##VIDEO ID:OVPsf78xGUI## [Music] September 26 2024 meeting of the wber sship Board of Education will please come to order roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here miss bouran here Mr deletro here Miss Perez here Mr Sedana here Mr treaser here Mr valz here Mr Harris here Mr secretary is required by the Sunshine Law please read the notice of meetings thank you Mr President the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place there posted as follows on January 25th 202 4 and July 26 2024 emailed to the home news tribun The Star Ledger and Municipal clerk's office posted in RW Street School number 11 and the Board of Education administration building also published on the school district website thank you Mr secretary Miss bouran uh please read the Clos session statement please thank you Mr President in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board must go into Clos session in order to discuss subjects Exempted from the public portion of our meeting the discussions to be held in close session will be regarding Personnel matters and the board will receive a uh attorney client advice in addition there will be a discussion regarding student matter any information regarding the closed session discussion will be released to the public when reasons for discussing these matters in Clos session no longer exist thank you Miss Bordan I have a motion by Miss bouran do I have a second second okay I have a motion a motion by Miss bouran second by Mr CH waser all in favor I I any opposed carried retires to close session we be out onor about 6:30 p.m. thank you very much thank you okay please rise for the salute to the flag in a moment of silence I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation godice hi everybody sorry we're we're so late we had a lot to discuss do I have a motion to reconvene motion good do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Miss bouran seconded by Mr tree waser all in favor I any opposed saying none carried roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here miss bouran here Mr deletro here Miss Perez here Mr Mohammad here Mr sadonna here Mr treaser here Mr valz here Mr Harris here will someone make a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meetings so motion okay do I have a second second have a motion by Mr sedan seconded by Mr Del pitro all in favor I I hearing all eyes any opposed and carried okay Mr secretary please State for the record any notices of bids are proposals received by the board thank you Mr President there were no bids received this time terrific Dr masino please introduce our student representative Elena hanf if I pronounce that correctly received by excuse me from woodrige high school nice to meet you thanks for being here thank you Mr President Elena hanif is a senior at wsh high school Elena is a well-rounded student who is friendly ambitious and always willing to lend a helping hand academically Elena has completed numerous advanced placement and dual enrollment classes over the years she currently has a 4.14 GPA and is ranked number one in her class Elena is very passionate about participating in many extracurricular activities she is the vice president of the history Honor Society a member of the academic Club as well as Heroes and Cool Kids Elena especially values being part of the Heroes and Cool Kids Club allowing her to help give back to the younger kids in the community and serve as a role model and Mentor Elena also enjoys volunteering her time with the interact club and the letter for Roses Club Elena is considering a major in law and plans on on applying to forom ruter and Georgetown University we know Elena will make Woodbridge proud thank you for joining us today thank [Applause] you good evening on August 26th at school number one there was a meet and greet with a new principal Mrs eats students participated in togetherness Thursday on September 5th the following were celebrated in the school community on September 11th Patriot Day and of September 7 13th John Barry day open house took place in the evening on September 18th and the wdge children's librarian was available for library card signups the PTO held a fundraiser at wridge Brewery on September 18th on September 25th and 26th students participated in a grand fallons assembly during the month of September students have been collecting pasta for the refresh organization Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on September 15th and will run until October 15th there will be a math scientist after school program with grade five students on September 30th and lastly the school Community is looking forward to the week of respect starting October 7th at school number four and 5 open house took place in the evening on September 11th students participated in the PTO back to school PJ day on September 13th finally Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on on September 15 and will run until October 15th at school number 9 open house took place in the evening on September 11th Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on September 15th and will run until October 15th with students participating in various activities celebrating the Hispanic culture students were invited to a PTO back to school pancake breakfast on September 22nd and lastly the school Community is looking forward to October 7th week of respect kickoff as School number 11 open house took place in the evening on September 19th Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on September 15th and will run until October 15th with students participating in various celebrations and finally the school is looking ahead to October 7th in anticipation of the week of respect where students will participate in various classroom activities focusing on social and emotional learning at school number 19 Meno Park Terrace opened up their new school year with their new new theme MPT number 19 where the Magic Begins hallways were all named after one of the Disney theme parks teachers decorated their classroom doors with their specific theme park and Disney quotes are read at the beginning of each day the week of September 16th menow Park terce