##VIDEO ID:bNqtp4i1h4E## good evening everyone welcome to Woodbridge the best town around my name is John McCormick I'm the mayor of this great town and we're here today for a very special reason as we recognize salute thank honor several hero police officers who had a very harrowing experience not too long ago in an incident involving somebody with a gun uh Woodbridge police officers are trained in weapons they're prepared to use their weapons they don't just don't ever expect to use their weapons it's very rare when it happens it's even rarer when a Woodbridge Police Officer actually gets uh shot in the line of duty uh that all happen that night in Albert's Palace or the hotel of Albert's Palace uh many months ago just by the size of the people here the crowd here the police officers here it shows how much everybody in this room particularly the fellow officers care about these hero police officers behind me who just did a tremendous job that night protecting themselves protecting their fellow officers protecting inocent members of the public who could have been armed by a very dangerous situation uh and they really deserve all the accolades and all the credit that we're going to give them tonight uh there was actually another incident within 24 hours uh where a police man was a police officer was uh pulling over a car and it turns out that it had a good ending because the perpetrator took his own life but that was within 24 hours there were two major incidents in Woodbridge I had a big argument with somebody who said well Woodbridge crime and Woodbridge and I said look this is nothing to do with crime and Woodbridge these two incidents happened to happen in Woodbridge only because somebody was cutting through Woodbridge I mean we had the turnpike Parkway 1 9 2735 287 440 all these roads come here so we're an easy place for people to cut through and the first case that these men are here for it was somebody looking for a hotel and there's a hotel in the middle of a where house complex that where if you want to hide you're you're on the Run you're on you're hiding and where else can you going to go you find a hotel On The Fringe of a warehouse complex and you stay there that's got nothing to do with Woodbridge except you cut through Woodbridge to get there the other case is the same they picked up the plate on Route 9 cutting through Woodbridge so this has absolutely nothing to do with crime and Woodbridge in both cases it has to do with police officers doing their job doing what they're trained to do and in this case and in every case that evolves the Woodbridge Township Police Department it had a good ending so I'd like to read a proclamation they're all the same for all five officers it says uh on June 13th 2024 the Woodbridge Police Department received a bolo dispatch be on the lookout dispatch from the New York City Police Department regarding a wanted person being sought for the of an attempted murder in New York City acting on the report with which Police Department officers located the suspect vehicle at a motel on the casby section of the township and initiated surveillance and security protocols pending the arrival of New York Police Department detectives our officers and NY off detectives determined that the suspect had vacated his room and was on route to the lobby area upon entry to the motel Lobby the suspect armed with a handgun exited the elevator police officer Justin Nery engaged the suspect in an attempt to gain control of the handgun as the suspect opened fire officers Nery and Drew kinsky returned Fire officer Nery and New York police detective Matthew Morrow were wounded in the exchange of gunfire immediately after the suspect was in kep incapacitated immediately after the suspect was incapacitated Sergeant Timothy lockery and officers Patrick mcen and Jeffrey Shot initiated first aid to the wounded officers the suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene officer Nery and detective Morrow are recovering from their wounds and whereas these man are recognized and honor before the Woodbridge Township Police Department peers community and family for their dedication to duty and police professionalism um and they're all collectively named Woodbridge Police Department officers of the second quarter for 2024 ladies and gentlemen these men behind me here standing took a situation that could have been disastrous easily could have been deadly as I said before innocent people who could have been hurt they're trained their EXP experience they know what they're doing and they did it and it was a not a happy ending because police officers were shot but it was an ending that no innocent lives were lost and I just can't tell you how proud I am of our officers for doing the job they were trained to do when I say that we are the best police department in the state I mean it and these men and women of the Woodbridge Police Department prove it every single day and just want to present to you five yearo police officers for the job they did on June 13th 2024 Timothy lockery next up let me present the proclamation so we'll do that first next up we have Justin Nery who was the one that took the public have we visited him that night in the uh in the hospital and I guess you're doing okay lately okay great thanks who also discharged his weapon that night it was instrumental in making sure the guy didn't do any more dumb things now I don't want to put anybody on the spot but there's anybody uh Locker you being the most senior guy do you want to say a few words you don't have you don't have to all right great go ahead I didn't really have anything prepared so forgive me I guess um we've all talked about it and I've talked to pretty much most of the people