##VIDEO ID:UuTLwn7lJ78## a a a there we go I'm not sitting there I'm not sitting there he made sh he I a quick check again test check check check check there we go good enough all right are we good to proceed sir all righty call the September 3rd 2024 meeting of the City of Winter Haven Planning Commission to order uh Jordan if you would please take roll Kevin Tyson here Mario Manago Elizabeth Davis here Wendy vinters Colin Wells here Ed Smith here Tina Summerland here and Craig Fuller we have a quorum all right if you would please stand for the invocation and pledge Heavenly Father we thank you for this day uh we thank you for this time together and this opportunity to serve the City of Winter Haven uh and her citizens we ask that you be with us and help guide us we ask these things in your heavenly name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you um have Commissioners had an opportunity to review the minutes of the previous meeting if so we'll entertain a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve second all right we have a second all those in favor of approving the minutes say I I all oppose same sign all right previous minutes are approved I'm going to go through a brief explanation of how the hearing is going to go um cases will be read into the record and City staff will Pro provide a presentation Commissioners will have an opportunity to ask questions of Staff uh and once everybody has had an opportunity to ask their questions we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing um anyone uh from the public wishing to speak for or against a case uh may do so we ask that you limit your comments to five minutes um when everybody from the public has had an opportunity to speak we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing hearing where Commissioners can ask additional questions or we'll entertain a motion and a vote um if anybody here thinks they may speak for or against a case if you would please stand and Jordan will swear you in do you Solly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this case shall be the truth thank you Jordan all right we will move right into new business uh case number p-2 4-1 12-s request by Bayside Pharmacy LLC for special use approval for a pharmacy in the commercial downtown C1 zoning District General location 205 1 Street South Unit 106 the area covered by this request is 03 plus or minus Acres all right Heather reuter senior planner for the record uh before you on the screen is the zoning map U the subject property there is in the hatched is um Zone C1 as well as the properties um immediately uh around it across First Street to the east we do have properties that are C3 as you look here at the aerial it is the inunit of a multi-unit medical um office building located there on First Street uh this is a view of the subject property as as you look more North down the um the strip center to see the other units as you you look across to the Northeast um there's a mixture of offices and other retail as you look directly to the East and then to the South uh Bayside Pharmacy LLC is the petitioner and they request special use approval for a pharmacy located in the commercial downtown C1 zoning District the subject property totaling 03 acres is located at 205 First Street South in Unit 106 and contains approximately 1,448 Square ft the subject property is an end unit in a 17840 ft multi-unit medical building the petitioner is currently using the property as a pharmacy which opened without special use approval the pharmacy employees uh employees to employees uh onsite since the property is located in the C1 zoning district there are no on-site parking requirements however on-site parking will be uh provided by the existing on-site parking lot the pharmacy is open 9 hour hours a day 5 days a week um staff does recommend that the Planning Commission approve this case um and then this is the site plan for the property see for any questions you may have any questions from Commissioners no questions no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for or against this case um can step forward no all right seeing none we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing any additional questions no all right I will go ahead and make a motion in favor of case number p242 DS request by Bayside Pharmacy LLC for special use approval for a pharmacy in the commercial downtown C1 zoning District General location 2051 Street South Unit 106 the area covered by this request is 03 plus or minus Acres as presented in the fact sheet second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right case is approved moving on case number p2401 DC request by Harold R Baxter and hrb Industrial Park LLC for conditional use approval for a Airport Aviation uses in the industrial Light i1 uh zoning District General location 4900 dundy Road the area covered by this request is 4.24 plus or minus Acres all right on the zoning map in front of you you can see the subject property is uh zoned i1 as well as the properties to the West um to the north across dundy road is an unincorporated um poke County and consists of passer lands and wetlands uh to the east you have a mixture of C3 and one single family home and to to the South um across um Highway 550 there is the Whispering Trails um PUD the paral that is immediately adjacent to this as we look onto the aerial is the common tract um Wetland and drainage area for the sub division so does not immediately um back up to the homes across the road as you look at the area you can also see um industrial is a little bit dated aerial the um part