##VIDEO ID:D-VW5OIS_ps## e e e I have B There we go couple times down no you can't see it from that it's a city pin did you figure anything out WEA was look the same so yeah I've been working but could get it an attorney trying to get started on it we will call the October 1st 2024 city of Winter Haven Planning Commission to order Jordan can you please take rooll Kevin Tyson here Mario Manago here Bob Lanford Lorena Cordo Wendy Vinter here Colin Wells here Ed Smith here Tina Summerland and kreb fer here we have a quorum all right if you would please stand for the invocation and pledge Heavenly Father we thank you for this day and this opportunity to serve the City of Winter Haven we ask that you be with us and guide us we ask these things in your heavenly name amen amen to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you um have Commissioners had an opportunity to review the uh minutes of the previous meeting if so we entertain a motion make a motion to approve minutes from our prior meeting second all right we have a second all those in favor of approving the minutes say I I all oppose same sign okay minutes are approved all right I'll move into a brief explanation of the hearing uh cases will be read into the record City staff will provide a presentation um and Commissioners will have an opportunity to ask questions of Staff uh once Commissioners have had an opportunity to ask their questions we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for for or against a case starting with the applicant may do so and we ask that you limit your comments to 5 minutes um once everybody has had an opportunity to speak we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing um we can ask additional questions or uh entertain a motion and a vote um if anybody here thinks they may speak for or against a case if you would please stand and we'll ask Jordan to swear you in do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this case shall be the truth all right thank you Jordan all right moving on to new business uh case number p- 2449 and p- 24-50 request by ABC properties LTD to assign primary mixed use Hub future land use to an annexed parcel and to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to the same Annex parcel General location 250 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by these requests is 089 plus or minus Acres all right Heather reer senior planner for the record uh before you on the screen is the future land use map the subject property there is in the black hatched um rectangle the all the surrounding City designations are primary mixed use Hub any of that in white is in unincorporated Poke County um as you look at the zoning it is C3 predominantly in this area um there's a plan unit development from the 80s across the street for the Walmart shopping center and over to the West for the um development of the Chick-fil-A and and C3 no is it C oh I I stand corrected these Maps were made prior to our just rezoning and those are all C3 so we do have all C3 in this area this is the aerial um as you can see this is the ABC liquor store on cus Gardens Boulevard um as you're looking there this is a view of the subject property across um Cypress Gardens Boulevard this is as you look to the West uh to the north to the East and then this is this to the South there is a multifam residential in the county ABC properties LTD is the petitioner and request the city assign primary mixed use Hub future land use and from our Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel the property subject to this request totaling 89 acres is located at 250 Cypress Gardens Boulevard and contains a 9,088 ft ABC Fine Wine and Spirits retail store that was built in 1975 the parcel was annexed into the city April 22nd 2024 the petitioner does not plan to make any alterations to the existing store as these requests contain a smallscale future land use Amendment review by uh the Florida Department of Commerce and other state and local agencies is not required in conclusion staff's review yields the following the assignment of primary mixed use Hub future land use and C3 zoning district is consistent with the developed use and surrounding City designations and as the property is already developed no additional demands on public infrastructure are expected at this time therefore staff does recommend that the Planning Commission recommend approval of these case and they're forwarding to the city commission for final action I stand for any questions that you may have any questions no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone from the public wishing to speak for or against this case if you would please state your name and address for the record good evening Allison Williams KPM Franklin 6300 Hazel teine National Drive Suite 118 Orlando Florida 32822 just here to say thank you to staff and here to answer any questions that you may have I appreciate it anyone else no all right we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing any additional questions or a motion I'll make a motion in favor of cases number p- 2449 and p- 24-50 requests by ABC properties LTD to assign primary mixed use Hub future land use and to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to the annex parcel generally located at 250 Cypress Gardens Boulevard area covered by this request is 89 more or less Acres as presented in the fact sheet and by staff second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right cases approved moving on case number P d2451 and p-4 4- 52 requests by Cypress Southeast LLC to assign neighborhood support future land use to an Annex parcel and to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to