in this room about it at least the people on the back um we weren't fortunate to have the time to prepare and come up with a plan and uh talk about what we were going to do all kind of just unfolded so quickly um as a supervisor at the scene uh if I knew and and we had time to formulate a plan and I had the time to uh pick the people that I could have there these would be the four people that I would have chosen um they did a great job I mean there's no words I could say to describe how great of a job that they did that I witnessed firsthand and uh I know I can say that I'm here I'm still here because of the four people that I had there with me and I'm thankful for them and uh you I'm thankful that outside of you know Justin's injury we got out in one piece so it's an honor to have been there with them it's an honor to work with them every day it's an honor to work with all my co-workers every day pretty sure the answer is no but does anybody else of the four of you I didn't think so I didn't think so well let me ask our Police director Bob hubner who's a nearly 40-year veteran of the Woodbridge Police Department if he would say a few words thanksor I like to thank the council and May for recognizing these guys tonight you know every officer knows this is a dangerous job but these guys were met with violence in an instant as you heard the sergeant say it's only because of their training experience their quick action and having each other's back that they're all standing here today um you know you talk about heroes football heroes no they're Heroes great job I didn't introduce the councel but I will now to your far left a 30-year Police Department veteran and current councilman a large Prime small councilman couna second councilman hoe Bower first word councilwoman Sharon mcol and third word councilman Cory Spiller to all the men and women of the police department who came out to support your own thank you very much I know that each one of you would have done the same thing each one of you has the training the experience and the know how to get this job done and you would have done the same thing and once again there are innocent civilians alive right now because of the actions of these men that they took to make sure everybody not only themselves were safe but everybody else that could have been hurt it's a hotel it's active just people around there it could have easily turned very bad if not for the quick actions of these five officers so thank you again for everything that you do and thank thank you once again for being part of the best police department in the state of New Jersey thank you good evening follow council meeting the order please arise for a pledge of the flag I pledge leave the of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all if I may ask everyone please remain standing for a moment of silence for all our military personnel serving thank you notice requirements of the open public meeting law have been satisfied concerning this meeting the home minister V Star Ledger published a notice on October 6 2023 it was posted on the municipal bulletin board it should be so noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman Deus councilman farara councilwoman mollen here councilwoman Mayan councilman Patel councilman small vice president Spiller and president Anderson can I get a motion to approve the minutes from September 3rd and 10th 2024 second pass any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppose eyes have it beginning with second reading ordinances this evening going to start by taking letters a b and c by consent these are ordinances approving the new traffic signals that are on Main Street and verela cross point also to be included with the route 9 southbound ramp and a net Route 9 Northbound ramp B at Main Street can I get a motion that these three ordinances be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos eyes have the public hearing is now open on letters a b and c a b and c only good Woodbridge uh and those ordinances all those traffic lights I believe we in a new over Road those traffic has a build already then used probably almost a month and the question would be why are we asking for the approval now when they already there we know we're going to approve it we need them but any place you do it first you build them they you have for permission to build them uh kind of a it's confused people just don't understand it so that was my question thank yeah you did say Vera not did you say n DOA or Raa Raa route n of course we're we're we're accepting Colonia we have to make the traffic lights official we can't make them official until they're done now they're done they've been inspected they're ready to go and now we're making them official Make Them official but did you get approval who gives you approval to build them oh no we just built them we just felt like building traffic lights yeah the state approved it the county approved it the town approved it we don't just do things because we feel like it everything has to be approved before we do it and approved after we do it when it's fully inspected you know all this thank you mayor are there any other comments on letters a b or c hearing no other comments can I get motion that the public hearing be closed and the three ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I opposed eyes have it letter D is an ordinance revising chapter 10 entitled tax cabs and limousines this ordinance is a a housekeeping Amendment mment with regards to the requirements of insurance for taxi cabs and I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading in the public hearing be open second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed I have the public hearing