of this parcel as well as the parcel immediately to the West is currently under development for an industrial um commercial buildings as you look here this is a view looking to the South standing from dunde road back of the subject property as you look um on dundy road that is looking to the west and then to the north uh this is a look to the east at um the mixture of commercial as you go down dundy Road U this is standing back on Highway 550 this is looking to the north at the subject property um then as you look to the west and then to the east Harold R Baxter and hrb Industrial Park LLC are the petitioner and they request conditional use approval for airports Aviation uses located in the i1 zoning District the subject property totaling 4.24 acres is located that's a typo at 4900 dunde Road and contains a 3,00 314 ft office 4,000 ft warehouse and a 5100t shell building the petitioner proposes to add a Hort to the property for Landings takeoffs and storage of a helicopter the proposed hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. the petitioner States no additional employees will be needed with the addition of the heliport to the property as the heliport will be an accessory use to the existing uses on the property additional impacts to public infrastructure are expected to be little to none as staff reviews this request we yield the following conclusions the added use of a Hort to this industrial site is expected to have minimal impacts to public infrastructure the petition petitioner request is consistent with the mix juuse character of the Dundee Road Corridor in the existing industrial designations on the property and staff has provided proposed conditions to limit the impact to the residential uses in the vicinity of the subject property therefore staff does recommend um the Planning Commission recommend approval of p2401 C subject to the conditions in the agenda packet and it's foring to the city commission for final action and this is the provid provided conceptual plan for the property L stand for any questions you may have now for a point of clarification the screen said 4600 but it actually is 4,900 that is correct okay any additional questions no no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for against this case can step forward ask maybe to start with the applicant if you would please state your name and address for the record certainly Shan oconor 4900 dundy Road Winter Haven good evening Commissioners I here on behalf of the applicant Mr Baxter and hrb Industrial uh we appreciate you taking the time to hear this request for us I'm also accompanied by Mr Gabrielle armas who is uh part owner of the rotor school so teaches um you know how to how to fly helicopters can answer any technical questions uh we'd appreciate a favorable vote tonight and I can answer any questions you might have or Mr armis can all right thank you thank you anybody have any questions no okay please state your name and address for the record William French 2797 Whispering Trails Drive Winter Haven Florida 33884 my house backs up directly to this property these people fly these helicopters directly over our houses it shakes the houses the noise is very loud I don't want this ha what happens if something happens to one of the helicopters and it crashes into a house I don't I don't I have serious concern about it I don't want it there thank you thank you for your comments go ahead if you if you came in late if anybody here came in late and wasn't sworn in if you would please if you plan to speak if you'd stand up I'll have Jordan swear you in anybody else no were you sworn in no if you would do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this case shall be the truth yes thank you if you would please say your name and address for the record Ed monano 28 at4 wh spring Trails Drive I'm right across the street from the other man that just spoke you and uh I'm concerned we were not even here but at my cousin's which is it's uh about three miles from here and heard this helicopter and it was shaking at that area too we hear it here now what happens with the bad weather that we have here for argument sake hurricane season and that's dangerous I mean it's bad enough that they're here and so close let along anything happening with the uh weather it's bad it's not safe that would be it okay okay thank you all right thank you for your comments Marie Alvarez padet 2801 Whispering Trails Drive Winter Haven 33884 so um my home is also backed up to the property and aside from the obvious safety concerns I work from home and it's very disruptive our Windows Shake if my door is open like it's going to slam shut I can't have my dogs outside they go nuts um I can't sit outside while the helicopter's coming we immediately have to go inside because it's so loud unless I have ear protection out there I mean it's as loud as a freaking lawn mower I don't want this helicopter pad I apologize but not that close to to our homes thank you for your comments hello good evening my name is Joan Louise Morgan 2793 wh spring Trails Drive I've lived in Winter Haven since 1971 I've seen a lot of changes good and bad and I'm not too happy about this one we do have an airport we do have other um Aviation type centers in town or around town we have Linder field in Lakeland now that doesn't deter from the fact that I am for free enterprise and business and all that however I sorry I live on the corner of that uh area right there on the corner and I have seen I thought I was in an episode of mash because with all the helicopters flying around and the other uh my other