the same Annex parcel General location a parcel generally located north of Highway 540 West East of King Road and south of cross Tower Drive the area covered by these requests is one 1.19 plus or minus Acres all right the subject property here on the map before you um is in the hatched area um it was recently annexed the property in the city to the north across cross Tower is neighborhood Suburban as you head east to some major intersections there along recer Highway we do have some neighborhood mixed use Hub um as you look at the zoning there's a mixture of R2 and R3 to the north um and again there's some C3 as you had head to the east along rer highway and then this is the area as the the property is located there at the intersection with 540 King Road and cross Tower Drive this is a view of the subject property um as you look back from it on 540 this is a view to the South um standing from the frontage of 540 and King Road this is looking to the West along 540 from that Frontage this is on the cross power um Drive looking um as you look over there part of the property and as you look to the West this is to the north across cross Tower this is single family subdivision that is under development and then this is as you look to the east down cross Tower again Cypress Southeast LLC is the petitioner and they request the city assign neighborhood support future land use and Commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel the vacant par parel is generally located north of Highway 4 40 west east of King Road and south of cross Tower Drive parel was annexed into the City May 13th 2024 the petitioner intends to develop the property with a multi-unit commercial building for small businesses um again these requests contain a small scale future land use Amendment so reviewed by Florida Commerce and other state and local agency is not required uh staff's review yields the following conclusions the assignment of P oh sorry I might have printed the wrong one out sorry the assignment of U neighborhood support future land use and C3 zoning district is consistent with the property's frontage on an Arterial Highway and at the intersection with the collector roadway and there is sufficient public infrastructure capacity to accommodate the maximum theoretical development under C3 staff does recommend the Planning Commission recomend approval of these requests and their foring to the city commission for final action I stand for any questions that you may have any questions no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone from the public wishing to speak if you would please state your name and address for the record hi my name is Pedro GES I own the property next to the development and also can you state your address uh s a53 cross Tower Drive Winter Haven Florida 33880 and I basically came over here first of all I wanted to be a president one of these hearings because I never been there and this I feel proud of doing that um one of the things I I'm more interested on this is because I have the house next to that turn that they're going to make and I was wondering about the uh couple things and if if you could just kind of as one is safety because at this point the Woody area not only protect me from any car goes off the road and in case drastically you know accident or something and the other one is about the nature uh because there are some still wild animals in there and including a eagle nest um I'm just concerned about that and and if there is going to be any sound barrier on that or for safety safety issues that's basically that's what I like to know I mean the development is great they're going to build 50 over 50 houses in front of me and we actually need the change but I'm just concerned about those little things understood okay you want to yeah I can provide a little bit of um background on that so when the property is developed it'll have to go through site plan and through site plan um you know there'll be environmental and different things that will make sure that there aren't any protected species on the site and and make sure that they're following all the parameters with that as far as that goes as far as buffering um because it is a commercial and it will abut to um residential there will be a buffering requirement through Landscaping um it will include a fence and also a 10-ft buffer of landscape along theirs uh adjacent to that they also have be buffering along the roadways as far as where the access point point on the property will be that is 540 is a state road and the other two roads are County Roads so they will dictate where their access point will be allowed to beam where they'll be able to turn in and out so until they get into the permitting with those agencies we wouldn't know where their access would be okay basically I just want to know because I mean if they they live a little threes in there we we nice you know instead of just wiping the whole thing out like you see on the on the block across the [Music] o yeah I will um kind of uh the city just adopted a new tree ordinance literally a week ago and um they'll be required to a tree survey on this uh lot prior to development um part of which they'll have to identify trees over a certain size and they're either going to be required to preserve or save the tree if they cannot then they can either place or they will have to pay a mitigation fee um so until they actually start development I'm not sure how they will obviously some trees will go away cuz it's completely wooded um but there's now a mechanism in place to try to preserve more trees on this this parcel sounds good that's basically my concerns okay and appreciate that thank you