is now open on letter c letter C only hear no comment from the public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed and this ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it and finally letter D which is an ordinance authorizing the township to accept property from middle six County with regards to property of Ry Avenue and the Omar Avenue Extension I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be opened motion second questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have at the public hearing is now open on letter e letter e only John on letter E the gr of the property uh from the county to the township where's the property actually located what part of the Town what street or it's located on Row Avenue and avue Avenue adjacent to caddy Corner uh to Omar Avenue Omar okay yes now my question would be what's going to be used for I'm sorry what is going to be used for it's going to be part of the Omar extension thank you are there any other questions on letter e here and other questions can I again a motion that the public hearing be closed and this ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second questions or comments all in favor I I opposed eyes have it you have first reading ordinances listed as letters FG and I can I get a motion that these ordinance be passed on first reading published in the home distrib on Friday September 20th 2024 notice of public hearing to be held on October 1st 2024 at 6: p.m second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have finally Mr President resolutions we have 1 through 29 listed can I get a motion to approve 1 through 29 by consent second any questions or comments from Council yes number9 so noted any other comments All favor I opposed eyes have it that's all I have thank you Mr M we now go to the public comment portion of tonight's meeting When approaching the microphone please state your name what section of the township or State live in you'll have a onetime opportunity to speak up to five minutes and um I'll try to give you a little warning at the one minute sign that uh your time's going up my name is Andrew Niki I live in Fords I've been a resident of Woodbridge Township these past 85 years my subject tonight is uh my one of my favorite is traffic um my I travel mainly between upper Main Street at how Avenue downtown into Woodbridge and uh I uh I find myself going to speed limit 40 m an hour um so I'm in the leftand lane and I can't understand why cars keep passing me on the right hand side it's just is there does not speed limit mean limit and uh I'm looking for enforcement of that particular area uh another example I was sitting at a traffic light on Route One not too far from avanel Street my daughter was in the car with me I waiting for the light to change to Green very very shortly it changed to Green I'm ready to go and here on the vacant rightand Lane beside me an automobile passed me he must have been going 90 miles an hour he scared the life out of me and it just I where is a policeman when you need him uh another example I was driving down into Woodbridge on Main Street once again and an ambulance was coming toward me lights flashing so what do I do the rules of the road says pull over give them the right away so I'm pulling over I'm giving them the right away and two cars pass me on the left hand side I mean do we have to learn the rules of the road all over again is it's crazy uh there was uh development in uh a large part of Woodbridge up in that area the Vera development and I came to the planning board meetings at that particular time and uh we were assured that would be no additional traffic added to the system in Woodbridge Township well Main Street Green Street Port ring Avenue have become overwhelmed with traffic particularly during the uh work hours and it's just so so difficult I found that the Traffic Engineers uh testimony is probably not true uh one of my recommendations for Town tral Woodridge is to eliminate parking on Main Street from Route 9 down to St James Church I did a personal survey every house every business has a um parking uh space in their yard the commercial buildings have parking lots in their backyard why are they permitted to park on Main Street it's just making things that much more difficult and finally I'm having a great deal of difficulty men ladies I see adult men wearing backpacks they're riding bicycles they're riding electric scooters skateboards on the sidewalk off the sidewalk they're not knowing which way to go which traffic to follow bicycles are going against the traffic rather than with the traffic it's just unbelievable what will happen if they come off the sidewalk onto the road and then you hit them you become respons responsible when I was a young man you had to have a license for your bicycle you had to have a reflector you had to have a headlight working headlight on your bike these bikes are traps I mean they have nothing on them and yet they're out there every day and we put up with them every day and I would like to see some people the police start to stop these people who are causing these great difficulties with the traffic of Woodbridge Township thanks for listening me out thank you Mr naggie I can always um refer to director hubmer but regarding the scooters um is very limited on what can be done um director Al you're absolutely right right it's very limited what you be done they allowed to be on the sidewalks depending on the power of the motor um our hands are a bit tied with that thank you as far as of the traffic concerns um you don't have to wait two weeks uh if you see something by all means reach out to council woman call if any one of us Mr Mitch the mayor Administration I can tell you this