neighbors have really made that sentiment clear the windows Shake I have a dog she gets scared um I'm afraid of and don't say this wouldn't happen because it has happened before they fall from the sky okay it's called gravity God forbid we have a gas and we have electric and I don't want to have anybody hurt killed or whatever especially in my neighborhood here all right we have a small neighborhood and it's been peaceful and my backyard looks to the field and the yard over here is all the free clearing all the trees and all that stuff and I have gone back out there playing with my dog and all that and looking up in the sky I'm like where are the helicopters coming from you know but it it is it is kind of um concerning okay it's deeply concerning because and again I apologize to these gentlemen for you know their business and then the other thing is the Publix is coming right down the block I mean how much more industry do we need in this town enough is enough you know I mean come on guys let's bring it back to the 70s here and let's make it peaceful that's why people come down here to retire and I'm going to put another plug in let's get a baseball team here for spring break like I said I've been here since the 70s all right that's all I'm going to say I'm not in favor for this particular Enterprise to happen thank you good night thank you for your comments Heather can you share you had mentioned there's some conditions certainly so the conditions in the agenda packet um one the site shall be limited to the storage and flights of one helicopter no other Aviation uses shall be permitted two the proposed landing area for the helicopter shall be constructed of a hard surface material three takeoffs and landings of the helicopter shall be limited to the hours from dawn to dusk four the hel the petitioner shall be permitted um permitted through all federal uh state and local agencies for use of the property as a Hort and five a site plan shall be submitted and approved for condition for the addition of the Hort in all required Improvement shall be made prior to the occupancy and operation of the heliport thank you I appreciate it I have a couple are we opening it back up to us well see if we have anybody else from the public and then we'll no all right we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion please ma'am yeah I think that this is a question for the applicant um how many planned takeoffs and touchdowns do you have every day what what's the plan there second question the path do you have a anticipated path does it go Direct directly over these homes to the west and to the South or is it taking off more over the pastures to the north I I'm going to answer your second question because I did um speak with our airport director who did speak to our local FAA um do office they will dictate what flight paths we have no jurisdiction over that so it that that's moved at our at our level um if approved they will have to go through permitting with FAA that's what we're talking about with all required federal and state and local agencies they will dictate the exact improvements and where they can take off and not and what their flight paths are we don't have that jurisdiction I gotcha that makes sense with weather it Stu and other traffic okay first question then to the applicant how many planned takeoffs and touchdowns will you have a day yes I can speak to that so typically one takeoff one land I mean this is not a uh you know a business venture where we have the public coming and going this is for Private Business use so we have been operating um about a mile west of the current location uh from a property that is approved for the conditional use and also backs up to a a residential Community um and from a a daily standpoint I mean some weeks it might be two to to three or four days and then it may go weeks without a single trip so uh Mr Gabriel there there I didn't catch I don't remember your last name uh you are the instructor so are you anticipating more than one takeoff and Landing a day as an instructor well good afternoon and thank you for taking us of course uh yes my name is Gabriel armis and I yeah I am the director of rer school uh we do flight trading as well um not for this kind of use usually private uses usage of a helicopter doesn't exceed that uh rate usually one takeoff One landing a day and as Sean said before yeah that would be the rate have and it's currently being used as a helipad as in the helicopter P yes or just to clarify the hel or some head shakes out there and it sounds like it's currently being up and down you can answer a question so like I said we we initially um did operate the helicopter from the property we receiv received the complaint since that time we haven't operated the helicopter at this property but about a mile down the road there is a property that is approved for the conditional use that's where we've been keeping it and so what they're hearing uh maybe I mean we really don't go over you know we we know that there was a complaint out of that community and we've took taken specific uh you know actions to avoid that Community okay thank you you're welcome any additional questions no all right I will make a motion in favor of case number p- 24- 01- c request by Harold R Baxter in hrb industrial park LLC for conditional use approval for airports Aviation uses in the industrial Light i1 zoning District General location 4900 dunde Road the the area covered by this request is 4.24 plus or minus Acres as presented in the fact sheet with um staff's conditions second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign n okay many do we have there all opposed same sign nay nay okay two all right moving on case number p- 24-40 an administrative request to amend the Winter Haven code of ordinances chapter 21 article 3 division 7 to add language addressing the city's Urban Forest okay I'll be presenting this item this evening um just a little background the city adopted a landscape ordinance originally back in 1988 uh had uh had very minor modific appications uh in 1989 1990 however since 1990 the uh document has not been amended has never been codified into chapter 21 of the code of ordinances the ordinance establishes requirements for all new development to provide landscape buffers of varying widths and intensities between the development site and surrounding uses and abing roadways in November 2023 the city commission adopted the urban forestry master plan to address the management of the city's Urban Forest the master plan performed an in-depth analysis of the city's trees located within the city's rights away and on public lands following on this following up on this analysis the master plan sets forth Direction on tree maintenance and planning guidelines makes recommendations on tree types of trees to be planted and addresses mitigation and penalties for removed trees which are not diseased or dead uh changes um will include adding sections to the um uh chapter 21 article 3 division 7 that address that relate to the city's Urban Forest it does establish definitions provides for tree protection during construction and provides mitigation requirements and penalties for tree removal and uh just to kind of follow up on this a little more in depth uh since we've sent out the uh draft language we have made a uh slight Amendment to the um exemptions to this uh new new section of codee and what we're doing is we're adding an exemption for public lands and regarding Tre removal by public employees or contractors and that would be under Section 21-1 182 B3 is where that new language has been added and then the other thing is this has been actively reviewed by our legal staff over the last couple days and there may be some more tweaks to the language not in intent or content but the packaging and how it's arranged in the code um so that may continue uh through the ordinance process at the city commission uh so that's kind of where this document is it's a little bit in flux but the main concepts are not going to be changing um the other thing I want to point out is is this is kind of a St two-stage process um the second stage is going to happen later this fall early next year we're going to go and actually look at the city's buffer yards and we'll be bringing that language back to you at that point in time so that concludes my kind of high level presentation of this uh ordinance so um we free for any questions does this some of this go back to overstory trees surrounding potential um retention areas that kind of stuff or and getting more more trees planted or just preventing the removal certain trees this really the the emphasis of these changes deal with protection and trees in general okay um one during construction um two it would kind of Define what specimen trees are you know Define certain types of trees um defines what are invasives um defines what preferred types of trees are be planted in the city so this this is more of dealing with kind of the public realm but also private property in regards to you know certain trees need to be preserved and saved on site um if they cannot be preserved or saved it sets up a mitigation system where there's a you pay basically a fee in lie of to take the tree down and uh those funds will go into a a tree planning fund ultimately is where they would go uh so that's kind of what this is about this is what I call phase one of this update of the code so it mostly deals with tree protection tree preservation um the later phases of this we'll actually get into what the requirements are going to be for planting trees on new development sites um which I think would I think you're referr looking at as retention areas and things like that right so that'll be forthcoming at a future date understood just for the uh the Public's knowledge maybe um Florida Statutes prohibits us from implementing this these types of restrictions on single family Residential Properties so if you own a single family residential property your home um these would not apply you can remove a tree if you wish to remove a tree okay thank you for that clarification any question no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for or against this case all right we will close the public portion and reopen the planning portion any additional questions or we'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve case number p- 24-40 administrative request to amend the Winter Haven code of ordinances chapter 21 article 3 division 7 to revise the city's landscape requirements by adding language addressing the city's Urban Forest as presented in the fact sheet second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right case is approved moving on to case numbers p2445 and p2446 request by clawen trust to assign neighborhood support future land use to an Annex parcel and to to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to the same Annex parcel General location 2400 avue e Southwest the area covered by these requests is9 1 plus or minus Acres all right this is the future land use map um as you can see to the um South across the CSX railroad tracks there's neighborhood miuse Hub into the southeast there's neighborhood support