will follow the action that was created by the Sandy Hook promise organization hello week where the goal is simple greet each student each day so that they feel seen valued and connected to the school and Community we invite community members to join us to greet students as they enter the building the students are so excited that adults from the community take time from their busy schedules to share a smile a hello a high five or a fist bump this evening the PTO is sponsoring a phone party as one of their after school Community fun nights lastly on September 27th School 19 will hold their pbsis kickoff pep rally promoting positive behavior throughout the school at school number 25 there was a huge turnout at their open house which was held on Thursday September 12th a Scholastic book fear started September 24th and R will run through September 27th there is a pbsis kickoff pep rally scheduled for Friday September 27th where Woodridge High School student Representatives will attend and share what it means to be respectful reasonable and kind Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on September 15th and will run until October 15th with students participating in various celebrations looking ahead both the week of respect and Fire Prevention Week will begin on October 7th the PT will sponsor a fun run on Friday October 18th and Jim Basketball Jones will be presenting for the pbsis assembly on October 23rd at school number 28 MJS held a chocolate walk to welcome students back to school the school is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month during the month of September with students participating in various activities and lessons to recognize the Hispanic culture open house was held the evening of September 10th to an outstanding turnout MJS in partnership with Rub Township will be participating in the captain Carlson living Shoreline project in sewor and lastly from October 7th to the 11th MJS will recognize the week of respect at avano Middle School open house was held on Thursday September 12th Hispanic Heritage Month is being celebrated during the month of September students will participate in various activities and lessons that recognize Hispanic culture the students kicked off their wild cat cup competition amongst all grade levels grades earn points for participating in spirit days having the best attendance making honoral and having the least amount of discipline on October 7th AMS will begin to recognize the week of respect at fors Middle School open house was held on the evening of Thursday September 19th on September 20th there was a whole school activity recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month then on Thursday October 10th there will be a family poock celebration uniting All Families with food and activities Friday September 27th is scheduled for the pbsis kickoff celebration helping F FMS will be the JFK High School band and cheerleaders on Friday October 4th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. there will be a color run sponsored by the PTO getting the Ford's middle school families and the community to celebrate the new school year this event will include fundraising for all activities that occur throughout the school year as well as scholarships and grants the rain date will be Friday o October 11th at the same time lastly on Tuesday October 1st late buses begin and so will all the after school act clubs and activities at Woodridge Middle School open house was held on the evening of September 12th Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations began on September 15th September 19th marks the start of fall sports baseball and softball looking ahead October 7th marks the start of the week of respect and at Woodbridge High School on September 11th 40 Juniors and seniors attended the HBCU classic New Jersey education day at Kane University on September 13th at the woodge v's playing field football game former Woodridge High School principal and Community leader Mr Arthur Lee Warren kicked off Friday Night Lights with the coin toss many alumni staff and community members came out in honor of the special night to celebrate the contributions Mr Warren has made to our school Community the wri high school Spanish Honor Society Hispanic culture club and diversity Council morning announcements commenced in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month also in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month the wri high school Spanish Honor Society will visit School 4 and five to lead activities that recognize and celebrate Hispanic culture the Spanish foresy students will visit several wridge high school special special education self-contained classes to teach students simple Spanish words and phrases and finally the Hispanic culture Club will host two events on October 3rd there will be a schoolwide pot lock featuring food music and games that celebr Hispanic culture and October 23rd there will be a face painting competition in celebration of di Los muos The Day of the Dead thank [Applause] you thank you Alena for your detailed report uh tonight you're welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting but should you have other obligations or conflict uh you're you're welcome to to excuse yourself unfortunately I'm unable to stay any longer but thank you for having me you're welcome thank you for being [Applause] here Dr masino please stay for the record the superintendent reports for the month of August 2024 Mr Harris I report the uh reports of the attendance officers excellent thank you very much okay oh yes and uh joining us this evening as per tradition Mr Osborne wri High School principal joined us uh with Elena's family thank you for being here Mr Osborne this the public portion of the meeting the wber Township Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding the agendas being presented this evening when you come to the microphone please provide your name and the section of the Township in which you reside along with the specific agenda item and item number you wish to discuss as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak anyone wishing to speak on the agendas