some development items that you guys have approved when it's all said and done the CDD will be 180 plus or minus Acres they will you know the CDD allows the developer to bond for infrastructure improvements and establish um non-ad special assessments on Future Property Owners to pay for that thing I always want to point out to the commission is that there is no Financial impact on the city with this whatsoever so um the city will not incur any cost related to the establishment of the CDD nor will any of the debts that the CDD incurs become debts of the city or the county CDD um dissolves we do not we're not responsible for taking on that debt that's that's back on the CDD remains there that likewise their efforts to issue debt have no bearing on our capacity to issue debt for any of our projects so utilities does that um do that maintain so in this case water sewer and reuse will be maintained by the city okay um all of their roads and drainage infrastructure is is owned by the CDD okay but they they pay for their installation of all that they're doing that through their their CDD you know revenue streams okay and then the last one I have for you this evening um happy to say that the grant aid application Review Committee met on November 1st Katrina facilitated that meeting Katrina hill our director of public affairs and Communications they have four recommendations we do this meeting every November or every fall once we complete a process for them to provide some feedback so therefore recommendations were um first to allow for an opportunity for sufficiency review on applications so we'll shorten the application window by two weeks that gives the applicants two weeks to submit their application our staff two weeks to review those applications and follow back up with any agencies that are not sufficient in their application so they have time to make Corrections that was something that came about this year we didn't have that um and that's why you had a number of items end up ahead of you know before you all to make decisions on um they recommend eliminating that $440,000 single initiative um that is something we've never been able to fund because of the sheer number of nonprofit that we have um my and I certainly would support that but the I would also suggest that if there was a nonprofit that approached the commission and the commission wanted to consider something separate on that that's certainly your prerogative but I would would remove that from this grant and aid process so is to uh just we're we're putting something out there that we have never been able to follow through on um they would like to and we don't have to do this during this meeting but at some point get request request clarification from the commission on how to address funding requests that come from schools or from other established foundations so we've had a number of those have come in local Charter Schools or um uh programs that have formal fundraising foundations that are asking for grant and aid is that something you want them to consider and that's I'm just throwing that out for you to give some deliberation on I'll come back in January asking for some more detailed clarification on this but that's been a some of a point of contention that's come up uh in the Grant nid and then also they'll be looking for some direction on how you wish to address certain these Legacy members that we have and we note those in the fact sheet these include the pep Winter Haven public education partnership Girls Inc the neighborhood service center Boys and Girls Club of pul County Meals on Wheels and the Haley Center these are the agencies that the commission has funded at a at a fairly high level every year and knowing if that the commission's desire going in then they can you know address those right off the bat and based upon what funding is left then tackle the rest of them um we have given them that guidance in years past but I think it's more so of just getting a a formal nod from the commission when we get ready to to call this committee back together I guess they'll meet in May is there a review of any of them even though the just automatic or they're all reviewed they they all submit the the application just the same it's just about where the the funding threshold goes did we put Meals on Wheels in there as a legacy or I know that was a discussion well when we say there's not a designation Commissioner doson of of Legacy we that's a term we use these are folks that we have historically funded at a higher level that's what that's intended thing not not that they're automatic right but it allows us to say okay if we want to maintain Boys and Girls Club at 45,000 or we want to maintain the Haley Center at 20 ,000 then we know that right off the bat we clear that off the budget um and then that tells us how much we have to work with for the rest of them the last thing I want to point out with this is I've given you all a copy of this document so I had a privilege to meet with um Kim Long yesterday and I shared with her our grant and aid process and the fact that the past two years we have used the United Way give Well Community assessment is guidance on what are what are noted as the challenges in P County um and and when we look at Grant and a programs that help address some of those challenges that were noted in there whether that's education Afterschool care Workforce Development Transportation housing all those different things those become the priorities of the grant and aid committee because those are those are very clearly defined and measured you know needs within the community I believe your your your document is flagged and I just wanted to share with you that starting on around page um 68 I think it is of this document there's a vision update survey the information that's in here gives kind of a health check on all of those different categories that that assessment did two years ago and give some relevant current day issues and trends of things that need to be addressed within the county and what I would suggest is that um when we talk with our grant Aid committee these are some of the guidance documents we give them is to these are the these are the challenges not just in P County but specifically right here in Winter Haven that is they're allocating funds out those nonprofits that help address these concerns uh would be you know Wise Investments okay we can say in the past that we just really didn't fund schools yeah I concur with that I can speak to what the TDC does and you know the TDC um Arts we used to fund fireworks displays but we've gotten where we don't we're not going to fund municipalities anymore unless it's something really extraordinary and we're not going to do anything unless it's Arts culture and Heritage and we're not going to do um like I said fireworks displays in most of the stuff is cities are going to have applied for so we've really tightened it down with the county and I think as this becomes more popular and more people um apply for the money we're going to have to tighten it up and and I've never been comfortable giving money to schools well and when we did we we that