which is what is being requested for this site additionally to the east there's also a traditional uh neighborhood area all of that is in white is located in unincorporated Poke County as you look at the zoning there is C3 um adjacent to this property as you um go to the South along Breer Highway and this is the aerial it is a a developed property um with a a warehouse that has been there since the 70s uh with single family and some other commercial uses as you go along Avenue E with the railroad tracks to the South this is a view of the subject property uh looking back at it again it is um a warehouse building um located on the property as you look down Avenue E um there is an office building immediately adjacent to that and then a mixture of residential um to the north there is single family residential as well as to the East and then to the South there is the CSX railroad tracks within commercial property um on the other side Clon trust is the petitioner and they request the city assign neighborhood support future land use and Commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an Annex parcel property subject to this request um total is 0.91 acres and is located at 2400 Avenue East Southwest and contains a 13,716 ft storage Warehouse building and a 1,210 ft office building built in 1972 parcel was annexed into the city June 24th of this year and the pro proposed use of the developed property is an HVAC company as the property is developed no additional demands on public infrastructure are expected at this time should the property be redeveloped a concurrency determination would be made at the time the property receiv receives site plan approval is redeveloped um staff does recommend that the Planning Commission recommend approval of these cases and they're forwarding to the city commission for final action I stand for any questions that you may have just to clarify this is really not much of a change in use it was a warehouse in the county and now that it's in the city we just have to assign something to it right that's correct we're putting City designations onto it and we're putting on what reflects um appropriate City designations for the use and the other the designations in the area right okay any additional questions no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for or against if you would please state your name and address for the record yes good evening my name is Sarah case I'm with Next Level planning and permitting my address is 3825 South Florida Avenue and that is in Lakeland and I'm here this evening representing the Clawson trust um I want to thank staff uh we've worked hand inand with them to um get this positioned um as it should have been instead of a residential land use in this uh in the county um as it was built in 1972 it was uh formerly um a warehouse storage facility for cloth and Furniture um and they are looking to sell it and when it comes to like a a financial institution um with residential land use it's not conforming for the bank requirements so it's more of that um they don't intend to um add on to the property or anything like that it's basically ass signing as you mentioned um to come into conformance with its commercial use so again uh Sarah case and I'll stand for any questions that you may have thank you any questions no all right anyone else from the public wishing to speak for against this case all right seeing none we will close the public portion of the hearing and open the public the public the planning portion of the hearing any additional questions or we'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve case p2445 and p2446 request by Clauss and Trust to assign neighborhood support future land use to an Annex parcel General location 2400 Avenue East Southwest the area covered by this request is91 plus or minus Acres as presented in the fact sheet second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right cases are approved moving on to case number p2447 request by Advent Health pulk North Inc to amend planed unit development ordinance 0-22 d54 uh General location 6945 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by this request is 41.4 plus or minus Acres all right uh this is the future land use map as you look um the property is a mixture of neighborhood mixed use Hub as well as conservation located on um the Cypress Gardens Boulevard Corridor there um as you look at the zoning map it is a plan unit development and that is what the request is tonight is to amend um some I within that is related to signage as you look at the aerial this is a dated aerial if you've driven Cypress Gardens Boulevard you will know that the Advent Health uh Standalone emergency department is developed on this site um and that is the subject of this request this is a view looking at the subject property looking back at um that Ed um as you look to the east um about Midway down the property you're seeing some of the undeveloped for the future future phases of this development as well as the Ed and some apartments that are adjacent um this is even closer to the east there you can see some of that retail and then those apartments as you look to the South there um is single family subdivision as well as um personal storage and additional Apartments Advent Health poke North uh incorporated as the petitioner and they request the city amend plan unit development ordinance 02254 the pro property subject to this request totals 41.4 acres and is generally located at 6945 Cypress Gardens Boulevard it consists of the Advent Health Emergency Department and the river lake Shopping Center in