##VIDEO ID:3-LzXsgyQA0## [Music] in November 20 21st 2024 meeting of the Woodbridge Township Board of Education will please come to order roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here miss Bordan here Mr deletro here Miss Perez here Mr Mohammad here Mr sadonna here Mr valz here Mr secretary as required by the Sunshine Law please read the notice of meetings thank you Miss Bordan the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place there are posted as follows on January 25th 2024 email to the home News Tribune the star Ledger and M Municipal clerk's office posted in rth Street School number 11 and the Board of Education administration building also published on the school district website thank you Mr werman Miss Perez please read the closed session statement thank you Miss vice president in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board must go into closed session in order to discuss subjects exempt from the public portion of our meeting the discussions to be held in closed session will be regarding Personnel matters and the board will receive attorney client advice any information regarding the Clos session discussion will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing these matters in closed session no longer exist I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second second by Mr deletro all in favor I any opposed Carri please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of silence Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible liy Justice all my do I have a motion to reconvene so motion do I have a second second second by Mr s all in favor any opposed carry roll call Mr secretary M Anderson here miss bouran here Mr deletro here Miss Perez here Mr Mohammad here Mr sedon here Mr valz here will someone please make a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting so motion motion by Mr delap pitro do I have a second second second by Miss Perez are there any additions or Corrections seeing none I have a motion by Mr P deletro and a second by Miss Perez all in favor I any opposed carried Mr secretary please State for the record any notices of bids or proposals received by the board thank you no bids were received this time Dr mamino please introduce our student representative s Sakina Glenn from JF John F Kennedy Memorial High School welcome sikina thank you madam vice president sikina is a stellar student leader at JFK her enthusiasm for Learning and involvement has made a lasting positive impact on the class of 2025 sinina has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic through not just her academics but in her leadership and presence in her abundance of extracurricular activities she's a four-year member of the volleyball team and has participated on the softball team SK is also the manager to the JFK wrestling team Beyond her participation in athletics te's other activities include black student union Dei American Cancer Society student council and Heroes and Cool Kids she was elected as a member of the 2024 homecoming court and was recently honored as JFK's September senior of the month outside of school sinina works for the Woodbridge Rec Center supervising children's parties in addition sinina is an avid volunteer at both School sponsored activities and in the Greater Community as well logging a 100 hours of volunteer service next year SK plans to attend a four-year College to major in marketing as someone who is described as kind outgoing humble and dedicated there is no doubt that sinina will be an asset to the business world and Beyond I personally met with Sakina as she is a member of the student advisory Council and attended the first meeting on October 19th I was impressed as I watched sinina and this group of 15 young adults collaborate together I'm definitely looking forward to the subsequent meetings thank you sinina for being with us this evening thank you Dr mamino and the members of the board for inviting me here I am very glad to be here um at school number one the Scholastic Book Fair took place during the week of October 21st the Dali food drive collection was organized by student council members on November 1st MBE celebrated their guest veteran with grade four music students singing and presenting of handwritten cards grade five students participated in the Mad Science Program on October 15th the school made a donation of breast cancer awareness November's community of caring theme was about respect and any student who showed examples of respect were acknowledged and rewarded last lastly during school violence week M students took part in the school spirit week with various themed days at school 18 the Scholastic Book Fair took place during the week of October 21st and was very Su a very successful event food for Dali food drive has been collected by nehs students who are assisting in running this event students had a visit from Darius the therapy dog on Wednesday October 23rd on November 1st students celebrated Veterans Day by making cards for their guest veteran and fourth grade students had the opportunity to sign up for the Mad Science T program at school 19 the Scholastic Book Fair took place in October students love getting new books the MPT PTO hosted a movie night Under the Stars where participants were able to watch the movie Inside Out on an outside screen with their friends and family on October 25th students and staffs fundraised for breast cancer awareness by selling shirts and bracelets all donations were made to the staff member's daughter who was battling breast cancer a collection of food for the Dali food drive continues to go on October 31st students participated in both a Halloween parade and party and on