was a separate you know when we did the feel yeah that's a different thing I mean you know but there still you know what I'm saying that's when you have charter schools that are asking for you know maybe a playground we've had a couple charter schools have asked for that or scholarship supports or things like that that's speically what we see so well wait yeah we can certainly if that's the consensus on on schools we'll make note of that and then um you know we'll we'll certainly ask for uh specific Direction in January is that consensus that okay so um we'll come back in January and uh and get a little further guidance on that it also gives us a chance that when Katrina meets with we'll do three training programs again three application training programs and um during those sessions that gives us a chance to tell the applicants these are the types of projects that we're looking for these are the things that the commission is not interested in funding and that that will save them time and energy if that's what they were going to apply for so okay notable the quality of life that number one was affordable safe housing y that was uh yeah I certainly want to give you all time to look through that I think it's some great information Beyond even this but it you know that over the next you know month and a half to think about okay what would be some priorities you would want to see Grant a go towards and we can build around that yeah I served on this board and this was a big gargantuan effort for us glad we're using it glad instead of sitting on some desk somewhere sitting on my desk sir yeah it's good to know good information I think that uh really gives you a bird's eyye view of uh just kind of the makeup and just how how and really what you know what your community really looks like and uh what they what they think is most important as well the last thing I just note on the um uh Grant Aid and it's commissioner Dawson if you if you happen to identify an individual that you'd like to appoint you have the the one vacant seat on there so if you just want get with me and we'll prepare that as a fact sheet to bring to the city commission for their blessing and then go through that process we would want to have that person um if possible on board by the time we complete our trainings it's always good for our um our committee members to sit through at least one of those trainings so they understand it from the the angle of the the applicant Mr May got one thing yes when I was recommending that we recognize the schools for their efforts for the Hurricanes I failed to mention in the hospital and I feel like I just want to get what y'all's opinion on cuz the hospital was open through the whole hurricane did Yan's work kept people um on staff the whole time I don't know if y'all feel obligated as an as an as a as a a measure of Goodwill to maybe recognize the hospital too for their efforts during the during the Hurricanes but I'm throwing it out there because I meant to bring that up when I brought up the schools and I just forgot to bring up the hospital but having one of those one of the executives come here and get a proclamation May you know they did do a lot of extra work I'm just throwing it out there if y'all want to do it if you know that's okay too but I'm just I thought we'd talk about it yeah we can do that it's not as big I have no problem with it we will do a proclamation we will prepare something and and get it to the agenda as quick as possible yeah well before the year is over that gives me I've only got one more meeting that's what I'm saying I got I got one Monday and I got one December 9th all right anything else uh that's all sir all right there's nothing else no reports development of not none emergency matters we stand to join --------- ##VIDEO ID:1X6INzky_MU## e uh City commission meeting for November the 25th um we they all remain the same as when you last saw all right thank you unless there are questions we will move to the consent agenda so mayor and Commissioners um run through these fairly quickly for you to see evening the first item being the South Lake Howard Nature Park expansion design build phase one Recreation elements so you may recall that we awarded a design Bill contract in February of this year to Whitehead construction for the expansion of uh South Lake Howard Nature Park this incorporates the land we bought several years ago the former WSI radio station property we have divided that project into three uh phases the purpose of that phasing is is driven mostly by the grant funding that supports each specific phase so this first phase is for the recreation elements that are tied back to the Florida Recreation development assistance program Grant these will include nature trail paved exercise Trail playground picnic area Outdoor Classroom uh one frisbee golf hole at least kayak launch and a fishing pier as well as some additional Trad parking facilities the phase two and phase three are noted within your fact sheet the phase two is tied to the Heartland headquarters grant that we have and phase three is a future proposed nature education building that we don't have funding for this time um what we're recommending at this point is to proceed with funding for phase one uh which is $739,500 that includes $200,000 of a fur app Grant uh matched $200,000 that is in our Surplus within our general fund fund balance uh to be earmarked for that so 2025 and we are uh confident that we can do that we'll follow right behind that with phase two and we'll be bring a fact sheet for that portion of the project uh in the next probably a month or two okay thank you any questions the road closure that's sort of straightforward yeah that's the I do want to make one point on this so this is two permits there's one for the Jude alumni parade and one for the MLK parade um we're going to bring these to you I do want to know Jude alumni they're having to coordinate also with P County Sheriff's Office for some of the law enforcement uh requirements of that we do not have enough officers because of the additional details that we have already on the books um and and just the Staffing levels that we have on that particular day so typically when that happens they have to coordinate uh in addition with P County Sheriff's office before we submit this permit to dot for that road closure we'll have to have confirmation that that has happened so I just want to make that point that out okay 10 C this is purchase of vehicles within the water department there's nine Vehicles there purchasing uh two of these are Replacements that are tied back to capital reserve dollars that we already have in the in the reserve fund and then the balance of it are uh budgeted line items that were included in the fiscal year 25 budget 10 D 10d is our uncollected accounts receivable you recall year over year we we bring this forward uh these are those accounts that have remained delinquent for one year we remove those from our active receivable reports uh pending the city commission's approval so this year our Utility Billing delinquent accounts are $269,000 uh particular this um e e e e e e e e e e e e e e