##VIDEO ID:002wO1lOcwg## it over it's all right we will call the meeting to order and begin with the Pledge of Allegiance I to of the United States of America and stands one nation God indivisible withy and jusice for all right yeah okay okay I'm back in here not stand up till we're done good we will begin with an open public forum is there anybody who would like to address the council anybody all right we will move on to approval of the agenda and establishing our current agenda um does anybody have anything to add Heather Jenny nope Ed nope don't Wanda Michael I know I have something to add um I'm adding to the agenda item 6.8 which will be at the very near the end of the agenda ordinance number 202 24-1 emergency interim ordinance prohibiting any use of the C2 zoning District so that will come after 6.7 social media policy anybody like to make a motion establish your agenda second motion by Don second by Ed any discussion I will say that the Castlegate um sewer forgiveness form wasn't filled out when we sent it uh cuz we hadn't received the information we did review the bill from Castlegate it looks like his sprinkler system was using it was automatically charging sewer and normally we do forgive that when customers have um a lawn sprinklers so the Forgiveness on that is 29899 which would make the bill 3431 78 um Dan it was so it's 298 off and then it's 3431 for Water and Electric okay um anything else on any discussion on the agenda was all those in favor please say I I opposed motion carried okay so then the consent agenda like already kind of covered that change to Castlegate construction um somebody like to move to approve consent agenda motion approve motion by Ed a second I second it second by Wanda on the consent agenda any discussion any discussion any discussion all those in favor please say I oppose same sign motion carried all right public hearing utility assessments sure um with council's approval we'll go through the different um addresses um and I'll read their names their address their p and how much they owe for public record the first on the list is donzel Lindsay it's 101 North penipen Street parcel number [Music] 37.151309 his unpaid balance to-do for citations and nuisance abatement is 350 his total is 37550 n is there anyone or Mr danzel Lindsay here to speak all right next on the list and don't worry I I changed his spell and it's Lucas Steven not lcus Steven um it's 704 North Carver Street it's 37.0 37700 he has an unpaid water and electric bill of 98885 an unpaid citations and nuisance abatement for 450 his total is 1, 14388 is there anyone or Mr Lucas Steven here to speak all right moving on um ham Ralph um sorry service address is 514 North Carper Street p is 37.3 35. she has unpaid citations and nuisance abatement tickets for $700 her total is $700 I will say that you will see in your packet um that she disagreed with the citations um it is in your packet right after um the the claims for the month is Pamela Ralph here to speak the next is Leanne Johnson it's 304 North henpen Street P 37.0 13000000 um she has unpaid citations and nuisance abatements to $450 is Leanne Johnson here to speak or someone on her behalf moving on Amanda milky 311 North Renville Street uh p is 37. z5600 um $400 for unpaid citations and nuisance abatement is Amanda here to speak all right moving on dtdm Properties LLC um owner of one 9 North Carver Street Lot 6 P ID 37.0 61100 has an unpaid citation of 250 is anyone from that LLC here to speak I'm not sure all right moving on Christina arms at 303 South Redwood Street pad 37.0 221.000 uh has unpaid citations and Nuance abatement of $250 is Christina here to speak next on the list is Jake Cree um service address 307 North henpen Street uh paral ID 37.0 150.00 um that is $250 for unpaid citations and nuus abatement for $250 next on the list is Sharon Meyer um the addess service address is 105 South Main Street P 37044037020 it's $400 of unpaid citations or nuisance abatement car no one to speak the next is Sharon Meer um again it's 105 South Main Street 37.044785 04 South runville Street 37.081 for $200 worth of unpaid citations or nuisance hearing none Vanessa isacson is 210 West 2 Street 37. 091 um $300 of unpaid citations and nuisance abatement tickets the next one on your list is actually paid um they came and paid today TK r l LC at8 812 North Main Street uh p is 37.485215 total of 8,983 so um for those that were here at the public hearing um those will be assessed to taxes next month at the um October meeting at a rate of 4.25% per anual all right somebody like to make a motion regarding this resolution nope uh we're just closing public hearing we're closing oh that's right sorry okay so then we can move on to you'll need a motion to close the public hearing thanks motion Clos motion is there a second I'll second any discussion any discussion all those in favor of closing the public hearing please say I I close same sign motion Carri okay now to concrete yes so 6.1 yeah so topnotch concrete uh has put a bid in for $ 33,38 um it's to fix the following so fixing the stairs on the ramp at City Hall um the sidewalk outside of City Hall um both replacing it and actually making it wider for the S steer so we stop cracking it um repair work and additional work to the Ada ramp by the fire hall so when we vote at the fire hall right now um anyone in a wheelchair or is incapacitated has to go all the way down to the east side of the building and then come up this would flatten it out it's actually going to fix the doorway as well the doorway is actually sinking um how it was constructed so they're going to dig underneath that input of concrete block under that as well um and then uh Grant Street will love this but we'll actually we're going to cut portions of Grant Street out and replace them with some concrete I will tell you uh depending on the weather um we we hope to have that done this fall but we also don't want