November 1st npt hosted their annual bring a veteran to breakfast at school 24 there was a pink out for breast cancer awareness that raised money for the American Cancer Society a swalla Dev food drive continues to take place a trunker treat was held on October 23rd and on the 31st there was a Halloween parade and party for students and lastly students celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month by doing activities in their classroom at school 26 students enjoyed spirit week and lessons for the week of inclusion and week of respect there was a food collection for the saal Dali food drive student council kicked off their Socktober to collect socks for veterans in celebration of Spanish Heritage Month students learn dances from the Island Middle School dance classes a pink out for breast cancer awareness event raised money for the American Cancer Society and the semiannual Scholastic Book Fair was held in a terrific turnout at school 29 the national Elementary Honor Society is running the we feed Woodbridge dewali food drive students who donate get Chance in a lottery to pie a teacher in the face during the assembly and the nehs is running a PJ day fundraiser for Children's Hospital in Philadelphia at Ford's middle on Wednesday October 23rd there was a performance by segua kimbab fic Center presented to seventh grade students providing an educational and interactive experience teaching historical facts of Afro Puerto Rican plan and bomba music the the Ms showstoppers were one of the 10 School finalists out of the thousands to submit their final presentation for the opportunity to perform for the Christmas tree lighting at rockerfeller Center final results are forthcoming Engineers teaching algebra engaged the 8th grade math classes there was an interactive experience in which students learned that algebra is a tool of expression and Discovery in all fields of endeavor and that math is not just a subject but a necessary language on October 24th fourth 8th grade students went to the AT&T imagine day where they learned about opportunities in science technology engineering and math with Hands-On activities that involved connected cars cyber security and top experts in research conversation and explorers ship lastly on Friday October 25th the PTO sponsored a costume dance and finally at johnf Kennedy Memorial on October 2nd the JFK chapter of National Honor Society hosted our annual Garba dance students came dressed to a press in traditional attire and dance the night away on October 23rd the JFK chapter of American Cancer Society hosted their annual breast cancer walk and raised money for cancer research on October 24th JFK recognized 11 students as condemned students in the National Merit Scholarship program we also had one semi-finalist in three students receiving National recognition for being the top 10% of African American and Latino test takers also on October 24th the senior class held its first homecoming dance where students from all grades came together for a night of good fun and school spirit on October 31st 9th and 10th graders participated in anti-bullying assembly sponsored by the US Marines the ASA BMX writers turned the JFK gymnasium into a BMX Action Sports Arena all while passing on the positive message about treating each other with respect and pursuing our passions finally in line with the resolution under item number 10 on the superintendent's agenda JFK would like to acknowledge the members of our chapter of the family career and Community leaders of America or FCCLA with their incredible accomplishment this summer a group of eight Mustangs along with their adviser Miss Santana traveled to Seattle Washington to compete in the National FCCLA competition among the thousands competing from Across the Nation Sophia Shu earned her first place in fashion design level three MRI Patel and risham Desai both earned first place in repurpose in redesign level two Jia SZ Rada Patel and Ry Patel earned silver medals in fashion design level 2 and the president of the JFK FCCLA Kiara Cruz earned fourth place in fashion Construction and design challenge we are so proud of our sccla members and all their hard Ro go Mustangs [Applause] thank you sinina for your detailed report tonight you're welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting however if you're unable to stay we won't be offended thank you so much for this opportunity I do have a lot of pre-cal homework sure you do well you did a great job thank you uh I just want to thank Dr Parry for coming to support his student as always thank you Dr [Applause] Parry Dr mamino please State for the record the super superintendence reports for the month of October 2024 thank you m Bordan I present to the board the following reports for the month of October 2024 register serve statistics report of fire drills student suspension report for elementary student suspension reports for secondary Bond threat report and the monthly report of the attendance officers thank you Dr mamino the Woodbridge Township Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding agenda items being presented this evening when you come up to the microphone please provide your name and the section of Township in which you reside along with the specific agenda and item number you wish to discuss as per regulation 1000d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no responses will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak anything on the agenda items good evening Paul L hope laon Personnel would be an agenda item true yes from last time I want to see it's been a month or so is there any updates on the investigation of the vice principal in Woodbridge that uh was under