addition to the current develop uses PD 2254 allows for the future development of a hospital building and medical offices the petitioner proposes to amend um the Pud to address conditions related to signage for the property the proposed modifications to the current PUD include increasing the number of Monument signs increasing the total building signage square feet for the hospital and emergency department increasing the maximum building signage for each freestanding building and allowing for a Spire sign for the Emergency Department staff's review of the request yields the following conclusions um the increase of Monument signs based on the total partial Frontage and permitted access points on cypr Gars Boulevard is appropriate due to the proposed size of the hospital and Medical Campus on a parcel with 21 100 ft of Frontage the increase and permitted building signage will improve way finding at the hospital and throughout the Medical Campus and staff has included conditions related to the proposed SP sign to mitigate any impact from light to Residential Properties to the North St does recommend that the Planning Commission recommend approval of this and it's forwarding to the city commission for final action um this is the the original concept plan um associated with this plan unit development an additional we did condition that the Spire sign must follow this architectural rendering as you see here um I stand for any questions that you may have any questions no no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for or against this case good evening good evening for purpos of your record my name is Tim Campbell um Clark Campbell ancter Workman in a 500 South Florida Avenue in Lakeland uh representing Advent Health this is a case where after we came through the process uh and got the approvals they they're kind of their sign uh contractor came in and made some recommendations to have appropriate emergency way finding and on-site way finding for the entire campus uh they requested some additional signage uh we met with the staff who supported uh a good part of the request and rejected others so it made sense and they have you know another medical facility hospital facility to look at and to compare to so we're we're comfortable with the uh staff's recommendation we respectfully request that you uh support that and stand for any questions that you have I can tell you with the respect to the Spire the the architectural rendering is designed so that light is not protruding to the north and so there is a a um you know it pays attention to the residences that exist to the north most of the signs are wayfinding grounded ground signs or building signs that again will face to the South so we think it's an appropriate request and we want it to be safe and for people to are able to find their way around the campus as it continues to build out so thank you again and again I'll stand for any questions that you may have thank you any questions from Commissioners no no do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this case shall be the truth yes hi my name is Sarah test and I actually live north of the hospital there or emergency room um we've lived there for 34 years and my biggest concern is and we didn't know what specifically this hearing was going to be for um is runoff water um because we live on the lake and of course when the water comes up it's now in our yards because our house was the first house on that street so of course it's the low man on the totem pole and um we've addressed the county we've addressed the city numerous times um about the drainage and there is currently drainage between that lake and a pond across the street from our house um which is right off River Lake behind Hill Nissan and the County city do not maintain that so whenever there is any issues of course it's emergency issue because the fact that it's not been maintained so that's most of our concerns as homeowners there I don't have a problem with the lighting um I can understand some people do have problems with lighting um one thing that is healthy for the en and would block the lighting would be put up um um what is the tree that was it IR cypress trees thank you went dead cypress trees um they're on Lake Shore I mean that would be perfect to be able to block any sound or anything else because that was always wooded there and so of course that would help any lighting or sound issues is put a row of cypress trees and that would be very helpful and I I think environmentally it would be helpful back to our tree issues you know to be able to and it would look nice and I mean the emergency room looks nice now but looking forward all we're doing is building and building and building and of course what's happening to all that runoff water is going to come down into that to that little Lake being river lake and um we were told when we moved there 33 years ago that there is a runoff because we were intelligent enough we lived in Winter Haven for most of our Lives um we grew up here and um there is a a drain issue that goes into the chain of legs underneath Cypress Gardens Boulevard well when we first had drainage issues we were told that there there is one but it's put in 6 in too high and it's tilted in the wrong direction it's not running towards like Winer said so where is it all going and um like the apartments behind CVS there when you look at them from the road you know that they have to be having the runoff water going down towards River Lake it has to go that way um I'm not an engineer but by looking at it that's what it looks like and you know some