to shut it down when we don't have Second Street open so there's some Logistics in there and some timing um otherwise we'll complete that work in the spring um this was budgeted for this year under the street departments we had budgeted over $40,000 um so this actually came in under budget uh but I still wanted Council approval and just letting you know that we are making progress finally on making it happen I would just like to say I know that how expensive concrete work is and I was pleasantly surprised by this bid and just want to note too that you had mentioned that you reached out to local contractors and none of them chose to bid so yeah they just had other jobs that were bigger and they're just too busy right now all right I'll make a motion to approve the uh concrete projects I'll second second by Don any discussion any discussion any discussion all in favor please say I I post same sign motion carried all right moving on to 6.2 the resolution regarding forem investment um so obviously Prime rates are going to go down um which means that our investment fund will go down if we don't move it um this locks in about $2.4 million into a 12-month investment rate of 4.3% um that is not all the cap money but it's a significant portion of our capital expenditure money everybody clear on how that works I have any questions for Michael I move to approve the transfer of the money into the 12 month Forum fund investment motion by Wanda is there a second I'll second second by Dawn any discussion any discussion I would just like to thank the city staff for following up on that we we did not make use of funds like this um in previous years and the the interest is real money that has a a definite impact on our budget so thank you very much all right any other discussion on the resolution about the Forum otherwise I'll call the motion all those in favor please say I I I oppose same sign motion carried all right 6.3 Fire Department volunteer hire yay yeah so we we do need these for perah and for the state of Minnesota so this is just a resolution um hiring Brandon Brooks as our volunteer firefighter he actually came in with all his credentials um from another fire department so it was a pretty easy move over he's been involved with a lot of stuff good all right you an action on that anybody like to make a motion I move motion by Dawn is there a second I'll okay second by Jenny any discussion any discussion any discussion all in favor please say I I oppos team I motion carried 6.4 budget review yeah so um this is just kind of a preview of what um next meeting will look like so we won't have truth and Taxation but this is the form that we're going to use during truth and Taxation um currently our operating budget um is down 12% % or $185,000 our Capital reserves um Council reduced about 11% or $22,000 so our total expenses that we have declined in the in the budget year-over-year uh was $27,000 which is 12% down um our revenues obviously have decreased more than that at 19% um and so we're looking right now as a preliminary Lev Li of about 14% and we'll put the stuff that we worked on today in the next meeting um which I think our overall Levy was only at 10% for the preliminary and then obviously we'll have time to work on it so we'll have about 2 months before we have to finalize the actual Levy which will be early December um I just gave you the general breakdown and where things increased um in the next couple pages um where the the actual revenues decreased um because that's what council was asking for and then we did get our finalized work comp and liability insurance so the work comp uh Insurance went up $27,000 um that was quite a bit difference and liability insurance went up um another $5,000 our health insurance uh for the city staff individual health insurance that is um went up about $36,000 so those increases almost covered exactly what we decreased um so that's just some food for that um I did put in here just some decrease expenditures um we did decrease expending by 12% we decreased engineering and projects fees by $330,000 road maintenance so that was actually Grant Street that was to fund the Grant Street repair um that was $40,000 that we took out motor fuel we decreased by departments by over $8,000 Eda was cut funding by almost $40,000 payroll um on the Enterprise fund went down $160,000 Professional Services we decrease by $115,000 year-over-year Legal Services um our new legal services are just less expensive so far um so we've saved over 12 TH or $20,000 in legal expenses our electric utility um is I think a win for the citizens um not only did we install new windows in City Hall but we actually did a lot of work on our pumped and fill stations um that lift station right now is using half of the electricity that it used to use um so we decreased electricity utilities by almost $115,000 it's a you know that's a real savings year-over-year um and then maintenance repairs and structures that came out of different segments of each budget um but we decreased that by almost 40 ,000 I would agree and I just want to say like that electric utility savings that's not just a onee change that's every year an ongoing thing that was yeah that's it's a big deal impressive and that's because we replace that yeah so the check valves the air pressure Valves and U yep and the new Motors are smaller so they actually just consume less of energy but we're actually pumping way less um and then I just put a rate of inflation calculator CU I think that's an easy one to look at so the first year um that I have on here was 10 years ago was in 2015 the tax levy at that time was 678 1116 um so last year um our Levy was 893 300 and our rate of inflation calculator put us at 892 $1,222 off just the rate of inflation from 2015 to 2024 and obviously with our preliminary budget um we're still off 113 off the rate of inflation I just think it's a good comparison chart and that's about