investigation no Mr there's nothing on the agenda related to that matter so if you want if you have that question you can come back up at the general thank you public session thank you thank you okay seeing no others uh the superintendent's agenda Dr mamino do you have any recommendations yes thank you madam vice president I have 15 items to present to the board this evening do I have a motion for the superintendent's agenda so motion motion by Mr sadonna do I have a second second second by Miss Anderson I have a motion by Mr sadana seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr secretary just want to clarify one thing before we do the roll call sorry I have I have 50 okay Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad Adam vice president I would need to abstain on item 15 in the name of ruers and yes to all the others okay thank you Miss Perez Madame vice president I also will be abstaining on item number 15 in the name of Ruckers yes to all other items Mr sadana yes and Mr vales yes communication policy and planning agenda Mr Muhammad Madame vice president thank you the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following three recommendations I move for the adoption of the foregoing I have a motion by Mr Muhammad do I have a second second second by Mr deletro are there any comments or questions from the board R Car Mr secretary M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mohammd yes Miss Perez yes Mr sadana yes Mr valz yes curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology Mr Sedana thank you madam vice president the curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology committee on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction present the following 10 items I move for the adoption of the forging I have a motion by Mr sadana do I have a second second second by Miss Perez motion by Mr sadana seconded by Mr Mr Mrs Miss Perez sorry stumbled over that one any comments or questions from the board roll car Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr yes Mr valz yes finance and insurance Miss Anderson thank you madam vice president the finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools the business administrative board secretary presents the following eight items I move for the adoption of the forgoing I have a motion by Miss Anderson do I have a second second second by Miss Perez motion by Miss Anderson second by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board roll car Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr valz yes Safety and Security Mr valz thank you madam president the Safety and Security committee on recommendation of superintendent schools present the following one item I move for adoption I have a motion for Mr valz do I have a second second motion by Mr FZ second by Mr Sedana are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr secretary M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr valz yes dining and transportation Miss Perez thank you m vice president the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following four items I move for the adoption of the forgoing I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second second by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammed yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr valz yes person agenda Mr deletro thank you madam Madam vice president the Personnel committee and recommendation of superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for human resources presents the following 44 items and move for the adoption of foregoing I have a motion by Mr deletro do I have a second second second by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr vales yes thank you Mr Bush do you have any recommendations at this time nothing at this time is there any old business that should be brought to the attention of the board seeing none is there any new business that should be brought to the attention of the board seeing none we will now open this meeting for public comment if you wish to say something please come to the microphone provide your name and section of the Township in which you reside for the record again members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted please limit your comments to no more than 5 minutes in accordance with regulation 1100d no responses will be given until you have fully completed all your comments so as to not interrupt your 5 minute opportunity to speak Anthony Mara reside in Edison i s my time I'm here to discuss policy 51 45.7 this policy in plain terms allows for child abuse why would anyone entrust to a minor healthc care decisions that's what parents do and I suspect here in Woodbridge to some degre it's it's done by teachers if a child is sick he'll sent to the to nurse's office would you allow a child to drink alcohol no it's illegal until you're of drinking age yet we can allow a child to make his or her own decision to change a gender come on that's hypocrisy that's craziness ordinarily the division of child protection and permanency should be called for this this child wants to mutilate his body or her body but no we stand back and say this is the child's right they're children they don't know any better we're the grown-ups we're supposed to educate them and we do in in every other area of life except this this is insanity let me read something here did you know that in New Jersey a parent or Guardian must be present and sign a written document for earpiercing as well as body piercing for minors and I can I incite you to miss ative code regulation if you want Mr Bush i' be happy to hand it to you right now moreover minors cannot have genitalia piercings even with parent Guardian