##VIDEO ID:zpzOsUa6iEs## e e e e not chur Quantum but the quantum Computing is not e all right call the February 4th 2025 meeting of the City of Winter Haven Planning Commission to order Jordan if you would please take rooll Kevin Tyson here Mario Manago here Bob Lanford here Marena Cordo here Wendy Vinter here Colin Wells here Ed Smith here Tina Summerland and Craig Fuller we have a quorum all right if you would please stand for the pledge and invocation Heavenly Father we thank you for this day uh we thank you for this time together and to serve the City of Winter Haven we ask that you'd be here with us and help guide us uh in our decisions and choices we ask these things in your name amen I pledge OB to of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation indivisible all right um have Commissioners had a chance to review the minutes of the previous uh meeting if so we'll entertain a a motion and a vote to approve make a motion to approve minutes second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign all right the minutes are approved um I will move into a brief explanation of how the hearing will go uh cases will be read into the record and City staff will provide a presentation at which time Commissioners will have an opportunity to ask questions of Staff um once Commissioners have had an opportunity to ask their questions we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing uh anyone wishing to speak for or against a case uh starting with the applicant may do so we just ask that you limit your your comments to five minutes uh once everyone from the public has had a chance to speak we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing and Commissioners will have a chance to ask additional questions uh or we will entertain a motion and a vote um if you plan to speak for or against a case if you would please stand and Jordan will swear you in no all right let's see we're good there all right moving into new business uh case number p-25 d01 DS uh request by Tina RAM kassoon for special use approval for a child care facility in the mixed use MX zoning District General location 121 Bates Avenue the area covered by this request is. 21 plus or minus Acres next one please uh good evening chrisan senior planner for the record uh so yeah so this is uh the property is outlined uh here in Black and hashed uh so we can see that it's MX uh mixed use zoning District that's all the beige kind of colors uh to the to the east uh C3 or commercial highway to the immediately to the West uh to the North and South uh separated by First Street uh in the C1 uh district and then immediately north of the propery uh you'll see that it's separated by an Alleyway access point uh so here's the aerial uh of the property you can see that there's a s what was an old single family house that was converted into an office on the front of the property uh the rear of the property is largely uh empty uh and then uh single family residential both to the West uh kind of to the north uh East sorry I keep saying West but it's East uh to the east to the Northeast uh commercial uh to the South and then residential again to the southeast so here's looking at the property uh it was a single Family Residence that was converted into um an office at its last known use this is looking South uh this is the labor Solutions parking lot so this is the commercial uh development or uh commercial use uh this is looking East down Bates Avenue uh so we can see that's a single family residential character of the neighborhood this is looking back West to uh towards First Street and this is to the north of the property so you can see the alleyway access uh and then we have both commercials kind of over onto the right hand uh sorry leftand side of your screen and on the right hand side of the screen we have some residential uses uh most likely uh based off the number of meters it looks like a duplex some in background uh T Mar kesun uh petitioner request that the Planning Commission Grant special use approval to operate a child care facility in the mixed use zoning District the property subject to this request consists of. 21 acres and contains a 1,80 foot building with Associated parking constructed in 1945 the most recent use of the property was an office the P petitioner wishes to redevelop the property uh the subject property along with two adjoining Parcels for a new child care facility with approximately 15 employees the petitioner proposes to you use the rear of the subject parcel for an outdoor play area for the child care facility and utilize the existing buing for either daycare operations or as a rental property the two adjacent Parcels are Zone C3 so those would be those Western uh properties along First Street and the child care facility is uh child care facility is a permitted use in the C3 zoning District as this is considered a change in use a site plan review will be required to address code requirements a child care facility with 10 to 15 employees can be expected to generate approximately 78 peak hour trips onto the surrounding roadway Network based on this volume of trip the adjacent roadway can accommodate these trips um recommendation uh staff recommends approval of case number p25 d1s subject to the conditions that's found in with your genda packet I here's kind of the the concept sketch uh that they provided so we can see the house the playground area ultimately their goal is to demo the two existing buildings and redevelop the entire site as a standalone daycare care facility and I'll stand for any questions that you may have so is the the petitioner own the frontage on First Street yes okay yeah okay so the petitioner owns the building contiguous to correct they she's basically wants all three Parcels to develop um unfortunately at this point the the one this Eastern parcel is in the MX zoning District which is why it's before you this this evening got you okay any other questions no all right we'll close the public port or the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone from the public wish wishing to speak for or against this case all right seeing none we will close the public portion and reopen the planning hearing uh any additional questions or