it and then we'll have our next budget meeting next week Monday just to remind Council will'll have our budget meeting at 6:00 p.m. and then we actually will have a normal council meeting at 7 where we pass the preliminary budget all right any questions about the bu review or the date of the next meeting anyone have questions I'm going to make sure we all know about the date of the meeting covered I w't okay moving on to 6.5 resolution 20 202 24-35 authoring execution of M for streams Michael yeah so the streams committee um got together and we hired flat and Hood to look at our agreement our initial intent agreement um was good this one's better um because it's a little bit more spelled out so each city um Us New Auburn Gibbon and Lafayette and then the two um Enterprises which is DFA and Heartland corn products all put in $25,000 all $150,000 of that money is being used exclusively for engineering right now and what we're asking um the engineers to figure out is what are the rates and how much would that be year-over-year what is our Capital um cost for those so that is what the engineers are working on right now we still meet monthly um the industries are very happy that we're working on this this Wastewater thing this big deal not only for the cities but actually for the industries as well um npca has been very positive about the project they're excited to put seven permits into one permit um and they're also excited because this our preliminary estimates right now are actually cheaper than each city building their own waste water um and then you just think about Labor and overall cost over time um it is a big swing I will tell you that the Wastewater facility might be built first and then the ReUse part of it will be built at a later time so we are looking at that and what cost savings that would be um and then the industry that's interested in the ReUse project would actually be paying all the capital expenses on that so um it would be on their land on their dime they would power the electric to it we would just be using it um to get rid of some of our waste water so um that was actually the industry Heartland horn products um signal to us that like maybe they're just not ready yet for all the specs that we need CU we need to clean it to a certain um percentage right yes and right now they they're really not sure what that percentage is so instead of halting the Wastewater project they want us to move forward and then at a later time the ReUse will come into play so um right now it looks like about a 1.8 million gallon reuse facility so we're working on it I know it's slow work it's a lot lot of engineering but um they are working on it diligently um Kurt Reitz who is our Wastewater expert that we hire out um that HS our some of our lure is also helping with the project he's actually collecting data from each City in order to get the data to um kimley horn it actually was a cost savings measure for us since he is so familiar with the communities it was actually cheaper for him to just go get the data from the industries in the city and then compile it for kimley horn so um we're still working on the project again this that you're approving tonight is just a better mou than the old one um it it closes some legal loopholes and really commits the city councils to to move forward with just that amount of money I've been sitting in on some of those meetings and there are a lot of really really smart people talking about um you know lots of engineering stuff that I quite understand but all of the cities are are going to have to deal with this know the um npca isn't going to let us keep going with the Wastewater that we levels that we have right now so um I really think this is a very important project going forward so yeah and I think economically Julie just to bounce off that economically you know uh Industries are going to grow where they don't have to deal with waste water because no one wants wants to be part of the Wastewater industry um and so when we're having these conversations it's really about like how do we get out of this and make a air problem which is fine we're going to do it anyway um and so I I think that you know positive you know DFA this might be a make or break maybe this isn't for them anymore um their facility needs work a lot of work um and so they're they're looking at it as an advantage for our city to have it so I think it'll be it'll be good for everyone and when two of our largest businesses in the community are active players in the discussion that really lends weight to it also all right um we need action on that would somebody like to make a motion authorizing this mou I move that we authorize execution of the mou for streams motion by Wanda is there a second I'll second it second by Jenny any discussion any discussion any discussion um hear none all those in favor please say I I I oppose same sign motion carried all right 6.6 City Hall flat roof okay um so our flat roof that is just on the North side here that kind of hangs over the building um is I don't know if you've noticed but it's retaining water and growing for vegetation we got the vegetation off it's fine um but the the actual drain for it is about an inch above the rest of the roof because it's saying all I'm asking for tonight is council's permission to go out to get estimates on what they want to do if it's put a pitch roof on or replace the flat roof um we got as much water off of it as we could but there is still a significant amount of water on it um you can tell it's been patched few times over the years like flat roofs just do um but you know we probably wanted someone to come look at that and take a gander you can see it anytime you walk in the women's restroom up here because you look up the window and there's like a little pond on the roof all right um would somebody like to make a motion regarding the estimates about that I moveed to go look for estimates to