consent again there's an administrative code regulation in our state tattoos also require written permission from Minor's parent or legal guardian in fact title 2C the criminal code says a person commits a disorderly person's offense if he knowingly tattoos or engages in body piercing of a minor under the age of 18 years years without first obtaining written permission from the minor from the Minor's parent or legal guardian but we can allow this child to change it to mutilate his genitalia without parental consent if if he says I want to change gender I want to go from a boy to a girl or girl to a boy that is insanity I think the words of the Lord Jesus Christ God in or appropriate at this time he said have you not read that he created them from the beginning made them male and female he didn't say male female and a dozen other genders there are two male and female but we're allowing our children to make a choice to change it to whatever else they want to choose that is insane that is child abuse I started out by saying that is child abuse and we need to stop that and then of course we're allowing boys to use restrooms or compete in sports with girls that's not equality you know our society is really big about equality we want equality everywhere that's not equality that's superiority that's that's persecution would you want your mom in a in a restroom where a boy can change his mind he can change his mind he's done it once before you know I think today instead of being a girl I'll instead of being a a girl I'll be a boy again and he's in a restroom with with girls come on this policy needs to be abolished and that's why I'm here today and I thank you for hearing me thank you um good evening thank you for the opportunity to speak my name is Gerald Mago Dolores turo Foundation um and in the past I provided you with some legal and medical research demonstrating the harms of transgender policies today I'd like to focus a little little bit about the moral perspective as well as to share the position of the new Administration and President elect on this topic um obedience to parents reflects the disposition of obedience to God Disobedience to parents reflects a disordered relationship with God a rebellion I will not obey and from Ephesians children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right this is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with you and you may have a long life on Earth Pope John Paul II who initiated World youth day because of his great love for Youth and hope in them uh for them in the future of the world he knew that the hearts of young people were seeking love and filled with passion and if taught God's truth were capable of changing the face of the Earth and what he said was the greatest deception and the deepest source of unhappiness is the illusion of finding Life by excluding God of finding Freedom by excluding moral truths and personal responsibility as you're aware children are becoming more and more depressed and suicidal uh 66% of teen girls are very depressed or sad and hopeless and 35% have considered suicide the answer is not turning away from parents but Turning Away From Evil not every parent is good however there are laws and safeguards to protect children from abuse because of lack of maturity kids can easily be deceived into believing that they will find personal happiness in changing their body or sex but the truth is God made us male and female and stamped in this our and our sex is stamped in every cell of our body and science confirms that the chromosomes XX or XY which determines a person's sex is roughly within the 30 trillion cells of the adult human body and cannot be changed by any doctor medication or surgery with maturity we realize that life does not come without some suffering or hardship but CS Lewis affirms hardship prepares Ordinary People for an extraordinary Destiny the difficulties children experience must be responded to with love with truth and with real meaning of their identity not lies or falsehood lies are robbing our children of their happiness and their future the truth is children are not happy no gender affirmation puberty blockers or operations can change that only God can fill the void in their hearts they're sinking love seeking love and instead they're being used for shameful purposes hundreds of thousands of American children and millions worldwide are objects of sexual perversion and human trafficking their commodities for profits by the medical industrial complex and targets for woke IDE ideologies and social agendas with these transgender policies we are doing children a great disservice when we accept and even codify codify lies because it will lead them to hopelessness if we want children to flourish we must teach them the truth and live that truth in our daily lives and decisions and the truest of all truths is love and the source of that love is God may God give you the wisdom and courage to trust in the truth and act on it and may the truth set you free and the last couple if I have a minute I have a few comments from our president-elect um who has said he who has committed to declare gender in uh gender Insanity being committed to declare the gender Insanity being pushed on our children as child abuse as you just heard some of the things he intends to do is the the department of uh education will inform States and school districts that if any teacher or School official suggests that a child suggests to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body they will be faced with severe consequences including potential civil rights violations for sex discrimination and the elimination of federal funding as part of the administration's new