that there are traffic enforcement units radio Patrol on certain different areas we get a complaint they go out it gets investigated gets put into the cad so it will be um addressed thank you Mr President I'm sorry sir your public portion is over thank you Mr President yes sir uh I just like to state that I I agree with Mr naggie in the fact that there is just a general lack of respect on the road uh you can't police that but I disagree that where are the police the police are everywhere I think they do a fantastic job but you can't police common respect and respect for your fellow citizens and that's what we're lacking it seems everywhere not just Woodbridge thank you thank you councilman fer hi I'm Jessica mayor out from Jansen Avenue and avanel was here 2 weeks ago and I'm returning today to keep the ongoing situation at sequest on the Township's radar I'd like to know what your plans are if anything for resolution it's been two weeks as I mentioned since I was here and sequest continues exploiting animals for profit I have yet to see any statement or anything on the agenda about SE I'm sure you are aware of but I hope that you did actually read the 16 page notice of violation from the New Jersey fish and wildlife which was dated June 25th 20124 sequest has repeatedly failed to provide adequate enclosures for the regulator exotic and non-game Wildlife that's in its possession which has resulted in unnecessary illness injuries and death they failed to provide requested vet records and they also refail they failed to reply necropsy reports um sequest has failed to provide Veterinary Care evidence included multiple examples of injuries which are included in that report there are photographs that there were gashes in some of the animals that were so deep and large that their internal organs were visible I lost count of how many times the words poor husbandry was mentioned in the document while reading it enclosures are kept at temperature ranging anywhere from 8 to 22° higher than what they should be humidity levels are kept at 10 to 20% lower than what they should be both of these cause suffering illness and death public interactions are being offered that are not authorized interactions even some of the ones that are authorized interactions are not being done in the manner in which they are allowed full hand touching by the public is not allowed on any animal there it's supposed to be a two-finger touch while someone is holding that animal they're not supposed to be out on leashes people aren't supposed to be grabbing it SE quests failed to ensure that the animals entering its facility were free from infectious disease this was also documented in that report with turtles that were obtained diseases may not only be dangerous to the animals the surrounding animals but also to the visiting human guests I started to wonder if violations like these existed at a pet store selling puppies and kittens if maybe that would get more of your attention the bottom line is a violation is a violation is a violation I read the horrible reports I've seen the photos I watch the videos and I read the negative reviews I wonder why Woodbridge is supporting a business business that brings nothing but negative light to this Township this mall is now figur figuratively and literally a dying Mall complaints are numerous and legitimate I would like to see wood Woodbridge Township involved in making sure that there is no disease or accidental injuries to any animal or the public sequest has clearly stated that profit margins are the bottom line not the animal safety or well-being nor the safety of the public there are better safer and more ethical ways to interact with animals and sequest is not it I will continue to show up here we will continue to protest and educate the public we are planning an online action this week and I'd like to mention that the association of zoos and Aquariums known as AA sets standards that include living environments Health Nutrition and social social groupings cquest is not accredited by the ACA one thank you Woodbridge residents do not need or want some subpar interactive Land and Sea Adventure that is on indefinite probation for neglect abuse and death to be in our town thank you thank you so I'll just uh have some comments now that way uh address some of your concerns and questions that way if anybody else has the same thing it's not being repetitive uh you're correct violation is a violation is a violation um you know after we had the last meeting we all have conversations it's just not here uh we sat down with the mayor Administration um and you know what you bring up is and as councilman Anderson council president Anderson said last meeting we truly appreciate your genuine concern for the animals and the welfare and the safety um unfortunately it's just not within the jurisdiction of our health departmentment Department um when we do get a complaint our Health Inspectors go out and if they find appropriate violations uh they reported to the fish FDA and fishing game Wildlife I probably it's not the answer that you want to hear it's just not within our Authority or its jurisdiction by all means if we do get a complaint it gets investigated and it gets um forwarded off to the appropriate agency but thank you Mr Mitch yes ma'am oh sorry just a general statement I'm sorry just your name and the area problem dipy sheth I'm from tendon Falls New Jersey and um I'm here to talk about the ones that cannot speak for themselves these animals are innocent beings that do not deserve to be caged up and treated so much cruelty if you can take 10 minutes of your day to put yourself in their place you will see that there's no justification for a place like sequest to