repair that roof motion by Don is there a second second second by Ed any discussion any discussion any discussion all those in favor please say I I oppose same sign motion carried could get some ducks 6.7 social media policy um the last time we addressed this was 2015 PR new on about time we talked about this yeah um so I I'll just tell you from the league of Minnesota City standpoint some updates that they're suggesting that we do um and you don't have to this is just conversation I think at this point um you know the the moderation of social media is still under retention law so at the end of every year we have to download everything from social media and put it in our retention files um what the league is suggesting is that um we really we just turn off comments alog together on any post that we do um just because it's it's hard to respond all the time to people and you know people interpret things differently um so we can we can do kind of whatever um city council wants um I will tell you that I wouldn't recommend continuing expanding our social media presence so there's other cities that are getting X and what's the other one threads threads yeah um and some are getting like Tik Tock and doing all kinds of things uh number one I think that's too much for a city and number two I don't know if it's really beneficial um we do use social media obviously to get the word out about certain things when we have snow emergencies um but I think you know more and more um cities are getting you know taken to court over freedom of speech you know someone says something super vulgar um and the city decides to hide that comment or delete the comment that is actually free speech so it hasn't been decided in Minnesota state supreme court yet if that's actually protected but I mean it's going to continue to come up so their recommendation their their main recommendation from our current guidelines to a new one is just disable comments so that the comments don't have to come in and they can certainly contact us right through email phone so so we would maintain a social media presence in that we can put out information about snow removal and Library activities and all of those important things but there'll be information only and there won't be any responses onl I mean yeah so the yes so in another policy there it is sorry um it's under information information never to be posted in the posting guidelines it says the city reserves to WR delete any comments within its sole discretion but not limited to the comments that contain vulgar language attack harass a particular age race group or sex advertis for sale or promotion of goods and services are off-topic comments contain sexual content or links to sexual content Advocate illegal activity disclose private information are considered spam um uh is considered information that tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems or appear to be mistakes which uh you know so all of those things is what what the league of Minnesota cities a saying is all those things technically are protected under the First Amendment so when we delete hide you know what we're saying is we reserve the right but what the Constitution is saying is you really don't get to re the right to I mean who who who decides when it's spam so since the world is a different place than it was in 2015 do we need to look at this policy and revise it yeah and I think I I included the social media policy from Emma Le and I think that theirs is a little bit more stroked um I think it puts other things like blogs and videos and engaging the webbased platform because we use Constant Contact as well which is a technically a social media site um and we don't really have a policy that governs it um so I think I would rather have a committee look at that and make sure that this is tailored to fit wi through open and going forward into 2025 than to just adopt the model policy because I don't think one size fits all do you which committee do you want to or you want to form a new committee or an ad hoc committee or would you just want the admin committee to look at it that was my thought I Don's gonna throw something at me um that's okay yeah let's I think let's let's give it to admin and then we can come back with the recommendation to council for um social media policy very not have updated it yes do we want to address anything right now change our I don't think so I think if we're going to if we're going to change it let's do our policy yes it's less work for everyone works for me okay so that was basically just information only and we'll bring it back okay um anything else on social media we're good with just sending it to admin all right that brings us to 6.8 um and I would entertain a motion to wave the reading and pass the motion for ordinance 2024-25 1st 2025 so motion by Wanda is there there a second a second second by Don any discussion any discussion any discussion all those in favor please signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion Carri all right um moving on to committees and updated updates Michael okay um I have a print out for you too if you really would like it um I'll start with the Eda so the southern Minnesota initiative Foundation we're put a REV between us given and Fairfax we're the only rev group that has three communities I will tell you that this group is really fun to work with and we're doing great things Smith has awarded us $20,000 in a form of a grant um to hire an economic development coordinator for our three communities that is um that uh will allow us I guess to have a point person for economic development within the three this grant extends to the end of 2025 so we don't really need to have a plan in place uh we actually go on Thursday um as a group to go speak to them about the Grant and some highlights um just so you know we were the first pick for the grant so um good for them they're they're doing good things um rev does