thank you for your comments anyone else it's okay my name is name is Philip Keith I live at 120 Lake Sears drive and I own the property at 729 Cross toer Drive uh jent to him actually I'm a couple properties over uh where the Tower actually is I have a seven just under seven acres or just over seven acres I'm trying to figure out what is that zoning now it it was residential forever so is it changed now to commercial is cross tower now commercial zoning so this is the this was Annex into the city so your property and okay so now we are a city no no this property the subject property was annexed into the city the remaining property is there as you look here this is a good visual to see it all of that that's in white that doesn't have any color yep that's all still in the county anything that has color has a City Zoning designation on it it's in the city limit so this was annexed in so when we Annex the property in we have to assign City designations onto it including land use and Zoning so that area is commercial now that's what this request is for so the Planning Commission will provide a recommendation and then it'll go to the city commission for final action if they adopt the ordinance and that parcel would have these designations on it but it does not affect your property as far as what you there is a little drainage issue now so since they've started across the street like he mentioned so I've noticed that there is a lot more standing water on my property than ever before these recent rains well not recently a month or two back so I'm wondering about drainage for that if they keep building that up is we you know I'm sure they address that yeah so through any site development I mean they have to get a a Swift Mud um permit and they have to do um storm water you know uh on the property and they cannot allow any additional water to escape the property than originally did so um I'm not sure of what is occurring in those areas again those aren't City roadways either to know what the drainage is in that area okay but this site when developed they'll have to go through storm water permitting and and provide and then because they are on that State Road they will have to do even extra storm water permitting CU dot will require them to do so so there shouldn't be anything that would come from the site when de developed okay that's it thanks all right thank you for your comments anyone anyone else from the public no all right we will close the public portion of the meeting and reopen the planning portion of the hearing any additional questions from Commissioners or entertain a motion like to make a motion to approve case numbers p- 24551 and p2452 request by Cypress Southeast LLC to assign neighborhood support future land use and to Annex parcel and to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to the same Annex parcel General location a parcel generally located north of Highway 540 West East of King Road and south of cross Tower Drive the area covered by these requests is 1.19 plus last Acres second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right case is approved um moving on to other business comments from staff okay I am going to touch on uh a lot of the stuff that we've been working on over the last two or three months uh a lot of that is uh starting to come to uh final approvals um we kind of alluded to it a little bit earlier but yes we did uh the zoning map changes that we did throughout the city those were adopted by the city commission this past uh Monday night uh so those are now in effect and essentially when you look at the zoning map now compared to what it looked like um looks a lot different it's a lot more colorful so we we've gotten into a lot more straight zoning and eliminated a lot of these old puds that um just kind of lingered probably several of them longer than they should have um other items from September um the conditional use for the helicopter and on d d Road that's going to City commission uh in a couple weeks on the 14th and then um The Avenue East Southwest future land new zoning and the Advent Health PUD that's also moving forward in October um the next items up is the changes we did to the water and sewer level of service standards those will be back for an adoption later in October as well as the futur land new Zoning for the large track up on we Avenue Northeast and then finally um the landscape changes I also just alluded to those were also approved uh this past Monday night so we're going to try to start preserving some more trees on these Lots but also provide a way forward for when trees can't be saved so we're hoping to achieve a balance of preserving and allowing a mitigation option so um the last thing I want to tell tou on is your November meeting date um it is election day um there's no requirement to move the date off of that your meeting off of that date um it's uh the only time your your bylaw state that the meeting changes if it's a city election this one is not um so you're free to uh leave it on the I forget what the DAT November 5th or if you so choose um you might could could move it to the Monday the 4th um but again there's there's no real requirement I just wanted to kind of bring that to your attention uh tonight because if you do choose to make a change that would have to be that action have to take place tonight anybody require a change I'm good I'm good okay we'll keep it on the fifth there's only one item it should be a relatively I'm not going to say short short meeting but it it it won't be a long agenda okay and that's it for me all right uh comments from planning Commissioners anybody have anything no comments from the public all right we areour