this evening please come to the podium is or just agenda th this is on the agenda public comments at the end right thank you okay seeing none we'll move on to the superintendent agenda Dr mamino do you have any recommendations for us yes Mr President I have 17 items to present to the board this evening excellent thank you Dr maso do we have a motion for the superintendent's agenda so motion okay do we have a second okay I have a motion by Mr CH waser seconded by Miss bouran are there any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr secretary M Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad uh Mr President I abstain on item number one in the name of naam Muhammad and I approve all the others Miss Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes communication policy and planning agenda Mr Muhammad one second Mr President I uh the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following 15 items I move for the adoption of the foregoing excellent thank you Mr Muhammad I have a motion by Mr Muhammad do I have a second second okay motion by Mr muhamd seconded by Miss Perez any comments or questions for the board say none I'm just going to make a couple uh items number five and six we're recognizing members of our community uh from town hall from Applebees of Woodbridge and councilwoman Elizabeth the Jesus among many donors uh from the township and Beyond who supported the numerous backpack drives and school supply drives thank you very much for supporting our students uh those members who led those charges are being recognized this evening with resolutions that I know Dr mamino and his team mail them a copy of those resolutions and then finally item number four uh we recognize our 35 employees who had perfect attendance uh last school year so thank you to those employees who uh kept themselves healthy and uh made every every attempt to to be at work every day uh your your efforts are appreciated and uh they they go noticed so thank you very much any other comments or questions roll call Mr secretary Ms Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Mr sadonna yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology agenda Mr Sedana thank you Mr President the curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction present the following nine items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you Mr sedan we have a motion by Mr sedan do we have a second okay motion by Mr Sedana seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board Mr President yes sir um I just uh want to bring to everyone's attention uh just want to appreciate the administration for um multiple things on this agenda but most importantly um one of the things that as a former it person uh you know we have something called the iteration method of the waterfall method where we apply something we take feedback and then we make course Corrections and um I am very happy to say that that our Administration is doing that in the curriculum aspect as well as the technology aspect we're applying certain things seeing what's working what's not working and you know rolling back what's not and then implementing new course Corrections so I really want to appreciate the administration Mr Pino's office and uh especially um you know everyone in in Colt so thank you very much thank you thank you AJ any other comments and curriculum no seeing none uh Roo Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr tree waser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes finance and insurance agenda Mr tree Blaser thank you Mr President the finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary prevents presents the following seven items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you Mr tree waser we have a motion by Mr tree wer do we have a second second okay I heard many we have a motion by Mr CH bler seconded by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board none at the moment roll call Mr secretary M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mohamd yes M Perez yes Mr sedon yes Mr treaser yes Mr bz yes Mr Harris yes buildings and grounds agenda Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following one item I move for the adoption of the forgoing excellent thank you Miss Perez we have a motion by Miss Perez do we have a second second okay motion by Miss FR seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sedon yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation agenda Miss per back to you thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following six items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you m Perez we have a motion by Miss Perez do we have a second second okay motion by Miss Perez seconded by Miss bouran are there any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr Trias yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes uh I'm going to turn it to you Mr Bush yeah I think start with the motion start with the motion motion second I'll take okay you got it all right uh first up negotiations agenda Mr P Mr valz sorry thank you Mr President sorry the board of education committee for negotiations present the following one item and I move for the adoption of before going okay I have a motion by Mr valz do I have a second second second okay I have a motion by Mr valz second by Miss Perez okay and I I'm just the uh board president's turning to me because it's sort of sort of a a a rare moment but by law um since the board is now considering uh a new contract or an amended contract contract uh or say new contract to replace an existing contract with the superintendent of schools we're going to have a public hearing with respect to by law it's required with respect to the contract so if anyone at this time is looking to address the Board of Education with respect to uh the superintendent contract you have an opportunity to address uh for you know I guess we could say for what's the agenda item just three minutes you do five you five I'm sorry I get confused see some of my boards you have a 5 minute opportunity to address the board so if anyone's looking to address the superintendent's contract this is your opportunity