exist especially with all the foundations that you are already aware of some of you in the council are probably looking at me and thinking I'm wasting your time just like we discussed but I want to share a story with you from a book called dominian by Matthew Scully in this book he talks about a pig named Lulu who was a companion animal to Joanne Alman one day Joanne got hurt and needed medical attention Lulu for the first time went out to the street to get help and brought someone back into the home to help Joanne but our media and our society makes funny headlines of this situation instead of rendering Lulu a hero so what will it take for Lulu to not be a joke in our eyes does she need to drive the ambulance herself we humans do not comprehend or understand the intelligence of these beings we place a dollar amount on their lives their self-worth is not defined by money and I believe it is far from our human understanding on their actual worth but at the foundation of it all they deserve to live free please help us to find a way together so these animals can live the way they were meant to thank you thank you are there any other comments this evening from the public Mr President yes sir before um John goes up there can I just ask a question does the state powers that that have the ability to at least hear what these people were saying do they know that they're here speaking to us uh like does that happen I mean do we say to them no we don't say any of that okay no if we get complaints we investig investigate the complaints okay and send them off to the state we don't share anything that people say as comments no they can always call the state directly and whatever they're saying here they can say to the state officials thank you Council mrar uh with that again uh I just want to follow up Mr n over there uh last Sunday uh r r t went hundreds and hundreds of motorcycles every time I see them for years I get go bom to see all those fls all those intelligent people or those motorcycles and it's so pleasure to watch them but again after the race came out then they all started again as usual some reason I'm 35 which I happen to live on you get so many people speeding loud music day and night for some reason they take me to Green Street and there is Pizzeria where they there a racing track myself live in the area I never ever called the police better complain before I never did I did say there's a lot of over the town who got traic and speed and things like that I know they're busy if everybody call up those people those police would have a chance to do anything else but again we know what's the problem is was certain people that do c the take advantage of it at night if you look at another 35 all those people with the electric motorcycles why they were bicycle or something they appear from nowhere you don't hear them coming you don't see them coming what was them they there and just and something's got to be done maybe some kind of signs over there or be aware make people be aware of it because especially now kids go to schools even today we talk about the on High Street and my players over there kids go to school of course there's no traffic FL but why do they put our Drive why they put our you can't put a traffic light intersection we know it if people some reason you to go back if you didn't go by traffic light you probably get kicked in you rent from your parents now it's the parents themselves they walk this little children in between and hope that nobody they're spinning over there so I know we can't do this you can't put a security what you call a cross guard any intersection we can't do it is any way that we can soal educate a newcomers what's happening in a suburb it's not that city that you walk J walk things like that is there any way we could put any kind of a signs or let be aware of this or be of that people be aware of it because then for a Sunday but ACC to two there was a big motorcycle accident in the car so somebody p a front of the motorcyle believe t i don't I hope May survived I don't know I didn't see it but cops put two three hours so the thing was I know it's just too much speak a big time but can we educate ourselves for public but you just can't call police department for every little thing that oh blood news at night or a car just drove by speed I know it's a hard time but I hope it's the war is now doesn't any further anymore it just not wage no more and I don't know why because we kind of kind of a not just the police the parents will guide you now I I don't see this happening and if you look at it Main Street and okay how many traffic you put out what the traffic is going to be there and I told mayor before you got to make a two- lane road if you do if we do it stay do anybody else we got to do something else not just to put traffic lights here and there because congestion is here it's here to stay and it's just a be I guess the crossroads in the EAS part United States that's what happens but if something could be done for maybe n Administration nobody beli you or Police Department what can every citizen do to improve this situation in a Township how do we call each other report to each other but I remember years ago back there was an excident by other place and I wait a policeman to come and there was to all the people and we wait and waited and waited I happened to do the man police officer I said what took so long he says it was a six call that I got is other people more important would you know serious they be respond to it so I understand it but again uh it's getting worse it's getting worse especially as kids at school now we got to worry about the traffic and the children because eggs were happening all over thank you thank you mror