have a meeting in September you guys should have all received a meeting invite it's September 17th 2024 we will have public meetings eventually um as well obviously the public is willing is welcome to attend in Fairfax um we've included the Smith staff and some economic development folks so it'll be a fun dorky Eda meeting it'll be fun uh Second Street uh progress Contin continues on Second Street if you haven't noticed um curving gutter should be going down tomorrow um all the way from penipen to a little bit past caror um we should be making more progress in have substantial work completed by November 1st the parking lot project and the Alleyways um the alleyway definitely will get done I don't know about the parking lot at this time we'll have updated dates for you on Wednesday um when we have our construction meeting the Alleyways um right now their closure is actually due to our utility now the project we are running new pipe for electrical to get the overheads down so Now's the Time if we want to plan into the future so there is conduit going from underneath the road on Second Street kind of protecting all of the fiber also um so when we're ready and can afford it we'll pull the wires um through and and get the get the lines down Parks the splash pad portion of the park is hopefully going out to bit October November um we should see significant completion in a bid by May or June of next year um the next Park meeting is September 11th at 5:00 p.m. evaluation so it's evaluation mode for City staff and department heads uh link with a survey to my performance evaluation should have been on everyone's inbox um I'll resend it next week sometime um when I get a Time additionally we're going to have short surveys for all the department heads including the city clerk truth and Taxation is December 2nd at 700 p.m. uh public works I just wanted to give you an update from Troy is at the fire meeting so this is from him um dugouts are done in the park so it looks way different with the dugouts gone it looks very open um overhead in the alleyway by the grocery store I don't know if I we ever updated you guys on that but um the pole actually once we got the electric out just kind of tipped over so I'm glad we got it down um but all of that utility is now underground um utilities is also working on new installing new electric in the Alleyways um we're also um fixing the lights on Fourth Street so youve probably noticed Tommy and Dylan on Fourth Street um replacing Li heads uh 90% of them were not working there is two or three by the gas station that still are not working we're going to continue to work on pulling new wire for them in the future the list station upgrades have been finalized he wanted to tell you that we have both new check vals in both air release vals and the two new pumps and they're pumping 30% less than they used to be um this was a big Improvement um they've already used less energy and less pumping um and less water is coming back to the station because of the valves um this next week and the week after uh you'll see Troy and Chris and Tommy probably all working on Second Street that is for us laying the pipe work for all the street lights and all the electrical for the street lights so you'll see a lot of them down there um RNR has been great to work with by the way I I would say that they were a very good construction company to work with on this project so kudos to them yes all right um fire is next I don't see Adam do you have anything from them um that their open house is coming October 5th so everybody make an effort to attend that that's usually a really good Community event yeah that's nice um ambulance you're up gotcha got me so we are working on uh I shouldn't say we Sam is working on getting a class set up in winr um we need 10 people to take the class and we've got I know of six already that have signed up to to take the CL or have committed to take the class we've got a couple interviews with a couple other people um there are quite a few of the of our youth uh high school students that are taking the class and um some of the changes that were made in the regulations allows them to take the test the class before they're 18 and test before they're 18 so it's uh it's good news for the ambulance um you know we're an aging group sorry to say sorry to feel I think that says something really remarkable of our community there's so many places now that are just begging for anybody and if we have high school kids who are noticing that need in the community and willing to step up I I think that's remarkable and I think that helped also with L and Catherine correct going on and they can see that look at here we I was on call this weekend and we had a call and Catherine was Catherine's on my crew and uh we were on our way over to uh gibon to uh for a transport over there and Catherine was just commenting as we were driving over she said this is just so different to you know I always watch Dad do it but now doing it myself is so you know intriguing so and and I know she's talked a lot to a lot of kids to you know for that this is something good to do so um you know again thanks for the council support and City support it it does wonders for us um and to Sam for the you know drive to get that class organized here in win th that's a big deal yep Y and so last last year there was one in Buffalo Lake and this is just this is the 2025 version of of that one so it just happens that Sam stuck her nose in there and got it done so sounds like Sam y um and then uh I was just going to make a quick comment on the fireing ambulance building we sent the plans back to um isg for some updates and some changes to it so um that'll be coming back around uh pretty soon okay anything else that's it Library Wanda I was not at the last meeting but Andre is here if you want to share anything to say um we are off of summer hours and have gone back to regular hours um so figuring