similar to the budget hearing for example that we have once a year anyone okay so if you have you have your motion seeing none I would that you all consider closing the public comment period we've this was the hearing we've addressed our responsibility and then obviously uh there's been a motion to Second you would do a roll call vote on this and obviously there are a couple of abstentions just to remind the board members who have required OB sure would you like me to close hearing may I have a motion to close the hearing please okay I have a motion by Miss Bordan do I have a second second okay second by Mr sedan thank you uh do I need to do a roll call on that aoll okay we'll do a roll call on the motion this to close the hearing Mr wolman uh Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes abstain wait a minute thought he was just voting I thought you roll call now no no no roll call for the that one you didn't need a roll call but let's do it anyway anyway since we already started go ahead frie Del yes that's my fault go ahead Mr Muhammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sadana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes okay the motion to close of the hearing is uh closed uh before we move on to the vote are there any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro I'll be abstaining on item number one Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser I will abstain on the agenda item Mr valz yes and Mr Harris I'll be abstaining on item number [Applause] one thank you congratulations Dr masino thank you thank you uh to the Personnel agenda to wrap up the evening Mr Ste CH thank you Mr President the Personnel committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for human resources presents the following 58 items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr Del Petro do I I have a motion by Mr Del Petro do I have a second second second by Mr treer are there any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr secretary M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Mr Sana yes Mr treaser I will be abstaining on the name Linda treaser and item 47 yes on all other items Mr valz yes and Mr Harris yes is there any old business that should be brought before the attention of the board that any new business yes Mr just one real quick thing um next week is Fire Prevention Week a lot of the firehouses are doing um fire prevention programs uh in Fords on October 7th 8 from 5:30 to 9:30 at the Fords Firehouse in King George Road they have in their open house uh on Wednesday October 9th um Fort reading and whd fire departments are doing their open houses um if you check the um U your fire your local firehouses and and the other uh fire districts they're also doing uh fiber Venture programs throughout the whole week thank you Mr prer I look forward to coming over to Fords they they do a fantastic job over two nights right yes two nights great great program than body else miss perz it looks like you got you're ready to go thank you Mr President just wanted to note that on Wednesday October 16th at 7 7.m there will be a presentation on vaping what every parent should know what every Guardian should know again Wednesday October 16th this will be held at the acacia Youth Center on Port ring Avenue excellent thank you m Perez anybody else uh Mr President sure you sort of stole my thunder here I was I I wanted to thank um uh from the communication policy and planning agenda uh the the backpack giveaways I I I don't think you can stress those things enough um when people give back to our community and give back to our kids who um who deserve it and and need it and and are ready to be um to start learning on day one and I just want to um thank everyone for their participation especially um uh was it Elizabeth De Jesus Megan ccha Kelly Walsh and Pastor Lee Samuel and uh don Marquez from uh Applebees who uh every year uh does a great job uh stuffing the bus and stuffing backpacks and and giving them out to the community so I just wanted to it Bears repeating so thank you very much guys yes it does thank you Miss ban anybody else no just uh two items for myself uh thank the administration uh we heard this from Mr selli our uh director of Transportation uh he talked about this being one of the smoothest uh starts of the school year so I want to thank the administration everybody uh can't name you all uh but thank you very much and you know parents if there's there's any feedback to to how we got started open houses please reach outs to the board members Dr mamino uh whomever and then uh finally a uh thank you to Dr mamino for uh restarting the student advisory committee uh an opportunity for the board and the administration to hear from students right they are our our customers uh for lack of a better term and it's important that we hear from our constituent like uh like any business would to a focus group or a survey so I want to thank you for doing that thank you and this is the portion of the meeting that's open to the public we'd love to hear from you we will now open the meeting for public comment if you wish to say something please come to the microphone provide your name and the section of the Township in which you reside for the record again members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted please limit your comments to no more than 5 minutes in accordance with with regulation 1100d no response will be given until you have completed till you have fully completed all of your comments so it's not to interrupt your five minute opportunity to speak please come to the microphone name and the section of the township which you reside hello sir how are you hi hi how you guys doing good thank my name is Mr bo uh we reside in uh keby Ford's area okay great um and I have two children this is my son here I also have a daughter that goes to uh MPT number 19 um my uh comment today my concern is um with the aare program at the school um I'm having some issues there and um I just want to know uh who to talk to about that and how to address those issues okay I I'll is that the conclusion of your question I'll turn it over to Dr M he's got