motion I'll make a motion to approve case number p-25 01-s request by Tina RAM for special use approval for a child care facility and the mixed youth MX Zing District General location 121 Bates Avenue the area covered by this request is 0.21 plus Miss acres and as presented by City staff and the fact Chief second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I I all oppose same sign all right case is approved um moving on case number p-25 d05 request by Avid Group LLC to rezone a parcel from industrial Light um i1 zoning District to commercial Highway C3 zoning District General location a parcel generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Dundee Road and Overlook Drive Southeast the area covered by this request is 4.89 plus or minus Acres right Heather reuer senior planner for the rec um here as you look at the future land use map the subject property there is hashed it does have Neighborhood mies use Hub assigned to it as du um the parcels uh to the north of um across that Country Club Road in the intersection there as well to the east we do have some industrial uses so the lane you still stays as industrial and to the South there is a single family subdivision as you look at the zoning um that correlates with um some of those designations the property is currently i1 as um mirroring what is to the east as you look across to the north is a PUD um currently the shops of Country Club are underway there which allows um for uses in the C3 zoning District so uh this request will make it um match the development that is occurring in the area with commercial um to be similar standards and uses as you look at the aerial again it's a currently Woodlands um and undeveloped to the South you do see the Overlook Ridge uh subdivision and to the east is the Bentley Brothers uh commercial um industrial for citrus processing and then to the north we do have shops so country club that is currently under construction looks a little bit different than that there's a lot of dirt turning right now uh this is a view on Overlook as you look to the South um as you look to the east across Overlook Drive you can see dundy Road over there as well this is out on dundy road looking to the West as you look again across to the north there's that construction and then to the east again it sits right there at that intersection with Overlook Drive in dundy Road AOC Group LLC is the petitioner and they request the city rone a parcel from industrial Light i1 zoning District to commercial Highway C3 zoning District the parel contains 4.89 acres and is generally located again at the southwest corner of the intersection of dunde Road and Overlook Drive Southeast the petitioner intends to develop the property with a three loock commercial subdivision with uses and development standards consistent with the C3 zoning District as the neighborhood makes use Hub future land use designation will remain the maximum development potential is unchanged therefore there is no increase in potential infrastructure demands beyond what is currently allowed uh as staff looks at um this case and in summary of it uh we do find that um the zoning to the C3 zoning district is consistent with the property's location along an Arterial Highway Corridor and with developed uses in City destinations in the area and again um there's adequate infrastructure as that does not increase and all final concurrency will be done at the time of site plan uh staff therefore does recommend approval of p255 and it's supping the city commission for final action I see for any questions that you may have uh Heather what kind of buffer is required on the the houses there uh it it'll be dependent upon the use but it'll at least uh require a structure because it's going to be commercial up against it but it'll depend specifically down to which type of C3 use is placed there um as far as the width on it yeah that's correct I mean likely a type f which is 10 feet with the fence but it could vary just a little bit depending on the use okay so all right any other questions no all right we will close the planning portion of the hearing and open the public portion of the hearing anyone wishing to speak for or against this case no all right we will close the public portion of the hearing and reopen the planning portion of the hearing any additional questions or we'll entertain a [Music] motion I'll go ahead and make a motion in favor of case number p-25 05 request by Avid Group LLC to rezone a parcel from industrial Light i1 zoning District to commercial Highway C3 zoning District General location a parcel generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of dunde Road and Overlook Drive Southeast the area covered by this request is 4.89 plus or minus Acres as presented in the fact sheet second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppose same sign okay cases approved other business um election of a chair and vice chair that's correct so um it is time for the annual bar bylaws to elect a chair and vice chair uh as a reminder the chair must have served at least one year to be eligible so therefore Uh Kevin Tyson Bob lamford and Lena cordair are not eligible to serve as chair everyone else is and so I'll pass it to you for motions nominations and all of that I mean I'd like to make a nomination to to Colin if you would like to um be the chair again I'll second that all right that's something we vote on I guess right okay all those in favor of me staying Chair say I I all oppose same sign okay um Vice chair I will nominate Wendy to retain Vice chair I'll second that I'll second that all right we have a second all those in favor say I I all oppos same sign all right status quo comments from staff uh don't have too much this evening just kind of a wrap up of what we took we uh did in January uh both items on that agenda that we're moving forward the update to the capital Improvement schedule and the resoning in future land use for that small parcel way out on dunde road both of those are moving forward and should be through the city commission by the end of this month and that's kind of a wrap up on our past items okay uh comments from Commissioners no no comments from the public see mu anybody all right we are journ