credential body for teachers they will promote positive education about the nuclear family the roles of mothers and father s and celebrating rather than erasing things that make men and women different and unique he will ask Congress to pass a bill establish Le that there are only two genders recognized by the United States government male and female assigned at Birth the bill will all also make it clear that Title Nine prohibits men from participating in women's sports and protect the rights of parents from being forced to allow their minor child to assume a gender which is new and an identity with without parental consent the identity will not be new and will not be without parental consent um there was one other thing here uh that was for teachers um thank you here here five minutes is up okay thank [Music] you well hope La so I've been coming here two years um covering the same topic I get the impression though that the tides are changing that there might be a return to what used to be called normaly in common sense that's my hope that's why I was excited by the result of two weeks ago um I want to bring it more close to home all politics is local and I want to note that uh 20 ,800 people in Woodbridge Township voted for uh M Harris 20,300 voted for Donald Trump and that also gives me hope and it's interesting that for four years we've been hearing or even actually back to uh to uh Hillary's run that anyone who would support Trump is a racist deplorable a Nazi garbage that kind of discourse that that one side is always pointing out to have a civil discourse be inclusive that hate has no home here they're the ones calling those kind of names there's no place for it and these same people I I will remember always thought that rioting and looting was some acceptable form of protest made out of someone who was fental addicted who lived a violent life and unfortunately died existing arrest I would have wished that Mr Floyd had an opportunity to find God to find Jesus to have transformation in his life before dying in such an ignominious way but I would not call him a martyr by definition of martyr lays down their life voluntarily for a bigger cause now I'm not trying to get on a high horse I'm not trying to turn this into a sermon I just want to make note that there are changes it's a return turn to normaly we're going to look back on this era of transing kids of having public school officials lying to parents about social transitioning and this fallacy that somehow they're going to find happiness and meaning in life by changing their bodies how superficial in existence it is to live for sexual gratification you you folks are part of a of a program and I don't know how you're you're able to because you have children and you have grandchildren and nieces and nephews how you can rationalize standing idly by the dictates of an overreaching government which will be clawed back in this new Administration that is my hope my biggest hope is that we return education to its original Mission that it be merit-based that we don't accommodate the the kinds of of of behavior that I've seen in the classrooms that have become acceptable that we have a two-tier system of discipline in schools that there's bad behavior being excused and and it should not be tolerated I want to see a return to the mission of Reading Writing arithmetic not sex not race not Dei which is by Design divisive is being pulled out in many corporations if and corporations realize it I'm I'm hoping that the public uh institutions are going to Real iiz it because if not there's a new sheriff in town who's going to make it abundantly clear that we're all Americans and as a Christian we're all human beings we all have we all tainted by sin with one hope our hope and My Hope was in Jesus Christ and finding that there's a higher authority than Phil Murphy there's a higher authority than than mayor McCormack and I hope that that Authority reaches your hearts and minds and your consciences because what you've been allowing is unconscionable I I don't think you have to be explained why it's wrong to confuse children about the gender when they're trying to find meaning in life they should know that what a man is what a woman is I mean I can't even believe we've had to have this discussion again I hope that we wake up from the scales fall off many eyes and people are woken up from this woke nightmare I and I yield thank you you're the chair Anderson is there any more public comments any more public comments see none closed public comment right yes public comment is now closed public comment is now closed who to chair Miss Anderson I just want to make a comment on this this last statement that I heard as it was disrespectful to the murder of George Floyd and to question his spirituality and to question any of the other accusations that was brought to the podium I just want to make a public announcement that I feel that was very disrespectful and to the family of George Floyd to everyone who was suffering as a result of seeing that murder of George Floyd I want to make sure that that was not the expression of the board and I want to make sure that everybody understands that that was a very um thought you know it wasn't a thought ful comment is actually was very disrespectful um and also we are here to talk about the school business and the last comment didn't have anything to do with the school board there wasn't a question or comment to the business of this board of education thank you madam pres Madam vice president thank you Miss [Music] Anderson the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn do I have a second second Mr Tetro all in favor I any oos osed Carrie meeting jour [Music]