the nitty-gritty on those kind of things Mr Bo was that yes sir Mr make sure I get your name right sir um if you want to send um you can send me an email if you'd like uh we have uh an after Care supervisor that oversees all the sites and then we have sit manager. e in site so if you want to send me an email I'm happy to connect with you and then make sure we kind of narrow the channel so I can put you in touch with if there's somebody we need to talk to or if there's an issue who should be looking into that so if you want to send me is it if it's easier you can send me the email directly U my emails right on the website or or Miss Lanigan at the end of the table here can can give you my contact information perfect right that'd be great now um I'm sorry I have a Qui quick followup if I if I may um um the the the issue that I'm having is uh it it's it's without getting too involved without get without saying too much it's um there's there's just me and my and my child's mom um that can take care of them which is why we pay for them to go to Aftercare um it's almost like he he's being threatened to be you know susp from afare and we don't have an alternative so we're in a pinch and that that's I just wanted to make that additional comment I'll get your I'll get your contact info I'll send you an email please send me the email yes sir thank you thank you y thank you Miss Lan again thank you all right any other uh comments uh going set my FIV Minute Timer here uh Anthony marrow I'm a resident of Edison I was here roughly a month ago to speak on policy 50 145. 7 I'm here again to speak on that policy sure please to se that that it should be repealed I thought I gave some pretty good reasons last month there may be some here saying there to themselves why bother repealing repealing it if we repeal this policy we're still Bound by state law anyway which essentially requires the same stuff that's in this policy it's pointless to repeal the policy therefore we will not repeal it we have laws in our state that Against Drunk Driving and for good reason drunk drivers kill and seriously injure many people on the road but not every drunk driver kills someone not every drunk driver injures someone suppose we said to ourselves as a state as a as there a residents of New Jersey you know what because not every drunk driver kills someone not every drunk driver injures someone therefore we will not have any laws Against Drunk Driving ridiculous right I think we all would that's absurd the suicide rate amongst the LGBT community is noticeably higher I I have hand DS with information on that that I hope you all got it I attempted to email it earlier this week reasons I don't understand it just never made it so I now have it in paper form the suicide rate is markedly higher among the LGBT community we need to make a statement the LGBT community would say it's Prejudice it is not Prejudice it is a fundamental inherent character in us that we are male and female God tells us this he tells us in the scriptures the Holy Bible the Lord Jesus Christ said have you not read that he who created them made them from the beginning made them male and female you try to mess with the fundamental nature of how we're made it's going to create confusion conflict in a person repeal 514 5.7 and send a statement yes we have to abide by our state laws you can't make it out of the Batters box on a ball field the first base second base third base and Home Plate unless you get out of the Batters box get out of the batter's box send a statement to our state legislators we have to do something about this even our state government recognizes the problem attached to your P packet is a law past January of this year in our state creating the New Jersey youth Suicide Prevention advisory Council was passed in January this year you're probably familiar with it suicide in our youth is a real problem especially amongst the LGBT community send a statement to the state we and Woodbridge disapprove of this we're trying to do something to stop it I myself have sent an email to my state assembl Mr Sterling Stanley I'm waiting for to get back to me I have to follow up on that he is a vice chair in the of a committee in the New Jersey Department of Education sounds like a good starting place for this do something if you sit by like the proverbial bump on a log and do nothing saying well I'll just go with the flow in the meantime children are killing themselves this is not kids throwing spitballs in class this is literally a matter of life and death do something send a statement repeal this policy send a statement to the residents of Woodbridge and to our state legislators in Trenton we need to do something we're trying to do something we expect you and Trenton to do the same thank you for your time thank you I I will say uh opine that we as a board as a committee members of the communications policy and planning committee we've taken previous public comments under consideration and we have decided that we're going to continue our policy uh we believe it actually protects students uh it gives the administration guidance as to how to work with students um and again we we think it's the right way to go and we we appreciate your comments and thank you how does protect students sir because because it shows that we support them that that's we're every chance we get we're going to choose side of the children protect them when they're when they're in our care so thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak yes hey Mr vula my name is William vula my son goes to JFK we live in island so uh I'm here today to talk about the fact that I think that this going to sound right that smart kids oh I focus on academics and what I how I look at the school I think the smart kids in the school are being punished and treated unfairly for their Futures and I get this from you sort of have to get into the situation to to learn so that's why my son is now entered ninth grade at JFK and you don't you kind of read this ahead of time but you don't really think about it but then you get there and you realize that there there are issues um so without using his name I'll use his