things we need to think Beyond today look 10 years from now 20 years from now what we're making decisions on and then we have to maintain it we can't just fix it today and forget about it for 15 years and then we have an emergency situation um I know Hill Nissan had pumps out there um probably 5 10 years ago because one of the drains collapsed and um right now I know it's flowing in the wrong direction whenever we have a a storm it's going towards river lake so just my two cents thank you thank you for your comments Eric are you able to help maybe follow up with some of that request go ahead yeah yeah yeah I can help on that so you have heard but for the benefit of the lady that um in development there's something called a match of pre- and post so whatever drainage occurs before development the southwest Florida Water Management District makes you design it so you don't release any more water than what is historically drained from the site the other good thing is an undeveloped site which is what it has been will have natural flow without any capture so as they develop develop the site uh they will create a storm water management system to capture that water and so that whatever it may actually help some but it will not make it worse because they have to capture all that water and I just briefly looked just at an aerial for the apartments we're not involved with those but I can see a drainage swell along kind of the lake front where they're doing the same thing and I don't know how well that works but as we go through the process and as they go to build the medical office building in the hospital you'll see more of the Landscaping plan as those buildings are built one and two you'll see the further development of a a master storm water management system so that you're not seeing more and more water flowing off this property into those lakes and exasperating whatever issues may exist and in some instances see it will help because they have to take those things into account when they're designing it so hopefully that will be helpful to you and the residents around that Lake thank you and I and I'll add um was it Miss test if if you'll give me your contact information after this meeting um I'll I'll follow up I believe the drainage system and structure that you're speaking of um is over by Hill Nissan um and the county is the maintenance entity on that and I will follow up yeah and and I will I will follow up with the county uh on that and get some some more information on that particular um drainage structure and and what it's doing or not doing and and I'll get and I'll and I'll relay that information and who I spoke to with the county back to you app yes sir anybody else from the public thank you my name is name is um Kevin goule I live at 803 reflect loot East right across the street from that when I open up my back door I look at that don't like it I have ambulance flashlights headlights coming into my bedroom at 11:00 at night that light hadn't been on since uh it opened all of a sudden last week that Beacon of light is cutting through my house like a hot knife through butter don't like it I live lived in the middle of a construction heck for the last year and a half my house is shaking when I'm on vacation sitting at the house don't like it and then if we do this it's going to be another year and then eventually you guys are going to want a three lane the boulevard that's coming next with all the amount of traffic that's going to come through here and everything that's building up around there not a fan of that at all thank you thank you for your comments anyone else wishing to speak for or against no all right we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing um just for a point of clarification I one question Heather that we haven't quite seen the the extent of the landscape buffering that's part of the original approval for this PUD is that right yeah it's it's it's phased in as to the original site plan was just for the Emergency Department so as they go into the additional phases with the hospital and the rest of the med Medical Campus they'll have to meet the requirements that are within the Pud thank you I appreciate it all right any additional questions from Commissioners no no all right I will make a motion in favor of case number p2447 request by Advent Health pulk North Inc to amend plan unit development ordinance o-22 d54 General location 6945 Cypress Gardens Boulevard the area covered by this request is 41.4 plus or minus Acres as presented in the fact sheet second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppos same sign all right case is approved other business comments from staff okay I have a really one notable item to bring up it's regarding your uh items from your last August agenda um the P request for a Spring Lake out there at uh Spring Lake Square on US 17 the applicant uh sent us a letter um last week requesting to uh have that request tabled at City commission so if this time that's not going be moving forward all that and then lastly the other items that were on that agenda they're all in various stages of of moving forward through the remainder of their approval process so okay that's kind of an update of where you are from from August and actually July on some of that as well that's all I have all right anything else from staff no comments from planning Commissioners no no um comments from the public all right we are adjourned oh guys a commissioner coming I'm sure we can't get you to stay Sean but my husband's about to start uh being country majority the next N9 months with no family with