I'll just um on several of the comments uh regarding the traffic speeding signage myself my fellow Council mates tell all our residents every day contact the administration or police headquarters you're not and director H if I'm saying anything out of turn you're not being a nuisance a complaint because it gets put into the cad if somebody wants a stop sign or a speed sign it's traffic enforcement unit radio Patrol they're the ones that go out do the investigation and as if there's statistics have warrants it correct sir that's so that's what we tell people is the please call but thank you Mr MIT any other comments from the public no other comments can I get a motion that the public comment for should be closed motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppos eyes have it we'll go into the agenda session thank you Mr Mitch uh item number n starting with mine item number nine please join me in the resty Avenal fire department for their annual Fire Prevention Week open house Saturday October 12th from 10 to 1 at the Avenel Firehouse located on 346 Avenel Street and Route 1 uh we'll have our ambulance first seid we'll have all our PD CT um domestic violence Refreshments will be served always a really good turnout especially uh for the kids come see Sparky so that's Saturday October 12th from 10 to1 avanel Firehouse um item number 13 just a reminder that the construction is ongoing at school 4 and five phas one which is the addition to school 5 will take place over the next 12 months residents should be aware that the parking lot will be closed off this includes the pedestrian entrance from St Andrews to the school Park lot I just like to thank all the parents uh for their understanding of patience during the first few weeks of school met with principal panl several times and everything is going very well thank you the rest of my agenda is in order uh just one announcement taping Street between route one and West Park Avenue is scheduled this week to begin the milling and Paving portion of the road resurfacing program so please plan accordingly if you travel that road daily thank you to all our emergency responders Fire EMS workers Police Department C and all our Public Works and Township employees God Bless America I don't have my agenda leave it you see me Greg thank you Council sorry okay uh I just have a few announcements first from um uh councilwoman de azus of Woodbridge High School apparently has back to school night tonight so I think that's uh the reason why we have some absentees here um this Saturday the 21st uh St James Street Fair is going on on Main Street but on the Eastern end down here towards town hall uh from 12: to 5:00 is the Hispanic heritage festival we are now in his uh Hispanic uh History Month uh and from 12 to 5:00 there's two live bands a lot of Cuisine and uh a good time and it's a opportunity to dance on Main Street which to me is always a good thing uh I tried to slip this in during our budget hearing last week but thank you to everybody involved in the New Jersey a Senior Olympics that it was a complete success I mean it was a team effort between the police the C all the volunteers Mega kusba the the recre Department um it's a major major undertaking and it was done wonderfully and uh Woodbridge was represented very well as they do every year just a few announcements uh coming up this Sunday the 22nd is the 17th annual tour to Woodbridge uh it's a bike tour not a bike race it's 15 mil and 30 Mi throughout Town checkin is 7:00 a.m. at the Woodbridge Community Center you could still go to race roster and register online or you can register that day starting again at 17 uh 7 a.m. and some of the proceeds will go to our local Boy Scout Troops and again a special shout out to uh the police department the sir and everybody involve for guiding us and keeping us safe along that ride uh over at the uh Community Center there's a senior barbecue uh it is on the 24th which is a week from today it's inside so the weather's not really an issue and it's located in the um roller rink and it's food music and prizes it is for Community uh Woodbridge Community members only and uh that's all I have council president thank you thank you councilman councilman bow thank you council president my agenda is in order I have a few announcements uh kby fire department this year is having a holiday K kickball fundraiser all proceeds will benefit the Woodbridge animal shelter Woodbridge food pantry and Toys for Tots be held on November 2nd 2024 Rainer Shine from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. at the colonial Colonia Middle School softball field 100 Delaware Avenue in Colonia it'll be $200 to enter per team uh all checks payable to protection Fire Company number one in casby deadline to enter a team will be October 26th team size minimum six players per team and you got multiple teams for organizations contact Tom Carlin at 73275 45948 or as email at T car12 yahoo.com for any more information just have a few other announcements uh hopon fire department's fire prevention open house be held on Saturday October 12th from 12:00 P p.m. to 4 pm at 1127 Loretta Street in hopan for its Fire Company fire prevention open house be held on Monday October 7th and Tuesday October 8th from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 667 King George's Road in Fords come down to the firehouses and meet your local firefighters learn about fire safety and see the fire trucks it's a great time for our for all the family all right that's all I have ton God bless all our First reers Responders and God bless thank you council president thank you councilman bow councilman small thank you council president uh number three on my agenda Port Reading