out Friday afternoon Staffing um you know and it was nice to have two nights for programming so now we're back to one night a week um trying to figure out how that looks um let's see Michelle's doing a great job and activities uh story time even though school has started we're still at about 15 kids um for Story Time on Tuesdays uh we have mental health awareness week next month in October we had three of the four grants at TDS this past time and so all those three were approved we anticipate on spending as much money as we can out of that budget um or out of that pot some other grants have come in I've gotten a for imprint.com grant for $500 for Branded things we're going to use it for a away um and a tablecloth with our logo on it um I think and then I did fill out a grant um at newal Medical Center with Al of Health for some charitable support for the mental health week activities um so finding these little pockets of money and uh accessing those we we also have a remodeling project that we have found some Grant possibilities for and so looking at that and also working with isg on keeping those plans moving forward um let's see board has talked a lot about books to order and um board members are sending emails with suggestions which is wonderful and just trying to really get that figured out and get some new books in there um we also have gotten some donations of books which is always nice people were decluttering for the garage sales and so instead of you know putting them out in the N selling they bring them to us which is fine we have acquired some things for our collection that way too any questions for the library thanks thanks Andre um where are we at please Logan you're up H so little update on Nick he is currently in Philadelphia right now uh getting certified for Dr uh um we've already seen a return in our investment on that um I'll go over here in a little bit on the numbers but we've he's gotten quite a few DWI specific to Controlled Substances um so that's it's great um and it's just going to keep he's he's a go-getter so it's really good to see that uh we send our people to training and then they come back and utilize it in our community so uh to touch a little bit on our traffic issue in town um so the the Culver project started on August 12th and as of today I just ran the numbers before I came here um it it's updated to 138 traffic stops or traffic related icrs in that time frame so a little under a month um with that there's been 28 citations that have been given out uh most of them are for driving around the barricade some for Speed some for no licenses in that same time frame we've had five DWI four of them being for controlled substance and one for alcohol um we had three arrests for driving after cancellation uh inimical to Public Safety um so that's if you get Cod driving at that status um it's a gross misdemeanor crime so uh it's a pretty big deal and all of these are stemming from the road closures um in town and the detours and all that um and it was just notified a little bit ago that um Reeds also out on another um DWI right now and has arrested three individuals for controlled substance DWI for one of them uh controlled substance possession and another individual for giving uh false name and date of birth and they're on their way to C the county jail right now so um we're doing our best to try and uh make the community as safe as possible uh we're not going to catch every single one that's out there um but we're definitely doing our best so any questions thank the county too for coming by and helping on 57 and yes we know they have a whole County to cover but they've been St Patrol has been here too so that does help out and hopefully I I heard the C project is on schedule so we have their check-in on Friday of this week so there a lot of pounding going on a lot of pounding yes let's hope they pound fast so what is the completion for the C well technically it was October 5th but I think they have I think they pushed it back yeah Adam May I'd like to commend the winter PD we live on Hanan Hanan for a day or two became Highway 19 it was not pleasant but they quickly got it under control and we're very appreciative and they still continue to mod the do appreciate our Police Department yes thank you guys keep up appreciate it thank your officers too all right um um where are we at Planning Commission and all over the place Public Works you covered yes okay cable commission that's next we have not met since April May June there you go uh Planning Commission is next then uh Planning Commission has not met but they will be meeting next month Great Park committee we have meeting on Wednesday night I don't think we've met since our last meeting um report so but we're going to be looking at our design ideas and be ready to make some choices on good what that looks like be there yeah they're continuing to fund raise yes they are they so people are being very supportive we'll take any help we can get is true um report on RS fiber is me um RS fiber joint power board met uh Thursday October 31st um the RS fiber Cooperative board informed The Joint poers board that they are looking at selling RS fiber to highwa of broadband um we had a report from the current chair of the Cooperative um The Joint Powers board passed a motion to engage legal service to ensure that the joint Powers board is fairly represented in the process and that any future consent to sell would also have RS fber um cover our legal council fees um that was recommended then Shannon Sweeney um recommended that we contact Jenny Bolton with Kennedy and Graven um as part of that legal council um we meet again September 25th at 700 p.m. so that's all I have on that if you have any questions let me know um all right I think that's all our committees and updates um if there's there's nothing else somebody would like to move to a journ Some Mo is there a second i' second it all in favor I