example but without using you know throwing anybody else under the bus so he went into a class and then he went into an AP class because he didn't think he was challenged so he went to the AP class and there is kind of a view I have a question I had that that Mr Pino answered I talked to him on the phone for a while he did a great job of Ving I give him kudos for that and there are a couple of ways of teaching an AP course you can teach it towards the content because it's listed as a college level course or you can teach it towards success at the AP exam it's hard to do both successfully and some kids they come into the class because they want to use get a good grade in that class and use that as entry into a college and they don't really care about the exam some kids get in because they want to learn the exam so if you get into a class that is focusing on taking the exam and then you care about the content you're not put in a good environment for learning because in this specific instance the content was left almost exclusively to the child with not much feedback there's a lot of feedback into how to succeed at taking the exam um so so there's a lot of work that they do there's a lot of thought that they do in this class and a lot of his time was taken up and yet in the first day of school or at least at the open house everything was spoken about balance you have to have balance you can't just do Academia you should have clubs and activities and sports and Community involvement right if you're spending a lot of time reading a lot and trying to do to AP classes you might not be able to provide that balance now you could be a superstar and do that but that's a dig that I'm saying that's not not a policy dig but I think maybe more oversight into to how the AP courses are run should be applied the second one is a dig I'm going to get back to what I said earlier in the summer against the block system so you take a fall AP course in for example world history and all AP exams are the first two weeks in May so the class ends in January and now you have February March and April plus the first week of May to study on your own now I know in talk to Mr Pino they do provide some assistance in that some assistance but it still is left to the child to have to go through and while they're taking their four courses in the spring they have to then study for this AP exam if they want to do well on the exam if they even take it um I think that's a ding against the block system and in looking at this I compared this and and the future the last topic I'm going to talk about uh to other schools kids leave Woodbridge a lot of my son's friends not a lot of some of my friends left uh son's friends left Woodbridge uh from middle school to high school for certain reasons typically related to the curriculum in Academia um for school districts to the West let's just say um none of the ones that I saw had a block system and Mr Pino gave me the cue that there are not many in the state of New Jersey now if he wasn't in a block system and the class was all year long and the test comes in the second week of May he's still in the class he's reading content he's learning how to take the test he doesn't have to compete with other class and he does in general anyways but it's not this added burden so that's my D against the block system and the last one um so I ended up taking to give the details my son went into to our level world history too he opt to AP History because it was not enough of a challenge he experienced this and then in this last one the rubber hit the road and then we pulled him back and fortunately he was able to get back into world history R which to me is kind of a dig against the administration because you're not providing an welcoming environment to challenge yourself but the thing that really gets to me was that in this school district the GPA is unweighted oh Mr verula if you could uh with du respect for the rules if you could conclude your comments of course I have an email I have to get back to you on and perhaps we could continue to have we can talk about that later but this is the main Crux that we're going here I talked about is the GPA the GPA in the school district is unweighted and seven other school districts I look to the West they all wait them waiting meaning that if you take in some school districts if you take an honors level instead of being the maximum of a four you can you get more and for sure if you're taking an AP level class you can get most of them just up it by one to five so um that's where I think you know the school district takes into account AP for class rank which colleges don't look at as much as AP as GPA and I'm going to give you one example of the other aspect of this school district is example if a student gets a 91 in a class one one minute gets a 91 in a class so if you're in an AP class and you get a 91 in this school district the 91 is a B+ every other school district in 90 and 91 is an A minus but in this District it's a B+ so now you take your bus in your butt you're working hard you're and you're getting a 3.3 average in another school district 91 is an A minus and they they weigh it so at a five they're going to end up getting a 4.6 yeah and GPRS are what colleges look at and students here are working against the system in order to truly try to get out and get in a better place and I I just it's a big mountain to yeah no no thank you for bringing these items up I I know you've spoken with Mr Pino I think we've spoken uh when don't I get back to you on that email and then we'll we'll continue this conversation and that the next curriculum committee we we'll have a discussion about these items thank you much thank you anybody else from the public we're in an empty room something I said uh the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn so motion second do I have a second motion by Mr tree was seconded by Mr delro all in favor I I any oppos no carried everybody have everybody have a great night our next meeting is Wednesday October 16 not the normal Thursday right here school 11 again Wednesday October 16 thank you have a great night everybody meeting a j [Music]