fire will be having a open house for fire prevention on October the 9th from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. uh there's a change in the date for their trunk or treat in Port Runing it's now going to be on 10:29 and the hours are 6: to 8:00 p.m. just a reminder number 12 national public lands day is September 28th I want to congratulate the police officers who received uh accommodations tonight proclamations job well done congratulations and God bless all our First Responders our Township employees and God bless America thank you Mr President thank you councilman small councilwoman De Jesus is excuse councilwoman Mi thank you president uh my agenda is in order I just have few announcements the Colonia cleanup will be held this year year on September 28th for to the Lamb's day um National Lamb's day it'll be at charlot sha Park we invite you to come down and clean up the community it's a great day starts at 9:00 it's a great event for uh Girl Scouts and troops and anybody that wants to bring up big group down there to clean it up so that is at 9:00 a.m. at Charlie shy Park on September 28th and then just two other um events going on in Colonia I mentioned on last uh last meeting but this will be the last meeting that is before these events so it's October 12th and it is our national our regular um Breast Cancer Walk that'll be on uh October 12th at noon starts at noon we'll be leaving from St John thean and we'll proceed down the avenue to spring with swim club where we will be holding an October Fest both of these events will be to benefit two families in Colonia one for the Pres to walk as a 30-year-old uh 31y old mom of a baby and with breast cancer and the other one is for a little boy in Colonia that's battling cancer so we invite you come out and turn The Town Pink and then go talk our to Fest and Sport this to families and that's all I have thank you thank you councilwoman councilman Patel is excused councilwoman moli thank you council president my agenda is in order I have a few announcements um number one events the uh Farmers Market is still going strong with fantastic selections of farmers and vendors be sure to stop um be sure to visit the explore the the varieties of offerings Relay for Life is having a Zumba Aon uh join them on October 5th from 2: to 4: at the Wood Community Center uh log on to Facebook to get the details uh for all this function um also the fishing derby the Frank gagnan Memorial fishing derby is coming up on October the 12th the registration is now open you can go on to the Woodbridge Community website to register for this event and as um councilman Viara said the St James Street Fair is this Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. they'll be hosting the uh St James is hosting this from a Main Street will be closed down so enjoy shopping for various vendors and some uh delicious food that will be on the street and then as he also said the Hispanic Festival will be at the end of the street fair come out and uh enjoy some viant music and the culture and Cuisine for the Heritage Festival number three the Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce is always buzzing with many activities and uh they have many after hour events and educational events there are two major events coming up so mark your calendars on September 27th the mayor's annual breakfast will be held at the Colonia Country Club and the 60th annual Chairman's Awards dinner will be held on October the 17th at the Delta I'd like to uh congratulate all of the honores and who are getting awards at the Chairman's Awards Center this year and I'd like to give a special recognition that goes to Elizabeth De Jesus councilwoman who is being honored with the Nancy drum Community Spirit award as well as Dan Harris will will be named he's being named as the citizen of the year the sea waren library has a great event on this Saturday um the special reading of the Muffin Man 2 will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the uh sewor library and um last I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to to the DPW team for their outstanding effort in maintaining downtown Main Street and the Park area in woods proper your response is incredible and the job cleaning up the stream sidewalks and caring for the trees and lights goes unnoticed many of my constituents have Express their great appreciation for the beautiful condition you continually uphold thank you for the dedication and hard work please keep our military in your thoughts and prayers for a successful Mission and a safe return home God Bless America thank you council president thank you Council woman call Mr Mitch uh thank you Mr President my agenda is in order I'm just going to ask you actually to dtail of the school four and five construction uh we opted not to move the polling location from there so between you and I between now and November remind your constituents door three which is right across from ABY Lumber that's where they'll be accessing the school since you announced the church area is all closed off so perfect we have plenty of time thank you for that thank you uh Mr thank you councilman vice president uh I have two items on my agenda I have a tax insurer overpayment and I have a 100% disabled veteran exemption thank you thank you Mr s director H thank you thank you director dor thank you council president just our standard by weekly refund resolutions thank you thank you director director thank you council president I have one it's a proposal for Omar Avenue Extension to the New Jersey DP permits phase one perfect thank you thank you Council vice president nothing about look for motion to inur motion second motion to inur thank you have a good night